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Lessons from 
Surat al Kahf 
Tadreeb No. 5 
Esteem Kasaragod, 1 12/8/2014
Four Stories in Surat Al Kahf 
 Story of Men in Cave ( (أصحاب الكهف 
 Story of Owner of Two Gardens ( (صاحب الجنتين 
 Story of Musa (A.S) and Khidr (A.S) 
 Story of Dhul Qarnain 
Esteem Kasaragod, 2 12/8/2014
Major Lessons from Story: 
Men in cave ( (أَصْحَاب الكَهْف 
If you suffer in the way of Allah, He will take care of you 
Allah tests by hardship 
Put trust in Allah 
وَاصْبِرْ نَفْسَكَ مَعَ الَّذِينَ يَدْعُونَ رَبَّهُم بِالْغَدَاةِ وَالْعَشِ يِ يُرِيدُونَ وَجْهَهُ وَلََ تَعْدُ عَيْنَاكَ عَنْهُ مْ ترُِيدُ زِ ينَةَ الْحَيَاةِ الدُّنْيَا وَلََ تطُِعْ 
مَنْ أَغْفَلْنَا قَلْبَهُ عَن ذِكْرِنَا وَاتَّبَعَ هَوَاهُ وَكَانَ أَمْرُهُ فُرُطًا * وَ قُلِ الْحَقُّ مِن رَّبِ كُمْ فَمَن شَاء فَلْيُؤْمِن وَمَ ن شَاء فَلْيَكْفُرْ إِنَّا أَعْتَدْنَا 
لِلظَّالِمِينَ نَارًا أَحَاطَ بِهِمْ سُرَادِقُهَا وَإِن يَسْتَغِيثوُا يُغَاثوُا بِمَاء كَالْمُهْلِ يَشْوِي الْوُجُوهَ بِئْسَ الشَّ رَابُ وَسَاء مُرْتَفَ اًً( 
.29 – آية 28 
Esteem Kasaragod, 3 12/8/2014
Major Lessons from Story: 
The man of Two Gardens 
If you are arrogant of Allah’s grace, He may destroy all 
your wealth 
Allah gives wealth 
Be thankful to Allah 
وَاضْرِبْ لَهُم مَّثَلَ الْحَيَاةِ الدُّنْيَا كَمَاء أَنزَلْنَاهُ مِنَ السَّمَاء فَاخْتَلَطَ بِهِ نَبَا الَْْرْضِ فَأصَْبَحَ هَ شِيمً ا تَذْرُوهُ ال ريَاحُ وَكَانَ 
اللََُّّ عَلَى كُ ل شَيْءٍ مُّ تًَْدِرًا * الْمَالُ وَالْبَنُونَ زِينَةُ الْحَيَاةِ الدُّنْيَا وَالْبَاقِيَا الصَّالِحَا خَيْرٌ عِندَ رَ بِ كَ ثَوَابًا وَخَيْرٌ أَمَلً ( 
آية 45 و 46 
Esteem Kasaragod, 4 12/8/2014
Major Lessons from Story: 
Musa (A.S) and Khidr (A.S) 
If you want to get Ilm (knowledge), suffer a lot 
and find a good mentor 
Allah gives Knowledge (ilm) 
Be humble and modest 
)قَالَ سَتَجِدُنِي إِن شَاء اللََُّّ صَابِرًا وَلََ أَعْصِي لَكَ أَمْرًا( آية 69 
Esteem Kasaragod, 5 12/8/2014
Major Lessons from Story: 
Dhul Qarnain 
Use your power and wealth to serve the weak and 
Allah gives power 
Be useful to the weak and poor 
قَالَ هَـٰذَا رَ حْمَة من رَّ بِ ي فَإِذَا جَاءَ وَعْدُ رَ بِ ي جَعَلَهُ د كَّاءَ وَكَانَ وَعْدُ رَ بِ ي حَ اًًّ آية 98 
Esteem Kasaragod, 6 12/8/2014
How to overcome all فتنة of this 
In the middle of the chapter there is a mention of Iblees 
ئِكَةِ اسْجُدُوا لِ 
نَا لِل 
وَِإذ إبْلِيسَ 
دَمَ فَسَجَدُوا إل كَانَ مِنَ ال 
رَ بِ افَتَاتخِذُونَهُ ايتَهُ 
رِوَذُ وْلِاَ كُمْ 
فَفَسَقَ عَنْ امْرِ هِِّ 
يَاءَ مِن دُونِي وَهُمْ ل 
عَدُ و 
بِئْسَ لِلاظالِمِينَ بَدَل 
 Iblees is the source of all evils 
You have to consider him as a blatant enemy 
Esteem Kasaragod, 7 12/8/2014
Story of the men in cave 
 About 400 years after Prophet Isa (Jesus) (alayhis salam), there was a ruler who was very cruel. His name was Decius the 
Emperor, and he ruled the vast Roman Empire which stretched from Spain to the Persian Gulf. He was an Idol worshipper. 
The Emperor did not want the people to follow the religion of Allah as was revealed to Prophet Isa (alayhis salam). 
 Within the Roman Empire there was a city called Ephesus where lived a few youths (about 7) that all believed in the one 
true God, Allah. They formed a small group and prayed to Allah for guidance in this land of oppression and injustice. 
 One day these youths went to the bazaar where many people gathered. They said, "Our Lord is the Lord of the heavens and 
the earth. We shall never call upon any god other than Him because if we did, it would surely be a lie!" 
 The people in the crowd shouted. The youths were not afraid and continued. Emperor called them and questioned them. 
The king turned furious, and gave them three days to come back to their old faith. Otherwise, he will kill. 
 The youths ran away to a cave high up on a mountainside a few miles away outside of the city. On the way, a dog also 
followed them. They prayed: Rabbana atina mil-ladunka Rahma, wa hayya lana min amrina rashada. They fell asleep. Allah 
kept them asleep for more than three hundred years. 
 When they awoke they thought they were only asleep for a couple hours. One of them said, "How long do you think we 
have stayed here?" "A day or part of a day," they replied. "Your Lord knows better how long we have stayed here. [18:19] 
The youths were hungry so one of them went down to the city to buy some food. 
 .When he approached the city, he noticed something strange. The surroundings, the dresses, the language they spoke and 
the lifestyle, everything had changed. The youth gave his money the shopkeeper and he surprised:. "Where did you get this 
from?" "This money has been out of date for 300 years!!," exclaimed the shopkeeper. 
 . When he explained his story to the people that had gathered around him, they were overjoyed. The whole city of Ephesus 
had changed.The whole city of Ephesus had changed. The whole city came out of their houses and marched toward the 
cave where the other youths were. 
 Meanwhile, some officers of the king Theodosius (who was now the ruler) also arrived. When they were told that the 
stranger in the bazzar was one among the seven youths who had fled during the reign of Decius to escape death, he and a 
crowd followed him to the cave. Allah then caused the youths of the cave to pass away, just as Allah had caused the youth 
to sleep for 309 years [18:25], and king Theodosius ordered a monument to be built over the cave. 
Esteem Kasaragod, 8 12/8/2014
Man of two gardens 
 Once upon a Time… In a long forgotten town… there lived two men… 
 One of them was poor… But he believed in Allah… Thankful to Him… Well pleased with his life… Happy with what Allah has provided him… 
 The other, however, was rich.. Allah has given him two beautiful and bountiful gardens, full of ripe fruit and green topped trees. Rivers flowed 
through the gardens. Allah also gave tremendous wealth and castles. 
 This rich man was arrogant.. greedy with his wealth… Discrediting Allah for His blessings and never thankful of the great bounty of Allah. One day 
he went into one of his gardens pointing to what it has of castles and fruit… saying in full arrogance.. "These castles and gardens and wealth will 
never be finished and I will be rich all my life… 
 He enjoyed the bounties of what Allah has provided from the two gardens, of delicious fruits and abundant wealth, never giving charity to the poor 
nor those who are needy… 
 The believer one day went to him in peace and harmony and told him in a nice tone "O’ you rich man, Allah granted you great bounties and Allah 
will question you about it on the day of Judgment. You should thank your Lord for these blessings and do not be fooled by all this wealth and do 
not forget the day of Judgment.." 
 The rich man got up from his seat very angry and said in arrogance: "Quite, you poor man and do not advise me… I am far more wealthy than you 
and I have many children and I own a lot of slaves and servants." 
 Than the rich man laughed in ridicule and said: "I do not believe there is a day in which I will be judged in … and who will judge me and I am the 
owner of this abundant wealth and power? Even if I were to go back to a Lord that will judge me after I die, as you claim, I will have a great reward 
and place and much more wealth because I am rich in this life…" 
 The poor man said in fear of Allah: "Do you disbelieve in Allah O’ rich man? It is Allah that created you from dirt and provided you with all this great 
wealth, children, slaves and servants. Even if I am less in wealth and children than you Allah will give great reward much better than wealth and 
children… Do not disbelieve in Allah O’ owner of the two gardens.. Do not disbelieve.." 
 The rich man became even more arrogant and insisted on his disbelieve and the believer left him after saying: "Remember that it was Allah who 
gave you all these blessings is fully able to take them from you." The believer continued praying to Allah to guide the rich man.. 
 Next morning the rich man went out from his castle to his gardens in full arrogance and foolishness, as was his habit, and when he reached the 
gardens he saw a horrible sight.. 
 The gardens have become desolate and empty. The trees were dry. The leaves and fruit have fallen off. The river ran dry. 
 Allah had send upon it a great flood and strong winds, which destroyed all that was in the two gardens during the night without the rich man ever 
noticing. He went about crying and weeping. 
 He fell to the ground and sat down in great sadness and agony while saying: "I wish I did not associate partners with Allah and disbelieve in Him. I 
wish I had obeyed the poor mans requests and thanked my Lord." But it was too late for that now and all the regret did not benefit him after he 
lost everything in this world and the next. 
 With some modifcations, from 
Esteem Kasaragod, 
Story of Musa and Khidr 
 Allah admonished him as he did not attribute absolute knowledge to Him (Allah). So, Allah said to him: 'Yes, at the junction of the two seas there is a slave of Mine who is more learned 
than you." Moses said: "0 my Lord! How can I meet him?" Allah said: "Take a fish and put it in a large basket and you will find him at the place where you will lose the fish." 
 Moses set out on his journey, accompanied by a young man Yusha Ibn Nun Moses slept, and the fish, moving out of the basket, fell into the sea. It took its way into the sea (straight) as 
in a tunnel. However, he forgot to relate this incident to Moses. They traveled the rest of the night, and the next day Moses said to his boy (servant): "Give us our food, for indeed, we 
have suffered much fatigue in this journey of ours." 
 Only then did his companion recall that the fish they had brought with them had gotten away. Hearing this, Moses exclaimed: 'This is exactly what we are seeking!" They hurriedly 
retraced their steps to the place where the rivers met and where the fish had jumped out. There they found Al-Khidr. 
 Moses said to him (Khidr) "May I follow you ". 
 He (Khidr) said: "Verily! You will not be able to have patience with me! 
 Moses said: "If Allah will, you will find me patient, and I will not disobey you in aught." 
 He (Khidr) said: "Then, if you follow me, ask me not about anything till I myself mention it to you. 
 So they both proceeded, till, when they were in the ship, he (Khidr) scuttled it. Moses said: "Have you scuttled it in order to drown its people? Verily, you have done Imra - a Munkar 
(evil, bad, dreadful) thing." 
 He (Khidr) said: "Did I not tell you, that you would not be able to have patience with me?" 
 Then suddenly Al-Khidr took an adze and pulled up a plank, and Moses did not notice it till he had pulled up a plank with the adze. Moses said to him: "What have you done? They took 
us on board charging us nothing; yet you have intentionally made a hole in their boat so as to drown its passengers. Verily, you have done a dreadful thing." AlKhidr replied: "Did I not 
tell you that you would not be able to remain patient with me?" Moses replied: "Do not blame me for what I have forgotten, and do not be hard upon me for my fault." So the first 
excuse of Moses was that he had forgotten. 
 When they had left the sea, they passed by a boy playing with other boys. Al-Khidr took hold of the boy's head and plucked it with his hand like this. (Sufyan, the sub-narrator gestured 
with his fingertips as if he were plucking some fruit.) Moses said to him: "Have you killed an innocent person who has not killed any person? You have really done a horrible thing." Al- 
Khidr said: "Did I not tell you that you could not remain patient with me?" Moses said: "If I ask you about anything after this, don't accompany me. You have received an excuse from 
 Then both of them went on till they came to some people of a village, and they asked its inhabitants for food but they refused to entertain them as guests. Then they saw therein a wall 
which was just going to collapse and Al Khidr repaired it just by touching it with his hands. (Sufyan, the subnarrator, gestured with his hands, illustrating how Al-Khidr passed his hands 
over the wall upwards.) Moses said: "These are the people whom we have called on, but they neither gave us food, nor entertained us as guests, yet you have repaired their wall. If you 
had wished, you could have taken wages for it." 
 Al-Khidr said: "This is the parting between you and me, and I shall tell you the explanation of those things on which you could not remain patient." 
 The Prophet added: "We wish that Moses could have remained patient by virtue of which Allah might have told us more about their story." 
 (Khidr) said: "This is the parting between me and you. I will tell you the interpretation of (those) things over which you were unable to hold patience. 
 'As for the ship, it belonged to poor people working in the sea. So I wished to make a defective damage in it, as there was a king after them who seized every ship by force. 
 "And as for the boy, his parents were believers, and we feared lest he should oppress them by rebellion and disbelief. So we intended that their Lord should change him for them for 
one better in righteousness and near to mercy. 
 "And as for the wall, it belonged to two orphan boys in the town; and there was under it a treasure belonging to them; and their father was a righteous man, and your Lord intended 
that they should attain their age of full strength and take out their treasure as a mercy from your Lord. And I did it not of my own accord. That is the interpretation of those (things) over 
which you could not hold patience. Surah 18: 60-82 
Esteem Kasaragod, 10 12/8/2014
Story of Dhul Qarnain 
 Dhul Qarnayn, may Allah raise his rank, was a great Yemeni king as well as a pious man (waliyy). Allah gave him many extra-ordinary matters, 
and his story was mentioned in the Qur’an. 
 His name was as-Sa^b bin al-Hareth according to some scholars. Others said his name was as-Sa^b bin Dhi Mara’ed. He was the most famous 
among the Yemeni kings called the Tababi^ah of that era. 
 Muslim scholars mentioned that Dhul Qarnayn’s minister was Prophet al-Khaderwho led his army. Dhul Qarnayn also met with Prophets 
Ibrahim and Isma^il, peace be upon them, when he traveled on foot from Yemen to honorable Makkah to perform Hajj. 
 Dhul Qarnayn was granted many remarkable matters, among them was a long life and victory.Dhul Qarnayn was kind and compassionate 
and wise as he ruled. The inhabitants of the land he entered embraced Islam and were safe and prosperous; while those that refused were 
dishonored and shamed. 
 He found a nation living there. They were murderers and unjust people who spread misguidance.Dhul Qarnayn stayed with them for a 
period of time spreading guidance and goodness. 
 After being near the place closer to where the sun sets, Dhul Qarnyan aspired to visit the place closer to where the sun rises. Making his way 
there, he reached a vast empty plain with no construction, mountains, or trees. There he found strange people. When the sun rose they 
would escape its intense heat by hiding in burrows they had dug, or diving underwater. They would emerge again after the sun had set. 
 Dhul Qarnayn witnessed this strange matter and he reached a valley between two giant mountains. In this valley lived another strange tribe 
whose language was barely identifiable. Their neighbors were a wicked, malicious, a deviant group of people, Gog and Magog. 
 They sought his help.Dhul Qarnayn agreed to their request. They offered to pay him for this service, but Dhul Qarnayn refused it. As per his 
request, they brought him large iron slabs;. He started at the bottom and worked his way up to the peak. He then surrounded the iron 
sheets with charcoal and wood and started a fire. The fire caused the iron blocks to melt. Then he poured melted copper mixed with lead on 
top of the iron; this made a solid, smooth barrier that extended from the valley to the top of the mountains. It reached a height of 
equivalent to 125 meter. This barrier was difficult to climb because it was smooth and had no protrusions. It had no holes and was very 
difficult to break through. 
 When Dhul Qaryan said, “ When the Day of Judgment is near, this wall will be destroyed.” Thus, Dhul Qarnayn imprisoned Gog and Magog 
behind this barrier. 
 Everyday since that time, the people of Gog and Magog try to break through the barrier but fail. They say, “Tomorrow we will continue.” 
However, they come back the next day only to find the small hole that they opened was resealed. They will continue digging through the 
barrier until they emerge. Their appearance will be one of the major signs that indicate the nearing of the Day of Judgement. Dhul Qarnyan 
lived for hundreds of years, helping those in need, teaching and ruling according to Islam and ruling fairly. He lived his life preparing for the 
hereafter and died armed with good deeds and piety. (from with modifcation) 
Esteem Kasaragod, 11 12/8/2014
What are the lessons that we can extract from these 
four stories? 
وذلك تنبيه على أن المتعلم لو سافر من المشرق إلى المغرب لطلب مسألة 
واحدة لحق له ذلك 
Esteem Kasaragod, 12 12/8/2014
قصة أصحاب الكهف 
اللجوء إلى الله: ومن لجأ إلى ربه واعتمد عليه ثبته الله وأيده " وربطنا على  
قلوبهم " . 
دور الشباب: إنهم فتية آمنوا بربهم  
لكل فكرة دليل: لولَ يأتون عليهم بسلطان بي ن  
اعتزال الناس في الفتن: فأووا إلى الكهف  
» وليتلطف ، ولَ يشعرن بكم أحدا « : الحذر في التحرك  
فل تمارفيهم : لَ فائدة في كثرة الجدال بدون دليل  
الدليل على قدرة الله حيث بعثهم : من قائل تحشر الْرواح ف طً ، ومن قائل  
يحشر الناس بأرواحهم وأجسادهم 
Esteem Kasaragod, 13 12/8/2014
قصة صاحب الجنتين 
 We should not believe that their property is the fruit 
of their own effort and intellect. They resemble Qarun 
 One should trust what is in Allah's Hand more than 
what is in one's own. 
 One should not be deluded by Allah's gifts in this 
world by believing that He was given those gifts in 
this world because he is dear to Allah 
 The friends should command good each other 
 Not allowed to be arrogant in front of poor friends. 
Esteem Kasaragod, 14 12/8/2014
قصة موسى مع الخضر 
أن العلم نوعان : علم مكتسب يدركه العبد بجهده واجتهاده . ونوع علم لدني  
لتأدب مع المعلم ، وخطاب المتعلم إياه ألطف خطاب ، ل وًل موسى - عليه السلم - : ) هل أتبعك على  
أن تعلمن مما علم رشدًا ( 
تواضع الفاضل للتعلم ممن دونه ، فإن موسى - بلشك - أفضل من الخضر .  
تعلم الذي لم يتمهر فيه ممن مهر فيه ، وإن كان دونه في العلم بدرجا كثيرة  
أن السبب الكبير لحصول الصبر ، إحاطة الإنسان علمًا وخبرة بذلك الْمر الذي أمر بالصبر عليه  
الْمر بالتأني والتثب وعدم المبادرة إلى الحكم على الشيء حتى يعرف ما يراد منه وما هو الم صًود  
ال اًعدة الكبير الجليلة وهو أنه ) يدفع الشر الكبير بارتكاب الشر الصغير ( ويراعي أكبر المصلحتين  
بتفوي أدناهما 
لَ بد من إصلح نفسه إذا كن تريد صلح ابنك ) وليخش الذين لو تركوا ذرية ضعافا خافوا عليهم...(.  
أن ينبغي للصاحب أن لَ يفارق صاحبه في حالة من الْحوال ويترك صحبته حتى يتبعه ويعذر منه كما  
فعل الخضر مع موسى 
Esteem Kasaragod, 15 12/8/2014
قصة ذي ال رًنين 
الْخذ بالْسباب وبذل الجهد المستطاع ليكون التمكين أمكن وامتن)إنا مكنا له في الْرض وآتيناه من كل شيء سببا  
ومن سبل التمكين التزود بالمعارف والعلوم وفتح مجال التخصصا في كل شيء.  
حرصه على نشر أصول الحضارة والمدنية بين الناس في الشرق والغرب وفي دائرة ملكه الواسع هذا مما جعل  
الناس يست بًلونه بحفاوة. 
التف دً على الرعية والَتصال بهم والتعرف على حوائجهم  
عرض مشكلتهم الكبرى عليه وهو غارا يأجوج ومأجوج على قراهم وإفساد معيشتهم.  
لَ بد من الجمع بين المال والع لً برؤيته رأى بأن هذا ال وًم ين صًهم الع لً المدبر ف طً ، لْن في أيديهم مال وفير  
وأيدي قوية ولكنها عاطلة. 
العمل الجاد: أعينوني بل كسل ولَ تسويف وبكل ما أوتيتم من قوة عضلية وفكرية ونفسية ومالية لبناء الردم.  
وجوب اتخاذ السجون لسجن المفسدين والظالمين إلى أمد.  
على الحاكم العادل إعطاء أكثر مما يستح هً الشعب، طلب ال وًم سدا فبنى لهم ذو ال رًنين ردما وهو بناء أعظم من  
السد والعمل فيه بنفسه. 
على الحاكم العادل أن يبعد المفسدين عن مواقع المسئولية والسلطة، لكي لَ يأتوا على أموال الف رًاء والضعفاء  
والمحتاجين، فيعم بذلك الفساد ويكون في كل شيء. 
Esteem Kasaragod, 16 12/8/2014
 فضل سورة الكهف 
 لَ بد من فهم المعنى الإجمالي لل رًآن على الْقل : ال صًة 
 ذكر ال صًص الْربعة 
 ذكر الدروس المستفادة من ال صًص 
Esteem Kasaragod, 17 12/8/2014
Esteem Kasaragod, 18 12/8/2014
Esteem Kasaragod, 19 12/8/2014
Esteem Kasaragod, 20 12/8/2014
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Esteem Kasaragod, 22 12/8/2014

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  • 1. Lessons from Surat al Kahf Tadreeb No. 5 ESTEEM KASARAGOD, Esteem Kasaragod, 1 12/8/2014
  • 2. Four Stories in Surat Al Kahf  Story of Men in Cave ( (أصحاب الكهف  Story of Owner of Two Gardens ( (صاحب الجنتين  Story of Musa (A.S) and Khidr (A.S)  Story of Dhul Qarnain Esteem Kasaragod, 2 12/8/2014
  • 3. Major Lessons from Story: Men in cave ( (أَصْحَاب الكَهْف Theme: If you suffer in the way of Allah, He will take care of you Trail: Allah tests by hardship Solution: Put trust in Allah وَاصْبِرْ نَفْسَكَ مَعَ الَّذِينَ يَدْعُونَ رَبَّهُم بِالْغَدَاةِ وَالْعَشِ يِ يُرِيدُونَ وَجْهَهُ وَلََ تَعْدُ عَيْنَاكَ عَنْهُ مْ ترُِيدُ زِ ينَةَ الْحَيَاةِ الدُّنْيَا وَلََ تطُِعْ مَنْ أَغْفَلْنَا قَلْبَهُ عَن ذِكْرِنَا وَاتَّبَعَ هَوَاهُ وَكَانَ أَمْرُهُ فُرُطًا * وَ قُلِ الْحَقُّ مِن رَّبِ كُمْ فَمَن شَاء فَلْيُؤْمِن وَمَ ن شَاء فَلْيَكْفُرْ إِنَّا أَعْتَدْنَا لِلظَّالِمِينَ نَارًا أَحَاطَ بِهِمْ سُرَادِقُهَا وَإِن يَسْتَغِيثوُا يُغَاثوُا بِمَاء كَالْمُهْلِ يَشْوِي الْوُجُوهَ بِئْسَ الشَّ رَابُ وَسَاء مُرْتَفَ اًً( .29 – آية 28 Esteem Kasaragod, 3 12/8/2014
  • 4. Major Lessons from Story: The man of Two Gardens Theme: If you are arrogant of Allah’s grace, He may destroy all your wealth Trail: Allah gives wealth Solution: Be thankful to Allah وَاضْرِبْ لَهُم مَّثَلَ الْحَيَاةِ الدُّنْيَا كَمَاء أَنزَلْنَاهُ مِنَ السَّمَاء فَاخْتَلَطَ بِهِ نَبَا الَْْرْضِ فَأصَْبَحَ هَ شِيمً ا تَذْرُوهُ ال ريَاحُ وَكَانَ اللََُّّ عَلَى كُ ل شَيْءٍ مُّ تًَْدِرًا * الْمَالُ وَالْبَنُونَ زِينَةُ الْحَيَاةِ الدُّنْيَا وَالْبَاقِيَا الصَّالِحَا خَيْرٌ عِندَ رَ بِ كَ ثَوَابًا وَخَيْرٌ أَمَلً ( آية 45 و 46 Esteem Kasaragod, 4 12/8/2014
  • 5. Major Lessons from Story: Musa (A.S) and Khidr (A.S) Theme: If you want to get Ilm (knowledge), suffer a lot and find a good mentor Trail: Allah gives Knowledge (ilm) Solution: Be humble and modest )قَالَ سَتَجِدُنِي إِن شَاء اللََُّّ صَابِرًا وَلََ أَعْصِي لَكَ أَمْرًا( آية 69 Esteem Kasaragod, 5 12/8/2014
  • 6. Major Lessons from Story: Dhul Qarnain Theme: Use your power and wealth to serve the weak and poor Trail: Allah gives power Solution: Be useful to the weak and poor قَالَ هَـٰذَا رَ حْمَة من رَّ بِ ي فَإِذَا جَاءَ وَعْدُ رَ بِ ي جَعَلَهُ د كَّاءَ وَكَانَ وَعْدُ رَ بِ ي حَ اًًّ آية 98 Esteem Kasaragod, 6 12/8/2014
  • 7. How to overcome all فتنة of this world? In the middle of the chapter there is a mention of Iblees ِ ئِكَةِ اسْجُدُوا لِ َ مَلَ ْ نَا لِل ْ قُل ا ْ وَِإذ إبْلِيسَ ْ دَمَ فَسَجَدُوا إل كَانَ مِنَ ال جِنِ رَ بِ افَتَاتخِذُونَهُ ايتَهُ رِوَذُ وْلِاَ كُمْ فَفَسَقَ عَنْ امْرِ هِِّ َ يَاءَ مِن دُونِي وَهُمْ ل عَدُ و ً بِئْسَ لِلاظالِمِينَ بَدَل  Iblees is the source of all evils You have to consider him as a blatant enemy Esteem Kasaragod, 7 12/8/2014
  • 8. Story of the men in cave  About 400 years after Prophet Isa (Jesus) (alayhis salam), there was a ruler who was very cruel. His name was Decius the Emperor, and he ruled the vast Roman Empire which stretched from Spain to the Persian Gulf. He was an Idol worshipper. The Emperor did not want the people to follow the religion of Allah as was revealed to Prophet Isa (alayhis salam).  Within the Roman Empire there was a city called Ephesus where lived a few youths (about 7) that all believed in the one true God, Allah. They formed a small group and prayed to Allah for guidance in this land of oppression and injustice.  One day these youths went to the bazaar where many people gathered. They said, "Our Lord is the Lord of the heavens and the earth. We shall never call upon any god other than Him because if we did, it would surely be a lie!"  The people in the crowd shouted. The youths were not afraid and continued. Emperor called them and questioned them. The king turned furious, and gave them three days to come back to their old faith. Otherwise, he will kill.  The youths ran away to a cave high up on a mountainside a few miles away outside of the city. On the way, a dog also followed them. They prayed: Rabbana atina mil-ladunka Rahma, wa hayya lana min amrina rashada. They fell asleep. Allah kept them asleep for more than three hundred years.  When they awoke they thought they were only asleep for a couple hours. One of them said, "How long do you think we have stayed here?" "A day or part of a day," they replied. "Your Lord knows better how long we have stayed here. [18:19] The youths were hungry so one of them went down to the city to buy some food.  .When he approached the city, he noticed something strange. The surroundings, the dresses, the language they spoke and the lifestyle, everything had changed. The youth gave his money the shopkeeper and he surprised:. "Where did you get this from?" "This money has been out of date for 300 years!!," exclaimed the shopkeeper.  . When he explained his story to the people that had gathered around him, they were overjoyed. The whole city of Ephesus had changed.The whole city of Ephesus had changed. The whole city came out of their houses and marched toward the cave where the other youths were.  Meanwhile, some officers of the king Theodosius (who was now the ruler) also arrived. When they were told that the stranger in the bazzar was one among the seven youths who had fled during the reign of Decius to escape death, he and a crowd followed him to the cave. Allah then caused the youths of the cave to pass away, just as Allah had caused the youth to sleep for 309 years [18:25], and king Theodosius ordered a monument to be built over the cave. Esteem Kasaragod, 8 12/8/2014
  • 9. Man of two gardens  Once upon a Time… In a long forgotten town… there lived two men…  One of them was poor… But he believed in Allah… Thankful to Him… Well pleased with his life… Happy with what Allah has provided him…  The other, however, was rich.. Allah has given him two beautiful and bountiful gardens, full of ripe fruit and green topped trees. Rivers flowed through the gardens. Allah also gave tremendous wealth and castles.  This rich man was arrogant.. greedy with his wealth… Discrediting Allah for His blessings and never thankful of the great bounty of Allah. One day he went into one of his gardens pointing to what it has of castles and fruit… saying in full arrogance.. "These castles and gardens and wealth will never be finished and I will be rich all my life…  He enjoyed the bounties of what Allah has provided from the two gardens, of delicious fruits and abundant wealth, never giving charity to the poor nor those who are needy…  The believer one day went to him in peace and harmony and told him in a nice tone "O’ you rich man, Allah granted you great bounties and Allah will question you about it on the day of Judgment. You should thank your Lord for these blessings and do not be fooled by all this wealth and do not forget the day of Judgment.."  The rich man got up from his seat very angry and said in arrogance: "Quite, you poor man and do not advise me… I am far more wealthy than you and I have many children and I own a lot of slaves and servants."  Than the rich man laughed in ridicule and said: "I do not believe there is a day in which I will be judged in … and who will judge me and I am the owner of this abundant wealth and power? Even if I were to go back to a Lord that will judge me after I die, as you claim, I will have a great reward and place and much more wealth because I am rich in this life…"  The poor man said in fear of Allah: "Do you disbelieve in Allah O’ rich man? It is Allah that created you from dirt and provided you with all this great wealth, children, slaves and servants. Even if I am less in wealth and children than you Allah will give great reward much better than wealth and children… Do not disbelieve in Allah O’ owner of the two gardens.. Do not disbelieve.."  The rich man became even more arrogant and insisted on his disbelieve and the believer left him after saying: "Remember that it was Allah who gave you all these blessings is fully able to take them from you." The believer continued praying to Allah to guide the rich man..  Next morning the rich man went out from his castle to his gardens in full arrogance and foolishness, as was his habit, and when he reached the gardens he saw a horrible sight..  The gardens have become desolate and empty. The trees were dry. The leaves and fruit have fallen off. The river ran dry.  Allah had send upon it a great flood and strong winds, which destroyed all that was in the two gardens during the night without the rich man ever noticing. He went about crying and weeping.  He fell to the ground and sat down in great sadness and agony while saying: "I wish I did not associate partners with Allah and disbelieve in Him. I wish I had obeyed the poor mans requests and thanked my Lord." But it was too late for that now and all the regret did not benefit him after he lost everything in this world and the next.  With some modifcations, from 12/8/2014 Esteem Kasaragod, 9
  • 10. Story of Musa and Khidr  Allah admonished him as he did not attribute absolute knowledge to Him (Allah). So, Allah said to him: 'Yes, at the junction of the two seas there is a slave of Mine who is more learned than you." Moses said: "0 my Lord! How can I meet him?" Allah said: "Take a fish and put it in a large basket and you will find him at the place where you will lose the fish."  Moses set out on his journey, accompanied by a young man Yusha Ibn Nun Moses slept, and the fish, moving out of the basket, fell into the sea. It took its way into the sea (straight) as in a tunnel. However, he forgot to relate this incident to Moses. They traveled the rest of the night, and the next day Moses said to his boy (servant): "Give us our food, for indeed, we have suffered much fatigue in this journey of ours."  Only then did his companion recall that the fish they had brought with them had gotten away. Hearing this, Moses exclaimed: 'This is exactly what we are seeking!" They hurriedly retraced their steps to the place where the rivers met and where the fish had jumped out. There they found Al-Khidr.  Moses said to him (Khidr) "May I follow you ".  He (Khidr) said: "Verily! You will not be able to have patience with me!  Moses said: "If Allah will, you will find me patient, and I will not disobey you in aught."  He (Khidr) said: "Then, if you follow me, ask me not about anything till I myself mention it to you.  So they both proceeded, till, when they were in the ship, he (Khidr) scuttled it. Moses said: "Have you scuttled it in order to drown its people? Verily, you have done Imra - a Munkar (evil, bad, dreadful) thing."  He (Khidr) said: "Did I not tell you, that you would not be able to have patience with me?"  Then suddenly Al-Khidr took an adze and pulled up a plank, and Moses did not notice it till he had pulled up a plank with the adze. Moses said to him: "What have you done? They took us on board charging us nothing; yet you have intentionally made a hole in their boat so as to drown its passengers. Verily, you have done a dreadful thing." AlKhidr replied: "Did I not tell you that you would not be able to remain patient with me?" Moses replied: "Do not blame me for what I have forgotten, and do not be hard upon me for my fault." So the first excuse of Moses was that he had forgotten.  When they had left the sea, they passed by a boy playing with other boys. Al-Khidr took hold of the boy's head and plucked it with his hand like this. (Sufyan, the sub-narrator gestured with his fingertips as if he were plucking some fruit.) Moses said to him: "Have you killed an innocent person who has not killed any person? You have really done a horrible thing." Al- Khidr said: "Did I not tell you that you could not remain patient with me?" Moses said: "If I ask you about anything after this, don't accompany me. You have received an excuse from me."  Then both of them went on till they came to some people of a village, and they asked its inhabitants for food but they refused to entertain them as guests. Then they saw therein a wall which was just going to collapse and Al Khidr repaired it just by touching it with his hands. (Sufyan, the subnarrator, gestured with his hands, illustrating how Al-Khidr passed his hands over the wall upwards.) Moses said: "These are the people whom we have called on, but they neither gave us food, nor entertained us as guests, yet you have repaired their wall. If you had wished, you could have taken wages for it."  Al-Khidr said: "This is the parting between you and me, and I shall tell you the explanation of those things on which you could not remain patient."  The Prophet added: "We wish that Moses could have remained patient by virtue of which Allah might have told us more about their story."  (Khidr) said: "This is the parting between me and you. I will tell you the interpretation of (those) things over which you were unable to hold patience.  'As for the ship, it belonged to poor people working in the sea. So I wished to make a defective damage in it, as there was a king after them who seized every ship by force.  "And as for the boy, his parents were believers, and we feared lest he should oppress them by rebellion and disbelief. So we intended that their Lord should change him for them for one better in righteousness and near to mercy.  "And as for the wall, it belonged to two orphan boys in the town; and there was under it a treasure belonging to them; and their father was a righteous man, and your Lord intended that they should attain their age of full strength and take out their treasure as a mercy from your Lord. And I did it not of my own accord. That is the interpretation of those (things) over which you could not hold patience. Surah 18: 60-82 Esteem Kasaragod, 10 12/8/2014
  • 11. Story of Dhul Qarnain  Dhul Qarnayn, may Allah raise his rank, was a great Yemeni king as well as a pious man (waliyy). Allah gave him many extra-ordinary matters, and his story was mentioned in the Qur’an.  His name was as-Sa^b bin al-Hareth according to some scholars. Others said his name was as-Sa^b bin Dhi Mara’ed. He was the most famous among the Yemeni kings called the Tababi^ah of that era.  Muslim scholars mentioned that Dhul Qarnayn’s minister was Prophet al-Khaderwho led his army. Dhul Qarnayn also met with Prophets Ibrahim and Isma^il, peace be upon them, when he traveled on foot from Yemen to honorable Makkah to perform Hajj.  Dhul Qarnayn was granted many remarkable matters, among them was a long life and victory.Dhul Qarnayn was kind and compassionate and wise as he ruled. The inhabitants of the land he entered embraced Islam and were safe and prosperous; while those that refused were dishonored and shamed.  He found a nation living there. They were murderers and unjust people who spread misguidance.Dhul Qarnayn stayed with them for a period of time spreading guidance and goodness.  After being near the place closer to where the sun sets, Dhul Qarnyan aspired to visit the place closer to where the sun rises. Making his way there, he reached a vast empty plain with no construction, mountains, or trees. There he found strange people. When the sun rose they would escape its intense heat by hiding in burrows they had dug, or diving underwater. They would emerge again after the sun had set.  Dhul Qarnayn witnessed this strange matter and he reached a valley between two giant mountains. In this valley lived another strange tribe whose language was barely identifiable. Their neighbors were a wicked, malicious, a deviant group of people, Gog and Magog.  They sought his help.Dhul Qarnayn agreed to their request. They offered to pay him for this service, but Dhul Qarnayn refused it. As per his request, they brought him large iron slabs;. He started at the bottom and worked his way up to the peak. He then surrounded the iron sheets with charcoal and wood and started a fire. The fire caused the iron blocks to melt. Then he poured melted copper mixed with lead on top of the iron; this made a solid, smooth barrier that extended from the valley to the top of the mountains. It reached a height of equivalent to 125 meter. This barrier was difficult to climb because it was smooth and had no protrusions. It had no holes and was very difficult to break through.  When Dhul Qaryan said, “ When the Day of Judgment is near, this wall will be destroyed.” Thus, Dhul Qarnayn imprisoned Gog and Magog behind this barrier.  Everyday since that time, the people of Gog and Magog try to break through the barrier but fail. They say, “Tomorrow we will continue.” However, they come back the next day only to find the small hole that they opened was resealed. They will continue digging through the barrier until they emerge. Their appearance will be one of the major signs that indicate the nearing of the Day of Judgement. Dhul Qarnyan lived for hundreds of years, helping those in need, teaching and ruling according to Islam and ruling fairly. He lived his life preparing for the hereafter and died armed with good deeds and piety. (from with modifcation) Esteem Kasaragod, 11 12/8/2014
  • 12. Question/Discussion What are the lessons that we can extract from these four stories? وذلك تنبيه على أن المتعلم لو سافر من المشرق إلى المغرب لطلب مسألة واحدة لحق له ذلك Esteem Kasaragod, 12 12/8/2014
  • 13. قصة أصحاب الكهف اللجوء إلى الله: ومن لجأ إلى ربه واعتمد عليه ثبته الله وأيده " وربطنا على  قلوبهم " . دور الشباب: إنهم فتية آمنوا بربهم  لكل فكرة دليل: لولَ يأتون عليهم بسلطان بي ن  اعتزال الناس في الفتن: فأووا إلى الكهف  » وليتلطف ، ولَ يشعرن بكم أحدا « : الحذر في التحرك  فل تمارفيهم : لَ فائدة في كثرة الجدال بدون دليل  الدليل على قدرة الله حيث بعثهم : من قائل تحشر الْرواح ف طً ، ومن قائل  يحشر الناس بأرواحهم وأجسادهم Esteem Kasaragod, 13 12/8/2014
  • 14. قصة صاحب الجنتين  We should not believe that their property is the fruit of their own effort and intellect. They resemble Qarun  One should trust what is in Allah's Hand more than what is in one's own.  One should not be deluded by Allah's gifts in this world by believing that He was given those gifts in this world because he is dear to Allah  The friends should command good each other  Not allowed to be arrogant in front of poor friends. Esteem Kasaragod, 14 12/8/2014
  • 15. قصة موسى مع الخضر أن العلم نوعان : علم مكتسب يدركه العبد بجهده واجتهاده . ونوع علم لدني  لتأدب مع المعلم ، وخطاب المتعلم إياه ألطف خطاب ، ل وًل موسى - عليه السلم - : ) هل أتبعك على  أن تعلمن مما علم رشدًا ( تواضع الفاضل للتعلم ممن دونه ، فإن موسى - بلشك - أفضل من الخضر .  تعلم الذي لم يتمهر فيه ممن مهر فيه ، وإن كان دونه في العلم بدرجا كثيرة  أن السبب الكبير لحصول الصبر ، إحاطة الإنسان علمًا وخبرة بذلك الْمر الذي أمر بالصبر عليه  الْمر بالتأني والتثب وعدم المبادرة إلى الحكم على الشيء حتى يعرف ما يراد منه وما هو الم صًود  ال اًعدة الكبير الجليلة وهو أنه ) يدفع الشر الكبير بارتكاب الشر الصغير ( ويراعي أكبر المصلحتين  بتفوي أدناهما لَ بد من إصلح نفسه إذا كن تريد صلح ابنك ) وليخش الذين لو تركوا ذرية ضعافا خافوا عليهم...(.  أن ينبغي للصاحب أن لَ يفارق صاحبه في حالة من الْحوال ويترك صحبته حتى يتبعه ويعذر منه كما  فعل الخضر مع موسى Esteem Kasaragod, 15 12/8/2014
  • 16. قصة ذي ال رًنين الْخذ بالْسباب وبذل الجهد المستطاع ليكون التمكين أمكن وامتن)إنا مكنا له في الْرض وآتيناه من كل شيء سببا  ومن سبل التمكين التزود بالمعارف والعلوم وفتح مجال التخصصا في كل شيء.  حرصه على نشر أصول الحضارة والمدنية بين الناس في الشرق والغرب وفي دائرة ملكه الواسع هذا مما جعل  الناس يست بًلونه بحفاوة. التف دً على الرعية والَتصال بهم والتعرف على حوائجهم  عرض مشكلتهم الكبرى عليه وهو غارا يأجوج ومأجوج على قراهم وإفساد معيشتهم.  لَ بد من الجمع بين المال والع لً برؤيته رأى بأن هذا ال وًم ين صًهم الع لً المدبر ف طً ، لْن في أيديهم مال وفير  وأيدي قوية ولكنها عاطلة. العمل الجاد: أعينوني بل كسل ولَ تسويف وبكل ما أوتيتم من قوة عضلية وفكرية ونفسية ومالية لبناء الردم.  وجوب اتخاذ السجون لسجن المفسدين والظالمين إلى أمد.  على الحاكم العادل إعطاء أكثر مما يستح هً الشعب، طلب ال وًم سدا فبنى لهم ذو ال رًنين ردما وهو بناء أعظم من  السد والعمل فيه بنفسه. على الحاكم العادل أن يبعد المفسدين عن مواقع المسئولية والسلطة، لكي لَ يأتوا على أموال الف رًاء والضعفاء  والمحتاجين، فيعم بذلك الفساد ويكون في كل شيء. Esteem Kasaragod, 16 12/8/2014
  • 17.  فضل سورة الكهف  لَ بد من فهم المعنى الإجمالي لل رًآن على الْقل : ال صًة  ذكر ال صًص الْربعة  ذكر الدروس المستفادة من ال صًص Esteem Kasaragod, 17 12/8/2014