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Study Paper on
Li-Fi Technology
[The latest technology in wireless]

Submitted By :

Showrav Mazumder
ID : 10530053

Md.Mozahid Hossain
ID : 11330336

Submitted To: Joya Das
(Lecturer of UITS)

Page : 08-03-2014
Date of Submission 0 of 19

For the vast increasing gadgets, their usage and developments led to the progression of
Wi-Fi which provides a latest technology, it’s called Li-Fi. Li-Fi is a latest technology
that makes use of LED light which helps in the transmission of data much more faster
and flexible than data that can be transmitted through Wi-Fi. Light reaches nearly
everywhere so communication can also go along with light easily. Light Fidelity is a
branch of optical wireless communication which is an emerging technology. By using
visible light as transmission medium, Li-Fi provides wireless indoor communication. The
bit rate achieved by Li-Fi cannot be achieved by Wi-Fi. Prof. Dr. herald Haas, the
professor of mobile communications at the University of Edinburgh, UK, first time
publically displayed the proof of Light Fidelity(Li-Fi), a method of Visible Light
communication(VLC). Li-Fi is the transfer of data through light by taking fiber out of
fiber optics and sending data through LED light.

1. Introduction……………………………………………………………... 3
2. History…………………………………………………………………... 4
2.1. Present scenario …………………………………………………………… 5

3. Working Technology …………………………………………………... 6
3.1. Basic Concept ..………………………………………………………...... 6
3.2. How it’s works …………………………………………………………..... 6
3.3. Data Transmission ………………………………………………………… 7
3.4. Why Visible Light Communication ………………………………............. 7
3.5. Design of Li-Fi ………………………………………………………….. 8
3.6. What Makes A Fiber Optics Cable……………………………………..... 8
3.7. Implementation ………………………………………………………….. 9

4. Applications …………………………………………………………... 11
5. Features ..…………………………………………………………….... 15
6. Limitations….………………………………………………………..... 16
6.1. Comparisons ………………………………………………................ 16
7. Conclusion…………………………………………………………….. 18
8. References………………………………………………………….…. 19

Li-fi basically known as ―light fidelity‖ is an outcome of twenty first century. The basic
ideology behind this technology is that the data century. The basic ideology behind this
technology is that the data can be transmitted through LED light whose intensity varies
even faster than the human eye. As the transmission of the data takes place through the
light emitting diodes (LED’s) the amount is comparatively small .In modern times, it is
called as the optimized version of WI-FI . In simple terms, Li-Fi can be thought of as a
light-based Wi-Fi. That is, it uses light instead of radio waves to transmit information.
And instead of Wi-Fi modems, Li-Fi would use transceiver-fitted LED lamps that can
light a room as well as transmit and receive information. Since simple light bulbs are
used, there can technically be any number of access points. This technology uses a part of
the electromagnetic spectrum that is still not greatly utilized- The Visible Spectrum.
Light is in fact very much part of our lives for millions and millions of years and does not
have any major ill effect. Moreover there is 10,000 times more space available much
more. The technology truly began during the 1990's in countries like in this spectrum and
just counting on the bulbs in use, it also multiplies to 10,000 times more availability as an
infrastructure, globally. The advantageous thing is the wireless communication which
decreases the cost enormously. HARALD HASS, who is considered to be the father of
Li-fi from university of Edinburgh, UK says that the heart of this technology lies in the
intensity and the potential of the light emitting diodes. The major reason which lead the
modern man through this invention is that the confinement of Wi-Fi to comparatively
small distance. As there are more and more devices coming up day-by-day the signals are
being clogged up due to heavy traffic, there arise a need for an error free transmission
technology. And the solution to this problem was the Li-fi technology. It has been
designed in such a way that it overcomes the disadvantages that occurs during the usage
of Wi-Fi. In general terms, Li-fi works even under water thereby causing a great benefit
to the military operations. The physicists envisions that this technology would make a
great difference between the assumption and the proof in this case. The demonstration
took place using two Casio smart phones. The data was made to exchange between the
phones using light. Even though the distance was nominal, it is sure that there would be a
rapid increase in the distance of transmission. As there is a limited amount of Radio
based wireless spectrum available a number of companies formed a consortium called
Li-fi consortium in order to promote high speed optical wireless systems. The members
of this consortium believes that a speed of 10Gbps can be achieved in no time. If this
would be possible then a high clarity image would take about 30 seconds to download!!

Professor Harald Haas, from the University of Edinburgh in the UK, is widely
recognized as the original founder
of Li-Fi. Harald haas continues to
hit the world that there is a
possibility for communication
through light.LI-FI technology has
the possibility to change how we
access the internet, stream videos,
receive emails and much more.
The technology truly began during
the 1990's in countries like
Germany, Korea, and Japan where
they discovered LED's could be
retrofitted to send information.
This type of light would come in
Fig : Prof. Harald Hass
familiar forms such as infrared,
ultraviolet and visible light. Research
into VLC has been conducted in earnest since 2003, mainly in the UK, US, Germany,
Korea and Japan. Experiments have shown that LEDs can be electronically adapted to
transmit data wirelessly as well as to provide light. VLC is faster, safer and cheaper than
other forms of wireless internet, advocates say -- and so could eliminate the need for
costly mobile-phone radio masts Haas has a small lab stuffed with equipment, including
the now-famous table lamp and its box of electronics. It was here in 2007 that his
research assistant, Mostafa Afgani, first sent data using light signals. Haas's invention
centuries on how these signals are modulated: the information, embedded within visible
light emitted from the LEDs, is transmitted by means of many subtle changes made to the
intensity of the light at the ultra-high rate of 100 million cycles per second (100MHz).
The photo-detector in Haas's box monitors these tiny variations and converts them back
into a digital signal, from which the transmitted information is extracted. In October 2011
a number of companies and industries formed the Li-Fi Consortium, to promote highspeed optical wireless system sand to enhance the limited bandwidth provided by radiobased light communication is this method of using rapid pulses of light to transmit
information wirelessly.

2.1. Present scenario
 At present we have as many as 1.5 million radio wave base stations across the
 We also have close to 5 billion mobile connections which transmit a data over

1.5 million

5 billion
Figure-1: The present scenario.

 This penetration of mobile devices into our lives has led to a wide recognition of
WI-FI technology.
 Radio Spectrum is congested but the demand for wireless data double each year
.Everything, it seems want to use wireless data but the capacity is drying up.
So what can carry this excess demand in the future.

3. Working Technology
Basic Concept:
Li-Fi technology is a wireless communication system based on the use of visible light
between the blue (670 THz) and red (480 THz). Unlike Wi-Fi which uses the radio part of
the electromagnetic spectrum, Li-Fi uses the optical spectrum. The principle of Li-Fi is
based on sending data by amplitude modulation of the light sources in a well-defined
and standardized way.
The principle is simple: the LED turns on and off at high speed and is not visible to
humans. This ribbon of on and off signals is interpreted to create binary streams of 0
and 1. Because there are no battling light frequencies like that of the radio frequencies
in Wi-Fi, Li-Fi is thought to be 80% more efficient. Which means it can reach speeds of
up to 1Gbps. Is this the future?
Li-Fi differs from fiber optic because the Li-Fi protocol layers are suitable for wireless
communication over short distances (up to ten meters). This puts Li-Fi in a unique
position of extremely fast wireless communication over short distances. The technology
has already attained IEEE standard certification and is currently being tested at the Â
Oledcomm head quarters  in France. It is expected that Li-Fi could be ready for use as
soon as 2014.

3.1. How it’s Works
The working procedure is very simple, if the light is on then transmit a digital 1, if it’s off
transmit a 0. The LEDs can be switched on and off very quickly which gives nice
opportunities for transmitting data.

Fig-2: Li-Fi works


Hence all that required is some LEDs and a controller that a code data into those LEDs.
All one has to do is to vary the rate at which the LEDs flicker depending upon the data
want to encode. Further enhancements can be made in this method , like using array of
the LEDs for parallel data transmission, or using mixtures of red , green and blue LEDs
to alter the light’s frequency with each frequency encoding a different data channel.

3.2. Data Transmission
As WI-FI hotspot and cloud computing are rapidly increasing reliable signal is bound to
suffer. Speed and security are also major concerns. They are vulnerable to hackers as it
penetrates through walls easily. LI-FI is said to overcome this. This new technology is
comparable to infrared remote controls which send data through an LED light bulb that
varies in intensity faster than the human eye can see. In near future we can see data for
laptops, smart phones and tablets transmitted through the light in a room. Li-Fi(Light
Fidelity) is a fast and cheap optical version of Wi-Fi, the technology of which is based
on Visible Light Communication(VLC).

3.3. Why Visible Light Communication
At first Radio waves, its expensive and less secure. Infrared, due to eye safety regulation
can only base with low power. Gama rays can not be used as they could be dangerous.
Ultraviolet light is good for place without people, but otherwise dangerous for the human





X- Rays


Fig-3: Why only VLC [ Visible light Communication].

But, Visible rays is safe to use larger bandwidth.
VLC is a data communication medium, which uses visible light between 400 THz (780
nm) and800 THz (375 nm) as optical carrier for data transmission and illumination. Fast
pulses are used for wireless transmission. Communication system components are:

1. A high brightness white LED which acts as a communication source.
2. Silicon photo diode which shows good response to visible wavelength region.
LED illumination can be used as a communication source by modulating the LED light
with the data signal. The LED light appears constant to the human eye due to the fast
flickering rate. The high data rate can be achieved by using high speed LED’s and
appropriate multiplexing techniques. Each LED transmits at a different data rate which
can be increased by parallel data transmission using LED arrays. Many different reasons
exist for the usage of LED light in spite of fluorescent lamp, incandescent bulb etc which
are available.

3.4. Design of Li-Fi
Li-Fi architecture consists numbers of Led bulbs or lamps, many wireless devices
such as PDA, Mobile Phones, and laptops. Important factors we should consider while
designing Li –Fi as following:
1. Presence of Light must be line-of-sight.
2. Lamp driver where internet connection, switch and LED lamp connected.
3. For better performance use LED bulbs.
4. A photo detector received data.

3.5. What Makes A Fiber Optics Cable
Typically, fiber optic cables are made up of various parts depending on what cable I
want. To better understand, imagine looking at a bulls-eye, the outer most circle would
be the cable jacket or what you see on the outside of a fiber optic cable. The core is where
the data is sent as light from one end of the cable to another. One key important fact is
that the light is reflected off of mirrors inside the cable which helps get the light waves to
its destination.

Fig -4: Using Fiber Optics Cable.

Generally, fiber optic cables are wires that transmit data. through an extremely thin layer
layers of glass or plastic threads. These threads are the actual fibers in a fiber optic
cable. The relationship to LI-FI technology is in the regard that data travels through
the fiber in the form of light which is then translated into 1's and 0's, the data part. One
of the key advantages to using light as a data transmitter is its massive bandwidth
which is what makes fiber optics popular today. However, fiber optics are notoriously
expensive but may soon replace most existing traditional metal cables.

3.6. Implementation
Li-Fi is typically implemented using white LED light bulbs at the downlink transmitter.
These devices are normally used for illumination only by applying a constant current

Fig-5: Implementation of Li-Fi.

However, by fast and subtle variations of the current, the optical output can be made to
vary at extremely high speeds. This very property of optical current is used in Li -Fi

Fig -6: Architecture of Li-Fi

Implementation of Li-Fi given in the figure. In figure a internet connection is connected
to the lamp driver . A switch connected with lamp driver and LED lamp also connected
this lamp driver through fiber optics cable. Now a receiving device named photo detector
is using for receive signal and processing , this device is connected with PC or Laptop’s
LAN port. On one end all the data on the internet will be streamed to a lamp driver when
the LED is switched on the microchip converts the digital data in form of light. The light
sensitive device photo detector receives the signal and converts it back into original data.
This method of using rapid pulses of light to transmit information wirelessly is
technically referred as Visible Light Communication.

There is a wide necessity for data transfer and by the end of the day every field involves
the use of such technology is Li-Fi which can have its applications
extended in areas where the Wi-Fi technology lack its presence like medical technology,
power plants and various other areas where Li-Fi proved it excellence of the undersea

Spectrum Relief:
Excess capacity demands of cellular networks can be off-loaded to Li-Fi networks where
available. This is especially effective on the downlink where bottlenecks tend to occur.

Mobile Connectivity:
Laptops, smart phones, tablets and other mobile devices can interconnect directly using
Li-Fi. Short range links give very high data rates and also provides security.

Hazardous Environments: Li-Fi provides a safe alternative to electromagnetic
interference from radio frequency communications in environments such as mines and
petrochemical plants.

Li-Fi can be used to reduce weight and cabling and add flexibility to seating layouts in
aircraft passenger cabins where LED lights are already deployed. In-flight entertainment
(IFE) systems can also be supported and integrated with passengers’ own mobile devices.

Underwater Communications:
Due to strong signal absorption in water, RF use is impractical. Acoustic waves have
extremely low bandwidth and disturb marine life. Li-Fi provides a solution for shortrange communications.

Reduction in accident numbers: LED headlights and tail-lights are being
introduced. At traffic signals, we can use LIFI in

order to communicate with LED lights of the cars by the number of accidents can be
reduced. Data can be easily transferred by making use of LIFI lamps with the street
lamps. This can be used for vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle-to-roadside communications.
This can be applied for road safety and traffic management.

RF Avoidance:
Some people claim they are hypersensitive to radio frequencies and are looking for an
alternative. Li-Fi is a good solution to this problem.

Location Based Services (LBS):
Highly accurate location-specific information services such as advertising and navigation
that enables the recipient to receive appropriate, pertinent information in a timely manner
and location.

Airline Wi-Fi, nothing says captive audience like having to pay for the "service" of dialup speed Wi-Fi on the plane. And don’t get me started on the pricing. The best so far is
that passengers will "soon" be offered a "high-speed like" connection on some
airlines. United is planning on speeds as high as 9.8 Mbps per plane. Twice that
capacity in my living room. And at the same price as checking a bag, Li-Fi could easily
introduce that sort of speed to each seat's reading light.

Smarter Power Plants:

and many other radiation types are bad for sensitive areas. Like those surrounding power
plants. But power plants need fast, inter-connected data systems to monitor things like
demand, grid integrity and (in nuclear plants) core temperature. The savings from
proper monitoring at a single power plant can add up to hundreds of thousands of
dollars. Li-Fi could offer safe, abundant connectivity for all areas of these sensitive
locations. Not only would this save money related to currently implemented solutions,
but the draw on a power plant’s own reserves could be lessened if they haven’t yet
converted to LED lighting.

Education systems:
As with the advancement of science the latest technology is the LIFI which is the fastest
speed internet access this will leads to the replacement of WIFI at institutions
and at companies so that all the people can make use of LIFI with same speed intended in
a particular area.

Within a local Li-Fi cloud several database services are supported through a
heterogeneous communication system. In an initial approach, the Li-Fi Consortium
defined different types of technologies to provide secure, reliable and ultra-high-speed
wireless communication interfaces. These, Technologies included Giga-speed

technologies, optical mobility technologies, and navigation, precision location and
gesture recognition technologies. For Giga-speed technologies, the Li-Fi Consortium
defined Giga Dock, Giga-Beam, Giga-Shower, Giga-Spot and Giga-MIMO models to
address different user scenarios for wireless indoor and indoor-like data transfers. While
Giga Dock is a wireless docking solution including wireless charging for smartphones,
tablets or notebooks, with speeds up to 10Gbps, the Giga Beam model is a point-to-point
data link for kiosk applications or portable-to-portable data exchanges. Thus a two-hour
full HDTV movie (5 GB) can be transferred from one device to another within four
seconds. Giga shower, Giga Spot and Giga- MIMO are the other models for in-house
communication. There a transmitter or receiver is mounted into the ceiling connected to,
for example, a media server. On the other side are portable or fixed devices on a desk in
an office, in an operating room, in a production hall or at an airport. Giga Shower
provides unidirectional data services via several channels to multiple users with gigabitclass communication speed over several maters. This is like watching TV channels or
listening to different radio stations where no uplink channel is needed. In case Giga
Shower is used to sell books, music or movies, the connected media server can be
accessed via Wi-Fi to process payment via a mobile device. Giga-Spot and Giga-MIMO
are optical wireless single- and multi-channel Hot-Spot solutions offering bidirectional
gigabit-class communication in a room, hall or shopping mall for example.

Extends our life span:
For a long time, medical technology has lagged behind the rest of the wireless world.
Operating rooms do not allow Wi-Fi over radiation concerns, and there is also that
whole lack of room. dedicated spectrum. While Wi-Fi is in place in many hospitals,
interference from cell phones and computers can block signals from monitoring
equipment. Li-Fi solves both problems: lights are not only allowed in operating
rooms, but tend to be the most glaring (pun intended) fixtures in the room. And, as
Haas mentions in his TED Talk, Li-Fi has 10,000 times the spectrum of Wi-Fi, so
maybe we can, I delegate red light to priority medical data. Code Red!

Replacement for others technologies:
This technology doesn’t deal with radio waves, so it can easily be used in the places
where Bluetooth, infrared, WIFI and Internet are banned. In this way, it will be most
helpful transferring medium for us. It includes other benefits like:
*A very wide spectrum over visible wave length range.
* Extremely high colour fidelity.
*Instant start time.

*Easy terminal Management.
*Dynamic dark i.e. brightness Modulation of lamp output to enhance video contrast.
*Trouble-free integration into existing light engine platform.
Li-Fi is the upcoming and on growing technology acting as competent
for various other developing and already invented technologies. Since
light is d major source for transmission in this technology it is very advantageous and
implementable in various fields that can’t be done with
the Wi-Fi and other technologies. Hence the future applications of the
Li-Fi can be predicted and extended to different platforms like education
fields, medical field, industrial areas and many other fields.

5. Features
Li-Fi offers a number of key benefits over Wi-Fi but is inherently a complementary

5.1. Capacity
The visible light spectrum is plentiful (10,000 more than RF spectrum), unlicensed and
free to use.
Data density: Li-Fi can achieve about 1000 times the data density of Wi-Fi because
visible light can be well contained in a tight illumination area whereas RF tends to spread
out and cause interference.
High speed: Very high data rates can be achieved due to low interference, high device
bandwidths and high intensity optical output.
Planning: Capacity planning is simple since there tends to be illumination infrastructure
where people wish to communicate, and good signal strength can literally be seen.

5.2. Efficiency
Low cost: Requires fewer components than radio technology.
Energy: LED illumination is already efficient and the data transmission requires
negligible additional power.
Environment: RF transmission and propagation in water is extremely difficult but Li-Fi
works well in this environment.
Safety: Life on earth has evolved through exposure to visible light. There are no known
safety or health concerns for this technology.
Non-hazardous: The transmission of light avoids the use of radio frequencies which can
dangerously interfere with electronic circuitry in certain environments.
Containment: It is difficult to eavesdrop on Li-Fi signals since the signal is confined to a
closely defined illumination area and will not travel through walls.

Control: Data may be directed from one device to another and the user can see where the
data is going; there is no need for additional security such as pairing for RF
interconnections such as Bluetooth.

6. Limitations of Li-Fi
The main problem is that light can’t pass through objects, so if the receiver is
inadvertently blocked in any way, then the signal will immediately cut out. ―If the light
signal is blocked, or when you need to use your device to send information — you can
seamlessly switch back over to radio waves‖, Harald says.
Reliability and network coverage are the major issues to be considered by the
companies while providing VLC services. Interference from external light sources like
sun light, normal bulbs; and opaque materials in the path of transmission will cause
interruption in the communication.
High installation cost of the VLC systems can be complemented by large-scale
implementation of VLC though Adopting VLC technology will reduce further operating
costs like electricity charges, maintenance charges etc.
This research report categorizes the global VLC technology market; based on
component, applications, and geography. Li-Fi uses light-emitting diodes (LEDs) which
are rapidly gaining in popularity for standard light bulbs and other domestic and
commercial purposes. They are expected to be ubiquitous in 20 years. VLC is not in
competition with Wi-Fi, Prof. Haas says, it is a complimentary technology that should
eventually help free up much needed space within the radio wave spectrum.
We still need Wi-Fi we still need radio frequency cellular systems. You can’t have a
light bulb that provides data to a high-speed moving object or to provide data in a
remote area where there are trees and walls and obstacles behind,‖ he says.

6.1. Comparison between Li-Fi / Wi-Fi
Li-Fi, an alternative to Wi-Fi that transmits data using the spectrum of visible light, has
achieved a new breakthrough, with UK scientists reporting transmission speeds of 10Gbit/s
– more than 250 times faster than ‘superfast’ broadband. Both Wi-Fi and Li-Fi transmit
data over the electromagnetic spectrum, but whereas Wi-Fi utilizes radio waves, Li-Fi uses
visible light. This is a distinct advantage in that the visible light is far more plentiful than the
radio spectrum (10,000 times more in fact) and can achieve far greater data density. It

acquired this name due to the similarity to WI-FI, only using light instead of radio. WI-FI
is great for general wireless coverage within buildings, and li-fi is ideal for high density
wireless data coverage in confined area and for relieving radio interference issues, so the
two technologies can be considered complimentary.

Below given a comparison table of Li-Fi and Wi-Fi

Fig- Table of Comparison between Li-Fi / Wi-Fi

The Idea of Li-Fi technology currently attracting us a great deal of interest because it’s
latest and very efficient alternative to radio-based wireless technology. The possibilities
are numerous and can be explored further. If this technology can be put into practical
use, every bulb can be used something like a Wi-Fi hotspot to transmit wireless data and
we can proceed toward the cleaner, greener, safer and brighter future. As a growing
number of people and their many devices access wireless internet, the airwaves are
becoming increasingly clogged, making it more and more difficult to get a reliable, high
speed signal. This may solve issues such as the short age of radio frequency bandwidth
and also allow internet where traditional radio based wireless is not allowed such
as aircraft or hospitals. One of the shortcomings however is that it only work in direct
line of sight.


3. speed-of-light.
4. Wireless data from every light bulb Harald Haas, TED Global, Edinburgh, July 2011.
6. Fi.html
8. ―Visible-light communication: Tripping the light fantastic: A fast and cheap optical version of Wi-Fi
iscoming‖,Economist, dated 28 Jan 2012
15. Will Li-Fi be the new Wi-Fi?, New Scientist, byJamieCondliffe, dated 28 July 2011


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study paper on Li-Fi technology

  • 1. UNIVERSITY OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY &SCIENCES . Study Paper on Li-Fi Technology [The latest technology in wireless] Submitted By : Showrav Mazumder ID : 10530053 Md.Mozahid Hossain ID : 11330336 Submitted To: Joya Das (Lecturer of UITS) Page : 08-03-2014 Date of Submission 0 of 19 CSE
  • 2. Abstract For the vast increasing gadgets, their usage and developments led to the progression of Wi-Fi which provides a latest technology, it’s called Li-Fi. Li-Fi is a latest technology that makes use of LED light which helps in the transmission of data much more faster and flexible than data that can be transmitted through Wi-Fi. Light reaches nearly everywhere so communication can also go along with light easily. Light Fidelity is a branch of optical wireless communication which is an emerging technology. By using visible light as transmission medium, Li-Fi provides wireless indoor communication. The bit rate achieved by Li-Fi cannot be achieved by Wi-Fi. Prof. Dr. herald Haas, the professor of mobile communications at the University of Edinburgh, UK, first time publically displayed the proof of Light Fidelity(Li-Fi), a method of Visible Light communication(VLC). Li-Fi is the transfer of data through light by taking fiber out of fiber optics and sending data through LED light. 1
  • 3. Contents Page 1. Introduction……………………………………………………………... 3 2. History…………………………………………………………………... 4 2.1. Present scenario …………………………………………………………… 5 3. Working Technology …………………………………………………... 6 3.1. Basic Concept ..………………………………………………………...... 6 3.2. How it’s works …………………………………………………………..... 6 3.3. Data Transmission ………………………………………………………… 7 3.4. Why Visible Light Communication ………………………………............. 7 3.5. Design of Li-Fi ………………………………………………………….. 8 3.6. What Makes A Fiber Optics Cable……………………………………..... 8 3.7. Implementation ………………………………………………………….. 9 4. Applications …………………………………………………………... 11 5. Features ..…………………………………………………………….... 15 6. Limitations….………………………………………………………..... 16 6.1. Comparisons ………………………………………………................ 16 7. Conclusion…………………………………………………………….. 18 8. References………………………………………………………….…. 19 2
  • 4. Introduction Li-fi basically known as ―light fidelity‖ is an outcome of twenty first century. The basic ideology behind this technology is that the data century. The basic ideology behind this technology is that the data can be transmitted through LED light whose intensity varies even faster than the human eye. As the transmission of the data takes place through the light emitting diodes (LED’s) the amount is comparatively small .In modern times, it is called as the optimized version of WI-FI . In simple terms, Li-Fi can be thought of as a light-based Wi-Fi. That is, it uses light instead of radio waves to transmit information. And instead of Wi-Fi modems, Li-Fi would use transceiver-fitted LED lamps that can light a room as well as transmit and receive information. Since simple light bulbs are used, there can technically be any number of access points. This technology uses a part of the electromagnetic spectrum that is still not greatly utilized- The Visible Spectrum. Light is in fact very much part of our lives for millions and millions of years and does not have any major ill effect. Moreover there is 10,000 times more space available much more. The technology truly began during the 1990's in countries like in this spectrum and just counting on the bulbs in use, it also multiplies to 10,000 times more availability as an infrastructure, globally. The advantageous thing is the wireless communication which decreases the cost enormously. HARALD HASS, who is considered to be the father of Li-fi from university of Edinburgh, UK says that the heart of this technology lies in the intensity and the potential of the light emitting diodes. The major reason which lead the modern man through this invention is that the confinement of Wi-Fi to comparatively small distance. As there are more and more devices coming up day-by-day the signals are being clogged up due to heavy traffic, there arise a need for an error free transmission technology. And the solution to this problem was the Li-fi technology. It has been designed in such a way that it overcomes the disadvantages that occurs during the usage of Wi-Fi. In general terms, Li-fi works even under water thereby causing a great benefit to the military operations. The physicists envisions that this technology would make a great difference between the assumption and the proof in this case. The demonstration took place using two Casio smart phones. The data was made to exchange between the phones using light. Even though the distance was nominal, it is sure that there would be a rapid increase in the distance of transmission. As there is a limited amount of Radio based wireless spectrum available a number of companies formed a consortium called Li-fi consortium in order to promote high speed optical wireless systems. The members of this consortium believes that a speed of 10Gbps can be achieved in no time. If this would be possible then a high clarity image would take about 30 seconds to download!! 3
  • 5. History Professor Harald Haas, from the University of Edinburgh in the UK, is widely recognized as the original founder of Li-Fi. Harald haas continues to hit the world that there is a possibility for communication through light.LI-FI technology has the possibility to change how we access the internet, stream videos, receive emails and much more. The technology truly began during the 1990's in countries like Germany, Korea, and Japan where they discovered LED's could be retrofitted to send information. This type of light would come in Fig : Prof. Harald Hass familiar forms such as infrared, ultraviolet and visible light. Research into VLC has been conducted in earnest since 2003, mainly in the UK, US, Germany, Korea and Japan. Experiments have shown that LEDs can be electronically adapted to transmit data wirelessly as well as to provide light. VLC is faster, safer and cheaper than other forms of wireless internet, advocates say -- and so could eliminate the need for costly mobile-phone radio masts Haas has a small lab stuffed with equipment, including the now-famous table lamp and its box of electronics. It was here in 2007 that his research assistant, Mostafa Afgani, first sent data using light signals. Haas's invention centuries on how these signals are modulated: the information, embedded within visible light emitted from the LEDs, is transmitted by means of many subtle changes made to the intensity of the light at the ultra-high rate of 100 million cycles per second (100MHz). The photo-detector in Haas's box monitors these tiny variations and converts them back into a digital signal, from which the transmitted information is extracted. In October 2011 a number of companies and industries formed the Li-Fi Consortium, to promote highspeed optical wireless system sand to enhance the limited bandwidth provided by radiobased light communication is this method of using rapid pulses of light to transmit information wirelessly. 4
  • 6. 2.1. Present scenario  At present we have as many as 1.5 million radio wave base stations across the globe.  We also have close to 5 billion mobile connections which transmit a data over 600TB. 1.5 million 5 billion Figure-1: The present scenario.  This penetration of mobile devices into our lives has led to a wide recognition of WI-FI technology.  Radio Spectrum is congested but the demand for wireless data double each year .Everything, it seems want to use wireless data but the capacity is drying up. So what can carry this excess demand in the future. 5
  • 7. 3. Working Technology Basic Concept: Li-Fi technology is a wireless communication system based on the use of visible light between the blue (670 THz) and red (480 THz). Unlike Wi-Fi which uses the radio part of the electromagnetic spectrum, Li-Fi uses the optical spectrum. The principle of Li-Fi is based on sending data by amplitude modulation of the light sources in a well-defined and standardized way. The principle is simple: the LED turns on and off at high speed and is not visible to humans. This ribbon of on and off signals is interpreted to create binary streams of 0 and 1. Because there are no battling light frequencies like that of the radio frequencies in Wi-Fi, Li-Fi is thought to be 80% more efficient. Which means it can reach speeds of up to 1Gbps. Is this the future? Li-Fi differs from fiber optic because the Li-Fi protocol layers are suitable for wireless communication over short distances (up to ten meters). This puts Li-Fi in a unique position of extremely fast wireless communication over short distances. The technology has already attained IEEE standard certification and is currently being tested at the  Oledcomm head quarters  in France. It is expected that Li-Fi could be ready for use as soon as 2014. 3.1. How it’s Works The working procedure is very simple, if the light is on then transmit a digital 1, if it’s off transmit a 0. The LEDs can be switched on and off very quickly which gives nice opportunities for transmitting data. Fig-2: Li-Fi works 6
  • 8. ` Hence all that required is some LEDs and a controller that a code data into those LEDs. All one has to do is to vary the rate at which the LEDs flicker depending upon the data want to encode. Further enhancements can be made in this method , like using array of the LEDs for parallel data transmission, or using mixtures of red , green and blue LEDs to alter the light’s frequency with each frequency encoding a different data channel. 3.2. Data Transmission As WI-FI hotspot and cloud computing are rapidly increasing reliable signal is bound to suffer. Speed and security are also major concerns. They are vulnerable to hackers as it penetrates through walls easily. LI-FI is said to overcome this. This new technology is comparable to infrared remote controls which send data through an LED light bulb that varies in intensity faster than the human eye can see. In near future we can see data for laptops, smart phones and tablets transmitted through the light in a room. Li-Fi(Light Fidelity) is a fast and cheap optical version of Wi-Fi, the technology of which is based on Visible Light Communication(VLC). 3.3. Why Visible Light Communication At first Radio waves, its expensive and less secure. Infrared, due to eye safety regulation can only base with low power. Gama rays can not be used as they could be dangerous. Ultraviolet light is good for place without people, but otherwise dangerous for the human body. Radio Waves Infrared Rays Gama Rays Ultraviolet Rays X- Rays Visible Rays Fig-3: Why only VLC [ Visible light Communication]. But, Visible rays is safe to use larger bandwidth. VLC is a data communication medium, which uses visible light between 400 THz (780 nm) and800 THz (375 nm) as optical carrier for data transmission and illumination. Fast pulses are used for wireless transmission. Communication system components are: 7
  • 9. 1. A high brightness white LED which acts as a communication source. 2. Silicon photo diode which shows good response to visible wavelength region. LED illumination can be used as a communication source by modulating the LED light with the data signal. The LED light appears constant to the human eye due to the fast flickering rate. The high data rate can be achieved by using high speed LED’s and appropriate multiplexing techniques. Each LED transmits at a different data rate which can be increased by parallel data transmission using LED arrays. Many different reasons exist for the usage of LED light in spite of fluorescent lamp, incandescent bulb etc which are available. 3.4. Design of Li-Fi Li-Fi architecture consists numbers of Led bulbs or lamps, many wireless devices such as PDA, Mobile Phones, and laptops. Important factors we should consider while designing Li –Fi as following: 1. Presence of Light must be line-of-sight. 2. Lamp driver where internet connection, switch and LED lamp connected. 3. For better performance use LED bulbs. 4. A photo detector received data. 3.5. What Makes A Fiber Optics Cable Typically, fiber optic cables are made up of various parts depending on what cable I want. To better understand, imagine looking at a bulls-eye, the outer most circle would be the cable jacket or what you see on the outside of a fiber optic cable. The core is where the data is sent as light from one end of the cable to another. One key important fact is that the light is reflected off of mirrors inside the cable which helps get the light waves to its destination. . 8
  • 10. Fig -4: Using Fiber Optics Cable. Generally, fiber optic cables are wires that transmit data. through an extremely thin layer layers of glass or plastic threads. These threads are the actual fibers in a fiber optic cable. The relationship to LI-FI technology is in the regard that data travels through the fiber in the form of light which is then translated into 1's and 0's, the data part. One of the key advantages to using light as a data transmitter is its massive bandwidth which is what makes fiber optics popular today. However, fiber optics are notoriously expensive but may soon replace most existing traditional metal cables. 3.6. Implementation Li-Fi is typically implemented using white LED light bulbs at the downlink transmitter. These devices are normally used for illumination only by applying a constant current 9
  • 11. Fig-5: Implementation of Li-Fi. However, by fast and subtle variations of the current, the optical output can be made to vary at extremely high speeds. This very property of optical current is used in Li -Fi setup. Fig -6: Architecture of Li-Fi Implementation of Li-Fi given in the figure. In figure a internet connection is connected to the lamp driver . A switch connected with lamp driver and LED lamp also connected this lamp driver through fiber optics cable. Now a receiving device named photo detector is using for receive signal and processing , this device is connected with PC or Laptop’s LAN port. On one end all the data on the internet will be streamed to a lamp driver when the LED is switched on the microchip converts the digital data in form of light. The light sensitive device photo detector receives the signal and converts it back into original data. This method of using rapid pulses of light to transmit information wirelessly is technically referred as Visible Light Communication. 10
  • 12. 4. APPLICATIONS There is a wide necessity for data transfer and by the end of the day every field involves the use of such technology is Li-Fi which can have its applications extended in areas where the Wi-Fi technology lack its presence like medical technology, power plants and various other areas where Li-Fi proved it excellence of the undersea awesomeness. Spectrum Relief: Excess capacity demands of cellular networks can be off-loaded to Li-Fi networks where available. This is especially effective on the downlink where bottlenecks tend to occur. Mobile Connectivity: Laptops, smart phones, tablets and other mobile devices can interconnect directly using Li-Fi. Short range links give very high data rates and also provides security. Hazardous Environments: Li-Fi provides a safe alternative to electromagnetic interference from radio frequency communications in environments such as mines and petrochemical plants. Aviation: Li-Fi can be used to reduce weight and cabling and add flexibility to seating layouts in aircraft passenger cabins where LED lights are already deployed. In-flight entertainment (IFE) systems can also be supported and integrated with passengers’ own mobile devices. Underwater Communications: Due to strong signal absorption in water, RF use is impractical. Acoustic waves have extremely low bandwidth and disturb marine life. Li-Fi provides a solution for shortrange communications. Reduction in accident numbers: LED headlights and tail-lights are being introduced. At traffic signals, we can use LIFI in order to communicate with LED lights of the cars by the number of accidents can be reduced. Data can be easily transferred by making use of LIFI lamps with the street lamps. This can be used for vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle-to-roadside communications. This can be applied for road safety and traffic management. 11
  • 13. RF Avoidance: Some people claim they are hypersensitive to radio frequencies and are looking for an alternative. Li-Fi is a good solution to this problem. Location Based Services (LBS): Highly accurate location-specific information services such as advertising and navigation that enables the recipient to receive appropriate, pertinent information in a timely manner and location. Airlines: Airline Wi-Fi, nothing says captive audience like having to pay for the "service" of dialup speed Wi-Fi on the plane. And don’t get me started on the pricing. The best so far is that passengers will "soon" be offered a "high-speed like" connection on some airlines. United is planning on speeds as high as 9.8 Mbps per plane. Twice that capacity in my living room. And at the same price as checking a bag, Li-Fi could easily introduce that sort of speed to each seat's reading light. Smarter Power Plants: Wi-Fi and many other radiation types are bad for sensitive areas. Like those surrounding power plants. But power plants need fast, inter-connected data systems to monitor things like demand, grid integrity and (in nuclear plants) core temperature. The savings from proper monitoring at a single power plant can add up to hundreds of thousands of dollars. Li-Fi could offer safe, abundant connectivity for all areas of these sensitive locations. Not only would this save money related to currently implemented solutions, but the draw on a power plant’s own reserves could be lessened if they haven’t yet converted to LED lighting. Education systems: As with the advancement of science the latest technology is the LIFI which is the fastest speed internet access this will leads to the replacement of WIFI at institutions and at companies so that all the people can make use of LIFI with same speed intended in a particular area. Usage-Models: Within a local Li-Fi cloud several database services are supported through a heterogeneous communication system. In an initial approach, the Li-Fi Consortium defined different types of technologies to provide secure, reliable and ultra-high-speed wireless communication interfaces. These, Technologies included Giga-speed 12
  • 14. technologies, optical mobility technologies, and navigation, precision location and gesture recognition technologies. For Giga-speed technologies, the Li-Fi Consortium defined Giga Dock, Giga-Beam, Giga-Shower, Giga-Spot and Giga-MIMO models to address different user scenarios for wireless indoor and indoor-like data transfers. While Giga Dock is a wireless docking solution including wireless charging for smartphones, tablets or notebooks, with speeds up to 10Gbps, the Giga Beam model is a point-to-point data link for kiosk applications or portable-to-portable data exchanges. Thus a two-hour full HDTV movie (5 GB) can be transferred from one device to another within four seconds. Giga shower, Giga Spot and Giga- MIMO are the other models for in-house communication. There a transmitter or receiver is mounted into the ceiling connected to, for example, a media server. On the other side are portable or fixed devices on a desk in an office, in an operating room, in a production hall or at an airport. Giga Shower provides unidirectional data services via several channels to multiple users with gigabitclass communication speed over several maters. This is like watching TV channels or listening to different radio stations where no uplink channel is needed. In case Giga Shower is used to sell books, music or movies, the connected media server can be accessed via Wi-Fi to process payment via a mobile device. Giga-Spot and Giga-MIMO are optical wireless single- and multi-channel Hot-Spot solutions offering bidirectional gigabit-class communication in a room, hall or shopping mall for example. Extends our life span: For a long time, medical technology has lagged behind the rest of the wireless world. Operating rooms do not allow Wi-Fi over radiation concerns, and there is also that whole lack of room. dedicated spectrum. While Wi-Fi is in place in many hospitals, interference from cell phones and computers can block signals from monitoring equipment. Li-Fi solves both problems: lights are not only allowed in operating rooms, but tend to be the most glaring (pun intended) fixtures in the room. And, as Haas mentions in his TED Talk, Li-Fi has 10,000 times the spectrum of Wi-Fi, so maybe we can, I delegate red light to priority medical data. Code Red! Replacement for others technologies: This technology doesn’t deal with radio waves, so it can easily be used in the places where Bluetooth, infrared, WIFI and Internet are banned. In this way, it will be most helpful transferring medium for us. It includes other benefits like: *A very wide spectrum over visible wave length range. * Extremely high colour fidelity. *Instant start time. 13
  • 15. *Easy terminal Management. *Dynamic dark i.e. brightness Modulation of lamp output to enhance video contrast. *Trouble-free integration into existing light engine platform. Li-Fi is the upcoming and on growing technology acting as competent for various other developing and already invented technologies. Since light is d major source for transmission in this technology it is very advantageous and implementable in various fields that can’t be done with the Wi-Fi and other technologies. Hence the future applications of the Li-Fi can be predicted and extended to different platforms like education fields, medical field, industrial areas and many other fields. 14
  • 16. 5. Features Li-Fi offers a number of key benefits over Wi-Fi but is inherently a complementary technology. 5.1. Capacity Bandwidth: The visible light spectrum is plentiful (10,000 more than RF spectrum), unlicensed and free to use. Data density: Li-Fi can achieve about 1000 times the data density of Wi-Fi because visible light can be well contained in a tight illumination area whereas RF tends to spread out and cause interference. High speed: Very high data rates can be achieved due to low interference, high device bandwidths and high intensity optical output. Planning: Capacity planning is simple since there tends to be illumination infrastructure where people wish to communicate, and good signal strength can literally be seen. 5.2. Efficiency Low cost: Requires fewer components than radio technology. Energy: LED illumination is already efficient and the data transmission requires negligible additional power. Environment: RF transmission and propagation in water is extremely difficult but Li-Fi works well in this environment. Safety: Life on earth has evolved through exposure to visible light. There are no known safety or health concerns for this technology. Non-hazardous: The transmission of light avoids the use of radio frequencies which can dangerously interfere with electronic circuitry in certain environments. Security. Containment: It is difficult to eavesdrop on Li-Fi signals since the signal is confined to a closely defined illumination area and will not travel through walls. 15
  • 17. Control: Data may be directed from one device to another and the user can see where the data is going; there is no need for additional security such as pairing for RF interconnections such as Bluetooth. 6. Limitations of Li-Fi The main problem is that light can’t pass through objects, so if the receiver is inadvertently blocked in any way, then the signal will immediately cut out. ―If the light signal is blocked, or when you need to use your device to send information — you can seamlessly switch back over to radio waves‖, Harald says. Reliability and network coverage are the major issues to be considered by the companies while providing VLC services. Interference from external light sources like sun light, normal bulbs; and opaque materials in the path of transmission will cause interruption in the communication. High installation cost of the VLC systems can be complemented by large-scale implementation of VLC though Adopting VLC technology will reduce further operating costs like electricity charges, maintenance charges etc. This research report categorizes the global VLC technology market; based on component, applications, and geography. Li-Fi uses light-emitting diodes (LEDs) which are rapidly gaining in popularity for standard light bulbs and other domestic and commercial purposes. They are expected to be ubiquitous in 20 years. VLC is not in competition with Wi-Fi, Prof. Haas says, it is a complimentary technology that should eventually help free up much needed space within the radio wave spectrum. We still need Wi-Fi we still need radio frequency cellular systems. You can’t have a light bulb that provides data to a high-speed moving object or to provide data in a remote area where there are trees and walls and obstacles behind,‖ he says. 6.1. Comparison between Li-Fi / Wi-Fi Li-Fi, an alternative to Wi-Fi that transmits data using the spectrum of visible light, has achieved a new breakthrough, with UK scientists reporting transmission speeds of 10Gbit/s – more than 250 times faster than ‘superfast’ broadband. Both Wi-Fi and Li-Fi transmit data over the electromagnetic spectrum, but whereas Wi-Fi utilizes radio waves, Li-Fi uses visible light. This is a distinct advantage in that the visible light is far more plentiful than the radio spectrum (10,000 times more in fact) and can achieve far greater data density. It 16
  • 18. acquired this name due to the similarity to WI-FI, only using light instead of radio. WI-FI is great for general wireless coverage within buildings, and li-fi is ideal for high density wireless data coverage in confined area and for relieving radio interference issues, so the two technologies can be considered complimentary. Below given a comparison table of Li-Fi and Wi-Fi Fig- Table of Comparison between Li-Fi / Wi-Fi 17
  • 19. Conclusion The Idea of Li-Fi technology currently attracting us a great deal of interest because it’s latest and very efficient alternative to radio-based wireless technology. The possibilities are numerous and can be explored further. If this technology can be put into practical use, every bulb can be used something like a Wi-Fi hotspot to transmit wireless data and we can proceed toward the cleaner, greener, safer and brighter future. As a growing number of people and their many devices access wireless internet, the airwaves are becoming increasingly clogged, making it more and more difficult to get a reliable, high speed signal. This may solve issues such as the short age of radio frequency bandwidth and also allow internet where traditional radio based wireless is not allowed such as aircraft or hospitals. One of the shortcomings however is that it only work in direct line of sight. . 18
  • 20. References 1. 2. 3. speed-of-light. 4. Wireless data from every light bulb Harald Haas, TED Global, Edinburgh, July 2011. 5. 6. Fi.html 7. 8. ―Visible-light communication: Tripping the light fantastic: A fast and cheap optical version of Wi-Fi iscoming‖,Economist, dated 28 Jan 2012 10. 11. 15. Will Li-Fi be the new Wi-Fi?, New Scientist, byJamieCondliffe, dated 28 July 2011 16. 19