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Lived Experience Paper
To Review the Lived Experience of Nurses, when Carrying Out Risk Assessments on Patients who
have Developed a Pressure Ulcer Future Research: This assignment has two parts, part one reviewed
pressure ulcer prevention, and the gaps that were identified were: it lacked research on pressure
ulcer management, individuals did not having enough knowledge on methods to reduce pressure
ulcers, there was a low sample size and selection and there was a gap between the risk assessment
process, and pressure ulcer prevention. For the purpose of part two, this assignment will look at the
lived experience of nurses, when carrying out risk assessments on patients who have developed a
pressure ulcer and therefore, to review the lived experience of ... Show more content on ...
On the other hand, an advantage of qualitative methodology is that it raises more issues. Choy
(2014), states that the strengths of a qualitative methodology is that, it raises more issues through
broad and open–ended inquiry. A quantitative methodology was not used as it summarises results
numerically which does not link with the research question as the research question is to review the
lived experiences of nurses, when carrying out risk assessments on patients who have developed a
pressure ulcer. G et al (2010), state that a quantitative methodology is uses results by numbers. After
reviewing the limitations, strengths and another methodology, it is concluded that qualitative
methodology will still be used, as it fits perfectly with the research question that was chosen, this is
because qualitative research is about experience and the research question is to review the lived
experience of nurses, when carrying out risk assessments on patients who have developed a pressure
ulcer. A phenomenological design will be used as it is about experiences. Maltby et al (2010), states
that a phenomenological attaches importance to measuring the meanings of people attach to their
experiences. This is important, as the research question is to review the lived experiences of nurses,
when carrying out risk assessments on patients who have developed a pressure ulcer. A limitation of
phenomenology is
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Emoji And Semiotics
Emoji and Semiotics
On the other hand, to further comprehend the reasons behind the continuous usage of emojis, we
have to understand that according to Chandler, signs and symbols may take several forms such as
words, images, sounds, gestures and/or objects and in the case of this study, they are the emojis.
Semiotics, which is the study of signs will give light to how netizens make use of these man–made
symbols, the emojis. Semiotics is the study of signs and there are two parts of it–the signifier and the
signified. Signifier which is the representation itself, or its physical form and the signified is the
meaning its viewers attached to it. In relation to the study, the emoji being the physical form and the
signifier, is the one that will be identified through the user–– if it gives out the same interpretation to
each person and what are the variations of meaning associated with it. Thus giving answers, if it is
an efficient addition to communication or it is not.
According to Saussaure as cited by Brissons (2015), "Langue is the actual language spoken, while
Parole is the individual interpretation or speech act." Meanwhile, according to Brissons (2015) the
parole related to emoji points to an unrestricted set of images allowing for a wide range of
combinations, involving "both the combinations by which the speaker uses the ... Show more
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These are the earlier form of emojis which are made using punctuations. It was born on September
12, 1982 by Scott Fahlman who was later known as the "Father of Emoticons". Scott Fahlman is a
research professor who teaches computer science at Carnegie Mellon. It was said to be just a simple
way of displaying a humorous post on the blackboard. Now, its evolution resulted to "Emojis",
which originated from Japan and has the same purpose thereof emoticons. However, the difference
is that Emojis are far more diverse due to the number of choices you could choose and look
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Research Paper of Gender and Identification
How Gender Socialization Shapes Gender and Sexuality, the Consequences
LGBT Adolescents Face in Schools and Mitigation Solutions
Joseph Gulino
Monmouth University
Gender socialization begins at birth and is the process of learning cultural roles according to one's
biological sex (Unicef, 2009). Boys and girls are treated differently by members of their
environment and learn gender expectations (Unicef, 2009). The socialization begins with a child's
parents when boys are taught to be assertive and strong, girls are taught to be accommodating and
lady–like (Unicef, 2009). Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender individuals receive unequal
treatment from families and their peers. Many actions must be implemented in ... Show more
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The new view of gender socialization identifies a change of gender role behaviors situation–
specific(Webster, 2009). For instance, a woman must incorporate her acquired status to a male who
is below her socio–economic status to gain equality or be viewed as superordinate(Webster, 2009).
Both proactive and reactive behaviors are ultimately linked to status and are a determinate of how a
child will be socialized into their gender identity(Webster, 2009).
Marina Epstein and Monique Ward described how gender socialization has taken place directly
through parental communication in Exploring Parent–Adolescent Communication About Gender:
Results from Adolescent and Emerging Adult Samples. This article was based on a study that
examined the content of parental communication and tests for connections to their current gender
beliefs(Epstein, 2011). The study understands there's many forces that contribute to gender
socialization, the article focuses on parents, the core gender socializers(Epstein, 2011). Epstein
discusses how parents shape their children's gender identities through gender–typed toys, chores and
activities they provide for them(Epstein, 2011). Additionally, the difference of child interaction
between both sexes is different, involving rough play with their sons and exploitation of more
conversation with their daughter(Epstein, 2011).
Women reported learning from
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Key Strands
Outline the key strands of the sociology of work!
The term work is expressed as performing duties involving the use of psychological and physical
energy, for the purpose of the manufacture of goods and services in order to achieve an individuals
needs (Gedden's 2008). There are six key areas of thought in the sociology of work these include
"managerial psychologist", Durkheim systems", Interactionist", Weber Interpretivist", Marxian and
"Post structuralise and Post Modern" (Watson 2008). Sociology is defined as the examination of the
connections which grow between individuals as they are arranged by others in cultures and how
these patterns are affected by the interactions of individuals around them (Giddens 2009).
The Managerial – ... Show more content on ...
He focused heavily on the area of science and over emphasised on the reality of independence and
externally existing society. Durkheim outlined the divisions of labour by distinguishing between
mechanical forms of solidarity and organic solidarity. He disagreed with "psychological
reductionism" displaying that even an issue like suicide has to be understood in terms of the level of
the individual's interactions with others and taking their psychological state into account. Durkheim
examined the significance of "Social currents & Social Facts" in society. An important term outlined
by Durkheim is Anomie which is a form of social breakdown in which the standards that would
normally occur in a particular situation does not operate. Elton Mayo (1880–1949) was greatly
inspired by Durkheim's work and created the concept of the Human Relations School. The
Hawthorn Studies was started in Chicago by examining the effects of workshop lighting had on
workers productivity. It concluded that the close interests shown in the workers had brought the
group together as a team and increased commitment motivation and collaboration. In "Systems
Thinking" these are societies which are viewed as if they were independent bodies controlling
energy and resources with the environment to live. Systems thinking are valuable in its importance
on arrangements and outlines in social life. It is therefore a beneficial style
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Disadvantages Of Applied Ethnomethodology
Applied–ethnomethodology is a neologism that originates from research based on
ethnomethodology, but adds an embodied interaction perspective. It is well known that
ethnomethodology was coined by Harold Garfinkel. According to Garfinkel's notes,
ethnomethodology focuses on how social actors create and understand the basis of their actions
(Garfinkel, 1984). Ethnomethodology has been broadly applied in HCI studies (Dourish and Button,
1998). An ethnographic approach helps in the understanding of cultures and the meaning of
technology in people's everyday lives. We can use the understanding to design computer systems
(Button, Crabtree, Rouncefield, and Tolmie, 2015). Applied–ethnomethodology still has the general
attributes of ethnomethodology, but has two major distinctions.
Applied–ethnomethodology relies more on inter conversation through interaction ... Show more
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First, it allows the research to have an insider's view as a participant and also from an outsider's
view as an observer. It helps the researcher to observe and analyze more phenomena in depth and
from different angles.
Secondly, it allows the collection of ethnographic data by inserting the robot as a second body into
the existing group. In this case, the researcher did not need to be concerned about the establishment
of rapport and could collect ethnographic data that still excluded the possible artificial setups that
could induce specific behaviour by inserting a new participant.
Data is also collected through filming iterative work. Data collection is made through six times over
the course of two months. A group interview was conducted at the very end of the last session. The
reason why the observation was conducted over a long period of time and iteratively was to exclude
any exceptional phenomenon to prevent the hazard that the research would generalize any abnormal
case precipitously. It was also to observe repetition and holistic
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Methodology. The Type Of Research Used In This Exploration
Methodology The type of research used in this exploration is qualitative data, Qualitative data
utilizes the idea of multiple realities, this is that it rejects the positivist idea of one "real" certainty.
To reflect the ideas of my research I will review several instances in which a Trump Presidency will
impact the United States and the morale of the American people. As cases of President Trump's,
verbiage either reflects divisive language that is harmful to culture and the well–being of America or
if his language reflects the progression of America for all, in spite of individual differences. What I
am assessing is the relationship of President Trump on America as we know it, but more importantly
the American people. The aim will ... Show more content on ...
An ethnomethodology will be conducted to understand the relationship between President Trump
and the people of the nation. As ethnomethodology interprets the opinions of the people, not
focusing on what is right or wrong, but how what is said or done is interpreted. This study will
attempt to learn how our President will influence how the people will respond to him. In America
and society in general, social responses are seemingly just as important as fact based responses.
How America views our president and responds to the president as a nation will give guidance as to
his impact on the country. The interaction of the President and the people will be essential to
understand the ethnomethodology, making sense of these connections will be crucial. The goal is to
understand the practices by which society make sense of their worlds. To better understand the
impact of President Trump, from an ethnomethodology standpoint, a roundtable conversation will
take place. Utilizing ten to fifteen family members and colleagues, in a combined setting to best
interpret President Trump's impact. Seemingly, as these individuals represent a diverse range of
perspectives, they will be conducive to understanding some of the concerns, appreciation and
disdain for President Trump. Focusing on several key points and pertinent issues, insight will be
gained from a review of the following topics:
Unity and Division
The Economy
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Feminism Is An Interdisciplinary Idea
Feminism is an interdisciplinary idea. In sociology, feminism broadens our ideas on gender and
transforms it into a major field of study. George Ritzer, in Contemporary Sociological Theory and
Its Classical Roots, breaks feminist theory down into four major varieties, gender differences,
gender inequality, gender oppression, and structural oppression. He then explains the different forms
of feminism seen in each variety.
The first variety, gender difference, describes, explains, and traces the implications of how men and
women are or are not the same in behavior and experience. "Women's location in, and experience of,
most situations is different from those of men in the situation." (Ritzer, 201) Cultural feminism is
one of two theories Ritzer discusses under gender differences. This theory explores and celebrates
the social value of women's distinctive ways of being. The core idea of theory is that a woman's way
of being may be better for society; better than those of the androcentric culture. Cooperation,
pacifism, and nonviolence in the settling of disputes, these virtues of women can be argued better
for governing a society. Another form of feminist theory Ritzer places under the variety gender
difference is feminist interactionist theory. In this theory ethnomethodology claims that "institutional
order, culture, and stratification are maintained by the ongoing activities of individuals in
interaction." (Ritzer, 204)When this concept is applied to gender it creates the
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Erving Goffman's Front Stage
Erving Goffman developed the concept that made us understand that life is like play(drama) which
has a never–ending and it involves entities of actors, props, writers etc. which involve scripts where
individual acts. He further made us understands that our socialization is full of learning how to play
a role that has been assigned from other people. In fact, he has brought to our understanding of a life
where people act and socialize which consist of our assigned role from other people. Goffman
believes that whatever we do, we are playing out some role on the on the stage of life and that
comprises of behind the scenes actions and how people are being guided and directed by other
individual and he named it front stage and back stage. ... Show more content on ...
It is an act that is done without conscious attention. In this era, one has to set a standard where
respect is earned in all things. When you raise your demeanor, E. Goffman termed it as status,
according to him there are three types of status and these are the following: Ascribed status (One
that you are assigned based on biological factors such as race, sex, or age.) Achieved status (One
that is earned through an individual's own effort.) Master status (Status that has priority over all
other statuses and generally determines a person's overall position in society. The most common
master statuses are those based on gender and race.) According to Goffman, we use various
mechanisms, called sign vehicles, to present ourselves to others. The most commonly employed sign
vehicles are the following: Social setting, appearance, the manner of interacting. The social setting is
the physical place where interaction occurs. It could be a doctor's examination room, a hallway,
someone's home, or a professor's office. How we arrange our spaces, and what we put in them,
conveys a lot of information about us. A person who lives in a large home with security guards,
attack dogs, and motion detectors conveys the message that he or she is very important, wealthy, and
powerful, and probably that uninvited visitors should stay away. On the other hand, the owner of a
house with no fence, lots of lights, and a welcome mat would seem much more inviting
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Positivism And Paradigmatic Approaches
The practice of qualitative research comprises of many different paradigmatic approaches. The main
three include positivism, interpretive, and critical approaches. These approaches serve as different
ways in which knowledge is socially collected and analyzed. Now, each paradigmatic approach
comprises of unique traits, some which are similar to each one another and others that are exclusive
to a specific approach. These similarities and differences will be examined below. To begin, the
main approach used in qualitative research is positivism. The Positivism Approach is rooted in
philosophy and used to pursue casual explanations by generating questions as hypotheses, otherwise
known as theory testing. Positivism uses the idea that there ... Show more content on ...
In examining these relationships, Symbolic Interactionalism attaches meanings and attitudes to
certain people and objects. Another sub–approach branching from the Interpretive Strand is the
theory of Dramaturgy. Dramaturgy figuratively compares the behavior of the individual or "self" to
that of a theatrical play. This concept emphasizes the presence of a front stage (public stage) and
backstage (private stage). Depending on the stage, the individual undergoes an impression
management which produces a distinctive performance. This impression management is a
continuous individual phenomenon. In essence, Dramaturgy is used to analyze how individual
behaviors change in relation to different surroundings. A third sub– approach of the interpretive
approach is Phenomenology. Phenomenology focuses on the human consciousness and how it is
experienced. Rather than its presence being objective in nature, (as seen by positivist),
phenomenologists argue that the human consciousness is dependent on specific circumstances and is
deliberate. The main goal of phenomenology is to examine how individuals experience aspects of
social life and living it also stresses the fact these experiences are different for each individual. The
last sub–approach belonging to the Interpretative Strand is Ethnomethodology. Similar to
Phenomenology, Ethnomethodology studies how individuals process their
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Compare Psussivism And Marxist Perspective
Marxist Perspective, Its central aim is to provide an empirically well–founded description of
phenomenon, to get the social implications; and to illuminate the historical process through which
this phenomenon came to exist in the real world. Additionally, its aims at comprehend and explain
reality using themes to make analysis and this is confirmed by research. This has methods such as
phenomenology and Ethnomethodology. It produces knowledge on a social reality in order to
transform it. Therefore understanding reality becomes a main goal to drive the historical process and
historical world. However, knowledge is not a sufficient and it must be articulated with a practical
Positivist perspective, this is based on a notion that science ... Show more content on ...
Validation, Marxist perspective evaluates the validity of factual claims or social realities basing on
an ideology rather than empirical evidence Whereas Positivist evaluate factual validity of a social
phenomenon basing on the statistical results.
Positivist perspective focuses on facts Causalities and fundamental laws and a phenomenon is
reduced to the simplest elements whereas Marxist perspective aims at understanding the meaning of
events by exploring the totality of each individual case and draw conclusions.
Marxist perspective considers small samples to make analysis in a greater depth or over longer
period of time whereas positivist perspective captures bigger samples to make in depth analysis and
draw conclusions on a given social
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An Investigation Of Verbal Communication
1. Introduction There are numerous routes in which a specific methodology in the sociologies can be
presented and clarified. One of these is through explicative contrast from fairly comparable
methodologies. The expression 'Conversation Analysis' is at this point solidly settled as the name for
a specific worldview in the investigation of verbal communication that was started in the 1960s by
Harvey Sacks, as a team with Emanuel Schegloff and Gail Jefferson. In Conversation Analysis the
attention is on the procedural examination of talk–in–cooperation, how members deliberately sort
out their connections to take care of a scope of authoritative issues, for example, the dispersion of
turns at talking, the community oriented creation of specific activities, or issues of comprehension.
The investigation is constantly in view of sound or visual recordings of collaboration, which are
precisely interpreted in subtle elements. The exploration ought to be data driven, as in ideas and
speculations ought to be founded on watchful thoughts of the information, recordings and
transcripts, as opposed to drawn from hypothetical assumptions or ideological inclinations. While
initially imagined from a sociological point of view, Conversation Analysis picked up a far reaching
gathering in numerous parts of the world by scientists from a scope of disciplinary foundations,
including: brain science, human sciences, correspondence ponders and an assortment of phonetic
sub–disciplines. As a
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Social Action Theories Essay
Social action theories are known as micro theories which take a bottom–up approach to studying
society; they look at how individuals within society interact with each other. There are many forms
of social action theories, the main ones being symbolic interactionism, phenomenology and
ethnomethodology. They are all based on the work of Max Weber, a sociologist, who acknowledged
that structural factors can shape our behaviour but individuals do have reasons for their actions. He
used this to explain why people behave in the way in which they do within society. Weber saw four
types of actions which are commonly committed within society; rational, this includes logical plans
which are used to achieve goals, traditional–customary behaviour, ... Show more content on ...
Labelling theory has also been used to apply the interactionist theory to society; the theory, like
Mead, emphasises the importance of symbols and situations in which they are used. The main
interactionist concepts are the definition of the situation – if we believe in something then it could
affect the way in which we behave. The looking glass –self – this was created by Cooley who argues
that we see ourselves in a way in which we think others see us. These concepts have been useful in
explaining why people act in certain ways in certain situations; therefore, the labelling theory is
effective in the study of society.
Overall, in conclusion, there are many different social action theories which can be used in the study
of society, however, not all of them can be applied to all
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Ethnomethodology, Beliefs And Social Norms
In America, we don't take preference for either hand when doing activities and such although, its
universally known to shake hands with your right hand. 

Either way, in other countries, specially the
Middle East and different parts of Africa, it is frowned upon using you left hand because, you're
only supposed to use your left hand for sanitary reasons (AKA going to the restroom or throwing out
trash). Hence, if you greet someone with your left hand, touch them, or touch food its 'disgusting'
and considered an insult in most cases. To add, in countries that have a high Buddhist population it
is a sin to touch or pat someone on the head. It's a sin because it is believed that the head is sacred
since it hold the spirit of the individual. With that being said, when you see a cute kid just
acknowledging their adorableness and don't touch them or, they could get the wrong idea. ... Show
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In order to create a balance and to make sure that you're being respectable to the given culture, it's
best to educate yourself prior and with the aid of ethnomethodology. Ethnomethodology allows you
to disrupt social norms while at the same time learning about them hence, giving you a better insight
on unwritten rules. In addition, by going with the functionalist approach you're then maintaining a
state or balance within the society since you're conforming to the social norm of that region. Overall
maintaining social stability is symbolic interactionism as well since it examines the bigger picture so
to speak since how you interact within your society or an opposing society determines how you'll
respond to the given social norms or
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Compare And Contrast Garfunkel Vs Durkheim
1A If I am Garfunkel I would say that compared to Durkheim I have some different view on how I
think social order happens and what people do in response to certain things. Coming from my
theories I see that people act the way they act because of certain events. We are socialized to react a
certain way when someone does something or says something. The way we learn these things are
through background expectancies and reactions. When we as a person a question we are able to see
the way that they respond to the question. If they react in a positive manner we know that we asked
them something that was correct to be asking, but if we ask them something we they seems
distressed or confused we learn that it might now have been the right things to ask. We can see that
fro ever action there is a reaction to what we do, being either good ro bad. I have studied
ethnomethodology which is the study of how people maintain the commonsense world. In my
studies I have seen that the way we act is basically just a replication of what has been reinforced in
our minds for years as we grow up .we know when to act a certain way. Now if you ... Show more
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He says that they want to relive these moment that they love. When I look at this I feel that people
act this way because that is what they have learned to be the proper way to act when they are with
other members of this religious community. They learn that this is going to be something more
special and they are expecting to act in a sense of awe to religion. The way we act is ingrained into
our minds and we just react to everything that is going on, we don't even have to think about it most
of the time. It is how we have been socialized. There will always be reacts and how they reacts are
portrayed will also show us what is normal and common to
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Analysis Of Microsociological Theories Of Sociology
Chapter four begins with an experience a socioloogist had when spending time with streetcorner
men late at night. This experience is used to explain the two levels of sociological analysis:
Macrosociological (the approach that functionalists and conflict theorists use) and
microsociological. The macrosociological perspective focuses on social structure which refers to the
typical patterns of a group and its significance as it guides our behavior. Social structure consists of
culture, social class, social statuses, roles, groups, and social institutions. Social institutions are the
ways in which a society develops to meet its basic needs. The functionalists see social institutions as
means to meet universal group needs, while conflict theorists see it as means for the elite class to
maintain their positions of privilege. Social class divides people and each divided person gets
ascribed statuses at birth before we add achieved statuses, which are influenced by the groups we
are apart of. These are all what work together to maintain the social structure and hold society
together. These hold true even as small, intimate communities become larger and impersonal, but
that informal means of control represented in intimate communities is replaced by formal
interactions, as pointed out by Ferdinand Tonnies. The microsociological perspective focuses on
everyday life and the social interaction that takes place in it. This is where symbolic interactionists
come in, as they tend to focus
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Nature Vs Nurture Research Paper
Nature vs Nurture debate is the representation that society is an organism, but the question is do we
inherently possess the knowledge to function as an organism, or are we taught this skill. The debate
over Nature vs Nurture is more of a struggle about which theory is the correct theory in my opinion.
Social behaviors can be the product of both genetics as well as an influence by our environment.
Nature is of the belief that inherited traits found in our genes make us who we are. From the day we
are born, we are subject to society, which play an important role in who we are by way of family,
friends, and media. Any situation we are subject to has an impact on us. I remember my parents
scrutinizing my older brothers about the friends in which they chose to ... Show more content on ...
My father always told them that you could begin to act like those you hang around with, whether
good or bad. In other words, our peers easily influence us. I can remember this from a very early
age, even growing up in the same household, attending the same school and church, etc. our values
and standards are quite different from one another. Even in the animal kingdom, genetics is evident.
I was watching a nature video by David Attenborough about birds. The video showed how different
species laid their eggs. The cuckoo bird would lay her eggs in the nests of unlike species. As the
baby cuckoo bird cracked its shell, even before it was able to see, it would immediately begin
pushing all the other eggs out of the nest in order to be the only bird fed by its adoptive mother. This
is not a case of something learned, as much as it is instinctive. Having said that, I believe who we
are as human beings is the combination of both nature and nurture that our genes and environment
work together. I believe certain traits and abilities are inherited, however I also believe social
structure plays a most active role in who we become and what
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The Mortality Rate Of Sex Workers Essay
Regarding the mortality rate of sex workers, "One study found that workplace murder risk is 51
times greater [for prostitutes] than for the next most dangerous profession which is operating a
liquor store" (Dir. J. K. Wasson and J. Wells). Because prostitution is ultimately seen as a consensual
profession, some may interpret this information with indifference, believing that the sex workers
were willing participants. More often than not, however, sex workers are being coerced into the
industry by some form of force; leading them to be exploited for physical and economic gain. In
order to convince someone that the prostitution industry influences the victimization of women, I
would need to counteract the notions endowed onto us by society that lead people to believe that
prostitution is a fair system. Ethnomethodology, Symbolic interaction, and conflict theory have
contributed to the the false impression of sex workers endorsed by the mainstream.
Ethnomethodology is the study of everyday actions of people as an expression of their reality. Every
reality contains five features that describe how one's perspective is maintained and occasionally
transformed. In order to change the reality of people who believe that sex workers are independently
engaging in prostitution, I would need to address the five features of reality. The first feature,
reflexivity, states that reality is maintained by the process of absorbing interactions and bending
them to fit one's incorrigible
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Alice Goffman On The Run Summary
On the Run In On the Run by Alice Goffman, one can see the inside perspective in a particular black
community in 6th Street, Philadelphia. Goffman gives an "on–the–ground" account of the fear of
being captured and the changes that fear brings upon the community in basic daily activities such as
working, maintaining relationships, and seeking medical or police care when it is truly needed.
Within these accounts that Goffman shares there are many connections to class readings and
disscussions throughout. From the Preface on can find that On the Run is very sociological and
specifically microsociological with Goffman explaining how she is going to use ethnomethodology
with the community of 6th Street. She overall analyzes the community and ... Show more content on ...
The overall theme of race and class being brought up in both readings is what made me see the
original correlation between the two but, as I looked back into Chambliss' writing the section of
"The Police and the Saints" caught my eye as a very contrast view to what Goffman displays in On
the Run. The relationship between the police and saints was very limited and they were barely ever
pulled over and if so they could weasel their way out of a ticket of punishment. This was explained
because of the visibility of the Saints verses the Roughnecks. The Roughnecks similar to any
member on 6th Street who has basically been in and out of jail and warrants, were very visible to the
law enforcement. The police knew that they had committed something wrong before and therefore
specifically looked to see if they were doing another thing wrong and being harsher with
punishments. This theory of visibility mentioned by Chambliss' shows that if members of 6th Street
from the very beginning were know to have a good reputation instead of a deviant reputation,
possibly the poor segregated community could have more hope and less fear against law
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Personal Narrative: Ethnomethodology
Ethnomethodology On March 24, 2017, I went to Evangeline Downs in Opelousas, Louisiana. I
arrived there at around 12:30 a.m. Before I was able to get there I had to meet my boyfriends cousin
at Walmart. I met him at Walmart because I was not allowed to get in the race track side of the
casino where all the horses are without a racing I.D. The only way I could get through the security
gate was by my boyfriends cousin. Once I got in his cousins truck we headed down to the security
gate. As we got closer his cousin said, ' go ahead and lay down on the floorboard'. Might I mind you
we are in this old two door Chevy. After I laid down his cousin proceeded to the gate. When he got
to the gate the security guard checked his I.D. and let him through. I was there the entire weekend. I
had to lay down in the back floor of his truck when we left the track and coming back. At night
when I needed to shower I had to wait till all the lights were out and everyone was in there room
before I could leave out my boyfriends room. My boyfriend and his cousin went and got my car
from Walmart so that when it was time for me to leave I could just get in my car and go. ... Show
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it was time for me to head home. I had work at 2:00 p.m. in Orange, Texas. I said my goodbyes to
my boyfriend and his cousin and went to my car. As I got closer to the security gate my heart beat
got faster and faster because I did not know what they were going to do to me for being with the
race horses without a racing I.D. Well I approached the gate and the security guard asked if I had
given them my driver's license to get back there and I just simply said no sir. He shook his head and
grinned then said, 'well next time you come back here you need to make sure you give us your
license first.' I said okay and headed home to get ready for
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Symbolic Interactionism Theory and the Ground of Routine...
Sociology of Everyday Life Sociology is considered as the study of human social life in the context
of individuals, groups, and societies. In fostering the various aspects of sociology, sociologists came
up with various theories that expound of human relationships in their day–to–day activities. This
essay aims at identifying the relationship existing between the symbolic interactionism theory and
the ground of routine activities, ethnomethodology as portrayed by Harold Garfinkel and Herbert
Blumer. Harold confers on ethnomethodology as a way through which people make sense and find
ways in which to act in their daily routine activities. He considers the various settings, which dictate
stable features of daily activities. First, he ... Show more content on ...
70). These aspects of human interactions are crucial to accomplishing the goals of
ethnomethodology, which is to maintain social order in society. Therefore, by understanding
symbolic interactionism in society, one can disrupt the social order of society in a bid to
conceptualize have an understanding of the society in ethnomethodology. The relationship between
these two concepts is evidenced in the purpose of their study. Symbolic interactionism seeks to
understand the constituents that define human interactions through social order. Ethnomethodology
studies the unremarkable techniques that people use to attach meaning to their interactions by
discarding the context. In the deeper understanding of ethnomethodology and social order, the
aspect of context is discarded since one only gets meanings of everyday activities by violating the
norms that maintain social order(Garfinkel, 1968, p. 278). These conceptions enact a fundamental
role in understanding the extent to which human interactions and activities remain meaningful to
individuals in society. They provide a basis through which sociological theories and perspectives
can be used to study human interactions. While interactions occur in every social organization, there
is the need to look into those activities that are considered common to a certain social group. There
arises the need to look into these activities as part of human interaction through symbolic
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The Three Major Strengths And Characteristics Of Research...
This literature review will be covering the topic on research paradigms. There are three major
paradigms in the research paradigms which are the positivist paradigm research, interpretivist
paradigm research and critical paradigm research. Each research paradigm has its own strengths and
effectiveness due to their unique features which are specific to their particular approach as well as
weaknesses. All researchers have their own beliefs and methods while conducting a research.
Therefore, the ways of research studies conducted are vary. However, there is a standard principle
called paradigm that will act as a guidance to researchers' actions and beliefs. Paradigm is a concept
developed by Thomas Kuhn in 1962 whereby it is a basic orientation ... Show more content on ...
Positivist paradigm was developed by Auguste Comte who believes that it is possible to observe
social life and establish a reliable yet valid knowledge about how it works (Cohen, Manion and
Morrison, 2013). Positivist paradigm research refers to philosophical positions that emphasizes on
empirical data, statistical analysis and scientific methods. This research is also called the scientific
paradigm or better known as quantitative research. Some examples of positivist paradigm research
methods are such as surveys and questionnaires. The purpose of this paradigm research is mainly to
determine whether a hypothesis can be accepted or not. Additionally, Hughes (2001a) described
positivist paradigm as a way of seeing the world that frames a research topic and influences the way
we think about the topic. This means that by observation and experiment, everything that happens
around us can be explained by using the knowledge of universal laws. For example, the story of Sir
Issac Newton and the apple. The apple that fall from the tree which coincidently hit Issac Newton's
head had made him began to wonder about the gravity force of Earth and thus the theory of gravity
was developed (Mukherji and Albon, 2009). From this example, the observed incident was the
falling apple while the underlying universal law was the gravity (Keesing,
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How Does Society Decide What Is Appropriate?
How does an individual decide what is appropriate? How does society decide what is inappropriate?
Guidelines are established through the consensus of members in a society. Eventually an individual
comes to learn and accept the guidelines, or social norms, of a society through the process known as
socialization. Socialization is, "the process by which individuals internalize the values, beliefs, and
norms of a given society and learn to function as members of that society." (Conley 2015: 114)
When looking at social norms in a society two major concepts may be applied, ethnomethodology,
"this approach to studying human interaction focuses on the ways in which we make sense of our
world, convey this understanding to others, and produce a shared social order" (Conley 2015: 139),
and dramaturgical theory, "the view of social life as essentially a theatrical performance, in which
we are all actors on metaphorical stages, with roles, scripts, costumes, and sets." (Conley 2015: 135)
The ideology of dramaturgical theory gives insight as to why wearing a track jacket in 90–degree
weather to stay cool can denounce the norms of society due to the fact that in hot weather, society
says adding more clothing increases one's temperature. Over the weekend of June 26, 2015 – June
28, 2015 I wore a Nike track jacket everyday starting as soon as I left the house, approximately
9AM. Each day varied in temperature however on Friday the highest the temperature reached was
98 degrees. In this
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Part V, Ethnomethodology And Symbolic Interactionism
The theories discussed in Part V, Ethnomethodology and Symbolic Interactionism, focus on how
interaction processes (re)produce gender in everyday life, a topic also explored in Chapter 13. They
differ from the theories in Part IV because they focus much more attention on actors' interpretations
of situations and how meanings are attached to behaviors, and because they imply greater individual
agency than the more structurally focused theories discussed to this point.
5.1. Ethnomethodology
The Ethnomethodological approach views gender as an ongoing accomplishment that emerges
during virtually all interactions, both within– and between–sex (Gerson, 1985). Gender is neither an
individual–level trait nor a stable
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Barb: A Summary
Barb: Some of the key concepts I learned this week were dramaturgy and ethnomethodology. Pg 115
Dramaturgy is a term used to "mean that social life is like a drama or stage play" (Henslin, 2014).
Ethnomethodology is a term used to define "how people use commonsense understandings to make
sense of life" (Henslin, 2014). Common sense understanding would be their "understanding of how
the world operates and of how people out to act" (Henslin, 2014). I observe dramaturgy all the time.
When in committee meetings everyone plays a role. Some take center stage with their personal
agenda. Others want to exude power over the group while others sit back and just go with what the
group says in order to make a good impression and appear to be
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Norm Violation Essay
I believe what Garfinkel means in background assumptions is how we commonly go throughout the
day and the order we do things in. In my norm violation I am going to not follow the order my
culture eats dinner in. The norm violation I decided to do is ordering dessert first at a restaurant.This
is a norm violation because you are suppose to order your appetizer first, then your entree and lastly
your dessert. I decided that Fender's Diner would be an excellent place to do my experiment. I dine
here a good bit and usually order their salads so this will be different for me. Fenders Diner is a
locally owned restaurant known for its 1950's Rock n' Roll American theme. On a Sunday after
church lets out is when I decided to do to do my ethnomethodology experiment. I also brought my
sister who is known for her sweet tooth. As we sit down at our table our slightly overweight waiter
immediately greets us. We order chocolate milkshakes and our waiter smiles and says, "Wait! No
lemon water this time?" This is the first reaction we received. It made me feel a little nervous
because if he is already reacting to our drinks, how is he going to react to the rest of the dinner. After
we receive our milkshakes we ordered our ice cream brownie delux. Our waiter laughs and asks if
that would be all. I explain to him that we would still like an entree but that we want our dessert
first. We then order a burger and some fries. He then warns us that we may start looking like him if
we keep this up this diet. This made me uncomfortable because I was unsure how to respond ...
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I do not believe anyone felt too uncomfortable and that even some wished they had their dessert first
too. We ended up telling our waiter that it was an experiment and he said he was glad to be apart of
it. I felt like this was a very positive thing to do although slightly
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Importance Of Discourse Analysis
Discourse analysis is the variety of theoretical approaches and analytic emphases concerning the
studying and understanding of people's use of language mediums in social action and interaction.
This also applies to the development of capitalism and technology. Studies have opened doors to
these topics. Despite variation in theoretical approaches, all strands of discourse analysis share a
strong social constructionist epistemology. With its roots "largely embedded in linguistic
philosophy, ethnomethodology and speech act theory" (Potter, 1987; Potter & Wetherell, 1995).
Discourse analysis might be applied to qualitative data if a person were interested in understanding
how people's ideas and emotions are pieced together to form versions of reality of the world around
them, and how these accounts are played out in social action and interaction. This is the model that
the heads of this capitalistic state manipulate the common public. Further, it would be useful if
interests lay in exploring and understanding why people use different versions of discourse in
differing contexts, and under what conditions do variations arise. Specifically discourse analysis
might be utilized by those interested in "exploring how powerful discourses, such as racism, are
constructed, practiced and normalized" (Edley, 2001).
Discourse analysis's focus "is rooted in three basic tenets: construction, function and variation"
(Potter, 1987). The assumption is that discourses are constructed through
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The Theory Of Knowledge Is Power
Adonis Perez Professor Anderson Sociology 1 April 30, 2015 Sociology Paper "Knowledge will
forever govern ignorance and a people who mean to be their own governors must arm themselves
with the power which knowledge gives"– James Madison In layman's terms, the quote above means
to say that knowledge is power. That whoever knows the most will be in control. This concept of
power is seen in all aspects of society worldwide. In every nation, the man that knows how to work
the law to his benefit will basically get away with anything, which is seen in the courts on a daily
basis. Someone with a higher degree of knowledge, and strong enough tenure, manages the way
individuals get educated. It is part of our reality, and in order for things to change; there must be a
change in the already instilled system. The solutions to the ongoing problem are through
Ethnomethodology, which relates to Mehans Five Features of Reality: reflexive activity, a coherent
body of knowledge, interactional activity, fragility of reality, and the permeability of reality, or
through Conflict Theory. However, even with these two methods of possible change, the possibility
of change actually occurring is slim to none. Society has complete and utter control on the
individual. This can be seen in any group of individuals ranging from the youngest to the oldest.
When society has been shaped through the mass mainstream media it forces the individual to follow
in the same steps as everyone else. If society
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The Importance Of Breaching A Social Norm
Breaching is a type of sociological experiment where a social norm is purposefully broken and the
reactions of people unaware of the experiment are noted. It can be used to discover how people react
when presented with a situation to which they are not accustomed. Along with that, it is important
because some reactions are more or less severe based on their experiences and how developed their
generalized other is in regards to the norm being breached. Some things that are considered mores in
one group may only be folkways in another. Breaching experiment are the first stepping stone to
discovering why people react to different events in different ways.
Symbolic interactionism deals with the interaction between people through symbols, such as
language. Certain gestures and words elicit specific reactions, these interactions are sometimes
specific to a time or place. These become norms, and when the norms are broken it is called
breaching. The reactions studied in symbolic interactionism can be mental or physical. Whereas
ethnomethodology studies how people react in day–to–day situations rather than specific instances.
It is more concerned with why people have certain behaviors on the micro level.
Breaching in relation to ethnomethodology, is concerned with why people react to abnormalities in
the manner that they do.
The experiment was a breach of the social norm that one shouldn't talk to strangers for no reason. In
order to break this norm, 30 strangers were approached
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Reactionism And Structural Functionalism Theory
I. Introduction Have you ever felt that everything in this world is interconnected in some way? It's
as if everything won't function if one thing fails to do what it's supposed to do. This is structural
functionalism. II. Theory and Definition Structural functionalism theory states that society is held
together by social bonds, which are religion, shared values, traditions and cultural norms. Every one
of them has the same goals and agendas they want to achieve. Each individual is assigned a certain
role and as long as everyone works together in fulfilling whatever their roles require from them,
they can all achieve their goals. Emile Durkheim theorized that when just one part of the system
undergoes a problem, then other parts of the ... Show more content on ...
Structural functionalism is all of these concepts merged into one whole idea. IV. Proponents 1.
Emile Durkheim Emile Durkheim was the one who laid the foundation for this theory during the late
1800s through his book entitled Suicide which explains that people commit such act because of
external factors like society. It means that society highly affects the behaviour of an individual. 2.
Talcott Parsons He synthesized the works of Weber, Durkheim, and Pareto's theories into his own
theory of social action during the 1960s. His theory of social action states that every decision of an
individual is influenced by society and in result will benefit both himself or herself and society as a
whole. 3. Herbert Blumer Herbert Blumer founded symbolic interactionism which states that
humans act based on meanings and symbols that arise from social interaction. He saw society as an
ongoing process or something that is still under construction. 4. Peter Berger and Thomas
Luckmann They developed the concept of social construction through their co–authored book
entitled The Social Construction of Reality. Social construction is people creating meanings for each
others' actions, and over time, these meanings eventually become the basis of how people act around
each other. 5. Harold Garfinkel He developed ethnomethodology which studies the ways social
groups interact in order to maintain order in society. 6. Erving Goffman He developed the
dramaturgical approach which
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Phenomenology Is The Study Of Phenomena Essay
In its most simplistic form, phenomenology is the study of phenomena. In other words,
phenomenology focuses on the appearance of things as they appear in our individual experience,
and even the ways in which we experience particular things (Aspers 2009). Phenomenological
methods incorporate the subjective view of experience, i.e. the first–person point of view. Humans
are described as conscious thinking beings and phenomenology argues that the only way we can
confirm the existence of a phenomenon is through the way we consciously perceive our
surroundings (Heidegger, as cited by Aspers 2009).
Sociological methodology implies that the notion of sociology is indeed a science. Empirical
phenomenology and ethnomethodology aim to describe, "how people perceive and think about
things, although this is central to the phenomenological approach" (Aspers 2009, p. 6). Social
scientific analysis seeks understanding and explanations (Aspers 2009). According to Aspers (2009,
p.4), "if we are to understand the social world and meet the demands of phenomenology, we must
produce explanations that are grounded in the subjective experiences of real people." Therefore, it is
a social scientist's job to understand why particular things happen and how these incidents occur
(Aspers 2009) whilst taking into account the subjective relationship to these phenomena.
Phenomenology has greatly influenced sociology, as it is a philosophical method of knowing and
understanding the nature of reality.
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Assess the Usefulness of Social Action Theories in the...
Social action theories are known as micro theories which take a bottom–up approach to studying
society; they look at how individuals within society interact with each other. There are many forms
of social action theories, the main ones being symbolic interactionism, phenomenology and
ethnomethodology. They are all based on the work of Max Weber, a sociologist, who acknowledged
that structural factors can shape our behaviour but individuals do have reasons for their actions. He
used this to explain why people behave in the way in which they do within society. Weber saw four
types of actions which are commonly committed within society; rational, this includes logical plans
which are used to achieve goals, traditional–customary behaviour, ... Show more content on ...
This therefore leaves many sociologists to question whether Blumer's principles can be used to
study society. Labelling theory has also been used to apply the interactionist theory to society; the
theory, like Mead, emphasises the importance of symbols and situations in which they are used. The
main interactionist concepts are the definition of the situation – if we believe in something then it
could affect the way in which we behave. The looking glass –self – this was created by Cooley who
argues that we see ourselves in a way in which we think others see us. These concepts have been
useful in explaining why people act in certain ways in certain situations; therefore, the labelling
theory is effective in the study of society. Overall, in conclusion, there are many different social
action theories which can be used in the study of society, however, not all of them can be applied to
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Mapping Police Violence Analysis
According to a website dedicated to charting police violence, "23 black people were killed by police
in September (of this year). One black person every 31 hours"("Mapping Police Violence"). These
people, my people, are dropping like flies, and in spite of the fact that myriads of people understand
that this is not okay, there is still an alarmingly large part of the population that believes that this is
still not a 'race issue.' When there are too many names of the dead to memorize, Trayvon Martin's,
Mike Brown's, Sandra Bland's, hash tags representing people that did nothing wrong yet were
brutally murdered by police officers and an even larger number of assaulted, there is a problem.
When I know people that have been racially profiled ... Show more content on ...
"Every new group or organization we enter, every new friendship we form, every new life changing
experience we have requires the formation of new identities and socialization into new sets of norms
and beliefs"(Newman 69). If we can alter the interpretations from the stimulus of black people in
today's society. For example, any race can wear a hoodie and be perfectly fine, but when a black
person does it, they are automatically targeted. This can be changed if people were to think of where
these ideals stem from. "Reality tends to be more a matter of agreement than something inherent in
the natural world"(Newman 29). If people agree to look further than stereotypes and assumptions,
they will learn that there is no need to be afraid of black people. They acquire no privilege from
society, yet their blood built this
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Family And Cultural Differences
Since these are my own experiences, they gave me a lot of knowledge and understanding when
observing other couples. According to the chart above, this couple has a chance of 44% divorce.
Similar to my parent's story, I saw an interracial couple at the mall who were arguing. The woman
was African and her boyfriend looked South American. She told him they are going to her friend's
party tonight and he responded with "I told you, we're going to my grandparent's anniversary dinner
tonight. We can't always go out partying!" She responded with "Well, why do they need us there?
It's their anniversary, not ours. We're always with your family". To me, it was clear that there was a
discrepancy between what each of their priorities were. One preferred to party and the other
preferred commitments he made to his family. I immediately assumed that their chances of making
it were low, unless they agreed on what was a common goal to achieve. The cultural differences may
be detrimental to the two of them, because neither of them have the same view on what's an
appropriate time to come home, who is more important (friends or family), or even what their plans
were for that night. These cultural differences will only expand as the years go on. Eventually, they
will disagree on the type of wedding they want, how many kids to have, how to parent them and
where to settle in their retirement years. Both cultures could expect for a big family to be normal, or
a small family. However, it may also
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Lapping Card Essay
Now that I have gone through all of the cards I will go back through them all to make sure I don't
have any over lapping categories. First of all while I was thinking of categories and readying the
cards I realized that what was on the card I started reflecting it on my own life. For example, some
of the cards taking about cleaning the house and then I thought I need to it too. I started to agree
with these cards so that they made sense in my own life and that they were like my own thoughts.
They then fit in to categories easier. Now have them all into groups I realize that I could have just
used Garfinkel's invariant procedures as my categories and just organized them based on how I
made sense of the cards. My first category could have ... Show more content on ...
It would be like a world that has no meaning at all if we just questioned everything. If I kept
questing the cards I would never be able to place them in categories or ever be done with this
project. The most important category would have been typification. I had to keep coming up with
different strategies and rules to be able to make sense of the cards. I feel that the categories them self
are different typification. I have different strategies that are making sense of the cards so that I can
place them in to groups that I already know about. The criteria of the assignment made it difficulty
when think of categories since we couldn't have no more than ten. I at first started out with a group
called friends then I did one of family and then realized I could have a broader category called
people. I made a strategy that any card that talked about a person or could have been said by a
person would be grouped together. Most of the cards could fit in a category called stocks of
knowledge. Whenever I used previous knowledge to make sense of the card is an example of this.
The card that talked about David Beckman I put in the hobbies category. I know that he is a soccer
player and assume that this person's hobby is soccer. If I didn't know he played soccer this card
would have gone in the people category. Some of the cards are written in
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##thhnomethodology Of Gender Masculinity And The Role Of...
performativity. As Butler describes "The term "relationality" sutures the rupture in the relation we
seek to describe, a rupture that is constitutive of identity itself" (Butler 2004, 19). In order for a man
to perform his masculinity, it is easier when they are compared to a feminine woman. The
performance of masculinity or femininity will escalate once these two genders are set side by side,
"... power has certain broad historical characteristics, and that it operates on gender as well as on
other kinds of social and cultural norms, then it seems that gender is but the instance of a larger
regulatory operation of power" (Butler 2003, 41). Masculinity performed by men comes across as a
powerful characteristic in a relationship. Through history till now men play and perform the role of
the leader in the household for instance, being seen as the man of the house. In most households, the
man has the most control over trivial yet symbolically important things such as the upper hand over
the remote, sitting at the head of the table and providing the family with the essentials.
Chris Brickell discusses the ethnomethodology of gender performativity and how Harold Garfinkel
analysed his understanding. The basic idea of a stereotypical woman would be that she would cook,
clean and look after the children while the man would work hard, provide for the family and come
home to rest after a hard day of work. Brickell describes, "This "natural attitude" requires one to be
either a male
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Trump Presidency Thesis
Literature Review In review of the literature, the impact of a Trump presidency on the People,
American culture and the development of America, will seem to hinder the progression of the
nation, as we know it. America and its greatness now seems to be compromised. As President Trump
governs the nation, the nation as a whole appears to be more divided. The people of our precious
nation appear to be divided. Thus, a Trump presidency has proven to be nothing less than
controversial and seemingly detrimental to society. Among the literature reviewed, in order to
understand Presidents Trump's influence, it is necessary to decipher the ways in which Trump will
impact the United States. Whether it is his views on immigration, presidential spending, healthcare,
the economy, women's rights, marriage equality, or bipartisan relations, the President's views seem
to not be in alignment with the nations goals, clearly the nation is resilient. America alone: The
United States would survive a Trump presidency–but what about the rest of the world, is an article
that looks at Trump as a candidate pre–election. The article goes on to say that the things that Trump
proclaimed during his candidacy should not have been viewed as rhetoric, but rather his true
intentions. Many regard Trump as a fool, who has no true plan for America's ... Show more content
on ...
The general consensus was fear and a fear of the unknown. Participants were more than vocal and
expressed their many concerns. Vocalizing the, I did my part, I voted, I made the calls, I
volunteered, how could this happen? It became evident that many Americans felt this way as just
about every individual from the roundtable expressed this sentiment. Many felt as if the President
was trying to reverse the progress of America, showing concern when it came to civil rights,
women's rights healthcare and the economy. The raw truth, the pain, and the disconnect all became
apparent as the conversations
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The Beliefs And Behaviors Of An Islamophobic Civilian
As shameful it is for us to admit, the United States has had a long history of xenophobia, racism,
sexism, and all other forms of discrimination. When it comes to acceptance we as a nation have
always been quite late to the party. In recent times, one of the groups that has been subjected to most
extreme intolerance is Muslims. Islamophobia is the fear or hatred of Islam and/or Muslims, and is
overwhelmingly greater in the western world, where Muslims tend to be outnumbered by other
faiths and ethnicities that are not very familiar with Islam. In this paper, I will propose a way to
change the beliefs and behaviors of an Islamophobic civilian, using the sociological theories of
Ethnomethodology and Symbolic Interactionism. I will go about this by first providing some
background information on Islamophobia and the theories themselves, then explaining how these
theories may be utilized in debunking the individual's prejudices.
Although the fear of the unknown and that which we do not understand has always been around,
Islamophobia saw a sharp rise in 2001, following the 9/11 attacks in which members of the radical
Islamic terrorist group Al–Qaeda hijacked four commercial airline planes that were used to crash
into the Pentagon and the twin towers of the World Trade Center, killing nearly 3000 people and
injuring many more. The collapse of the World Trade Center sent us into an economic disaster that
we are still recovering from today. While the vicious attack affected every
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Structural Consensus
Social life and the way in which society acts and behaves is thought to be learned behaviour,
otherwise known as the structural– consensus theory. For Pip et al (2011) structural consensus was
the way humans learn their behaviour and act in ways that is expected of them within society.
However different cultures and societies think and behave differently as they have been brought up
with different views on what is appropriate behaviour; therefore humans learn to interact with others
who have been socialised similarly to themselves. Consensus sociologists believe that the rules
within cultures structure the behaviour of its members. Once you are born into a society you are
confronted with their 'social world' and you begin to learn how to appropriately ... Show more
content on ...
Agency refers to the way in which the freedom of the individual shapes society, for example;
Children are measured by their growth and their developmental speed, as children get older they are
measured through exams and their reading and writing levels. The average age is found in children
and children are now expected to be completing these tasks by the average ages found, and if they
do not meet the standards set, they do not fit in with society's
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Phenomeology And Marxist Perspective
Question A Marxist perspectives central aims are to provide an empirically well–founded
description of phenomenon, to get the social implications; and to illuminate the historical process
through which this phenomenon came to exist in the real world. Additionally, its aims at
comprehend and explain reality using s themes analysis and this is confirmed by research. This has
methods such as phenomenology and Ethnomethodology.
Positivism perspective
This is based on a notion that science is the only way to learn about the truth and this perspective
belongs to epistemology which is denoted as philosophy of knowing. It majorly depends on
quantifiable observations which lead to statistical analysis of the data. It has been noted positivism is
in accordance with the empirical view that knowledge stems from human experience. ... Show more
content on ...
Validation, Marxist perspective evaluates the validity of factual claims or social realities basing on
an ideology rather than empirical evidence Whereas Positivist evaluate factual validity of a social
phenomenon basing on the statistical results.
Positivist perspective focuses on facts Causalities and fundamental laws and a phenomenon is
reduced to the simplest elements whereas Marxist perspective aims at understanding the meaning of
events by exploring the totality of each individual case and draw conclusions.
Marxist perspective considers small samples to make analysis in a greater depth or over longer
period of time whereas positivist perspective captures bigger samples to make in depth analysis and
drawing of conclusions on a given social
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Lived Experience Paper

  • 1. Lived Experience Paper To Review the Lived Experience of Nurses, when Carrying Out Risk Assessments on Patients who have Developed a Pressure Ulcer Future Research: This assignment has two parts, part one reviewed pressure ulcer prevention, and the gaps that were identified were: it lacked research on pressure ulcer management, individuals did not having enough knowledge on methods to reduce pressure ulcers, there was a low sample size and selection and there was a gap between the risk assessment process, and pressure ulcer prevention. For the purpose of part two, this assignment will look at the lived experience of nurses, when carrying out risk assessments on patients who have developed a pressure ulcer and therefore, to review the lived experience of ... Show more content on ... On the other hand, an advantage of qualitative methodology is that it raises more issues. Choy (2014), states that the strengths of a qualitative methodology is that, it raises more issues through broad and open–ended inquiry. A quantitative methodology was not used as it summarises results numerically which does not link with the research question as the research question is to review the lived experiences of nurses, when carrying out risk assessments on patients who have developed a pressure ulcer. G et al (2010), state that a quantitative methodology is uses results by numbers. After reviewing the limitations, strengths and another methodology, it is concluded that qualitative methodology will still be used, as it fits perfectly with the research question that was chosen, this is because qualitative research is about experience and the research question is to review the lived experience of nurses, when carrying out risk assessments on patients who have developed a pressure ulcer. A phenomenological design will be used as it is about experiences. Maltby et al (2010), states that a phenomenological attaches importance to measuring the meanings of people attach to their experiences. This is important, as the research question is to review the lived experiences of nurses, when carrying out risk assessments on patients who have developed a pressure ulcer. A limitation of phenomenology is ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. Emoji And Semiotics Emoji and Semiotics On the other hand, to further comprehend the reasons behind the continuous usage of emojis, we have to understand that according to Chandler, signs and symbols may take several forms such as words, images, sounds, gestures and/or objects and in the case of this study, they are the emojis. Semiotics, which is the study of signs will give light to how netizens make use of these man–made symbols, the emojis. Semiotics is the study of signs and there are two parts of it–the signifier and the signified. Signifier which is the representation itself, or its physical form and the signified is the meaning its viewers attached to it. In relation to the study, the emoji being the physical form and the signifier, is the one that will be identified through the user–– if it gives out the same interpretation to each person and what are the variations of meaning associated with it. Thus giving answers, if it is an efficient addition to communication or it is not. According to Saussaure as cited by Brissons (2015), "Langue is the actual language spoken, while Parole is the individual interpretation or speech act." Meanwhile, according to Brissons (2015) the parole related to emoji points to an unrestricted set of images allowing for a wide range of combinations, involving "both the combinations by which the speaker uses the ... Show more content on ... These are the earlier form of emojis which are made using punctuations. It was born on September 12, 1982 by Scott Fahlman who was later known as the "Father of Emoticons". Scott Fahlman is a research professor who teaches computer science at Carnegie Mellon. It was said to be just a simple way of displaying a humorous post on the blackboard. Now, its evolution resulted to "Emojis", which originated from Japan and has the same purpose thereof emoticons. However, the difference is that Emojis are far more diverse due to the number of choices you could choose and look ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. Research Paper of Gender and Identification How Gender Socialization Shapes Gender and Sexuality, the Consequences LGBT Adolescents Face in Schools and Mitigation Solutions Joseph Gulino Monmouth University SO/SW–332–01 Gender socialization begins at birth and is the process of learning cultural roles according to one's biological sex (Unicef, 2009). Boys and girls are treated differently by members of their environment and learn gender expectations (Unicef, 2009). The socialization begins with a child's parents when boys are taught to be assertive and strong, girls are taught to be accommodating and lady–like (Unicef, 2009). Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender individuals receive unequal treatment from families and their peers. Many actions must be implemented in ... Show more content on ... The new view of gender socialization identifies a change of gender role behaviors situation– specific(Webster, 2009). For instance, a woman must incorporate her acquired status to a male who is below her socio–economic status to gain equality or be viewed as superordinate(Webster, 2009). Both proactive and reactive behaviors are ultimately linked to status and are a determinate of how a child will be socialized into their gender identity(Webster, 2009). Marina Epstein and Monique Ward described how gender socialization has taken place directly through parental communication in Exploring Parent–Adolescent Communication About Gender: Results from Adolescent and Emerging Adult Samples. This article was based on a study that examined the content of parental communication and tests for connections to their current gender beliefs(Epstein, 2011). The study understands there's many forces that contribute to gender socialization, the article focuses on parents, the core gender socializers(Epstein, 2011). Epstein discusses how parents shape their children's gender identities through gender–typed toys, chores and activities they provide for them(Epstein, 2011). Additionally, the difference of child interaction between both sexes is different, involving rough play with their sons and exploitation of more conversation with their daughter(Epstein, 2011). Women reported learning from ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. Key Strands Outline the key strands of the sociology of work! The term work is expressed as performing duties involving the use of psychological and physical energy, for the purpose of the manufacture of goods and services in order to achieve an individuals needs (Gedden's 2008). There are six key areas of thought in the sociology of work these include "managerial psychologist", Durkheim systems", Interactionist", Weber Interpretivist", Marxian and "Post structuralise and Post Modern" (Watson 2008). Sociology is defined as the examination of the connections which grow between individuals as they are arranged by others in cultures and how these patterns are affected by the interactions of individuals around them (Giddens 2009). The Managerial – ... Show more content on ... He focused heavily on the area of science and over emphasised on the reality of independence and externally existing society. Durkheim outlined the divisions of labour by distinguishing between mechanical forms of solidarity and organic solidarity. He disagreed with "psychological reductionism" displaying that even an issue like suicide has to be understood in terms of the level of the individual's interactions with others and taking their psychological state into account. Durkheim examined the significance of "Social currents & Social Facts" in society. An important term outlined by Durkheim is Anomie which is a form of social breakdown in which the standards that would normally occur in a particular situation does not operate. Elton Mayo (1880–1949) was greatly inspired by Durkheim's work and created the concept of the Human Relations School. The Hawthorn Studies was started in Chicago by examining the effects of workshop lighting had on workers productivity. It concluded that the close interests shown in the workers had brought the group together as a team and increased commitment motivation and collaboration. In "Systems Thinking" these are societies which are viewed as if they were independent bodies controlling energy and resources with the environment to live. Systems thinking are valuable in its importance on arrangements and outlines in social life. It is therefore a beneficial style ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. Disadvantages Of Applied Ethnomethodology Methodology Applied–ethnomethodology is a neologism that originates from research based on ethnomethodology, but adds an embodied interaction perspective. It is well known that ethnomethodology was coined by Harold Garfinkel. According to Garfinkel's notes, ethnomethodology focuses on how social actors create and understand the basis of their actions (Garfinkel, 1984). Ethnomethodology has been broadly applied in HCI studies (Dourish and Button, 1998). An ethnographic approach helps in the understanding of cultures and the meaning of technology in people's everyday lives. We can use the understanding to design computer systems (Button, Crabtree, Rouncefield, and Tolmie, 2015). Applied–ethnomethodology still has the general attributes of ethnomethodology, but has two major distinctions. Applied–ethnomethodology relies more on inter conversation through interaction ... Show more content on ... First, it allows the research to have an insider's view as a participant and also from an outsider's view as an observer. It helps the researcher to observe and analyze more phenomena in depth and from different angles. Secondly, it allows the collection of ethnographic data by inserting the robot as a second body into the existing group. In this case, the researcher did not need to be concerned about the establishment of rapport and could collect ethnographic data that still excluded the possible artificial setups that could induce specific behaviour by inserting a new participant. Data is also collected through filming iterative work. Data collection is made through six times over the course of two months. A group interview was conducted at the very end of the last session. The reason why the observation was conducted over a long period of time and iteratively was to exclude any exceptional phenomenon to prevent the hazard that the research would generalize any abnormal case precipitously. It was also to observe repetition and holistic ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. Methodology. The Type Of Research Used In This Exploration Methodology The type of research used in this exploration is qualitative data, Qualitative data utilizes the idea of multiple realities, this is that it rejects the positivist idea of one "real" certainty. To reflect the ideas of my research I will review several instances in which a Trump Presidency will impact the United States and the morale of the American people. As cases of President Trump's, verbiage either reflects divisive language that is harmful to culture and the well–being of America or if his language reflects the progression of America for all, in spite of individual differences. What I am assessing is the relationship of President Trump on America as we know it, but more importantly the American people. The aim will ... Show more content on ... An ethnomethodology will be conducted to understand the relationship between President Trump and the people of the nation. As ethnomethodology interprets the opinions of the people, not focusing on what is right or wrong, but how what is said or done is interpreted. This study will attempt to learn how our President will influence how the people will respond to him. In America and society in general, social responses are seemingly just as important as fact based responses. How America views our president and responds to the president as a nation will give guidance as to his impact on the country. The interaction of the President and the people will be essential to understand the ethnomethodology, making sense of these connections will be crucial. The goal is to understand the practices by which society make sense of their worlds. To better understand the impact of President Trump, from an ethnomethodology standpoint, a roundtable conversation will take place. Utilizing ten to fifteen family members and colleagues, in a combined setting to best interpret President Trump's impact. Seemingly, as these individuals represent a diverse range of perspectives, they will be conducive to understanding some of the concerns, appreciation and disdain for President Trump. Focusing on several key points and pertinent issues, insight will be gained from a review of the following topics: Unity and Division Immigration The Economy ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. Feminism Is An Interdisciplinary Idea Feminism is an interdisciplinary idea. In sociology, feminism broadens our ideas on gender and transforms it into a major field of study. George Ritzer, in Contemporary Sociological Theory and Its Classical Roots, breaks feminist theory down into four major varieties, gender differences, gender inequality, gender oppression, and structural oppression. He then explains the different forms of feminism seen in each variety. The first variety, gender difference, describes, explains, and traces the implications of how men and women are or are not the same in behavior and experience. "Women's location in, and experience of, most situations is different from those of men in the situation." (Ritzer, 201) Cultural feminism is one of two theories Ritzer discusses under gender differences. This theory explores and celebrates the social value of women's distinctive ways of being. The core idea of theory is that a woman's way of being may be better for society; better than those of the androcentric culture. Cooperation, pacifism, and nonviolence in the settling of disputes, these virtues of women can be argued better for governing a society. Another form of feminist theory Ritzer places under the variety gender difference is feminist interactionist theory. In this theory ethnomethodology claims that "institutional order, culture, and stratification are maintained by the ongoing activities of individuals in interaction." (Ritzer, 204)When this concept is applied to gender it creates the ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. Erving Goffman's Front Stage Erving Goffman developed the concept that made us understand that life is like play(drama) which has a never–ending and it involves entities of actors, props, writers etc. which involve scripts where individual acts. He further made us understands that our socialization is full of learning how to play a role that has been assigned from other people. In fact, he has brought to our understanding of a life where people act and socialize which consist of our assigned role from other people. Goffman believes that whatever we do, we are playing out some role on the on the stage of life and that comprises of behind the scenes actions and how people are being guided and directed by other individual and he named it front stage and back stage. ... Show more content on ... It is an act that is done without conscious attention. In this era, one has to set a standard where respect is earned in all things. When you raise your demeanor, E. Goffman termed it as status, according to him there are three types of status and these are the following: Ascribed status (One that you are assigned based on biological factors such as race, sex, or age.) Achieved status (One that is earned through an individual's own effort.) Master status (Status that has priority over all other statuses and generally determines a person's overall position in society. The most common master statuses are those based on gender and race.) According to Goffman, we use various mechanisms, called sign vehicles, to present ourselves to others. The most commonly employed sign vehicles are the following: Social setting, appearance, the manner of interacting. The social setting is the physical place where interaction occurs. It could be a doctor's examination room, a hallway, someone's home, or a professor's office. How we arrange our spaces, and what we put in them, conveys a lot of information about us. A person who lives in a large home with security guards, attack dogs, and motion detectors conveys the message that he or she is very important, wealthy, and powerful, and probably that uninvited visitors should stay away. On the other hand, the owner of a house with no fence, lots of lights, and a welcome mat would seem much more inviting ... Get more on ...
  • 16.
  • 17. Positivism And Paradigmatic Approaches The practice of qualitative research comprises of many different paradigmatic approaches. The main three include positivism, interpretive, and critical approaches. These approaches serve as different ways in which knowledge is socially collected and analyzed. Now, each paradigmatic approach comprises of unique traits, some which are similar to each one another and others that are exclusive to a specific approach. These similarities and differences will be examined below. To begin, the main approach used in qualitative research is positivism. The Positivism Approach is rooted in philosophy and used to pursue casual explanations by generating questions as hypotheses, otherwise known as theory testing. Positivism uses the idea that there ... Show more content on ... In examining these relationships, Symbolic Interactionalism attaches meanings and attitudes to certain people and objects. Another sub–approach branching from the Interpretive Strand is the theory of Dramaturgy. Dramaturgy figuratively compares the behavior of the individual or "self" to that of a theatrical play. This concept emphasizes the presence of a front stage (public stage) and backstage (private stage). Depending on the stage, the individual undergoes an impression management which produces a distinctive performance. This impression management is a continuous individual phenomenon. In essence, Dramaturgy is used to analyze how individual behaviors change in relation to different surroundings. A third sub– approach of the interpretive approach is Phenomenology. Phenomenology focuses on the human consciousness and how it is experienced. Rather than its presence being objective in nature, (as seen by positivist), phenomenologists argue that the human consciousness is dependent on specific circumstances and is deliberate. The main goal of phenomenology is to examine how individuals experience aspects of social life and living it also stresses the fact these experiences are different for each individual. The last sub–approach belonging to the Interpretative Strand is Ethnomethodology. Similar to Phenomenology, Ethnomethodology studies how individuals process their ... Get more on ...
  • 18.
  • 19. Compare Psussivism And Marxist Perspective Marxist Perspective, Its central aim is to provide an empirically well–founded description of phenomenon, to get the social implications; and to illuminate the historical process through which this phenomenon came to exist in the real world. Additionally, its aims at comprehend and explain reality using themes to make analysis and this is confirmed by research. This has methods such as phenomenology and Ethnomethodology. It produces knowledge on a social reality in order to transform it. Therefore understanding reality becomes a main goal to drive the historical process and historical world. However, knowledge is not a sufficient and it must be articulated with a practical process. Positivist perspective, this is based on a notion that science ... Show more content on ... Validation, Marxist perspective evaluates the validity of factual claims or social realities basing on an ideology rather than empirical evidence Whereas Positivist evaluate factual validity of a social phenomenon basing on the statistical results. Positivist perspective focuses on facts Causalities and fundamental laws and a phenomenon is reduced to the simplest elements whereas Marxist perspective aims at understanding the meaning of events by exploring the totality of each individual case and draw conclusions. Marxist perspective considers small samples to make analysis in a greater depth or over longer period of time whereas positivist perspective captures bigger samples to make in depth analysis and draw conclusions on a given social ... Get more on ...
  • 20.
  • 21. An Investigation Of Verbal Communication 1. Introduction There are numerous routes in which a specific methodology in the sociologies can be presented and clarified. One of these is through explicative contrast from fairly comparable methodologies. The expression 'Conversation Analysis' is at this point solidly settled as the name for a specific worldview in the investigation of verbal communication that was started in the 1960s by Harvey Sacks, as a team with Emanuel Schegloff and Gail Jefferson. In Conversation Analysis the attention is on the procedural examination of talk–in–cooperation, how members deliberately sort out their connections to take care of a scope of authoritative issues, for example, the dispersion of turns at talking, the community oriented creation of specific activities, or issues of comprehension. The investigation is constantly in view of sound or visual recordings of collaboration, which are precisely interpreted in subtle elements. The exploration ought to be data driven, as in ideas and speculations ought to be founded on watchful thoughts of the information, recordings and transcripts, as opposed to drawn from hypothetical assumptions or ideological inclinations. While initially imagined from a sociological point of view, Conversation Analysis picked up a far reaching gathering in numerous parts of the world by scientists from a scope of disciplinary foundations, including: brain science, human sciences, correspondence ponders and an assortment of phonetic sub–disciplines. As a ... Get more on ...
  • 22.
  • 23. Social Action Theories Essay Social action theories are known as micro theories which take a bottom–up approach to studying society; they look at how individuals within society interact with each other. There are many forms of social action theories, the main ones being symbolic interactionism, phenomenology and ethnomethodology. They are all based on the work of Max Weber, a sociologist, who acknowledged that structural factors can shape our behaviour but individuals do have reasons for their actions. He used this to explain why people behave in the way in which they do within society. Weber saw four types of actions which are commonly committed within society; rational, this includes logical plans which are used to achieve goals, traditional–customary behaviour, ... Show more content on ... Labelling theory has also been used to apply the interactionist theory to society; the theory, like Mead, emphasises the importance of symbols and situations in which they are used. The main interactionist concepts are the definition of the situation – if we believe in something then it could affect the way in which we behave. The looking glass –self – this was created by Cooley who argues that we see ourselves in a way in which we think others see us. These concepts have been useful in explaining why people act in certain ways in certain situations; therefore, the labelling theory is effective in the study of society. Overall, in conclusion, there are many different social action theories which can be used in the study of society, however, not all of them can be applied to all ... Get more on ...
  • 24.
  • 25. Ethnomethodology, Beliefs And Social Norms In America, we don't take preference for either hand when doing activities and such although, its universally known to shake hands with your right hand.             Either way, in other countries, specially the Middle East and different parts of Africa, it is frowned upon using you left hand because, you're only supposed to use your left hand for sanitary reasons (AKA going to the restroom or throwing out trash). Hence, if you greet someone with your left hand, touch them, or touch food its 'disgusting' and considered an insult in most cases. To add, in countries that have a high Buddhist population it is a sin to touch or pat someone on the head. It's a sin because it is believed that the head is sacred since it hold the spirit of the individual. With that being said, when you see a cute kid just acknowledging their adorableness and don't touch them or, they could get the wrong idea. ... Show more content on ... In order to create a balance and to make sure that you're being respectable to the given culture, it's best to educate yourself prior and with the aid of ethnomethodology. Ethnomethodology allows you to disrupt social norms while at the same time learning about them hence, giving you a better insight on unwritten rules. In addition, by going with the functionalist approach you're then maintaining a state or balance within the society since you're conforming to the social norm of that region. Overall maintaining social stability is symbolic interactionism as well since it examines the bigger picture so to speak since how you interact within your society or an opposing society determines how you'll respond to the given social norms or ... Get more on ...
  • 26.
  • 27. Compare And Contrast Garfunkel Vs Durkheim 1A If I am Garfunkel I would say that compared to Durkheim I have some different view on how I think social order happens and what people do in response to certain things. Coming from my theories I see that people act the way they act because of certain events. We are socialized to react a certain way when someone does something or says something. The way we learn these things are through background expectancies and reactions. When we as a person a question we are able to see the way that they respond to the question. If they react in a positive manner we know that we asked them something that was correct to be asking, but if we ask them something we they seems distressed or confused we learn that it might now have been the right things to ask. We can see that fro ever action there is a reaction to what we do, being either good ro bad. I have studied ethnomethodology which is the study of how people maintain the commonsense world. In my studies I have seen that the way we act is basically just a replication of what has been reinforced in our minds for years as we grow up .we know when to act a certain way. Now if you ... Show more content on ... He says that they want to relive these moment that they love. When I look at this I feel that people act this way because that is what they have learned to be the proper way to act when they are with other members of this religious community. They learn that this is going to be something more special and they are expecting to act in a sense of awe to religion. The way we act is ingrained into our minds and we just react to everything that is going on, we don't even have to think about it most of the time. It is how we have been socialized. There will always be reacts and how they reacts are portrayed will also show us what is normal and common to ... Get more on ...
  • 28.
  • 29. Analysis Of Microsociological Theories Of Sociology Chapter four begins with an experience a socioloogist had when spending time with streetcorner men late at night. This experience is used to explain the two levels of sociological analysis: Macrosociological (the approach that functionalists and conflict theorists use) and microsociological. The macrosociological perspective focuses on social structure which refers to the typical patterns of a group and its significance as it guides our behavior. Social structure consists of culture, social class, social statuses, roles, groups, and social institutions. Social institutions are the ways in which a society develops to meet its basic needs. The functionalists see social institutions as means to meet universal group needs, while conflict theorists see it as means for the elite class to maintain their positions of privilege. Social class divides people and each divided person gets ascribed statuses at birth before we add achieved statuses, which are influenced by the groups we are apart of. These are all what work together to maintain the social structure and hold society together. These hold true even as small, intimate communities become larger and impersonal, but that informal means of control represented in intimate communities is replaced by formal interactions, as pointed out by Ferdinand Tonnies. The microsociological perspective focuses on everyday life and the social interaction that takes place in it. This is where symbolic interactionists come in, as they tend to focus ... Get more on ...
  • 30.
  • 31. Nature Vs Nurture Research Paper Nature vs Nurture debate is the representation that society is an organism, but the question is do we inherently possess the knowledge to function as an organism, or are we taught this skill. The debate over Nature vs Nurture is more of a struggle about which theory is the correct theory in my opinion. Social behaviors can be the product of both genetics as well as an influence by our environment. Nature is of the belief that inherited traits found in our genes make us who we are. From the day we are born, we are subject to society, which play an important role in who we are by way of family, friends, and media. Any situation we are subject to has an impact on us. I remember my parents scrutinizing my older brothers about the friends in which they chose to ... Show more content on ... My father always told them that you could begin to act like those you hang around with, whether good or bad. In other words, our peers easily influence us. I can remember this from a very early age, even growing up in the same household, attending the same school and church, etc. our values and standards are quite different from one another. Even in the animal kingdom, genetics is evident. I was watching a nature video by David Attenborough about birds. The video showed how different species laid their eggs. The cuckoo bird would lay her eggs in the nests of unlike species. As the baby cuckoo bird cracked its shell, even before it was able to see, it would immediately begin pushing all the other eggs out of the nest in order to be the only bird fed by its adoptive mother. This is not a case of something learned, as much as it is instinctive. Having said that, I believe who we are as human beings is the combination of both nature and nurture that our genes and environment work together. I believe certain traits and abilities are inherited, however I also believe social structure plays a most active role in who we become and what ... Get more on ...
  • 32.
  • 33. The Mortality Rate Of Sex Workers Essay Regarding the mortality rate of sex workers, "One study found that workplace murder risk is 51 times greater [for prostitutes] than for the next most dangerous profession which is operating a liquor store" (Dir. J. K. Wasson and J. Wells). Because prostitution is ultimately seen as a consensual profession, some may interpret this information with indifference, believing that the sex workers were willing participants. More often than not, however, sex workers are being coerced into the industry by some form of force; leading them to be exploited for physical and economic gain. In order to convince someone that the prostitution industry influences the victimization of women, I would need to counteract the notions endowed onto us by society that lead people to believe that prostitution is a fair system. Ethnomethodology, Symbolic interaction, and conflict theory have contributed to the the false impression of sex workers endorsed by the mainstream. Ethnomethodology is the study of everyday actions of people as an expression of their reality. Every reality contains five features that describe how one's perspective is maintained and occasionally transformed. In order to change the reality of people who believe that sex workers are independently engaging in prostitution, I would need to address the five features of reality. The first feature, reflexivity, states that reality is maintained by the process of absorbing interactions and bending them to fit one's incorrigible ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. Alice Goffman On The Run Summary On the Run In On the Run by Alice Goffman, one can see the inside perspective in a particular black community in 6th Street, Philadelphia. Goffman gives an "on–the–ground" account of the fear of being captured and the changes that fear brings upon the community in basic daily activities such as working, maintaining relationships, and seeking medical or police care when it is truly needed. Within these accounts that Goffman shares there are many connections to class readings and disscussions throughout. From the Preface on can find that On the Run is very sociological and specifically microsociological with Goffman explaining how she is going to use ethnomethodology with the community of 6th Street. She overall analyzes the community and ... Show more content on ... The overall theme of race and class being brought up in both readings is what made me see the original correlation between the two but, as I looked back into Chambliss' writing the section of "The Police and the Saints" caught my eye as a very contrast view to what Goffman displays in On the Run. The relationship between the police and saints was very limited and they were barely ever pulled over and if so they could weasel their way out of a ticket of punishment. This was explained because of the visibility of the Saints verses the Roughnecks. The Roughnecks similar to any member on 6th Street who has basically been in and out of jail and warrants, were very visible to the law enforcement. The police knew that they had committed something wrong before and therefore specifically looked to see if they were doing another thing wrong and being harsher with punishments. This theory of visibility mentioned by Chambliss' shows that if members of 6th Street from the very beginning were know to have a good reputation instead of a deviant reputation, possibly the poor segregated community could have more hope and less fear against law ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Personal Narrative: Ethnomethodology Ethnomethodology On March 24, 2017, I went to Evangeline Downs in Opelousas, Louisiana. I arrived there at around 12:30 a.m. Before I was able to get there I had to meet my boyfriends cousin at Walmart. I met him at Walmart because I was not allowed to get in the race track side of the casino where all the horses are without a racing I.D. The only way I could get through the security gate was by my boyfriends cousin. Once I got in his cousins truck we headed down to the security gate. As we got closer his cousin said, ' go ahead and lay down on the floorboard'. Might I mind you we are in this old two door Chevy. After I laid down his cousin proceeded to the gate. When he got to the gate the security guard checked his I.D. and let him through. I was there the entire weekend. I had to lay down in the back floor of his truck when we left the track and coming back. At night when I needed to shower I had to wait till all the lights were out and everyone was in there room before I could leave out my boyfriends room. My boyfriend and his cousin went and got my car from Walmart so that when it was time for me to leave I could just get in my car and go. ... Show more content on ... it was time for me to head home. I had work at 2:00 p.m. in Orange, Texas. I said my goodbyes to my boyfriend and his cousin and went to my car. As I got closer to the security gate my heart beat got faster and faster because I did not know what they were going to do to me for being with the race horses without a racing I.D. Well I approached the gate and the security guard asked if I had given them my driver's license to get back there and I just simply said no sir. He shook his head and grinned then said, 'well next time you come back here you need to make sure you give us your license first.' I said okay and headed home to get ready for ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. Symbolic Interactionism Theory and the Ground of Routine... Sociology of Everyday Life Sociology is considered as the study of human social life in the context of individuals, groups, and societies. In fostering the various aspects of sociology, sociologists came up with various theories that expound of human relationships in their day–to–day activities. This essay aims at identifying the relationship existing between the symbolic interactionism theory and the ground of routine activities, ethnomethodology as portrayed by Harold Garfinkel and Herbert Blumer. Harold confers on ethnomethodology as a way through which people make sense and find ways in which to act in their daily routine activities. He considers the various settings, which dictate stable features of daily activities. First, he ... Show more content on ... 70). These aspects of human interactions are crucial to accomplishing the goals of ethnomethodology, which is to maintain social order in society. Therefore, by understanding symbolic interactionism in society, one can disrupt the social order of society in a bid to conceptualize have an understanding of the society in ethnomethodology. The relationship between these two concepts is evidenced in the purpose of their study. Symbolic interactionism seeks to understand the constituents that define human interactions through social order. Ethnomethodology studies the unremarkable techniques that people use to attach meaning to their interactions by discarding the context. In the deeper understanding of ethnomethodology and social order, the aspect of context is discarded since one only gets meanings of everyday activities by violating the norms that maintain social order(Garfinkel, 1968, p. 278). These conceptions enact a fundamental role in understanding the extent to which human interactions and activities remain meaningful to individuals in society. They provide a basis through which sociological theories and perspectives can be used to study human interactions. While interactions occur in every social organization, there is the need to look into those activities that are considered common to a certain social group. There arises the need to look into these activities as part of human interaction through symbolic ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. The Three Major Strengths And Characteristics Of Research... This literature review will be covering the topic on research paradigms. There are three major paradigms in the research paradigms which are the positivist paradigm research, interpretivist paradigm research and critical paradigm research. Each research paradigm has its own strengths and effectiveness due to their unique features which are specific to their particular approach as well as weaknesses. All researchers have their own beliefs and methods while conducting a research. Therefore, the ways of research studies conducted are vary. However, there is a standard principle called paradigm that will act as a guidance to researchers' actions and beliefs. Paradigm is a concept developed by Thomas Kuhn in 1962 whereby it is a basic orientation ... Show more content on ... Positivist paradigm was developed by Auguste Comte who believes that it is possible to observe social life and establish a reliable yet valid knowledge about how it works (Cohen, Manion and Morrison, 2013). Positivist paradigm research refers to philosophical positions that emphasizes on empirical data, statistical analysis and scientific methods. This research is also called the scientific paradigm or better known as quantitative research. Some examples of positivist paradigm research methods are such as surveys and questionnaires. The purpose of this paradigm research is mainly to determine whether a hypothesis can be accepted or not. Additionally, Hughes (2001a) described positivist paradigm as a way of seeing the world that frames a research topic and influences the way we think about the topic. This means that by observation and experiment, everything that happens around us can be explained by using the knowledge of universal laws. For example, the story of Sir Issac Newton and the apple. The apple that fall from the tree which coincidently hit Issac Newton's head had made him began to wonder about the gravity force of Earth and thus the theory of gravity was developed (Mukherji and Albon, 2009). From this example, the observed incident was the falling apple while the underlying universal law was the gravity (Keesing, ... Get more on ...
  • 42.
  • 43. How Does Society Decide What Is Appropriate? How does an individual decide what is appropriate? How does society decide what is inappropriate? Guidelines are established through the consensus of members in a society. Eventually an individual comes to learn and accept the guidelines, or social norms, of a society through the process known as socialization. Socialization is, "the process by which individuals internalize the values, beliefs, and norms of a given society and learn to function as members of that society." (Conley 2015: 114) When looking at social norms in a society two major concepts may be applied, ethnomethodology, "this approach to studying human interaction focuses on the ways in which we make sense of our world, convey this understanding to others, and produce a shared social order" (Conley 2015: 139), and dramaturgical theory, "the view of social life as essentially a theatrical performance, in which we are all actors on metaphorical stages, with roles, scripts, costumes, and sets." (Conley 2015: 135) The ideology of dramaturgical theory gives insight as to why wearing a track jacket in 90–degree weather to stay cool can denounce the norms of society due to the fact that in hot weather, society says adding more clothing increases one's temperature. Over the weekend of June 26, 2015 – June 28, 2015 I wore a Nike track jacket everyday starting as soon as I left the house, approximately 9AM. Each day varied in temperature however on Friday the highest the temperature reached was 98 degrees. In this ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Part V, Ethnomethodology And Symbolic Interactionism 5. FEMINIST INTERACTIONIST THEORY The theories discussed in Part V, Ethnomethodology and Symbolic Interactionism, focus on how interaction processes (re)produce gender in everyday life, a topic also explored in Chapter 13. They differ from the theories in Part IV because they focus much more attention on actors' interpretations of situations and how meanings are attached to behaviors, and because they imply greater individual agency than the more structurally focused theories discussed to this point. 5.1. Ethnomethodology The Ethnomethodological approach views gender as an ongoing accomplishment that emerges during virtually all interactions, both within– and between–sex (Gerson, 1985). Gender is neither an individual–level trait nor a stable ... Get more on ...
  • 46.
  • 47. Barb: A Summary Barb: Some of the key concepts I learned this week were dramaturgy and ethnomethodology. Pg 115 Dramaturgy is a term used to "mean that social life is like a drama or stage play" (Henslin, 2014). Ethnomethodology is a term used to define "how people use commonsense understandings to make sense of life" (Henslin, 2014). Common sense understanding would be their "understanding of how the world operates and of how people out to act" (Henslin, 2014). I observe dramaturgy all the time. When in committee meetings everyone plays a role. Some take center stage with their personal agenda. Others want to exude power over the group while others sit back and just go with what the group says in order to make a good impression and appear to be ... Get more on ...
  • 48.
  • 49. Norm Violation Essay I believe what Garfinkel means in background assumptions is how we commonly go throughout the day and the order we do things in. In my norm violation I am going to not follow the order my culture eats dinner in. The norm violation I decided to do is ordering dessert first at a restaurant.This is a norm violation because you are suppose to order your appetizer first, then your entree and lastly your dessert. I decided that Fender's Diner would be an excellent place to do my experiment. I dine here a good bit and usually order their salads so this will be different for me. Fenders Diner is a locally owned restaurant known for its 1950's Rock n' Roll American theme. On a Sunday after church lets out is when I decided to do to do my ethnomethodology experiment. I also brought my sister who is known for her sweet tooth. As we sit down at our table our slightly overweight waiter immediately greets us. We order chocolate milkshakes and our waiter smiles and says, "Wait! No lemon water this time?" This is the first reaction we received. It made me feel a little nervous because if he is already reacting to our drinks, how is he going to react to the rest of the dinner. After we receive our milkshakes we ordered our ice cream brownie delux. Our waiter laughs and asks if that would be all. I explain to him that we would still like an entree but that we want our dessert first. We then order a burger and some fries. He then warns us that we may start looking like him if we keep this up this diet. This made me uncomfortable because I was unsure how to respond ... Show more content on ... I do not believe anyone felt too uncomfortable and that even some wished they had their dessert first too. We ended up telling our waiter that it was an experiment and he said he was glad to be apart of it. I felt like this was a very positive thing to do although slightly ... Get more on ...
  • 50.
  • 51. Importance Of Discourse Analysis Discourse analysis is the variety of theoretical approaches and analytic emphases concerning the studying and understanding of people's use of language mediums in social action and interaction. This also applies to the development of capitalism and technology. Studies have opened doors to these topics. Despite variation in theoretical approaches, all strands of discourse analysis share a strong social constructionist epistemology. With its roots "largely embedded in linguistic philosophy, ethnomethodology and speech act theory" (Potter, 1987; Potter & Wetherell, 1995). Discourse analysis might be applied to qualitative data if a person were interested in understanding how people's ideas and emotions are pieced together to form versions of reality of the world around them, and how these accounts are played out in social action and interaction. This is the model that the heads of this capitalistic state manipulate the common public. Further, it would be useful if interests lay in exploring and understanding why people use different versions of discourse in differing contexts, and under what conditions do variations arise. Specifically discourse analysis might be utilized by those interested in "exploring how powerful discourses, such as racism, are constructed, practiced and normalized" (Edley, 2001). Discourse analysis's focus "is rooted in three basic tenets: construction, function and variation" (Potter, 1987). The assumption is that discourses are constructed through ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. The Theory Of Knowledge Is Power Adonis Perez Professor Anderson Sociology 1 April 30, 2015 Sociology Paper "Knowledge will forever govern ignorance and a people who mean to be their own governors must arm themselves with the power which knowledge gives"– James Madison In layman's terms, the quote above means to say that knowledge is power. That whoever knows the most will be in control. This concept of power is seen in all aspects of society worldwide. In every nation, the man that knows how to work the law to his benefit will basically get away with anything, which is seen in the courts on a daily basis. Someone with a higher degree of knowledge, and strong enough tenure, manages the way individuals get educated. It is part of our reality, and in order for things to change; there must be a change in the already instilled system. The solutions to the ongoing problem are through Ethnomethodology, which relates to Mehans Five Features of Reality: reflexive activity, a coherent body of knowledge, interactional activity, fragility of reality, and the permeability of reality, or through Conflict Theory. However, even with these two methods of possible change, the possibility of change actually occurring is slim to none. Society has complete and utter control on the individual. This can be seen in any group of individuals ranging from the youngest to the oldest. When society has been shaped through the mass mainstream media it forces the individual to follow in the same steps as everyone else. If society ... Get more on ...
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  • 55. The Importance Of Breaching A Social Norm Breaching is a type of sociological experiment where a social norm is purposefully broken and the reactions of people unaware of the experiment are noted. It can be used to discover how people react when presented with a situation to which they are not accustomed. Along with that, it is important because some reactions are more or less severe based on their experiences and how developed their generalized other is in regards to the norm being breached. Some things that are considered mores in one group may only be folkways in another. Breaching experiment are the first stepping stone to discovering why people react to different events in different ways. Symbolic interactionism deals with the interaction between people through symbols, such as language. Certain gestures and words elicit specific reactions, these interactions are sometimes specific to a time or place. These become norms, and when the norms are broken it is called breaching. The reactions studied in symbolic interactionism can be mental or physical. Whereas ethnomethodology studies how people react in day–to–day situations rather than specific instances. It is more concerned with why people have certain behaviors on the micro level. Breaching in relation to ethnomethodology, is concerned with why people react to abnormalities in the manner that they do. The experiment was a breach of the social norm that one shouldn't talk to strangers for no reason. In order to break this norm, 30 strangers were approached ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Reactionism And Structural Functionalism Theory I. Introduction Have you ever felt that everything in this world is interconnected in some way? It's as if everything won't function if one thing fails to do what it's supposed to do. This is structural functionalism. II. Theory and Definition Structural functionalism theory states that society is held together by social bonds, which are religion, shared values, traditions and cultural norms. Every one of them has the same goals and agendas they want to achieve. Each individual is assigned a certain role and as long as everyone works together in fulfilling whatever their roles require from them, they can all achieve their goals. Emile Durkheim theorized that when just one part of the system undergoes a problem, then other parts of the ... Show more content on ... Structural functionalism is all of these concepts merged into one whole idea. IV. Proponents 1. Emile Durkheim Emile Durkheim was the one who laid the foundation for this theory during the late 1800s through his book entitled Suicide which explains that people commit such act because of external factors like society. It means that society highly affects the behaviour of an individual. 2. Talcott Parsons He synthesized the works of Weber, Durkheim, and Pareto's theories into his own theory of social action during the 1960s. His theory of social action states that every decision of an individual is influenced by society and in result will benefit both himself or herself and society as a whole. 3. Herbert Blumer Herbert Blumer founded symbolic interactionism which states that humans act based on meanings and symbols that arise from social interaction. He saw society as an ongoing process or something that is still under construction. 4. Peter Berger and Thomas Luckmann They developed the concept of social construction through their co–authored book entitled The Social Construction of Reality. Social construction is people creating meanings for each others' actions, and over time, these meanings eventually become the basis of how people act around each other. 5. Harold Garfinkel He developed ethnomethodology which studies the ways social groups interact in order to maintain order in society. 6. Erving Goffman He developed the dramaturgical approach which ... Get more on ...
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  • 59. Phenomenology Is The Study Of Phenomena Essay In its most simplistic form, phenomenology is the study of phenomena. In other words, phenomenology focuses on the appearance of things as they appear in our individual experience, and even the ways in which we experience particular things (Aspers 2009). Phenomenological methods incorporate the subjective view of experience, i.e. the first–person point of view. Humans are described as conscious thinking beings and phenomenology argues that the only way we can confirm the existence of a phenomenon is through the way we consciously perceive our surroundings (Heidegger, as cited by Aspers 2009). Sociological methodology implies that the notion of sociology is indeed a science. Empirical phenomenology and ethnomethodology aim to describe, "how people perceive and think about things, although this is central to the phenomenological approach" (Aspers 2009, p. 6). Social scientific analysis seeks understanding and explanations (Aspers 2009). According to Aspers (2009, p.4), "if we are to understand the social world and meet the demands of phenomenology, we must produce explanations that are grounded in the subjective experiences of real people." Therefore, it is a social scientist's job to understand why particular things happen and how these incidents occur (Aspers 2009) whilst taking into account the subjective relationship to these phenomena. Phenomenology has greatly influenced sociology, as it is a philosophical method of knowing and understanding the nature of reality. ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. Assess the Usefulness of Social Action Theories in the... Social action theories are known as micro theories which take a bottom–up approach to studying society; they look at how individuals within society interact with each other. There are many forms of social action theories, the main ones being symbolic interactionism, phenomenology and ethnomethodology. They are all based on the work of Max Weber, a sociologist, who acknowledged that structural factors can shape our behaviour but individuals do have reasons for their actions. He used this to explain why people behave in the way in which they do within society. Weber saw four types of actions which are commonly committed within society; rational, this includes logical plans which are used to achieve goals, traditional–customary behaviour, ... Show more content on ... This therefore leaves many sociologists to question whether Blumer's principles can be used to study society. Labelling theory has also been used to apply the interactionist theory to society; the theory, like Mead, emphasises the importance of symbols and situations in which they are used. The main interactionist concepts are the definition of the situation – if we believe in something then it could affect the way in which we behave. The looking glass –self – this was created by Cooley who argues that we see ourselves in a way in which we think others see us. These concepts have been useful in explaining why people act in certain ways in certain situations; therefore, the labelling theory is effective in the study of society. Overall, in conclusion, there are many different social action theories which can be used in the study of society, however, not all of them can be applied to all ... Get more on ...
  • 62.
  • 63. Mapping Police Violence Analysis According to a website dedicated to charting police violence, "23 black people were killed by police in September (of this year). One black person every 31 hours"("Mapping Police Violence"). These people, my people, are dropping like flies, and in spite of the fact that myriads of people understand that this is not okay, there is still an alarmingly large part of the population that believes that this is still not a 'race issue.' When there are too many names of the dead to memorize, Trayvon Martin's, Mike Brown's, Sandra Bland's, hash tags representing people that did nothing wrong yet were brutally murdered by police officers and an even larger number of assaulted, there is a problem. When I know people that have been racially profiled ... Show more content on ... "Every new group or organization we enter, every new friendship we form, every new life changing experience we have requires the formation of new identities and socialization into new sets of norms and beliefs"(Newman 69). If we can alter the interpretations from the stimulus of black people in today's society. For example, any race can wear a hoodie and be perfectly fine, but when a black person does it, they are automatically targeted. This can be changed if people were to think of where these ideals stem from. "Reality tends to be more a matter of agreement than something inherent in the natural world"(Newman 29). If people agree to look further than stereotypes and assumptions, they will learn that there is no need to be afraid of black people. They acquire no privilege from society, yet their blood built this ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Family And Cultural Differences Since these are my own experiences, they gave me a lot of knowledge and understanding when observing other couples. According to the chart above, this couple has a chance of 44% divorce. Similar to my parent's story, I saw an interracial couple at the mall who were arguing. The woman was African and her boyfriend looked South American. She told him they are going to her friend's party tonight and he responded with "I told you, we're going to my grandparent's anniversary dinner tonight. We can't always go out partying!" She responded with "Well, why do they need us there? It's their anniversary, not ours. We're always with your family". To me, it was clear that there was a discrepancy between what each of their priorities were. One preferred to party and the other preferred commitments he made to his family. I immediately assumed that their chances of making it were low, unless they agreed on what was a common goal to achieve. The cultural differences may be detrimental to the two of them, because neither of them have the same view on what's an appropriate time to come home, who is more important (friends or family), or even what their plans were for that night. These cultural differences will only expand as the years go on. Eventually, they will disagree on the type of wedding they want, how many kids to have, how to parent them and where to settle in their retirement years. Both cultures could expect for a big family to be normal, or a small family. However, it may also ... Get more on ...
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  • 67. Lapping Card Essay Now that I have gone through all of the cards I will go back through them all to make sure I don't have any over lapping categories. First of all while I was thinking of categories and readying the cards I realized that what was on the card I started reflecting it on my own life. For example, some of the cards taking about cleaning the house and then I thought I need to it too. I started to agree with these cards so that they made sense in my own life and that they were like my own thoughts. They then fit in to categories easier. Now have them all into groups I realize that I could have just used Garfinkel's invariant procedures as my categories and just organized them based on how I made sense of the cards. My first category could have ... Show more content on ... It would be like a world that has no meaning at all if we just questioned everything. If I kept questing the cards I would never be able to place them in categories or ever be done with this project. The most important category would have been typification. I had to keep coming up with different strategies and rules to be able to make sense of the cards. I feel that the categories them self are different typification. I have different strategies that are making sense of the cards so that I can place them in to groups that I already know about. The criteria of the assignment made it difficulty when think of categories since we couldn't have no more than ten. I at first started out with a group called friends then I did one of family and then realized I could have a broader category called people. I made a strategy that any card that talked about a person or could have been said by a person would be grouped together. Most of the cards could fit in a category called stocks of knowledge. Whenever I used previous knowledge to make sense of the card is an example of this. The card that talked about David Beckman I put in the hobbies category. I know that he is a soccer player and assume that this person's hobby is soccer. If I didn't know he played soccer this card would have gone in the people category. Some of the cards are written in ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. ##thhnomethodology Of Gender Masculinity And The Role Of... performativity. As Butler describes "The term "relationality" sutures the rupture in the relation we seek to describe, a rupture that is constitutive of identity itself" (Butler 2004, 19). In order for a man to perform his masculinity, it is easier when they are compared to a feminine woman. The performance of masculinity or femininity will escalate once these two genders are set side by side, "... power has certain broad historical characteristics, and that it operates on gender as well as on other kinds of social and cultural norms, then it seems that gender is but the instance of a larger regulatory operation of power" (Butler 2003, 41). Masculinity performed by men comes across as a powerful characteristic in a relationship. Through history till now men play and perform the role of the leader in the household for instance, being seen as the man of the house. In most households, the man has the most control over trivial yet symbolically important things such as the upper hand over the remote, sitting at the head of the table and providing the family with the essentials. Chris Brickell discusses the ethnomethodology of gender performativity and how Harold Garfinkel analysed his understanding. The basic idea of a stereotypical woman would be that she would cook, clean and look after the children while the man would work hard, provide for the family and come home to rest after a hard day of work. Brickell describes, "This "natural attitude" requires one to be either a male ... Get more on ...
  • 70.
  • 71. Trump Presidency Thesis Literature Review In review of the literature, the impact of a Trump presidency on the People, American culture and the development of America, will seem to hinder the progression of the nation, as we know it. America and its greatness now seems to be compromised. As President Trump governs the nation, the nation as a whole appears to be more divided. The people of our precious nation appear to be divided. Thus, a Trump presidency has proven to be nothing less than controversial and seemingly detrimental to society. Among the literature reviewed, in order to understand Presidents Trump's influence, it is necessary to decipher the ways in which Trump will impact the United States. Whether it is his views on immigration, presidential spending, healthcare, the economy, women's rights, marriage equality, or bipartisan relations, the President's views seem to not be in alignment with the nations goals, clearly the nation is resilient. America alone: The United States would survive a Trump presidency–but what about the rest of the world, is an article that looks at Trump as a candidate pre–election. The article goes on to say that the things that Trump proclaimed during his candidacy should not have been viewed as rhetoric, but rather his true intentions. Many regard Trump as a fool, who has no true plan for America's ... Show more content on ... The general consensus was fear and a fear of the unknown. Participants were more than vocal and expressed their many concerns. Vocalizing the, I did my part, I voted, I made the calls, I volunteered, how could this happen? It became evident that many Americans felt this way as just about every individual from the roundtable expressed this sentiment. Many felt as if the President was trying to reverse the progress of America, showing concern when it came to civil rights, women's rights healthcare and the economy. The raw truth, the pain, and the disconnect all became apparent as the conversations ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. The Beliefs And Behaviors Of An Islamophobic Civilian As shameful it is for us to admit, the United States has had a long history of xenophobia, racism, sexism, and all other forms of discrimination. When it comes to acceptance we as a nation have always been quite late to the party. In recent times, one of the groups that has been subjected to most extreme intolerance is Muslims. Islamophobia is the fear or hatred of Islam and/or Muslims, and is overwhelmingly greater in the western world, where Muslims tend to be outnumbered by other faiths and ethnicities that are not very familiar with Islam. In this paper, I will propose a way to change the beliefs and behaviors of an Islamophobic civilian, using the sociological theories of Ethnomethodology and Symbolic Interactionism. I will go about this by first providing some background information on Islamophobia and the theories themselves, then explaining how these theories may be utilized in debunking the individual's prejudices. Although the fear of the unknown and that which we do not understand has always been around, Islamophobia saw a sharp rise in 2001, following the 9/11 attacks in which members of the radical Islamic terrorist group Al–Qaeda hijacked four commercial airline planes that were used to crash into the Pentagon and the twin towers of the World Trade Center, killing nearly 3000 people and injuring many more. The collapse of the World Trade Center sent us into an economic disaster that we are still recovering from today. While the vicious attack affected every ... Get more on ...
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  • 75. Structural Consensus Social life and the way in which society acts and behaves is thought to be learned behaviour, otherwise known as the structural– consensus theory. For Pip et al (2011) structural consensus was the way humans learn their behaviour and act in ways that is expected of them within society. However different cultures and societies think and behave differently as they have been brought up with different views on what is appropriate behaviour; therefore humans learn to interact with others who have been socialised similarly to themselves. Consensus sociologists believe that the rules within cultures structure the behaviour of its members. Once you are born into a society you are confronted with their 'social world' and you begin to learn how to appropriately ... Show more content on ... Agency refers to the way in which the freedom of the individual shapes society, for example; Children are measured by their growth and their developmental speed, as children get older they are measured through exams and their reading and writing levels. The average age is found in children and children are now expected to be completing these tasks by the average ages found, and if they do not meet the standards set, they do not fit in with society's ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Phenomeology And Marxist Perspective Question A Marxist perspectives central aims are to provide an empirically well–founded description of phenomenon, to get the social implications; and to illuminate the historical process through which this phenomenon came to exist in the real world. Additionally, its aims at comprehend and explain reality using s themes analysis and this is confirmed by research. This has methods such as phenomenology and Ethnomethodology. Positivism perspective This is based on a notion that science is the only way to learn about the truth and this perspective belongs to epistemology which is denoted as philosophy of knowing. It majorly depends on quantifiable observations which lead to statistical analysis of the data. It has been noted positivism is in accordance with the empirical view that knowledge stems from human experience. ... Show more content on ... Validation, Marxist perspective evaluates the validity of factual claims or social realities basing on an ideology rather than empirical evidence Whereas Positivist evaluate factual validity of a social phenomenon basing on the statistical results. Positivist perspective focuses on facts Causalities and fundamental laws and a phenomenon is reduced to the simplest elements whereas Marxist perspective aims at understanding the meaning of events by exploring the totality of each individual case and draw conclusions. Marxist perspective considers small samples to make analysis in a greater depth or over longer period of time whereas positivist perspective captures bigger samples to make in depth analysis and drawing of conclusions on a given social ... Get more on ...