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What is HTML5?
“Specification that defines the 5th major
revision of the core language of the
World Wide Web: HTML.”
World Wide Web Consortium
What is HTML5?
+ +
What is HTML5?
New Cool
Who’s in charge?
Who’s in charge?
Ian Hickson
Editor of HTML5 specification
Editor`s Draft
First Public
Working Draft
Last Call
State of HTML5
“So we opened a mailing list called the WHATWG to continue work
on Web Forms 2.0 in public, and later that year started a new draft
called Web Applications 1.0 into which we put many features aimed
at writing Web apps, including a new version of HTML that we
jokingly called HTML5…”
Ian Hickson
State of HTML5
State of HTML5
Early expectations
2012 – W3C Candidate Recommendation
W3C Recommendation
State of HTML5
2012 – W3C Candidate Recommendation
W3C Recommendation
State of HTML5
Old browsers (Q1 2013)
More on:
~ 33%
IE 6-8
FF 3-3.6
OP 9x
State of HTML5
Mobile Platforms
Various degree of support in mobile operating systems.
iOS Android Window Phone BlackBerry
State of HTML5
jQuery 2.0
Drops support of legacy browsers
State of HTML5
“JQuery 2.0 now has more patches and
shims for Chrome, Safari, and Firefox than
for Internet Explorer.”
Dave Methvin
President, jQuery Foundation
State of HTML5
State of HTML5
Already moved to HTML5
State of HTML5
“When I`m introspective about last few years I think the
biggest mistake we made as a company was betting too
much on HTML5 as opposed to native… because it just
wasn`t there. … We burned two years. It`s really painful.”
Mark Zuckerberg
SEO of Facebook, September 2012
Goals of HTML5
Native Multimedia
Programmatic Context
Enhanced Web Semantics
“Plug-in free” Development
Goals of HTML5
Adobe Flash
What is wrong with Adobe Flash?
Lot of security vulnerabilities
Low performance on older machines
Disallowed on mobile devices
Requires user to install separate plug-in
Goals of HTML5
What is wrong with Silverlight?
Tied to Windows
Requires user to install separate plug-in
Historical dislike of Microsoft
State of HTML5
Be pragmatic
Use what works
Use what you need
Web Standards not
always fit
State of HTML5
“And it`s not that HTML5 is bad. I`m actually, on long-term,
really excited about it. One of the things that`s interesting
is we actually have more people on a daily basis using
mobile Web Facebook than we have using our iOS and
Android apps combined. So mobile Web is a big thing for
Mark Zuckerberg
SEO of Facebook, September 2012
How to take advantage of HTML5?
You already, DO!
How to enable HTML5 standards mode in browsers?
<!DOCTYPE html>
Place this on top of your document. No DTD!
Visual Studio 2012 with Web
For .NET Developers
Expression Web
For non .NET Developers
Adobe Dreamweaver
Aptana Studio
JetBrains WebStorm
Storage API`s
Web SQL IndexedDBWeb Storage
Local Storage Session Storage
Web Storage
Local Storage
Persistent store for up to 5 MiB of data
on users local machine (10 MiB for IE)
Essential details
Never transferred to server side (no-
Accessible from JavaScript
Store for Key-Value pairs of strings
Important notes
Objects should be stringifyed prior to
saving to localStorage
It is allowed for browser to clear
localStorage without user permission
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Web Storage
Session Storage
Non-Persistent store for up to 5 MiB of
data on users local machine (10 MiB for IE)
Essential details
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Data accessible only during current
session (browser tabs)
Shares API with localStorage
Web StorageLocal Storage & Session Storage
setItem(key, value) - to set something to the browsers storage
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getItem(key) – to get value from storage
removeItem(key) – to remove item from storage
clear() – to clear storage
Web SQLEssentials
What`s is Web SQL?
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Web SQL Database is a web page API for storing data in databases that
can be queried using a variant of SQL
Full power of relational database on client side
Support for transactions
Specification based on SQLite
Synchronous and asynchronous API
What`s the state of Web SQL?
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Deprecated! Working Group does not intend to maintain it further.
What`s wrong with Web SQL?
All interested implementers have used the same SQL backend (SQLite), but
W3C need multiple independent implementations to proceed along a
standardization path.
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openDatabase – opens or creates database
transaction – creates transaction
executeSql – used for executing SQL read and write statements
What`s is IndexedDB?
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IndexedDB is an API for client-side storage of significant amounts of
structured data
It`s an object store, but it`s not a relational database.
Support for transactions
Support for indexes
Synchronous and asynchronous API
Specific terms of IndexedDB
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Database comprises one or more object stores which hold the data
stored in the database
Object Store is the primary storage mechanism for storing data in a
Transaction is used to interact with the data in a database
Request represents one read or write operation
Native multimedia
Video Audio
Native Multimedia
Abstract MediaElement
Audio & Video has common API
First class citizen of DOM
Application Programming Interface
Native Multimedia
Programmatic Context
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Playback control and
feature detection
Native Multimedia
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Loadstart Progress Suspend Abort
Error Emptied Stalled
loadedmetadata loadeddata waiting
playing canplay canplaythrough
Buffering level
Native Multimedia
JavaScript & CSS
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First-class DOM citizen and can be styles with CSS3
Exposes properties and functions to JavaScript
Properties Functions
currentTime play
Native Multimedia
Format Support
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“…regarding codecs for <video> and <audio> in HTML5, I
have reluctantly come to the conclusion that there is no
suitable codec that all vendors are willing to implement
and ship.”
Ian Hickson
Built in tag <audio> for embedding audio player
Natively support – require no plug-ins
Out of the box user interface
API for controlling audio playback
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Attributes of <audio> tag
Src - media content source
Preload - attribute is intended to provide a hint to the user agent about what the
author thinks will lead to the best user experience.
None – do not preload
Metadata – preload metadata only
Auto – let browser decide
Controls – specifies whether built-in controls visible or not
Loop - indicates that the media element should to seek back to the start
Crossorigin - indicates that audio file is being served from different origin
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Tools of the Devil
Loop - indicates that the media element should to seek back to the start
Autoplay - indicates that the media element should automatically start
playback once its fully loaded
Look & Feel
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How does it looks like? What the markup is?
<audio controls="controls">
<source src="song.ogg" type="audio/ogg" />
<source src="song.mp3" type="audio/mpeg" />
Your browser does not support the audio element.
Programmatic Context
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play - to play audio
pause – to pause audio
canPlayType(type) – determines whether type supported by user agent
buffered – attribute that specifies the start and end time of the buffered
part of the file
Format Support
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Built in tag <video> for embedding video player
Natively support – require no plug-ins
Out of the box user interface
API for controlling video playback
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Video formats
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Attributes of <video> tag
Src - media content source
Preload - attribute is intended to provide a hint to the user agent about what the
author thinks will lead to the best user experience.
None – do not preload
Metadata – preload metadata only
Auto – let browser decide
Controls – specifies whether standard controls visible or not
Poster – image to show while no video data is available
Look & Feel
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How does it looks like? What the markup is?
<video width="320" height="240" controls="controls">
<source src="movie.mp4" type="video/mp4" />
<source src="movie.ogg" type="video/ogg" />
Your browser does not support the video tag.
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Fullscreen playing
Live Streaming
Patchy browser support
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HTML5 element that allows for dynamic, scriptable rendering of 2D
shapes and bitmaps
Immediate mode rendering
Rich API: 45 methods, 21 attributes
Future plans for 3D rendering
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Application Programming Interface
Color & Styles
Line caps/joins
Path API
Pixel manipulation
Focus management
Drawing images
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Developed as platform for
OSX Dashboard Widgets
in 2004
Use cases
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Data visualization
Use cases
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Animated graphics
Use cases
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Web Applications
Use cases
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What the markup is?
<canvas width=‘800’ height=‘600’>
Your browser doesn`t support canvas.
Coordinate System
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(0, 0) X
Rendering Context
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2D Rendering
Everything is drawn onto 2D
rendering context that is tied to
Canvas instance
Rendering Context
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Context instance can be preserved
and passed around the app
How to get context?
var canvas = document.getElementById(‘canvas’)
var context = canvas.getContext(‘2d’)
Drawing Model
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How to change color?
var canvas = document.getElementById(‘canvas’)
var context = canvas.getContext(‘2d’)
context.fillStyle = ‘black’;
context.strokeStyle = ‘white’;
Drawing Model
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fillRect - draws a rectangle using current fill style
Simple shapes
strokeRect – draws the outline of a rectangle using the current stroke style
clearRect – clears all pixels within the given rectangle
Drawing Model
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Complex shapes
A new patch should be created for each complex shape
Paths are a list of subpath
Subpaths are one or more points connected by straight or curved lines
Rendering context has reference to current active path
Drawing Model
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Complex shapes
beginPath – resets the current path
closePath – closes the current subpath and starts a new one
fill – fills the subpaths with the current fill style
stroke – outlines the subpaths with the current stroke style
Drawing Model
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Complex shapes
lineTo – draws a straight line from the previous point
rect – adds a new closed rectangular subpath
arc – adds a subpath along the circumference of the described circle,
withing the angles defined
arcTo – adds a subpath connecting two points by an arc of the defined
Drawing Model
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Affects shapes and paths drawn after the transformation
Shorthand methods for translation, scaling, rotation
Transformation matrices are allowed
Drawing Model
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translate – moves coordinate system by specified offset
rotate – rotates coordinate system by specified angle
scale – scales coordinate system by specified factor
transform – multiplies current transformation matrix with specified one
setTransform – sets transformation matrix directly
Drawing Model
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ctx.shadowOffsetX = 10;
ctx.shadowOffsetY = 10;
ctx.shadowBlur = 10;
ctx.shadowColor = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 1)";
ctx.fillText(“Winning!”, 10, 25);
// All future operations will also have a shadow
ctx.strokeRect(0, 0, 115, 40);
All Canvas attributes are global – they effect all operations drawn next.
Drawing Model
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The current values of the following attributes:
strokeStyle, fillStyle, globalAlpha, lineWidth, lineCap,
lineJoin, miterLimit, shadowOffsetX, shadowOffsetY,
shadowBlur, shadowColor, globalCompositeOperation,
font, textAlign, textBaseline.
You can save and restore:
The current transformation matrix.
The current clipping region.
State Management
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ctx.shadowOffsetX = 10;
ctx.shadowOffsetY = 10;
ctx.shadowBlur = 10;
ctx.shadowColor = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 1)";
ctx.fillText(“Winning!”, 10, 25);
// All future operations will NOT have a shadow
ctx.strokeRect(0, 0, 115, 40);
Use save() and restore() to scope the attribute
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Compositing it the control of transparency and layering of objects
Controlled by globalAlpha and globalCompositeOperation
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Drawing Model
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Firefox, Opera and Internet Explorer follow the drawing model as
described in the spec.
Safari and Chrome have a slightly different drawing model behavior.
DO: Check if you’re composition is impacted by this interoperability
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Not all operations were made equal. Some are more expensive than
Shadows, clipping and composition operations are more expensive as
they require an additional intermediate.
DON’T: Create thousands of small objects with clipping, shadows or
compositions effects.
Security Model
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Canvas allows reading and writing pixels to the screen
You can also save the Canvas to a file via toDataURL()
Canvas PNG File
Canvas also allows drawing cross-domain images/videos
However, it has built-in security protection against third-parties saving
cross-domain pixels
Security Model
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PNG File
Security Model
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Canvas has a concept of origin-clean flag.
origin-clean is set false if a cross-domain IMG or VIDEO is used.
A SECURITY_ERR exception is raised, if one tries to save the
Canvas pixels if the Canvas origin-clean is false:
Animation Frame API
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API for getting precise animation updates
User Agent schedules updates in sync with internal redraw routines
Automatic management of update time and low-power mode
Animation Frame API
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requestAnimationFrame – requests repaint callback to be scheduled
cancelAnimationFrame – cancels repaint callback request
Media Capture
User Media
HTML Media
HTML Media Capture
Native media capture mechanism
Extends file input
Allows to capture audio, video and photo
HTML Media Capture
What the markup is?
<input type="file" accept="image/*" capture="camera" />
<input type="file" accept="audio/*" capture="microphone" />
<input type="file" accept="video/*" capture="camcorder" />
Media format controlled by
accept attribute
Media type controlled by
capture attribute
User Media API
API that allows to capture media streams
Designed to interoperate with related specs
Allows to capture audio, video and photo
User Media API
High level abstraction for streaming data
Can be passed around to different APIs
Contains audio and video tracks
Media Stream
Media Stream Track
High level abstraction for media stream source
User Media API
Media Stream
User Media API
Programmatic Context
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getUserMedia - to start capturing media stream
Audio Processing
Web Audio
Audio Data
JavaScript DSP
Byte-level manipulations with encoded audio data
Getting audio data via XMLHttpRequest or File API
Requires knowledge of DSP and audio formats encoding
Extension: Firefox allows access to PCM data
Web Audio API
<audio> hides the steps of loading, decoding and playing
No standard way to access raw PCM data
No fine-grained timing
No concept of position and direction of sources and listeners
Hard to analyze and visualize data on the fly
Web Audio API
High-level API for processing and synthesizing audio
Gives fine grained control over audio processing and playback
Web Audio API
Real-time processing
and synthesizing audio
An audio pipeline and routing system
for effects and filters
Web Audio API
Access to raw PCM data
Web Audio API
Precise scheduling of
audio playback
Web Audio API
Audio Context
Abstract representation of audio
signal graph and connections
between AudioNodes
Web Audio API
Audio Context
destination – audio node that represents actual hardware
sampleRate – the sample rate at which Audio Context handles audio
currentTime – time in seconds tied to hardware clock
listener – an audio listener that is used for 3D spatialization
Web Audio API
Audio Node
Build block of audio graph
Audio node represents
Intermediate processing module
Set of predefined Audio Nodes as well as ScriptProcessorNode
Web Audio API
Audio Node
AudioDestinationNode AudioBufferSourceNode MediaElementAudioSourceNode
MediaStreamAudioSourceNode MediaStreamAudioDestinationNode ScriptProcessorNode Audio Effect Nodes
Web Audio API
Audio Buffer
Represents in-memory audio asset
Contains IEEE 32-bit linear PCM with a nominal range of -1 -> +1
Contains one or more channels
Typically expected that length of PCM data would be less than a minute
Long audio tracks can be served via MediaElementAudioSourceNode
Image-based 3D
TransformsSoftware rendering
on Canvas
Image-based 3D
Set of prerendered images
High degree of browser support
Terrific amount of data to load
No client side customizations
Image-based 3D
Image-based 3D
Fast image switches may cause flickering
Rendering to Canvas may give significant performance boost
Software Rendering
Rendering and computations are made on CPU
Manual manipulations with Pixel and Vertex data
Canvas as rasterization surface
Software Rendering
Software rendering is inherently slow
Good enough for simple scenes
Mobile devices are still a concern
CSS3 Transforms
Display-time transformations of any HTML content
transforms do not affect layout
3D Transforms
translate, scale, rotate, skew in X, Y & Z
CSS3 Transforms
Rendering and computations are made on GPU
Applies to any DOM element
Declarative and programmatic control
CSS Custom Shaders
User supplied program for GPU programming
Executes in parallel
Source of awesome visual effects
Programmed in GLSL
CSS Custom Shaders
CSS Custom Shaders
Rendering Pipeline
CSS Custom Shaders
CSS Custom Shaders
Fragment Shader
GPU program for pixel color manipulation
The result is a pixel color
Executes in parallel on GPU infrastructure
Currently there is no way to set via gl_FragColor
Fragment Shader
precision mediump float;
void main() {
float r = 1.0;
float g = 1.0;
float b = 1.0;
float a = 1.0;
css_ColorMatrix = mat4( r, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
0.0, g, 0.0, 0.0,
0.0, 0.0, b, 0.0,
0.0, 0.0, 0.0, a );
CSS Custom Shaders
Vertex Shader
Responsible for mesh deformations
The result is a vertex position
Executes in parallel on GPU infrastructure
Vertex Shader
precision mediump float;
attribute vec4 a_position;
uniform mat4 u_projectionMatrix;
void main() {
gl_Position = u_projectionMatrix * a_position;
Projection matrix is supplied by a
web browser.
a_position stores vertex position
CSS Custom Shaders
#myelement {
filter: custom( vertex-shader
[ fragment-shader]
How to apply shader?
CSS Custom Shaders
Vertex Creation
#myelement {
filter: custom( vertex-shader
[ fragment-shader]
,4 5
How to apply shader?
CSS Custom Shaders
#myelement {
filter: custom( vertex-shader
[ fragment-shader]
,4 5
, amount 0);
precision mediump float;
uniform float amount;
void main(){
Fragment Shader
It is a software library that extends the capability of the JavaScript
to allow it to generate 3D graphics
Uses canvas as rendering surface
Based on OpenGL ES 2.0
“We believe that WebGL will likely become an ongoing
source of hard-to-fix vulnerabilities. In its current form,
WebGL is not a technology Microsoft can endorse from a
security perspective.”
June 16, 2011
“I agree with Microsoft’s assessment that WebGL is a
severe security risk. The gfx driver culture is not the
culture of security.”
John Carmack
Co-founder of Id Software, June 2011
Typed Arrays
Efficient way to pass data into API`s
C-like arrays
Memory can be passed directly to native API`s
Typed Arrays
Array Buffer
Abstract representation of binary data
Serves as a data-source for typed arrays
Integrated with other HTML API`s
Typed Arrays
Array Buffer View
Int8Array Uint8Array Int16Array Uint16Array Int32Array
Uint32Array Float32Array Float64Array Uint8ClampedArray
Typed Arrays
Data View
Simplifies manipulations with heterogeneous types
Supports big and little endian
Be careful with alignment
Typed Arrays
WebGL Canvas 2D File API
Transferable objects
Same Origin Policy
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Browser-level Firewall
Prohibits sending security sensitive information to foreign locations
Prohibits read of resources from foreign origin
Primary security barrier against XSS and Cookie stealing attacks
What is same origin policy?
Same Origin Policy
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What origins are foreign?
Same protocol and host but different port
Different protocol
Different host
Web Messaging
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Mechanism for cross-document communication
Support for cross-origin communication
API for exchanging plain text messages and structured data
What is Web Messaging?
Web Messaging
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Web Messaging
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The end of iframe hacks!
Web Messaging
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postMessage() – to post message to window
Message event – event raised when new message arrived
Web Workers
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JavaScript is inherently single threaded
Asynchronous through single message loop
No concurrency, no thread synchronization
Web Workers
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“[JavaScript] that executes in whole seconds is probably
doing something wrong...”
Brendan Eich
Creator of JavaScript,
Mozilla Foundation
Web Workers
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Web Workers
Old-school solutions
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work with
work to
Web Workers
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JavaScript native ‘threading’ mechanism
True parallelism
Designed to be long-lived
High startup cost performance and memory cost
What are Web Workers?
Web Workers
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Loaded from separate file or Blob
Communication with parent script through messages and events
Can be terminated from inside and outside
Due to their multi-threaded behavior, web workers only has access to a
subset of DOM and BOM features
How it works?
Web Workers
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The navigator object
The location object (read-only)
setTimeout(), setInterval()
The application cache
Importing external scripts using the importScripts() method
Spawning other Web Workers
Features Available to Workers
Web Workers
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window object
document object
parent object
Features Unavailable to Workers
Web Workers
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Dedicated Shared
Web Workers
Transferable Objects
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Structured data can be passed without copying
Huge performance win
Supported structured objects:
Web Workers
Transferable Objects
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Real-time Communications
HTTP protocol has one request – one resource semantics
No built-in mechanism for Push Notifications
Semi-duplex communications
Overhead of HTTP headers
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Use cases
Live feeds
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Use cases
Multiplayer games
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Use cases
Live sync applications
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Polling Comet
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Periodic HTTP requests
High server workload
High latency
High degree of support across different browsers
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Interaction diagram
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Network throughput
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Periodic long-lived HTTP requests
Reduced traffic
Reduced server workload
Overhead of HTTP headers
Possible difficulties with proxies and load balancers
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Interaction diagram
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Web Sockets
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Full-duplex socket connection
Web Socket protocol v13 (RFC 6455) instead of HTTP
Uses HTTP for connection establishment
Low-latency client-server communication technology
Web Sockets
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Connection Establishment
Runs via port 80/443 to simplify firewalls traversal
Pseudo schemes: ws, wss
Connection established by “upgrading” from HTTP to WebSocket
Web Sockets
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Opening handshake
GET /chat HTTP/1.1
Upgrade: websocket
Connection: Upgrade
Sec-WebSocket-Key: dGhlIHNhbXBsZSBub25jZQ==
Sec-WebSocket-Protocol: chat, superchat
Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13
Client sends GET or CONNECT
request to Web Socket endpoint
Upgrade header indicates willing
to upgrade connection from
HTTP to WebSocket
Web Sockets
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Opening handshake
HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols
Upgrade: websocket
Connection: Upgrade
Sec-WebSocket-Accept: s3pPLMBiTxaQ9kYGzzhZRbK+xOo=
Server responds with 101 status
code and connection upgrade
From now on Web Socket
protocol will be used instead of
Web Sockets
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var connection = new WebSocket('ws://');
// When the connection is open, send some data to the
connection.onopen = function () {
// Send the message 'Ping' to the server
// Log errors
connection.onerror = function (error) {
// Log messages from the server
console.log('WebSocket Error ' + error);
connection.onmessage = function (e) {
console.log('Server: ' +;
Server-sent Events
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Support for auto reconnect
Support for event ids
Requires Content-Type: text/event-stream
Browser built-in long polling mechanism
Server-sent Events
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data: This is the first message.
data: This is the second message, it
data: has two lines.
data: This is the third message.
event: add
data: 73857293
event: remove
data: 2153
event: add
data: 113411
Response with named Events
XHR Level 2
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What is XHR?
API for sending HTTP and HTTPS requests directly to Web Server
Supports plain text and structured response formats
Interaction without page refresh
Basement of AJAX
XHR Level 2
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Interaction Model
Web calls
XHR Level 2
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Strong security concerns
Same origin policy
Cross-origin resource
sharing policy
XHR Level 2
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Cross-origin communication scenarios
XHR Level 2
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Way for a web server to allow its resources to be accessed by a web page
from a different domain
Requires server & client side support
Server side decides which origins are allowed
HTTP header based negotiation
What is cross-origin resource sharing?
XHR Level 2
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XHR Level 2
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Origin header specifies that this is
CORS aware request.
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server respond with special header
that allows browser to consume such
XHR Level 2
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Access-Control-Request-Method: PUT
In case of non-safe methods web
browser should send preflight request
prior to sending actual request
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Access-Control-Allow-Methods: PUT
Server respond with special header
that allows browser to make actual
XHR Level 2
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XHR Level 2
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Structured data
Allows to get resources as structured object
Allows to post data as structured object
Controlled via responseType property
New response property to consume resource in structured format
XHR Level 2
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Structured formats (upload)
ArrayBuffer – generic fixed-length binary data buffer
FormData – object based representation of form fields
Blob – url accessible container for binary data
DOMString – plain text response
XHR Level 2
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Structured formats (download)
arraybuffer – generic fixed-length binary data buffer
blob – url accessible container for binary data
text – plain text response
json – json string converted into object
XHR Level 2
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Structured data var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', '/path/to/image.png', true);
xhr.responseType = 'arraybuffer';
xhr.onload = function(e) {
var uInt8Array = new Uint8Array(this.response);
var byte3 = uInt8Array[4]; // byte at offset 4 ...
GET example
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Mechanism for determining user geographic coordinates
Available on desktop and mobile devices
Uses GPS, A-GPS, Wi-Fi hotspots or IP address range to determine current
Easy to use JavaScript API
Strong security concerns
What is Geolocation?
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Main object – navigator.geolocation
getCurrentPosition – gets current position & speed (if possible)
watchPosition – track position changes
clearWatch – stop tracking position changes
Device Orientation
Mechanism for determining Euler`s angles (rotation around X,Y, Z)
Supported on broad variety of mobile devices
What is device orientation?
The deviceorientation event with orientation data passed along
The devicemotion event with orientation and acceleration data
passed along
Application Cache
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Software storage feature which provides the ability to access a web
application even without a network
Controlled by a plain text file called a cache manifest
Can be managed by JavaScript API
What is Web Application Cache?
Application Cache
Manifest file
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Contains a list of resources to be stored for use when there is no network
Defines conditions for caching
Consist of sections
CACHE – a list of explicit urls to request and store
FALLBACK - What to do when an offline user attempts to
access an uncached file
NETWORK – Which resources are available only when online
Application Cache
Manifest file
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<html manifest="/cache.appcache">
<body> … </body>
Page markup
# This is a comment
/ /offline.html
Manifest file
Graphics Features
color specification with alpha, opacity property
Round corners
box-shadow, text-shadow
Background gradients
linear, radial
Web Open Font Format (WOFF) fonts
2D & 3D Transforms
Display-time transformations of any HTML content
transforms do not affect layout
2D Transforms
translate, scale, rotate, skew
3D Transforms
translate, scale, rotate, skew in X, Y & Z
Animations & Transitions
smooth animation of CSS properties from old to new value
can be used with CSS pseudo-classes such as :hover
keyframe-based definition of a set of CSS property changes
allows richer animations than CSS Transitions
event model allows complex use in combination with script
Animations & Transitions
#id_of_element {
-webkit-transition: all 1s ease-in-out;
-moz-transition: all 1s ease-in-out;
-o-transition: all 1s ease-in-out;
-ms-transition: all 1s ease-in-out;
transition: all 1s ease-in-out;
@keyframes resize {
0% { padding: 0; }
50% {
padding: 0 20px;
100% {
padding: 0 100px;
#box {
animation-name: resize;
animation-duration: 1s;
animation-iteration-count: 4;
animation-direction: alternate;
animation-timing-function: ease-in-out; }
New Tags
Semantic Input types Multimedia Other
New Tags
Specifies independent, self-contained content, could be a news-article,
blog post, forum post, or other articles which can be distributed
independently from the rest of the site.
For content aside from the content it is placed in. The aside content
should be related to the surrounding content
For text that should not be bound to the text-direction of its parent
<command> A button, or a radiobutton, or a checkbox
<details> For describing details about a document, or parts of a document
<summary> A caption, or summary, inside the details element
<figure> For grouping a section of stand-alone content, could be a video
<figcaption> The caption of the figure section
For a footer of a document or section, could include the name of the
author, the date of the document, contact information, or copyright
<header> For an introduction of a document or section, could include navigation
For a section of headings, using <h1> to <h6>, where the largest is
the main heading of the section, and the others are sub-headings
<mark> For text that should be highlighted
For a measurement, used only if the maximum and minimum values
are known
<nav> For a section of navigation
<progress> The state of a work in progress
<ruby> For ruby annotation (Chinese notes or characters)
<rt> For explanation of the ruby annotation
<rp> What to show browsers that do not support the ruby element
For a section in a document. Such as chapters, headers, footers, or
any other sections of the document
<time> For defining a time or a date, or both
<wbr> Word break. For defining a line-break opportunity.
Semantic Markup
div=”article” div=”sidebar”
Semantic Markup
<article> <aside>
Semantic Markup
Input Types
13 new input types
Built-in client-side validation
Poor support in desktop browsers
See browser compatibility
Input Types
search tel url email datetime
date month week time
number range color
Feature detection
Never use navigator.userAgent browser detection hack
Never use conditional comment in Internet Explorer
Use feature detecting instead of browser detection when possible
Consider graceful fallback
Use Modernizr
Feature detection
Modernizr is a small JavaScript Library that detects the availability
of native implementations for next-generation web technologies
What is Modernizr?
Why Modernizr?
Easy to use
Powerfull feature detection library
Feature detection
Modernizr does its “magic” by creating an element, setting a specific
style instruction on that element and then immediately retrieving it
How it works?
Feature detection results available to developer via JavaScript
Modernizr object and classes applied to HTML DOM element
Feature detection
How it looks like?
/* In your CSS: */
.no-audio #music {
display: none; /* Don't show Audio options */
.audio #music button {
/* Style the Play and Pause buttons nicely */
<!-- In your HTML: -->
<div id="music">
<source src="audio.ogg" />
<source src="audio.mp3" />
<button id="play">Play</button>
<button id="pause">Pause</button>
Useful HTML5 content
HTML5 news, demos, presentations
Lot of HTML5 tutorials, articles
HTML5 Hands-On

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HTML5 Comprehensive Guide

  • 2. What is HTML5? “Specification that defines the 5th major revision of the core language of the World Wide Web: HTML.” World Wide Web Consortium
  • 6. Who’s in charge? Ian Hickson Editor of HTML5 specification
  • 7. Standardisation Editor`s Draft First Public Working Draft Last Call Candidate Recommendation Recommendation
  • 8. State of HTML5 “So we opened a mailing list called the WHATWG to continue work on Web Forms 2.0 in public, and later that year started a new draft called Web Applications 1.0 into which we put many features aimed at writing Web apps, including a new version of HTML that we jokingly called HTML5…” 2004 Ian Hickson
  • 10. State of HTML5 Early expectations 2012 – W3C Candidate Recommendation W3C Recommendation 2020?
  • 11. State of HTML5 Reality 2012 – W3C Candidate Recommendation W3C Recommendation 2014
  • 12. State of HTML5 Old browsers (Q1 2013) More on: ~ 33% IE 6-8 FF 3-3.6 OP 9x
  • 13. State of HTML5 Mobile Platforms Various degree of support in mobile operating systems. iOS Android Window Phone BlackBerry
  • 14. State of HTML5 jQuery 2.0 Drops support of legacy browsers
  • 15. State of HTML5 “JQuery 2.0 now has more patches and shims for Chrome, Safari, and Firefox than for Internet Explorer.” Dave Methvin President, jQuery Foundation
  • 17. State of HTML5 Already moved to HTML5
  • 18. State of HTML5 “When I`m introspective about last few years I think the biggest mistake we made as a company was betting too much on HTML5 as opposed to native… because it just wasn`t there. … We burned two years. It`s really painful.” Mark Zuckerberg SEO of Facebook, September 2012
  • 19. Goals of HTML5 Native Multimedia Programmatic Context Enhanced Web Semantics “Plug-in free” Development
  • 20. Goals of HTML5 Adobe Flash What is wrong with Adobe Flash? Lot of security vulnerabilities Low performance on older machines Disallowed on mobile devices Requires user to install separate plug-in
  • 21. Goals of HTML5 Silverlight What is wrong with Silverlight? Tied to Windows Requires user to install separate plug-in Historical dislike of Microsoft
  • 22. State of HTML5 Be pragmatic Stability Use what works today Granularity Use what you need Rationality Web Standards not always fit
  • 23. State of HTML5 “And it`s not that HTML5 is bad. I`m actually, on long-term, really excited about it. One of the things that`s interesting is we actually have more people on a daily basis using mobile Web Facebook than we have using our iOS and Android apps combined. So mobile Web is a big thing for us.” Mark Zuckerberg SEO of Facebook, September 2012
  • 24. HTML5 How to take advantage of HTML5? You already, DO! How to enable HTML5 standards mode in browsers? <!DOCTYPE html> Place this on top of your document. No DTD!
  • 25. HTML5 Tools Visual Studio 2012 with Web Essentials. For .NET Developers Expression Web For non .NET Developers Adobe Dreamweaver Aptana Studio JetBrains WebStorm
  • 26. HTML5 Storage API`s Web SQL IndexedDBWeb Storage Local Storage Session Storage
  • 27. Web Storage Local Storage Persistent store for up to 5 MiB of data on users local machine (10 MiB for IE) Essential details Never transferred to server side (no- cookies) Accessible from JavaScript Store for Key-Value pairs of strings Important notes Objects should be stringifyed prior to saving to localStorage It is allowed for browser to clear localStorage without user permission Go to full specification
  • 28. Web Storage Session Storage Non-Persistent store for up to 5 MiB of data on users local machine (10 MiB for IE) Essential details Go to full specification Data accessible only during current session (browser tabs) Shares API with localStorage
  • 29. Web StorageLocal Storage & Session Storage setItem(key, value) - to set something to the browsers storage API Go to full specification getItem(key) – to get value from storage removeItem(key) – to remove item from storage clear() – to clear storage
  • 30. Web SQLEssentials What`s is Web SQL? Go to full specification Web SQL Database is a web page API for storing data in databases that can be queried using a variant of SQL Full power of relational database on client side Support for transactions Specification based on SQLite Synchronous and asynchronous API
  • 31. Web SQL What`s the state of Web SQL? Go to full specification Deprecated! Working Group does not intend to maintain it further. What`s wrong with Web SQL? All interested implementers have used the same SQL backend (SQLite), but W3C need multiple independent implementations to proceed along a standardization path. Essentials
  • 32. Web SQL Go to full specification openDatabase – opens or creates database API transaction – creates transaction executeSql – used for executing SQL read and write statements
  • 33. IndexedDBEssentials What`s is IndexedDB? Go to full specification IndexedDB is an API for client-side storage of significant amounts of structured data It`s an object store, but it`s not a relational database. Support for transactions Support for indexes Synchronous and asynchronous API
  • 34. IndexedDBEssentials Specific terms of IndexedDB Go to full specification Database comprises one or more object stores which hold the data stored in the database Object Store is the primary storage mechanism for storing data in a database Transaction is used to interact with the data in a database Request represents one read or write operation
  • 36. Native Multimedia Essentials Abstract MediaElement Audio & Video has common API First class citizen of DOM
  • 37. Application Programming Interface Native Multimedia Programmatic Context Go to full specification Events Network- related Buffering level Playback control and feature detection
  • 38. Native Multimedia Events Go to full specification Loadstart Progress Suspend Abort Error Emptied Stalled Network-related loadedmetadata loadeddata waiting playing canplay canplaythrough Buffering level
  • 39. Native Multimedia JavaScript & CSS Go to full specification First-class DOM citizen and can be styles with CSS3 Exposes properties and functions to JavaScript Properties Functions playbackRate volume muted networkState readyState currentTime play pause load
  • 40. Native Multimedia Format Support Go to full specification “…regarding codecs for <video> and <audio> in HTML5, I have reluctantly come to the conclusion that there is no suitable codec that all vendors are willing to implement and ship.” Ian Hickson
  • 41. Audio Essentials Built in tag <audio> for embedding audio player Natively support – require no plug-ins Out of the box user interface API for controlling audio playback Go to full specification
  • 42. Audio Essentials Go to full specification Attributes of <audio> tag Src - media content source Preload - attribute is intended to provide a hint to the user agent about what the author thinks will lead to the best user experience. None – do not preload Metadata – preload metadata only Auto – let browser decide Controls – specifies whether built-in controls visible or not Loop - indicates that the media element should to seek back to the start Crossorigin - indicates that audio file is being served from different origin
  • 43. Audio Essentials Go to full specification Tools of the Devil Loop - indicates that the media element should to seek back to the start Autoplay - indicates that the media element should automatically start playback once its fully loaded
  • 44. Audio Look & Feel Go to full specification How does it looks like? What the markup is? <audio controls="controls"> <source src="song.ogg" type="audio/ogg" /> <source src="song.mp3" type="audio/mpeg" /> Your browser does not support the audio element. </audio>
  • 45. Audio Programmatic Context Go to full specification play - to play audio API pause – to pause audio canPlayType(type) – determines whether type supported by user agent buffered – attribute that specifies the start and end time of the buffered part of the file
  • 46. Audio Format Support Go to full specification MP3 WebM OGG AAC
  • 47. Video Essentials Built in tag <video> for embedding video player Natively support – require no plug-ins Out of the box user interface API for controlling video playback Go to full specification
  • 48. Video Video formats Go to full specification MPEG4 + WebM + OGG +
  • 49. Video Essentials Go to full specification Attributes of <video> tag Src - media content source Preload - attribute is intended to provide a hint to the user agent about what the author thinks will lead to the best user experience. None – do not preload Metadata – preload metadata only Auto – let browser decide Controls – specifies whether standard controls visible or not Poster – image to show while no video data is available
  • 50. Video Look & Feel Go to full specification How does it looks like? What the markup is? <video width="320" height="240" controls="controls"> <source src="movie.mp4" type="video/mp4" /> <source src="movie.ogg" type="video/ogg" /> Your browser does not support the video tag. </video>
  • 51. Video Issues Go to full specification Fullscreen playing Live Streaming Patchy browser support
  • 52. Canvas Essentials Go to full specification HTML5 element that allows for dynamic, scriptable rendering of 2D shapes and bitmaps Immediate mode rendering Rich API: 45 methods, 21 attributes Future plans for 3D rendering
  • 53. Canvas Go to full specification API Application Programming Interface State Transformations Compositing Color & Styles Line caps/joins Shadows Rectangles Path API Text Pixel manipulation Focus management Drawing images
  • 54. Canvas History Go to full specification Developed as platform for OSX Dashboard Widgets in 2004
  • 55. Canvas Use cases Go to full specification Data visualization
  • 56. Canvas Use cases Go to full specification Animated graphics
  • 57. Canvas Use cases Go to full specification Web Applications
  • 58. Canvas Use cases Go to full specification Games
  • 59. Canvas Markup Go to full specification What the markup is? <canvas width=‘800’ height=‘600’> Your browser doesn`t support canvas. </canvas>
  • 60. Canvas Coordinate System Go to full specification (0, 0) X Y
  • 61. Canvas Rendering Context Go to full specification 2D Rendering Context Everything is drawn onto 2D rendering context that is tied to Canvas instance
  • 62. Canvas Rendering Context Go to full specification Context instance can be preserved and passed around the app How to get context? var canvas = document.getElementById(‘canvas’) var context = canvas.getContext(‘2d’)
  • 63. Canvas Drawing Model Go to full specification How to change color? var canvas = document.getElementById(‘canvas’) var context = canvas.getContext(‘2d’) context.fillStyle = ‘black’; context.strokeStyle = ‘white’;
  • 64. Canvas Drawing Model Go to full specification fillRect - draws a rectangle using current fill style Simple shapes strokeRect – draws the outline of a rectangle using the current stroke style clearRect – clears all pixels within the given rectangle
  • 65. Canvas Drawing Model Go to full specification Complex shapes A new patch should be created for each complex shape Paths are a list of subpath Subpaths are one or more points connected by straight or curved lines Rendering context has reference to current active path
  • 66. Canvas Drawing Model Go to full specification Complex shapes beginPath – resets the current path closePath – closes the current subpath and starts a new one fill – fills the subpaths with the current fill style stroke – outlines the subpaths with the current stroke style
  • 67. Canvas Drawing Model Go to full specification Complex shapes lineTo – draws a straight line from the previous point rect – adds a new closed rectangular subpath arc – adds a subpath along the circumference of the described circle, withing the angles defined arcTo – adds a subpath connecting two points by an arc of the defined radius
  • 68. Canvas Drawing Model Go to full specification Transformations Affects shapes and paths drawn after the transformation Shorthand methods for translation, scaling, rotation Transformation matrices are allowed
  • 69. Canvas Drawing Model Go to full specification Transformations translate – moves coordinate system by specified offset rotate – rotates coordinate system by specified angle scale – scales coordinate system by specified factor transform – multiplies current transformation matrix with specified one setTransform – sets transformation matrix directly
  • 70. Canvas Drawing Model Go to full specification ctx.shadowOffsetX = 10; ctx.shadowOffsetY = 10; ctx.shadowBlur = 10; ctx.shadowColor = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 1)"; ctx.fillText(“Winning!”, 10, 25); // All future operations will also have a shadow ctx.strokeRect(0, 0, 115, 40); All Canvas attributes are global – they effect all operations drawn next.
  • 71. Canvas Drawing Model Go to full specification The current values of the following attributes: strokeStyle, fillStyle, globalAlpha, lineWidth, lineCap, lineJoin, miterLimit, shadowOffsetX, shadowOffsetY, shadowBlur, shadowColor, globalCompositeOperation, font, textAlign, textBaseline. You can save and restore: The current transformation matrix. The current clipping region.
  • 72. Canvas State Management Go to full specification; ctx.shadowOffsetX = 10; ctx.shadowOffsetY = 10; ctx.shadowBlur = 10; ctx.shadowColor = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 1)"; ctx.fillText(“Winning!”, 10, 25); ctx.restore(); // All future operations will NOT have a shadow ctx.strokeRect(0, 0, 115, 40); Use save() and restore() to scope the attribute
  • 73. Canvas Composition Go to full specification Compositing it the control of transparency and layering of objects Controlled by globalAlpha and globalCompositeOperation attributes
  • 75. Canvas Drawing Model Go to full specification Firefox, Opera and Internet Explorer follow the drawing model as described in the spec. Safari and Chrome have a slightly different drawing model behavior. DO: Check if you’re composition is impacted by this interoperability issue.
  • 76. Canvas Performance Go to full specification Not all operations were made equal. Some are more expensive than others Shadows, clipping and composition operations are more expensive as they require an additional intermediate. DON’T: Create thousands of small objects with clipping, shadows or compositions effects.
  • 77. Canvas Security Model Go to full specification Canvas allows reading and writing pixels to the screen You can also save the Canvas to a file via toDataURL() Canvas PNG File
  • 78. Canvas also allows drawing cross-domain images/videos However, it has built-in security protection against third-parties saving cross-domain pixels Canvas Security Model Go to full specification Canvas PNG File
  • 79. Canvas Security Model Go to full specification Canvas has a concept of origin-clean flag. origin-clean is set false if a cross-domain IMG or VIDEO is used. A SECURITY_ERR exception is raised, if one tries to save the Canvas pixels if the Canvas origin-clean is false: toDataURL() getImageData()
  • 80. Animation Frame API Essentials Go to full specification API for getting precise animation updates User Agent schedules updates in sync with internal redraw routines Automatic management of update time and low-power mode
  • 81. Animation Frame API Go to full specification requestAnimationFrame – requests repaint callback to be scheduled API cancelAnimationFrame – cancels repaint callback request
  • 83. HTML Media Capture Essentials Native media capture mechanism Extends file input Allows to capture audio, video and photo
  • 84. HTML Media Capture Markup What the markup is? <input type="file" accept="image/*" capture="camera" /> <input type="file" accept="audio/*" capture="microphone" /> <input type="file" accept="video/*" capture="camcorder" /> Media format controlled by accept attribute Media type controlled by capture attribute
  • 85. User Media API Essentials API that allows to capture media streams Designed to interoperate with related specs Allows to capture audio, video and photo
  • 86. User Media API Essentials High level abstraction for streaming data Can be passed around to different APIs Contains audio and video tracks Media Stream Media Stream Track High level abstraction for media stream source
  • 88. User Media API Programmatic Context Go to full specification getUserMedia - to start capturing media stream API
  • 90. JavaScript DSP Essentials Byte-level manipulations with encoded audio data Getting audio data via XMLHttpRequest or File API Requires knowledge of DSP and audio formats encoding Extension: Firefox allows access to PCM data
  • 91. Web Audio API Why? <audio> hides the steps of loading, decoding and playing No standard way to access raw PCM data No fine-grained timing No concept of position and direction of sources and listeners Hard to analyze and visualize data on the fly
  • 92. Web Audio API Essentials High-level API for processing and synthesizing audio Gives fine grained control over audio processing and playback
  • 93. Web Audio API Real-time processing and synthesizing audio Capabilities An audio pipeline and routing system for effects and filters
  • 94. Web Audio API Access to raw PCM data Capabilities
  • 95. Web Audio API Precise scheduling of audio playback Capabilities
  • 96. Web Audio API Audio Context Abstract representation of audio signal graph and connections between AudioNodes
  • 97. Web Audio API Audio Context API destination – audio node that represents actual hardware sampleRate – the sample rate at which Audio Context handles audio currentTime – time in seconds tied to hardware clock listener – an audio listener that is used for 3D spatialization
  • 98. Web Audio API Audio Node Build block of audio graph Audio node represents Source Destination Intermediate processing module Set of predefined Audio Nodes as well as ScriptProcessorNode
  • 99. Web Audio API Audio Node AudioDestinationNode AudioBufferSourceNode MediaElementAudioSourceNode MediaStreamAudioSourceNode MediaStreamAudioDestinationNode ScriptProcessorNode Audio Effect Nodes
  • 100. Web Audio API Audio Buffer Represents in-memory audio asset Contains IEEE 32-bit linear PCM with a nominal range of -1 -> +1 Contains one or more channels Typically expected that length of PCM data would be less than a minute Long audio tracks can be served via MediaElementAudioSourceNode
  • 102. HTML5 Image-based 3D Set of prerendered images High degree of browser support Terrific amount of data to load No client side customizations
  • 103. Image-based 3D Image-based 3D Fast image switches may cause flickering Rendering to Canvas may give significant performance boost
  • 104. HTML5 Software Rendering Rendering and computations are made on CPU Manual manipulations with Pixel and Vertex data Canvas as rasterization surface
  • 105. Software Rendering Performance Software rendering is inherently slow Good enough for simple scenes Mobile devices are still a concern
  • 106. HTML5 CSS3 Transforms Display-time transformations of any HTML content transforms do not affect layout 3D Transforms translate, scale, rotate, skew in X, Y & Z perspective
  • 107. CSS3 Transforms Essentials Rendering and computations are made on GPU Applies to any DOM element Declarative and programmatic control
  • 108. HTML5 CSS Custom Shaders User supplied program for GPU programming Executes in parallel Source of awesome visual effects Programmed in GLSL
  • 112. CSS Custom Shaders Fragment Shader GPU program for pixel color manipulation The result is a pixel color Executes in parallel on GPU infrastructure Currently there is no way to set via gl_FragColor
  • 113. Fragment Shader Sample precision mediump float; void main() { float r = 1.0; float g = 1.0; float b = 1.0; float a = 1.0; css_ColorMatrix = mat4( r, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, g, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, b, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, a ); }
  • 114. CSS Custom Shaders Vertex Shader Responsible for mesh deformations The result is a vertex position Executes in parallel on GPU infrastructure
  • 115. Vertex Shader Sample precision mediump float; attribute vec4 a_position; uniform mat4 u_projectionMatrix; void main() { gl_Position = u_projectionMatrix * a_position; } Projection matrix is supplied by a web browser. a_position stores vertex position
  • 116. CSS Custom Shaders Syntax #myelement { filter: custom( vertex-shader [ fragment-shader] [,vertex-mesh] [,params]); } How to apply shader?
  • 117. CSS Custom Shaders Vertex Creation #myelement { filter: custom( vertex-shader [ fragment-shader] ,4 5 [,params]); } How to apply shader?
  • 118. CSS Custom Shaders Uniforms #myelement { filter: custom( vertex-shader [ fragment-shader] ,4 5 , amount 0); } CSS precision mediump float; uniform float amount; void main(){ } Fragment Shader
  • 119. WebGL Essentials It is a software library that extends the capability of the JavaScript to allow it to generate 3D graphics Uses canvas as rendering surface Based on OpenGL ES 2.0
  • 121. WebGL Support “We believe that WebGL will likely become an ongoing source of hard-to-fix vulnerabilities. In its current form, WebGL is not a technology Microsoft can endorse from a security perspective.” Microsoft June 16, 2011
  • 122. WebGL Support “I agree with Microsoft’s assessment that WebGL is a severe security risk. The gfx driver culture is not the culture of security.” John Carmack Co-founder of Id Software, June 2011
  • 124. Typed Arrays Essentials Efficient way to pass data into API`s C-like arrays Memory can be passed directly to native API`s
  • 125. Typed Arrays Array Buffer Abstract representation of binary data Serves as a data-source for typed arrays Integrated with other HTML API`s
  • 126. Typed Arrays Array Buffer View Int8Array Uint8Array Int16Array Uint16Array Int32Array Uint32Array Float32Array Float64Array Uint8ClampedArray
  • 127. Typed Arrays Data View Simplifies manipulations with heterogeneous types Supports big and little endian Be careful with alignment
  • 128. Typed Arrays Interoperability WebGL Canvas 2D File API Web Sockets XHR2 Media Source Transferable objects
  • 129. Same Origin Policy Go to full specification Security Browser-level Firewall Prohibits sending security sensitive information to foreign locations Prohibits read of resources from foreign origin Primary security barrier against XSS and Cookie stealing attacks What is same origin policy?
  • 130. Same Origin Policy Go to full specification Security What origins are foreign? Same protocol and host but different port Different protocol Different host
  • 131. Web Messaging Essentials Go to full specification Mechanism for cross-document communication Support for cross-origin communication API for exchanging plain text messages and structured data What is Web Messaging?
  • 132. Web Messaging Communication Go to full specification Window object Message Channel
  • 133. Web Messaging Essentials Go to full specification The end of iframe hacks!
  • 134. Web Messaging API Go to full specification postMessage() – to post message to window Message event – event raised when new message arrived
  • 135. Web Workers Go to full specification JavaScript is inherently single threaded Asynchronous through single message loop No concurrency, no thread synchronization Motivation
  • 136. Web Workers Issue Go to full specification “[JavaScript] that executes in whole seconds is probably doing something wrong...” Brendan Eich Creator of JavaScript, Mozilla Foundation
  • 137. Web Workers Effect Go to full specification
  • 138. Web Workers Old-school solutions Go to full specification Partition work with timers Offload work to server
  • 139. Web Workers Essentials Go to full specification JavaScript native ‘threading’ mechanism True parallelism Designed to be long-lived High startup cost performance and memory cost What are Web Workers?
  • 140. Web Workers Essentials Go to full specification Loaded from separate file or Blob Communication with parent script through messages and events Can be terminated from inside and outside Due to their multi-threaded behavior, web workers only has access to a subset of DOM and BOM features How it works?
  • 141. Web Workers Scope Go to full specification The navigator object The location object (read-only) XMLHttpRequest setTimeout(), setInterval() The application cache Importing external scripts using the importScripts() method Spawning other Web Workers Features Available to Workers
  • 142. Web Workers Scope Go to full specification DOM and BOM window object document object parent object Features Unavailable to Workers
  • 143. Web Workers Types Go to full specification Dedicated Shared
  • 144. Web Workers Transferable Objects Go to full specification Structured data can be passed without copying Huge performance win Supported structured objects: ArrayBuffer MessagePort CanvasProxy
  • 145. Web Workers Transferable Objects Go to full specification
  • 146. HTML5 Go to full specification Real-time Communications HTTP protocol has one request – one resource semantics No built-in mechanism for Push Notifications Semi-duplex communications Overhead of HTTP headers
  • 148. Real-time Go to full specification Use cases Multiplayer games
  • 149. Real-time Go to full specification Use cases Live sync applications
  • 151. Real-time Go to full specification Polling Periodic HTTP requests High server workload High latency High degree of support across different browsers
  • 154. Real-time Go to full specification Comet Periodic long-lived HTTP requests Reduced traffic Reduced server workload Overhead of HTTP headers Possible difficulties with proxies and load balancers
  • 157. Web Sockets Go to full specification Essentials Full-duplex socket connection Web Socket protocol v13 (RFC 6455) instead of HTTP Uses HTTP for connection establishment Low-latency client-server communication technology
  • 158. Web Sockets Go to full specification Connection Establishment Runs via port 80/443 to simplify firewalls traversal Pseudo schemes: ws, wss Connection established by “upgrading” from HTTP to WebSocket protocol
  • 159. Web Sockets Go to full specification Opening handshake GET /chat HTTP/1.1 Host: Upgrade: websocket Connection: Upgrade Sec-WebSocket-Key: dGhlIHNhbXBsZSBub25jZQ== Origin: Sec-WebSocket-Protocol: chat, superchat Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13 Client sends GET or CONNECT request to Web Socket endpoint Upgrade header indicates willing to upgrade connection from HTTP to WebSocket
  • 160. Web Sockets Go to full specification Opening handshake HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols Upgrade: websocket Connection: Upgrade Sec-WebSocket-Accept: s3pPLMBiTxaQ9kYGzzhZRbK+xOo= Server responds with 101 status code and connection upgrade header From now on Web Socket protocol will be used instead of HTTP
  • 161. Web Sockets Go to full specification API var connection = new WebSocket('ws://'); Connection Communication // When the connection is open, send some data to the server connection.onopen = function () { // Send the message 'Ping' to the server connection.send('Ping'); }; // Log errors connection.onerror = function (error) { // Log messages from the server console.log('WebSocket Error ' + error); }; connection.onmessage = function (e) { console.log('Server: ' +; };
  • 162. Server-sent Events Go to full specification Essentials Support for auto reconnect Support for event ids Requires Content-Type: text/event-stream Browser built-in long polling mechanism
  • 163. Server-sent Events Go to full specification Essentials data: This is the first message. data: This is the second message, it data: has two lines. data: This is the third message. Response event: add data: 73857293 event: remove data: 2153 event: add data: 113411 Response with named Events
  • 164. XHR Level 2 Go to full specification Essentials What is XHR? API for sending HTTP and HTTPS requests directly to Web Server Supports plain text and structured response formats Interaction without page refresh Basement of AJAX
  • 165. XHR Level 2 Go to full specification Interaction Model AJAX JavaScript Document Object Model XHR Asynchronous Web calls DHTML manipulations
  • 166. XHR Level 2 Go to full specification Security Strong security concerns Same origin policy Cross-origin resource sharing policy
  • 167. XHR Level 2 Go to full specification Security Cross-origin communication scenarios JSONP CORS Blind Proxies Web Messaging Iframe hacks HTTP forgery
  • 168. XHR Level 2 Go to full specification Security Way for a web server to allow its resources to be accessed by a web page from a different domain Requires server & client side support Server side decides which origins are allowed HTTP header based negotiation What is cross-origin resource sharing?
  • 169. XHR Level 2 Go to full specification Security
  • 170. XHR Level 2 Go to full specification Security Request GET HTTP/1.1 Origin: Origin header specifies that this is CORS aware request. Response HTTP/1.1 200 OK Access-Control-Allow-Origin: Server respond with special header that allows browser to consume such response
  • 171. XHR Level 2 Go to full specification Security Request OPTIONS HTTP/1.1 Origin: Access-Control-Request-Method: PUT In case of non-safe methods web browser should send preflight request prior to sending actual request Response HTTP/1.1 200 OK Access-Control-Allow-Origin: Access-Control-Allow-Methods: PUT Server respond with special header that allows browser to make actual request
  • 172. XHR Level 2 Go to full specification Features Cross-origin requests Uploading progress events Uploading downloading structured data
  • 173. XHR Level 2 Go to full specification Features Structured data Allows to get resources as structured object Allows to post data as structured object Controlled via responseType property New response property to consume resource in structured format
  • 174. XHR Level 2 Go to full specification Features Structured formats (upload) ArrayBuffer – generic fixed-length binary data buffer FormData – object based representation of form fields Blob – url accessible container for binary data Document DOMString – plain text response
  • 175. XHR Level 2 Go to full specification Features Structured formats (download) arraybuffer – generic fixed-length binary data buffer blob – url accessible container for binary data document text – plain text response json – json string converted into object
  • 176. XHR Level 2 Go to full specification Features Structured data var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', '/path/to/image.png', true); xhr.responseType = 'arraybuffer'; xhr.onload = function(e) { var uInt8Array = new Uint8Array(this.response); var byte3 = uInt8Array[4]; // byte at offset 4 ... }; xhr.send(); GET example
  • 177. Geolocation Essentials Go to full specification Mechanism for determining user geographic coordinates Available on desktop and mobile devices Uses GPS, A-GPS, Wi-Fi hotspots or IP address range to determine current coordinates Easy to use JavaScript API Strong security concerns What is Geolocation?
  • 178. Geolocation API Go to full specification Main object – navigator.geolocation getCurrentPosition – gets current position & speed (if possible) watchPosition – track position changes clearWatch – stop tracking position changes
  • 179. Device Orientation Essentials Mechanism for determining Euler`s angles (rotation around X,Y, Z) Supported on broad variety of mobile devices What is device orientation? The deviceorientation event with orientation data passed along The devicemotion event with orientation and acceleration data passed along
  • 180. Application Cache Essentials Go to full specification Software storage feature which provides the ability to access a web application even without a network Controlled by a plain text file called a cache manifest Can be managed by JavaScript API What is Web Application Cache?
  • 181. Application Cache Manifest file Go to full specification Contains a list of resources to be stored for use when there is no network connectivity Defines conditions for caching Consist of sections CACHE – a list of explicit urls to request and store FALLBACK - What to do when an offline user attempts to access an uncached file NETWORK – Which resources are available only when online
  • 182. Application Cache Manifest file Go to full specification <!DOCTYPE HTML> <html manifest="/cache.appcache"> <body> … </body> </html> Page markup CACHE MANIFEST # This is a comment CACHE: /css/screen.css /css/offline.css /js/screen.js /img/logo.png FALLBACK: / /offline.html NETWORK: * Manifest file
  • 183. CSS 3
  • 184. Graphics Features Transparency color specification with alpha, opacity property Round corners border-radius Shadows box-shadow, text-shadow Background gradients linear, radial Typography Web Open Font Format (WOFF) fonts
  • 185. 2D & 3D Transforms Display-time transformations of any HTML content transforms do not affect layout 2D Transforms translate, scale, rotate, skew 3D Transforms translate, scale, rotate, skew in X, Y & Z perspective
  • 186. Animations & Transitions Transitions smooth animation of CSS properties from old to new value can be used with CSS pseudo-classes such as :hover Animations keyframe-based definition of a set of CSS property changes allows richer animations than CSS Transitions event model allows complex use in combination with script
  • 187. Animations & Transitions #id_of_element { -webkit-transition: all 1s ease-in-out; -moz-transition: all 1s ease-in-out; -o-transition: all 1s ease-in-out; -ms-transition: all 1s ease-in-out; transition: all 1s ease-in-out; } Transition @keyframes resize { 0% { padding: 0; } 50% { padding: 0 20px; background-color:rgba(255,0,0,0.2); } 100% { padding: 0 100px; background-color:rgba(255,0,0,0.9); } } #box { animation-name: resize; animation-duration: 1s; animation-iteration-count: 4; animation-direction: alternate; animation-timing-function: ease-in-out; } Animation
  • 188. Markup
  • 189. New Tags Semantic Input types Multimedia Other
  • 190. New Tags <article> Specifies independent, self-contained content, could be a news-article, blog post, forum post, or other articles which can be distributed independently from the rest of the site. <aside> For content aside from the content it is placed in. The aside content should be related to the surrounding content <bdi> For text that should not be bound to the text-direction of its parent elements <command> A button, or a radiobutton, or a checkbox <details> For describing details about a document, or parts of a document <summary> A caption, or summary, inside the details element <figure> For grouping a section of stand-alone content, could be a video <figcaption> The caption of the figure section <footer> For a footer of a document or section, could include the name of the author, the date of the document, contact information, or copyright information <header> For an introduction of a document or section, could include navigation <hgroup> For a section of headings, using <h1> to <h6>, where the largest is the main heading of the section, and the others are sub-headings <mark> For text that should be highlighted <meter> For a measurement, used only if the maximum and minimum values are known <nav> For a section of navigation <progress> The state of a work in progress <ruby> For ruby annotation (Chinese notes or characters) <rt> For explanation of the ruby annotation <rp> What to show browsers that do not support the ruby element <section> For a section in a document. Such as chapters, headers, footers, or any other sections of the document <time> For defining a time or a date, or both <wbr> Word break. For defining a line-break opportunity.
  • 194. Input Types 13 new input types Built-in client-side validation Poor support in desktop browsers See browser compatibility information
  • 195. Input Types search tel url email datetime date month week time datetime- local number range color
  • 196. HTML5 Feature detection Never use navigator.userAgent browser detection hack Never use conditional comment in Internet Explorer Use feature detecting instead of browser detection when possible Consider graceful fallback Use Modernizr
  • 197. Feature detection Modernizr Modernizr is a small JavaScript Library that detects the availability of native implementations for next-generation web technologies What is Modernizr? Why Modernizr? Easy to use Powerfull feature detection library
  • 198. Feature detection Modernizr Modernizr does its “magic” by creating an element, setting a specific style instruction on that element and then immediately retrieving it How it works? Feature detection results available to developer via JavaScript Modernizr object and classes applied to HTML DOM element
  • 199. Feature detection Modernizr How it looks like? /* In your CSS: */ .no-audio #music { display: none; /* Don't show Audio options */ } .audio #music button { /* Style the Play and Pause buttons nicely */ } <!-- In your HTML: --> <div id="music"> <audio> <source src="audio.ogg" /> <source src="audio.mp3" /> </audio> <button id="play">Play</button> <button id="pause">Pause</button> </div>
  • 200. Links Useful HTML5 content HTML5 news, demos, presentations Lot of HTML5 tutorials, articles ands-on-css3/ HTML5 Hands-On