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This journal is accredited by the South African Department of
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The journal has also been selected into the Science Citation
Index Expanded by Thomson Reuters, and coverage begins                 Volume 22 Number 3 • August 2011
from Volume 19 No 1.

Editor                                                                               CONTENTS
Richard Drummond

Editorial board                                                   2     Dissemination of solar water heaters in
Mr J A Basson                                                           South Africa
Energy consultant                                                       Keh-Chin Chang, Wei-Min Lin, Greg Ross
Profesor K F Bennett                                                    and Kung-Ming Chung
Energy Research Centre, University of Cape Town
Professor A A Eberhard
                                                                  8     The challenges and potential options to
Graduate School of Business, University of Cape Town                    meet the peak electricity demand in
Dr S Lennon                                                             Mauritius
Managing Director (Resources & Strategy Division), Eskom                Khalil Elahee
Mr P W Schaberg                                                   16    Outdoor testing of amorphous and
Sasol Oil Research and Development
                                                                        crystalline silicon solar panels at
Administration and subscriptions
Ms Ann Steiner
                                                                        Eric Maluta and Vaithianathaswami
Annual subscriptions 2011 (four issues)                           23    Renewable energy, poverty alleviation and
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Individuals (beyond Africa): US$109 (single copy US$39)
                                                                        developing nations: Evidence from Senegal
Corporate (Africa): R321 (single copy R103)                             Djiby Racine Thiam
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Tel: +27 (021) 650 3894
                                                                  45    Experimental study on heat and mass
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It is the policy of the Journal to publish papers covering the
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© Energy Research Centre ISSN 1021 447X
Dissemination of solar water heaters in South Africa

Keh-Chin Chang
Energy Research Centre, National Cheng Kung University

Wei-Min Lin
Department of Business of Administration, Tainan University of Technology

Greg Ross
Institute of International Management, National Cheng Kung University

Kung-Ming Chung
Energy Research Centre, National Cheng Kung University

Abstract                                                    Introduction
Global concern over a looming energy crisis, water          The level of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions tak-
scarcity and man-made climate change are driving a          ing place today is staggering and unprecedented.
huge demand for clean technologies, which focus             Many scientists, geologists and academics believe
on preserving the earth’s resources. In South Africa,       that global warming and climate change have
the economy is very energy-intensive with coal              indeed reached their tipping point. In particular, the
being the main national energy supply. In view of           level and momentum of polar ice sheet degradation
the growing depletion of fossil fuel, it is important       has stunned scientists. Applications of renewable
for South Africa to adopt a more sustainable energy         energy technologies represent an opportunity for
mix. This study examines the potential for wide-            systemic change. They have the potential to
spread dissemination of solar water heaters (SWHs)          empower governments and individuals to con-
in South Africa. Barriers and constraints to market         tribute to mitigate climate change, while at the same
expansion are analyzed to determine strategies for          time facilitate employment and skill creation.
overcoming these barriers. It is found that payback         Among the applications, solar water heating is a rel-
period of a SWH is shorter than the life-span of the        atively simple technology which has been around
system itself, indicating that SWHs are economical-         for over fifty years but has demonstrated tremen-
ly viable even with low production cost of electrici-       dous potential in reducing the level of GHG emis-
ty and thus represent a profitable investment propo-        sions. Thus, SWHs are rapidly becoming an integral
sition for end users, manufacturers and distributors.       part of worldwide measures to combat the effects of
However, the subsidy programs offered by the gov-           climate change. In 2008, the total capacity in oper-
ernment of South Africa may not be sufficient to            ation worldwide was 150 683 MWth, which corre-
facilitate diffusion. This is attributed to the high ini-   sponded to 215 262,126 m2 of solar collector
tial capital cost of the system and low affordability of    installed (Weiss et al., 2010).
the majority of the South Africa population with low            Since South Africa is located in the subtropical
income. Alternative financing mechanisms are                belt between latitude 22°S and 34°S, there is abun-
required.                                                   dant sunshine throughout the year. It has one of the
                                                            highest insolation rates in the world, between 4.5
Keywords: solar water heater, South Africa, subsidy         kWh/m2 and 6.5 kWh/m2, and receives about 2 500
                                                            hours of sunshine a year (over 300 days of sunshine
                                                            per year in some provinces) (Munzhedzi et al.,
                                                            2009). This high level of solar radiation enables
                                                            solar water heating to be the least-cost method of
                                                            meeting the national target for increased use of
                                                            renewable energy technologies. However, it is
                                                            known that SWHs are more expensive than con-
                                                            ventional forms of hot water production by lique-

2                                              Journal of Energy in Southern Africa • Vol 22 No 3 • August 2011
fied petroleum gas (LPG), natural gas or electricity.      2009, the accessibility was at a high of 91.7% in the
Support mechanisms such as subsidies have the              Free State (the second smallest province in number
effect of shortening the payback period, which             of households) and a low of 69.8% in the Eastern
would make the investment more attractive and              Cape (the third largest province in number of
therefore increase the likelihood of adoption.             households). Note that 13.5% of households also
    This study utilized complementary elements of          had their electricity cut because of non-payment. In
both desk and field research. Data was acquired            addition, electricity consumption in South African
through review of literature including journal             households accounts for approximately 35% of
papers, official publications and websites. In addi-       peak demand with hot water production constitut-
tion, a field survey was conducted using telephone         ing 40% of that (Lumba et al., 2010). To alleviate
calls followed up by e-mail questionnaires to              the burden on the national grid, Eskom launched a
approximately 20 SWH-related parties in South              Demand Side Management Program in 2006. This
Africa, including manufacturers such as Suntank            program, which is to facilitate a more sustainable
(Pty) Ltd, Solar Heat Exchangers cc, Genersys              energy mix, focuses on reducing electricity demand
South Africa, Solar Harvest (Pty) Ltd, Kwikot (Pty)        by 3 000 MW by 2012, and a further 5 000 MW by
Ltd amongst others, as well as governmental and            2025.
non-governmental institutions such as the
Department of Energy, the Central Energy Fund
(CEF), the Sustainable Energy Society of South             National policy of South Africa on SWHs
Africa (SESSA) and Eskom. The survey aims to               The government’s White Paper on Renewable
gain an in-depth understanding of barriers to wide-        Energy Policy (2003) has supported the establish-
spread dissemination of SWHs in South Africa.              ment of renewable energy technologies, targeting
Possible dissemination drivers are also proposed,          the provision of 10 000 GWh of electricity (or 4% of
which would assist policy-makers in formulating            projected electricity demand) from renewable
effective countermeasures and strategies.                  resources by 2013. SWHs could contribute up to
                                                           23% of this target. Note that currently less than 1%
Energy situation in South Africa                           of electricity generated in the country originates
The South African economy is very energy-inten-            from renewable energy technologies (Visagie et al.,
sive and is dominated by the mining and manufac-           2006). According to the latest report by the
turing industries. The country uses a large amount         International Energy Agency (IEA), Weiss et al.
of energy for every unit of output, requiring 0.24         (2010) mentioned that the total collector area
tons of oil equivalent to produce US$1 000 of GDP          installed and operating in South Africa was 975 360
at purchasing power parity. Energy efficiency is thus      m2 by the end of 2008 and the total capacity of all
a crucial part of energy planning. Further, the            these systems combined was 682.8 MWth.
national energy supply in South Africa has been                It is considered that the delivery of SWHs could
dominated by coal, which contributes to about 70%          potentially reduce the overall national energy
of the primary energy supply and 92% of electricity        demand and the load at critical peak times of the
production (Winkler et al., 2006). Between 2002            day in South Africa. The SWH industry, however, is
and 2006, South Africa alone raised its coal pro-          faced with constraints in terms of standardization,
duction by more than half the world’s increase in          awareness, affordability and financing which
the equivalent volume or primary energy from               impede widespread dissemination. In particular, the
other forms of new renewable energy since 1990             high upfront capital cost of a system is of great con-
(Jefferson, 2008). However, the reliance on coal           cerns. Thus, there is a significant body of knowl-
has resulted in high levels of GHG emission (379           edge in both industry and academia to support the
million tons of carbon dioxide equivalent per year,        modelling and development of SWHs in South
or 8.61 tons per capita) (Banks et al., 2006 ), mak-       Africa. In 2003, SolaSure (the solar water heating
ing South Africa one of the top 20 GHG emitters in         division, SESSA) was established for the delivery of
the world. Moreover, Winkler et al. (2006) predict-        services in the SWH industry. Several task groups
ed that future energy demand in South Africa will          were initiated to address the following: (1) quality
double by the year 2050. This magnitude of expan-          control and testing; (2) standards and testing facili-
sion in energy demand is neither feasible nor sus-         ties/procedures; (3) marketing and membership; (4)
tainable. The state-owned power utility, Eskom,            interaction with Eskom; (5) research and develop-
would no longer have excess capacity it had and is         ment; and (6) interaction with international bodies
struggling to keep up with peak demand, not to             (Visagie et al., 2006). The CEF also assisted
mention the great impact of fossil fuel consumption        SolaSure in executing these tasks. Some initiatives
on the natural environment.                                were made to develop the skill base of the industry.
    While electricity generated from coal in South         These included in-house training by individual
Africa is among the cheapest in the world, its acces-      companies and Eskom, and national programs
sibility is still a problem for many of its citizens. In   granted by the Energy Sector Education and

Journal of Energy in Southern Africa • Vol 22 No 3 • August 2011                                                3
Training Authority (ESETA).                                lectors have always been 20%-30% those of
    Since SWHs have considerable potential to              unglazed solar collectors, as shown in Figure 1.
leverage electricity savings and reduce GHG emis-          Presumably it was because unglazed solar collectors
sions, some promotion programs were initiated by           have been used mainly in luxury swimming pool
some local governments, such as the Kuyasa low-            applications. In 2008, the area of solar collector
cost housing project, the Johannesburg Climate             installed was about 100 000 m2 and 21 000 m2 for
Legacy SWH project at Oude Molen, and the                  unglazed and glazed solar collectors, respectively.
Driftsands SWH housing project (Visagie et al.,            However, a greater impact on sales of unglazed
2006). Further, Eskom has granted rebates of up to         solar collectors could be expected due to the recent
30% (the maximum incentive amount at ZAR 5                 economic recession. Furthermore, the size of glazed
000) on accredited systems since 2008. Under the           solar collector systems (domestic SWHs) is linked to
current initiative, each system is measured and allo-      a hot water usage profile and the number of people
cated an amount of rebate calculated according to          living in a household. Since electric auxiliary heat-
the energy footprint measured by the South African         ing is usually not available in all areas, Holm (2005)
Bureau of Standards (SABS). To receive rebates,            indicated that a weighted national average would
homeowners must take delivery of systems by offi-          require 4.69 m2 of solar collector installed per
cial Eskom suppliers. To become an official Eskom          household. This corresponds to the major market
supplier one must offer a five-year guarantee, have        share of 200-litre SWHs (68%) in South Africa. In
a proven track record of viability, a certificate from     2009, the number of households was estimated to
the SABS and a membership with SESSA. It is                be about 13 812 000 (SSA, 2010). For the poten-
noted the application process still foresees to have       tial SWH demand, this would create a demand of
the customer pay the full cost of the system upfront       about 64.8 million square metres (100% market
and claim the rebate thereafter. In 2010, Eskom            penetration) or 19.4 million square metres (30%
announced an increase in rebates for high-pressure         market penetration). However, for the real potential
solar thermal systems. The aim of this new program         SWH market in South Africa, the dissemination
is to encourage as many South Africans as possible         barriers (such as affordability) should be further
to move away from electric geysers (4.2 million in         taken into account.
the country), and replace them with SWHs (76 873
operating units in 2009). Residential homeowners
or tenants could be granted a cash rebate of up to
ZAR 12 500. This would make SWHs more afford-
able to consumers, particularly for the rapid emer-
gence of a non-white middle class.

SWH market
A questionnaire survey was conducted by Eskom
(2009). It intended to gather technical, financial and
operational information about the SWH industry in
South Africa. Although there are over 100 suppliers
in SESSA, only 39 suppliers gave some inputs to
the process, revealing that many of the suppliers           Figure 1: Area of solar collector installed per
were not active. From the historical data of the                               annum
SWH industry, significant growth took place during                           Source: IEA
the periods 1979-1983 and 2005-2008. The area of
solar collector installed hit the 100 000 m2 mark in       Dissemination barriers
2008. However, the growth was accommodated by              Dissemination of SWHs in South Africa is associat-
the industry with very little additional capital equip-    ed with a number of factors, which include corpo-
ment apart from additional warehousing space for           rate social responsibility (GHG emission and global
companies importing SWHs.                                  climate change), consumer awareness (supporting
      In the South African market, both glazed and         education and information programs), economic
unglazed flat-plate solar collectors have been adopt-      considerations (financial incentives, cost of electric-
ed for most SWHs. Domestic manufacturers can               ity, capital cost, income and expenditure), technical
meet about 60% of the local demand in 2009. The            support (training program, quality assurance and
evacuated tube solar collectors, which are mainly          standards), strategic marketing (brand image and
imported from China and Germany, came on to the            entire value chain) and regulations (housing proj-
market in 2005 and only accounted for slightly over        ect) (Visagie et al., 2006; Eskom, 2009). In particu-
5% sales of glazed solar collectors. For the relation-     lar, the economic feasibility of SWHs is considered
ship between glazed and unglazed solar collectors,         vital for market expansion. For income sources,
a remarkable fact is that the sales of glazed solar col-   most households in South Africa are dependent on

4                                             Journal of Energy in Southern Africa • Vol 22 No 3 • August 2011
salaries (a low of 49.1% in Eastern Cape and a high         performance tests for SWHs with specified condi-
of 76.6% in Western Cape). However, grants also             tions and apparatus. The SWH performance indi-
constituted another major income source. The                cator is given as the ratio of incoming solar energy
national average was 43.7% in 2009 (a low of                on solar collector area and useful heat absorbed by
28.9% in Gauteng and a high of 57.7% in                     a SWH. SWH products bearing the SABS
Limpopo). In some provinces (Eastern Cape,                  Approved Mark meet the required quality and min-
Limpopo, Northern Cape and Free State), grants              imum performance. Further, thermal performance
were the main source of income for many house-              of a SWH should be associated with quality of solar
holds (SSA, 2010).                                          collectors. However, there are no South African
     Sidiras and Koukios (2004) pointed out that one        standards for quality testing of solar collectors at this
of the major dissemination barriers for SWHs                moment. This could be a serious obstacle in devel-
among households is other investment priorities. If         oping solar collector products for both local and
the capital cost is less than a specific fraction of fam-   international markets. In addition, it is important to
ily income, the household might be willing to invest        increase knowledge related to SWHs. Skill training
in the purchase of a SWH. In South Africa, expen-           workshops for local SWH manufacturers and
diture on housing, transport and food dominated             installers are required for quality products and
household consumption (close to 60% of the total),          installation.
especially for low-income households which allocat-
ed a higher proportion of their expenditure to food,        Financial analysis
non-alcoholic beverages, clothing and footwear              As mentioned, the local market of SWHs in South
(SSA, 2008). Thus, a high initial capital cost of a         Africa has been mainly impeded by the financial
SWH would be the biggest hurdle to market expan-            barrier. The potential for widespread dissemination
sion. Visagie and Prasad (2006) indicated that the          of SWHs is essentially associated with economic
housing plans made by the government of South               profitability. Under this circumstance, some lesions
Africa should include extra grant for SWH installa-         can be learned from Taiwan market development.
tion. Then SWHs could become affordable to the              Indeed, the well orchestrated and concerted efforts
poor and fitted in new housing as well as retrofitted       (the long-term subsidy programs, 1986-1991,
in old ones. The Clean Development Mechanism                2000-present) put forward by the government of
(CDM) also provides a financing mechanism. This             Taiwan have played a significant role in market
could potentially make SWHs more accessible to              expansion of SWHs during the last few decades
the less well-off majority of the population                (Chang et al., 2011). Furthermore, payback period
     Chang et al. (2009) indicated that the ownership       is considered a critical element in the consumer
and architectural type of buildings would limit the         adoption decision process. In this study, a net ener-
space available for SWH installation. Apartments            gy analysis for SWHs by Sidiras and Koukios
and community housing are the major types of                (2004) was adopted, in which the payback period is
housing in urban Taiwan. It would be difficult to           calculated using the balance between the present-
install a standalone SWH in those types of build-           time cost of the system (initial plus yearly costs
ings. In South Africa, the full and partial ownership       including operation, repair and maintenance), and
of housing were 56.0% and 10.9% in 2009, respec-            the benefits from conventional energy savings with
tively; with 20.9% of the households being rented           reference to the present time. For the initial capital
(SSA, 2010). In terms of type of dwelling, most             cost, the estimated unit price of a SWH (Eskom,
houses were built with bricks (63.5%) or traditional        2009) is shown in Figure 2.
materials (10.2%); and SWHs can thus be installed
on the roof of houses. Furthermore, it is also known
that there are many informal housing settlements
with a single water tap situated outside in South
Africa. This would be a significant barrier.
     To reinforce a product’s intrinsic features in
South Africa, the SABS has issued the SABS
Approved Mark. An independent certification is
conducted by a third party. Thus, the mark is con-
sidered a highly recognizable symbol of credibility
and a powerful marketing tool. For SWHs, estab-
lishment of a standard is also one of the key factors
contributing to a positive acceptance of the con-
sumers. South African standard (SANS 6211-
2:2003) is in compliance with the existing local and                   Figure 2: Unit price of SWHs
international standards, which includes one-day                            Source: Eskom (2009)
outdoor and three one-day indoor basic thermal

Journal of Energy in Southern Africa • Vol 22 No 3 • August 2011                                                   5
As can be seen the average unit price increases with      Thus, the Government of South Africa should lead
tank size, particularly for the 300-litre system. This    by example and have government buildings fitted
is not consistent with the study by Chang et al.          with SWHs, to encourage the general populace to
(2009), in which the unit price of a SWH decreases        adopt. The installation of SWHs should be made
with a larger area of solar collectors installed. Then    mandatory in all housing being constructed by the
in terms of cost breakdown, Holm (2005) indicated         government.
that the local manufacturers were reluctant to share
information. However, the average price of a glazed
solar collector system in South Africa was estimated
to be 3 736 ZAR/m2. Materials and labour account-         Acknowledgements
ed for 31.2% and 16% of the price, respectively. In       Special thanks go to Mr. John Murray (former Vice-
addition, the cost of distribution, installation and      President of Newbridge Telecommunications Networks)
maintenance of systems represented almost a third         for his kind assistance in this study. Sincere thanks also go
of the total installation cost.                           to Andrew Janisch, Sustainable Energy Society of South
    The benefit of using a SWH (output energy of          Africa (SESSA), for providing essential data on SWHs in
solar collectors) instead of traditional alternatives     South Africa. This work was also supported by the
(fuel price) can be realized in terms of the monetary     Bureau of Energy, Ministry of Economic Affairs, Republic
value of electricity saving. In South Africa, the aver-   of China.
age annual domestic electricity consumption for hot
water heating was about 3 400 kWh. With the solar
insolation and sunshine duration taken into               References
account, there could be about 60% of hot water            Banks, D. and Schaffler J. (2006), The potential
production (approximately 2 000 kWh) covered by               contribution of renewable energy in South
SWHs (Ross, 2010). However, due to low electrici-             Africa, Sustainable Energy and Climate Change
ty cost, the yearly benefit is estimated to be only           Project (SECCP).
about ZAR 1 100. Furthermore, the discount rate           Chang, K.C., Lin, W.M., Lee, T.S. and Chung, K.M.
                                                              (2009), Local market of solar water heaters in
(cost of system less discount by subsidy or tax
                                                              Taiwan: Review and perspectives, Renewable
rebate) and inflation rate could be also included in          and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Vol. 13, 2605-
the payback period calculation (Sidiras et al.,               2612.
2004). Ross (2010) pointed out that the payback           Chang K.C., Lin W.M., Lee T.S. and Chung K.M.
period of SWHs in South Africa is estimated be 4              (2011), Subsidy Programs on Diffusion of Solar
years while their lifetime could be up to 25 years,           Water Heaters: Taiwan’s Experience. Energy
indicating the feasibility of SWH expansion in                Policy Vol. 39, Issue 2, 563-567.
South Africa. However, the vast majority of South         Eskom Distribution (2009). The South Africa solar
Africans with lower disposable incomes still cannot           water heater industry.
afford the high capital cost of SWHs without sub-         Holm, D. (2005). Market survey of solar water heat-
sidy. Thus, alternative financing methods need to             ing in South Africa for the Energy Development
be implemented to make SWHs more accessible to                Corporation (EDC) of the Central Energy Fund
the general public. For example, SWHs could be                (CEF), SolaSure.
offered on a lease basis where repayments are less        Jefferson, M. (2008), Accelerating the transition to
than the electricity savings, so effectively the end          sustainable energy systems, Energy Policy, Vol.
                                                              36, 416-425.
user is getting a system for free or for a very small
                                                          Lumba, P and Sebitosi, A.B. (2010). Evaluating the
monthly repayment sum.
                                                              impact of consumer behaviour on the perform-
    Conclusions                                               ance of domestic solar water heating systems in
    This study aims to gain insight into what factors         South Africa, Journal of Energy in Southern
influence the consumer adoption decision process,             Africa, Vol. 21 No. 1; 25-34.
which in turn, determines possible dissemination of       Munzhedzi, R. and Sebitosi A.B. (2009). Redrawing
SWHs in South Africa. As expected, economic con-              the solar map of South Africa for photovoltaic
siderations are the key factors. Current subsidy pro-         applications, Renewable Energy, Vol. 34, 165-
grams are not sufficient to facilitate diffusion.             169.
Alternative financing mechanisms such as third-           Ross, G. (2010). Solar water heater diffusion in
party financing as well as low-interest loans and             Taiwan and South Africa, Masters Thesis,
access to credit for SWH purchases should be con-             Institute of International Management, National
sidered. This would make SWHs more competitive                Cheng Kung University.
with traditional electric water heating systems.          Sidiras, D.K and Kouhios, E.G. (2004). Solar sys-
                                                              tems diffusion in local markets, Energy Policy,
Indeed, the greatest benefit for South Africa is that
                                                              Vol. 32, 2007-2018.
SWHs can serve the greatest need. The challenge is
                                                          Statistics South Africa (SSA, 2008), Income and
how to make SWHs available to the people who                  expenditure of households 2005/2006: analysis
need it the most, the population with low income.

6                                             Journal of Energy in Southern Africa • Vol 22 No 3 • August 2011
of results, Report number 01-00-01.
Statistics South Africa (SSA, 2010). General house-
   hold survey.
Visagie, E. and Prasad, G. (2006), South Africa:
   Biodiesel and solar water heaters, Energy
   Research Centre. University of Cape Town,
   South Africa.
Weiss, W., Bergmann, I. and Faninger, G. (2010).
   Solar heat worldwide: markets and contribution
   to the energy supply, 2010 editions,
   International Energy Agency.
Winkler, H., Davidson, O., Kenny, A., Prasad, G.,
   Nkomo, J., Sparks, D., Howells, M, and Alfstad,
   T. (2006), Energy policies for sustainable devel-
   opment in South Africa, Energy Research
   Centre. University of Cape Town, South Africa.
Received 3 September 2010; revised 3 January 2011

Journal of Energy in Southern Africa • Vol 22 No 3 • August 2011   7
The challenges and potential options to meet the peak
electricity demand in Mauritius

Khalil Elahee
Faculty of Engineering, University of Mauritius, Réduit, Mauritius

Abstract                                                    OEP: Outline Energy Policy
This paper reviews the current challenges facing            MID: Maurice Ile Durable (Mauritius Sustainable
Mauritius in terms of meeting peak electricity              Island) project
demand. As a fast-developing island-economy with            SIPP: Small ondependent power producer
a very high population density, this is a crucial issue.
The more so that it imports 80% of its energy
requirements in terms of fossil fuels, relies signifi-
cantly on tourism and needs to protect its fragile          1. Introduction
ecosystems. The nature of the peak electricity              As a fast-developing economy, Mauritius has to
demand and its evolution is firstly analysed.               meet increasing energy demand, particularly in
Reference is made to past scenarios for electricity         terms of peak electricity as shown in Figure 1.
supply, the obstacles to their implementation and               In 2009, the peak demand attained 389 MW
their relevance in terms of sustainability. The fore-       (Hansard, 2009a), representing an increase of 17 %
casts underpinning the latter scenarios are found to        over the last 5 years. The peak occurs during sum-
be over-estimated. Demand-Side Management                   mer with the difference in the maximum demands
projects are discussed and their potential to promote       between summer and winter increasing from 25
an alternative scenario based on revised forecasts          MW in 2004 to 40 MW in 2008. This difference is
are discussed. Hence a new Maurice Ile Durable              due to the massive use of ventilation, air-condition-
(Mauritius Sustainable Island, MID) scenario is pro-        ing and refrigeration during the summer months,
posed in view of stabilising the peak demand,               particularly during the recent years that have been
reducing the rate of increase of total electricity          marked with high average temperatures and the
demand and making the capacity margin positive.             construction boom in the residential, tourism and
The newly-devised scenario is not only more sus-            services sectors.
tainable but also addresses several political and               It has been demonstrated that the correlation
socio-economic issues to bring holistic win-win solu-       coefficient between peak demand and atmospheric
tions. Institutional and regulatory reforms as well as      temperature is above 0.9 (Badurally et al., 2009).
a relevant Business Framework are also important            This is illustrated for 2008 in Figure 2. It is to be
in order to meet the challenges of MID. The new             noted that both average humidity and number of
scenario relies only on existing technology with an         hours of sunshine increase in summer and, hence,
excellent track-record and provides the transition to       tend to increase the peak demand.
a more sustainable future.
                                                            1.1 Supply
Keywords: peak demand, electricity, Mauritius,              Figure 3 illustrates how the peak demand is typical-
demand-side management, sustainability                      ly met at the supply end. From the bottom of the
                                                            chart upwards, electricity is generated from base-
                                                            load coal or bagasse power plants owned by inde-
Acronyms                                                    pendent power producers or IPPs (CTDS, Beau-
CEB   Central Electricity Board                             Champ, FUEL, CTSAV and CTBV). The other
CSO   Central Statistics Office                             plants are owned by the Central Electricity Board
DSM Demand-side management                                  (CEB), the sole distributor and supplier of grid
DST:  Daylight Saving Time                                  power. It is to be noted that the CEB generates
GDP: Gross development product                              power from hydro (including Champagne), fuel oil
IPP:  Independent power producer                            (Fort George, St Louis and Fort Victoria) and

8                                             Journal of Energy in Southern Africa • Vol 22 No 3 • August 2011
Figure 1: Peak electricity demand from 2004 to 2008
                                           Source: CSO (2008a)

Figure 2. Impact of GDP, temperature, humidity
  and number of hours of sunshine on peak                    Figure 3. Typical load supply curve of electricity from
           electricity demand for 2008                               power plants (listed from bottom first)
          Source: Badurally et al. (2009)                                    Source: Kassim (2010)

kerosene (Nicolay). The latter, using a 76 MW gas         even more expensive when compared to bagasse at
turbine, is normally reserved for emergency pur-          market prices. The latter is fully utilised but the effi-
poses and is occasionally run for peaking only,           ciency of its conversion can be improved by the
given that its cost is at least four-fold higher.         introduction of high pressure cogeneration plants.
    It is to be noted that the distribution losses        Together with the use of other biomasses like cane
amount to about 10% (CEB, 2008). The total                tops and leaves, at least three times more electricity
installed capacity is now 504 MW, including               can be produced using currently available technol-
allowance for maintenance, repairs and a 10%              ogy (Autrey et al., 2006). This will ensure also a
spinning reserve (Hansard, 2009b). Currently more         stronger substitution of coal, used during the inter-
than 60% of electricity is generated by the IPPs, the     crop season, by renewable biomass. Figure 4 shows
CEB being responsible mostly for the semi-base            the energy mix for power generation for 2008. The
and peak load power supply areas. Much of the             wind power indicated is negligible and refers to the
CEB capacity is not fully exploited because of bind-      island to Rodrigues.
ing contracts with IPPs to give priority to their base-
load supply and because of the dependence on              1.2 Demand-side management
rainfall for hydropower.                                  In 2009, the amount of power generated was
    It is to be noted that fuel oil and kerosene used     almost the same as in 2008. Moreover, the peak
by CEB are more costly compared to coal, and              demand moved to the morning during the summer

Journal of Energy in Southern Africa • Vol 22 No 3 • August 2011                                                 9
Table 1: Power generation by source in 2008
                                                                understood that there is a growing awareness on
             Source: CSO (2008b)
                                                                DSM resulting in an effective drop in power
 Source of energy                   GWh           %             demand, particularly in the evening. It is difficult
Primary energy                       108.4         4.2          to estimate its exact impact but it is possible that
 Hydro (renewable energy)            108.0         4.2          it may reach as much as 15 MW occasionally,
                                                                comparable to the drop noted immediately after
 Wind (renewable energy)               0.4         0.0
                                                                sharp rises in prices like in 2007.
Secondary energy                   2 448.8       95.8
                                                            iv) As a pilot project, Daylight Saving Time (DST)
 Gas turbine (kerosene)                6.6         0.3          was adopted from October 2008 to March 2009.
 Diesel & fuel oil                   827.1       32.3           The project has now been dropped primarily
 Coal                              1 128.7       44.1           because of public outcry related to social and
 Bagasse (renewable energy)          486.4       19.0           cultural disruption, but also because the expect-
Total                             2 557.2      100.0            ed energy savings were not achieved. The sum-
Of which: renewable energy                                      mer of 2009-2010 had ended without DST and
(hydro, wind & bagasse)              594.8       23.3           there is no evidence to prove that the pilot proj-
                                                                ect had a significant positive impact. Above all,
                                                                since December 2008, but more regularly ever
                                                                after, the maximum peak electricity demand has
months, instead of occurring in the evening as usu-             been occurring in the morning during weekdays
ally observed in the past. In fact, a plateau of about          in summer. Nevertheless, it cannot be over-
380 MW was recorded in the morning and early                    looked that DST did reduce the evening peak.
afternoon during hot summer weekdays (Assirva-                  However, the actual amount may be much less
den, 2010). This confirms the trend noted recently              than the 15 MW average that was been put for-
with the massive use of ventilation, air-conditioning           ward by the CEB (Elahee, 2008).
and refrigeration in residential, touristic, commercial
and office buildings.                                       2. Forecasts
     The stabilisation of the demand for electricity in     In the light of the above, electricity demand fore-
2009, together with a peak demand growth of only            casts were revised slightly downwards in 2009
2%, were the direct results of Demand-Side                  (Hansard, 2009d). Figures 4, 5 and 6 depict the ini-
Management (DSM) measures coupled with a slow-              tial forecasted demands as from 2003 and the actu-
ing of the economic growth to 2.5% in 2009. The             al figures up to 2008. As noted, the demand for
influence of GDP on peak electricity demand has             2009 is now known to be very close to that of 2008.
already been evoked above.                                       The obvious deduction from the graphs is that
     There were four DSM measures that interacted           the forecasted CEB figures are well above actual
to achieve the situation in 2009.                           values. The difference for 2010 stands at 50 MW
i) Some 1 million Compact Fluorescent Lamps                 between the CEB forecast and the trend based on
     (CFLs) were distributed at subsidized costs to the     the recent values recorded. In 2015, this gap
     general public from August 2008 to early 2009.         increases to 100 MW. Even considering the latest
     As a result, the Government estimates that an          forecasted values made public in 2009, the differ-
     average saving of 14 MW has been achieved              ence is not less (Hansard, 2009d). The DSM impact
     during the evening peak (Hansard, 2009c).              discussed amounting to a total average drop of
     Studies conducted at the University of Mauritius       about 25 MW had not been considered in the CEB
     on Energy Management in the residential sector         forecasts in 2003 and in 2007.
     indicates that the impact of CFLs was probably              It can be argued that under the combined effect
     even more significant, of up to 25 MW (Baha-           (1) of sustained DSM to bring a total reduction of
     door, 2009; Ramnarain, 2009).                          peak demand of 30 MW by 2012 and (2) of mod-
ii) More than 25 000 solar water heaters were               erate economic growth of between 2 and 5 % of
     installed in 2008 with the introduction of a direct    GDP over the same period, the peak electricity
     subsidy of Rs 10 000 (approx. USD 300) per             demand is likely to stabilise at about 400 MW. This
     unit. This has led to a reduced utilisation of elec-   is close to the extrapolated trend shown in Figure 6.
     tric water heaters. It is reasonable to estimate an         Similarly, Figure 5 depicts a more realistic trend
     average reduction of about 5 MW on the                 if DSM is pursued, along with moderate economic
     evening peak resulting from the latter measure.        growth as is now predicted to happen over the next
Iii) The Government introduced a national energy-           few years by most specialists (EconomyWatch,
     saving campaign under the Maurice Ile Durable          2010). In any event, one of the key objectives of
     (MID) project focusing on all sectors. Sensitiz-       DSM is to decouple GDP and energy requirement.
     ation on peak demand reduction was the focus           This is made easier by the ongoing transforma-
     of a sustained campaign. Although the last             tions in the economy of Mauritius as the services
     increase in electricity prices was in 2007, it is      sector grows and diversifies at the expense of the

10                                             Journal of Energy in Southern Africa • Vol 22 No 3 • August 2011
Figure 4: Forecast of peak electricity demand made in 2003
                                          Source: CEB (2003)

              Figure 5. Forecast of total electricity demand and comparison with actual
                                          Source: CEB (2007a)

energy-intense manufacturing and agricultural sec-           ensure energy efficient practices related to appli-
tors.                                                        ances and buildings respectively.
     DSM can be the key to meeting the energy           iii) Solar-water heating, including in air-condition-
demands, including morning peaks during week-                ing and refrigeration, sustainable design of
days in summer, provided the following specific ori-         buildings and energy-efficiency improvement in
entations are urgently adopted:                              industry and tourism should a full priority by the
i) The Energy Management Office to facilitate                private sector.
     DSM in all sectors, already announced by the       iv) The onus should no more be on the CEB to pro-
     Government in the 2010 Budget, should be set            vide 100% of electricity needed by industrial,
     up without delay (MoF, 2009).                           hotel and commercial promoters. The latter
ii) The Energy Efficiency Act under preparation and          should be required to ensure optimal design and
     the Building Code should be promulgated to              energy use on their facilities, including the

Journal of Energy in Southern Africa • Vol 22 No 3 • August 2011                                             11
Figure 6. Forecast of peak electricity demand and comparison with actual
                                         Source: CEB (2007b)

   implementation of Energy Management pro-                 have had an estimated extra cost of 5%. The 15
   grammes and recourse to renewable energy.                MW coal/bagasse project scheduled for 2008 did
   New cities and similar projects should be sub-           not happen. Thus far, no project has been complet-
   jected to strict environmental standards, includ-        ed. The current intention of the CEB to promote the
   ing energy use. The proposed Land-Based                  construction of a 110 MW coal-fired plant and to
   Oceanic Industry (MLBOPL, 2009; MRC, 2010)               invest in a 30 MW fuel oil-fired plant implies that
   is an example of such a new approach where               the Base Scenario is very much the one on course,
   promoters are responsible for sustainable energy         albeit with a delay of two, if not three years.
   input.                                                       The Compromise Scenario would have also
v) Pricing policy for energy, including Time-of-Use         included the closing down of the 20 MW Beau
   Tariff for electricity and feed-in tariffs, as well      Champ plant in 2009 and its replacement by an
   energy taxes should be integrated within a MID           equivalent power plant in FUEL in 2009. This did
   Business Framework, together with incentive              not happen. A 20 MW Waste-to-Energy project and
   packages for sustainable energy.                         a 25 MW wind farm, concomitant with the
                                                            Compromise Scenario and expected to start oper-
3. New MID scenario                                         ating in 2009, are also behind schedule. In fact, the
In 2007, the Outline Energy Policy (OEP 2007c)
                                        ,                   former has now been degraded to a 7 MW propos-
was published focusing on changing the depend-              al and is subject to much controversy just like the
ence of the country on oil to one on coal. The              coal-only power plant.
Compromise Scenario shown in Table 2 was the                    The concept of Maurice Ile Durable (Mauritius
one retained by the CEB. The All Sugar Cane                 Sustainable Island, MID) started to be formally
Scenario was rejected on the basis that it would            implemented in 2008. At the heart of the MID

                                 Table 2: Scenarios for power generation
                                           Source: OEP (2007d)
  Year                       Base                            Sugar cane                   Compromise
Scenario                   Scenario                           Scenario
     2008                30 MW diesel                    42 MW coal/bagasse           15 MW coal/ bagasse
     2009                                                42 MW coal/bagasse               50 MW coal
     2010                 50 MW coal                     42 MW coal/bagasse              50 MW cCoal
     2011                                                42 MW coal/bagasse           15 MW coal/bagasse
     2012                 50 MW coal

12                                           Journal of Energy in Southern Africa • Vol 22 No 3 • August 2011
vision is the need to shift from fossil fuels, including        top residues will be promoted. Biogas also can
coal, to renewables and to promote Demand Side                  be used. It favours the active and urgent imple-
Management (DSM). The vision is that in 2028, as                mentation of the wind power projects. It
much as 65% of the energy mix for electricity gen-              assumes the coming into operation of a 30 MW
eration in Mauritius should come from renewables                fuel-oil power plant in 2010, as already pur-
(MID Fund, 2008). This was confirmed by the                     chased by the CEB. In the long term, this facili-
Prime Minister in December 2009 in Copenhagen                   ty should, however, switch to biofuels.
with an appeal to help Mauritius achieve its objec-        ii) Small plants: It also envisages the emergence of
tive (IELS, 2009).                                              Small Independent Power Producers (SIPPs)
    The delays imply that the capacity margin is at             producing electricity either for the grid or for
an extremely dangerous level of -70 MW currently                local use (biogas, hydro, photovoltaic and wind
with respect to the initial planning made in 2007               power units of less than 50 kW). A number of
(OEP 2007e). Catastrophic black-outs would have
       ,                                                        higher capacity renewable power projects
happened had it not been for the success of the                 should also start within that scenario (e.g. bio-
DSM efforts explained earlier. Moreover, it has been            gas, micro-cogeneration, trigeneration or
reported that CEB is stretching the use of its                  hydropower projects of up to 2 MW). Stored or
resources and this is not without undue risk.                   pumped hydropower will also be optimally
Possible accidents due to regular switching on-and-             exploited to reduce peak demand.
off of generators designed to operate constantly           iii) DSM: The peak reduction due to DSM should be
cannot be excluded (Bibi, 2009). Similarly, equip-              sustained under the MID Scenario and consoli-
ment is being used beyond their normal lifetime.                dated to reach a total of at least 30 MW by
    The Sugar-Cane Scenario offers best safe-guard              2012. This corresponds to an annual growth in
in the medium-to-long term against negative capac-              demand of 2 to 3 % as compared to the unsus-
ity margins. The argument that it would have cost               tainable 5 % average noted over the past
5% more than the Compromise Scenario is not a                   decade.
sound one to justify, alone, its rejection. Moreover,
the re-engineering of the cane sector is a matter of                   Table 3: New MID Scenario
strategic importance for the country.                      2010 30 MW fuel oil at Fort Victoria (confirmed, later
    Figure 7 illustrates the consequent evolution of            switch to biofuel)
the capacity margin in MW, including the benefit
                                                           2011 50 MW bagasse/coal cogeneration + 20 to
related to DSM, for a new MID Scenario that is                  40 MW wind + SIPPs
described in Table 3. The initial planning with
                                                           2012 50 MW Bagasse/Coal Cogeneration + 50 MW
respect to the timely retirement of CEB old engines
                                                                wind + SIPPs
is retained in this scenario. The capacity margin is
the difference between the forecasted peak demand
and the available capacity, allowing for mainte-              Whilst being more sustainable, the new MID sce-
nance, repairs and spinning reserve. The CEB initial       nario also responds to immediate priorities related
forecast for demand is used as benchmark in this           to energy security, the re-engineering of the cane
case.                                                      sector and ensuring availability of electricity. These
    The new MID scenario rests on three pillars:           projects are technically ready to be implemented,
i) Large plants: It replaces the controversial coal-       some having lingered in the development stage for
    fired power plant by bagasse-coal plants that          more than five years. The new scenario paves the
    operate in cogeneration with high efficiency in        way towards reaching the key targets of the MID
    the context of the re-engineering of the cane          project. The Compromise scenario, and even more
    industry. The use of other biomasses like cane-        the Base Scenario, will drift the country away from

                          Figure 7. Capacity margin (MW ) for New MID Scenario

Journal of Energy in Southern Africa • Vol 22 No 3 • August 2011                                                13
that vision with the reliance on coal peaking at 54%      towards implementing DSM (including institutional
for electricity generation by 2013 (MPU, 2007f;           and regulatory measures) and introducing a coher-
MREPU, 2009). It is to be recalled that the price of      ent Business Framework to favour the new MID
coal has known a rapid increase recently and that its     Scenario for both centralized large plants and
access costs, as well as other hidden costs, are more     decentralized small power producers. The survival
than 40% of the mine-to-user cost. Above-all in an        of the cane industry as well as the opportunity of
era of global climate change, turning towards             producing bioethanol from the latter industry are
imported coal at the expense of indigenous                closely related to the implementation of efficient
resources is simply ridiculous.                           cogeneration plants where the use of bagasse, cane
    The main obstacle to the new MID Scenario,            tops and leaves as well as biogas is promoted.
however, is of a politico-administrative nature. A        Sensitization, education and training should also
new partnership must be defined between the pub-          not be neglected both for the sake of DSM as for the
lic and private sectors. The agreement reached by         emergence of a green economy.
the Prime Minister with sugar cane-producers in               The need of back-up for renewable energy proj-
December 2007 should serve as basis for innova-           ects will be best handled through the integration of
tive win-win agreements between the two parties.          intermittent sources as well as the combination of
The Cane Democratization Fund is an initiative in         scattered decentralized units of diverse nature.
the right direction opening up the ownership of           Storage of energy and the recourse to forecasting of
bagasse-coal cogeneration plants to all stakeholders      output from intermittent sources will be extremely
in a spirit of equity (MLP 2 010).
                           ,                              useful. Phased-out diesel or fuel-oil equipment as
    The controversial and over-delayed projects for       well as disused hydropower facilities can still be
a coal-only power plant and a Waste-to-Energy             used to provide emergency response.
plant are discarded under the New MID Scenario                This paper discusses the transition to a sustain-
and replaced by a more sustainable alternative.           able energy future. After 2012, more ambitious
                                                          projects like photovoltaic parks or geothermal
4. Conclusion                                             power can be considered in the context of a long-
The maximum peak electricity demand will still            term energy master plan.
occur during week-days in summer, but in the                  To conclude, a holistic approach will have to be
morning rather than in the evening. Base and              adopted putting politics and economy in the service
Compromise scenarios for electricity supply have          of society and its environment. This is the essence
been proposed in the past based on overestimates          of the MID project.
of actual demand. DSM opens the way to a New
MID Scenario favouring energy efficiency and the
use of renewables.
     As a matter of fact, in spite of all the delays in   References
the installation of additional capacity, Mauritius has    Autrey J. C, Kong W.C and Lau A.T., (2006). A Strategy
not faced any catastrophic black-out yet. This is due        for Enhanced Bioenergy Production from Biomass,
to the grossly over-estimated forecasts, successful          April 2006 jsp/projects/Mauritius
DSM projects and lower economic growth. The                  %20Presentation.ppt (ac-cessed on 24th May 2010).
energy-intensive sectors like manufacturing industry      Assirvaden P (2010). Interview de P Assirvaden,
                                                                        .,                         .
                                                             President du CEB, Mauritius Times, 22 January
and agriculture are also regressing as the expense of
the services sector. Another factor that has helped
                                                          Badurally Adam N., Elahee, M.K. and Dauhoo M.Z.,
avoid blackouts, or even load- shedding, has been            (2009). On the Influence of Weather and Socio-
the overstretching of CEB facilities which is never          Economic Factors on the Peak Electricity Demand in
done without risk.                                           Mauritius, Proceedings of the World Academy of
     There is the possibility of stabilizing maximum         Science, Engineering and Technol-ogy, Volume 53,
peak demand – in fact, achieving a high plateau              Aug 2009, p406-417.
spread over several hours in the morning – at             Bahadoor Z., (2009). Energy Management: Impact of
around 400 MW by 2012. This will also bring the              Compact Fluorescent Lamps in Mauritius, B. Eng
capacity margin to +17 MW by 2012. Thereafter,               project report, Faculty of Engineering, University of
there will be an optimal use of available installed          Mauritius, April 2009.
capacity, both during peak and off-peak periods,          Bib C., (2009). CSG-Solidarity deposes to question pri-
resulting in a growth of between 2 to 3% of elec-            vatisation of power production and existing IPP
                                                             agreements in Mauritius,
tricity demand annually. The corresponding peak
                                                             news/viewinfo.php?recordid=15&recordid2 (Viewed
demand growth will be even less after 2012, partic-
                                                             on 24th May 2010).
ularly if the morning demand due to ventilation, air-
                                                          Central Electricity Board, Mauritius (CEB, 2008). CEB
conditioning and refrigeration is addressed proper-          Annual Report, 2008, p28.
ly. The capacity margin will also increase positively.    Central Electricity Board, Mauritius (CEB, 2003). CEB
     Such outcomes will require urgent action                Corporate Plan, 2003. http://ceb.intnet. mu/CEB/

14                                            Journal of Energy in Southern Africa • Vol 22 No 3 • August 2011
CorporateInfo/cplan0304.pdf (Viewed on 24th May              Energy Strategy 2009-2025, October 2009, p35.
    2010).                                              finalLTES.pdf (Ac-
Central Statistics Office, Republic of Mauritius (CSO,           cessed on 24th May 2010).
    2008a; CSO, 2008b), Energy and Water Statistics           Mauritius Research Council (MRC, 2010), Bringing out
    2008, p13.             Value from Deep Indian Ocean Water, www.
    gy.pdf (accessed on 24th May 2010).                             (Ac-
EconomyWatch, (2010). Mauritius Economics Stat-istics            cessed on 16th May 2010).
    and Indicators, economic-           Ramnarain N., (2009). Impact of daylight saving time on
    statistics/country/Mauritius/year-2012 (Accessed on          residential sector, B. Eng project report, Faculty of
    24th May 2010).                                              Engineering, University of Mauritius, April 2009.
Elahee, M.K., (2009). Impact of DST in Mauritius,
    Proceedings of the World Academy of Science,              Received 24 May 2010, revised 18 January 2011
    Engineering and Technology, Volume 53, Aug 2009,
    p 431-433.
Hansard, (2009a; Hansard, 2009b). Parliamentary
    Debates (Hansard, Mauritius), 30th May 2009, p3. (accessed on 24th
    May 2010).
Hansard, (2009c). Parliamentary Debates (Hansard,
    Mauritius), 7th December 2009, p56. www.mauri- (accessed on 24th May 2010).
Hansard, (2009d). Parliamentary Debates (Hansard,
    Mauritius), 30th May 2009, p3. www. mauri- (accessed on 24th May 2010).
Institute of Environment and Legal Studies (IELS, 2009).
    Dependre à 60% des energies renouvelables d’ici
    2025, dec20_copen-
    hagen.htm (Accessed on 24th May 2010).
Kassim, S.H. Energy Storage towards meeting the peak
    electricity demand in Mauritius, B. Eng (Hons)
    Mechanical Engineering dissertation, Faculty of
    Engineering, University of Mauritius, March 2010,
Maurice Ile Durable Fund, (MID, 2008). Maurice Ile
    Durable Objectives, p1
    file/ile.pdf (Accessed on 24th May 2010).
Mauritius Land Based Oceanic Park Ltd. (MLBOPL,
    (2009). Expression of Interest for Equity Participation
    In An Eco-Park Based On Deep Sea Water Air-
    Conditioning At Flic En Flac. MLBOPL, Mauritius.
Mauritius Labour Party (MLP 2010). Government
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Ministry of Finance and Economic Development,
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    Year       2010,     November      2009.
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Ministry of Renewable Energy and Public Utilities
    (Republic of Mauritius). MREPU, 2009. , Long Term

Journal of Energy in Southern Africa • Vol 22 No 3 • August 2011                                                    15
Outdoor testing of amorphous and crystalline silicon solar
panels at Thohoyandou

Eric Maluta

Vaithianathaswami Sankaran
University of Venda, South Africa

Abstract                                                     the community members generally resort to seeking
The use of solar panels is becoming one of the               advice from us about the use and the installation of
options for some of the rural communities in                 solar panels to generate electricity. It has become
Limpopo Province, South Africa, to get electrical            necessary to assist the rural community regarding
energy for their radio and television sets as the            the optimal use and the maintenance of the photo-
national grid may not reach them in the near future.         voltaic (PV) system that are usually available on the
Hence, dissemination of knowledge of how to use              market. To provide a meaningful suggestion to the
the solar devices and their maintenance is crucial           community, it is important to carry out field tests on
for these communities. This will be possible only if         the suitability of the panels. Effecting a successful
there is appropriate information available for the           comparison between two different types of PV
potential end-users, installers and extension work-          modules, would require the determination of their
ers. With this in mind, an attempt has been made to          outdoor performance at known irradiance and tem-
evaluate the performance of an amorphous and a               perature. For this purpose, we need to measure the
crystalline solar panel at our experimental site.            open circuit voltage (Voc) and short circuit current
Outdoor tests were conducted to measure solar                (Isc), which will in turn, lead to the measurement of
radiation, open-circuit voltage, short circuit current,      the output power of the modules. We will also
current-voltage (I-V) curve, fill-factor and conver-         require the current-voltage (I-V) characteristics of
sion efficiency and hence to compare the perform-            these modules to make a useful comparison of their
ance of the two types of panels. It was found that           efficiency.
both types give a satisfactory performance for the                The choice of a suitable PV module for a given
climate of this region.                                      location is generally guided by the actual energy
                                                             output under outdoor conditions, the validity of the
Keywords: Amorphous and crystalline silicon solar            data supplied by the manufacturer and the implica-
panels, solar radiation, peak power, I-V curve, con-         tions on cost of installations. Though the power out-
version efficiency, standard testing condition               put and the efficiency rating of the panel given by
                                                             the manufacture can be taken as the starting point,
                                                             it is important to test these panels under outdoor
                                                             conditions to access the validity of the data in a
                                                             given location.

1.        Introduction                                       2. Experimental considerations
In the north-eastern Limpopo, a large number of              The present study was carried out at Solar Research
villages are yet to be connected to the national elec-       Site situated at the University of Venda, Thohoyan-
tricity grid. People living in these villages opt for        dou, Limpopo Province, South Africa, latitude
solar panels to get power for their television and           22.95°S and longitude 30.48°E. The site has a
radio sets, which form a major source for accessing          Delta-T Weather Station Mast, which was used to
information from the regional communication sta-             obtain the solar radiation and the temperature data
tions about the events taking place in the country           during the performance of the study.
and the world at large. The University of Venda is a             In the present investigation an amorphous (a-Si)
tertiary institution situated in the rural area of the far   and a crystalline (c-Si) PV module are considered
north of the Limpopo Province in South Africa and            for evaluation and comparison. The module de-

16                                              Journal of Energy in Southern Africa • Vol 22 No 3 • August 2011
Table 1: Specifications of the solar panels
Specification                          Crystalline solar module                Amorphous solar module
Manufacturer                            Astropower (AP-7105)                   Unisolar ( US-42-001416)
Peak power (Pmax)                                 75W                                     45W
Maximum power current (Imp)                      4.4A                                    2.54A
Maximum power voltage (Vmp)                      17.0V                                   16.5V
Short-circuit current (Isc)                      4.8A                                    3.17A
Open-circuit voltage (Voc)                       21.0V                                   23.8V

scriptions and the manufacturer data are given in        (STC) (Treble, 1991).
Table 1.                                                     Module or array open-circuit voltage and mod-
     The area of cross-section of each of the module     ule cell temperature should be read concurrently,
is 0.63m2, so that the radiation (energy) falling on     since open-circuit voltage is a function of cell tem-
the panels at any given time of the day is almost the    perature. The module must be left in an open-circuit
same. The modules were purchased in South                condition for a minimum of 15 minutes prior to the
Africa.                                                  taking of the open-circuit voltage reading to ensure
     In order to evaluate the performance of the two     representative cell temperature reading (Markvart,
panels under consideration, the solar radiation data     1994). Modules or arrays can contain cells, which
as well as the I-V curves are essential. Data Logger     vary significantly in temperature throughout the
(Delta-T 2000) was used to measure the radiation         module due to hot spot heating, caused by cracked
falling on the experimental location and to measure      cells, mismatched cell or cell shading. Short-circuit
the temperature (daily and ambient temperature),         currents should be measured immediately after the
while the DS tracer (DS Tracer 1996) was used to         measurement of open-circuit voltage so that the test
record an I-V curve by varying the electrical imped-     conditions are nearly identical (Markvart, 1994).
ance connected across the PV arrays terminals.           Readings of the short-circuit current and irradiance
Varying the impedance from zero to infinity causes       must be made concurrently to minimize errors. The
the array operating point to change from Isc to Voc.     input signal (current-voltage to the DS Tracer) can
When the module is connected, the DS-Tracer              also be used to calibrate the DS Tracer for radiation
accomplishes the impedance change through its            and temperature. The input signals provide neces-
operating range and presents a set of current and        sary details and after calibration they will be dis-
voltage values that form the I-V curves.                 played along with the I-V curve (DS Tracer 1996).
     For designing and predicting the potential of any   The calibration of the temperature can be carried
solar appliances at a location, we need monthly          out by recording the ambient temperature of the
average daily solar radiation data on a horizontal       panel using a thermometer and the details provided
surface. The operation and performance of PV             could be utilized to get the temperature data on the
modules mainly depend on system configuration            curve. Apart from those methods, the temperature
and weather conditions. Furthermore, the module          of the solar cell can be determined by the equilibri-
temperature and solar irradiance determine the           um between the sun’s radiation, the energy con-
module’s operational curve and the coupling of the       verted to electrical energy and the energy re-radiat-
PV modules. In addition, the system components           ed to cold space (Krishna et al., 2009)
determine where a system will operate on the PV
operational curve (Hecktheuer et al. 2004). It is        3. Results and discussion
desirable to operate a system near the maximum           It is a generally accepted fact that the performance
power producing point on the module’s operational        of crystalline silicon solar cells varies from location
curve either at all times (during the sunshine hours)    to location (Lund et al., 2001). This variation is
or during worst-case operation condition (Fitz-          caused by the difference in irradiation at different
patrick, 2004).                                          locations, together with spectral response of the
     The outdoor conditions under which a PV mod-        solar cell, temperature effects, etc. For solar cells
ule is exposed are likely to be varying from the con-    with a wide band gap (amorphous silicon solar cell)
ditions stipulated by the manufacturer. Hence, the       it was observed that no long-term light induced
module may not perform at the desired points on          degradation exists in the recent modules
the I-V curve in order to harness the maximum            (Gottschalg et al., 2004). Lund et al., have studied
expected output. Commercially available PV mod-          the stability of the amorphous silicon modules
ule rating and operating parameters are provided         under outdoor conditions and reported that the effi-
with respect to the standards of American Society        ciency of the amorphous solar cell is stabilized after
for Testing Materials (ASTM) at Standard Reporting       the initial degradation. It was also deduced that
Condition (SRC) or Standard Testing Conditions           under the actual working conditions the amorphous

Journal of Energy in Southern Africa • Vol 22 No 3 • August 2011                                             17
solar cell could generate electrical power more          Commercially available panels are rated with a
steadily compared with the crystalline solar cell        peak power, but it should be noted that generally
(Lund et al. 2001).                                      this peak power (observed maximum powers) will
                                                         not be harnessed since the factory testing condition
                                                         and the outdoor conditions are not similar. The
                                                         observed maximum powers for the crystalline and
                                                         amorphous modules for different months are given
                                                         in Table 2. Though the sunshine duration is about
                                                         10 hours on a sunny day at the experimental site,
                                                         readings are only presented from 10H00 to 15H00.
                                                             From Table 2, it can be noted that the observed
                                                         maximum power increases until it reaches a maxi-
                                                         mum at mid-day and drops as it moves to the
                                                         evening. It is observed that a maximum of 60W is
                                                         obtained for crystalline against the rated value of
                                                         75W and 33W for amorphous against the rated
 Figure 1: Solar radiation at 12H00 for a period         value of 45W (Maluta & Sankaran. 2007). The vari-
                   of one year                           ation in the observed maximum power is more in
                                                         crystalline module.
3.1 Solar radiation characteristics and peak                 It may also be seen that the observed maximum
power                                                    power variation from the average value does not
For the evaluation and assessment of the perform-        vary significantly in the case of amorphous. In this
ance of a photovoltaic module at a given location,       work, we have compared the variation by looking
it is necessary to get an overview of the solar radia-   at the difference between the hourly observed max-
tion characteristics. Measurements of solar radiation    imum powers for each month. It can be observed
at different times of the day during a period of one     from the data that the variations of the crystalline
year were made. Figure 1 represents the radiation at     and amorphous for the whole year are almost simi-
12H00 for different months under study at the            lar in magnitude. These results are consistent with
experimental site. It can be seen that an average        earlier results observed for amorphous PV
maximum per month of 870 W/m2 was measured               (Gottschlag et al., 2004).
on a horizontal plane.
     Peak power is the maximum power, which is           3.2 I-V characteristics
generated by a solar panel in full sunshine.             The other important electrical characteristics of a

              Table 2: Observed maximum power for crystalline and amorphous PV modules

              Observed maximum power for                             Observed maximum power for
                crystalline module (in W)1                            amorphous module (in W)2
                Time of the day(in –H00)                               Time of the day(in –H00)
         10      11       12   13      14      15               10     11      12      13     14        15
Jul      39      46       48   42      38      36               19     26      26      25     24        20
Aug      46      47       52   48      47      45               21     27      29      27     24        23
Sep      49      54       55   55      52      48               23     29      30      29     26        25
Oct      50      55       57   54      51      50               25     29      31      28     27        26
Nov      52      55       59   53      52      50               28     30      32      29     28        26
Dec      52      58       60   56      53      50               28     31      33      29     28        25
Jan      54      55       58   53      52      50               27     29      32      28     27        25
Feb      48      50       55   51      45      43               27     28      30      28     26        24
Mar      48      50       54   47      46      44               25     26      29      27     26        21
Apr      44      49       53   51      50      46               24     26      28      27     26        25
May      44      48       51   50      46      45               23     27      28      26     25        23
Jun      43      46       49   44      42      41               20     28      27      25     25        23
1. The maximum rated output power for crystalline (c-Si) module is 75W.
2. The maximum rated output power for amorphous (a-Si) module is 45W (the data was taken from July 2003 until
   June 2004)

18                                           Journal of Energy in Southern Africa • Vol 22 No 3 • August 2011
module are, short-circuit current (Isc), open-circuit
                                                          voltage (Voc) and maximum power point (Pmax). A
                                                          few sample curves obtained in the present study are
                                                          given in Figure 2. Maximum power is generated at
                                                          only one point on the I-V curve, at about the ‘knee’
                                                          of the curve, which represents the maximum effi-
                                                          ciency of the solar device in converting sunlight into
                                                               The maximum Voc obtained for amorphous
   Figure 2A1: for c-Si        Figure 2A1: for a-Si       solar panel is about 21.78V, whereas for the crys-
      module (Oct)                module (Oct)            talline solar panel the maximum Voc obtained is
                                                          19.83V both in the month of December, when we
                                                          get the maximum radiation. The open-circuit volt-
                                                          age increases with an increase in the incident radia-
                                                          tion and time of the day. It can be noted from Table
                                                          3 that the values of Voc during mid-day for the
                                                          entire period of study for both modules do not vary
                                                               Though variations in the values of the open-cir-
                                                          cuit voltage of an amorphous module and crys-
                                                          talline module are very small, it is noted that the Voc
   Figure 2A1: for c-Si        Figure 2A1: for a-Si       is nearly the same for the amorphous module from
      module (Nov)                module (Nov)            September to June. The maximum value for Isc,
                                                          obtained for amorphous solar panel is 2.736A,
                                                          while the maximum value for Isc obtained for the
                                                          crystalline panel is 4.566A. It is interesting to note
                                                          that these maximum values are recorded in
                                                          December 2003.
                                                               A sample curve of the variation of Isc with the
                                                          irradiation data collected for the month of May in
                                                          the present study is given in Figure 5. It may be
                                                          observed from this figure that as the irradiation
                                                          increases the short circuit current also increases.
   Figure 2A1: for c-Si        Figure 2A1: for a-Si       This observation is concurrent with the observation
      module (Dec)                module (Dec)            that the current generated by the solar energy is
                                                          proportional to the flux of photon with above-band-
Figure 2: Sample I-V curves for c-Si (crystalline)        gap energy. This is because the irradiance increases
 and a-Si (amorphous) modules for the months              in the same proportion of the photon flux, which, in
   of October, November and December, 2003                turn, generates a proportionately higher current

              Table 3: Open-circuit voltage and short circuit voltage for both crystalline
                                and amorphous solar cells at 12H00
            Radiation (Wm-2)                      Crystalline                           Amorphous
                                        Voc (V)             Isc (A)                Voc (V)      Isc (A)
Jul 2003           460                  19.00               3.552                  20.50        2.136
Aug 2003           500                  19.30               4.268                  21.78        2.220
Sep 2003           513                  19.37               4.180                  21.25        2.443
Oct 2003           500                  19.42               4.468                  21.59        2.642
Nov 2003           810                  19.78               4.542                  21.50        2.549
Dec 2003           870                  19.83               4.566                  21.10        2.736
Jan 2004           801                  19.58               4.540                  21.08        2.478
Feb 2004           792                  19.32               4.455                  21.70        2.378
Mar 2004           500                  19.75               4.345                  21.57        2.565
Apr 2004           510                  19.54               4.435                  21.56        2.363
May 2004           533                  19.20               4.260                  21.50        2.400
Jun 2004           490                  19.30               3.752                  21.70        2.236

Journal of Energy in Southern Africa • Vol 22 No 3 • August 2011                                              19
(Markvart, 1994). It must be noted that in this work,     increases. It can be seen from equation (1), that as
only the solar radiation on a horizontal surface have     the irradiation increases the parameters in the
been considered. Other factors such as the differ-        numerator also increase and we generally expect an
ence in the spectral responses to irradiance at vary-     increase in the conversion efficiency. As stated by
ing incidence angle, and to irradiance of varying         Dinçer et al., the effect of increase in the cell tem-
spectral composition are not considered.                  perature also play a role on the conversion efficien-
                                                          cy as Voc will decrease at high cell temperature
                                                          (Dinçer et al., 20101). However, the increase in the
                                                          open-circuit voltage and hence the peak power, is
                                                          not remarkable while the irradiation increases.
                                                          Hence, it is generally expected that the conversion
                                                          efficiency decreases as the irradiation increases
                                                          (Gottschalg et al., 2004; Markvart, 1994 & Stone,
                                                              As evident from Figures 4 and 5, a similar trend
 Figure 3A: Variation of ISC versus irradiation           is observed in our calculation. The average conver-
         for May 2004 for c-Si module                     sion efficiency of the crystalline module during our
                                                          present study is 15.3 whereas the amorphous mod-
                                                          ule conversion efficiency is 8. These values com-
                                                          pare favourably with the generally expected values
                                                          which are approximately 15-17 for crystalline mod-
                                                          ules and approximately 5-7 for amorphous mod-
                                                          ules (Valizadeh 2001; Graham & Ficher 1994).

 Figure 3B: Variation of ISC versus irradiation
         for May 2004 for a-Si module

3.3 Conversion efficiency
The conversion efficiency of a solar cell is the per-
centage of the solar energy shining on a PV device
that is converted into electrical energy. The efficien-
cy of energy conversion is still low, thus requiring
large areas for sufficient insulation and raising con-
cern about unfavourable ratios of energies required
for cell production versus energy collected (Dinçer            Figure 4: Conversion efficiency of the
et al., 20101). Thus, not all energy from sunlight         crystalline and amorphous module at different
reaching a PV cell is converted into electricity. This        times of the day (July 2003–June 2004)
may be due to the reflection and scattering of solar
radiation in the afternoon and also the increase in
the cell temperature (Dinçer et al., 20101). Hence,       3.4 Transposing to standard testing
there is an increase in the amount of light reflected     condition
away from the cell surface. Therefore, minimizing         Commercially available solar panels generally list
the amount of light reflected away from the cell’s        the data for short-circuit current, open-circuit volt-
surface can increase the module’s conversion effi-        age at standard test condition (STC). When these
ciency.                                                   modules are exposed to the outdoor conditions at
    The conversion efficiency can be computed             an experimental site, it is generally not possible to
using the following relation (Markvart, 1994):            get the same values for the module parameters.
                                                          Obviously the irradiation and temperature of the
                                                   (1)    modules will not remain constant. Hence, an
                                                          attempt was made to transpose the values of Voc
                                                          and Isc obtained in the present investigation to the
The fill factor (FF), short-circuit current (Isc) and     STC. For this purpose, the following two equations
open-circuit voltage (Voc) increase as the irradiation    (Hammond Backsus, 1994) were used.

20                                            Journal of Energy in Southern Africa • Vol 22 No 3 • August 2011
i.                                                   (2)    obtained using the conversion equations to trans-
                                                            pose the measured values of open-circuit voltage
                                                            and short-circuit current to STC did not compare
                                                            well with the manufacturers’ value at low irradiation
                                                            levels. The results of the peak power and conver-
ii.                                                  (3)    sion efficiency measurements suggest that, with
                                                            proper installation and maintenance, both these
                                                            modules can be used by rural communities for cli-
where ns is number of series cells, Tc is measured          mate in this region.
Temperature in 0C, Voc is the open circuit voltage,
Isc is the short circuit current and G is the measured
irradiance.                                                 References
     The difference between transposed values and           Delta-T Data Logger Dl2e, 2002, user manual, ver-
the manufacturer values are presented as ∆Voc and               sion 2.02.
∆Isc for both amorphous and crystalline panels for          Dinçer F. and Meral M. E. (2010). Critical Factors
different radiation in Table 4. It can be seen that the         that Affect Efficiency of Solar Cells, Smart Grid
difference is minimum when the radiation is high.               and Renewable Energy, Vol. 1, p 47-50.
The difference between the manufacturer’s value             DS Tracer, 1996, I-V curve user manual, Daystar
and the transposed values of Isc are significant for
                                                            Fitzpatrick, S. (2004). A method for predicting PV
the values of irradiance less than 600 W/m2.
                                                                Module and Array Performance at other than
     From the results of the present investigation, it is       Standard Reporting Conditions, North Carolina
noted that the equations (2) and (3) need some                  Solar Centre, NC 27695-7401.
modification for the type of modules under study            Gottschalg, R., Belts T. R., Williams, S. R., Sauter,
and also for the present location as these equations            D., Infield D.G. and Kearney M.J. (2004). A crit-
are developed for the northern hemisphere. We                   ical appraisal of factors affecting energy produc-
hope that due to the irradiation level and ambient              tion from Amorphous Silicon Photovoltaic
temperature, latitude and climate, there will be a              Arrays in Maritime Climate, Centre for Renew-
difference between the Northern and Southern                    able energy system technology, www.ati.survey.
                                                            Graham, W. R. and Ficher, J. E., (1994). Compari-
4. Conclusions                                                  son of single-crystalline, poly-crystalline and
A close perusal of the measured values of open-cir-             amorphous silicon materials for solar cells, MSE
cuit voltage and short-circuit current for crystalline
and amorphous modules reveals that these values
                                                            Hammond, R.L., and Backsus, C.E. (1994). Photo-
are very close to the values given by the manufac-              voltaic System testing, Renewable Energy, Vol.
turer under STC. However, in the crystalline mod-               5, part 1, p 268-274.
ule the variation is more prominent in comparison           Hecktheuer, L.A., Krenzinger, A. and Prieb, C.W.M.
with an amorphous module. The fill factor and the               (2002). Methodology for Photovoltaic Modules
sharpness of the I-V curves are almost similar for the          Characterization and Shading Effects Analysis,
crystalline and amorphous modules. The results                  J. Braz.Soc.Mech.Sci, Vol. 24 No 1.

        Table 4: Difference between the transposed Voc and Isc from the manufacturer values
               Radiation (Wm-2)           Amorphous solar cell                    Crystalline solar cell
                                         ∆ Voc (V)     ∆ Isc (A)                  ∆ Voc (V)       ∆ Isc (A)
Jul 2003               460                 1.75         1.473                       1.53           2.767
Aug 2003               500                 1.47         1.270                       1.23           3.736
Sep 2003               513                 1.98         1.592                       1.12           3.723
Oct 2003               590                 1.65         1.308                       1.09           4.136
Nov 2003               810                 1.64         0.023                       0.64           0.810
Dec 2003               870                 1.64         0.025                       0.56           0.450
Jan 2004               801                 1.51         0.080                       0.87           0.868
Feb 2004               792                 1.48         0.167                       1.15           0.825
Mar 2004               500                 1.60         1.960                       0.70           3.890
Apr 2004               510                 1.64         1.463                       0.94           3.896
May 2004               533                 1.76         1.333                       1.30           3.192
Jun 2004               490                 1.79         1.393                       1.24           2.920

Journal of Energy in Southern Africa • Vol 22 No 3 • August 2011                                               21
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  • 1. Sponsored by the Department of Science & Technology This journal is accredited by the South African Department of Education for university subsidy purposes. It is abstracted and indexed in Environment Abstract, Index to South African Periodicals, and the Nexus Database System. The journal has also been selected into the Science Citation Index Expanded by Thomson Reuters, and coverage begins Volume 22 Number 3 • August 2011 from Volume 19 No 1. Editor CONTENTS Richard Drummond Editorial board 2 Dissemination of solar water heaters in Mr J A Basson South Africa Energy consultant Keh-Chin Chang, Wei-Min Lin, Greg Ross Profesor K F Bennett and Kung-Ming Chung Energy Research Centre, University of Cape Town Professor A A Eberhard 8 The challenges and potential options to Graduate School of Business, University of Cape Town meet the peak electricity demand in Dr S Lennon Mauritius Managing Director (Resources & Strategy Division), Eskom Khalil Elahee Mr P W Schaberg 16 Outdoor testing of amorphous and Sasol Oil Research and Development crystalline silicon solar panels at Thohoyandou Administration and subscriptions Ms Ann Steiner Eric Maluta and Vaithianathaswami Sankaran Annual subscriptions 2011 (four issues) 23 Renewable energy, poverty alleviation and Individuals (Africa): R160 (single copy R51) Individuals (beyond Africa): US$109 (single copy US$39) developing nations: Evidence from Senegal Corporate (Africa): R321 (single copy R103) Djiby Racine Thiam Corporate (beyond Africa): US$218 (single copy US$77) 35 The impact of health behaviour change Cost includes VAT and airmail postage. intervention on indoor air pollution Cheques should be made payable to the University of Cape Town and sent to the address given below. indicators in the rural North West Province, South Africa Enquiries may be directed to: The Editor, Journal of Energy in Southern Africa, Brendon Barnes, Angela Mathee and Energy Research Centre, University of Cape Town, Elizabeth Thomas Private Bag, Rondebosch 7701, South Africa Tel: +27 (021) 650 3894 45 Experimental study on heat and mass Fax: +27 (021) 650 2830 transfer for heating milk E-mail: Mahesh Kumar, K S Kasana, Sudhir Kumar Website: and Om Prakash It is the policy of the Journal to publish papers covering the technical, economic, policy, environmental and social aspects of energy research and development carried out in, or relevant to, South Africa. Only previously unpublished work will be 54 Details of authors accepted; conference papers delivered but not published 56 Forthcoming energy and energy-related elsewhere are also welcomed. Short comments, not conferences and courses: 2011–2012 exceeding 500 words, on articles appearing in the Journal are invited. Relevant items of general interest, news, statistics, technical notes, reviews and research results will also be included, as will announcements of recent publications, reviews, conferences, seminars and meetings. Those wishing to submit contributions should refer to the guidelines given on the inside back cover. The Editorial Committee does not accept responsibility for viewpoints or opinions expressed here, or the correctness of facts and figures. © Energy Research Centre ISSN 1021 447X
  • 2. Dissemination of solar water heaters in South Africa Keh-Chin Chang Energy Research Centre, National Cheng Kung University Wei-Min Lin Department of Business of Administration, Tainan University of Technology Greg Ross Institute of International Management, National Cheng Kung University Kung-Ming Chung Energy Research Centre, National Cheng Kung University Abstract Introduction Global concern over a looming energy crisis, water The level of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions tak- scarcity and man-made climate change are driving a ing place today is staggering and unprecedented. huge demand for clean technologies, which focus Many scientists, geologists and academics believe on preserving the earth’s resources. In South Africa, that global warming and climate change have the economy is very energy-intensive with coal indeed reached their tipping point. In particular, the being the main national energy supply. In view of level and momentum of polar ice sheet degradation the growing depletion of fossil fuel, it is important has stunned scientists. Applications of renewable for South Africa to adopt a more sustainable energy energy technologies represent an opportunity for mix. This study examines the potential for wide- systemic change. They have the potential to spread dissemination of solar water heaters (SWHs) empower governments and individuals to con- in South Africa. Barriers and constraints to market tribute to mitigate climate change, while at the same expansion are analyzed to determine strategies for time facilitate employment and skill creation. overcoming these barriers. It is found that payback Among the applications, solar water heating is a rel- period of a SWH is shorter than the life-span of the atively simple technology which has been around system itself, indicating that SWHs are economical- for over fifty years but has demonstrated tremen- ly viable even with low production cost of electrici- dous potential in reducing the level of GHG emis- ty and thus represent a profitable investment propo- sions. Thus, SWHs are rapidly becoming an integral sition for end users, manufacturers and distributors. part of worldwide measures to combat the effects of However, the subsidy programs offered by the gov- climate change. In 2008, the total capacity in oper- ernment of South Africa may not be sufficient to ation worldwide was 150 683 MWth, which corre- facilitate diffusion. This is attributed to the high ini- sponded to 215 262,126 m2 of solar collector tial capital cost of the system and low affordability of installed (Weiss et al., 2010). the majority of the South Africa population with low Since South Africa is located in the subtropical income. Alternative financing mechanisms are belt between latitude 22°S and 34°S, there is abun- required. dant sunshine throughout the year. It has one of the highest insolation rates in the world, between 4.5 Keywords: solar water heater, South Africa, subsidy kWh/m2 and 6.5 kWh/m2, and receives about 2 500 hours of sunshine a year (over 300 days of sunshine per year in some provinces) (Munzhedzi et al., 2009). This high level of solar radiation enables solar water heating to be the least-cost method of meeting the national target for increased use of renewable energy technologies. However, it is known that SWHs are more expensive than con- ventional forms of hot water production by lique- 2 Journal of Energy in Southern Africa • Vol 22 No 3 • August 2011
  • 3. fied petroleum gas (LPG), natural gas or electricity. 2009, the accessibility was at a high of 91.7% in the Support mechanisms such as subsidies have the Free State (the second smallest province in number effect of shortening the payback period, which of households) and a low of 69.8% in the Eastern would make the investment more attractive and Cape (the third largest province in number of therefore increase the likelihood of adoption. households). Note that 13.5% of households also This study utilized complementary elements of had their electricity cut because of non-payment. In both desk and field research. Data was acquired addition, electricity consumption in South African through review of literature including journal households accounts for approximately 35% of papers, official publications and websites. In addi- peak demand with hot water production constitut- tion, a field survey was conducted using telephone ing 40% of that (Lumba et al., 2010). To alleviate calls followed up by e-mail questionnaires to the burden on the national grid, Eskom launched a approximately 20 SWH-related parties in South Demand Side Management Program in 2006. This Africa, including manufacturers such as Suntank program, which is to facilitate a more sustainable (Pty) Ltd, Solar Heat Exchangers cc, Genersys energy mix, focuses on reducing electricity demand South Africa, Solar Harvest (Pty) Ltd, Kwikot (Pty) by 3 000 MW by 2012, and a further 5 000 MW by Ltd amongst others, as well as governmental and 2025. non-governmental institutions such as the Department of Energy, the Central Energy Fund (CEF), the Sustainable Energy Society of South National policy of South Africa on SWHs Africa (SESSA) and Eskom. The survey aims to The government’s White Paper on Renewable gain an in-depth understanding of barriers to wide- Energy Policy (2003) has supported the establish- spread dissemination of SWHs in South Africa. ment of renewable energy technologies, targeting Possible dissemination drivers are also proposed, the provision of 10 000 GWh of electricity (or 4% of which would assist policy-makers in formulating projected electricity demand) from renewable effective countermeasures and strategies. resources by 2013. SWHs could contribute up to 23% of this target. Note that currently less than 1% Energy situation in South Africa of electricity generated in the country originates The South African economy is very energy-inten- from renewable energy technologies (Visagie et al., sive and is dominated by the mining and manufac- 2006). According to the latest report by the turing industries. The country uses a large amount International Energy Agency (IEA), Weiss et al. of energy for every unit of output, requiring 0.24 (2010) mentioned that the total collector area tons of oil equivalent to produce US$1 000 of GDP installed and operating in South Africa was 975 360 at purchasing power parity. Energy efficiency is thus m2 by the end of 2008 and the total capacity of all a crucial part of energy planning. Further, the these systems combined was 682.8 MWth. national energy supply in South Africa has been It is considered that the delivery of SWHs could dominated by coal, which contributes to about 70% potentially reduce the overall national energy of the primary energy supply and 92% of electricity demand and the load at critical peak times of the production (Winkler et al., 2006). Between 2002 day in South Africa. The SWH industry, however, is and 2006, South Africa alone raised its coal pro- faced with constraints in terms of standardization, duction by more than half the world’s increase in awareness, affordability and financing which the equivalent volume or primary energy from impede widespread dissemination. In particular, the other forms of new renewable energy since 1990 high upfront capital cost of a system is of great con- (Jefferson, 2008). However, the reliance on coal cerns. Thus, there is a significant body of knowl- has resulted in high levels of GHG emission (379 edge in both industry and academia to support the million tons of carbon dioxide equivalent per year, modelling and development of SWHs in South or 8.61 tons per capita) (Banks et al., 2006 ), mak- Africa. In 2003, SolaSure (the solar water heating ing South Africa one of the top 20 GHG emitters in division, SESSA) was established for the delivery of the world. Moreover, Winkler et al. (2006) predict- services in the SWH industry. Several task groups ed that future energy demand in South Africa will were initiated to address the following: (1) quality double by the year 2050. This magnitude of expan- control and testing; (2) standards and testing facili- sion in energy demand is neither feasible nor sus- ties/procedures; (3) marketing and membership; (4) tainable. The state-owned power utility, Eskom, interaction with Eskom; (5) research and develop- would no longer have excess capacity it had and is ment; and (6) interaction with international bodies struggling to keep up with peak demand, not to (Visagie et al., 2006). The CEF also assisted mention the great impact of fossil fuel consumption SolaSure in executing these tasks. Some initiatives on the natural environment. were made to develop the skill base of the industry. While electricity generated from coal in South These included in-house training by individual Africa is among the cheapest in the world, its acces- companies and Eskom, and national programs sibility is still a problem for many of its citizens. In granted by the Energy Sector Education and Journal of Energy in Southern Africa • Vol 22 No 3 • August 2011 3
  • 4. Training Authority (ESETA). lectors have always been 20%-30% those of Since SWHs have considerable potential to unglazed solar collectors, as shown in Figure 1. leverage electricity savings and reduce GHG emis- Presumably it was because unglazed solar collectors sions, some promotion programs were initiated by have been used mainly in luxury swimming pool some local governments, such as the Kuyasa low- applications. In 2008, the area of solar collector cost housing project, the Johannesburg Climate installed was about 100 000 m2 and 21 000 m2 for Legacy SWH project at Oude Molen, and the unglazed and glazed solar collectors, respectively. Driftsands SWH housing project (Visagie et al., However, a greater impact on sales of unglazed 2006). Further, Eskom has granted rebates of up to solar collectors could be expected due to the recent 30% (the maximum incentive amount at ZAR 5 economic recession. Furthermore, the size of glazed 000) on accredited systems since 2008. Under the solar collector systems (domestic SWHs) is linked to current initiative, each system is measured and allo- a hot water usage profile and the number of people cated an amount of rebate calculated according to living in a household. Since electric auxiliary heat- the energy footprint measured by the South African ing is usually not available in all areas, Holm (2005) Bureau of Standards (SABS). To receive rebates, indicated that a weighted national average would homeowners must take delivery of systems by offi- require 4.69 m2 of solar collector installed per cial Eskom suppliers. To become an official Eskom household. This corresponds to the major market supplier one must offer a five-year guarantee, have share of 200-litre SWHs (68%) in South Africa. In a proven track record of viability, a certificate from 2009, the number of households was estimated to the SABS and a membership with SESSA. It is be about 13 812 000 (SSA, 2010). For the poten- noted the application process still foresees to have tial SWH demand, this would create a demand of the customer pay the full cost of the system upfront about 64.8 million square metres (100% market and claim the rebate thereafter. In 2010, Eskom penetration) or 19.4 million square metres (30% announced an increase in rebates for high-pressure market penetration). However, for the real potential solar thermal systems. The aim of this new program SWH market in South Africa, the dissemination is to encourage as many South Africans as possible barriers (such as affordability) should be further to move away from electric geysers (4.2 million in taken into account. the country), and replace them with SWHs (76 873 operating units in 2009). Residential homeowners or tenants could be granted a cash rebate of up to ZAR 12 500. This would make SWHs more afford- able to consumers, particularly for the rapid emer- gence of a non-white middle class. SWH market A questionnaire survey was conducted by Eskom (2009). It intended to gather technical, financial and operational information about the SWH industry in South Africa. Although there are over 100 suppliers in SESSA, only 39 suppliers gave some inputs to the process, revealing that many of the suppliers Figure 1: Area of solar collector installed per were not active. From the historical data of the annum SWH industry, significant growth took place during Source: IEA the periods 1979-1983 and 2005-2008. The area of solar collector installed hit the 100 000 m2 mark in Dissemination barriers 2008. However, the growth was accommodated by Dissemination of SWHs in South Africa is associat- the industry with very little additional capital equip- ed with a number of factors, which include corpo- ment apart from additional warehousing space for rate social responsibility (GHG emission and global companies importing SWHs. climate change), consumer awareness (supporting In the South African market, both glazed and education and information programs), economic unglazed flat-plate solar collectors have been adopt- considerations (financial incentives, cost of electric- ed for most SWHs. Domestic manufacturers can ity, capital cost, income and expenditure), technical meet about 60% of the local demand in 2009. The support (training program, quality assurance and evacuated tube solar collectors, which are mainly standards), strategic marketing (brand image and imported from China and Germany, came on to the entire value chain) and regulations (housing proj- market in 2005 and only accounted for slightly over ect) (Visagie et al., 2006; Eskom, 2009). In particu- 5% sales of glazed solar collectors. For the relation- lar, the economic feasibility of SWHs is considered ship between glazed and unglazed solar collectors, vital for market expansion. For income sources, a remarkable fact is that the sales of glazed solar col- most households in South Africa are dependent on 4 Journal of Energy in Southern Africa • Vol 22 No 3 • August 2011
  • 5. salaries (a low of 49.1% in Eastern Cape and a high performance tests for SWHs with specified condi- of 76.6% in Western Cape). However, grants also tions and apparatus. The SWH performance indi- constituted another major income source. The cator is given as the ratio of incoming solar energy national average was 43.7% in 2009 (a low of on solar collector area and useful heat absorbed by 28.9% in Gauteng and a high of 57.7% in a SWH. SWH products bearing the SABS Limpopo). In some provinces (Eastern Cape, Approved Mark meet the required quality and min- Limpopo, Northern Cape and Free State), grants imum performance. Further, thermal performance were the main source of income for many house- of a SWH should be associated with quality of solar holds (SSA, 2010). collectors. However, there are no South African Sidiras and Koukios (2004) pointed out that one standards for quality testing of solar collectors at this of the major dissemination barriers for SWHs moment. This could be a serious obstacle in devel- among households is other investment priorities. If oping solar collector products for both local and the capital cost is less than a specific fraction of fam- international markets. In addition, it is important to ily income, the household might be willing to invest increase knowledge related to SWHs. Skill training in the purchase of a SWH. In South Africa, expen- workshops for local SWH manufacturers and diture on housing, transport and food dominated installers are required for quality products and household consumption (close to 60% of the total), installation. especially for low-income households which allocat- ed a higher proportion of their expenditure to food, Financial analysis non-alcoholic beverages, clothing and footwear As mentioned, the local market of SWHs in South (SSA, 2008). Thus, a high initial capital cost of a Africa has been mainly impeded by the financial SWH would be the biggest hurdle to market expan- barrier. The potential for widespread dissemination sion. Visagie and Prasad (2006) indicated that the of SWHs is essentially associated with economic housing plans made by the government of South profitability. Under this circumstance, some lesions Africa should include extra grant for SWH installa- can be learned from Taiwan market development. tion. Then SWHs could become affordable to the Indeed, the well orchestrated and concerted efforts poor and fitted in new housing as well as retrofitted (the long-term subsidy programs, 1986-1991, in old ones. The Clean Development Mechanism 2000-present) put forward by the government of (CDM) also provides a financing mechanism. This Taiwan have played a significant role in market could potentially make SWHs more accessible to expansion of SWHs during the last few decades the less well-off majority of the population (Chang et al., 2011). Furthermore, payback period Chang et al. (2009) indicated that the ownership is considered a critical element in the consumer and architectural type of buildings would limit the adoption decision process. In this study, a net ener- space available for SWH installation. Apartments gy analysis for SWHs by Sidiras and Koukios and community housing are the major types of (2004) was adopted, in which the payback period is housing in urban Taiwan. It would be difficult to calculated using the balance between the present- install a standalone SWH in those types of build- time cost of the system (initial plus yearly costs ings. In South Africa, the full and partial ownership including operation, repair and maintenance), and of housing were 56.0% and 10.9% in 2009, respec- the benefits from conventional energy savings with tively; with 20.9% of the households being rented reference to the present time. For the initial capital (SSA, 2010). In terms of type of dwelling, most cost, the estimated unit price of a SWH (Eskom, houses were built with bricks (63.5%) or traditional 2009) is shown in Figure 2. materials (10.2%); and SWHs can thus be installed on the roof of houses. Furthermore, it is also known that there are many informal housing settlements with a single water tap situated outside in South Africa. This would be a significant barrier. To reinforce a product’s intrinsic features in South Africa, the SABS has issued the SABS Approved Mark. An independent certification is conducted by a third party. Thus, the mark is con- sidered a highly recognizable symbol of credibility and a powerful marketing tool. For SWHs, estab- lishment of a standard is also one of the key factors contributing to a positive acceptance of the con- sumers. South African standard (SANS 6211- 2:2003) is in compliance with the existing local and Figure 2: Unit price of SWHs international standards, which includes one-day Source: Eskom (2009) outdoor and three one-day indoor basic thermal Journal of Energy in Southern Africa • Vol 22 No 3 • August 2011 5
  • 6. As can be seen the average unit price increases with Thus, the Government of South Africa should lead tank size, particularly for the 300-litre system. This by example and have government buildings fitted is not consistent with the study by Chang et al. with SWHs, to encourage the general populace to (2009), in which the unit price of a SWH decreases adopt. The installation of SWHs should be made with a larger area of solar collectors installed. Then mandatory in all housing being constructed by the in terms of cost breakdown, Holm (2005) indicated government. that the local manufacturers were reluctant to share information. However, the average price of a glazed solar collector system in South Africa was estimated to be 3 736 ZAR/m2. Materials and labour account- Acknowledgements ed for 31.2% and 16% of the price, respectively. In Special thanks go to Mr. John Murray (former Vice- addition, the cost of distribution, installation and President of Newbridge Telecommunications Networks) maintenance of systems represented almost a third for his kind assistance in this study. Sincere thanks also go of the total installation cost. to Andrew Janisch, Sustainable Energy Society of South The benefit of using a SWH (output energy of Africa (SESSA), for providing essential data on SWHs in solar collectors) instead of traditional alternatives South Africa. This work was also supported by the (fuel price) can be realized in terms of the monetary Bureau of Energy, Ministry of Economic Affairs, Republic value of electricity saving. In South Africa, the aver- of China. age annual domestic electricity consumption for hot water heating was about 3 400 kWh. With the solar insolation and sunshine duration taken into References account, there could be about 60% of hot water Banks, D. and Schaffler J. (2006), The potential production (approximately 2 000 kWh) covered by contribution of renewable energy in South SWHs (Ross, 2010). However, due to low electrici- Africa, Sustainable Energy and Climate Change ty cost, the yearly benefit is estimated to be only Project (SECCP). about ZAR 1 100. Furthermore, the discount rate Chang, K.C., Lin, W.M., Lee, T.S. and Chung, K.M. (2009), Local market of solar water heaters in (cost of system less discount by subsidy or tax Taiwan: Review and perspectives, Renewable rebate) and inflation rate could be also included in and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Vol. 13, 2605- the payback period calculation (Sidiras et al., 2612. 2004). Ross (2010) pointed out that the payback Chang K.C., Lin W.M., Lee T.S. and Chung K.M. period of SWHs in South Africa is estimated be 4 (2011), Subsidy Programs on Diffusion of Solar years while their lifetime could be up to 25 years, Water Heaters: Taiwan’s Experience. Energy indicating the feasibility of SWH expansion in Policy Vol. 39, Issue 2, 563-567. South Africa. However, the vast majority of South Eskom Distribution (2009). The South Africa solar Africans with lower disposable incomes still cannot water heater industry. afford the high capital cost of SWHs without sub- Holm, D. (2005). Market survey of solar water heat- sidy. Thus, alternative financing methods need to ing in South Africa for the Energy Development be implemented to make SWHs more accessible to Corporation (EDC) of the Central Energy Fund the general public. For example, SWHs could be (CEF), SolaSure. offered on a lease basis where repayments are less Jefferson, M. (2008), Accelerating the transition to than the electricity savings, so effectively the end sustainable energy systems, Energy Policy, Vol. 36, 416-425. user is getting a system for free or for a very small Lumba, P and Sebitosi, A.B. (2010). Evaluating the . monthly repayment sum. impact of consumer behaviour on the perform- Conclusions ance of domestic solar water heating systems in This study aims to gain insight into what factors South Africa, Journal of Energy in Southern influence the consumer adoption decision process, Africa, Vol. 21 No. 1; 25-34. which in turn, determines possible dissemination of Munzhedzi, R. and Sebitosi A.B. (2009). Redrawing SWHs in South Africa. As expected, economic con- the solar map of South Africa for photovoltaic siderations are the key factors. Current subsidy pro- applications, Renewable Energy, Vol. 34, 165- grams are not sufficient to facilitate diffusion. 169. Alternative financing mechanisms such as third- Ross, G. (2010). Solar water heater diffusion in party financing as well as low-interest loans and Taiwan and South Africa, Masters Thesis, access to credit for SWH purchases should be con- Institute of International Management, National sidered. This would make SWHs more competitive Cheng Kung University. with traditional electric water heating systems. Sidiras, D.K and Kouhios, E.G. (2004). Solar sys- tems diffusion in local markets, Energy Policy, Indeed, the greatest benefit for South Africa is that Vol. 32, 2007-2018. SWHs can serve the greatest need. The challenge is Statistics South Africa (SSA, 2008), Income and how to make SWHs available to the people who expenditure of households 2005/2006: analysis need it the most, the population with low income. 6 Journal of Energy in Southern Africa • Vol 22 No 3 • August 2011
  • 7. of results, Report number 01-00-01. Statistics South Africa (SSA, 2010). General house- hold survey. Visagie, E. and Prasad, G. (2006), South Africa: Biodiesel and solar water heaters, Energy Research Centre. University of Cape Town, South Africa. Weiss, W., Bergmann, I. and Faninger, G. (2010). Solar heat worldwide: markets and contribution to the energy supply, 2010 editions, International Energy Agency. Winkler, H., Davidson, O., Kenny, A., Prasad, G., Nkomo, J., Sparks, D., Howells, M, and Alfstad, T. (2006), Energy policies for sustainable devel- opment in South Africa, Energy Research Centre. University of Cape Town, South Africa. Received 3 September 2010; revised 3 January 2011 Journal of Energy in Southern Africa • Vol 22 No 3 • August 2011 7
  • 8. The challenges and potential options to meet the peak electricity demand in Mauritius Khalil Elahee Faculty of Engineering, University of Mauritius, Réduit, Mauritius Abstract OEP: Outline Energy Policy This paper reviews the current challenges facing MID: Maurice Ile Durable (Mauritius Sustainable Mauritius in terms of meeting peak electricity Island) project demand. As a fast-developing island-economy with SIPP: Small ondependent power producer a very high population density, this is a crucial issue. The more so that it imports 80% of its energy requirements in terms of fossil fuels, relies signifi- cantly on tourism and needs to protect its fragile 1. Introduction ecosystems. The nature of the peak electricity As a fast-developing economy, Mauritius has to demand and its evolution is firstly analysed. meet increasing energy demand, particularly in Reference is made to past scenarios for electricity terms of peak electricity as shown in Figure 1. supply, the obstacles to their implementation and In 2009, the peak demand attained 389 MW their relevance in terms of sustainability. The fore- (Hansard, 2009a), representing an increase of 17 % casts underpinning the latter scenarios are found to over the last 5 years. The peak occurs during sum- be over-estimated. Demand-Side Management mer with the difference in the maximum demands projects are discussed and their potential to promote between summer and winter increasing from 25 an alternative scenario based on revised forecasts MW in 2004 to 40 MW in 2008. This difference is are discussed. Hence a new Maurice Ile Durable due to the massive use of ventilation, air-condition- (Mauritius Sustainable Island, MID) scenario is pro- ing and refrigeration during the summer months, posed in view of stabilising the peak demand, particularly during the recent years that have been reducing the rate of increase of total electricity marked with high average temperatures and the demand and making the capacity margin positive. construction boom in the residential, tourism and The newly-devised scenario is not only more sus- services sectors. tainable but also addresses several political and It has been demonstrated that the correlation socio-economic issues to bring holistic win-win solu- coefficient between peak demand and atmospheric tions. Institutional and regulatory reforms as well as temperature is above 0.9 (Badurally et al., 2009). a relevant Business Framework are also important This is illustrated for 2008 in Figure 2. It is to be in order to meet the challenges of MID. The new noted that both average humidity and number of scenario relies only on existing technology with an hours of sunshine increase in summer and, hence, excellent track-record and provides the transition to tend to increase the peak demand. a more sustainable future. 1.1 Supply Keywords: peak demand, electricity, Mauritius, Figure 3 illustrates how the peak demand is typical- demand-side management, sustainability ly met at the supply end. From the bottom of the chart upwards, electricity is generated from base- load coal or bagasse power plants owned by inde- Acronyms pendent power producers or IPPs (CTDS, Beau- CEB Central Electricity Board Champ, FUEL, CTSAV and CTBV). The other CSO Central Statistics Office plants are owned by the Central Electricity Board DSM Demand-side management (CEB), the sole distributor and supplier of grid DST: Daylight Saving Time power. It is to be noted that the CEB generates GDP: Gross development product power from hydro (including Champagne), fuel oil IPP: Independent power producer (Fort George, St Louis and Fort Victoria) and 8 Journal of Energy in Southern Africa • Vol 22 No 3 • August 2011
  • 9. Figure 1: Peak electricity demand from 2004 to 2008 Source: CSO (2008a) Figure 2. Impact of GDP, temperature, humidity and number of hours of sunshine on peak Figure 3. Typical load supply curve of electricity from electricity demand for 2008 power plants (listed from bottom first) Source: Badurally et al. (2009) Source: Kassim (2010) kerosene (Nicolay). The latter, using a 76 MW gas even more expensive when compared to bagasse at turbine, is normally reserved for emergency pur- market prices. The latter is fully utilised but the effi- poses and is occasionally run for peaking only, ciency of its conversion can be improved by the given that its cost is at least four-fold higher. introduction of high pressure cogeneration plants. It is to be noted that the distribution losses Together with the use of other biomasses like cane amount to about 10% (CEB, 2008). The total tops and leaves, at least three times more electricity installed capacity is now 504 MW, including can be produced using currently available technol- allowance for maintenance, repairs and a 10% ogy (Autrey et al., 2006). This will ensure also a spinning reserve (Hansard, 2009b). Currently more stronger substitution of coal, used during the inter- than 60% of electricity is generated by the IPPs, the crop season, by renewable biomass. Figure 4 shows CEB being responsible mostly for the semi-base the energy mix for power generation for 2008. The and peak load power supply areas. Much of the wind power indicated is negligible and refers to the CEB capacity is not fully exploited because of bind- island to Rodrigues. ing contracts with IPPs to give priority to their base- load supply and because of the dependence on 1.2 Demand-side management rainfall for hydropower. In 2009, the amount of power generated was It is to be noted that fuel oil and kerosene used almost the same as in 2008. Moreover, the peak by CEB are more costly compared to coal, and demand moved to the morning during the summer Journal of Energy in Southern Africa • Vol 22 No 3 • August 2011 9
  • 10. Table 1: Power generation by source in 2008 understood that there is a growing awareness on Source: CSO (2008b) DSM resulting in an effective drop in power Source of energy GWh % demand, particularly in the evening. It is difficult Primary energy 108.4 4.2 to estimate its exact impact but it is possible that Hydro (renewable energy) 108.0 4.2 it may reach as much as 15 MW occasionally, comparable to the drop noted immediately after Wind (renewable energy) 0.4 0.0 sharp rises in prices like in 2007. Secondary energy 2 448.8 95.8 iv) As a pilot project, Daylight Saving Time (DST) Gas turbine (kerosene) 6.6 0.3 was adopted from October 2008 to March 2009. Diesel & fuel oil 827.1 32.3 The project has now been dropped primarily Coal 1 128.7 44.1 because of public outcry related to social and Bagasse (renewable energy) 486.4 19.0 cultural disruption, but also because the expect- Total 2 557.2 100.0 ed energy savings were not achieved. The sum- Of which: renewable energy mer of 2009-2010 had ended without DST and (hydro, wind & bagasse) 594.8 23.3 there is no evidence to prove that the pilot proj- ect had a significant positive impact. Above all, since December 2008, but more regularly ever after, the maximum peak electricity demand has months, instead of occurring in the evening as usu- been occurring in the morning during weekdays ally observed in the past. In fact, a plateau of about in summer. Nevertheless, it cannot be over- 380 MW was recorded in the morning and early looked that DST did reduce the evening peak. afternoon during hot summer weekdays (Assirva- However, the actual amount may be much less den, 2010). This confirms the trend noted recently than the 15 MW average that was been put for- with the massive use of ventilation, air-conditioning ward by the CEB (Elahee, 2008). and refrigeration in residential, touristic, commercial and office buildings. 2. Forecasts The stabilisation of the demand for electricity in In the light of the above, electricity demand fore- 2009, together with a peak demand growth of only casts were revised slightly downwards in 2009 2%, were the direct results of Demand-Side (Hansard, 2009d). Figures 4, 5 and 6 depict the ini- Management (DSM) measures coupled with a slow- tial forecasted demands as from 2003 and the actu- ing of the economic growth to 2.5% in 2009. The al figures up to 2008. As noted, the demand for influence of GDP on peak electricity demand has 2009 is now known to be very close to that of 2008. already been evoked above. The obvious deduction from the graphs is that There were four DSM measures that interacted the forecasted CEB figures are well above actual to achieve the situation in 2009. values. The difference for 2010 stands at 50 MW i) Some 1 million Compact Fluorescent Lamps between the CEB forecast and the trend based on (CFLs) were distributed at subsidized costs to the the recent values recorded. In 2015, this gap general public from August 2008 to early 2009. increases to 100 MW. Even considering the latest As a result, the Government estimates that an forecasted values made public in 2009, the differ- average saving of 14 MW has been achieved ence is not less (Hansard, 2009d). The DSM impact during the evening peak (Hansard, 2009c). discussed amounting to a total average drop of Studies conducted at the University of Mauritius about 25 MW had not been considered in the CEB on Energy Management in the residential sector forecasts in 2003 and in 2007. indicates that the impact of CFLs was probably It can be argued that under the combined effect even more significant, of up to 25 MW (Baha- (1) of sustained DSM to bring a total reduction of door, 2009; Ramnarain, 2009). peak demand of 30 MW by 2012 and (2) of mod- ii) More than 25 000 solar water heaters were erate economic growth of between 2 and 5 % of installed in 2008 with the introduction of a direct GDP over the same period, the peak electricity subsidy of Rs 10 000 (approx. USD 300) per demand is likely to stabilise at about 400 MW. This unit. This has led to a reduced utilisation of elec- is close to the extrapolated trend shown in Figure 6. tric water heaters. It is reasonable to estimate an Similarly, Figure 5 depicts a more realistic trend average reduction of about 5 MW on the if DSM is pursued, along with moderate economic evening peak resulting from the latter measure. growth as is now predicted to happen over the next Iii) The Government introduced a national energy- few years by most specialists (EconomyWatch, saving campaign under the Maurice Ile Durable 2010). In any event, one of the key objectives of (MID) project focusing on all sectors. Sensitiz- DSM is to decouple GDP and energy requirement. ation on peak demand reduction was the focus This is made easier by the ongoing transforma- of a sustained campaign. Although the last tions in the economy of Mauritius as the services increase in electricity prices was in 2007, it is sector grows and diversifies at the expense of the 10 Journal of Energy in Southern Africa • Vol 22 No 3 • August 2011
  • 11. Figure 4: Forecast of peak electricity demand made in 2003 Source: CEB (2003) Figure 5. Forecast of total electricity demand and comparison with actual Source: CEB (2007a) energy-intense manufacturing and agricultural sec- ensure energy efficient practices related to appli- tors. ances and buildings respectively. DSM can be the key to meeting the energy iii) Solar-water heating, including in air-condition- demands, including morning peaks during week- ing and refrigeration, sustainable design of days in summer, provided the following specific ori- buildings and energy-efficiency improvement in entations are urgently adopted: industry and tourism should a full priority by the i) The Energy Management Office to facilitate private sector. DSM in all sectors, already announced by the iv) The onus should no more be on the CEB to pro- Government in the 2010 Budget, should be set vide 100% of electricity needed by industrial, up without delay (MoF, 2009). hotel and commercial promoters. The latter ii) The Energy Efficiency Act under preparation and should be required to ensure optimal design and the Building Code should be promulgated to energy use on their facilities, including the Journal of Energy in Southern Africa • Vol 22 No 3 • August 2011 11
  • 12. Figure 6. Forecast of peak electricity demand and comparison with actual Source: CEB (2007b) implementation of Energy Management pro- have had an estimated extra cost of 5%. The 15 grammes and recourse to renewable energy. MW coal/bagasse project scheduled for 2008 did New cities and similar projects should be sub- not happen. Thus far, no project has been complet- jected to strict environmental standards, includ- ed. The current intention of the CEB to promote the ing energy use. The proposed Land-Based construction of a 110 MW coal-fired plant and to Oceanic Industry (MLBOPL, 2009; MRC, 2010) invest in a 30 MW fuel oil-fired plant implies that is an example of such a new approach where the Base Scenario is very much the one on course, promoters are responsible for sustainable energy albeit with a delay of two, if not three years. input. The Compromise Scenario would have also v) Pricing policy for energy, including Time-of-Use included the closing down of the 20 MW Beau Tariff for electricity and feed-in tariffs, as well Champ plant in 2009 and its replacement by an energy taxes should be integrated within a MID equivalent power plant in FUEL in 2009. This did Business Framework, together with incentive not happen. A 20 MW Waste-to-Energy project and packages for sustainable energy. a 25 MW wind farm, concomitant with the Compromise Scenario and expected to start oper- 3. New MID scenario ating in 2009, are also behind schedule. In fact, the In 2007, the Outline Energy Policy (OEP 2007c) , former has now been degraded to a 7 MW propos- was published focusing on changing the depend- al and is subject to much controversy just like the ence of the country on oil to one on coal. The coal-only power plant. Compromise Scenario shown in Table 2 was the The concept of Maurice Ile Durable (Mauritius one retained by the CEB. The All Sugar Cane Sustainable Island, MID) started to be formally Scenario was rejected on the basis that it would implemented in 2008. At the heart of the MID Table 2: Scenarios for power generation Source: OEP (2007d) Year Base Sugar cane Compromise Scenario Scenario Scenario 2008 30 MW diesel 42 MW coal/bagasse 15 MW coal/ bagasse 2009 42 MW coal/bagasse 50 MW coal 2010 50 MW coal 42 MW coal/bagasse 50 MW cCoal 2011 42 MW coal/bagasse 15 MW coal/bagasse 2012 50 MW coal 12 Journal of Energy in Southern Africa • Vol 22 No 3 • August 2011
  • 13. vision is the need to shift from fossil fuels, including top residues will be promoted. Biogas also can coal, to renewables and to promote Demand Side be used. It favours the active and urgent imple- Management (DSM). The vision is that in 2028, as mentation of the wind power projects. It much as 65% of the energy mix for electricity gen- assumes the coming into operation of a 30 MW eration in Mauritius should come from renewables fuel-oil power plant in 2010, as already pur- (MID Fund, 2008). This was confirmed by the chased by the CEB. In the long term, this facili- Prime Minister in December 2009 in Copenhagen ty should, however, switch to biofuels. with an appeal to help Mauritius achieve its objec- ii) Small plants: It also envisages the emergence of tive (IELS, 2009). Small Independent Power Producers (SIPPs) The delays imply that the capacity margin is at producing electricity either for the grid or for an extremely dangerous level of -70 MW currently local use (biogas, hydro, photovoltaic and wind with respect to the initial planning made in 2007 power units of less than 50 kW). A number of (OEP 2007e). Catastrophic black-outs would have , higher capacity renewable power projects happened had it not been for the success of the should also start within that scenario (e.g. bio- DSM efforts explained earlier. Moreover, it has been gas, micro-cogeneration, trigeneration or reported that CEB is stretching the use of its hydropower projects of up to 2 MW). Stored or resources and this is not without undue risk. pumped hydropower will also be optimally Possible accidents due to regular switching on-and- exploited to reduce peak demand. off of generators designed to operate constantly iii) DSM: The peak reduction due to DSM should be cannot be excluded (Bibi, 2009). Similarly, equip- sustained under the MID Scenario and consoli- ment is being used beyond their normal lifetime. dated to reach a total of at least 30 MW by The Sugar-Cane Scenario offers best safe-guard 2012. This corresponds to an annual growth in in the medium-to-long term against negative capac- demand of 2 to 3 % as compared to the unsus- ity margins. The argument that it would have cost tainable 5 % average noted over the past 5% more than the Compromise Scenario is not a decade. sound one to justify, alone, its rejection. Moreover, the re-engineering of the cane sector is a matter of Table 3: New MID Scenario strategic importance for the country. 2010 30 MW fuel oil at Fort Victoria (confirmed, later Figure 7 illustrates the consequent evolution of switch to biofuel) the capacity margin in MW, including the benefit 2011 50 MW bagasse/coal cogeneration + 20 to related to DSM, for a new MID Scenario that is 40 MW wind + SIPPs described in Table 3. The initial planning with 2012 50 MW Bagasse/Coal Cogeneration + 50 MW respect to the timely retirement of CEB old engines wind + SIPPs is retained in this scenario. The capacity margin is the difference between the forecasted peak demand and the available capacity, allowing for mainte- Whilst being more sustainable, the new MID sce- nance, repairs and spinning reserve. The CEB initial nario also responds to immediate priorities related forecast for demand is used as benchmark in this to energy security, the re-engineering of the cane case. sector and ensuring availability of electricity. These The new MID scenario rests on three pillars: projects are technically ready to be implemented, i) Large plants: It replaces the controversial coal- some having lingered in the development stage for fired power plant by bagasse-coal plants that more than five years. The new scenario paves the operate in cogeneration with high efficiency in way towards reaching the key targets of the MID the context of the re-engineering of the cane project. The Compromise scenario, and even more industry. The use of other biomasses like cane- the Base Scenario, will drift the country away from Figure 7. Capacity margin (MW ) for New MID Scenario Journal of Energy in Southern Africa • Vol 22 No 3 • August 2011 13
  • 14. that vision with the reliance on coal peaking at 54% towards implementing DSM (including institutional for electricity generation by 2013 (MPU, 2007f; and regulatory measures) and introducing a coher- MREPU, 2009). It is to be recalled that the price of ent Business Framework to favour the new MID coal has known a rapid increase recently and that its Scenario for both centralized large plants and access costs, as well as other hidden costs, are more decentralized small power producers. The survival than 40% of the mine-to-user cost. Above-all in an of the cane industry as well as the opportunity of era of global climate change, turning towards producing bioethanol from the latter industry are imported coal at the expense of indigenous closely related to the implementation of efficient resources is simply ridiculous. cogeneration plants where the use of bagasse, cane The main obstacle to the new MID Scenario, tops and leaves as well as biogas is promoted. however, is of a politico-administrative nature. A Sensitization, education and training should also new partnership must be defined between the pub- not be neglected both for the sake of DSM as for the lic and private sectors. The agreement reached by emergence of a green economy. the Prime Minister with sugar cane-producers in The need of back-up for renewable energy proj- December 2007 should serve as basis for innova- ects will be best handled through the integration of tive win-win agreements between the two parties. intermittent sources as well as the combination of The Cane Democratization Fund is an initiative in scattered decentralized units of diverse nature. the right direction opening up the ownership of Storage of energy and the recourse to forecasting of bagasse-coal cogeneration plants to all stakeholders output from intermittent sources will be extremely in a spirit of equity (MLP 2 010). , useful. Phased-out diesel or fuel-oil equipment as The controversial and over-delayed projects for well as disused hydropower facilities can still be a coal-only power plant and a Waste-to-Energy used to provide emergency response. plant are discarded under the New MID Scenario This paper discusses the transition to a sustain- and replaced by a more sustainable alternative. able energy future. After 2012, more ambitious projects like photovoltaic parks or geothermal 4. Conclusion power can be considered in the context of a long- The maximum peak electricity demand will still term energy master plan. occur during week-days in summer, but in the To conclude, a holistic approach will have to be morning rather than in the evening. Base and adopted putting politics and economy in the service Compromise scenarios for electricity supply have of society and its environment. This is the essence been proposed in the past based on overestimates of the MID project. of actual demand. DSM opens the way to a New MID Scenario favouring energy efficiency and the use of renewables. As a matter of fact, in spite of all the delays in References the installation of additional capacity, Mauritius has Autrey J. C, Kong W.C and Lau A.T., (2006). A Strategy not faced any catastrophic black-out yet. This is due for Enhanced Bioenergy Production from Biomass, to the grossly over-estimated forecasts, successful April 2006 jsp/projects/Mauritius DSM projects and lower economic growth. The %20Presentation.ppt (ac-cessed on 24th May 2010). energy-intensive sectors like manufacturing industry Assirvaden P (2010). Interview de P Assirvaden, ., . President du CEB, Mauritius Times, 22 January and agriculture are also regressing as the expense of 2010. the services sector. Another factor that has helped Badurally Adam N., Elahee, M.K. and Dauhoo M.Z., avoid blackouts, or even load- shedding, has been (2009). On the Influence of Weather and Socio- the overstretching of CEB facilities which is never Economic Factors on the Peak Electricity Demand in done without risk. Mauritius, Proceedings of the World Academy of There is the possibility of stabilizing maximum Science, Engineering and Technol-ogy, Volume 53, peak demand – in fact, achieving a high plateau Aug 2009, p406-417. spread over several hours in the morning – at Bahadoor Z., (2009). Energy Management: Impact of around 400 MW by 2012. This will also bring the Compact Fluorescent Lamps in Mauritius, B. Eng capacity margin to +17 MW by 2012. Thereafter, project report, Faculty of Engineering, University of there will be an optimal use of available installed Mauritius, April 2009. capacity, both during peak and off-peak periods, Bib C., (2009). CSG-Solidarity deposes to question pri- resulting in a growth of between 2 to 3% of elec- vatisation of power production and existing IPP agreements in Mauritius, tricity demand annually. The corresponding peak news/viewinfo.php?recordid=15&recordid2 (Viewed demand growth will be even less after 2012, partic- on 24th May 2010). ularly if the morning demand due to ventilation, air- Central Electricity Board, Mauritius (CEB, 2008). CEB conditioning and refrigeration is addressed proper- Annual Report, 2008, p28. ly. The capacity margin will also increase positively. Central Electricity Board, Mauritius (CEB, 2003). CEB Such outcomes will require urgent action Corporate Plan, 2003. http://ceb.intnet. mu/CEB/ 14 Journal of Energy in Southern Africa • Vol 22 No 3 • August 2011
  • 15. CorporateInfo/cplan0304.pdf (Viewed on 24th May Energy Strategy 2009-2025, October 2009, p35. 2010). finalLTES.pdf (Ac- Central Statistics Office, Republic of Mauritius (CSO, cessed on 24th May 2010). 2008a; CSO, 2008b), Energy and Water Statistics Mauritius Research Council (MRC, 2010), Bringing out 2008, p13. Value from Deep Indian Ocean Water, www. gy.pdf (accessed on 24th May 2010). (Ac- EconomyWatch, (2010). Mauritius Economics Stat-istics cessed on 16th May 2010). and Indicators, economic- Ramnarain N., (2009). Impact of daylight saving time on statistics/country/Mauritius/year-2012 (Accessed on residential sector, B. Eng project report, Faculty of 24th May 2010). Engineering, University of Mauritius, April 2009. Elahee, M.K., (2009). Impact of DST in Mauritius, Proceedings of the World Academy of Science, Received 24 May 2010, revised 18 January 2011 Engineering and Technology, Volume 53, Aug 2009, p 431-433. Hansard, (2009a; Hansard, 2009b). Parliamentary Debates (Hansard, Mauritius), 30th May 2009, p3. (accessed on 24th May 2010). Hansard, (2009c). Parliamentary Debates (Hansard, Mauritius), 7th December 2009, p56. www.mauri- (accessed on 24th May 2010). Hansard, (2009d). Parliamentary Debates (Hansard, Mauritius), 30th May 2009, p3. www. mauri- (accessed on 24th May 2010). Institute of Environment and Legal Studies (IELS, 2009). Dependre à 60% des energies renouvelables d’ici 2025, dec20_copen- hagen.htm (Accessed on 24th May 2010). Kassim, S.H. Energy Storage towards meeting the peak electricity demand in Mauritius, B. Eng (Hons) Mechanical Engineering dissertation, Faculty of Engineering, University of Mauritius, March 2010, p14. Maurice Ile Durable Fund, (MID, 2008). Maurice Ile Durable Objectives, p1 file/ile.pdf (Accessed on 24th May 2010). Mauritius Land Based Oceanic Park Ltd. (MLBOPL, (2009). Expression of Interest for Equity Participation In An Eco-Park Based On Deep Sea Water Air- Conditioning At Flic En Flac. MLBOPL, Mauritius. Mauritius Labour Party (MLP 2010). Government , Manifesto, p22. Programme.pdf (Accessed on 24th May 2010). Ministry of Finance and Economic Development, Republic of Mauritius (MoF, 2009), Budget Speech Year 2010, November 2009. mu/portal/site/MOFSite/ (Accessed on 24th May 2010). Ministry of Public Utilities, Republic of Mauritius. (MPU, 2007a; MPU, 2007b; MPU, 2007d). Outline Energy Policy 2007-2025- Appendix I: Supply and Demand Forecasts up to 2013, p31. /mpu/file/Outline%20energy%20policy.pdf – (Accessed on 24th May 2010). Ministry of Public Utilities, Republic of Mauritius. (MPU, 2007d; MPU, 2007 e; MPU, 2007f). Outline Energy Policy 2007-2025- Appendix III: Systems Cost Analysis for the CEB Supply and Demand Forecasts up to 2013, p5.p20. file/Outline%20energy%20policy.pdf (Accessed on 24th May 2010). Ministry of Renewable Energy and Public Utilities (Republic of Mauritius). MREPU, 2009. , Long Term Journal of Energy in Southern Africa • Vol 22 No 3 • August 2011 15
  • 16. Outdoor testing of amorphous and crystalline silicon solar panels at Thohoyandou Eric Maluta Vaithianathaswami Sankaran University of Venda, South Africa Abstract the community members generally resort to seeking The use of solar panels is becoming one of the advice from us about the use and the installation of options for some of the rural communities in solar panels to generate electricity. It has become Limpopo Province, South Africa, to get electrical necessary to assist the rural community regarding energy for their radio and television sets as the the optimal use and the maintenance of the photo- national grid may not reach them in the near future. voltaic (PV) system that are usually available on the Hence, dissemination of knowledge of how to use market. To provide a meaningful suggestion to the the solar devices and their maintenance is crucial community, it is important to carry out field tests on for these communities. This will be possible only if the suitability of the panels. Effecting a successful there is appropriate information available for the comparison between two different types of PV potential end-users, installers and extension work- modules, would require the determination of their ers. With this in mind, an attempt has been made to outdoor performance at known irradiance and tem- evaluate the performance of an amorphous and a perature. For this purpose, we need to measure the crystalline solar panel at our experimental site. open circuit voltage (Voc) and short circuit current Outdoor tests were conducted to measure solar (Isc), which will in turn, lead to the measurement of radiation, open-circuit voltage, short circuit current, the output power of the modules. We will also current-voltage (I-V) curve, fill-factor and conver- require the current-voltage (I-V) characteristics of sion efficiency and hence to compare the perform- these modules to make a useful comparison of their ance of the two types of panels. It was found that efficiency. both types give a satisfactory performance for the The choice of a suitable PV module for a given climate of this region. location is generally guided by the actual energy output under outdoor conditions, the validity of the Keywords: Amorphous and crystalline silicon solar data supplied by the manufacturer and the implica- panels, solar radiation, peak power, I-V curve, con- tions on cost of installations. Though the power out- version efficiency, standard testing condition put and the efficiency rating of the panel given by the manufacture can be taken as the starting point, it is important to test these panels under outdoor conditions to access the validity of the data in a given location. 1. Introduction 2. Experimental considerations In the north-eastern Limpopo, a large number of The present study was carried out at Solar Research villages are yet to be connected to the national elec- Site situated at the University of Venda, Thohoyan- tricity grid. People living in these villages opt for dou, Limpopo Province, South Africa, latitude solar panels to get power for their television and 22.95°S and longitude 30.48°E. The site has a radio sets, which form a major source for accessing Delta-T Weather Station Mast, which was used to information from the regional communication sta- obtain the solar radiation and the temperature data tions about the events taking place in the country during the performance of the study. and the world at large. The University of Venda is a In the present investigation an amorphous (a-Si) tertiary institution situated in the rural area of the far and a crystalline (c-Si) PV module are considered north of the Limpopo Province in South Africa and for evaluation and comparison. The module de- 16 Journal of Energy in Southern Africa • Vol 22 No 3 • August 2011
  • 17. Table 1: Specifications of the solar panels Specification Crystalline solar module Amorphous solar module Manufacturer Astropower (AP-7105) Unisolar ( US-42-001416) Peak power (Pmax) 75W 45W Maximum power current (Imp) 4.4A 2.54A Maximum power voltage (Vmp) 17.0V 16.5V Short-circuit current (Isc) 4.8A 3.17A Open-circuit voltage (Voc) 21.0V 23.8V scriptions and the manufacturer data are given in (STC) (Treble, 1991). Table 1. Module or array open-circuit voltage and mod- The area of cross-section of each of the module ule cell temperature should be read concurrently, is 0.63m2, so that the radiation (energy) falling on since open-circuit voltage is a function of cell tem- the panels at any given time of the day is almost the perature. The module must be left in an open-circuit same. The modules were purchased in South condition for a minimum of 15 minutes prior to the Africa. taking of the open-circuit voltage reading to ensure In order to evaluate the performance of the two representative cell temperature reading (Markvart, panels under consideration, the solar radiation data 1994). Modules or arrays can contain cells, which as well as the I-V curves are essential. Data Logger vary significantly in temperature throughout the (Delta-T 2000) was used to measure the radiation module due to hot spot heating, caused by cracked falling on the experimental location and to measure cells, mismatched cell or cell shading. Short-circuit the temperature (daily and ambient temperature), currents should be measured immediately after the while the DS tracer (DS Tracer 1996) was used to measurement of open-circuit voltage so that the test record an I-V curve by varying the electrical imped- conditions are nearly identical (Markvart, 1994). ance connected across the PV arrays terminals. Readings of the short-circuit current and irradiance Varying the impedance from zero to infinity causes must be made concurrently to minimize errors. The the array operating point to change from Isc to Voc. input signal (current-voltage to the DS Tracer) can When the module is connected, the DS-Tracer also be used to calibrate the DS Tracer for radiation accomplishes the impedance change through its and temperature. The input signals provide neces- operating range and presents a set of current and sary details and after calibration they will be dis- voltage values that form the I-V curves. played along with the I-V curve (DS Tracer 1996). For designing and predicting the potential of any The calibration of the temperature can be carried solar appliances at a location, we need monthly out by recording the ambient temperature of the average daily solar radiation data on a horizontal panel using a thermometer and the details provided surface. The operation and performance of PV could be utilized to get the temperature data on the modules mainly depend on system configuration curve. Apart from those methods, the temperature and weather conditions. Furthermore, the module of the solar cell can be determined by the equilibri- temperature and solar irradiance determine the um between the sun’s radiation, the energy con- module’s operational curve and the coupling of the verted to electrical energy and the energy re-radiat- PV modules. In addition, the system components ed to cold space (Krishna et al., 2009) determine where a system will operate on the PV operational curve (Hecktheuer et al. 2004). It is 3. Results and discussion desirable to operate a system near the maximum It is a generally accepted fact that the performance power producing point on the module’s operational of crystalline silicon solar cells varies from location curve either at all times (during the sunshine hours) to location (Lund et al., 2001). This variation is or during worst-case operation condition (Fitz- caused by the difference in irradiation at different patrick, 2004). locations, together with spectral response of the The outdoor conditions under which a PV mod- solar cell, temperature effects, etc. For solar cells ule is exposed are likely to be varying from the con- with a wide band gap (amorphous silicon solar cell) ditions stipulated by the manufacturer. Hence, the it was observed that no long-term light induced module may not perform at the desired points on degradation exists in the recent modules the I-V curve in order to harness the maximum (Gottschalg et al., 2004). Lund et al., have studied expected output. Commercially available PV mod- the stability of the amorphous silicon modules ule rating and operating parameters are provided under outdoor conditions and reported that the effi- with respect to the standards of American Society ciency of the amorphous solar cell is stabilized after for Testing Materials (ASTM) at Standard Reporting the initial degradation. It was also deduced that Condition (SRC) or Standard Testing Conditions under the actual working conditions the amorphous Journal of Energy in Southern Africa • Vol 22 No 3 • August 2011 17
  • 18. solar cell could generate electrical power more Commercially available panels are rated with a steadily compared with the crystalline solar cell peak power, but it should be noted that generally (Lund et al. 2001). this peak power (observed maximum powers) will not be harnessed since the factory testing condition and the outdoor conditions are not similar. The observed maximum powers for the crystalline and amorphous modules for different months are given in Table 2. Though the sunshine duration is about 10 hours on a sunny day at the experimental site, readings are only presented from 10H00 to 15H00. From Table 2, it can be noted that the observed maximum power increases until it reaches a maxi- mum at mid-day and drops as it moves to the evening. It is observed that a maximum of 60W is obtained for crystalline against the rated value of 75W and 33W for amorphous against the rated Figure 1: Solar radiation at 12H00 for a period value of 45W (Maluta & Sankaran. 2007). The vari- of one year ation in the observed maximum power is more in crystalline module. 3.1 Solar radiation characteristics and peak It may also be seen that the observed maximum power power variation from the average value does not For the evaluation and assessment of the perform- vary significantly in the case of amorphous. In this ance of a photovoltaic module at a given location, work, we have compared the variation by looking it is necessary to get an overview of the solar radia- at the difference between the hourly observed max- tion characteristics. Measurements of solar radiation imum powers for each month. It can be observed at different times of the day during a period of one from the data that the variations of the crystalline year were made. Figure 1 represents the radiation at and amorphous for the whole year are almost simi- 12H00 for different months under study at the lar in magnitude. These results are consistent with experimental site. It can be seen that an average earlier results observed for amorphous PV maximum per month of 870 W/m2 was measured (Gottschlag et al., 2004). on a horizontal plane. Peak power is the maximum power, which is 3.2 I-V characteristics generated by a solar panel in full sunshine. The other important electrical characteristics of a Table 2: Observed maximum power for crystalline and amorphous PV modules Observed maximum power for Observed maximum power for crystalline module (in W)1 amorphous module (in W)2 Time of the day(in –H00) Time of the day(in –H00) 10 11 12 13 14 15 10 11 12 13 14 15 Jul 39 46 48 42 38 36 19 26 26 25 24 20 Aug 46 47 52 48 47 45 21 27 29 27 24 23 Sep 49 54 55 55 52 48 23 29 30 29 26 25 Oct 50 55 57 54 51 50 25 29 31 28 27 26 Nov 52 55 59 53 52 50 28 30 32 29 28 26 Dec 52 58 60 56 53 50 28 31 33 29 28 25 Jan 54 55 58 53 52 50 27 29 32 28 27 25 Feb 48 50 55 51 45 43 27 28 30 28 26 24 Mar 48 50 54 47 46 44 25 26 29 27 26 21 Apr 44 49 53 51 50 46 24 26 28 27 26 25 May 44 48 51 50 46 45 23 27 28 26 25 23 Jun 43 46 49 44 42 41 20 28 27 25 25 23 Notes: 1. The maximum rated output power for crystalline (c-Si) module is 75W. 2. The maximum rated output power for amorphous (a-Si) module is 45W (the data was taken from July 2003 until June 2004) 18 Journal of Energy in Southern Africa • Vol 22 No 3 • August 2011
  • 19. module are, short-circuit current (Isc), open-circuit voltage (Voc) and maximum power point (Pmax). A few sample curves obtained in the present study are given in Figure 2. Maximum power is generated at only one point on the I-V curve, at about the ‘knee’ of the curve, which represents the maximum effi- ciency of the solar device in converting sunlight into electricity. The maximum Voc obtained for amorphous Figure 2A1: for c-Si Figure 2A1: for a-Si solar panel is about 21.78V, whereas for the crys- module (Oct) module (Oct) talline solar panel the maximum Voc obtained is 19.83V both in the month of December, when we get the maximum radiation. The open-circuit volt- age increases with an increase in the incident radia- tion and time of the day. It can be noted from Table 3 that the values of Voc during mid-day for the entire period of study for both modules do not vary significantly. Though variations in the values of the open-cir- cuit voltage of an amorphous module and crys- talline module are very small, it is noted that the Voc Figure 2A1: for c-Si Figure 2A1: for a-Si is nearly the same for the amorphous module from module (Nov) module (Nov) September to June. The maximum value for Isc, obtained for amorphous solar panel is 2.736A, while the maximum value for Isc obtained for the crystalline panel is 4.566A. It is interesting to note that these maximum values are recorded in December 2003. A sample curve of the variation of Isc with the irradiation data collected for the month of May in the present study is given in Figure 5. It may be observed from this figure that as the irradiation increases the short circuit current also increases. Figure 2A1: for c-Si Figure 2A1: for a-Si This observation is concurrent with the observation module (Dec) module (Dec) that the current generated by the solar energy is proportional to the flux of photon with above-band- Figure 2: Sample I-V curves for c-Si (crystalline) gap energy. This is because the irradiance increases and a-Si (amorphous) modules for the months in the same proportion of the photon flux, which, in of October, November and December, 2003 turn, generates a proportionately higher current Table 3: Open-circuit voltage and short circuit voltage for both crystalline and amorphous solar cells at 12H00 Radiation (Wm-2) Crystalline Amorphous Voc (V) Isc (A) Voc (V) Isc (A) Jul 2003 460 19.00 3.552 20.50 2.136 Aug 2003 500 19.30 4.268 21.78 2.220 Sep 2003 513 19.37 4.180 21.25 2.443 Oct 2003 500 19.42 4.468 21.59 2.642 Nov 2003 810 19.78 4.542 21.50 2.549 Dec 2003 870 19.83 4.566 21.10 2.736 Jan 2004 801 19.58 4.540 21.08 2.478 Feb 2004 792 19.32 4.455 21.70 2.378 Mar 2004 500 19.75 4.345 21.57 2.565 Apr 2004 510 19.54 4.435 21.56 2.363 May 2004 533 19.20 4.260 21.50 2.400 Jun 2004 490 19.30 3.752 21.70 2.236 Journal of Energy in Southern Africa • Vol 22 No 3 • August 2011 19
  • 20. (Markvart, 1994). It must be noted that in this work, increases. It can be seen from equation (1), that as only the solar radiation on a horizontal surface have the irradiation increases the parameters in the been considered. Other factors such as the differ- numerator also increase and we generally expect an ence in the spectral responses to irradiance at vary- increase in the conversion efficiency. As stated by ing incidence angle, and to irradiance of varying Dinçer et al., the effect of increase in the cell tem- spectral composition are not considered. perature also play a role on the conversion efficien- cy as Voc will decrease at high cell temperature (Dinçer et al., 20101). However, the increase in the open-circuit voltage and hence the peak power, is not remarkable while the irradiation increases. Hence, it is generally expected that the conversion efficiency decreases as the irradiation increases (Gottschalg et al., 2004; Markvart, 1994 & Stone, 1993). As evident from Figures 4 and 5, a similar trend Figure 3A: Variation of ISC versus irradiation is observed in our calculation. The average conver- for May 2004 for c-Si module sion efficiency of the crystalline module during our present study is 15.3 whereas the amorphous mod- ule conversion efficiency is 8. These values com- pare favourably with the generally expected values which are approximately 15-17 for crystalline mod- ules and approximately 5-7 for amorphous mod- ules (Valizadeh 2001; Graham & Ficher 1994). Figure 3B: Variation of ISC versus irradiation for May 2004 for a-Si module 3.3 Conversion efficiency The conversion efficiency of a solar cell is the per- centage of the solar energy shining on a PV device that is converted into electrical energy. The efficien- cy of energy conversion is still low, thus requiring large areas for sufficient insulation and raising con- cern about unfavourable ratios of energies required for cell production versus energy collected (Dinçer Figure 4: Conversion efficiency of the et al., 20101). Thus, not all energy from sunlight crystalline and amorphous module at different reaching a PV cell is converted into electricity. This times of the day (July 2003–June 2004) may be due to the reflection and scattering of solar radiation in the afternoon and also the increase in the cell temperature (Dinçer et al., 20101). Hence, 3.4 Transposing to standard testing there is an increase in the amount of light reflected condition away from the cell surface. Therefore, minimizing Commercially available solar panels generally list the amount of light reflected away from the cell’s the data for short-circuit current, open-circuit volt- surface can increase the module’s conversion effi- age at standard test condition (STC). When these ciency. modules are exposed to the outdoor conditions at The conversion efficiency can be computed an experimental site, it is generally not possible to using the following relation (Markvart, 1994): get the same values for the module parameters. Obviously the irradiation and temperature of the (1) modules will not remain constant. Hence, an attempt was made to transpose the values of Voc and Isc obtained in the present investigation to the The fill factor (FF), short-circuit current (Isc) and STC. For this purpose, the following two equations open-circuit voltage (Voc) increase as the irradiation (Hammond Backsus, 1994) were used. 20 Journal of Energy in Southern Africa • Vol 22 No 3 • August 2011
  • 21. i. (2) obtained using the conversion equations to trans- pose the measured values of open-circuit voltage and short-circuit current to STC did not compare well with the manufacturers’ value at low irradiation levels. The results of the peak power and conver- ii. (3) sion efficiency measurements suggest that, with proper installation and maintenance, both these modules can be used by rural communities for cli- where ns is number of series cells, Tc is measured mate in this region. Temperature in 0C, Voc is the open circuit voltage, Isc is the short circuit current and G is the measured irradiance. References The difference between transposed values and Delta-T Data Logger Dl2e, 2002, user manual, ver- the manufacturer values are presented as ∆Voc and sion 2.02. ∆Isc for both amorphous and crystalline panels for Dinçer F. and Meral M. E. (2010). Critical Factors different radiation in Table 4. It can be seen that the that Affect Efficiency of Solar Cells, Smart Grid difference is minimum when the radiation is high. and Renewable Energy, Vol. 1, p 47-50. The difference between the manufacturer’s value DS Tracer, 1996, I-V curve user manual, Daystar Inc. and the transposed values of Isc are significant for Fitzpatrick, S. (2004). A method for predicting PV the values of irradiance less than 600 W/m2. Module and Array Performance at other than From the results of the present investigation, it is Standard Reporting Conditions, North Carolina noted that the equations (2) and (3) need some Solar Centre, NC 27695-7401. modification for the type of modules under study Gottschalg, R., Belts T. R., Williams, S. R., Sauter, and also for the present location as these equations D., Infield D.G. and Kearney M.J. (2004). A crit- are developed for the northern hemisphere. We ical appraisal of factors affecting energy produc- hope that due to the irradiation level and ambient tion from Amorphous Silicon Photovoltaic temperature, latitude and climate, there will be a Arrays in Maritime Climate, Centre for Renew- difference between the Northern and Southern able energy system technology, www.ati.survey. hemisphere. Graham, W. R. and Ficher, J. E., (1994). Compari- 4. Conclusions son of single-crystalline, poly-crystalline and A close perusal of the measured values of open-cir- amorphous silicon materials for solar cells, MSE 570, cuit voltage and short-circuit current for crystalline engmat/solcel.pdf. and amorphous modules reveals that these values Hammond, R.L., and Backsus, C.E. (1994). Photo- are very close to the values given by the manufac- voltaic System testing, Renewable Energy, Vol. turer under STC. However, in the crystalline mod- 5, part 1, p 268-274. ule the variation is more prominent in comparison Hecktheuer, L.A., Krenzinger, A. and Prieb, C.W.M. with an amorphous module. The fill factor and the (2002). Methodology for Photovoltaic Modules sharpness of the I-V curves are almost similar for the Characterization and Shading Effects Analysis, crystalline and amorphous modules. The results J. Braz.Soc.Mech.Sci, Vol. 24 No 1. Table 4: Difference between the transposed Voc and Isc from the manufacturer values Radiation (Wm-2) Amorphous solar cell Crystalline solar cell ∆ Voc (V) ∆ Isc (A) ∆ Voc (V) ∆ Isc (A) Jul 2003 460 1.75 1.473 1.53 2.767 Aug 2003 500 1.47 1.270 1.23 3.736 Sep 2003 513 1.98 1.592 1.12 3.723 Oct 2003 590 1.65 1.308 1.09 4.136 Nov 2003 810 1.64 0.023 0.64 0.810 Dec 2003 870 1.64 0.025 0.56 0.450 Jan 2004 801 1.51 0.080 0.87 0.868 Feb 2004 792 1.48 0.167 1.15 0.825 Mar 2004 500 1.60 1.960 0.70 3.890 Apr 2004 510 1.64 1.463 0.94 3.896 May 2004 533 1.76 1.333 1.30 3.192 Jun 2004 490 1.79 1.393 1.24 2.920 Journal of Energy in Southern Africa • Vol 22 No 3 • August 2011 21