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Little Red Riding Hood Research Paper
Intelligence in Little Red
There are many versions of the classic story of Little Red Riding Hood and they all come with different names, details and ideas. A main idea in the
stories is that intelligence can end up being the saving factor in a bad situation. In fact that is what the authors of these stories seem to be trying to
teach us is the importance of intelligence in life. The characters in these stories can teach us so much about how just stopping and thinking before
you act can end up being a saving factor. These stories aren't really about a little girl who is tricked by a wolf, they are about a girl who does not use
her brain and ends up getting hurt, and hurting others around her. These stories such as, "Little Red Riding ... Show more content on ...
They might just look like little kid stories, but when a person looks further they can see all of the lessons that these authors were really trying to teach
us when we were children. One of the main ideas of the stories is intelligence and how it can have an impact on children listening to one's parents,
people dealing with strangers, and using common sense.
In these stories the authors' and the actions of the characters expresses without ever saying anything directly outright the importance of listening to
one's parents and acting intelligent, and how important it is to listen to one's parents, because they often know more than children think. The way this
ties into the main idea of intelligence is that if someone is intelligent and thinking clearly, they will do the right thing by obeying their parents. The
character of Little Red Riding Hood in the two stories mentioned above does just the opposite of that. She not only ignores her mother's command to
stay on the path but in one of the stories, "Little Red Cap" she strays off of the path and starts picking flowers, because she is sure
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Essay on Little Red Riding Hood
Throughout literature, authors employ a variety of strategies to highlight the central message being conveyed to the audience. Analyzing pieces of
literature through the gender critics lens accentuates what the author believes to be masculine or feminine and that society and culture determines the
gender responsibility of an individual. In the classic fairytale Little Red Riding Hood, the gender strategies appear through the typical fragile women of
the mother and the grandmother, the heartless and clever male wolf, and the naГЇve and vulnerable girl as little red riding hood. In the classical tale of
Little Red Riding Hood, Little Red Riding Hood leaves her mother to visit her grandmother, and both the women possess the feminine ... Show more
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Highlighting that the women were inferior to him, the wolf plans to "be clever about this that the [he] can make a good meal out of the two of them"
(Hyman 8). He gradually formulates a strategy to hoodwink the adolescent into entrusting him. By doing this, he reveals that the author subconsciously
believes men to be of such evasiveness. He seems gentle and kind, but his true character lies under the mask of kindness. The gentle wolves become the
most dangerous in these varieties of narratives, because they shadow the infantile, naГЇve girls, and swindle them into trusting them before they
commence to do the unthinkable act of deceiving the women (Bettelheim 168). The wolf's superior nature as a male character provides a character foil
for the lady–like traits of Little Red Riding Hood as he overpowers her with his male authority and intelligence. As Little Red Riding Hood blindly
follows the wolf's commands and becomes the weaker of the two characters, she proves the idea that being raised in a society where the women
continue to allow themselves to be suppressed into the kitchen and household chores affects the gender role that she takes on herself. As Little Red
Riding Hood begins to leave on her journey, her mother proves her lack of faith in the intelligence of her daughter as she instructs her to not
"daydream and stray off the path" (Hyman 3). She continues on her journey, and the wolf sees her from
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Little Red Riding Hood Mistakes
In the story "Little Red Riding Hood" by Jacob Ludwig Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm, Little Red Riding Hood is a likeable person because she is
kind and she learns from her mistakes. Little Red Riding Hood is a kind person because she visits and brings her grandmother food. When Little Red
Riding Hood is talking to the wolf he asks, "Where are you going so early, Little Red Riding Hood?" "To my grandmother's." "What are you carrying
under your apron?" "Cakes and wine; we baked yesterday; and my grandmother is very weak and ill, so they will do her good, and strengthen her.""
(1). Little Red Riding Hood brings her grandmother food and drinks to strengthen her because she is ill. Little Red Riding Hood learns from her
mistakes because when she
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Red Riding Hood : The Story Of Little Red Riding Hood
Little Red Riding Hood "Once upon a time there was a sweet little girl who always wore a red hood. . ." Most people know the story of little red
riding hood. A mother sending her young daughter to bring some treats to her sick grandmother. The mother made sure that little red riding hood
understands that the woods can be dangerous. She should not get distracted talking to strangers or looking at pretty things. She should stay on her
trail to her grandmother home, but poor little girl did not expect to run into a big bad wolf. The wolf had a trick up his sleeve and steered little red riding
hood off her trail to pick beautiful flowers. A good deed gone totally wrong all because little red riding failed to listen to her mother, after she
warned her about how dangerous it can be if she goes off trail. Meanwhile, the wolf went straight to the grandmothers' house and knocked on the
door pretending to be little red riding hood. "Hello, who is at the door?" Yelled the grandmother from her bedroom. "Hello grandmother, it is little
red, your granddaughter" Said the wolf mimicking little red riding hood's voice. Grandmother responding confused "I was not expecting you today,
are you sick? You sound a little strange." The wolf immediately knew he had have a good response or she will not fall his trick. He replies quickly
"Why, yes grandmother. I am sick, came down with a cold the other day. I came to bring you some tea to help us feel better." She fell for the trick and
went to open
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Little Red Riding Hood And Goldilocks Similarities
Growing up, I read many fables and tales of fiction. Two of the most notable being Little Red Riding Hood and Goldilocks. The reason for this is
because they are so relatable to our own childhood of being mischievous, careless, and imaginable.
In the story, "Little Red Riding Hood",a young, obedient girl is given the task of traveling to help her sick granny. Little Red Riding Hood was very
outgoing and courageous taking a trail though the woods. Even though she knew about a wolf in the woods, she took the risk and kept going. When
she came across the wolf she was very naive to think the wolf was her granny. She was quick witted and quickly got the attention of a woodsmen for
Goldilocks and The Three Bears was a slightly different
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What Is Feminism In Little Red Riding Hood
Revolutionary Red Regardless of time and space, revolutions bleed red. In Charles Perrault's "Little Red Riding Hood," the wolf eats Little Red
Riding Hood. Critics claim that Perrault's moral blames Little Red Riding Hood similar to how the victim is often blamed for rape. Similar to this,
Cinderella and the Little Mermaid are criticized for suffering passively for a prince. Their suffering, however, also breathes life into the characters and
contributes to a strong character development. Although many fairy tales, specifically "Little Red Riding Hood," "Cinderella," and "The Little
Mermaid," are accused as anti–feminist works, all of "Little Red Riding Hood's" versions serve as a feminist outlet for women regardless of a time
period's context. ... Show more content on ...
She remains stoic and true to herself despite times of turmoil. Although she suffers in silence, she is eventually rewarded for her goodness. Rohrich
observes, "By revealing themselves from time to time in their full beauty, they achieve their aim that the future husbands are always the ones
beseeching and the heroines are the ones granting" (Rohrich 120). With this, Cinderella controls her own fate rather by pursuing what she believes in:
hard work, kindness, and inner beauty. Among the different versions, The Brothers' Grimm strongly underscores her values. For instance, birds help
her throughout the story as a symbol of freedom. They help her accomplish her stepmother's seemingly impossible tasks and punish her stepsisters for
their cruelty. With this help, she gains the courage to control her destiny. Although she is faced with her stepmother's tyranny, she ultimately triumphs
by rebellion. By going to the ball, she establishes her own freedom at her own risk. She knew the consequences and took a calculated risk. This is
similar to the Brothers Grimm's version of "Little Red Riding Hood." Although Little Red Riding Hood strays off the path, she defeats the wolf with
her trickery and
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Little Red Riding Hood Comparison
The adaptations and interpretations of "Red Riding Hood" vary considerably, showing a plethora of reformations in time. Versions such as the one
of main focus in this analysis have aspects of the modern era that we live in today incorporated into their hidden messages. They speak to both the
audiences of children and adults, some being too explicit for children's ears. The version that will be analyzed in this essay is a poem by Roald Dahl
from his collection of Revolting Rhymes. This particular version, like David McPhail's "Little Red Riding Hood", is a bowdlerized version of the tale,
with a twist. (Maaren, Bowdlerism).
This version that is aimed at children, though seems far too familiar at first, ends with an unexpected change to the fairytale. The poem begins with a
reversal in roles, with the Wolf being in the spotlight, and Little Red Riding Hood nowhere to be mentioned. In the original tale, one is anxiously
waiting for the wolf to make his appearance, yet in this poem the wait is for Little Red Riding Hood. With this being the first big change, it enables
the reader to be aware that he or she will be taken into unknown territory. There is no explanation as to ... Show more content on ...
But in this version, the not so clear portrayal makes it all the more intriguing for the reader, constantly anxious to make sense of what is happening
with the drastic alteration of events. The poem describes the wolf as just that, which makes it hard to distinguish whether he is "big" or "bad". This
makes him seem harmless, further with the addition of calling him "Wolfie" (Dahl 6). We learn that he is searching for a "decent meal" (Dahl 2),
which fails to describe his hunger as one that is dangerous. It is not until Dahl arrives at the wolf's "sharp white teeth", and "horrid grin," (5) that we
begin to realize that he is the Big Bad Wolf after
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Little Red Riding Hood Monologue
We all know the story about Little Red Riding Hood. She went to her grandma's house and got attacked by the big bad wolf. Now I will tell you what
really happened.
It was a nice sunny day in the middle of summer. There was a girl who everyone called Little Red Riding Hood (because she always wore a red jacket
with a red hood and she was small), but her real name was Elizabeth. Elizabeth the cruel.
She was just getting out of church and walking home, but on her way, a bluebird approached her and said that her grandma was very ill. The bird
told Red that her grandma might die if she did not have any medicine soon. Little Red immediately sprinted home, grabbed some medicine and a
picnic basket. She tossed in a knife for protection because she ... Show more content on ...
She said, "My, what big feet you have." I tried to talk like grandma, but my gruff voice gave me away.
Little Red Riding Hood knew that it was me. She yelled, "Did you eat her?" "No, no!" I cried. "She went to the hospital!"
"I don't believe you," Little Red screamed as she pulled out her gun.
Just then, fox leaped out of his hiding spot and attacked Red from behind. Fox and I fled the house.
Later that night when grandma got home, she saw that Little Red Riding Hood was hurt. Grandma took her to the hospital. When Red told them about
what had happened, the cops thought the hair that she had on her jacket was mine. But I was innocent and this story proves it!
Red got grounded for a week. That was her only punishment. As for fox, he lied to the cops and said it was me who attacked her. A few days later,
he got trapped in one of those traps set up by Red's parents. He's going to be their meal for supper. Serves him right. I never liked that cheating
scumbag in the first place.
As for me, I'm still locked up in prison for attempted murder. My, what a big problem I
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The Predator: The Little Red Riding Hood
In the multiple readings of the little red riding hood there were many small differences. Throughout every story there happens to be the predator
(whether it's a wolf, ogress, or bear), the little girl, as well as the sweet grandmother. Within the tales there is the basic story line of the typical little red
riding hood; the wolf (predator) hunts little red (little girl) and through the chase manages to gobble up the grandmother as well. In most cases, the little
girl manages to eliminate the predator; in another a huntsman's saves both red and the grandmother. Although most times, the grandmother does not
survive. Another variation includes multiple different characters being involved like: an aunt, the three little pigs, and another child.
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Little Red Riding Hood Metaphors
Everyone knows the story of Little Red Riding Hood; there are some different versions all around the world. In my childhood, Little Red Riding
Hood was a tale of a little girl who loved wearing a red riding hood, went to visit her sick grandma alone. On her way to grandma's house, a big wolf
came and followed her, then ate both the grandma and little girl. At last, a passing hunter killed the wolf and opened his stomach, saved the grandma
and little girl's lives. In my country, this story is used to teach children to have a sense of safety awareness and not to listen to random strangers.
However, based on the feminine situations in China, I see this story through a cruel viewing angle. The story I am about to retell next doesn't represent
my ideal society, but somehow is the reflection of my civilization. Once upon the time, there... Show more content on ...
However, Little Red Riding Hood did not follow her mother's request, which means Little Red Riding Hood broke and went against the norms of
conduct. The wood forest represents the dangerous and unpredictable society in reality. The big wolf represents the criminal who takes advantages of
young girls. The ugly old hunter represents the bottom people in the society whom can be the only object for female victims to rely upon. In the end,
Little Red Riding Hood was saved by the ugly old hunter and married him, which implies marriage is the only way out for young girls from mistakes
and corruption. This story was made up based on the current Chinese social background. This Sinicism ideological value might be controversial
according to people who have different cultures, however, this story can directly reflect the feminine situation in current Chinese
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Little Red Riding Hood by Bill Delaney
At first glance the characters Connie from "Where are you going? Where have you been?" and Little Red Riding Hood from the classic fairy tale
"Little Red Riding Hood" may seem to have nothing in common. However, from the start one can compare how much they actually have in common.
Though these two characters are very different they are the same in many ways. Their story, from beginning to end, is similar. It is easy to see how
alike and different they are with the description of Connie and Little Red Riding Hood's lives, the relationship with their wolves, and their tragic
At the start of each story the authors give you a bit of insight into Connie and Little Red Riding Hood's lives. Connie is a fifteen year old girl with a
whole ... Show more content on ...
Thoughts are not the only things Arnold and the wolf have in common. Arnold is said to look like Bob Dylan with "his unshaven face, his big white
teeth" (Tierce and Crafton 221) The wolf also had large teeth. This common section may suggest that each are both smooth talks but also are eager to
gobble up Connie and Little Red Riding Hood.
The ending of both characters are often times guessed upon. For Connie most people who read the story believe she will be raped, however, it is
never written in the authors words. For Little Red Riding Hood her ending in more definite in the stories but with so many versions it is a
question on what they all mean. Connie's ending is not sweet; it is not a happy ending. Where are You Going? Where Have You Been? ends in
confusion, turmoil, and an mysterious ending. It is not known for sure if Arnold does in fact rape Connie but the story depicts a clear ending
within its writing. For example, Arnold tells Connie "I'll hold you so tight you won't think you have to try to get away or pretend anything because
you'll know you can't" (Oates 512). It is clear to Connie in these lines what Arnold's purpose in her life is. There are many depictions of Little Red
Riding Hood and each has their own version of who she was and how the story ended. In the original written version by Perrault the wolf simply
attacks Little Red Riding Hood and devours her. "Few parents choose to read
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Little Red Riding Hood Analysis
A Victim of Violence: Little Red Riding Hood When imaging the ideal audience of fairytales, children are quick to come to mind, although, our
perception of Little Red Riding Hood as an innocent fable is far from the truth. Alternatively, the origins of this story are derived from Italo Calvino's
"The False Grandmother", a story immersed in symbolism and metaphorical symbols intended strictly for a mature audience. The preceding tale was
"Little Red Cap "written by Charles Perrault and then later the "Little Red Riding" written by the Brothers Grimm. Although the details of these tales
vary, they all maintain similar storylines. The stories revolve around the young female characterLittle Red Riding Hood who is sent off on a mission to
bring her grandmother a basket of goods. During her adventure she encounters a wolf who engages in a hot pursuit to eat both the Grandmother and
Little Red Riding Hood, only to succeed in the earlier rendition of the story. In this essay I will prove that when the Grimm's Brothers and Perrault's
Little Red Riding Hood stories are critically analyzed, it becomes evident that they are inappropriate tales for children as they exemplify the
consequences of a minor transgression by Little Red Riding Hood as being the misleading cause of the violence and seduction that occurs thereafter.
Charles Perrault's, Little Red Cap places emphasis on the contrasting character traits of the protagonist Little Red Riding Hood and the antagonist the
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Little Red Riding Hood Analysis Essay
"Little Red Riding Hood" Analysis
"Little Red Riding Hood" Analysis
I am going to describe the theme of Little Red Riding Hood, and describe the elements I found to contribute to the theme, how those elements affect the
narrative theme. The elements that I am going to use in this paper are the narrative point of view, plot and symbolism. The point of view of is described
in our text as is third–person objective, which the narrator takes a detached approach to the characters and action increasing the dramatic effect of the
story (Clugston, R. W. 2010). "Plot tells what happens to the characters in a story. A plot is built around a series of events that take place within a
definite period. No rules exist for the order in which the ... Show more content on ...
This good woman had a little red riding hood made for her. It suited the girl so extremely well that everybody called her Little Red Riding Hood"
(Clungston, 2010).
Plot according to our text is defined as "A dynamic element in fiction, a sequence of interrelated, conflicting actions and events that typically build to
a climax and bring about a resolution. (Clungston, R. W. 2010 Chapter 5)". "A unified plot has a beginning, a middle, and an end. That is, an
author leads us from somewhere (a character with a problem), through somewhere (the character facing the problem), to somewhere (the character
overcoming or being overcome by the problem). In literary terms, we speak of a story having an exposition, a rising action, a climax, and a
denouement, or outcome. The exposition gives the background and situation of the story. The rising action builds upon the given material. It creates
suspense, or a reader's desire to find out what happens next. The climax is the highest point of interest. The denouement ends the story (Summers,
Hollis 2012)." In "Little Red Riding Hood" she starts the story off with describing little red riding hood as an extremely attractive woman who is
asked by her mother to take some cake and a pot of butter to her sick grandmother. She describes red riding hoods trip to her grandmother's house,
where she met a wolf, whom was very hungry, "As she was going through the wood, she met with a wolf, who had a very great mind to
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Little Red Riding Hood 'And The Company Of Wolves'
Both old and new fairy tales today can be said to have a long history and have been retold through generations for many years. They have even been
modified into several new versions that create ideas and morals in today's society. The tale of both Charles Perrault's "Little Red Riding Hood" and
Angela Carter's "The Company of Wolves", demonstrates a notion of violence and sexuality. The two tales closely relate but both have different
perspectives on how to deal with violence and what is interpret with sexuality throughout the stories.
Charles Perrault's traditional tale "Little Red Riding Hood" differs from Angela Carter's "The Company of Wolves" because, first of all, the story
describes the image of the young girl as "the prettiest creature who was ever seen" (line 1). She is also represented as naive, because in line 12 it says
"the poor child who did not ... Show more content on ...
Little Red Riding Hood was fooled by the wolf, impersonating her grandmother. From the tale, one can depict that even children, well–raised and
attractive, listen to strangers. The young girl in Carter's tale shows a sense of intelligence because right when she arrives she knows something is
wrong yet, undresses herself. Like said before, the young girl is more sexually ready, foreshadowing that her virginity may be lost by the end of
the story. She reverses the attraction, mesmerizing the wolf on page 117, "small breasts gleamed as if snow had entered the room". Afterward, she
takes his final clothing off on page 118 and "flung it into the fire, and the fiery wake of her own discarded clothing", expressing that because of
Carter's background, both figures will be wolves forever. She also loses her virginity, "she sleeps in granny's bed, between the paws of the tender wolf"
(page 118), something she can never get back just like her
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Little Red Riding Hood Vs Goldilocks
Did you enjoy reading fairy tales as a kid? Little Red Riding Hood and Goldilocks are just a few of the books that shaped our childhood. These
books made us laugh, smile and giggle as we read. Little Red Riding Hood is about a girl who goes in the woods to bring some cake to her
grandma. She gets interrupted and tricked by a wolf who's intentions are to eat the cake. Goldilocks is about a girl who stumbles upon a house in the
forest owned by bears. She makes herself at home and roams around the house. The important decisions Little Red and Goldilocks make have
similarities and differences. The main characters in these two stories have different personalities. Goldilocks is very adventurous and self–caring. We
know this because when
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Comparing Goldilocks And Little Red Riding Hood
Have you ever put much thought into the decisions of the fairy tale characters that you grew up hearing about about? Have you ever stopped to
consider that maybe their actions and decisions resemble each other? Goldilocks and the three bears is a classic fairy tale that most children grow
up hearing, Goldilocks made plenty of decisions; she decided to go into the forest, she decided to enter a house, she discovered, she decided to eat
porridge, to sit in a chair, and to doze off in a bed that she found. Goldilocks made a lot of decisions, she wasn't the only one though. Little Red Riding
Hood is another fairy tale that we all know. Little Red made numerous decisions herself, she decided to bring her ill Granny some soup in hopes of
making her feel better. Little Red decided to go into the woods alone, she decided to proceed fearlessly into the woods, even though there may be a
malicious wolf lurking in the trees. Goldilocks and Little Red both made decisions, those decisions were similar, in that both of their decisions
involved the girls going into the woods unaccompanied, going into a house and more. However, they had made different decisions as well, and the
reasons behind their decisions were very different. One of the ... Show more content on ...
Many people never realize how much thought authors put into the stories that they write, I hope you will never again be one of those people. In this
Comparative essay, you read about the differences of the fairy tales Little Red Riding Hood and Goldilocks and the Three Bears. Both stories were
about brave, curious, young girls. Although where Little Red was selfless in her actions, Goldilocks was just looking for a fun time. Both of the girls
confronted a big, furry, scary animal. Consequently both girls felt terror at the sight of the animals they faced. Thus the two girls both made very bold
decisions; decisions that were similar and unique in their own
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Little Red Riding Hood Comparison
Folktales and Fairy Tales give us of a false sense of reality; there is a good side with no evil within the world and a side that scares us with the harsh
bitter truth. The folktale versions of Little Red Riding Hood, "Wolf" by Francesca Block and "Werewolf" by Angela Carter, depict " a wicked world
" filled with "cold weather and cold hearts" through their experiences (Block 1; Carter 1). Although the protagonists in "Wolf" and "Werewolf" both
live in harsh and cruel environments, the differences in their self–esteem and reactions to certain difficulties are conflicting. The protagonist in "Wolf"
has low self–esteem because of the abuse and takes no action in the beginning. On the other hand, the protagonist in "The Werewolf" has a high
self–esteem ... Show more content on ...
Red Riding Hood watched as the paw fell to the ground, "but it was no longer a wolf's paw. It was a hand, chopped off at the wrist, a hand toughened
with work and freckled with old age." The only conclusion to this fantastical element was that the grandmother was a witch. The moments in these two
stories were fantastical to the reader because now the protagonist in "Wolf" goes through magical realism because she dreams of a better life for herself
and makes the decision to escape from her harsh home conditions. On the other hand, "The Werewolf" exhibits fantastical moments when the reader
realizes that when the protagonist cut off the hand of the beast, it was actually her grandmother's hand. Afterwards, the protagonist resides in her
grandmother's house and prospers,causing the reader to question if the protagonist is actually the antagonist. Therefore, many fantastical elements are
presented throughout the story while the protagonists face their toughest battles against their self–esteem and
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Essay About Little Red Riding Hood
1.Little Red Riding Hood walked smoothly through the woods. Little Red Riding Hood was going to visit her old grandma. Little Red Riding Hood
spotted some beautiful flowers which made her feel happy. Little Red Riding Hood started to pick the flowers. Then Little Red Riding Hood
continuing walking to grandma.
2.Little Red Riding Hood walked through the woods on her way to her grandma, when she spotted some beautiful flowers which made her feel happy.
Little Red Riding Hood started to pick the flowers and continuing walking to grandma.
3.Little Red Riding Hood walked with a big smile on her face through the woods, because she was going to visit her old grandma. On the way, Little
Red Riding Hood spotted some red–colored flowers. When she was thinking of the beautiful flowers, it made her happy. She had to pick them up.
Immediately Little Red Riding Hood started to pick the flowers and kept walking towards grandma's house.
Horror story:
Little ... Show more content on ...
She was on her way to her grandma who lived in middle of a beautiful forest. The sun was shining bright and it was a really lovely summer day. On her
way to grandma she saw some red roses which smelled amazing, so she decided to pick some to her grandma as a gift. While she was picking some of
the roses a stranger showed up behind her. The stranger was not really a normal stranger which you see every day, this stranger was a very tall and
handsome boy, with brown long hair. Little Red Riding Hood blushed immediately, she had never seen such a lovely boy before. "What is your name",
he asked curiously with a calm voice. "You... you can call me "Lil Red", she stuttered back. "And yours?" Little Red Riding Hood gazed with adoring
eyes. "I am prince Malzahar from Egypt. I am here with my family over the weekend". "Well, that is nice. Oh no, I am afraid I have to go. My
grandma is waiting for me. I hope we will meet sometime again", she said and began to walk
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Comparing Goldilocks And Little Red Riding Hood
Today I will be comparing and contrasting the stories Little Red Riding Hood and Goldilocks . For example theses are some of the differences .
Goldilocks was lost in the woods and tried to find her way to a safe place. Little Red was traveling to her grandmothers house to give her baked
goods. Goldilocks traveled through the woods had and had altercation with the bears for messing up there beds , eat there food , and messing up
there chairs. Little Red had an altercation with the big bad wolf, who tried to take her goods. The three bears came back screaming and Goldilocks
was scared so she jumped out the bed and ran out into the forest. Little Red had another altercation with the big bad wolf , because the big bad wolf
went to little... Show more content on ...
Little Red was taking baked goods. So thats tells that there was a reason that she was traveling through the forest. Then her comes Goldilocks she
in someways was being selfish by entering the bears home without them knowing. She ate the food , broke the chairs , and slept in their beds. All
without there permission. Both girls learned lessons with these situations. For example Little Red was told there was a wolf and still decided to
go any way. Goldilocks had no purpose and no reason for going into the bears home. ` Now both girls were brave in the choices they made. Now I
wouldn't say that Goldilocks was brave , but she had guts. The way she just walked into the bears house ate their food , sat/broke their chairs, and
slept in their beds. Then she fled when they came back. Between both of them I think that Goldilocks was being selfish , careless , and mean. She
already had no purpose being there but then to eat , destroy , and sleep in their things takes it to a different level. Little Red was warned about the
Big Bad Wolf in the forest , but decided to go anyway to take baked goods to her ill grandma. Now she had a purpose for doing going through the
woods even though she was warned. She wasn't thinking about herself , but her grandma
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The Importance of Little Red Riding Hood
Ever heard of the saying "stranger danger" Little Red Riding Hood hasn't. The fairy tales that are taught and shared today teach life lessons. Little
Red Riding Hood is a fairy tale recorder by The Brothers Grimm that is about a young naГЇve girl who is deceived by the Wolf and is taught a life
lesson. Little Red Riding Hood is a fairy tale that originates from Germany and much of Europe and is about a girl who was hoodwinked by the Wolf
and teaches a theme or moral about growing up, and being safe. The tale Little Red Riding Hood is said to originate from the eighteenth to the
nineteenth century in Europe. Originally this tale was told orally thus the many different versions of this story. The first written versions are said to be
published by Charles Perrault and The Brothers Grimm. Though the versions are very similar there are small differences. In Perrault's version Little
Red Riding Hood is told to bring her grandmother a cake and a little pot of butter, though in Grimm's version it is written "One day her mother said
to her: 'Come, Little Red Riding Hood, here is a piece of cake and a bottle of wine; take them to your grandmother,..." The differences in these
versions are of the smaller differences. The versions I am going to be studying the differences and similarities are between Perrault and The Brothers
Grimm's versions. The key importance to remember is that they may be different versions they are still the same story and share the same lessons,
though written
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How Is Little Red Riding Hood Changing
Throughout history, women have been portrayed in a variety of ways; by following a popular story that has been rewritten several times over the
years, we can see this progression. "Little Red Riding Hood" was first written in 1697, and since then has been in a constant state of evolution and
change (Elmore). We will be looking at the 1697 version of "Little Red Riding Hood" and comparing it to newer versions; this will give us a chance to
see how attitudes towards women have changed over the years. So that we don't confuse the different characters, we will explore "Little Red Riding
Hood" one story at a time. We are going to use Charles Perrault's 1697 story of "Little Red Riding Hood" as our baseline because it is the oldest
known modern version (Zipes et. al. 339). This is the classic tale we all know; Little Red Riding Hood is tricked by the wolf, and bad things happen at
Grandma's house. What sets the original story apart from other early versions of the story is the moral at the end, which states
.................................pretty girls. Polite, well–taught, and Pure as pearls, Should stay on guard against all sorts of men. For if one fails to stay alert, it
won't be strange To see one eaten by a wolf enraged. (344)
Perrault teaches little girls that if a man does something to them, it is their fault for not being "on Guard" (344). He reinforces this blame and guilt by
not punishing the wolf at the end. In the newer versions, the wolf is usually killed or injured because
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Little Red Riding Hood Research Paper
Once upon a time there was a little girl known as Little Red Riding Hood. She got this nickname from her beloved grandmother because she's a little
girl who always wears a red hoodie. Her mother informed her that her grandmother had become extremely ill to the point that her mother was worried
she wasn't going to make it. This startled Little Red Riding Hood so she decided to go visit her in her brand new, candy red, Porsche. Before she left, her
mother gave her a basket full of her grandmother's favorite candies, which consisted of Gertrude Hawk Chocolate and a variety of different flavored
Little Red Riding Hood whipped her car out of her driveway and proceeded down the road where the highway was. She drifted her car onto the ... Show
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She finally arrives to her grandmother's house with the basket of goodies her mother gave her. She lets herself in the back door and runs to her
grandmother's room. Her grandmother is delighted to see her and greets her with a hug and a kiss on her cheek. Little Red Riding Hood provides
her with the basket full of goodies and explains to her why she's in such a panic. Her grandmother is distraught, and recommends her to stay at her
cabin until things cool down. Later that night, they end up falling asleep together on the couch watching Grey's Anatomy on Netflix. Little Red
Riding Hood wakes up from a nightmare of what occurred earlier that day in the middle of the night. She decides to go back to where Officer Wolf
had crashed to see if he was alive. She turns on her car and starts driving to the area that was full of trees to end up seeing Officer Wolf's cruiser still
smashed into the tree. She pulls up next to him, gets out of her car, and opens the door to his cruiser. Officer Wolf had been killed by the impact of the
accident. Little Red Riding Hood felt miserable, and broke down into tears. She never wanted Officer Wolf to have gotten hurt. She realized that she
couldn't do anything because she couldn't risk getting herself
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Little Red Riding Hood Decisions
How important are decisions? Well, decisions can effect the littlest of things, to the largest of things. Such as in "Little Red Riding Hood," and
"Goldilocks and the Three Bears." Both girls make very forward decisions, and they both learn valuable lessons. In the story "Little Red Riding
Hood," little red riding hood makes a selection of choices that effect her future. In the beginning, she decides to deliver a basket of treats to her
grandmother. Then later on, after a woodsman's warning about a wolf, she decided to press on through the woods to deliver the basket of goods. At
the end of the story, the very same wolf tried to eat her, she screamed for help, and then she was rescued by the woodsman. By the end of the story,
you can make
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Little Red Riding Hood : A Fairy Tale
Little Red Riding Hood According to oxford dictionary a fairy tale is an all aged story about magical and imaginary things. (Fairy tale). A fairy tale to
me is also like reality, because it 's a story with a lesson behind it, that people learn from, the moral. To me a fairy tale is just a short made up story with
a strong meaning behind it. The moral of a fairy tale is a lesson that 's being described, to be learned! "Little Red Riding Hood", is the fairy tale that I
think has a very serious meaning to it. The cultural value to this fairy tale is, safety of women, and the safety of little girls. Its a European fairy
tale. Lurie says " The standard European fairy tale, both traditional and modern, takes place in a fixed social world."(Alison 364). By this she
meant that a fixed social world is a world that can not be changed. Its important to know that this fairy tale is a european fairy tale because in this
little story Little Red Riding Hood goes off and does stuff that people normally do but is very dangerous. That proves the idea of lesson learned. By
this I mean that anyone and everyone knows what consequences would have to be faced but still do it, because its something that can 't be changed.
People have to actually see or go through something bad to actually learn from it. But it 's still a lesson that is taught and cannot be changed. The
cultural value of this fairy tale " Little Red Riding Hood" as I previously mentioned is about the safety of women and
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Wolves In Little Red Riding Hood
In both stories wolves are portrayed as dangerous creatures. Throughout the story of On the Mountain Trail the wolves are chasing after what they
think is prey. Then in Law of Life at the end of the story (paragraph 22) the wolves attack him and kill him. The wolves in both stories are portrayed
as fierce ferocious animals; they are creatures of the wilderness, hunting prey whenever possible. They are not the sociable animals such as dogs that
we are so custom to they are deadly animals in some cases. For example: In the mountain trail once the characters started to shoot at them the wolves
immediately thought of them as a threat, or when you are lying there motionless and if the wolves are hungry and in a pack you are a free snack to them.
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In the fairy tales Little Red Riding Hood the wolf was a trick so he could eat her and as a result she ran away. In The Boy Who Cried Wolf, he was lier
and eventually died. They were supposed to scare us so as we got older we never saw a wolf and if we did it was a symbol of fear to us. But
because we have never seen them in person when we do we think of a way to either kill them or get them away so that they cannot harm us or them,
the main characters (On the Mountain Trail paragraph 9–10 and Law of life paragraph 22). But sometimes we don't understand wolves they can
represent fear as the lone wolf represents when it's hunting alone without his pack and howls its a nonsocial animal it just depends on its confidence
with its pack. Wolves also mean in different religions that you are strong and brave, or in the Japanese they worshiped them. But in most religions
they are terrified of them they have people protecting lambs from their vicious fangs. Or werewolves when they turn into wolves they can't control
themselves and everyone has to run and hide from them. People had gotten so afraid of people actually turning into werewolves that if people thought
you were a werewolf they would kill you, because they thought you were dangerous.That's why most people try and kill them instead of stopping to pet
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Little Red Riding Hood Essay
When I was a girl, I was a pretty decent kid. I had some good friends, good grades, I was healthy...But I also had some dark clouds hanging above
my head. A thick, black smog clouding my vision and blurring reality into a world of wolves and beasts where I was Little Red Riding Hood in
the forest. I grew up one part wolf and one part sheep. My mother was a terrifying beast who would gnash her teeth and howl in the night, but
during the day, she would act as if nothing was wrong. Like she hadn't left another bruise upon my skin or my heart, like she was the perfect
mother who loved her daughter endlessly. And maybe she did, but no matter how many times she says it, I'll never know for sure. My father was
the sheep of the house when she was around, being eyed constantly as he stepped carefully to avoid making the wrong move, breathing the wrong
breath, so as to not be devoured by my werewolf of a mother. To not be attacked with biting words that stung and clung to our skin like the bruises
I thought I deserved. He...Was sometimes too scared to keep his lamb safe from the big bad wolf. But I would never blame him, I was scared too.
He tried his best and did enough to keep her from biting at my throat or dragging me down the stairs again, and it was enough to keep me alive.
When I was a girl, the smog my mother had breathed into my face with her vile words and insults clouded my views of others, too. That's what I
think, at least...maybe they really were as cruel as I
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Goldilocks and Little Red Riding Hood
In the story of Red Riding Hood, her mother had asked for her help to bring a basket of wine and fruits for her sick grandmother. Her mother
ordered her to stay on track and not to talk to any strangers on the way. However, she didn't stay on path and she talked to a wolf. The wolf took all
means to trick Red Riding Hood by disguising as her grandmother. He devoured Red Riding Hood and the grandmother.Little Red Riding Hood
screamed and the woodcutter in the forest came to her rescue. Red Riding Hood learnt her lesson to not talk to strangers.
In the story of Goldilocks, she took an alternative path, which her mum warned her not to use. Goldilocks lost her way and stumbled upon a house.
She went straight in without hesitation when no one answered the door. Because Goldilocks was so hungry, she tasted all three bowls of porridge,
sat on all three chairs and slept on all three beds. Meanwhile the owners arrived back home and discovered her existence. Goldilocks was awoken and
she bolted off the door. And she never returned to the home of the three bears in the woods.
We can see that Red Riding Hood and Goldilocks were both naГЇve. Both of them were unsophisticated, they never occurred to them that they might be
harmed. They had no knowledge on the outside world and how evil and dangerous the world can be. This was why they made the wrong decisions by
talking to strangers and going into stranger's house uninvited. We can see that Goldilocks was repulsive as she bolted
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Little Red Riding Hood Essay
One of the most recognized fairy tales is "Little Red Riding Hood". In the Aarne– Thompson Folktale Types and Motifs Index Little Red Riding Hood
falls into the tale type of AT 333 Red Riding Hood (...). The two most recognizable characters in the AT 333 tale type is Little Red Riding Hood and
the wolf. These characters are in contrast to form the villain and innocent personalities that drive the plot (Tartar, 51). Whereas the wolf is a wicked,
greedy, predator (including sexually), Little Red is innocent (sexually). Depending on the version she is either cunning or naГЇve (Hallett, 27).
Furthermore, this tale type is being told for entertainment, but it also taught children not to talk to strangers (Walker, 12). In addition, this tale also
warns girls, specifically, to avoid strange men due to the heavily implied theme of rape within the story (Perrault, 35). Teaching moral warning and
ideas on sexuality through an aggressive male figure (wolf) and innocent female (Red Riding Hood) is the basic theme of the Red Riding Hood story.
This tale type is distinctly different from many other tales because there is "no ... Show more content on ...
Chang's version "The Little Red Riding Hood's" (Chang, 38–40). A few examples of differences is that there are three sisters rather than one girl filling
the Red Riding Hood roll (Chang, 38). Another difference is that the mother is the one who goes to visit the grandmother, not the Red Riding Hoods
(Chang, 38). Another break from common Westernfairy tale tropes is that out of the three girls the cleverest is the oldest, rather than the youngest
(Tatar, 87). These differences are a result of the tale being formed in non–Western culture. Chang's version is from China whereas most of the Red
Riding Hood tales, presented in Hallett and Karasek's "Folk and Fairy Tales", are from a Western background. (Hallett,
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Comparison Of Little Red Riding Hood
Little Red Riding Hood is European folk mythology which teaches children the dangers of the unknown through the story of the titular protagonist
and her encounter with 'The Wolf'. Charles Perrault penned the first version for print in 1697 in Tales and Stories of the Past with Morals. Tales of
Mother Goose; these stories are highly moralized and didactic with their roots in early French folklore. It was in this version that the significant
meaning of the iconic 'red hood' was first noted. I will be focusing my exploration into adaptation on three of Angela Carter's short stories from her
collection The Bloody Chamber; The Werewolf, Wolf Alice and The Company of Wolves. Collectively these stories are known as 'The Wolf Trilogy'
and henceforth... Show more content on ...
Thus, reiterating the 'victim complex' of the original fairy tales. Carter bypasses this entirely and allows her feminine hero to 'prosper' instead of
In The Company of Wolves Carter endeavours to restore the helpless girl created in Perrault's tale into a witty and self–reliant woman, fitting of today's
modern feminist. She is presented as a young woman in touch with her own sexuality who takes control of the situation and therefore saves herself
from being eaten. In direct contrast, her grandmother, who conforms to the patriarchal systems of oppression, ends up dead. The grandmother
represents the older generation; her life reduced to remembering her marriage and being devoted to the bible. Her lack of initiative to change her own
life ultimately seals her fate. The reader is given evidence early on that the young girl does not conform to patriarchal
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Little Red Riding Hood Research Paper
A Woman's Responsibility: Innocence and Sex in Perrault's "Little Red Riding Hood" In a time when travelling the woods would have been both
commonplace and necessary, it would have been pertinent to teach children about all the dangers and life–threatening situations they might face. In
Perrault's "Little Red Riding Hood," Little Red's innocence and naivety allow her to fall victim to the wolf. This innocence is a major theme in
Perrault's story. By deciphering the allegory and symbolism, one can see how Perrault's "Little Red Riding Hood" is a cautionary tale meant to warn
young girls about the threat of sexual predators. One major theme in "Little Red Riding Hood" is innocence and the loss of innocence. While Little
Red is travelling the woods on her way to Grandmother's, she meets the wolf. At this point, the narrator says, "The poor child...did not know that it was
dangerous to stop and listen to wolves..." (12). Here, the narrator is acknowledging Little Red's naivety, while also letting the reader know that meeting
the wolf ... Show more content on ...
In the "Moral" section at the end of the story, the narrator says, "From this story one learns that children,/Especially young girls,/Pretty, well–bred, and
genteel,/Are wrong to listen to just anyone,/And it's not at all strange,/If a wolf ends up eating them" (13). The narrator is saying here that it would
not be altogether unordinary or unexpected if a girl were to be ravaged by a wolf, especially if she were naГЇve enough to talk to him in the first place.
By abdicating the wolf of all responsibility for his actions, the narrator promotes the idea that young girls and young ladies are solely responsible for
protecting themselves and their virginity from predators. However, in the "Moral" section of the story, the narrator
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Intelligence In Little Red Riding Hood
Intelligence in Little Red
There are many versions of the classic story of Little Red Riding Hood and they all come with different names, details and ideas. A detail in the
stories that one can see is that intelligence can end up being the saving factor in a bad situation. These stories such as, "Little Red Riding Hood" by
Charles Perrault, and "Little Red Cap" by Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm are all different in their own ways yet very much similar to one another in the
ideas and thoughts that they produce from us as the readers. One main ideal that one might believe the authors of these stories try to convey to us might
be the importance of intelligence in these stories when it comes to listening to our parents, talking to strangers, and ... Show more content on ...
In one of the stories mentioned, "Little Red Riding Hood" the girl gives up the directions to her grandmother's house to a wolf she has never met
saying that the house is, "the first house you come to in the village." (Perrault) In another version of the tale, "Little Red Cap" the directions are a bit
more detailed as she tells the wolf that the house is, "In the wood, fifteen or twenty minutes' walk from here, and under the three big oak trees." She
then goes on to say that it has hazel hedges around it and surely he must know the place. (Grimm) This is mistake number one as the intelligent thing
to do would have been for the little girl to ignore the wolf, and if that was not possible to do she should not have given up such vital information to
someone, or in this case a wolf, that she did not know. This mistake while she must not have thought it an important thing ended up starting a chain
reaction that ended up causing a world of troubles in both of the
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Short Story : ' Little Red Riding Hood '
Once upon a time there was a dear little girl who was loved by everyone who looked at her, but most of all by her grandmother, and there was
nothing that she would not have given to the child. Once she gave her a little riding hood of red velvet, which suited her so well that she would never
wear anything else; so she was always called 'Little Red Riding Hood. '
One day her mother said to her: 'Come, Little Red Riding Hood, here is a piece of cake and a bottle of wine; take them to your grandmother, she is
ill and weak, and they will do her good. Set out before it gets hot, and when you are going, walk nicely and quietly and do not run off the path, or
you may fall and break the bottle, and then your grandmother will get nothing; and when you go into her room, don 't forget to say, "Good morning",
and don 't peep into every corner before you do it. '
'I will take great care, ' said Little Red Riding Hood to her mother, and gave her hand on it.
The grandmother lived out in the wood, half a league from the village, and just as Little Red Riding Hood entered the wood, a wolf met her. Red
Riding Hood did not know what a wicked creature he was, and was not at all afraid of him.
'Good day, Little Red Riding Hood, ' said he.
'Thank you kindly, wolf. '
'Whither away so early, Little Red Riding Hood? '
'To my grandmother 's. '
'What have you got in your apron? '
'Cake and wine; yesterday was baking–day, so poor sick
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'Exposed In The Little Red Riding Hood'
In the timeless story The Little Red Riding Hood is a story geared to children to be cautious with whom they give their trust to and teaches children
to invariably listen to the good their parents have to say. The Lovely Bones explains the consequences that come with trusting the wrong person. The
Little Red Riding Hood and The Lovely Bones share a didactic purpose: first, to warn innocent young females of the physical danger and possibilities
present in the modern society, and second, to warn them to be careful with their trust. Physical Abuse is a variety of abuse that occurs frequently
around the world. It is a very serious situation because people get murdered, tortured, physically, and mentally abused. People need to be told not to
keep... Show more content on ...
In this story the wolf took advantage of the little girl's kindness, obliviousness, and innocence by getting information on where she was going, and
using it to his advantage. Although the wolf used information that wasn't pertained to him, Little Red Riding Hood's innocent qualities led her to
disregard the possibility of the wolf having evil plans for her and her grandmother. Her guiltless qualities led her to proffer too much information to
the wolf, and perceived her and her grandmother as vulnerable to the wolf. Not knowing the evil that is out there, she trusted the wolf and told him
exactly where she was going and who she was going to see. Since the wolf was aware of where the grandmother lived, she consumed Little Red
Riding Hood's grandmother and then followed by attempting to eat her (Perrault, Charles, and Grimm Jacob). If Little Red Riding Hood had done
what she was told by her mother and stayed on the bunny trail, she wouldn't have encountered any of this. Although, her mother should have not let
her into the forest alone either. This childhood story is a prime example of what we experience on an everyday basis. People need to be educated on
the danger another individual may possess. Not only do children lack intelligence in this field, parents do as well. Unfortunately, because people are not
protective of themselves and may be vulnerable, they are guiltless and their situation ends with unfortunate results just as Little Red Riding Hood
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Compare And Contrast Little Red Riding Hood
Fairytales have been around for hundreds of years. They were originally made for Kings and Queens for their own entertainment. They changed
throughout the years and now the stories made them more appropriate for children Stories and nursery rhymes.
Comparisons will be made between the traditional red riding and the hood winked by comparing to red puckket to little red riding hood granny to triple
G and big bad wolf to wolf W wolf, by the appearance, personality and role.
As the girl walked through the dark forest what harm could come from this
Little red riding hood is a little girl who wears Red cape. She has a dark brown hair with rosy cheeks with fricals. Little riding hood is a gullible girl
who is sweet and innocent for example she tell the big bad wolf were she's is going and how to get there and why she is going. After all, she is a
loving sweet girl cares for anyone. He main role is to deliverers some treats to her grandmother and get tricked by the wolf and her grandmother gets
eaten until the woodcutter saves the day and rescues granny. Unlike the traditional version Red ... Show more content on ...
Granny wears wire rimmed glasses with a cream bonnet and a blue and white night gown, In additional, granny is loving and caring she, loves her
granddaughter and can't hear something, for example, when the wolf knocked on the door she couldn't hear a thing, and had to repeat himself.
Either way she is happy and gives. Her main role is to get eaten by the wolf and get saved by the wood cutter. On the other side, Granny also referred
as triple G is no sick frail lady who lays in bed she is a multi–winning champion she has done boxing, cage fighting, karate and skiing. She also sells he
own goodies, she is an active lady who love to do her job. Instead of her being frail and old she helps and saves the day. As one can see one is frail and
on is energetic. The only thing they have in common is they have wire rim
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Little Red Riding Hood Monologue
Little Red Riding Hood There is no more feared warriors then those of the Scarlet guard, belonging to the Kingdom of Vomderdash. Trained since
childhood to follow and enforce the crown while they protect the Royal family. To many, the group cloaked in red is a greater symbol of the royal
family's power than the crown itself. But within the guard there is only one who is feared by all. Head of the Princes' royal guard, cruel and cunning,
rarely seen by the citizens themselves. They call her Red. An expert in deception and poisons, the young girl has brought towns to their knees, with just
a smile. A vermillion haired monster hidden by the face of a doll.
................................................................................................................................................................................. Red's POV I walked into Prince... Show
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You would think they would get smarter as they continued but going off the dead fool I just past, it would seem they are still stubborn and
foolish. As I look up I notice two wolf men, as they approached I smiled sweetly, "Good afternoon gentlemen." They glanced at one another before
wishing me a good afternoon. The tallest one's eyes landed the crown clasp of my cloak for a moment. "Are you lost miss?" laughing lightly I
shrug before offering them a cookie, they peered into the basket I held, spotting the heart shaped treats. "They're cinnamon with apple jam. I do
promise they are to die for." The larger man's eyes narrowed, "did you give the poor dead fool on the path a cookie?" My lips parted, "a dead man,
how could that be... do you think it's safe?" "Depends on who you are miss, why did you say you were in these woods again?" I smiled gently, "I'm
delivering these to my dearest grandmother." I say holding out the basket He hesitated only for a slight second. "oh. Be careful then, these woods can
be dangerous." I nodded once still holding out the basket, "so would you like a treat?" He scratched the back of his neck, looking awfully
uncomfortable, "sorry, I'm not too fond of
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Little Red Riding Hood By Charles Perrault
In the version of "Little Red Riding Hood", Charles Perrault makes the story into a life lesson for young female children. Charles Perrault twisted the
ending of the story by instead of Little Red tricking and getting away from the big bad wolf; she was eaten by the wolf and so was her grandmother.
Not so happy ending, but it has a point to it. Little Red Riding Hood in this version is the representation of all young females that are or have been
targeted or victimized by any adult. Here in the text it explains how and why Charles Perrault chose Little Red Riding Hood to make his point.
Charles Perrault's version of "Little Red Riding Hood" was told in a way that reveals more than just a children's story–tail. There is a social group that
is portrayed ... Show more content on ...
Charles Perrault has a side note at the end of his writing of the moral of the story, in it he states, "Children, especially attractive, well bred young
ladies, should never talk to strangers, for if they should do so, they may well provide dinner for a wolf." He said calls predators 'wolf' because no
one knows what they are going to do, who they are going to get, how sneaky they are, and the urgency of having to feel that dominate side. That is
why children, especially little girls, are always the target to these predators.
Overall, Charles Perrault reconstructed the story of Little Red Riding Hood so that Little Red has a purpose. Little Red Riding Hood in the story is
the symbol for all the young female children society group. She was initially picked because of her actions throughout the story that are so commonly
found in our society today. Older adults getting through kids, strangers taking little girls, and just like Charles Perrault said " ...never talk to strangers,
for if they should do so, they may well provide dinner for a
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The Little Red Riding Hood
Do you ever wonder why writers retell our childhood tales? Does is ever occur to you that the tales being retold may be used to tell a reader a
deeper message? During our childhood we were told stories of many sorts that directed a message to the reader, such as "The Little Red Riding
Hood" by Charles Perrault. As children, our parents read this short story in order for us to receive the authors message to not talk to strangers or else
something bad can happen. Children see tales such as "The Little Red Riding Hood" very differently than adults do. As adults, they see this young
attractive village girl being tricked by the wolf who gathers information he needs to find her grandmother to eat. Overtime, the story has changed
numerous times based ... Show more content on ...
One of the symbols that periodically pops up in many of the "Little Red Riding Hood" tales is the red cap that Little Red wears. The cap is given
to her by her grandmother, which symbolizes a deeper message in the retellings. The story by Perrault really doesn't symbolize anything, mainly
noted that it was given by her grandmother, however, in Angela Carters story it represents the transition to women hood. Carter states, "She closed
the window on the wolves' threnody and took off her scarlet shawl, the color of poppies, the color of sacrifices, the color of her menses, and since
her fear did her no good, she ceased to be afraid. What shall I do with my shawl? Throw it on the fire, dear one. You won't need it again" (649).
Here Little Red Riding Hood burns her shawl, which represent her sexuality. Little Red is no longer betrayed as a little girl, she ends her innocence
by burning her shawl which ends her virginity. Symbols can represent more than just a symbolic meaning but making it important or a lesson taught to
the readers. The shawl that represents her cape which symbolizes the end of her little girl innocence because she gets naked in front of the wolf and
the story goes on to lose her virginity. Another symbol that resonance Little Red in general is,
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Little Red Riding Hood Research Paper
"Little Red Riding Hood" dates back to the 16th century and this story has been told in a variety of ways. The one thing that hasn't changed is that it
is one of the most popular fairy tales. Like most fairy tales, red riding hood has become altered and is used to entertain children. Even today the story
of Little Red continues to be shared to audiences of varying ages. One of the biggest differences between the modern versions and the traditional
versions is the censorship. If you were to analyze "Little Red Riding Hood" you could say there is a lot of dark latent content. This content teaches the
reader a lesson about strangers using murder, rape, and even cannibalism. Many people would agree it is too dark for children. The modern versions
censor this content more than the classic versions.
"The Story of Grandmother" and Roald Dahl's version of "Little Red Riding Hood" are some of my favorite versions of the story. ... Show more content
on ...
It makes it a more fun and humorful read for the reader or listener. This is another reason why the Roald Dahl version is more appropriate for children
than the classic version of red riding hood.
Much more sexual profanity is used in "The Story of Grandmother." First off, there is a cat in the grandmother's house and she calls the little girl a
slut for eating her grandmother. We don't believe that cat means it in that way, but out of anger. The cat feels the girl is stupid for being fooled by
this wolf that killed her grandmother. In this version the girl is fully nude lying next to the wolf she thinks is her grandmother. Finally, the author
adds some humor into the story when the girl asks to go to the bathroom. The wolf realizes she is taking too long and asks "Are you making a load
out there? Are you making a load?" Not that this is an appropriate version for a child, but young kids would get a laugh out of hearing
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Little Red Riding Hood Research Paper

  • 1. Little Red Riding Hood Research Paper Intelligence in Little Red There are many versions of the classic story of Little Red Riding Hood and they all come with different names, details and ideas. A main idea in the stories is that intelligence can end up being the saving factor in a bad situation. In fact that is what the authors of these stories seem to be trying to teach us is the importance of intelligence in life. The characters in these stories can teach us so much about how just stopping and thinking before you act can end up being a saving factor. These stories aren't really about a little girl who is tricked by a wolf, they are about a girl who does not use her brain and ends up getting hurt, and hurting others around her. These stories such as, "Little Red Riding ... Show more content on ... They might just look like little kid stories, but when a person looks further they can see all of the lessons that these authors were really trying to teach us when we were children. One of the main ideas of the stories is intelligence and how it can have an impact on children listening to one's parents, people dealing with strangers, and using common sense. In these stories the authors' and the actions of the characters expresses without ever saying anything directly outright the importance of listening to one's parents and acting intelligent, and how important it is to listen to one's parents, because they often know more than children think. The way this ties into the main idea of intelligence is that if someone is intelligent and thinking clearly, they will do the right thing by obeying their parents. The character of Little Red Riding Hood in the two stories mentioned above does just the opposite of that. She not only ignores her mother's command to stay on the path but in one of the stories, "Little Red Cap" she strays off of the path and starts picking flowers, because she is sure ... Get more on ...
  • 2. Essay on Little Red Riding Hood Throughout literature, authors employ a variety of strategies to highlight the central message being conveyed to the audience. Analyzing pieces of literature through the gender critics lens accentuates what the author believes to be masculine or feminine and that society and culture determines the gender responsibility of an individual. In the classic fairytale Little Red Riding Hood, the gender strategies appear through the typical fragile women of the mother and the grandmother, the heartless and clever male wolf, and the naГЇve and vulnerable girl as little red riding hood. In the classical tale of Little Red Riding Hood, Little Red Riding Hood leaves her mother to visit her grandmother, and both the women possess the feminine ... Show more content on ... Highlighting that the women were inferior to him, the wolf plans to "be clever about this that the [he] can make a good meal out of the two of them" (Hyman 8). He gradually formulates a strategy to hoodwink the adolescent into entrusting him. By doing this, he reveals that the author subconsciously believes men to be of such evasiveness. He seems gentle and kind, but his true character lies under the mask of kindness. The gentle wolves become the most dangerous in these varieties of narratives, because they shadow the infantile, naГЇve girls, and swindle them into trusting them before they commence to do the unthinkable act of deceiving the women (Bettelheim 168). The wolf's superior nature as a male character provides a character foil for the lady–like traits of Little Red Riding Hood as he overpowers her with his male authority and intelligence. As Little Red Riding Hood blindly follows the wolf's commands and becomes the weaker of the two characters, she proves the idea that being raised in a society where the women continue to allow themselves to be suppressed into the kitchen and household chores affects the gender role that she takes on herself. As Little Red Riding Hood begins to leave on her journey, her mother proves her lack of faith in the intelligence of her daughter as she instructs her to not "daydream and stray off the path" (Hyman 3). She continues on her journey, and the wolf sees her from ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Little Red Riding Hood Mistakes In the story "Little Red Riding Hood" by Jacob Ludwig Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm, Little Red Riding Hood is a likeable person because she is kind and she learns from her mistakes. Little Red Riding Hood is a kind person because she visits and brings her grandmother food. When Little Red Riding Hood is talking to the wolf he asks, "Where are you going so early, Little Red Riding Hood?" "To my grandmother's." "What are you carrying under your apron?" "Cakes and wine; we baked yesterday; and my grandmother is very weak and ill, so they will do her good, and strengthen her."" (1). Little Red Riding Hood brings her grandmother food and drinks to strengthen her because she is ill. Little Red Riding Hood learns from her mistakes because when she ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Red Riding Hood : The Story Of Little Red Riding Hood Little Red Riding Hood "Once upon a time there was a sweet little girl who always wore a red hood. . ." Most people know the story of little red riding hood. A mother sending her young daughter to bring some treats to her sick grandmother. The mother made sure that little red riding hood understands that the woods can be dangerous. She should not get distracted talking to strangers or looking at pretty things. She should stay on her trail to her grandmother home, but poor little girl did not expect to run into a big bad wolf. The wolf had a trick up his sleeve and steered little red riding hood off her trail to pick beautiful flowers. A good deed gone totally wrong all because little red riding failed to listen to her mother, after she warned her about how dangerous it can be if she goes off trail. Meanwhile, the wolf went straight to the grandmothers' house and knocked on the door pretending to be little red riding hood. "Hello, who is at the door?" Yelled the grandmother from her bedroom. "Hello grandmother, it is little red, your granddaughter" Said the wolf mimicking little red riding hood's voice. Grandmother responding confused "I was not expecting you today, are you sick? You sound a little strange." The wolf immediately knew he had have a good response or she will not fall his trick. He replies quickly "Why, yes grandmother. I am sick, came down with a cold the other day. I came to bring you some tea to help us feel better." She fell for the trick and went to open ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Little Red Riding Hood And Goldilocks Similarities Growing up, I read many fables and tales of fiction. Two of the most notable being Little Red Riding Hood and Goldilocks. The reason for this is because they are so relatable to our own childhood of being mischievous, careless, and imaginable. In the story, "Little Red Riding Hood",a young, obedient girl is given the task of traveling to help her sick granny. Little Red Riding Hood was very outgoing and courageous taking a trail though the woods. Even though she knew about a wolf in the woods, she took the risk and kept going. When she came across the wolf she was very naive to think the wolf was her granny. She was quick witted and quickly got the attention of a woodsmen for help. Goldilocks and The Three Bears was a slightly different ... Get more on ...
  • 6. What Is Feminism In Little Red Riding Hood Revolutionary Red Regardless of time and space, revolutions bleed red. In Charles Perrault's "Little Red Riding Hood," the wolf eats Little Red Riding Hood. Critics claim that Perrault's moral blames Little Red Riding Hood similar to how the victim is often blamed for rape. Similar to this, Cinderella and the Little Mermaid are criticized for suffering passively for a prince. Their suffering, however, also breathes life into the characters and contributes to a strong character development. Although many fairy tales, specifically "Little Red Riding Hood," "Cinderella," and "The Little Mermaid," are accused as anti–feminist works, all of "Little Red Riding Hood's" versions serve as a feminist outlet for women regardless of a time period's context. ... Show more content on ... She remains stoic and true to herself despite times of turmoil. Although she suffers in silence, she is eventually rewarded for her goodness. Rohrich observes, "By revealing themselves from time to time in their full beauty, they achieve their aim that the future husbands are always the ones beseeching and the heroines are the ones granting" (Rohrich 120). With this, Cinderella controls her own fate rather by pursuing what she believes in: hard work, kindness, and inner beauty. Among the different versions, The Brothers' Grimm strongly underscores her values. For instance, birds help her throughout the story as a symbol of freedom. They help her accomplish her stepmother's seemingly impossible tasks and punish her stepsisters for their cruelty. With this help, she gains the courage to control her destiny. Although she is faced with her stepmother's tyranny, she ultimately triumphs by rebellion. By going to the ball, she establishes her own freedom at her own risk. She knew the consequences and took a calculated risk. This is similar to the Brothers Grimm's version of "Little Red Riding Hood." Although Little Red Riding Hood strays off the path, she defeats the wolf with her trickery and ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Little Red Riding Hood Comparison The adaptations and interpretations of "Red Riding Hood" vary considerably, showing a plethora of reformations in time. Versions such as the one of main focus in this analysis have aspects of the modern era that we live in today incorporated into their hidden messages. They speak to both the audiences of children and adults, some being too explicit for children's ears. The version that will be analyzed in this essay is a poem by Roald Dahl from his collection of Revolting Rhymes. This particular version, like David McPhail's "Little Red Riding Hood", is a bowdlerized version of the tale, with a twist. (Maaren, Bowdlerism). This version that is aimed at children, though seems far too familiar at first, ends with an unexpected change to the fairytale. The poem begins with a reversal in roles, with the Wolf being in the spotlight, and Little Red Riding Hood nowhere to be mentioned. In the original tale, one is anxiously waiting for the wolf to make his appearance, yet in this poem the wait is for Little Red Riding Hood. With this being the first big change, it enables the reader to be aware that he or she will be taken into unknown territory. There is no explanation as to ... Show more content on ... But in this version, the not so clear portrayal makes it all the more intriguing for the reader, constantly anxious to make sense of what is happening with the drastic alteration of events. The poem describes the wolf as just that, which makes it hard to distinguish whether he is "big" or "bad". This makes him seem harmless, further with the addition of calling him "Wolfie" (Dahl 6). We learn that he is searching for a "decent meal" (Dahl 2), which fails to describe his hunger as one that is dangerous. It is not until Dahl arrives at the wolf's "sharp white teeth", and "horrid grin," (5) that we begin to realize that he is the Big Bad Wolf after ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Little Red Riding Hood Monologue We all know the story about Little Red Riding Hood. She went to her grandma's house and got attacked by the big bad wolf. Now I will tell you what really happened. It was a nice sunny day in the middle of summer. There was a girl who everyone called Little Red Riding Hood (because she always wore a red jacket with a red hood and she was small), but her real name was Elizabeth. Elizabeth the cruel. She was just getting out of church and walking home, but on her way, a bluebird approached her and said that her grandma was very ill. The bird told Red that her grandma might die if she did not have any medicine soon. Little Red immediately sprinted home, grabbed some medicine and a picnic basket. She tossed in a knife for protection because she ... Show more content on ... She said, "My, what big feet you have." I tried to talk like grandma, but my gruff voice gave me away. Little Red Riding Hood knew that it was me. She yelled, "Did you eat her?" "No, no!" I cried. "She went to the hospital!" "I don't believe you," Little Red screamed as she pulled out her gun. Just then, fox leaped out of his hiding spot and attacked Red from behind. Fox and I fled the house. Later that night when grandma got home, she saw that Little Red Riding Hood was hurt. Grandma took her to the hospital. When Red told them about what had happened, the cops thought the hair that she had on her jacket was mine. But I was innocent and this story proves it! Red got grounded for a week. That was her only punishment. As for fox, he lied to the cops and said it was me who attacked her. A few days later, he got trapped in one of those traps set up by Red's parents. He's going to be their meal for supper. Serves him right. I never liked that cheating scumbag in the first place. As for me, I'm still locked up in prison for attempted murder. My, what a big problem I ... Get more on ...
  • 9. The Predator: The Little Red Riding Hood In the multiple readings of the little red riding hood there were many small differences. Throughout every story there happens to be the predator (whether it's a wolf, ogress, or bear), the little girl, as well as the sweet grandmother. Within the tales there is the basic story line of the typical little red riding hood; the wolf (predator) hunts little red (little girl) and through the chase manages to gobble up the grandmother as well. In most cases, the little girl manages to eliminate the predator; in another a huntsman's saves both red and the grandmother. Although most times, the grandmother does not survive. Another variation includes multiple different characters being involved like: an aunt, the three little pigs, and another child. ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Little Red Riding Hood Metaphors Everyone knows the story of Little Red Riding Hood; there are some different versions all around the world. In my childhood, Little Red Riding Hood was a tale of a little girl who loved wearing a red riding hood, went to visit her sick grandma alone. On her way to grandma's house, a big wolf came and followed her, then ate both the grandma and little girl. At last, a passing hunter killed the wolf and opened his stomach, saved the grandma and little girl's lives. In my country, this story is used to teach children to have a sense of safety awareness and not to listen to random strangers. However, based on the feminine situations in China, I see this story through a cruel viewing angle. The story I am about to retell next doesn't represent my ideal society, but somehow is the reflection of my civilization. Once upon the time, there... Show more content on ... However, Little Red Riding Hood did not follow her mother's request, which means Little Red Riding Hood broke and went against the norms of conduct. The wood forest represents the dangerous and unpredictable society in reality. The big wolf represents the criminal who takes advantages of young girls. The ugly old hunter represents the bottom people in the society whom can be the only object for female victims to rely upon. In the end, Little Red Riding Hood was saved by the ugly old hunter and married him, which implies marriage is the only way out for young girls from mistakes and corruption. This story was made up based on the current Chinese social background. This Sinicism ideological value might be controversial according to people who have different cultures, however, this story can directly reflect the feminine situation in current Chinese ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Little Red Riding Hood by Bill Delaney At first glance the characters Connie from "Where are you going? Where have you been?" and Little Red Riding Hood from the classic fairy tale "Little Red Riding Hood" may seem to have nothing in common. However, from the start one can compare how much they actually have in common. Though these two characters are very different they are the same in many ways. Their story, from beginning to end, is similar. It is easy to see how alike and different they are with the description of Connie and Little Red Riding Hood's lives, the relationship with their wolves, and their tragic endings. At the start of each story the authors give you a bit of insight into Connie and Little Red Riding Hood's lives. Connie is a fifteen year old girl with a whole ... Show more content on ... Thoughts are not the only things Arnold and the wolf have in common. Arnold is said to look like Bob Dylan with "his unshaven face, his big white teeth" (Tierce and Crafton 221) The wolf also had large teeth. This common section may suggest that each are both smooth talks but also are eager to gobble up Connie and Little Red Riding Hood. The ending of both characters are often times guessed upon. For Connie most people who read the story believe she will be raped, however, it is never written in the authors words. For Little Red Riding Hood her ending in more definite in the stories but with so many versions it is a question on what they all mean. Connie's ending is not sweet; it is not a happy ending. Where are You Going? Where Have You Been? ends in confusion, turmoil, and an mysterious ending. It is not known for sure if Arnold does in fact rape Connie but the story depicts a clear ending within its writing. For example, Arnold tells Connie "I'll hold you so tight you won't think you have to try to get away or pretend anything because you'll know you can't" (Oates 512). It is clear to Connie in these lines what Arnold's purpose in her life is. There are many depictions of Little Red Riding Hood and each has their own version of who she was and how the story ended. In the original written version by Perrault the wolf simply attacks Little Red Riding Hood and devours her. "Few parents choose to read ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Little Red Riding Hood Analysis A Victim of Violence: Little Red Riding Hood When imaging the ideal audience of fairytales, children are quick to come to mind, although, our perception of Little Red Riding Hood as an innocent fable is far from the truth. Alternatively, the origins of this story are derived from Italo Calvino's "The False Grandmother", a story immersed in symbolism and metaphorical symbols intended strictly for a mature audience. The preceding tale was "Little Red Cap "written by Charles Perrault and then later the "Little Red Riding" written by the Brothers Grimm. Although the details of these tales vary, they all maintain similar storylines. The stories revolve around the young female characterLittle Red Riding Hood who is sent off on a mission to bring her grandmother a basket of goods. During her adventure she encounters a wolf who engages in a hot pursuit to eat both the Grandmother and Little Red Riding Hood, only to succeed in the earlier rendition of the story. In this essay I will prove that when the Grimm's Brothers and Perrault's Little Red Riding Hood stories are critically analyzed, it becomes evident that they are inappropriate tales for children as they exemplify the consequences of a minor transgression by Little Red Riding Hood as being the misleading cause of the violence and seduction that occurs thereafter. Charles Perrault's, Little Red Cap places emphasis on the contrasting character traits of the protagonist Little Red Riding Hood and the antagonist the Wolf. ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Little Red Riding Hood Analysis Essay "Little Red Riding Hood" Analysis "Little Red Riding Hood" Analysis I am going to describe the theme of Little Red Riding Hood, and describe the elements I found to contribute to the theme, how those elements affect the narrative theme. The elements that I am going to use in this paper are the narrative point of view, plot and symbolism. The point of view of is described in our text as is third–person objective, which the narrator takes a detached approach to the characters and action increasing the dramatic effect of the story (Clugston, R. W. 2010). "Plot tells what happens to the characters in a story. A plot is built around a series of events that take place within a definite period. No rules exist for the order in which the ... Show more content on ... This good woman had a little red riding hood made for her. It suited the girl so extremely well that everybody called her Little Red Riding Hood" (Clungston, 2010). Plot according to our text is defined as "A dynamic element in fiction, a sequence of interrelated, conflicting actions and events that typically build to a climax and bring about a resolution. (Clungston, R. W. 2010 Chapter 5)". "A unified plot has a beginning, a middle, and an end. That is, an author leads us from somewhere (a character with a problem), through somewhere (the character facing the problem), to somewhere (the character overcoming or being overcome by the problem). In literary terms, we speak of a story having an exposition, a rising action, a climax, and a denouement, or outcome. The exposition gives the background and situation of the story. The rising action builds upon the given material. It creates suspense, or a reader's desire to find out what happens next. The climax is the highest point of interest. The denouement ends the story (Summers, Hollis 2012)." In "Little Red Riding Hood" she starts the story off with describing little red riding hood as an extremely attractive woman who is asked by her mother to take some cake and a pot of butter to her sick grandmother. She describes red riding hoods trip to her grandmother's house, where she met a wolf, whom was very hungry, "As she was going through the wood, she met with a wolf, who had a very great mind to ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Little Red Riding Hood 'And The Company Of Wolves' Both old and new fairy tales today can be said to have a long history and have been retold through generations for many years. They have even been modified into several new versions that create ideas and morals in today's society. The tale of both Charles Perrault's "Little Red Riding Hood" and Angela Carter's "The Company of Wolves", demonstrates a notion of violence and sexuality. The two tales closely relate but both have different perspectives on how to deal with violence and what is interpret with sexuality throughout the stories. Charles Perrault's traditional tale "Little Red Riding Hood" differs from Angela Carter's "The Company of Wolves" because, first of all, the story describes the image of the young girl as "the prettiest creature who was ever seen" (line 1). She is also represented as naive, because in line 12 it says "the poor child who did not ... Show more content on ... Little Red Riding Hood was fooled by the wolf, impersonating her grandmother. From the tale, one can depict that even children, well–raised and attractive, listen to strangers. The young girl in Carter's tale shows a sense of intelligence because right when she arrives she knows something is wrong yet, undresses herself. Like said before, the young girl is more sexually ready, foreshadowing that her virginity may be lost by the end of the story. She reverses the attraction, mesmerizing the wolf on page 117, "small breasts gleamed as if snow had entered the room". Afterward, she takes his final clothing off on page 118 and "flung it into the fire, and the fiery wake of her own discarded clothing", expressing that because of Carter's background, both figures will be wolves forever. She also loses her virginity, "she sleeps in granny's bed, between the paws of the tender wolf" (page 118), something she can never get back just like her ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Little Red Riding Hood Vs Goldilocks Did you enjoy reading fairy tales as a kid? Little Red Riding Hood and Goldilocks are just a few of the books that shaped our childhood. These books made us laugh, smile and giggle as we read. Little Red Riding Hood is about a girl who goes in the woods to bring some cake to her grandma. She gets interrupted and tricked by a wolf who's intentions are to eat the cake. Goldilocks is about a girl who stumbles upon a house in the forest owned by bears. She makes herself at home and roams around the house. The important decisions Little Red and Goldilocks make have similarities and differences. The main characters in these two stories have different personalities. Goldilocks is very adventurous and self–caring. We know this because when ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Comparing Goldilocks And Little Red Riding Hood Have you ever put much thought into the decisions of the fairy tale characters that you grew up hearing about about? Have you ever stopped to consider that maybe their actions and decisions resemble each other? Goldilocks and the three bears is a classic fairy tale that most children grow up hearing, Goldilocks made plenty of decisions; she decided to go into the forest, she decided to enter a house, she discovered, she decided to eat porridge, to sit in a chair, and to doze off in a bed that she found. Goldilocks made a lot of decisions, she wasn't the only one though. Little Red Riding Hood is another fairy tale that we all know. Little Red made numerous decisions herself, she decided to bring her ill Granny some soup in hopes of making her feel better. Little Red decided to go into the woods alone, she decided to proceed fearlessly into the woods, even though there may be a malicious wolf lurking in the trees. Goldilocks and Little Red both made decisions, those decisions were similar, in that both of their decisions involved the girls going into the woods unaccompanied, going into a house and more. However, they had made different decisions as well, and the reasons behind their decisions were very different. One of the ... Show more content on ... Many people never realize how much thought authors put into the stories that they write, I hope you will never again be one of those people. In this Comparative essay, you read about the differences of the fairy tales Little Red Riding Hood and Goldilocks and the Three Bears. Both stories were about brave, curious, young girls. Although where Little Red was selfless in her actions, Goldilocks was just looking for a fun time. Both of the girls confronted a big, furry, scary animal. Consequently both girls felt terror at the sight of the animals they faced. Thus the two girls both made very bold decisions; decisions that were similar and unique in their own ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Little Red Riding Hood Comparison Folktales and Fairy Tales give us of a false sense of reality; there is a good side with no evil within the world and a side that scares us with the harsh bitter truth. The folktale versions of Little Red Riding Hood, "Wolf" by Francesca Block and "Werewolf" by Angela Carter, depict " a wicked world " filled with "cold weather and cold hearts" through their experiences (Block 1; Carter 1). Although the protagonists in "Wolf" and "Werewolf" both live in harsh and cruel environments, the differences in their self–esteem and reactions to certain difficulties are conflicting. The protagonist in "Wolf" has low self–esteem because of the abuse and takes no action in the beginning. On the other hand, the protagonist in "The Werewolf" has a high self–esteem ... Show more content on ... Red Riding Hood watched as the paw fell to the ground, "but it was no longer a wolf's paw. It was a hand, chopped off at the wrist, a hand toughened with work and freckled with old age." The only conclusion to this fantastical element was that the grandmother was a witch. The moments in these two stories were fantastical to the reader because now the protagonist in "Wolf" goes through magical realism because she dreams of a better life for herself and makes the decision to escape from her harsh home conditions. On the other hand, "The Werewolf" exhibits fantastical moments when the reader realizes that when the protagonist cut off the hand of the beast, it was actually her grandmother's hand. Afterwards, the protagonist resides in her grandmother's house and prospers,causing the reader to question if the protagonist is actually the antagonist. Therefore, many fantastical elements are presented throughout the story while the protagonists face their toughest battles against their self–esteem and ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Essay About Little Red Riding Hood 1.Little Red Riding Hood walked smoothly through the woods. Little Red Riding Hood was going to visit her old grandma. Little Red Riding Hood spotted some beautiful flowers which made her feel happy. Little Red Riding Hood started to pick the flowers. Then Little Red Riding Hood continuing walking to grandma. 2.Little Red Riding Hood walked through the woods on her way to her grandma, when she spotted some beautiful flowers which made her feel happy. Little Red Riding Hood started to pick the flowers and continuing walking to grandma. 3.Little Red Riding Hood walked with a big smile on her face through the woods, because she was going to visit her old grandma. On the way, Little Red Riding Hood spotted some red–colored flowers. When she was thinking of the beautiful flowers, it made her happy. She had to pick them up. Immediately Little Red Riding Hood started to pick the flowers and kept walking towards grandma's house. 4. Horror story: Little ... Show more content on ... She was on her way to her grandma who lived in middle of a beautiful forest. The sun was shining bright and it was a really lovely summer day. On her way to grandma she saw some red roses which smelled amazing, so she decided to pick some to her grandma as a gift. While she was picking some of the roses a stranger showed up behind her. The stranger was not really a normal stranger which you see every day, this stranger was a very tall and handsome boy, with brown long hair. Little Red Riding Hood blushed immediately, she had never seen such a lovely boy before. "What is your name", he asked curiously with a calm voice. "You... you can call me "Lil Red", she stuttered back. "And yours?" Little Red Riding Hood gazed with adoring eyes. "I am prince Malzahar from Egypt. I am here with my family over the weekend". "Well, that is nice. Oh no, I am afraid I have to go. My grandma is waiting for me. I hope we will meet sometime again", she said and began to walk ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Comparing Goldilocks And Little Red Riding Hood Today I will be comparing and contrasting the stories Little Red Riding Hood and Goldilocks . For example theses are some of the differences . Goldilocks was lost in the woods and tried to find her way to a safe place. Little Red was traveling to her grandmothers house to give her baked goods. Goldilocks traveled through the woods had and had altercation with the bears for messing up there beds , eat there food , and messing up there chairs. Little Red had an altercation with the big bad wolf, who tried to take her goods. The three bears came back screaming and Goldilocks was scared so she jumped out the bed and ran out into the forest. Little Red had another altercation with the big bad wolf , because the big bad wolf went to little... Show more content on ... Little Red was taking baked goods. So thats tells that there was a reason that she was traveling through the forest. Then her comes Goldilocks she in someways was being selfish by entering the bears home without them knowing. She ate the food , broke the chairs , and slept in their beds. All without there permission. Both girls learned lessons with these situations. For example Little Red was told there was a wolf and still decided to go any way. Goldilocks had no purpose and no reason for going into the bears home. ` Now both girls were brave in the choices they made. Now I wouldn't say that Goldilocks was brave , but she had guts. The way she just walked into the bears house ate their food , sat/broke their chairs, and slept in their beds. Then she fled when they came back. Between both of them I think that Goldilocks was being selfish , careless , and mean. She already had no purpose being there but then to eat , destroy , and sleep in their things takes it to a different level. Little Red was warned about the Big Bad Wolf in the forest , but decided to go anyway to take baked goods to her ill grandma. Now she had a purpose for doing going through the woods even though she was warned. She wasn't thinking about herself , but her grandma ... Get more on ...
  • 20. The Importance of Little Red Riding Hood Ever heard of the saying "stranger danger" Little Red Riding Hood hasn't. The fairy tales that are taught and shared today teach life lessons. Little Red Riding Hood is a fairy tale recorder by The Brothers Grimm that is about a young naГЇve girl who is deceived by the Wolf and is taught a life lesson. Little Red Riding Hood is a fairy tale that originates from Germany and much of Europe and is about a girl who was hoodwinked by the Wolf and teaches a theme or moral about growing up, and being safe. The tale Little Red Riding Hood is said to originate from the eighteenth to the nineteenth century in Europe. Originally this tale was told orally thus the many different versions of this story. The first written versions are said to be published by Charles Perrault and The Brothers Grimm. Though the versions are very similar there are small differences. In Perrault's version Little Red Riding Hood is told to bring her grandmother a cake and a little pot of butter, though in Grimm's version it is written "One day her mother said to her: 'Come, Little Red Riding Hood, here is a piece of cake and a bottle of wine; take them to your grandmother,..." The differences in these versions are of the smaller differences. The versions I am going to be studying the differences and similarities are between Perrault and The Brothers Grimm's versions. The key importance to remember is that they may be different versions they are still the same story and share the same lessons, though written ... Get more on ...
  • 21. How Is Little Red Riding Hood Changing Throughout history, women have been portrayed in a variety of ways; by following a popular story that has been rewritten several times over the years, we can see this progression. "Little Red Riding Hood" was first written in 1697, and since then has been in a constant state of evolution and change (Elmore). We will be looking at the 1697 version of "Little Red Riding Hood" and comparing it to newer versions; this will give us a chance to see how attitudes towards women have changed over the years. So that we don't confuse the different characters, we will explore "Little Red Riding Hood" one story at a time. We are going to use Charles Perrault's 1697 story of "Little Red Riding Hood" as our baseline because it is the oldest known modern version (Zipes et. al. 339). This is the classic tale we all know; Little Red Riding Hood is tricked by the wolf, and bad things happen at Grandma's house. What sets the original story apart from other early versions of the story is the moral at the end, which states .................................pretty girls. Polite, well–taught, and Pure as pearls, Should stay on guard against all sorts of men. For if one fails to stay alert, it won't be strange To see one eaten by a wolf enraged. (344) Perrault teaches little girls that if a man does something to them, it is their fault for not being "on Guard" (344). He reinforces this blame and guilt by not punishing the wolf at the end. In the newer versions, the wolf is usually killed or injured because ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Little Red Riding Hood Research Paper Once upon a time there was a little girl known as Little Red Riding Hood. She got this nickname from her beloved grandmother because she's a little girl who always wears a red hoodie. Her mother informed her that her grandmother had become extremely ill to the point that her mother was worried she wasn't going to make it. This startled Little Red Riding Hood so she decided to go visit her in her brand new, candy red, Porsche. Before she left, her mother gave her a basket full of her grandmother's favorite candies, which consisted of Gertrude Hawk Chocolate and a variety of different flavored licorice. Little Red Riding Hood whipped her car out of her driveway and proceeded down the road where the highway was. She drifted her car onto the ... Show more content on ... She finally arrives to her grandmother's house with the basket of goodies her mother gave her. She lets herself in the back door and runs to her grandmother's room. Her grandmother is delighted to see her and greets her with a hug and a kiss on her cheek. Little Red Riding Hood provides her with the basket full of goodies and explains to her why she's in such a panic. Her grandmother is distraught, and recommends her to stay at her cabin until things cool down. Later that night, they end up falling asleep together on the couch watching Grey's Anatomy on Netflix. Little Red Riding Hood wakes up from a nightmare of what occurred earlier that day in the middle of the night. She decides to go back to where Officer Wolf had crashed to see if he was alive. She turns on her car and starts driving to the area that was full of trees to end up seeing Officer Wolf's cruiser still smashed into the tree. She pulls up next to him, gets out of her car, and opens the door to his cruiser. Officer Wolf had been killed by the impact of the accident. Little Red Riding Hood felt miserable, and broke down into tears. She never wanted Officer Wolf to have gotten hurt. She realized that she couldn't do anything because she couldn't risk getting herself ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Little Red Riding Hood Decisions How important are decisions? Well, decisions can effect the littlest of things, to the largest of things. Such as in "Little Red Riding Hood," and "Goldilocks and the Three Bears." Both girls make very forward decisions, and they both learn valuable lessons. In the story "Little Red Riding Hood," little red riding hood makes a selection of choices that effect her future. In the beginning, she decides to deliver a basket of treats to her grandmother. Then later on, after a woodsman's warning about a wolf, she decided to press on through the woods to deliver the basket of goods. At the end of the story, the very same wolf tried to eat her, she screamed for help, and then she was rescued by the woodsman. By the end of the story, you can make ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Little Red Riding Hood : A Fairy Tale Little Red Riding Hood According to oxford dictionary a fairy tale is an all aged story about magical and imaginary things. (Fairy tale). A fairy tale to me is also like reality, because it 's a story with a lesson behind it, that people learn from, the moral. To me a fairy tale is just a short made up story with a strong meaning behind it. The moral of a fairy tale is a lesson that 's being described, to be learned! "Little Red Riding Hood", is the fairy tale that I think has a very serious meaning to it. The cultural value to this fairy tale is, safety of women, and the safety of little girls. Its a European fairy tale. Lurie says " The standard European fairy tale, both traditional and modern, takes place in a fixed social world."(Alison 364). By this she meant that a fixed social world is a world that can not be changed. Its important to know that this fairy tale is a european fairy tale because in this little story Little Red Riding Hood goes off and does stuff that people normally do but is very dangerous. That proves the idea of lesson learned. By this I mean that anyone and everyone knows what consequences would have to be faced but still do it, because its something that can 't be changed. People have to actually see or go through something bad to actually learn from it. But it 's still a lesson that is taught and cannot be changed. The cultural value of this fairy tale " Little Red Riding Hood" as I previously mentioned is about the safety of women and ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Wolves In Little Red Riding Hood In both stories wolves are portrayed as dangerous creatures. Throughout the story of On the Mountain Trail the wolves are chasing after what they think is prey. Then in Law of Life at the end of the story (paragraph 22) the wolves attack him and kill him. The wolves in both stories are portrayed as fierce ferocious animals; they are creatures of the wilderness, hunting prey whenever possible. They are not the sociable animals such as dogs that we are so custom to they are deadly animals in some cases. For example: In the mountain trail once the characters started to shoot at them the wolves immediately thought of them as a threat, or when you are lying there motionless and if the wolves are hungry and in a pack you are a free snack to them. ... Show more content on ... In the fairy tales Little Red Riding Hood the wolf was a trick so he could eat her and as a result she ran away. In The Boy Who Cried Wolf, he was lier and eventually died. They were supposed to scare us so as we got older we never saw a wolf and if we did it was a symbol of fear to us. But because we have never seen them in person when we do we think of a way to either kill them or get them away so that they cannot harm us or them, the main characters (On the Mountain Trail paragraph 9–10 and Law of life paragraph 22). But sometimes we don't understand wolves they can represent fear as the lone wolf represents when it's hunting alone without his pack and howls its a nonsocial animal it just depends on its confidence with its pack. Wolves also mean in different religions that you are strong and brave, or in the Japanese they worshiped them. But in most religions they are terrified of them they have people protecting lambs from their vicious fangs. Or werewolves when they turn into wolves they can't control themselves and everyone has to run and hide from them. People had gotten so afraid of people actually turning into werewolves that if people thought you were a werewolf they would kill you, because they thought you were dangerous.That's why most people try and kill them instead of stopping to pet ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Little Red Riding Hood Essay When I was a girl, I was a pretty decent kid. I had some good friends, good grades, I was healthy...But I also had some dark clouds hanging above my head. A thick, black smog clouding my vision and blurring reality into a world of wolves and beasts where I was Little Red Riding Hood in the forest. I grew up one part wolf and one part sheep. My mother was a terrifying beast who would gnash her teeth and howl in the night, but during the day, she would act as if nothing was wrong. Like she hadn't left another bruise upon my skin or my heart, like she was the perfect mother who loved her daughter endlessly. And maybe she did, but no matter how many times she says it, I'll never know for sure. My father was the sheep of the house when she was around, being eyed constantly as he stepped carefully to avoid making the wrong move, breathing the wrong breath, so as to not be devoured by my werewolf of a mother. To not be attacked with biting words that stung and clung to our skin like the bruises I thought I deserved. He...Was sometimes too scared to keep his lamb safe from the big bad wolf. But I would never blame him, I was scared too. He tried his best and did enough to keep her from biting at my throat or dragging me down the stairs again, and it was enough to keep me alive. When I was a girl, the smog my mother had breathed into my face with her vile words and insults clouded my views of others, too. That's what I think, at least...maybe they really were as cruel as I ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Goldilocks and Little Red Riding Hood In the story of Red Riding Hood, her mother had asked for her help to bring a basket of wine and fruits for her sick grandmother. Her mother ordered her to stay on track and not to talk to any strangers on the way. However, she didn't stay on path and she talked to a wolf. The wolf took all means to trick Red Riding Hood by disguising as her grandmother. He devoured Red Riding Hood and the grandmother.Little Red Riding Hood screamed and the woodcutter in the forest came to her rescue. Red Riding Hood learnt her lesson to not talk to strangers. In the story of Goldilocks, she took an alternative path, which her mum warned her not to use. Goldilocks lost her way and stumbled upon a house. She went straight in without hesitation when no one answered the door. Because Goldilocks was so hungry, she tasted all three bowls of porridge, sat on all three chairs and slept on all three beds. Meanwhile the owners arrived back home and discovered her existence. Goldilocks was awoken and she bolted off the door. And she never returned to the home of the three bears in the woods. We can see that Red Riding Hood and Goldilocks were both naГЇve. Both of them were unsophisticated, they never occurred to them that they might be harmed. They had no knowledge on the outside world and how evil and dangerous the world can be. This was why they made the wrong decisions by talking to strangers and going into stranger's house uninvited. We can see that Goldilocks was repulsive as she bolted ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Little Red Riding Hood Essay One of the most recognized fairy tales is "Little Red Riding Hood". In the Aarne– Thompson Folktale Types and Motifs Index Little Red Riding Hood falls into the tale type of AT 333 Red Riding Hood (...). The two most recognizable characters in the AT 333 tale type is Little Red Riding Hood and the wolf. These characters are in contrast to form the villain and innocent personalities that drive the plot (Tartar, 51). Whereas the wolf is a wicked, greedy, predator (including sexually), Little Red is innocent (sexually). Depending on the version she is either cunning or naГЇve (Hallett, 27). Furthermore, this tale type is being told for entertainment, but it also taught children not to talk to strangers (Walker, 12). In addition, this tale also warns girls, specifically, to avoid strange men due to the heavily implied theme of rape within the story (Perrault, 35). Teaching moral warning and ideas on sexuality through an aggressive male figure (wolf) and innocent female (Red Riding Hood) is the basic theme of the Red Riding Hood story. This tale type is distinctly different from many other tales because there is "no ... Show more content on ... Chang's version "The Little Red Riding Hood's" (Chang, 38–40). A few examples of differences is that there are three sisters rather than one girl filling the Red Riding Hood roll (Chang, 38). Another difference is that the mother is the one who goes to visit the grandmother, not the Red Riding Hoods (Chang, 38). Another break from common Westernfairy tale tropes is that out of the three girls the cleverest is the oldest, rather than the youngest (Tatar, 87). These differences are a result of the tale being formed in non–Western culture. Chang's version is from China whereas most of the Red Riding Hood tales, presented in Hallett and Karasek's "Folk and Fairy Tales", are from a Western background. (Hallett, ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Comparison Of Little Red Riding Hood Little Red Riding Hood is European folk mythology which teaches children the dangers of the unknown through the story of the titular protagonist and her encounter with 'The Wolf'. Charles Perrault penned the first version for print in 1697 in Tales and Stories of the Past with Morals. Tales of Mother Goose; these stories are highly moralized and didactic with their roots in early French folklore. It was in this version that the significant meaning of the iconic 'red hood' was first noted. I will be focusing my exploration into adaptation on three of Angela Carter's short stories from her collection The Bloody Chamber; The Werewolf, Wolf Alice and The Company of Wolves. Collectively these stories are known as 'The Wolf Trilogy' and henceforth... Show more content on ... Thus, reiterating the 'victim complex' of the original fairy tales. Carter bypasses this entirely and allows her feminine hero to 'prosper' instead of perishing. In The Company of Wolves Carter endeavours to restore the helpless girl created in Perrault's tale into a witty and self–reliant woman, fitting of today's modern feminist. She is presented as a young woman in touch with her own sexuality who takes control of the situation and therefore saves herself from being eaten. In direct contrast, her grandmother, who conforms to the patriarchal systems of oppression, ends up dead. The grandmother represents the older generation; her life reduced to remembering her marriage and being devoted to the bible. Her lack of initiative to change her own life ultimately seals her fate. The reader is given evidence early on that the young girl does not conform to patriarchal ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Little Red Riding Hood Research Paper A Woman's Responsibility: Innocence and Sex in Perrault's "Little Red Riding Hood" In a time when travelling the woods would have been both commonplace and necessary, it would have been pertinent to teach children about all the dangers and life–threatening situations they might face. In Perrault's "Little Red Riding Hood," Little Red's innocence and naivety allow her to fall victim to the wolf. This innocence is a major theme in Perrault's story. By deciphering the allegory and symbolism, one can see how Perrault's "Little Red Riding Hood" is a cautionary tale meant to warn young girls about the threat of sexual predators. One major theme in "Little Red Riding Hood" is innocence and the loss of innocence. While Little Red is travelling the woods on her way to Grandmother's, she meets the wolf. At this point, the narrator says, "The poor child...did not know that it was dangerous to stop and listen to wolves..." (12). Here, the narrator is acknowledging Little Red's naivety, while also letting the reader know that meeting the wolf ... Show more content on ... In the "Moral" section at the end of the story, the narrator says, "From this story one learns that children,/Especially young girls,/Pretty, well–bred, and genteel,/Are wrong to listen to just anyone,/And it's not at all strange,/If a wolf ends up eating them" (13). The narrator is saying here that it would not be altogether unordinary or unexpected if a girl were to be ravaged by a wolf, especially if she were naГЇve enough to talk to him in the first place. By abdicating the wolf of all responsibility for his actions, the narrator promotes the idea that young girls and young ladies are solely responsible for protecting themselves and their virginity from predators. However, in the "Moral" section of the story, the narrator ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Intelligence In Little Red Riding Hood Intelligence in Little Red There are many versions of the classic story of Little Red Riding Hood and they all come with different names, details and ideas. A detail in the stories that one can see is that intelligence can end up being the saving factor in a bad situation. These stories such as, "Little Red Riding Hood" by Charles Perrault, and "Little Red Cap" by Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm are all different in their own ways yet very much similar to one another in the ideas and thoughts that they produce from us as the readers. One main ideal that one might believe the authors of these stories try to convey to us might be the importance of intelligence in these stories when it comes to listening to our parents, talking to strangers, and ... Show more content on ... In one of the stories mentioned, "Little Red Riding Hood" the girl gives up the directions to her grandmother's house to a wolf she has never met saying that the house is, "the first house you come to in the village." (Perrault) In another version of the tale, "Little Red Cap" the directions are a bit more detailed as she tells the wolf that the house is, "In the wood, fifteen or twenty minutes' walk from here, and under the three big oak trees." She then goes on to say that it has hazel hedges around it and surely he must know the place. (Grimm) This is mistake number one as the intelligent thing to do would have been for the little girl to ignore the wolf, and if that was not possible to do she should not have given up such vital information to someone, or in this case a wolf, that she did not know. This mistake while she must not have thought it an important thing ended up starting a chain reaction that ended up causing a world of troubles in both of the ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Short Story : ' Little Red Riding Hood ' Once upon a time there was a dear little girl who was loved by everyone who looked at her, but most of all by her grandmother, and there was nothing that she would not have given to the child. Once she gave her a little riding hood of red velvet, which suited her so well that she would never wear anything else; so she was always called 'Little Red Riding Hood. ' One day her mother said to her: 'Come, Little Red Riding Hood, here is a piece of cake and a bottle of wine; take them to your grandmother, she is ill and weak, and they will do her good. Set out before it gets hot, and when you are going, walk nicely and quietly and do not run off the path, or you may fall and break the bottle, and then your grandmother will get nothing; and when you go into her room, don 't forget to say, "Good morning", and don 't peep into every corner before you do it. ' 'I will take great care, ' said Little Red Riding Hood to her mother, and gave her hand on it. The grandmother lived out in the wood, half a league from the village, and just as Little Red Riding Hood entered the wood, a wolf met her. Red Riding Hood did not know what a wicked creature he was, and was not at all afraid of him. 'Good day, Little Red Riding Hood, ' said he. 'Thank you kindly, wolf. ' 'Whither away so early, Little Red Riding Hood? ' 'To my grandmother 's. ' 'What have you got in your apron? ' 'Cake and wine; yesterday was baking–day, so poor sick
  • 33. ... Get more on ...
  • 34. 'Exposed In The Little Red Riding Hood' In the timeless story The Little Red Riding Hood is a story geared to children to be cautious with whom they give their trust to and teaches children to invariably listen to the good their parents have to say. The Lovely Bones explains the consequences that come with trusting the wrong person. The Little Red Riding Hood and The Lovely Bones share a didactic purpose: first, to warn innocent young females of the physical danger and possibilities present in the modern society, and second, to warn them to be careful with their trust. Physical Abuse is a variety of abuse that occurs frequently around the world. It is a very serious situation because people get murdered, tortured, physically, and mentally abused. People need to be told not to keep... Show more content on ... In this story the wolf took advantage of the little girl's kindness, obliviousness, and innocence by getting information on where she was going, and using it to his advantage. Although the wolf used information that wasn't pertained to him, Little Red Riding Hood's innocent qualities led her to disregard the possibility of the wolf having evil plans for her and her grandmother. Her guiltless qualities led her to proffer too much information to the wolf, and perceived her and her grandmother as vulnerable to the wolf. Not knowing the evil that is out there, she trusted the wolf and told him exactly where she was going and who she was going to see. Since the wolf was aware of where the grandmother lived, she consumed Little Red Riding Hood's grandmother and then followed by attempting to eat her (Perrault, Charles, and Grimm Jacob). If Little Red Riding Hood had done what she was told by her mother and stayed on the bunny trail, she wouldn't have encountered any of this. Although, her mother should have not let her into the forest alone either. This childhood story is a prime example of what we experience on an everyday basis. People need to be educated on the danger another individual may possess. Not only do children lack intelligence in this field, parents do as well. Unfortunately, because people are not protective of themselves and may be vulnerable, they are guiltless and their situation ends with unfortunate results just as Little Red Riding Hood ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Compare And Contrast Little Red Riding Hood Fairytales have been around for hundreds of years. They were originally made for Kings and Queens for their own entertainment. They changed throughout the years and now the stories made them more appropriate for children Stories and nursery rhymes. Comparisons will be made between the traditional red riding and the hood winked by comparing to red puckket to little red riding hood granny to triple G and big bad wolf to wolf W wolf, by the appearance, personality and role. As the girl walked through the dark forest what harm could come from this Little red riding hood is a little girl who wears Red cape. She has a dark brown hair with rosy cheeks with fricals. Little riding hood is a gullible girl who is sweet and innocent for example she tell the big bad wolf were she's is going and how to get there and why she is going. After all, she is a loving sweet girl cares for anyone. He main role is to deliverers some treats to her grandmother and get tricked by the wolf and her grandmother gets eaten until the woodcutter saves the day and rescues granny. Unlike the traditional version Red ... Show more content on ... Granny wears wire rimmed glasses with a cream bonnet and a blue and white night gown, In additional, granny is loving and caring she, loves her granddaughter and can't hear something, for example, when the wolf knocked on the door she couldn't hear a thing, and had to repeat himself. Either way she is happy and gives. Her main role is to get eaten by the wolf and get saved by the wood cutter. On the other side, Granny also referred as triple G is no sick frail lady who lays in bed she is a multi–winning champion she has done boxing, cage fighting, karate and skiing. She also sells he own goodies, she is an active lady who love to do her job. Instead of her being frail and old she helps and saves the day. As one can see one is frail and on is energetic. The only thing they have in common is they have wire rim ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Little Red Riding Hood Monologue Little Red Riding Hood There is no more feared warriors then those of the Scarlet guard, belonging to the Kingdom of Vomderdash. Trained since childhood to follow and enforce the crown while they protect the Royal family. To many, the group cloaked in red is a greater symbol of the royal family's power than the crown itself. But within the guard there is only one who is feared by all. Head of the Princes' royal guard, cruel and cunning, rarely seen by the citizens themselves. They call her Red. An expert in deception and poisons, the young girl has brought towns to their knees, with just a smile. A vermillion haired monster hidden by the face of a doll. ................................................................................................................................................................................. Red's POV I walked into Prince... Show more content on ... You would think they would get smarter as they continued but going off the dead fool I just past, it would seem they are still stubborn and foolish. As I look up I notice two wolf men, as they approached I smiled sweetly, "Good afternoon gentlemen." They glanced at one another before wishing me a good afternoon. The tallest one's eyes landed the crown clasp of my cloak for a moment. "Are you lost miss?" laughing lightly I shrug before offering them a cookie, they peered into the basket I held, spotting the heart shaped treats. "They're cinnamon with apple jam. I do promise they are to die for." The larger man's eyes narrowed, "did you give the poor dead fool on the path a cookie?" My lips parted, "a dead man, how could that be... do you think it's safe?" "Depends on who you are miss, why did you say you were in these woods again?" I smiled gently, "I'm delivering these to my dearest grandmother." I say holding out the basket He hesitated only for a slight second. "oh. Be careful then, these woods can be dangerous." I nodded once still holding out the basket, "so would you like a treat?" He scratched the back of his neck, looking awfully uncomfortable, "sorry, I'm not too fond of ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Little Red Riding Hood By Charles Perrault In the version of "Little Red Riding Hood", Charles Perrault makes the story into a life lesson for young female children. Charles Perrault twisted the ending of the story by instead of Little Red tricking and getting away from the big bad wolf; she was eaten by the wolf and so was her grandmother. Not so happy ending, but it has a point to it. Little Red Riding Hood in this version is the representation of all young females that are or have been targeted or victimized by any adult. Here in the text it explains how and why Charles Perrault chose Little Red Riding Hood to make his point. Charles Perrault's version of "Little Red Riding Hood" was told in a way that reveals more than just a children's story–tail. There is a social group that is portrayed ... Show more content on ... Charles Perrault has a side note at the end of his writing of the moral of the story, in it he states, "Children, especially attractive, well bred young ladies, should never talk to strangers, for if they should do so, they may well provide dinner for a wolf." He said calls predators 'wolf' because no one knows what they are going to do, who they are going to get, how sneaky they are, and the urgency of having to feel that dominate side. That is why children, especially little girls, are always the target to these predators. Overall, Charles Perrault reconstructed the story of Little Red Riding Hood so that Little Red has a purpose. Little Red Riding Hood in the story is the symbol for all the young female children society group. She was initially picked because of her actions throughout the story that are so commonly found in our society today. Older adults getting through kids, strangers taking little girls, and just like Charles Perrault said " ...never talk to strangers, for if they should do so, they may well provide dinner for a ... Get more on ...
  • 38. The Little Red Riding Hood Do you ever wonder why writers retell our childhood tales? Does is ever occur to you that the tales being retold may be used to tell a reader a deeper message? During our childhood we were told stories of many sorts that directed a message to the reader, such as "The Little Red Riding Hood" by Charles Perrault. As children, our parents read this short story in order for us to receive the authors message to not talk to strangers or else something bad can happen. Children see tales such as "The Little Red Riding Hood" very differently than adults do. As adults, they see this young attractive village girl being tricked by the wolf who gathers information he needs to find her grandmother to eat. Overtime, the story has changed numerous times based ... Show more content on ... One of the symbols that periodically pops up in many of the "Little Red Riding Hood" tales is the red cap that Little Red wears. The cap is given to her by her grandmother, which symbolizes a deeper message in the retellings. The story by Perrault really doesn't symbolize anything, mainly noted that it was given by her grandmother, however, in Angela Carters story it represents the transition to women hood. Carter states, "She closed the window on the wolves' threnody and took off her scarlet shawl, the color of poppies, the color of sacrifices, the color of her menses, and since her fear did her no good, she ceased to be afraid. What shall I do with my shawl? Throw it on the fire, dear one. You won't need it again" (649). Here Little Red Riding Hood burns her shawl, which represent her sexuality. Little Red is no longer betrayed as a little girl, she ends her innocence by burning her shawl which ends her virginity. Symbols can represent more than just a symbolic meaning but making it important or a lesson taught to the readers. The shawl that represents her cape which symbolizes the end of her little girl innocence because she gets naked in front of the wolf and the story goes on to lose her virginity. Another symbol that resonance Little Red in general is, ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Little Red Riding Hood Research Paper "Little Red Riding Hood" dates back to the 16th century and this story has been told in a variety of ways. The one thing that hasn't changed is that it is one of the most popular fairy tales. Like most fairy tales, red riding hood has become altered and is used to entertain children. Even today the story of Little Red continues to be shared to audiences of varying ages. One of the biggest differences between the modern versions and the traditional versions is the censorship. If you were to analyze "Little Red Riding Hood" you could say there is a lot of dark latent content. This content teaches the reader a lesson about strangers using murder, rape, and even cannibalism. Many people would agree it is too dark for children. The modern versions censor this content more than the classic versions. "The Story of Grandmother" and Roald Dahl's version of "Little Red Riding Hood" are some of my favorite versions of the story. ... Show more content on ... It makes it a more fun and humorful read for the reader or listener. This is another reason why the Roald Dahl version is more appropriate for children than the classic version of red riding hood. Much more sexual profanity is used in "The Story of Grandmother." First off, there is a cat in the grandmother's house and she calls the little girl a slut for eating her grandmother. We don't believe that cat means it in that way, but out of anger. The cat feels the girl is stupid for being fooled by this wolf that killed her grandmother. In this version the girl is fully nude lying next to the wolf she thinks is her grandmother. Finally, the author adds some humor into the story when the girl asks to go to the bathroom. The wolf realizes she is taking too long and asks "Are you making a load out there? Are you making a load?" Not that this is an appropriate version for a child, but young kids would get a laugh out of hearing ... Get more on ...