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Blair Thallmayer

Dr. Narey/ ELED 311

Pleasant Valley Elementary School

Mrs. Hardy

                                 LESSON PLAN 5C

Grade Level: 2

National Standards:

   A. #1 Understanding and applying media, techniques and processes

          a. C.) Students use different media, techniques, and processes to

             communicate ideas, experiences and stories.

   B. #2 Use knowledge of structure and functions—

          a. a) Know the differences among visual characteristics and purposes of art

             in order to convey ideas

State Standards:

   A. 9.1. Production, Performance & Exhibition of Dance, Music, Theatre and Visual


          a. 9.1.3 B- Recognize, know, use and demonstrate a variety of appropriate

             arts elements and principles to produce, review and revise original works

             in the arts.

          b. 9.1.3 E- Demonstrate the ability to define objects, express emotions,

             illustrate an action or relate an experience through creation of works in the


   B. 9.3 Critical Response
a. 9.3.3 D- Explain meanings in the arts and humanities through individual

                works and the works of other using a fundamental vocabulary of critical


Learning Goals

   1. The learner will define and identify lines, colors, size and symbols in the real


   2. The learner will depict the information about oneself by creating a name tag.

   3. The learner will critically respond to their name tag by listing the details of it

       including size, lines, colors and symbols.

Summative Assessment Method: Students illustration

Summative Assessment Tool: Checklist completed by oral discuss & observations- it

must match size, line, color, and symbols exactly as the learner provided written

expression details on the name tag of size, line, color and symbols.

Instructional Design:

       The learners will develop creative/critical thinking, problem solving and

performance skills by creating a name tag. The strategies that I will use are observation,

recreation (by drawing) and explanation. I selected these strategies because the students

are observing their own characteristics, recreating their name by drawing, and explanting

on lined paper the purpose for which they have selected to create their drawing. Some

meaningful connections that the children’s will make to their knowledge and experience

are everything has a size, color, lines, and symbols. The difference of each defines

personal characteristics of objects, e.g. human beings. Meaningful connection I will make

across subject matter to provide opportunities for rich conceptual development are
characteristics define objects and that anyone student at any age can define those


Instructional Delivery:

    •   Materials, Tools, Resources

            o One Sheet of White Paper per student

            o One Sheet of Handout- Art to Express

            o Pencils

            o Crayons

            o Teacher made poster

            o Teacher sample

    •   Motivation

            o Today we are going to take a Nature Walk. On our nature walk, I want

                   everyone to find one leaf that they think looks special. It does not matter

                   the shape, size, or color of the leaf.

    •   Explanation

            o Today we are going to create a name tag book. A name tag is a term for a

                   scientific picture of plants. It is created for the purpose of identification

                   and expression. These name tags may be attractive, but are mainly going

                   to help in the identification of our classroom. This will be to express who

                   you are to people that might not know you. In addition, this is a good

                   describing activity about you, your likes or your dislikes. First you are

                   going to complete the Art to Express handout. Next you will draw this

                   picture of the name tag as if someone has never me you before. Then you
are going to describe the name tag that you drew. After everyone is

           finished we will put it together to create our own classroom name tag book

           to keep track of our students.

•   Demonstration

       o   Students will be called by table to sit on the blue rug in front of the

           chalkboard to view the demonstration. I will have my drawing of a name

           tag. I will explain to the students the size, the symbol, the lines and the

           color using the poster as my visual aid. The poster will remain at the front

           of the class during the entire class period, students will be told to come up

           and view during any time, and I will personally walk around with the

           poster to make sure each table is completing the necessary requirements.

       o Teacher-made Name Tag

                  Classifying and describing yourself to create a name tag with the


                      •   Symbols- what type of symbols should I use? Letters

                      •   Size- should the letters be small, medium or large?

                      •   Lines- what type of lines should I use? Should I use thick

                          or thin lines? Should I use straight or wavy lines? Should I

                          use side to side, up and down or diagonal lines?

                      •   Color- what color(s) do I like? What do colors resemble?

                          Black means death, white means pure or good, red means

                          hot, blue means cool, pink mean fun, yellow means out of

                          control, green means jealous, purple means elegant, etc.
Written description of the leaf with the class

                       •   This name tag must include a few details when writing out

                           its description. After the details of size, symbol, line and

                           colors were written, you can begin to work.

                    Draw the name tag in class

                       •   Next, I would draw my name tag, explaining its

                           characteristics as I draw them. I would explain how the

                           size, symbols, lines and colors match what I like and what

                           is written in my handout.

•   Closure

       o Let’s review. We carefully classified and described things about ourselves

          to create a name tag. In the name tag we learned about size, symbols, lines

          and color. After completing our handout, we carefully used a pencil to

          draw our name onto paper. After our name was drawn, we carefully used

          colors to match our name from the handout. What else do you think could

          be done to this picture to make our drawing of the name tag look more


•   Modifications

       o A struggling learner would create a name tag but his/her drawing could

          focus on size, shape, lines, and/or color. As many as that student could

          successfully complete.

       o An advance learner would create a name tag in a 3-D form using size, line,

          color and symbols. The student could use other materials, such as wire,
pipe cleaners, and etc to create a 3-D name tag. In addition, this student

          could use the subject of space.

•   Procedures

       o Step One- Motivation

       o Step Two-Explanation

       o Step Three-Demonstration

       o Step Four- Materials

                 After the Demonstration I will tell the students once again what

                 they are doing in this project. After that I will have each student

                 return to their assign sits at their assign tables.

                 I will call on my two paper passers to pass out Art to Express

                 handout. “The handout being passed out right now I want everyone

                 to complete both pages. You may work within your tables.” Next, I

                 will have the paper passers pass out white construction paper. “The

                 white construction paper is where you will create your name tag

                 on. Remember you are creating your name tag to match the

                 handout that you completed exactly.” The students already have

                 pencils on their desk. The students already have a red box at the

                 middle of their table that contains supplies such as crayons,

                 scissors, glue, cubes, and counters. The students will use only their

                 pencils and crayons to complete this assignment.

       o Step Five- Independent Practice
The students will independently complete the Art to Express

                      handout in which they will write down 4 characteristics (size,

                      symbol, line & color) to create their name tag.

                      The students will independently draw their name on the white

                      construction paper with a pencil and using the characteristics (size,

                      symbol, line & color) created from their handout.

                      The students will independently color their name on the white

                      construction paper with their crayons using the exact colors, lines,

                      symbols and size, of the descriptions they have chosen.

           o Step Four-Closure

           o Step Five-Clean Up

                      The students will put all of their materials back into the correct red

                      box in the center of their tables. I will come around and collect all

                      student work.

Reflection & Proposed Revisions

       The purpose of this lesson was to teach the students the concepts of size, lines,

colors, and shapes. Concepts, such as the ones listed above, are often known by the

general population but are very hard to describe. I know how to describe what the “size”

means but I could not remember where or when I learned about it. The goal here was to

instruct the students of these concepts in a way that would let them learn by having fun

simultaneously. Learning while having fun is the most effective teaching method, often

because the students do not even realize they are learning.
In order to teach this lesson, I began by going over the terms size, lines, shapes,

and colors, and explaining how each varies in many ways. Sizes can be big, small, or

medium, while lines can be straight, curvy, jagged. Once the students had a basic idea of

these concepts, I had them participate in a hands-on activity, wherein they each made a

nametag. These nametags would put to use the understanding of the aforementioned

concepts. By writing or drawing their name with a combination of sizes, lines, and

colors, the students would effectively demonstrate an understanding of the lesson’s


       This lesson was an example of students using art to express themselves. As I

mentioned before, describing what concepts like these mean can be very difficult,

especially for students as young as these, but by using art, the students can actually

physically show an understanding. They would be expressing themselves through the

design of their nametags. If a student likes the color pink, she would use pink. If a

student has curly hair, he could make his lines curly.

       The students all loved this activity and went so far as to complete it in under

twenty minutes. Due to the overall success of the lesson, there is not much I would

change in the future, but something I would like to potentially add would be the usage of

more materials to go on top of the nametag. Materials such as pipe-cleaners to go on top

and make the two-dimensional nametag three-dimensional would take this lesson to

another level.
Materials                    Discriminating                      Proficient                 Basic         Unacceptable
 Components                            3                                 2                        1                   0
 Instructional      Effectively supports stated learning    Reflects stated learning      Somewhat          Instructional
    Utility         goals. Enhances conceptual              goals.                        connected to      materials show
                    understanding.                          Reinforces key ideas,         learning goals.   little or no
How well do         Reinforces key ideas, provides          provides examples,            Submits           connection to
these materials     examples, offers opportunity for        offers opportunity for        minimum           the stated
help you teach      practice, builds vocabulary, factual    practice, builds              required          learning goals.
the lesson?         knowledge, etc.                         vocabulary, factual           formats for       Minimum
                    Fits smoothly into lesson structure:    knowledge, etc.               lesson.           required
                    appears integral to instruction         Submits minimum                                 formats are not
                    rather than perceived as an “add-       required formats for                            submitted.
                    on.”                                    lesson. Effectiveness of
                    Goes beyond minimum                     materials is discussed in
                    requirements.                           lesson plan reflection.
                    Effectiveness of materials is
                    discussed in lesson plan reflection.
    Learner         Demonstrates substantial                Demonstrates some             Minimal           Needs of
    Support         understanding of and attentiveness      understanding of and          evidence of       diverse
                    to the needs of diverse learners        attentiveness to the          attentiveness     learners do not
How do these        (differentiation) by effectively        needs of diverse              to needs of       appear to be
materials meet      addressing learning styles, cultural    learners. Rationale is        diverse           addressed.
the needs of        aspects, abilities, interests, etc.     discussed in lesson plan      learners.
diverse             Materials offer the potential to make   reflection.
learners?           the lesson more meaningful to the
                    learner. Rationale is described in
                    lesson plan reflection.
 Visual Design      Engages viewer. Aesthetically           Satisfactory composition,     Composition       Extremely
                    appealing. Effective use of design      demonstrates basic            shows minimal     weak
Are these           elements and principles.                knowledge of design           understanding     composition.
materials           Consistency of visual elements          elements and principles.      of design         No apparent
aesthetically       within the composition resulting in a                                 elements and      understanding
appealing?          sense of “oneness.”                                                   principles.       of design
                    Compositional elements support                                                          elements and
                    conceptual idea.                                                                        principles.
   Creativity       Highly original design, approach,       Some creativity is            Minimal           No creativity is
                    use of format, and/or use of            evident in design,            creativity is     evident.
How do these        instructional strategy.                 approach, use of format,      demonstrated      Problem does
materials           Demonstrates thoughtful analysis of     and/or use of                 in design.        not appear to
demonstrate         problem and effective, “thinking out-   instructional strategy.       Minimal           be considered.
your personal       of –the box” response.                  Some evidence that            apparent          Generic
critical/creative                                           problem was considered        attention to      presentation,
thinking?                                                   and attempts were made        problem—          mere
                                                            to resolve.                   merely            replication of
                                                                                          replicates        content.
   Technical        Excellent craftsmanship/                Satisfactory                  Some              Poor
  Proficiency       construction (crafted items do not      craftsmanship/                problems with     craftsmanship/c
                    fall apart, technology projects         construction. Minimal         craftsmanship/    onstruction.
Are the             fuction properly). No technical         technical errors (spelling,   construction.     Multiple
materials           errors (spelling, grammar, layout,      grammar, layout,              Several           technical
professionally      erasures, uneven edges, smudges,        erasures, uneven edges,       technical         errors.
executed?           poor lettering, etc.)                   smudges, poor lettering,      errors.
                    Excellent use of format (i.e.,          etc.)
                    PowerPoint goes beyond a
                    “glorified overhead transparency
         5C Lesson Plan: 36/ 40
         5A Teacher-made Materials: 15 /15                             Total Score: 51/55
Art to Express Handout

1.      Your name: __________________________

2.      Number of letters in your name:_______

3.      Size of letters:

Small               Medium                 Large
4.      Name of color(s):



Art to Express Handout

5.                    type of lines:

     a.    thick         or thin

     b.    straight      or


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Art Lp 5 C

  • 1. Blair Thallmayer Dr. Narey/ ELED 311 Pleasant Valley Elementary School Mrs. Hardy LESSON PLAN 5C Grade Level: 2 National Standards: A. #1 Understanding and applying media, techniques and processes a. C.) Students use different media, techniques, and processes to communicate ideas, experiences and stories. B. #2 Use knowledge of structure and functions— a. a) Know the differences among visual characteristics and purposes of art in order to convey ideas State Standards: A. 9.1. Production, Performance & Exhibition of Dance, Music, Theatre and Visual Arts a. 9.1.3 B- Recognize, know, use and demonstrate a variety of appropriate arts elements and principles to produce, review and revise original works in the arts. b. 9.1.3 E- Demonstrate the ability to define objects, express emotions, illustrate an action or relate an experience through creation of works in the arts. B. 9.3 Critical Response
  • 2. a. 9.3.3 D- Explain meanings in the arts and humanities through individual works and the works of other using a fundamental vocabulary of critical response. Learning Goals 1. The learner will define and identify lines, colors, size and symbols in the real world. 2. The learner will depict the information about oneself by creating a name tag. 3. The learner will critically respond to their name tag by listing the details of it including size, lines, colors and symbols. Summative Assessment Method: Students illustration Summative Assessment Tool: Checklist completed by oral discuss & observations- it must match size, line, color, and symbols exactly as the learner provided written expression details on the name tag of size, line, color and symbols. Instructional Design: The learners will develop creative/critical thinking, problem solving and performance skills by creating a name tag. The strategies that I will use are observation, recreation (by drawing) and explanation. I selected these strategies because the students are observing their own characteristics, recreating their name by drawing, and explanting on lined paper the purpose for which they have selected to create their drawing. Some meaningful connections that the children’s will make to their knowledge and experience are everything has a size, color, lines, and symbols. The difference of each defines personal characteristics of objects, e.g. human beings. Meaningful connection I will make across subject matter to provide opportunities for rich conceptual development are
  • 3. characteristics define objects and that anyone student at any age can define those characteristics. Instructional Delivery: • Materials, Tools, Resources o One Sheet of White Paper per student o One Sheet of Handout- Art to Express o Pencils o Crayons o Teacher made poster o Teacher sample • Motivation o Today we are going to take a Nature Walk. On our nature walk, I want everyone to find one leaf that they think looks special. It does not matter the shape, size, or color of the leaf. • Explanation o Today we are going to create a name tag book. A name tag is a term for a scientific picture of plants. It is created for the purpose of identification and expression. These name tags may be attractive, but are mainly going to help in the identification of our classroom. This will be to express who you are to people that might not know you. In addition, this is a good describing activity about you, your likes or your dislikes. First you are going to complete the Art to Express handout. Next you will draw this picture of the name tag as if someone has never me you before. Then you
  • 4. are going to describe the name tag that you drew. After everyone is finished we will put it together to create our own classroom name tag book to keep track of our students. • Demonstration o Students will be called by table to sit on the blue rug in front of the chalkboard to view the demonstration. I will have my drawing of a name tag. I will explain to the students the size, the symbol, the lines and the color using the poster as my visual aid. The poster will remain at the front of the class during the entire class period, students will be told to come up and view during any time, and I will personally walk around with the poster to make sure each table is completing the necessary requirements. o Teacher-made Name Tag Classifying and describing yourself to create a name tag with the class • Symbols- what type of symbols should I use? Letters • Size- should the letters be small, medium or large? • Lines- what type of lines should I use? Should I use thick or thin lines? Should I use straight or wavy lines? Should I use side to side, up and down or diagonal lines? • Color- what color(s) do I like? What do colors resemble? Black means death, white means pure or good, red means hot, blue means cool, pink mean fun, yellow means out of control, green means jealous, purple means elegant, etc.
  • 5. Written description of the leaf with the class • This name tag must include a few details when writing out its description. After the details of size, symbol, line and colors were written, you can begin to work. Draw the name tag in class • Next, I would draw my name tag, explaining its characteristics as I draw them. I would explain how the size, symbols, lines and colors match what I like and what is written in my handout. • Closure o Let’s review. We carefully classified and described things about ourselves to create a name tag. In the name tag we learned about size, symbols, lines and color. After completing our handout, we carefully used a pencil to draw our name onto paper. After our name was drawn, we carefully used colors to match our name from the handout. What else do you think could be done to this picture to make our drawing of the name tag look more life-like? • Modifications o A struggling learner would create a name tag but his/her drawing could focus on size, shape, lines, and/or color. As many as that student could successfully complete. o An advance learner would create a name tag in a 3-D form using size, line, color and symbols. The student could use other materials, such as wire,
  • 6. pipe cleaners, and etc to create a 3-D name tag. In addition, this student could use the subject of space. • Procedures o Step One- Motivation o Step Two-Explanation o Step Three-Demonstration o Step Four- Materials After the Demonstration I will tell the students once again what they are doing in this project. After that I will have each student return to their assign sits at their assign tables. I will call on my two paper passers to pass out Art to Express handout. “The handout being passed out right now I want everyone to complete both pages. You may work within your tables.” Next, I will have the paper passers pass out white construction paper. “The white construction paper is where you will create your name tag on. Remember you are creating your name tag to match the handout that you completed exactly.” The students already have pencils on their desk. The students already have a red box at the middle of their table that contains supplies such as crayons, scissors, glue, cubes, and counters. The students will use only their pencils and crayons to complete this assignment. o Step Five- Independent Practice
  • 7. The students will independently complete the Art to Express handout in which they will write down 4 characteristics (size, symbol, line & color) to create their name tag. The students will independently draw their name on the white construction paper with a pencil and using the characteristics (size, symbol, line & color) created from their handout. The students will independently color their name on the white construction paper with their crayons using the exact colors, lines, symbols and size, of the descriptions they have chosen. o Step Four-Closure o Step Five-Clean Up The students will put all of their materials back into the correct red box in the center of their tables. I will come around and collect all student work. Reflection & Proposed Revisions The purpose of this lesson was to teach the students the concepts of size, lines, colors, and shapes. Concepts, such as the ones listed above, are often known by the general population but are very hard to describe. I know how to describe what the “size” means but I could not remember where or when I learned about it. The goal here was to instruct the students of these concepts in a way that would let them learn by having fun simultaneously. Learning while having fun is the most effective teaching method, often because the students do not even realize they are learning.
  • 8. In order to teach this lesson, I began by going over the terms size, lines, shapes, and colors, and explaining how each varies in many ways. Sizes can be big, small, or medium, while lines can be straight, curvy, jagged. Once the students had a basic idea of these concepts, I had them participate in a hands-on activity, wherein they each made a nametag. These nametags would put to use the understanding of the aforementioned concepts. By writing or drawing their name with a combination of sizes, lines, and colors, the students would effectively demonstrate an understanding of the lesson’s concepts. This lesson was an example of students using art to express themselves. As I mentioned before, describing what concepts like these mean can be very difficult, especially for students as young as these, but by using art, the students can actually physically show an understanding. They would be expressing themselves through the design of their nametags. If a student likes the color pink, she would use pink. If a student has curly hair, he could make his lines curly. The students all loved this activity and went so far as to complete it in under twenty minutes. Due to the overall success of the lesson, there is not much I would change in the future, but something I would like to potentially add would be the usage of more materials to go on top of the nametag. Materials such as pipe-cleaners to go on top and make the two-dimensional nametag three-dimensional would take this lesson to another level.
  • 9. Materials Discriminating Proficient Basic Unacceptable Components 3 2 1 0 Instructional Effectively supports stated learning Reflects stated learning Somewhat Instructional Utility goals. Enhances conceptual goals. connected to materials show understanding. Reinforces key ideas, learning goals. little or no How well do Reinforces key ideas, provides provides examples, Submits connection to these materials examples, offers opportunity for offers opportunity for minimum the stated help you teach practice, builds vocabulary, factual practice, builds required learning goals. the lesson? knowledge, etc. vocabulary, factual formats for Minimum Fits smoothly into lesson structure: knowledge, etc. lesson. required appears integral to instruction Submits minimum formats are not rather than perceived as an “add- required formats for submitted. on.” lesson. Effectiveness of Goes beyond minimum materials is discussed in requirements. lesson plan reflection. Effectiveness of materials is discussed in lesson plan reflection. Learner Demonstrates substantial Demonstrates some Minimal Needs of Support understanding of and attentiveness understanding of and evidence of diverse to the needs of diverse learners attentiveness to the attentiveness learners do not How do these (differentiation) by effectively needs of diverse to needs of appear to be materials meet addressing learning styles, cultural learners. Rationale is diverse addressed. the needs of aspects, abilities, interests, etc. discussed in lesson plan learners. diverse Materials offer the potential to make reflection. learners? the lesson more meaningful to the learner. Rationale is described in lesson plan reflection. Visual Design Engages viewer. Aesthetically Satisfactory composition, Composition Extremely appealing. Effective use of design demonstrates basic shows minimal weak Are these elements and principles. knowledge of design understanding composition. materials Consistency of visual elements elements and principles. of design No apparent aesthetically within the composition resulting in a elements and understanding appealing? sense of “oneness.” principles. of design Compositional elements support elements and conceptual idea. principles. Creativity Highly original design, approach, Some creativity is Minimal No creativity is use of format, and/or use of evident in design, creativity is evident. How do these instructional strategy. approach, use of format, demonstrated Problem does materials Demonstrates thoughtful analysis of and/or use of in design. not appear to demonstrate problem and effective, “thinking out- instructional strategy. Minimal be considered. your personal of –the box” response. Some evidence that apparent Generic critical/creative problem was considered attention to presentation, thinking? and attempts were made problem— mere to resolve. merely replication of replicates content. content. Technical Excellent craftsmanship/ Satisfactory Some Poor Proficiency construction (crafted items do not craftsmanship/ problems with craftsmanship/c fall apart, technology projects construction. Minimal craftsmanship/ onstruction. Are the fuction properly). No technical technical errors (spelling, construction. Multiple materials errors (spelling, grammar, layout, grammar, layout, Several technical professionally erasures, uneven edges, smudges, erasures, uneven edges, technical errors. executed? poor lettering, etc.) smudges, poor lettering, errors. Excellent use of format (i.e., etc.) PowerPoint goes beyond a “glorified overhead transparency presentation”). 5C Lesson Plan: 36/ 40 5A Teacher-made Materials: 15 /15 Total Score: 51/55
  • 10. Art to Express Handout 1. Your name: __________________________ 2. Number of letters in your name:_______ 3. Size of letters: Small Medium Large 4. Name of color(s): __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________
  • 11. Art to Express Handout Circle 5. type of lines: a. thick or thin b. straight or c.