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     do jeito certo

     Alexandre Gomes
a que te remete o termo
  <input type=button
         value="Close Window"
  function open_window(url) {
     mywin =,"win",...);

  <a href = "javascript:open_window('page1.html')">
     <img src ="image.gif">
  <a href = "javascript:open_window('page2.html')">
     <img src ="image.gif">
function validateForm() {
  var x = document.forms["myForm"]["fname"].value
  if (x == null || x == "") {
     alert("Nome obrigatório!");
     return false;
para a grande maioria,

javascript = magia negra

         é do mal ou do bem?
“         ECMAScript is an
       language for performing
    computations and manipulating
     computational objects within
         a host environment.

          ECMAScript Language Specification
            5th edition (December 2009)
“      ECMAScript as defined here
       is not intended to be
      computationally self-
    sufficient; indeed, there are no
    provisions in this specification for
    input of external data or output of
            computed results.

            ECMAScript Language Specification
              5th edition (December 2009)
“       Instead, it is expected that
    the computational environment
            (host environment)
      of an ECMAScript program will
     provide not only the objects and
     other facilities described in this
       specification but also certain
       environment-specific host
            ECMAScript Language Specification
              5th edition (December 2009)
“        Some of the facilities of
     ECMAScript are similar to those
       used in other programming
    languages; in particular Java  TM,
            Self, and Scheme

           ECMAScript Language Specification
             5th edition (December 2009)
“   A web browser provides an ECMAScript host
      environment for client-side computation
         including, for instance, objects that
       represent windows, menus, pop-ups,
    dialog boxes, text areas, anchors, frames,
        history, cookies, and input/output.


             ECMAScript Language Specification
               5th edition (December 2009)
“     Further, the host environment provides a
     means to attach scripting code to events such
        as change of focus, page and image
        loading, unloading, error and abort,
      selection, form submission, and mouse

<button type="button" onclick="displayDate()">
   Display Date

              ECMAScript Language Specification
                5th edition (December 2009)
“           The scripting code is reactive
               to user interaction and
       there is no need for a main program.

<!-- Ate parece, mas nao e o ‘main’ do javascript -->
<script type="text/javascript">
 function load() {
   alert("Page is loaded");

<body onload="load()">

                ECMAScript Language Specification
                  5th edition (December 2009)
“   A web server provides a different
    host environment for server-side
      computation including objects
     representing requests, clients,
      and files; and mechanisms to
          lock and share data.

           ECMAScript Language Specification
             5th edition (December 2009)
“   Each Web browser and server that
       supports ECMAScript supplies
     its own host environment,
        completing the ECMAScript
          execution environment.

           ECMAScript Language Specification
             5th edition (December 2009)
“   ECMAScript is an object-oriented
    programming language

          ECMAScript Language Specification
            5th edition (December 2009)
“     ECMAScript is an object-oriented
      programming language

      Tipos    Boolean, Number, String, Array, RegExp

Operadores     + - * / >> << >>> < > <= >= | & *= ^ ++

Comentários    //    /*       */

  Estruturas   do while for if else try catch switch

                ECMAScript Language Specification
                  5th edition (December 2009)

Boolean                    Object
Number                Function
String                     RegExp
 Array                      Date

var x;

       ECMAScript Language Specification
         5th edition (December 2009)

var x = null;

       ECMAScript Language Specification
         5th edition (December 2009)

var x = true;
if(x) {

Obs: 0 e null equivalem a false

                   ECMAScript Language Specification
                     5th edition (December 2009)

var x = 10;
var y = 15;

var x = 10.1;
var y = 15.2;

        ECMAScript Language Specification
          5th edition (December 2009)

var x = “Alexandre”;

      ECMAScript Language Specification
        5th edition (December 2009)

var x = function() { alert("Alexandre"); };

          ECMAScript Language Specification
            5th edition (December 2009)
> var x = true;
> x.constructor;

> var x = "Alexandre";
> x.constructor;

> var x = 3467;
> x.constructor;

> var x = function() { alert("Alexandre"); };
> x.constructor;
var x = new Boolean(true);
if(x) { alert('Verdadeiro'); }

var x = new String(“Alexandre”);

var x = new Number(10);
var y = new Number(15);
             /        <<=   ? :
             %        >>=    =
             >>        ==    *=
             <<       !=     /=
            >>>       ===    %=
             <        !==    +=
             >         &     -=
             <=        ^    >>>=
             >=        |     &=
         instanceof   &&     ˆ=
  *                   ||
             in              |=

var a = 1
delete a
ReferenceError: a is not defined
           ECMAScript Language Specification
             5th edition (December 2009)

typeof 1
typeof true
typeof "Alexandre"
typeof function() { alert('Oi') }
typeof null
                ECMAScript Language Specification
                  5th edition (December 2009)
                   ++ e --

var a = 1
            ECMAScript Language Specification
              5th edition (December 2009)

var a = "alexandre"
a instanceof String
var a = new String("alexandre")
a instanceof String
a instanceof Object
              ECMAScript Language Specification
                5th edition (December 2009)
            ==, !=, ===, !==

3 == "3"
3 === "3"

2 != "2"
2 !== "2"
             ECMAScript Language Specification
               5th edition (December 2009)

if/else    continue      switch
do/while     break        throw
 while      return      try/catch
  for        with       debugger

var a = true

if (a) {
} else {
            ECMAScript Language Specification
              5th edition (December 2009)

var i = 1
do {
  alert(i);                                  (...)

} while (i < 5)

          ECMAScript Language Specification
            5th edition (December 2009)

for ( var i = 1; i < 5; i++) {


            ECMAScript Language Specification
              5th edition (December 2009)

var array = [1,3,5,7,9]

for (var i in array) {


               ECMAScript Language Specification
                 5th edition (December 2009)
> var obj = { a: 1, b: 3, c: 5 }

> obj.a

> for(p in obj) {
   alert(p + ": " + obj[p])

> for each (v in obj) {
   alert(v) // v aqui igual ao obj[p] acima
                  ECMAScript Language Specification
                    5th edition (December 2009)

var obj = { a: 1, b: 3, c: 5 }

alert(obj.a); // 1
alert(obj.b); // 3
alert(obj.c); // 5

with(obj) {
 alert(a); // 1
 alert(b); // 3
 alert(c); // 5
                  ECMAScript Language Specification
                    5th edition (December 2009)
var a = "alexandre";

switch (a) {

case "sebastiao":

case "raimunda":

 case "alexandre":
                       ECMAScript Language Specification
                         5th edition (December 2009)
“      ECMAScript is object-based: basic
    language and host facilities are provided by
      objects, and an ECMAScript program is a
         cluster of communicating objects.

             ECMAScript Language Specification
               5th edition (December 2009)
Numa aplicação Javascript, coexistirão

  3 grupos de objetos
objetos definidos pela   objetos definidos pelo   objetos definidos pelo
 especificação           web browser             desenvolvedor

     Boolean                 window                 alexandre
     Number                 document               mensagem
      String            XMLHttpRequest                   ...
      Array                      ...
“            An ECMAScript object is a
         collection of properties
      each with zero or more attributes
    that determine how each property can be used


             nome: “Alexandre”
             sobrenome: “Gomes”
             idade: 34

            ECMAScript Language Specification
              5th edition (December 2009)
“            An ECMAScript object is a
         collection of properties
      each with zero or more attributes
    that determine how each property can be used


             nome: “Alexandre”
             sobrenome: “Gomes”
             idade: 34
                   modificável: false

            ECMAScript Language Specification
              5th edition (December 2009)
> var ale = new Object()

> ale.nome = "Alexandre Gomes"
"Alexandre Gomes"
> ale.nascimento = new Date(1977,8,8)
Thu Sep 08 1977 00:00:00 GMT-0300 (BRT)

> ale.nome
"Alexandre Gomes"
> ale.nascimento
Thu Sep 08 1977 00:00:00 GMT-0300 (BRT)

> ale[‘nome’]
"Alexandre Gomes"
> ale[‘nascimento’]
Thu Sep 08 1977 00:00:00 GMT-0300 (BRT)
“   Properties are containers (slots) that hold
       other objects, primitive values, or


    nome: “Alexandre”
    nascimento: new Date(1977,8,8,0,0,0,0)
    idade: function() { ... }

             ECMAScript Language Specification
               5th edition (December 2009)
“   ECMAScript defines a
collection of built-in objects
Function, Array, String, Boolean, Number, Math, Date, RegExp, JSON
           Error, EvalError, RangeError, ReferenceError,
               SyntaxError, TypeError e URIError

                 ECMAScript Language Specification
                   5th edition (December 2009)
> var x = "Alexandre";
> x.length
> x.charAt(5);
> x + " Gomes"
"Alexandre Gomes"
> x.replace("dre", "dro");
> x.big()
"<a href="">Alexandre</a>"
>>> var x = true;
>>> if(x) { alert('yes'); } else { alert('no') } // yes

>>> !x

>>> x   & false
>>> x   && false
>>> x   | false
>>> x   || false

>>> var x = false;
>>> if(x) { alert('yes'); } else { alert('no') } // no
>>> var x = 10
>>> var y = 15;
>>> z = x + y

>>> z.toFixed(2);

>>> z.toExponential(2);

>>> 2.toExponential(2);
SyntaxError: identifier starts immediately
after numeric literal
>>> Math.PI
>>> Math.sqrt(81);
>>> Math.tan(45);
>>> Math.pow(3,2);
>>> Math.random();
>>> Math.random();
>>> var x = new Date();                                Date
>>> x.toString();
"Sun Apr 03 2011 12:20:42 GMT-0300 (BRT)"

>>> x.getHours() + ":" + x.getMinutes() + ":" + x.getSeconds();

>>> x.getDate() + "/" + x.getMonth() + "/" + x.getFullYear();

>>> var x = new Date("5/18/2006");
>>> x.toString();
"Thu May 18 2006 00:00:00 GMT-0300 (BRT)"

>>> var x = new Date("2006-5-18");
>>> x.toString();
"Invalid Date"

>>> var x = Date(2006,5,18,10,11,12,13);
>>> x.toString();
"Sun Jun 18 2006 10:11:12 GMT-0300 (BRT)"
>>> var x = new Date();
>>> x.toString();
"Sun Apr 03 2011 12:20:42 GMT-0300 (BRT)"

>>> x.getHours() + ":" + x.getMinutes() + ":" + x.getSeconds();

>>> x.getDate() + "/" + x.getMonth() + "/" + x.getFullYear();

>>> var x = new Date("5/18/2006");
>>> x.toString();
"Thu May 18 2006 00:00:00 GMT-0300 (BRT)"

>>> var x = new Date("2006-5-18");
>>> x.toString();
"Invalid Date"

>>> var x = Date(2006,5,18,10,11,12,13);
>>> x.toString();
"Sun Jun 18 2006 10:11:12 GMT-0300 (BRT)"
>>> var texto = "O gato roeu a roupa do rei de roma";
>>> var regex = new RegExp("gato", “”);

>>> texto.match(regex);
>>> regex.exec(texto);

>>> texto.match(/gato/);

>>> texto.match(/O gato/);
["O gato"]
>>> texto.match(/o gato/);
>>> texto.match(/o gato/i);
["O gato"]

>>> texto.match(/o gato.*/i);
["O gato roeu a roupa do rei de roma"]
>>> var obj = { "nome": "Alexandre", "idade" : "33" }
>>> obj.constructor;
Object()                                                  JSON
>>> obj.nome
>>> obj.idade

>>> var msg = JSON.stringify(obj);
>>> msg.constructor;
>>> msg

>>> var msg = '{ "nome": "Alexandre", "idade" : "33" }'
"{ "nome": "Alexandre", "idade" : "33" }"
>>> msg.constructor;
>>> msg.nome;

>>> obj = JSON.parse(msg);
Object { nome="Alexandre", idade="33"}
>>> obj.constructor;
>>> obj.nome;
var x = new Array();
>>> []                                    Array
x[0] = "laranja"
>>> ["laranja"]

x[2] = "maçã"
>>> ["laranja", undefined, "maçã"]

>>> 3

>>> ["laranja", "maçã", undefined]

>>> [undefined, "maçã", "laranja"]

x = ["pera", "uva", new Date()]
>>> "pera,uva,Sun Apr 03 2011 11:53:18 GMT-0300 (BRT
“    A web browser provides an
    ECMAScript host environment
> document.body
 1. <body id=​"docs" class=​"section-docs en ltr yui-skin-sam PageDW-
    enDOMdocument js" role=​"document">​…​</body>​

> document.domain

> document.links
  <a href=​"#content-main">​Skip to the main content​</a>,
   <a href=​"#q">​Skip to the site search​</a>,
   <a href=​"/​">​…​</a>,
   <a href=​"/​index.php?" class=​"user-login">​Log in​</a>,
   <a href=​"/​docs">​Doc Center​</a>,
Gecko   Webkit
e agora, prendam
  a respiração...
“   apesar de ser OO,

 ECMAScript does not use
classes such as those in C+
    +, Smalltalk, or Java.

                   ECMAScript Language Specification
                     5th edition (December 2009)
“Classful”             “Classless”
reuso por herança de    reuso por clonagem
       classes              de objetos

      Pessoa                   joao

       nome                 nome: “João”
       sexo                  idade: 28

            <<herda>>                 <<clona>>

     Funcionári               maria
       salário             nome: “Maria”
                             idade: 20
“Classful”                “Classless”
   modelagem                 modelagem
   top-down                  bottom-up

primeiro a taxonomia e        primeiro o
seus relacionamentos...    comportamento...
“Classful”           “Classless”

objetos criados a      objetos criados a
partir de classes    partir de clonagem...

hoje = new Date()   hoje = new Date()

                      ...ou por ‘geração
                    var x = {
                      one: 1,
                      two: 2
“Classful”            “Classless”

objetos carregam a   objetos carregam as
   estrutura e o      características de
   de sua classe      seu protótipo
Programação baseada em


Programação baseada em


protótipo               clone
Programação baseada em


protótipo               clone
Programação baseada em

>>> var conta = { saldo: 1000.00 };
>>> conta.saldo
>>> conta.limite

>>> var conta_especial = { limite: 500.00 }
>>> conta_especial.limite
>>> conta_especial.saldo

>>> conta_especial.__proto__ = conta // referência explícita
Object { saldo=1000}
>>> conta_especial.saldo
Herança baseada em

> var conta = function(saldo) {
   this.saldo = saldo;
   this.ver_saldo = function() {
     alert('saldo = ' + this.saldo)

> c1 = new conta(1000)
> c1.ver_saldo()

> var conta_especial = function(saldo, limite) {
   this.inheritFrom = conta;
   this.saldo = saldo;
   this.limite = limite;

> c2 = new conta_especial(2000,3000)
> c2.ver_saldo()
“   objects may be created in
     various ways including
      via a literal notation
      var conta = { saldo: 1000.00 }

          ECMAScript Language Specification
            5th edition (December 2009)
“   objects may be created in
     various ways including
      via a literal notation
      var conta = { saldo: 1000.00 }

       or via constructors
      hoje = new Date()
          ECMAScript Language Specification
            5th edition (December 2009)
“   Each constructor
      is a function
       hoje = new Date()

    function Date() {

      ECMAScript Language Specification
        5th edition (December 2009)
    function é também um

var Date = function() {

hoje = new Date()

 function    Date()


 function      Date()


“  Each constructor is a
function that has a property
named “prototype” that
   is used to implement
prototype-based inheritance
    and shared properties.
         ECMAScript Language Specification
           5th edition (December 2009)
“   Each constructor is a function that has a
        property named “prototype”(...)



                               do Date()

                   ECMAScript Language Specification
                     5th edition (December 2009)


                           do Date()

               ECMAScript Language Specification
                 5th edition (December 2009)
“   Every object created by a constructor

    <<construtor      hoje = new Date()               hoje

                               do Date()

                   ECMAScript Language Specification
                     5th edition (December 2009)
“   Every object created by a constructor
    has an implicit reference (called the object’s prototype)

     <<construtor      hoje = new Date()                hoje
     prototype                                         prototype

                                do Date()

                    ECMAScript Language Specification
                      5th edition (December 2009)
“   Every object created by a constructor
    has an implicit reference (called the object’s prototype)
     to the value of its constructor’s “prototype” property.

     <<construtor      hoje = new Date()                hoje
     prototype                                         prototype

                                do Date()

                    ECMAScript Language Specification
                      5th edition (December 2009)
“        Furthermore, a prototype may have a
           non-null implicit reference to its
        prototype, and so on; this is called the
                prototype chain.


                           do Date()

                   ECMAScript Language Specification
                     5th edition (December 2009)
“        Furthermore, a prototype may have a
           non-null implicit reference to its
        prototype, and so on; this is called the
                prototype chain.

    <<construtor                           Protótipo do
                                           protótipo do

                                                          Protótipo do
                           Protótipo                      protótipo do
                           do Date()                      protótipo do

                   ECMAScript Language Specification
                     5th edition (December 2009)
“   When a reference is made to a property in
        an object, that reference is to the
     property of that name in the first object
      in the prototype chain that contains a
              property of that name.

             ECMAScript Language Specification
               5th edition (December 2009)
“       When a reference is made to a property in
            an object, that reference is to the
         property of that name in the first object
          in the prototype chain that contains a
                  property of that name.

p1: “um”                     “tres”

                 p2:                         p4:
                “dois”                     “quatro”

                 ECMAScript Language Specification
                   5th edition (December 2009)
“       When a reference is made to a property in
            an object, that reference is to the
         property of that name in the first object
          in the prototype chain that contains a
                  property of that name.

  obj                                                 obj.p1
p1: “um”                     “tres”

                 p2:                         p4:
                “dois”                     “quatro”

                 ECMAScript Language Specification
                   5th edition (December 2009)
“       When a reference is made to a property in
            an object, that reference is to the
         property of that name in the first object
          in the prototype chain that contains a
                  property of that name.

  obj                                                 obj.p1
p1: “um”                     “tres”                   obj.p2

                 p2:                         p4:
                “dois”                     “quatro”

                 ECMAScript Language Specification
                   5th edition (December 2009)
“       When a reference is made to a property in
            an object, that reference is to the
         property of that name in the first object
          in the prototype chain that contains a
                  property of that name.

  obj                                                 obj.p1
p1: “um”                     “tres”                   obj.p2
                 p2:                         p4:
                “dois”                     “quatro”

                 ECMAScript Language Specification
                   5th edition (December 2009)
“       When a reference is made to a property in
            an object, that reference is to the
         property of that name in the first object
          in the prototype chain that contains a
                  property of that name.

  obj                                                 obj.p1
p1: “um”                     “tres”                   obj.p2
                 p2:                         p4:
                “dois”                     “quatro”

                 ECMAScript Language Specification
                   5th edition (December 2009)
> var Pessoa = function(nome, idade) {
    this.nome = nome;
    this.idade = idade;

> var alexandre = new Pessoa('Ale', 33);
> alexandre.nome
> alexandre.idade

> var sebastiana = new Pessoa('Sebastiana', 88);
> sebastiana.nome
> sebastiana.idade
> var Pessoa = function(nome, idade) {
    this.nome = nome;
    this.idade = idade;
  }                            construtor

> var alexandre = new Pessoa('Ale', 33);
> alexandre.nome
> alexandre.idade

> var sebastiana = new Pessoa('Sebastiana', 88);
> sebastiana.nome
> sebastiana.idade
> var Pessoa = function(nome, idade) {
    this.nome = nome;
    this.idade = idade;

> var alexandre = new Pessoa('Ale', 33);
> alexandre.nome
> alexandre.idade
33                                objeto 1

> var sebastiana = new Pessoa('Sebastiana', 88);
> sebastiana.nome
> sebastiana.idade
> var Pessoa = function(nome, idade) {
    this.nome = nome;
    this.idade = idade;

> var alexandre = new Pessoa('Ale', 33);
> alexandre.nome
> alexandre.idade

> var sebastiana = new Pessoa('Sebastiana', 88);
> sebastiana.nome
> sebastiana.idade
88                                       objeto 2

Protótipo do


Protótipo do



alexandre                       sebastiana

nome = ‘Ale’                   nome = ‘Seb...’
 idade = 33                      idade = 88
Protótipo do

                                                 > alexandre.nome



alexandre                       sebastiana

nome = ‘Ale’                   nome = ‘Seb...’
 idade = 33                      idade = 88
Protótipo do                     > alexandre.nome



alexandre                       sebastiana

nome = ‘Ale’                   nome = ‘Seb...’
 idade = 33                      idade = 88
Protótipo do                     > alexandre.nome

                                                 > sebastiana.idade



alexandre                       sebastiana

nome = ‘Ale’                   nome = ‘Seb...’
 idade = 33                      idade = 88
Protótipo do                     > alexandre.nome

                                                 > sebastiana.idade


                                                 > alexandre.sexo

alexandre                       sebastiana

nome = ‘Ale’                   nome = ‘Seb...’
 idade = 33                      idade = 88
Protótipo do                     > alexandre.nome

                                                 > sebastiana.idade

                                                 > alexandre.sexo

alexandre                       sebastiana

nome = ‘Ale’                   nome = ‘Seb...’
 idade = 33                      idade = 88
Protótipo do                     > alexandre.nome

                                                 > sebastiana.idade

                                                 > alexandre.sexo
                                                 > sebastiana.sexo

alexandre                       sebastiana

nome = ‘Ale’                   nome = ‘Seb...’
 idade = 33                      idade = 88



alexandre                       sebastiana

nome = ‘Ale’                   nome = ‘Seb...’
 idade = 33                      idade = 88
Protótipo           > Pessoa.prototype.sexo = “M”




alexandre                       sebastiana

nome = ‘Ale’                   nome = ‘Seb...’
 idade = 33                      idade = 88
Protótipo           > Pessoa.prototype.sexo = “M”

                  sexo                            > alexandre.sexo



alexandre                       sebastiana

nome = ‘Ale’                   nome = ‘Seb...’
 idade = 33                      idade = 88
Protótipo           > Pessoa.prototype.sexo = “M”

                  sexo                            > alexandre.sexo
                                                 > sebastiana.sexo


alexandre                       sebastiana

nome = ‘Ale’                   nome = ‘Seb...’
 idade = 33                      idade = 88
Protótipo           > Pessoa.prototype.sexo = “M”

                  sexo                                  > alexandre.sexo
                                                       > sebastiana.sexo

                  nome                           > sebastiana.sexo = “F”

alexandre                       sebastiana

nome = ‘Ale’                   nome = ‘Seb...’
 idade = 33                      idade = 88
Protótipo           > Pessoa.prototype.sexo = “M”

                  sexo                                  > alexandre.sexo
                                                       > sebastiana.sexo

                  nome                           > sebastiana.sexo = “F”
                                                       > sebastiana.sexo

alexandre                       sebastiana

nome = ‘Ale’                   nome = ‘Seb...’
 idade = 33                      idade = 88
Object   Prototipo de Object
Object    Prototipo de Object

Object.prototype.pO = 1
Object    Prototipo de Object

                pO = 1

Object.prototype.pO = 1
Object      Prototipo de Object

                 pO = 1



var A = function() {
  this.a = 2;
Object   Prototipo de Object

              pO = 1

  A       Prototipo de A

Object    Prototipo de Object

               pO = 1

  A        Prototipo de A

 a=2           pA = 3

A.prototype.pA = 3
Object        Prototipo de Object

                   pO = 1

  A            Prototipo de A

 a=2               pA = 3

  B      var B = function() {
           this.b = 4;
Object   Prototipo de Object

              pO = 1

  A       Prototipo de A

 a=2          pA = 3

  B       Prototipo de B

Object        Prototipo de Object

      B.prototype = new A
                pO = 1

  A            Prototipo de A

 a=2               pA = 3

  B            Prototipo de B

Object        Prototipo de Object

      B.prototype = new A
                pO = 1

  A            Prototipo de A

 a=2               pA = 3

                   new A()
Object       Prototipo de Object

      B.prototype.pB = 5
                pO = 1

  A           Prototipo de A

 a=2              pA = 3

                  new A()
                  pB = 5
Object   Prototipo de Object

              pO = 1

  A       Prototipo de A

 a=2          pA = 3

              new A()
              pB = 5
Object       Prototipo de Object

         x = new= 1

  A           Prototipo de A

 a=2              pA = 3

                  new A()          X
                  pB = 5
Object   Prototipo de Object

              pO = 1

  A       Prototipo de A

 a=2          pA = 3

              new A()          X
              pB = 5
Object   Prototipo de Object

              pO = 1

  A       Prototipo de A

 a=2          pA = 3
              new A()           X
              pB = 5
Object   Prototipo de Object

              pO = 1

  A       Prototipo de A

 a=2          pA = 3

              new A()           X
              pB = 5
Object   Prototipo de Object

              pO = 1

  A       Prototipo de A

 a=2          pA = 3
              new A()           X
              pB = 5
Object   Prototipo de Object

              pO = 1

  A       Prototipo de A

 a=2          pA = 3

              new A()            X
              pB = 5
Object   Prototipo de Object

              pO = 1

  A       Prototipo de A

 a=2          pA = 3
              new A()            X
              pB = 5
Object   Prototipo de Object

              pO = 1

  A       Prototipo de A

 a=2          pA = 3

              new A()           X
              pB = 5
Object   Prototipo de Object

              pO = 1

  A       Prototipo de A

 a=2          pA = 3
              new A()           X
              pB = 5
Object   Prototipo de Object

              pO = 1

  A       Prototipo de A

 a=2          pA = 3

              new A()            X
              pB = 5
Object   Prototipo de Object

              pO = 1

  A       Prototipo de A

 a=2          pA = 3
              new A()            X
              pB = 5
o que tem sido
       feito com

•   Ajax
                               •   Layout
•   Animation and Effects
                               •   Media
•   Browser Tweaks
                               •   Menus
•   Data
                               •   Metaplugin
•   DOM
                               •   Navigation
•   Drag-and-Drop
                               •   Tables
•   Events
                               •   User Interface
•   Forms
                               •   Utilities
•   Integration
                               •   Widgets
•   JavaScript
                               •   Windows and Overlays
•   jQuery Extensions
Node's goal is to provide an
easy way to build scalable
   network programs.

Backbone supplies structure to JavaScript-heavy
 applications by providing models with key-value
binding and custom events, collections with a rich
API of enumerable functions, views with declarative
 event handling, and connects it all to your existing
     application over a RESTful JSON interface.
CoffeeScript is a little language
that compiles into JavaScript. (...)
   CoffeeScript is an attempt to
     expose the good parts of
    JavaScript in a simple way.
if (opposite) {
      number = -42;

number = -42 if opposite
square = function(x) {
   return x * x;

square = (x) -> x * x
cubes = (function() {
  var _i, _len, _results;
  _results = [];
  for (_i = 0, _len = list.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
    num = list[_i];
  return _results;

   cubes = (math.cube num for num in list)
Javascript do jeito certo

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Javascript do jeito certo

  • 1. Javascript do jeito certo Alexandre Gomes
  • 2. javascript ? a que te remete o termo
  • 3. <form> <input type=button value="Close Window" onClick="javascript:window.close();"> </form>
  • 4. <script> function open_window(url) { mywin =,"win",...); } </script> <body> <a href = "javascript:open_window('page1.html')"> <img src ="image.gif"> </a> <a href = "javascript:open_window('page2.html')"> <img src ="image.gif"> </a> </body>
  • 5. function validateForm() { var x = document.forms["myForm"]["fname"].value if (x == null || x == "") { alert("Nome obrigatório!"); return false; } }
  • 6. para a grande maioria, javascript = magia negra
  • 7.
  • 8.
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  • 15. javascript Afinal, é do mal ou do bem?
  • 17. ISO IEC 16262
  • 18. ECMAScript is an object-oriented programming language for performing computations and manipulating computational objects within a host environment. ECMAScript Language Specification 5th edition (December 2009)
  • 19. ECMAScript as defined here is not intended to be computationally self- sufficient; indeed, there are no provisions in this specification for input of external data or output of computed results. ECMAScript Language Specification 5th edition (December 2009)
  • 20. Instead, it is expected that the computational environment (host environment) of an ECMAScript program will provide not only the objects and other facilities described in this specification but also certain environment-specific host objects ECMAScript Language Specification 5th edition (December 2009)
  • 21. Some of the facilities of ECMAScript are similar to those used in other programming languages; in particular Java TM, Self, and Scheme ECMAScript Language Specification 5th edition (December 2009)
  • 22. A web browser provides an ECMAScript host environment for client-side computation including, for instance, objects that represent windows, menus, pop-ups, dialog boxes, text areas, anchors, frames, history, cookies, and input/output. navigator.appName; window.moveTo(100,100); ECMAScript Language Specification 5th edition (December 2009)
  • 23. Further, the host environment provides a means to attach scripting code to events such as change of focus, page and image loading, unloading, error and abort, selection, form submission, and mouse actions. <button type="button" onclick="displayDate()"> Display Date </button> ECMAScript Language Specification 5th edition (December 2009)
  • 24. The scripting code is reactive to user interaction and there is no need for a main program. <!-- Ate parece, mas nao e o ‘main’ do javascript --> <script type="text/javascript"> function load() { alert("Page is loaded"); } </script> <body onload="load()"> ECMAScript Language Specification 5th edition (December 2009)
  • 25. A web server provides a different host environment for server-side computation including objects representing requests, clients, and files; and mechanisms to lock and share data. ECMAScript Language Specification 5th edition (December 2009)
  • 26. Each Web browser and server that supports ECMAScript supplies its own host environment, completing the ECMAScript execution environment. ECMAScript Language Specification 5th edition (December 2009)
  • 27. ECMAScript is an object-oriented programming language (...) ECMAScript Language Specification 5th edition (December 2009)
  • 28. ECMAScript is an object-oriented programming language (...) Tipos Boolean, Number, String, Array, RegExp Operadores + - * / >> << >>> < > <= >= | & *= ^ ++ Comentários // /* */ Estruturas do while for if else try catch switch ECMAScript Language Specification 5th edition (December 2009)
  • 29. Tipos (construtores) Boolean Object Number Function String RegExp Array Date
  • 30. Tipos undefined var x; alert(x); ECMAScript Language Specification 5th edition (December 2009)
  • 31. Tipos null var x = null; alert(x); ECMAScript Language Specification 5th edition (December 2009)
  • 32. Tipos Boolean var x = true; if(x) { alert('Verdadeiro'); } Obs: 0 e null equivalem a false ECMAScript Language Specification 5th edition (December 2009)
  • 33. Tipos Number var x = 10; var y = 15; alert(x+y); var x = 10.1; var y = 15.2; alert(x+y); ECMAScript Language Specification 5th edition (December 2009)
  • 34. Tipos String var x = “Alexandre”; alert(x); ECMAScript Language Specification 5th edition (December 2009)
  • 35. Tipos Function var x = function() { alert("Alexandre"); }; x(); ECMAScript Language Specification 5th edition (December 2009)
  • 36. > var x = true; > x.constructor; Boolean() > var x = "Alexandre"; > x.constructor; String() > var x = 3467; > x.constructor; Number() > var x = function() { alert("Alexandre"); }; > x.constructor; Function()
  • 37. var x = new Boolean(true); if(x) { alert('Verdadeiro'); } var x = new String(“Alexandre”); alert(x); var x = new Number(10); var y = new Number(15); alert(x+y);
  • 38. Operadores / <<= ? : delete % >>= = void >> == *= typeof << != /= ++ >>> === %= -- < !== += + > & -= - <= ^ >>>= ~ >= | &= ! instanceof && ˆ= * || in |=
  • 39. Operadores delete var a = 1 undefined a 1 delete a true a ReferenceError: a is not defined ECMAScript Language Specification 5th edition (December 2009)
  • 40. Operadores typeof typeof 1 "number" typeof true "boolean" typeof "Alexandre" "string" typeof function() { alert('Oi') } "function" typeof null "object" ECMAScript Language Specification 5th edition (December 2009)
  • 41. Operadores ++ e -- var a = 1 undefined a++ 1 a 2 ++a 3 ECMAScript Language Specification 5th edition (December 2009)
  • 42. Operadores instanceof var a = "alexandre" undefined a instanceof String false var a = new String("alexandre") undefined a instanceof String true a instanceof Object true ECMAScript Language Specification 5th edition (December 2009)
  • 43. Operadores ==, !=, ===, !== 3 == "3" true 3 === "3" false 2 != "2" false 2 !== "2" true ECMAScript Language Specification 5th edition (December 2009)
  • 44. Estruturas if/else continue switch do/while break throw while return try/catch for with debugger for/in
  • 45. Estruturas if/else var a = true if (a) { alert('Verdadeiro') } else { alert('Falso') } ECMAScript Language Specification 5th edition (December 2009)
  • 46. Estruturas do/while var i = 1 do { alert(i); (...) i++; } while (i < 5) ECMAScript Language Specification 5th edition (December 2009)
  • 47. Estruturas for for ( var i = 1; i < 5; i++) { alert(i); } (...) ECMAScript Language Specification 5th edition (December 2009)
  • 48. Estruturas for/in var array = [1,3,5,7,9] for (var i in array) { alert(array[i]) } (...) ECMAScript Language Specification 5th edition (December 2009)
  • 49. Estruturas for/each/in > var obj = { a: 1, b: 3, c: 5 } > obj.a 1 > for(p in obj) { alert(p + ": " + obj[p]) } > for each (v in obj) { alert(v) // v aqui igual ao obj[p] acima } ECMAScript Language Specification 5th edition (December 2009)
  • 50. Estruturas with var obj = { a: 1, b: 3, c: 5 } alert(obj.a); // 1 alert(obj.b); // 3 alert(obj.c); // 5 with(obj) { alert(a); // 1 alert(b); // 3 alert(c); // 5 } ECMAScript Language Specification 5th edition (December 2009)
  • 51. Estruturas switch/case var a = "alexandre"; switch (a) { case "sebastiao": alert("Tião?"); break; case "raimunda": alert("Raimundinha?"); break; case "alexandre": alert("Alê!"); break; } ECMAScript Language Specification 5th edition (December 2009)
  • 52. ECMAScript is object-based: basic language and host facilities are provided by objects, and an ECMAScript program is a cluster of communicating objects. ECMAScript Language Specification 5th edition (December 2009)
  • 53. Numa aplicação Javascript, coexistirão 3 grupos de objetos objetos definidos pela objetos definidos pelo objetos definidos pelo especificação web browser desenvolvedor ECMAScript Boolean window alexandre Number document mensagem String XMLHttpRequest ... Array ... ...
  • 54. An ECMAScript object is a collection of properties each with zero or more attributes that determine how each property can be used alexandre nome: “Alexandre” sobrenome: “Gomes” idade: 34 ECMAScript Language Specification 5th edition (December 2009)
  • 55. An ECMAScript object is a collection of properties each with zero or more attributes that determine how each property can be used alexandre nome: “Alexandre” sobrenome: “Gomes” idade: 34 modificável: false ECMAScript Language Specification 5th edition (December 2009)
  • 56. > var ale = new Object() > ale.nome = "Alexandre Gomes" "Alexandre Gomes" > ale.nascimento = new Date(1977,8,8) Thu Sep 08 1977 00:00:00 GMT-0300 (BRT) > ale.nome "Alexandre Gomes" > ale.nascimento Thu Sep 08 1977 00:00:00 GMT-0300 (BRT) > ale[‘nome’] "Alexandre Gomes" > ale[‘nascimento’] Thu Sep 08 1977 00:00:00 GMT-0300 (BRT)
  • 57. Properties are containers (slots) that hold other objects, primitive values, or functions. alexandre nome: “Alexandre” nascimento: new Date(1977,8,8,0,0,0,0) idade: function() { ... } ECMAScript Language Specification 5th edition (December 2009)
  • 58. ECMAScript defines a collection of built-in objects Function, Array, String, Boolean, Number, Math, Date, RegExp, JSON Error, EvalError, RangeError, ReferenceError, SyntaxError, TypeError e URIError ECMAScript Language Specification 5th edition (December 2009)
  • 59. > var x = "Alexandre"; > x.length String 9 > x.charAt(5); "n" > x + " Gomes" "Alexandre Gomes" > x.replace("dre", "dro"); "Alexandro" > x.big() "<big>Alexandre</big>" >"") "<a href="">Alexandre</a>"
  • 60. Boolean >>> var x = true; >>> if(x) { alert('yes'); } else { alert('no') } // yes >>> !x false >>> x & false 0 >>> x && false false >>> x | false 1 >>> x || false true >>> var x = false; >>> if(x) { alert('yes'); } else { alert('no') } // no
  • 61. Number >>> var x = 10 >>> var y = 15; >>> z = x + y 25 >>> z.toFixed(2); "25.00" >>> z.toExponential(2); "2.50e+1" >>> 2.toExponential(2); SyntaxError: identifier starts immediately after numeric literal
  • 62. Math >>> Math.PI 3.141592653589793 >>> Math.sqrt(81); 9 >>> Math.tan(45); 1.6197751905438615 >>> Math.pow(3,2); 9 >>> Math.random(); 0.8528815588353642 >>> Math.random(); 0.955940929887219
  • 63. >>> var x = new Date(); Date >>> x.toString(); "Sun Apr 03 2011 12:20:42 GMT-0300 (BRT)" >>> x.getHours() + ":" + x.getMinutes() + ":" + x.getSeconds(); "12:20:42" >>> x.getDate() + "/" + x.getMonth() + "/" + x.getFullYear(); "3/3/2011" >>> var x = new Date("5/18/2006"); >>> x.toString(); "Thu May 18 2006 00:00:00 GMT-0300 (BRT)" >>> var x = new Date("2006-5-18"); >>> x.toString(); "Invalid Date" >>> var x = Date(2006,5,18,10,11,12,13); >>> x.toString(); "Sun Jun 18 2006 10:11:12 GMT-0300 (BRT)"
  • 64. >>> var x = new Date(); >>> x.toString(); Date "Sun Apr 03 2011 12:20:42 GMT-0300 (BRT)" >>> x.getHours() + ":" + x.getMinutes() + ":" + x.getSeconds(); "12:20:42" >>> x.getDate() + "/" + x.getMonth() + "/" + x.getFullYear(); "3/3/2011" >>> var x = new Date("5/18/2006"); >>> x.toString(); "Thu May 18 2006 00:00:00 GMT-0300 (BRT)" >>> var x = new Date("2006-5-18"); >>> x.toString(); "Invalid Date" >>> var x = Date(2006,5,18,10,11,12,13); >>> x.toString(); "Sun Jun 18 2006 10:11:12 GMT-0300 (BRT)"
  • 65. >>> var texto = "O gato roeu a roupa do rei de roma"; >>> var regex = new RegExp("gato", “”); >>> texto.match(regex); ["gato"] Regex >>> regex.exec(texto); ["gato"] >>> texto.match(/gato/); ["gato"] >>> texto.match(/O gato/); ["O gato"] >>> texto.match(/o gato/); null >>> texto.match(/o gato/i); ["O gato"] >>> texto.match(/o gato.*/i); ["O gato roeu a roupa do rei de roma"]
  • 66. >>> var obj = { "nome": "Alexandre", "idade" : "33" } >>> obj.constructor; Object() JSON >>> obj.nome "Alexandre" >>> obj.idade "33" >>> var msg = JSON.stringify(obj); >>> msg.constructor; String() >>> msg "{"nome":"Alexandre","idade":"33"}" >>> var msg = '{ "nome": "Alexandre", "idade" : "33" }' "{ "nome": "Alexandre", "idade" : "33" }" >>> msg.constructor; String() >>> msg.nome; undefined >>> obj = JSON.parse(msg); Object { nome="Alexandre", idade="33"} >>> obj.constructor; Object() >>> obj.nome; "Alexandre"
  • 67. var x = new Array(); >>> [] Array x[0] = "laranja" >>> ["laranja"] x[2] = "maçã" >>> ["laranja", undefined, "maçã"] x.length >>> 3 x.sort(); >>> ["laranja", "maçã", undefined] x.reverse(); >>> [undefined, "maçã", "laranja"] x = ["pera", "uva", new Date()] x.toString(); >>> "pera,uva,Sun Apr 03 2011 11:53:18 GMT-0300 (BRT
  • 68. A web browser provides an ECMAScript host environment (...)
  • 69. > document.body 1. <body id=​"docs" class=​"section-docs en ltr yui-skin-sam PageDW- enDOMdocument js" role=​"document">​…​</body>​ > document.domain "" > document.links [ <a href=​"#content-main">​Skip to the main content​</a>, <a href=​"#q">​Skip to the site search​</a>, <a href=​"/​">​…​</a>, <a href=​"/​index.php?" class=​"user-login">​Log in​</a>, <a href=​"/​docs">​Doc Center​</a>, …
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  • 74. { { Gecko Webkit
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  • 77. e agora, prendam a respiração...
  • 78. apesar de ser OO, ECMAScript does not use classes such as those in C+ +, Smalltalk, or Java. ECMAScript Language Specification 5th edition (December 2009)
  • 79. “Classful” “Classless” reuso por herança de reuso por clonagem classes de objetos Pessoa joao nome nome: “João” sexo idade: 28 <<herda>> <<clona>> Funcionári maria o salário nome: “Maria” idade: 20
  • 80. “Classful” “Classless” modelagem modelagem top-down bottom-up primeiro a taxonomia e primeiro o seus relacionamentos... comportamento...
  • 81. “Classful” “Classless” objetos criados a objetos criados a partir de classes partir de clonagem... hoje = new Date() hoje = new Date() ...ou por ‘geração expontânea’ var x = { one: 1, two: 2 }
  • 82. “Classful” “Classless” objetos carregam a objetos carregam as estrutura e o características de comportamento de sua classe seu protótipo
  • 83. Programação baseada em protótipos protótipo
  • 84. Programação baseada em protótipos protótipo clone
  • 85. Programação baseada em protótipos protótipo clone
  • 86. Programação baseada em protótipos >>> var conta = { saldo: 1000.00 }; >>> conta.saldo 1000 >>> conta.limite undefined >>> var conta_especial = { limite: 500.00 } >>> conta_especial.limite 500 >>> conta_especial.saldo undefined >>> conta_especial.__proto__ = conta // referência explícita Object { saldo=1000} >>> conta_especial.saldo 1000
  • 87. Herança baseada em protótipos > var conta = function(saldo) { this.saldo = saldo; this.ver_saldo = function() { alert('saldo = ' + this.saldo) } } > c1 = new conta(1000) > c1.ver_saldo() > var conta_especial = function(saldo, limite) { this.inheritFrom = conta; this.inheritFrom(); this.saldo = saldo; this.limite = limite; } > c2 = new conta_especial(2000,3000) > c2.ver_saldo()
  • 88. objects may be created in various ways including via a literal notation var conta = { saldo: 1000.00 } ECMAScript Language Specification 5th edition (December 2009)
  • 89. objects may be created in various ways including via a literal notation var conta = { saldo: 1000.00 } or via constructors hoje = new Date() ECMAScript Language Specification 5th edition (December 2009)
  • 90. Each constructor is a function hoje = new Date() function Date() { ... } ECMAScript Language Specification 5th edition (December 2009)
  • 91. mas function é também um objeto Date() var Date = function() { ... } hoje = new Date()
  • 92. construtor function Date() objeto
  • 93. construtor function Date() objeto propriedades
  • 94. “ Each constructor is a function that has a property named “prototype” that is used to implement prototype-based inheritance and shared properties. ECMAScript Language Specification 5th edition (December 2009)
  • 95. Each constructor is a function that has a property named “prototype”(...) Date() <<construtor prototype Protótipo do Date() ECMAScript Language Specification 5th edition (December 2009)
  • 96. Date() <<construtor prototype Protótipo do Date() ECMAScript Language Specification 5th edition (December 2009)
  • 97. Every object created by a constructor Date() <<construtor hoje = new Date() hoje prototype Protótipo do Date() ECMAScript Language Specification 5th edition (December 2009)
  • 98. Every object created by a constructor has an implicit reference (called the object’s prototype) Date() <<construtor hoje = new Date() hoje prototype prototype Protótipo do Date() ECMAScript Language Specification 5th edition (December 2009)
  • 99. Every object created by a constructor has an implicit reference (called the object’s prototype) to the value of its constructor’s “prototype” property. Date() <<construtor hoje = new Date() hoje prototype prototype Protótipo do Date() ECMAScript Language Specification 5th edition (December 2009)
  • 100. Furthermore, a prototype may have a non-null implicit reference to its prototype, and so on; this is called the prototype chain. Date() <<construtor Protótipo do Date() ECMAScript Language Specification 5th edition (December 2009)
  • 101. Furthermore, a prototype may have a non-null implicit reference to its prototype, and so on; this is called the prototype chain. Date() <<construtor Protótipo do protótipo do Date() Protótipo do Protótipo protótipo do do Date() protótipo do Date() ECMAScript Language Specification 5th edition (December 2009)
  • 102. When a reference is made to a property in an object, that reference is to the property of that name in the first object in the prototype chain that contains a property of that name. ECMAScript Language Specification 5th edition (December 2009)
  • 103. When a reference is made to a property in an object, that reference is to the property of that name in the first object in the prototype chain that contains a property of that name. obj p3: p1: “um” “tres” p2: p4: “dois” “quatro” ECMAScript Language Specification 5th edition (December 2009)
  • 104. When a reference is made to a property in an object, that reference is to the property of that name in the first object in the prototype chain that contains a property of that name. obj obj.p1 p3: p1: “um” “tres” p2: p4: “dois” “quatro” ECMAScript Language Specification 5th edition (December 2009)
  • 105. When a reference is made to a property in an object, that reference is to the property of that name in the first object in the prototype chain that contains a property of that name. obj obj.p1 p3: p1: “um” “tres” obj.p2 p2: p4: “dois” “quatro” ECMAScript Language Specification 5th edition (December 2009)
  • 106. When a reference is made to a property in an object, that reference is to the property of that name in the first object in the prototype chain that contains a property of that name. obj obj.p1 p3: p1: “um” “tres” obj.p2 obj.p3 p2: p4: “dois” “quatro” ECMAScript Language Specification 5th edition (December 2009)
  • 107. When a reference is made to a property in an object, that reference is to the property of that name in the first object in the prototype chain that contains a property of that name. obj obj.p1 p3: p1: “um” “tres” obj.p2 obj.p3 p2: p4: obj.p4 “dois” “quatro” ECMAScript Language Specification 5th edition (December 2009)
  • 108. > var Pessoa = function(nome, idade) { this.nome = nome; this.idade = idade; } > var alexandre = new Pessoa('Ale', 33); > alexandre.nome "Ale" > alexandre.idade 33 > var sebastiana = new Pessoa('Sebastiana', 88); > sebastiana.nome "Sebastiana" > sebastiana.idade 88
  • 109. > var Pessoa = function(nome, idade) { this.nome = nome; this.idade = idade; } construtor > var alexandre = new Pessoa('Ale', 33); > alexandre.nome "Ale" > alexandre.idade 33 > var sebastiana = new Pessoa('Sebastiana', 88); > sebastiana.nome "Sebastiana" > sebastiana.idade 88
  • 110. > var Pessoa = function(nome, idade) { this.nome = nome; this.idade = idade; } > var alexandre = new Pessoa('Ale', 33); > alexandre.nome "Ale" > alexandre.idade 33 objeto 1 > var sebastiana = new Pessoa('Sebastiana', 88); > sebastiana.nome "Sebastiana" > sebastiana.idade 88
  • 111. > var Pessoa = function(nome, idade) { this.nome = nome; this.idade = idade; } > var alexandre = new Pessoa('Ale', 33); > alexandre.nome "Ale" > alexandre.idade 33 > var sebastiana = new Pessoa('Sebastiana', 88); > sebastiana.nome "Sebastiana" > sebastiana.idade 88 objeto 2
  • 112. Pessoa() <<construtor> nome idade
  • 113. Protótipo do Pessoa() Pessoa() <<construtor> nome idade
  • 114. Protótipo do Pessoa() Pessoa() <<construtor> nome idade alexandre sebastiana nome = ‘Ale’ nome = ‘Seb...’ idade = 33 idade = 88
  • 115. Protótipo do Pessoa() ? > alexandre.nome Pessoa() <<construtor> nome idade alexandre sebastiana nome = ‘Ale’ nome = ‘Seb...’ idade = 33 idade = 88
  • 116. Protótipo do > alexandre.nome Pessoa() “Ale” Pessoa() <<construtor> nome idade alexandre sebastiana nome = ‘Ale’ nome = ‘Seb...’ idade = 33 idade = 88
  • 117. Protótipo do > alexandre.nome Pessoa() “Ale” > sebastiana.idade 88 Pessoa() <<construtor> nome idade alexandre sebastiana nome = ‘Ale’ nome = ‘Seb...’ idade = 33 idade = 88
  • 118. Protótipo do > alexandre.nome Pessoa() “Ale” > sebastiana.idade 88 Pessoa() ? <<construtor> > alexandre.sexo nome idade alexandre sebastiana nome = ‘Ale’ nome = ‘Seb...’ idade = 33 idade = 88
  • 119. Protótipo do > alexandre.nome Pessoa() “Ale” > sebastiana.idade 88 Pessoa() <<construtor> > alexandre.sexo nome undefined idade alexandre sebastiana nome = ‘Ale’ nome = ‘Seb...’ idade = 33 idade = 88
  • 120. Protótipo do > alexandre.nome Pessoa() “Ale” > sebastiana.idade 88 Pessoa() <<construtor> > alexandre.sexo nome undefined idade > sebastiana.sexo undefined alexandre sebastiana nome = ‘Ale’ nome = ‘Seb...’ idade = 33 idade = 88
  • 121. Protótipo Pessoa() <<construtor> nome idade alexandre sebastiana nome = ‘Ale’ nome = ‘Seb...’ idade = 33 idade = 88
  • 122. Protótipo > Pessoa.prototype.sexo = “M” sexo Pessoa() <<construtor> nome idade alexandre sebastiana nome = ‘Ale’ nome = ‘Seb...’ idade = 33 idade = 88
  • 123. Protótipo > Pessoa.prototype.sexo = “M” sexo > alexandre.sexo “M” Pessoa() <<construtor> nome idade alexandre sebastiana nome = ‘Ale’ nome = ‘Seb...’ idade = 33 idade = 88
  • 124. Protótipo > Pessoa.prototype.sexo = “M” sexo > alexandre.sexo “M” > sebastiana.sexo “M” Pessoa() <<construtor> nome idade alexandre sebastiana nome = ‘Ale’ nome = ‘Seb...’ idade = 33 idade = 88
  • 125. Protótipo > Pessoa.prototype.sexo = “M” sexo > alexandre.sexo “M” > sebastiana.sexo “M” Pessoa() <<construtor> nome > sebastiana.sexo = “F” idade alexandre sebastiana nome = ‘Ale’ nome = ‘Seb...’ idade = 33 idade = 88
  • 126. Protótipo > Pessoa.prototype.sexo = “M” sexo > alexandre.sexo “M” > sebastiana.sexo “M” Pessoa() <<construtor> nome > sebastiana.sexo = “F” idade > sebastiana.sexo “F” alexandre sebastiana nome = ‘Ale’ nome = ‘Seb...’ idade = 33 idade = 88
  • 127. Object
  • 128. Object Prototipo de Object
  • 129. Object Prototipo de Object Object.prototype.pO = 1
  • 130. Object Prototipo de Object pO = 1 Object.prototype.pO = 1
  • 131. Object Prototipo de Object pO = 1 A a=2 var A = function() { this.a = 2; }
  • 132. Object Prototipo de Object pO = 1 A Prototipo de A a=2
  • 133. Object Prototipo de Object pO = 1 A Prototipo de A a=2 pA = 3 A.prototype.pA = 3
  • 134. Object Prototipo de Object pO = 1 A Prototipo de A a=2 pA = 3 B var B = function() { this.b = 4; b=4 }
  • 135. Object Prototipo de Object pO = 1 A Prototipo de A a=2 pA = 3 B Prototipo de B b=4
  • 136. Object Prototipo de Object B.prototype = new A pO = 1 A Prototipo de A a=2 pA = 3 B Prototipo de B b=4
  • 137. Object Prototipo de Object B.prototype = new A pO = 1 A Prototipo de A a=2 pA = 3 B new A() b=4
  • 138. Object Prototipo de Object B.prototype.pB = 5 pO = 1 A Prototipo de A a=2 pA = 3 B new A() b=4 pB = 5
  • 139. Object Prototipo de Object pO = 1 A Prototipo de A a=2 pA = 3 B new A() b=4 pB = 5
  • 140. Object Prototipo de Object x = new= 1 pO B() A Prototipo de A a=2 pA = 3 B new A() X b=4 pB = 5
  • 141. Object Prototipo de Object pO = 1 A Prototipo de A a=2 pA = 3 B new A() X b=4 pB = 5
  • 142. Object Prototipo de Object pO = 1 A Prototipo de A a=2 pA = 3 x.pB ? B new A() X b=4 pB = 5
  • 143. Object Prototipo de Object pO = 1 A Prototipo de A a=2 pA = 3 x.b B new A() X b=4 pB = 5
  • 144. Object Prototipo de Object pO = 1 A Prototipo de A a=2 pA = 3 x.b ? B new A() X b=4 pB = 5
  • 145. Object Prototipo de Object pO = 1 A Prototipo de A a=2 pA = 3 x.pA B new A() X b=4 pB = 5
  • 146. Object Prototipo de Object pO = 1 A Prototipo de A a=2 pA = 3 x.pA ? B new A() X b=4 pB = 5
  • 147. Object Prototipo de Object pO = 1 A Prototipo de A a=2 pA = 3 x.a B new A() X b=4 pB = 5
  • 148. Object Prototipo de Object pO = 1 A Prototipo de A a=2 pA = 3 x.a ? B new A() X b=4 pB = 5
  • 149. Object Prototipo de Object pO = 1 A Prototipo de A a=2 pA = 3 x.pO B new A() X b=4 pB = 5
  • 150. Object Prototipo de Object pO = 1 A Prototipo de A a=2 pA = 3 x.pO ? B new A() X b=4 pB = 5
  • 151. @see AppleApplications/Reference/WebKitDOMRef/index.html
  • 152. o que tem sido feito com javascript
  • 154.
  • 155.
  • 156.
  • 157. • Ajax • Layout • Animation and Effects • Media • Browser Tweaks • Menus • Data • Metaplugin • DOM • Navigation • Drag-and-Drop • Tables • Events • User Interface • Forms • Utilities • Integration • Widgets • JavaScript • Windows and Overlays • jQuery Extensions
  • 162.
  • 163. Node's goal is to provide an easy way to build scalable network programs.
  • 164.
  • 165.
  • 166.
  • 167.
  • 168. Backbone supplies structure to JavaScript-heavy applications by providing models with key-value binding and custom events, collections with a rich API of enumerable functions, views with declarative event handling, and connects it all to your existing application over a RESTful JSON interface.
  • 169. CoffeeScript is a little language that compiles into JavaScript. (...) CoffeeScript is an attempt to expose the good parts of JavaScript in a simple way.
  • 170. if (opposite) { number = -42; } number = -42 if opposite
  • 171. square = function(x) { return x * x; }; square = (x) -> x * x
  • 172. cubes = (function() { var _i, _len, _results; _results = []; for (_i = 0, _len = list.length; _i < _len; _i++) { num = list[_i]; _results.push(math.cube(num)); } return _results; })(); cubes = (math.cube num for num in list)
  • 173. P&R

Editor's Notes

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  7. Mas a&amp;#xED; chegou o Google e lan&amp;#xE7;ou sua ferramenta de webmail, em meio a um mercado aparentemente saturado.\n
  8. ...popularizou uma t&amp;#xE9;cnica\n
  9. E mudou a percep&amp;#xE7;&amp;#xE3;o que o mundo tinha da tecnologia.\n
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  11. Javascript &amp;#xE9; 3&amp;#xAA; tecnologia com mais projetos no Github\n
  12. ...e &amp;#xE9; a tecnologia que tem a maior base de c&amp;#xF3;digo!\n
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  24. At&amp;#xE9; mesmo diferentes vers&amp;#xF5;es de browser prov&amp;#xEA;em diferentes hosts environments.\n
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  78. O fato &amp;#xE9; que....\n
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  208. TODO\n- Subclasse com chamada a no construtor\n