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@OtherDevOpsGene #AllThingsOpen
Keeping your
Kubernetes Cluster
Gene Gotimer
Define and Design the Optimal Survey Experience
• Infrastructure
• Hosts
• Cluster
• Build
• Application
• Container images
• Deployment code
• Runtime
• Policies
• Resources
• Network
• System calls and interaction
@OtherDevOpsGene #AllThingsOpen
@OtherDevOpsGene #AllThingsOpen
Define and Design the Optimal Survey Experience
Kubernetes Hardening Guidance,
National Security Agency (NSA) and
Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA).
• Start with the article
Kubernetes Security Technical Implementation Guide,
Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA).
• Start with the client.
CIS Kubernetes Benchmark,
Center for Internet Security (CIS),
non-government, non-profit.
@OtherDevOpsGene #AllThingsOpen
@OtherDevOpsGene #AllThingsOpen
Is my Kubernetes cluster installed and configured properly?
• Use Aqua kube-bench
• May not apply to master nodes
@OtherDevOpsGene #AllThingsOpen
$ kubectl logs kube-bench-kc82n
[INFO] 3 Worker Node Security Configuration
[INFO] 3.1 Worker Node Configuration Files
[PASS] 3.1.1 Ensure that the kubeconfig file permissions are set to 644 or more restrictive (Manual)
[PASS] 3.1.2 Ensure that the kubelet kubeconfig file ownership is set to root:root (Manual)
[PASS] 3.1.3 Ensure that the kubelet configuration file has permissions set to 644 or more restrictive (Manual)
[PASS] 3.1.4 Ensure that the kubelet configuration file ownership is set to root:root (Manual)
[INFO] 3.2 Kubelet
[PASS] 3.2.1 Ensure that the --anonymous-auth argument is set to false (Automated)
[PASS] 3.2.2 Ensure that the --authorization-mode argument is not set to AlwaysAllow (Automated)
[PASS] 3.2.3 Ensure that the --client-ca-file argument is set as appropriate (Manual)
[PASS] 3.2.4 Ensure that the --read-only-port argument is set to 0 (Manual)
[PASS] 3.2.5 Ensure that the --streaming-connection-idle-timeout argument is not set to 0 (Manual)
[PASS] 3.2.6 Ensure that the --protect-kernel-defaults argument is set to true (Automated)
[PASS] 3.2.7 Ensure that the --make-iptables-util-chains argument is set to true (Automated)
[PASS] 3.2.8 Ensure that the --hostname-override argument is not set (Manual)
[WARN] 3.2.9 Ensure that the --eventRecordQPS argument is set to 0 or a level which ensures appropriate event capture
[PASS] 3.2.10 Ensure that the --rotate-certificates argument is not set to false (Manual)
[PASS] 3.2.11 Ensure that the RotateKubeletServerCertificate argument is set to true (Manual)
[INFO] 3.3 Container Optimized OS
[WARN] 3.3.1 Prefer using Container-Optimized OS when possible (Manual)
@OtherDevOpsGene #AllThingsOpen
Static code analysis
@OtherDevOpsGene #AllThingsOpen
Are resources configured properly?
• Use Checkov by Bridgecrew
• Scans source code for
• Dockerfiles
• Kubernetes manifests
• Terraform
Static code analysis
@OtherDevOpsGene #AllThingsOpen
$ checkov -d manifests --quiet --compact
kubernetes scan results:
Passed checks: 1066, Failed checks: 166, Skipped checks: 0
Check: CKV_K8S_20: "Containers should not run with allowPrivilegeEscalation"
FAILED for resource: Deployment.sock-shop.carts
File: /manifests/01-carts-dep.yaml:2-51
Check: CKV_K8S_43: "Image should use digest"
FAILED for resource: Deployment.sock-shop.carts
File: /manifests/01-carts-dep.yaml:2-51
Check: CKV_K8S_38: "Ensure that Service Account Tokens are only mounted where necessary"
FAILED for resource: Deployment.sock-shop.carts
File: /manifests/01-carts-dep.yaml:2-51
Check: CKV_K8S_29: "Apply security context to your pods and containers"
FAILED for resource: Deployment.sock-shop.carts
File: /manifests/01-carts-dep.yaml:2-51
Check: CKV_K8S_8: "Liveness Probe Should be Configured"
FAILED for resource: Deployment.sock-shop.carts
File: /manifests/01-carts-dep.yaml:2-51
Check: CKV_K8S_9: "Readiness Probe Should be Configured"
FAILED for resource: Deployment.sock-shop.carts
File: /manifests/01-carts-dep.yaml:2-51
Check: CKV_K8S_31: "Ensure that the seccomp profile is set to docker/default or runtime/default"
FAILED for resource: Deployment.sock-shop.carts
File: /manifests/01-carts-dep.yaml:2-51
@OtherDevOpsGene #AllThingsOpen
Are there vulnerabilities or misconfigurations on the
container image?
• Use Aqua Security Trivy
• Scan images for vulnerable packages
• Scan infrastructure-as-code for misconfigurations
@OtherDevOpsGene #AllThingsOpen
$ trivy config manifests/01-carts-dep.yaml
2022-10-22T15:55:21.615Z INFO Misconfiguration scanning is enabled
2022-10-22T15:55:21.806Z INFO Detected config files: 1
01-carts-dep.yaml (kubernetes)
Failures: 5 (UNKNOWN: 0, LOW: 3, MEDIUM: 2, HIGH: 0, CRITICAL: 0)
MEDIUM: Container 'carts' of Deployment 'carts' should set 'securityContext.allowPrivilegeEscalation' to false
A program inside the container can elevate its own privileges and run as root, which might give the program control over the container and node.
20 ┌ - name: carts
21 │ image: weaveworksdemos/carts:0.4.8
22 │ env:
23 │ - name: JAVA_OPTS
24 │ value: -Xms64m -Xmx128m -XX:+UseG1GC -Dspring.zipkin.enabled=false
25 │ resources:
26 │ limits:
27 │ cpu: 300m
28 └ memory: 500Mi
Container image
@OtherDevOpsGene #AllThingsOpen
$ trivy image weaveworksdemos/carts:0.4.8 --no-progress
2022-10-22T15:48:40.726Z WARN This OS version is no longer supported by the distribution: alpine 3.4.6
2022-10-22T15:48:40.726Z WARN The vulnerability detection may be insufficient because security updates are not provided
weaveworksdemos/carts:0.4.8 (alpine 3.4.6)
Total: 40 (UNKNOWN: 0, LOW: 0, MEDIUM: 23, HIGH: 13, CRITICAL: 4)
│ Library │ Vulnerability │ Severity │ Installed Version │ Fixed Version │ Title │
│ busybox │ CVE-2017-16544 │ HIGH │ 1.24.2-r12 │ 1.24.2-r13 │ busybox: Insufficient sanitization of filenames when │
│ │ │ │ │ │ autocompleting │
│ │ │ │ │ │ │
│ ├────────────────┼──────────┤ │ ├──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤
│ │ CVE-2017-15873 │ MEDIUM │ │ │ busybox: Integer overflow in the get_next_block function │
│ │ │ │ │ │ │
│ freetype │ CVE-2017-8105 │ CRITICAL │ 2.6.3-r0 │ 2.6.3-r1 │ freetype: heap-based buffer overflow related to the │
│ │ │ │ │ │ t1_decoder_parse_charstrings │
│ │ │ │ │ │ │
│ ├────────────────┤ │ │ ├──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤
│ │ CVE-2017-8287 │ │ │ │ freetype: heap-based buffer overflow related to the │
│ │ │ │ │ │ t1_builder_close_contour function │
│ │ │ │ │ │ │
│ ├────────────────┼──────────┤ │ ├──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤
│ │ CVE-2016-10244 │ HIGH │ │ │ freetype: parse_charstrings function in type1/t1load.c does │
│ │ │ │ │ │ not ensure that a font contains... │
│ │ │ │ │ │ │
@OtherDevOpsGene #AllThingsOpen
Are there vulnerabilities on the container image?
• Use Anchore Grype
• Scan images for vulnerable packages
• Finds some different vulnerabilities than
Aqua Trivy
@OtherDevOpsGene #AllThingsOpen
$ grype weaveworksdemos/carts:0.4.8
busybox 1.24.2-r12 apk CVE-2021-42386 High
busybox 1.24.2-r12 apk CVE-2018-1000500 High
busybox 1.24.2-r12 apk CVE-2021-42379 High
busybox 1.24.2-r12 apk CVE-2021-42381 High
busybox 1.24.2-r12 apk CVE-2021-42384 High
busybox 1.24.2-r12 1.24.2-r13 apk CVE-2017-15873 Medium
busybox 1.24.2-r12 apk CVE-2018-1000517 Critical
busybox 1.24.2-r12 apk CVE-2022-28391 High
busybox 1.24.2-r12 apk CVE-2021-42385 High
busybox 1.24.2-r12 apk CVE-2018-20679 High
busybox 1.24.2-r12 apk CVE-2021-42378 High
busybox 1.24.2-r12 apk CVE-2021-42376 Medium
busybox 1.24.2-r12 1.24.2-r13 apk CVE-2017-16544 High
busybox 1.24.2-r12 apk CVE-2019-5747 High
busybox 1.24.2-r12 apk CVE-2015-9261 Medium
freetype 2.6.3-r0 2.6.3-r1 apk CVE-2016-10244 High
freetype 2.6.3-r0 apk CVE-2022-27404 Critical
freetype 2.6.3-r0 apk CVE-2016-10328 Critical
freetype 2.6.3-r0 apk CVE-2022-27405 High
freetype 2.6.3-r0 apk CVE-2017-7857 Critical
freetype 2.6.3-r0 2.6.3-r1 apk CVE-2017-8287 Critical
freetype 2.6.3-r0 apk CVE-2017-7858 Critical
freetype 2.6.3-r0 2.6.3-r1 apk CVE-2017-8105 Critical
freetype 2.6.3-r0 apk CVE-2020-15999 Medium
bill of materials
@OtherDevOpsGene #AllThingsOpen
What components are in my application and
container image?
• Use Anchore Syft
• OS packages
• Libraries
• Frameworks
bill of materials
@OtherDevOpsGene #AllThingsOpen
$ syft weaveworksdemos/carts:0.4.8 --output json --file carts-0.4.8.json
$ grype sbom:carts-0.4.8.json
busybox 1.24.2-r12 apk CVE-2018-20679 High
busybox 1.24.2-r12 apk CVE-2018-1000517 Critical
busybox 1.24.2-r12 apk CVE-2021-42381 High
busybox 1.24.2-r12 1.24.2-r13 apk CVE-2017-16544 High
busybox 1.24.2-r12 1.24.2-r13 apk CVE-2017-15873 Medium
busybox 1.24.2-r12 apk CVE-2021-42386 High
busybox 1.24.2-r12 apk CVE-2021-42385 High
busybox 1.24.2-r12 apk CVE-2019-5747 High
busybox 1.24.2-r12 apk CVE-2021-42376 Medium
busybox 1.24.2-r12 apk CVE-2018-1000500 High
busybox 1.24.2-r12 apk CVE-2022-28391 High
busybox 1.24.2-r12 apk CVE-2021-42378 High
busybox 1.24.2-r12 apk CVE-2015-9261 Medium
busybox 1.24.2-r12 apk CVE-2021-42384 High
busybox 1.24.2-r12 apk CVE-2021-42379 High
freetype 2.6.3-r0 2.6.3-r1 apk CVE-2016-10244 High
freetype 2.6.3-r0 apk CVE-2022-27404 Critical
freetype 2.6.3-r0 apk CVE-2016-10328 Critical
freetype 2.6.3-r0 apk CVE-2022-27405 High
freetype 2.6.3-r0 apk CVE-2017-7857 Critical
freetype 2.6.3-r0 2.6.3-r1 apk CVE-2017-8287 Critical
$ syft weaveworksdemos/carts:0.4.8 --output cyclonedx-json --file carts-0.4.8-dx.json
@OtherDevOpsGene #AllThingsOpen
Do any components have newly identified
• Use OWASP Dependency-Track
• Track SBOMs
• Identify vulnerabilities
• Notifications
@OtherDevOpsGene #AllThingsOpen
@OtherDevOpsGene #AllThingsOpen
@OtherDevOpsGene #AllThingsOpen
Are my Kubernetes workloads and resources
following my rules?
• Use Open Policy Agent
• Admissions controller
• Compliance rules
@OtherDevOpsGene #AllThingsOpen
$ cat allowed.yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: opa-allowed
- name: opa
image: openpolicyagent/opa:0.9.2@sha256:04ff8fce2afd1a3bc26260348e5b290e8d945b1fad4b4c16d22834c2f3a1814a
- "run"
- "--server"
- "--addr=localhost:8080“
$ kubectl apply -f allowed.yaml
pod/opa-allowed created
@OtherDevOpsGene #AllThingsOpen
$ cat disallowed.yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: opa-disallowed
- name: opainit
image: openpolicyagent/opa:0.9.2
- "run"
- "--server"
- "--addr=localhost:8080"
- name: opa
image: openpolicyagent/opa:0.9.2
- "run"
- "--server"
- "--addr=localhost:8080“
$ kubectl apply -f disallowed.yaml
Error from server (Forbidden): error when creating "disallowed.yaml": admission webhook ""
denied the request: [container-image-must-have-digest] container <opa> uses an image without a digest
[container-image-must-have-digest] initContainer <opainit> uses an image without a digest <openpolicyagent/opa:0.9.2>
@OtherDevOpsGene #AllThingsOpen
Can a few containers hog too much
memory or CPU?
• Set the resource requests and limits
for memory and CPU
• Use Fairwinds Goldilocks
• Watches loads
• Makes request and limit
@OtherDevOpsGene #AllThingsOpen
Define and Design the Optimal Survey Experience
Network isolation
Can Kubernetes resources reach others they don’t
need to?
• Use a service mesh or CNI
• Build a network policy
• Network Policy editor
@OtherDevOpsGene #AllThingsOpen
Define and Design the Optimal Survey Experience
Network isolation
@OtherDevOpsGene #AllThingsOpen
@OtherDevOpsGene #AllThingsOpen
Are any workloads doing something unexpected
on the system?
• Use Falco
• Watches system calls
• Privilege escalation
• Ownership and mode changes
• Unexpected network connections
@OtherDevOpsGene #AllThingsOpen
$ kubectl logs -n falco falco-zplnz
Sat Oct 22 19:53:03 2022: Falco version: 0.33.0 (x86_64)
Sat Oct 22 19:53:03 2022: Falco initialized with configuration file: /etc/falco/falco.yaml
Sat Oct 22 19:53:03 2022: Loading rules from file /etc/falco/falco_rules.yaml
Sat Oct 22 19:53:03 2022: Loading rules from file /etc/falco/falco_rules.local.yaml
Sat Oct 22 19:53:03 2022: The chosen syscall buffer dimension is: 8388608 bytes (8 MBs)
Sat Oct 22 19:53:03 2022: Starting health webserver with threadiness 2, listening on port 8765
Sat Oct 22 19:53:03 2022: Enabled event sources: syscall
Sat Oct 22 19:53:03 2022: Opening capture with Kernel module
19:53:09.668585724: Warning Docker or kubernetes client executed in container (user=<NA> user_loginuid=-1
k8s.ns=gatekeeper-system k8s.pod=gatekeeper-update-crds-hook-l5zr2 container=006eacc6d95b parent=<NA> cmdline=kubectl
apply -f crds/ pid=13671 image=openpolicyagent/gatekeeper-crds:v3.10.0)
19:53:09.739647377: Notice Unexpected connection to K8s API Server from container (command=kubectl apply -f crds/
pid=13671 k8s.ns=gatekeeper-system k8s.pod=gatekeeper-update-crds-hook-l5zr2 container=006eacc6d95b
image=openpolicyagent/gatekeeper-crds:v3.10.0 connection=>
19:53:21.068878529: Notice Unexpected connection to K8s API Server from container (command=manager --port=8443 --
health-addr=:9090 --prometheus-port=8888 --logtostderr --log-denies=false --emit-admission-events=false --log-
level=INFO --exempt-namespace=gatekeeper-system --operation=webhook --enable-external-data=false --enable-generator-
resource-expansion=false --log-mutations=false --mutation-annotations=false --disable-cert-rotation=false --max-
serving-threads=-1 --tls-min-version=1.3 --metrics-backend=prometheus --operation=mutation-webhook --disable-opa-
builtin={http.send} pid=14628 k8s.ns=gatekeeper-system k8s.pod=gatekeeper-controller-manager-78b8774b7c-wknwm
container=bb34633b4f13 image=openpolicyagent/gatekeeper:v3.10.0 connection=>
19:53:21.133021316: Notice Unexpected connection to K8s API Server from container (command=manager --audit-
interval=60 --log-level=INFO --constraint-violations-limit=20 --audit-from-cache=false --audit-chunk-size=500 --
audit-match-kind-only=false --emit-audit-events=false --operation=audit --operation=status --operation=mutation-
status --logtostderr --health-addr=:9090 --prometheus-port=8888 --enable-external-data=false --enable-generator-
resource-expansion=false --metrics-backend=prometheus --disable-cert-rotation=true pid=14691 k8s.ns=gatekeeper-system
k8s.pod=gatekeeper-audit-9b7795dcf-tff44 container=c603d5981dea image=openpolicyagent/gatekeeper:v3.10.0
@OtherDevOpsGene #AllThingsOpen
Define and Design the Optimal Survey Experience
Key takeaways
• Enforce the principle of least privilege.
• Keep everything up to date.
• Scan your container images frequently,
before and after deployment.
• Monitor your systems for expected and
unexpected behavior.
• And disk space.
@OtherDevOpsGene #AllThingsOpen
Define and Design the Optimal Survey Experience
Reading list
Kubernetes Hardening Guidance,
National Security Agency (NSA) and
Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA).
A Closer Look at NSA/CISA Kubernetes Hardening Guidance,
Jim Angel, Pushkar Joglekar, and Savitha Raghunathan.
Kubernetes Security Technical Implementation Guide,
Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA).
CIS Kubernetes Benchmark,
Center for Internet Security (CIS),
@OtherDevOpsGene #AllThingsOpen
Define and Design the Optimal Survey Experience
Aqua Security kube-bench:
Checkov by Bridgecrew:
Aqua Security Trivy:
Anchore Grype:
Anchore Syft:
OWASP Dependency-Track:
Open Policy Agent:
Fairwinds Goldilocks:
Network Policy Editor:
@OtherDevOpsGene #AllThingsOpen
@OtherDevOpsGene #AllThingsOpen

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Keeping Your Kubernetes Cluster Secure

  • 1. @OtherDevOpsGene #AllThingsOpen Keeping your Kubernetes Cluster Secure Gene Gotimer @OtherDevOpsGene WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 2022
  • 2. Define and Design the Optimal Survey Experience KUBERNETES SECURITY Layers • Infrastructure • Hosts • Cluster • Build • Application • Container images • Deployment code • Runtime • Policies • Resources • Network • System calls and interaction @OtherDevOpsGene #AllThingsOpen 2
  • 4. Define and Design the Optimal Survey Experience INFRASTRUCTURE Hardening Kubernetes Hardening Guidance, National Security Agency (NSA) and Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA). • Start with the article Kubernetes Security Technical Implementation Guide, Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA). • Start with the client. CIS Kubernetes Benchmark, Center for Internet Security (CIS), non-government, non-profit. @OtherDevOpsGene #AllThingsOpen 4
  • 5. Cluster configuration INFRASTRUCTURE @OtherDevOpsGene #AllThingsOpen 5 Is my Kubernetes cluster installed and configured properly? • Use Aqua kube-bench • May not apply to master nodes
  • 6. INFRASTRUCTURE @OtherDevOpsGene #AllThingsOpen 6 Cluster configuration $ kubectl logs kube-bench-kc82n [INFO] 3 Worker Node Security Configuration [INFO] 3.1 Worker Node Configuration Files [PASS] 3.1.1 Ensure that the kubeconfig file permissions are set to 644 or more restrictive (Manual) [PASS] 3.1.2 Ensure that the kubelet kubeconfig file ownership is set to root:root (Manual) [PASS] 3.1.3 Ensure that the kubelet configuration file has permissions set to 644 or more restrictive (Manual) [PASS] 3.1.4 Ensure that the kubelet configuration file ownership is set to root:root (Manual) [INFO] 3.2 Kubelet [PASS] 3.2.1 Ensure that the --anonymous-auth argument is set to false (Automated) [PASS] 3.2.2 Ensure that the --authorization-mode argument is not set to AlwaysAllow (Automated) [PASS] 3.2.3 Ensure that the --client-ca-file argument is set as appropriate (Manual) [PASS] 3.2.4 Ensure that the --read-only-port argument is set to 0 (Manual) [PASS] 3.2.5 Ensure that the --streaming-connection-idle-timeout argument is not set to 0 (Manual) [PASS] 3.2.6 Ensure that the --protect-kernel-defaults argument is set to true (Automated) [PASS] 3.2.7 Ensure that the --make-iptables-util-chains argument is set to true (Automated) [PASS] 3.2.8 Ensure that the --hostname-override argument is not set (Manual) [WARN] 3.2.9 Ensure that the --eventRecordQPS argument is set to 0 or a level which ensures appropriate event capture (Automated) [PASS] 3.2.10 Ensure that the --rotate-certificates argument is not set to false (Manual) [PASS] 3.2.11 Ensure that the RotateKubeletServerCertificate argument is set to true (Manual) [INFO] 3.3 Container Optimized OS [WARN] 3.3.1 Prefer using Container-Optimized OS when possible (Manual)
  • 8. Static code analysis BUILD @OtherDevOpsGene #AllThingsOpen 8 Are resources configured properly? • Use Checkov by Bridgecrew • Scans source code for • Dockerfiles • Kubernetes manifests • Terraform
  • 9. Static code analysis BUILD @OtherDevOpsGene #AllThingsOpen 9 $ checkov -d manifests --quiet --compact kubernetes scan results: Passed checks: 1066, Failed checks: 166, Skipped checks: 0 Check: CKV_K8S_20: "Containers should not run with allowPrivilegeEscalation" FAILED for resource: Deployment.sock-shop.carts File: /manifests/01-carts-dep.yaml:2-51 Check: CKV_K8S_43: "Image should use digest" FAILED for resource: Deployment.sock-shop.carts File: /manifests/01-carts-dep.yaml:2-51 Check: CKV_K8S_38: "Ensure that Service Account Tokens are only mounted where necessary" FAILED for resource: Deployment.sock-shop.carts File: /manifests/01-carts-dep.yaml:2-51 Check: CKV_K8S_29: "Apply security context to your pods and containers" FAILED for resource: Deployment.sock-shop.carts File: /manifests/01-carts-dep.yaml:2-51 Check: CKV_K8S_8: "Liveness Probe Should be Configured" FAILED for resource: Deployment.sock-shop.carts File: /manifests/01-carts-dep.yaml:2-51 Check: CKV_K8S_9: "Readiness Probe Should be Configured" FAILED for resource: Deployment.sock-shop.carts File: /manifests/01-carts-dep.yaml:2-51 Check: CKV_K8S_31: "Ensure that the seccomp profile is set to docker/default or runtime/default" FAILED for resource: Deployment.sock-shop.carts File: /manifests/01-carts-dep.yaml:2-51
  • 10. Container image scanning BUILD @OtherDevOpsGene #AllThingsOpen 10 Are there vulnerabilities or misconfigurations on the container image? • Use Aqua Security Trivy • Scan images for vulnerable packages • Scan infrastructure-as-code for misconfigurations
  • 11. Container image scanning BUILD @OtherDevOpsGene #AllThingsOpen 11 $ trivy config manifests/01-carts-dep.yaml 2022-10-22T15:55:21.615Z INFO Misconfiguration scanning is enabled 2022-10-22T15:55:21.806Z INFO Detected config files: 1 01-carts-dep.yaml (kubernetes) ============================== Tests: 79 (SUCCESSES: 74, FAILURES: 5, EXCEPTIONS: 0) Failures: 5 (UNKNOWN: 0, LOW: 3, MEDIUM: 2, HIGH: 0, CRITICAL: 0) MEDIUM: Container 'carts' of Deployment 'carts' should set 'securityContext.allowPrivilegeEscalation' to false ════════════════════════════════════════ A program inside the container can elevate its own privileges and run as root, which might give the program control over the container and node. See ──────────────────────────────────────── 01-carts-dep.yaml:20-45 ──────────────────────────────────────── 20 ┌ - name: carts 21 │ image: weaveworksdemos/carts:0.4.8 22 │ env: 23 │ - name: JAVA_OPTS 24 │ value: -Xms64m -Xmx128m -XX:+UseG1GC -Dspring.zipkin.enabled=false 25 │ resources: 26 │ limits: 27 │ cpu: 300m 28 └ memory: 500Mi .. ────────────────────────────────────────
  • 12. Container image scanning BUILD @OtherDevOpsGene #AllThingsOpen 12 $ trivy image weaveworksdemos/carts:0.4.8 --no-progress 2022-10-22T15:48:40.726Z WARN This OS version is no longer supported by the distribution: alpine 3.4.6 2022-10-22T15:48:40.726Z WARN The vulnerability detection may be insufficient because security updates are not provided weaveworksdemos/carts:0.4.8 (alpine 3.4.6) ========================================== Total: 40 (UNKNOWN: 0, LOW: 0, MEDIUM: 23, HIGH: 13, CRITICAL: 4) ┌──────────────┬────────────────┬──────────┬───────────────────┬───────────────┬──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │ Library │ Vulnerability │ Severity │ Installed Version │ Fixed Version │ Title │ ├──────────────┼────────────────┼──────────┼───────────────────┼───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ │ busybox │ CVE-2017-16544 │ HIGH │ 1.24.2-r12 │ 1.24.2-r13 │ busybox: Insufficient sanitization of filenames when │ │ │ │ │ │ │ autocompleting │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ├────────────────┼──────────┤ │ ├──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ │ │ CVE-2017-15873 │ MEDIUM │ │ │ busybox: Integer overflow in the get_next_block function │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ├──────────────┼────────────────┼──────────┼───────────────────┼───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ │ freetype │ CVE-2017-8105 │ CRITICAL │ 2.6.3-r0 │ 2.6.3-r1 │ freetype: heap-based buffer overflow related to the │ │ │ │ │ │ │ t1_decoder_parse_charstrings │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ├────────────────┤ │ │ ├──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ │ │ CVE-2017-8287 │ │ │ │ freetype: heap-based buffer overflow related to the │ │ │ │ │ │ │ t1_builder_close_contour function │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ├────────────────┼──────────┤ │ ├──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ │ │ CVE-2016-10244 │ HIGH │ │ │ freetype: parse_charstrings function in type1/t1load.c does │ │ │ │ │ │ │ not ensure that a font contains... │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │
  • 13. Container image scanning BUILD @OtherDevOpsGene #AllThingsOpen 13 Are there vulnerabilities on the container image? • Use Anchore Grype • Scan images for vulnerable packages • Finds some different vulnerabilities than Aqua Trivy
  • 14. Container image scanning BUILD @OtherDevOpsGene #AllThingsOpen 14 $ grype weaveworksdemos/carts:0.4.8 NAME INSTALLED FIXED-IN TYPE VULNERABILITY SEVERITY busybox 1.24.2-r12 apk CVE-2021-42386 High busybox 1.24.2-r12 apk CVE-2018-1000500 High busybox 1.24.2-r12 apk CVE-2021-42379 High busybox 1.24.2-r12 apk CVE-2021-42381 High busybox 1.24.2-r12 apk CVE-2021-42384 High busybox 1.24.2-r12 1.24.2-r13 apk CVE-2017-15873 Medium busybox 1.24.2-r12 apk CVE-2018-1000517 Critical busybox 1.24.2-r12 apk CVE-2022-28391 High busybox 1.24.2-r12 apk CVE-2021-42385 High busybox 1.24.2-r12 apk CVE-2018-20679 High busybox 1.24.2-r12 apk CVE-2021-42378 High busybox 1.24.2-r12 apk CVE-2021-42376 Medium busybox 1.24.2-r12 1.24.2-r13 apk CVE-2017-16544 High busybox 1.24.2-r12 apk CVE-2019-5747 High busybox 1.24.2-r12 apk CVE-2015-9261 Medium freetype 2.6.3-r0 2.6.3-r1 apk CVE-2016-10244 High freetype 2.6.3-r0 apk CVE-2022-27404 Critical freetype 2.6.3-r0 apk CVE-2016-10328 Critical freetype 2.6.3-r0 apk CVE-2022-27405 High freetype 2.6.3-r0 apk CVE-2017-7857 Critical freetype 2.6.3-r0 2.6.3-r1 apk CVE-2017-8287 Critical freetype 2.6.3-r0 apk CVE-2017-7858 Critical freetype 2.6.3-r0 2.6.3-r1 apk CVE-2017-8105 Critical freetype 2.6.3-r0 apk CVE-2020-15999 Medium
  • 15. Software bill of materials (SBOM) BUILD @OtherDevOpsGene #AllThingsOpen 15 What components are in my application and container image? • Use Anchore Syft • OS packages • Libraries • Frameworks
  • 16. Software bill of materials (SBOM) BUILD @OtherDevOpsGene #AllThingsOpen 16 $ syft weaveworksdemos/carts:0.4.8 --output json --file carts-0.4.8.json $ grype sbom:carts-0.4.8.json NAME INSTALLED FIXED-IN TYPE VULNERABILITY SEVERITY busybox 1.24.2-r12 apk CVE-2018-20679 High busybox 1.24.2-r12 apk CVE-2018-1000517 Critical busybox 1.24.2-r12 apk CVE-2021-42381 High busybox 1.24.2-r12 1.24.2-r13 apk CVE-2017-16544 High busybox 1.24.2-r12 1.24.2-r13 apk CVE-2017-15873 Medium busybox 1.24.2-r12 apk CVE-2021-42386 High busybox 1.24.2-r12 apk CVE-2021-42385 High busybox 1.24.2-r12 apk CVE-2019-5747 High busybox 1.24.2-r12 apk CVE-2021-42376 Medium busybox 1.24.2-r12 apk CVE-2018-1000500 High busybox 1.24.2-r12 apk CVE-2022-28391 High busybox 1.24.2-r12 apk CVE-2021-42378 High busybox 1.24.2-r12 apk CVE-2015-9261 Medium busybox 1.24.2-r12 apk CVE-2021-42384 High busybox 1.24.2-r12 apk CVE-2021-42379 High freetype 2.6.3-r0 2.6.3-r1 apk CVE-2016-10244 High freetype 2.6.3-r0 apk CVE-2022-27404 Critical freetype 2.6.3-r0 apk CVE-2016-10328 Critical freetype 2.6.3-r0 apk CVE-2022-27405 High freetype 2.6.3-r0 apk CVE-2017-7857 Critical freetype 2.6.3-r0 2.6.3-r1 apk CVE-2017-8287 Critical ... $ syft weaveworksdemos/carts:0.4.8 --output cyclonedx-json --file carts-0.4.8-dx.json
  • 17. SBOM monitoring BUILD @OtherDevOpsGene #AllThingsOpen 17 Do any components have newly identified vulnerabilities? • Use OWASP Dependency-Track • Track SBOMs • Identify vulnerabilities • Notifications
  • 20. Policy enforcement RUNTIME @OtherDevOpsGene #AllThingsOpen 20 Are my Kubernetes workloads and resources following my rules? • Use Open Policy Agent • Admissions controller • Compliance rules
  • 21. Policy enforcement RUNTIME @OtherDevOpsGene #AllThingsOpen 21 $ cat allowed.yaml apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: name: opa-allowed spec: containers: - name: opa image: openpolicyagent/opa:0.9.2@sha256:04ff8fce2afd1a3bc26260348e5b290e8d945b1fad4b4c16d22834c2f3a1814a args: - "run" - "--server" - "--addr=localhost:8080“ $ kubectl apply -f allowed.yaml pod/opa-allowed created
  • 22. Policy enforcement RUNTIME @OtherDevOpsGene #AllThingsOpen 22 $ cat disallowed.yaml apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: name: opa-disallowed spec: initContainers: - name: opainit image: openpolicyagent/opa:0.9.2 args: - "run" - "--server" - "--addr=localhost:8080" containers: - name: opa image: openpolicyagent/opa:0.9.2 args: - "run" - "--server" - "--addr=localhost:8080“ $ kubectl apply -f disallowed.yaml Error from server (Forbidden): error when creating "disallowed.yaml": admission webhook "" denied the request: [container-image-must-have-digest] container <opa> uses an image without a digest <openpolicyagent/opa:0.9.2> [container-image-must-have-digest] initContainer <opainit> uses an image without a digest <openpolicyagent/opa:0.9.2>
  • 23. Resource limits RUNTIME @OtherDevOpsGene #AllThingsOpen 23 Can a few containers hog too much memory or CPU? • Set the resource requests and limits for memory and CPU • Use Fairwinds Goldilocks • Watches loads • Makes request and limit recommendations
  • 25. Define and Design the Optimal Survey Experience RUNTIME Network isolation Can Kubernetes resources reach others they don’t need to? • Use a service mesh or CNI • Build a network policy • Network Policy editor • @OtherDevOpsGene #AllThingsOpen 25
  • 26. Define and Design the Optimal Survey Experience RUNTIME Network isolation @OtherDevOpsGene #AllThingsOpen 26
  • 27. Monitor behavior RUNTIME @OtherDevOpsGene #AllThingsOpen 27 Are any workloads doing something unexpected on the system? • Use Falco • Watches system calls • Privilege escalation • Ownership and mode changes • Unexpected network connections
  • 28. Monitor behavior RUNTIME @OtherDevOpsGene #AllThingsOpen 28 $ kubectl logs -n falco falco-zplnz Sat Oct 22 19:53:03 2022: Falco version: 0.33.0 (x86_64) Sat Oct 22 19:53:03 2022: Falco initialized with configuration file: /etc/falco/falco.yaml Sat Oct 22 19:53:03 2022: Loading rules from file /etc/falco/falco_rules.yaml Sat Oct 22 19:53:03 2022: Loading rules from file /etc/falco/falco_rules.local.yaml Sat Oct 22 19:53:03 2022: The chosen syscall buffer dimension is: 8388608 bytes (8 MBs) Sat Oct 22 19:53:03 2022: Starting health webserver with threadiness 2, listening on port 8765 Sat Oct 22 19:53:03 2022: Enabled event sources: syscall Sat Oct 22 19:53:03 2022: Opening capture with Kernel module 19:53:09.668585724: Warning Docker or kubernetes client executed in container (user=<NA> user_loginuid=-1 k8s.ns=gatekeeper-system k8s.pod=gatekeeper-update-crds-hook-l5zr2 container=006eacc6d95b parent=<NA> cmdline=kubectl apply -f crds/ pid=13671 image=openpolicyagent/gatekeeper-crds:v3.10.0) 19:53:09.739647377: Notice Unexpected connection to K8s API Server from container (command=kubectl apply -f crds/ pid=13671 k8s.ns=gatekeeper-system k8s.pod=gatekeeper-update-crds-hook-l5zr2 container=006eacc6d95b image=openpolicyagent/gatekeeper-crds:v3.10.0 connection=> 19:53:21.068878529: Notice Unexpected connection to K8s API Server from container (command=manager --port=8443 -- health-addr=:9090 --prometheus-port=8888 --logtostderr --log-denies=false --emit-admission-events=false --log- level=INFO --exempt-namespace=gatekeeper-system --operation=webhook --enable-external-data=false --enable-generator- resource-expansion=false --log-mutations=false --mutation-annotations=false --disable-cert-rotation=false --max- serving-threads=-1 --tls-min-version=1.3 --metrics-backend=prometheus --operation=mutation-webhook --disable-opa- builtin={http.send} pid=14628 k8s.ns=gatekeeper-system k8s.pod=gatekeeper-controller-manager-78b8774b7c-wknwm container=bb34633b4f13 image=openpolicyagent/gatekeeper:v3.10.0 connection=> 19:53:21.133021316: Notice Unexpected connection to K8s API Server from container (command=manager --audit- interval=60 --log-level=INFO --constraint-violations-limit=20 --audit-from-cache=false --audit-chunk-size=500 -- audit-match-kind-only=false --emit-audit-events=false --operation=audit --operation=status --operation=mutation- status --logtostderr --health-addr=:9090 --prometheus-port=8888 --enable-external-data=false --enable-generator- resource-expansion=false --metrics-backend=prometheus --disable-cert-rotation=true pid=14691 k8s.ns=gatekeeper-system k8s.pod=gatekeeper-audit-9b7795dcf-tff44 container=c603d5981dea image=openpolicyagent/gatekeeper:v3.10.0 connection=>
  • 30. Define and Design the Optimal Survey Experience WRAP-UP Key takeaways • Enforce the principle of least privilege. • Keep everything up to date. • Scan your container images frequently, before and after deployment. • Monitor your systems for expected and unexpected behavior. • And disk space. @OtherDevOpsGene #AllThingsOpen 30
  • 31. Define and Design the Optimal Survey Experience WRAP-UP Reading list Kubernetes Hardening Guidance, National Security Agency (NSA) and Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA). 1/1/CTR_KUBERNETES%20HARDENING%20GUIDANCE.PDF A Closer Look at NSA/CISA Kubernetes Hardening Guidance, Jim Angel, Pushkar Joglekar, and Savitha Raghunathan. kubernetes-hardening-guidance/ Kubernetes Security Technical Implementation Guide, Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA). CIS Kubernetes Benchmark, Center for Internet Security (CIS), @OtherDevOpsGene #AllThingsOpen 31
  • 32. Define and Design the Optimal Survey Experience WRAP-UP Tools Aqua Security kube-bench: Checkov by Bridgecrew: Aqua Security Trivy: Anchore Grype: Anchore Syft: OWASP Dependency-Track: Open Policy Agent: Fairwinds Goldilocks: Network Policy Editor: Falco: @OtherDevOpsGene #AllThingsOpen 32

Editor's Notes

  1. We will look at 10 tools across 3 rough layers of the Kubernetes ecosystem. All are open-source and/or freely available Also, some publicly available guidance Security is a type of quality You cannot be insecure and have high quality You cannot have low quality but high security
  2. Kubernetes clusters consist of servers acting as master nodes and worker nodes. The operating system and processes on these servers have to be secured just like any others. These are the tasks traditionally done by Ops and Security YAGNI K8s hosts need the same security as other hosts Keep the systems up-to-date Easiest to do. Just regularly run apt-get update or dnf update or yum update CISA recommends the following remediation timelines: Critical vulnerabilities should be remediated within 15 calendar days of initial detection. High vulnerabilities should be remediated within 30 calendar days of initial detection.
  3. Least privilege Ronald Reagan 1986 – The nine most terrifying words in the English language are "I'm from the Government and I'm here to help." Google both terms, See the article from Oct 2021. See the link Also, not specific to k8s, but Federal, state, local, tribal and territorial governments, as well as public and private sector critical infrastructure organizations. Can request Cyber Hygiene Services at no cost from CISA. CIS is not a government agency, but it is non-profit. CIS Benchmarks are free checklists, very similar to STIGs, easier to read.
  4. "checks whether Kubernetes is deployed securely by running the checks documented in the CIS Kubernetes Benchmark." If you are running in a managed Kubernetes cluster, such as Amazon EKS or Azure AKS, kube-bench does not have access to the master nodes but can still evaluate the worker nodes.   Runs as a kubectl job
  5. Runs as a kubectl job cd ~/git/ggkube/Book/code kubectl apply -f kube-bench-job-eks.yaml kubectl get pods kubectl logs kube-bench-kc82n
  6. These tasks are typically going to fall to the development teams while they are producing their software for deployment All of this is a moot point if the application is security swiss cheese.
  7. Least privilege Checkov by Bridgecrew Frequent updates, sometimes daily I use this extensively on Terraform code
  8. Python pip install or use Docker container pushd ./microservices-demo/deploy/Kubernetes checkov -d manifests --quiet --compact
  9. Can’t just scan once, vulnerabilities can be found even in existing, previously “safe”, containers/code
  10. Installs as package, from script, container, etc. trivy config manifests/01-carts-dep.yaml
  11. trivy image weaveworksdemos/carts:0.4.8 --no-progress
  12. Other options are Clair by Red Hat Can’t just scan once, vulnerabilities can be found even in existing, previously “safe”, containers/code
  13. grype weaveworksdemos/carts:0.4.8
  14. Can feed that back to Grype
  15. Can feed that back to Grype syft weaveworksdemos/carts:0.4.8 --output json --file carts-0.4.8.json grype sbom:carts-0.4.8.json syft weaveworksdemos/carts:0.4.8 --output cyclonedx-json --file carts-0.4.8-dx.json
  16. This is the Ops piece of DevSecOps. After you deploy, the job isn’t finished. Keep monitoring. It is embarrassing how often companies that spend millions to staff a 24x7 SOC have apps go down when they run out of disk space
  17. Oh-pah
  18. kubectl apply -f kubectl describe ConstraintTemplate -A kubectl apply -f cat allowed.yaml kubectl apply -f allowed.yaml
  19. cat disallowed.yaml kubectl apply -f disallowed.yaml
  20. 014d4142-ca50-4f71-a9f5-a7f727c8df1f kubectl apply -f manifests kubectl label ns sock-shop kubectl -n goldilocks port-forward svc/goldilocks-dashboard 8444:80& kubectl -n sock-shop port-forward svc/front-end 8555:80&
  21. Least privilege Container network interface Linkerd, Istio, Calico, Cilium mTLS
  22. Least privilege Container network interface Linkerd, Istio, Calico, Cilium mTLS
  23. Install to host so it is isolated from Kubernetes Can also install into cluster using Helm if you don’t control the host, e.g., EKS
  24. kubectl get pods -n falco -o wide kubectl logs -n falco falco-zplnz -f
  25. There are commercial versions that incorporate many of these tools and capabilities, often together in a single package.