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Programming in C#
     David Ringsell MCPD MCT MCAD
           David Ringsell MCSD

Free .Net & SQL Server Web Tutorials
   web and windows development
      programming in VB and C#
           database development
               object orientation

Course Content
Unit   Topic
1.     Getting Started with C#
2.     C# Language Fundamentals
3.     Branching
4.     Operators
5.     Object-Orientated Programming
6.     Classes and Objects
7.     Inside Methods
8.     Debugging
9.     Inheritance and Polymorphism
Course Content 2
Unit   Topic
10.    Operator Overloading
11.    Structs
12.    Interfaces
13.    Arrays
14.    Collection Interfaces and Types
15.    Strings
16.    Throwing and Catching Exceptions
17.    Delegates and Events
18.     Generics
19.     New Language Features
Your Consultant
 David Ringsell MCPD MCPD MCT
 Trainer, developer, consultant
 Develops in C#.Net, VB.Net, ASP.Net and
  Sequel Server
 More courses and tutorials:

 Learning C# by J. Liberty from O‟Reilly
 C# 2010 Professional from Wrox

1. Getting Started with C#
 Why C# and not VB
 The C# Programming Language
 C# Goals
 How C# Fits with .Net
 Overview of the .NET Framework

Why C# and not VB
 Syntax more like C++ and Java
 Syntax very concise
 Designed for object orientation
     Started with a clean slate
     Everything is an object

   Microsoft are evolving language

C# Supports ….

   Structured
     Procedural,   blocked
   Object-orientated
     Classes,   methods, properties
   Event driven
     Event   handlers, delegates

                                    … programming
C# Goals
   Safe
     Find   bugs early in development process
   Simple
     Few    keywords
   Internet Centric
     Designed   for developing web programs
   Hi Performance
     Designed   for industrial strength programming

How C# Fits with .Net
   Languages
      VB.Net, C#, C++ …
   Visual Studio Integrated Development Environment (IDE)
   Framework Class Libraries (FCL)
      ADO, ASP, XML, …
   Common Language Runtime (CLR)
   Windows Operating System

Overview of .Net
Basic      C++       C#       Perl            J#         …

  XML Web Services       User Interface

             ADO.NET: Data and XML

           .NET Framework Class Library

            Common Language Runtime

                 (Transactions, Partitions,        IIS   WMI
                      Object Pooling)

2. C# Language Fundamentals
   Data Types
   Numeric Types
   Non-Numeric Types: char and bool
   Variables
   Definite Assignment
   Constants
   Strings
   Statements

Data Types
   Common C# intrinsic   Type      Size in Bytes
    data types
                          byte      1
                          bool      2
                          int       4
                          long      8
                          float     4
                          double    8
                          decimal   12
Typing in C#
 C# is a strongly typed language
 Types come in two flavours
     Value (intrinsic)
     Reference (classes …)

 Each type has a name (int) and size (4b)
 The .Net equivalents for int is Int32

Numeric Data Types
   Unsigned (positive)
     byte,   ushort, uint, ulong
   Signed (positive or negative)
     short,   int, long, float, decimal, double
   Select the smallest type that will hold the
    required range of numbers

Non-Numeric Types: char and bool
   char
     Holdsjust a single character
     Can hold:
       Simple character („A‟)
       Unicode character (u0041)

       Escape character („n‟)

   bool
     Holds   true or false in one byte

Declaring Local Variables

int myInt;
System.Console.WriteLine("Uninitialized, myInt: {0}",myInt);

myInt = 5;
int mySecondInt = 10; // declare and initialise
int myInt4,myInt5;    // declare multiple variables

                       What is the value on an integer
                       before it is initialised?

Declaring Constants

const int FreezingPoint = 32;   // degrees Farenheit
const int BoilingPoint = 212;

                                   Why would you create

Declaring Enumerations
An enumeration is a set of named constants

 // declare the enumeration
                                        The data type defaults
    enum Temperatures:int
                                        to int
        WickedCold = 0,
        FreezingPoint = 32,
        LightJacketWeather = 60,
        SwimmingWeather = 72,                Why would you create
        BoilingPoint = 212,                  enumerations?
Using Enumerations

System.Console.WriteLine("Freezing point of water: {0}",
         (int) Temperatures.FreezingPoint );
      System.Console.WriteLine("Boiling point of water: {0}",
         (int) Temperatures.BoilingPoint );

Declaring Strings

                            A string is an object

string myString = “Hello World” ;// declare and initialise string

                                               Where would you use strings
                                               in your code?

Statements, Expressions & White
   A statement ends in a semicolon
    int myInt = 23;
   An expression can be part of an assignment
    myInt = myInt     * 23;
   White spaces are ignored
    myInt = myInt     *                   100;

Unit 2 Lab
To write statements that prompt and greet the user
1. Open Visual Studio.Net and create a new C# Console Application
2. In the Main method insert the following line:
        string myName;
3. Write a statement that prompts users for their name.
4. Write another statement that reads the user‟s response from the
keyboard and assigns it to the myName string.
5. Add one more statement that prints “Hello myName” to the screen
(where myName is the name the user typed in).
6. Save your work.

Unit 2 Lab …
When completed, the Main method should contain the following:

static void Main( )
     string myName;
     Console.WriteLine("Please enter your name");
     myName = Console.ReadLine( );
     Console.WriteLine("Hello {0}", myName);

3. Branching
   A method is a mini program
   The statements in it executed from top to bottom
   Branching temporarily halts this execution to call
    another method or statement
   There are 2 types of branching
     Conditional
     Unconditional

Ways of Branching
   Call a method
     Temporally   transfer control to the called method
   Looping
     Repeat   statements (conditionally or unconditionally)
   If Statements
     Execute   statements only if condition true
   Switch Statements
     Execute   statements depending on value of variable

Calling Methods
                      Method A
Statement2   Call
Statement4                            Call
                      Statement3             Method B
End method
             Return   End method
                                             End method
Branching to a Method

static void Main()
         Console.WriteLine("In Main! Calling SomeMethod()...");
         Console.WriteLine("Back in Main().");

    static void SomeMethod()
        Console.WriteLine("Greetings from SomeMethod!");

If Statements
                                       Condition (always in brackets)

int valueOne = 10;
int valueTwo = 20;

if ( valueOne > valueTwo )
 Console.WriteLine("ValueOne: {0} larger than ValueTwo: {1}",
valueOne, valueTwo);


Multiple Statement Block

if ( valueOne >= valueThree ) // true?
       Console.WriteLine( "valueOne: {0} larger or equal to
       valueThree: {1}", valueOne, valueThree);
       Console.WriteLine("Good thing you tested again!");

           Braces create

If … else Statements
                                              Execute if condition
if ( valueOne > valueTwo )
                      "ValueOne: {0} larger than ValueTwo: {1}",
                      valueOne, valueTwo);
             }        // end if
                 "Nope, ValueOne: {0} is NOT larger than valueTwo:
                  {1}",valueOne, valueTwo);
             }        // end else

                                               Execute if condition

Nested if Statements
                               Outer if
if (temp <= 32)                statement
         Console.WriteLine("Warning! Ice on road!");
         if (temp == 32)                               Nested if statement
           Console.WriteLine( "Temp exactly freezing, beware of water.");
            Console.WriteLine("Watch for black ice! Temp: {0}", temp);

                                                        Quiz: Are there a
                                                        missing braces?

Switch Statements
                                             switch on the value of

         switch (myChoice)
             case Democrat:
                 Console.WriteLine("You voted Democratic.");
             case Republican:
                 Console.WriteLine("You voted Republican.");
             case Progressive:                          Break out!
                 Console.WriteLine("You voted Progressive.");

Execute case statements
depending on value
The Default Case
   switch (myChoice)
               case Democrat:
                   Console.WriteLine("You   voted Democratic.n");
               case Republican:
                   Console.WriteLine("You   voted Republican.n");
               case Progressive:
                   Console.WriteLine("You   voted Progressive.n");
                   Console.WriteLine("You   did not make a valid choice.");

When will the default
statements be executed?
Falling Through and Jumping Cases

  case "NewLeft":
        "The NewLeft members are voting Democratic.");
        goto case "Democrat";
                                                    Jump Case
  case "Democrat":
        Console.WriteLine("You voted Democratic.n");
  case "CompassionateRepublican":
  case "Republican":
        Console.WriteLine("You voted Republican.n");
        Console.WriteLine("Don't you feel compassionate?");

Fall through case
Looping Statements
 Execute statements repeatedly
 The number of time can depend on condition
 Types of loop
     Use goto statement
     Use while loop
     Use for loop

Creating Loops with goto

int counterVariable = -10;                         The label
      Console.WriteLine("counterVariable: {0}",counterVariable);

     ++counterVariable;                                  Increment the
     if (counterVariable < 30) goto repeat;

                                              Branch to label
   Why is this type of loop
   not a good idea?
The while Loop
                                        While the condition is true …

while (counterVariable < 10)
       Console.WriteLine("counterVariable: 0}",counterVariable);
                                                 … execute the

The do … while Loop

       }                                   The condition is now
                                           after the statements
while (counterVariable >0);

     What is the minimum
     number of times the
     statements will run?
The for Loop
                                The counter variable changes on
                                each iteration

 for (int counter=100; counter>80; counter--)
             Console.WriteLine( "counter: {0} ", counter);

 What numbers will be

Break Out!
 for (int counter=0; counter<10; counter++)
             Console.WriteLine("counter: {0} ", counter);

             if (counter == 5)
                 Console.WriteLine("Breaking out of the loop");

                                                If condition is
 What is the next                               met, break out
 statement executed
 after a break out?
Continue a Loop from the Top

   if (signal == "0")

                             Start loop from top at next

  Can you think of an
  example where this be

Other Loops
for ( ; counter<10; counter++)        No initialisation

for (int counter = 0; counter<10; )   No increment

for ( ;; )                            No anything!

while (true)                          Always true
                                      (loop forever?)

Unit 3 Lab
1. To write statements to input two numbers and display the result

2. To write if …else statements to input three numbers and display the largest

3. To write switch statements to input a country and display its capital

4. To write looping statements that to display the list 10, 20, 30, 40 … 100

4. Operators
   A symbol that takes an action
     Assignment    (=)
     Mathematical ( +, -, *, / )
     Increment and Decrement ( +=, -= )
     Relational ( >, >=, <, <=)
     Logical ( &&, ||, ! )

Assignment Operators (=)
                           Declare and assign
 int smallInt = 5;

 smallInt = otherInt= 5;
                             Multiple Assignments

Mathematical Operators
      +    Add

      -    Subtract

      *    Multiply

      /    Divide

      %    Modulus
                      What is the order of
                      precedence of
                      these operators?
The Modulus Operator (%)
for (int counter=1; counter<=100; counter++)
           Console.Write("{0} ", counter);
                                              If the remainder after
               if ( counter % 10 == 0 )       dividing by 10 is 0
                   Console.WriteLine("t{0}", counter);

What will be
Calculate and Reassign Operators
MySalary += 5000   Add 5000 to MySalary
MySalary -= 5000   Subtract 5000 from MySalary
MySalary *= 5000   Multiply MySalary by 5000
MySalary /= 5000   Divide MySalary by 5000

Increment and Decrement by 1
++ intB;          Increment
-- intB;          Decrement
intA = ++ intB;   Increment then assign - prefix
intA = -- intB;   Decrement then assign - prefix
intA = intB ++;   Assign then increment - postfix
intA = intB --;   Assign then decrement - postfix

Prefix and Postfix Operators
                                           Increment then
int original = 10;                         assign
int result;

  result = ++original;
  Console.WriteLine("After prefix: {0}, {1}", original,result);

  result = original++;
  Console.WriteLine("After postfix: {0}, {1}",original,result);

                                            Assign then
   What numbers are
Relational Operators
         intA = 100; intB = 50;
intA == 100    Equals                      true
intA != 100    Not equals                 false
intA > intB    Greater than               true
intA >= intB   Greater than or equal to    true
intA < intB    Less than                  false
intA <= intB   Less than or equal to      false
Logical Operators
                 x = 5; y = 7;

Name   Operator Statement            Result

And      &&     (x==3) && (y == 7)   False

Or        ||    (x==3) || (y == 7)   True

Not       !     !(x==3)              True

The Conditional Operator (?)

int maxValue = valueOne > valueTwo ?      valueOne : valueTwo;

                         Assign valueOne if true   Assign valueTwo if false

Operator Precedence
intA = 5+7*3;
                  What‟s the
intA = (5+7)*3;   results?

       Category            Operators
       1- Unary            +-!()
       2- Multiplicative   */%
       3- Additive         +-
       4- Relational       < > <= <=
       5- Logical          && ||
Unit 4 Lab
1. To write statements using the multiplication operator to display
the twelve-times table

2. To write statements to input two numbers and use logical
operators to output if the result of multiplying them will be positive
or negative

5.   Object-Orientated Programming

 What is OOP?
 Creating Models
 Classes and Objects
 Defining a Class
 Class Relationships
 The Three Pillars of OOP
 Analysis and Design

What is OOP?
   Windows and web programs are vastly complex
     Richgraphical interfaces
     Complex business relationships
     Users interact with programs in many ways

   Programmers refer to information about the problem
    they are solving as the problem domain
   OOP is a technique for managing this complexity by
    defining objects from the problem domain

Characteristics of Objects
   State
     The current conditions of an object, e.g. a customer
      object‟s state may include address & phone number.
   Capabilities
     Whatthe object can do that is relevant to the problem
      domain, e.g. buy an item, return an item …
   Responsibilities
     The customer object is responsible for managing its own
      address. No other object needs to know this.

Creating Models
   Humans are model builders
   Models are simplifications e.g. a road
   Good models hold information that is
    relevant to the problem domain, no
    more & no less
   Programming models contain
    metaphors to represent concepts,
    E.g. a window, a folder
   A good OO design is an accurate
    model of the problem
Classes and Objects
   A class defines a new type of thing, e.g. a
    car class
   A class defines the common characteristics,
    e.g. every car has wheels, brakes …
   An object is an individual instance of a
    class, e.g. a specific car object
   An object is just a thing

Defining a Class
 A class definition contains members
 These describe the characteristics and
  behaviour of objects of the classes type
 These members can be
     Fields   & Properties
         These hold the internal state of the object
     Methods
         These do the work for the object

Defining a Class
public class Cat                             definition
         private int weight;                         Fields
         private String name;

       public Cat(String name, int weight)
    = name;
             this.weight = weight;
// Class code …                                   A method

Class Relationships
   Good OO design depends on
    establishing relationships among classes
   Classes interact and relate in various
   The simplest form of interaction is when a
    method in one class calls a method in
   Some complicated classes are composed
    of other classes, e.g. an automobile is
    composed of wheels, an engine …                      Car
   The automobile class is said to aggregate
    the simpler classes                              Engine            Wheels

                                          Gear Box            Piston
The Three Pillars of OOP
   Good OO design is built on three sturdy pillars
     Each   class is fully encapsulated to define its state
     Inheritance allows the definition of a hierarchical
      relationship among classes
     Polymorphism allows a group of objects to be
      treated in the same way

 Each class is discreet and self-contained
 The implementation of one class can be
  changed without affecting other classes
 There is a clear separation between a classes:
     Public interface (its contract with clients)
     Private implementation (how it does what it has

   Inheritance allows a new class to be             Stringed
    derived from an existing class
   The new (derived) class inherits
    characteristics from the existing
    (base) class                                       Violin

   The inheritance relationship is          Violin is derived from a base
    referred to as an is-a relationship      class

    e.g. a violin is a stringed instrument
   Inheritance allow the creation of a
    family of objects, e.g. a button is a
    control, but also a list box is a
   Poly (many) – Morph (forms)
   Consider the controls class, that has derived
    classes; buttons & list boxes
   These subclasses inherit a shared ability; the draw
   The draw method can be called for each subclass
   Each subclass knows how to implement the method
    for itself (draw a button, draw a list box)

Analysis and Design
   Analysis is researching the problem
   Design is actually planning the solution
   Analysis can take week or months for complex
   Analysis includes
     Determining  the success factors
     Specifying the requirements (functional spec.)
   Design Includes
     Imagining the classes and their inter-relationship
     Creating class diagrams using UML
6. Classes and Objects
 First ask what does the class model
 Can I inherit from an existing base class
 What members does the class expose
 An object is an instance of a class
 Classes are reference types held on the stack
  in memory

A Simple Class
 public class MyClass
     public void SomeMethod(int firstParam, float secondParam)
             "Here are the parameters received: {0}, {1}", firstParam,
 public class Tester
     static void Main()
         int howManyPeople = 6;
         float pi = 3.14f;
         MyClass mc = new MyClass();
         mc.SomeMethod(howManyPeople, pi);
 }                                                                72
Creating a Constructor
   A constructor
     Creates  an instance of a class
     Puts this in a valid state
     The compiler will implicitly provide (if not declared)
     Can provide with arguments
     Can provide several overloaded versions of
     Has same name as class & no return type

Creating a Constructor
public class Time
     // private member variables
     int hour;
     int minute;
     int second;

     // public method
     public void DisplayCurrentTime()
         System.Console.WriteLine("{0}/{1}/{2}", hour, minute, second);

     // constructor
     public Time(int theHour, int theMinute, int theSecond)
        hour =   theHour;
        minute = theMinute;
        second = theSecond;
Others Clever Things with Objects
   Initializer
     Initialize the value of   a class member variable
        int second = 30

   The this keyword
     Refers to the current instance of an object
       Public void SomeMethod(int hour)

Access Modifiers
 Determines availability of the class to clients
 public: visible to any client class
 protected: visible only to derived classes
 internal: visible only to classes in the same

[access-modifiers] class <identifier> [:base]
  { class body }

Instance and Static Members
   Instance Members
     Associated     with instance of class
     btnUpdate = new Button();
     btnUpdate.Draw();

   Static Members
     Associated     with class itself
       Button.GetButtonCount();

Instance and Static Members
public class Cat
         private static int instances = 0;
         private int weight;
         private String name;

        public Cat(String name, int weight)
     = name;
              this.weight = weight;

        public static void HowManyCats()
              Console.WriteLine("{0} cats adopted",   instances);

        public void TellWeight()
              Console.WriteLine("{0} is {1} pounds", name, weight);
Destroying Objects
 Objects are destroyed by Garbage Collector
 To free unmanaged resources declare a
  destructor (will be called by Garbage Collector)
     ~MyClass(){}
   Or, provide a Dispose() method & ask clients to
     protected override void Dispose( bool
      disposing )

Encapsulating Data with Properties
                           Declare a property that
                           can be read from or
   public int GetHour      written to
            return Hour;
            Hour =value;

Unit 6 Lab
1. To write statements to define a class called Date that has a
    constructor and fields for year, month, day. Also define a method
    called DisplayTime() in the class.

2. To add an overloaded constructor to the Date class

3. To add properties (get & set) for the year, month, day to the Date

7. Inside Methods
   Several methods can have the same name
     Overload   method signature
   Class data can be encapsulated with
     Provide   clients controlled access to class state
   Method can return multiple values by passing
    parameters by reference

Overloading Method Signatures
                                             Same method name
public Time(System.DateTime dt)
        { … }                                but a different number
                                             & type of parameters
public Time(int Year, int Month, int Date,
            int Hour, int Minute, int Second)
         { … }

public Time(int Year, int Month, int Date,
            int Hour, int Minute)
         { … }

Passing Parameters by Reference
                                         Declare a method that
                                         takes parameters
                                         passed by reference

public void GetTime(ref int h, ref int m, ref int s)
             h = Hour;
             m = Minute;               Now call the method
             s = Second;               with reference
         }                             parameters

t.GetTime(ref theHour, ref theMinute, ref theSecond);

Creating a Two Tier Application
 Create   the business tier
  Create a new class library project
  Create a class to represent a business entity, say Date
  Add properties that expose attributes, say year, month, day
  Add methods for business rules
 Create   the presentation tier
  Create a new console application project
  Add a reference to the above class library project
  Create an object from class
  Use the object‟s properties to access data items
  Use the object‟s methods to perform business processes

Unit 7 Lab
To add a GetDate method to the Date class, using ref
parameters for year, month, day. Test the method.

8. Debugging
 A powerful tool to understand and fix code at
 Setting a breakpoint
 Stepping through code
 Using the debug windows view variables
 The call stack

Setting a Breakpoint

Click here to set   Code is paused at runtime

Stepping through Code
   Step into (F11)
     Execute   the current line of code
   Step over (F10)
     Execute   the current line of code, but skip procedures
   Step out (Shift F11)
     Resume    execution from calling procedure
   The values of variables can be seen by hovering
    mouse pointer over them

Using the Debug Windows
   Immediate Window
     Evaluates   expressions, executes statements, print variable
   Locals Window
     View   ( and modify) variables within local scope
   Watch window
     Add   variables to watch their values
   Call Stack
     Show   the calling methods of the current method

9. Inheritance
 Derived classes are defined from a base class
 The derived class specialises the base class
 The derived class inherits all members
 The derived class can also implement its own
  version of the base class


Inheritance Hierarchy


… inherits from …          Button                   ListBox

                CheckBox                  Command


Implementing Inheritance
   Define Base Class
public class BaseForm : System.Windows.Forms.Form

   Define Derived Class
public class AddressForm : BaseForm

   Use Derived Class in Client Class
AddressForm af = new AddressForm();

Inside Inheritance
   Calling the Base Class Constructor
    public AddressForm():base()
   Replacing Base Methods
    protected new void OnCustomerLocate()
   Calling Base Methods

 Powerful aspect of inheritance
 Poly (many) – Morph (forms)
 Example: T-Mobile supplies many handsets
     Each handset “instance” knows how to ring
     When the ring command is sent, the handset
      obeys in its own way

Creating a Polymorphic Method
 In Base
public class Window
  public virtual void DrawWindow()
 In Derived Class
public class ListBox : Window
  public override void DrawWindow()

Calling the Polymorphic Method
   In Client Class
    Window[] winArray = new Window[2];
            winArray[0] = new Window();
            winArray[1] = new ListBox();

    //Loop thru array calling polymorphic method
             for (int i = 0;i < 2; i++)

Other Kinds of Methods
   The derived class must implement a base
    abstract public virtual void DrawWindow()

   The derived class cannot override a base
    sealed public virtual void DrawWindow()

Unit 9 Lab
To define a class called Control, with a constructor and a
DrawControl() method. Create a class called TextBox
that inherits from Control and replaces the DrawControl
method. Test the TextBox class

10. Operator Overloading
 What is Operator Overloading
 Using the Operator Keyword
 Creating Useful Operators
 The Equals Operator
 Conversion Operators

What is Operator Overloading
 C# allows new classes to have the
  functionality of built-in types
 This includes the ability to define operators for
  a new class
 For example: + and = operators may be
  defined for a Fraction class
 This is a better alternative to creating a
  Fraction.Add() method
Using the operator Keyword
  C# operators are static methods
  To create a new operator combine the
   operator keyword with the symbol
  This operator (+) will take two parameters of
   type Fraction & return a Fraction

public static Fraction operator+(Fraction lhs, Fraction rhs)

Defining an Operator
                                                           Create the
public Fraction(int numerator, int denominator)            Fraction class
                                                                Create the +
public static Fraction operator+(Fraction lhs, Fraction rhs) operator
         if (lhs.denominator == rhs.denominator)
            return new Fraction(lhs.numerator+rhs.numerator, lhs.denominator);
        int firstProduct = lhs.numerator * rhs.denominator;
        int secondProduct = rhs.numerator * lhs.denominator;
         return new Fraction(
               firstProduct + secondProduct,lhs.denominator * rhs.denominator

Creating Useful Operators
 Operator overloading can make code more
  intuitive when new classes behave like built in
 But, resist the temptation to overuse
 For example: the incremental operator (++)
  could cause a pay increase to an Employee
 This may be confusing to clients of this class

The Equals Operator
 The root Object class offers an Equals()
 If the equals operator (==) is overridden for a
  Fraction, it is recommended that the Equals()
  method is also overridden
 This means that Equals() can be called on two
  objects Fractions

Overloading the Equals Method
                                          Test if the
 public override bool Equals(object o)    parameter is an
     {                                    object
         if (! (o is Fraction) )
             return false;
         return this == (Fraction) o;
                                         Use the
                                         overloaded ==
                                         to test for

Overloading the == and != Operators
public static bool operator==(Fraction lhs, Fraction rhs)
         if (lhs.denominator == rhs.denominator &&     Test for
             lhs.numerator == rhs.numerator)           equality of
         {                                             Fractions
             return true;
             return false;

public static bool operator!=(Fraction lhs, Fraction rhs)
             return !(lhs==rhs);  Test for inequality by
       }                          delegating to the ==
Why is it a good idea             operator
to create both the ==
& != operators?                                                      108
Using the == and != Operators

                                                   Test for equality
     if (f4 == f3)
                  Console.WriteLine("f4: {0} == F3: {1}",
     if (f4 != f2)                                 Test for inequality
                  Console.WriteLine("f4: {0} != F2: {1}",

Where is the ToString()
method implemented?
Conversion Operators
 An int data type can be implicitly converted to a
 Also, a long data type can be explicitly
  converted to an int
 Similarly, operators can be defined for the
  Fraction class to convert from:
    a Fraction to an integer e.g. 9/4 becomes 2
     an integer to a Fraction e.g. 15 becomes 15/1

Creating Conversion Operators
public Fraction(int wholeNumber)         Constructor taking
    {                                    a whole number
        numerator = wholeNumber;
        denominator = 1;

public static implicit operator Fraction(int theInt)    Implicitly
     {                                                  converting int
          return new Fraction(theInt);                  to fraction

public static explicit operator int(Fraction theFraction)
         return theFraction.numerator /theFraction.denominator;
Fraction to int                                                   111
Using Conversion Operators

 Fraction f1 = new Fraction(3,4);
 Fraction f2 = new Fraction(2,4);
 Fraction f3 = f1 + f2;

 Fraction f4 = f3 + 5;          Convert int to fraction implicitly
 int truncated = (int) f4;
                                Convert fraction to int explicitly

Unit 10 Lab
To define a class called Fraction, with a constructor and a ToString()
method. Create a subtraction operator (-) using operator
overloading. Test the operator.

11. Structs
 Lightweight alternative to classes
 Like classes they can define
     Constructors,   properties, methods and fields
   But they do not allow
     Inheritance   or destructors
 They are value not reference types
 Use for small, simple objects

Defining a Struct
 public struct Location
     {                                The struct has
         private int xVal;            private data
         private int yVal;

      public Location(int xCoordinate, int yCoordinate)
            xVal = xCoordinate;
                                              It has a
            yVal = yCoordinate;

Defining a Struct 2
  public int XVal
              get { return xVal; }
              set { xVal = value;}          The struct has two
          }                                 properties …

  public int YVal
              get { return yVal; }
              set { yVal = value; }
          }                                     … and a method

   public override string ToString()
              return (String.Format("{0}, {1}", xVal,yVal));
      }       // end struct
Using a Struct
                                              Create an instance of the struct
Location loc1 = new Location(200,300);

                                         Display the values in the struct
Console.WriteLine("Loc1 location: {0}", loc1);

                                               Invoke the default constructor
Location loc2 = new Location();
   Console.WriteLine("Loc2 location: {0}", loc2);

myFunc(loc1);                                  Pass the struct to a method

      What is output when
      the default
      constructor is used?
Unit 11 Lab
To define a struct called Colour, with a constructor and a ToString()
method. This will hold three numbers to represent the red, green
and blue component of the colour. Test the Struct.

12. Interfaces
 Implementing an Interface
 Implementing More Than One Interface
 Casting to an Interface
 The is and as Operators
 Extending Interfaces
 Combining Interfaces

What is an Interface
 Allows the designer to specify the behaviours
  an object must implement
 The interface describes only which properties,
  methods and events will exist
 The class using the interface agrees to
  implement all of these

Implementing an Interface
                            Define the interface

interface IStorable
        void Read();
        void Write(object obj);
        int Status { get; set; }

                                   Define its properties
                                   and methods
Create a Class to Implement the Interface
public class Document : IStorable
         public void Read()                        Implement the Read
         {                                         method
                 "Implementing the Read Method for IStorable");
         public void Write(object o)               Implement the Write
         {                                         method
                 "Implementing the Write Method for IStorable");
         public int Status                        Implement the
         {                                        Status property
             get{ return status; }
             set{ status = value; }
Test the Implementing Class
Document doc = new Document("Test Document");
           doc.Status = -1;
           Console.WriteLine("Document Status: {0}", doc.Status);

 Use the interface‟s
 methods and

Implementing More Than One
 Classes can derive from only one base class
 But, classes can implement any number of
 This provides added flexibility for class

Implementing Two Interfaces
interface IStorable
         void Read();
         void Write(object obj);
         int Status { get; set; }            Here's the
   }                                         new interface
interface ICompressible
         void Compress();
         void Decompress();                  Document
                                             implements both

public class Document : IStorable, ICompressible

Casting to an Interface
   In some cases you don‟t know the type of the class
   You only know the interface it implements
   You can then cast the object to that interface type
   You can then use the object‟s members through the
    interface type
   Access through an interface allows you to treat the
    interface polymorphically

Casting to an Interface 2
public class Document   : IStorable
                                         The Document
                                         class Implements
                                         the IStorable

 Document doc = new Document("Test Document");
 IStorable isDoc = (IStorable) doc;
                                           Cast the doc
 What happens if the                       object to the
 class does not                            IStorable type
 implement the
 interface?                                            127
The is Operator
                                                     Does the object
Document doc = new Document("Test Document");        implement
      if (doc is IStorable)
              IStorable isDoc = (IStorable) doc;
                                                    Only cast if
          {                                         does
              Console.WriteLine("Could not cast to IStorable");

The as Operator
 This combines the is evaluation and the cast
 If the cast is not valid the operator returns null
 The as operator is more efficient than the is

The as Operator 2

Document doc = new Document("Test Document");
IStorable isDoc = doc as IStorable;
    if (isDoc != null)
                                          Cast using as, then
        isDoc.Read();                     test for null
        Console.WriteLine("Could not cast to IStorable");

Extending Interfaces
 Add new members
 Modify how existing members work
 For example
     Extend ICompressible with the new interface
     Add one additional method to

Extending Interfaces 2
interface ICompressible                           Define ICompressible
     {                                            interface
         void Compress();
         void Decompress();
interface ILoggedCompressible : ICompressible     Extend ICompressible to
     {                                            log the bytes saved
         void LogSavedBytes();

                                                  Document implements
public class Document : ILoggedCompressible       ILoggedCompressible

                                                  Now implement
public void LogSavedBytes()
         {                                        that extra method
             Console.WriteLine("Implementing LogSavedBytes");
Combining Interfaces
 New interfaces can be created by adding
  existing interfaces
 New members can be added to the new

Combining Interfaces 2
                                      Add two existing interfaces
interface IStorableCompressible : IStorable, ILoggedCompressible
         void LogOriginalSize();
                                   Add method

public class Document : IStorableCompressible

                                            Class that will
                                            implement the
Unit 12 Lab
To define an interface called IClient. This includes properties
for name and address details and a method called Order.
Create a class called Customer that implements the interface
and adds an additional method. Test the Customer class.

13. Arrays
An array is a collection of objects of the same type
 Declaring Arrays
 Accessing Array Element
 The foreach Statement
 Multidimensional Arrays
 System.Array
 Indexers

A One Dimensional Array
0      1        2       3      4        5       6       7

Like a set of
pigeon holes
                    Each pigeon hole
                    can hold the same
                    kind of object
                                        Each pigeon hole
                                        is accessed by its
                                        number: 0, 1, 2
                                        …                    137
Declaring Arrays
                                            Declare arrays

  int[] intArray;
  Employee[] empArray;

  intArray = new int[5];
  empArray = new Employee[3];

 What are the default
 values of the array    Initialise arrays with 5
 elements?              & 3 elements
Declaring Arrays 2
                                         Declare and
                                         initialise arrays
int[] intArray = new int[5];
Employee[] empArray = new Employee[3];

The default values for                   Alternatively, declare,
integers are 0, and for objects
                                         initialise and
                                         populate arrays
int[] intArray = { 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 };
Employee[] empArray =
{ new Employee(5), new Employee(7), new Employee(9) };

Accessing Array Elements
                              This returns the 4th element since
                              indexing starts at 0
                               Populate the Employee array
                               using a loop

  for (int i = 0;i<empArray.Length;i++)
       empArray[i] = new Employee(i+5);

The foreach Statement
              Loop through all items in the

foreach( int theInt in intArray )

The params keyword
                                       The method takes a variable
                                       number of integers
                                       as a parameter
public void DisplayVals(params int[] intVals)
           foreach (int i in intVals)
               Console.WriteLine("DisplayVals {0}",i);

int [] explicitArray = new int[4] {5,6,7,8};
                                               Call method passing
                                               an array
Multidimensional Arrays
        Col. 0              Col. 7

Row 1

Row 2

Row 3

Row 4

Row 5

Declaring 2D Arrays
                                      Declare the array

       int[,]   boxArray = new int[2,3];

int[,] rectangularArray =
      {0,1,2}, {3,4,5}, {6,7,8}, {9,10,11}

                                    Or declare and populate
                                    the array

Loop through 2D Array

                                    Outer loop
for (int i = 0;i < rows;i++)
      for (int j = 0;j<columns;j++)        Inner loop
      Console.WriteLine("rectangularArray[{0},{1}] = {2}",
        Which is iterated through
        first, the rows or the
Jagged Arrays (Array of Arrays)
int[][] jaggedArray = new int[rows][];           Declare the rows of
                                                 various lengths
            jaggedArray[0] = new int[3];
            jaggedArray[1] = new int[7];
            jaggedArray[2] = new int[9];

                                         Fill some elements
        jaggedArray[0][3] = 15;
        jaggedArray[1][1] = 12;
        jaggedArray[2][1] = 9;

System.Array Class
   Arrays are implemented
    with the System.Array class,
    which provides these useful
       Clear()
       Copy()
       Reverse()
       Sort()
       Length()
       Rank()

Indexing Classes
 Some classes can act like arrays
 For example, a class list ListBoxTest can act
  like an array of the strings it contains
 An indexer allows a class to be treated like an

Indexing Classes
 public class ListBoxTest
 {                                                Allow array-like access
         public string this[int index]
                   if (index < 0 || index >= strings.Length)
                       // handle bad index
                                                         Get value from
                                                         internal array
                   return strings[index];
               {                                        Set value in
                   strings[index] = value;              internal array
           }                                                            149
Testing an Indexed Class
// create a new listbox and initialize
          ListBoxTest lbt = new ListBoxTest("Hello", "World");

          // add   a   few strings
          lbt[1]   =   “Who”
          lbt[2]   =   “are";
          lbt[3]   =   “the";
          lbt[4]   =   “developers";

          // access all the strings
          for (int i = 0; i<lbt.GetNumEntries(); i++)
              Console.WriteLine("lbt[{0}]: {1}",i,lbt[i]);

Unit 13 Lab
To create a two dimensional array of integers holding the twelve-
times table. Use looping statements to populate the array and
display its elements

14. Collection Interfaces and Types

 The Collection Interfaces
 Array Lists
 Queues
 Stacks

What Are Collections?
   A collection holds a group of similar objects
   An array is the simplest type of collection
   The .Net Framework provides built-in collection types
   The .Net Framework holds collection classes in
     System.Collections

   Each type provides standard methods for accessing
    & manipulating the collection‟s content

The Collection Interfaces
   Collections implement interfaces that provide their
   Custom classes can also implement these interfaces
   For example, create a custom class ListBoxTest that holds
    the strings it displays
   The class can implement the collection interfaces to provide
    standard methods for:
       Indexing
       Sorting
       Enumeration

The Collection Interfaces 2
Interface              Purpose
IEnumerable            Enumerate a through a collection using the foreach
IEnumerator            Iterates over collection & supports the foreach
ICollection            Implemented by all collections

IComparer              Compares two objects: used for sorting

IList                  Used by collections that can be indexed

IDictionary            For key/value collections such as HashTable and
IDictionaryEnumerator Iterates over dictionary & supports the foreach
                      statement                                             155
Array Lists
 An array list is like an array
 But, its size is dynamically increased as
 It provides many useful properties and

Array List Members
Method or    Purpose
Capacity()   The number of elements the ArrayList can hold
Count()      The current number of ArrayList elements
Item()       Get or set the ArrayList elements at the specified index
Add()        Adds an object at the end of the ArrayList.
Insert()     Inserts an element into the ArrayList at the specified index.
RemoveAt()   Removes the element at the specified index of the ArrayList
Reverse()    Reverses the order of the elements in the ArrayList or a
             portion of it
Sort()       Sort alphabetically the array list
ToArray()    Copy the elements of the ArrayList to a new array
Array List Example
 ArrayList empArray = new ArrayList();
 ArrayList intArray = new ArrayList();
                                                         Populate the
 for (int i = 0;i<5;i++)                                 ArrayLists
                  empArray.Add(new Employee(i+100));

 foreach (int i in intArray)
                  Console.Write("{0} ", i.ToString());       Print the
 foreach(Employee e in empArray)                             members
                  Console.Write("{0} ", e.ToString());
 Queues are a first-in, first-out collection (FIFO)
 Imagine a queue at a bus stop
 Queues are good for managing limited
  resources e.g. messages

Queues Members
Method or    Purpose
Count()      Gets the number of elements in the Queue
Clear()      Remove all objects
Contains()   Determines if an element is in the Queue
CopyTo()     Copies elements to a one-dimensional array
Dequeue()    Remove and return an object at start of the Queue
Enqueue()    Add an object at end of the Queue
Peek()       Returns an object at start of the Queue without removing it
ToArray()    Copy the elements of the Queue to a new array

A Queue Example
                                            Populate the
Queue intQueue = new Queue();               Queue
for (int i = 0;i<5;i++)
Console.Write("intQueue values:t" );                         Remove
DisplayValues( intQueue );                                    elements

Console.WriteLine("n(Dequeue)t{0}", intQueue.Dequeue() );
DisplayValues( intQueue );

Console.WriteLine("n(Dequeue)t{0}", intQueue.Dequeue() );
DisplayValues( intQueue );
                                                              View but
Console.WriteLine("n(Peek)   t{0}", intQueue.Peek() );      do not
DisplayValues( intQueue );                                    remove
Displaying Queue Values
                                                     The parameter type
                                                     is IEnumerable

 public static void DisplayValues( IEnumerable myCollection )
               IEnumerator myEnumerator = myCollection.GetEnumerator();
               while ( myEnumerator.MoveNext() )
                   Console.Write( "{0} ",myEnumerator.Current );

Iterate thought items
of the collection

                                         How does the IEnumerable
                                         interface work?
 Queues are a last-in, first-out collection (LIFO)
 Imagine a stack of dishes on a buffet table
 The principal methods for adding and
  removing items are Push() and Pop()

Stack Members
Method or    Purpose
Count()      Gets the number of elements in the Stack
Clear()      Remove all objects
Contains()   Determines if an element is in the Stack
CopyTo()     Copies elements to a one-dimensional array
Pop()        Remove and return an object at top of the Stack
Push()       Add an object at top of the Stack
Peek()       Return an object at top of the Stack without removing it
ToArray()    Copy the elements of the Stack to a new array

A Stack Example
                                              Declare &
                                              populate the
Stack intStack = new Stack();                 stack
for (int i = 0;i<8;i++)
               intStack.Push(i*5);                   Remove an
           }                                         element

Console.WriteLine( "n(Pop)t{0}", intStack.Pop() );    View an
Console.WriteLine( "n(Peek) t{0}",intStack.Peek() );

DisplayValues( intStack );

Display all
Displaying Stack Values
                                             The parameter is
                                             of type
   public static void DisplayValues(         IEnumerable
              IEnumerable myCollection )
              foreach (object o in myCollection)

                                            Iterate thought items
                                            of the collection

Unit 14 Lab
1. To create an ArrayList of integers. Use looping statements to
populate this with multiples of 10. Experiment with the ArrayLists
methods, including the Sort(), Reverse() and Clear() methods.

2. To create a Queue of integers. Use looping statements to
populate this. Experiment with the Queues methods, including the
Dequeue(),Enqueue () and Peek() methods.

3. To create a Stack of integers. Use looping statements to populate
this. Experiment with the Stacks methods, including the Pop(),Push
() and Peek() methods.

15. Strings
 Creating Strings
 Manipulation Stings
     Concatenating    Strings
     Copying Strings
     Splitting Strings

 The StringBuilder Class
 Regular Expressions

What Exactly are Strings?
 Strings hold a variable number of characters
 C# provides the built in string type
 This aliases the System.String .Net class
 Strings are objects with methods for:
     Concatenation
     Comparison
     Extracting   sub-stings

Creating Strings
                               Declare a
string s1 = "abcd";            string

                               Declare a string with an
string s2 = "ABCDn";          escape character for a
                               new line

string s3 = "ABCDt EFGH";     Use an escape
                               character for a tab

string s4 = myInteger.ToString();

                  Use the ToString() method          170
Comparing Strings
string s1 = "abcd";                  Hold the results of comparisons
string s2 = "ABCD";
int result;
                              Compare two strings, case sensitive
result = string.Compare(s1, s2);
Console.WriteLine("compare s1: {0}, s2: {1}, result: {2}n",
               s1, s2, result);
                                        Compare, case insensitive
result = string.Compare(s1,s2, true);
Console.WriteLine("Compare insensitive. result: {0}n",

       If result is negative, the first value is smaller
       If result is positive, the first value is bigger
       If result is zero, the values are equal
Concatenating Strings

                                    Concatenation method

string s3 = string.Concat(s1,s2);

string s4 = s1 + s2;

                                    Use the overloaded +

Copying Strings
                                       Copy method

  string s5 = string.Copy(s2);

  string s6 = s5;

                                 Use the overloaded =

Test for Equality
                                Use the member
    if s6.Equals(s5)…;          method

    if string.Equals(s6,s5)…;   Use the static

    if s6 == s5 …;
                                Use the
                                overloaded ==

Other Useful Methods
Method                        Return value or action
s3.Length                     The number of characters in s3

s3[4]                         The 5th character of s3

s3.EndsWith("Training")       True if s3 ends with “Training”

s3.IndexOf("Training")        The index of the substring

s3.Insert(101,“Excellent “)   Insert the substring at 101st character

Splitting Strings 1
 string s1 = "One.Two;Three Four";
                                     A string to split
 const   char   Space = ' ';
 const   char   Comma = ',';
 const   char   Stop = '.';          The string
 const   char   SemiColon = ';';
 char[] delimiters = new char[]
        Stop,                                  Put the
        SemiColon                              delimiters
 string output = "";
                                               in an array
 int ctr = 1;

Splitting Strings 2
                                        Split the string

   String[] resultArray = s1.Split(delimiters);
   foreach (String subString in resultArray)
          output += ctr++;
          output += ": ";
          output += subString;
          output += "n";
       }                             Iterate over the
   Console.WriteLine(output);        resulting array of    strings

The StringBuilder Class
 The class System.Text.StringBuilder can be
  used for creating and modifying string
 StringBuilder is mutable, when an instance is
  modified, the actual string is modified, not a
 StringBuilder is more efficient than String
  because only a single string object is created

The StringBuilder Class 2
                                               Use the
                                               class to build the
StringBuilder output = new StringBuilder();    output
int ctr = 1;
                                               Split the string
foreach (string subString in s1.Split(delimiters))
    output.AppendFormat("{0}: {1}n",ctr++,subString);
                                   AppendFormat appends a
                                   formatted string

StringBuilder Methods
Method             Explanation
Append()           Append string at end of current string

AppendFormat()     Append formatted string at end of current string
            AppendFormat appends a formatted string
Insert()           Insert string at specified position

Length ()          Retrieve or assign the length of the string

Remove()           Remove specified characters

Replace()          Replace all specified characters with new characters

Regular Expressions
 A powerful language to describe and
  manipulate text
 Uses pattern matching to compare string with
 Applying a regular expression to a string can
    A  substring
     A modification of the original

Regular Expressions 2                             Define the
string s1 = "One,Two,Three Liberty Associates, Inc.";
Regex theRegex = new Regex(" |, |,");
StringBuilder sBuilder = new StringBuilder(); Spit the string
int id = 1;                                    using the Regular
foreach (string subString in theRegex.Split(s1))
     sBuilder.AppendFormat({0}: {1}n", id++, subString);
Console.WriteLine("{0}", sBuilder);

Unit 15 Lab
To input a string representing a URL. Experimenting with extracting
substrings and splitting the URL using the dot (.) and forward slash
(/) separators.

16. Throwing and Catching Exceptions

 Exception Handling
 The throw Statement
 The try and catch Statements
 How the Call Stack Works
 The finally Statement
 Dedicated catch Statements

Exception Handling
 C# handles errors and abnormal conditions
  with exceptions
 Exceptions can be thrown by
    A  throw statement
     A .Net Framework class
     The operating system (e.g. a security violation)
   Exceptions are caught by code in a catch
    block (i.e. an exception handler)

The Exception Class
 All exceptions are of type System.Exception or
  derived from this
 Exceptions types include
     ArgumentNullException
     InvalidCastException
     OverflowException
   Exception objects provide information on what
    went wrong (message, help file, source …)

Try and Catch Statements
public void Func1()
                                                    Test for
Console.WriteLine("Enter Func1...");
  try                                               errors in try
  {                                                 block
      Console.WriteLine("Entering try block...");
      Func2();                                        Run
      Console.WriteLine("Exiting try block...");      statement in
  }                                                   catch block if
  catch                                               an error
  {                                                   occurs
      Console.WriteLine("Exception caught and handled!");
      Console.WriteLine("Exit Func1...");

Searching for an Exception Handler
                                                           Unwind the call
  Statement1                                               stack looking
                                Method A
  Statement2       Call                                    for a handler
                                MethodB()         Call
  End method                                              Method B
                                Statement4                Statement1
                  Search for
                  handler       End method                Statement2   Exception
                                                                       thrown !!
                                             Search for
If no exception handler, then                handler      Statement4
the CLR handles the exception                             End method
The throw Statement
public void Run()                                  The exception
      {                                            is unhandled
           Console.WriteLine("Enter Run...");      so the program
           Func1();                                terminates
           Console.WriteLine("Exit Run...");
        public void Func1()
            Console.WriteLine("Enter Func1...");
            Console.WriteLine("Exit Func1...");
        public void Func2()
        {                                             Throw an
            Console.WriteLine("Enter Func2...");      exception
            throw new System.Exception();
            Console.WriteLine("Exit Func2...");
How the Call Stack Works
public void Run()
        public void Func1()
                                                         catch in
        {                                                Func1
                Console.WriteLine("Exception caught and handled!");
        public void Func2()                              throw in
        {                                                Func2
            Console.WriteLine("Enter Func2...");
            throw new System.Exception();               Will this
            Console.WriteLine("Exit Func2...");         statement run?
Creating Dedicated catch Statements

 So far we have used a generic catch statement
 The catch statement can trap specific
 Multiple catch statements can trap different

Creating Dedicated catch Statements 2
                double a = 5;
                double b = 0;
                DoDivide(a,b)        The most derived exception type is first
            catch (System.DivideByZeroException)
                Console.WriteLine("DivideByZeroException caught!");
            catch (System.ArithmeticException)
                Console.WriteLine("ArithmeticException caught!");
                Console.WriteLine("Unknown exception caught");
                                                   Why are the catch
                                                   statements in this
The generic exception type is last                 order ?               192
The finally Statement
               double a = 5;
               double b = 0;
           catch (System.DivideByZeroException)
               Console.WriteLine("DivideByZeroException caught!");
               Console.WriteLine("Unknown exception caught");
          finally                                        This statement
           {                                             must execute
               Console.WriteLine(“close files here");
What is another way of making
this statement always run ?                                           193
Exception Class Methods and Properties

Member           Explanation
Source           The method that raised the exception

Message          Information about the exception

Helplink         Link to a help file

StackTrace       Method calls that lead to the exception

InnerException   The exception that caused the current exception

Using the Exception Class
        DivideByZeroException e = new DivideByZeroException();
        e.HelpLink ="";
        throw e;
                                                     Set exception

catch (System.DivideByZeroException e)
      Console.WriteLine("nDivideByZeroException! Msg: {0}",e.Message);
      Console.WriteLine("nHelpLink: {0}", e.HelpLink);
      Console.WriteLine("nHere's a stack trace: {0}n",.StackTrace);

                                                 Display exception
Unit 16 Lab
To divide two integers and add exception handling with dedicated
catch statements to create division by zero and other exceptions.
Include a finally statement.

17. Delegates and Events
                                            So what are
   Robin Cook has died                     delegates?
     Tony   Blair is not available
   Define in advance what authority to delegate
     Funeral   Attendances
   and what “parameters” are passed
     Condolences    and flowers
   Delegate the task at “runtime”
     John   Prescott attends the funeral

Delegates in C#
   A delegate
     encapsulates   a method
     has a specific return type & parameter list
     is instantiated with by passing a method as parameter
     can call the delegated method at runtime

Using Delegates
   Define the delegate
    Public delegate int WhichIsFirst(object obj1, object obj2);

   Instantiate the delegate with a method
    WhichIsFirst theStudentDelegate = new

   Call the delegated method
    i= theStudentDelegate(objJohn, objFred);

Multicasting Delegates
   Create a single delegate
     that   calls multiple methods
   Combine delegates with the + or += operators
    myMulticastDelegate = Writer + Logger;

Multicasting Delegates
 // Define delegate
 public delegate void StringDelegate(string s);

 // Define two methods
 public static void WriteString(string s) { …}
 public static void LogString(string s) {…}

  // Define and instantiate two StringDelegate objects.
 StringDelegate Writer, Logger
 Writer = new StringDelegate(WriteString);
 Logger = new StringDelegate(LogString);

 //Multicast the delegate
 myMulticastDelegate = Writer + Logger;

 //Call the two delegated methods
 myMulticastDelegate(“log this string")
Events in C#
   An object publishes a set of events
   Other classes can subscribe to these events
   For example, GUI control classes publish:
          Mouse events
          Keyboard events
   The publishing class also defines delegates
   The subscribing class implements these delegates

Events and Delegates

Event           this.button1.Click

Instantiate     this.button1.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.button1_Click);

Event Handler   private void button1_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)

Coupling Delegates to Event Handlers

                   Delegates              Event Handlers

        linkLabel1.MouseEnter += new EventHandler(Bigger);
        linkLabel2.MouseEnter += new EventHandler(Bigger);
        linkLabel3.MouseEnter += new EventHandler(Bigger);

Unit 17 Lab
To create a class Pair and include a delegate WhichisFirst, a
constructor, and methods called Sort() and ReverseSort(). These
methods take as a parameters an instance of the WhichisFirst
delegate. To test the class create a Dog class. This implements
methods that can be encapsulated by the delegate.

18. Generics
   New feature of C# Version 2.0 and the CLR
   Generics allow a type parameter for classes and
   Specification of the type is deferred to instantiation
    at runtime
   Generic classes may be constrained to hold only
    certain types of data
   Generics are most commonly used with collections

Using Generics
// Declare the generic class public class
class MyList<T>

// Declare a list of type
MyList<int> list1 = new MyList<int>();

// Declare a list of type string
MyList<string> list2 = new MyList<string>();

// Declare a list of type MyClass
MyList<MyClass> list3 = new MyList<MyClass>();

The Reason for Generics
   An ArrayList can hold objects of any type
   All objects are cast to the System.Object root class
   But, the overheads of casting will degrade performance
   Also, there is no way at compile time to prevent invalid
    assignments, like:
                          arrayList1(9) =“A string”;
                          int myInt = arrayList(9);

The Benefits of Generics
                                                Import the Generic
                                                .Net class

                                                    Declare a list
using System.Collections.Generic;                   using the type
List<int> list1 = new List<int>();
                                                    Add element
                                                    without casting
                                                    or boxing
list1.Add("It is raining in the South West");

                                     Generate compile-
                                     time error!

Parameter Constraints
 When defining generic classes restriction can
  be placed on the type parameters
 Theses restrictions are called constraints
 They are specified using the where keyword in
  the class definition

Parameter Constraints
Constraint              Explanation
class MyList<T> where   The type argument must be a value type
T: struct
class MyList<T> where   The type argument must be a reference
T: class                type
class MyList<T> where   The type argument must have a public
T: new()                parameterless constructor
class MyList<T> where   The type argument must be or derive from
T: <base class name>    the specified base class
class MyList<T> where   The type argument must be or implement
T: <interface name>     the specified interface

Generic Class Inheritance
   A generic class, like any other, can be created by
    inheriting from a base class
   The base class can be:
    A     concrete type
          class Node<T> : BaseNode
    A     closed constructed type
          class Node<T> : BaseNode<int>
     An    open constructed type
          class Node<T> : BaseNode<T>

Inheriting from Generic Classes
   Non-generic (concrete) classes can inherit from
    closed constructed (generic) base classes
       class Node : BaseNode<int> //No error

   But, not from open constructed (generic) classes
       class Node : BaseNode<T> //Generates an error

   Because, there is no way at run time to supply the
    type argument required to instantiate the base class

Creating Generic Methods
void Swap<T>( ref T lhs, ref T rhs)              A generic
{                                                method with a
                                                 type parameter
  T temp;
  temp = lhs;
  lhs = rhs;
  rhs = temp;
}                                 Calling the method
                                         using the type
int a = 1;
int b = 2;
Swap<int>(ref a, ref b);
                                 Or, calling the method
                                 inferring the type
Swap(ref a, ref b);              parameter
Unit 18 Lab
Experiment with creating generic classes and methods

Unit 19:

New Language Features in C#
New Language Features in C# 3.0
•Implicit Typing

•Anonymous Types

•Object and Collection Initialisers

•Extension Methods

•Partial Methods

•Lambda Expressions
Implicit Typing
• The compiler determines the data type of variable

• The data type is not a variant

• The   var keyword is used
• The initialiser cannot be null

  var a = 5;
    Console.WriteLine("Variable type "+ a.GetType());
Anonymous Types
• The compiler creates a nameless class

• There is an inferred class definition

• The properties are set in the braces

  var captain = new { FirstName = "Jamie", LastName = "Cooke" };
  Console.WriteLine(captain.FirstName + " " + captain.LastName);
How To Code in C#
How To Code in C#
How To Code in C#
How To Code in C#
How To Code in C#
How To Code in C#
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How To Code in C#

  • 1. Programming in C# David Ringsell MCPD MCT MCAD David Ringsell MCSD 1
  • 2. Free .Net & SQL Server Web Tutorials web and windows development programming in VB and C# database development object orientation
  • 3. Course Content Unit Topic 1. Getting Started with C# 2. C# Language Fundamentals 3. Branching 4. Operators 5. Object-Orientated Programming 6. Classes and Objects 7. Inside Methods 8. Debugging 9. Inheritance and Polymorphism 3
  • 4. Course Content 2 Unit Topic 10. Operator Overloading 11. Structs 12. Interfaces 13. Arrays 14. Collection Interfaces and Types 15. Strings 16. Throwing and Catching Exceptions 17. Delegates and Events 18. Generics 19. New Language Features 4
  • 5. Your Consultant  David Ringsell MCPD MCPD MCT  Trainer, developer, consultant  Develops in C#.Net, VB.Net, ASP.Net and Sequel Server  More courses and tutorials:  5
  • 6. References  Learning C# by J. Liberty from O‟Reilly  C# 2010 Professional from Wrox 6
  • 7. 1. Getting Started with C#  Why C# and not VB  The C# Programming Language  C# Goals  How C# Fits with .Net  Overview of the .NET Framework 7
  • 8. Why C# and not VB  Syntax more like C++ and Java  Syntax very concise  Designed for object orientation  Started with a clean slate  Everything is an object  Microsoft are evolving language 8
  • 9. C# Supports ….  Structured  Procedural, blocked  Object-orientated  Classes, methods, properties  Event driven  Event handlers, delegates … programming 9
  • 10. C# Goals  Safe  Find bugs early in development process  Simple  Few keywords  Internet Centric  Designed for developing web programs  Hi Performance  Designed for industrial strength programming 10
  • 11. How C# Fits with .Net  Languages  VB.Net, C#, C++ …  Visual Studio Integrated Development Environment (IDE)  Framework Class Libraries (FCL)  ADO, ASP, XML, …  Common Language Runtime (CLR)  Windows Operating System 11
  • 12. Overview of .Net Visual Basic C++ C# Perl J# … XML Web Services User Interface ASP.NET ADO.NET: Data and XML .NET Framework Class Library Common Language Runtime COM+ Message (Transactions, Partitions, IIS WMI Queuing Object Pooling) Win32 12
  • 13. 2. C# Language Fundamentals  Data Types  Numeric Types  Non-Numeric Types: char and bool  Variables  Definite Assignment  Constants  Strings  Statements 13
  • 14. Data Types  Common C# intrinsic Type Size in Bytes data types byte 1 bool 2 int 4 long 8 float 4 double 8 decimal 12 14
  • 15. Typing in C#  C# is a strongly typed language  Types come in two flavours  Value (intrinsic)  Reference (classes …)  Each type has a name (int) and size (4b)  The .Net equivalents for int is Int32 15
  • 16. Numeric Data Types  Unsigned (positive)  byte, ushort, uint, ulong  Signed (positive or negative)  short, int, long, float, decimal, double  Select the smallest type that will hold the required range of numbers 16
  • 17. Non-Numeric Types: char and bool  char  Holdsjust a single character  Can hold:  Simple character („A‟)  Unicode character (u0041)  Escape character („n‟)  bool  Holds true or false in one byte 17
  • 18. Declaring Local Variables int myInt; System.Console.WriteLine("Uninitialized, myInt: {0}",myInt); myInt = 5; int mySecondInt = 10; // declare and initialise int myInt4,myInt5; // declare multiple variables What is the value on an integer before it is initialised? 18
  • 19. Declaring Constants const int FreezingPoint = 32; // degrees Farenheit const int BoilingPoint = 212; Why would you create constants? 19
  • 20. Declaring Enumerations An enumeration is a set of named constants // declare the enumeration The data type defaults enum Temperatures:int to int { WickedCold = 0, FreezingPoint = 32, LightJacketWeather = 60, SwimmingWeather = 72, Why would you create BoilingPoint = 212, enumerations? } 20
  • 21. Using Enumerations System.Console.WriteLine("Freezing point of water: {0}", (int) Temperatures.FreezingPoint ); System.Console.WriteLine("Boiling point of water: {0}", (int) Temperatures.BoilingPoint ); 21
  • 22. Declaring Strings A string is an object string myString = “Hello World” ;// declare and initialise string Where would you use strings in your code? 22
  • 23. Statements, Expressions & White Space  A statement ends in a semicolon int myInt = 23;  An expression can be part of an assignment myInt = myInt * 23;  White spaces are ignored myInt = myInt * 100; 23
  • 24. Unit 2 Lab To write statements that prompt and greet the user 1. Open Visual Studio.Net and create a new C# Console Application project 2. In the Main method insert the following line: string myName; 3. Write a statement that prompts users for their name. 4. Write another statement that reads the user‟s response from the keyboard and assigns it to the myName string. 5. Add one more statement that prints “Hello myName” to the screen (where myName is the name the user typed in). 6. Save your work. 24
  • 25. Unit 2 Lab … When completed, the Main method should contain the following: static void Main( ) { string myName; Console.WriteLine("Please enter your name"); myName = Console.ReadLine( ); Console.WriteLine("Hello {0}", myName); } 25
  • 26. 3. Branching  A method is a mini program  The statements in it executed from top to bottom  Branching temporarily halts this execution to call another method or statement  There are 2 types of branching  Conditional  Unconditional 26
  • 27. Ways of Branching  Call a method  Temporally transfer control to the called method  Looping  Repeat statements (conditionally or unconditionally)  If Statements  Execute statements only if condition true  Switch Statements  Execute statements depending on value of variable 27
  • 28. Calling Methods Main Statement1 Method A Statement2 Call Statement1 MethodA() Statement2 Statement3 MethodB() Statement4 Call Statement3 Method B End method Statement4 Statement1 Return End method Statement2 Statement3 Statement4 Return End method 28
  • 29. Branching to a Method static void Main() { Console.WriteLine("In Main! Calling SomeMethod()..."); SomeMethod(); Console.WriteLine("Back in Main()."); } static void SomeMethod() { Console.WriteLine("Greetings from SomeMethod!"); } 29
  • 30. If Statements Condition (always in brackets) int valueOne = 10; int valueTwo = 20; if ( valueOne > valueTwo ) { Console.WriteLine("ValueOne: {0} larger than ValueTwo: {1}", valueOne, valueTwo); } Statement 30
  • 31. Multiple Statement Block if ( valueOne >= valueThree ) // true? { Console.WriteLine( "valueOne: {0} larger or equal to valueThree: {1}", valueOne, valueThree); Console.WriteLine("Good thing you tested again!"); } Braces create block 31
  • 32. If … else Statements Execute if condition true if ( valueOne > valueTwo ) { Console.WriteLine( "ValueOne: {0} larger than ValueTwo: {1}", valueOne, valueTwo); } // end if else { Console.WriteLine( "Nope, ValueOne: {0} is NOT larger than valueTwo: {1}",valueOne, valueTwo); } // end else Execute if condition false 32
  • 33. Nested if Statements Outer if if (temp <= 32) statement { Console.WriteLine("Warning! Ice on road!"); if (temp == 32) Nested if statement Console.WriteLine( "Temp exactly freezing, beware of water."); } else { Console.WriteLine("Watch for black ice! Temp: {0}", temp); } Quiz: Are there a missing braces? 33
  • 34. Switch Statements switch on the value of myChoice switch (myChoice) { case Democrat: Console.WriteLine("You voted Democratic."); break; case Republican: Console.WriteLine("You voted Republican."); break; case Progressive: Break out! Console.WriteLine("You voted Progressive."); break; } Execute case statements depending on value 34
  • 35. The Default Case switch (myChoice) { case Democrat: Console.WriteLine("You voted Democratic.n"); break; case Republican: Console.WriteLine("You voted Republican.n"); break; case Progressive: Console.WriteLine("You voted Progressive.n"); break; default: Console.WriteLine("You did not make a valid choice."); break; } When will the default statements be executed? 35
  • 36. Falling Through and Jumping Cases case "NewLeft": Console.WriteLine( "The NewLeft members are voting Democratic."); goto case "Democrat"; Jump Case case "Democrat": Console.WriteLine("You voted Democratic.n"); break; case "CompassionateRepublican": case "Republican": Console.WriteLine("You voted Republican.n"); Console.WriteLine("Don't you feel compassionate?"); break; Fall through case 36
  • 37. Looping Statements  Execute statements repeatedly  The number of time can depend on condition  Types of loop  Use goto statement  Use while loop  Use for loop 37
  • 38. Creating Loops with goto int counterVariable = -10; The label repeat: Console.WriteLine("counterVariable: {0}",counterVariable); ++counterVariable; Increment the counter if (counterVariable < 30) goto repeat; Branch to label Why is this type of loop not a good idea? 38
  • 39. The while Loop While the condition is true … while (counterVariable < 10) { Console.WriteLine("counterVariable: 0}",counterVariable); counterVariable++; } … execute the statements 39
  • 40. The do … while Loop do { Console.WriteLine("counterVariable:{0}",counterVariable); counterVariable--; } The condition is now after the statements while (counterVariable >0); What is the minimum number of times the statements will run? 40
  • 41. The for Loop The counter variable changes on each iteration for (int counter=100; counter>80; counter--) { Console.WriteLine( "counter: {0} ", counter); } What numbers will be output? 41
  • 42. Break Out! for (int counter=0; counter<10; counter++) { Console.WriteLine("counter: {0} ", counter); if (counter == 5) { Console.WriteLine("Breaking out of the loop"); break; } } If condition is What is the next met, break out statement executed after a break out? 42
  • 43. Continue a Loop from the Top if (signal == "0") {continue;} Start loop from top at next iteration Can you think of an example where this be used? 43
  • 44. Other Loops for ( ; counter<10; counter++) No initialisation for (int counter = 0; counter<10; ) No increment for ( ;; ) No anything! while (true) Always true (loop forever?) 44
  • 45. Unit 3 Lab 1. To write statements to input two numbers and display the result 2. To write if …else statements to input three numbers and display the largest 3. To write switch statements to input a country and display its capital 4. To write looping statements that to display the list 10, 20, 30, 40 … 100 45
  • 46. 4. Operators  A symbol that takes an action  Assignment (=)  Mathematical ( +, -, *, / )  Increment and Decrement ( +=, -= )  Relational ( >, >=, <, <=)  Logical ( &&, ||, ! ) 46
  • 47. Assignment Operators (=) Declare and assign int smallInt = 5; smallInt = otherInt= 5; Multiple Assignments 47
  • 48. Mathematical Operators + Add - Subtract * Multiply / Divide % Modulus What is the order of precedence of these operators? 48
  • 49. The Modulus Operator (%) for (int counter=1; counter<=100; counter++) { Console.Write("{0} ", counter); If the remainder after if ( counter % 10 == 0 ) dividing by 10 is 0 { Console.WriteLine("t{0}", counter); } } What will be output? 49
  • 50. Calculate and Reassign Operators MySalary += 5000 Add 5000 to MySalary MySalary -= 5000 Subtract 5000 from MySalary MySalary *= 5000 Multiply MySalary by 5000 MySalary /= 5000 Divide MySalary by 5000 50
  • 51. Increment and Decrement by 1 ++ intB; Increment -- intB; Decrement intA = ++ intB; Increment then assign - prefix intA = -- intB; Decrement then assign - prefix intA = intB ++; Assign then increment - postfix intA = intB --; Assign then decrement - postfix 51
  • 52. Prefix and Postfix Operators Increment then int original = 10; assign int result; result = ++original; Console.WriteLine("After prefix: {0}, {1}", original,result); result = original++; Console.WriteLine("After postfix: {0}, {1}",original,result); Assign then increment What numbers are output? 52
  • 53. Relational Operators intA = 100; intB = 50; intA == 100 Equals true intA != 100 Not equals false intA > intB Greater than true intA >= intB Greater than or equal to true intA < intB Less than false intA <= intB Less than or equal to false 53
  • 54. Logical Operators x = 5; y = 7; Name Operator Statement Result And && (x==3) && (y == 7) False Or || (x==3) || (y == 7) True Not ! !(x==3) True 54
  • 55. The Conditional Operator (?) Condition int maxValue = valueOne > valueTwo ? valueOne : valueTwo; Assign valueOne if true Assign valueTwo if false 55
  • 56. Operator Precedence intA = 5+7*3; What‟s the intA = (5+7)*3; results? Category Operators 1- Unary +-!() 2- Multiplicative */% 3- Additive +- 4- Relational < > <= <= 5- Logical && || 56
  • 57. Unit 4 Lab 1. To write statements using the multiplication operator to display the twelve-times table 2. To write statements to input two numbers and use logical operators to output if the result of multiplying them will be positive or negative 57
  • 58. 5. Object-Orientated Programming  What is OOP?  Creating Models  Classes and Objects  Defining a Class  Class Relationships  The Three Pillars of OOP  Analysis and Design 58
  • 59. What is OOP?  Windows and web programs are vastly complex  Richgraphical interfaces  Complex business relationships  Users interact with programs in many ways  Programmers refer to information about the problem they are solving as the problem domain  OOP is a technique for managing this complexity by defining objects from the problem domain 59
  • 60. Characteristics of Objects  State  The current conditions of an object, e.g. a customer object‟s state may include address & phone number.  Capabilities  Whatthe object can do that is relevant to the problem domain, e.g. buy an item, return an item …  Responsibilities  The customer object is responsible for managing its own address. No other object needs to know this. 60
  • 61. Creating Models  Humans are model builders  Models are simplifications e.g. a road atlas  Good models hold information that is relevant to the problem domain, no more & no less  Programming models contain metaphors to represent concepts, E.g. a window, a folder  A good OO design is an accurate model of the problem 61
  • 62. Classes and Objects  A class defines a new type of thing, e.g. a car class  A class defines the common characteristics, e.g. every car has wheels, brakes …  An object is an individual instance of a class, e.g. a specific car object  An object is just a thing 62
  • 63. Defining a Class  A class definition contains members  These describe the characteristics and behaviour of objects of the classes type  These members can be  Fields & Properties  These hold the internal state of the object  Methods  These do the work for the object 63
  • 64. Defining a Class Class public class Cat definition { private int weight; Fields private String name; public Cat(String name, int weight) { = name; this.weight = weight; } // Class code … A method } 64
  • 65. Class Relationships  Good OO design depends on establishing relationships among classes  Classes interact and relate in various ways  The simplest form of interaction is when a method in one class calls a method in another  Some complicated classes are composed of other classes, e.g. an automobile is composed of wheels, an engine … Car  The automobile class is said to aggregate the simpler classes Engine Wheels Gear Box Piston 65
  • 66. The Three Pillars of OOP  Good OO design is built on three sturdy pillars  Each class is fully encapsulated to define its state  Inheritance allows the definition of a hierarchical relationship among classes  Polymorphism allows a group of objects to be treated in the same way 66
  • 67. Encapsulation  Each class is discreet and self-contained  The implementation of one class can be changed without affecting other classes  There is a clear separation between a classes:  Public interface (its contract with clients)  Private implementation (how it does what it has agreed) 67
  • 68. Inheritance  Inheritance allows a new class to be Stringed Instrument derived from an existing class  The new (derived) class inherits characteristics from the existing (base) class Violin  The inheritance relationship is Violin is derived from a base referred to as an is-a relationship class e.g. a violin is a stringed instrument  Inheritance allow the creation of a family of objects, e.g. a button is a control, but also a list box is a control 68
  • 69. Polymorphism  Poly (many) – Morph (forms)  Consider the controls class, that has derived classes; buttons & list boxes  These subclasses inherit a shared ability; the draw method  The draw method can be called for each subclass  Each subclass knows how to implement the method for itself (draw a button, draw a list box) 69
  • 70. Analysis and Design  Analysis is researching the problem  Design is actually planning the solution  Analysis can take week or months for complex problems  Analysis includes  Determining the success factors  Specifying the requirements (functional spec.)  Design Includes  Imagining the classes and their inter-relationship  Creating class diagrams using UML 70
  • 71. 6. Classes and Objects  First ask what does the class model  Can I inherit from an existing base class  What members does the class expose  An object is an instance of a class  Classes are reference types held on the stack in memory 71
  • 72. A Simple Class public class MyClass { public void SomeMethod(int firstParam, float secondParam) { Console.WriteLine( "Here are the parameters received: {0}, {1}", firstParam, secondParam); } } public class Tester { static void Main() { int howManyPeople = 6; float pi = 3.14f; MyClass mc = new MyClass(); mc.SomeMethod(howManyPeople, pi); } } 72
  • 73. Creating a Constructor  A constructor  Creates an instance of a class  Puts this in a valid state  The compiler will implicitly provide (if not declared)  Can provide with arguments  Can provide several overloaded versions of constructor  Has same name as class & no return type 73
  • 74. Creating a Constructor public class Time { // private member variables int hour; int minute; int second; // public method public void DisplayCurrentTime() { System.Console.WriteLine("{0}/{1}/{2}", hour, minute, second); } // constructor public Time(int theHour, int theMinute, int theSecond) { hour = theHour; minute = theMinute; second = theSecond; } } 74
  • 75. Others Clever Things with Objects  Initializer  Initialize the value of a class member variable int second = 30  The this keyword  Refers to the current instance of an object Public void SomeMethod(int hour) { this.hour=hour } 75
  • 76. Access Modifiers  Determines availability of the class to clients  public: visible to any client class  protected: visible only to derived classes  internal: visible only to classes in the same assembly [access-modifiers] class <identifier> [:base] { class body } 76
  • 77. Instance and Static Members  Instance Members  Associated with instance of class  btnUpdate = new Button();  btnUpdate.Draw();  Static Members  Associated with class itself  Button.GetButtonCount(); 77
  • 78. Instance and Static Members public class Cat { private static int instances = 0; private int weight; private String name; public Cat(String name, int weight) { instances++; = name; this.weight = weight; } public static void HowManyCats() { Console.WriteLine("{0} cats adopted", instances); } public void TellWeight() { Console.WriteLine("{0} is {1} pounds", name, weight); } 78 }
  • 79. Destroying Objects  Objects are destroyed by Garbage Collector  To free unmanaged resources declare a destructor (will be called by Garbage Collector)  ~MyClass(){}  Or, provide a Dispose() method & ask clients to call  protected override void Dispose( bool disposing ) 79
  • 80. Encapsulating Data with Properties Declare a property that can be read from or public int GetHour written to get { return Hour; } set { Hour =value; } 80
  • 81. Unit 6 Lab 1. To write statements to define a class called Date that has a constructor and fields for year, month, day. Also define a method called DisplayTime() in the class. 2. To add an overloaded constructor to the Date class 3. To add properties (get & set) for the year, month, day to the Date class 81
  • 82. 7. Inside Methods  Several methods can have the same name  Overload method signature  Class data can be encapsulated with properties  Provide clients controlled access to class state  Method can return multiple values by passing parameters by reference 82
  • 83. Overloading Method Signatures Same method name public Time(System.DateTime dt) { … } but a different number & type of parameters public Time(int Year, int Month, int Date, int Hour, int Minute, int Second) { … } public Time(int Year, int Month, int Date, int Hour, int Minute) { … } 83
  • 84. Passing Parameters by Reference Declare a method that takes parameters passed by reference public void GetTime(ref int h, ref int m, ref int s) { h = Hour; m = Minute; Now call the method s = Second; with reference } parameters t.GetTime(ref theHour, ref theMinute, ref theSecond); 84
  • 85. Creating a Two Tier Application  Create the business tier Create a new class library project Create a class to represent a business entity, say Date Add properties that expose attributes, say year, month, day Add methods for business rules  Create the presentation tier Create a new console application project Add a reference to the above class library project Create an object from class Use the object‟s properties to access data items Use the object‟s methods to perform business processes 85
  • 86. Unit 7 Lab To add a GetDate method to the Date class, using ref parameters for year, month, day. Test the method. 86
  • 87. 8. Debugging  A powerful tool to understand and fix code at runtime  Setting a breakpoint  Stepping through code  Using the debug windows view variables  The call stack 87
  • 88. Setting a Breakpoint Click here to set Code is paused at runtime breakpoint 88
  • 89. Stepping through Code  Step into (F11)  Execute the current line of code  Step over (F10)  Execute the current line of code, but skip procedures  Step out (Shift F11)  Resume execution from calling procedure  The values of variables can be seen by hovering mouse pointer over them 89
  • 90. Using the Debug Windows  Immediate Window  Evaluates expressions, executes statements, print variable values  Locals Window  View ( and modify) variables within local scope  Watch window  Add variables to watch their values  Call Stack  Show the calling methods of the current method 90
  • 91. 9. Inheritance  Derived classes are defined from a base class  The derived class specialises the base class  The derived class inherits all members  The derived class can also implement its own version of the base class 91
  • 93. Inheritance Hierarchy Window … inherits from … Button ListBox CheckBox Command RadioButton 93
  • 94. Implementing Inheritance  Define Base Class public class BaseForm : System.Windows.Forms.Form  Define Derived Class public class AddressForm : BaseForm  Use Derived Class in Client Class AddressForm af = new AddressForm(); af.Show(); 94
  • 95. Inside Inheritance  Calling the Base Class Constructor public AddressForm():base()  Replacing Base Methods protected new void OnCustomerLocate()  Calling Base Methods base.OnCustomerLocate 95
  • 96. Polymorphism  Powerful aspect of inheritance  Poly (many) – Morph (forms)  Example: T-Mobile supplies many handsets  Each handset “instance” knows how to ring  When the ring command is sent, the handset obeys in its own way 96
  • 97. Creating a Polymorphic Method  In Base public class Window public virtual void DrawWindow()  In Derived Class public class ListBox : Window public override void DrawWindow() 97
  • 98. Calling the Polymorphic Method  In Client Class Window[] winArray = new Window[2]; winArray[0] = new Window(); winArray[1] = new ListBox(); //Loop thru array calling polymorphic method for (int i = 0;i < 2; i++) { winArray[i].DrawWindow(); } 98
  • 99. Other Kinds of Methods  The derived class must implement a base method abstract public virtual void DrawWindow()  The derived class cannot override a base method sealed public virtual void DrawWindow() 99
  • 100. Unit 9 Lab To define a class called Control, with a constructor and a DrawControl() method. Create a class called TextBox that inherits from Control and replaces the DrawControl method. Test the TextBox class 100
  • 101. 10. Operator Overloading  What is Operator Overloading  Using the Operator Keyword  Creating Useful Operators  The Equals Operator  Conversion Operators 101
  • 102. What is Operator Overloading  C# allows new classes to have the functionality of built-in types  This includes the ability to define operators for a new class  For example: + and = operators may be defined for a Fraction class  This is a better alternative to creating a Fraction.Add() method 102
  • 103. Using the operator Keyword  C# operators are static methods  To create a new operator combine the operator keyword with the symbol  This operator (+) will take two parameters of type Fraction & return a Fraction public static Fraction operator+(Fraction lhs, Fraction rhs) 103
  • 104. Defining an Operator Create the public Fraction(int numerator, int denominator) Fraction class { this.numerator=numerator; this.denominator=denominator; } Create the + public static Fraction operator+(Fraction lhs, Fraction rhs) operator { if (lhs.denominator == rhs.denominator) { return new Fraction(lhs.numerator+rhs.numerator, lhs.denominator); } int firstProduct = lhs.numerator * rhs.denominator; int secondProduct = rhs.numerator * lhs.denominator; return new Fraction( firstProduct + secondProduct,lhs.denominator * rhs.denominator ); } 104
  • 105. Creating Useful Operators  Operator overloading can make code more intuitive when new classes behave like built in types  But, resist the temptation to overuse  For example: the incremental operator (++) could cause a pay increase to an Employee class  This may be confusing to clients of this class 105
  • 106. The Equals Operator  The root Object class offers an Equals() method  If the equals operator (==) is overridden for a Fraction, it is recommended that the Equals() method is also overridden  This means that Equals() can be called on two objects Fractions 106
  • 107. Overloading the Equals Method Test if the public override bool Equals(object o) parameter is an { object if (! (o is Fraction) ) { return false; } return this == (Fraction) o; } Use the overloaded == to test for equality 107
  • 108. Overloading the == and != Operators public static bool operator==(Fraction lhs, Fraction rhs) { if (lhs.denominator == rhs.denominator && Test for lhs.numerator == rhs.numerator) equality of { Fractions return true; } return false; } public static bool operator!=(Fraction lhs, Fraction rhs) { return !(lhs==rhs); Test for inequality by } delegating to the == Why is it a good idea operator to create both the == & != operators? 108
  • 109. Using the == and != Operators Test for equality if (f4 == f3) { Console.WriteLine("f4: {0} == F3: {1}", f4.ToString(), f3.ToString()); } if (f4 != f2) Test for inequality { Console.WriteLine("f4: {0} != F2: {1}", f4.ToString(), f2.ToString()); } Where is the ToString() method implemented? 109
  • 110. Conversion Operators  An int data type can be implicitly converted to a long  Also, a long data type can be explicitly converted to an int  Similarly, operators can be defined for the Fraction class to convert from: a Fraction to an integer e.g. 9/4 becomes 2  an integer to a Fraction e.g. 15 becomes 15/1 110
  • 111. Creating Conversion Operators public Fraction(int wholeNumber) Constructor taking { a whole number numerator = wholeNumber; denominator = 1; } public static implicit operator Fraction(int theInt) Implicitly { converting int return new Fraction(theInt); to fraction } public static explicit operator int(Fraction theFraction) { return theFraction.numerator /theFraction.denominator; } Explicitly converting Fraction to int 111
  • 112. Using Conversion Operators Fraction f1 = new Fraction(3,4); Fraction f2 = new Fraction(2,4); Fraction f3 = f1 + f2; Fraction f4 = f3 + 5; Convert int to fraction implicitly int truncated = (int) f4; Convert fraction to int explicitly 112
  • 113. Unit 10 Lab To define a class called Fraction, with a constructor and a ToString() method. Create a subtraction operator (-) using operator overloading. Test the operator. 113
  • 114. 11. Structs  Lightweight alternative to classes  Like classes they can define  Constructors, properties, methods and fields  But they do not allow  Inheritance or destructors  They are value not reference types  Use for small, simple objects 114
  • 115. Defining a Struct public struct Location { The struct has private int xVal; private data private int yVal; public Location(int xCoordinate, int yCoordinate) { xVal = xCoordinate; It has a yVal = yCoordinate; constructor } 115
  • 116. Defining a Struct 2 public int XVal { get { return xVal; } set { xVal = value;} The struct has two } properties … public int YVal { get { return yVal; } set { yVal = value; } } … and a method public override string ToString() { return (String.Format("{0}, {1}", xVal,yVal)); } } // end struct 116
  • 117. Using a Struct Create an instance of the struct Location loc1 = new Location(200,300); Display the values in the struct Console.WriteLine("Loc1 location: {0}", loc1); Invoke the default constructor Location loc2 = new Location(); Console.WriteLine("Loc2 location: {0}", loc2); myFunc(loc1); Pass the struct to a method What is output when the default constructor is used? 117
  • 118. Unit 11 Lab To define a struct called Colour, with a constructor and a ToString() method. This will hold three numbers to represent the red, green and blue component of the colour. Test the Struct. 118
  • 119. 12. Interfaces  Implementing an Interface  Implementing More Than One Interface  Casting to an Interface  The is and as Operators  Extending Interfaces  Combining Interfaces 119
  • 120. What is an Interface  Allows the designer to specify the behaviours an object must implement  The interface describes only which properties, methods and events will exist  The class using the interface agrees to implement all of these 120
  • 121. Implementing an Interface Define the interface interface IStorable { void Read(); void Write(object obj); int Status { get; set; } } Define its properties and methods 121
  • 122. Create a Class to Implement the Interface public class Document : IStorable { public void Read() Implement the Read { method Console.WriteLine( "Implementing the Read Method for IStorable"); } public void Write(object o) Implement the Write { method Console.WriteLine( "Implementing the Write Method for IStorable"); } public int Status Implement the { Status property get{ return status; } set{ status = value; } } 122
  • 123. Test the Implementing Class Document doc = new Document("Test Document"); doc.Status = -1; doc.Read(); Console.WriteLine("Document Status: {0}", doc.Status); Use the interface‟s methods and property 123
  • 124. Implementing More Than One Interface  Classes can derive from only one base class  But, classes can implement any number of interfaces  This provides added flexibility for class designers 124
  • 125. Implementing Two Interfaces interface IStorable { void Read(); void Write(object obj); int Status { get; set; } Here's the } new interface interface ICompressible { void Compress(); void Decompress(); Document } implements both interfaces public class Document : IStorable, ICompressible 125
  • 126. Casting to an Interface  In some cases you don‟t know the type of the class  You only know the interface it implements  You can then cast the object to that interface type  You can then use the object‟s members through the interface type  Access through an interface allows you to treat the interface polymorphically 126
  • 127. Casting to an Interface 2 public class Document : IStorable The Document class Implements the IStorable interface Document doc = new Document("Test Document"); IStorable isDoc = (IStorable) doc; isDoc.Read(); Cast the doc What happens if the object to the class does not IStorable type implement the interface? 127
  • 128. The is Operator Does the object Document doc = new Document("Test Document"); implement interface? if (doc is IStorable) { IStorable isDoc = (IStorable) doc; isDoc.Read(); } else Only cast if { does Console.WriteLine("Could not cast to IStorable"); } 128
  • 129. The as Operator  This combines the is evaluation and the cast operation  If the cast is not valid the operator returns null  The as operator is more efficient than the is operator 129
  • 130. The as Operator 2 Document doc = new Document("Test Document"); IStorable isDoc = doc as IStorable; if (isDoc != null) { Cast using as, then isDoc.Read(); test for null } else { Console.WriteLine("Could not cast to IStorable"); } 130
  • 131. Extending Interfaces  Add new members  Modify how existing members work  For example  Extend ICompressible with the new interface ILoggedCompressible  Add one additional method to ILoggedCompressible 131
  • 132. Extending Interfaces 2 interface ICompressible Define ICompressible { interface void Compress(); void Decompress(); } interface ILoggedCompressible : ICompressible Extend ICompressible to { log the bytes saved void LogSavedBytes(); } Document implements public class Document : ILoggedCompressible ILoggedCompressible Now implement public void LogSavedBytes() { that extra method Console.WriteLine("Implementing LogSavedBytes"); } 132
  • 133. Combining Interfaces  New interfaces can be created by adding existing interfaces  New members can be added to the new interface 133
  • 134. Combining Interfaces 2 Add two existing interfaces interface IStorableCompressible : IStorable, ILoggedCompressible { void LogOriginalSize(); } Add method public class Document : IStorableCompressible Class that will implement the interface 134
  • 135. Unit 12 Lab To define an interface called IClient. This includes properties for name and address details and a method called Order. Create a class called Customer that implements the interface and adds an additional method. Test the Customer class. 135
  • 136. 13. Arrays An array is a collection of objects of the same type  Declaring Arrays  Accessing Array Element  The foreach Statement  Multidimensional Arrays  System.Array  Indexers 136
  • 137. A One Dimensional Array 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Like a set of pigeon holes Each pigeon hole can hold the same kind of object Each pigeon hole is accessed by its number: 0, 1, 2 … 137
  • 138. Declaring Arrays Declare arrays int[] intArray; Employee[] empArray; intArray = new int[5]; empArray = new Employee[3]; What are the default values of the array Initialise arrays with 5 elements? & 3 elements 138
  • 139. Declaring Arrays 2 Declare and initialise arrays int[] intArray = new int[5]; Employee[] empArray = new Employee[3]; The default values for Alternatively, declare, integers are 0, and for objects initialise and null populate arrays int[] intArray = { 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 }; Employee[] empArray = { new Employee(5), new Employee(7), new Employee(9) }; 139
  • 140. Accessing Array Elements This returns the 4th element since indexing starts at 0 intArray[3]; Populate the Employee array using a loop for (int i = 0;i<empArray.Length;i++) { empArray[i] = new Employee(i+5); Console.WriteLine(empArray[i].empID); } 140
  • 141. The foreach Statement Loop through all items in the array foreach( int theInt in intArray ) { Console.WriteLine(theInt.ToString()); } 141
  • 142. The params keyword The method takes a variable number of integers as a parameter public void DisplayVals(params int[] intVals) { foreach (int i in intVals) { Console.WriteLine("DisplayVals {0}",i); } } int [] explicitArray = new int[4] {5,6,7,8}; DisplayVals(explicitArray); Call method passing an array 142
  • 143. Multidimensional Arrays Col. 0 Col. 7 Row 1 Row 2 3,2 Row 3 Row 4 Row 5 143
  • 144. Declaring 2D Arrays Declare the array int[,] boxArray = new int[2,3]; int[,] rectangularArray = { {0,1,2}, {3,4,5}, {6,7,8}, {9,10,11} }; Or declare and populate the array 144
  • 145. Loop through 2D Array Outer loop for (int i = 0;i < rows;i++) { for (int j = 0;j<columns;j++) Inner loop { Console.WriteLine("rectangularArray[{0},{1}] = {2}", i,j,rectangularArray[i,j]); } } Which is iterated through first, the rows or the columns? 145
  • 146. Jagged Arrays (Array of Arrays) int[][] jaggedArray = new int[rows][]; Declare the rows of various lengths jaggedArray[0] = new int[3]; jaggedArray[1] = new int[7]; jaggedArray[2] = new int[9]; Fill some elements jaggedArray[0][3] = 15; jaggedArray[1][1] = 12; jaggedArray[2][1] = 9; 146
  • 147. System.Array Class  Arrays are implemented with the System.Array class, which provides these useful methods:  Clear()  Copy()  Reverse()  Sort()  Length()  Rank() 147
  • 148. Indexing Classes  Some classes can act like arrays  For example, a class list ListBoxTest can act like an array of the strings it contains  An indexer allows a class to be treated like an array: ListBoxTest[3]; 148
  • 149. Indexing Classes public class ListBoxTest { Allow array-like access public string this[int index] { get { if (index < 0 || index >= strings.Length) { // handle bad index Get value from } internal array return strings[index]; } set { Set value in strings[index] = value; internal array } } 149
  • 150. Testing an Indexed Class // create a new listbox and initialize ListBoxTest lbt = new ListBoxTest("Hello", "World"); // add a few strings lbt[1] = “Who” lbt[2] = “are"; lbt[3] = “the"; lbt[4] = “developers"; // access all the strings for (int i = 0; i<lbt.GetNumEntries(); i++) { Console.WriteLine("lbt[{0}]: {1}",i,lbt[i]); } 150
  • 151. Unit 13 Lab To create a two dimensional array of integers holding the twelve- times table. Use looping statements to populate the array and display its elements 151
  • 152. 14. Collection Interfaces and Types  The Collection Interfaces  Array Lists  Queues  Stacks 152
  • 153. What Are Collections?  A collection holds a group of similar objects  An array is the simplest type of collection  The .Net Framework provides built-in collection types  The .Net Framework holds collection classes in  System.Collections  Each type provides standard methods for accessing & manipulating the collection‟s content 153
  • 154. The Collection Interfaces  Collections implement interfaces that provide their characteristics  Custom classes can also implement these interfaces  For example, create a custom class ListBoxTest that holds the strings it displays  The class can implement the collection interfaces to provide standard methods for:  Indexing  Sorting  Enumeration 154
  • 155. The Collection Interfaces 2 Interface Purpose IEnumerable Enumerate a through a collection using the foreach statement IEnumerator Iterates over collection & supports the foreach statement ICollection Implemented by all collections IComparer Compares two objects: used for sorting IList Used by collections that can be indexed IDictionary For key/value collections such as HashTable and SortedList IDictionaryEnumerator Iterates over dictionary & supports the foreach statement 155
  • 156. Array Lists  An array list is like an array  But, its size is dynamically increased as required  It provides many useful properties and methods 156
  • 157. Array List Members Method or Purpose Property Capacity() The number of elements the ArrayList can hold Count() The current number of ArrayList elements Item() Get or set the ArrayList elements at the specified index Add() Adds an object at the end of the ArrayList. Insert() Inserts an element into the ArrayList at the specified index. RemoveAt() Removes the element at the specified index of the ArrayList Reverse() Reverses the order of the elements in the ArrayList or a portion of it Sort() Sort alphabetically the array list ToArray() Copy the elements of the ArrayList to a new array 157
  • 158. Array List Example ArrayList empArray = new ArrayList(); ArrayList intArray = new ArrayList(); Populate the for (int i = 0;i<5;i++) ArrayLists { empArray.Add(new Employee(i+100)); intArray.Add(i*5); } foreach (int i in intArray) { Console.Write("{0} ", i.ToString()); Print the } ArrayLists‟ foreach(Employee e in empArray) members { Console.Write("{0} ", e.ToString()); } 158
  • 159. Queues  Queues are a first-in, first-out collection (FIFO)  Imagine a queue at a bus stop  Queues are good for managing limited resources e.g. messages 159
  • 160. Queues Members Method or Purpose Property Count() Gets the number of elements in the Queue Clear() Remove all objects Contains() Determines if an element is in the Queue CopyTo() Copies elements to a one-dimensional array Dequeue() Remove and return an object at start of the Queue Enqueue() Add an object at end of the Queue Peek() Returns an object at start of the Queue without removing it ToArray() Copy the elements of the Queue to a new array 160
  • 161. A Queue Example Populate the Queue intQueue = new Queue(); Queue for (int i = 0;i<5;i++) { intQueue.Enqueue(i*5); } Console.Write("intQueue values:t" ); Remove DisplayValues( intQueue ); elements Console.WriteLine("n(Dequeue)t{0}", intQueue.Dequeue() ); DisplayValues( intQueue ); Console.WriteLine("n(Dequeue)t{0}", intQueue.Dequeue() ); DisplayValues( intQueue ); View but Console.WriteLine("n(Peek) t{0}", intQueue.Peek() ); do not DisplayValues( intQueue ); remove elements 161
  • 162. Displaying Queue Values The parameter type is IEnumerable public static void DisplayValues( IEnumerable myCollection ) { IEnumerator myEnumerator = myCollection.GetEnumerator(); while ( myEnumerator.MoveNext() ) Console.Write( "{0} ",myEnumerator.Current ); Console.WriteLine(); } Iterate thought items of the collection How does the IEnumerable interface work? 162
  • 163. Stacks  Queues are a last-in, first-out collection (LIFO)  Imagine a stack of dishes on a buffet table  The principal methods for adding and removing items are Push() and Pop() 163
  • 164. Stack Members Method or Purpose Property Count() Gets the number of elements in the Stack Clear() Remove all objects Contains() Determines if an element is in the Stack CopyTo() Copies elements to a one-dimensional array Pop() Remove and return an object at top of the Stack Push() Add an object at top of the Stack Peek() Return an object at top of the Stack without removing it ToArray() Copy the elements of the Stack to a new array 164
  • 165. A Stack Example Declare & populate the Stack intStack = new Stack(); stack for (int i = 0;i<8;i++) { intStack.Push(i*5); Remove an } element Console.WriteLine( "n(Pop)t{0}", intStack.Pop() ); View an element Console.WriteLine( "n(Peek) t{0}",intStack.Peek() ); DisplayValues( intStack ); Display all elements 165
  • 166. Displaying Stack Values The parameter is of type public static void DisplayValues( IEnumerable IEnumerable myCollection ) { foreach (object o in myCollection) { Console.WriteLine(o); } } Iterate thought items of the collection 166
  • 167. Unit 14 Lab 1. To create an ArrayList of integers. Use looping statements to populate this with multiples of 10. Experiment with the ArrayLists methods, including the Sort(), Reverse() and Clear() methods. 2. To create a Queue of integers. Use looping statements to populate this. Experiment with the Queues methods, including the Dequeue(),Enqueue () and Peek() methods. 3. To create a Stack of integers. Use looping statements to populate this. Experiment with the Stacks methods, including the Pop(),Push () and Peek() methods. 167
  • 168. 15. Strings  Creating Strings  Manipulation Stings  Concatenating Strings  Copying Strings  Splitting Strings  The StringBuilder Class  Regular Expressions 168
  • 169. What Exactly are Strings?  Strings hold a variable number of characters  C# provides the built in string type  This aliases the System.String .Net class  Strings are objects with methods for:  Concatenation  Comparison  Extracting sub-stings 169
  • 170. Creating Strings Declare a string s1 = "abcd"; string Declare a string with an string s2 = "ABCDn"; escape character for a new line string s3 = "ABCDt EFGH"; Use an escape character for a tab string s4 = myInteger.ToString(); Use the ToString() method 170
  • 171. Comparing Strings string s1 = "abcd"; Hold the results of comparisons string s2 = "ABCD"; int result; Compare two strings, case sensitive result = string.Compare(s1, s2); Console.WriteLine("compare s1: {0}, s2: {1}, result: {2}n", s1, s2, result); Compare, case insensitive result = string.Compare(s1,s2, true); Console.WriteLine("Compare insensitive. result: {0}n", result); If result is negative, the first value is smaller If result is positive, the first value is bigger If result is zero, the values are equal 171
  • 172. Concatenating Strings Concatenation method string s3 = string.Concat(s1,s2); string s4 = s1 + s2; Use the overloaded + operator 172
  • 173. Copying Strings Copy method string s5 = string.Copy(s2); string s6 = s5; Use the overloaded = operator 173
  • 174. Test for Equality Use the member if s6.Equals(s5)…; method if string.Equals(s6,s5)…; Use the static method if s6 == s5 …; Use the overloaded == operator 174
  • 175. Other Useful Methods Method Return value or action s3.Length The number of characters in s3 s3[4] The 5th character of s3 s3.EndsWith("Training") True if s3 ends with “Training” s3.IndexOf("Training") The index of the substring s3.Insert(101,“Excellent “) Insert the substring at 101st character 175
  • 176. Splitting Strings 1 string s1 = "One.Two;Three Four"; A string to split const char Space = ' '; const char Comma = ','; const char Stop = '.'; The string const char SemiColon = ';'; delimiters char[] delimiters = new char[] { Space, Comma, Stop, Put the SemiColon delimiters }; string output = ""; in an array int ctr = 1; 176
  • 177. Splitting Strings 2 Split the string String[] resultArray = s1.Split(delimiters); foreach (String subString in resultArray) { output += ctr++; output += ": "; output += subString; output += "n"; } Iterate over the Console.WriteLine(output); resulting array of strings 177
  • 178. The StringBuilder Class  The class System.Text.StringBuilder can be used for creating and modifying string  StringBuilder is mutable, when an instance is modified, the actual string is modified, not a copy  StringBuilder is more efficient than String because only a single string object is created 178
  • 179. The StringBuilder Class 2 Use the StringBuilder class to build the StringBuilder output = new StringBuilder(); output int ctr = 1; Split the string foreach (string subString in s1.Split(delimiters)) { output.AppendFormat("{0}: {1}n",ctr++,subString); } Console.WriteLine(output); AppendFormat appends a formatted string 179
  • 180. StringBuilder Methods Method Explanation Append() Append string at end of current string AppendFormat() Append formatted string at end of current string AppendFormat appends a formatted string Insert() Insert string at specified position Length () Retrieve or assign the length of the string Remove() Remove specified characters Replace() Replace all specified characters with new characters 180
  • 181. Regular Expressions  A powerful language to describe and manipulate text  Uses pattern matching to compare string with wildcards  Applying a regular expression to a string can return A substring  A modification of the original 181
  • 182. Regular Expressions 2 Define the Regular Expression string s1 = "One,Two,Three Liberty Associates, Inc."; Regex theRegex = new Regex(" |, |,"); StringBuilder sBuilder = new StringBuilder(); Spit the string int id = 1; using the Regular Expression foreach (string subString in theRegex.Split(s1)) { sBuilder.AppendFormat({0}: {1}n", id++, subString); } Console.WriteLine("{0}", sBuilder); 182
  • 183. Unit 15 Lab To input a string representing a URL. Experimenting with extracting substrings and splitting the URL using the dot (.) and forward slash (/) separators. 183
  • 184. 16. Throwing and Catching Exceptions  Exception Handling  The throw Statement  The try and catch Statements  How the Call Stack Works  The finally Statement  Dedicated catch Statements 184
  • 185. Exception Handling  C# handles errors and abnormal conditions with exceptions  Exceptions can be thrown by A throw statement  A .Net Framework class  The operating system (e.g. a security violation)  Exceptions are caught by code in a catch block (i.e. an exception handler) 185
  • 186. The Exception Class  All exceptions are of type System.Exception or derived from this  Exceptions types include  ArgumentNullException  InvalidCastException  OverflowException  Exception objects provide information on what went wrong (message, help file, source …) 186
  • 187. Try and Catch Statements public void Func1() { Test for Console.WriteLine("Enter Func1..."); try errors in try { block Console.WriteLine("Entering try block..."); Func2(); Run Console.WriteLine("Exiting try block..."); statement in } catch block if catch an error { occurs Console.WriteLine("Exception caught and handled!"); } Console.WriteLine("Exit Func1..."); } 187
  • 188. Searching for an Exception Handler Main Unwind the call Statement1 stack looking Method A Statement2 Call for a handler Statement1 MethodA() Statement2 Statement3 MethodB() Call Statement4 Statement3 End method Method B Statement4 Statement1 Search for handler End method Statement2 Exception thrown !! Statement3 Search for If no exception handler, then handler Statement4 the CLR handles the exception End method 188
  • 189. The throw Statement public void Run() The exception { is unhandled Console.WriteLine("Enter Run..."); so the program Func1(); terminates Console.WriteLine("Exit Run..."); } public void Func1() { Console.WriteLine("Enter Func1..."); Func2(); Console.WriteLine("Exit Func1..."); } public void Func2() { Throw an Console.WriteLine("Enter Func2..."); exception throw new System.Exception(); Console.WriteLine("Exit Func2..."); } 189
  • 190. How the Call Stack Works public void Run() { Func1(); } public void Func1() catch in { Func1 try { Func2(); } catch { Console.WriteLine("Exception caught and handled!"); } } public void Func2() throw in { Func2 Console.WriteLine("Enter Func2..."); throw new System.Exception(); Will this Console.WriteLine("Exit Func2..."); statement run? } 190
  • 191. Creating Dedicated catch Statements  So far we have used a generic catch statement  The catch statement can trap specific exceptions  Multiple catch statements can trap different exceptions 191
  • 192. Creating Dedicated catch Statements 2 try { double a = 5; double b = 0; DoDivide(a,b) The most derived exception type is first } catch (System.DivideByZeroException) { Console.WriteLine("DivideByZeroException caught!"); } catch (System.ArithmeticException) { Console.WriteLine("ArithmeticException caught!"); } catch { Console.WriteLine("Unknown exception caught"); } Why are the catch statements in this The generic exception type is last order ? 192
  • 193. The finally Statement try { double a = 5; double b = 0; DoDivide(a,b) } catch (System.DivideByZeroException) { Console.WriteLine("DivideByZeroException caught!"); } catch { Console.WriteLine("Unknown exception caught"); } finally This statement { must execute Console.WriteLine(“close files here"); } What is another way of making this statement always run ? 193
  • 194. Exception Class Methods and Properties Member Explanation Source The method that raised the exception Message Information about the exception Helplink Link to a help file StackTrace Method calls that lead to the exception InnerException The exception that caused the current exception 194
  • 195. Using the Exception Class DivideByZeroException e = new DivideByZeroException(); e.HelpLink =""; throw e; Set exception property catch (System.DivideByZeroException e) { Console.WriteLine("nDivideByZeroException! Msg: {0}",e.Message); Console.WriteLine("nHelpLink: {0}", e.HelpLink); Console.WriteLine("nHere's a stack trace: {0}n",.StackTrace); } Display exception properties 195
  • 196. Unit 16 Lab To divide two integers and add exception handling with dedicated catch statements to create division by zero and other exceptions. Include a finally statement. 196
  • 197. 17. Delegates and Events So what are  Robin Cook has died delegates?  Tony Blair is not available  Define in advance what authority to delegate  Funeral Attendances  and what “parameters” are passed  Condolences and flowers  Delegate the task at “runtime”  John Prescott attends the funeral 197
  • 198. Delegates in C#  A delegate  encapsulates a method  has a specific return type & parameter list  is instantiated with by passing a method as parameter  can call the delegated method at runtime 198
  • 199. Using Delegates  Define the delegate Public delegate int WhichIsFirst(object obj1, object obj2);  Instantiate the delegate with a method WhichIsFirst theStudentDelegate = new WhichIsFirst(WhichStudentComesFirst);  Call the delegated method i= theStudentDelegate(objJohn, objFred); 199
  • 200. Multicasting Delegates  Create a single delegate  that calls multiple methods  Combine delegates with the + or += operators myMulticastDelegate = Writer + Logger; 200
  • 201. Multicasting Delegates // Define delegate public delegate void StringDelegate(string s); // Define two methods public static void WriteString(string s) { …} public static void LogString(string s) {…} // Define and instantiate two StringDelegate objects. StringDelegate Writer, Logger Writer = new StringDelegate(WriteString); Logger = new StringDelegate(LogString); //Multicast the delegate myMulticastDelegate = Writer + Logger; //Call the two delegated methods myMulticastDelegate(“log this string") 201
  • 202. Events in C#  An object publishes a set of events  Other classes can subscribe to these events  For example, GUI control classes publish:  Mouse events  Keyboard events  The publishing class also defines delegates  The subscribing class implements these delegates 202
  • 203. Events and Delegates Event this.button1.Click Instantiate this.button1.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.button1_Click); Delegate Event Handler private void button1_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) 203
  • 204. Coupling Delegates to Event Handlers Delegates Event Handlers linkLabel1.MouseEnter += new EventHandler(Bigger); linkLabel2.MouseEnter += new EventHandler(Bigger); linkLabel3.MouseEnter += new EventHandler(Bigger); 204
  • 205. Unit 17 Lab To create a class Pair and include a delegate WhichisFirst, a constructor, and methods called Sort() and ReverseSort(). These methods take as a parameters an instance of the WhichisFirst delegate. To test the class create a Dog class. This implements methods that can be encapsulated by the delegate. 205
  • 206. 18. Generics  New feature of C# Version 2.0 and the CLR  Generics allow a type parameter for classes and methods  Specification of the type is deferred to instantiation at runtime  Generic classes may be constrained to hold only certain types of data  Generics are most commonly used with collections 206
  • 207. Using Generics // Declare the generic class public class class MyList<T> { ....// } // Declare a list of type MyList<int> list1 = new MyList<int>(); // Declare a list of type string MyList<string> list2 = new MyList<string>(); // Declare a list of type MyClass MyList<MyClass> list3 = new MyList<MyClass>(); 207
  • 208. The Reason for Generics  An ArrayList can hold objects of any type  All objects are cast to the System.Object root class  But, the overheads of casting will degrade performance  Also, there is no way at compile time to prevent invalid assignments, like: arrayList1(9) =“A string”; int myInt = arrayList(9); 208
  • 209. The Benefits of Generics Import the Generic .Net class Declare a list using System.Collections.Generic; using the type parameter List<int> list1 = new List<int>(); Add element list1.Add(3); without casting or boxing list1.Add("It is raining in the South West"); Generate compile- time error! 209
  • 210. Parameter Constraints  When defining generic classes restriction can be placed on the type parameters  Theses restrictions are called constraints  They are specified using the where keyword in the class definition 210
  • 211. Parameter Constraints Constraint Explanation class MyList<T> where The type argument must be a value type T: struct class MyList<T> where The type argument must be a reference T: class type class MyList<T> where The type argument must have a public T: new() parameterless constructor class MyList<T> where The type argument must be or derive from T: <base class name> the specified base class class MyList<T> where The type argument must be or implement T: <interface name> the specified interface 211
  • 212. Generic Class Inheritance  A generic class, like any other, can be created by inheriting from a base class  The base class can be: A concrete type  class Node<T> : BaseNode A closed constructed type  class Node<T> : BaseNode<int>  An open constructed type  class Node<T> : BaseNode<T> 212
  • 213. Inheriting from Generic Classes  Non-generic (concrete) classes can inherit from closed constructed (generic) base classes  class Node : BaseNode<int> //No error  But, not from open constructed (generic) classes  class Node : BaseNode<T> //Generates an error  Because, there is no way at run time to supply the type argument required to instantiate the base class 213
  • 214. Creating Generic Methods void Swap<T>( ref T lhs, ref T rhs) A generic { method with a type parameter T temp; temp = lhs; lhs = rhs; rhs = temp; } Calling the method using the type parameter int a = 1; int b = 2; Swap<int>(ref a, ref b); Or, calling the method inferring the type Swap(ref a, ref b); parameter 214
  • 215. Unit 18 Lab Experiment with creating generic classes and methods 215
  • 216. Unit 19: New Language Features in C#
  • 217. New Language Features in C# 3.0 •Implicit Typing •Anonymous Types •Object and Collection Initialisers •Extension Methods •Partial Methods •Lambda Expressions
  • 218. Implicit Typing • The compiler determines the data type of variable • The data type is not a variant • The var keyword is used • The initialiser cannot be null var a = 5; Console.WriteLine("a"); Console.WriteLine("Variable type "+ a.GetType());
  • 219. Anonymous Types • The compiler creates a nameless class • There is an inferred class definition • The properties are set in the braces var captain = new { FirstName = "Jamie", LastName = "Cooke" }; Console.WriteLine(captain.FirstName + " " + captain.LastName);