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Written by Oliver Welham and Shannon Washburn
Edited and co written by Conor Jackson
JOHN is lying on his bed. He is a young 17-year-old man.
He has deep blue eyes that feel like they’re looking into
your soul. His short mousy brown hair is uncombed and his
fringe sits messily on his pale forehead. He is white,
medium height and quite toned. He lies with his hands
behind his head facing directly to the ceiling and into
the camera as it spirals down to close in on his face.
The sun creeps in through the windows and gently touches
JOHN’s elbows on his bed. The sun reveals a neatly clean
bedroom. Everything is organized in height order on his
shelves. His books and dvds are all ordered in
alphabetical order unless part of a series when they are
ordered in chronological order. His clothes in his
wardrobe are neatly hanging in matching outfits and
labeled with days on which they must be worn. A small
office desk sits in the corner with a small desk chair.
Everything is neatly organized with pens and pencils
organized in order of length. JOHN stares into the
camera directly as he speaks
How did you get in here…oh that doesn’t matter
I get it. I’m John. Just John, not Jonathon, not Jonny
just John. I’m 17, in college. Yes I’m the popular kid
not like the fucking nerds.
JOHN pulls a face that mocks nerds.
(In a mocking voice)
Would you like some spectacles. That shits so
last year. What was it called; yeah that’s right
JOHN makes mimic symbols with his fingers implying speech
Geek Chic
JOHN puts his hands back behind his head.
Fucking nerds. Anyway I digress. I’m captain of
the football team obviously. And I’m a striker too again
obviously. I’m the guy girls wanna be with, I’m the
smartest in all the classes and I don’t even have to try.
Basically I’m the guy that other guys hate and that all
the girls just wanna screw.
IMOGEN moans sexually off screen.
Speaking of which that’s Imogen, my blonde
bombshell with a cracking pair of tits. Yeah, she’s a
year below me but its still legal who cares anyway it’s
the 21st fucking century not 1997. She’s a bit blonde but
she ain’t an idiot and she’s got a decent heart I
suppose, and besides she can’t get enough of me and she’s
fucks like there’s no tomorrow if you get what I mean
JOHN winks cheekily directly at the camera. Before raising his
right hand to point his index finger directly at the camera.
There is one think wrong me I guess, I can’t
feel. Like at all I find it impossible to feel any real
emotion, happiness sadness, grief nothing, only
indifference I don’t love anyone, never have. Love is
just a weakness. I don’t have time for weaknesses.
IMOGEN moans sexually off screen again.
Yes I know what you’re thinking
JOHN makes another face again, this time screwing his face up
and crossing his eyes. He puts on a woman’s voice of disgust.
What about Imogen?
JOHN returns to his normal voice.
Imogen’s just a hobby. Something to occupy this
mind of mine when there’s nothing else happening. She
knows where she stands.
JOHN thinks for another moment before widening his eyes as an
idea comes in his head. He raises bother hands out wide to the
Look. Imogen babe you don’t love me do you?
(as if her mouth is full)
No why would I?
No reason, now get back to work.
JOHN pauses for yet another moment as a confused look spreads
across his face. He looks down and addresses IMOGEN who is
still off screen.
You been practicing?
(happily and shocked)
You noticed?
Good girl, keep it up.
JOHN looks back at the camera as if nothing is happening. Puts
both his hands back behind his head and smiles smugly.
See she doesn’t care.
JOHN tilts his head slightly to the right and strains. He
begins to breath heavily. An awkward smile spreads across
his face.
Hang on a minute she has got good.
JOHN lets out a manly grunt and a cough. Before shaking his
face like a dog after it’s had a drink. He blinks a few times
as he brings himself back to reality.
JOHN looks down to IMOGEN.
Nicely done.
IMOGEN crawls up to JOHN face level she lies down on his left
side. She rests her head on his shoulder and looks into his
eyes. IMOGEN is visibly younger than JOHN, she has light green
eyes, and long eyelashes. Her long blond hair rests messily on
JOHN’s arm. She is of medium height and has a slim physique
minus the curves of her breasts and arse, which are both quite
large. She pulls the covers up to her neck and off JOHN
leaving him lying on the bed topless.
That was quick. Was I okay?
Yeah you were good.
JOHN pauses for a moment, looking directly into the camera.
Before looking at IMOGEN and lowering his voice.
Just less teeth next time, Yeah?
JOHN returns to looking directly at the camera with his hands
behind his head. IMOGEN remains looking at him longing for any
display of affection. They sit in silence for a moment before
JOHN goes to open his mouth. IMOGEN begins to smile in
Anyway you should go. You have college soon and
you’ll have to go home to put some makeup on first can’t
have you looking like that.
The smile fades from IMOGEN’s face and is replaced by an
unhappy scowl.
IMOGEN turns to get out of bed. She gets dressed relatively
quickly, first her underwear then she rolls up her tights
first to her knees before shuffling them up to her hips. She
then stands up and puts on her bra, clipping it together at
the front before sliding it round the right way. She then
picks up her skirt from the floor and puts that on followed
quickly by her top. She sits back on the bed to put her shoes
on. Throughout all of this JOHN remains facing the camera
directly with his hands behind his head. Very little is
actually scene of IMOGEN dressing as the camera instead
remains on JOHN as he stares blankly into it. As IMOGEN
finishes tying her shoelaces she turns to face JOHN looking
for some form of acknowledgement. JOHN remains facing the
camera directly.
You not gone yet?
You’re a right dick sometimes you know that
It has been mentioned a few times so yes. See
you at college. And have a shower as well. You need to
wash your hair.
IMOGEN turns to leave. She slams the door shut behind her.
(from outside)
JOHN smiles contently into the camera and winks. He then
closes both his eyes.
Scene 2
JOHN is walking back from football along a single path that is
lit on both sides by lampposts. The path is closed in on both
sides by wooden fences. JOHN is wearing a football kit. His
knees are muddy and has mud splattered on his face too. His
hair is ruffled and his shirt is un-tucked. His left football
sock has rolled down to his ankle revealing a battered shin
pad. He carries his sports back on this right shoulder and
walks confidently as he again addresses the camera.
Just another boring day at college. Nothing
interesting happened as usual.
JOHN looks down at his feet at he walks.
Oh yeah football got a bit muddy. Malcolm tried
to take me down in the ten-yard box. Fucking idiot.
There’s a reason they call me dancing feet.
JOHN acts out the goal as he describes it.
Slid it to the right then the left flicked it
up and BAM one nil up. Fucking tosser. Anyway yeah
college was boring. Maths was boring who the fuck needs
Pythagoras anyway? And English was shit I don’t care how
a baby’s babble affects its speech later in life, if I
can’t understand the fecking poop monster I ain’t gonna
try having a conversation with it. And as for French, my
god French is just a pile of piss c’est trop facile pour
moi, mais le professeur est tres belle. Google translate
that one. I had to first time. Had a fun free though, me
and Imogen went for a quickie in the disabled bogs. Was
going fine till she pulled the red chord. Try explaining
that to the teacher who came running in to help. Don’t
think she’ll ever be able to un-see that. Imogen really
is very flexible. They should probably make disabled
toilets bigger, barely any room for a wheelchair in there
let alone a wheelbarrow if you know what I mean.
JOHN laughs and winks at the camera.
It Keeps life bearable. Thing about Imogen is
she always forgives me, it doesn’t matter what I do
she’ll always come running back to me no matter what I do
cause she needs me. Without me she is nothing. It’s that
kind of power I live off having someone in the palm of my
hand and being able to drop them when I want and not when
they want. I’m in control not them.
As JOHN walks a small hutch comes into view. JOHN walks past
it but the door blows open revealing CARL repeatedly stabbing
APRIL. CARL is older than JOHN, he is taller, stronger, he has
short ginger hair, brown eyes. He is wearing grey jeans and a
white t-shirt. He is covered in blood. APRIL is a short, brown
haired girl with lifeless green eyes. She lays at CARL’s feet
her eyes flickering out of life. CARL turns to face JOHN his
mouth wide open and knife in hand with APRIL’s blood dripping
off the end. JOHN keeps on walking seemingly not noticing the
You see the world is a big thing, you get
bankers, politicians, charities they have all the power,
they have us in their palms and can drop us when they
want. They did it before and they will do it again. Well
not to me, I will have everyone in the palm of my hand
and you just bear with me a minute.
JOHN walks calmly backwards to the hutch. He stands in the
doorway still facing the camera calmly and slowly turns his
face to the door of the hutch.
Alright Lad?
Yeah I’m alright, you look busy.
Yeah lil bit mate. Do you mind? I might still
have a pulse down there.
Yeah sure mate.
JOHN turns and walks back down the path away from the hutch
calmly. CARL returns to brutally stabbing APRIL as her blood
splatters his face. He laughs manically. JOHN continues
walking calming and breathing after about 20 seconds he breaks
into a run screaming at the top of his voice.
CARL looks up inside the hutch. Stops, sniffs the air and
silently listens to JOHN screaming as he runs away.
CARL returns to stabbing APRIL whilst laughing and shaking his
head at JOHN.JOHN pelts down the back path before stopping
where the path meets the back of his house, his legs are
burning with the lactic acid and his lungs are burning from
the screams but the intense throbbing was drowned out by the
blood rushing from his heart to his head as he gasped for air
leaning against the rotting fence. RAY stands under a
flickering headlight. A thick hoodie covers his thick ginger
hair. A cigarette hangs from his mouth erupting smoke as he
breaths. He has deep blue eyes, much like JOHN, which stare
out of the darkness straight at JOHN. RAY is tall, muscular
and relaxed. He slouches against the rusty lamppost as which
flickers. His breath condenses in the cold air and mixes with
the cigarette smoke to create a fog, which seems to hang over
him like a cloud. He speaks with a nasally, cockney,
nonchalant voice.
What’s the rush JOHN?
JOHN jumps at the voice and lets out a slightly effeminate
scream, which he quickly replaces with a manly grunt before
glaring at the shadowy figure under the flickering
streetlight. JOHN tries to get a good look at him but cant as
a thick black hoodie is pulled over his head blocking his
face, the hoodie is the same as the one previously seen in
JOHN’s bedroom.
What’s its to you arsehole?
JOHN pauses a thought crosses his mind. His expression changes
to that of confusion.
And how the fuck did you know my name, I’ve
never met you before in my life.
JOHN stands at his full height leaning off the fence
experimentally stretching his broad shoulders clicking his
neck slightly. He leans forward imposing his full stature
towards RAY.
How could you possibly know that? Who you
running from? … The Boogeyman?
As he speaks RAY steps closer to JOHN whilst lowering his eye
line to stop JOHN seeing his face.
You’d be surprised.
JOHN looks up, it’s got dark quickly. He pulls his bag up
further over his shoulder and turns to walk away back
Look mate or whatever the fuck your name is,
I’m leaving, don’t bother following me home or I will
kick the shit out of you.
JOHN pauses leaning towards RAY expecting an answer, which
doesn’t arrive.
Got it?
JOHN turns to leave and walks 5 paces before hearing RAY
whisper as if he was right behind him.
My name is RAY.
JOHN turns back to face RAY. No one is under the lamppost, RAY
is gone. JOHN shakes his head vigorously and rubs his eyes
with a fist and looks again and there is no-one, no foot
prints, no broken leaves, just silence, thoroughly freaked out
by the nights events JOHN decidedly speed walks the rest of
the way to his house looking over his shoulder every 2
C’mon John it was only some creepy dude in an
alley, you could a taken him if he tried anything.
He continues this tirade as he stepped into his dark house,
everyone was either out or asleep he doesn’t care which, after
ceremoniously dropping his muddy boots and bag hazardously by
the front door and shedding his trainers off he walks along
the cool tile flooring into the kitchen, grabs a bottle of
water and downs it in one before letting out a loud burp.
Fuck me that’s cold.
JOHN winces as the water gives him a slight brain freeze.
Carelessly leaving the bottle for someone else to bin he then
turns and trudges up the steep steps to his bedroom without
switching on the lights he walks into his en-suite and
switches on the lights. JOHN looks into the mirror. His
reflection looks like death warmed up. He pulls off his still
muddy, and slightly damp from sweat, football uniform he steps
into the shower and switches it to as hot as it could go
effectively making his skin go from its usual pale to an angry
red as he scrubs himself clean. After what he deems as clean
he casually wraps a towel around his waist showing off his
toned abdominals he winks head on to the camera.
Oh I forgot you were here… Showers clear the
senses as they say… Or something like that…
Depositing the towel in the hamper he rummages for a pair of
black boxers and flops onto his bed and leans against the
headboard with his arms behind his head, he exhaled harshly in
deep thought.
Fade out:
Scene 3
Fade in:
JOHN is still lying on the bed. He’s barely moved. Both arms
are still behind his head and he’s still staring at the
ceiling, and straight into the camera, the only difference is
that the lights are now turned on, illuminating the room.
After a few false starts JOHN finally addresses the audience.
I guess you saw that then. Whatever that was. I
recognize that guy though, Carl, the stabby one not the
fucked up one.
JOHN stops and thinks over what he just said. He then
addresses the camera again this time in a tone of agreement.
Although you could say the act of stabbing
someone is fucked up to.
JOHN stops again. Composes himself and continues.
As I said his name is Carl, he’s 2 years above
me. He was an idol of mine when I was younger. I modeled
myself after him he never seemed to feel anything. Like
me. You could say he was the me of his generation of
college. He was the captain of the football team and a
striker. He was the guy girls wanted to be with, the
smartest in all his classes, the guy that other guys
hated and that all the girls just wanted to screw. And
now he’d a murderer. I say now he could always have been
one. Don’t think anyone’s ever met his parents.
JOHN pauses again, readjusts himself before raising his right
hand to the camera.
You know what’s weird though?
JOHN pauses again, arm still raised and an eyebrow raised
expecting an answer. A disappointed look of understanding
spreads across his face.
Sorry I forgot you don’t speak. What’s weird is
that I felt scared. No not scared.
JOHN pauses again as he mulls over his answer. He puts both
hands behind his head again, leans back, closes his eyes and
Alive. I felt alive.
JOHN opens his eyes and laughs.
I finally felt alive. The first time I feel
anything and its whilst watching some nerd, April was her
name, she was a right nerd, getting stabbed. Fucking
nerds. Carl was in power, he had Aprils life in his
hands. He didn’t answer to anyone not even me. MY GOD!!
I’m alive.
JOHN laughs. There is a slight knock at his bedroom window.
JOHN looks but dismisses it. He relaxes and mutters under his
I’m alive.
There is another knock at the window. This time JOHN sits
upright, turns to the edge of his bed and lets his feet hang
over the side before slowly standing up and cautiously walking
towards the window. He stares at the curtains.
There you are again. That feeling. That
JOHN turns his fingers around the curtains and slowly parts
them. CARL is sat on the window ledge. His head gently resting
on the window. He looks up at JOHN. A slow, thin smile spreads
across his face. His shivering voice is muffled by the window.
You gonna let me in pal. Freezing my Fucking
bollocks off out here.
Yeah sure.
JOHN slides the window up allowing CARL to get in before
closing the window gently behind him. He then draws the
How did you know where I lived? Keep it down by
the way. Rents are asleep and the last thing I need right
now is them walking in on me with some hot guy in my
Facebooked you, really should be careful what
you put on the interwebs these days. Youth of today,
naming the children of tomorrow Magneto because they got
one hundred likes on some Facebook status. And hang on
did you say some hot guy?
er…figure of speech
Don’t think it is like
Oh… well it is. They…er… brought it in last
Who’s they?
The Youth of today council. It got one hundred
likes on the Facebook status.
CARL laughs.
Okay point taken. Well played. Anyway JOHN my
pal, are we gonna have a problem?
CARL’s mood shifts from laughter to dead seriousness. The room
falls silent apart from the sounds of a clock ticking and JOHN
trying to moisturize his mouth. JOHN coughs awkwardly to clear
his throat.
JOHN clears his throat again and tries once more.
(normal pitched)
CARL pauses for a second. Thinking. Then he turns suddenly
startling JOHN. CARL grabs JOHN by the testicles. JOHN
screeches in discomfort.
Good. Cause right now I have you by the
bollocks. You’re in the palm of my hand. I control you
now you get that? One word to anyone about what you saw
and you’re dead. Comprende?
I get that. Just one thing Carl. Why aren’t I
already dead?
Why aren’t I already dead? I saw you brutally
murder a, presumably, innocent girl. I’m a witness. So
why are you here standing in my bedroom with me in just
my boxers and you cupping my balls. Why not just kill me?
Or are my balls just that nice.
You know someone in your situation shouldn’t be
so cocky.
Shouldn’t be so cocky? You’ve already made it
clear my balls are yours. All I have left is my cock. May
as well use it, or are you gonna make that yours as well.
Hey big boy?
JOHN blows a kiss to CARL. CARL releases JOHN.
I like you. You’re a handful. That’s different.
Normally everyone’s so boring and plain. Not you though.
Only a handful hey. Cheeky fucker. So go on
then. Why am I not dead?
Cause I have rules?
You know most people have rules. They’re known
as laws. And one of them says you can’t go around killing
people. Guess you didn’t get the memo.
Well I just have different rules. Don’t kill
more than one person a night. Didn’t have you down as one
for following other people’s rules anyway.
I don’t follow them. I’m just aware of them.
And it’s just that simple to you?
It’s just that simple to everyone, they’re all
just too cowardly to do anything about it.
I suppose. So why do you do it?
It makes me feel alive.
Oh when I saw you killing April. It was April
wasn’t it? I felt alive. For the first time. Alive.
Yes it was April and good. Its how I felt first
time I saw someone being murdered.
Why did you do it?
Because I could. Because I can.
Fair enough. Teach me.
Sorry what?
You heard me. Teach me. Teach me how to kill
Well its simple really. Take a knife or a gun.
Kill someone and run like hell.
Okay. Teach me how to kill people without
getting caught.
That’s more like it. Thought you’d never ask.
My place, Saturday. 2pm. Knock on the garage door. Twice.
CARL turns to leave. He opens the curtains and then
slides open the window.
I don’t know where you live though?
Facebook me.
But you said?
I say a lot of things.
CARL turns to leave the window but slips and falls. He
lands with a thud on the grass below. JOHN leans out the
window looking down over him.
Y’all right?
I swear if you make one postcard joke I’ll kill
I believe you. And I’ll take that as a yes
you’re alright. Good. See you later.
CARL pushes himself up onto his hands and knees before
standing up again and limping away whilst wheezing. JOHN
laughs to himself. CARL gives him the middle finger. JOHN
turns his head to left as RAY disappears into the bushes. JOHN
quickly shuts the window and the curtains before getting into
bed and turning the lights off.
Cut to:
Scene 4
JOHN stands outside CARLS garage door. It is relatively new.
JOHN puts an ear to the door but hears no sound from inside.
He is wearing a pair of black basketball shorts, some grubby
plimsolls and a black wife beater. He straightens up and
adjusts his clothing.
Oi Carl, Its me
JOHN pauses for a moment before adding
JOHN bangs on the garage door twice, he waits for what feels
like 5 minutes as he is still feels slightly unnerved about
what he saw in the bushes as CARL left. Suddenly the garage
door opens revealing CARL dressed in a black t-shirt and a
pair of khaki shorts.
I thought I told you to knock twice not go
screaming your head off alerting everyone you are here.
You wanna shout out your address, date of birth and
national fucking insurance number dickhead. May as well
hand the police your signed confession now. Get inside.
CARL eyes up JOHN, checks his attire, and shakes his head is
despair. The pair walk quickly into the garage and CARL slides
the door shut behind them.
You look like a fucking gypsy so straight away
your gonna get questioned on the street if people go
missing, next time don’t look like a ragger.
JOHN looks down at his clothing and footwear.
I thought I was dressed normal?
John. We murder people. You couldn’t dress
normal even if you tried to do it. Eventually you just
wear things that are easy to clean bodily fluids off, say
goodbye to your brands cause I bet you won’t buy another
Hollister top again after staining your favorite one.
I don’t wear Hollister I ain’t a fucking chav
but So much for trying to keep up appearances.
CARL’s mood drops to one of seriousness. He lowers his pitch.
Oh yeah and John forget about getting a
girlfriend, 99.9% certain you will murder the poor bitch.
So get rid of that Imogen lass you’re so keen on before I
have to.
Suddenly CARL cheers up. A look of glee spreads across his
face. A hint of madness stays behind his eyes.
So, lets get started…?
Lets do this.
JOHN looks around the garage only one bulb illuminates the
general area leaving dark corners acting like a spotlight, and
in the corner is a chair covered in a white sheet which CARL
absentmindedly looks at every few seconds. JOHN points at the
What’s under that then?
It’s a surprise young padawan, but first let me
show you your new toys.
CARL goes over to his desk that stretches from the entrance to
the other side of the garage and he flicks on a little desk
lamp to reveal the murder weapons. JOHN addresses the camera
directly as CARL describes the use of the knifes and how to
sharpen them so as to be more efficient in the slicing and
stabbing of people in the background.
These knives are the tools of some unfortunate
souls demise. Although I probably shouldn’t say that out
loud. That would sound too demented. People might think
I’d gone mad.
JOHN laughs manically.
Something I said?
No just a thought I had.
You need me to go over any of that again or did
you get it all?
Ok don’t worry I get it Carl. Keep myself
clean, keep my stuff clean, keep the inside of my fucking
foreskin clean, I wanna get to some cool shit like knife
At that CARL throws a knife at JOHN that sails right past his
face and sticks blade first in the wall, half an inch more and
it would of connected, JOHN slowly exhales the breath that he
was currently holding and shuffled away quietly on the
concrete floor.
Did I say I wanted a shave? Can we practice
with those now?
Yeah lets get this show on the road.
CARL the pulls out a big version of a dart board but like a
cardboard cutout of a human, after sizing it up it was
approximately 6’1. JOHN addresses the camera and shrugs whilst
Not hard to miss I guess.
OK John just focus on the main arteries. You
have 2 options. You maim and capture, or you maim and
kill there and then. Use the body main hotspots to
disable your target like thighs, arms and bodily organs,
trust in your equipment and you’ll come out rosy the
other side and by that I mean you’ll be covered in blood
So just like that yeah? throw the fucker and
hope it connects?
Well practice on this first and we’ll see if I
can take you for a test run without royally fucking up.
A montage sequence shows JOHN practice throwing knifes. As
time progresses he gradually gets better as CARL trains him
and shows him different techniques. Eventually he is hitting
the heart every time. CARL also shows JOHN how to skin a
rabbit showing JOHN where to make the incisions on a human on
himself before setting him tasks with the rabbit. Finally CARL
shows JOHN how to sneak up on someone from behind and strangle
them with piano wire. JOHN humorously uses the melons to mimic
breasts but CARL throws two knifes at them causing the knives
to stick out the melons like nipples. JOHN falls over on
impact. He then jumps back up trying to act cool as if nothing
happened. Eventually JOHN is shown to have mastered using the
piano wire. CARL congratulates JOHN by handing him a cold beer
and a cigarette whilst keeping one of each for himself too.
The two sit on the floor against a wall and drink and smoke
Well its nine o’clock now and people are
starting to stay indoors, best we head on out of here, I
think you’ve killed that poor cutout more than me being
very honest, so how about we rendezvous back here in
twenty minutes and you change into something that doesn't
make me want to throttle you myself?
Yeah sure whatever, see you in a few mate.
JOHN downs his beer and chain-smokes his cigarette before
standing up and dusting himself down. CARL copies him before
sliding open the garage door. JOHN looks out into the
darkness. Across the road he spots RAY standing under a
lamppost smoking a cigarette. JOHN freezes to the ground. CARL
watches JOHN and clicks his fingers and he tries to bring JOHN
back to reality.
(progressively louder)
John. John. John.
CARL nudges JOHN
John mate you alright?
JOHN comes back to reality and looks up at CARL. He is
bewildered. His eyes look empty and dark.
You zoned out for a minute there. What’s up?
Just thought I saw something is all.
The two look out into the darkness together. RAY is gone. The
street is empty.
Nothing there mate. Probs just a fox you
fucking pussy.
JOHN awkwardly laughs.
Yeah god. Can’t believe that freaked me out.
Anyway see you in twenty minutes when I wont be dressed
like a bell end.
Sounds like a plan. In a bit mate.
JOHN walks out into the darkness. CARL leads against the
garage wall and watches him go. He mutters under his breath.
Got a lot of potential that kid.
JOHN shouts back as he continues to walk.
Heard that. And I ain’t a kid you patronizing
CARL looks shocked and embarrassed to have been caught out.
Yeah keep on walking kiddo.
JOHN laughs turns to face CARL and walks back whilst raising
both middle fingers insultingly in Carl’s direction. Before
turning back the right way and doing a heel kick whilst
walking. CARL laughs and shakes his head before turning back
into the garage and sliding the door shut. RAY watches JOHN
walk from under the lamppost.
Fade out:
Scene 5
Fade in:
JOHN walks back up the street to CARLs House. He is wearing a
red t-shirt, black shorts and old worn out black slip on
trainers. CARL is leaning against the garage door waiting for
him. As JOHN approaches CARL looks at his wrist where a watch
should sit but isn’t and tuts whilst shaking his head.
I thought I said twenty mins not a fucking hour
you dick.
CARL glares at JOHN and ushers him into the garage checking
the surroundings before sliding the door closed with a squeaky
bang. JOHN looks into the center of the room where the chair
covered with white cloth is placed. JOHN edges towards the
chair slowly before curiously peeling back the cloth revealing
SCOTT sitting unconsciously handcuffed to the chair drooling
from the corner of his mouth. SCOTT is a littler younger than
JOHN he has curly brown hair and light brown eyes hidden
behind thick framed glasses. He has slight freckles and clear
evidence of a reoccurring acne problem. He is dressed in a
pair of black slacks some cheap shoes and a Primark top saying
geek. JOHN looks directly into the camera laughing slightly.
That’s ironic. Fucking nerds.
JOHN, I would like you to meet my good friend
Scott, he’s going to be entertaining us tonight aren’t ya
CARL patronizingly pats SCOTT on the cheek three times. CARL
sounds almost manic as he speaks.
He’s had about 38 hours of sleep cause of all
that Rohypnol I’ve been feeding him. You just love your
Rohypnol don’t you Scotty boy. That’s why I kept watching
him all this afternoon, couldn’t have him waking up and
ruining the surprise now could I?
CARL then slowly walked around SCOTT and wraps his arms lazily
around his neck from behind applying slight pressure to cut
off the air supply making SCOTT jolt to a form of semi-
consciousness. SCOTT squeaks in the most terrified way.
So what we gonna do to him CARL? Or are you
just gonna hug him all night?
CARL starts unlocking SCOTTs handcuffs leaving his hands still
tied behind his back and he flops over from the chair face
planting the floor. He groans for a minute and begins to shake
as he tries to make his limps move unsuccessfully. He begins
to try again eventually managing to stand up. CARL and JOHN
watch him bemused. SCOTT makes a mad dash for the door, he
looks like a newborn foal taking its first steps. He almost
reaches the door but JOHN launches a knife from the nearby
desk into SCOTT’s calf and he plummets to the ground moaning
through the gag in utter agony.
Nice aim JOHN the first option is always my
favorite, let them think they have a chance and then take
it away and make them wish they were never born. Now John
unleash your inner darkness, let your anger, your pain,
let it consume you and you won’t even feel a thing. Just
breathe it in.
JOHNS breathes. His eyes darken fiercely and he appears empty.
His grip on a new knife tightens making his knuckles turn a
ghostly white, stomping over to the now unconscious SCOTT on
the floor he lifts him by the scruff of his collar and
wrenches him back onto the chair. JOHN speaks to CARL without
even looking at him, instead he remains fixated on SCOTT who
drifts in and out of consciousness.
I appreciate all you’ve done for me CARL but
can I do this alone, I need to really let loose and your
putting me off.
CARL nods and his eyes shine in pride and leaves without any
Do what you need to do. Take as long as you
So Scott, seems to me you fell in a little bit
of trouble and then you thought you could just run out
after my good mate Carl spent so much time keeping you
here just for me. Big Mistake you fucking nerd. You see
me and Carl are a bit different from you or anyone else
you may know, we aren’t just the guys who live down the
way or the guys who everyone likes. We are cold, we are
emotionless, we are free to do whatever the fuck we like
and me and Carl, well we like to murder little freaks
like you, and we like to make you shit your pants and to
beg for your miserable little life. So beg.
JOHN looks at SCOTT who looks questioningly back.
Oh you think I’m joking.
SCOTT grunts back from under the gag.
JOHN laughs manically and SCOTT looks confused. SCOTT
joins in the laughter awkwardly. SCOTT again wearily
grunts from under the gag.
Can I go now. Please.
JOHN stops laughing and leans into SCOTT.
Sorry what was that old buddy old pal?
SCOTT tries again this time trying to make more emphasis
on the individual words. He is unsuccessful.
Can I go now. Please
JOHN laughs louder and SCOTT again awkwardly joins in.
RAY appears behind JOHN smoking a cigarette from the
corner of his mouth and wearing his signature hoodie.
Only this time his hood is pulled down and he sees him
fully for the first time, a messy patch of dirty ginger
hair and big freckles with sinister blue eyes and a big
smirk on his face. He coughs gently. JOHN stops laughing
and turns to face RAY. SCOTT continues to laugh
Room for one more?
Where the fuck did you come from and how did
you get in here?
JOHN continues to stare at RAY but raising an arm with an
outstretched index finger at SCOTT.
You. Shush.
SCOTT stops laughing immediately and looks confused. He
looks around the garage as if he was looking for someone.
JOHN looks stunned at RAY for being there but then
remembers where he is and grins mischievously at RAY who
nods and grins back just as mischievously.
So you want a show do you? Here let me show you
JOHN turns on his heels and again faces SCOTT whose
attention shifts from the garage surroundings straight
back onto JOHN. RAY stands on JOHN’s right hand side.
Hey Scotty. You fucking disgust me. You know
that. You fucking nerd. And well today it’s your lucky
day. Because today you get to go out in style. How cool
is that?
JOHN puts his arm around RAY. SCOTT looks confused at
Cause this here is Ray. Now Ray is a bit of a
weirdo. But he’s my weirdo. And well Ray wants a show and
I wanna show off so basically. Bye.
JOHN bursts into an insane laugh. RAY joins in followed
by an increasingly awkward SCOTT. Then JOHN snaps. He
sinks the sharpened blade through SCOTT’s glasses and
into his eye. SCOTTS lets out a piercing scream and falls
to the ground writhed around trying to cup his face but
cant due to his hands still being bound behind his back.
JOHN starts flinging a barrage of kicks to SCOTT’s body
unrelenting and laughing crazily while RAY, who still
laughing like a child watches on, JOHN pulls out a
surgical scalpel he practiced with early and lightly
traced the outline of SCOTTS exposed skin by his hip and
ran the blade teasingly drawing small droplets of ruby
red. RAY stops laughing and regains a serious composure.
Finish him off.
JOHN barely reacts but shrugs and viciously stabs SCOTT
until his face is mangled beyond recognition. RAY looks
at JOHN. Then he turns and walks away.
Carl. I’m done, get in here.
JOHN turns, he searches the garage for RAY but RAY is
gone without a trace. JOHN shrugs and waits patiently
tapping his fingers against the chair until CARL wrenches
the door open and admires JOHN’s handiwork.
Nice work. For a newbie, inventive with the
knife to the eyes, not as much body mutilation as id of
done but overall, at least he’s dead, time to get rid of
Both CARL and JOHN then scoop up SCOTTS body into a black
bin bag and pile the corpse into CARLS already cling film
covered car boot. They drive for a while until trees,
with no sign of civilization for miles, in a forest
surround them. They get out the car, open the boot and
begin dragging the body through the dirt. Finally they
reach a hole, which CARL had previously dug.
Fuck me CARL did you do this before?
You took your time getting out your hippie gear I got
bored so I came and prepped this for you. Scott wont be
lonely here at least. Little Aprils buried just over
there. Closest Scotts ever gonna get to sleeping with a
girl nowadays. Poor little virgin.
CARL laughs to himself as JOHN shoves SCOTT’s corpse into
the hole and begins burying the body. RAY watches from
the shadows.
Right JOHN. Final step, you go home and you
shower until there isn’t a fucking speck on you , under
your balls, under your fingernails and make sure to wash
behind your ears or your mummy will get mad.
JOHN growls with annoyance. CARL drives JOHN back into
town and drops him around the corner from his house. JOHN
runs back home and quickly but quietly opens the front
door, enters the house, locks the door again and rushes
to his room unseen in the pitch-black house. He fills his
bathroom sink with hot water and bleach and puts all his
clothes in there. Now naked he steps into the shower and
scrubs himself raw. He then gets out the shower wraps
himself in a towel and flops onto the bed and falls into
a peaceful sleep. RAY silently watches all this from the
windowsill unseen by JOHN. RAY looks towards the camera
and winks creepily.
Cut to Black:
Scene 6
Fade in:
JOHN lies asleep on the bed. His chest rises and falls
slowly as he breaths. He looks peaceful. His breathing
slows down almost going in slow motion. Suddenly, and
without warning, his eyes bolt open. He looks into the
camera as if he is looking into the audience’s souls. A
clear madness is visible in his eyes. He’s deranged. He
has changed.
Ha. Yes im alive. Oh that is good. Breathe it
JOHN breaths in heavily. Enjoying the oxygen entering his
lungs. He laughs.
My god that’s the shit. I’m alive. I can
finally feel the oxygen pumping through my veins. My
heart is pounding. My god I need more. You see this is an
addiction. We are all addicted to being alive. We all
want more. On our deathbeds we apparently relive ours
lives. Clinging onto those last crumbs of life. Like a
fat chick eating a kit Kat. This is my heroin, this my
drugs, taking away someone’s life. Taking away their
addiction. I’m like the murdering version of a drug
Councellor. It may sound weird to you cause you guys are
so boring and useless but as bad as it is this is the
first time I’ve felt normal. The real question is. Who’s
next? It could be you. Yes you sitting on that squeaky
chair, with those papers in front of you. Why waste life
marking papers when you could be.
JOHN pauses before breathing in, standing up, and
spinning around. He smiles with sheer delight.
JOHN stops before flinging open his wardrobe. He throws
out the cloths and picks and chooses an outfit. He
chooses red chinos, a black t-shirt with a game reference
on it, as well as a black jumper. He puts on black socks
and slides on smart black shoes. He looks in the mirror
and combs his hair to the side before sliding his hands
through it and ruffling it up. He directs the camera
through his reflection.
That’s better.
JOHN turns flamboyantly to face the camera directly.
Now like I said the question is whose next now
it ain’t gonna be you I was joking I’m saving that for a
real treat. Right now I need someone a little closer to
home. Imogen? Nah she still has her uses. Ray? Maybe but
he always tends to track me down I have no idea where he
lives. Carl? Yeah that’s more like it. After all he is my
trainer and this is survival of the fittest after all.
Yeah I need to be the king he’s served his purpose. Time
for me to crowned. The next question is how?
JOHN paces up and down his room for a minute thinking
through his options. Finally he looks at the camera with
a sly smile.
Matthew twenty six fifty two. All they that
take the sword shall perish with the sword. Would seem a
waste after all for me to not show him first hand all
those skills he taught me. So its decided then. He dies.
JOHN smiles at the camera before turning around and
exiting through the door. He slams the door behind him.
The camera remains stationary but we hear JOHN stomp down
the stairs and slam the door behind him. The camera then
focuses on RAY who slowly slides out from under JOHNS
bed. He smiles sinisterly at the camera. Dusts himself
off, and turns to the window. He draws the curtains and
slides the window open before turning again to face the
camera. He smiles wickedly.
You’ll have to excuse me but I don’t want to
miss a minute of this.
RAY turns back and jumps out of the window.
Cut to:
JOHN walks up the road to CARL’s house. He stops outside
the garage door. Breaths heavily. Opens his eyes wide and
knocks twice. After a while there is no answer. JOHN
knocks twice again. Once again there is no answer so JOHN
knocks twice again. This time CARL slides open the garage
door. He is in a dressing gown and does not look amused.
Mate what you want its too early for you to be
calling round here.
Mate its eleven am.
Like I said its too early. What do you want?
Just a chat.
JOHN barges past CARL into the garage. CARL looks
unimpressed and huffs before slamming the garage door
So what you want then?
JOHN picks up a knife and quickly turns and throws it at
CARL. The knife seems to travel in slow motion before
embedding itself deep into CARLs chest. CARL looks
shocked, slowly looking down at the knife sticking out of
his chest. He looks back at JOHN and gives him a
questioning look. Blood begins to drip from both the
knife wound and CARLs mouth as he begins to cough. He
slowly falls on to his back and lies lifeless on the
JOHN sits to the right of CARLs dead body and pulls the
knife out of CARLs chest. JOHN leans against the garage
wall and breaths in deeply.
You see that’s more like it. Silence. I’m in
charge now.
JOHN grabs CARLs balls tightly and looks into CARLs
lifeless eyes.
Look who’s got who by the balls now. You’re in
the palm of my hand. I’m in charge now. You answer to me.
Well you answered to me. And look who won. I will always
win. I cannot lose. Not now nothing can stop me.
RAY sits the left of CARLs lifeless body. He looks at
CARL then at JOHN.
Except me.
JOHN leans his head back against the garage wall and
exhales heavily.
Except you.
Don’t worry though. You’re safe. I like you.
For now at least.
JOHN looks at RAY confused.
You hardly know me mate.
RAY continues to look at JOHN.
Now now we both know that just isn’t true
See its just John. If you knew me you’d know I
hate being called Jonathon.
Calm down Johnny Boy.
Its still just John.
The two share an intense stare before breaking into
Oh look at us two laughing away at the scene of
the murder. Come on best move the body. Wrap him in those
bin bags.
RAY points at bin bags on the table.
And put those knifes and that one in the sink.
There’s some bleach in the cupboard. Leave them to soak.
How did you get in here Ray?
Oh you know. The same way I usually get into
Who are you Ray?
You already know the answer to that.
Do I?
Yeah just don’t worry about it.
JOHN stands up and places all the knifes in the garage in
the sink. He then puts on a pair of pink marigolds opens
the cupboard underneath and takes out a big bottle of
bleach which he pours a considerable amount of into the
sink before turning on the hot tap. When the sink is full
he turns the tap off. Then he wraps CARLs body in the bin
bags and goes about cleaning the entire garage with more
bleach and hot water. A considerable amount of time
passes and the light outside fades before going pitch
black. RAY just watches JOHN work. JOHN then scrubs the
bleach soaked knifes clean and drags CARLs dead body into
the boot of CARLs car which he then gently shuts. JOHN
gets into the drivers seat and RAY gets into the
passenger side. They drive is silence. JOHN parks the car
behind his house and retrieves CARLs body from the boot.
He then digs a big hole under the tree in his garden with
a shovel from his garage. He dumps CARLS body into the
hole before filling it back up. He then gets back behind
the wheel and drives off into the darkness. RAY stands
over CARLs makeshift grave and looks directly into the
Bet he dumps it in the river.
Fade to black:
Scene 7
Fade in:
IMOGEN sits on JOHNs bed. It hasn’t been slept in. His
room is a mess with clothes sprawled everywhere. JOHN
enters the room. Its clear he hasn’t slept. IMOGEN jumps
to her feet and comforts him. He doesn’t react.
Johnny where have you been?
Its just John Imogen. And I’ve been dumping a
car in the river.
RAY leans out from under the bed and addresses the camera
Told ya.
RAY looks up at JOHN who looks at him bewildered before
deciding not to ask and just shakes his head. RAY slides
back under the bed disappearing from sight.
Not funny Jonathon. I know you haven’t slept in
this bed. Where did you sleep. Who is she? Who’s the
little filthy whore.
Christ its just John! What is it today with
being not knowing its just four letters. And I haven’t
slept. Cant you tell.
Oh so she kept you up all night did she. Filthy
slut. Well I’m very sorry I cant go all night like her.
Look Imogen. A few days ago I met a guy called
Carl when he was murdering April. You know the nerdy girl
from your class. Anyway ever since then he’s been
training me how to kill people until yesterday when I
killed him. So I spent all last night covering my tracks.
That is so not funny Jonathon. Its bad enough
you’ve been ignoring me since my cousin was murdered but
now you’re actively mocking me about it. You’re sick.
Still just John. April was your cousin?
Yes. You bastard. Proves how little you know
about me. Now are you going to apologise to me or not?
Apologise for what?
Telling your horrible little lies about
murdering someone just to cover your tracks for cheating
on me with some little tart.
Imogen it’s not a lie I did murder someone
yesterday. Look I buried the body in the garden.
JOHN shows IMOGEN to the window and they look out. THE
patch of garden where JOHN buried CARL is now a flower
bed with flowers in full bloom. JOHN looks confused.
Well that’s just great I bet you grew those for
her. I thought we had something special John. Clearly I
was wrong.
IMOGEN looks hurt. JOHN looks ecstatic. He outstretches
his arms to her.
Hey! You finally got it right!
You’re admitting it?
Yes its just John! Yay!
IMOGEN nearly breaks into tears. She barges past JOHN but
as she barges past him some blood from his clothes
brushes off onto her. She pauses. Looks down. And presses
the blood with her fingers. She brings the fingers closer
to her face and her expression changes to that of horror.
She screams and quickly runs away. JOHN doesn’t see the
blood and looks confused.
Was it something I said?
RAY slides out from under the bed.
Oh you have no idea mate.
JOHN turns to look at RAY.
Ahh yes you. What the hell are you doing under
my bed?
I needed somewhere to sleep.
So why not sleep on the bed you prick?
Incase someone walked in. Good job I didn’t.
Crying girl came walking in around seven.
RAY looks down at JOHNS cloths and points at the blood
patch that IMOGEN had bumped into.
That blood?
JOHN looks down at the blood patch, presses it with his
fingers and brings them close to his face. His expression
too turns to that one horror as he realizes what
JOHN runs out the door slamming it behind him. RAY looks
directly at the camera.
RAY falls backwards onto the bed. He stares up at the
camera, smiles and winks before closing his eyes.
Fade to black:
Scene 8
Fade in:
JOHN roams the street looking for IMOGEN. He calls out
her name as he goes.
After a while JOHN stops and looks directly into the
Fuck it
The backing track “Worried about Ray” by The Hoosiers
begins to play and JOHN sings the song directing it to
the audience. During the song he kills various random
people and throws their bodies in the river. RAY follows
him around casually as JOHN does this. During the last
verse of the song, the verse shown in bold below JOHN
encounters a young girl, dressed in pink dress eating a
strawberry ice cream with her hair in pigtails. Instead
of killing her he steals her ice cream and runs off
leaving the girl crying in the street on her surrounded
by devastation as the scene fades to black as the song
For ideas on how to film this see the last scene in TV
series Skins series 1 or view this video from TV series
Being Human on YouTube:
(sung to the music)
The truth be told, the truth be told
I'm worried about the future holds, the future holds
I'm starting to worry about Ray.
The truth be told, the truth be told
I'm worried about the future holds, the future holds
I'm seriously worried about Ray.
They say the future's out to get you
You know that I won't let you fall
They say the future's out to get you
You know that I won't let you fall.
The truth be told, the truth be told
I'm treading on my tippy toes, my tippy toes
I'm starting to worry about Ray.
The truth be told, the truth be told
I'm treading on my tippy toes, my tippy toes
I'm painfully so worried about Ray.
They say the future's out to get you
You know that I won't let you fall
They say the future's out to get you
You know that I won't let you fall
They say the future's out to get you
You know that I won't let you fall
They say the future's out to get you
You know that I won't let you fall.
The future's out to get you, the future's out
to get you, oh
The future's out to get you, the future's out to get you,
The truth be told, the truth be told
I'm worried what the future holds, the future holds
I'm so tired of being worried about Ray.
The scene fades out as THE GIRL cries.
Fade to black:
Scene 9
Fade in:
JOHN enters his bedroom followed by RAY. JOHN strips off
and gets into the shower in the ensuite. RAY sits on the
toilet reading a porn magazine whilst smoking. JOHN
scrubs himself clean, gets out the shower, raps himself
in a towel and throws his old clothes in a bin bag. He
then dresses in new clothes. A buttoned blue shirt, Black
skinny jeans and converse trainers. JOHN paces the room
anxiously tapping his phone between his hands. RAY chills
on the bed reading the same porn magazine as before.
JOHN looks at RAY confused.
How can you just sit there all relaxed.
Um let me see oh yeah. Because I don’t care.
How can you not care? How heartless are you?
100% Literally don’t have a heart mate. And
besides I ain’t the mass murderer in this conversation.
They deserved to die.
Oh why? Oh my god I knew it they were all north
Korean spies. Oh wait no they were only enjoying the
criminally bargain deals of the sales. Twat.
They were wasting life.
This could be good.
RAY closes the magazine and rolls onto his front and
turns so his head is at the foot of the bed. He then
props his head up on his hands under his chin with his
elbows on the bed.
(faking interest)
How so Jonathon?
They were just breathing. Just John by the way.
Just breathing. Nothing else.
There’s not a lot more of people do to.
Breathing is kind of essential you know.
Well I stopped that. I set them free.
You fucking killed them you utter twat.
Shut up you dick. You helped.
And how did I help exactly?
You watched.
RAY stands up off the bed and squares off against JOHN.
Yeah and how’s that helping?
You gave me an audience.
RAY points at the camera but remains looking seriously at
You already had a fucking audience.
Oh they don’t count. They don’t care. They
probably switched off hours ago.
RAY nods in agreement.
JOHN raises to his full height and eyes up RAY
Who are you Ray?
RAY takes JOHNs hand and places it against his heart.
You know who I am John. I’m the love of your
RAY kisses JOHN who reciprocates. Whilst they kiss JOHN
removes some piano wire from his pocket without RAY
seeing and wraps it around RAYs neck and tightens it. RAY
doesn’t struggle he simple breaks away from the kiss and
softly smiles at JOHN before falling to the ground dead.
JOHN stands over RAY.
Now there’s no one to stop me. Prick.
JOHN takes his phone and frantically tries to ring IMOGEN
but she doesn’t answer. He tries again and again but only
manages to reach her voicemail.
(on her voicemail only)
Hi you’ve reached the voicemail of me. Imogen
so give me an M. Give me an E. Give me an S. S. A. G. E
after the beeps. Goooo…
She is cut off by the beep of her phone. JOHN falls
backwards onto his bed leaving RAYs lifeless body on the
floor. JOHN cries and closes his eyes.
Fade to black:
Scene 10
JOHN awakens to CARL standing on his bed towering over
him. He is looking menacingly down at JOHN. JOHN turns to
look at RAY who is still dead on the bedroom floor before
looking back up at CARL. CARL remains silent but remains
looking menacingly down at him. APRIL appears on the left
of JOHN and stops him in his side. JOHN screams in agony
and wriggles to escape and tries to get up but CARL keeps
him pinned down. Then SCOTT appears on his right wearing
a t-shirt that reads “Fucking nerds”. SCOTT stabs JOHN in
his right side and again JOHN screams and tries to escape
but once again CARL keeps him pinned down. CARL gets off
JOHN and APRIL and SCOTT take a step backwards form their
respective sides of the bed leaving JOHN screaming in
pain. THE GIRL appears ice cream in hand. She silently
approaches JOHN who remains on the bed unable to move.
She mushes the ice cream into JOHNs face muffling his
screams. THE GIRL laughs and takes a step back. APRIL
turns around opens the curtains, opens the window and
jumps out, followed by SCOTT, and followed by THE GIRL.
CARL turns to face JOHN and rubs the ice cream further
into his face. JOHN cries as CARL jumps out the window.
Fade to black:
This scene is very surrealist. There shouldn’t be any
dialogue at all and maybe even add reverb or other
effects to JOHNS screams to make them more haunting. It
should fill roughly 2-3 minutes. No less. So take your
time with it.
Scene 11
Fade in:
JOHN awakes in a cold sweat. RAYs body is gone. JOHN gets
out the bed. Checks his phone. He has no missed texts or
phone calls. He tosses the phone back onto his bed. He
looks out the window and sees the flower patch under the
tree. He picks up the phone and goes downstairs. He picks
up the shovel from the garage. He digs up the flower
patch searching for CARLs body but finds nothing. He then
walks to CARLS house but there is a “For Sale” sign
outside and when he looks through the window the house is
deserted. He then goes to the river where he finds no
evidence of his previous murders or CARLs car. He then
walks round to IMOGENs house. He breaks in through the
back door and creeps up into IMOGENs room unseen. IMOGEN
is asleep in her bed. JOHN sits on the end of the bed and
lies down next to her looking up into the camera. IMOGEN
stirs and wakes up. She goes to scream but JOHN
instinctively puts his hand over her mouth stopping her
scream. JOHN shakes his head at the camera with an
emotionless expression on his face.
Don’t worry its just me.
Oh John its you. How romantic although can you
remove your hand from my mouth please.
JOHN removes his hand from IMOGENs mouth.
Thank you. I said. Oh John its you. How
romantic although can you remove your hand from my mouth
Oh yeah sure.
JOHN goes to remove his hand before realizing he already
Oh yeah already have. Sorry.
What’s up John I haven’t seen or heard from you
for day. In fact I think the last time I saw you was the
disabled toilets. You think they’ve recovered yet. Oh
they really should label those pull chords.
IMOGEN giggles before asking seriously.
Oh how did you do at football? Did you win? I
bet you won. You always win.
They do label them Imogen that’s why its red
you utter moron. And of course I won I always win. That’s
why I have to kill you.
John please don’t call me a moron. That’s very
mean. And what you going on about. Killing me. Is this
some kind of role-play? I bet it is. You know I’ve always
wanted to try role play. I’ll start.
IMOGEN rolls over and straddles JOHN. Before kissing her
way down towards JOHNS crotch off camera to presumably
perform fellatio on him.
(continued + voiceover)
Is this good Mr. murderer
(still emotionless)
I’m being serious Imogen but actually yes that
is quite good.
Thought it might be. I’ve been practicing
What exactly do you practice on?
Bananas, they’re good for potassium.
True not that you’re gonna need any potassium
anymore Imogen.
Oh we’re back to the roleplaying. Goodie.
I’m not playing Imogen. Beg for your life.
Please. Mr. Murderer. Please don’t kill me I’ll
do anything you ask. Will this do?
JOHN takes his phone from his pocket and dials 999.
Hello, Emergency Service Operator. Which
service do you require? Fire, Police or Ambulance?
Okay I’ll just connect you now.
IMOGEN squeals with excitement as JOHN remains staring
blankly into the camera.
Oh Goodie. A fake phone call. Good Commitment.
Hello where are you calling from?
14 Addison Court.
Oh that’s my address well remembered.
What is the nature of your emergency?
Oh yippie.
And where is this happening?
14 Addison Court.
IMOGEN squeals again.
Okay this a very serious accusation. Is anyone
Yes. It’s a murder.
You are still joking right John?
Are there any weapons involved?
Obviously it’s a murder.
JOHN hangs up the phone and tosses it off the bed. He
looks down at IMOGEN and begins to laugh menacingly. He
looks up directly at the camera.
Fucking nerds.
JOHN winks at the camera and pulls a knife out from the
back of his trousers. IMOGEN lets out a horrified scream
as JOHN laughs directly at the camera.
Cut to black:
The sound of a knife slashing.
The credits roll to the tune of “I cant decide” By
Scissor Sisters.
The End.
As an optional post credits scene show the following clip
from Ferris Buellers Day Off:
Cut to black.

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  • 1. John Written by Oliver Welham and Shannon Washburn Edited and co written by Conor Jackson SCENE 1 INT. JOHN’S BEDROOM. EARLY MORNING JOHN is lying on his bed. He is a young 17-year-old man. He has deep blue eyes that feel like they’re looking into your soul. His short mousy brown hair is uncombed and his fringe sits messily on his pale forehead. He is white, medium height and quite toned. He lies with his hands behind his head facing directly to the ceiling and into the camera as it spirals down to close in on his face. The sun creeps in through the windows and gently touches JOHN’s elbows on his bed. The sun reveals a neatly clean bedroom. Everything is organized in height order on his shelves. His books and dvds are all ordered in alphabetical order unless part of a series when they are ordered in chronological order. His clothes in his wardrobe are neatly hanging in matching outfits and labeled with days on which they must be worn. A small office desk sits in the corner with a small desk chair. Everything is neatly organized with pens and pencils organized in order of length. JOHN stares into the camera directly as he speaks JOHN How did you get in here…oh that doesn’t matter I get it. I’m John. Just John, not Jonathon, not Jonny just John. I’m 17, in college. Yes I’m the popular kid not like the fucking nerds. JOHN pulls a face that mocks nerds. JOHN (In a mocking voice) Would you like some spectacles. That shits so last year. What was it called; yeah that’s right JOHN makes mimic symbols with his fingers implying speech marks. JOHN Geek Chic JOHN puts his hands back behind his head.
  • 2. JOHN Fucking nerds. Anyway I digress. I’m captain of the football team obviously. And I’m a striker too again obviously. I’m the guy girls wanna be with, I’m the smartest in all the classes and I don’t even have to try. Basically I’m the guy that other guys hate and that all the girls just wanna screw. IMOGEN moans sexually off screen. JOHN (continued) Speaking of which that’s Imogen, my blonde bombshell with a cracking pair of tits. Yeah, she’s a year below me but its still legal who cares anyway it’s the 21st fucking century not 1997. She’s a bit blonde but she ain’t an idiot and she’s got a decent heart I suppose, and besides she can’t get enough of me and she’s fucks like there’s no tomorrow if you get what I mean hey? JOHN winks cheekily directly at the camera. Before raising his right hand to point his index finger directly at the camera. JOHN (continued) There is one think wrong me I guess, I can’t feel. Like at all I find it impossible to feel any real emotion, happiness sadness, grief nothing, only indifference I don’t love anyone, never have. Love is just a weakness. I don’t have time for weaknesses. IMOGEN moans sexually off screen again. JOHN (continued) Yes I know what you’re thinking JOHN makes another face again, this time screwing his face up and crossing his eyes. He puts on a woman’s voice of disgust. JOHN (continued) What about Imogen? JOHN returns to his normal voice.
  • 3. JOHN (continued) Imogen’s just a hobby. Something to occupy this mind of mine when there’s nothing else happening. She knows where she stands. JOHN thinks for another moment before widening his eyes as an idea comes in his head. He raises bother hands out wide to the camera. JOHN (defiantly) Look. Imogen babe you don’t love me do you? IMOGEN voiceover (as if her mouth is full) No why would I? JOHN No reason, now get back to work. JOHN pauses for yet another moment as a confused look spreads across his face. He looks down and addresses IMOGEN who is still off screen. JOHN (shocked) You been practicing? IMOGEN voiceover (happily and shocked) You noticed? JOHN Good girl, keep it up. JOHN looks back at the camera as if nothing is happening. Puts both his hands back behind his head and smiles smugly. JOHN (continued) See she doesn’t care. JOHN tilts his head slightly to the right and strains. He begins to breath heavily. An awkward smile spreads across his face.
  • 4. JOHN (continued) Hang on a minute she has got good. JOHN lets out a manly grunt and a cough. Before shaking his face like a dog after it’s had a drink. He blinks a few times as he brings himself back to reality. JOHN looks down to IMOGEN. JOHN (continued) Nicely done. IMOGEN crawls up to JOHN face level she lies down on his left side. She rests her head on his shoulder and looks into his eyes. IMOGEN is visibly younger than JOHN, she has light green eyes, and long eyelashes. Her long blond hair rests messily on JOHN’s arm. She is of medium height and has a slim physique minus the curves of her breasts and arse, which are both quite large. She pulls the covers up to her neck and off JOHN leaving him lying on the bed topless. IMOGEN That was quick. Was I okay? JOHN Yeah you were good. JOHN pauses for a moment, looking directly into the camera. Before looking at IMOGEN and lowering his voice. JOHN (continued) Just less teeth next time, Yeah? IMOGEN Okay. JOHN returns to looking directly at the camera with his hands behind his head. IMOGEN remains looking at him longing for any display of affection. They sit in silence for a moment before JOHN goes to open his mouth. IMOGEN begins to smile in anticipation. JOHN Anyway you should go. You have college soon and you’ll have to go home to put some makeup on first can’t have you looking like that. The smile fades from IMOGEN’s face and is replaced by an unhappy scowl.
  • 5. IMOGEN Fine. IMOGEN turns to get out of bed. She gets dressed relatively quickly, first her underwear then she rolls up her tights first to her knees before shuffling them up to her hips. She then stands up and puts on her bra, clipping it together at the front before sliding it round the right way. She then picks up her skirt from the floor and puts that on followed quickly by her top. She sits back on the bed to put her shoes on. Throughout all of this JOHN remains facing the camera directly with his hands behind his head. Very little is actually scene of IMOGEN dressing as the camera instead remains on JOHN as he stares blankly into it. As IMOGEN finishes tying her shoelaces she turns to face JOHN looking for some form of acknowledgement. JOHN remains facing the camera directly. JOHN You not gone yet? IMOGEN (angrily) You’re a right dick sometimes you know that right? JOHN It has been mentioned a few times so yes. See you at college. And have a shower as well. You need to wash your hair. IMOGEN turns to leave. She slams the door shut behind her. IMOGEN (from outside) Prick. JOHN smiles contently into the camera and winks. He then closes both his eyes.
  • 6. CUT TO: Scene 2 EXT. A PATHWAY. EVENING JOHN is walking back from football along a single path that is lit on both sides by lampposts. The path is closed in on both sides by wooden fences. JOHN is wearing a football kit. His knees are muddy and has mud splattered on his face too. His hair is ruffled and his shirt is un-tucked. His left football sock has rolled down to his ankle revealing a battered shin pad. He carries his sports back on this right shoulder and walks confidently as he again addresses the camera. JOHN Just another boring day at college. Nothing interesting happened as usual. JOHN looks down at his feet at he walks. JOHN (continued) Oh yeah football got a bit muddy. Malcolm tried to take me down in the ten-yard box. Fucking idiot. There’s a reason they call me dancing feet. JOHN acts out the goal as he describes it. JOHN (continued) Slid it to the right then the left flicked it up and BAM one nil up. Fucking tosser. Anyway yeah college was boring. Maths was boring who the fuck needs Pythagoras anyway? And English was shit I don’t care how a baby’s babble affects its speech later in life, if I can’t understand the fecking poop monster I ain’t gonna try having a conversation with it. And as for French, my god French is just a pile of piss c’est trop facile pour moi, mais le professeur est tres belle. Google translate that one. I had to first time. Had a fun free though, me and Imogen went for a quickie in the disabled bogs. Was going fine till she pulled the red chord. Try explaining that to the teacher who came running in to help. Don’t think she’ll ever be able to un-see that. Imogen really is very flexible. They should probably make disabled toilets bigger, barely any room for a wheelchair in there let alone a wheelbarrow if you know what I mean. JOHN laughs and winks at the camera.
  • 7. JOHN (continued) It Keeps life bearable. Thing about Imogen is she always forgives me, it doesn’t matter what I do she’ll always come running back to me no matter what I do cause she needs me. Without me she is nothing. It’s that kind of power I live off having someone in the palm of my hand and being able to drop them when I want and not when they want. I’m in control not them. As JOHN walks a small hutch comes into view. JOHN walks past it but the door blows open revealing CARL repeatedly stabbing APRIL. CARL is older than JOHN, he is taller, stronger, he has short ginger hair, brown eyes. He is wearing grey jeans and a white t-shirt. He is covered in blood. APRIL is a short, brown haired girl with lifeless green eyes. She lays at CARL’s feet her eyes flickering out of life. CARL turns to face JOHN his mouth wide open and knife in hand with APRIL’s blood dripping off the end. JOHN keeps on walking seemingly not noticing the incident. JOHN (continued) You see the world is a big thing, you get bankers, politicians, charities they have all the power, they have us in their palms and can drop us when they want. They did it before and they will do it again. Well not to me, I will have everyone in the palm of my hand and you just bear with me a minute. JOHN walks calmly backwards to the hutch. He stands in the doorway still facing the camera calmly and slowly turns his face to the door of the hutch. CARL (calmly) Alright Lad? JOHN (calmly) Yeah I’m alright, you look busy. CARL Yeah lil bit mate. Do you mind? I might still have a pulse down there. JOHN Yeah sure mate.
  • 8. JOHN turns and walks back down the path away from the hutch calmly. CARL returns to brutally stabbing APRIL as her blood splatters his face. He laughs manically. JOHN continues walking calming and breathing after about 20 seconds he breaks into a run screaming at the top of his voice. JOHN SSSSSHHHHIIIIITTTTT!!!!! CARL looks up inside the hutch. Stops, sniffs the air and silently listens to JOHN screaming as he runs away. CARL Pussy CARL returns to stabbing APRIL whilst laughing and shaking his head at JOHN.JOHN pelts down the back path before stopping where the path meets the back of his house, his legs are burning with the lactic acid and his lungs are burning from the screams but the intense throbbing was drowned out by the blood rushing from his heart to his head as he gasped for air leaning against the rotting fence. RAY stands under a flickering headlight. A thick hoodie covers his thick ginger hair. A cigarette hangs from his mouth erupting smoke as he breaths. He has deep blue eyes, much like JOHN, which stare out of the darkness straight at JOHN. RAY is tall, muscular and relaxed. He slouches against the rusty lamppost as which flickers. His breath condenses in the cold air and mixes with the cigarette smoke to create a fog, which seems to hang over him like a cloud. He speaks with a nasally, cockney, nonchalant voice. RAY What’s the rush JOHN? JOHN jumps at the voice and lets out a slightly effeminate scream, which he quickly replaces with a manly grunt before glaring at the shadowy figure under the flickering streetlight. JOHN tries to get a good look at him but cant as a thick black hoodie is pulled over his head blocking his face, the hoodie is the same as the one previously seen in JOHN’s bedroom. JOHN What’s its to you arsehole? JOHN pauses a thought crosses his mind. His expression changes to that of confusion. JOHN (continued) And how the fuck did you know my name, I’ve never met you before in my life.
  • 9. JOHN stands at his full height leaning off the fence experimentally stretching his broad shoulders clicking his neck slightly. He leans forward imposing his full stature towards RAY. RAY How could you possibly know that? Who you running from? … The Boogeyman? As he speaks RAY steps closer to JOHN whilst lowering his eye line to stop JOHN seeing his face. JOHN You’d be surprised. JOHN looks up, it’s got dark quickly. He pulls his bag up further over his shoulder and turns to walk away back home. JOHN (continued) Look mate or whatever the fuck your name is, I’m leaving, don’t bother following me home or I will kick the shit out of you. JOHN pauses leaning towards RAY expecting an answer, which doesn’t arrive. JOHN (continued) Got it? JOHN turns to leave and walks 5 paces before hearing RAY whisper as if he was right behind him. RAY (whispered) My name is RAY. JOHN turns back to face RAY. No one is under the lamppost, RAY is gone. JOHN shakes his head vigorously and rubs his eyes with a fist and looks again and there is no-one, no foot prints, no broken leaves, just silence, thoroughly freaked out by the nights events JOHN decidedly speed walks the rest of the way to his house looking over his shoulder every 2 seconds.
  • 10. JOHN C’mon John it was only some creepy dude in an alley, you could a taken him if he tried anything. He continues this tirade as he stepped into his dark house, everyone was either out or asleep he doesn’t care which, after ceremoniously dropping his muddy boots and bag hazardously by the front door and shedding his trainers off he walks along the cool tile flooring into the kitchen, grabs a bottle of water and downs it in one before letting out a loud burp. JOHN Fuck me that’s cold. JOHN winces as the water gives him a slight brain freeze. Carelessly leaving the bottle for someone else to bin he then turns and trudges up the steep steps to his bedroom without switching on the lights he walks into his en-suite and switches on the lights. JOHN looks into the mirror. His reflection looks like death warmed up. He pulls off his still muddy, and slightly damp from sweat, football uniform he steps into the shower and switches it to as hot as it could go effectively making his skin go from its usual pale to an angry red as he scrubs himself clean. After what he deems as clean he casually wraps a towel around his waist showing off his toned abdominals he winks head on to the camera. JOHN Oh I forgot you were here… Showers clear the senses as they say… Or something like that… Depositing the towel in the hamper he rummages for a pair of black boxers and flops onto his bed and leans against the headboard with his arms behind his head, he exhaled harshly in deep thought. Fade out: Scene 3 Fade in: INT. JOHNS BEDROOM. NIGHT. JOHN is still lying on the bed. He’s barely moved. Both arms are still behind his head and he’s still staring at the ceiling, and straight into the camera, the only difference is that the lights are now turned on, illuminating the room. After a few false starts JOHN finally addresses the audience. JOHN I guess you saw that then. Whatever that was. I recognize that guy though, Carl, the stabby one not the fucked up one.
  • 11. JOHN stops and thinks over what he just said. He then addresses the camera again this time in a tone of agreement. JOHN (continued) Although you could say the act of stabbing someone is fucked up to. JOHN stops again. Composes himself and continues. JOHN (continued) As I said his name is Carl, he’s 2 years above me. He was an idol of mine when I was younger. I modeled myself after him he never seemed to feel anything. Like me. You could say he was the me of his generation of college. He was the captain of the football team and a striker. He was the guy girls wanted to be with, the smartest in all his classes, the guy that other guys hated and that all the girls just wanted to screw. And now he’d a murderer. I say now he could always have been one. Don’t think anyone’s ever met his parents. JOHN pauses again, readjusts himself before raising his right hand to the camera. JOHN (continued) You know what’s weird though? JOHN pauses again, arm still raised and an eyebrow raised expecting an answer. A disappointed look of understanding spreads across his face. JOHN (continued Sorry I forgot you don’t speak. What’s weird is that I felt scared. No not scared. JOHN pauses again as he mulls over his answer. He puts both hands behind his head again, leans back, closes his eyes and exhales. JOHN (continued) Alive. I felt alive. JOHN opens his eyes and laughs.
  • 12. JOHN (continued) I finally felt alive. The first time I feel anything and its whilst watching some nerd, April was her name, she was a right nerd, getting stabbed. Fucking nerds. Carl was in power, he had Aprils life in his hands. He didn’t answer to anyone not even me. MY GOD!! I’m alive. JOHN laughs. There is a slight knock at his bedroom window. JOHN looks but dismisses it. He relaxes and mutters under his breath. JOHN (continued) I’m alive. There is another knock at the window. This time JOHN sits upright, turns to the edge of his bed and lets his feet hang over the side before slowly standing up and cautiously walking towards the window. He stares at the curtains. JOHN (whispered) There you are again. That feeling. That aliveness. JOHN turns his fingers around the curtains and slowly parts them. CARL is sat on the window ledge. His head gently resting on the window. He looks up at JOHN. A slow, thin smile spreads across his face. His shivering voice is muffled by the window. CARL You gonna let me in pal. Freezing my Fucking bollocks off out here. JOHN Yeah sure. JOHN slides the window up allowing CARL to get in before closing the window gently behind him. He then draws the curtains. JOHN (continued) How did you know where I lived? Keep it down by the way. Rents are asleep and the last thing I need right now is them walking in on me with some hot guy in my room.
  • 13. CARL Facebooked you, really should be careful what you put on the interwebs these days. Youth of today, naming the children of tomorrow Magneto because they got one hundred likes on some Facebook status. And hang on did you say some hot guy? JOHN (ruffled) er…figure of speech CARL Don’t think it is like JOHN Oh… well it is. They…er… brought it in last week. CARL (questioning) Who’s they? JOHN (sarcastically) The Youth of today council. It got one hundred likes on the Facebook status. CARL laughs. CARL Okay point taken. Well played. Anyway JOHN my pal, are we gonna have a problem? CARL’s mood shifts from laughter to dead seriousness. The room falls silent apart from the sounds of a clock ticking and JOHN trying to moisturize his mouth. JOHN coughs awkwardly to clear his throat. JOHN (high-pitched) No… JOHN clears his throat again and tries once more. JOHN (normal pitched) No.
  • 14. CARL pauses for a second. Thinking. Then he turns suddenly startling JOHN. CARL grabs JOHN by the testicles. JOHN screeches in discomfort. CARL Good. Cause right now I have you by the bollocks. You’re in the palm of my hand. I control you now you get that? One word to anyone about what you saw and you’re dead. Comprende? JOHN (calmly) I get that. Just one thing Carl. Why aren’t I already dead? CARL (stunned) What? JOHN (calmly) Why aren’t I already dead? I saw you brutally murder a, presumably, innocent girl. I’m a witness. So why are you here standing in my bedroom with me in just my boxers and you cupping my balls. Why not just kill me? Or are my balls just that nice. CARL (bemused) You know someone in your situation shouldn’t be so cocky. JOHN (calmly) Shouldn’t be so cocky? You’ve already made it clear my balls are yours. All I have left is my cock. May as well use it, or are you gonna make that yours as well. Hey big boy? JOHN blows a kiss to CARL. CARL releases JOHN. CARL I like you. You’re a handful. That’s different. Normally everyone’s so boring and plain. Not you though. Interesting. JOHN Only a handful hey. Cheeky fucker. So go on then. Why am I not dead?
  • 15. CARL Cause I have rules? JOHN You know most people have rules. They’re known as laws. And one of them says you can’t go around killing people. Guess you didn’t get the memo. CARL Well I just have different rules. Don’t kill more than one person a night. Didn’t have you down as one for following other people’s rules anyway. JOHN I don’t follow them. I’m just aware of them. And it’s just that simple to you? CARL It’s just that simple to everyone, they’re all just too cowardly to do anything about it. JOHN I suppose. So why do you do it? CARL It makes me feel alive. JOHN Same CARL What? JOHN Oh when I saw you killing April. It was April wasn’t it? I felt alive. For the first time. Alive. CARL Yes it was April and good. Its how I felt first time I saw someone being murdered. JOHN Why did you do it? CARL Because I could. Because I can. JOHN Fair enough. Teach me.
  • 16. CARL Sorry what? JOHN You heard me. Teach me. Teach me how to kill people. CARL Well its simple really. Take a knife or a gun. Kill someone and run like hell. JOHN Okay. Teach me how to kill people without getting caught. CARL That’s more like it. Thought you’d never ask. My place, Saturday. 2pm. Knock on the garage door. Twice. CARL turns to leave. He opens the curtains and then slides open the window. JOHN I don’t know where you live though? CARL Facebook me. JOHN (confused) But you said? CARL I say a lot of things. CARL turns to leave the window but slips and falls. He lands with a thud on the grass below. JOHN leans out the window looking down over him. JOHN Y’all right? CARL I swear if you make one postcard joke I’ll kill you. JOHN I believe you. And I’ll take that as a yes you’re alright. Good. See you later.
  • 17. CARL pushes himself up onto his hands and knees before standing up again and limping away whilst wheezing. JOHN laughs to himself. CARL gives him the middle finger. JOHN turns his head to left as RAY disappears into the bushes. JOHN quickly shuts the window and the curtains before getting into bed and turning the lights off. JOHN Night. Cut to: Scene 4 EXT. OUTSIDE CARLS GARAGE. MID-DAY JOHN stands outside CARLS garage door. It is relatively new. JOHN puts an ear to the door but hears no sound from inside. He is wearing a pair of black basketball shorts, some grubby plimsolls and a black wife beater. He straightens up and adjusts his clothing. JOHN (shouted) Oi Carl, Its me JOHN pauses for a moment before adding JOHN (continued) John? JOHN bangs on the garage door twice, he waits for what feels like 5 minutes as he is still feels slightly unnerved about what he saw in the bushes as CARL left. Suddenly the garage door opens revealing CARL dressed in a black t-shirt and a pair of khaki shorts. CARL (Sternly) I thought I told you to knock twice not go screaming your head off alerting everyone you are here. You wanna shout out your address, date of birth and national fucking insurance number dickhead. May as well hand the police your signed confession now. Get inside. CARL eyes up JOHN, checks his attire, and shakes his head is despair. The pair walk quickly into the garage and CARL slides the door shut behind them. CARL (continued) You look like a fucking gypsy so straight away your gonna get questioned on the street if people go missing, next time don’t look like a ragger.
  • 18. JOHN looks down at his clothing and footwear. JOHN I thought I was dressed normal? CARL John. We murder people. You couldn’t dress normal even if you tried to do it. Eventually you just wear things that are easy to clean bodily fluids off, say goodbye to your brands cause I bet you won’t buy another Hollister top again after staining your favorite one. JOHN I don’t wear Hollister I ain’t a fucking chav but So much for trying to keep up appearances. CARL’s mood drops to one of seriousness. He lowers his pitch. CARL Oh yeah and John forget about getting a girlfriend, 99.9% certain you will murder the poor bitch. So get rid of that Imogen lass you’re so keen on before I have to. Suddenly CARL cheers up. A look of glee spreads across his face. A hint of madness stays behind his eyes. CARL So, lets get started…? JOHN (badass) Lets do this. JOHN looks around the garage only one bulb illuminates the general area leaving dark corners acting like a spotlight, and in the corner is a chair covered in a white sheet which CARL absentmindedly looks at every few seconds. JOHN points at the chair. JOHN (continued) What’s under that then? CARL It’s a surprise young padawan, but first let me show you your new toys.
  • 19. CARL goes over to his desk that stretches from the entrance to the other side of the garage and he flicks on a little desk lamp to reveal the murder weapons. JOHN addresses the camera directly as CARL describes the use of the knifes and how to sharpen them so as to be more efficient in the slicing and stabbing of people in the background. JOHN These knives are the tools of some unfortunate souls demise. Although I probably shouldn’t say that out loud. That would sound too demented. People might think I’d gone mad. JOHN laughs manically. CARL Something I said? JOHN No just a thought I had. CARL You need me to go over any of that again or did you get it all? JOHN Ok don’t worry I get it Carl. Keep myself clean, keep my stuff clean, keep the inside of my fucking foreskin clean, I wanna get to some cool shit like knife throwing. At that CARL throws a knife at JOHN that sails right past his face and sticks blade first in the wall, half an inch more and it would of connected, JOHN slowly exhales the breath that he was currently holding and shuffled away quietly on the concrete floor. JOHN (continued) Did I say I wanted a shave? Can we practice with those now? CARL Yeah lets get this show on the road. CARL the pulls out a big version of a dart board but like a cardboard cutout of a human, after sizing it up it was approximately 6’1. JOHN addresses the camera and shrugs whilst speaking.
  • 20. JOHN Not hard to miss I guess. CARL (continued) OK John just focus on the main arteries. You have 2 options. You maim and capture, or you maim and kill there and then. Use the body main hotspots to disable your target like thighs, arms and bodily organs, trust in your equipment and you’ll come out rosy the other side and by that I mean you’ll be covered in blood John. JOHN So just like that yeah? throw the fucker and hope it connects? CARL Well practice on this first and we’ll see if I can take you for a test run without royally fucking up. A montage sequence shows JOHN practice throwing knifes. As time progresses he gradually gets better as CARL trains him and shows him different techniques. Eventually he is hitting the heart every time. CARL also shows JOHN how to skin a rabbit showing JOHN where to make the incisions on a human on himself before setting him tasks with the rabbit. Finally CARL shows JOHN how to sneak up on someone from behind and strangle them with piano wire. JOHN humorously uses the melons to mimic breasts but CARL throws two knifes at them causing the knives to stick out the melons like nipples. JOHN falls over on impact. He then jumps back up trying to act cool as if nothing happened. Eventually JOHN is shown to have mastered using the piano wire. CARL congratulates JOHN by handing him a cold beer and a cigarette whilst keeping one of each for himself too. The two sit on the floor against a wall and drink and smoke together. CARL Well its nine o’clock now and people are starting to stay indoors, best we head on out of here, I think you’ve killed that poor cutout more than me being very honest, so how about we rendezvous back here in twenty minutes and you change into something that doesn't make me want to throttle you myself? JOHN Yeah sure whatever, see you in a few mate.
  • 21. JOHN downs his beer and chain-smokes his cigarette before standing up and dusting himself down. CARL copies him before sliding open the garage door. JOHN looks out into the darkness. Across the road he spots RAY standing under a lamppost smoking a cigarette. JOHN freezes to the ground. CARL watches JOHN and clicks his fingers and he tries to bring JOHN back to reality. CARL (progressively louder) John. John. John. CARL nudges JOHN CARL (continued) John mate you alright? JOHN comes back to reality and looks up at CARL. He is bewildered. His eyes look empty and dark. JOHN (hazily) What? CARL You zoned out for a minute there. What’s up? JOHN Just thought I saw something is all. The two look out into the darkness together. RAY is gone. The street is empty. CARL Nothing there mate. Probs just a fox you fucking pussy. JOHN awkwardly laughs. JOHN Yeah god. Can’t believe that freaked me out. Anyway see you in twenty minutes when I wont be dressed like a bell end. CARL Sounds like a plan. In a bit mate. JOHN walks out into the darkness. CARL leads against the garage wall and watches him go. He mutters under his breath.
  • 22. CARL (continued) Got a lot of potential that kid. JOHN shouts back as he continues to walk. JOHN Heard that. And I ain’t a kid you patronizing twat. CARL looks shocked and embarrassed to have been caught out. CARL Yeah keep on walking kiddo. JOHN laughs turns to face CARL and walks back whilst raising both middle fingers insultingly in Carl’s direction. Before turning back the right way and doing a heel kick whilst walking. CARL laughs and shakes his head before turning back into the garage and sliding the door shut. RAY watches JOHN walk from under the lamppost. Fade out: Scene 5 Fade in: EXT. OUTSIDE CARLS GARAGE. NIGHT. JOHN walks back up the street to CARLs House. He is wearing a red t-shirt, black shorts and old worn out black slip on trainers. CARL is leaning against the garage door waiting for him. As JOHN approaches CARL looks at his wrist where a watch should sit but isn’t and tuts whilst shaking his head. CARL I thought I said twenty mins not a fucking hour you dick. CARL glares at JOHN and ushers him into the garage checking the surroundings before sliding the door closed with a squeaky bang. JOHN looks into the center of the room where the chair covered with white cloth is placed. JOHN edges towards the chair slowly before curiously peeling back the cloth revealing SCOTT sitting unconsciously handcuffed to the chair drooling from the corner of his mouth. SCOTT is a littler younger than JOHN he has curly brown hair and light brown eyes hidden
  • 23. behind thick framed glasses. He has slight freckles and clear evidence of a reoccurring acne problem. He is dressed in a pair of black slacks some cheap shoes and a Primark top saying geek. JOHN looks directly into the camera laughing slightly. JOHN That’s ironic. Fucking nerds. CARL JOHN, I would like you to meet my good friend Scott, he’s going to be entertaining us tonight aren’t ya buddy. CARL patronizingly pats SCOTT on the cheek three times. CARL sounds almost manic as he speaks. CARL (continued He’s had about 38 hours of sleep cause of all that Rohypnol I’ve been feeding him. You just love your Rohypnol don’t you Scotty boy. That’s why I kept watching him all this afternoon, couldn’t have him waking up and ruining the surprise now could I? CARL then slowly walked around SCOTT and wraps his arms lazily around his neck from behind applying slight pressure to cut off the air supply making SCOTT jolt to a form of semi- consciousness. SCOTT squeaks in the most terrified way. JOHN So what we gonna do to him CARL? Or are you just gonna hug him all night? CARL starts unlocking SCOTTs handcuffs leaving his hands still tied behind his back and he flops over from the chair face planting the floor. He groans for a minute and begins to shake as he tries to make his limps move unsuccessfully. He begins to try again eventually managing to stand up. CARL and JOHN watch him bemused. SCOTT makes a mad dash for the door, he looks like a newborn foal taking its first steps. He almost reaches the door but JOHN launches a knife from the nearby desk into SCOTT’s calf and he plummets to the ground moaning through the gag in utter agony. CARL Nice aim JOHN the first option is always my favorite, let them think they have a chance and then take it away and make them wish they were never born. Now John unleash your inner darkness, let your anger, your pain, let it consume you and you won’t even feel a thing. Just breathe it in.
  • 24. JOHNS breathes. His eyes darken fiercely and he appears empty. His grip on a new knife tightens making his knuckles turn a ghostly white, stomping over to the now unconscious SCOTT on the floor he lifts him by the scruff of his collar and wrenches him back onto the chair. JOHN speaks to CARL without even looking at him, instead he remains fixated on SCOTT who drifts in and out of consciousness. JOHN (icily) I appreciate all you’ve done for me CARL but can I do this alone, I need to really let loose and your putting me off. CARL nods and his eyes shine in pride and leaves without any reluctance. CARL Do what you need to do. Take as long as you need. JOHN So Scott, seems to me you fell in a little bit of trouble and then you thought you could just run out after my good mate Carl spent so much time keeping you here just for me. Big Mistake you fucking nerd. You see me and Carl are a bit different from you or anyone else you may know, we aren’t just the guys who live down the way or the guys who everyone likes. We are cold, we are emotionless, we are free to do whatever the fuck we like and me and Carl, well we like to murder little freaks like you, and we like to make you shit your pants and to beg for your miserable little life. So beg. JOHN looks at SCOTT who looks questioningly back. JOHN Oh you think I’m joking. SCOTT grunts back from under the gag. SCOTT Yes. JOHN laughs manically and SCOTT looks confused. SCOTT joins in the laughter awkwardly. SCOTT again wearily grunts from under the gag. SCOTT (continued) Can I go now. Please.
  • 25. JOHN stops laughing and leans into SCOTT. JOHN Sorry what was that old buddy old pal? SCOTT tries again this time trying to make more emphasis on the individual words. He is unsuccessful. SCOTT Can I go now. Please JOHN laughs louder and SCOTT again awkwardly joins in. RAY appears behind JOHN smoking a cigarette from the corner of his mouth and wearing his signature hoodie. Only this time his hood is pulled down and he sees him fully for the first time, a messy patch of dirty ginger hair and big freckles with sinister blue eyes and a big smirk on his face. He coughs gently. JOHN stops laughing and turns to face RAY. SCOTT continues to laugh awkwardly. RAY Room for one more? JOHN Where the fuck did you come from and how did you get in here? JOHN continues to stare at RAY but raising an arm with an outstretched index finger at SCOTT. JOHN (continued) You. Shush. SCOTT stops laughing immediately and looks confused. He looks around the garage as if he was looking for someone. JOHN looks stunned at RAY for being there but then remembers where he is and grins mischievously at RAY who nods and grins back just as mischievously. JOHN (continued) So you want a show do you? Here let me show you one. JOHN turns on his heels and again faces SCOTT whose attention shifts from the garage surroundings straight back onto JOHN. RAY stands on JOHN’s right hand side. JOHN
  • 26. (continued) Hey Scotty. You fucking disgust me. You know that. You fucking nerd. And well today it’s your lucky day. Because today you get to go out in style. How cool is that? JOHN puts his arm around RAY. SCOTT looks confused at JOHN. JOHN (continued) Cause this here is Ray. Now Ray is a bit of a weirdo. But he’s my weirdo. And well Ray wants a show and I wanna show off so basically. Bye. JOHN bursts into an insane laugh. RAY joins in followed by an increasingly awkward SCOTT. Then JOHN snaps. He sinks the sharpened blade through SCOTT’s glasses and into his eye. SCOTTS lets out a piercing scream and falls to the ground writhed around trying to cup his face but cant due to his hands still being bound behind his back. JOHN starts flinging a barrage of kicks to SCOTT’s body unrelenting and laughing crazily while RAY, who still laughing like a child watches on, JOHN pulls out a surgical scalpel he practiced with early and lightly traced the outline of SCOTTS exposed skin by his hip and ran the blade teasingly drawing small droplets of ruby red. RAY stops laughing and regains a serious composure. RAY Finish him off. JOHN barely reacts but shrugs and viciously stabs SCOTT until his face is mangled beyond recognition. RAY looks at JOHN. Then he turns and walks away. JOHN Carl. I’m done, get in here. JOHN turns, he searches the garage for RAY but RAY is gone without a trace. JOHN shrugs and waits patiently tapping his fingers against the chair until CARL wrenches the door open and admires JOHN’s handiwork. CARL Nice work. For a newbie, inventive with the knife to the eyes, not as much body mutilation as id of done but overall, at least he’s dead, time to get rid of him. Both CARL and JOHN then scoop up SCOTTS body into a black
  • 27. bin bag and pile the corpse into CARLS already cling film covered car boot. They drive for a while until trees, with no sign of civilization for miles, in a forest surround them. They get out the car, open the boot and begin dragging the body through the dirt. Finally they reach a hole, which CARL had previously dug. JOHN Fuck me CARL did you do this before? CARL You took your time getting out your hippie gear I got bored so I came and prepped this for you. Scott wont be lonely here at least. Little Aprils buried just over there. Closest Scotts ever gonna get to sleeping with a girl nowadays. Poor little virgin. CARL laughs to himself as JOHN shoves SCOTT’s corpse into the hole and begins burying the body. RAY watches from the shadows. CARL (continued) Right JOHN. Final step, you go home and you shower until there isn’t a fucking speck on you , under your balls, under your fingernails and make sure to wash behind your ears or your mummy will get mad. JOHN growls with annoyance. CARL drives JOHN back into town and drops him around the corner from his house. JOHN runs back home and quickly but quietly opens the front door, enters the house, locks the door again and rushes to his room unseen in the pitch-black house. He fills his bathroom sink with hot water and bleach and puts all his clothes in there. Now naked he steps into the shower and scrubs himself raw. He then gets out the shower wraps himself in a towel and flops onto the bed and falls into a peaceful sleep. RAY silently watches all this from the windowsill unseen by JOHN. RAY looks towards the camera and winks creepily. Cut to Black: Scene 6 Fade in: INT. JOHNS BEDROOM. MORNING. JOHN lies asleep on the bed. His chest rises and falls slowly as he breaths. He looks peaceful. His breathing
  • 28. slows down almost going in slow motion. Suddenly, and without warning, his eyes bolt open. He looks into the camera as if he is looking into the audience’s souls. A clear madness is visible in his eyes. He’s deranged. He has changed. JOHN Ha. Yes im alive. Oh that is good. Breathe it in. JOHN breaths in heavily. Enjoying the oxygen entering his lungs. He laughs. JOHN (continued) My god that’s the shit. I’m alive. I can finally feel the oxygen pumping through my veins. My heart is pounding. My god I need more. You see this is an addiction. We are all addicted to being alive. We all want more. On our deathbeds we apparently relive ours lives. Clinging onto those last crumbs of life. Like a fat chick eating a kit Kat. This is my heroin, this my drugs, taking away someone’s life. Taking away their addiction. I’m like the murdering version of a drug Councellor. It may sound weird to you cause you guys are so boring and useless but as bad as it is this is the first time I’ve felt normal. The real question is. Who’s next? It could be you. Yes you sitting on that squeaky chair, with those papers in front of you. Why waste life marking papers when you could be. JOHN pauses before breathing in, standing up, and spinning around. He smiles with sheer delight. JOHN (continued) Alive. JOHN stops before flinging open his wardrobe. He throws out the cloths and picks and chooses an outfit. He chooses red chinos, a black t-shirt with a game reference on it, as well as a black jumper. He puts on black socks and slides on smart black shoes. He looks in the mirror and combs his hair to the side before sliding his hands through it and ruffling it up. He directs the camera through his reflection. JOHN (continued) That’s better.
  • 29. JOHN turns flamboyantly to face the camera directly. JOHN (continued) Now like I said the question is whose next now it ain’t gonna be you I was joking I’m saving that for a real treat. Right now I need someone a little closer to home. Imogen? Nah she still has her uses. Ray? Maybe but he always tends to track me down I have no idea where he lives. Carl? Yeah that’s more like it. After all he is my trainer and this is survival of the fittest after all. Yeah I need to be the king he’s served his purpose. Time for me to crowned. The next question is how? JOHN paces up and down his room for a minute thinking through his options. Finally he looks at the camera with a sly smile. JOHN (continued) Matthew twenty six fifty two. All they that take the sword shall perish with the sword. Would seem a waste after all for me to not show him first hand all those skills he taught me. So its decided then. He dies. Tonight. JOHN smiles at the camera before turning around and exiting through the door. He slams the door behind him. The camera remains stationary but we hear JOHN stomp down the stairs and slam the door behind him. The camera then focuses on RAY who slowly slides out from under JOHNS bed. He smiles sinisterly at the camera. Dusts himself off, and turns to the window. He draws the curtains and slides the window open before turning again to face the camera. He smiles wickedly. RAY You’ll have to excuse me but I don’t want to miss a minute of this. RAY turns back and jumps out of the window. Cut to: EXT. CARLS STREET. MORNING JOHN walks up the road to CARL’s house. He stops outside the garage door. Breaths heavily. Opens his eyes wide and knocks twice. After a while there is no answer. JOHN knocks twice again. Once again there is no answer so JOHN knocks twice again. This time CARL slides open the garage
  • 30. door. He is in a dressing gown and does not look amused. CARL (groggily) Mate what you want its too early for you to be calling round here. JOHN Mate its eleven am. CARL (groggily) Like I said its too early. What do you want? JOHN Just a chat. JOHN barges past CARL into the garage. CARL looks unimpressed and huffs before slamming the garage door shut. CARL So what you want then? JOHN picks up a knife and quickly turns and throws it at CARL. The knife seems to travel in slow motion before embedding itself deep into CARLs chest. CARL looks shocked, slowly looking down at the knife sticking out of his chest. He looks back at JOHN and gives him a questioning look. Blood begins to drip from both the knife wound and CARLs mouth as he begins to cough. He slowly falls on to his back and lies lifeless on the floor. JOHN That. JOHN sits to the right of CARLs dead body and pulls the knife out of CARLs chest. JOHN leans against the garage wall and breaths in deeply. JOHN (continued) You see that’s more like it. Silence. I’m in charge now. JOHN grabs CARLs balls tightly and looks into CARLs lifeless eyes. JOHN (continued)
  • 31. Look who’s got who by the balls now. You’re in the palm of my hand. I’m in charge now. You answer to me. Well you answered to me. And look who won. I will always win. I cannot lose. Not now nothing can stop me. RAY sits the left of CARLs lifeless body. He looks at CARL then at JOHN. RAY Except me. JOHN leans his head back against the garage wall and exhales heavily. JOHN Except you. RAY Don’t worry though. You’re safe. I like you. For now at least. JOHN looks at RAY confused. JOHN You hardly know me mate. RAY continues to look at JOHN. RAY Now now we both know that just isn’t true Jonathon. JOHN See its just John. If you knew me you’d know I hate being called Jonathon. RAY Calm down Johnny Boy. JOHN Its still just John. The two share an intense stare before breaking into laughter. RAY Oh look at us two laughing away at the scene of the murder. Come on best move the body. Wrap him in those bin bags. RAY points at bin bags on the table.
  • 32. RAY (continued) And put those knifes and that one in the sink. There’s some bleach in the cupboard. Leave them to soak. JOHN How did you get in here Ray? RAY Oh you know. The same way I usually get into places. JOHN Who are you Ray? RAY You already know the answer to that. JOHN Do I? RAY Yeah just don’t worry about it. JOHN stands up and places all the knifes in the garage in the sink. He then puts on a pair of pink marigolds opens the cupboard underneath and takes out a big bottle of bleach which he pours a considerable amount of into the sink before turning on the hot tap. When the sink is full he turns the tap off. Then he wraps CARLs body in the bin bags and goes about cleaning the entire garage with more bleach and hot water. A considerable amount of time passes and the light outside fades before going pitch black. RAY just watches JOHN work. JOHN then scrubs the bleach soaked knifes clean and drags CARLs dead body into the boot of CARLs car which he then gently shuts. JOHN gets into the drivers seat and RAY gets into the passenger side. They drive is silence. JOHN parks the car behind his house and retrieves CARLs body from the boot. He then digs a big hole under the tree in his garden with a shovel from his garage. He dumps CARLS body into the hole before filling it back up. He then gets back behind the wheel and drives off into the darkness. RAY stands over CARLs makeshift grave and looks directly into the camera. RAY Bet he dumps it in the river. Fade to black:
  • 33. Scene 7 Fade in: INT. JOHNS BEDROOM. MORNING IMOGEN sits on JOHNs bed. It hasn’t been slept in. His room is a mess with clothes sprawled everywhere. JOHN enters the room. Its clear he hasn’t slept. IMOGEN jumps to her feet and comforts him. He doesn’t react. IMOGEN Johnny where have you been? JOHN Its just John Imogen. And I’ve been dumping a car in the river. RAY leans out from under the bed and addresses the camera directly. RAY Told ya. RAY looks up at JOHN who looks at him bewildered before deciding not to ask and just shakes his head. RAY slides back under the bed disappearing from sight. IMOGEN Not funny Jonathon. I know you haven’t slept in this bed. Where did you sleep. Who is she? Who’s the little filthy whore. JOHN Christ its just John! What is it today with being not knowing its just four letters. And I haven’t slept. Cant you tell. IMOGEN Oh so she kept you up all night did she. Filthy slut. Well I’m very sorry I cant go all night like her. JOHN Look Imogen. A few days ago I met a guy called Carl when he was murdering April. You know the nerdy girl from your class. Anyway ever since then he’s been training me how to kill people until yesterday when I killed him. So I spent all last night covering my tracks. IMOGEN That is so not funny Jonathon. Its bad enough
  • 34. you’ve been ignoring me since my cousin was murdered but now you’re actively mocking me about it. You’re sick. JOHN Still just John. April was your cousin? IMOGEN Yes. You bastard. Proves how little you know about me. Now are you going to apologise to me or not? JOHN Apologise for what? IMOGEN Telling your horrible little lies about murdering someone just to cover your tracks for cheating on me with some little tart. JOHN Imogen it’s not a lie I did murder someone yesterday. Look I buried the body in the garden. JOHN shows IMOGEN to the window and they look out. THE patch of garden where JOHN buried CARL is now a flower bed with flowers in full bloom. JOHN looks confused. IMOGEN Well that’s just great I bet you grew those for her. I thought we had something special John. Clearly I was wrong. IMOGEN looks hurt. JOHN looks ecstatic. He outstretches his arms to her. JOHN Hey! You finally got it right! IMOGEN You’re admitting it? JOHN Yes its just John! Yay! IMOGEN nearly breaks into tears. She barges past JOHN but as she barges past him some blood from his clothes brushes off onto her. She pauses. Looks down. And presses the blood with her fingers. She brings the fingers closer to her face and her expression changes to that of horror. She screams and quickly runs away. JOHN doesn’t see the blood and looks confused.
  • 35. JOHN (continued) Was it something I said? RAY slides out from under the bed. RAY Oh you have no idea mate. JOHN turns to look at RAY. JOHN Ahh yes you. What the hell are you doing under my bed? RAY I needed somewhere to sleep. JOHN So why not sleep on the bed you prick? RAY Incase someone walked in. Good job I didn’t. Crying girl came walking in around seven. RAY looks down at JOHNS cloths and points at the blood patch that IMOGEN had bumped into. RAY (continued) That blood? JOHN looks down at the blood patch, presses it with his fingers and brings them close to his face. His expression too turns to that one horror as he realizes what happened. JOHN Shit! JOHN runs out the door slamming it behind him. RAY looks directly at the camera. RAY Prick. RAY falls backwards onto the bed. He stares up at the camera, smiles and winks before closing his eyes. Fade to black: Scene 8
  • 36. Fade in: EXT. THE STREETS. DAY JOHN roams the street looking for IMOGEN. He calls out her name as he goes. JOHN Imogen! After a while JOHN stops and looks directly into the camera. JOHN (continued) Fuck it The backing track “Worried about Ray” by The Hoosiers begins to play and JOHN sings the song directing it to the audience. During the song he kills various random people and throws their bodies in the river. RAY follows him around casually as JOHN does this. During the last verse of the song, the verse shown in bold below JOHN encounters a young girl, dressed in pink dress eating a strawberry ice cream with her hair in pigtails. Instead of killing her he steals her ice cream and runs off leaving the girl crying in the street on her surrounded by devastation as the scene fades to black as the song ends. For ideas on how to film this see the last scene in TV series Skins series 1 or view this video from TV series Being Human on YouTube: JOHN (sung to the music) The truth be told, the truth be told I'm worried about the future holds, the future holds I'm starting to worry about Ray. The truth be told, the truth be told I'm worried about the future holds, the future holds I'm seriously worried about Ray. They say the future's out to get you You know that I won't let you fall They say the future's out to get you You know that I won't let you fall.
  • 37. The truth be told, the truth be told I'm treading on my tippy toes, my tippy toes I'm starting to worry about Ray. The truth be told, the truth be told I'm treading on my tippy toes, my tippy toes I'm painfully so worried about Ray. They say the future's out to get you You know that I won't let you fall They say the future's out to get you You know that I won't let you fall No! They say the future's out to get you You know that I won't let you fall They say the future's out to get you You know that I won't let you fall. The future's out to get you, the future's out to get you, oh The future's out to get you, the future's out to get you, oh. The truth be told, the truth be told I'm worried what the future holds, the future holds I'm so tired of being worried about Ray. The scene fades out as THE GIRL cries. Fade to black: Scene 9 Fade in: INT. JOHNS BEDROOM. NIGHT. JOHN enters his bedroom followed by RAY. JOHN strips off and gets into the shower in the ensuite. RAY sits on the toilet reading a porn magazine whilst smoking. JOHN scrubs himself clean, gets out the shower, raps himself in a towel and throws his old clothes in a bin bag. He then dresses in new clothes. A buttoned blue shirt, Black skinny jeans and converse trainers. JOHN paces the room anxiously tapping his phone between his hands. RAY chills on the bed reading the same porn magazine as before. JOHN Shit!
  • 38. JOHN looks at RAY confused. JOHN (continued) How can you just sit there all relaxed. RAY (uninterested) Um let me see oh yeah. Because I don’t care. JOHN How can you not care? How heartless are you? RAY 100% Literally don’t have a heart mate. And besides I ain’t the mass murderer in this conversation. JOHN They deserved to die. RAY Oh why? Oh my god I knew it they were all north Korean spies. Oh wait no they were only enjoying the criminally bargain deals of the sales. Twat. JOHN They were wasting life. RAY This could be good. RAY closes the magazine and rolls onto his front and turns so his head is at the foot of the bed. He then props his head up on his hands under his chin with his elbows on the bed. RAY (faking interest) How so Jonathon? JOHN They were just breathing. Just John by the way. Just breathing. Nothing else. RAY There’s not a lot more of people do to. Breathing is kind of essential you know. JOHN Well I stopped that. I set them free.
  • 39. RAY You fucking killed them you utter twat. JOHN Shut up you dick. You helped. RAY And how did I help exactly? JOHN You watched. RAY stands up off the bed and squares off against JOHN. RAY Yeah and how’s that helping? JOHN You gave me an audience. RAY points at the camera but remains looking seriously at JOHN. RAY You already had a fucking audience. JOHN Oh they don’t count. They don’t care. They probably switched off hours ago. RAY nods in agreement. RAY True. JOHN raises to his full height and eyes up RAY JOHN Who are you Ray? RAY takes JOHNs hand and places it against his heart. RAY (softly) You know who I am John. I’m the love of your life. RAY kisses JOHN who reciprocates. Whilst they kiss JOHN removes some piano wire from his pocket without RAY seeing and wraps it around RAYs neck and tightens it. RAY
  • 40. doesn’t struggle he simple breaks away from the kiss and softly smiles at JOHN before falling to the ground dead. JOHN stands over RAY. JOHN (bluntly) Now there’s no one to stop me. Prick. JOHN takes his phone and frantically tries to ring IMOGEN but she doesn’t answer. He tries again and again but only manages to reach her voicemail. IMOGEN (on her voicemail only) Hi you’ve reached the voicemail of me. Imogen so give me an M. Give me an E. Give me an S. S. A. G. E after the beeps. Goooo… She is cut off by the beep of her phone. JOHN falls backwards onto his bed leaving RAYs lifeless body on the floor. JOHN cries and closes his eyes. Fade to black: Scene 10 INT. JOHNS BEDROOM. NIGHT. JOHN awakens to CARL standing on his bed towering over him. He is looking menacingly down at JOHN. JOHN turns to look at RAY who is still dead on the bedroom floor before looking back up at CARL. CARL remains silent but remains looking menacingly down at him. APRIL appears on the left of JOHN and stops him in his side. JOHN screams in agony and wriggles to escape and tries to get up but CARL keeps him pinned down. Then SCOTT appears on his right wearing a t-shirt that reads “Fucking nerds”. SCOTT stabs JOHN in his right side and again JOHN screams and tries to escape but once again CARL keeps him pinned down. CARL gets off JOHN and APRIL and SCOTT take a step backwards form their respective sides of the bed leaving JOHN screaming in pain. THE GIRL appears ice cream in hand. She silently approaches JOHN who remains on the bed unable to move. She mushes the ice cream into JOHNs face muffling his screams. THE GIRL laughs and takes a step back. APRIL turns around opens the curtains, opens the window and jumps out, followed by SCOTT, and followed by THE GIRL. CARL turns to face JOHN and rubs the ice cream further into his face. JOHN cries as CARL jumps out the window. Fade to black: This scene is very surrealist. There shouldn’t be any
  • 41. dialogue at all and maybe even add reverb or other effects to JOHNS screams to make them more haunting. It should fill roughly 2-3 minutes. No less. So take your time with it. Scene 11 Fade in: INT. JOHNS BEDROOM. NIGHT. JOHN awakes in a cold sweat. RAYs body is gone. JOHN gets out the bed. Checks his phone. He has no missed texts or phone calls. He tosses the phone back onto his bed. He looks out the window and sees the flower patch under the tree. He picks up the phone and goes downstairs. He picks up the shovel from the garage. He digs up the flower patch searching for CARLs body but finds nothing. He then walks to CARLS house but there is a “For Sale” sign outside and when he looks through the window the house is deserted. He then goes to the river where he finds no evidence of his previous murders or CARLs car. He then walks round to IMOGENs house. He breaks in through the back door and creeps up into IMOGENs room unseen. IMOGEN is asleep in her bed. JOHN sits on the end of the bed and lies down next to her looking up into the camera. IMOGEN stirs and wakes up. She goes to scream but JOHN instinctively puts his hand over her mouth stopping her scream. JOHN shakes his head at the camera with an emotionless expression on his face. JOHN (whispered) Don’t worry its just me. IMOGEN (muffled) Oh John its you. How romantic although can you remove your hand from my mouth please. JOHN What? JOHN removes his hand from IMOGENs mouth. IMOGEN Thank you. I said. Oh John its you. How romantic although can you remove your hand from my mouth please. JOHN
  • 42. Oh yeah sure. JOHN goes to remove his hand before realizing he already has. JOHN Oh yeah already have. Sorry. IMOGEN What’s up John I haven’t seen or heard from you for day. In fact I think the last time I saw you was the disabled toilets. You think they’ve recovered yet. Oh they really should label those pull chords. IMOGEN giggles before asking seriously. IMOGEN (continued) Oh how did you do at football? Did you win? I bet you won. You always win. JOHN They do label them Imogen that’s why its red you utter moron. And of course I won I always win. That’s why I have to kill you. IMOGEN (shocked) John please don’t call me a moron. That’s very mean. And what you going on about. Killing me. Is this some kind of role-play? I bet it is. You know I’ve always wanted to try role play. I’ll start. IMOGEN rolls over and straddles JOHN. Before kissing her way down towards JOHNS crotch off camera to presumably perform fellatio on him. IMOGEN (continued + voiceover) Is this good Mr. murderer JOHN (still emotionless) I’m being serious Imogen but actually yes that is quite good. IMOGEN (voiceover) Thought it might be. I’ve been practicing again.
  • 43. JOHN What exactly do you practice on? IMOGEN (voiceover) Bananas, they’re good for potassium. JOHN True not that you’re gonna need any potassium anymore Imogen. IMOGEN (voiceover) Oh we’re back to the roleplaying. Goodie. JOHN I’m not playing Imogen. Beg for your life. IMOGEN (voiceover) Please. Mr. Murderer. Please don’t kill me I’ll do anything you ask. Will this do? JOHN takes his phone from his pocket and dials 999. PHONE OPERATOR (voiceover) Hello, Emergency Service Operator. Which service do you require? Fire, Police or Ambulance? JOHN (bluntly) Police. PHONE OPERATOR (voiceover) Okay I’ll just connect you now. IMOGEN squeals with excitement as JOHN remains staring blankly into the camera. IMOGEN (voiceover) Oh Goodie. A fake phone call. Good Commitment. POLICE PHONE OPERATOR (voiceover) Hello where are you calling from? JOHN
  • 44. 14 Addison Court. IMOGEN (voiceover) Oh that’s my address well remembered. POLICE PHONE OPERATOR (voiceover) What is the nature of your emergency? JOHN (bluntly) Murder. IMOGEN (voiceover) Oh yippie. POLICE PHONE OPERATOR (voiceover) And where is this happening? JOHN (bluntly) 14 Addison Court. IMOGEN squeals again. POLICE PHONE OPERATOR (voiceover) Okay this a very serious accusation. Is anyone hurt? JOHN (bluntly) Yes. It’s a murder. IMOGEN (voiceover) You are still joking right John? POLICE PHONE OPERATOR (voiceover) Are there any weapons involved? JOHN (blunty) Obviously it’s a murder. JOHN hangs up the phone and tosses it off the bed. He
  • 45. looks down at IMOGEN and begins to laugh menacingly. He looks up directly at the camera. JOHN Fucking nerds. JOHN winks at the camera and pulls a knife out from the back of his trousers. IMOGEN lets out a horrified scream as JOHN laughs directly at the camera. Cut to black: The sound of a knife slashing. The credits roll to the tune of “I cant decide” By Scissor Sisters. The End. As an optional post credits scene show the following clip from Ferris Buellers Day Off: Cut to black.