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Images of Al-Jinni used in this presentation are not real,
neither are they close to true images of an actual Jinn. They
are fictional, imaginary, illusional and fragments of various
imaginations. Some are designed from various tales inspired
by Jinns. No human that we know of have ever seen what a
real Jinn looks like in their real or total form. Except whom
Allah pleases. Only ALLAH Knows best! how and what the
unseen truly looks like.
23rdh Rabi’ul Awwal 1437A.H = 3rd January 2016 A.C
By Nuh’ Tahir
1. Sihir – BlackMagic or Sorcery or Jadoo or
Witchcraft or Vudoo or mayuu….
2. Jinn – Demons or Spirit or Ghost or Satan or
Aatma or Saya or Aliens?
3. Ayin – Evil Eye or Nazar or Drishti (All humans)
4. Exorcist – Amil or Raqi or Spiritual Healer or any
pious person doing the amal/treatment [can be
a pious relative, friend of the victim or the
victim himself doing the self treatment]
5. Victim – Person suffering from Sickness due to
sihir, jinn, ayin or medical reasons
Meaning: Jinn is from the verb 'Janna‘ (hide or
conceal). All class of spirits created with free will living
in a world parallel to mankind but lower than the
angels, capable of appearing in deceptive
(Magic/Shaitan etc..) human and animal forms and
influencing humankind for either good mixed with evil
or pure evil.
Narration - Reported by al-Tahhaawi in Mushkil al-
Athaar, 4/95, and by al-Tabaraani in al-Kabeer, 22/214
Abu Tha’labah al-Khushani said: “The Messenger of
Allaah May Allah's peace and blessings be on him said:
‘The jinn are of three types: a types that has wings, and
they fly through the air; a type that looks like snakes
and dogs; and a type that stops for a rest then resumes
its journey.”
[Shaykh al-Albaani said in al-Mishkaat (2/1206, no.
4148): al-Tahhaawi and Abu’l-Shaykh reported it with a
saheeh isnaad]
Types of Jinn
Book - "The World of the Jinn and Devils", p. 7
Ibn Abdul Barr said, "The jinn, according to the scholars
of the language, are of different types:
1. Mentioning the jinn purely of themselves, the are
called jinni (Hausa – Al janu)
2. Mentioning the jinn that live among mankind, they
are called aamar whose plural is amaar.
3. Mentioning the ones that antagonize the young, they
are called arwaah.
4. Mentioning the evil ones that antagonize humans
they are called shaitan for the singular
[and shayateen for plural].
5. If they cause even more harm and become strong,
they are called afreet." (ifreet minal jinni)
Different categories of Jinns
Man Versus Jinn creation {According to Quran}
Surah Adh-Dhariyat
'And verily, there were men among mankind who took
shelter with the masculine among the jinns, but they (the
jinns) increased them (mankind) in sin and disbelief.’
(Surah Al-Jinn, 72:6-7)
Seeking refugeIN the jinns = Shirk Al Akbar
Communicating, calling out, praying, supplicating, seeking help
and assistance from the jinns is associating partners with Allah
• All acts of worship are exclusively for Allah alone
'...will you take him (Iblees) and his children as protectors besides
me? And they are enemies to you!..'
(Surah Al-Kahf, 18: 50)
The jinns will never help or protect us. They will only
bring destruction to us, and lead us to the hellfire.
• Denying that, THEY EXIST! is Kufr (Disbelief)
• “Say, [O Muhammad], "It has been revealed to me
that a group of the jinn listened and said, 'Indeed,
we have heard an amazing Qur’an”. * Surah al-Jinn
72, Ayat 1 ]
• And among us are Muslims [in submission to Allah],
and among us are the unjust. And whoever has
become Muslim, those have sought out the right
course. But as for the unjust, they will be firewood
for Hell,' [ Surah al-Jinn 72, Ayat 14 - 15 ]
• Amongst are Various Islamic sects
• Jews, Christians, Buddhist etc..
“And so have we always set against every Prophet
enemies from among satans of men and satans of
jinns who have been inspiring one another with
charming things in order to delude the minds. But,
had your Lord willed, they would never have done so.
So leave them alone to continue their false
allegations” [al-‘An’aam 6:112]
Sahih Muslim 6757, Narrated Abdullah ibn Mas'ud,
similar narration 6759 by 'Aisha, r.a.
Allah's Apostle said: There is none amongst you with
whom is not an attaché from amongst the jinn
(devil). They (the Companions) said: Allah's
Apostle with you too? Thereupon he said: Yes, but
Allah helps me against him and so I am safe from his
hand and he does not command me. but for good
• Muhsin Khan: And (remember) when We said to the
angels; "Prostrate to Adam." So they prostrated
except Iblis (Satan). He was one of the jinns; he
disobeyed the Command of his Lord. Will you then
take him (Iblis) and his offspring as protectors and
helpers rather than Me while they are enemies to
you? What an evil is the exchange for the Zalimun
(polytheists, and wrong-doers, etc). Surah al-Kahf
18, Ayat 50
“O children of Adam, let not Satan seduce you in the
same way that he caused your first parents to be
driven out of the Garden and stripped them of their
garments in order to expose their shameful parts
before each other. He and his party see you from
where you cannot see them. We have made these
satans the guardians of those who do not believe”
[ Surah al-A’raf 7, Ayat 27 ]
• Able to posses & take over the
minds and bodies of humans
• Appear as humans
(Deceptively), and anything..
• Try to scare and confuse you!
• They Can see us but we can’t
see them / Take forms of the
Their Aims (Kufr jinn)
Jinn hope to make
people worship others
besides Allah.
• They whisper to do bad thing
• Fortune telling
Allah has given
them these powers
as a test for them
• Husband & Wife
• Parents & Children
• Makes worthless actions appears fantastic
• False promise
• Makes wrong look right
• Create interesting arguments
• Haram to be seen as Halal
• Sibling rivalry / Anger
• Constant seeking of pleasure (Sexual, worldly etc..)
• Secrecy
• Suspicion
• Jinn share the earth with us
• Throne of Iblees is at sea
• They mostly live in impure places
• The Shayateen mostly gather in markets and trail of camels
• They spread at the time of sunset and often sit between
shade & light
• The Shayateen will not enter a house where the name of
Allah was mentioned upon entering.
• They run away from homes where Surah al-Baqarah is
recited, where Allah’s Name is often mentioned
• When they hear the adhan they run away
• In Ramadan, the Shayateen are chained
• It is recorded from Ibn Masud that a messenger
from the jinn came to the Prophet (SAW) and he
went with them. The Prophet (SAW) read to them
some verses. The Prophet (SAW) showed the people
the remains of their embers (as evidence that he
was with them). They asked the Prophet (peace be
upon him) about their provisions and he told them,
Every bone on which the name of Allah has been
mentioned will have meat on it for you. And the
dung are foods for your animals.. [ Saheeh al-
Muslim ]
• Qur’an: Everyone upon the earth will perish, [ Surah
ar-Rahman 55, Ayat 26 ]
• Hadith: Narrated Ibn ‘Abbas: The Prophet used to
say, “I seek refuge (with YOU) by Your ‘Izzat, None
has the right to be worshipped but You Who does
not die while the jinns and the human beings die.”
[ Bukhari ]
• To disbelieve in Allah, by transgressing against Him
• To abandon the prayer or pray the contrary way.
• To pray in the toilet area.
• To put the copy of the Qur'an under his feet and to
enter the toilet with it area, as a means of defiling
and belittling it.
• To write the Qur'an with impurities such as
menstrual blood or urine as a means of belittling it.
• To commit incest (Sodomy {Fag/lesbo}, your child,
mother, father, siblings etc….
• To remain alone in a dark room for forty or so days
without coming into contact with water.
• To remain for a long time in janaabah (state of
sexual impurity) without bathing.
• To remain in a dark room, or some deserted isolated
place where the rebellious devils amongst the Jinn
come and perform lewd acts with him or her.
Don't be surprised to find a magician wearing a taub and
with long white beard, tasbih or Qur’an kept with him (for
you to see) it is only a disguise and a mockery of this deen
Some magicians will say the more you pay me the "better"
ta’aweez i can give you, while others just ask you to leave a
donation on your way out... both are worse as each other.
Some ways to identify (Boka, Babalawo etc..)
1. They ask for your mother's maiden name, date of
birth, sweaty clothes, hair, blood, nails, hanker chief,
then definitely avoid them, only sorcerers ask for that
Note: This is one definite way of exposing the shir. The
mother's name is completely useless to the raqi,
where as a magician needs it because the jinns who
work for him will ask him. Also measuring the length
of a clothes to determine if the person is affected with
jinn, magic or evil eye = using Jinns
2. If they say they have righteous Jinn helping them, then
leave them, there is absolutely no way to know if a Jinn is
righteous or devil, it would be a devil tricking the exorcists
or more common he is a sorcerer seeking devils help
Note: If a raqi does have muslim jinns helping him fight
the kuffar jinns, then a raqi will not call the jinns for help
or claim to have control over it, rather he will ask Allah to
send the mujahideen jinns to kill the kafir jinn inside etc
Some ways to identify (Boka, Babalawo etc..)
• The jinns have absolute no knowledge of the future
• The jinns are full of lies and deceit and will always be up to mischief
Prophet Sulayman (alayhi salaam)
“They followed what the Shayaateen (devils) gave out
(falsely of the magic) in the lifetime of Sulaymaan.
Sulaymaan did not disbelieve, but the Shayaateen
(devils) disbelieved, teaching men magic”
(Surah Baqarah 2:102)
“Then when we decreed death for him (Sulaymaan), nothing
informed them (the jinns) of his death except a little worm of the
earth, which kept slowly chewing away at his stick, so when he fell
down, the jinns saw clearly that if they had known the unseen, they
would not have stayed in the humiliating torment.”
(Surah Saba, 34:12-14).
• 3. If they write any symbols or unreadable text with
or without some verses of the Quran, then leave
them (taweez). This is magician for sure.
4. If they use sands in anyway (writing on it, hitting
it, walking over it, etc.). THEY CLAIM THEY KNOW
Some ways to identify (Boka, Babalawo etc..)
Fortune telling is disbelieve
Our Prophet Muhammad (sa) said:
"Whosoever approaches a
fortune-teller and believes in
what he says, has disbelieved
in what was revealed to
[Hadith reported by Ahmed]
Some ways to identify (Boka, Babalawo etc..)
• 7. If they demand lots of money for their service,
then leave them, usually righteous exorcists do this
service for free and don't accept gifts in exchange,
some of them however charge reasonable amount
of money for their time to be able to help others.
Or, Bury this black cat etc….and that black this and
Some ways to identify (Boka, Babalawo etc..)
• 5. If they ask you to do weird things like slaughtering
a black animal (Cat, ship…) or carrying some
talismans with you all the time or hiding them in far
places “If your not out the place by then, then u
must have a (Kolo) mental illness or something!!!”
6. If they don't attend the regular prayers at the
Masjid, (sorcerers like to be alone).
Some ways to identify (Boka, Babalawo etc..)
Types and symptoms of Sihr, Black magic, Vudoo, jadoo/juju…….
1. A sudden change in attitude from love to hate.
2. Exaggerating the causes of disputes between two
3. Changing the mental image that a woman may have of
her husband, or changing the mental image that a
man may have of his wife…….
4. Hating anything the wife/husband does.
5. The person affected by Sihr hates the place in which
the other party stays. For instance, a husband may be
in good mood when he is outdoors, but when he
returns home, he feels quiet depressed.
According to Al-Hafidh Ibn Kathir, the cause of separation between two spouses
through this Sihr is that each of them appears to the other as an ugly or ill-mannered
person. – (Tafsir ibn Kathir: 1/144)
1 – Symptoms of Sihr of separation
1. Rasoolullah (Sallallaahu ‘Alayhi wa Sallam) said: “Ar-
ruqa, at-tama’im and at-tiwala are acts of shirk
(polytheism).” – (Ahmad) (1/381)
1. According to Ibn Al-Athir, At-Tiwala is a type of Sihr
which makes a man love his wife. The reason why this
type of Sihr is classed by the Prophet (saw) as an act of
polytheism is because those who have it done for
them believe that it has an effect and does the
opposite of what Allah (swt) has prescribed. – (An-
Nihaya: 1/200)
2 – Symptoms of Sihr Al-Mahabbah / At-Tiwala (Love)
1. A fixed object would appear to be mobile, while a
mobile object would appear to be fixed for the viewer.
2. A small object would appear large, while a large
object would appear small for the viewer.
3. The false appearance of objects: Under the effect of
the magic of Pharaoh’s sorcerers, ropes and rods
appeared to viewers as real snakes.
3 – Symptoms Sihr At-Takhyil (False Appearance of Objects)
1. Severe absentmindedness and forgetfulness
2. Confused speech or Bulging eyes and deviation of
3. Restlessness or Inability to do a task regularly
4. Disinterest in one’s appearance
5. ln severe cases, one can tell from a lunatic’s face that
he does know where he is going, and he would
probably sleep in derelict places
Cure is sura Al-fatiha (The opening)
4 – Symptoms Sihr Al-Junoon (Becoming Insane)
A sorcerer/sorceress send’s a Jinn to the targeted person,
to settle in his brain and make him/her introverted and
lonely. The Jinn would do his best to carry out the
mission, and the symptoms of this Sihr would appear,
according to the strength and weakness of the Jinn
entrusted with the task.
1. Love of seclusion / Absolute introversion
2. Constant silence / Anti-sociability
3. Absentmindedness / Frequent headaches “Common”
4. Quietness and constant lethargy (A lack of energy,
vigor, sluggishness, lack of interest or enthusiasm
(Common with students).
5 – Symptoms Sihr Sihr Al-Khumul (Lethargy)
1. The patient experiences nightmares
2. The patient sees in a dream as if someone were calling
3. The patient hears voices talking to him when awake,
but cannot see where these voices are coming from
4. The patient hears much whispering (Al-Waswas)
5. The patient is very suspicious of his/her friends and
6. The patient dreams of seeing himself/herself falling
from a high place
7. The patient dreams of seeing himself/herself being
chased by animals
6 – Sihr Al-Hawatif (Bad Dreams & Hearing Voices)
Some symptoms
1. Constant pain in one part of the body
2. Disability in of one of the sense organs
3. Paralysis of one area of the patient’s body
4. Total paralysis of the body
5. Epilepsy
7.1 – Sihr Al-Marad (Illness)
8.1 – Sihr of Iregular Menses
1. This type of Sihr affects women only. A saahir sends a
Jinn to the targeted woman and instructs him to cause
her to bleed. To do so, the Jinn enters the woman’s
body and circulates in her veins and arteries with the
blood. This notion of circulation has long been warned
about by the Prophet (saw) in the following tradition:
“Shaytaan circulates in man’s body like blood.” – (Al-
Bukhari: Fath Al-Bari: 4/282)
• Proof from Hadith: When the Jinn reaches a known vein in the woman’s
womb, he stomps it so that the vein bleeds. This fact was also pointed out
by the Prophet (Sallallaahu ‘Alayhi wa Sallam) when Hamna bint Jahsh
asked his opinion on the issue of bleeding outside the period of menses,
and he said: “Such bleeding is but one of Shaytaan’s stomping.” – (At-
8.2 – Sihr An-Nazif (Bleeding Following Menses) – How?
• According to another tradition, the bleeding “is the result of
Shaytaan’s stomping on a vein rather than from a normal
menses.” – (Ahmad and An-Nasai)
• According to scholars of Fiqh (jurisprudence), an-nazif refers to al-
istihaadha (continuous menstruation), and according to doctors,
it refers to bleeding.
• According to Ibn Al-Athir, al-istihadha means bleeding following a
normal menses. This bleeding may last for months, and the
amount of blood could be little or large.
The Jinn has two options
• 1st option. If he (Jinn) can enter the girl, then he would cause her to feel
uncomfortable with any prospective husband and; thus she would, turn
him down and all that comes her way.
• 2nd option. If he (Jinn) cannot enter the girl, then he would use the Sihr
of imagination, from outside. As a result, a suitor would see the girl in
an ugly image under the effect of the Jinn’s whispering, and so would
the girl.
• Under the effect of this Sihr through the Jinn is whispering (Waswas), a
suitor, who would have initially agreed to the marriage, would decline
after a few days, without any valid reason.
• In cases of a strong Sihr, a suitor would, upon entering the house of his
prospective wife, feel very uncomfortable and see darkness before him
as if he were in prison, and so would never return. During the period of
this Sihr, the Jinn may cause the girl to experience occasional headaches.
Some symptoms
1. Occasional headaches, which persist despite medication
2. Severe tightness in the chest, especially between al-’asr and
3. The patient sees the suitor in an ugly image
4. Absentmindedness / Anxiety during sleep
5. Occasional constant stomach-aches
6. Pain in the lower part of the back
1. Ar-Rabt Al-’ajzal-jinsi (sexual inability / impotence): Feels
active and energetic about having sexual intercourse with
his wife. Especially when he is distant from his wife.
Nevertheless, as he approaches her, his shrinks and is
unable to have sexual intercourse. It means a man’s
inability to have sexual intercourse with his wife, whether
he is distant from or near her, as he cannot get erected.
2. Adh-du’f al-jinsi (sexual weakness): A man can only have
sexual intercourse with his wife after long periods. Sexual
intercourse takes place for only a short time; after which
the penis looses its rigidity.
• 3. Rabt al-man’(obstruction): It occurs when a woman
prevents her husband from having sexual intercourse with
her by tightly joining her legs together and obstructing him
from entering into her. This reaction is automatic and
beyond her control (In most cases).
• 4. Rabt at-taballud (lack of sexual feeling): The Jinn
entrusted settles in the centre of sexual feeling in the
woman’s brain and causes her to lose her sexual feeling, at
the moment of sexual intercourse with her husband. As a
result, she feels no sexual pleasure and does not respond to
her husband. Her body becomes numb even if her husband
does what he wishes with her. In this type of Sihr, the glands
do not release the fluid which lubricates the vagina, and
therefore, the sexual act cannot be achieved.
• 5. An-nazif (bleeding {Menses} at the time of sexual
intercourse): This is different from Sihr an-nazif in one
aspect. While it is confined to the time of sexual
intercourse, Sihr an-nazif may last for several days. In this
type of Sihr, the Jinn causes heavy bleeding to the
targeted woman at the time of sexual intercourse with
her husband, and thus prevents the man from having
sexual intercourse with his wife.
Similar to an epileptic affected brain
“Listeners, after having listened to all the above
symptoms, it is easy to start saying ‘I have such and
such a symptoms, I MUST be affected’ etc… I would
like to remind you that, until you have sought Ruqyah
from a trusted and Shari'ah complaint raaqi and the
presence of Jinn has been confirmed, one should NOT
start self suspecting”
• Nuh’ Tahir
Apart from traditional medicines which its herbs are also from Allah, as
long as there is no shirk involved (with prescription from the approved
specialist) its Halal
1. Pictures on display?
2. Paintings with life images
3. Carved or constructed life statues
4. Any item with images of life creation
5. Any abstract life images
6. Dog
7. Bell(s)
8. Musical instruments
9. Painting/dolls of living people and animals
10. Non-Islamic taweez or amulets hanging around anyone
or in house etc.
11. Offer 2 units of ‘Salatul Tauba’ and sincerely repent for
all your sins.
One should also check the list of major sins he or she
most have committed [like haram food and drink,
adultery, disobedience to parents or husband, music and
dancing, zina of eyes i.e watching un-islamic videos, zina
of tounge etc, visiting astrologer/ fortuneteller /magician,
living on unlawful earning etc] that could block Allah’s
mercy and blessings and one needs to abstain from them
sincerely. Repent to Allah and ask His forgiveness.
After these, you can now start your ruqya.
• Believe first in Tawheed (Or nothing would work)
• Get a quiet area of your home, office….with the
intention to make ruqya on yourself.
• Have a enough liters of pure water or zam zam (4/8litrs)
• Seek refuge in Allah from shaytaan (A’outhubillahi min-
ash-shaytaan arrajeem)
• Mention bismillahir-rahman nir-raheem
• Recite ayats Fatiha, Aya Kursi, falaq nas x 3 times each
• Also recite ayaat of sihr x 3 each as follows:……...
Al baqarah (The cow)2:102 & 77
Surah Al Aaraf (The Heights) 7:115 – 121
Surah Yunus (Jonah) 10:79 – 82
Surah Ta Ha 20:65 – 70
• Spittle (Air from your recitation…) into the water
• Ensure you say Bismillah and drink the water in the 1st
thing in the morning / evening / last thing at night
• If you have movements in your stomach or bloatedness
then get FRESH MAGARIYA leaves 7 pieces and make
tea with them and drink every day for two weeks
1. Put some of the water you’ve recited into a spray
container & “Bismillah” spray the corners of every room
in your house (Be reciting Nas, Falaq or Aya Kursi)…..
2. Recite all the above and spittle in honey, Olive oil extra
virgin, black seed oil. Take a tea spoon daily……
3. Insha’Allah if you follow the above, Allah will protect /
cure you. Have high hopes and be optimistic of a cure.
Hadith - Muwatta, 49 NO. 21: ...Shaytan does not
open a locked door or untie a tied knot, or
uncover a vessel.
• Sincerely Repent to Allah
• Ensure you always use a hijab.
• Lower your gaze
• Pray at the right time
• Have Taqwa, ihsan, Tawheed, leave by Sunnah…..
• Always switch off your lights before going to bed
• Always sleep or be with Ablution
"Whoever withdraws himself from the
remembrance of [Allah] Most Gracious, We
assign to him a Shaytaan, to be his
comrade." (Surah Az-Zukhruf, 43:36)
Always remembering Allah
Simply seeking refuge in Allah from the jinn is a means of protection
"And if an evil whisper from Shaytaan
(Satan) tries to turn you away (O
Muhammad) (from doing good), then seek
refuge in Allaah. Verily, He is the All Hearer,
the All Knower" (Surah Fussilat, 41:36)
AllahuAkbar,“Aoothubillahi minashitanirajeem”
The Athaan
• Playing the athaan in our homes
• Saying Bismillah before doing anything
“When the Shaytaan hears the call
to prayer, he runs away fast.”’
(Hadith reported by Muslim).
The Messenger of Allah (SAW) said “Whoever of
you desires the heart of the Garden should cling to
the community. Shaytan is with the solitary person
and further off from a couple.” (Hadith reported by
At – Tirmidh)
Mentioningthe name of Allah,making Dua
Remembering Allah often (DHIKR)
"Laa ilaaha ill-Allah wahdahu laa shareeka lah, lahu'l-
mulk wa lahu'l-hamd wa huwa 'ala kulli shay'in qadeer
Meaning (There is no god except Allah Alone with
no partner or associate; His is the Sovereignty and
His is the praise, and He is Able to do all things)"
one hundred times (100x). Morning & Evening
Jazaak Allahu khair
May Allah have mercy on us all and grant us into his Jannah. Ameen

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Jinns versus humans nuh tahir

  • 1. Images of Al-Jinni used in this presentation are not real, neither are they close to true images of an actual Jinn. They are fictional, imaginary, illusional and fragments of various imaginations. Some are designed from various tales inspired by Jinns. No human that we know of have ever seen what a real Jinn looks like in their real or total form. Except whom Allah pleases. Only ALLAH Knows best! how and what the unseen truly looks like. 23rdh Rabi’ul Awwal 1437A.H = 3rd January 2016 A.C
  • 3. 1. Sihir – BlackMagic or Sorcery or Jadoo or Witchcraft or Vudoo or mayuu…. 2. Jinn – Demons or Spirit or Ghost or Satan or Aatma or Saya or Aliens? 3. Ayin – Evil Eye or Nazar or Drishti (All humans) 4. Exorcist – Amil or Raqi or Spiritual Healer or any pious person doing the amal/treatment [can be a pious relative, friend of the victim or the victim himself doing the self treatment] 5. Victim – Person suffering from Sickness due to sihir, jinn, ayin or medical reasons Terminologies
  • 4. Meaning: Jinn is from the verb 'Janna‘ (hide or conceal). All class of spirits created with free will living in a world parallel to mankind but lower than the angels, capable of appearing in deceptive (Magic/Shaitan etc..) human and animal forms and influencing humankind for either good mixed with evil or pure evil. Definition
  • 5. Narration - Reported by al-Tahhaawi in Mushkil al- Athaar, 4/95, and by al-Tabaraani in al-Kabeer, 22/214 Abu Tha’labah al-Khushani said: “The Messenger of Allaah May Allah's peace and blessings be on him said: ‘The jinn are of three types: a types that has wings, and they fly through the air; a type that looks like snakes and dogs; and a type that stops for a rest then resumes its journey.” [Shaykh al-Albaani said in al-Mishkaat (2/1206, no. 4148): al-Tahhaawi and Abu’l-Shaykh reported it with a saheeh isnaad] Types of Jinn
  • 6. Book - "The World of the Jinn and Devils", p. 7 Ibn Abdul Barr said, "The jinn, according to the scholars of the language, are of different types: 1. Mentioning the jinn purely of themselves, the are called jinni (Hausa – Al janu) 2. Mentioning the jinn that live among mankind, they are called aamar whose plural is amaar. 3. Mentioning the ones that antagonize the young, they are called arwaah. 4. Mentioning the evil ones that antagonize humans they are called shaitan for the singular [and shayateen for plural]. 5. If they cause even more harm and become strong, they are called afreet." (ifreet minal jinni) Different categories of Jinns
  • 7. Man Versus Jinn creation {According to Quran}
  • 9. 'And verily, there were men among mankind who took shelter with the masculine among the jinns, but they (the jinns) increased them (mankind) in sin and disbelief.’ (Surah Al-Jinn, 72:6-7) Seeking refugeIN the jinns = Shirk Al Akbar Communicating, calling out, praying, supplicating, seeking help and assistance from the jinns is associating partners with Allah • All acts of worship are exclusively for Allah alone '...will you take him (Iblees) and his children as protectors besides me? And they are enemies to you!..' (Surah Al-Kahf, 18: 50) The jinns will never help or protect us. They will only bring destruction to us, and lead us to the hellfire.
  • 10. • Denying that, THEY EXIST! is Kufr (Disbelief) • “Say, [O Muhammad], "It has been revealed to me that a group of the jinn listened and said, 'Indeed, we have heard an amazing Qur’an”. * Surah al-Jinn 72, Ayat 1 ]
  • 11. • And among us are Muslims [in submission to Allah], and among us are the unjust. And whoever has become Muslim, those have sought out the right course. But as for the unjust, they will be firewood for Hell,' [ Surah al-Jinn 72, Ayat 14 - 15 ] • Amongst are Various Islamic sects • Jews, Christians, Buddhist etc..
  • 12. “And so have we always set against every Prophet enemies from among satans of men and satans of jinns who have been inspiring one another with charming things in order to delude the minds. But, had your Lord willed, they would never have done so. So leave them alone to continue their false allegations” [al-‘An’aam 6:112]
  • 13. Sahih Muslim 6757, Narrated Abdullah ibn Mas'ud, similar narration 6759 by 'Aisha, r.a. Allah's Apostle said: There is none amongst you with whom is not an attaché from amongst the jinn (devil). They (the Companions) said: Allah's Apostle with you too? Thereupon he said: Yes, but Allah helps me against him and so I am safe from his hand and he does not command me. but for good
  • 14. • Muhsin Khan: And (remember) when We said to the angels; "Prostrate to Adam." So they prostrated except Iblis (Satan). He was one of the jinns; he disobeyed the Command of his Lord. Will you then take him (Iblis) and his offspring as protectors and helpers rather than Me while they are enemies to you? What an evil is the exchange for the Zalimun (polytheists, and wrong-doers, etc). Surah al-Kahf 18, Ayat 50 • NOTE: IBLIS A JINN AND NOT AN ANGEL
  • 15. “O children of Adam, let not Satan seduce you in the same way that he caused your first parents to be driven out of the Garden and stripped them of their garments in order to expose their shameful parts before each other. He and his party see you from where you cannot see them. We have made these satans the guardians of those who do not believe” [ Surah al-A’raf 7, Ayat 27 ]
  • 16. • Able to posses & take over the minds and bodies of humans • Appear as humans (Deceptively), and anything.. • Try to scare and confuse you! • They Can see us but we can’t see them / Take forms of the dead Their Aims (Kufr jinn) Jinn hope to make people worship others besides Allah. • They whisper to do bad thing • Fortune telling Allah has given them these powers as a test for them
  • 17. • Husband & Wife • Parents & Children • Makes worthless actions appears fantastic • False promise • Makes wrong look right • Create interesting arguments • Haram to be seen as Halal • Sibling rivalry / Anger • Constant seeking of pleasure (Sexual, worldly etc..) • Secrecy • Suspicion
  • 18.
  • 19.
  • 20. • Jinn share the earth with us • Throne of Iblees is at sea • They mostly live in impure places • The Shayateen mostly gather in markets and trail of camels • They spread at the time of sunset and often sit between shade & light • The Shayateen will not enter a house where the name of Allah was mentioned upon entering. • They run away from homes where Surah al-Baqarah is recited, where Allah’s Name is often mentioned • When they hear the adhan they run away • In Ramadan, the Shayateen are chained
  • 21. • It is recorded from Ibn Masud that a messenger from the jinn came to the Prophet (SAW) and he went with them. The Prophet (SAW) read to them some verses. The Prophet (SAW) showed the people the remains of their embers (as evidence that he was with them). They asked the Prophet (peace be upon him) about their provisions and he told them, Every bone on which the name of Allah has been mentioned will have meat on it for you. And the dung are foods for your animals.. [ Saheeh al- Muslim ]
  • 22. • Qur’an: Everyone upon the earth will perish, [ Surah ar-Rahman 55, Ayat 26 ] • Hadith: Narrated Ibn ‘Abbas: The Prophet used to say, “I seek refuge (with YOU) by Your ‘Izzat, None has the right to be worshipped but You Who does not die while the jinns and the human beings die.” [ Bukhari ]
  • 23.
  • 24. • To disbelieve in Allah, by transgressing against Him • To abandon the prayer or pray the contrary way. • To pray in the toilet area. • To put the copy of the Qur'an under his feet and to enter the toilet with it area, as a means of defiling and belittling it. • To write the Qur'an with impurities such as menstrual blood or urine as a means of belittling it. • To commit incest (Sodomy {Fag/lesbo}, your child, mother, father, siblings etc….
  • 25. • To remain alone in a dark room for forty or so days without coming into contact with water. • To remain for a long time in janaabah (state of sexual impurity) without bathing. • To remain in a dark room, or some deserted isolated place where the rebellious devils amongst the Jinn come and perform lewd acts with him or her.
  • 26. Don't be surprised to find a magician wearing a taub and with long white beard, tasbih or Qur’an kept with him (for you to see) it is only a disguise and a mockery of this deen Some magicians will say the more you pay me the "better" ta’aweez i can give you, while others just ask you to leave a donation on your way out... both are worse as each other.
  • 27. Some ways to identify (Boka, Babalawo etc..) 1. They ask for your mother's maiden name, date of birth, sweaty clothes, hair, blood, nails, hanker chief, then definitely avoid them, only sorcerers ask for that Note: This is one definite way of exposing the shir. The mother's name is completely useless to the raqi, where as a magician needs it because the jinns who work for him will ask him. Also measuring the length of a clothes to determine if the person is affected with jinn, magic or evil eye = using Jinns
  • 28. 2. If they say they have righteous Jinn helping them, then leave them, there is absolutely no way to know if a Jinn is righteous or devil, it would be a devil tricking the exorcists or more common he is a sorcerer seeking devils help Note: If a raqi does have muslim jinns helping him fight the kuffar jinns, then a raqi will not call the jinns for help or claim to have control over it, rather he will ask Allah to send the mujahideen jinns to kill the kafir jinn inside etc Some ways to identify (Boka, Babalawo etc..)
  • 29. • The jinns have absolute no knowledge of the future • The jinns are full of lies and deceit and will always be up to mischief Prophet Sulayman (alayhi salaam) “They followed what the Shayaateen (devils) gave out (falsely of the magic) in the lifetime of Sulaymaan. Sulaymaan did not disbelieve, but the Shayaateen (devils) disbelieved, teaching men magic” (Surah Baqarah 2:102) “Then when we decreed death for him (Sulaymaan), nothing informed them (the jinns) of his death except a little worm of the earth, which kept slowly chewing away at his stick, so when he fell down, the jinns saw clearly that if they had known the unseen, they would not have stayed in the humiliating torment.” (Surah Saba, 34:12-14).
  • 30. • 3. If they write any symbols or unreadable text with or without some verses of the Quran, then leave them (taweez). This is magician for sure. 4. If they use sands in anyway (writing on it, hitting it, walking over it, etc.). THEY CLAIM THEY KNOW OR TELL YOU YOUR FUTURE Some ways to identify (Boka, Babalawo etc..)
  • 31. Fortune telling is disbelieve Our Prophet Muhammad (sa) said: "Whosoever approaches a fortune-teller and believes in what he says, has disbelieved in what was revealed to Muhammed" [Hadith reported by Ahmed]
  • 32. Some ways to identify (Boka, Babalawo etc..)
  • 33. • 7. If they demand lots of money for their service, then leave them, usually righteous exorcists do this service for free and don't accept gifts in exchange, some of them however charge reasonable amount of money for their time to be able to help others. Or, Bury this black cat etc….and that black this and that…………….. Imprisoned Some ways to identify (Boka, Babalawo etc..)
  • 34. • 5. If they ask you to do weird things like slaughtering a black animal (Cat, ship…) or carrying some talismans with you all the time or hiding them in far places “If your not out the place by then, then u must have a (Kolo) mental illness or something!!!” • 6. If they don't attend the regular prayers at the Masjid, (sorcerers like to be alone). Some ways to identify (Boka, Babalawo etc..)
  • 35. Types and symptoms of Sihr, Black magic, Vudoo, jadoo/juju…….
  • 36. 1. A sudden change in attitude from love to hate. 2. Exaggerating the causes of disputes between two people 3. Changing the mental image that a woman may have of her husband, or changing the mental image that a man may have of his wife……. 4. Hating anything the wife/husband does. 5. The person affected by Sihr hates the place in which the other party stays. For instance, a husband may be in good mood when he is outdoors, but when he returns home, he feels quiet depressed. According to Al-Hafidh Ibn Kathir, the cause of separation between two spouses through this Sihr is that each of them appears to the other as an ugly or ill-mannered person. – (Tafsir ibn Kathir: 1/144) 1 – Symptoms of Sihr of separation
  • 37. 1. Rasoolullah (Sallallaahu ‘Alayhi wa Sallam) said: “Ar- ruqa, at-tama’im and at-tiwala are acts of shirk (polytheism).” – (Ahmad) (1/381) 1. According to Ibn Al-Athir, At-Tiwala is a type of Sihr which makes a man love his wife. The reason why this type of Sihr is classed by the Prophet (saw) as an act of polytheism is because those who have it done for them believe that it has an effect and does the opposite of what Allah (swt) has prescribed. – (An- Nihaya: 1/200) 2 – Symptoms of Sihr Al-Mahabbah / At-Tiwala (Love)
  • 38. 1. A fixed object would appear to be mobile, while a mobile object would appear to be fixed for the viewer. 2. 2. A small object would appear large, while a large object would appear small for the viewer. 3. The false appearance of objects: Under the effect of the magic of Pharaoh’s sorcerers, ropes and rods appeared to viewers as real snakes. 3 – Symptoms Sihr At-Takhyil (False Appearance of Objects)
  • 39. 1. Severe absentmindedness and forgetfulness 2. Confused speech or Bulging eyes and deviation of sight 3. Restlessness or Inability to do a task regularly 4. Disinterest in one’s appearance 5. ln severe cases, one can tell from a lunatic’s face that he does know where he is going, and he would probably sleep in derelict places Cure is sura Al-fatiha (The opening) 4 – Symptoms Sihr Al-Junoon (Becoming Insane)
  • 40. A sorcerer/sorceress send’s a Jinn to the targeted person, to settle in his brain and make him/her introverted and lonely. The Jinn would do his best to carry out the mission, and the symptoms of this Sihr would appear, according to the strength and weakness of the Jinn entrusted with the task. 1. Love of seclusion / Absolute introversion 2. Constant silence / Anti-sociability 3. Absentmindedness / Frequent headaches “Common” 4. Quietness and constant lethargy (A lack of energy, vigor, sluggishness, lack of interest or enthusiasm (Common with students). 5 – Symptoms Sihr Sihr Al-Khumul (Lethargy)
  • 41. 1. The patient experiences nightmares 2. The patient sees in a dream as if someone were calling him 3. The patient hears voices talking to him when awake, but cannot see where these voices are coming from 4. The patient hears much whispering (Al-Waswas) 5. The patient is very suspicious of his/her friends and relatives 6. The patient dreams of seeing himself/herself falling from a high place 7. The patient dreams of seeing himself/herself being chased by animals 6 – Sihr Al-Hawatif (Bad Dreams & Hearing Voices)
  • 42. Some symptoms 1. Constant pain in one part of the body 2. Disability in of one of the sense organs 3. Paralysis of one area of the patient’s body 4. Total paralysis of the body 5. Epilepsy 7.1 – Sihr Al-Marad (Illness)
  • 43.
  • 44. 8.1 – Sihr of Iregular Menses
  • 45. 1. This type of Sihr affects women only. A saahir sends a Jinn to the targeted woman and instructs him to cause her to bleed. To do so, the Jinn enters the woman’s body and circulates in her veins and arteries with the blood. This notion of circulation has long been warned about by the Prophet (saw) in the following tradition: “Shaytaan circulates in man’s body like blood.” – (Al- Bukhari: Fath Al-Bari: 4/282) • Proof from Hadith: When the Jinn reaches a known vein in the woman’s womb, he stomps it so that the vein bleeds. This fact was also pointed out by the Prophet (Sallallaahu ‘Alayhi wa Sallam) when Hamna bint Jahsh asked his opinion on the issue of bleeding outside the period of menses, and he said: “Such bleeding is but one of Shaytaan’s stomping.” – (At- Tirmidhi) 8.2 – Sihr An-Nazif (Bleeding Following Menses) – How?
  • 46. • According to another tradition, the bleeding “is the result of Shaytaan’s stomping on a vein rather than from a normal menses.” – (Ahmad and An-Nasai) • According to scholars of Fiqh (jurisprudence), an-nazif refers to al- istihaadha (continuous menstruation), and according to doctors, it refers to bleeding. • According to Ibn Al-Athir, al-istihadha means bleeding following a normal menses. This bleeding may last for months, and the amount of blood could be little or large.
  • 47. The Jinn has two options • 1st option. If he (Jinn) can enter the girl, then he would cause her to feel uncomfortable with any prospective husband and; thus she would, turn him down and all that comes her way. • 2nd option. If he (Jinn) cannot enter the girl, then he would use the Sihr of imagination, from outside. As a result, a suitor would see the girl in an ugly image under the effect of the Jinn’s whispering, and so would the girl. • Under the effect of this Sihr through the Jinn is whispering (Waswas), a suitor, who would have initially agreed to the marriage, would decline after a few days, without any valid reason. • In cases of a strong Sihr, a suitor would, upon entering the house of his prospective wife, feel very uncomfortable and see darkness before him as if he were in prison, and so would never return. During the period of this Sihr, the Jinn may cause the girl to experience occasional headaches.
  • 48. Some symptoms 1. Occasional headaches, which persist despite medication 2. Severe tightness in the chest, especially between al-’asr and midnight 3. The patient sees the suitor in an ugly image 4. Absentmindedness / Anxiety during sleep 5. Occasional constant stomach-aches 6. Pain in the lower part of the back
  • 49. 1. Ar-Rabt Al-’ajzal-jinsi (sexual inability / impotence): Feels active and energetic about having sexual intercourse with his wife. Especially when he is distant from his wife. Nevertheless, as he approaches her, his shrinks and is unable to have sexual intercourse. It means a man’s inability to have sexual intercourse with his wife, whether he is distant from or near her, as he cannot get erected. 2. Adh-du’f al-jinsi (sexual weakness): A man can only have sexual intercourse with his wife after long periods. Sexual intercourse takes place for only a short time; after which the penis looses its rigidity.
  • 50. • 3. Rabt al-man’(obstruction): It occurs when a woman prevents her husband from having sexual intercourse with her by tightly joining her legs together and obstructing him from entering into her. This reaction is automatic and beyond her control (In most cases). • 4. Rabt at-taballud (lack of sexual feeling): The Jinn entrusted settles in the centre of sexual feeling in the woman’s brain and causes her to lose her sexual feeling, at the moment of sexual intercourse with her husband. As a result, she feels no sexual pleasure and does not respond to her husband. Her body becomes numb even if her husband does what he wishes with her. In this type of Sihr, the glands do not release the fluid which lubricates the vagina, and therefore, the sexual act cannot be achieved.
  • 51. • 5. An-nazif (bleeding {Menses} at the time of sexual intercourse): This is different from Sihr an-nazif in one aspect. While it is confined to the time of sexual intercourse, Sihr an-nazif may last for several days. In this type of Sihr, the Jinn causes heavy bleeding to the targeted woman at the time of sexual intercourse with her husband, and thus prevents the man from having sexual intercourse with his wife. Similar to an epileptic affected brain
  • 52. “Listeners, after having listened to all the above symptoms, it is easy to start saying ‘I have such and such a symptoms, I MUST be affected’ etc… I would like to remind you that, until you have sought Ruqyah from a trusted and Shari'ah complaint raaqi and the presence of Jinn has been confirmed, one should NOT start self suspecting” • Nuh’ Tahir
  • 53. Apart from traditional medicines which its herbs are also from Allah, as long as there is no shirk involved (with prescription from the approved specialist) its Halal THE FIRST AND BEST CURE IS ISLAMIC (QUR’AN THROUGH THE SUNNAH OF MUHAMMAD S.A.W)
  • 54. 1. Pictures on display? 2. Paintings with life images 3. Carved or constructed life statues 4. Any item with images of life creation 5. Any abstract life images 6. Dog 7. Bell(s) 8. Musical instruments 9. Painting/dolls of living people and animals 10. Non-Islamic taweez or amulets hanging around anyone or in house etc. 11. Offer 2 units of ‘Salatul Tauba’ and sincerely repent for all your sins.
  • 55. One should also check the list of major sins he or she most have committed [like haram food and drink, adultery, disobedience to parents or husband, music and dancing, zina of eyes i.e watching un-islamic videos, zina of tounge etc, visiting astrologer/ fortuneteller /magician, living on unlawful earning etc] that could block Allah’s mercy and blessings and one needs to abstain from them sincerely. Repent to Allah and ask His forgiveness. After these, you can now start your ruqya.
  • 56. • Believe first in Tawheed (Or nothing would work) • Get a quiet area of your home, office….with the intention to make ruqya on yourself. • Have a enough liters of pure water or zam zam (4/8litrs) • Seek refuge in Allah from shaytaan (A’outhubillahi min- ash-shaytaan arrajeem) • Mention bismillahir-rahman nir-raheem • Recite ayats Fatiha, Aya Kursi, falaq nas x 3 times each • Also recite ayaat of sihr x 3 each as follows:……... Al baqarah (The cow)2:102 & 77 Surah Al Aaraf (The Heights) 7:115 – 121 Surah Yunus (Jonah) 10:79 – 82 Surah Ta Ha 20:65 – 70 • Spittle (Air from your recitation…) into the water
  • 57. • Ensure you say Bismillah and drink the water in the 1st thing in the morning / evening / last thing at night • If you have movements in your stomach or bloatedness then get FRESH MAGARIYA leaves 7 pieces and make tea with them and drink every day for two weeks Extras…… 1. Put some of the water you’ve recited into a spray container & “Bismillah” spray the corners of every room in your house (Be reciting Nas, Falaq or Aya Kursi)….. 2. Recite all the above and spittle in honey, Olive oil extra virgin, black seed oil. Take a tea spoon daily…… 3. Insha’Allah if you follow the above, Allah will protect / cure you. Have high hopes and be optimistic of a cure.
  • 58. Hadith - Muwatta, 49 NO. 21: ...Shaytan does not open a locked door or untie a tied knot, or uncover a vessel. • Sincerely Repent to Allah • Ensure you always use a hijab. • Lower your gaze • Pray at the right time • Have Taqwa, ihsan, Tawheed, leave by Sunnah….. • Always switch off your lights before going to bed • Always sleep or be with Ablution
  • 59.
  • 60.
  • 61. "Whoever withdraws himself from the remembrance of [Allah] Most Gracious, We assign to him a Shaytaan, to be his comrade." (Surah Az-Zukhruf, 43:36) Always remembering Allah Simply seeking refuge in Allah from the jinn is a means of protection "And if an evil whisper from Shaytaan (Satan) tries to turn you away (O Muhammad) (from doing good), then seek refuge in Allaah. Verily, He is the All Hearer, the All Knower" (Surah Fussilat, 41:36) Say:Laillahaillalla,Subhanallah,Alhamdulilla, AllahuAkbar,“Aoothubillahi minashitanirajeem”
  • 62. The Athaan • Playing the athaan in our homes • Saying Bismillah before doing anything “When the Shaytaan hears the call to prayer, he runs away fast.”’ (Hadith reported by Muslim). The Messenger of Allah (SAW) said “Whoever of you desires the heart of the Garden should cling to the community. Shaytan is with the solitary person and further off from a couple.” (Hadith reported by At – Tirmidh) Mentioningthe name of Allah,making Dua
  • 64. Reciting "Laa ilaaha ill-Allah wahdahu laa shareeka lah, lahu'l- mulk wa lahu'l-hamd wa huwa 'ala kulli shay'in qadeer Meaning (There is no god except Allah Alone with no partner or associate; His is the Sovereignty and His is the praise, and He is Able to do all things)" one hundred times (100x). Morning & Evening
  • 66. Jazaak Allahu khair May Allah have mercy on us all and grant us into his Jannah. Ameen +234900000334