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fall 2012

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 Advice & information to help you manage your business

No more                           Why business owners
                                  need to stop waiting

Excuses                           for the economy to
                                  improve and act now

PLUS:	Hot global industries
	Ex-employees as assets
Advice & information to help you manage your business

                Achieving Growth Among Uncertainty                                                 Realize your organizational goals through
                                                                                                   the one-of-a-kind solutions Sikich, a
              Every day, we hear conflicting reports in the news regarding the                     leading accounting, advisory, technology
              condition of the United States’ economy. Some say it’s still distressed;             and managed services firm, brings to your
              others claim to have evidence of a recovering marketplace. Regardless of
                                                                                                   unique challenges and needs. With more
              which assertion is more accurate, the one thing we do know is that every
aspect of the economic situation is uncertain.                                                     than 400 employees across the U.S., we
                                                                                                   rank as one of the country’s top 50
Uncertainty can create a wealth of problems within organizations, making expansion                 largest Certified Public Accounting (CPA)
and growth seem impossible. However, surviving these uncertain times and even
                                                                                                   firms—yet you receive the personalization
achieving a competitive advantage is feasible by taking action.
                                                                                                   and attention you need to grow and
Take a look at your organization’s productivity levels. If you’re not producing an                 experience success.
optimal amount, determine what is causing those low levels. Your employees are
critical to high productivity—do you need to review your current performance-
                                                                                                   Get to know Sikich by taking a look at our
management policy and procedures, develop a stricter training program or solicit
employee feedback on a more regular basis? Perhaps your organization’s low                         new website, launched at the beginning of
productivity levels are due to operations. In this case, consider investing in a business          September. There, you’ll find out how you
management solution that can give you daily insight into everything from your                      can gain value for your organization
financials and sales to manufacturing and supply chain management.                                 through our dedicated industry teams,
Also, talk to a professional about how you can save your organization money. Taxes, for            client commitment and extensive list of
instance, can be complex, especially if your organization is multi-faceted or operates             services:
internationally. An expert can uncover tax credits that your organization might be
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2                                                                                                                                        fall 2012
volume 13 • issue 1 • Fall 2012

         Leading Edge
The Leading Edge Alliance is an interna-
tional professional association of inde-
pendently owned accounting and con-
sulting firms. The Leading Edge Alliance
enables member firms to access the
resources of a multibillion-dollar global
professional services organization,
providing business development, pro-
fessional training and education, and
peer-to-peer networking opportunities
nationally and globally, around the cor-
ner and around the world.                        features
Members are quality firms who are suc-
cessful, have deep client relationships,
and strong ties to the community. The              	4	 No more excuses
Alliance provides members with an
impressive combination: the compre-                		 Why business owners need to stop waiting
hensive size and scope of a large mul-
tinational company while offering their            		 for the economy to improve and act now
clients the continuity, consistency and
quality service of a local firm.

Member firms have access to extensive
                                                   	14	 The ‘ex’ factor
teams of business advisors—a peer-to-
peer connection that provides the right            		How companies can utilize former employees and 		
business solutions for clients.
                                                   		 other connections to drive growth
To find out more about the Alliance,
contact Karen Kehl-Rose, president, at
+1 630.513.9814 or                	16	 What’s hot
       Leading Edge Advisory
                                                   		   Despite global pessimism, some global industries 		
    Tricia Egry / Alpern Rosenthal                 		 are sizzling with opportunity
           George Brust /
  Lurie Besikof Lapidus  Co., LLP
      Jen Lemanski / PKF Texas                   departments
        Gary Voth / PKF Texas
          Karen Kehl-Rose /
      The Leading Edge Alliance
                                                   	 9	 Technology outages:
            In affiliation with
                                                   		   How to create an effective disaster recovery plan
 Smart Business Content Marketing

         Ann M. Gynn / Editor                      	 10	 Identifying waste:
Danielle Toth, Mark Scott, Greg Jones /
           Associate Editors
                                                   		 7 improvement opportunities for your business
     Stacy Vickroy / Art Director
   Andrea Jager  Lauren Beck /                    	 11	 Higher education:
           Graphic Designers
                                                   		    How to manage student accounts receivables
Leading Edge is published four times per
year by Smart Business Content Marketing,
835 Sharon Drive, Suite 200, Cleveland, OH
44145. (440) 250-7000, (800) 988-4726,
                                                   	 12	 Client Spotlight: Earth Friendly Products
FAX (440) 250-7001,
Periodicals postage paid at Cleveland, Ohio.
                                                   	 12	 Industry Updates
IRS Treasury Regulations require us to inform
you that any tax advice contained in the body
of this communication was not intended or
written to be used, and cannot be used, by         	13	 Bits  Pieces
the recipient for the purpose of avoiding pen-
alties that may be imposed under the Internal
Revenue Code or applicable state or local tax
law provisions.
                                                   	18	 On the Bookshelf

Leading Edge                                                                                               3
No more

4    fall 2012
cover feature

                Why business owners need
                to stop waiting for the economy
                to improve and act now                                                   By mark scott

                           recession can be a great excuse to do   Most are not big enough to take on
                           nothing with your business. Just        significant risk and recover if it doesn’t turn
                           don’t try telling that to Bob           out well. But many do have some capital to
                           Mitchell.                               work with and the wherewithal to make
                              More than a year after the           things happen — if they are willing to be
                economy crashed and banks started closing          bold and take a chance.
                their doors en masse, Mitchells Family of             “There are plenty of people who are too
                Stores looked to add to its portfolio.             cautious and too comfortable,” Mitchell says.
                    The Westport, Conn.-based upscale              “They have the means to do it, but they are
                clothing retailer bought the Wilkes Bashford       still not willing to take the risk. It’s like
                stores in San Francisco and Palo Alto, Calif.,     investing in the stock market. The best time
                in December 2009, at a time when the               to invest is when everything is low. Not that
                troubled line of stores had just filed for         everything is as low as it was three years ago,
                bankruptcy.                                        but there is still a lot of uncertainty out there.
                    For Mitchell and his team, it was an           From an acquisition standpoint, things are
                opportunity that couldn’t be passed up.            still at a different level today than they will
                    “These may have been things we wouldn’t        be when the economy takes off again.”
                have done in good times, because things were          As a result, if you’re looking for a bargain
                good and we didn’t have to worry about it,”        and have the means to buy, the time to act
                says Mitchell, co-president of the family-         may be now. If you’re waiting for the
                owned business. “But by doing these things,        economy to start growing again in a big way,
                it’s energized our team. We’re looking for         you may be waiting for a long time.
                opportunities when maybe other people are             “The recession was declared over in June
                being complacent.”                                 2009,” says Al Lewis, a columnist for Dow
                    As the economy enters its fifth year of        Jones Newswires and The Wall Street Journal.
                uncertainty since the 2008 crash, owners of        “We’ve had three years of recovery since then
                mid-sized businesses face tough decisions.                                       continued on page 6

Leading Edge                                                                                                      5
continued from page 5
and we still have 8.3 percent unemployment       opportunities and forget about the economy,”           Mitchell keeps a watchful eye on the stock
and a mortgage foreclosure crisis that won’t     Lewis says. “There were people who got very         market, but it’s not out of a desperate hope
quit. Now we have people warning we might        rich during the Great Depression and there          for direction. It just happens to serve as a
go into another recession next year. So we’re    were people waiting in bread lines. You just        pretty accurate barometer for his business.
going to have two recessions with a three-       try not to be the person waiting in the bread          “There seems to be a very high correlation
year recovery in between? To me, that sounds     line.”                                              that when people feel good about their
like a depression.”                                 It’s too stressful and too frustrating, and at   investments, they are more willing to spend
   With all that in mind, what is the best       the end of the day, just downright futile to        on things that are not necessities, like
course of action for an owner of a mid-sized     look for signs from the economy that are            expensive clothes or expensive jewelry,”
business to take?                                going to magically help your business.              Mitchell says. “The market is probably the
                                                    “The only economic indicators I would            biggest indicator of how our business is going
Get moving                                       watch, if I watched them at all, would be           to do.”
According to the latest report from the          housing and unemployment,” Lewis says.                 Most of the time, Mitchell is keenly
Congressional Budget Office, fiscal year         “Those are the things that are hurting the          focused on his customers and what he can do
2012 is slated to close Sept. 30 with a          economy the most. When we really see                to satisfy them, whether the economy is
federal budget deficit totaling $1.1 trillion,   improvement in those areas, then we’ll know         booming or busting.
the fourth year in a row with a deficit of       the economy is indeed turning around.”                 “We’re just a big believer that, in our
more than $1 trillion.                                                                               business, it’s all about relationships and
   GDP is expected to grow at about                                                                  customers,” Mitchell says. “You have to have
2.25 percent in the second half of 2012,          “Companies need                                    the best products, but that’s kind of a given.
compared with 1.75 percent in the first half,
and unemployment will likely remain above         to look at their                                   It’s really the one-to-one personalized service
                                                                                                     and getting to know your top 100 customers
8 percent.
   Little is expected to change from a
                                                  own opportunities                                  intimately. There is always more business
                                                                                                     available from your top clients. What things
numbers perspective, but even if those            and forget about                                   are you not selling them that you could?”
numbers did change, how does that help you
as the owner of a mid-sized business?
                                                  the economy.”                                         Getting in touch with your customers
                                                                                                     should not just be your job and it should not
   Not much, says Lewis.                                – Al Lewis, a columnist for Dow Jones        just be the job of your low-level staffers on
   “Companies need to look at their own                 Newswires and The Wall Street Journal        the floor. It should be everyone’s priority.
                                                                                                        “Ninety-five percent of our work force
                                                                                                     works on Saturday, which is our busiest day
                                                                                                     touching customers,” Mitchell says.
                                                                                                     “Everybody from finance to buying to anyone
                                                                                                     behind the scenes is there touching
                                                                                                     customers on Saturday. That, to me, is rule
                                                                                                     No. 1. In good times or bad times, everybody
                                                                                                     has to understand the customer is king or
                                                                                                     queen. They drive everything. Without
                                                                                                     customers, we have no business.”
                                                                                                        Lewis agrees that customer
                                                                                                     communication is the way to go for any
                                                                                                     business searching for a solution to the
                                                                                                     ongoing economic malaise.
                                                                                                        “You just have to accept that there is going
                                                                                                     to be this uncertainty,” he says. “You have to
                                                                                                     go find customers. Do whatever you can to
                                                                                                     find customers, hold on to customers, get
                                                                                                     revenue and find things that are making
                                                                                                     money, and get rid of things that aren’t
                                                                                                     making money. There’s only so much value
                                                                                                     that information from the economy or the
                                                                                                     markets really has to offer you. You’re pretty
                                                                                                     much on your own.”

6                                                                                                                                        fall 2012
cover feature

Use your experience
For business owners who need data or a
signal to help guide their decisions, John
Graves says there are numbers that can give
you some sense of direction, even if they
don’t solve all your problems.
   “Most companies look at backlog or back
order,” says Graves, a chartered financial
consultant and author of The 7% Solution,
a book geared toward helping people make
smarter investments for their futures.
   “If orders change or orders are cancelled,
that’s a signal,” he says. “If orders are

                                                     Three survival
extended, that’s another signal. You can also
look at your accounts receivable. If people are
30 days late and they extend it to 60 or 75
days, that’s a signal. If we’re cleaning up ARs
and the 90s and 75s are going away and               tips for CEOs

we’re banking capital more quickly, that’s also
a signal.”
                                                        Just because it worked once, don’t assume it will work again.
   You can also look at truck utilization
                                                        Bob Mitchell could not be more pleased with his company’s
figures, wholesale diesel fuel prices,
underemployment figures, rental property                acquisition of Wilkes Bashford. But he didn’t take the move as a
usage and vacancies and residential data,               strict blueprint for all future decisions.
Graves says.                                                “The biggest mistake most people make in good times or bad
   But once you sort through all that data, it          is doing something, having quick success and then trying to
is still ultimately you that has to make the            duplicate it very quickly and do it again and again,” Mitchell says.
decisions. The numbers can only take you                “We’re much more a believer that 90 percent of all success is
part of the way.

   “We cannot create a formula to describe
the future,” Graves says. “None of us can. So
depending on the company, the industry, the             Don’t worry about the economy.
product or the service, there’s a significant           Financial columnist Al Lewis says it’s really the best thing you can do.
amount of guesswork. We have to make                    Make the decisions that you think put you in the best position to grow
decisions. The informed part comes from our             and don’t worry about what’s happening on the business pages.
experience, our background, our current                    “Focus on what matters,” Lewis says. “Find somebody who
backlog of business, our inventory, how quick           needs your goods and services, and that’s it. There are still people
we turn it around and what our clients or
                                                        out there who need things. Find them. Don’t worry about the
prospects are telling us. That’s all data driven.
                                                        economy. If you have to make hiring decisions, don’t just sit there.
Everything else is a guess.”
                                                        Do it.”

   Mitchell made the decision back in 2009
to buy Wilkes Bashford and it has worked
out well for his company.                               Stay out of debt.
   “If you have the capital financially and             John Graves calls debt an addiction that you should seek to avoid
intellectually in your organization to do               at all costs.
something, this is the time to do it,” Mitchell            “People think, ‘If I take on more debt and I put more money into
says. “It will pay itself back. On the flip side,       my product or service or inventory and I try to sell more stuff, I’ll
this is not the time to make an acquisition
                                                        become a bigger company and I’ll feel better,’” says Graves, a
that would be betting the farm. If it’s
                                                        chartered financial consultant. “That’s the wrong answer. Paying
something that is make-or-break, it’s
probably not the right time to do it in case            down debt is good. Taking on debt is bad.”
we get into a small downturn again.”
                               continued on page 8

Leading Edge                                                                                                                  7
cover feature

continued from page 7
   Whatever you do, make sure that you’re
making decisions as a team and using all of
the talent at your disposal to collectively sort
through the pros and cons of a decision.
   “I find that, especially in times that are
more challenging, having everybody on the
same page is even more important so that we
all win or lose as a team,” Mitchell says.
“We’re not just dictating any one thing.
We’ve made sure everybody believes in what
we’re doing before we jump into it.”

Don’t be paralyzed
One of the biggest unknowns looming is the
presidential election. The outcome of the race
and the decisions that are made in 2013
could have a big effect on the economy.
   But just like all the other financial news
out there, Lewis says you can’t put your life
or your business on hold.

                                                   Don’t obsess
   “It can be quite paralyzing,” the columnist
says. “It would be better to just look at what’s
going on with your customers and look at
how you can be more involved with them
during these times.”                               over your
   The economy is going to do what it’s
going to do and you can’t be swayed by one
report today and swayed back by a conflicting
one tomorrow. If you do, you will drive
yourself crazy.
   “For instance, we can get really good           When Al Lewis sees a business owner studying his competition a
employees for a fraction of what we would
                                                   little too much, he takes it as a lack of confidence.
have had to pay them during an economic
                                                        “You should have intelligence on your competitors and be aware
boom,” Lewis says. “We should be looking at
who we can hire. Who is super smart that is        of the tenor in your industry,” says Lewis, columnist for Dow Jones
available? People are suffering from declining     Newswires and The Wall Street Journal.
incomes, but what is the value you can deliver          “But the most successful business owners aren’t sitting around
to these people so that they can continue to       worrying about what their competitors are doing. They’re plowing
use your product or service?”
                                                   new fields and they are moving ahead. If you’re focused too much on
   Focus on your business and on what you
do really well, and you’ll have the best chance    what they’re doing and not on what you’re doing, that means your
to find profitability.                             vision isn’t very strong.”
   “You can’t just sit there and go, ‘Well, we          Bob Mitchell doesn’t worry about his competition, but he does keep
can’t hire anybody because we’re worried           an eye on it. The co-president of Mitchells Family of Stores is curious
about what Obama is going to do if he’s            about what competitors do that works and what doesn’t work.
re-elected, or we’re worried about something
                                                        “You can learn from everyone,” Mitchell says. “But our big
else,’” Lewis says. “You hire somebody
because you can employ them immediately            differentiating factor is still going to be the environment we create,
and you can make a profit from them.” LE           the relationships we develop and the service we provide for clients.”

8                                                                                                                           fall 2012
    • Identifying waste: 7 improvement opportunities for your business
    • Higher education: How to manage student accounts receivables
    • Client Spotlight: Earth Friendly Products
    • Industry Updates

Technology outages:
How to create an effective disaster recovery plan
I f you have ever been in the
  unfortunate position of
experiencing a technology
                                       system and you will begin to
                                       realize what has the highest
                                       priority and what may not be
                                                                                                                                 procedures to use an
                                                                                                                                 alternate site, the
                                                                                                                                 main point-of-
disruption—either due to power         equally important to your                                                                 contact and a backup.
outages, loss of Internet              organization.                                                                             • Plan testing
connectivity, blown battery               Plan for common incidents.                                                             schedule:
backup devices, lightning damage       Learn from history when                                                                   Describe how you
or, the worst case, natural disaster   creating a disaster recovery plan.                                                        will test the plan, as
damage—hopefully your disaster         What types of outages have you                                                            well as how often.
recovery plan was in place, tested     already experienced? Are                                                                  Start small by testing
and working. However, not all          lightning strikes, tornadoes,                                                             specific areas or
leaders prepare for a disruption,      flooding or server failures                                                               departments. Often,
which can critically damage your       prevalent in your area? To help                                                           it is not possible to
business’s technology or overall       you begin thinking about this,                                                            pull the plug on the
operations. An effective disaster      here are the five main losses in                                                          entire organization,
recovery plan typically includes       order of most common to least             declare a disaster and start the                so starting small
five steps:                            common:                                   plan in motion, which                 during slower demand times
   Prioritize processes.               •	 Human error loss: deleting             locations are covered by the          may be easier. Remember—
Prioritization of processes is             files, overwriting data and           plan and the critical                 without testing your plan, it is
sometimes referred to as a                 everyday mistakes                     applications and facilities.          not complete.
business impact analysis. By           •	 Data corruption: virus attacks         In addition, list the major        •	 Recovery plan maintenance:
segregating each significant               and application errors                departments and their                 Many changes will impact the
process into one of three              •	 Storage loss: corrupt or               process owners.                       plan, including contact
categories (mission critical—most          malfunctioning hardware            •	 Teams and contacts:                   information, personnel
important; business critical; or       •	 Site loss: flood, fire, tornado     	 List the disaster recovery             changes and the computer
organizationally important—least           or hurricane                          team and responsibilities;            network environment. Review
important), you are prioritizing       •	 Server loss: CPU failure, theft        contact information for               the plan once or twice a year
the parts of the organization that         or catastrophic virus                 process owners, IT staff and          to keep up with these
should be recovered first in the          Communicate the plan.                  third-party vendors; off-site         changes. Also, don’t forget to
event of an outage.                       This step is key because it’s          storage information; and              have paper copies on hand,
   Determine recovery                  important for staff at all levels to      information about any                 just in case.
objectives.                            understand what their roles are in        alternate recovery site.           •	 Appendices:
   Decide how long you can live        a disaster or disruptive situation.    •	 Environmental                      	 Include copies of important
without access to a particular         The best way to communicate               documentation:                        contracts, agreements and
system. Additionally, ask yourself:    the plan is to prepare a               	 Include current network                previous plan testing results.
Should a system fail, how current      document, place multiple copies           documentation such as ISP
is the data from which you             throughout all business locations         contacts and accounts,                Creating a disaster recovery
recover? Define what you               and ensure everyone knows                 passwords, physical maps of        plan may sound like an
consider a disaster and set the        where it is located. Just as you          all locations and recovery site    overwhelming and time-
maximum amount of time you             know where the fire extinguishers         information.                       consuming task. Start with what
can go without access to your          are located, you should know           •	 Disaster                           you already know about your
system, otherwise known as             where the disaster recovery plan          implementation tasks:              network and processes and then
recovery time objective. Then, set     is located. When documenting           	 Detail recovery procedures,         start to fill in the gaps. When it
the recovery point objective, the      this plan, keep the following in          alternate site information,        comes to disaster recovery
acceptable amount of data loss         mind:                                     what the recovery                  planning, having something in
from the most recent complete          •	 Organizational information:            environment will look like         place is always better than having
system backup. Do this for each            Define who is entitled to             and where to report,               nothing in place. LE

Leading Edge                                                                                                                                         9
Identifying waste:
7 improvement opportunities for your business
T    he current economic situation
     is forcing business owners to
take a good look at their
                                                                                 the resources you have
                                                                                 available in the organization.
                                                                                                                    •	 Gather your management
                                                                                                                       team and conduct a
                                                                                                                       “whiteboard” session with a
                                                                                 Can you make the workplace
companies to identify waste and                                                  more ergonomic for your               waste auditor.
key improvement opportunities.                                                   employees? When they sit           •	 Write down the seven areas
Whether cutting costs is a                                                       down to perform a service or          of waste and discuss where
necessity or you just want to run                                                work on a project, do they            the company is experiencing
a leaner business, it’s beneficial to                                            have all the parts, tools, plans      waste in each critical area.
constantly seek ways to reduce                                                   and schematics to complete         •	 Brainstorm at least three
waste. There are seven areas                                                     the job, or do they have to get       ideas per area about how to
where waste typically                                                            up and waste time looking for         eliminate some waste. At
accumulates. Explore these and                                                   something to complete the             this point, do not think
help your management team                                                        task?                                 about time or cost
develop and implement an                                                     7. 	Defects are likely the biggest        considerations.
effective waste-reduction plan.                                                  waste to your organization.        •	 Estimate how much money
1. 	Overproduction occurs when                                                   Where do defects occur in             the company is spending or
    a company produces more of                                                   your business? The answer is          losing because of each area
    an order in anticipation of                                                  everywhere. Most defects and          of waste.
    waste or damage. For                    waste can be eliminated from         mistakes occur due to poor         •	 Rank each idea on a scale
    example, imagine you need to            that path. Think about the           processes, lack of training or        of one to five, with one
    assemble a product that                 flow of work in your                 lack of proper equipment.             being the easiest to
    requires eight component                organization and ask yourself        Defects and mistakes cost             implement and five being
    parts. Your purchasing                  if it makes sense for your           money and customers.                  the most difficult. At the
    department may actually buy             business.                                                                  end of this process, it will
    10 component parts just in          4. 	Inappropriate processing            After you’ve identified where          be easy to identify the ideas
    case any parts are spoiled or           occurs when you are using the    waste accumulates in your                 that have the highest value
    damaged. In a service setting,          incorrect tools and processes    organization, it’s time to start          with the easiest
    this happens when staff                 for a job. For example, do you   developing a plan to eliminate, or        implementation.
    spends too much time on a               use a 20-ton press when a        at least reduce, this waste. To do     •	 Document your work.
    project that can only be billed         10-ton press can do the job?     so, follow these six steps:               Complete a one-page plan
    at a certain price.                     Is an experienced senior                                                   and give a deadline to
2. 	Waiting is the time your                executive doing a job a lower-                                             complete the project. Also,
    product or service spends in            ranking person should be                                                   have all members of the
    the system. It waits for                doing?                                                                     management team complete
    someone to add value before         5. 	Inventory is a huge waste                                                  their plans identifying
    it goes to the customer. If you         culprit within organizations.                                              individual strategies and
    can eliminate the waiting               How often do you “turn” your                                               objectives.
    time by 50 percent (which is            inventory each year, and how
    ambitious), you can reduce              much outdated inventory are                                                It is essential that you set the
    your cost and improve your              you keeping, storing and                                                stage with your employees. This
    cash flow tremendously.                 counting each year that is not                                          last step is critical for any
3. 	 ransport is the critical path
    T                                       going to sell? If there’s too                                           improvement objective in your
    your product or service takes           much, consider finding a new                                            organization because these
    through the plant, so consider          place for it.                                                           plans provide a road map to
    the inefficiencies in its way       6. 	Motion and process                                                      ensure that the improvement
    and what kinds of time or               improvement has to do with                                              plan is complete. LE

10                                                                                                                                           fall 2012
Sikich LLP

     Higher education:
     How to manage student accounts receivables
     E   ach year, it’s getting more expensive for students to attend a
         college or university. The cost of tuition, housing and books
     are all increasing, so students need more assistance and are
     taking out more loans. After graduation, student accounts
     receivables can be a significant asset of a higher education
     institution and, more importantly, can require a substantial
     amount of the institution’s resources to bill and collect these
     fees. By properly managing student accounts receivables,
     colleges and universities can focus on their core mission rather
     than spending time collecting past due balances.

     The effects of improper management
     When your college or university does not manage these
     accounts receivables well, it has a considerable effect on the
     entire institution. A few of the effects include:                    •	 Bill the tuition and fees in a      The earlier you send
     •	 Revenue loss                                                         timely manner. The earlier          students their bills, the
     •	 Slower cash flow                                                     you send students their bills,      better chance they will
     •	 Improper write-offs of bad debt                                      the better chance they will         pay in a timely manner.
     •	 Opportunity cost of not pursuing outstanding balances                pay in a timely manner.
     •	 Students registering for future terms without satisfying          •	 Include a signed promissory note. This will ensure a legal
        prior debt                                                           agreement has been made for all multi-payment plans.
                                                                          •	 Shorten the term. Yes, this increases the amount students must pay
     Develop benchmarks for comparison                                       during each installment, but it also wipes the debt from their
     In order to start improving the way your higher education               account more quickly.
     institution manages accounts receivables, you should first           •	 Set a maximum receivable balance. If students cannot carry more
     outline some benchmarks. These will allow you to compare this           than a specified balance, it prevents them from registering for
     year’s numbers to last year’s, which will give you an idea of           future terms.
     where not only your accounts receivable stand but the                •	 Impose late fees. If your institution already has late fees for non-
     institution’s overall finances. Some benchmarks to consider             paying students, increasing these fees may help.
     include but are not limited to:                                      •	 Place holds on records or transcripts. This is important for
     •	 Total annual tuition                                                 students seeking full-time jobs or internships, as they may be
     •	 Total annual amount billed (other than tuition)                      required to provide these to prospective employers.
     •	 Average receivables balance per student                           •	 Block college or university services. This may be something small,
     •	 Percentage of students with receivables balances                     such as library access, or something significant, such as graduation
     •	 Late fees charged and collected                                      ceremonies.
     •	 Total annual write-offs                                           •	 Report delinquent students to creditors. Federal law requires that
     •	 Percentage of students placed in collection during                   higher education institutions regularly update credit statuses, and
         the fiscal year                                                     credit scores are important to students entering the workforce.
     •	 Receivables collected by a third party
                                                                             Different ways of improving collections work for each unique
     Improve the collection of accounts receivables                       college and university, but the underlying message is the same for
     Now that you have a better idea of where you stand compared          all—student accounts receivables affect all institutions’ operations in
     to last year, you can determine how to make collection easier        one way or another. Regardless of how you collect the fees, it’s
     on both the student and institution.                                 imperative you do for your institution’s future. LE

Leading Edge                                                                                                                                       11
Sikich LLP

Client Spotlight: Earth Friendly Products
Founded in 1967, Earth Friendly Products          new ways to save money
manufactures more than 150 all-natural            through its taxes. Whether
household and commercial cleaning                 for domestic production or
products that are made from pure                  research and development,
plant-based ingredients. With more than           Sikich has provided support
300 employees and five manufacturing              and value to Earth Friendly
facilities across the country, Earth              Products’ business by
Friendly Products creates green products          catching missing tax
in a sustainable fashion by reducing its          credits and going back
carbon footprint and lowering costs.              several years to ensure
For example, the company’s corporate              the returns were amended.
headquarters is home to the largest               Through these savings, as
commercial solar array in Illinois.               well as the company’s long-term vision,                 Friendly Products and learn more about
    Since Earth Friendly Products’                Earth Friendly Products has grown by 20                 how Sikich added value to the company?
partnership with Sikich began, the                percent annually for the last few years.                Watch the Client Spotlight video at
green company has experienced many                    Want to get an inside look at Earth       

Industry Updates
Keeping abreast of statistics, trends and industry developments allows you to identify risks and uncover opportunities in the market.
With better insight into the competitive landscape, you can make more informed, strategic decisions and gain a competitive edge. Our
quarterly industry updates offer intelligence from First Research* and focus on the critical facts that affect your day-to-day business.

               MANUFACTURING                                                               PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATIONS
               Consumer confidence drops – U.S. consumer                                   Business travel forecast dims – Business travel is
               confidence, a key demand indicator for manufactured                         expected to slow down for the remainder of 2012 in
               goods, fell in July 2012 to its lowest point in the year,                   light of continued economic concerns in the United
according to the Thomson Reuters/University of Michigan index of           States and Europe, a signal that attendance at business and
consumer sentiment. The index reading fell to 72 from June’s 73.2; a       professional association meetings could suffer. The Global Business
Bloomberg News survey of 69 economists had forecast a July 2012            Travel Association downgraded its outlook for U.S. business travel
index reading of 73.5. The drop in consumer confidence is likely due       from 3.6-percent growth to a more modest 1.8 percent. Businesses
to persistently high unemployment, the European debt crisis and its        will also rein in international business travel expenses as economic
contribution to stock market volatility and low home prices. Household     uncertainty continues to plague Europe. The forecast is a stark
spending accounts for about 70 percent of the U.S. economy, so a           contrast to the relative strength of the business travel market in
sustained decline in consumer confidence could reduce demand for           recent years and underscores the concern businesses place on
many types of manufactured goods.                                          overall economic conditions.
                                                                           *Industry intelligence from First Research, a division of Hoover’s (a DB company). Data
                                                                           published Aug. 13, 2012

12                                                                                                                                                          fall 2012
Does your social
media policy violate
federal law?
Many organizations have been grappling with
writing social media policies for their
employees, but recent guidance from the
general counsel of the National Labor Relations
                                                                                                         How to keep your
                                                                                                         star players
                                                                                                         If your company can identify its top
                                                                                                         performers, and has been lucky in landing
                                                                                                         standouts from other companies, it is not
                                                                                                         alone. Eighty-six percent of companies have
                                                                                                         been able to do that. However, keeping the
                                                                                                         stars from leaving is another matter entirely.
Board has shed light on the matter.
  NLRB’s Lafe Solomon stresses that all                                                                      These observations are the key findings
employees have certain rights under federal                                                              of an informal survey of 91 human resources
law that can’t be infringed upon in social                                                               professionals conducted in July by Sibson
media policies, and there are questions you should ask when defining your policy.                        Consulting. Almost all of those surveyed
•	 Does your policy prohibit or restrict “friending” other employees? Workers have                       indicated they were concerned about losing
   the right to do so. A statement encouraging employees to “think carefully about                       their star employees. At the same time,
   ‘friending’ co-workers” was considered illegal.                                                       companies appear to be more selective in
•	 Does your policy prohibit your employees from posting about the company?                              their retention practices; just 58 percent said
   Under federal law, employees may criticize their company and how it treats its                        they were interested in retaining their entire
   employees.                                                                                            workforce.
•	 Does your policy prohibit talking about co-workers? The workforce has the right                           Companies may be waking up to the
   to discuss wages and conditions of employment with employees and others.                              importance of providing career growth to
•	 Does your policy ban posting the trademarks, videos and pictures of the                               their best people.
   company, or of others, without permission? If a policy merely urges people to                             “In general, one of the things that keep
   “respect third-party intellectual property,” it is likely lawful.                                     high performers around is giving them a
•	 Does your policy prohibit talking to the press? Workers have the right to talk to                     sense that they
   the news media in certain labor disputes.                                                             have a future
•	 Does your policy prohibit talking in an indecent manner? A provision warning                          with your
   employees to “avoid harming the image and integrity of the company” was not lawful.                   company,” says
•	 Does your policy prohibit discussing inflammatory topics? Employees have the                          Jim Kochanski, a
   right to talk in a spirited manner about working conditions.                                          senior vice
•	 Does your policy ban the use of social media while at work? A complete                                president at
   prohibition of employees using social media with an employer’s resources or on an                     Sibson.
   employer’s time was unlawful.

      Three steps                                      Executives can take some basic steps to           2. Be transparent and consistent in your
      to build                                         build trust among employees and improve              actions. While businesses often focus on
                                                       business results, says Andy Atkins, chief            results and ignore the process, if you are
      trust among                                      innovation officer of Interaction Associates,        transparent and consistent, your
      employees                                        a global leadership development firm.                employees will learn to rely on you.
                                                       1. 	 nvolve people in decisions that directly
                                                           I                                             3. 	 ay attention to relationships. If you
                                                           affect them. Bring people in before the          understand what matters to employees,
                                                           call is made. Even if they oppose the            they’ll trust you to act in behaviors that
                                                           decision, they are more likely to support        align with their interests. LE
                                                           it if they were involved in the discussion.

Leading Edge                                                                                                                                        13
The ‘ex’ factor
How companies can utilize former employees
and other connections to drive growth

                                                   hen an employee leaves your
                                                   company, do you view that
                                                   person as disloyal or as a
                                                   future resource?
                                                       How you handle your
                                   former employees can make a big difference
                                   in how your business grows. Take Procter 
                                   Gamble, the $90 billion consumer goods
                                   giant, as an example.
                                      The PG Alumni Network was started by
                                   a former employee and really took off 11
                                   years ago when then-CEO A.G. Lafley put
                                   his support behind the group. Today, there
                                   are 45 active chapters with 25,000 members
                                   around the world.
                                      “Alumni groups are hard to get started
                                   initially because it takes a little bit of money
                                   and it takes people to volunteer to go do
                                   this,” says Mike Halloran, network director
                                   and board member for the PG Alumni
                                   Network. “The fact that Procter was
                                   supportive of our effort and gave us
                                   encouragement to do this enabled us to get
                                   going and put this together. That was Lafley
                                   recognizing that this wasn’t a threat to PG
                                   but a great asset to PG.”
                                      Lafley was a big believer in the idea that
                                   not everything has to be invented inside of
                                   PG, and the company’s alumni are a key
                                   part of that.
                                      “One way we partner with them is sharing
                                   with them specific innovation needs that we
                                   have where we are looking for solutions,” says
                                   Steve Baggot, PG’s director of global
                                   business development. “We can activate
                                   networks that we have built outside the
                                   company and say, ‘We have this particular
                                   innovation challenge. We are looking for this
                                   particular technology or this particular go-to-
                                   market solution.’ We take that need, and we

14                                                                      fall 2012

                                                               “The first thing you
                                                               need is a strong group
                                                               of volunteers to make
                                                               this work.”
                                                                                      – Mike Halloran, network director and board member
                                                                                        for the PG Alumni Network

can spread that need very, very broadly in an     that former employees still feel like they are    programming,” Halloran says. “The last
effort to identify potential solutions.”          part of the PG network, that they feel like      thing is to develop ways to generate
   Alumni are often eager to respond to a         they’re connected, they feel like they’re still   funding. We’ve really thought through
need because they have previously worked in       valued and they feel like their contributions     how to develop sponsors for individual
a specific area, or they have a connection in a   are still important.”                             events and how to generate enough cash
specific area that can help get potential            To build that kind of network, you need        to make those events self-supporting.”
solutions back to the company.                    to establish that effort from top leadership.
   “The other broad bucket of how we interact     Executives have to be visible to the alumni       Other options
with them would be helping them understand        and assist them with programming and              While alumni groups are a great resource
that PG is open for business and wants to        financial support. The advantage to working       to a parent company, not everyone has
do business with alumni,” Baggot says. “Our       with alumni is they already know the              enough former employees to make the
group provides a portal for alumni to reach       business, speak the same corporate language       idea work. And sometimes you really need
back into the company to say, ‘I’ve got a         and have the same shared values.                  a fresh perspective.
particular business proposition, technology, a       “You start a few steps down the road              That’s where a network of industry
new brand, a new capability.’ Our charter is to   versus somebody who hasn’t had a history of       experts can help.
help them and get that navigated to the right     working with your company,” Baggot says.             “The benefit that these experts bring is
place within the company.”                        “It makes it easier for both parties. They        that they are on demand,” says Michael
                                                  should have better-than-average insight into      Rubin, vice president of marketing for
Support is vital to success                       the types of things that would be                 Your Encore, an organization that
PG’s level of commitment and support to          appropriate for your business, so it’s a good     connects businesses with a network of
the alumni group helped it succeed.               use of your time to be sure that you engage       7,500 industry experts. “It’s a great way for
   “Two things are critical — one is support      with them.”                                       these companies to tap into advanced
from the parent company, and the second is           As much as company support can help, it        expertise that may be difficult to find
that the governance and the organization          is still dependent on the alumni to make the      elsewhere on the open market.”
come from the members themselves,” Baggot         group successful.                                    Many companies are now looking for
says. “It has to be something that comes             “The first thing you need is a strong group    on-demand talent. Networks like Your
from the population, and they have to want        of volunteers to make this work,” Halloran        Encore give those companies an outside
to do this. Equally, the company has to say,      says. “Too often, some organizations try to       perspective that alumni sometimes can’t
‘This is a good thing, and we are very            get going with two or three people, and it        provide.
supportive of that.’”                             really takes 10 or 12 to make it happen.             “A lot of companies like someone from
   Approach your former employees with            Second, you have to have a very clear short-      the outside, either from their general
support and view them as potential assets or      term vision and clear long-term vision. Keep      industry or from a totally different
even business partners to maximize their value.   it simple, but have a very strong focus.”         industry, to come in with fresh eyes,”
   “In a lot of companies, when somebody             Alumni groups are not just about going to      Rubin says.
leaves their employment, they become              cocktail parties and seeing somebody from            The key is to look for relationships that
persona non grata,” says Lisa Popyk,              the past, and they’re not just about having       can benefit your business. Regardless of
communications and external relations for         guest speakers and talking business.              whether it is through ex-employees or
global business development at PG.                  “You have to figure out what is that right     outside experts, viewing everyone as a
“They’re just not seen as part of the family.     mix of personal connection events with            potential business partner can help move
PG made a concerted effort to make sure          business events and build that into your          your business forward. LE

Leading Edge                                                                                                                                       15
What’s HOT
                                  ith a sluggish global recovery and    invented a way to bring sustainable local
                                  bleak news about the recession in     housing to people by developing an

Despite global                    Europe, many are pessimistic
                                  about the world’s economy.
                                                                        affordable, sustainable building material that
                                                                        is biodegradable and 30-percent less

pessimism, some     However, there are some bright spots,
                    particularly in the energy, health care,
                                                                        expensive than other housing materials.
                                                                           “Sustainable resources are very connected

global industries   translation and localization and IT industries,
                    and experts forecast all of these will stay hot
                                                                        to affordability,” Bujorean says. “People can’t
                                                                        afford to pay a lot for energy, so new

are sizzling with   in the short term.
                                                                        technology that can be identified to provide
                                                                        energy at a low cost that is more attainable is

opportunity         Energy
                    The energy industry is of particular interest
                                                                        a big focus. In Bangladesh, in particular, it is
                                                                        important given the flooding and disasters
                    in the United Arab Emirates, Pakistan,              that have happened there. These technologies
                    Bangladesh and Indonesia, says Ovidiu               give them the possibility of rebuilding and
                    Bujorean, program manager of the Global             are also applicable in other countries that
                    Innovation through Science and Technology           can’t afford housing.”
                    Initiative, which builds entrepreneurship in
                    countries across the Middle East, Central           Information technology
                    and Southeast Asia and Africa by identifying,       As technology continues to advance and
                    coaching and funding entrepreneurs. The             grow, more opportunities are opening up
                    initiative is part of CRDF Global, an               across the globe.
                    independent nonprofit organization that                Spain, for example, has a well-educated
                    promotes international scientific and               population with a strong emphasis on
                    technical collaboration.                            advanced scientific and technological degrees,
                       “The UAE is looking to diversify its             says Mary Anne Thompson, founder and
                    energy resources, so it has put a lot of effort     president of Going Global Inc., which
                    into renewable sources of energy. It wants to       provides country-specific career and
                    reduce its dependency on oil and lead the           employment information for 30 countries.
                    way for other more renewable energies,”             Potential areas of growth in Spain include
                    Bujorean says. “On the other hand, countries        open-source software, which has strong
                    like Pakistan and Indonesia have limited            public support and a growing market, and
                    access to traditional energy sources like oil, so   e-health, e-commerce and mobile phone
                    they are looking to build alternative sources       auxiliary services. Spain has one of Europe’s
                    of energy.”                                         highest mobile phone penetration rates.
                       For example, the GIST Initiative recently           In addition, IT professionals are strongly
                    recognized an entrepreneur from Indonesia           in demand in Ireland. Two years ago, the
                    who created a company named T-Files. The            country issued almost 500 work permits to
                    company develops marine turbines that turn          non-European Economic Area software
                    ocean currents into electricity, a valuable         engineers and computer programmers to
                    resource for the country.                           bring these much-needed professionals to
                       These countries are also focused on              the country.
                    creating sustainable energy. A GIST                    “The Irish government will also be
                    Initiative funding winner from Pakistan, for        implementing two immigration programs to
                    example, created a machine that turns farm          encourage foreign investment and
                    waste into natural gas that can then be used        entrepreneurship: the Immigrant Investor
                    as electricity. And in Bangladesh, a man            Programme for non-EEA investors and the

16                                                                                                           fall 2012
Start-up Entrepreneur Programme for               has also been entering emerging markets,             This industry has steadily increased
entrepreneurs with proposals in innovation        particularly those in Brazil, Russia, India and   revenue and created jobs during the recession,
sectors,” Thompson says. “Successful              China, which will help the industry expand        says Terena Bell, CEO of In Every
applicants will be granted two-year residence     and grow.                                         Language, a provider of translating,
permits for themselves and family, renewable         The United States is also focusing on          interpreting and localization solutions in the
up to five years.”                                these emerging markets and expects to see         United States and abroad.
   India is also expected to see strong growth    strong growth in this industry. In addition,         This industry is hot in the United States
in the IT industry. In the second half of 2011,   generic pharmaceuticals are expected to           because, according to Title VI federal law,
the sector generated 81,300 jobs, and about       grow in the United States because many            which prohibits discrimination based on race,
130,000 new positions are expected this year.     drug patents expire and the Patient               color and national origin, any organization
The sector is particularly thriving because of    Protection and Affordable Care Act                receiving federal funds is required to provide
strong revenue from the country’s top four IT     becomes effective, requiring all individuals      translation and interpretation to people with
firms: Tata Consultancy Services Ltd., Infosys    to have health insurance.                         limited English skills, Bell says. In addition,
Ltd.’s IT division, Wipro Ltd. and HCL               Bujorean says the GIST Initiative worked       the Small Business Administration recently
Technologies Ltd.                                 with many entrepreneurs in health care,           issued State Trade and Export Promotion
                                                  particularly in Mediterranean countries. The      grants that help small exporters in the United
Pharmaceuticals and health care                   initiative recently saw two health care           States pay for the translation of their
People will always need medication, so the        entrepreneurs from Lebanon, one who               websites and marketing material.
pharmaceutical industry is continually growing.   developed a waterproof heart rate monitor            Translation and localization is also a big
   The industry is hot in Spain right now,        that attaches to swim goggles and another         trend in Ireland, which has a large
which has about 440 pharmaceutical                who created a portable health monitor with        concentration of localization and translation
companies operating in the country and            GPS that can predict heart attacks and            industry professionals and is a hub for
accounts for 18.5 percent of the country’s        transmits data that can detect anomalies.         multinational companies including Microsoft,
private research and development spending,           “With the availability of Wi-Fi                Cisco, Facebook, Google and LinkedIn.
according to Thompson.                            technologies, there are a lot of opportunities       In addition, the industry is gaining traction
   In 2011, for example, Celgene, a               for new, technological health care products,”     in China because, with a population of more
multinational biopharmaceutical company,          Bujorean says                                     than 1.3 billion, many businesses are looking to
opened its first research center outside of the                                                     target the country’s vast number of consumers.
United States in Spain as part of the Celgene     Translation and localization                         “Businesses are looking toward foreign
Institute of Transnational Research Europe,       While translation deals with language only,       markets as an additional source of revenue,”
which intends to invest 60 million euros, or      localization takes into account everything else   Bell says. “Selling to these markets means
approximately $75 million, in advanced            that is part of converting business from one      communicating with them, so savvy
therapies and regenerative medicine.              country to another, including in which            businesses understand that translation is not
   The industry is also big in Japan because      currency a price should be quoted or whether      a cost center — it’s a profit driver. This
governmental policies offering incentives for     a website should be designed for viewing          makes it a smart investment in a company’s
generic medicine have driven demand. Japan        right to left or left to right.                   financial future.” LE

Leading Edge                                                                                                                                    17
on the bookshelf
Profiles in Leadership

The fall edition of Bookshelf                      idiosyncratic business leaders whose               Julius Caesar, CEO:
includes volumes on leadership                     companies’ returns greatly outperformed those      Six Principles to
                                                   of the SP 500. The subjects themselves are        Guide  Inspire
under duress, communication, CEO
                                                   not household names, although some of their        Modern Leaders
transitions, unconventional (but                                                                      Alan Axelrod
                                                   companies are: General Cinema, Ralston
effective) approaches to business                  Purina, The Washington Post Co. and                Sterling
leadership and a look at how one                   Berkshire Hathaway. The book enumerates            248 pages
of the world’s earliest CEOs, Julius               the consistent traits that helped these leaders    In this most recent
Caesar, led his organization, the                  push their companies to exceptional                installment in his CEO
Roman Empire, through its most                     performance, such as focusing on share value       series, Axelrod analyzes
successful years.                                  instead of sales, an aptitude for allocating       Julius Caesar, the general, statesman and leader
                                                   capital and human resources, the conviction        of the Roman Empire, in business-executive
                                                   that cash flow is more important than              terms. He uses a straightforward, informal
Inside CEO                                         earnings in determining a company’s long-          style to explore six motivational standards that
Succession: The                                    term value, and a talent for giving managers       constitute the core of Caesar’s leadership
Essential Guide to                                 autonomy to foster entrepreneurial thought         philosophy. Within each of the six core
Leadership Transition                              and action.                                        principles are several practical lessons CEOs
Thomas Saporito,                                                                                      can use in their daily work lives. Axelrod also
Paul Winum                                         World Class                                        provides an interesting analysis of Caesar’s life
Jossey-Bass                                        Communication:                                     and applies the lessons learned by the subject
256 pages                                          How Great                                          to modern day events and how they can be
Inside CEO Succession                              CEOs Win with                                      similarly handled by today’s business leaders.
gives business leaders the tools to execute        the Public,
their succession responsibilities with a high      Shareholders,                                      Leading With Honor:
level of professionalism to ensure their           Employees,                                         Leadership Lessons
companies’ sustained success. The authors                                                             from the Hanoi Hilton
                                                   and the Media
explain how human dynamics such as power,                                                             Lee Ellis
                                                   Virgil Scudder,
ego and role relationships can affect the                                                             Freedom Star Media
                                                   Ken Scudder
processes of relinquishing leadership, preparing                                                      256 pages
successors and ceding authority to other                                                              Former U.S. Air Force
                                                   240 pages
people, and they suggest strategies to prevent                                                        pilot Lee Ellis talks
                                                   World Class Communication is a tonic for
these and other dynamics from creating                                                                candidly about the five
                                                   business executives whose narrow focus on the
problems during the leadership transition                                                             and a half years he spent
                                                   financial aspects of their business can at times
process that can cause new business executives                                                        imprisoned in a brutal POW camp in North
                                                   be detrimental to their ability to communicate
to fail early in their tenures.                                                                       Vietnam and offers 14 leadership principles he
                                                   well with the public, the media and their
                                                   employees. The book furnishes business             formulated during that period that helped him
The Outsiders:                                                                                        persevere through his captivity. Ellis, a
                                                   leaders with procedures and crisis lessons and
Eight Unconventional                                                                                  corporate consultant and business leadership
                                                   provides numerous case studies of situations
CEOs and Their                                     in which CEOs’ communications were                 coach, helps Fortune 500 executives, small
Radically Rational                                 handled well and poorly. The authors provide       business owners and entrepreneurs implement
Blueprint for Success                              tips on communication techniques to rally          these leadership principles to increase their
William Thorndike                                  employee support, speak persuasively in            organization’s prospects for success via
Harvard Business Review                            public, win over the media and deliver             coaching sessions provided within each chapter
Press                                              effective messages to shareholders.                of Leading With Honor. LE
272 pages
In The Outsiders, Thorndike profiles eight

18                                                                                                                                          fall 2012
Sikich and other members of the
Leading Edge Alliance are leaders in
many key markets, including:
                                                                                  The Leading Edge Alliance is an international professional
Alabama                     India                        Palestine
                                                                                  association of independently owned accounting and consulting firms.
Albania                     Indiana                      Panama
Afghanistan                 Indonesia                    Paraguay                 The Alliance enables member firms to access the resources of a
Argentina                   Iowa                         Paris                    multibillion dollar global professional services organization, providing
Atlanta                     Ireland                      Peru
Australia                   Israel                       Philadelphia             business development, professional training and education, and peer-to-
Austria                     Italy                        Phoenix                  peer networking opportunities nationally and globally, around the corner
Azerbaijan                  Jordan                       Philippines
                                                                                  and around the world.
Bahrain                     Kansas                       Pittsburgh
Baltimore                   Kazakhstan                   Poland
Bangladesh                  Kenya                        Providence               Members are quality firms who are very successful, have deep client
Belgium                     Knoxville                    Puerto Rico
Bolivia                     Korea                        Richmond                 relationships, and strong ties to the community. The Alliance provides
Boston                      Kuwait                       Reno                     members with an impressive combination: the comprehensive size and
Brazil                      Las Vegas                    Romania
                                                         Russian Federation
                                                                                  scope of a large multinational company while offering their clients the
British Virgin Islands      Latvia
Buffalo                     Lebanon                      San Francisco            continuity, consistency and quality service of a local firm. Member firms
Bulgaria                    Lexington                    Saudi Arabia             have access to extensive teams of business advisors – a peer-to-peer
Cayman Islands              London                       Scotland
Chattanooga                 Los Angeles                  Seattle                  connection that provides the right business solutions for clients.
Chicago                     Luxembourg                   Senegal
Chile                       Macedonia                    Serbia
China                       Madison, WI                  Singapore
Cincinnati                  Malaysia                     Slovakia
Cleveland                   Malta                        Slovenia                 The Leading Edge offers:
Colombia                    Mauritius                    South Carolina
Croatia                     Memphis                      Spain                    •	 Access to extensive teams of accounting professionals and business
Cyprus                      Mexico                       Sweden                      advisors—a peer-to-peer connection that provides the right solutions
Czech Republic              Miami                        Switzerland
                                                                                     for clients.
Dallas                      Michigan                     Taiwan
Dayton                      Minneapolis/St. Paul         Thailand                 •	 Innovative, practice-proven strategies for improving performance in
Denver                      Missouri                     Tokyo                       management, business processes, finance, operations, information
Dominican Republic          Moldova                      Toronto
Ecuador                     Montenegro                   Tucson                      technology and marketing.
Egypt                       Montreal                     Tunisia                  •	 A leading knowledge resource for multi-disciplinary information and
El Salvador                 Morocco                      Turkey
                                                                                     industry-specific expertise responsive to clients’ unique needs.
Finland                     Nashville                    Ukraine
Fort Lauderdale             Nebraska                     United Arab              •	 The Alliance offers accounting, consulting and tax services through a
Ghana                       Netherlands                  Emirates                    global alliance of firms with over 18,323 professional staff, more than
Germany                     New Orleans                  Uganda
Greece                      New Jersey                   Uruguay                     1,600 partners and over 23,518 staff in 455 offices.
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Leading Edge - Fall 2012

  • 1. fall 2012 published by Advice & information to help you manage your business No more Why business owners need to stop waiting Excuses for the economy to improve and act now PLUS: Hot global industries Ex-employees as assets
  • 2. Advice & information to help you manage your business Achieving Growth Among Uncertainty Realize your organizational goals through the one-of-a-kind solutions Sikich, a Every day, we hear conflicting reports in the news regarding the leading accounting, advisory, technology condition of the United States’ economy. Some say it’s still distressed; and managed services firm, brings to your others claim to have evidence of a recovering marketplace. Regardless of unique challenges and needs. With more which assertion is more accurate, the one thing we do know is that every aspect of the economic situation is uncertain. than 400 employees across the U.S., we rank as one of the country’s top 50 Uncertainty can create a wealth of problems within organizations, making expansion largest Certified Public Accounting (CPA) and growth seem impossible. However, surviving these uncertain times and even firms—yet you receive the personalization achieving a competitive advantage is feasible by taking action. and attention you need to grow and Take a look at your organization’s productivity levels. If you’re not producing an experience success. optimal amount, determine what is causing those low levels. Your employees are critical to high productivity—do you need to review your current performance- Get to know Sikich by taking a look at our management policy and procedures, develop a stricter training program or solicit employee feedback on a more regular basis? Perhaps your organization’s low new website, launched at the beginning of productivity levels are due to operations. In this case, consider investing in a business September. There, you’ll find out how you management solution that can give you daily insight into everything from your can gain value for your organization financials and sales to manufacturing and supply chain management. through our dedicated industry teams, Also, talk to a professional about how you can save your organization money. Taxes, for client commitment and extensive list of instance, can be complex, especially if your organization is multi-faceted or operates services: internationally. An expert can uncover tax credits that your organization might be • Accounting, Audit & Tax missing, saving you tremendous amounts of money now and for years to come. Give Sikich a call today to set your organization up for growth today and into the future. • Business Valuation • Dispute Advisory Respectfully, • Investment Banking & Corporate Finance • Financial Advisory • Human Resources • Marketing & Design James A. Sikich, CPA • Performance Measurement CEO & Managing Partner • Business Software • Information Technology Infrastucture • Outsourced Services SUBSCRIPTION UPDATE Complete this form and fax to Rebecca Kruse at (630) 375-8840 or e-mail to Please update your subscription list as follows: ■ Change address ■ Subscribe ■ Unsubscribe from Leading Edge Name __________________________________________________________________ Chicago | Decatur | Denver Title ___________________________________________________________________ Indianapolis | Naperville Company _______________________________________________________________ Rockford | Springfield | St. Louis Address ________________________________________________________________ 877.279.1900 | City _____________________________ State ___________________ Zip ____________ Phone __________________________________ Email __________________________ Facebook: Copy this form as necessary for multiple requests. Twitter: YouTube: Securities are offered through Sikich Corporate Finance LLC, a registered broker dealer with the Securities Exchange Commission and a member of FINRA/SIPC. Advisory services offered through Sikich Financial, a Registered Investment Advisor. General securities offered through Triad Advisors, Member FINRA/SIPC. 2 fall 2012
  • 3. volume 13 • issue 1 • Fall 2012 Leading Edge contents The Leading Edge Alliance is an interna- tional professional association of inde- pendently owned accounting and con- sulting firms. The Leading Edge Alliance enables member firms to access the resources of a multibillion-dollar global professional services organization, providing business development, pro- fessional training and education, and peer-to-peer networking opportunities nationally and globally, around the cor- ner and around the world. features Members are quality firms who are suc- cessful, have deep client relationships, and strong ties to the community. The 4 No more excuses Alliance provides members with an impressive combination: the compre- Why business owners need to stop waiting hensive size and scope of a large mul- tinational company while offering their for the economy to improve and act now clients the continuity, consistency and quality service of a local firm. Member firms have access to extensive 14 The ‘ex’ factor teams of business advisors—a peer-to- peer connection that provides the right How companies can utilize former employees and business solutions for clients. other connections to drive growth To find out more about the Alliance, contact Karen Kehl-Rose, president, at +1 630.513.9814 or 16 What’s hot Leading Edge Advisory Committee Despite global pessimism, some global industries Tricia Egry / Alpern Rosenthal are sizzling with opportunity George Brust / Lurie Besikof Lapidus Co., LLP Jen Lemanski / PKF Texas departments Gary Voth / PKF Texas Karen Kehl-Rose / The Leading Edge Alliance 9 Technology outages: In affiliation with How to create an effective disaster recovery plan Smart Business Content Marketing Ann M. Gynn / Editor 10 Identifying waste: Danielle Toth, Mark Scott, Greg Jones / Associate Editors 7 improvement opportunities for your business Stacy Vickroy / Art Director Andrea Jager Lauren Beck / 11 Higher education: Graphic Designers How to manage student accounts receivables Leading Edge is published four times per year by Smart Business Content Marketing, 835 Sharon Drive, Suite 200, Cleveland, OH 44145. (440) 250-7000, (800) 988-4726, 12 Client Spotlight: Earth Friendly Products FAX (440) 250-7001, Periodicals postage paid at Cleveland, Ohio. 12 Industry Updates IRS Treasury Regulations require us to inform you that any tax advice contained in the body of this communication was not intended or written to be used, and cannot be used, by 13 Bits Pieces the recipient for the purpose of avoiding pen- alties that may be imposed under the Internal Revenue Code or applicable state or local tax law provisions. 18 On the Bookshelf Leading Edge 3
  • 4. No more 4 fall 2012
  • 5. cover feature Why business owners need to stop waiting for the economy to improve and act now By mark scott A recession can be a great excuse to do Most are not big enough to take on nothing with your business. Just significant risk and recover if it doesn’t turn don’t try telling that to Bob out well. But many do have some capital to Mitchell. work with and the wherewithal to make More than a year after the things happen — if they are willing to be economy crashed and banks started closing bold and take a chance. their doors en masse, Mitchells Family of “There are plenty of people who are too Stores looked to add to its portfolio. cautious and too comfortable,” Mitchell says. The Westport, Conn.-based upscale “They have the means to do it, but they are clothing retailer bought the Wilkes Bashford still not willing to take the risk. It’s like stores in San Francisco and Palo Alto, Calif., investing in the stock market. The best time in December 2009, at a time when the to invest is when everything is low. Not that troubled line of stores had just filed for everything is as low as it was three years ago, bankruptcy. but there is still a lot of uncertainty out there. For Mitchell and his team, it was an From an acquisition standpoint, things are opportunity that couldn’t be passed up. still at a different level today than they will “These may have been things we wouldn’t be when the economy takes off again.” have done in good times, because things were As a result, if you’re looking for a bargain good and we didn’t have to worry about it,” and have the means to buy, the time to act says Mitchell, co-president of the family- may be now. If you’re waiting for the owned business. “But by doing these things, economy to start growing again in a big way, it’s energized our team. We’re looking for you may be waiting for a long time. opportunities when maybe other people are “The recession was declared over in June being complacent.” 2009,” says Al Lewis, a columnist for Dow As the economy enters its fifth year of Jones Newswires and The Wall Street Journal. uncertainty since the 2008 crash, owners of “We’ve had three years of recovery since then mid-sized businesses face tough decisions. continued on page 6 Excuses Leading Edge 5
  • 6. continued from page 5 and we still have 8.3 percent unemployment opportunities and forget about the economy,” Mitchell keeps a watchful eye on the stock and a mortgage foreclosure crisis that won’t Lewis says. “There were people who got very market, but it’s not out of a desperate hope quit. Now we have people warning we might rich during the Great Depression and there for direction. It just happens to serve as a go into another recession next year. So we’re were people waiting in bread lines. You just pretty accurate barometer for his business. going to have two recessions with a three- try not to be the person waiting in the bread “There seems to be a very high correlation year recovery in between? To me, that sounds line.” that when people feel good about their like a depression.” It’s too stressful and too frustrating, and at investments, they are more willing to spend With all that in mind, what is the best the end of the day, just downright futile to on things that are not necessities, like course of action for an owner of a mid-sized look for signs from the economy that are expensive clothes or expensive jewelry,” business to take? going to magically help your business. Mitchell says. “The market is probably the “The only economic indicators I would biggest indicator of how our business is going Get moving watch, if I watched them at all, would be to do.” According to the latest report from the housing and unemployment,” Lewis says. Most of the time, Mitchell is keenly Congressional Budget Office, fiscal year “Those are the things that are hurting the focused on his customers and what he can do 2012 is slated to close Sept. 30 with a economy the most. When we really see to satisfy them, whether the economy is federal budget deficit totaling $1.1 trillion, improvement in those areas, then we’ll know booming or busting. the fourth year in a row with a deficit of the economy is indeed turning around.” “We’re just a big believer that, in our more than $1 trillion. business, it’s all about relationships and GDP is expected to grow at about customers,” Mitchell says. “You have to have 2.25 percent in the second half of 2012, “Companies need the best products, but that’s kind of a given. compared with 1.75 percent in the first half, and unemployment will likely remain above to look at their It’s really the one-to-one personalized service and getting to know your top 100 customers 8 percent. Little is expected to change from a own opportunities intimately. There is always more business available from your top clients. What things numbers perspective, but even if those and forget about are you not selling them that you could?” numbers did change, how does that help you as the owner of a mid-sized business? the economy.” Getting in touch with your customers should not just be your job and it should not Not much, says Lewis. – Al Lewis, a columnist for Dow Jones just be the job of your low-level staffers on “Companies need to look at their own Newswires and The Wall Street Journal the floor. It should be everyone’s priority. “Ninety-five percent of our work force works on Saturday, which is our busiest day touching customers,” Mitchell says. “Everybody from finance to buying to anyone behind the scenes is there touching customers on Saturday. That, to me, is rule No. 1. In good times or bad times, everybody has to understand the customer is king or queen. They drive everything. Without customers, we have no business.” Lewis agrees that customer communication is the way to go for any business searching for a solution to the ongoing economic malaise. “You just have to accept that there is going to be this uncertainty,” he says. “You have to go find customers. Do whatever you can to find customers, hold on to customers, get revenue and find things that are making money, and get rid of things that aren’t making money. There’s only so much value that information from the economy or the markets really has to offer you. You’re pretty much on your own.” 6 fall 2012
  • 7. cover feature Use your experience For business owners who need data or a signal to help guide their decisions, John Graves says there are numbers that can give you some sense of direction, even if they don’t solve all your problems. “Most companies look at backlog or back order,” says Graves, a chartered financial consultant and author of The 7% Solution, a book geared toward helping people make smarter investments for their futures. “If orders change or orders are cancelled, that’s a signal,” he says. “If orders are Three survival extended, that’s another signal. You can also look at your accounts receivable. If people are 30 days late and they extend it to 60 or 75 days, that’s a signal. If we’re cleaning up ARs and the 90s and 75s are going away and tips for CEOs 1 we’re banking capital more quickly, that’s also a signal.” Just because it worked once, don’t assume it will work again. You can also look at truck utilization Bob Mitchell could not be more pleased with his company’s figures, wholesale diesel fuel prices, underemployment figures, rental property acquisition of Wilkes Bashford. But he didn’t take the move as a usage and vacancies and residential data, strict blueprint for all future decisions. Graves says. “The biggest mistake most people make in good times or bad But once you sort through all that data, it is doing something, having quick success and then trying to is still ultimately you that has to make the duplicate it very quickly and do it again and again,” Mitchell says. decisions. The numbers can only take you “We’re much more a believer that 90 percent of all success is part of the way. execution.” 2 “We cannot create a formula to describe the future,” Graves says. “None of us can. So depending on the company, the industry, the Don’t worry about the economy. product or the service, there’s a significant Financial columnist Al Lewis says it’s really the best thing you can do. amount of guesswork. We have to make Make the decisions that you think put you in the best position to grow decisions. The informed part comes from our and don’t worry about what’s happening on the business pages. experience, our background, our current “Focus on what matters,” Lewis says. “Find somebody who backlog of business, our inventory, how quick needs your goods and services, and that’s it. There are still people we turn it around and what our clients or out there who need things. Find them. Don’t worry about the prospects are telling us. That’s all data driven. economy. If you have to make hiring decisions, don’t just sit there. Everything else is a guess.” Do it.” 3 Mitchell made the decision back in 2009 to buy Wilkes Bashford and it has worked out well for his company. Stay out of debt. “If you have the capital financially and John Graves calls debt an addiction that you should seek to avoid intellectually in your organization to do at all costs. something, this is the time to do it,” Mitchell “People think, ‘If I take on more debt and I put more money into says. “It will pay itself back. On the flip side, my product or service or inventory and I try to sell more stuff, I’ll this is not the time to make an acquisition become a bigger company and I’ll feel better,’” says Graves, a that would be betting the farm. If it’s chartered financial consultant. “That’s the wrong answer. Paying something that is make-or-break, it’s probably not the right time to do it in case down debt is good. Taking on debt is bad.” we get into a small downturn again.” continued on page 8 Leading Edge 7
  • 8. cover feature continued from page 7 Whatever you do, make sure that you’re making decisions as a team and using all of the talent at your disposal to collectively sort through the pros and cons of a decision. “I find that, especially in times that are more challenging, having everybody on the same page is even more important so that we all win or lose as a team,” Mitchell says. “We’re not just dictating any one thing. We’ve made sure everybody believes in what we’re doing before we jump into it.” Don’t be paralyzed One of the biggest unknowns looming is the presidential election. The outcome of the race and the decisions that are made in 2013 could have a big effect on the economy. But just like all the other financial news out there, Lewis says you can’t put your life or your business on hold. Don’t obsess “It can be quite paralyzing,” the columnist says. “It would be better to just look at what’s going on with your customers and look at how you can be more involved with them during these times.” over your competition The economy is going to do what it’s going to do and you can’t be swayed by one report today and swayed back by a conflicting one tomorrow. If you do, you will drive yourself crazy. “For instance, we can get really good When Al Lewis sees a business owner studying his competition a employees for a fraction of what we would little too much, he takes it as a lack of confidence. have had to pay them during an economic “You should have intelligence on your competitors and be aware boom,” Lewis says. “We should be looking at who we can hire. Who is super smart that is of the tenor in your industry,” says Lewis, columnist for Dow Jones available? People are suffering from declining Newswires and The Wall Street Journal. incomes, but what is the value you can deliver “But the most successful business owners aren’t sitting around to these people so that they can continue to worrying about what their competitors are doing. They’re plowing use your product or service?” new fields and they are moving ahead. If you’re focused too much on Focus on your business and on what you do really well, and you’ll have the best chance what they’re doing and not on what you’re doing, that means your to find profitability. vision isn’t very strong.” “You can’t just sit there and go, ‘Well, we Bob Mitchell doesn’t worry about his competition, but he does keep can’t hire anybody because we’re worried an eye on it. The co-president of Mitchells Family of Stores is curious about what Obama is going to do if he’s about what competitors do that works and what doesn’t work. re-elected, or we’re worried about something “You can learn from everyone,” Mitchell says. “But our big else,’” Lewis says. “You hire somebody because you can employ them immediately differentiating factor is still going to be the environment we create, and you can make a profit from them.” LE the relationships we develop and the service we provide for clients.” 8 fall 2012
  • 9. inside: • Identifying waste: 7 improvement opportunities for your business • Higher education: How to manage student accounts receivables • Client Spotlight: Earth Friendly Products • Industry Updates Technology outages: How to create an effective disaster recovery plan I f you have ever been in the unfortunate position of experiencing a technology system and you will begin to realize what has the highest priority and what may not be procedures to use an alternate site, the main point-of- disruption—either due to power equally important to your contact and a backup. outages, loss of Internet organization. • Plan testing connectivity, blown battery Plan for common incidents. schedule: backup devices, lightning damage Learn from history when Describe how you or, the worst case, natural disaster creating a disaster recovery plan. will test the plan, as damage—hopefully your disaster What types of outages have you well as how often. recovery plan was in place, tested already experienced? Are Start small by testing and working. However, not all lightning strikes, tornadoes, specific areas or leaders prepare for a disruption, flooding or server failures departments. Often, which can critically damage your prevalent in your area? To help it is not possible to business’s technology or overall you begin thinking about this, pull the plug on the operations. An effective disaster here are the five main losses in entire organization, recovery plan typically includes order of most common to least declare a disaster and start the so starting small five steps: common: plan in motion, which during slower demand times Prioritize processes. • Human error loss: deleting locations are covered by the may be easier. Remember— Prioritization of processes is files, overwriting data and plan and the critical without testing your plan, it is sometimes referred to as a everyday mistakes applications and facilities. not complete. business impact analysis. By • Data corruption: virus attacks In addition, list the major • Recovery plan maintenance: segregating each significant and application errors departments and their Many changes will impact the process into one of three • Storage loss: corrupt or process owners. plan, including contact categories (mission critical—most malfunctioning hardware • Teams and contacts: information, personnel important; business critical; or • Site loss: flood, fire, tornado List the disaster recovery changes and the computer organizationally important—least or hurricane team and responsibilities; network environment. Review important), you are prioritizing • Server loss: CPU failure, theft contact information for the plan once or twice a year the parts of the organization that or catastrophic virus process owners, IT staff and to keep up with these should be recovered first in the Communicate the plan. third-party vendors; off-site changes. Also, don’t forget to event of an outage. This step is key because it’s storage information; and have paper copies on hand, Determine recovery important for staff at all levels to information about any just in case. objectives. understand what their roles are in alternate recovery site. • Appendices: Decide how long you can live a disaster or disruptive situation. • Environmental Include copies of important without access to a particular The best way to communicate documentation: contracts, agreements and system. Additionally, ask yourself: the plan is to prepare a Include current network previous plan testing results. Should a system fail, how current document, place multiple copies documentation such as ISP is the data from which you throughout all business locations contacts and accounts, Creating a disaster recovery recover? Define what you and ensure everyone knows passwords, physical maps of plan may sound like an consider a disaster and set the where it is located. Just as you all locations and recovery site overwhelming and time- maximum amount of time you know where the fire extinguishers information. consuming task. Start with what can go without access to your are located, you should know • Disaster you already know about your system, otherwise known as where the disaster recovery plan implementation tasks: network and processes and then recovery time objective. Then, set is located. When documenting Detail recovery procedures, start to fill in the gaps. When it the recovery point objective, the this plan, keep the following in alternate site information, comes to disaster recovery acceptable amount of data loss mind: what the recovery planning, having something in from the most recent complete • Organizational information: environment will look like place is always better than having system backup. Do this for each Define who is entitled to and where to report, nothing in place. LE Leading Edge 9
  • 10. Identifying waste: 7 improvement opportunities for your business T he current economic situation is forcing business owners to take a good look at their the resources you have available in the organization. • Gather your management team and conduct a “whiteboard” session with a Can you make the workplace companies to identify waste and more ergonomic for your waste auditor. key improvement opportunities. employees? When they sit • Write down the seven areas Whether cutting costs is a down to perform a service or of waste and discuss where necessity or you just want to run work on a project, do they the company is experiencing a leaner business, it’s beneficial to have all the parts, tools, plans waste in each critical area. constantly seek ways to reduce and schematics to complete • Brainstorm at least three waste. There are seven areas the job, or do they have to get ideas per area about how to where waste typically up and waste time looking for eliminate some waste. At accumulates. Explore these and something to complete the this point, do not think help your management team task? about time or cost develop and implement an 7. Defects are likely the biggest considerations. effective waste-reduction plan. waste to your organization. • Estimate how much money 1. Overproduction occurs when Where do defects occur in the company is spending or a company produces more of your business? The answer is losing because of each area an order in anticipation of everywhere. Most defects and of waste. waste or damage. For waste can be eliminated from mistakes occur due to poor • Rank each idea on a scale example, imagine you need to that path. Think about the processes, lack of training or of one to five, with one assemble a product that flow of work in your lack of proper equipment. being the easiest to requires eight component organization and ask yourself Defects and mistakes cost implement and five being parts. Your purchasing if it makes sense for your money and customers. the most difficult. At the department may actually buy business. end of this process, it will 10 component parts just in 4. Inappropriate processing After you’ve identified where be easy to identify the ideas case any parts are spoiled or occurs when you are using the waste accumulates in your that have the highest value damaged. In a service setting, incorrect tools and processes organization, it’s time to start with the easiest this happens when staff for a job. For example, do you developing a plan to eliminate, or implementation. spends too much time on a use a 20-ton press when a at least reduce, this waste. To do • Document your work. project that can only be billed 10-ton press can do the job? so, follow these six steps: Complete a one-page plan at a certain price. Is an experienced senior and give a deadline to 2. Waiting is the time your executive doing a job a lower- complete the project. Also, product or service spends in ranking person should be have all members of the the system. It waits for doing? management team complete someone to add value before 5. Inventory is a huge waste their plans identifying it goes to the customer. If you culprit within organizations. individual strategies and can eliminate the waiting How often do you “turn” your objectives. time by 50 percent (which is inventory each year, and how ambitious), you can reduce much outdated inventory are It is essential that you set the your cost and improve your you keeping, storing and stage with your employees. This cash flow tremendously. counting each year that is not last step is critical for any 3. ransport is the critical path T going to sell? If there’s too improvement objective in your your product or service takes much, consider finding a new organization because these through the plant, so consider place for it. plans provide a road map to the inefficiencies in its way 6. Motion and process ensure that the improvement and what kinds of time or improvement has to do with plan is complete. LE 10 fall 2012
  • 11. Sikich LLP Higher education: How to manage student accounts receivables E ach year, it’s getting more expensive for students to attend a college or university. The cost of tuition, housing and books are all increasing, so students need more assistance and are taking out more loans. After graduation, student accounts receivables can be a significant asset of a higher education institution and, more importantly, can require a substantial amount of the institution’s resources to bill and collect these fees. By properly managing student accounts receivables, colleges and universities can focus on their core mission rather than spending time collecting past due balances. The effects of improper management When your college or university does not manage these accounts receivables well, it has a considerable effect on the entire institution. A few of the effects include: • Bill the tuition and fees in a The earlier you send • Revenue loss timely manner. The earlier students their bills, the • Slower cash flow you send students their bills, better chance they will • Improper write-offs of bad debt the better chance they will pay in a timely manner. • Opportunity cost of not pursuing outstanding balances pay in a timely manner. • Students registering for future terms without satisfying • Include a signed promissory note. This will ensure a legal prior debt agreement has been made for all multi-payment plans. • Shorten the term. Yes, this increases the amount students must pay Develop benchmarks for comparison during each installment, but it also wipes the debt from their In order to start improving the way your higher education account more quickly. institution manages accounts receivables, you should first • Set a maximum receivable balance. If students cannot carry more outline some benchmarks. These will allow you to compare this than a specified balance, it prevents them from registering for year’s numbers to last year’s, which will give you an idea of future terms. where not only your accounts receivable stand but the • Impose late fees. If your institution already has late fees for non- institution’s overall finances. Some benchmarks to consider paying students, increasing these fees may help. include but are not limited to: • Place holds on records or transcripts. This is important for • Total annual tuition students seeking full-time jobs or internships, as they may be • Total annual amount billed (other than tuition) required to provide these to prospective employers. • Average receivables balance per student • Block college or university services. This may be something small, • Percentage of students with receivables balances such as library access, or something significant, such as graduation • Late fees charged and collected ceremonies. • Total annual write-offs • Report delinquent students to creditors. Federal law requires that • Percentage of students placed in collection during higher education institutions regularly update credit statuses, and the fiscal year credit scores are important to students entering the workforce. • Receivables collected by a third party Different ways of improving collections work for each unique Improve the collection of accounts receivables college and university, but the underlying message is the same for Now that you have a better idea of where you stand compared all—student accounts receivables affect all institutions’ operations in to last year, you can determine how to make collection easier one way or another. Regardless of how you collect the fees, it’s on both the student and institution. imperative you do for your institution’s future. LE Leading Edge 11
  • 12. Sikich LLP Client Spotlight: Earth Friendly Products Founded in 1967, Earth Friendly Products new ways to save money manufactures more than 150 all-natural through its taxes. Whether household and commercial cleaning for domestic production or products that are made from pure research and development, plant-based ingredients. With more than Sikich has provided support 300 employees and five manufacturing and value to Earth Friendly facilities across the country, Earth Products’ business by Friendly Products creates green products catching missing tax in a sustainable fashion by reducing its credits and going back carbon footprint and lowering costs. several years to ensure For example, the company’s corporate the returns were amended. headquarters is home to the largest Through these savings, as commercial solar array in Illinois. well as the company’s long-term vision, Friendly Products and learn more about Since Earth Friendly Products’ Earth Friendly Products has grown by 20 how Sikich added value to the company? partnership with Sikich began, the percent annually for the last few years. Watch the Client Spotlight video at green company has experienced many Want to get an inside look at Earth Industry Updates Keeping abreast of statistics, trends and industry developments allows you to identify risks and uncover opportunities in the market. With better insight into the competitive landscape, you can make more informed, strategic decisions and gain a competitive edge. Our quarterly industry updates offer intelligence from First Research* and focus on the critical facts that affect your day-to-day business. MANUFACTURING PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATIONS Consumer confidence drops – U.S. consumer Business travel forecast dims – Business travel is confidence, a key demand indicator for manufactured expected to slow down for the remainder of 2012 in goods, fell in July 2012 to its lowest point in the year, light of continued economic concerns in the United according to the Thomson Reuters/University of Michigan index of States and Europe, a signal that attendance at business and consumer sentiment. The index reading fell to 72 from June’s 73.2; a professional association meetings could suffer. The Global Business Bloomberg News survey of 69 economists had forecast a July 2012 Travel Association downgraded its outlook for U.S. business travel index reading of 73.5. The drop in consumer confidence is likely due from 3.6-percent growth to a more modest 1.8 percent. Businesses to persistently high unemployment, the European debt crisis and its will also rein in international business travel expenses as economic contribution to stock market volatility and low home prices. Household uncertainty continues to plague Europe. The forecast is a stark spending accounts for about 70 percent of the U.S. economy, so a contrast to the relative strength of the business travel market in sustained decline in consumer confidence could reduce demand for recent years and underscores the concern businesses place on many types of manufactured goods. overall economic conditions. *Industry intelligence from First Research, a division of Hoover’s (a DB company). Data published Aug. 13, 2012 12 fall 2012
  • 13. bits Does your social media policy violate federal law? Many organizations have been grappling with writing social media policies for their employees, but recent guidance from the general counsel of the National Labor Relations pieces How to keep your star players If your company can identify its top performers, and has been lucky in landing standouts from other companies, it is not alone. Eighty-six percent of companies have been able to do that. However, keeping the stars from leaving is another matter entirely. Board has shed light on the matter. NLRB’s Lafe Solomon stresses that all These observations are the key findings employees have certain rights under federal of an informal survey of 91 human resources law that can’t be infringed upon in social professionals conducted in July by Sibson media policies, and there are questions you should ask when defining your policy. Consulting. Almost all of those surveyed • Does your policy prohibit or restrict “friending” other employees? Workers have indicated they were concerned about losing the right to do so. A statement encouraging employees to “think carefully about their star employees. At the same time, ‘friending’ co-workers” was considered illegal. companies appear to be more selective in • Does your policy prohibit your employees from posting about the company? their retention practices; just 58 percent said Under federal law, employees may criticize their company and how it treats its they were interested in retaining their entire employees. workforce. • Does your policy prohibit talking about co-workers? The workforce has the right Companies may be waking up to the to discuss wages and conditions of employment with employees and others. importance of providing career growth to • Does your policy ban posting the trademarks, videos and pictures of the their best people. company, or of others, without permission? If a policy merely urges people to “In general, one of the things that keep “respect third-party intellectual property,” it is likely lawful. high performers around is giving them a • Does your policy prohibit talking to the press? Workers have the right to talk to sense that they the news media in certain labor disputes. have a future • Does your policy prohibit talking in an indecent manner? A provision warning with your employees to “avoid harming the image and integrity of the company” was not lawful. company,” says • Does your policy prohibit discussing inflammatory topics? Employees have the Jim Kochanski, a right to talk in a spirited manner about working conditions. senior vice • Does your policy ban the use of social media while at work? A complete president at prohibition of employees using social media with an employer’s resources or on an Sibson. employer’s time was unlawful. Three steps Executives can take some basic steps to 2. Be transparent and consistent in your to build build trust among employees and improve actions. While businesses often focus on business results, says Andy Atkins, chief results and ignore the process, if you are trust among innovation officer of Interaction Associates, transparent and consistent, your employees a global leadership development firm. employees will learn to rely on you. 1. nvolve people in decisions that directly I 3. ay attention to relationships. If you P affect them. Bring people in before the understand what matters to employees, call is made. Even if they oppose the they’ll trust you to act in behaviors that decision, they are more likely to support align with their interests. LE it if they were involved in the discussion. Leading Edge 13
  • 14. The ‘ex’ factor How companies can utilize former employees and other connections to drive growth W hen an employee leaves your company, do you view that person as disloyal or as a future resource? How you handle your former employees can make a big difference in how your business grows. Take Procter Gamble, the $90 billion consumer goods giant, as an example. The PG Alumni Network was started by a former employee and really took off 11 years ago when then-CEO A.G. Lafley put his support behind the group. Today, there are 45 active chapters with 25,000 members around the world. “Alumni groups are hard to get started initially because it takes a little bit of money and it takes people to volunteer to go do this,” says Mike Halloran, network director and board member for the PG Alumni Network. “The fact that Procter was supportive of our effort and gave us encouragement to do this enabled us to get going and put this together. That was Lafley recognizing that this wasn’t a threat to PG but a great asset to PG.” Lafley was a big believer in the idea that not everything has to be invented inside of PG, and the company’s alumni are a key part of that. “One way we partner with them is sharing with them specific innovation needs that we have where we are looking for solutions,” says Steve Baggot, PG’s director of global business development. “We can activate networks that we have built outside the company and say, ‘We have this particular innovation challenge. We are looking for this particular technology or this particular go-to- market solution.’ We take that need, and we 14 fall 2012
  • 15. strategic “The first thing you need is a strong group of volunteers to make this work.” – Mike Halloran, network director and board member for the PG Alumni Network can spread that need very, very broadly in an that former employees still feel like they are programming,” Halloran says. “The last effort to identify potential solutions.” part of the PG network, that they feel like thing is to develop ways to generate Alumni are often eager to respond to a they’re connected, they feel like they’re still funding. We’ve really thought through need because they have previously worked in valued and they feel like their contributions how to develop sponsors for individual a specific area, or they have a connection in a are still important.” events and how to generate enough cash specific area that can help get potential To build that kind of network, you need to make those events self-supporting.” solutions back to the company. to establish that effort from top leadership. “The other broad bucket of how we interact Executives have to be visible to the alumni Other options with them would be helping them understand and assist them with programming and While alumni groups are a great resource that PG is open for business and wants to financial support. The advantage to working to a parent company, not everyone has do business with alumni,” Baggot says. “Our with alumni is they already know the enough former employees to make the group provides a portal for alumni to reach business, speak the same corporate language idea work. And sometimes you really need back into the company to say, ‘I’ve got a and have the same shared values. a fresh perspective. particular business proposition, technology, a “You start a few steps down the road That’s where a network of industry new brand, a new capability.’ Our charter is to versus somebody who hasn’t had a history of experts can help. help them and get that navigated to the right working with your company,” Baggot says. “The benefit that these experts bring is place within the company.” “It makes it easier for both parties. They that they are on demand,” says Michael should have better-than-average insight into Rubin, vice president of marketing for Support is vital to success the types of things that would be Your Encore, an organization that PG’s level of commitment and support to appropriate for your business, so it’s a good connects businesses with a network of the alumni group helped it succeed. use of your time to be sure that you engage 7,500 industry experts. “It’s a great way for “Two things are critical — one is support with them.” these companies to tap into advanced from the parent company, and the second is As much as company support can help, it expertise that may be difficult to find that the governance and the organization is still dependent on the alumni to make the elsewhere on the open market.” come from the members themselves,” Baggot group successful. Many companies are now looking for says. “It has to be something that comes “The first thing you need is a strong group on-demand talent. Networks like Your from the population, and they have to want of volunteers to make this work,” Halloran Encore give those companies an outside to do this. Equally, the company has to say, says. “Too often, some organizations try to perspective that alumni sometimes can’t ‘This is a good thing, and we are very get going with two or three people, and it provide. supportive of that.’” really takes 10 or 12 to make it happen. “A lot of companies like someone from Approach your former employees with Second, you have to have a very clear short- the outside, either from their general support and view them as potential assets or term vision and clear long-term vision. Keep industry or from a totally different even business partners to maximize their value. it simple, but have a very strong focus.” industry, to come in with fresh eyes,” “In a lot of companies, when somebody Alumni groups are not just about going to Rubin says. leaves their employment, they become cocktail parties and seeing somebody from The key is to look for relationships that persona non grata,” says Lisa Popyk, the past, and they’re not just about having can benefit your business. Regardless of communications and external relations for guest speakers and talking business. whether it is through ex-employees or global business development at PG. “You have to figure out what is that right outside experts, viewing everyone as a “They’re just not seen as part of the family. mix of personal connection events with potential business partner can help move PG made a concerted effort to make sure business events and build that into your your business forward. LE Leading Edge 15
  • 16. What’s HOT W ith a sluggish global recovery and invented a way to bring sustainable local bleak news about the recession in housing to people by developing an Despite global Europe, many are pessimistic about the world’s economy. affordable, sustainable building material that is biodegradable and 30-percent less pessimism, some However, there are some bright spots, particularly in the energy, health care, expensive than other housing materials. “Sustainable resources are very connected global industries translation and localization and IT industries, and experts forecast all of these will stay hot to affordability,” Bujorean says. “People can’t afford to pay a lot for energy, so new are sizzling with in the short term. technology that can be identified to provide energy at a low cost that is more attainable is opportunity Energy The energy industry is of particular interest a big focus. In Bangladesh, in particular, it is important given the flooding and disasters in the United Arab Emirates, Pakistan, that have happened there. These technologies Bangladesh and Indonesia, says Ovidiu give them the possibility of rebuilding and Bujorean, program manager of the Global are also applicable in other countries that Innovation through Science and Technology can’t afford housing.” Initiative, which builds entrepreneurship in countries across the Middle East, Central Information technology and Southeast Asia and Africa by identifying, As technology continues to advance and coaching and funding entrepreneurs. The grow, more opportunities are opening up initiative is part of CRDF Global, an across the globe. independent nonprofit organization that Spain, for example, has a well-educated promotes international scientific and population with a strong emphasis on technical collaboration. advanced scientific and technological degrees, “The UAE is looking to diversify its says Mary Anne Thompson, founder and energy resources, so it has put a lot of effort president of Going Global Inc., which into renewable sources of energy. It wants to provides country-specific career and reduce its dependency on oil and lead the employment information for 30 countries. way for other more renewable energies,” Potential areas of growth in Spain include Bujorean says. “On the other hand, countries open-source software, which has strong like Pakistan and Indonesia have limited public support and a growing market, and access to traditional energy sources like oil, so e-health, e-commerce and mobile phone they are looking to build alternative sources auxiliary services. Spain has one of Europe’s of energy.” highest mobile phone penetration rates. For example, the GIST Initiative recently In addition, IT professionals are strongly recognized an entrepreneur from Indonesia in demand in Ireland. Two years ago, the who created a company named T-Files. The country issued almost 500 work permits to company develops marine turbines that turn non-European Economic Area software ocean currents into electricity, a valuable engineers and computer programmers to resource for the country. bring these much-needed professionals to These countries are also focused on the country. creating sustainable energy. A GIST “The Irish government will also be Initiative funding winner from Pakistan, for implementing two immigration programs to example, created a machine that turns farm encourage foreign investment and waste into natural gas that can then be used entrepreneurship: the Immigrant Investor as electricity. And in Bangladesh, a man Programme for non-EEA investors and the 16 fall 2012
  • 17. Start-up Entrepreneur Programme for has also been entering emerging markets, This industry has steadily increased entrepreneurs with proposals in innovation particularly those in Brazil, Russia, India and revenue and created jobs during the recession, sectors,” Thompson says. “Successful China, which will help the industry expand says Terena Bell, CEO of In Every applicants will be granted two-year residence and grow. Language, a provider of translating, permits for themselves and family, renewable The United States is also focusing on interpreting and localization solutions in the up to five years.” these emerging markets and expects to see United States and abroad. India is also expected to see strong growth strong growth in this industry. In addition, This industry is hot in the United States in the IT industry. In the second half of 2011, generic pharmaceuticals are expected to because, according to Title VI federal law, the sector generated 81,300 jobs, and about grow in the United States because many which prohibits discrimination based on race, 130,000 new positions are expected this year. drug patents expire and the Patient color and national origin, any organization The sector is particularly thriving because of Protection and Affordable Care Act receiving federal funds is required to provide strong revenue from the country’s top four IT becomes effective, requiring all individuals translation and interpretation to people with firms: Tata Consultancy Services Ltd., Infosys to have health insurance. limited English skills, Bell says. In addition, Ltd.’s IT division, Wipro Ltd. and HCL Bujorean says the GIST Initiative worked the Small Business Administration recently Technologies Ltd. with many entrepreneurs in health care, issued State Trade and Export Promotion particularly in Mediterranean countries. The grants that help small exporters in the United Pharmaceuticals and health care initiative recently saw two health care States pay for the translation of their People will always need medication, so the entrepreneurs from Lebanon, one who websites and marketing material. pharmaceutical industry is continually growing. developed a waterproof heart rate monitor Translation and localization is also a big The industry is hot in Spain right now, that attaches to swim goggles and another trend in Ireland, which has a large which has about 440 pharmaceutical who created a portable health monitor with concentration of localization and translation companies operating in the country and GPS that can predict heart attacks and industry professionals and is a hub for accounts for 18.5 percent of the country’s transmits data that can detect anomalies. multinational companies including Microsoft, private research and development spending, “With the availability of Wi-Fi Cisco, Facebook, Google and LinkedIn. according to Thompson. technologies, there are a lot of opportunities In addition, the industry is gaining traction In 2011, for example, Celgene, a for new, technological health care products,” in China because, with a population of more multinational biopharmaceutical company, Bujorean says than 1.3 billion, many businesses are looking to opened its first research center outside of the target the country’s vast number of consumers. United States in Spain as part of the Celgene Translation and localization “Businesses are looking toward foreign Institute of Transnational Research Europe, While translation deals with language only, markets as an additional source of revenue,” which intends to invest 60 million euros, or localization takes into account everything else Bell says. “Selling to these markets means approximately $75 million, in advanced that is part of converting business from one communicating with them, so savvy therapies and regenerative medicine. country to another, including in which businesses understand that translation is not The industry is also big in Japan because currency a price should be quoted or whether a cost center — it’s a profit driver. This governmental policies offering incentives for a website should be designed for viewing makes it a smart investment in a company’s generic medicine have driven demand. Japan right to left or left to right. financial future.” LE Leading Edge 17
  • 18. on the bookshelf Profiles in Leadership The fall edition of Bookshelf idiosyncratic business leaders whose Julius Caesar, CEO: includes volumes on leadership companies’ returns greatly outperformed those Six Principles to of the SP 500. The subjects themselves are Guide Inspire under duress, communication, CEO not household names, although some of their Modern Leaders transitions, unconventional (but Alan Axelrod companies are: General Cinema, Ralston effective) approaches to business Purina, The Washington Post Co. and Sterling leadership and a look at how one Berkshire Hathaway. The book enumerates 248 pages of the world’s earliest CEOs, Julius the consistent traits that helped these leaders In this most recent Caesar, led his organization, the push their companies to exceptional installment in his CEO Roman Empire, through its most performance, such as focusing on share value series, Axelrod analyzes successful years. instead of sales, an aptitude for allocating Julius Caesar, the general, statesman and leader capital and human resources, the conviction of the Roman Empire, in business-executive that cash flow is more important than terms. He uses a straightforward, informal Inside CEO earnings in determining a company’s long- style to explore six motivational standards that Succession: The term value, and a talent for giving managers constitute the core of Caesar’s leadership Essential Guide to autonomy to foster entrepreneurial thought philosophy. Within each of the six core Leadership Transition and action. principles are several practical lessons CEOs Thomas Saporito, can use in their daily work lives. Axelrod also Paul Winum World Class provides an interesting analysis of Caesar’s life Jossey-Bass Communication: and applies the lessons learned by the subject 256 pages How Great to modern day events and how they can be Inside CEO Succession CEOs Win with similarly handled by today’s business leaders. gives business leaders the tools to execute the Public, their succession responsibilities with a high Shareholders, Leading With Honor: level of professionalism to ensure their Employees, Leadership Lessons companies’ sustained success. The authors from the Hanoi Hilton and the Media explain how human dynamics such as power, Lee Ellis Virgil Scudder, ego and role relationships can affect the Freedom Star Media Ken Scudder processes of relinquishing leadership, preparing 256 pages Wiley successors and ceding authority to other Former U.S. Air Force 240 pages people, and they suggest strategies to prevent pilot Lee Ellis talks World Class Communication is a tonic for these and other dynamics from creating candidly about the five business executives whose narrow focus on the problems during the leadership transition and a half years he spent financial aspects of their business can at times process that can cause new business executives imprisoned in a brutal POW camp in North be detrimental to their ability to communicate to fail early in their tenures. Vietnam and offers 14 leadership principles he well with the public, the media and their employees. The book furnishes business formulated during that period that helped him The Outsiders: persevere through his captivity. Ellis, a leaders with procedures and crisis lessons and Eight Unconventional corporate consultant and business leadership provides numerous case studies of situations CEOs and Their in which CEOs’ communications were coach, helps Fortune 500 executives, small Radically Rational handled well and poorly. The authors provide business owners and entrepreneurs implement Blueprint for Success tips on communication techniques to rally these leadership principles to increase their William Thorndike employee support, speak persuasively in organization’s prospects for success via Harvard Business Review public, win over the media and deliver coaching sessions provided within each chapter Press effective messages to shareholders. of Leading With Honor. LE 272 pages In The Outsiders, Thorndike profiles eight 18 fall 2012
  • 19. Sikich and other members of the Leading Edge Alliance are leaders in many key markets, including: The Leading Edge Alliance is an international professional Alabama India Palestine association of independently owned accounting and consulting firms. Albania Indiana Panama Afghanistan Indonesia Paraguay The Alliance enables member firms to access the resources of a Argentina Iowa Paris multibillion dollar global professional services organization, providing Atlanta Ireland Peru Australia Israel Philadelphia business development, professional training and education, and peer-to- Austria Italy Phoenix peer networking opportunities nationally and globally, around the corner Azerbaijan Jordan Philippines and around the world. Bahrain Kansas Pittsburgh Baltimore Kazakhstan Poland Bangladesh Kenya Providence Members are quality firms who are very successful, have deep client Belgium Knoxville Puerto Rico Bolivia Korea Richmond relationships, and strong ties to the community. The Alliance provides Boston Kuwait Reno members with an impressive combination: the comprehensive size and Brazil Las Vegas Romania Russian Federation scope of a large multinational company while offering their clients the British Virgin Islands Latvia Buffalo Lebanon San Francisco continuity, consistency and quality service of a local firm. Member firms Bulgaria Lexington Saudi Arabia have access to extensive teams of business advisors – a peer-to-peer Cayman Islands London Scotland Chattanooga Los Angeles Seattle connection that provides the right business solutions for clients. Chicago Luxembourg Senegal Chile Macedonia Serbia China Madison, WI Singapore Cincinnati Malaysia Slovakia Cleveland Malta Slovenia The Leading Edge offers: Colombia Mauritius South Carolina Croatia Memphis Spain • Access to extensive teams of accounting professionals and business Cyprus Mexico Sweden advisors—a peer-to-peer connection that provides the right solutions Czech Republic Miami Switzerland for clients. Dallas Michigan Taiwan Dayton Minneapolis/St. Paul Thailand • Innovative, practice-proven strategies for improving performance in Denver Missouri Tokyo management, business processes, finance, operations, information Dominican Republic Moldova Toronto Ecuador Montenegro Tucson technology and marketing. Egypt Montreal Tunisia • A leading knowledge resource for multi-disciplinary information and El Salvador Morocco Turkey industry-specific expertise responsive to clients’ unique needs. Finland Nashville Ukraine Fort Lauderdale Nebraska United Arab • The Alliance offers accounting, consulting and tax services through a Ghana Netherlands Emirates global alliance of firms with over 18,323 professional staff, more than Germany New Orleans Uganda Greece New Jersey Uruguay 1,600 partners and over 23,518 staff in 455 offices. Guatemala New York U.S. Virgin Islands • The Leading Edge Alliance offers global business advisory expertise Harrisburg, PA New Zealand Venezuela and experience with innovation, progressiveness and quality. Hartford North Carolina Washington, D.C. Hong Kong Norway Vietnam Honolulu Orange County, CA Virginia/West Virginia Houston Oregon Hungary Pakistan To find out more about The Leading Edge Alliance, visit or contact Karen Kehl-Rose, Visit for a detailed listing of member firms. president, at +1 630.513.9814 or Leading Edge 19
  • 20. Sikich LLP Corporate Office 1415 W. Diehl Road, Suite 400 Naperville, IL 60563 (877) 279-1900 return service requested