SlideShare a Scribd company logo
as development platform

                      BAD PRACTICE                                LEGACY CODE
var global = 10;                      function factorial(x) {
                                         if (x <= 1) {
function foo() {                            return 1;
   global++;                             }
                                          return x * arguments.callee(x - 1);
                      GOOD PRACTICE
(function () {
   var local = 10;
                                                                 CODE SNIPPET
   function foo() {                   function foo() {
      local++;                           console.log(‘foo’);
   }                                  }
WHAT IS javascript

            The world`s most misunderstood
            programming language

Completely independent from Java
Has syntax similarities

Doesn’t mean that JS isn`t real
programming language
Full-fledged Object Oriented language

Standard has complicated structure makes it hard to
read and understand
Almost all books are universally bad
Internet full of bad advices and practices
    Javascript: the definitive guide   Javascript: the GOOD parts
WHAT IS Javascript

            A scripting language designed as
            lightweight alternative to Java for Web

          James Gosling at Sun Microsystems
          has been working on superior
          language to C++ called Oak

          Microsoft released Windows 3.1
          and preview of Microsoft
          Windows NT for developers

          Oak has failed as a language for
          interactive television and has been
          repurposed for Web. At this time
          language has been renamed to Java.

          Sun Microsystems officially
          announced HotJava browser with
          support of Java-applets.

          Web becomes hot and Microsoft
          ships Internet Explorer 1.0 and
          Internet Explorer 2.0 few month later

          Brendan Eich at Netscape
          Communication Corporation begun
          working on lightweight and simple
          alternative to Java for Web browser

          Later on Netscape released
          Netscape Navigator 2.0 with support
          of LiveScript and Java-applets

          Anticipated by opportunity to free
          Web from Microsoft, Sun and Netscape
          formed the alliance

          As the result LiveScript has been
          renamed to JavaScript

          Microsoft reverse-engineered
          JavaScript and named it JScript to
          avoid trademark issues with Sun

          Microsoft released Internet Explorer 3
          with support of JScript

          To prevent Microsoft from mutating
          the language, Sun and Netscape made
          their way to ECMA to standardize the

          Sun and Netscape have failed and
          Microsoft gathered full control on
          standardization process. Microsoft
          insisted on preserving some design
          errors in the language

          ECMA International introduces
          ECMA-262 1st + 2nd edition of
          JavaScript language

 ECMA 262

ECMA-262 is active standard that defines JavaScript
Uses term ECMAScript
Structured in a way that makes it hard to read


  1997          1998          1999        2000-2009       2009            Future

1st edition   2nd edition   3rd edition   4th edition   5th edition   Harmony edition

   June          June       December                    December
WHAT IS javascript

                 One of the most popular
                 programming languages
                          AS OF BEGINNING OF 2013

One of the most popular
programming languages
KEY persons
Brendan eich

               Inventor of JavaScript language
               at Netscape
KEY persons

                    Active member of JavaScript
                    Author of JSLint and JSMin
                    Inventor of JSON data format
WHAT IS Javascript

            A programming language designed to
            be simple and flexible

Lightweight & Simple

                  WEB AUTHORS   Professional programmers

Limited scalability
  Lack of modularity
  Linkage through global space
  Dynamicity over static typing


          OBJECT ORIENTED                             CODE SNIPPET
                            function Plane(mass) {
                                this.mass = mass;

                            var lightPlane = new Plane(10),
                                heavyPlane = new Plane(1000);
Functional language

           FUNCTIONAL                                           CODE SNIPPET
                              combine = function (a, b) {
                                  return function () {

                              combined = combine(
                                  function () {
                                  function () {


              Imperative                              CODE SNIPPET
                           function bound(x, min, max) {
                               var value = x;

                               value = Math.min(value, max);
                               value = Math.max(value, min);

                               return value;
WHAT IS Javascript

            A programming language that is more
            than just a Web toy
Host environments

                             JavaScript executes in a
                             context of Engine
                             Host environment
                             powers JavaScript Engine



       Input/Output        Code execution
       Graphics            Memory management
       Host specific API
WHAT IS Javascript

            JavaScript is a primary language of
            Web browser

                                                                WEB BROWSER HOST

                               JAVASCRIPT ENGINE

                                                                   HOST SPECIFIC API

       DOCUMENT OBJECT MODEL                       BROWSER Object MODEL

Representation of document as
objects hierarchy
Language & browser independent
Standardized by W3C
Revisions are called DOM levels

API for interfacing native browser
Deals with windows and frames
All functions and object starting at
No corresponding standard


               Frames[]   Forms[]
                array      array

              Document    links[]
               object     array


Interpreted (no compilation step)
Dynamically typed
  Runtime extensibility
  Duck typing

Garbage collected

Single threaded
Asynchrony via message loop
Linkage through global variables
Script distribution

Script are consumed as plain text
Interpreted or compiled in-place
*.js is a format for script files
   Officially: application/javascript
   Practically: text/javascript or no MIME type at all
  Script compression

WHY?                         techniques

Less traffic consumption   GZip
Faster load time           Minification
Runtime engine
Script inclusion

   <script> tag

   Runtime evaluation
Static inclusion
Script tag

Script can be put anywhere
on a page with <script> tag

                                                         CODE SNIPPET
     <script src="path/to/script.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
Static inclusion
Type attribute

<script> tag should have matching </script> tag, except
when document has application/xhtml+xml MIME type
                                                       BAD PRACTICE
 <script src="path/to/script.js" type="text/javascript"/>

                                                      GOOD PRACTICE
 <script src="path/to/script.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
Static inclusion

Type attribute is optional, but
required for XHTML validation

                                                 CODE SNIPPET
     <script src="path/to/script.js"></script>
static inclusion
Inline scripts

<script> tag supports inlining, but generally
it is considered as bad practice

                                                CODE SNIPPET
            console.log('Inline script');
static inclusion
Execution ordering

Scripts attached in that way execute in
order, even if script2 got loaded sooner

                                                              CODE SNIPPET
   <script src="path/to/script1.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
   <script src="path/to/script2.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
static inclusion
Execution ordering

Same holds for inline scripts

                                                             CODE SNIPPET
   <script src="path/to/script1.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

          console.log('Inline script');
static inclusion

  Script loading and execution blocks page

                                     CODE SNIPPET                              Script.js
<script src="link/to/script.js"></script>            var link =
<a id="link" href="url/to/somewhere.html">Link</a>
                                                     console.log(link != null); // false
static inclusion

Consider moving script to the bottom of
the document
Not every script can be moved

                                                         GOOD PRACTICE
        <div class="page-content">Ipsum lerrra conde ir salle.</div>

        <script src="js/script1.js"></script>
        <script src="js/script2.js"></script>
static inclusion

Scripts can be loaded asynchronously
using async attribute
Script loading does not block rendering

                                                          CODE SNIPPET
        <script src="link/to/script.js" async></script>
Static inclusion
ASYNC loading

Ordering will not be preserved
No execution time guarantee
All async scripts are guaranteed to execute
sometime before window load event

                                                          CODE SNIPPET
       <script src="link/to/script1.js" async></script>
       <script src="link/to/script2.js" async></script>
Static inclusion
defer loading

Scripts can be loaded in defer manner
using defer attribute
Script loading does not block rendering

                                                          CODE SNIPPET
        <script src="link/to/script.js" defer></script>
defer loading

Ordering will be preserved
Scripts are guaranteed to start execution
right before DOMContentLoaded event

                                                          CODE SNIPPET
       <script src="link/to/script1.js" defer></script>
       <script src="link/to/script2.js" defer></script>

Causes legacy browsers to fallback to defer if
async is not supported
Modern browsers treat defer + async as async

                                                                CODE SNIPPET
       <script src="link/to/script1.js" async defer></script>

                 HTML Parser

<script async>
                 HTML Parser

<script defer>
                 HTML Parser

                  Networking   Execution   Parsing
dynamic inclusion

Script can be attached programmatically
using DOM API

  Script ordering will not be preserved

                                                             CODE SNIPPET
      var head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0],
          script = document.createElement('script');

      script.src = 'script.js';
Dynamic inclusion

  Script ordering will be preserved
  Older browsers require tricky solutions
                                                              CODE SNIPPET
       var head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0],
           script = document.createElement('script');

       script.async = false;
       script.src = 'script.js';

  Has no effect when loaded via DOM API
                                                             CODE SNIPPET
      var head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0],
          script = document.createElement('script');

      script.src = 'script.js';
      script.defer = 'defer';
Runtime evaluation

Scripts can be evaluated at Runtime with
Eval is ―EVIL‖
 Hurts performance
 Makes code hard to debug
 Compromises security

Parallel loading

Number of parallel HTTP connections per
hostname is limited
Typically varies from 2 ~ 6
Consider CDN and subdomain usage
WHAT IS Javascript

            JavaScript is a language that has
            many design errors

Allows to opt-out to strict variant of
   Intended to correct initial design errors
   Prohibits usage of error-prone and insecure features

Standardized in ECMA 262-5

Activated with a Use Strict Directive in a
Directive Prologue

                                                        CODE SNIPPET
      'use strict';

      var f = function () {
          console.log('Execution under strict mode');

                                                                 CODE SNIPPET
Applied to a code unit           'use strict';

                                 eval = 10; // SyntaxError
  To a Function
                                 var f = function () {
  To a code file                     eval = 20; // SyntaxError

Affects all inner contexts
                                                                 CODE SNIPPET
Defined lexically (statically)   eval = 10; // 10

                                 var f = function () {
                                     'use strict';
                                     eval = 20; // SyntaxError

Directly Evaled code inherits Strict Mode
Indirectly Evaled code doesn`t inherit
Strict Mode
Functions created via new Function ()
dont inherit Strict Mode
     Error checking

Compile time                                                         runtime

                            CODE SNIPPET                                 CODE SNIPPET
'use strict';                              (function () {
                                               'use strict';
eval = 10; // SyntaxError                      global_variable = 10; // Reference Error
var f = function () {
    eval = 20; // SyntaxError

Reserved words
                                                             CODE SNIPPET
  Implements     Protected   "use strict";
                              var let = 10; // SyntaxError
  Interface      Public
  Let            Static
  Package        Yield

Octal literals are not allowed
                                         CODE SNIPPET
         "use strict";
          var x = 010; // SyntaxError

Assignment to an undeclared identifier
                                         CODE SNIPPET
         "use strict";
         a = 10; // ReferenceError

Assignment to read-only property
                                                  CODE SNIPPET
        "use strict";

        var foo = Object.defineProperties({}, {
            bar: {
                value: 10,
                writable: false // by default
            baz: {
                get: function () {
                    return "baz is read-only";
        }); = 20; // TypeError
        foo.baz = 30; // TypeError

Shadowing of inherited read-only properties

                                                     CODE SNIPPET
        "use strict";

        var foo = Object.defineProperty({}, "x", {
            value: 10,
            writable: false

        var bar = Object.create(foo);
        bar.x = 20; // TypeError

Eval and arguments
  Cannot appear as variable declaration of function name

                                               CODE SNIPPET
          "use strict";

          // SyntaxError in both cases
          var arguments;
          var eval;

          // also SyntaxError
          function eval() {}
          var foo = function arguments() {};

Eval and arguments
   Not allowed as argument names      Not assignable

                   CODE SNIPPET                       CODE SNIPPET
"use strict";                      (function (x) {
                                       alert(arguments[0]); // 30
// SyntaxError                         arguments = 40; // TypeError
function foo(eval, arguments) {}   })(30);

Argument and callee properties

                                                   CODE SNIPPET
        "use strict";

        function foo() {
            alert(foo.arguments); // SyntaxError
            alert(foo.caller); // SyntaxError

delete operator restrictions
                                       CODE SNIPPET
        "use strict";

        var foo = {};

        function bar(x) {
            delete x; // SyntaxError

        bar(10);   // SyntaxError

        delete foo; // SyntaxError
        delete bar; // SyntaxError

   With statement                  this value
                    CODE SNIPPET      Null no longer coerced to window
"use strict";
                                                                 CODE SNIPPET
                                   "use strict";
// SyntaxError
with ({a: 10}) {                   function foo() {
    alert(a);                          console.log(this); // undefined
}                                  }


this value
   Null and undefined are no longer             Primitives are not converted to
   coerced to window                            wrapper objects
                              CODE SNIPPET                                 CODE SNIPPET
"use strict";                                "use strict";

function foo() {                             Number.prototype.test = function () {
    console.log(this); // undefined              console.log(typeof this); // number
}                                            };

foo();                                       (1).test(); // number

this value                                                   CODE SNIPPET
                               "use strict";
  Helps to avoid missing new
                               function A(x) {
  keyword issues                   this.x = x;

                               // forget "new" keyword,
                               // error, because undefined.x = 10
                               var a = A(10);

                               var b = new A(10); // OK
 Usage guidelines

Do not apply strict mode to whole script
file blindly
  Will not work when concatenated with some other script
  Can break other scripts if after concatenation put first
  Evaled code will inherit Strict Mode

Consider wrapping your scripts with self-
calling function
WHAT IS Javascript

            JavaScript is a language that has
            simple but flexible type system
Type system

Class-free type system
Loose typing
Everything is an object
 Technically JavaScript has primitive types but they
 can be programmed as real objects
Type system

Two groups of types
 Primitive types
 Object types

Primitives are not real objects
Some primitives has object wrapper
Type system

Primitive types       Object types

       Number          Object
       String          Array
       Boolean         Function
       null             RegExp
       undefined        Date

Single type represents integer and floating
point numbers
IEEE 754 64 bit numbers
Be aware of floating point errors
  0.1 + 0.2 !== 0.3
  Can be avoided by scaling

  Runtime type                                 Number object wrapper
                             CODE SNIPPET                                 CODE SNIPPET
var foobar = 0.5;                           var a = 10;
typeof foobar; // "number"                  var b = new Number(a);
var foobar = 1;
typeof foobar; // "number"                  console.log(typeof b); // object
 Special values

Special values

Paradoxical type
                                   CODE SNIPPET
      var foobar = NaN;
      typeof foobar; // "number"

Watch out, easy to overwrite!
                                   CODE SNIPPET
      var NaN = "string";
      typeof NaN; // "string"

Getting NaN
                                     CODE SNIPPET
      var foobar = "string" * 2,
          bar = "string" / 2;
      var foo = +"string",
          barfoo = +[1, 2, 3],
          foobar2 = undefined – 2;

Unicode UTF-16
  Built-in string manipulation routines don't take
  surrogate pairs into account

Zero-based indexing
No dedicated Char type

Literal declaration
                            CODE SNIPPET
        var a = "string";
        var b = 'string';

   Runtime type                               String object wrapper
                            CODE SNIPPET                                 CODE SNIPPET
var foobar = "variable types";             var a = 'foo';
typeof foobar; // "string"                 var b = new String(a);

                                           console.log(typeof b); // object

Two possible predefined values
Generally Boolean produced by comparisons
  a === 1

Any value can be converted to Boolean
                                  CODE SNIPPET
               var falsyValue = 0;
               if (!falsyValue) {

                   alert("falsy value!");

0              var falsyValue = "";

-0             if (!falsyValue) {
                   alert("falsy value!");

NaN            }

Empty string   var falsyValue = NaN;
               if (!falsyValue) {
                   alert("falsy value!");

   Runtime type                                 Boolean object wrapper
                              CODE SNIPPET                                 CODE SNIPPET
var foobar = true;                           var a = true;
typeof foobar; // "boolean"                  var b = new Boolean(a);

                                             console.log(typeof b); // object

Language keyword
Indicates absence of value
JavaScript never sets uninitialized
variables to null

  Runtime type
                             CODE SNIPPET
var foobar = null;
typeof foobar; // "object"

  Has no object wrapper

  Variable is not defined
  Variable is defined, but has no value assigned

Runtime type
                     CODE SNIPPET
var foobar;
typeof foobar; // "undefined"

Has no object wrapper

   Producing undefined value                  Can be overridden
                            CODE SNIPPET                               CODE SNIPPET
(function (undefined) {                    (function () {
    console.log(typeof undefined);             var undefined = 10;
})();                                          console.log(typeof undefined);

Fundamental data type
Unordered collection of key-value pairs
Have no fixed schema
Runtime extendable
Linked with another object via prototype
Object originators

          Host objects   NATIVE OBJECTS   User-defined
Object originators
Host objects

          Host objects
                         Host objects are objects that are
                         supplied to JavaScript by the browser
                         Examples of these are window,
                         document, forms, etc
                         Poorly defined
Object originators
Native objects

                       Native objects are those objects
                       supplied by JavaScript runtime
                       Examples of these are String,
                       Number, Array, Image, Date, Math,
                       Be very cautious extending these
Object originators
User-defined objects

                         User-defined object are defined by
                         Full control
                         OK to extend these
Internal layout

[[prototype]] reference
Class discriminator
  Can`t be set for user-defined objects

Extensible flag
  Defined in ES5

Object literal syntax
                     CODE SNIPPET                        CODE SNIPPET
var person = {
                                    var person = {};
    firstName: 'Douglas',
                                    person.firstName = 'Douglas';
    lastName: 'Crockford',
                                    person.lastName = 'Crockford';
    age: 45
                                    person.age = 45;

 Constructor function                 Object.create
                    BAD PRACTICE                               CODE SNIPPET
                                   var person = Object.create(Object.prototype, {
var person = new Object();             firstName: {
                                           writable: true,
person.firstName = 'Douglas';              configurable: true,
person.lastName = 'Crockford';             value: 'Douglas'
person.age = 45;                       lastName: {
                                           writable: true,
                                           configurable: true,
                                           value: 'Crockford'
                                       age: {
                                           writable: true,
                                           configurable: true,
                                           value: 45
Property assessors

Two ways to access the object’s property

                                           CODE SNIPPET
Constructor property

Constructor property points to constructor
Can be messed up at runtime

                                                             CODE SNIPPET
                               var object = {};
                               console.log(object.constructor === Object);

Prototype links object with another object
  Internal [[prototype]] field
  Set at creation based on Function.prototype value

Simple form of inheritance
  No schema (classes) involved
  Object inherits directly from another object

            {}         Object.prototype   NULL
       [[prototype]]    [[prototype]]
Property resolution

Search for property in current object
If not found search in a prototype
Move along prototype chain until null is
Property resolution

  toString is not declared in object but rather in

                                                                     CODE SNIPPET
                                                var object = {};

  Undocumented field                            Constructor`s prototype
                             BAD PRACTICE                                  CODE SNIPPET
var object = {};                              var object = {};
console.log(object.__proto__);                console.log(object.constructor.prototype);

                             CODE SNIPPET
var object = {};

  for in                                        hasOwnProperty

                             CODE SNIPPET                                  CODE SNIPPET
var obj = {
    property: "foobar",                       for (var i in obj) {
    method: function() {}                         if (obj.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
};                                                    alert("The value of key " + i +
for (var i in obj) {                                  " is " + obj[i]);
    alert("The value of key " + i +" is " +       }
        obj[i]);                              }

  in                                      __count__

                         CODE SNIPPET                               BAD PRACTICE
var obj = {                             var obj = {
    a: 10                                   property: "foobar",
};                                          method: function() {}
var hasProperty = ('a' in obj);         obj.__count__; // 2

Ordered collection of values
Zero-based 32bit indexing
 No need for memory reallocation

Specialized form of objects with length

Runtime type
                     CODE SNIPPET
var array = [1, 2, 3];
typeof array; // object

 Array detection (fails in multi-frame scenario)
                                                      CODE SNIPPET
          array instanceof Array

 The most reliable way of array detection
                                                      CODE SNIPPET
 === "[object Array]"

  Array literal                    Array constructor

                  CODE SNIPPET                              BAD PRACTICE
var array = [];                  var array = new Array();

  Dynamic grow & shrink                   Length property

                         CODE SNIPPET                                CODE SNIPPET
var array = [1, 2, 3];
                                        var array = [1, 2, 3];
                                        console.log(array.length); // 3
array.pop(); // 4

JavaScript arrays are special type of object
Much slower than real arrays
operator =

  Multiple assignment
  Assignment order is from right to left

                                                            CODE SNIPPET
      var foobar = 1;
      var foo = 2;
      var bar = foo = foobar = 3; // bar == 3, foo == 3, foobar == 3
operator +

String concatenation
                                                      CODE SNIPPET
      var foobar = "This " + "is " + "a variable.";

Casting to number
                                                      CODE SNIPPET
      var foobar = +true; // 1
      var foobar = +false; // 0
   operator +

                                CODE SNIPPET
var foobar = 5 + 1; // 6

  String priority
                                CODE SNIPPET                                CODE SNIPPET
var foobar = "1" + 0; // 10 !                  var foobar = function() {};
typeof foobar; // "string"                     var foobar2string = "" + foobar;
var foobar = 0 + "1"; // 01                    //"function() {}"
typeof foobar; // "string"                     typeof foobar2string; // "string"
   operators += and ++

  Addition                                    Casting to string
                             CODE SNIPPET                          CODE SNIPPET
var foobar = 1;                             var foobar = "1";
foobar += 1; // 2                           foobar += 5; // "15"

  Casting to number
                             CODE SNIPPET
var foobar = "5";
typeof foobar; // "number"
operators += and ++

Multiple assignments
                                                CODE SNIPPET
      var foo = 1;
      var bar = 2;
      foo += bar += 3; // foo == 6; bar == 5;

                                                CODE SNIPPET
      var foo = "1";
      var bar = "2";
      foo += bar += " is a string";
      // foo == "12 is a string;
      // bar == "2 is a string";
   operators -= and --

                              CODE SNIPPET
var foobar = 1;
foobar -= 1; // 0

  -= does not behave like +=
                              CODE SNIPPET                                CODE SNIPPET
                                             var foobar = "5";
var foobar = "1";                            foobar--;
foobar -= 5; // -4 (number)                  // 4
                                             typeof foobar; // "number"
operators -= and --

Multiple assignments
                                                CODE SNIPPET
      var foo = 3;
      var bar = 2;
      foo -= bar -= 1; // foo == 2; bar == 1;

                                                CODE SNIPPET
      var foo = "1";
      var bar = "2";
      foo -= bar -= " is a string";
      // foo == NaN
      // bar == NaN
   operator | |

                             CODE SNIPPET                                    CODE SNIPPET
var foo = false;                                var foo = true;
var bar = function() {};                        var bar = function() {};
var foobar = foo || bar; // foobar === bar      var foobar = foo || bar; // foobar === true
foobar();                                       foobar(); // error

                                                          CODE SNIPPET
                     var foo = false;
                     var bar = false;
                     var barfoo = 5;
                     var foobar = foo || bar || barfoo;
                     // foobar === 5
   operator &&

                             CODE SNIPPET                                       CODE SNIPPET
var foo = true;                                    var foo = false;
var bar = function() {};                           var bar = function() {};
var foobar = foo && bar; // foobar === bar         var foobar = foo && bar; // foobar === false
foobar();                                          foobar(); // error

  Inline conditions
                                   CODE SNIPPET
var foo = true;
var bar = function() { alert("hello world!"); };
foo && bar(); // hello word!
operators && and | |

Good order makes a difference
                                                            CODE SNIPPET
       var   foo = true;
       var   bar = false;
       var   barfoo = false;
       var   foobar = foo && bar || barfoo || 5; // foobar === 5
  Operator !

  Negation                        Double negation (converts
                                  to Boolean)
                 CODE SNIPPET                     CODE SNIPPET
var foo = 5;                    var foo = 5;
!foo; // false                  !!foo; // true
var foo = 0;
!foo; // true
var foo = "0";
!foo; // false
var foo = "1";
!foo; // false
  operator ~

  Bitwise operator
  Numbers rounding
                            CODE SNIPPET
var foo = 5.743534;
~~foo; // 5
typeof ~~foo; // "number"

  -(n + 1) when ―n‖ is an integer
                            CODE SNIPPET
var foo = -1;
~foo; // 0
  comparison operators ( > , >= , <, <=, ==, ===, !=, !==)

  Return value of Boolean type
  Can be used as part of more complex expression
                      CODE SNIPPET
var a = 0,
    b = 5,
    c = a || b > a

alert(c); // "true"
String comparison

Strings are compared using alphabetical order
―Alphabetical order‖ is defined by the numerical order of the
16-bit Unicode values that make up the strings
                              CODE SNIPPET                               CODE SNIPPET
alert("b" > "a"); // "true"                  alert("cat" > "cats"); // "false"
Comparison of Different types

Values are converted to numbers except for the case
when both values are strings

                           CODE SNIPPET
alert("2" > 1); // "true"
alert("02" == 2); // "true"
alert(0 == false); // "true"
Strict Equality(===, !==)

Usual equality check can't distinguish the values that belong
to different types but have the same number representation
Strict equality operator is used to check equality without
type conversion
                            CODE SNIPPET
alert("02" === 2); // "false"
alert(0 === false); // "false"
Comparison with NULL and Undefined

null and undefined are not equal to 0 in comparisons
null and undefined are equal only to each other
When converted to a number
null is 0
undefined is NaN
                               CODE SNIPPET                               CODE SNIPPET
alert(null > 0); // "false"                   alert(undefined > 0); // "false"
alert(null == 0); // "false"                  alert(undefined < 0); // "false"
alert(null >= 0); // "true"                   alert(undefined == 0); // "false"
Object Conversion

toString and valueOf are methods for string and number
conversion respectively
String and number conversion can be overridden
If the operation requires a primitive value the object is
converted to the primitive first and then operation is
Number conversion is used to convert object to primitive
(exception is built-in Date object)
alert(user); // [object Object]

                    string Conversion of objects

                    toString is declared in Object.prototype
                    toString can be overridden in user-defined object
                    toString should return any primitive value, otherwise it will
                    cause an error
                                         CODE SNIPPET                                CODE SNIPPET
             var user = {                               var user = {
                 firstName: "John"                          firstName: "John",
             };                                             toString: function () {
                                                                return "user " + this.firstName
             alert(user) // "[object Object]"               }

                                                        alert(user) // "user John"
String conversion of objects

Built-in objects have their own implementation of toString
                                                                   CODE SNIPPET
   alert([1, 2]); // toString for Arrays – list of elements "1, 2"
   alert(new Date()); // toString for Date – string representation of date
   alert(function () {}); // toString for Function – source code of function
Number conversion of objects

valueOf is declared in Object.prototype but it returns object
itself and therefore is ignored
valueOf can be overridden in user-defined object
valueOf should return any primitive value, otherwise it will
be ignored
In case valueOf is ignored or not declared toString method
is used instead
Number conversion of objects

Most built-in objects don't have valueOf implementation
and therefore string and number conversion gives the same
results (exception is Date object which supports both string
and number conversion)

                                                               CODE SNIPPET
     alert(new Date()); // toString - string representation of date
     alert(+new Date()); // valueOf – number of milliseconds from 01.01.1970
Comparisons with objects

If both operands are objects operators (==, !=) check if
operands are or aren't references to the same object
In all other cases number conversion is used to get primitive
type and then perform operation (this is also true for
arithmetic operators)
                                                            CODE SNIPPET
                                var a = {},
                                    b = {},
                                    c = a;

                                alert(a == b); // "false"
                                alert(a == c); // "true"
  Comparisons with objects

                             CODE SNIPPET                                CODE SNIPPET
var obj = {                                 var a = {
    valueOf: function () {                      valueOf: function () {
        return 1;                                   return 1;
    }                                           }
};                                          };

alert(obj == true); // "true"               var b = {
alert(obj + "test"); // "1test"                 valueOf: function () {
                                                    return 2;

                                            alert(b > a); // "true"
WHAT IS Javascript

            JavaScript is a language that has
            unique execution nuances
Execution Context

Abstract concept for differentiation of
executable code
Every time when control is transferred to executable
code, control enters an execution context.
Defined in ECMA-262
  Consistent concept, but multiple implementations
Execution context
Types of executable code

There are 3 types of JavaScript code
  Global code
  Function code
  Eval code

Every code is evaluated in its context
Execution context
Program runtime

Program Runtime              EC0   active EC
represented as stack of EC
Pushed every time on
entering a function

                             EC4   GLOBAL EC
Execution context
  Function code

  Executable code                        EC stack
                        CODE SNIPPET                                CODE SNIPPET
(function foo(flag) {                  // first activation of foo
    if (flag) {                        ECStack = [
        return;                          <foo> functionContext
    }                                    globalContext
    foo(true);                         ];
                                       // recursive activation of foo
                                       ECStack = [
                                         <foo> functionContext – recursively
                                         <foo> functionContext
Execution context

Very special type of code
Executes in its own context but affects
calling context
   In Strict Mode evaled code evaluates in its own sandbox
Execution context

  Executable code                                EC stack
                              CODE SNIPPET                                               CODE SNIPPET
                                             ECStack = [
// influence global context                    globalContext
eval('var x = 10');                          ];

                                             // eval('var x = 10');
(function foo() {                            ECStack.push({
    // and here, variable "y" is                 context: evalContext,
                                                 callingContext: globalContext
    // created in the local context          });
    // of "foo" function
                                             ECStack.pop(); // eval exited context
    eval('var y = 20');                      ECStack.push(<foo> functionContext); // foo function call
                                             // eval('var y = 20');
alert(x); // 10                                  context: evalContext,
                                                 callingContext: <foo> functionContext
alert(y); // "y" is not defined              });

                                             ECStack.pop(); // return from eval
                                             ECStack.pop(); // return from foo
Execution context
LOGICAL layout
EC may be represented as
simple object
                           VARIABLE OBJECT

                            Scope chain

                             THIS VALUE
Execution context
Variable object

A Variable Object (VO) is tied to EC
Abstract store for
  Variables (var, VariableDeclaration)
  Function declarations (FunctionDeclaration, FD)
  Function format parameters
Variable Object
  Logical layout

  Declaration                         Variable Object
                     CODE SNIPPET                                CODE SNIPPET
var a = 10;                         // Variable object of the global context
                                    VO(globalContext) = {
function test(x) {                      a: 10,
    var b = 20;                         test: <reference to function>
};                                  };

test(30);                           // Variable object of the "test" function
                                    VO(test functionContext) = {
                                         x: 30,
                                         b: 20
Variable Object

                                      Function context VO
         GLOBAL context VO
                               (VO === AO, <arguments> object and
                                <formal parameters> are added)
Variable Object
Global context vo

Allows indirect referencing through
window object
Lifetime tied to application
lifetime                                                   CODE SNIPPET
                                      global = {
Singleton                                 Math: <...>,
                                          String: <...>
                                          window: global
Variable Object
function context vo

Doesn`t allow indirect referencing
VO`s role plays Activation Object
 An activation object is created on entering the context
 of a function and initialized by property arguments
 which value is the Arguments object

                                                                   CODE SNIPPET
                                                  VO(functionContext) === AO;
Variable Object
Activation object

Arguments contains                                                  CODE SNIPPET
                                                  AO = {
 callee - the reference to the current function       arguments: <ArgO>
 length - quantity of real passed arguments
Variable Object
Activation object
                                                          CODE SNIPPET
                                function foo(x, y, z) {
                                    alert(foo.length); // 3
Variable number of parameters       alert(arguments.length); // 2

                                    // reference of a function to itself

Runtime function inspection         alert(arguments.callee === foo); // true

                                    // parameters sharing
                                    alert(x === arguments[0]); // true
                                    alert(x); // 10

                                    arguments[0] = 20;
                                    alert(x); // 20

                                    x = 30;
                                    alert(arguments[0]); // 30

                                    z = 40;
                                    alert(arguments[2]); // undefined

                                    arguments[2] = 50;
                                    alert(z); // 40

                                foo(10, 20);
Execution context
Execution stages

Two stages of code handling
 Entering the context where all the data are created
   Formal parameter initialization
   Function declaration
   Variable declaration

 The code execution stage
Execution context
Entering Execution context

For each formal parameter
 Property of the VO with a name and value of
 formal parameter is created
 For not passed parameters — property of VO
 with a name of formal parameter and value
 undefined is created
Execution context
Entering Execution context

For each function declaration
  A property of the variable object with a name and value
  of a function-object is created
  If the variable object already contains a property with
  the same name, replace its value and attributes
Execution context
Entering Execution context

For each variable declaration
  a property of the variable object with a variable name
  and value undefined is created
  if the variable name is already declared, declaration
  does not disturb the existing property.
Execution context
  Entering Execution context

  Executable code                             Activation Object
                             CODE SNIPPET                                   CODE SNIPPET
function test(a, b) {                       AO(test) = {
    var c = 10;                                 a: 10,
    function d() { }                            b: undefined,
    var e = function _e() { };                  c: undefined,
    (function x() { });                         d: <reference to FunctionDeclaration "d">
}                                               e: undefined,
                                                arguments: <Args>
test(10); // call                           };
Execution context
        Execution phase

        Variables and function declarations are
        hoisted, but not assignments
Original source                                                Internal representation

                             CODE SNIPPET                           CODE SNIPPET
     foo();                                 var bar;

     function foo() {                       function foo() {
         console.log(bar);                      alert(bar);
     }                                      }

     var bar = 10;                          foo();

                                            bar = 10;
Execution context
Function -level scoping

ES3 has no block-level scoping defined
 Variable declared in a block visible everywhere in a

                                                                    CODE SNIPPET
                                        (function () {
                                                var a = 10;

                                            console.log(a); // 10
Execution context
Function -level scoping

ES6 Harmony allows block-level scoping
with let keyword

                                            CODE SNIPPET
              (function () {
                      let a = 10;

                  console.log(a); // Reference error
Execution context
LOGICAL layout
EC may be represented as
simple object
                           VARIABLE OBJECT

                            Scope CHAIN

                             THIS VALUE
Execution context
Scope chain

List of all (parent) variable objects for the
inner contexts
Created at function call
Consists of
  Variable Object of currently executing code unit
  Internal [[Scope]] field
Scope chain
Logical layout

                                                            CODE SNIPPET
Used for identifier lookup    activeExecutionContext = {
                                  VO: {...}, // or AO
  Traversing scope chain          this: thisValue,
                                  Scope: [ // Scope chain
  2D lookup with prototypes             // list of all variable objects
                                        // for identifiers lookup

                                                            CODE SNIPPET
                              Scope = AO + [[Scope]]
Scope chain
[[scope]] property

[[Scope]] is a chain of all parent VO, which are above
the current function context
[[Scope]] is saved to the function at its creation
  Implements Lexical (Static) Scoping
Scope chain

    Executable code                          Scope chain
                            CODE SNIPPET                                 CODE SNIPPET
var x = 10;                                barContext.Scope = barContext.AO +
                                           bar.[[Scope]] // i.e.:
function foo() {
    var y = 20;                            barContext.Scope = [
    function bar() {                         fooContext.AO,
        var z = 30;                          globalContext.VO
        alert(x + y + z);                  ];


foo(); // 60
Scope chain

Closure is a functional concept
Consist of 2 parts
  Function or function pointer
  Referencing environment – a table of references to variables form
  outer scope

                                                                 CODE SNIPPET
Inner is a function             var f = function outer() {
                                    var a = 10;
Scope of outer function forms        return function inner() {
referencing environment              }
                                         return a;


                                f1 = f();
                                console.log(f1()); // 10

Referencing environment consist of references to outer
Closures on iterator variables work in
counterintuitive way

incorrect                                                               Correct

                              CODE SNIPPET                                 CODE SNIPPET
var array = [0, 1, 2];                       var array = [0, 1, 2];

for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {     for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
    array[i] = function () {                     (function (i) {
        console.log(i);                              array[i] = function () {
    };                                                   console.log(i);
}                                                    };
array[0](); // 3                             }

                                             array[0](); // 0

     Watch out for context switches
                                       CODE SNIPPET                              CODE SNIPPET
var person = {                                          var person = {
    firstName: 'Douglas',                                   firstName: 'Douglas',
    say: function () {                                      say: function () {
        function sayName() {                                    var me = this;
            console.log(this); // window or undefined
            return this.firstName;                               function sayName() {
        }                                                            return me.firstName;
          return sayName();                                      return sayName();
      }                                                      }
};                                                      };

person.say();                                           person.say();
Execution context
LOGICAL layout
EC may be represented as
simple object
                           VARIABLE OBJECT

                            Scope chain

                             THIS VALUE
Execution context
This value

Special context object
  Not tied to particular object
  Can be set at runtime

Property of EC
  Never participates in identifier lookup
  Determined only once when entering EC
This value
   Global scope

   Executable code
                                                 CODE SNIPPET
// explicit property definition of the global object
this.a = 10; // global.a = 10
alert(a); // 10

// implicit definition via assigning to unqualified identifier
b = 20;
alert(this.b); // 20

// also implicit via variable declaration because variable
object of the global context
// is the global object itself
var c = 30;
alert(this.c); // 30
This value
Call expression

                                                                  CODE SNIPPET
Value of this is determined   function foo() {
by the form of a call         }

expression                    foo(); // global or undefined (strict mode)

                              alert(foo === foo.prototype.constructor); // true

                              // but with another form of the call expression
                              // of the same function, this value is different

                              foo.prototype.constructor(); // foo.prototype
This value
Call expression

Manual setting of ThisValue

ThisValue as first parameter
This value

                                                          CODE SNIPPET
ThisValue as first parameter   function a(c) {
Comma-separated list of        }

parameters                     // this === {b: 20}, this.b == 20, c == 30
                     { b: 20 }, 30);

Executes a function
This value

                                                          CODE SNIPPET
ThisValue as first parameter   function a(c) {
Array of parameters            }

Executes a function            // this === {b: 30}, this.b == 30, c == 40
                               a.apply({ b: 30 }, [40])
This value

                                                          CODE SNIPPET
ThisValue as first parameter   function a(c) {
Comma-separated list of        }

parameters                     // this === {b: 30}, this.b == 30, c == 40
                               (a.bind({ b: 30 }, 40))();
Returns a function
WHAT IS Javascript

            JavaScript is a language that has
            unique implementation of OOP
patterns & practices

Modules are building blocks of the app
Key properties
  Loose coupling
  High cohesion

Facilitate clean and flexible architecture
patterns & practices

Language has no built-in concept of modules
Modules are simulated using
  Local variables

Dozen of design patterns available
Module pattern

Provides encapsulation for

Physical shielding of private and public
Module pattern

                                                            CODE SNIPPET
Language features used    var MY_APP_ONE = (function () {
                              // Private variables

 Self-calling functions       var secret1 = 'Hello';
                              var secret2 = 'World';

 Closures                    // Private functions
                             var privateFoo = function() {

                              // Publicly exposed
                              return {
                                  foo: function() {
                                      // Do stuff
                                  bar: function() {
                                      // Do stuff
Module pattern

  pros                cons

Clean syntax      Hard to refactor
Private members   Hard to extend
                  Hard to override
                  No way of dependency
REVEALING Module pattern

Very similar to Module Pattern
All members declared as private
Public members then ―revealed‖ by return
Revealing Module pattern

                                                             CODE SNIPPET
Language features used     var MY_APP_ONE = (function () {
                               // Private variables
                               var secret1 = 'Hello';
 Self-calling functions        var secret2 = 'World';

 Closures                     // Private functions
                              var privateFoo = function () {};

                              var publicFoo = function () {};
                              var publicBar = function() {};

                               // Publicly exposed
                               return {
                                   foo: publicFoo,
                                   bar: publicBar
Module revealing pattern

  pros                             cons

Clean syntax                  Hard to extend
Private members               Even harder to
Common syntax for accessing   override
private and public members    No way of dependency

Developed as standard for async module
On demand async module loading
Built-in dependency management
Has corresponding specification

Concise API

Namespace-free architecture
Modules referred to by name or path

                                                          CODE SNIPPET
Language features used    // shirt.js
                              color: "black",
 Self-calling functions       size: "large"

 Closures                 // logger.js
                          define(["shirt"], function (shirt) {
                              return {
                                  logTheShirt: function () {
                                           "color: " + shirt.color +
                                           ", size: " + shirt.size

  pros                       cons

Clean syntax            Async nature may lead
Async loading           to spaghetti code
Dependency management   Requires build tool to
                        be used in minified file
Commonjsmodules 1.1

Developed as part of CommonJS project
On demand synchronous module loading
Built-in dependency management
Has corresponding specification
Commonjsmodules 1.1

Concise API

Modules referred to by name or path
One module one script file mapping
 Can`t be used in minification scenarios
Commonjsmodules 1.1

                                                         CODE SNIPPET
Language features used   // hello.js
                         exports.hello = function () {
                             return 'Hello World';
 Closures                };

                         var example = require('./example.js');
Commonjsmodules 1.1

  pros                               cons

Clean syntax            Sync loading is inappropriate in
Dependency management   Web browser
                        Doesn`t support minification
patterns & practices

No classical inheritance
Lots of ways to achieve inheritance

Don’t try to pretend you`re programming on some
other language

Invented to make classical style inheritance
Native JavaScript objects follow this
Pseudo-classical pattern
Key ideas

Key ideas
  The object is created by a constructor function
  Properties are put into constructor function
  Methods and default properties are put into prototype
Pseudo-classical pattern
Base class

                                                                CODE SNIPPET
                                    function Animal(name) {
  canWalk property will be     = name
  overridden in concrete instance   }

                                    Animal.prototype = {
  Constructor assignment makes          constructor: Animal,
  instanceof operator work              canWalk: true,
                                        sit: function() {
                                            this.canWalk = false
                                            alert( + ' sits down.')

                                    var animal = new Animal('Pet') // (1)
Pseudo-classical pattern
 Base class

Initially                          After sit
             Animal.prototype                   Animal.prototype
 {                                  {
     canWalk: ‘true’,                   canWalk: ‘true’,
     sit: function                      sit: function
 }                                  }

[[prototype]]                      [[prototype]]
                        instance                           instance
                                        name: ‘Pet’,
     name: ‘Pet’
                                        canWalk: ‘false’
Pseudo-classical pattern
Inheritance function

Inherit base class prototype
and allow extensibility

                                                           CODE SNIPPET
                               function extend(Child, Parent) {
                                   var F = function () { };
                                   F.prototype = Parent.prototype;

                                   Child.prototype = new F();
                                   Child.prototype.constructor = Child;
                                   Child.superclass = Parent.prototype;
Pseudo-classical pattern
Derived class

                                                                 CODE SNIPPET
Example                              function Rabbit(name) {
  Superclass constructor called to    Rabbit.superclass.constructor.apply(this,
  initialize properties defined in   }
  base class                         extend(Rabbit, Animal);

                                     Rabbit.prototype.jump = function () {
                                         this.canWalk = true;
                                         alert( + ' is jumping.');
Pseudo-classical pattern
Method overriding

Superclass call

                                                     CODE SNIPPET
                  Rabbit.prototype.sit = function () {
                      alert( + ' is about to sit!');
                      Rabbit.superclass.sit.apply(this, arguments);
Pseudo-classical pattern

                                                         CODE SNIPPET
Convention based encapsulation
                                 Animal.prototype.walk = function () {
  Common practice is to prefix       alert('walking');
  protected members with _
                                 Animal.prototype._run = function () {
Pseudo-classical pattern

                                                                 CODE SNIPPET
Static properties and functions          function Animal() {
  Assigned directly to the constructor       Animal.count++

                                         Animal.count = 0

                                         new Animal()
                                         new Animal()

                                         alert(Animal.count); // 2

Prototypal inheritance is native to
May or may not use concept of class
Key ideas

Key ideas
  The object is created by special function
  This function links object with prototype
  Freedom of choice where to put properties and
   Object creation

  Links empty object with               ES5 has dedicated function
  specified prototype

                       CODE SNIPPET                                 CODE SNIPPET
function object(o) {
    function F() { }                  Object.create(prototype, propertyDescriptors)
    F.prototype = o;
    return new F();

                                                         CODE SNIPPET
Derived object inherits   var base = {
from base via prototype   };
                              a: 1

                          var derived = object(base);

                          derived.print = function() {


Object inherits base class properties by
extending it
May or may not use concept of class
Key ideas

Key ideas
  Derived object extends base object
  Prototype is not used at all
  Fast property resolution
WHAT IS Javascript

            JavaScript is a script language distant
            from actual hardware
Performance optimization

Premature optimization is Evil
  Performance optimizations needs to based on actual
  profiling data

Pareto principle: 90/10
Consider algorithmic optimizations first
Performance optimization
Function calls

Avoid intensive functions calling
                                    CODE SNIPPET
       while (i) {
           var i = fn2();
Performance optimization
Local variables

Use local variables
                                                 CODE SNIPPET
       var fn = function() {
           var events =;
           var proxy =;
Performance optimization

  Loop invariant code motion
                          CODE SNIPPET                                      CODE SNIPPET
var arr = [1, 2, 3, 4];                    var arr = [1, 2, 3, 4];
for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {};   for (var i = 0, j = arr.length; i < j; i++) {};

                                                             CODE SNIPPET
             var arr = [1, 2, 3, 4];
             var i = arr.length;
             while(i--) {};
Performance optimization

                                                         CODE SNIPPET
      var arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 1];
      var fn = function fn(i) {
          fn.cache = fn.cache || {};

           if (i in fn.cache) {
               return fn.cache[i];
           return (fn.cache[i] = Math.cos(i));
Performance optimization
Code optimization

Avoid try {} catch() {}
Avoid bit operators
Performance optimization
Keep it simple

Simpler - faster
                                      CODE SNIPPET
          var min = Math.min(a, b);

                                      CODE SNIPPET
          var min = a < b ? a : b;
          arr[arr.length] = val;
Special thanks
Reviewers & inspirations

Damian Wielgosik
  His amazing depth knowledge of JS inspired my presentation.
  Check out his Just Advanced JavaScript on SlideShare.

Pavel Hizhuk
 His amazing understanding of type casting and comparisons
 reflected directly in this presentation.
Special thanks
Reviewers & inspirations

My Girlfriend
 For constant support and patience in listening my crazy saying
 about how badly something implemented, for sleepless nights
 and funny jokes :)
The end

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JavaScript as Development Platform

  • 2. CONVENTIONS SOURCE CODE BAD PRACTICE LEGACY CODE var global = 10; function factorial(x) { if (x <= 1) { function foo() { return 1; global++; } } return x * arguments.callee(x - 1); } GOOD PRACTICE (function () { var local = 10; CODE SNIPPET function foo() { function foo() { local++; console.log(‘foo’); } } })();
  • 3. WHAT IS javascript The world`s most misunderstood programming language
  • 4. SOURCES OF CONFUSION JAVA PREFIX Completely independent from Java Has syntax similarities
  • 5. SOURCES OF CONFUSION SCRIPT POSTFIX Doesn’t mean that JS isn`t real programming language Full-fledged Object Oriented language
  • 6. SOURCES OF CONFUSION WEAK LEARNING SOURCES Standard has complicated structure makes it hard to read and understand Almost all books are universally bad Internet full of bad advices and practices
  • 7. LEARNING SOURCES BOOKS Javascript: the definitive guide Javascript: the GOOD parts
  • 8. WHAT IS Javascript A scripting language designed as lightweight alternative to Java for Web
  • 9. history 1992 James Gosling at Sun Microsystems has been working on superior language to C++ called Oak
  • 10. history 1992 Microsoft released Windows 3.1 and preview of Microsoft Windows NT for developers
  • 11. history 1995 Oak has failed as a language for interactive television and has been repurposed for Web. At this time language has been renamed to Java.
  • 12. history 1995 Sun Microsystems officially announced HotJava browser with support of Java-applets.
  • 13. history 1995 Web becomes hot and Microsoft ships Internet Explorer 1.0 and Internet Explorer 2.0 few month later
  • 14. history 1995 Brendan Eich at Netscape Communication Corporation begun working on lightweight and simple alternative to Java for Web browser
  • 15. history 1995 Later on Netscape released Netscape Navigator 2.0 with support of LiveScript and Java-applets
  • 16. history 1995 Anticipated by opportunity to free Web from Microsoft, Sun and Netscape formed the alliance As the result LiveScript has been renamed to JavaScript
  • 17. history 1996 Microsoft reverse-engineered JavaScript and named it JScript to avoid trademark issues with Sun
  • 18. history 1996 Microsoft released Internet Explorer 3 with support of JScript
  • 19. history 1996 To prevent Microsoft from mutating the language, Sun and Netscape made their way to ECMA to standardize the language
  • 20. history 1996 Sun and Netscape have failed and Microsoft gathered full control on standardization process. Microsoft insisted on preserving some design errors in the language
  • 21. history 1998 ECMA International introduces ECMA-262 1st + 2nd edition of JavaScript language
  • 22. VIEW STANDARD STANDARD ECMA 262 ECMA-262 is active standard that defines JavaScript Uses term ECMAScript Structured in a way that makes it hard to read
  • 23. VIEW STANDARD STANDARD TIMELINE 1997 1998 1999 2000-2009 2009 Future 1st edition 2nd edition 3rd edition 4th edition 5th edition Harmony edition June June December December
  • 24. WHAT IS javascript One of the most popular programming languages
  • 25. Javascript POPULARITY AS OF BEGINNING OF 2013 One of the most popular programming languages
  • 26. KEY persons Brendan eich Inventor of JavaScript language at Netscape
  • 27. KEY persons DOUGLAS CROCKFORD Active member of JavaScript community Author of JSLint and JSMin Inventor of JSON data format
  • 28. WHAT IS Javascript A programming language designed to be simple and flexible
  • 29. DESIGN PRINCIPLES PROGRAMMING Lightweight & Simple Scripting Dynamic Multi-paradigm
  • 31. DESIGN PRINCIPLES SCALABILITY Limited scalability Lack of modularity Linkage through global space Dynamicity over static typing
  • 33. DESIGN PRINCIPLES OBJECT ORIENTED LANGUAGE OBJECT ORIENTED CODE SNIPPET function Plane(mass) { this.mass = mass; }; var lightPlane = new Plane(10), heavyPlane = new Plane(1000);
  • 34. DESIGN PRINCIPLES Functional language FUNCTIONAL CODE SNIPPET var combine = function (a, b) { return function () { a(); b(); }; }, combined = combine( function () { console.log('Logging'); }, function () { alert('Alerting'); } ); combined();
  • 35. DESIGN PRINCIPLES OBJECT ORIENTED LANGUAGE Imperative CODE SNIPPET function bound(x, min, max) { var value = x; value = Math.min(value, max); value = Math.max(value, min); return value; }
  • 36. WHAT IS Javascript A programming language that is more than just a Web toy
  • 37. Runtime Host environments JavaScript executes in a JAVASCRIPT ENGINE context of Engine Host environment powers JavaScript Engine HOST SPECIFIC API
  • 39. HOST ENVIRONMENTS RESPOSIBILITIES REPOSNSIBLE FOR NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR Input/Output Code execution Graphics Memory management Storage Networking Host specific API
  • 40. WHAT IS Javascript JavaScript is a primary language of Web browser
  • 42. WEB BROWSER DOCUMENT OBJECT MODEL Representation of document as objects hierarchy Language & browser independent Standardized by W3C Revisions are called DOM levels
  • 43. WEB BROWSER BROWSER Object MODEL API for interfacing native browser functionality Deals with windows and frames All functions and object starting at window No corresponding standard
  • 44. WEB BROWSER BROWSER Object MODEL Navigator Window object object Frames[] Forms[] array array Document links[] object array images[] array screen object
  • 45. ENGINE RUNTIME ESSENTIALS Interpreted (no compilation step) Dynamically typed Class-free Runtime extensibility Duck typing Garbage collected
  • 46. ENGINE RUNTIME EXECUTION Single threaded Asynchrony via message loop Linkage through global variables
  • 47. ENGINE RUNTIME Script distribution Script are consumed as plain text Interpreted or compiled in-place *.js is a format for script files Mime-type: Officially: application/javascript Practically: text/javascript or no MIME type at all
  • 48. ENGINE RUNTIME Script compression WHY? techniques Less traffic consumption GZip Faster load time Minification Obfuscation
  • 49. Runtime engine Script inclusion Statically <script> tag Dynamically DOM API Runtime evaluation
  • 50. Static inclusion Script tag Script can be put anywhere on a page with <script> tag CODE SNIPPET <script src="path/to/script.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
  • 51. Static inclusion Type attribute <script> tag should have matching </script> tag, except when document has application/xhtml+xml MIME type BAD PRACTICE <script src="path/to/script.js" type="text/javascript"/> GOOD PRACTICE <script src="path/to/script.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
  • 52. Static inclusion Xhtmlvalidation Type attribute is optional, but required for XHTML validation CODE SNIPPET <script src="path/to/script.js"></script>
  • 53. static inclusion Inline scripts <script> tag supports inlining, but generally it is considered as bad practice CODE SNIPPET <script> console.log('Inline script'); </script>
  • 54. static inclusion Execution ordering Scripts attached in that way execute in order, even if script2 got loaded sooner CODE SNIPPET <script src="path/to/script1.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="path/to/script2.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
  • 55. static inclusion Execution ordering Same holds for inline scripts CODE SNIPPET <script src="path/to/script1.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script> console.log('Inline script'); </script>
  • 56. static inclusion rendering Script loading and execution blocks page rendering CODE SNIPPET Script.js <script src="link/to/script.js"></script> var link = document.getElementById('link'); <a id="link" href="url/to/somewhere.html">Link</a> console.log(link != null); // false
  • 57. static inclusion rendering Consider moving script to the bottom of the document Not every script can be moved GOOD PRACTICE <body> <div class="page-content">Ipsum lerrra conde ir salle.</div> <script src="js/script1.js"></script> <script src="js/script2.js"></script> </body>
  • 58. static inclusion Asyncloading Scripts can be loaded asynchronously using async attribute Script loading does not block rendering CODE SNIPPET <script src="link/to/script.js" async></script>
  • 59. Static inclusion ASYNC loading Ordering will not be preserved No execution time guarantee All async scripts are guaranteed to execute sometime before window load event CODE SNIPPET <script src="link/to/script1.js" async></script> <script src="link/to/script2.js" async></script>
  • 60. Static inclusion defer loading Scripts can be loaded in defer manner using defer attribute Script loading does not block rendering CODE SNIPPET <script src="link/to/script.js" defer></script>
  • 61. STATIC INCLUSION defer loading Ordering will be preserved Scripts are guaranteed to start execution right before DOMContentLoaded event CODE SNIPPET <script src="link/to/script1.js" defer></script> <script src="link/to/script2.js" defer></script>
  • 62. static INCLUSION Async+deferloading Causes legacy browsers to fallback to defer if async is not supported Modern browsers treat defer + async as async CODE SNIPPET <script src="link/to/script1.js" async defer></script>
  • 63. static INCLUSION LOADING TIMELINE Scripting <script> HTML Parser Scripting <script async> HTML Parser Scripting <script defer> HTML Parser Networking Execution Parsing
  • 64. dynamic inclusion DOM API Script can be attached programmatically using DOM API
  • 65. DYNAMIC INCLUSION asynchronous Asynchronous Script ordering will not be preserved CODE SNIPPET var head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0], script = document.createElement('script'); script.src = 'script.js'; head.appendChild(script);
  • 66. Dynamic inclusion asynchronous Asynchronous Script ordering will be preserved Older browsers require tricky solutions CODE SNIPPET var head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0], script = document.createElement('script'); script.async = false; script.src = 'script.js'; head.appendChild(script);
  • 67. DYNAMIC INCLUSION DEFERRED Deferred Has no effect when loaded via DOM API CODE SNIPPET var head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0], script = document.createElement('script'); script.src = 'script.js'; script.defer = 'defer'; head.appendChild(script);
  • 68. DYNAMIC INCLUSION Runtime evaluation Scripts can be evaluated at Runtime with Eval Eval is ―EVIL‖ Hurts performance Makes code hard to debug Compromises security
  • 69. VIEW More script INCLUSION Parallel loading Number of parallel HTTP connections per hostname is limited Typically varies from 2 ~ 6 Consider CDN and subdomain usage
  • 70. WHAT IS Javascript JavaScript is a language that has many design errors
  • 71. ENGINE RUNTIME Strict EXECUTION Mode Allows to opt-out to strict variant of JavaScript Intended to correct initial design errors Prohibits usage of error-prone and insecure features Standardized in ECMA 262-5
  • 72. STRICT Mode activation Activated with a Use Strict Directive in a Directive Prologue CODE SNIPPET 'use strict'; var f = function () { console.log('Execution under strict mode'); }; f();
  • 73. STRICT Mode scoping CODE SNIPPET Applied to a code unit 'use strict'; eval = 10; // SyntaxError To a Function var f = function () { To a code file eval = 20; // SyntaxError }; Affects all inner contexts CODE SNIPPET Defined lexically (statically) eval = 10; // 10 var f = function () { 'use strict'; eval = 20; // SyntaxError };
  • 74. STRICT Mode inheritance Directly Evaled code inherits Strict Mode Indirectly Evaled code doesn`t inherit Strict Mode Functions created via new Function () dont inherit Strict Mode
  • 75. STRICT Mode Error checking Compile time runtime CODE SNIPPET CODE SNIPPET 'use strict'; (function () { 'use strict'; eval = 10; // SyntaxError global_variable = 10; // Reference Error })(); var f = function () { eval = 20; // SyntaxError };
  • 76. STRICT Mode restrictions Reserved words CODE SNIPPET Implements Protected "use strict"; var let = 10; // SyntaxError Interface Public Let Static Package Yield Private
  • 77. STRICT Mode restrictions Octal literals are not allowed CODE SNIPPET "use strict"; var x = 010; // SyntaxError Assignment to an undeclared identifier CODE SNIPPET "use strict"; a = 10; // ReferenceError
  • 78. STRICT Mode restrictions Assignment to read-only property CODE SNIPPET "use strict"; var foo = Object.defineProperties({}, { bar: { value: 10, writable: false // by default }, baz: { get: function () { return "baz is read-only"; } } }); = 20; // TypeError foo.baz = 30; // TypeError
  • 79. STRICT Mode restrictions Shadowing of inherited read-only properties CODE SNIPPET "use strict"; var foo = Object.defineProperty({}, "x", { value: 10, writable: false }); var bar = Object.create(foo); bar.x = 20; // TypeError
  • 80. STRICT Mode restrictions Eval and arguments Cannot appear as variable declaration of function name CODE SNIPPET "use strict"; // SyntaxError in both cases var arguments; var eval; // also SyntaxError function eval() {} var foo = function arguments() {};
  • 81. STRICT Mode restrictions Eval and arguments Not allowed as argument names Not assignable CODE SNIPPET CODE SNIPPET "use strict"; (function (x) { alert(arguments[0]); // 30 // SyntaxError arguments = 40; // TypeError function foo(eval, arguments) {} })(30);
  • 82. STRICT Mode restrictions Argument and callee properties CODE SNIPPET "use strict"; function foo() { alert(foo.arguments); // SyntaxError alert(foo.caller); // SyntaxError }
  • 83. STRICT Mode restrictions delete operator restrictions CODE SNIPPET "use strict"; var foo = {}; function bar(x) { delete x; // SyntaxError } bar(10); // SyntaxError delete foo; // SyntaxError delete bar; // SyntaxError
  • 84. STRICT Mode restrictions With statement this value CODE SNIPPET Null no longer coerced to window "use strict"; CODE SNIPPET "use strict"; // SyntaxError with ({a: 10}) { function foo() { alert(a); console.log(this); // undefined } } foo();
  • 85. STRICT Mode restrictions this value Null and undefined are no longer Primitives are not converted to coerced to window wrapper objects CODE SNIPPET CODE SNIPPET "use strict"; "use strict"; function foo() { Number.prototype.test = function () { console.log(this); // undefined console.log(typeof this); // number } }; foo(); (1).test(); // number
  • 86. STRICT Mode restrictions this value CODE SNIPPET "use strict"; Helps to avoid missing new function A(x) { keyword issues this.x = x; } // forget "new" keyword, // error, because undefined.x = 10 var a = A(10); var b = new A(10); // OK
  • 87. STRICT Mode Usage guidelines Do not apply strict mode to whole script file blindly Will not work when concatenated with some other script Can break other scripts if after concatenation put first Evaled code will inherit Strict Mode Consider wrapping your scripts with self- calling function
  • 88. WHAT IS Javascript JavaScript is a language that has simple but flexible type system
  • 89. Type system essentials Class-free type system Loose typing Everything is an object Technically JavaScript has primitive types but they can be programmed as real objects
  • 90. Type system essentials Two groups of types Primitive types Object types Primitives are not real objects Some primitives has object wrapper
  • 91. Type system Types Primitive types Object types Number Object String Array Boolean Function null RegExp undefined Date
  • 92. numbers essentials Single type represents integer and floating point numbers IEEE 754 64 bit numbers Be aware of floating point errors 0.1 + 0.2 !== 0.3 Can be avoided by scaling
  • 93. numbers runtime Runtime type Number object wrapper CODE SNIPPET CODE SNIPPET var foobar = 0.5; var a = 10; typeof foobar; // "number" var b = new Number(a); var foobar = 1; typeof foobar; // "number" console.log(typeof b); // object
  • 94. numbers Special values Special values NaN -Infinity Infinity
  • 95. numbers nan Paradoxical type CODE SNIPPET var foobar = NaN; typeof foobar; // "number" Watch out, easy to overwrite! CODE SNIPPET var NaN = "string"; typeof NaN; // "string"
  • 96. numbers nan Getting NaN CODE SNIPPET var foobar = "string" * 2, bar = "string" / 2; var foo = +"string", barfoo = +[1, 2, 3], foobar2 = undefined – 2;
  • 97. strings essentials Unicode UTF-16 Built-in string manipulation routines don't take surrogate pairs into account Immutable Zero-based indexing No dedicated Char type
  • 98. strings declaration Literal declaration CODE SNIPPET var a = "string"; var b = 'string';
  • 99. strings runtime Runtime type String object wrapper CODE SNIPPET CODE SNIPPET var foobar = "variable types"; var a = 'foo'; typeof foobar; // "string" var b = new String(a); console.log(typeof b); // object
  • 100. boolean essentials Two possible predefined values true false Generally Boolean produced by comparisons a === 1 Any value can be converted to Boolean
  • 101. Boolean Falsyvalues CODE SNIPPET undefined var falsyValue = 0; if (!falsyValue) { null alert("falsy value!"); } 0 var falsyValue = ""; -0 if (!falsyValue) { alert("falsy value!"); NaN } Empty string var falsyValue = NaN; if (!falsyValue) { alert("falsy value!"); }
  • 102. Boolean runtime Runtime type Boolean object wrapper CODE SNIPPET CODE SNIPPET var foobar = true; var a = true; typeof foobar; // "boolean" var b = new Boolean(a); console.log(typeof b); // object
  • 103. Null essentials Language keyword Indicates absence of value JavaScript never sets uninitialized variables to null
  • 104. Null runtime Runtime type CODE SNIPPET var foobar = null; typeof foobar; // "object" Has no object wrapper
  • 105. undefined essentials Indicates Variable is not defined Variable is defined, but has no value assigned
  • 106. undefined runtime Runtime type CODE SNIPPET var foobar; typeof foobar; // "undefined" Has no object wrapper
  • 107. Undefined runtime Producing undefined value Can be overridden CODE SNIPPET CODE SNIPPET (function (undefined) { (function () { console.log(typeof undefined); var undefined = 10; })(); console.log(typeof undefined); })();
  • 108. object essentials Fundamental data type Unordered collection of key-value pairs Have no fixed schema Runtime extendable Linked with another object via prototype
  • 109. ENGINE RUNTIME Object originators Host objects NATIVE OBJECTS User-defined
  • 110. Object originators Host objects Host objects Host objects are objects that are supplied to JavaScript by the browser environment Examples of these are window, document, forms, etc Poorly defined
  • 111. Object originators Native objects NATIVE OBJECTS Native objects are those objects supplied by JavaScript runtime Examples of these are String, Number, Array, Image, Date, Math, etc Be very cautious extending these
  • 112. Object originators User-defined objects User-defined User-defined object are defined by programmer Full control OK to extend these
  • 113. object Internal layout [[prototype]] reference Class discriminator Can`t be set for user-defined objects Extensible flag Defined in ES5
  • 114. object declaration Object literal syntax CODE SNIPPET CODE SNIPPET var person = { var person = {}; firstName: 'Douglas', person.firstName = 'Douglas'; lastName: 'Crockford', person.lastName = 'Crockford'; age: 45 person.age = 45; };
  • 115. object declaration Constructor function Object.create BAD PRACTICE CODE SNIPPET var person = Object.create(Object.prototype, { var person = new Object(); firstName: { writable: true, person.firstName = 'Douglas'; configurable: true, person.lastName = 'Crockford'; value: 'Douglas' }, person.age = 45; lastName: { writable: true, configurable: true, value: 'Crockford' }, age: { writable: true, configurable: true, value: 45 } });
  • 116. object Property assessors Two ways to access the object’s property CODE SNIPPET obj['property'];;
  • 117. object Constructor property Constructor property points to constructor function Can be messed up at runtime CODE SNIPPET var object = {}; console.log(object.constructor === Object);
  • 118. object prototype Prototype links object with another object Internal [[prototype]] field Set at creation based on Function.prototype value Simple form of inheritance No schema (classes) involved Object inherits directly from another object
  • 119. prototype chaining {} Object.prototype NULL [[prototype]] [[prototype]]
  • 120. prototype Property resolution Search for property in current object If not found search in a prototype Move along prototype chain until null is reached
  • 121. prototype Property resolution Example toString is not declared in object but rather in Object.prototype CODE SNIPPET var object = {}; console.log(object.toString());
  • 122. prototype inspection Undocumented field Constructor`s prototype BAD PRACTICE CODE SNIPPET var object = {}; var object = {}; console.log(object.__proto__); console.log(object.constructor.prototype); getPrototypeOf CODE SNIPPET var object = {}; console.log(Object.getPrototypeOf(object));
  • 123. object reflection for in hasOwnProperty CODE SNIPPET CODE SNIPPET var obj = { property: "foobar", for (var i in obj) { method: function() {} if (obj.hasOwnProperty(i)) { }; alert("The value of key " + i + for (var i in obj) { " is " + obj[i]); alert("The value of key " + i +" is " + } obj[i]); } }
  • 124. object reflection in __count__ CODE SNIPPET BAD PRACTICE var obj = { var obj = { a: 10 property: "foobar", }; method: function() {} }; var hasProperty = ('a' in obj); obj.__count__; // 2
  • 125. array essentials Ordered collection of values Zero-based 32bit indexing Dynamic No need for memory reallocation Specialized form of objects with length property
  • 126. Array runtime Runtime type CODE SNIPPET var array = [1, 2, 3]; typeof array; // object
  • 127. Array runtime Array detection (fails in multi-frame scenario) CODE SNIPPET array instanceof Array The most reliable way of array detection CODE SNIPPET === "[object Array]"
  • 128. array declaration Array literal Array constructor CODE SNIPPET BAD PRACTICE var array = []; var array = new Array();
  • 129. array behavior Dynamic grow & shrink Length property CODE SNIPPET CODE SNIPPET var array = [1, 2, 3]; var array = [1, 2, 3]; array.push(4); console.log(array.length); // 3 array.pop(); // 4
  • 130. array performance JavaScript arrays are special type of object Much slower than real arrays
  • 131. operators operator = ―=― Multiple assignment Assignment order is from right to left CODE SNIPPET var foobar = 1; var foo = 2; var bar = foo = foobar = 3; // bar == 3, foo == 3, foobar == 3
  • 132. Operators operator + String concatenation CODE SNIPPET var foobar = "This " + "is " + "a variable."; Casting to number CODE SNIPPET var foobar = +true; // 1 var foobar = +false; // 0
  • 133. Operators operator + Adding CODE SNIPPET var foobar = 5 + 1; // 6 String priority CODE SNIPPET CODE SNIPPET var foobar = "1" + 0; // 10 ! var foobar = function() {}; typeof foobar; // "string" var foobar2string = "" + foobar; var foobar = 0 + "1"; // 01 //"function() {}" typeof foobar; // "string" typeof foobar2string; // "string"
  • 134. Operators operators += and ++ Addition Casting to string CODE SNIPPET CODE SNIPPET var foobar = 1; var foobar = "1"; foobar += 1; // 2 foobar += 5; // "15" Casting to number CODE SNIPPET var foobar = "5"; foobar++; typeof foobar; // "number"
  • 135. Operators operators += and ++ Multiple assignments CODE SNIPPET var foo = 1; var bar = 2; foo += bar += 3; // foo == 6; bar == 5; CODE SNIPPET var foo = "1"; var bar = "2"; foo += bar += " is a string"; // foo == "12 is a string; // bar == "2 is a string";
  • 136. Operators operators -= and -- Decrement CODE SNIPPET var foobar = 1; foobar -= 1; // 0 -= does not behave like += CODE SNIPPET CODE SNIPPET var foobar = "5"; var foobar = "1"; foobar--; foobar -= 5; // -4 (number) // 4 typeof foobar; // "number"
  • 137. Operators operators -= and -- Multiple assignments CODE SNIPPET var foo = 3; var bar = 2; foo -= bar -= 1; // foo == 2; bar == 1; CODE SNIPPET var foo = "1"; var bar = "2"; foo -= bar -= " is a string"; // foo == NaN // bar == NaN
  • 138. Operators operator | | Assignment CODE SNIPPET CODE SNIPPET var foo = false; var foo = true; var bar = function() {}; var bar = function() {}; var foobar = foo || bar; // foobar === bar var foobar = foo || bar; // foobar === true foobar(); foobar(); // error CODE SNIPPET var foo = false; var bar = false; var barfoo = 5; var foobar = foo || bar || barfoo; // foobar === 5
  • 139. Operators operator && Assignment CODE SNIPPET CODE SNIPPET var foo = true; var foo = false; var bar = function() {}; var bar = function() {}; var foobar = foo && bar; // foobar === bar var foobar = foo && bar; // foobar === false foobar(); foobar(); // error Inline conditions CODE SNIPPET var foo = true; var bar = function() { alert("hello world!"); }; foo && bar(); // hello word!
  • 140. Operators operators && and | | Good order makes a difference CODE SNIPPET var foo = true; var bar = false; var barfoo = false; var foobar = foo && bar || barfoo || 5; // foobar === 5
  • 141. Operators Operator ! Negation Double negation (converts to Boolean) CODE SNIPPET CODE SNIPPET var foo = 5; var foo = 5; !foo; // false !!foo; // true var foo = 0; !foo; // true var foo = "0"; !foo; // false var foo = "1"; !foo; // false
  • 142. Operators operator ~ Bitwise operator Numbers rounding CODE SNIPPET var foo = 5.743534; ~~foo; // 5 typeof ~~foo; // "number" -(n + 1) when ―n‖ is an integer CODE SNIPPET var foo = -1; ~foo; // 0
  • 143. Operators comparison operators ( > , >= , <, <=, ==, ===, !=, !==) Return value of Boolean type Can be used as part of more complex expression CODE SNIPPET var a = 0, b = 5, c = a || b > a alert(c); // "true"
  • 144. Operators String comparison Strings are compared using alphabetical order ―Alphabetical order‖ is defined by the numerical order of the 16-bit Unicode values that make up the strings CODE SNIPPET CODE SNIPPET alert("b" > "a"); // "true" alert("cat" > "cats"); // "false"
  • 145. Operators Comparison of Different types Values are converted to numbers except for the case when both values are strings CODE SNIPPET alert("2" > 1); // "true" alert("02" == 2); // "true" alert(0 == false); // "true"
  • 146. Operators Strict Equality(===, !==) Usual equality check can't distinguish the values that belong to different types but have the same number representation Strict equality operator is used to check equality without type conversion CODE SNIPPET alert("02" === 2); // "false" alert(0 === false); // "false"
  • 147. Operators Comparison with NULL and Undefined null and undefined are not equal to 0 in comparisons null and undefined are equal only to each other When converted to a number null is 0 undefined is NaN CODE SNIPPET CODE SNIPPET alert(null > 0); // "false" alert(undefined > 0); // "false" alert(null == 0); // "false" alert(undefined < 0); // "false" alert(null >= 0); // "true" alert(undefined == 0); // "false"
  • 148. Operators Object Conversion toString and valueOf are methods for string and number conversion respectively String and number conversion can be overridden If the operation requires a primitive value the object is converted to the primitive first and then operation is performed Number conversion is used to convert object to primitive (exception is built-in Date object)
  • 149. alert(user); // [object Object] Operators string Conversion of objects toString is declared in Object.prototype toString can be overridden in user-defined object toString should return any primitive value, otherwise it will cause an error CODE SNIPPET CODE SNIPPET var user = { var user = { firstName: "John" firstName: "John", }; toString: function () { return "user " + this.firstName alert(user) // "[object Object]" } }; alert(user) // "user John"
  • 150. Operators String conversion of objects Built-in objects have their own implementation of toString CODE SNIPPET alert([1, 2]); // toString for Arrays – list of elements "1, 2" alert(new Date()); // toString for Date – string representation of date alert(function () {}); // toString for Function – source code of function
  • 151. Operators Number conversion of objects valueOf is declared in Object.prototype but it returns object itself and therefore is ignored valueOf can be overridden in user-defined object valueOf should return any primitive value, otherwise it will be ignored In case valueOf is ignored or not declared toString method is used instead
  • 152. Operators Number conversion of objects Most built-in objects don't have valueOf implementation and therefore string and number conversion gives the same results (exception is Date object which supports both string and number conversion) CODE SNIPPET alert(new Date()); // toString - string representation of date alert(+new Date()); // valueOf – number of milliseconds from 01.01.1970
  • 153. Operators Comparisons with objects If both operands are objects operators (==, !=) check if operands are or aren't references to the same object In all other cases number conversion is used to get primitive type and then perform operation (this is also true for arithmetic operators) CODE SNIPPET var a = {}, b = {}, c = a; alert(a == b); // "false" alert(a == c); // "true"
  • 154. Operators Comparisons with objects CODE SNIPPET CODE SNIPPET var obj = { var a = { valueOf: function () { valueOf: function () { return 1; return 1; } } }; }; alert(obj == true); // "true" var b = { alert(obj + "test"); // "1test" valueOf: function () { return 2; } }; alert(b > a); // "true"
  • 155. WHAT IS Javascript JavaScript is a language that has unique execution nuances
  • 156. ENGINE RUNTIME Execution Context Abstract concept for differentiation of executable code Every time when control is transferred to executable code, control enters an execution context. Defined in ECMA-262 Consistent concept, but multiple implementations
  • 157. Execution context Types of executable code There are 3 types of JavaScript code Global code Function code Eval code Every code is evaluated in its context
  • 158. Execution context Program runtime Program Runtime EC0 active EC represented as stack of EC EC1 Pushed every time on EC2 entering a function EC3 EC4 GLOBAL EC
  • 159. Execution context Function code Executable code EC stack CODE SNIPPET CODE SNIPPET (function foo(flag) { // first activation of foo if (flag) { ECStack = [ return; <foo> functionContext } globalContext foo(true); ]; })(false); // recursive activation of foo ECStack = [ <foo> functionContext – recursively <foo> functionContext globalContext ];
  • 160. Execution context Evalcode Very special type of code Executes in its own context but affects calling context In Strict Mode evaled code evaluates in its own sandbox
  • 161. Execution context Evalcode Executable code EC stack CODE SNIPPET CODE SNIPPET ECStack = [ // influence global context globalContext eval('var x = 10'); ]; // eval('var x = 10'); (function foo() { ECStack.push({ // and here, variable "y" is context: evalContext, callingContext: globalContext // created in the local context }); // of "foo" function ECStack.pop(); // eval exited context eval('var y = 20'); ECStack.push(<foo> functionContext); // foo function call })(); // eval('var y = 20'); ECStack.push({ alert(x); // 10 context: evalContext, callingContext: <foo> functionContext alert(y); // "y" is not defined }); ECStack.pop(); // return from eval ECStack.pop(); // return from foo
  • 162. Execution context LOGICAL layout Execution context EC may be represented as simple object VARIABLE OBJECT Scope chain THIS VALUE
  • 163. Execution context Variable object A Variable Object (VO) is tied to EC Abstract store for Variables (var, VariableDeclaration) Function declarations (FunctionDeclaration, FD) Function format parameters
  • 164. Variable Object Logical layout Declaration Variable Object CODE SNIPPET CODE SNIPPET var a = 10; // Variable object of the global context VO(globalContext) = { function test(x) { a: 10, var b = 20; test: <reference to function> }; }; test(30); // Variable object of the "test" function context VO(test functionContext) = { x: 30, b: 20 };
  • 165. Variable Object types Function context VO GLOBAL context VO (VO === AO, <arguments> object and (vo===this===global) <formal parameters> are added)
  • 166. Variable Object Global context vo Allows indirect referencing through window object Lifetime tied to application lifetime CODE SNIPPET global = { Singleton Math: <...>, String: <...> ... ... window: global };
  • 167. Variable Object function context vo Doesn`t allow indirect referencing VO`s role plays Activation Object An activation object is created on entering the context of a function and initialized by property arguments which value is the Arguments object CODE SNIPPET VO(functionContext) === AO;
  • 168. Variable Object Activation object Arguments contains CODE SNIPPET AO = { callee - the reference to the current function arguments: <ArgO> }; length - quantity of real passed arguments properties-indexes
  • 169. Variable Object Activation object CODE SNIPPET function foo(x, y, z) { alert(foo.length); // 3 Variable number of parameters alert(arguments.length); // 2 // reference of a function to itself Runtime function inspection alert(arguments.callee === foo); // true // parameters sharing alert(x === arguments[0]); // true alert(x); // 10 arguments[0] = 20; alert(x); // 20 x = 30; alert(arguments[0]); // 30 z = 40; alert(arguments[2]); // undefined arguments[2] = 50; alert(z); // 40 } foo(10, 20);
  • 170. Execution context Execution stages Two stages of code handling Entering the context where all the data are created Formal parameter initialization Function declaration Variable declaration The code execution stage
  • 171. Execution context Entering Execution context For each formal parameter Property of the VO with a name and value of formal parameter is created For not passed parameters — property of VO with a name of formal parameter and value undefined is created
  • 172. Execution context Entering Execution context For each function declaration A property of the variable object with a name and value of a function-object is created If the variable object already contains a property with the same name, replace its value and attributes
  • 173. Execution context Entering Execution context For each variable declaration a property of the variable object with a variable name and value undefined is created if the variable name is already declared, declaration does not disturb the existing property.
  • 174. Execution context Entering Execution context Executable code Activation Object CODE SNIPPET CODE SNIPPET function test(a, b) { AO(test) = { var c = 10; a: 10, function d() { } b: undefined, var e = function _e() { }; c: undefined, (function x() { }); d: <reference to FunctionDeclaration "d"> } e: undefined, arguments: <Args> test(10); // call };
  • 175. Execution context Execution phase Variables and function declarations are hoisted, but not assignments Original source Internal representation CODE SNIPPET CODE SNIPPET foo(); var bar; function foo() { function foo() { console.log(bar); alert(bar); } } var bar = 10; foo(); bar = 10;
  • 176. Execution context Function -level scoping ES3 has no block-level scoping defined Variable declared in a block visible everywhere in a function CODE SNIPPET (function () { { var a = 10; } console.log(a); // 10 })();
  • 177. Execution context Function -level scoping ES6 Harmony allows block-level scoping with let keyword CODE SNIPPET (function () { { let a = 10; } console.log(a); // Reference error })();
  • 178. Execution context LOGICAL layout Execution context EC may be represented as simple object VARIABLE OBJECT Scope CHAIN THIS VALUE
  • 179. Execution context Scope chain List of all (parent) variable objects for the inner contexts Created at function call Consists of Variable Object of currently executing code unit Internal [[Scope]] field
  • 180. Scope chain Logical layout CODE SNIPPET Used for identifier lookup activeExecutionContext = { VO: {...}, // or AO Traversing scope chain this: thisValue, Scope: [ // Scope chain 2D lookup with prototypes // list of all variable objects // for identifiers lookup ] } CODE SNIPPET Scope = AO + [[Scope]]
  • 181. Scope chain [[scope]] property [[Scope]] is a chain of all parent VO, which are above the current function context [[Scope]] is saved to the function at its creation Implements Lexical (Static) Scoping
  • 182. Scope chain scoping Executable code Scope chain CODE SNIPPET CODE SNIPPET var x = 10; barContext.Scope = barContext.AO + bar.[[Scope]] // i.e.: function foo() { var y = 20; barContext.Scope = [ barContext.AO, function bar() { fooContext.AO, var z = 30; globalContext.VO alert(x + y + z); ]; } bar(); } foo(); // 60
  • 183. Scope chain closure Closure is a functional concept Consist of 2 parts Function or function pointer Referencing environment – a table of references to variables form outer scope
  • 184. Closure example CODE SNIPPET Inner is a function var f = function outer() { var a = 10; Scope of outer function forms return function inner() { referencing environment } return a; }; f1 = f(); console.log(f1()); // 10
  • 185. Closure nuances Referencing environment consist of references to outer variables Closures on iterator variables work in counterintuitive way
  • 186. Closure nuances incorrect Correct CODE SNIPPET CODE SNIPPET var array = [0, 1, 2]; var array = [0, 1, 2]; for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { array[i] = function () { (function (i) { console.log(i); array[i] = function () { }; console.log(i); } }; })(i); array[0](); // 3 } array[0](); // 0
  • 187. Closure nuances Watch out for context switches CODE SNIPPET CODE SNIPPET var person = { var person = { firstName: 'Douglas', firstName: 'Douglas', say: function () { say: function () { function sayName() { var me = this; console.log(this); // window or undefined return this.firstName; function sayName() { } return me.firstName; } return sayName(); return sayName(); } } }; }; person.say(); person.say();
  • 188. Execution context LOGICAL layout Execution context EC may be represented as simple object VARIABLE OBJECT Scope chain THIS VALUE
  • 189. Execution context This value Special context object Not tied to particular object Can be set at runtime Property of EC Never participates in identifier lookup Determined only once when entering EC Immutable
  • 190. This value Global scope Executable code CODE SNIPPET // explicit property definition of the global object this.a = 10; // global.a = 10 alert(a); // 10 // implicit definition via assigning to unqualified identifier b = 20; alert(this.b); // 20 // also implicit via variable declaration because variable object of the global context // is the global object itself var c = 30; alert(this.c); // 30
  • 191. This value Call expression CODE SNIPPET Value of this is determined function foo() { alert(this); by the form of a call } expression foo(); // global or undefined (strict mode) alert(foo === foo.prototype.constructor); // true // but with another form of the call expression // of the same function, this value is different foo.prototype.constructor(); // foo.prototype
  • 192. This value Call expression Manual setting of ThisValue Function.prototype.apply Function.prototype.bind ThisValue as first parameter
  • 193. This value CALL CODE SNIPPET ThisValue as first parameter function a(c) { alert(this.b); Comma-separated list of } alert(c); parameters // this === {b: 20}, this.b == 20, c == 30{ b: 20 }, 30); Executes a function
  • 194. This value apply CODE SNIPPET ThisValue as first parameter function a(c) { alert(this.b); Array of parameters } alert(c); Executes a function // this === {b: 30}, this.b == 30, c == 40 a.apply({ b: 30 }, [40])
  • 195. This value bind CODE SNIPPET ThisValue as first parameter function a(c) { alert(this.b); Comma-separated list of } alert(c); parameters // this === {b: 30}, this.b == 30, c == 40 (a.bind({ b: 30 }, 40))(); Returns a function
  • 196. WHAT IS Javascript JavaScript is a language that has unique implementation of OOP
  • 197. patterns & practices modularity Modules are building blocks of the app Key properties Loose coupling High cohesion Facilitate clean and flexible architecture
  • 198. patterns & practices modularity Language has no built-in concept of modules Modules are simulated using Functions Local variables Closures Dozen of design patterns available
  • 199. modularity Module pattern Provides encapsulation for Privacy State Structure Physical shielding of private and public members
  • 200. modularity Module pattern CODE SNIPPET Language features used var MY_APP_ONE = (function () { // Private variables Self-calling functions var secret1 = 'Hello'; var secret2 = 'World'; Closures // Private functions var privateFoo = function() { }; // Publicly exposed return { foo: function() { // Do stuff }, bar: function() { // Do stuff } }; })();
  • 201. modularity Module pattern pros cons Clean syntax Hard to refactor Private members Hard to extend Hard to override No way of dependency management
  • 202. modularity REVEALING Module pattern Very similar to Module Pattern All members declared as private Public members then ―revealed‖ by return statement
  • 203. modularity Revealing Module pattern CODE SNIPPET Language features used var MY_APP_ONE = (function () { // Private variables var secret1 = 'Hello'; Self-calling functions var secret2 = 'World'; Closures // Private functions var privateFoo = function () {}; var publicFoo = function () {}; var publicBar = function() {}; // Publicly exposed return { foo: publicFoo, bar: publicBar }; })();
  • 204. modularity Module revealing pattern pros cons Clean syntax Hard to extend Private members Even harder to Common syntax for accessing override private and public members No way of dependency management
  • 205. modularity AMD Developed as standard for async module loading On demand async module loading Built-in dependency management Has corresponding specification
  • 206. modularity AMD Concise API define require Namespace-free architecture Modules referred to by name or path
  • 207. modularity AMD CODE SNIPPET Language features used // shirt.js define({ color: "black", Self-calling functions size: "large" }); Closures // logger.js define(["shirt"], function (shirt) { return { logTheShirt: function () { console.log( "color: " + shirt.color + ", size: " + shirt.size ); } }; });
  • 208. modularity AMD pros cons Clean syntax Async nature may lead Async loading to spaghetti code Dependency management Requires build tool to be used in minified file
  • 209. modularity Commonjsmodules 1.1 Developed as part of CommonJS project On demand synchronous module loading Built-in dependency management Has corresponding specification
  • 210. modularity Commonjsmodules 1.1 Concise API require module.exports Modules referred to by name or path One module one script file mapping Can`t be used in minification scenarios
  • 211. modularity Commonjsmodules 1.1 CODE SNIPPET Language features used // hello.js exports.hello = function () { return 'Hello World'; Closures }; //app.js var example = require('./example.js'); example.hello();
  • 212. modularity Commonjsmodules 1.1 pros cons Clean syntax Sync loading is inappropriate in Dependency management Web browser Doesn`t support minification scenarios
  • 213. patterns & practices inheritance No classical inheritance Lots of ways to achieve inheritance Pseudo-classical Prototypal Functional Don’t try to pretend you`re programming on some other language
  • 214. inheritance Pseudo-classical Invented to make classical style inheritance possible Native JavaScript objects follow this pattern
  • 215. Pseudo-classical pattern Key ideas Key ideas The object is created by a constructor function Properties are put into constructor function Methods and default properties are put into prototype
  • 216. Pseudo-classical pattern Base class CODE SNIPPET Example function Animal(name) { canWalk property will be = name overridden in concrete instance } Animal.prototype = { Constructor assignment makes constructor: Animal, instanceof operator work canWalk: true, sit: function() { this.canWalk = false alert( + ' sits down.') } } var animal = new Animal('Pet') // (1)
  • 217. Pseudo-classical pattern Base class Initially After sit Animal.prototype Animal.prototype { { canWalk: ‘true’, canWalk: ‘true’, sit: function sit: function } } [[prototype]] [[prototype]] instance instance { { name: ‘Pet’, name: ‘Pet’ canWalk: ‘false’ } }
  • 218. Pseudo-classical pattern Inheritance function Inherit base class prototype and allow extensibility CODE SNIPPET function extend(Child, Parent) { var F = function () { }; F.prototype = Parent.prototype; Child.prototype = new F(); Child.prototype.constructor = Child; Child.superclass = Parent.prototype; }
  • 219. Pseudo-classical pattern Derived class CODE SNIPPET Example function Rabbit(name) { Superclass constructor called to Rabbit.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments); initialize properties defined in } base class extend(Rabbit, Animal); Rabbit.prototype.jump = function () { this.canWalk = true; alert( + ' is jumping.'); };
  • 220. Pseudo-classical pattern Method overriding Superclass call CODE SNIPPET Rabbit.prototype.sit = function () { alert( + ' is about to sit!'); Rabbit.superclass.sit.apply(this, arguments); };
  • 221. Pseudo-classical pattern encapsulation CODE SNIPPET Convention based encapsulation Animal.prototype.walk = function () { Common practice is to prefix alert('walking'); }; protected members with _ Animal.prototype._run = function () { alert('running'); }
  • 222. Pseudo-classical pattern statics CODE SNIPPET Static properties and functions function Animal() { Assigned directly to the constructor Animal.count++ } Animal.count = 0 new Animal() new Animal() alert(Animal.count); // 2
  • 223. inheritance prototypal Prototypal inheritance is native to JavaScript May or may not use concept of class
  • 224. Prototypal Key ideas Key ideas The object is created by special function This function links object with prototype Freedom of choice where to put properties and methods
  • 225. Prototypal Object creation Links empty object with ES5 has dedicated function specified prototype CODE SNIPPET CODE SNIPPET function object(o) { function F() { } Object.create(prototype, propertyDescriptors) F.prototype = o; return new F(); }
  • 226. Prototypal example CODE SNIPPET Derived object inherits var base = { from base via prototype }; a: 1 var derived = object(base); derived.print = function() { console.log(this.a); }; derived.print();
  • 227. inheritance Parasitic Object inherits base class properties by extending it May or may not use concept of class
  • 228. parasitic Key ideas Key ideas Derived object extends base object Prototype is not used at all Fast property resolution
  • 229. WHAT IS Javascript JavaScript is a script language distant from actual hardware
  • 230. Performance optimization reasoning Premature optimization is Evil Performance optimizations needs to based on actual profiling data Pareto principle: 90/10 Consider algorithmic optimizations first
  • 231. Performance optimization Function calls Avoid intensive functions calling CODE SNIPPET while (i) { fn(i); var i = fn2(); fn3(i); };
  • 232. Performance optimization Local variables Use local variables CODE SNIPPET var fn = function() { var events =; var proxy =; };
  • 233. Performance optimization LICM Loop invariant code motion CODE SNIPPET CODE SNIPPET var arr = [1, 2, 3, 4]; var arr = [1, 2, 3, 4]; for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {}; for (var i = 0, j = arr.length; i < j; i++) {}; CODE SNIPPET var arr = [1, 2, 3, 4]; var i = arr.length; while(i--) {};
  • 234. Performance optimization Memoization Memoization CODE SNIPPET var arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 1]; var fn = function fn(i) { fn.cache = fn.cache || {}; if (i in fn.cache) { return fn.cache[i]; } return (fn.cache[i] = Math.cos(i)); };
  • 235. Performance optimization Code optimization Avoid try {} catch() {} Avoid bit operators Yielding
  • 236. Performance optimization Keep it simple Simpler - faster Slow CODE SNIPPET var min = Math.min(a, b); arr.push(val); Fast CODE SNIPPET var min = a < b ? a : b; arr[arr.length] = val;
  • 237. Special thanks Reviewers & inspirations Damian Wielgosik His amazing depth knowledge of JS inspired my presentation. Check out his Just Advanced JavaScript on SlideShare. Pavel Hizhuk His amazing understanding of type casting and comparisons reflected directly in this presentation.
  • 238. Special thanks Reviewers & inspirations My Girlfriend For constant support and patience in listening my crazy saying about how badly something implemented, for sleepless nights and funny jokes :)