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T HE MA N C HESTER C H URC H OF C HRIST, MA N C HESTER, N H                                                    Ja n 7, 2 0 0 9

     Techno-Geek Ministry                                                                 Manchester Church of Christ
                                                                                                   66 Mammoth Rd.
                                                                                                Manchester, NH 03109
        This year the church in                                 So, what do you
Manchester will be launching into               say? Are you ready to do your       
delivering our worship services                 part in scattering the seed to the       
and some adult Bible classes to                 wide world (as in WWW, ha!)?
the internet. We have the                                                                    Elder’s Link: December
technology; we just need hands to            ""Go therefore and make
serve.                               disciples of all the nations,                     Lee Davis –
                                     baptizing them in the name of                                      547-8876
        What specifically is the     the Father and the Son and the                                   Larry Glass –
plan? We’d like to provide a video Holy Spirit, teaching them to                  
of our first worship services every observe all that I commanded                                        887-1741
Sunday morning, and an audio of you; and lo, I am with you
                                                                                          If you have any concerns that the
our adult Wednesday night Bible always, even to the end of the                           elders should be aware of, or need
study, too. It would require that a age."" Matthew 28:19, 20,                               to speak to with them, please
person be willing to be at the       NAS95.                                                contact Lee or Larry this month.
early services consistently, be                                                                Our Worship Services
willing to always stay for Bible                                                              Sunday AM: 8:30 & 11:00
classes (time when the computer
                                                                                                   Bible Class: 10:00
would be rendering the video),
and a little time after the Bible                                                                  Sunday PM: 6:00
classes to format and upload the                                                                     Small Groups:
video to the internet. We’ll also                                                        West Side Small Group: 6:15PM at
need someone (perhaps the same                                                                      Doug Paul’s
person) to record the Wednesday                                                          Merrimack Small Group: 6:00PM at
night Bible class; it likewise needs                                                             Stuart Peacock’s
to be someone willing to attend                                                         Nashua Small Group: 6:00PM at Paul
consistently and do a little upload                                                                  Mosier's
work at the end of services. Park                                                         Wednesday PM Devotional/Bible
will provide all the training                                                                     Classes: 7:00
necessary – or find someone                                                            News Items? Please submit before
more knowledgeable to provide it.                                                      11AM each Tuesday.

           This Sunday morning our sermon study will                        John’s account of the arrest and early trial of Jesus
be out of John 18. In John 17:1 Jesus says, " Father,                       Christ, the Son of God.
the hour has come; glorify Your Son, that the Son may                                           Sunday evening we’ll be
glorify You," John 17:1, NAS95. In chapter 18 the                           discussing Isaiah in a Bible class format after our brief
most momentous events of the seen and unseen                                devotional and communion (for those unable to attend
universes begins to unfold: the most important                              the assembly in the morning) service. Come enjoy a
accomplishment of a life of important                                       discussion of some of the greatest passages in the
accomplishments, the mortal wound given to death                            Hebrew Bible, found right in the book of Isaiah!
itself, and the start of the seed of woman crushing the
head of the serpent (Genesis 3:15). Come with your
Bible in hand and your heart open to the message of

                                                                                                                        PAGE 1
T HE MA N C HESTER C H URC H OF C HRIST, MA N C HESTER, N H                                                   Ja n 7, 2 0 0 9

                                                               “So then you are no longer strangers and

Our Family
                                                               aliens, but you are fellow citizens with the
                                                               saints, and are of God’s household,”
                                                               Ephesians 2:19, NAS95.

Coming up in January..                                  chemotherapy. Praise God!!         Looking ahead We will be
                                                                                              hosting a Life Line Screening
New adult Bible classes Park will                                                             here on February 21st. They use
                                   New Members Please add the
   begin a new class tonight          following to your directory:                            ultrasound technology to view
   entitled “Parables of Jesus”.      Jim & Elizabeth Cryan, 112                              plaque buildup in your arteries
   Mark Evans will begin              Mammoth Rd, Pelham, NH                                  and it takes 60-90 minutes to
   teaching a class this Sunday       03076, 603-508-6005                                     complete. More details are
   entitled “Money and Finances                                       posted on a flyer on the
   for Christians”. The class will                                                            bulletin board in the foyer.
                                      Gloria Ramirez, 200 Market
   be looking at scriptures,                                         Gander Brook The scheduling of
                                      St., Unit 3108, Lowell, MA
   making practical application                                         the canoe trip has been
                                      01852, 978-551-2217
   (yes, there will be homework),                                       changed to reduce the camping
                                   Shut-ins There is a sign-up sheet    time lost from senior weeks by
   and offering support for any
                                      posted on the bulletin board      those on the trip. It will now be
   changes you may need to make
                                      for those who would like to       from the Tuesday through
   in your finances.                                                    Saturday of 4th week. See the
                                      take the Lord's supper to the
                                      shut-ins.                         bulletin board for more details.
Small group The singing small
     group will be meeting                        Encouragement needed Our sister
     Saturday, January 17th at the                   Doreen is still in the Elliot
     building. Dinner will begin at                  Hospital in room 675 and
     6:00 followed by singing at                     could really use a call ,card or        Wednesday Night Dinner
                                                                                             Wednesday Night Supper
     7:00. See Mark or Glenna                        visit. Please take a minute to
     Evans for further information.                  encourage her.                              Next week's menu is:

                                                  This and that...
                                                                                            Chicken, sausage & white bean
What else?                                                                                             casserole
                                                  Teen parent meeting There will                  scrambled eggs
Thanksgiving Judy Rivera                             be a meeting during Bible class              sausage & bacon
                                                                                                     Green beans
   received her pathology report                     next Wednesday to work on                       French bread
   and she is cancer free. She will                  the teen event calendar. We
   not need any radiation or                         will be in the double classroom                     Dessert
                                                     after the devotional.
                                                                                                    Prayer Concerns
                                   Worship Leaders                                          Health: Doreen Lee, Pat Arel, Bill
                                                                                            Waisnor, Rosemary Landry, Clyde
Sunday, January 11, 8:30AM                        Scripture ....................Gary D.     Daggett, Dawn & Kassidy Law, Deniza
Songs .........................Brandon H.         Lord’s Supper .............Pete S.        Chase’s niece, Marge Simon, Penny
Prayers .....................Mark C. & Larry G.   Coordinator ................Gerry M.      Ranger, Manley Jones, Michael
Scripture ....................Mark E.                                                       Anderson's brother, Diane
Lord’s Supper ............Tom B.                  Sunday, January 11, 6:00PM                Bridgewater
Coordinator ...............Ken B.                 Songs..........................Mark E.    Leadership: Ministers, Elders,
Sunday, January 11, 11:00AM                       Wednesday, January 14, 7:00PM             Evangelism: Bible studies in
Songs ........................Paul M.             Songs..........................Doug P.    progress, our website, MNFM
Prayers .....................Earl M. & Barry F.                                             Return to the Lord: Brethren who
                                                                                            have forsaken the assembly

                                                                                                                     PAGE 2
T HE MA N C HESTER C H URC H OF C HRIST, MA N C HESTER, N H                                           Ja n 7, 2 0 0 9

          Everlasting or Neverlasting
        There are two great               of this temporary world, destined
categories in this world — the            to become moth food or otherwise                "Now as they were
everlasting things and the                rust — ashes to ashes and dust to               traveling along, He entered
“neverlasting” things.                    dust; that’s the destiny of all things          a village; and a woman
                                          in this world.                                  named Martha welcomed
          This second category is a                                                       Him into her home. She
made-up word; I’m not aware that                  Conversely, there are the               had a sister called Mary,
it is in any dictionary, but I think it   things are everlasting — things                 who was seated at the
does provide us an important              that are seldom touchable, but                  Lord’s feet, listening to His
category and description of things        lasting and eternal. They are not               word. But Martha was
that the ordinary guy on the street       mortal, temporary, or liable to                 distracted with all her
sort of needs. Yes, there are words       corruption. Our souls are                       preparations; and she
like “temporal”, “mortal” and             everlasting. Spiritual truth is                 came up to Him and said,
“corruptible”, but they aren’t really     everlasting. Heaven is everlasting.             "Lord, do You not care that
words that you’re likely to use on a      The Gospel is everlasting. God’s                my sister has left me to do
daily basis — and be understood by        Kingdom is everlasting.                         all the serving alone? Then
others. But this isn’t an English                                                         tell her to help me." But
lesson, this is a spiritual                    Sadly, our human nature                    the Lord answered and
encouragement.                        tends to lean toward emphasis on                    said to her, "Martha,
                                      the neverlasting, the temporary,                    Martha, you are worried
         As we start off on a new     things that are of this world. And,                 and bothered about so
year, I’d like to suggest that of all of course, in truth, we must not                    many things; but only one
the resolutions that we might         completely neglect the                              thing is necessary, for
make and keep this year, getting      neverlasting things. We continue                    Mary has chosen the good
our priorities in order might be the to need food, clothing, and shelter                  part, which shall not be
most life changing and critical one and must spend some of our time                       taken away from her.""
of all. And I’d like to suggest the   and energies in procuring or                        Luke 10:38-42, NAS95.
use of the two categories             maintaining them. Our bodies,
everlasting and neverlasting as a     though destined to return to the                     Martha was quite
guide for prioritization. I’d like to dust, must be fed, maintained, etc.          concerned with the neverlasting
suggest that the reason that we       Our families, our relationships,             preparations of the dinner. Mary
often times don’t grow spiritually    our tools all need our attentions.           was engrossed in the everlasting
as we’d like, don’t change as we      But the question is whether the              teachings the Master was sharing.
know we should, don’t accomplish neverlasting things have become                   Martha complained to the Lord,
the most important things with        the most important things in our             who explained to Martha about
our lives is because we tend to       lives to the exclusion of the                choosing the best over the better,
place the emphasis of our lives on everlasting. We choose the better               the everlasting over the
the neverlasting things rather than over the best. The neverlasting                neverlasting.
the everlasting things.               things will never last and all our
                                      good efforts put into them will be                    Make every effort this new
         Neverlasting things are      poured into things that will pass            year to choose the best over the
those things which don’t last, they away with time. The efforts put                better, the everlasting over the
never will. Our physical lives will   into the everlasting, however, will          neverlasting.
never last. Our houses, no matter     never pass away.
how well built will never last. All
the things that we purchase and                This is the struggle and
take such good care of will never     balancing act of the story of Mary
last. They are creations and objects and Martha in the Gospel of Luke.

                                                                                                             PAGE 3
T HE MA N C HESTER C H URC H OF C HRIST, MA N C HESTER, N H                                            Ja n 7, 2 0 0 9

                                     Our Congregational Calendar
     Sunday         Monday           Tuesday         Wednesday           Thursday           Friday           Saturday
4               5               6                  7                8                  9                10
                Happy Birthday:                     Bible class 7PM      Happy
                 Cleon Hoggard                                        Anniversary:
                                                                     Walter & Marcia

11              12              13               14             15                     16               17
                Happy Birthday: Happy Birthday: Bible class 7PM                                           Singing small
                    Barbara      Priscilla Jones                                                           group 6pm
                  Steffensen &
                 Penny Ranger

                    Te e n N e w s                                              Yo u n g A d u l t s
     •   There will be a parent planning meeting                 •      Come join us for Bible class on Sunday
         for the teen calendar next Wednesday.                          morning!
         Please give your parents any ideas you
         would like to see on the calendar.

                                               Our Statistics
               Sunday Morning Worship (combined)                                207
               Contribution                                                  $3,629.16

T he Ma n c h es te r c h u r c h o f C h r is t
66 M a m m o t h R d.
M a n c h e s t e r , N H 03109

                                                                                                               PAGE 4

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The PBHP DYC ~ Reflections on The Dhamma (English).pptx

January 7, 2009

  • 1. T HE MA N C HESTER C H URC H OF C HRIST, MA N C HESTER, N H Ja n 7, 2 0 0 9 THE BULLETIN Techno-Geek Ministry Manchester Church of Christ 66 Mammoth Rd. Manchester, NH 03109 603.623.5559 This year the church in So, what do you Manchester will be launching into say? Are you ready to do your delivering our worship services part in scattering the seed to the and some adult Bible classes to wide world (as in WWW, ha!)? the internet. We have the Elder’s Link: December technology; we just need hands to ""Go therefore and make serve. disciples of all the nations, Lee Davis – baptizing them in the name of 547-8876 What specifically is the the Father and the Son and the Larry Glass – plan? We’d like to provide a video Holy Spirit, teaching them to of our first worship services every observe all that I commanded 887-1741 Sunday morning, and an audio of you; and lo, I am with you If you have any concerns that the our adult Wednesday night Bible always, even to the end of the elders should be aware of, or need study, too. It would require that a age."" Matthew 28:19, 20, to speak to with them, please person be willing to be at the NAS95. contact Lee or Larry this month. early services consistently, be Our Worship Services willing to always stay for Bible Sunday AM: 8:30 & 11:00 classes (time when the computer Bible Class: 10:00 would be rendering the video), and a little time after the Bible Sunday PM: 6:00 classes to format and upload the Small Groups: video to the internet. We’ll also West Side Small Group: 6:15PM at need someone (perhaps the same Doug Paul’s person) to record the Wednesday Merrimack Small Group: 6:00PM at night Bible class; it likewise needs Stuart Peacock’s to be someone willing to attend Nashua Small Group: 6:00PM at Paul consistently and do a little upload Mosier's work at the end of services. Park Wednesday PM Devotional/Bible will provide all the training Classes: 7:00 necessary – or find someone News Items? Please submit before more knowledgeable to provide it. 11AM each Tuesday. This Sunday morning our sermon study will John’s account of the arrest and early trial of Jesus be out of John 18. In John 17:1 Jesus says, " Father, Christ, the Son of God. the hour has come; glorify Your Son, that the Son may Sunday evening we’ll be glorify You," John 17:1, NAS95. In chapter 18 the discussing Isaiah in a Bible class format after our brief most momentous events of the seen and unseen devotional and communion (for those unable to attend universes begins to unfold: the most important the assembly in the morning) service. Come enjoy a accomplishment of a life of important discussion of some of the greatest passages in the accomplishments, the mortal wound given to death Hebrew Bible, found right in the book of Isaiah! itself, and the start of the seed of woman crushing the head of the serpent (Genesis 3:15). Come with your Bible in hand and your heart open to the message of PAGE 1
  • 2. T HE MA N C HESTER C H URC H OF C HRIST, MA N C HESTER, N H Ja n 7, 2 0 0 9 “So then you are no longer strangers and Our Family aliens, but you are fellow citizens with the saints, and are of God’s household,” Ephesians 2:19, NAS95. Coming up in January.. chemotherapy. Praise God!! Looking ahead We will be hosting a Life Line Screening New adult Bible classes Park will here on February 21st. They use New Members Please add the begin a new class tonight following to your directory: ultrasound technology to view entitled “Parables of Jesus”. Jim & Elizabeth Cryan, 112 plaque buildup in your arteries Mark Evans will begin Mammoth Rd, Pelham, NH and it takes 60-90 minutes to teaching a class this Sunday 03076, 603-508-6005 complete. More details are entitled “Money and Finances posted on a flyer on the for Christians”. The class will bulletin board in the foyer. Gloria Ramirez, 200 Market be looking at scriptures, Gander Brook The scheduling of St., Unit 3108, Lowell, MA making practical application the canoe trip has been 01852, 978-551-2217 (yes, there will be homework), changed to reduce the camping Shut-ins There is a sign-up sheet time lost from senior weeks by and offering support for any posted on the bulletin board those on the trip. It will now be changes you may need to make for those who would like to from the Tuesday through in your finances. Saturday of 4th week. See the take the Lord's supper to the shut-ins. bulletin board for more details. Small group The singing small group will be meeting Encouragement needed Our sister Saturday, January 17th at the Doreen is still in the Elliot building. Dinner will begin at Hospital in room 675 and 6:00 followed by singing at could really use a call ,card or Wednesday Night Dinner Wednesday Night Supper 7:00. See Mark or Glenna visit. Please take a minute to Evans for further information. encourage her. Next week's menu is: This and that... Chicken, sausage & white bean pancakes What else? casserole Teen parent meeting There will scrambled eggs Thanksgiving Judy Rivera be a meeting during Bible class sausage & bacon Green beans received her pathology report next Wednesday to work on French bread and she is cancer free. She will the teen event calendar. We not need any radiation or will be in the double classroom Dessert after the devotional. Prayer Concerns Worship Leaders Health: Doreen Lee, Pat Arel, Bill Waisnor, Rosemary Landry, Clyde Sunday, January 11, 8:30AM Scripture ....................Gary D. Daggett, Dawn & Kassidy Law, Deniza Songs .........................Brandon H. Lord’s Supper .............Pete S. Chase’s niece, Marge Simon, Penny Prayers .....................Mark C. & Larry G. Coordinator ................Gerry M. Ranger, Manley Jones, Michael Scripture ....................Mark E. Anderson's brother, Diane Lord’s Supper ............Tom B. Sunday, January 11, 6:00PM Bridgewater Coordinator ...............Ken B. Songs..........................Mark E. Leadership: Ministers, Elders, Deacons Sunday, January 11, 11:00AM Wednesday, January 14, 7:00PM Evangelism: Bible studies in Songs ........................Paul M. Songs..........................Doug P. progress, our website, MNFM Prayers .....................Earl M. & Barry F. Return to the Lord: Brethren who have forsaken the assembly PAGE 2
  • 3. T HE MA N C HESTER C H URC H OF C HRIST, MA N C HESTER, N H Ja n 7, 2 0 0 9 Everlasting or Neverlasting There are two great of this temporary world, destined categories in this world — the to become moth food or otherwise "Now as they were everlasting things and the rust — ashes to ashes and dust to traveling along, He entered “neverlasting” things. dust; that’s the destiny of all things a village; and a woman in this world. named Martha welcomed This second category is a Him into her home. She made-up word; I’m not aware that Conversely, there are the had a sister called Mary, it is in any dictionary, but I think it things are everlasting — things who was seated at the does provide us an important that are seldom touchable, but Lord’s feet, listening to His category and description of things lasting and eternal. They are not word. But Martha was that the ordinary guy on the street mortal, temporary, or liable to distracted with all her sort of needs. Yes, there are words corruption. Our souls are preparations; and she like “temporal”, “mortal” and everlasting. Spiritual truth is came up to Him and said, “corruptible”, but they aren’t really everlasting. Heaven is everlasting. "Lord, do You not care that words that you’re likely to use on a The Gospel is everlasting. God’s my sister has left me to do daily basis — and be understood by Kingdom is everlasting. all the serving alone? Then others. But this isn’t an English tell her to help me." But lesson, this is a spiritual Sadly, our human nature the Lord answered and encouragement. tends to lean toward emphasis on said to her, "Martha, the neverlasting, the temporary, Martha, you are worried As we start off on a new things that are of this world. And, and bothered about so year, I’d like to suggest that of all of course, in truth, we must not many things; but only one the resolutions that we might completely neglect the thing is necessary, for make and keep this year, getting neverlasting things. We continue Mary has chosen the good our priorities in order might be the to need food, clothing, and shelter part, which shall not be most life changing and critical one and must spend some of our time taken away from her."" of all. And I’d like to suggest the and energies in procuring or Luke 10:38-42, NAS95. use of the two categories maintaining them. Our bodies, everlasting and neverlasting as a though destined to return to the Martha was quite guide for prioritization. I’d like to dust, must be fed, maintained, etc. concerned with the neverlasting suggest that the reason that we Our families, our relationships, preparations of the dinner. Mary often times don’t grow spiritually our tools all need our attentions. was engrossed in the everlasting as we’d like, don’t change as we But the question is whether the teachings the Master was sharing. know we should, don’t accomplish neverlasting things have become Martha complained to the Lord, the most important things with the most important things in our who explained to Martha about our lives is because we tend to lives to the exclusion of the choosing the best over the better, place the emphasis of our lives on everlasting. We choose the better the everlasting over the the neverlasting things rather than over the best. The neverlasting neverlasting. the everlasting things. things will never last and all our good efforts put into them will be Make every effort this new Neverlasting things are poured into things that will pass year to choose the best over the those things which don’t last, they away with time. The efforts put better, the everlasting over the never will. Our physical lives will into the everlasting, however, will neverlasting. never last. Our houses, no matter never pass away. how well built will never last. All the things that we purchase and This is the struggle and take such good care of will never balancing act of the story of Mary last. They are creations and objects and Martha in the Gospel of Luke. PAGE 3
  • 4. T HE MA N C HESTER C H URC H OF C HRIST, MA N C HESTER, N H Ja n 7, 2 0 0 9 Our Congregational Calendar Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Happy Birthday: Bible class 7PM Happy Cleon Hoggard Anniversary: Walter & Marcia Franklin 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Happy Birthday: Happy Birthday: Bible class 7PM Singing small Barbara Priscilla Jones group 6pm Steffensen & Penny Ranger Te e n N e w s Yo u n g A d u l t s • There will be a parent planning meeting • Come join us for Bible class on Sunday for the teen calendar next Wednesday. morning! Please give your parents any ideas you would like to see on the calendar. Our Statistics Sunday Morning Worship (combined) 207 Contribution $3,629.16 T he Ma n c h es te r c h u r c h o f C h r is t 66 M a m m o t h R d. M a n c h e s t e r , N H 03109 PAGE 4