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ROLL NO – A3013816050
Standing Sitting Lying
Forward bending Hastapadasana Pachimottasana Halasana
Backward bending Utkatasana Ek pada
Setu bandhu
Sideward bending Trikonaasana Parivrtta janu
Balancing Tadasana Padangustha
 Description:
Hastpadasana is one of the twelve basic asanas. You must master this pose
and its variations before trying the advanced Asanas.
 Procedure
Initial Pose:
 Stand straight with feet together and arms alongside the
 Balance your weight equally on both feet.
 Breathing in, extend your arms overhead.
 Breathing out, bend forward and down towards the feet.
 Stay in the posture for 20-30 seconds and continue to breath
Keep the legs and spine erect; hands rest either on the
floor,beside the feet or on the legs.
 On the out breath, move the chest towards the knees; lift the
hips and tailbone higher; press the heels down; let the head
relax and move it gently towards the feet. Keep breathing
Final Pose:
 Breathing in, stretch your arms forward and up, slowly come up
to the standing position.
Breathing out, bring the arms to the sides.
Utkatasana is the name of a powerful standing yoga asana that requires balance, stability and
strength. The arms extend upward alongside the ears, while the knees bend as if sitting on an
imaginary chair. In addition to its physical benefits, utkatasana promotes focus, acceptance and
inner power
Initial Pose:
Stand erect with your feet slightly apart.
Stretch your hands to the front with palms facing downwards. Do not bend your
Bend the knees and gently push your pelvis down as if you are sitting in an
imaginary `chair.
Be comfortable or at least try to be! To get a better feel of the Chair Pose, imagine
reading a newspaper or typing on a laptop as you remain seated.
Ensure that you keep your hands parallel to the ground.
With awareness, sit straight and lengthen your spine. Relax.
Final Pose:
Keep breathing and flip through the pages of the newspaper, enjoying national and
international news.
Sink deeper into the chair by gradually going down but ensure that your knees don’t
go beyond your toes.
Keep going down slowly and then sit down in Sukhasana (cross-legged posture). If
you want, you may lie down on your back and relax.
Benefits Benefits of Utkatasana / Chair Pose:
Exercises the spine, hips and chest muscles.
Helps strengthen the lower back and torso.
Tones the thigh, ankle, leg and knee muscles.
Balances the body and brings determination in the
Contraindications of the Chair Pose (Utkatasana)
Do not practice this yoga posture if you have
chronic knee pain, arthritis, sprained your
ankle; any knee problem or damaged ligaments;
headache or insomnia (sleeplessness).
Take special care and proceed gently with this yoga
posture during menstruation or if you have pain in
the lower back.
Trikonasana (Sideward bending Standing)
Trikonasana is a standing yoga posture that requires strength, balance and flexibility. In this
posture, both arms extend with the legs spread apart and one foot turned at a 90-degree
angle. The upper body bends toward the lead foot so that one arm reaches toward the ground
and the other toward the sky.
Initial Pose:
Stand straight. Separate your feet comfortably wide apart (about 31/2 to 4 feet).
Turn your right foot out 90 degrees and left foot in by 15 degrees.
Now align the center of your right heel with the center of your arch of left foot.
Ensure that your feet are pressing the ground and the weight of your body is
equally balanced on both the feet.
Inhale deeply and as you exhale, bend your body to the right, downward from the
hips, keeping the waist straight, allowing your left hand to come up in the air while
your right hand comes down towards floor. Keep both arms in straight line.
Rest your right hand on your shin, ankle, or the floor outside your right foot,
whatever is possible without distorting the sides of the waist. Stretch your left arm
toward the ceiling, in line with the tops of your shoulders.
Final Pose:
Stretch maximum and be steady. Keep taking in long deep breaths. With each
exhalation, relax the body more and more. Just be with the body and the breath.
As you inhale, come up, bring your arms down to your sides, and straighten your
Benefits of the Trikonasana
 Strengthens the legs, knees, ankles, arms and chest
 Stretches and opens the hips, groins, hamstrings, calves,
shoulders, chest and spine
 Increases mental and physical equilibrium
 Helps improve digestion
 Reduces anxiety, stress, back pain and sciatica
Contraindications of the Trikonasana
 Avoid doing this pose if you are suffering from migraine,
diarrhea, low or high blood pressure, or neck and back injuries.
Those with high blood pressure may do this pose but without
raising their hand overhead, as this may further raise the blood
 Description:
 Tadasana is a simple standing asana, which forms the basis for all the standing asanas. It is performed at
the beginning and end of the surya namaskara sequence and is a key asana for all yoga practices.
 Procedure:
Initial Pose:
 Stand with your feet together and your arms at your sides. Press your weight evenly across the balls and
arches of your feet. Breathe steadily and rhythmically. Draw your awareness inward. Focus on the present
moment, letting all worries and concerns fade away.
 Press your big toes together (separate your heels if you need to). Lift your toes and spread them apart.
Then, place them back down on the mat, one at a time.
If you have trouble balancing, stand with your feet six inches apart (or wider).
 Draw down through your heels and straighten your legs. Ground your feet firmly into the earth, pressing
evenly across all four corners of both feet.
 Then, lift your ankles and the arches of your feet. Squeeze your outer shins toward each other.
 Draw the top of your thighs up and back, engaging the quadriceps. Rotate your thighs slightly inward,
widening your sit bones.
 Tuck in your tailbone slightly, but don’t round your lower back. Lift the back of your thighs, but release
your buttocks. Keep your hips even with the center line of your body.
 Final Pose:
Bring your pelvis to its neutral position. Do not let your front hip bones point down or up; instead, point
them straight forward. Draw your belly in slightly.
 As you inhale, elongate through your torso. Exhale and release your shoulder blades away from your
head, toward the back of your waist.
 Broaden across your collarbones, keeping your shoulders in line with the sides of your body.
 Benefits of Mountain Pose:
 Improves posture
 Strengthens thighs, knees, and
 Increases awareness
 Steadies breathing
 Increases strength, power, and
mobility in the feet, legs, and hips
 Firms abdomen and buttocks
 Relieves sciatica
 Reduces flat feet
It is best to avoid this asana if you
have following Problems
Low blood Pressure
 Description:
Pashimottanasana, Seated Forward Bend, or Intense Dorsal
Stretch is a yoga asana. Together with Padmasana,
Siddhasana and Vajrasana, this asana is an accomplished
asana according to the Shiva Samhita.
 Initial Pose:
 Sit up with the legs stretched out straight in front of you,
keeping the spine erect and toes flexed toward you.
 Breathing in, raise both arms above your head and stretch
 Breathing out, bend forward from the hip joints, chin
moving toward the toes. Keep the spine erect focusing on
moving forwards towards the toes, rather than down
towards the knees.
Place your hands on your legs, wherever they reach, without
forcing. If you can, take hold of your toes and pull on them
to help you go forward.
 Breathing in, lift your head slightly and lengthen your spine.
 Breathing out, gently move the navel towards the knees.
 Final Pose:
 Stretch the arms out in front of you.
 Breathing in, with the strength of your arms, come back up
to the sitting position.
 Breathe out and lower the arms.
Stretches lower back, hamstrings
and hips.
Massages and tones the
abdominal and pelvic organs.
Tones the shoulders.
Contraindications :
Pregnant women should
Personsuffering from
slipdiscor sciaticaproblem,a
Ulcer patient should not
Eka Pāda Rājakapotāsana I is an Asana. It is translated as One Legged King Pigeon Pose
It from Sanskrit.
Initial Pose: Begin by getting into Marjariasana (Cat stretch).
Breathe out and bring your right knee forward to touch theright.
Bending the knee, bring your ankle near the groin region. Now slide the right foot
towards the left hand, till the toes touch the leftwrist.
: Slide the left leg back so that it touches the floor. Keeping the knee straight,
ensure that the front of the foot is touching the ground, while the sole facesthe
ceilinglLower your right buttock tothe floor and press your tailbone
forwardtolengthenyour lower back.You may strengthen the lower back further by
pushing your fingertips firmly to the floor.
Final Pose: Take a few deep breaths in this position.
Taking support of your hands, slide your left knee forward while
exhalingandget back into the Cat stret
Stay in Cat stretch and take a couple of deep breaths and
repeat the process with the other leg.
Revolved head-to-knee pose is calming as well as invigorating.
It's both a relaxing twist and a mood-lifting shoulder and chest-
opening backbend, and it provides the soothing hamstring
stretch of a forward fold
Initial Pose:
1. Seated in Bound Angle or Easy pose, extend the
right leg out 45 degrees towards the corner of the room. Bring
the left foot in close to the hips. Side the right arm over the
right leg with the right palm facing up.
2. Inhale reach the left fingers up towards the ceiling,
lifting out of the waist.
3. Exhale and arch over to the right, reaching the left
fingers towards the right foot, bringing the left arm directly
over the left ear.
4. Keep the left shoulder pressing back, allowing the
chest to stay open and facing forward. Keep the chin off the
chest, looking forward or up at the ceiling. Hold on to the foot
with one or both hands.
5. Breathe and hold for 2-6 breaths.
Final Pose:
6. To release: inhale and reach the left fingers up
towards the ceiling, exhale release the arm down.
you can build up to Toe Stand in stages, strengthening your
knees as you go. If you've got tight hamstrings/ calves, take this
pose slowly, as it requires flexibility from both sets of muscles.
Initial Pose:
. Set up as Tree, but find a point on the floor about
three feet in front of you where you can fix your gaze, and don't
avert your eyes from that point throughout the whole
posture. to the floor.
When you're in the full expression, bend at the waist, keeping
your standing leg straight. It's essential your leg is locked or you
could strain your knee.
Final Pose:
Only when all your body weight is in your hands, and
your leg is still locked, can you inhale, exhale and slowly bend
your standing leg and crouch down so that your bum is either
hovering just above your left heel or, if you can, actually sit your
bum down on your heel. Bring your hands either side of you to
stabilise yourself.
Creates balance and focus in body and mind
Strengthens stomach muscles
Strengthens joints (hips, knees, ankles and toes)
Helps relieve arthritis in all leg joints including hips
This is a basic pose, and although anyone can do it, make sure you practice it under the
guidance of a certified yoga instructor.
Also, you must avoid this pose if you have neck or lower back injuries.
this pose prepares the ‘field’ of the body and mind for
deep rejuvenation. Halasana is pronounced as hah-
Parsva Halasana is an advanced variation of the
Initial Pose:
Lie on your back with your arms beside you,
palms downwards.
As you inhale, use your abdominal muscles to
lift your feet off the floor, raising your legs
vertically at a 90-degree angle. Continue to
breathe normally and supporting your hips and
back with your hands, lift them off the ground.
Allow your legs to sweep in a 180-degree angle
over your head till your toes touch the floor.
Your back should be perpendicular to the
floor. This may be difficult initially, but make an
attempt for a few seconds.
Final Pose:
Hold this pose and let your body relax more
and more with each steady breath.
After about a minute (a few seconds for
beginners) of resting in this pose, you may
gently bring your legs down on exhalation.
Strengthens and opens up the neck, shoulders, abs and back muscles.
Calms the nervous system, reduces stress and fatigue.
Tones the legs and improves leg flexibility.
Stimulates the thyroid gland and strengthens the immune system.
Helps women during menopause.
Contraindications (Plow Pose):
Avoid practicing Plow Pose (Halasana) if you have
injured your neck or are suffering
from diarrhea and high blood pressure.
Ladies should avoid practicing Plow Pose
Setu Bandha Sarvangasana is an Asana. It is translated as Supported
Bridge Pose from Sanskrit.
The name of this pose comes from "setu" meaning "bridge", "bandha"
meaning "bound", "sarvanga" meaning "full body", and "asana" meaning
"posture" or "seat“
Initial Pose:
Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet on the floor. Extend your arms along
the floor, palms flat.
Press your feet and arms firmly into the floor. Exhale as you lift your hips
toward the ceiling.
Draw your tailbone toward your pubic bone, holding your buttocks off the
floor. Do not squeeze your glutes or flex your buttocks.
Roll your shoulders back and underneath your body. Clasp your hands
and extend your arms along the floor beneath your pelvis. Straighten your arms as much
as possible, pressing your forearms into the mat. Reach your knuckles toward your heels.
Final Pose:
Keep your thighs and feet parallel — do not roll to the outer edges of your feet or let
your together. Press your weight evenly acrosknees drop s all four corners of both feet.
Lengthen your tailbone toward the backs of your knees.
Hold for up to one minute. To release, unclasp your hands and place them palms-down
alongside your body. Exhale as you slowly roll your spine along the floor, vertebra by
vertebra. Allow your knees to drop together.
Stretching exercise for hips, neck, spine, and chest
strengthens the spinal muscles, hamstrings, buttocks
and back muscles.
This pose helps in controlling the central nervous
system, and acts as a remedy to depression.
It enhances digestive system and stimulates
abdominal organs.
It gives relief to women suffering from menopausal
The back-bend poses help reduce the headache and
back pain.
Doing the pose before going to bed, can get you
some sleep at night, even if you have insomnia.
Like many other poses, it also improves your blood
It may be beneficial in curing hypertension, clog
sinus, asthma and osteoporosis.
It gives work to quads, hamstrings and calves.
It provides relief against abdominal cramps.
This exercise will help in healing the prolapsed
uterus, and it also controls the menstrual flow.
These exercises should not be performed in case of
neck or knee injury.
Never try this pose during pregnancy.
It is always recommended to perform under the
guidance of a trainer.
Please consult a doctor in-case of injury or back pain.
This yoga pose, as its name suggests, is excellent for
releasing abdominal gas. Pawanmuktasana is pronounced
as PUH-vuhn-mukt-AAHS-uh-nuh.
Pavana = wind, mukta = relieve or release, Asana
= Posture or Pose
Initial Pose:
Lie on your back with your feet together and arms beside
your body.
Breathe in and as you exhale, bring your right knee
towards your chest and press the thigh on your
abdomen with clasped hands.
Breathe in again and as you exhale, lift your head and
chest off the floor and touch your chin to your right knee.
Hold it there, as you take deep, long breaths in and out.
Checkpoint: As you exhale, tighten the grip of the hands
on the knee and increase the pressure on the chest. As you
Final Pose:
As you exhale, come back to the ground and relax.
Repeat this pose with the left leg and then with both the
legs together.
You may rock up and down or roll from side to side 3-5
times and then relax.
Benefits (Pawanmuktasana):
Strengthens the back and abdominal muscles
Tones the leg and arm muscles
Massages the intestines and other organs in the
Helps in digestion and release of gas
Enhances blood circulation in the hip joints and eases
tension in the lower back
Contraindications (Pawanmuktasana):
Avoid practicing Wind-Relieving Pose
(Pawanmuktasana) if you are facing the following health
issues: high blood,pressure, heart problem,
hyperacidity, hernia, slip disc,testicle disorder,
menstruation, neck and back problems,and after the
second trimester of pregnancy.
Anantasana, Vishnu's Couch Pose, Eternal One's Pose, or
Side-Reclining Leg Lift is an asana
Initial Pose:
Begin by lying on the floor on your right side. Keep your
legs straight, in line with your torso. Extend your right arm
along the floor beneath your right ear, parallel to your torso.
If you are having trouble balancing, press the soles of your
feet against a wall for support.
Bend your right elbow and gently rest the right side of your
head in your palm. Allow your arm to stretch away from
your torso to increase the stretch of your right armpit.
Work toward balancing your body in one straight line, from
head to feet. Keep the outside of your right foot pressing
into the floor.
Rotate your left leg so your toes point up toward the
ceiling. Then bend your left knee and draw it in toward
your torso. Reach your left hand along the inside of your
left thigh, and then clasp your left foot’s big toe with the
first two fingers and thumb. Exhaling, extend your left leg
up toward the ceiling, reaching through your heel.
Fix your gaze on an unmoving object in front of you.
Continue to breathe smoothly.
Final Pose:
Extend the pose actively through both heels. Maintain your
balance as much as possible without rolling forward or
Hold for up to one minute. To release, draw your knee back
into your chest, release your toe, and extend your left leg.
Roll over to your left side and repeat the pose on the
opposite side for the same length of time.
Anantasana stretches the hamstrings, hips, calves, pelvis, and groin muscles. It tones the
abdomen, increases hip mobility, and can help reduce low back pain. This pose
improves balance and coordination, while also developing greater focus and
concentration. Holding your balance in this pose requires a calm and clear mind.
Acquiring this ability can help you reduce stress, anxiety, and mental fatigue.
Do not practice this pose if you are currently experiencing headaches or diarrhea. Those
with shoulder, neck, or wrist injuries should modify the pose as needed to avoid further
pain (see Modifications & Variations, below). Always work within your own range of
limits and abilities. If you have any medical concerns, talk with your doctor before
practicing yoga.

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Lovely thapa

  • 2. Standing Sitting Lying Forward bending Hastapadasana Pachimottasana Halasana Backward bending Utkatasana Ek pada Rajakapotasana Setu bandhu sarvangasana Sideward bending Trikonaasana Parivrtta janu sirsasana Pawanmuktasana Balancing Tadasana Padangustha asana Anantasana
  • 3.
  • 4.  Description: Hastpadasana is one of the twelve basic asanas. You must master this pose and its variations before trying the advanced Asanas.  Procedure Initial Pose:  Stand straight with feet together and arms alongside the body.  Balance your weight equally on both feet.  Breathing in, extend your arms overhead.  Breathing out, bend forward and down towards the feet.  Stay in the posture for 20-30 seconds and continue to breath deeply. Keep the legs and spine erect; hands rest either on the floor,beside the feet or on the legs.  On the out breath, move the chest towards the knees; lift the hips and tailbone higher; press the heels down; let the head relax and move it gently towards the feet. Keep breathing deeply. Final Pose:  Breathing in, stretch your arms forward and up, slowly come up to the standing position. Breathing out, bring the arms to the sides.
  • 6. Description: Utkatasana is the name of a powerful standing yoga asana that requires balance, stability and strength. The arms extend upward alongside the ears, while the knees bend as if sitting on an imaginary chair. In addition to its physical benefits, utkatasana promotes focus, acceptance and inner power Procedure: Initial Pose: Stand erect with your feet slightly apart. Stretch your hands to the front with palms facing downwards. Do not bend your elbows. Bend the knees and gently push your pelvis down as if you are sitting in an imaginary `chair. Be comfortable or at least try to be! To get a better feel of the Chair Pose, imagine reading a newspaper or typing on a laptop as you remain seated. Ensure that you keep your hands parallel to the ground. With awareness, sit straight and lengthen your spine. Relax. Final Pose: Keep breathing and flip through the pages of the newspaper, enjoying national and international news. Sink deeper into the chair by gradually going down but ensure that your knees don’t go beyond your toes. Keep going down slowly and then sit down in Sukhasana (cross-legged posture). If you want, you may lie down on your back and relax.
  • 7. Benefits Benefits of Utkatasana / Chair Pose: Exercises the spine, hips and chest muscles. Helps strengthen the lower back and torso. Tones the thigh, ankle, leg and knee muscles. Balances the body and brings determination in the mind. Contraindications of the Chair Pose (Utkatasana) Do not practice this yoga posture if you have chronic knee pain, arthritis, sprained your ankle; any knee problem or damaged ligaments; headache or insomnia (sleeplessness). Take special care and proceed gently with this yoga posture during menstruation or if you have pain in the lower back.
  • 8. Trikonasana (Sideward bending Standing) Description: Trikonasana is a standing yoga posture that requires strength, balance and flexibility. In this posture, both arms extend with the legs spread apart and one foot turned at a 90-degree angle. The upper body bends toward the lead foot so that one arm reaches toward the ground and the other toward the sky. Procedure: Initial Pose: Stand straight. Separate your feet comfortably wide apart (about 31/2 to 4 feet). Turn your right foot out 90 degrees and left foot in by 15 degrees. Now align the center of your right heel with the center of your arch of left foot. Ensure that your feet are pressing the ground and the weight of your body is equally balanced on both the feet. Inhale deeply and as you exhale, bend your body to the right, downward from the hips, keeping the waist straight, allowing your left hand to come up in the air while your right hand comes down towards floor. Keep both arms in straight line. Rest your right hand on your shin, ankle, or the floor outside your right foot, whatever is possible without distorting the sides of the waist. Stretch your left arm toward the ceiling, in line with the tops of your shoulders. Final Pose: Stretch maximum and be steady. Keep taking in long deep breaths. With each exhalation, relax the body more and more. Just be with the body and the breath. As you inhale, come up, bring your arms down to your sides, and straighten your feet.
  • 9. Benefits of the Trikonasana  Strengthens the legs, knees, ankles, arms and chest  Stretches and opens the hips, groins, hamstrings, calves, shoulders, chest and spine  Increases mental and physical equilibrium  Helps improve digestion  Reduces anxiety, stress, back pain and sciatica Contraindications of the Trikonasana  Avoid doing this pose if you are suffering from migraine, diarrhea, low or high blood pressure, or neck and back injuries. Those with high blood pressure may do this pose but without raising their hand overhead, as this may further raise the blood pressure.
  • 10.  Description:  Tadasana is a simple standing asana, which forms the basis for all the standing asanas. It is performed at the beginning and end of the surya namaskara sequence and is a key asana for all yoga practices.  Procedure: Initial Pose:  Stand with your feet together and your arms at your sides. Press your weight evenly across the balls and arches of your feet. Breathe steadily and rhythmically. Draw your awareness inward. Focus on the present moment, letting all worries and concerns fade away.  Press your big toes together (separate your heels if you need to). Lift your toes and spread them apart. Then, place them back down on the mat, one at a time. If you have trouble balancing, stand with your feet six inches apart (or wider).  Draw down through your heels and straighten your legs. Ground your feet firmly into the earth, pressing evenly across all four corners of both feet.  Then, lift your ankles and the arches of your feet. Squeeze your outer shins toward each other.  Draw the top of your thighs up and back, engaging the quadriceps. Rotate your thighs slightly inward, widening your sit bones.  Tuck in your tailbone slightly, but don’t round your lower back. Lift the back of your thighs, but release your buttocks. Keep your hips even with the center line of your body.  Final Pose: Bring your pelvis to its neutral position. Do not let your front hip bones point down or up; instead, point them straight forward. Draw your belly in slightly.  As you inhale, elongate through your torso. Exhale and release your shoulder blades away from your head, toward the back of your waist.  Broaden across your collarbones, keeping your shoulders in line with the sides of your body.
  • 11.  Benefits of Mountain Pose:  Improves posture  Strengthens thighs, knees, and ankles  Increases awareness  Steadies breathing  Increases strength, power, and mobility in the feet, legs, and hips  Firms abdomen and buttocks  Relieves sciatica  Reduces flat feet Contraindications: It is best to avoid this asana if you have following Problems Headaches Insomnia Low blood Pressure
  • 12.  Description: Pashimottanasana, Seated Forward Bend, or Intense Dorsal Stretch is a yoga asana. Together with Padmasana, Siddhasana and Vajrasana, this asana is an accomplished asana according to the Shiva Samhita. Procedure:  Initial Pose:  Sit up with the legs stretched out straight in front of you, keeping the spine erect and toes flexed toward you.  Breathing in, raise both arms above your head and stretch up.  Breathing out, bend forward from the hip joints, chin moving toward the toes. Keep the spine erect focusing on moving forwards towards the toes, rather than down towards the knees. Place your hands on your legs, wherever they reach, without forcing. If you can, take hold of your toes and pull on them to help you go forward.  Breathing in, lift your head slightly and lengthen your spine.  Breathing out, gently move the navel towards the knees.  Final Pose:  Stretch the arms out in front of you.  Breathing in, with the strength of your arms, come back up to the sitting position.  Breathe out and lower the arms.
  • 13. Stretches lower back, hamstrings and hips. Massages and tones the abdominal and pelvic organs. Tones the shoulders. Contraindications : Pregnant women should not practicePaschimottanasana. Personsuffering from slipdiscor sciaticaproblem,a sthmashouldavd Paschimottanasana. Ulcer patient should not practice.
  • 14. Description: Eka Pāda Rājakapotāsana I is an Asana. It is translated as One Legged King Pigeon Pose It from Sanskrit. Proceduer: Initial Pose: Begin by getting into Marjariasana (Cat stretch). Breathe out and bring your right knee forward to touch theright. Bending the knee, bring your ankle near the groin region. Now slide the right foot towards the left hand, till the toes touch the leftwrist. : Slide the left leg back so that it touches the floor. Keeping the knee straight, ensure that the front of the foot is touching the ground, while the sole facesthe ceilinglLower your right buttock tothe floor and press your tailbone forwardtolengthenyour lower back.You may strengthen the lower back further by pushing your fingertips firmly to the floor. Final Pose: Take a few deep breaths in this position. Taking support of your hands, slide your left knee forward while exhalingandget back into the Cat stret Stay in Cat stretch and take a couple of deep breaths and repeat the process with the other leg.
  • 16. Description: Revolved head-to-knee pose is calming as well as invigorating. It's both a relaxing twist and a mood-lifting shoulder and chest- opening backbend, and it provides the soothing hamstring stretch of a forward fold Procedure: Initial Pose: 1. Seated in Bound Angle or Easy pose, extend the right leg out 45 degrees towards the corner of the room. Bring the left foot in close to the hips. Side the right arm over the right leg with the right palm facing up. 2. Inhale reach the left fingers up towards the ceiling, lifting out of the waist. 3. Exhale and arch over to the right, reaching the left fingers towards the right foot, bringing the left arm directly over the left ear. 4. Keep the left shoulder pressing back, allowing the chest to stay open and facing forward. Keep the chin off the chest, looking forward or up at the ceiling. Hold on to the foot with one or both hands. 5. Breathe and hold for 2-6 breaths. Final Pose: 6. To release: inhale and reach the left fingers up towards the ceiling, exhale release the arm down.
  • 17.
  • 18. Descripition: you can build up to Toe Stand in stages, strengthening your knees as you go. If you've got tight hamstrings/ calves, take this pose slowly, as it requires flexibility from both sets of muscles. Procedure: Initial Pose: . Set up as Tree, but find a point on the floor about three feet in front of you where you can fix your gaze, and don't avert your eyes from that point throughout the whole posture. to the floor. When you're in the full expression, bend at the waist, keeping your standing leg straight. It's essential your leg is locked or you could strain your knee. Final Pose: Only when all your body weight is in your hands, and your leg is still locked, can you inhale, exhale and slowly bend your standing leg and crouch down so that your bum is either hovering just above your left heel or, if you can, actually sit your bum down on your heel. Bring your hands either side of you to stabilise yourself.
  • 19. Benefits: Creates balance and focus in body and mind Strengthens stomach muscles Strengthens joints (hips, knees, ankles and toes) Helps relieve arthritis in all leg joints including hips Contraindications: This is a basic pose, and although anyone can do it, make sure you practice it under the guidance of a certified yoga instructor. Also, you must avoid this pose if you have neck or lower back injuries.
  • 20. Description: this pose prepares the ‘field’ of the body and mind for deep rejuvenation. Halasana is pronounced as hah- LAHS-uh-nuh. Parsva Halasana is an advanced variation of the Halasana. Procedure: Initial Pose: Lie on your back with your arms beside you, palms downwards. As you inhale, use your abdominal muscles to lift your feet off the floor, raising your legs vertically at a 90-degree angle. Continue to breathe normally and supporting your hips and back with your hands, lift them off the ground. Allow your legs to sweep in a 180-degree angle over your head till your toes touch the floor. Your back should be perpendicular to the floor. This may be difficult initially, but make an attempt for a few seconds. Final Pose: Hold this pose and let your body relax more and more with each steady breath. After about a minute (a few seconds for beginners) of resting in this pose, you may gently bring your legs down on exhalation.
  • 21. Benefits: Strengthens and opens up the neck, shoulders, abs and back muscles. Calms the nervous system, reduces stress and fatigue. Tones the legs and improves leg flexibility. Stimulates the thyroid gland and strengthens the immune system. Helps women during menopause. Contraindications (Plow Pose): Avoid practicing Plow Pose (Halasana) if you have injured your neck or are suffering from diarrhea and high blood pressure. Ladies should avoid practicing Plow Pose
  • 22. Descripition: Setu Bandha Sarvangasana is an Asana. It is translated as Supported Bridge Pose from Sanskrit. The name of this pose comes from "setu" meaning "bridge", "bandha" meaning "bound", "sarvanga" meaning "full body", and "asana" meaning "posture" or "seat“ Procedure: Initial Pose: Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet on the floor. Extend your arms along the floor, palms flat. Press your feet and arms firmly into the floor. Exhale as you lift your hips toward the ceiling. Draw your tailbone toward your pubic bone, holding your buttocks off the floor. Do not squeeze your glutes or flex your buttocks. Roll your shoulders back and underneath your body. Clasp your hands and extend your arms along the floor beneath your pelvis. Straighten your arms as much as possible, pressing your forearms into the mat. Reach your knuckles toward your heels. Final Pose: Keep your thighs and feet parallel — do not roll to the outer edges of your feet or let your together. Press your weight evenly acrosknees drop s all four corners of both feet. Lengthen your tailbone toward the backs of your knees. Hold for up to one minute. To release, unclasp your hands and place them palms-down alongside your body. Exhale as you slowly roll your spine along the floor, vertebra by vertebra. Allow your knees to drop together.
  • 23. Benefits: Stretching exercise for hips, neck, spine, and chest strengthens the spinal muscles, hamstrings, buttocks and back muscles. This pose helps in controlling the central nervous system, and acts as a remedy to depression. It enhances digestive system and stimulates abdominal organs. It gives relief to women suffering from menopausal symptoms. The back-bend poses help reduce the headache and back pain. Doing the pose before going to bed, can get you some sleep at night, even if you have insomnia. Like many other poses, it also improves your blood circulation. It may be beneficial in curing hypertension, clog sinus, asthma and osteoporosis. It gives work to quads, hamstrings and calves. It provides relief against abdominal cramps. This exercise will help in healing the prolapsed uterus, and it also controls the menstrual flow. Contradication: These exercises should not be performed in case of neck or knee injury. Never try this pose during pregnancy. It is always recommended to perform under the guidance of a trainer. Please consult a doctor in-case of injury or back pain.
  • 24. Description: This yoga pose, as its name suggests, is excellent for releasing abdominal gas. Pawanmuktasana is pronounced as PUH-vuhn-mukt-AAHS-uh-nuh. Pavana = wind, mukta = relieve or release, Asana = Posture or Pose Procedure: Initial Pose: Lie on your back with your feet together and arms beside your body. Breathe in and as you exhale, bring your right knee towards your chest and press the thigh on your abdomen with clasped hands. Breathe in again and as you exhale, lift your head and chest off the floor and touch your chin to your right knee. Hold it there, as you take deep, long breaths in and out. Checkpoint: As you exhale, tighten the grip of the hands on the knee and increase the pressure on the chest. As you Final Pose: As you exhale, come back to the ground and relax. Repeat this pose with the left leg and then with both the legs together. You may rock up and down or roll from side to side 3-5 times and then relax.
  • 25. Benefits (Pawanmuktasana): Strengthens the back and abdominal muscles Tones the leg and arm muscles Massages the intestines and other organs in the abdomen Helps in digestion and release of gas Enhances blood circulation in the hip joints and eases tension in the lower back Contraindications (Pawanmuktasana): Avoid practicing Wind-Relieving Pose (Pawanmuktasana) if you are facing the following health issues: high blood,pressure, heart problem, hyperacidity, hernia, slip disc,testicle disorder, menstruation, neck and back problems,and after the second trimester of pregnancy.
  • 26. Description: Anantasana, Vishnu's Couch Pose, Eternal One's Pose, or Side-Reclining Leg Lift is an asana Procedure: Initial Pose: Begin by lying on the floor on your right side. Keep your legs straight, in line with your torso. Extend your right arm along the floor beneath your right ear, parallel to your torso. If you are having trouble balancing, press the soles of your feet against a wall for support. Bend your right elbow and gently rest the right side of your head in your palm. Allow your arm to stretch away from your torso to increase the stretch of your right armpit. Work toward balancing your body in one straight line, from head to feet. Keep the outside of your right foot pressing into the floor. Rotate your left leg so your toes point up toward the ceiling. Then bend your left knee and draw it in toward your torso. Reach your left hand along the inside of your left thigh, and then clasp your left foot’s big toe with the first two fingers and thumb. Exhaling, extend your left leg up toward the ceiling, reaching through your heel. Fix your gaze on an unmoving object in front of you. Continue to breathe smoothly. Final Pose: Extend the pose actively through both heels. Maintain your balance as much as possible without rolling forward or backward. Hold for up to one minute. To release, draw your knee back into your chest, release your toe, and extend your left leg. Roll over to your left side and repeat the pose on the opposite side for the same length of time.
  • 27. Benefits: Anantasana stretches the hamstrings, hips, calves, pelvis, and groin muscles. It tones the abdomen, increases hip mobility, and can help reduce low back pain. This pose improves balance and coordination, while also developing greater focus and concentration. Holding your balance in this pose requires a calm and clear mind. Acquiring this ability can help you reduce stress, anxiety, and mental fatigue. Contraindication: Do not practice this pose if you are currently experiencing headaches or diarrhea. Those with shoulder, neck, or wrist injuries should modify the pose as needed to avoid further pain (see Modifications & Variations, below). Always work within your own range of limits and abilities. If you have any medical concerns, talk with your doctor before practicing yoga.