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Student Workbook Learning unit: Establish and analyze traceability relationships between artifacts
Lab 1: Create and view traceability relationships between artifacts that are in modules
Lab 1: Create and view traceability relationships
between artifacts that are in modules
At the end of this lab you will be able to:
► View traceability relationships between artifacts
► Create traceability relationships between artifacts
► Navigate links across the lifecycle
► Automated Meter Reader (Water) project (AMR)
► JKE Business Recovery Matters Project
► In this lab, you log in as bob.
► You start by focusing on the Automated Meter Reader project. You create trace links between artifacts that
are in modules. The Automated Meter Reader project is not part of a Jazz™ lifecycle project, but if it was,
you could use the techniques from this exercise to create and analyze links between other applications. The
JKE Business Recovery Maters Project is used as a sample to demonstrate cross-lifecycle links.
Exercise tasks
In this exercise, you complete these tasks:
 Task 1:View traceability relationships by using rich hovers
 Task 1:Create a view that has multilevel traceability columns
 Task 1:Creating a link from within a column
 Task 1:Drag-and-drop linking
 Task 1:Create a traceability link by dragging an artifact to a column
 Task 2:Delete a link
 Task 1: (Optional) Create traceability relationships by using the links explorer
 Task 1:Represent information consistently in different modules by using views
 Task 1:View links across the lifecycle
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2015 1
Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.
Student Workbook Learning unit: Establish and analyze traceability relationships between artifacts
Lab 1: Create and view traceability relationships between artifacts that are in modules
Task 1: View traceability relationships by using rich hovers
In this task, you use the details in the rich hover to navigate linked artifacts.
2. You are in the lab environment All Projects page of the RM application (https://jazz-
server:9443/rm/web). You are logged in as bob with password bob.
3. Navigate to the Automated Meter Reader (Water) project Artifact page.
4. Navigate to the 01 Requirements folder, and open the AMR System Requirements Specification module
5. In section 3.1.2, Meter Interface Unit, find the “The meter interface shall detect water leaks and record leak
status with the account data” requirement.
TIP: To quickly find an artifact in a module, use the Find tool in the content section of the module.
6. Hover over the artifact and review its links. Notice how the traceability relationships are expressed through the
links. The links for the selected artifact can also be seen in the right sidebar, on the Selected Artifacts tab, in
the Links section.
Figure 1: The Links section shows the established traceability.
2 © Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2015
Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.
Student Workbook Learning unit: Establish and analyze traceability relationships between artifacts
Lab 1: Create and view traceability relationships between artifacts that are in modules
Figure 2: The links for the selected artifact can be seen in the right sidebar.
7. From the right sidebar, click the artifact that is linked through the Satisfies relationship. The AMR Stakeholder
Requirements Specification opens, with the linked artifact selected.
8. Return to the AMR System Requirements Specification module
TIP: Use the back arrow or the browser.
Task 1: Create a view that has multilevel traceability columns
Bob must analyze the relationships between the system requirements and the stakeholder
requirements. When he reviews the project link schema, he realizes that every system requirement
must be linked to a stakeholder requirement by using Satisfies links.
Bob also needs to analyze the system requirements and their links to subsystem requirements.
Again, the link schema indicates that this relationship must be expressed by using “Satisfied by”
Bob will create a view named Multilevel (Satisfied) traceability that all
modules share.
9. From the menu of the Configure page settings icon, click the Configure Columns to Display option.
10. From the Change Column Display Settings window, select Satisfies and Satisfied by, and add those link types
as columns to show.
11. Select the Satisfies link type and move it up so that it is before the ID column, to indicate that these are the link
from level up (for example, from the System requirement to Stakeholder requirements).
12. With the Satisfies link type still selected, click Format.
13. From the Format Link Display Columns window, select the following attributes to display, and then click OK.
a. Accepted
b. Status
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2015 3
Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.
Student Workbook Learning unit: Establish and analyze traceability relationships between artifacts
Lab 1: Create and view traceability relationships between artifacts that are in modules
Figure 3: Format Link Display Column window with two attributes to display.
Figure 4: Formatting is applied to the Satisfies link type
14. Click OK to close the Change Column Display Settings window.
15. Save the view as Multilevel (Satisfied) traceability view:
c. In the Views section in the left pane of the module, click the Save View icon
d. In the New View window, provide information about the view:
• For the name, type Multilevel (Satisfied)
• For the view type, click Shared.
• Select the Use in all modules check box.
• Optional: For the view description, type A view that displays
a Satisfies link column, with accepted and status attributes. It
also displays a Satisfied by link column.
This shared view will provide us with a consistent look across the modules that we can use for analysis, and it
will highlight scope creep and dropped requirements.
4 © Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2015
Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.
Student Workbook Learning unit: Establish and analyze traceability relationships between artifacts
Lab 1: Create and view traceability relationships between artifacts that are in modules
Figure 5: The New View window contains the details about the “Multilevel (Satisfied) traceability” view
e. Click OK to close the New View window and save the view.
16. Verify that the view is in the list of shared views.
TIP: Color should indicate the view is shared. Also hovering over the view will inform you that the view is
shared in all modules.
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Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.
Student Workbook Learning unit: Establish and analyze traceability relationships between artifacts
Lab 1: Create and view traceability relationships between artifacts that are in modules
17. Scroll though the module and observe the information in the columns.
f. In section 3.1.2, find the artifact named The meter interface unit shall
be compatible with the existing meter models in use for the area
covered by this project. Notice that the stakeholder requirement that this artifact links to is
g. Right below this requirement you should see the artifact named The meter
interface unit shall be powered by a replaceable long lasting battery
(lithium or other). The stakeholder requirement that this artifact links to is approved; however,
this artifact is not Satisfied by an artifact that is at a lower level. This artifact might be a dropped
h. Two requirements below, find the artifact named Meter usage data and leak
diagnostic data shall be retrievable on demand from any meter interface
via the network or a handheld. This artifact does not link to a stakeholder requirement. The
lack of a link might indicate scope.
Figure 6: A gap in the traceability is identified, which might indicate scope creep or dropped requirements.
You can edit the link directly from the column.
Task 1: Creating a link from within a column
When Bob reviews the stakeholder requirements, he realizes that the system requirement named
Meter usage data and leak diagnostic data shall be retrievable on
demand from any meter interface via the network or a handheld is not
linked to the stakeholder requirement named The meter interface shall detect
water leaks and record leak status with the account data. Bob fixes
this gap by creating a link.
18. Hover the cursor over the Satisfies column and click the Edit Link icon.
19. Click Add Link.
20. In the Create Link window, complete the followinge steps:
i. Verify that the link type is Satisfies. This link type is determined by the columns in the
j. Next to “What to look in,” click This module, and then select AMR Stakeholder
Requirements Specification.
k. Notice the module view that is displayed in the Select Artifact area.
l. In the search field, enter shall detect water leaks and record.
6 © Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2015
Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.
Student Workbook Learning unit: Establish and analyze traceability relationships between artifacts
Lab 1: Create and view traceability relationships between artifacts that are in modules
m. Select The Meter interface shall detect water leaks and record…, and then click
21. Verify that the view displays the new link you just created.
Figure 7: View refreshed to include the link created in task.
Task 1: Drag-and-drop linking
Bob will create some links between the stakeholder requirements and the system requirements modules.
22. For the benefit of the exercise, use the breadcrumbs
to close the AMR System Requirements Specification module and return to the Artifacts page of the project, in
the 01 Requirements folder.
23. In two separate browser windows, open the AMR Stakeholder Requirements Specification module and the
AMR System Requirements Specification module and arrange them side by side
TIP: Arrange the windows from the menu options:
Select the two modules in the Artifacts page, and open them side by side using the menu options.
TIP: Arrange the windows with keyboard shortcuts:
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2015 7
Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.
Student Workbook Learning unit: Establish and analyze traceability relationships between artifacts
Lab 1: Create and view traceability relationships between artifacts that are in modules
+ : Windows key + Right Arrow key to move the selected window to the right half of the
+ : Windows key + Left Arrow key to move the selected window to the left half of the
24. Close both sidebars from each window.
25. From the Systems Requirement specification module, section 3.1.3, select these two artifacts:
• The system shall collect transmissions of meter readings from AMR capable meters and get the data to a
central computer without a person in the field to collect it.
• The systems shall forward a reading from a more remote area back to a main collector without actually
storing it.
Figure 8: Two artifacts are selected in module AMR System Requirements Specification
TIP: If you want to clear all selected artifacts, click the Clear All Selected option in the bottom footer of the
page as indicated in figure 8.
26. In the Stakeholder requirements specification module, section 3.2, locate artifact
• The handheld device shall record leakage data on the central office data store. ( AMR Stakeholder
Requirements Specification)
Figure 9: Artifact in AMR Stakeholder Requirements Specification
27. Grab the handle of one of the selected artifacts from the System Requirements Specification module, and drag
it to the link icon of the target artifact in the AMR Stakeholder requirements Specification.
8 © Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2015
Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.
Student Workbook Learning unit: Establish and analyze traceability relationships between artifacts
Lab 1: Create and view traceability relationships between artifacts that are in modules
Figure 10: Drag-and-drop action to create links
In the Create Link window, specify Satisfies as the link type, and then click OK. The link you just created
indicates that each of the two selected system requirements artifacts satisfies the stakeholder requirement.
Figure 11: Specify how the artifacts are linked.
28. When prompted to see the “Satisfied By” column, click Yes. The Satisfied by column will be shown in the
stakeholder requirements specification. You might need to refresh ( ) the module to see the created links.
Figure 12: Link column can automatically be displayed and later used to create link directly in the column.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2015 9
Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.
Student Workbook Learning unit: Establish and analyze traceability relationships between artifacts
Lab 1: Create and view traceability relationships between artifacts that are in modules
Figure 13: Within the Satisfied by column, the links just created are displayed.
Note: According to our schema, system requirements satisfy stakeholder requirements, and stakeholder
requirements are satisfied by system requirements This is reflected in the link columns.
Task 1: Create a traceability link by dragging an artifact to a column
Earlier you created a link from within a column using menu options. Drag-and-drop actions can also be used to
create links directly within the columns.
In section 2.1 of the AMR Systems Requirement specification module, locate the following artifact and select it:
• In handheld AMR, a meter reader carries a handheld computer with a built-in or attached
receiver/transceiver (radio frequency or touch) to collect meter readings from an AMR capable meter. This
is sometimes referred to as "walk-by" meter reading since the ( AMR System Requirements Specification)
TIP: Ensure that only one artifact is selected. If you selected multiple, you can clear all selected artifacts by
clicking the Clear All Selected option in the bottom footer of the page as indicated in figure 8.
Drag it to the Satisfied by column of this artifact located in section 3.2:
• The handheld device shall provide for the means for the meter reader to manually enter a meter reading or
information about a meter reading such as
The link is created with the relationship as specified in the column.
10 © Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2015
Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.
Student Workbook Learning unit: Establish and analyze traceability relationships between artifacts
Lab 1: Create and view traceability relationships between artifacts that are in modules
Task 2: Delete a link
Sometimes links are created erroneously. Invalid links can be deleted directly from within the
columns. To practice this, let’s delete the link we just created.
29. In the AMR Stakeholder Requirements Specification module, section 3.2, locate requirements:
• The handheld device shall provide for the means for the meter reader to manually enter a meter reading or
information about a meter reading such as
30. From the edit options of the Satisfied by column, select Remove Link, and then click on the link to remove it.
When prompted to confirm that you want to remove the link, click Yes.
The link has been deleted.
Task 1: (Optional) Create traceability relationships by using the links explorer
31. In the AMR System Requirements Specification module, section 3.1.1, find the artifact named The
handheld device shall include a leak indicator.
32. Select the artifact and expand its edit menu. From the artifact edit menu, click Other Actions > Open Link
33. Click the Add Links icon above the artifact, as shown in the next image.
Figure 14: The Add Links icon in the links explorer
34. In the “Create link” window, provide information about the new link:
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2015 11
Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.
Student Workbook Learning unit: Establish and analyze traceability relationships between artifacts
Lab 1: Create and view traceability relationships between artifacts that are in modules
n. For the link type, select Satisfies.
o. Toggle on the option What to look in: (*) This Module: AMR Stakeholder
Requirements Specification.
p. Search for The handheld device shall be capable of displaying
diagnostic information, including suspected water leaks, and select it from the
list of search results.
q. Click OK.
35. Hover the cursor over the new relationship, and notice that the links explorer can also be used to remove links.
Figure 15: Use the links explorer to remove links between artifacts.
36. Close the links explorer and return to the AMR System Requirements Specification module.
Task 1: Represent information consistently in different modules by using views
37. Use the breadcrumbs to return to the 01 Requirements folder of the Automated Meter Reader (Water) project.
38. Open the AMR Stakeholder Requirements Specification module artifact.
39. Select the “Multilevel (Satisfied) traceability” view. This is the view you created in an earlier task. The view is
shared between modules so data can be presented consistently across modules.
40. Notice that the stakeholder requirements have no links up to a vision document. This may be an omission we
want to fix.
41. Find the artifact named The system shall be able to transmit and receive Meter data
to the central office system without human intervention, which is in section 3.4 of
the AMR Stakeholder Requirements Specification module. Notice the links to the two system requirements that
you created earlier.
Task 1: View links across the lifecycle
In this task, you review the traceability relationships of a story artifact.
42. Switch to the JKE Banking (Requirements Management) project.
43. Select folder JKE Business Recovery Matters Project > User Story Elaboration > Elaborated Stories.
12 © Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2015
Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.
Student Workbook Learning unit: Establish and analyze traceability relationships between artifacts
Lab 1: Create and view traceability relationships between artifacts that are in modules
44. Open the “Donor Chooses an Organization” story artifact.
45. In the right sidebar, review the links for this artifact. Notice how the traceability relationships are expressed
through the links.
TIP: These links are on the base artifact and do not reflect links that might exist in modules. If we opened an
artifact from within a module, we could toggle base artifacts links along with module-specific links.
a. Find the “Illustrated by” links. Notice that this story was elaborated through storyboards, sketches, and
screen flows.
r. Find the “Implemented by” link. Hover your cursor over the link and notice that this
artifact was implemented in Sprint 1.
46. Click the “Implemented by” link for the “Donor Chooses an Organization” story artifact to open the story work
item that implemented this story in IBM® Rational Team Concert™.
47. In the browser, click Back to return to the “Donor Chooses an Organization” artifact.
48. Click the “Validated by” link named “Donor Chooses an Organization” to open the test case that validated this
story. The test case opens in IBM Rational Quality Manager.
49. In the browser, click Back to return to the “Donor Chooses an Organization” artifact.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2015 13
Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.
Student Workbook Learning unit: Establish and analyze traceability relationships between artifacts
Lab 1: Create and view traceability relationships between artifacts that are in modules
14 © Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2015
Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.

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Lab 1: Creating and viewing traceability relationships between artifacts that are in modules

  • 1. Student Workbook Learning unit: Establish and analyze traceability relationships between artifacts Lab 1: Create and view traceability relationships between artifacts that are in modules Lab 1: Create and view traceability relationships between artifacts that are in modules Objectives At the end of this lab you will be able to: ► View traceability relationships between artifacts ► Create traceability relationships between artifacts ► Navigate links across the lifecycle Given ► Automated Meter Reader (Water) project (AMR) ► JKE Business Recovery Matters Project Description ► In this lab, you log in as bob. ► You start by focusing on the Automated Meter Reader project. You create trace links between artifacts that are in modules. The Automated Meter Reader project is not part of a Jazz™ lifecycle project, but if it was, you could use the techniques from this exercise to create and analyze links between other applications. The JKE Business Recovery Maters Project is used as a sample to demonstrate cross-lifecycle links. Exercise tasks In this exercise, you complete these tasks:  Task 1:View traceability relationships by using rich hovers  Task 1:Create a view that has multilevel traceability columns  Task 1:Creating a link from within a column  Task 1:Drag-and-drop linking  Task 1:Create a traceability link by dragging an artifact to a column  Task 2:Delete a link  Task 1: (Optional) Create traceability relationships by using the links explorer  Task 1:Represent information consistently in different modules by using views  Task 1:View links across the lifecycle © Copyright IBM Corp. 2015 1 Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.
  • 2. Student Workbook Learning unit: Establish and analyze traceability relationships between artifacts Lab 1: Create and view traceability relationships between artifacts that are in modules Task 1: View traceability relationships by using rich hovers In this task, you use the details in the rich hover to navigate linked artifacts. 2. You are in the lab environment All Projects page of the RM application (https://jazz- server:9443/rm/web). You are logged in as bob with password bob. 3. Navigate to the Automated Meter Reader (Water) project Artifact page. 4. Navigate to the 01 Requirements folder, and open the AMR System Requirements Specification module artifact. 5. In section 3.1.2, Meter Interface Unit, find the “The meter interface shall detect water leaks and record leak status with the account data” requirement. TIP: To quickly find an artifact in a module, use the Find tool in the content section of the module. 6. Hover over the artifact and review its links. Notice how the traceability relationships are expressed through the links. The links for the selected artifact can also be seen in the right sidebar, on the Selected Artifacts tab, in the Links section. Figure 1: The Links section shows the established traceability. 2 © Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2015 Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.
  • 3. Student Workbook Learning unit: Establish and analyze traceability relationships between artifacts Lab 1: Create and view traceability relationships between artifacts that are in modules Figure 2: The links for the selected artifact can be seen in the right sidebar. 7. From the right sidebar, click the artifact that is linked through the Satisfies relationship. The AMR Stakeholder Requirements Specification opens, with the linked artifact selected. 8. Return to the AMR System Requirements Specification module TIP: Use the back arrow or the browser. Task 1: Create a view that has multilevel traceability columns Bob must analyze the relationships between the system requirements and the stakeholder requirements. When he reviews the project link schema, he realizes that every system requirement must be linked to a stakeholder requirement by using Satisfies links. Bob also needs to analyze the system requirements and their links to subsystem requirements. Again, the link schema indicates that this relationship must be expressed by using “Satisfied by” links. Bob will create a view named Multilevel (Satisfied) traceability that all modules share. 9. From the menu of the Configure page settings icon, click the Configure Columns to Display option. 10. From the Change Column Display Settings window, select Satisfies and Satisfied by, and add those link types as columns to show. 11. Select the Satisfies link type and move it up so that it is before the ID column, to indicate that these are the link from level up (for example, from the System requirement to Stakeholder requirements). 12. With the Satisfies link type still selected, click Format. 13. From the Format Link Display Columns window, select the following attributes to display, and then click OK. a. Accepted b. Status © Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2015 3 Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.
  • 4. Student Workbook Learning unit: Establish and analyze traceability relationships between artifacts Lab 1: Create and view traceability relationships between artifacts that are in modules Figure 3: Format Link Display Column window with two attributes to display. Figure 4: Formatting is applied to the Satisfies link type 14. Click OK to close the Change Column Display Settings window. 15. Save the view as Multilevel (Satisfied) traceability view: c. In the Views section in the left pane of the module, click the Save View icon d. In the New View window, provide information about the view: • For the name, type Multilevel (Satisfied) traceability. • For the view type, click Shared. • Select the Use in all modules check box. • Optional: For the view description, type A view that displays a Satisfies link column, with accepted and status attributes. It also displays a Satisfied by link column. This shared view will provide us with a consistent look across the modules that we can use for analysis, and it will highlight scope creep and dropped requirements. 4 © Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2015 Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.
  • 5. Student Workbook Learning unit: Establish and analyze traceability relationships between artifacts Lab 1: Create and view traceability relationships between artifacts that are in modules Figure 5: The New View window contains the details about the “Multilevel (Satisfied) traceability” view e. Click OK to close the New View window and save the view. 16. Verify that the view is in the list of shared views. TIP: Color should indicate the view is shared. Also hovering over the view will inform you that the view is shared in all modules. © Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2015 5 Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.
  • 6. Student Workbook Learning unit: Establish and analyze traceability relationships between artifacts Lab 1: Create and view traceability relationships between artifacts that are in modules 17. Scroll though the module and observe the information in the columns. f. In section 3.1.2, find the artifact named The meter interface unit shall be compatible with the existing meter models in use for the area covered by this project. Notice that the stakeholder requirement that this artifact links to is rejected. g. Right below this requirement you should see the artifact named The meter interface unit shall be powered by a replaceable long lasting battery (lithium or other). The stakeholder requirement that this artifact links to is approved; however, this artifact is not Satisfied by an artifact that is at a lower level. This artifact might be a dropped requirement. h. Two requirements below, find the artifact named Meter usage data and leak diagnostic data shall be retrievable on demand from any meter interface via the network or a handheld. This artifact does not link to a stakeholder requirement. The lack of a link might indicate scope. Figure 6: A gap in the traceability is identified, which might indicate scope creep or dropped requirements. You can edit the link directly from the column. Task 1: Creating a link from within a column When Bob reviews the stakeholder requirements, he realizes that the system requirement named Meter usage data and leak diagnostic data shall be retrievable on demand from any meter interface via the network or a handheld is not linked to the stakeholder requirement named The meter interface shall detect water leaks and record leak status with the account data. Bob fixes this gap by creating a link. 18. Hover the cursor over the Satisfies column and click the Edit Link icon. 19. Click Add Link. 20. In the Create Link window, complete the followinge steps: i. Verify that the link type is Satisfies. This link type is determined by the columns in the view. j. Next to “What to look in,” click This module, and then select AMR Stakeholder Requirements Specification. k. Notice the module view that is displayed in the Select Artifact area. l. In the search field, enter shall detect water leaks and record. 6 © Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2015 Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.
  • 7. Student Workbook Learning unit: Establish and analyze traceability relationships between artifacts Lab 1: Create and view traceability relationships between artifacts that are in modules m. Select The Meter interface shall detect water leaks and record…, and then click OK. 21. Verify that the view displays the new link you just created. Figure 7: View refreshed to include the link created in task. Task 1: Drag-and-drop linking Bob will create some links between the stakeholder requirements and the system requirements modules. 22. For the benefit of the exercise, use the breadcrumbs to close the AMR System Requirements Specification module and return to the Artifacts page of the project, in the 01 Requirements folder. 23. In two separate browser windows, open the AMR Stakeholder Requirements Specification module and the AMR System Requirements Specification module and arrange them side by side TIP: Arrange the windows from the menu options: Select the two modules in the Artifacts page, and open them side by side using the menu options. TIP: Arrange the windows with keyboard shortcuts: © Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2015 7 Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.
  • 8. Student Workbook Learning unit: Establish and analyze traceability relationships between artifacts Lab 1: Create and view traceability relationships between artifacts that are in modules + : Windows key + Right Arrow key to move the selected window to the right half of the screen + : Windows key + Left Arrow key to move the selected window to the left half of the screen 24. Close both sidebars from each window. 25. From the Systems Requirement specification module, section 3.1.3, select these two artifacts: • The system shall collect transmissions of meter readings from AMR capable meters and get the data to a central computer without a person in the field to collect it. • The systems shall forward a reading from a more remote area back to a main collector without actually storing it. Figure 8: Two artifacts are selected in module AMR System Requirements Specification TIP: If you want to clear all selected artifacts, click the Clear All Selected option in the bottom footer of the page as indicated in figure 8. 26. In the Stakeholder requirements specification module, section 3.2, locate artifact • The handheld device shall record leakage data on the central office data store. ( AMR Stakeholder Requirements Specification) Figure 9: Artifact in AMR Stakeholder Requirements Specification 27. Grab the handle of one of the selected artifacts from the System Requirements Specification module, and drag it to the link icon of the target artifact in the AMR Stakeholder requirements Specification. 8 © Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2015 Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.
  • 9. Student Workbook Learning unit: Establish and analyze traceability relationships between artifacts Lab 1: Create and view traceability relationships between artifacts that are in modules Figure 10: Drag-and-drop action to create links In the Create Link window, specify Satisfies as the link type, and then click OK. The link you just created indicates that each of the two selected system requirements artifacts satisfies the stakeholder requirement. Figure 11: Specify how the artifacts are linked. 28. When prompted to see the “Satisfied By” column, click Yes. The Satisfied by column will be shown in the stakeholder requirements specification. You might need to refresh ( ) the module to see the created links. Figure 12: Link column can automatically be displayed and later used to create link directly in the column. © Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2015 9 Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.
  • 10. Student Workbook Learning unit: Establish and analyze traceability relationships between artifacts Lab 1: Create and view traceability relationships between artifacts that are in modules Figure 13: Within the Satisfied by column, the links just created are displayed. Note: According to our schema, system requirements satisfy stakeholder requirements, and stakeholder requirements are satisfied by system requirements This is reflected in the link columns. Task 1: Create a traceability link by dragging an artifact to a column Earlier you created a link from within a column using menu options. Drag-and-drop actions can also be used to create links directly within the columns. In section 2.1 of the AMR Systems Requirement specification module, locate the following artifact and select it: • In handheld AMR, a meter reader carries a handheld computer with a built-in or attached receiver/transceiver (radio frequency or touch) to collect meter readings from an AMR capable meter. This is sometimes referred to as "walk-by" meter reading since the ( AMR System Requirements Specification) TIP: Ensure that only one artifact is selected. If you selected multiple, you can clear all selected artifacts by clicking the Clear All Selected option in the bottom footer of the page as indicated in figure 8. Drag it to the Satisfied by column of this artifact located in section 3.2: • The handheld device shall provide for the means for the meter reader to manually enter a meter reading or information about a meter reading such as The link is created with the relationship as specified in the column. 10 © Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2015 Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.
  • 11. Student Workbook Learning unit: Establish and analyze traceability relationships between artifacts Lab 1: Create and view traceability relationships between artifacts that are in modules Task 2: Delete a link Sometimes links are created erroneously. Invalid links can be deleted directly from within the columns. To practice this, let’s delete the link we just created. 29. In the AMR Stakeholder Requirements Specification module, section 3.2, locate requirements: • The handheld device shall provide for the means for the meter reader to manually enter a meter reading or information about a meter reading such as 30. From the edit options of the Satisfied by column, select Remove Link, and then click on the link to remove it. When prompted to confirm that you want to remove the link, click Yes. The link has been deleted. Task 1: (Optional) Create traceability relationships by using the links explorer 31. In the AMR System Requirements Specification module, section 3.1.1, find the artifact named The handheld device shall include a leak indicator. 32. Select the artifact and expand its edit menu. From the artifact edit menu, click Other Actions > Open Link Explorer. 33. Click the Add Links icon above the artifact, as shown in the next image. Figure 14: The Add Links icon in the links explorer 34. In the “Create link” window, provide information about the new link: © Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2015 11 Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.
  • 12. Student Workbook Learning unit: Establish and analyze traceability relationships between artifacts Lab 1: Create and view traceability relationships between artifacts that are in modules n. For the link type, select Satisfies. o. Toggle on the option What to look in: (*) This Module: AMR Stakeholder Requirements Specification. p. Search for The handheld device shall be capable of displaying diagnostic information, including suspected water leaks, and select it from the list of search results. q. Click OK. 35. Hover the cursor over the new relationship, and notice that the links explorer can also be used to remove links. Figure 15: Use the links explorer to remove links between artifacts. 36. Close the links explorer and return to the AMR System Requirements Specification module. Task 1: Represent information consistently in different modules by using views 37. Use the breadcrumbs to return to the 01 Requirements folder of the Automated Meter Reader (Water) project. 38. Open the AMR Stakeholder Requirements Specification module artifact. 39. Select the “Multilevel (Satisfied) traceability” view. This is the view you created in an earlier task. The view is shared between modules so data can be presented consistently across modules. 40. Notice that the stakeholder requirements have no links up to a vision document. This may be an omission we want to fix. 41. Find the artifact named The system shall be able to transmit and receive Meter data to the central office system without human intervention, which is in section 3.4 of the AMR Stakeholder Requirements Specification module. Notice the links to the two system requirements that you created earlier. Task 1: View links across the lifecycle In this task, you review the traceability relationships of a story artifact. 42. Switch to the JKE Banking (Requirements Management) project. 43. Select folder JKE Business Recovery Matters Project > User Story Elaboration > Elaborated Stories. 12 © Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2015 Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.
  • 13. Student Workbook Learning unit: Establish and analyze traceability relationships between artifacts Lab 1: Create and view traceability relationships between artifacts that are in modules 44. Open the “Donor Chooses an Organization” story artifact. 45. In the right sidebar, review the links for this artifact. Notice how the traceability relationships are expressed through the links. TIP: These links are on the base artifact and do not reflect links that might exist in modules. If we opened an artifact from within a module, we could toggle base artifacts links along with module-specific links. a. Find the “Illustrated by” links. Notice that this story was elaborated through storyboards, sketches, and screen flows. r. Find the “Implemented by” link. Hover your cursor over the link and notice that this artifact was implemented in Sprint 1. 46. Click the “Implemented by” link for the “Donor Chooses an Organization” story artifact to open the story work item that implemented this story in IBM® Rational Team Concert™. 47. In the browser, click Back to return to the “Donor Chooses an Organization” artifact. 48. Click the “Validated by” link named “Donor Chooses an Organization” to open the test case that validated this story. The test case opens in IBM Rational Quality Manager. 49. In the browser, click Back to return to the “Donor Chooses an Organization” artifact. © Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2015 13 Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.
  • 14. Student Workbook Learning unit: Establish and analyze traceability relationships between artifacts Lab 1: Create and view traceability relationships between artifacts that are in modules 14 © Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2015 Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.