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Lessons Learned With
Thinking and Automating with Domain
Specific Languages
Alan Richardson
● Part 1 - BDD
○ BDD Opinionated Overview
○ Lessons Learned
○ Exercises for BDD with no tools
● Part 2 - BDD & Tools
○ Cucumber overview
○ FitNesse overview
○ Custom DSL Overview
● Part 3 -
○ Q&A + Summaries
Warning: pretty much everything in here can
be argued with. BDD emphasises
communication. So feel free to disagree.
The Brief
Lessons Learned with BDD - Thinking and Automating with Domain Specific Languages
Starting with the the tools for BDD and Acceptance Testing has become increasingly simple. To learn tools like
Cucumber and FitNesse to create tests you can now read books and articles and watch countless videos to help.
But using the tools is only part of the battle.
Over years of working with Agile teams, and using various tools to help Business Analysts collaborate with
Development staff, writing high level tests in a human readable language, I've learned that most people do not
realise that they are writing a Domain Specific Language.
Each of the tools provides a different mechanism for modeling the domain and writing the language. But
fundamentally we are creating a language unique to our domain. And if we do not recognise this, or harness this,
then we make our life harder.
So in this session I want to look at some of the BDD and Acceptance Testing tool mechanisms e.g. tables or
Gherkin, with the additional modeling perspective of a high level language that models the domain.
Business Analysts are trained in modeling domains. Testers are trained in identifying ambiguity. Developer are
trained in refactoring to domain objects. These skills exist in the development team, we just have to harness
In this session we will explore what this means, and how it changes our approach to writing BDD. This session
does not require access to a computer. Tools will be demonstrated. But tests will be written on paper and
discussed by the group to explore how to use BDD tools and and languages to more effectively model the
Alan Richardson
● Has used BDD, ATDD, DDD using tools
such as FitNesse, Cucumber, Domain
Specific Languages
● Domains - finance, gambling,
pharmaceuticals, media
● Has done it well, and badly
● Still gets confused by other people so makes
up his own models
My 'BDD' Messages
● The definition of BDD changes, so you
'should' own and define it for your domain
● Tools are not the answer, but neither is
● I think of BDD as a process of modelling
communication across multiple domains
● Modelling is a domain specific activity, use
DSLs and DDD to improve BDD
● Expect to make mistakes and receive no
external 'instant fit' answers
(but then I think of
everything as a
Don't get 'Hung Up'
BDD Opinionated
BDD relates to communication
... but I think it is the worst communicated
'thing' in Software Development at the moment
BDD, ATDD, Specification By Example, BD
Design, ... Development, 'Real Options', "for
Communication (not development)", Deliberate
Discovery, Feature Injection
Plenty of platitudes for what it is not
● "it isn't about testing",
● "it isn't the tool",
● "it isn't just for the development team"
● "if must involve the business"
● "it isn't about the 'how'"
● BDD isn't ATDD
● "it isn't about the automation"
● "It isn't just for the business"
And most of these are probably true, but don't
necessarily help you understand what to do.
There are universal platitudes of
● It is about communication
● It is for bridging the gaps
● It brings the business and development
closer together
Again these are true, but don't help, you do it.
'Problems' with understanding BDD
The Definition 'Problem' with
understanding 'BDD'
● 'Definition' has changed over the years
○ ..D used to be for Development
■ because of TDD gaps and flow
■ ATDD not using abstraction layers
○ now is more like Design, but is still development
The Tool 'Problem' with
understanding 'BDD'
● Same tools used for BDD, ATDD, Spec By
○ so what is the differentiator?
● BDD is not the tool, but the tool changes the
way you do BDD
● Tools enforce a syntax which BDD does not
○ Gherkin e.g. Given, When, Then
○ Tables
The Example 'Problem' with
understanding 'BDD'
● Where are all the 'good' examples?
But we don't get hung
up on any 'problems',
we focus on building a
shared understanding
in our Domain
Building a Shared
Domain Specific Language
A shared understanding requires a
shared language, which we agree
over time.
The language 'should' become ubiquitous: in
verbal discussion, in written communication, in
the code, in the tests.
● Grammar
● Syntax
● Vocabulary
A simple model:
● Vocabulary and Syntax allow automation
● Grammar unites these with domain rules
BDD, ATDD, etc. Nuances over time
● BDD, ATDD, Specification by Example etc. -
different ways of looking at the same
○ Moving from desire to reality
○ Maintaining as many options as possible
○ Allowing us to commit late
○ Allow us to experiment
○ Building a Shared Understanding
○ Checking we are adding value
○ Checking we are building it right
○ Each 'name' attempts to expose an additional
● Not the same things at all
Not the same things at all but BDD is
winning, because...
● When people talk about 'this' they now say
BDD more than any other term
● BDD has changed its definition to stay on
● Modelling is hard, so it is easy to point at
other peoples BDD and say 'this is wrong',
then explain the principles again rather than
offer a 'right' answer
Principles of this 'BDD' thing
● Communication
● Ubiquitous Language
● 'should' - does it? should it? how? when?
● Declarative vs Procedural
● Concise examples illustrate, explain &
● Use explanatory text
● Model multiple levels
● Living spec - review for durability
● Review for waste
Some possible lenses or views if I
have to use the existing terms
● DDD (inside out)
○ are we using the right language? Are we working at
the right level in the domain?
● BDD (outside in)
○ what behaviour should this thing exhibit, how do I
● ATDD (what else?)
○ what else should it do? how would it handle X? how
did we get it wrong?
● Specification by Example (examples?)
○ Do we have enough examples? Too many? The
right examples? Will this make sense later? Adds
● Real Options (commitment)
Gherkin: Given x When y Then z
A ubiquitious 'language' (DSL) for analysis, that
made communication easier to automate:
● Feature, Scenario,
● Given,
○ a particular context (preconditions)
● When,
○ a particular sequence of events happens
● Then,
○ observable outcomes
● Examples
○ A set of examples
We add the
Grammar and
Vocabulary of the
Domain around this
Opinionated Summary
● I don't care what you call it.
● I don't really care how you do it.
● But if I'm involved, and I see waste or
inefficiency, then I use all the lenses to look
at how you model the domain in a DSL and
make suggestions accordingly
● Many times I see people using one lense
above others, and rarely using, or
recognising their use of, a Domain Specific
Lessons Learned
Lessons Learned
● Don't be tool driven
● 'Agree' your domain language
● Change your language
● Building a DSL is hard
● Refine your existing models
Don't be tool driven
● When you start, expect to be tool driven
● Fitnesse
○ Script tables
○ Essentially keyword driven automation
○ Because the testers can't code
○ Reuse of 'chunks' of FitNesse pages
○ Refactoring nightmare
● Eventually used for
○ Database setup and comparison
○ A GUI for the data
○ But Spreadsheets would have been better (have you
ever tried to edit FitNesse tables?)
Why not be tool driven?
● You're not fixing your communication
problem, you're adding a distraction
● New tools won't save you
● Tool introduces a new layer of abstraction
which may not help communication
● Tool can slow down communication
● Tool might impact your options
○ may not make change easy
○ may not make options easy
Do 'agree' your Domain language
● We just wrote down what the BAs said
○ including all the inconsistencies
● Different nouns to mean the same entity
● Different verbs to mean the same process
(sometimes a verb, sometimes a verb
Expect your domain language to
● Because you will discover and learn more as
you try to express and model the domain
● The Domain is not restricted to the business
○ e.g. as soon as you commit to building a web app,
the language of the web becomes part of your
● Do refactor your language
○ if later you decide that 'visitor' is better than 'a user
who is not logged in' then change it - everywhere
Building a DSL is hard
● Many people find modelling a DSL hard
○ I didn't realise this until we had people try to do it
● I think because:
○ people are not used to analysing language
○ people are not used to building new languages
○ people don't want to share/own the language
○ people don't feel confident with the written word
○ they are overloaded 'this' is new, the tool is new,
communication is new
○ Gherkin == BDD
Refine your existing models
● We kept adding more stuff
● Refine your models to remain relevant and
○ move acceptance criteria into functional tests as you
generalise and expand the scenarios
■ e.g. after committing to a web app move the web
acceptance criteria from BDD into functional tests
and make the BDD more general again
○ join scenarios and given when thens into a more
generic statement - cover detail in lower level tests
● Try to keep the BDD small by reworking new
parts of the domain into the existing model
How to make DSL construction
● You can limit the DSL modelling options to
the Vocabulary and the Grammar if you use
Exercise: Spot and
critique the DSL
What is the DSL here?
Given a registered user
When the customer logs in
Then the account holder can view their
personal details
Exercise: How might it read?
5 mins, make it better
● Given a registered user
● When the customer logs in
● Then the account holder can view their
personal details
Debrief - what did you come up
5 mins
How might it read?
● Are the following:
○ Right or wrong?
○ Good or Bad?
○ Better or worse?
○ Does it provide 'real options'
○ Supported by examples?
How might it read?
● A logged in user can view their account
How might it read?
● A logged in user can view their account
○ the language encapsulates the context and event
○ this may be harder to automated
How might it read?
● Given a logged in user,
● when they view their details,
● then they can view their details
How might it read?
● Given a logged in user,
● when they view their details,
● then they can view their details
○ context encapsulates details so event written at a
different level,
○ Gherkin forces a redundant 'then'
■ does it have to be redundant?
How might it read?
● Given a logged in user, when the user views
their details, then the user can see account
details are correct
How might it read?
● Given a logged in user, when the user views
their details, then the user can see account
details are correct
○ provides more of a 'why'
○ reveals lack of options
■ there exist other ways that a user could check
the correctness of their account details
Right, Wrong?
● Context and Domain specific
● Domain has to include:
○ Business Domain
○ Technical
○ Also automation domain - how much of what we said
could be automated?
Is login an appropriate example?
● Is login obvious enough that this is a poor
● Do we need communication around login?
Exercise: Don't let
tools limit your DSL
expressive power
BDD does not require a tool
Do some BDD on the Tracks application.
GTD - we think it is going to come back in style.
Pretend we are going to create a new version
of the Tracks app and use BDD to help us.
Product Owner (me) Demo of App
Demo of Tracks:
- default admin user created during setup
- login, logout
- create & delete user
- amend details, only I can amend admin email
- create a next action on review pages: home,
project edit, tickler, starred
- projects are always personal
- CRUD actions on next action, project, context
Exercise: Pick a few of the areas and
'BDD' them
● Whatever format you want
● I will answer questions as the SME
● Small groups
● Debrief in 20 mins
Examples: How
incorporating a tool
into the process
changes the options
around the DSL for
the domain
Tools: Cucumber JVM
Demo Scope
● cucumber-jvm added easily with maven
● feature files as resources
● run feature files from ide
● step definitions in class
● regex in annotation to find steps
○ supports params
● JUnit runner for CI and report creation
● IDE support for syntax, quick fix and code
● Gherkin - loose syntax checking
● "Scenario Outline" for examples
Lesson Learned: Cucumber-JVM is
not BDD
● Cucumber-JVM is an implementation of
Cucumber tool
● Gherkin is a DSL
● Cucumber allows us to map Gherkin text file
statements to code so we can 'execute' a
Gherkin document
● Cucumber means we don't have to write a
parser or lexer or the reporting tools
● If we don't pull out the elements of the tool
then we can't consider options and
alternatives to help us do BDD
Lesson Learned: Don't add all your
code into step definitions
● Tempting to add all 'test' implementation
code into step definitions
● But you aren't modelling the 'domain' if you
do that, you are using a tool
● Build abstraction layers. Model the domains
● Creates more options for your
implementation approach
● Supports re-use of automation code across
multiple test layers
● Because "BDD is not about testing"
Use Multiple Abstraction Layers
● Domain
● Physical Implementation World
○ Page Objects, Page Components, Sites, etc.
● Workflows
● Feature Files
○ Step Definitions
These help increase flexibility for changing,
restrict commitment to fewer layers
Lesson Learned: Multiple
Automation Levels
● Functional Testing in conjunction with BDD
helps create multiple abstraction layers
○ refactoring
● Choices about what to model at what level
○ e.g. don't have to do everything in 'BDD' tool
● In this demo I had existing functional tests
which flushed out the page objects prior to
the Scenario implementation
Lesson Learned: Refactor your
automation code
● Too easy to add new code in, or copy paste
bits between steps
● Refactor, Refactor, Refactor
● Write clean code
About Cucumber-JVM
● Java Implementation of Cucumber
● Available via maven so easy to add to
● Annotate Java code with @Given etc. allows
sharing steps between scenarios
● IDEs (IntelliJ 12) are cucumber aware so:
○ can run feature files directly and create steps
○ code completion and syntax highlighting
● JUnit runner for CI
● Uses lots of reflection to work
Minimal Gherkin Feature File
* a statement to check
Supports non standard
e.g. non Given, When,
Then modelling
Typical Gherkin Feature File
Feature: short description of feature
Background: general info
about the feature
Scenario: a scenario description
Given: a given condition
When: a particular event happens
Then: we can observe that this happened
Lesson Learned: Use the tool
● Don't avoid tool features because you want
the ability to move between tools
○ e.g. cucumber @Before, @After, @tagging, etc.
● Using the tool ineffectively can force you to
move away from the tool
● You can move between tools using
abstraction layers
Tools: FitNesse
A DSL based on Tables
● Cucumber provides a Gherkin parser
● FitNesse provides a Table parser
● table name
○ a scenario
● columns
○ map on to examples
● setter Columns - add data in to fixture
● getter Columns? - pull data out of fixture
○ if no 'expected' value then these can be used for
execution documentation
● BDD table for login
● Code to implement fixture
○ reuses our page objects etc.
Pros & Cons Compared with
● Cons
○ Technically more painful to setup
○ May deter collaboration if users can edit on server
without pairing with dev or test
● Pros
○ Very rich documentation ability
■ but no-one ever seems to use this
○ Wiki based for collaboration with users
○ Easy to test out new examples from a server deploy
○ FitNesse seems to be receiving more love and
attention again so keep an eye on it
Tools: Custom DSL
Demo Scope
● Test Code
● Refactored into Domain and supporting
● Readable Tests
○ how could it be more readable?
● Abstraction layers
Exercise: How could it be more
When you write your own
● Easiest to create abstraction layers that
'look' and 'act' like a DSL
● Readable code
● Supports refactoring, code completion
● Take this as far as you need to.
○ Can be as complicate or as simple as you like
Is it BDD?
● General Question & Discussion
Is it BDD when...
● Testers can write tests using the DSL
● Business can express intent using the DSL
● Moving from business intent to test can be
done collaboratively
Lessons Learned: Constant Reviews
● Constantly need to review the DSL code
● Patterns and understanding constantly
evolve so need to keep on top and
communicate across the team
● Review to help enforce 'good' programming
Lessons Learned: 'Good'
Programming Practices Required
● Refactor
● Test
● Single Responsibility
● Patterns
● Use the language well
● Leverage libraries where you can
Lessons Learned: Domain Objects
● Use DDD lessons and embody Domain
objects in your code
● Limit the extent of the objects to avoid
overlapping domains
Final Phase
Q & A
● Don't get hung up on doing it 'right'
● You make BDD what it is, if its not working
for you, change it and fix it
● Use all the nuances: DDD, ATDD, Example,
Options, TDD to BDD
● BDD is not the tools, but the chosen tools
change your Domain and your BDD style
● Own your DSL
Self Study
Recommended Web Reading
Recommended Books
● Domain Driven Design
○ by Eric Evans
● Growing Object Oriented Software
○ by Steve Freeman and Nat Pryce
● Specification by Example
○ by Gojko Adzic
● The Cucumber Book
○ by Matt Wynne and Aslak Hellesoy
● ATDD by Example
○ by Marcus Gartner
● http://c0deattack.wordpress.
● http://ketiljensen.wordpress.
Recommended Listening
● DDD interview with Dan North and Liz
○ http://domaindrivendesign.
Unused Slides
Some possible Levels to view the
communication process at
● Desire
● Contextualised
● Examples
● Explored
○ what did we miss? how did we get it wrong? is it
● Implementation (s)
Other people use different levels. So do I.

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  • 1. Lessons Learned With BDD Thinking and Automating with Domain Specific Languages Alan Richardson @eviltester
  • 2. Scope ● Part 1 - BDD ○ BDD Opinionated Overview ○ Lessons Learned ○ Exercises for BDD with no tools ● Part 2 - BDD & Tools ○ Cucumber overview ○ FitNesse overview ○ Custom DSL Overview ● Part 3 - ○ Q&A + Summaries Warning: pretty much everything in here can be argued with. BDD emphasises communication. So feel free to disagree.
  • 4. The Brief Lessons Learned with BDD - Thinking and Automating with Domain Specific Languages Starting with the the tools for BDD and Acceptance Testing has become increasingly simple. To learn tools like Cucumber and FitNesse to create tests you can now read books and articles and watch countless videos to help. But using the tools is only part of the battle. Over years of working with Agile teams, and using various tools to help Business Analysts collaborate with Development staff, writing high level tests in a human readable language, I've learned that most people do not realise that they are writing a Domain Specific Language. Each of the tools provides a different mechanism for modeling the domain and writing the language. But fundamentally we are creating a language unique to our domain. And if we do not recognise this, or harness this, then we make our life harder. So in this session I want to look at some of the BDD and Acceptance Testing tool mechanisms e.g. tables or Gherkin, with the additional modeling perspective of a high level language that models the domain. Business Analysts are trained in modeling domains. Testers are trained in identifying ambiguity. Developer are trained in refactoring to domain objects. These skills exist in the development team, we just have to harness them. In this session we will explore what this means, and how it changes our approach to writing BDD. This session does not require access to a computer. Tools will be demonstrated. But tests will be written on paper and discussed by the group to explore how to use BDD tools and and languages to more effectively model the domain.
  • 5. Alan Richardson ● Has used BDD, ATDD, DDD using tools such as FitNesse, Cucumber, Domain Specific Languages ● Domains - finance, gambling, pharmaceuticals, media ● Has done it well, and badly ● Still gets confused by other people so makes up his own models
  • 6. My 'BDD' Messages ● The definition of BDD changes, so you 'should' own and define it for your domain ● Tools are not the answer, but neither is 'communication' ● I think of BDD as a process of modelling communication across multiple domains ● Modelling is a domain specific activity, use DSLs and DDD to improve BDD ● Expect to make mistakes and receive no external 'instant fit' answers (but then I think of everything as a process) Don't get 'Hung Up'
  • 8. BDD relates to communication ... but I think it is the worst communicated 'thing' in Software Development at the moment BDD, ATDD, Specification By Example, BD Design, ... Development, 'Real Options', "for Communication (not development)", Deliberate Discovery, Feature Injection
  • 9. Plenty of platitudes for what it is not ● "it isn't about testing", ● "it isn't the tool", ● "it isn't just for the development team" ● "if must involve the business" ● "it isn't about the 'how'" ● BDD isn't ATDD ● "it isn't about the automation" ● "It isn't just for the business" And most of these are probably true, but don't necessarily help you understand what to do.
  • 10. There are universal platitudes of "isness" ● It is about communication ● It is for bridging the gaps ● It brings the business and development closer together Again these are true, but don't help, you do it.
  • 12. The Definition 'Problem' with understanding 'BDD' ● 'Definition' has changed over the years ○ ..D used to be for Development ■ because of TDD gaps and flow ■ ATDD not using abstraction layers ○ now is more like Design, but is still development
  • 13. The Tool 'Problem' with understanding 'BDD' ● Same tools used for BDD, ATDD, Spec By Example ○ so what is the differentiator? ● BDD is not the tool, but the tool changes the way you do BDD ● Tools enforce a syntax which BDD does not require ○ Gherkin e.g. Given, When, Then ○ Tables
  • 14. The Example 'Problem' with understanding 'BDD' ● Where are all the 'good' examples?
  • 15. But we don't get hung up on any 'problems', we focus on building a shared understanding in our Domain
  • 17. Domain Specific Language A shared understanding requires a shared language, which we agree over time. The language 'should' become ubiquitous: in verbal discussion, in written communication, in the code, in the tests.
  • 18. Language ● Grammar ● Syntax ● Vocabulary A simple model: ● Vocabulary and Syntax allow automation ● Grammar unites these with domain rules
  • 19. BDD, ATDD, etc. Nuances over time ● BDD, ATDD, Specification by Example etc. - different ways of looking at the same process: ○ Moving from desire to reality ○ Maintaining as many options as possible ○ Allowing us to commit late ○ Allow us to experiment ○ Building a Shared Understanding ○ Checking we are adding value ○ Checking we are building it right ○ Each 'name' attempts to expose an additional nuance ● Not the same things at all
  • 20. Not the same things at all but BDD is winning, because... ● When people talk about 'this' they now say BDD more than any other term ● BDD has changed its definition to stay on top ● Modelling is hard, so it is easy to point at other peoples BDD and say 'this is wrong', then explain the principles again rather than offer a 'right' answer
  • 21. Principles of this 'BDD' thing ● Communication ● Ubiquitous Language ● 'should' - does it? should it? how? when? ● Declarative vs Procedural ● Concise examples illustrate, explain & explore ● Use explanatory text ● Model multiple levels ● Living spec - review for durability ● Review for waste
  • 23. Some possible lenses or views if I have to use the existing terms ● DDD (inside out) ○ are we using the right language? Are we working at the right level in the domain? ● BDD (outside in) ○ what behaviour should this thing exhibit, how do I know? ● ATDD (what else?) ○ what else should it do? how would it handle X? how did we get it wrong? ● Specification by Example (examples?) ○ Do we have enough examples? Too many? The right examples? Will this make sense later? Adds Context ● Real Options (commitment)
  • 24. Gherkin: Given x When y Then z A ubiquitious 'language' (DSL) for analysis, that made communication easier to automate: ● Feature, Scenario, ● Given, ○ a particular context (preconditions) ● When, ○ a particular sequence of events happens ● Then, ○ observable outcomes ● Examples ○ A set of examples We add the Grammar and Vocabulary of the Domain around this Syntax
  • 25. Opinionated Summary ● I don't care what you call it. ● I don't really care how you do it. ● But if I'm involved, and I see waste or inefficiency, then I use all the lenses to look at how you model the domain in a DSL and make suggestions accordingly ● Many times I see people using one lense above others, and rarely using, or recognising their use of, a Domain Specific Language
  • 27. Lessons Learned ● Don't be tool driven ● 'Agree' your domain language ● Change your language ● Building a DSL is hard ● Refine your existing models
  • 28. Don't be tool driven ● When you start, expect to be tool driven ● Fitnesse ○ Script tables ○ Essentially keyword driven automation ○ Because the testers can't code ○ Reuse of 'chunks' of FitNesse pages ○ Refactoring nightmare ● Eventually used for ○ Database setup and comparison ○ A GUI for the data ○ But Spreadsheets would have been better (have you ever tried to edit FitNesse tables?)
  • 29. Why not be tool driven? ● You're not fixing your communication problem, you're adding a distraction ● New tools won't save you ● Tool introduces a new layer of abstraction which may not help communication ● Tool can slow down communication ● Tool might impact your options ○ may not make change easy ○ may not make options easy
  • 30. Do 'agree' your Domain language ● We just wrote down what the BAs said ○ including all the inconsistencies ● Different nouns to mean the same entity ● Different verbs to mean the same process (sometimes a verb, sometimes a verb phrase)
  • 31. Expect your domain language to change ● Because you will discover and learn more as you try to express and model the domain ● The Domain is not restricted to the business ○ e.g. as soon as you commit to building a web app, the language of the web becomes part of your domain ● Do refactor your language ○ if later you decide that 'visitor' is better than 'a user who is not logged in' then change it - everywhere
  • 32. Building a DSL is hard ● Many people find modelling a DSL hard ○ I didn't realise this until we had people try to do it ● I think because: ○ people are not used to analysing language ○ people are not used to building new languages ○ people don't want to share/own the language ○ people don't feel confident with the written word ○ they are overloaded 'this' is new, the tool is new, communication is new ○ Gherkin == BDD
  • 33. Refine your existing models ● We kept adding more stuff ● Refine your models to remain relevant and revealing ○ move acceptance criteria into functional tests as you generalise and expand the scenarios ■ e.g. after committing to a web app move the web acceptance criteria from BDD into functional tests and make the BDD more general again ○ join scenarios and given when thens into a more generic statement - cover detail in lower level tests ● Try to keep the BDD small by reworking new parts of the domain into the existing model
  • 34. How to make DSL construction easier? ● You can limit the DSL modelling options to the Vocabulary and the Grammar if you use Gherkin
  • 36. What is the DSL here? Given a registered user When the customer logs in Then the account holder can view their personal details Critique?
  • 37. Exercise: How might it read? 5 mins, make it better ● Given a registered user ● When the customer logs in ● Then the account holder can view their personal details
  • 38. Debrief - what did you come up with? 5 mins
  • 39. How might it read? ● Are the following: ○ Right or wrong? ○ Good or Bad? ○ Better or worse? ○ Does it provide 'real options' ○ Supported by examples?
  • 40. How might it read? ● A logged in user can view their account details Critique?
  • 41. How might it read? ● A logged in user can view their account details ○ the language encapsulates the context and event ○ this may be harder to automated
  • 42. How might it read? ● Given a logged in user, ● when they view their details, ● then they can view their details Critique?
  • 43. How might it read? ● Given a logged in user, ● when they view their details, ● then they can view their details ○ context encapsulates details so event written at a different level, ○ Gherkin forces a redundant 'then' ■ does it have to be redundant?
  • 44. How might it read? ● Given a logged in user, when the user views their details, then the user can see account details are correct Critique?
  • 45. How might it read? ● Given a logged in user, when the user views their details, then the user can see account details are correct ○ provides more of a 'why' ○ reveals lack of options ■ there exist other ways that a user could check the correctness of their account details
  • 46. Right, Wrong? ● Context and Domain specific ● Domain has to include: ○ Business Domain ○ Technical ○ Also automation domain - how much of what we said could be automated?
  • 47. Is login an appropriate example? ● Is login obvious enough that this is a poor example? ● Do we need communication around login?
  • 48. Exercise: Don't let tools limit your DSL expressive power
  • 49. BDD does not require a tool Do some BDD on the Tracks application. GTD - we think it is going to come back in style. Pretend we are going to create a new version of the Tracks app and use BDD to help us.
  • 50. Product Owner (me) Demo of App Demo of Tracks: - default admin user created during setup - login, logout - create & delete user - amend details, only I can amend admin email - create a next action on review pages: home, project edit, tickler, starred - projects are always personal - CRUD actions on next action, project, context
  • 51. Exercise: Pick a few of the areas and 'BDD' them ● Whatever format you want ● I will answer questions as the SME ● Small groups ● Debrief in 20 mins
  • 52. Examples: How incorporating a tool into the process changes the options around the DSL for the domain
  • 54. Demo Scope ● cucumber-jvm added easily with maven ● feature files as resources ● run feature files from ide ● step definitions in class ● regex in annotation to find steps ○ supports params ● JUnit runner for CI and report creation ● IDE support for syntax, quick fix and code completion ● Gherkin - loose syntax checking ● "Scenario Outline" for examples
  • 55. Lesson Learned: Cucumber-JVM is not BDD ● Cucumber-JVM is an implementation of Cucumber tool ● Gherkin is a DSL ● Cucumber allows us to map Gherkin text file statements to code so we can 'execute' a Gherkin document ● Cucumber means we don't have to write a parser or lexer or the reporting tools ● If we don't pull out the elements of the tool then we can't consider options and alternatives to help us do BDD
  • 56. Lesson Learned: Don't add all your code into step definitions ● Tempting to add all 'test' implementation code into step definitions ● But you aren't modelling the 'domain' if you do that, you are using a tool ● Build abstraction layers. Model the domains ● Creates more options for your implementation approach ● Supports re-use of automation code across multiple test layers ● Because "BDD is not about testing"
  • 57. Use Multiple Abstraction Layers ● Domain ● Physical Implementation World ○ Page Objects, Page Components, Sites, etc. ● Workflows ● Feature Files ○ Step Definitions ● BDD These help increase flexibility for changing, restrict commitment to fewer layers
  • 58. Lesson Learned: Multiple Automation Levels ● Functional Testing in conjunction with BDD helps create multiple abstraction layers ○ refactoring ○ DRY ● Choices about what to model at what level ○ e.g. don't have to do everything in 'BDD' tool ● In this demo I had existing functional tests which flushed out the page objects prior to the Scenario implementation
  • 59. Lesson Learned: Refactor your automation code ● Too easy to add new code in, or copy paste bits between steps ● Refactor, Refactor, Refactor ● Write clean code
  • 60. About Cucumber-JVM ● Java Implementation of Cucumber ● Available via maven so easy to add to project ● Annotate Java code with @Given etc. allows sharing steps between scenarios ● IDEs (IntelliJ 12) are cucumber aware so: ○ can run feature files directly and create steps Alt+Enter ○ code completion and syntax highlighting ● JUnit runner for CI ● Uses lots of reflection to work
  • 61. Minimal Gherkin Feature File Feature: Scenario: * a statement to check Supports non standard modelling e.g. non Given, When, Then modelling
  • 62. Typical Gherkin Feature File Feature: short description of feature Background: general info about the feature Scenario: a scenario description Given: a given condition When: a particular event happens Then: we can observe that this happened
  • 63. Lesson Learned: Use the tool features ● Don't avoid tool features because you want the ability to move between tools ○ e.g. cucumber @Before, @After, @tagging, etc. ● Using the tool ineffectively can force you to move away from the tool ● You can move between tools using abstraction layers
  • 65. A DSL based on Tables ● Cucumber provides a Gherkin parser ● FitNesse provides a Table parser ● table name ○ a scenario ● columns ○ map on to examples ● setter Columns - add data in to fixture ● getter Columns? - pull data out of fixture ○ if no 'expected' value then these can be used for execution documentation
  • 66. Demo ● BDD table for login ● Code to implement fixture ○ reuses our page objects etc.
  • 67. Pros & Cons Compared with Cucumber-JVM ● Cons ○ Technically more painful to setup ○ May deter collaboration if users can edit on server without pairing with dev or test ● Pros ○ Very rich documentation ability ■ but no-one ever seems to use this ○ Wiki based for collaboration with users ○ Easy to test out new examples from a server deploy ○ FitNesse seems to be receiving more love and attention again so keep an eye on it
  • 69. Demo Scope ● Test Code ● Refactored into Domain and supporting objects ● Readable Tests ○ how could it be more readable? ● Abstraction layers
  • 70. Exercise: How could it be more readable?
  • 71. When you write your own ● Easiest to create abstraction layers that 'look' and 'act' like a DSL ● Readable code ● Supports refactoring, code completion ● Take this as far as you need to. ○ Can be as complicate or as simple as you like
  • 72. Is it BDD? ● General Question & Discussion
  • 73. Is it BDD when... ● Testers can write tests using the DSL ● Business can express intent using the DSL ● Moving from business intent to test can be done collaboratively
  • 74. Lessons Learned: Constant Reviews ● Constantly need to review the DSL code ● Patterns and understanding constantly evolve so need to keep on top and communicate across the team ● Review to help enforce 'good' programming practices
  • 75. Lessons Learned: 'Good' Programming Practices Required ● Refactor ● Test ● DRY ● Single Responsibility ● Patterns ● Use the language well ● Leverage libraries where you can
  • 76. Lessons Learned: Domain Objects ● Use DDD lessons and embody Domain objects in your code ● Limit the extent of the objects to avoid overlapping domains
  • 78. Q & A
  • 79. Summary ● Don't get hung up on doing it 'right' ● You make BDD what it is, if its not working for you, change it and fix it ● Use all the nuances: DDD, ATDD, Example, Options, TDD to BDD ● BDD is not the tools, but the chosen tools change your Domain and your BDD style ● Own your DSL
  • 81. Recommended Web Reading ● ● ● development-11754474 ● ● ● ● ●
  • 82. Recommended Books ● Domain Driven Design ○ by Eric Evans ● Growing Object Oriented Software ○ by Steve Freeman and Nat Pryce ● Specification by Example ○ by Gojko Adzic ● The Cucumber Book ○ by Matt Wynne and Aslak Hellesoy ● ATDD by Example ○ by Marcus Gartner
  • 85. FitNesse ● ● ● ● http://ketiljensen.wordpress. com/2009/12/13/bdd-with-scenario-tables-in- fitnesse-slim/
  • 86. Recommended Listening ● DDD interview with Dan North and Liz Keogh ○ http://domaindrivendesign. org/library/north_keogh_gitlevich_2007
  • 88. Some possible Levels to view the communication process at ● Desire ● Contextualised ● Examples ● Explored ○ what did we miss? how did we get it wrong? is it enough? ● Implementation (s) Other people use different levels. So do I.