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jurgen appelo
The Creative Networker
I regularly speak at conferences and seminars, on a variety of topics.
These include the following:

••Agile Management
••Software Development
••Personal Development
••Systems Thinking
••Social Media
••Creative Networks
The places where I am invited to speak are usually all over the world.
My talks are always fun, inspiring, and well-rehearsed.
My presentation materials are hand-crafted and well-designed.
The evaluations for my talks are consistently high.
I am able to turn many different topics into professional and
enjoyable sessions. These can last for 30, 60, or 90 minutes. Or, if
you want, I can lead workshops of 3 to 4 hours on any of the topics
listed above.
If you want to know more, contact me, and tell me what you would
like me to talk about.
Jurgen Appelo calls himself a creative networker.
But sometimes he’s a writer, speaker, trainer,
entrepreneur, illustrator, manager, blogger, reader,
dreamer, leader, freethinker, or… Dutch guy.
Since 2008 Jurgen writes a popular blog at www., covering the creative economy, agile
management, and personal development. He is the
author of the book Management 3.0, which describes
the role of the manager in agile organizations.
And he wrote the little book How to Change the
World, which describes a supermodel for change
management. Jurgen is CEO of the business
network Happy Melly, and co-founder of the Agile
Lean Europe network and the Stoos Network.


After studying Software Engineering at the
Delft University of Technology, and earning his
Master’s degree in 1994, Jurgen Appelo has busied
himself starting up and leading a variety of Dutch
businesses, always in the position of team leader,
manager, or executive.
Nowadays he works full-time managing the
Happy Melly ecosystem, developing innovative
courseware, books, workshops, and events. But
sometimes Jurgen puts it all aside to spend time
on his ever-growing collection of science fiction
and fantasy literature, which he stacks in a selfdesigned book case. It is 4 meters high.

on the world’s Top 200 Agile Blogs:

on the world’s Most Influential People in Agile:

on the world’s Top 100 Agile Books:

Entrepreneur of the Year 1999 (Netherlands, VNO-NCW)

70 / 100 score on Klout
management 3.0


» www .man age men t30 .com /ma nag

When organizations adopt agile
software development, not only
developers and project managers
need to learn new practices.
Development managers and team
leaders must also learn a different
approach to leading and managing

nt3 0 «
How to Change
the World


» www .man age men t30 .com /ho w-t

How do I deal with my crappy organization? I like my
work but I don’t like what our management is doing. How
do I deal with it? Well, that’s easy. You have three options:
1) Ignore it.
2) Quit your job.
3) Learn about change management.
This booklet for those who choose option 3.

writes the blog,

vers Agile management,
improvement, and personal

ment. He is the author of
Management 3.0, which

s the role of the manager in

ganizations. And Jurgen is

eaker who is regularly invited

t business seminars and

ces around the world.
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ci za ogramisty
ętnoś rym
“dzię zki! dla
książ ionego ;), przed
pozb ludzkich
Hur skA JAg HAnterA ające zadaji do
Jurgen skriver bloggen,
międ zytłacz ganizac acy, ta
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uslA orgAnisAtion? tod pr .” handlar om agilt ledarskap,
przeko lepszych bezcenna
użycia zka jest
JAg gillAr mitt Jobb menpe och personlig utveckling.
r., eu
- m.
inte vAd vår ledning
Han är författaren till boken

Håller på med.



tala på företagsseminarier och

Jurgen Appelo

derek neighbors, usA

- m.r., europe



H ur mA n för ä n dr A r vä rl den

o Mund
ändrA det!

“tack för att du skrivit detta
häfte. som utvecklare utan sociala
färdigheter ;), som står inför en
skrämmande uppgift att faktiskt
få organisationen att använda en
bättre utvecklingsmetodik, var
detta tydligt skrivet och ganska

n ą 3.

som regelbundet bjuds in att
konferenser världen runt.

kostya marchenko, Australia

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och Jurgen är också en talare

lev med det, lämnA det

“den här är en bra och
snabbläst bok som tar ett
antal existerande verk och
mixar om dem till någonting
gripbart och direkt.”


chefens roll i agila organisationer.

tJA, det är enkelt

“läste ut @jurgenappelos minibok
om hur man förändrar världen. det


management 3.0, som beskriver

Hur skA JAg HAnterA det?

bäst förhållande
geden bok medjag någonsin läst.”
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Jurgen ap

Ju rgen A pp elo

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de fazer
logia de utilizar uma
o livro é
inestim bem claro e de

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cHAnge MAnAgeMent 3.0



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Hur man


förändringsHAntering 3.0
Management 3.0

» ww w. ma na ge me

Management Workout will be a book with
actionable management advice. Practical
things that people can do next Monday
morning, in order to grow an organization
that is fit and healthy. And not only
managers, but everyone who is concerned
about the management of an organization.
Because the whole organization should
participate in the workout.

30 .c om /w or ko ut

moving people to action
60 minutes
Duration: 45 - agers, employees, coaches, consul
Audience: man


The number one issue that employees
in agile organizations struggle with is
“organizational culture”. The biggest
challenge that managers of agile
organizations struggle with is “change
management”. It turns out that this is
actually the same problem. Changing an
organization’s culture, by changing people’s
behaviors, is most successful when you
target people’s intrinsic desires.
Using his own “champfrogs” model for
intrinsic motivation, and with plenty of
experience in social networks, Jurgen
Appelo shows how you can get any colleague
or customer to do what you want. ;-)

“Saw @jurgenappelo
Really liked the
theme of personal
responsibility in his
Good stuff.”
Mike MacDonagh
Blueprint for a
Tribal Business

» www .slid esh are .net /ju rge nap


Happy Melly is a company built as
a network of entities, connected
through a Constitution, with
regular gatherings on Skype. The
network is led by a CEO who can
be voted out any time. The only
way for him to stay on top is to
keep everyone’s trust. Every day.


Duration: 45 - 60 m entrepreneurs,creative workers
Audience: manag
Does a company really need a head office?
The new organizational structure of the 21st
century is the network, not the hierarchy.
And the focus of management should be on
leadership, not governance. But how can you
organize this?

“@jurgenappelo is a brilliant
speaker! Enjoyed every minute
of his session :o)”
Henrik Kniberg


“Jurgen did a fantastic inspiring and interesting speech, which
brought perspective to our internal ways or working in Nordea. I would
recommend him any day, if you are looking for fun and inspiring input.”
Michael Poulsen, Nordea
Let’s Help Melly
» www .slid esh are .net /ju rge nap


Duration: 45 - 60 minutes
Audience: managers, employees, coaches, consultants

Many people in the world don’t really like their jobs. And most
organizations are not healthy. They are badly prepared for
increasing complexity and changing environments. Complexity
thinking suggests we should seek a diversity of conflicting
perspectives. It explains that organizations need experiments. And
it says most innovation happens by stealing and tweaking existing
ideas. What organizations need is a “management workout”.

This session offers some practices that make
employees happier and your organization
healthier, using complexity thinking.
How to Change
the World
» www .slid esh are .net /ju rge nap




Duration: 45 - 60ers, employees, coaches, consultants
Audience: manag

“How do I make my managers more Agile?”
“How do I convince people to start learning?”
“How can I make customers more cooperative?”
When transforming organizations and other social systems we
encounter obstacles. These obstacles often involve changing
other people’s behaviors. Of course, we cannot really make people
behave in a different way. But… we can certainly try!


This session is about
Change Management 3.0,
a new change management
“super model”.

simply awesome - visually
appealing and the content
is a compelling read. I wish
there was a way to mandate
that this presentation should
be part of every manager’s
required training!!”
Prem Ranganath

“@jurgenappelo giving by far the most entertaining
session of #Agile2012 on Changing the World”
Aaron Lindsey
Management 3.0

» www .man age men t30 .com /ev ent

An estimated number of 2,000 people attended a Management 3.0 course since
our kick-off in 2011. There have been 175 Management 3.0 courses between
March 2011 and June 2013, which is an average of 6 courses per month.
In total, the course has been organized in 78 different cities in 35 countries on
4 continents by 32 licensed facilitators. The participants rate the course with a
9 or 10 in 62% of the cases.


Practices for Creatives &
Knowledge Workers

Can I help my co-workers to take
responsibility and hold them
accountable for their work


Lots of ideas to try with my team to get to know
them better and improve our work.
Mattia Battiston, Software Developer, Italy

Practices for Line Managers &
Team Leaders
Our workshops and courses are created to share ideas and experiences
from innovative organizations with modern management and
leadership practices. Don’t wait while your team members leave all
difficult problems for you to solve. Join a Management 3.0 event now!

Can we delegate work to self-organizing teams while
still maintaining a sense of control


Our workshops and courses are created to share ideas and experiences
from innovative organizations with modern management and
leadership practices. Don’t wait while the organization is slowly but
steadily destroying itself. Join a Management 3.0 event now!

Can I help our old-fashioned managers to introduce
some 21st century leadership practices

Can we motivate team
members to develop
products that by their nature
are not very exciting




Learn How to
Energize People
How can we keep or increase motivation and passion

Learn How to
Develop Competence


How can we develop people’s competences and skills


Intrinsic motivation is the reason people get out of bed
in the morning. Since people are the most important
parts of an organization, managers must do all they
can to keep people active, creative, and motivated.
You will learn about the difference between extrinsic
vs. intrinsic motivation, the ten intrinsic desires,
and common techniques for understanding what is
important to the people in your teams, such as oneon-one meetings, personal assessments, the 12 most
important questions, and 360 degree evaluations.

How can we
compensate people
in a fair way

How can we keep or increase
engagement and energy


Competence development is key when it comes to doing a good job. Teams are only
able to achieve their goals if team members are capable enough, and managers must
therefore contribute to the development of competence. You will learn how and when to
apply the seven approaches of competence development, how to measure progress in a
complex system, the effect of sub-optimization, and several tips for useful metrics.


Happy Melly

w w .h a p

e l l y .c

om «
where was jurgen in 2013?
& Feedback
“Superb Presentation.
Very important content.”

“Very creative examples
and good content.”

“Very useful best practices.
Good food for thought.”

“Excellent. No wonder this guy is
one of the top 10 speakers on Agile.”

“Great session on management.

Learned a lot about building teams.”
» w w w .j u r

p e l o .c o m /c

ontact «
ww w.n oo p.n l «

I speak at many conferences and seminars.
If you’re looking for a keynote speaker, or just
someone who can engage a room full of people, why
don’t you hire me? According to my audiences, my
sessions are “creative, passionate, clear, and funny.”
I look forward to discuss with you the possibility of
inspiring your colleagues or conference attendees.

“Good slides. Interactive presentations
and real-life anecdotes from the industry.”

“Very very nice. I enjoyed it and learned a lot.
Jurgen Appelo - Brochure

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Jurgen Appelo - Brochure

  • 2. introduction I regularly speak at conferences and seminars, on a variety of topics. These include the following: ••Agile Management ••Software Development ••Personal Development ••Systems Thinking ••Social Media ••Creative Networks The places where I am invited to speak are usually all over the world. My talks are always fun, inspiring, and well-rehearsed. My presentation materials are hand-crafted and well-designed. The evaluations for my talks are consistently high. I am able to turn many different topics into professional and enjoyable sessions. These can last for 30, 60, or 90 minutes. Or, if you want, I can lead workshops of 3 to 4 hours on any of the topics listed above. If you want to know more, contact me, and tell me what you would like me to talk about.
  • 3. biography Jurgen Appelo calls himself a creative networker. But sometimes he’s a writer, speaker, trainer, entrepreneur, illustrator, manager, blogger, reader, dreamer, leader, freethinker, or… Dutch guy. Since 2008 Jurgen writes a popular blog at www., covering the creative economy, agile management, and personal development. He is the author of the book Management 3.0, which describes the role of the manager in agile organizations. And he wrote the little book How to Change the World, which describes a supermodel for change management. Jurgen is CEO of the business network Happy Melly, and co-founder of the Agile Lean Europe network and the Stoos Network. #3 #6 #32+35 After studying Software Engineering at the Delft University of Technology, and earning his Master’s degree in 1994, Jurgen Appelo has busied himself starting up and leading a variety of Dutch businesses, always in the position of team leader, manager, or executive. Nowadays he works full-time managing the Happy Melly ecosystem, developing innovative courseware, books, workshops, and events. But sometimes Jurgen puts it all aside to spend time on his ever-growing collection of science fiction and fantasy literature, which he stacks in a selfdesigned book case. It is 4 meters high. on the world’s Top 200 Agile Blogs: on the world’s Most Influential People in Agile: on the world’s Top 100 Agile Books: Entrepreneur of the Year 1999 (Netherlands, VNO-NCW) 70 / 100 score on Klout
  • 4. management 3.0 book eme » www .man age men t30 .com /ma nag When organizations adopt agile software development, not only developers and project managers need to learn new practices. Development managers and team leaders must also learn a different approach to leading and managing organizations. nt3 0 «
  • 5. How to Change the World book o-c » www .man age men t30 .com /ho w-t How do I deal with my crappy organization? I like my work but I don’t like what our management is doing. How do I deal with it? Well, that’s easy. You have three options: 1) Ignore it. 2) Quit your job. 3) Learn about change management. This booklet for those who choose option 3. writes the blog, vers Agile management, improvement, and personal ment. He is the author of Management 3.0, which s the role of the manager in ganizations. And Jurgen is eaker who is regularly invited t business seminars and ces around the world. Ju rg e n Appe lo en Appelo geMent30.coM han ge- the -wo rld « l, op.n g no zi blo o pp el m en A Ju rg en t3 Ag em mAn ni ć to ! mień zm ie z , pt uJ Ak ce b. .. te . zA dź lu od eJ JA k zkę siążec iać minik czytać jak zmienstosunek y czyłem o tym, “skoń appelo ma najlepsz ch, jakie en a @jurg ta książk ze wszystki . ceny .” świat a ści do czytałem strali warto lwiek o, Au ko kiedy rchenk Św iA t m mu dA r o mu nd o a ma kosty czyta. nie się uje świet remiks jąc ążkę “tę ksi ły sposób h prac, da ięz i yc w zw istniejąc nego nkret szereg ie coś ko cia.” kc w efe do uży ego usA gotow bors, zAr de tej anie napis ci za ogramisty ci pr kuję ętnoś rym “dzię zki! dla któ ec umiej książ ionego ;), przed aw nie pozb ludzkich Hur skA JAg HAnterA ające zadaji do min Jurgen skriver bloggen, zy międ zytłacz ganizac acy, ta stoi pr nania or me uslA orgAnisAtion? tod pr .” handlar om agilt ledarskap, som przeko lepszych bezcenna verksamhetsförbättring użycia zka jest ec książ JAg gillAr mitt Jobb menpe och personlig utveckling. ro r., eu - m. inte vAd vår ledning Han är författaren till boken Håller på med. CoMo Mudar tala på företagsseminarier och Jurgen Appelo derek neighbors, usA - m.r., europe o 3.0 H ur mA n för ä n dr A r vä rl den o Mund ändrA det! “tack för att du skrivit detta häfte. som utvecklare utan sociala färdigheter ;), som står inför en skrämmande uppgift att faktiskt få organisationen att använda en bättre utvecklingsmetodik, var detta tydligt skrivet och ganska ovärderligt” 0 n ą 3. som regelbundet bjuds in att konferenser världen runt. kostya marchenko, Australia m iA ie z och Jurgen är också en talare lev med det, lämnA det eller... “den här är en bra och snabbläst bok som tar ett antal existerande verk och mixar om dem till någonting gripbart och direkt.” zAn chefens roll i agila organisationer. tJA, det är enkelt “läste ut @jurgenappelos minibok om hur man förändrar världen. det ząd management 3.0, som beskriver Hur skA JAg HAnterA det? är bäst förhållande geden bok medjag någonsin läst.” stão värde/kostnad de mu dA nç As elo ´ swiat igh rek ne Ju apprgen elo Jak ´ enic zmi p Jurgen ap Ju rgen A pp elo m.r., eur opa ! os to pr lo mude “Acabe i de sobre com ler o livro do livro com o mudar o mu @jurgenappelo benefíc a melhor rela ndo. é o io que já ção li até hoje de custo/ .” Kostya marche nko, Aus trália “este livr o rápida leit é uma ótima diverso ura que com e bina s trabalho em algo tangíve s existentes l e obje tivo.” derek nei ghbors, euA “obriga do este peq por ter escrito uen desenvolve o livro. par a um dor sem interpe habilidade sso s uma tare ais ;), e que está uma org fa intimidadora encarando anizaçã de fazer metodo o logia de utilizar uma melhor o livro é desenvolvi mento, inestim bem claro e de ável.” valor Ju rg en Ap pe lo mA nA ge me nt 30 .Co Co mo cHAnge MAnAgeMent 3.0 e. ou... o the world VÁ em bo rA . Ap pel change reve no blog no que cob, re assunt os como Ágil, mel gestão horia nos eu go negócio desenvolvi s, e st o do tr Ab Al mento pes me u ho, mA soal. ele autor do s nã o é livro man go st o do qu agemen e A ge que des t 3.0, stão creve o es tÁ papel do gestor em organiz fA ze nd ações Áge o. is. Jurgen também Co mo é um pale strante po ss o regular que é lid Ar mente con Co m vidado para falar em seminár iss o? ios de neg conferê ócios e be m, es ncias ao redor do sA é fÁ mundo. Ci l. AC eit pe en Ap how to Jurgen esc Ju rg Jurgen appelo Co mo lid Ar Co m A po rC Ar iA dA mi nh A em pr es A? Ju rg en H ow to cHAnge t H e wo rld owad innym en pr ji Jurg ze o zw nizac rym pis ie orga na któ praw torem iu, na st au dzan ym. Je zarzą obist oju os t 3.0”, i rozw emen w anag wnikó ki “m kiero książ je role e jach. opisu e ni nizac która ą, ę, Al h orga mówc pr Ac ci e innyc nym oJą de JŚ w zw cenio ę sw t też ę po wia na wA. en jes lu bi m i si zema Jurg ni ct nie pr do bA h na lar po er ow regu rencjac o ki który i konfe sz eg ch nA ić ? naria semi zr ob ie. og ę świec co m całym ić rA dz bi e po eJ ę so i m oJ m og ci Am JA k cJ i? Ab oŚ ni zA ze sł or gA Jurgen appelo Hur man förändrar världen förändringsHAntering 3.0
  • 6. Management 3.0 Workout book nt » ww w. ma na ge me Management Workout will be a book with actionable management advice. Practical things that people can do next Monday morning, in order to grow an organization that is fit and healthy. And not only managers, but everyone who is concerned about the management of an organization. Because the whole organization should participate in the workout. 30 .c om /w or ko ut s«
  • 7. Champfrogs: moving people to action tants 60 minutes Duration: 45 - agers, employees, coaches, consul Audience: man speech The number one issue that employees in agile organizations struggle with is “organizational culture”. The biggest challenge that managers of agile organizations struggle with is “change management”. It turns out that this is actually the same problem. Changing an organization’s culture, by changing people’s behaviors, is most successful when you target people’s intrinsic desires. Using his own “champfrogs” model for intrinsic motivation, and with plenty of experience in social networks, Jurgen Appelo shows how you can get any colleague or customer to do what you want. ;-) “Saw @jurgenappelo speak recently. Really liked the theme of personal responsibility in his presentation. Good stuff.” Mike MacDonagh
  • 8. Blueprint for a Tribal Business » www .slid esh are .net /ju rge nap pel o« Happy Melly is a company built as a network of entities, connected through a Constitution, with regular gatherings on Skype. The network is led by a CEO who can be voted out any time. The only way for him to stay on top is to keep everyone’s trust. Every day. speech inutes Duration: 45 - 60 m entrepreneurs,creative workers ers, Audience: manag Does a company really need a head office? The new organizational structure of the 21st century is the network, not the hierarchy. And the focus of management should be on leadership, not governance. But how can you organize this? “@jurgenappelo is a brilliant speaker! Enjoyed every minute of his session :o)” Henrik Kniberg HAPPY mellY “Jurgen did a fantastic inspiring and interesting speech, which brought perspective to our internal ways or working in Nordea. I would recommend him any day, if you are looking for fun and inspiring input.” Michael Poulsen, Nordea
  • 9. Let’s Help Melly pel » www .slid esh are .net /ju rge nap o« speech Duration: 45 - 60 minutes Audience: managers, employees, coaches, consultants Many people in the world don’t really like their jobs. And most organizations are not healthy. They are badly prepared for increasing complexity and changing environments. Complexity thinking suggests we should seek a diversity of conflicting perspectives. It explains that organizations need experiments. And it says most innovation happens by stealing and tweaking existing ideas. What organizations need is a “management workout”. This session offers some practices that make employees happier and your organization healthier, using complexity thinking.
  • 10. How to Change the World pel » www .slid esh are .net /ju rge nap o« h speec minutes Duration: 45 - 60ers, employees, coaches, consultants Audience: manag “How do I make my managers more Agile?” “How do I convince people to start learning?” “How can I make customers more cooperative?” When transforming organizations and other social systems we encounter obstacles. These obstacles often involve changing other people’s behaviors. Of course, we cannot really make people behave in a different way. But… we can certainly try! Quotes This session is about Change Management 3.0, a new change management “super model”. “This presentation is simply awesome - visually appealing and the content is a compelling read. I wish there was a way to mandate that this presentation should be part of every manager’s required training!!” Prem Ranganath “@jurgenappelo giving by far the most entertaining session of #Agile2012 on Changing the World” Aaron Lindsey
  • 11. Management 3.0 s » www .man age men t30 .com /ev ent An estimated number of 2,000 people attended a Management 3.0 course since our kick-off in 2011. There have been 175 Management 3.0 courses between March 2011 and June 2013, which is an average of 6 courses per month. In total, the course has been organized in 78 different cities in 35 countries on 4 continents by 32 licensed facilitators. The participants rate the course with a 9 or 10 in 62% of the cases. audience audience Practices for Creatives & Knowledge Workers Can I help my co-workers to take responsibility and hold them accountable for their work ? Lots of ideas to try with my team to get to know them better and improve our work. Mattia Battiston, Software Developer, Italy Practices for Line Managers & Team Leaders Our workshops and courses are created to share ideas and experiences from innovative organizations with modern management and leadership practices. Don’t wait while your team members leave all difficult problems for you to solve. Join a Management 3.0 event now! Can we delegate work to self-organizing teams while still maintaining a sense of control ? Our workshops and courses are created to share ideas and experiences from innovative organizations with modern management and leadership practices. Don’t wait while the organization is slowly but steadily destroying itself. Join a Management 3.0 event now! Can I help our old-fashioned managers to introduce some 21st century leadership practices Can we motivate team members to develop products that by their nature are not very exciting ? topic topic Learn How to Energize People How can we keep or increase motivation and passion Learn How to Develop Competence ? How can we develop people’s competences and skills ? Intrinsic motivation is the reason people get out of bed in the morning. Since people are the most important parts of an organization, managers must do all they can to keep people active, creative, and motivated. You will learn about the difference between extrinsic vs. intrinsic motivation, the ten intrinsic desires, and common techniques for understanding what is important to the people in your teams, such as oneon-one meetings, personal assessments, the 12 most important questions, and 360 degree evaluations. How can we compensate people in a fair way ? How can we keep or increase engagement and energy ? Competence development is key when it comes to doing a good job. Teams are only able to achieve their goals if team members are capable enough, and managers must therefore contribute to the development of competence. You will learn how and when to apply the seven approaches of competence development, how to measure progress in a complex system, the effect of sub-optimization, and several tips for useful metrics. ? «
  • 12. Happy Melly »w pym w w .h a p e l l y .c om «
  • 13. where was jurgen in 2013?
  • 14. Customers & Feedback “Superb Presentation. Very important content.” “Very creative examples and good content.” “Very useful best practices. Good food for thought.” “Excellent. No wonder this guy is one of the top 10 speakers on Agile.” “Great session on management. Learned a lot about building teams.”
  • 15. Contact genap » w w w .j u r p e l o .c o m /c » ontact « ww w.n oo p.n l « I speak at many conferences and seminars. If you’re looking for a keynote speaker, or just someone who can engage a room full of people, why don’t you hire me? According to my audiences, my sessions are “creative, passionate, clear, and funny.” I look forward to discuss with you the possibility of inspiring your colleagues or conference attendees. “Good slides. Interactive presentations and real-life anecdotes from the industry.” “Very very nice. I enjoyed it and learned a lot.