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Knowledge Representation
Digital Humanities
Antonio Jiménez Mavillard
Department of Modern Languages and Literatures
Western University
Lecture 6
Knowledge Representation in Digital Humanities
Antonio Jiménez Mavillard
* Contents:
1. Why this lecture?
2. Discussion
3. Chapter 6
4. Assignment
5. Bibliography
Why this lecture?
Knowledge Representation in Digital Humanities
Antonio Jiménez Mavillard
* This lecture...
· formalizes the modelling of real-world
· goes in depth into the representation of
complex objects
Last assignment discussion
Knowledge Representation in Digital Humanities
Antonio Jiménez Mavillard
* Time to...
· consolidate ideas and
concepts dealt in the readings
· discuss issues arised in the specific
solutions to the projects
Chapter 6
Domain Modelling
Complex Object Representation
in Python
1. More complex data types
2. Object-oriented programming
Knowledge Representation in Digital Humanities
Antonio Jiménez Mavillard5
Chapter 6
1 More complex data types
1.1 Lists
1.2 Tuples
1.3 Dictionaries
Knowledge Representation in Digital Humanities
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Chapter 6
2 Object-oriented programming
2.1 General ideas
2.2 Classes and objects
2.3 Attributes and methods
2.4 Modelling domains
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More complex data types
Knowledge Representation in Digital Humanities
Antonio Jiménez Mavillard8
* Debugging
· Syntax errors
+ not closing []
· Logic errors
+ accessing to a non-existing element
- index out of range
Knowledge Representation in Digital Humanities
Antonio Jiménez Mavillard9
* Debugging
· Semantic errors
+ not accessing the first and/or last
+ not considering the empty list, []
+ modifying a list inside a function
Knowledge Representation in Digital Humanities
Antonio Jiménez Mavillard10
* list
· Type for lists
· Examples: [1, 2, 3], ['a', 'b', 'c'],
[1, 'abc', [], True]
· A list is a sequence of values
Knowledge Representation in Digital Humanities
Antonio Jiménez Mavillard11
* Indexes
· Same index system as strings
· Access:
+ A whole
+ One element at a time
+ A slice
· Range: 0 .. list's length - 1
· The index [-1] accesses the last element
Knowledge Representation in Digital Humanities
Antonio Jiménez Mavillard12
* Indexes
Knowledge Representation in Digital Humanities
Antonio Jiménez Mavillard13
In [1]: l = [1, 'abc', [], True]
In [2]: l
Out[2]: [1, 'abc', [], True]
In [3]: l[0]
Out[3]: 1
In [4]: l[1:3]
Out[4]: ['abc', []]
In [5]: 
* Mutability
· Lists are mutable (can be modified)
Knowledge Representation in Digital Humanities
Antonio Jiménez Mavillard14
In [1]: l = [1, 'abc', [], True]
In [2]: l
Out[2]: [1, 'abc', [], True]
In [3]: 
* Mutability
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Antonio Jiménez Mavillard15
In [3]: l[1] = 3.1416
In [4]: l
Out[4]: [1, 3.1416, [], True]
In [5]: l[2:4] = [False, 'xyz']
In [6]: l
Out[6]: [1, 3.1416, False, 'xyz']
In [7]: l.append(2)
In [8]: l
Out[8]: [1, 3.1416, False, 'xyz', 2]
* Mutability
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In [9]: l.insert(2, [1, 2, 3])
In [10]: l
Out[10]: [1, 3.1416, [1, 2, 3], False, 'xyz', 2]
In [11]: l.remove(False)
In [12]: l
Out[12]: [1, 3.1416, [1, 2, 3], 'xyz', 2]
In [13]: del l[1]
In [14]: l
Out[14]: [1, [1, 2, 3], 'xyz', 2]
* Mutability
Knowledge Representation in Digital Humanities
Antonio Jiménez Mavillard17
In [15]: l.extend([True, 7.3])
In [16]: l
Out[16]: [1, [1, 2, 3], 'xyz', 2, True, 7.3]
In [17]: x = l.pop(3)
In [18]: l
Out[18]: [1, [1, 2, 3], 'xyz', True, 7.3]
In [19]: x
Out[19]: 2
In [20]: 
* Some functions and operators
· index(x): returns the (first) index of
the element x
· count(x): returns the number of
ocurrences of x
· sort(): orders the elements of the list
· reverse(): inverts the elemens of the
Knowledge Representation in Digital Humanities
Antonio Jiménez Mavillard18
* Exercise 1
· Write a function called invert that
returns the reverse of a list (do not
use the function reverse of lists)
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* Exercise 1 (solution)
Knowledge Representation in Digital Humanities
Antonio Jiménez Mavillard20
def invert(l):
    result = []
    for elem in l:
        result.insert(0, elem)
    return result
* Some functions and operators
· The function range generates a list of
ordered integers
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Antonio Jiménez Mavillard21
In [1]: range(10)
Out[1]: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
In [2]: range(2, 8)
Out[2]: [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
In [3]: range(0, 10, 3)
Out[3]: [0, 3, 6, 9]
In [4]:
* Some functions and operators
· +: concatenates lists
· *: repeats a list a given number of times
· [:]: slices a list
- General syntax: l[n:m]
- l[n:] ≡ l[n:len(l)]
- l[:m] ≡ l[0:m]
- l[:] ≡ l[0:len(l)] ≡ l
Knowledge Representation in Digital Humanities
Antonio Jiménez Mavillard22
* Some functions and operators
Knowledge Representation in Digital Humanities
Antonio Jiménez Mavillard23
In [1]: l1 = ['a', 'b', 'c']
In [2]: l2 = ['d', 'e', 'f']
In [3]: l3 = l1 + l2
In [4]: l3
Out[4]: ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f']
In [5]: l4 = l1 * 3
In [5]: l4
Out[5]: ['a', 'b', 'c', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'a', 'b', 'c']
In [6]: 
* Some functions and operators
· The operator in checks if a value is
contained in a list
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* Exercise 2
· Write a function called repeat
that returns the result of repeating a
list a number of times (do not use the
operator * of lists)
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Antonio Jiménez Mavillard25
* Exercise 2 (solution)
(Consider the case n=0)
Knowledge Representation in Digital Humanities
Antonio Jiménez Mavillard26
def repeat(l, n):
    result = []
    i = 1
    while i <= n:
        result = result + l
    return result
* Lists as arguments/parameters of functions
· The parameter is a reference to the list
· Modifying the paremeter (list inside the
function) implies modifying the argument
(list passed to the function)
· To avoid this, make a copy of the list
with [:]
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Antonio Jiménez Mavillard27
* Lists vs strings
· Lists are mutable
· Strings are inmutable
· A string is a sequence of characters
· A list is a sequence of values
· A list of characters is not a string
· The function list converts a string to
a list
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Antonio Jiménez Mavillard28
Downey, Allen. “Chapter 10: Lists.” Think Python. Sebastopol, CA: O’Reilly, 2012. Print.
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Antonio Jiménez Mavillard29
* tuple
· Type for tuples
· Examples: (1, 2, 3), ('a', 'b', 'c'),
(1, 'abc', [], True)
· A tuple is an inmutable list
Knowledge Representation in Digital Humanities
Antonio Jiménez Mavillard30
* Debugging
· Syntax errors
+ not closing {}
· Logic errors
+ accessing to a non-existing element
- key not found
· Semantic errors
+ modifying a dictionary inside a
function Knowledge Representation in Digital Humanities
Antonio Jiménez Mavillard31
* dict
· Type for dictionaries
· A dictionary is a kind of list that
establishes a mapping between a set of
indices (called keys) and a set of values
· Keys can be any type (not exclusively
· Each pair key-value is called item
Knowledge Representation in Digital Humanities
Antonio Jiménez Mavillard32
* dict
· Examples: {1:'a', 2:'b', 3:'c'},
{'one':'uno', 'two':'dos',
'three':'tres', 'four':'cuatro',
'five':'cinco', 'six':'seis',
'seven':'siete', 'eight':'ocho',
'nine':'nueve', 'ten':'diez',}
Knowledge Representation in Digital Humanities
Antonio Jiménez Mavillard33
* Access
· As a whole
- Example: d
· Its values one at a time (lookup)
- Syntax: dictionary[key]
- Example: d[1]
Knowledge Representation in Digital Humanities
Antonio Jiménez Mavillard34
* Access
· All items
- Syntax: dictionary.items()
- Example: d.items()
- It returns a list of tuples
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* Access
· Only (all) keys
- Syntax: dictionary.keys()
- Example: d.items()
· Only (all) keys
- Syntax: dictionary.keys()
- Example: d.items()
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* Access
Knowledge Representation in Digital Humanities
Antonio Jiménez Mavillard37
In [1]: d = {1: 'a', 2: 'b', 3: 'c'}
In [2]: d
Out[2]: {1: 'a', 2: 'b', 3: 'c'}
In [3]: d[1]
Out[3]: 'a'
In [4]: d.items()
Out[4]: [(1, 'a'), (2, 'b'), (3, 'c')]
In [5]: d.keys()
Out[5]: [1, 2, 3]
In [6]: d.values()
Out[6]: ['a', 'b', 'c']
* Modifying dictionaries
· Modifying existing item
- Syntax: dictionary[key] = new_value
- Example: d[1] = 'x'
· Adding new item
- Syntax: dictionary[new_key] = value
- Example: d[4] = 'd'
Knowledge Representation in Digital Humanities
Antonio Jiménez Mavillard38
* Modifying dictionaries
Knowledge Representation in Digital Humanities
Antonio Jiménez Mavillard39
In [7]: d[1] = 'x'
In [8]: d
Out[8]: {1: 'x', 2: 'b', 3: 'c'}
In [9]: d[4] = 'd'
In [10]: d
Out[10]: {1: 'x', 2: 'b', 3: 'c', 4: 'd'}
In [11]: 
* Deleting items
Knowledge Representation in Digital Humanities
Antonio Jiménez Mavillard40
In [11]: x = d.popitem()
In [12]: x
Out[12]: (1, 'x')
In [13]: d
Out[13]: {2: 'b', 3: 'c', 4: 'd'}
In [14]: y = d.pop(3)
In [15]: y
Out[15]: 'c'
In [16]: d
Out[16]: {2: 'b', 4: 'd'}
* Deleting items
Knowledge Representation in Digital Humanities
Antonio Jiménez Mavillard41
In [17]: del d[2]
In [18]: d
Out[18]: {4: 'd'}
In [19]: 
* Some functions and operators
· update(d): receives a dictionary d and
- if d contains keys included in the
dictionary, this function updates the
values of the dictionary with the values
of d
Knowledge Representation in Digital Humanities
Antonio Jiménez Mavillard42
* Some functions and operators
· update(d): receives a dictionary d and
- if d contains keys not included in the
dictionary, the new items (pairs
key-value) are added to the
Knowledge Representation in Digital Humanities
Antonio Jiménez Mavillard43
* Some functions and operators
· The operator in checks if a key is
contained in a dictionary
Knowledge Representation in Digital Humanities
Antonio Jiménez Mavillard44
* Exercise 3
· Write a function called histogram
that receives a string and returns the
frequency of each letter
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Antonio Jiménez Mavillard45
* Exercise 3 (solution)
Knowledge Representation in Digital Humanities
Antonio Jiménez Mavillard46
def histogram(word):
    d = {}
    for letter in word:
        if letter in d:
            d[letter] += 1
            d[letter] = 1
    return d
* Exercise 4
· Write a function called
invert_histogram that receives an
histogram and returns the inverted
histogram, where the keys are the
frequencies and the values are lists of
the letters that have that frequency
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Antonio Jiménez Mavillard47
* Exercise 4
· Example:
Knowledge Representation in Digital Humanities
Antonio Jiménez Mavillard48
* Exercise 4 (solution)
Knowledge Representation in Digital Humanities
Antonio Jiménez Mavillard49
def invert_histogram(h):
    inverse = {}
    for key in h:
        value = h[key]
        if value in inverted_h:
            inverse[value] = [key]
    return inverse
Downey, Allen. “Chapter 11: Dictionaries.” Think Python. Sebastopol, CA: O’Reilly, 2012. Print.
Knowledge Representation in Digital Humanities
Antonio Jiménez Mavillard50
Object-oriented programming
Knowledge Representation in Digital Humanities
Antonio Jiménez Mavillard51
General ideas
* Programs made up of object definitions
and functions that operate on them
* Objects correspond to concepts in the real
* Functions correspond to the ways
real-world objects interact
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Antonio Jiménez Mavillard52
General ideas
* Debugging
· Logic errors
+ accessing to a non-existing element
- attribute not found
- attribute not initialized
- method not found
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Antonio Jiménez Mavillard53
Classes and objects
* Classes
· A class is the representation of an idea
or a concept
· A class is a user-defined type
· Examples: Author, Book
· Syntax:
class ClassName(SuperclassNames):
attributes and methods
Knowledge Representation in Digital Humanities
Antonio Jiménez Mavillard54
Classes and objects
* Objects
· An object is an instance of the class
· An object is a concrete element that
belongs to a class of objects
· Examples: William Shakespeare (Author),
Romeo and Juliet (Book)
· Syntax:
object_name = ClassName(arguments)
Knowledge Representation in Digital Humanities
Antonio Jiménez Mavillard55
Attributes and methods
* A class is defined by features that are
common to all objects that belong to the
* Those features are:
· Attributes
· Methods
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Attributes and methods
* Attributes
· Data
· Syntax: object.attribute
· Take specific values for each object
· Examples: base, height (Rectangle)
Knowledge Representation in Digital Humanities
Antonio Jiménez Mavillard57
Attributes and methods
* Methods
· Functions that operate with data
· Syntax: object.method(arguments)
· Get different results for each object
· Examples: calculateArea()
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Antonio Jiménez Mavillard58
Modelling domains
* Exercise 5
· In Literature, authors write
novels, poems, short stories...
Let us call them books in general
· Model the classes Author and Book
(abstract relevant data in both cases)
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Antonio Jiménez Mavillard59
Modelling domains
* Exercise 5
· Write the method birthday for
the class Author that increases by one
the author's age
Knowledge Representation in Digital Humanities
Antonio Jiménez Mavillard60
Modelling domains
* Exercise 5
· Write the method write for the
class Author that receives a title
and a text and add a new Book with this
author, title and text to his/her
Knowledge Representation in Digital Humanities
Antonio Jiménez Mavillard61
Modelling domains
* Exercise 5
· Write the method read for the
class Author that receives a title,
searches the book in his/her bibliography
and prints its text
· Add as many attributes as needed
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Antonio Jiménez Mavillard62
Modelling domains
* Exercise 5 (solution)
Knowledge Representation in Digital Humanities
Antonio Jiménez Mavillard63
class Author:
    def __init__(self, name, age, bibliography={}): = name
        self.age = age
        self.bibliography = bibliography
    def birthday(self):
        self.age += 1
    def write(self, title, text):
        new_book = Book(title, self, text)
        self.bibliography[title] = new_book
Modelling domains
* Exercise 5 (solution)
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    def read(self, title):
        book = self.bibliography[title]
        print book.text
    def __repr__(self):
Modelling domains
* Exercise 5 (solution)
Knowledge Representation in Digital Humanities
Antonio Jiménez Mavillard65
class Book:
    def __init__(self, title, author, text):
        self.title = title = author
        self.text = text
    def __repr__(self):
        return self.title
Downey, Allen. “Chapter 15: Classes and Objects.” Think Python. Sebastopol, CA: O’Reilly, 2012. Print.
Downey, Allen. “Chapter 16: Classes and Functions.” Think Python. Sebastopol, CA: O’Reilly, 2012. Print.
Downey, Allen. “Chapter 17: Classes and Methods.” Think Python. Sebastopol, CA: O’Reilly, 2012. Print.
Knowledge Representation in Digital Humanities
Antonio Jiménez Mavillard66
* Assignment 6: The library
· Readings
+ Data Structure Selection (Think
+ An Introduction to OOP Using Python
(A Hands-On Introduction to Using
Python in the Atmospheric and Oceanic
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* Assignment 6: The library
· Project
+ Read the description of the library in
the attached file
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* Assignment 6: The library
· Project
+ Model the scenario described by
defining classes and using suitable
data types
+ Try the solution with the test
Knowledge Representation in Digital Humanities
Antonio Jiménez Mavillard69
Downey, Allen. “Chapter 13: Case Study: Data Structure Selection.” Think Python. Sebastopol, CA: O’Reilly, 2012. Print.
Lin, Johnny Wei-Bing. “Chapter 7: An Introduction to OOP Using Python: Part I—Basic Principles and Syntax.” A Hands-on
Introduction to Using Python in the Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences. San Francisco: Creative Commons, 2012.
Knowledge Representation in Digital Humanities
Antonio Jiménez Mavillard70
Downey, Allen. Think Python. Sebastopol, CA: O’Reilly, 2012. Print.
Lin, Johnny Wei-Bing. A Hands-on Introduction to Using Python in the Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences. San Francisco:
Creative Commons, 2012. Print.
Knowledge Representation in Digital Humanities
Antonio Jiménez Mavillard71

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  • 1. Knowledge Representation in Digital Humanities Antonio Jiménez Mavillard Department of Modern Languages and Literatures Western University
  • 2. Lecture 6 Knowledge Representation in Digital Humanities Antonio Jiménez Mavillard * Contents: 1. Why this lecture? 2. Discussion 3. Chapter 6 4. Assignment 5. Bibliography 2
  • 3. Why this lecture? Knowledge Representation in Digital Humanities Antonio Jiménez Mavillard * This lecture... · formalizes the modelling of real-world domains · goes in depth into the representation of complex objects 3
  • 4. Last assignment discussion Knowledge Representation in Digital Humanities Antonio Jiménez Mavillard * Time to... · consolidate ideas and concepts dealt in the readings · discuss issues arised in the specific solutions to the projects 4
  • 5. Chapter 6 Domain Modelling and Complex Object Representation in Python 1. More complex data types 2. Object-oriented programming Knowledge Representation in Digital Humanities Antonio Jiménez Mavillard5
  • 6. Chapter 6 1 More complex data types 1.1 Lists 1.2 Tuples 1.3 Dictionaries Knowledge Representation in Digital Humanities Antonio Jiménez Mavillard6
  • 7. Chapter 6 2 Object-oriented programming 2.1 General ideas 2.2 Classes and objects 2.3 Attributes and methods 2.4 Modelling domains Knowledge Representation in Digital Humanities Antonio Jiménez Mavillard7
  • 8. More complex data types Knowledge Representation in Digital Humanities Antonio Jiménez Mavillard8
  • 9. Lists * Debugging · Syntax errors + not closing [] · Logic errors + accessing to a non-existing element - index out of range Knowledge Representation in Digital Humanities Antonio Jiménez Mavillard9
  • 10. Lists * Debugging · Semantic errors + not accessing the first and/or last element + not considering the empty list, [] + modifying a list inside a function Knowledge Representation in Digital Humanities Antonio Jiménez Mavillard10
  • 11. Lists * list · Type for lists · Examples: [1, 2, 3], ['a', 'b', 'c'], [1, 'abc', [], True] · A list is a sequence of values Knowledge Representation in Digital Humanities Antonio Jiménez Mavillard11
  • 12. Lists * Indexes · Same index system as strings · Access: + A whole + One element at a time + A slice · Range: 0 .. list's length - 1 · The index [-1] accesses the last element Knowledge Representation in Digital Humanities Antonio Jiménez Mavillard12
  • 13. Lists * Indexes Knowledge Representation in Digital Humanities Antonio Jiménez Mavillard13 In [1]: l = [1, 'abc', [], True] In [2]: l Out[2]: [1, 'abc', [], True] In [3]: l[0] Out[3]: 1 In [4]: l[1:3] Out[4]: ['abc', []] In [5]: 
  • 14. Lists * Mutability · Lists are mutable (can be modified) Knowledge Representation in Digital Humanities Antonio Jiménez Mavillard14 In [1]: l = [1, 'abc', [], True] In [2]: l Out[2]: [1, 'abc', [], True] In [3]: 
  • 15. Lists * Mutability Knowledge Representation in Digital Humanities Antonio Jiménez Mavillard15 In [3]: l[1] = 3.1416 In [4]: l Out[4]: [1, 3.1416, [], True] In [5]: l[2:4] = [False, 'xyz'] In [6]: l Out[6]: [1, 3.1416, False, 'xyz'] In [7]: l.append(2) In [8]: l Out[8]: [1, 3.1416, False, 'xyz', 2]
  • 16. Lists * Mutability Knowledge Representation in Digital Humanities Antonio Jiménez Mavillard16 In [9]: l.insert(2, [1, 2, 3]) In [10]: l Out[10]: [1, 3.1416, [1, 2, 3], False, 'xyz', 2] In [11]: l.remove(False) In [12]: l Out[12]: [1, 3.1416, [1, 2, 3], 'xyz', 2] In [13]: del l[1] In [14]: l Out[14]: [1, [1, 2, 3], 'xyz', 2]
  • 17. Lists * Mutability Knowledge Representation in Digital Humanities Antonio Jiménez Mavillard17 In [15]: l.extend([True, 7.3]) In [16]: l Out[16]: [1, [1, 2, 3], 'xyz', 2, True, 7.3] In [17]: x = l.pop(3) In [18]: l Out[18]: [1, [1, 2, 3], 'xyz', True, 7.3] In [19]: x Out[19]: 2 In [20]: 
  • 18. Lists * Some functions and operators · index(x): returns the (first) index of the element x · count(x): returns the number of ocurrences of x · sort(): orders the elements of the list · reverse(): inverts the elemens of the list Knowledge Representation in Digital Humanities Antonio Jiménez Mavillard18
  • 19. Lists * Exercise 1 · Write a function called invert that returns the reverse of a list (do not use the function reverse of lists) Knowledge Representation in Digital Humanities Antonio Jiménez Mavillard19
  • 20. Lists * Exercise 1 (solution) Knowledge Representation in Digital Humanities Antonio Jiménez Mavillard20 def invert(l):     result = []     for elem in l:         result.insert(0, elem)     return result
  • 21. Lists * Some functions and operators · The function range generates a list of ordered integers Knowledge Representation in Digital Humanities Antonio Jiménez Mavillard21 In [1]: range(10) Out[1]: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] In [2]: range(2, 8) Out[2]: [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7] In [3]: range(0, 10, 3) Out[3]: [0, 3, 6, 9] In [4]:
  • 22. Lists * Some functions and operators · +: concatenates lists · *: repeats a list a given number of times · [:]: slices a list - General syntax: l[n:m] - l[n:] ≡ l[n:len(l)] - l[:m] ≡ l[0:m] - l[:] ≡ l[0:len(l)] ≡ l Knowledge Representation in Digital Humanities Antonio Jiménez Mavillard22
  • 23. Lists * Some functions and operators Knowledge Representation in Digital Humanities Antonio Jiménez Mavillard23 In [1]: l1 = ['a', 'b', 'c'] In [2]: l2 = ['d', 'e', 'f'] In [3]: l3 = l1 + l2 In [4]: l3 Out[4]: ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f'] In [5]: l4 = l1 * 3 In [5]: l4 Out[5]: ['a', 'b', 'c', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'a', 'b', 'c'] In [6]: 
  • 24. Lists * Some functions and operators · The operator in checks if a value is contained in a list Knowledge Representation in Digital Humanities Antonio Jiménez Mavillard24
  • 25. Lists * Exercise 2 · Write a function called repeat that returns the result of repeating a list a number of times (do not use the operator * of lists) Knowledge Representation in Digital Humanities Antonio Jiménez Mavillard25
  • 26. Lists * Exercise 2 (solution) (Consider the case n=0) Knowledge Representation in Digital Humanities Antonio Jiménez Mavillard26 def repeat(l, n):     result = []     i = 1     while i <= n:         result = result + l     return result
  • 27. Lists * Lists as arguments/parameters of functions · The parameter is a reference to the list · Modifying the paremeter (list inside the function) implies modifying the argument (list passed to the function) · To avoid this, make a copy of the list with [:] Knowledge Representation in Digital Humanities Antonio Jiménez Mavillard27
  • 28. Lists * Lists vs strings · Lists are mutable · Strings are inmutable · A string is a sequence of characters · A list is a sequence of values · A list of characters is not a string · The function list converts a string to a list Knowledge Representation in Digital Humanities Antonio Jiménez Mavillard28
  • 29. References Downey, Allen. “Chapter 10: Lists.” Think Python. Sebastopol, CA: O’Reilly, 2012. Print. Knowledge Representation in Digital Humanities Antonio Jiménez Mavillard29
  • 30. Tuples * tuple · Type for tuples · Examples: (1, 2, 3), ('a', 'b', 'c'), (1, 'abc', [], True) · A tuple is an inmutable list Knowledge Representation in Digital Humanities Antonio Jiménez Mavillard30
  • 31. Dictionaries * Debugging · Syntax errors + not closing {} · Logic errors + accessing to a non-existing element - key not found · Semantic errors + modifying a dictionary inside a function Knowledge Representation in Digital Humanities Antonio Jiménez Mavillard31
  • 32. Dictionaries * dict · Type for dictionaries · A dictionary is a kind of list that establishes a mapping between a set of indices (called keys) and a set of values · Keys can be any type (not exclusively integer) · Each pair key-value is called item Knowledge Representation in Digital Humanities Antonio Jiménez Mavillard32
  • 33. Dictionaries * dict · Examples: {1:'a', 2:'b', 3:'c'}, {'one':'uno', 'two':'dos', 'three':'tres', 'four':'cuatro', 'five':'cinco', 'six':'seis', 'seven':'siete', 'eight':'ocho', 'nine':'nueve', 'ten':'diez',} Knowledge Representation in Digital Humanities Antonio Jiménez Mavillard33
  • 34. Dictionaries * Access · As a whole - Example: d · Its values one at a time (lookup) - Syntax: dictionary[key] - Example: d[1] Knowledge Representation in Digital Humanities Antonio Jiménez Mavillard34
  • 35. Dictionaries * Access · All items - Syntax: dictionary.items() - Example: d.items() - It returns a list of tuples Knowledge Representation in Digital Humanities Antonio Jiménez Mavillard35
  • 36. Dictionaries * Access · Only (all) keys - Syntax: dictionary.keys() - Example: d.items() · Only (all) keys - Syntax: dictionary.keys() - Example: d.items() Knowledge Representation in Digital Humanities Antonio Jiménez Mavillard36
  • 37. Dictionaries * Access Knowledge Representation in Digital Humanities Antonio Jiménez Mavillard37 In [1]: d = {1: 'a', 2: 'b', 3: 'c'} In [2]: d Out[2]: {1: 'a', 2: 'b', 3: 'c'} In [3]: d[1] Out[3]: 'a' In [4]: d.items() Out[4]: [(1, 'a'), (2, 'b'), (3, 'c')] In [5]: d.keys() Out[5]: [1, 2, 3] In [6]: d.values() Out[6]: ['a', 'b', 'c']
  • 38. Dictionaries * Modifying dictionaries · Modifying existing item - Syntax: dictionary[key] = new_value - Example: d[1] = 'x' · Adding new item - Syntax: dictionary[new_key] = value - Example: d[4] = 'd' Knowledge Representation in Digital Humanities Antonio Jiménez Mavillard38
  • 39. Dictionaries * Modifying dictionaries Knowledge Representation in Digital Humanities Antonio Jiménez Mavillard39 In [7]: d[1] = 'x' In [8]: d Out[8]: {1: 'x', 2: 'b', 3: 'c'} In [9]: d[4] = 'd' In [10]: d Out[10]: {1: 'x', 2: 'b', 3: 'c', 4: 'd'} In [11]: 
  • 40. Dictionaries * Deleting items Knowledge Representation in Digital Humanities Antonio Jiménez Mavillard40 In [11]: x = d.popitem() In [12]: x Out[12]: (1, 'x') In [13]: d Out[13]: {2: 'b', 3: 'c', 4: 'd'} In [14]: y = d.pop(3) In [15]: y Out[15]: 'c' In [16]: d Out[16]: {2: 'b', 4: 'd'}
  • 41. Dictionaries * Deleting items Knowledge Representation in Digital Humanities Antonio Jiménez Mavillard41 In [17]: del d[2] In [18]: d Out[18]: {4: 'd'} In [19]: 
  • 42. Dictionaries * Some functions and operators · update(d): receives a dictionary d and - if d contains keys included in the dictionary, this function updates the values of the dictionary with the values of d Knowledge Representation in Digital Humanities Antonio Jiménez Mavillard42
  • 43. Dictionaries * Some functions and operators · update(d): receives a dictionary d and - if d contains keys not included in the dictionary, the new items (pairs key-value) are added to the dictionary Knowledge Representation in Digital Humanities Antonio Jiménez Mavillard43
  • 44. Dictionaries * Some functions and operators · The operator in checks if a key is contained in a dictionary Knowledge Representation in Digital Humanities Antonio Jiménez Mavillard44
  • 45. Dictionaries * Exercise 3 · Write a function called histogram that receives a string and returns the frequency of each letter Knowledge Representation in Digital Humanities Antonio Jiménez Mavillard45
  • 46. Dictionaries * Exercise 3 (solution) Knowledge Representation in Digital Humanities Antonio Jiménez Mavillard46 def histogram(word):     d = {}     for letter in word:         if letter in d:             d[letter] += 1         else:             d[letter] = 1     return d
  • 47. Dictionaries * Exercise 4 · Write a function called invert_histogram that receives an histogram and returns the inverted histogram, where the keys are the frequencies and the values are lists of the letters that have that frequency Knowledge Representation in Digital Humanities Antonio Jiménez Mavillard47
  • 48. Dictionaries * Exercise 4 · Example: Knowledge Representation in Digital Humanities Antonio Jiménez Mavillard48
  • 49. Dictionaries * Exercise 4 (solution) Knowledge Representation in Digital Humanities Antonio Jiménez Mavillard49 def invert_histogram(h):     inverse = {}     for key in h:         value = h[key]         if value in inverted_h:             inverse[value].append(key)         else:             inverse[value] = [key]     return inverse
  • 50. References Downey, Allen. “Chapter 11: Dictionaries.” Think Python. Sebastopol, CA: O’Reilly, 2012. Print. Knowledge Representation in Digital Humanities Antonio Jiménez Mavillard50
  • 51. Object-oriented programming Knowledge Representation in Digital Humanities Antonio Jiménez Mavillard51
  • 52. General ideas * Programs made up of object definitions and functions that operate on them * Objects correspond to concepts in the real world * Functions correspond to the ways real-world objects interact Knowledge Representation in Digital Humanities Antonio Jiménez Mavillard52
  • 53. General ideas * Debugging · Logic errors + accessing to a non-existing element - attribute not found - attribute not initialized - method not found Knowledge Representation in Digital Humanities Antonio Jiménez Mavillard53
  • 54. Classes and objects * Classes · A class is the representation of an idea or a concept · A class is a user-defined type · Examples: Author, Book · Syntax: class ClassName(SuperclassNames): attributes and methods Knowledge Representation in Digital Humanities Antonio Jiménez Mavillard54
  • 55. Classes and objects * Objects · An object is an instance of the class · An object is a concrete element that belongs to a class of objects · Examples: William Shakespeare (Author), Romeo and Juliet (Book) · Syntax: object_name = ClassName(arguments) Knowledge Representation in Digital Humanities Antonio Jiménez Mavillard55
  • 56. Attributes and methods * A class is defined by features that are common to all objects that belong to the class * Those features are: · Attributes · Methods Knowledge Representation in Digital Humanities Antonio Jiménez Mavillard56
  • 57. Attributes and methods * Attributes · Data · Syntax: object.attribute · Take specific values for each object · Examples: base, height (Rectangle) Knowledge Representation in Digital Humanities Antonio Jiménez Mavillard57
  • 58. Attributes and methods * Methods · Functions that operate with data · Syntax: object.method(arguments) · Get different results for each object · Examples: calculateArea() Knowledge Representation in Digital Humanities Antonio Jiménez Mavillard58
  • 59. Modelling domains * Exercise 5 · In Literature, authors write novels, poems, short stories... Let us call them books in general · Model the classes Author and Book (abstract relevant data in both cases) Knowledge Representation in Digital Humanities Antonio Jiménez Mavillard59
  • 60. Modelling domains * Exercise 5 · Write the method birthday for the class Author that increases by one the author's age Knowledge Representation in Digital Humanities Antonio Jiménez Mavillard60
  • 61. Modelling domains * Exercise 5 · Write the method write for the class Author that receives a title and a text and add a new Book with this author, title and text to his/her bibliography Knowledge Representation in Digital Humanities Antonio Jiménez Mavillard61
  • 62. Modelling domains * Exercise 5 · Write the method read for the class Author that receives a title, searches the book in his/her bibliography and prints its text · Add as many attributes as needed Knowledge Representation in Digital Humanities Antonio Jiménez Mavillard62
  • 63. Modelling domains * Exercise 5 (solution) Knowledge Representation in Digital Humanities Antonio Jiménez Mavillard63 class Author:     def __init__(self, name, age, bibliography={}): = name         self.age = age         self.bibliography = bibliography          def birthday(self):         self.age += 1          def write(self, title, text):         new_book = Book(title, self, text)         self.bibliography[title] = new_book
  • 64. Modelling domains * Exercise 5 (solution) Knowledge Representation in Digital Humanities Antonio Jiménez Mavillard64     def read(self, title):         book = self.bibliography[title]         print book.text          def __repr__(self):         return
  • 65. Modelling domains * Exercise 5 (solution) Knowledge Representation in Digital Humanities Antonio Jiménez Mavillard65 class Book:     def __init__(self, title, author, text):         self.title = title = author         self.text = text          def __repr__(self):         return self.title
  • 66. References Downey, Allen. “Chapter 15: Classes and Objects.” Think Python. Sebastopol, CA: O’Reilly, 2012. Print. Downey, Allen. “Chapter 16: Classes and Functions.” Think Python. Sebastopol, CA: O’Reilly, 2012. Print. Downey, Allen. “Chapter 17: Classes and Methods.” Think Python. Sebastopol, CA: O’Reilly, 2012. Print. Knowledge Representation in Digital Humanities Antonio Jiménez Mavillard66
  • 67. Assignment * Assignment 6: The library · Readings + Data Structure Selection (Think Python) + An Introduction to OOP Using Python (A Hands-On Introduction to Using Python in the Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences) Knowledge Representation in Digital Humanities Antonio Jiménez Mavillard67
  • 68. Assignment * Assignment 6: The library · Project + Read the description of the library in the attached file Knowledge Representation in Digital Humanities Antonio Jiménez Mavillard68
  • 69. Assignment * Assignment 6: The library · Project + Model the scenario described by defining classes and using suitable data types + Try the solution with the test provided Knowledge Representation in Digital Humanities Antonio Jiménez Mavillard69
  • 70. References Downey, Allen. “Chapter 13: Case Study: Data Structure Selection.” Think Python. Sebastopol, CA: O’Reilly, 2012. Print. Lin, Johnny Wei-Bing. “Chapter 7: An Introduction to OOP Using Python: Part I—Basic Principles and Syntax.” A Hands-on Introduction to Using Python in the Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences. San Francisco: Creative Commons, 2012. Print. Knowledge Representation in Digital Humanities Antonio Jiménez Mavillard70
  • 71. Bibliography Downey, Allen. Think Python. Sebastopol, CA: O’Reilly, 2012. Print. Lin, Johnny Wei-Bing. A Hands-on Introduction to Using Python in the Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences. San Francisco: Creative Commons, 2012. Print. Knowledge Representation in Digital Humanities Antonio Jiménez Mavillard71