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Japanese Internment Camps In Canada
The Internment of Japanese and Italian Canadians Canada is presently known for welcoming many
racial groups into the country. However, the Canadian government is not always giving out warm
welcomes to different ethnicities. During World War Two, the country rejects many Japanese and
Italians who are already Canadian. The treatment of the Japanese and Italians in the Second World
War is very unjust. The two groups face being put into internment camps against their own will, the
government separates families and force men to work on farms with little pay. The government of
Canada also mistreat the Japanese and Italian Canadians because they are full of fear and
The Japanese and Italian Canadians are forced to live in internment ... Show more content on ...
They work in farms to fill labor shortages, are packed into small trains and sent to internment
camps. Most Italians work in the trades sector but are forced to work in farms. In 1942, V.G.
McGulgan, president of the Kent County Federation of Agriculture suggested that, "Italian war
prisoners and Canadian–Japanese be employed in farm labor camps as means of filling the acute
labor shortage." This shows that the Japanese and Italians were sent to internment camps to work in
farms to fill in labor shortages. Sending them to work in camps to satisfy employment deficiency is
unjust considering that the Japanese and Italian Canadian have to work all day with a small amount
of pay.
Subsequently, to get to the camps, families were packed into small trains where they had to ride on
for hours to get to their destination. Men and women were separated once they reached their camps.
Most men stayed at Camp Petawawa and Camp Ripples, whereas, women stayed at the Kingston
Penitentiary. The men and women were separated from their loved ones as a punishment and for the
different types of labor each gender may have had. Being divided from their own families may have
been a traumatizing experience as they would not know the next time they will see them again,
especially for
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Domestic And International Measures Of International Crime
Both domestic and international measures are somewhat effective in dealing with international
crime. Both crimes against the international community and Transnational crimes represent both
positive outcomes in dealing with international crime, thus, exemplify issues in key areas. Through
intergovernmental organizations such as the International Criminal Court and Operation Sovereign
Borders (OSB), international crime Is effectively dealt with. Hence, problems such as extradition
and people smuggling are hard to contain. These four issues will also be discussed in light of key
effectiveness criteria, including equality, access, resources and the protection of rights.
Crimes against the international community are a collection of offences that are recognised by the
international community as being of universal concern. However the prosecution of crimes against
the international community can be controversial. Such crimes may be committed in the context of
military conflict. They may be highly politically motivated, or they may have been ordered or
committed by the state itself. The establishment of the International Criminal Court (ICC) in 2002
was a significant development in the law of crimes against the international community. The
independent international court established by the Rome Statute, acts as a last resort for crimes
fitting into the three categories of genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes. Due to
Australia's Dualistic system, both the War crimes Act
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Pierre Elliot Trudeau's War Measures Act
"Just watch me" are the defiant words uttered by Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Elliot Trudeau in
response to the Front de liberation du Quebec (FLQ), a Marxist group captaining Quebec
independence through indiscriminate political violence. His words are not those of an iron–fisted
strongman, despite how strong and undetailed his comments were at the time, but those of a
calculated and well–versed leader, whose decisions came at the behest of prominent Quebec
politicians. The FLQ instilled a decade of social violence in the streets of Quebec by systemically
championing the struggles of French minorities who perceived unjust treatment in everyday life.
Their qualms quickly evolved from protest to a Marxist movement, which incorporated elements ...
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LaPorte was later killed in the first assassination since Thomas d'Arcy McGee and Cross's life was
traded for immunity for some FLQ members. These actions set off the only implementation of the
act in non–wartime eras, reinforcing the limits of justice and political process. LaPorte was not an
enemy of the group, rather a Quebec minister of labour. Upon his death, it was stated, "LaPorte was
killed and left in the drunk of an abandoned car. In addition to the murder of LaPorte, the FLQ's
actions were responsible for the deaths of seven people" (Gurr, Ross, 1989). The murder of an
elected diplomat, in execution style displayed the absolute, unwavering need for Trudeau to rule
with absolute power. The FLQ had grown powerful enough to kill elected politicians and Trudeau
needed to send a military message that there would not be a violation of Canadian ideals. The
military stance was an effective message and provided necessary backup to police forces to deal
with the threat of selective assassination. This response was as moral as it was military, and enforced
confidence in both Canada's military, but also Trudeau. His actions could dismantle and scatter the
youth of the FLQ, and brought
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How Did The October Crisis Affect Canada
In October 1970, there was a series of events centered around the kidnapping of two government
officials by the Quebec separatist group the Front de Libération du Québec (FLQ) in Montreal. It
was then named the October Crisis. The October Crisis was one of Canada's defining moments since
1945. It is of value because these events later on helped to define Canada. The 1960s were a decade
of profound change, both internationally and in Quebec. While Quebec was evolving due to The
Quiet Revolution, many countries were achieving independence thanks to the trend towards de–
colonization. Socialist groups, which had been popping up around the world for some time, started
appearing in Quebec. During the 1960s, Quebec also witnessed the birth of groups ... Show more
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The actions were: the protection of high profile politicians involved with the FLQ's actions, the
decision to bring the military into Quebec City, Montreal and Ottawa, and the federal government's
decision to put martial law into action by way of the War Measures Act. The October Crisis has
taught us not to take the first signs of terrorism lightly, but to take them seriously, and act in a
manner that will protect Canada's integrity, and discourage future acts of such senseless violence.
The Prime Minister's decision to implement the War Measures Act was a well thought out one, one
that was correct for the situation. Had Prime Minister Trudeau not enacted the War Measures Act
during the October Crisis, there is a strong possibility that many more people would have been
injured or killed in what was a dark point in Canadian
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Pierre Trudeau Made Canada What it Is Today!
Pierre Trudeau was an effective prime minister because he created the Constitution Act as well as
the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, made the Official Languages Act and decided to use the War
Measures Act during the October crisis. These made Canada what it is today because of Pierre
Pierre Trudeau made Canada what it is today in a positive manner by creating the Constitutions Act
as well as the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. The Constitutions Act started in 1982. The act
allowed everyone to have fundamental freedoms. Those fundamental freedoms included: freedom of
conscience and religion, freedom of thought, belief, opinion, expression, freedom of peaceful
assembly and the freedom of association as stated in the Constitution Act of 1982. The Act also
includes mobility rights that include: every citizen of Canada has the right to enter, remain in and
leave Canada itself with no troubles at all, and to move into any province with no troubles. The
constitution act had equality rights as well, some in which were and are that every individual is
equal under the law and has the right to protection of themselves and their families, as well as living
with no discrimination based on their race, origin, nationality, religion, sex, age, or disability. The
Constitution Act included the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. The Charter of Rights and Freedoms
guarantees the right and freedom to reasonable limits allowed by the law and can be certainly
justified in a free and
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Ethical Dilemmas In Canada During The Second World War
Canada is known around the world as a peace keeping country, but has it always been that way?
During the world wars, Canada made a number of unethical decisions in war that effected
Canadians. Firstly, Canada made unethical decisions during World War One, by declaring war, using
conscription and passing the War Measures Act. Canada also made unethical decisions during World
War Two, like declaring war for a second time, having Japanese internment camps and participating
in the disaster at Dieppe. Canada making unethical decisions in war shows both continuity and
significant. Therefore, Canada's role during the two world wars has been unethical, but shows
continuity and significance throughout the 20th century.
Canada during World War One ... Show more content on ...
Firstly, Canada deciding to be involved with Dieppe was unethical, but it helped Canadian troops
see how advanced Germany is on this coast which later helped Canada defeat Germany in D–Day .
Without participating in Dieppe we wouldn't have been successful in D–Day. Secondly, Japanese
internment camps were unethical. The Prime Minister Brian Mulroney formally apologized in the
House of Commons for taking the houses of Japanese descent people, "I know that I speak for
Members on all sides of the House today in offering to Japanese Canadians the formal and sincere
apology of this Parliament for those past injustices against them, against their families, and against
their heritage, and our solemn commitment and undertaking to Canadians of every origin that such
violations will never again in this country be countenanced or repeated." This demonstrates that the
government is understanding that they were wrong, so we can move on and become a more diverse
and welcoming country. Lastly, declaring war twice was unethical, but Canada learned from their
mistakes. In 1956, the Suez crisis started. The Suez Canal is located near Egypt and was used as a
faster way to transport goods to European countries, especially oil. The Egyptian president seized
control of the canal which scared countries like the United States, which used the canal as a vital
part of transportation, therefore starting conflict . The Canadian Prime Minister, Lester B. Pearson,
decided instead of going in to the conflict they would go to the canal as peace keepers . This is
significant because it shows Canada doesn't have to declare war to be successful, and started Canada
as a peace keeper country. Therefore, Canada's unethical decisions throughout World War One was
very significant because it helps us learn from our
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Pierre Trudeau 's Actions And Decisions
The October Crisis that occurred in 1970 is quite a controversial topic, however, one can say that
prime minister, Pierre Trudeau handled it quite well. Trudeau's actions and decisions to resolve the
October Crisis were justified. His actions were validated by the FLQ's (Front de Libération du
Quebec) intellectual ideas and the immediate threat he dealt with. Trudeau made quick political
decisions to handle the calamity, however, the immediate crisis was impacting the cities across
Quebec. His actions were proven to be the best and most accurate actions, because the War
Measures Act was successful in eliminating the abrupt crisis. Pierre Elliot Trudeau was a man with
good intentions, and as prime minister he dealt with the October Crisis in a way that ensured the
safety of the province. Trudeau's character and decisions, validates his actions to resolve the crisis in
The FLQ had many intellectual ideas that forced Trudeau to make the necessary actions towards the
crisis. There were three intentions of the FLQ kidnappings of James Cross and Pierre Laporte. The
FLQ wanted to obtain the release of 23 FLQ members jailed for bombings and other violent
offences. The group wanted to cause confusion, fear and gain publicity and sympathy for their aims
of having Quebec become an independent state, and their third motive was to trigger insurrection
and capitulation. (Tetley, p. 39) These intentions of the FLQ caused harm and chaos to the
government and the public, and
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Cold War American Foreign Policy
Referring to the time during the Cold War, poet Archibald MacLeish recalled, "American foreign
policy was a mirror image of Russian foreign policy: whatever the Russians did, we did in reverse.
American domestic policies were conducted under a kind of upside–down Russian veto: no man
could be elected to public office unless he was on record as detesting the Russians, and no proposal
could be enacted, from a peace plan at one end to a military budget at the other, unless it could be
demonstrated that the Russians wouldn't like it" (Fariello). During the 1940s and 1950s, agitation
over the perceived threat posed by Communists increased because of the Cold War between the
United States and the Soviet Union. This fear was known as the Red Scare ... Show more content on ...
During the 1930s, support for communism increased against the growth of fascism and the setting of
the economic depression in the U.S. The brave role played by the Soviet Union in the battle against
Nazism created even more sympathy in the West (Lyons). However, at the beginning of the Cold
War, Americans became increasingly concerned with internal security and the possibility of
communist destruction. Numerous measures issued during this period encroached on civil liberties
and constitutionally guaranteed rights. Legislation such as the Smith Act (The Alien Registration Act
of 1940) and the Internal Security Act of 1950 (also known as the McCarran Act), and executive
measures such as the federal employee loyalty program, Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
wiretapping, and the denial of passports to left–wing activists, all had an adverse effect on civil
rights. Anti–communist measures at the onset of the Cold War did threaten civil liberties and
domestic freedoms in the United States because there was an excessive fear of communist invasion
in the U.S. government (explain another reason why civil liberties were being
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Essay on FLQ Crisis
On October 5, 1970, British trade commissioner James Cross was kidnapped in his Westmount
home by members of the terrorist group Front de liberation du Quebec. The FLQ Manifesto called
for non–democratic separation to be brought about by acts of terror. From 1963 to 1967, the FLQ
planted 35 bombs; from 1968 to 1970 they planted over 50 bombs. By the fall of 1970 the terrorist
acts of the FLQ cells had claimed 6 lives. The kidnappers' demands included the release of a number
of convicted or detained FLQ members and the broadcasting of the FLQ Manifesto. The Manifesto
was read on Radio–Canada. Then, on October 10th, the Quebec minister of justice guaranteed safe
passage to anywhere in the world for the kidnappers in exchange for the safe ... Show more content
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Under the sweeping authority of the act, 465 Canadians were so rounded up. A day later, on
Saturday October 17th, the body of Pierre Laporte was found stuffed in the trunk of a green
Chevrolet. In Ottawa, government sources said the FLQ assassinated Laporte because War Measures
was enacted. The tension that night was palpable. John Turner, the minister of justice, looked
distraught. In his office, Trudeau ministers Gerard Pelletier and Jean Marchand were weeping
openly at the death of an old friend and colleague. Early in December 1970, police discovered the
location of the kidnappers holding James Cross. He was released after his FLQ captors were given
safe passage to Cuba. Four weeks later Paul Rose and the kidnappers of Pierre Laporte were found
in the corner of a country basement. They were tried and convicted for kidnapping and murder. The
October Crisis was the first time in Canadian history the state itself, both in Ottawa and in Quebec
City, was held to ransom by extremists and terrorists. It was also the first time, in peace time, that
Ottawa invoked War Measures. It was a drastic step to take and one laced with very dangerous side
effects. In the guilt–by–association atmosphere engendered by War Measures hysteria, the terrorism
and extremism of the separatist FLQ tarnished all separatist movements in Quebec. Also, Rene
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9/11: The Role Of Terrorism In The United States
When the citizens of the United States went to bed on September 10th, 2001 they had no idea that
the events the next day would change their lives in one way or another for the rest of their lives.
September 11th began just like any other day but by the end of the day, almost 3,000 people died in
four separate deliberate terrorist attacks against the United States. The events on September 11th had
shocked the world, caused billions of dollars in damages and made Americans question their sense
of security. The attacks on September 11th, conducted by the Islamic extremist group, al–Qaeda,
was an important event in United States history because it was the deadliest and biggest terrorist
attack on American soil and caused extensive death and destruction ... Show more content on ...
Many Americans responded to the September 11 terrorist attacks with fear, anger, as well as a
growing intolerance for immigrants, especially against people who were or appeared to be from the
Middle East, a trend that continues to this day. Over 6,000 service members have been killed
fighting in Afghanistan and Iraq along with thousands of innocent civilians in these two countries.
The United States war on terror has created anger and resentment towards the U.S which in turn has
the potential to create and recruit more terrorist members. The cost to fight the war on terror has
been astonishingly high. The war on terror has cost over 3 trillion dollars and can account for many
of the financial crisis that has plagued the United States for many years. According to the National
Intelligence Estimate report, even though al–Qaeda has been weakened since the September 11
attacks, new radical Islamic movements have taken its place and have grown stronger and been
responsible for the deaths of thousands of innocent civilians. These movements can be seen in Iraq
and Syria. The war on terror in Iraq can be contributed to the rise of ISIL due to the failure of the
United States in creating a stable and non–corrupt government. While Saddam Hussein and his
Ba'ath Party were ruthless, he was able to keep a strong hold over his
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Analysis Of The Borden War Measures Act
The Borden War Measures Act The War Measures Act was introduced in 1914 as a way to give
unlimited authority to the government as a way to protect the populace during the First World War.
However the idea of protecting the populace did not come to be. Both civilians and the federal
government in some way acted against the civil rights of others using the War Measures Act. It
enabled war profiteering and the unfair treatment of those classified as "Enemy Aliens". Abuse of
the War Measures Act by the Canadian government showed that the act itself was unnecessary
The War Measures Act goals were to give the Canadian government complete control over the
country. Primarily by bypassing elements of democracy that could harm the war effort. Such ...
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The reason why such a poorly made weapon was made standard issue in the Canadian military was
because of Sam Hughes the Minister of Militia and Defence who "drew serious criticism when he
defended it against growing evidence of its deficiencies in combat" (8). But the War Measures Act
was also to blame since it enabled the government to control ", exportation, importation,
production and manufacture;" (9). Had the War Measures Act not been in place better quality
products for soldiers could have been produced. But it would also be ignorant to not acknowledge
that industry in Canada had grown because of the war. The war called for vast quantities of shells for
artillery and Canadian factories produced a large majority of shells. However at the start of
production, "Sam Hughes, initially established a Shell Committee to coordinate production, but its
failure to deliver on contracts led to angry recriminations between Canada and Britain and
widespread rumours of corruption." (10). It was not until a new production company, the Imperial
Munitions Board, was established under toronto businessman Joseph Flavelle did production start to
pick up. Since the board "was organized according to sound business practices and hired
professional managers to oversee its operations" (11). This displays that under civilian control,
production in factories would run smoother than compared to the format of the government. While
under control of the government,
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The F. L. Q Crisis
The first source clearly illustrates the support for liberalism principles. The war measures act was a
legislation planted by the canadian government, in order to protect the individuals of canada through
a time of warfare or major crisis. In the picture the photographer shows two men protesting the war
measures act during the canadian F.L.Q crisis. The F.L.Q was Quebec nationalist group that became
famous after Quebec declared they wanted to break away from the rest of Canada. The group
became violent and aggressive, by kidnapping the provincial cabinet minister Pierre Laporte and the
British diplomat James Cross. Pierre Trudeau, the prime minister of the time, used the war measure
act at a time of crisis to suspend the rights of the public to benefit the majority of the country. ...
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For example Freedom of speech. If an individual ever spoke about the F.L.Q group in a negative
way or didn't fully state that they were a supporter, they would be given jail time, or even be
executed. The men in the photographer that are holding up the sign stating "we do "NOT" support
FLQ" are showing a expression of displacement because even though they are fully stating that they
are against the F.L.Q group, they are still being punished. After the F.L.Q crisis was put to rest, the
war measure act was revised and the government provided all civil liberties and freedoms to all
individuals in the country. A major support to the men standing up for the liberties and rights would
be John Locke. This photographer shows Locke's beliefs that liberalism promotes the idea that all
humans are rational and that all individuals deserve economic freedom, individual rights, and
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Terrorism : Terrorism And Terrorism
Terrorism is described as the unlawful use of violence and intimidation especially against civilians,
in the pursuit of political aims. In our own peaceful country of Canada, the "October Crisis" (also
known as the "FLQ Crisis") that started on October 5th, 1970 is a perfect example of terrorism – an
example that clearly shows that rebel groups that employ terror in civil wars, seldom win or gain
what they hope to achieve (in this case, Québec's independence). The three main tactics that the
FLQ (Front du Libération du Québec) used to achieve their own political agenda were certainly not
the right things to pursue, to achieve independence. The scare tactics and violent tactics that the
FLQ used during the October Crisis such as the detonation of bombs around Montréal destroying
property and endangering innocent lives, the kidnapping of public officials and committing murder,
certainly did not lead to peaceful negotiations or help to gain public support.
Firstly, at the beginning of the October Crisis, the FLQ sent a letter to the local authorities
threatening violence and bombings in and around Montréal. The government at the time refused to
be intimidated. Consequently, seeing no action, shortly thereafter, the FLQ rebels then carried out
more than 200 bomb attacks at different locations around the city, endangering innocent lives and
destroying public and private properties, inciting the utmost fear among its residents. As the FLQ
became more confident, their tactics
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British Trade Commissioner James Cross
On October 5th 1970, the British trade commissioner James Cross was kidnapped by the Liberation
cell of Front de Libération du Québec (FLQ) in the morning. The FLQ demanded the Canadian
government to release 23 of its members in prison, $500,000 of ransom, the publication of its
manifesto, revealing the identity of police informants, a save passage to travel to Cuba or Algeria,
and the rehiring of the Lapalme postal truck drivers and stop all police suppression.[ Chronology of
the October Crisis, 1970, and its Aftermath, Claude Bélanger, Department of History, Marianopolis
College] The government had considered these demands and decided that they were unreasonable.
But some media had published the FLQ's manifesto and it caused concerns that the government
should make concession to secure Cross's released. Following this incident, on October 10th 1970,
Pierre Laporte, the provincial Minster of Labor, was abducted by another FLQ cell named Chénier
cell. To fully understand the situation, we need to take a deeper look into the conflicts and hostile
atmosphere between Anglo Canadian and Francophone Canadian in Quebec. Even before Canadian
Confederation, the was tension between the two party. Quebec and Montreal Area are mainly consist
of Francophone Canadians and they have strong will to preserve French culture, language, religions,
and their well being in Canada. Since 1960s, social change had played a huge role in people's lives
here in Canada and the slow pace of change in
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Canada 's Changes Through The Decade Of The 1960 's And...
Canada faced dramatic changes through the decades of the 1960's and 1970's, but in particular the
province of Quebec. In 1959, Quebec Premier Maurice Duplessis died, this marked the beginning of
the Quiet Revolution. Duplessis was the Union Nationale leader and the party had controlled
Quebec for decades until shortly after Duplessis' death, a provincial election was held where the
Liberals, led by Jean Lesage, had won the vote. The Liberals started moving away from the Catholic
ideologies, traditions were being shifted and a transformed society was taking over the province of
Quebec. Lesage was famously quoted in 1962 "There is no doubt in my mind; it's now or never that
we must become masters in our own home." which became the Liberals ... Show more content on ...
In the midst of the October Crisis Pierre Trudeau handled the time of terrorism well. In this essay
one will see how Trudeau handled the crisis excellently by examining the first domestic use of the
War Measures Act which led to improvements on the Act, ensuring that Quebec did not become its
own independent country, and how Canada stood behind and supported Quebec and Pierre Trudeau
through the acts of violence led by the FLQ.
On October 16, 1970 Trudeau invoked the War Measures Act. It was the first time this Act had been
invoked in peacetime, although was justified by the evidence of an insurrection. To start off, the first
domestic use of the War Measures Act was invoked which led to improvements on the act. It was
invoked and gives emergency power to the federal government and this act further suspended
Canadians' fundamental civil freedoms. Some civil freedoms include: the right to be protected
against unwarranted or arbitrary arrests, detentions, searches and seizures, and the right to an
attorney. The Act however allowed the government to declare anyone who publicly supported the
FLQ to be a member of the group, arrest and hold any of the FLQ without bail for up to 90 days, and
imprison FLQ member for up to five years. This builds a trust bridge between the government and
the citizens. The citizens have to trust the
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War Measures Act Research Paper
Defining Moment Idea #1: War Measures Act
Possible Sources:
Smith, Denis. "War Measures Act". The Canadian Encyclopedia. Toronto: Historica Canada, 2013.
Web. 26 Jul 2013.
My Thoughts/Commentary Notes
– The war measures act seems like a great policy that would allow for quick and bold decisions
which would be best for a situation of war.
– If I was alive during WW1 when this policy was being imposed, I would be in favor of it because I
understand how important it is for the government to make quick decisions without the delay of
arguments and debates. However, If I was one of the enemy aliens and they used this policy to force
me to work for them (like constructing railways etc.) I would not be in favor of this act and I would
most ... Show more content on ...
This is one evidence of how much Canada cares about national security and is willing to go to any
extent. The October Crisis case seems like nothing compared to the acts of domestic terrorism that
have occurred in other countries, and I think that to achieve the level of national security that
Canada has acquired these countries should practice policies like the war measures act to solidify
their national security. A country that I know will benefit from such a law is India.
– This speech made by Pierre Trudeau shows how much the Canadian government cares about doing
whatever is in the best interest of the country and the Canadian People because it shows that the
government wants to protect its national security, and at the same time wants to do it in a way that
won't harm the general population. However, in the case of the October crisis this was not possible
and the government was forced to resort to the War measures act to save preserve the national
security of Canada. Despite having to resort to this act, the government did not forget about the
general public and told them that the government will be held answerable any and all of its
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War Measures Act Essay
Throughout history, the actions of governments have always been debated; however, occasionally
there are certain events which spark much controversy, both at the time of the event and by
historians today. One of these controversial acts was the invocation of the War Measures Act in
1970, an act which suspended the civil liberties of Canadian citizens. In October 1970, in what
became known as the October Crisis, the Front de libération du Québec, (commonly known as the
FLQ) which was a French Canadian organization advocating independence from Canada, kidnapped
two politicians. This initiated a series of events, one of which was the invocation of the War
Measures Act by Prime Minister Pierre Elliot Trudeau. Many historians argue that ... Show more
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However, both Prime Minister Trudeau and Quebec Premier Robert Bourassa were not willing to
give into the FLQ demands, External Affairs Minister Mitchell Sharp even claimed the demands to
be "wholly unreasonable," despite the fact the life of a prominent politician was at stake. On
October 10th 1970, Bourassa finally comes back to Quebec from his a trip in New York, which he
deemed as more significant than the crisis in Quebec. Later that evening, two FLQ members
kidnapped Pierre Laporte, the Quebec Minister of Labour. Five days later after still refusing to meet
the FLQ demands, Trudeau calls upon the War Measures Act. Under the regulations of the Act,
which dated back to World War One, Trudeau's government suspended the civil liberties of
Canadian citizens, and were able to arrest and detain anyone suspected of belonging to the FLQ, or
even supporting the FLQ. The body of Pierre Laporte was discovered in the trunk of a car three days
later, in what was believed to have been retaliation for the War Measures Act, as the murder itself
occurred one to two days after the Act was invoked. On December 3rd, 2007 the FLQ kidnappers
released James Cross in exchange for safe–conduct to Cuba. Over the next several months many of
the kidnappers were
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Emergencies Act Research Paper
The Emergencies Act –Introduced in 1988 to take temporary measure for the safety and security
during national emergencies of Canadians along with protecting their rights and freedom.
–In 1988 ¬it replaced the war measure act.
It limited government power during a crisis compared to the War measure act.
–If there is was a crisis or an emergency it had go through the parliament before any action could be
– It could only be used during: –diseases in human, animals or plants is spreading and dangerous
–pollution or accident
–natural disaster example earthquake
–Under the emergencies act temporary measures are taken considering the Canadian charter of
rights and freedoms.
– if any individual is damaged or surfers due this act the government has award compensation ...
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This gave limited power to the government to take special or temporary steps for the safety and
security of the people. No civil rights have affected, as it has never been used. If any civil liberties
are suspended in an emergency it will be reasonable and justified by the government under section 1
(the government can legally limit rights) under the Canadian charter of rights and freedoms. Yes, the
government is justified in creating and using this piece of legislation because it limits government
power unlike the war measure act. The Canadians charter of rights and freedoms is kept in mind
before making a decision for a crisis or emergency it is passed by the parliament before being
implemented so, the government won't do anything to harm the people. If any individual suffer or is
damaged due to the act the government has to award compensation.
The anti–terrorism act After the September 11,2001 the terrorist acts on the united states pushed the
anti–terrorism act became a part of the criminal code in 2001, December
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War Measure Act Essay
The quebecois wanted to be separated from the Canada.
(In the late 1950's to the 1960's the Quebec decided their independency)
The quiet revolution (believed to be caused by the death of Maurice Duplessis in 1959 )
After Maurice's Death, who was the Quebec premier, the liberal party won the election against the
Union Nationale religion was not given much importance (the importance of catholic church
Their way of life/lifestyle became more open minded, people started to question the reasons for high
birth rate and early marriage
Education and healthcare was becoming more modernized
More students started to come to school and stayed longer
Provincial plan was introduced
A transformed society
The government was given more responsible and more departments ... Show more content on ...
The war measure act was made to give the government power of the rights and freedom
People who supported the FLQ member were immediately identified as a member of the FLQ
Upto 90 days in jail, without bail if considered as a member of the FLQ member
Imprison members of FLQ upto 5 years
Because of the War measure act, the FLQ members killed Pierre laporte
About 450 people related anyways with the FLQ members were arrested, even if they were not part
of the FLQ with no contact of lawyer
James cross was discovered to not be dead and still captured by the FLQ
October 27, James cross was released and in return the FLQ members were able to safely go to
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October Crisis Flq
–The federal government responded to the October Crisis by invoking the War Measures Act
–A two–page bill that fundamentally gave absolute power to the federal cabinet, and in doing so
halted the rights of all Canadians. (Pg. 161)
–On October 15th, secret cabinet meetings took place in which emergency legislations were
–In these meetings, Bourassa had requested on exclusive measures to help his fortified government.
–Trudeau understood this to mean an amendment to the Criminal Code or extraordinary temporary
emergency legislation. (Pg. 166)
–The cabinet was generally formal the emergency legislation. –Within hours, the police prepared to
jail and confine suspicious terrorists and their sympathizers.
– The police directed over 3,000 checks, and 497 people were apprehended. –A clear bias against
loyalists and the political primarily, including many advocator, guided the ... Show more content on ...
–In the end, only eighteen people were sentenced of an offence originated from the crisis.
–Except for the associates of the FLQ incriminated in the hostage taking, only two individuals were
convicted under the Public Order Regulations.
–"The whole exercise," as Thomas Berger has suggested, "reveals how unwise it is to have such
extraordinary power readily available to any government". (Pg. 167)
–Everyone detained under the War Measures Act was rejected due process.
–Habeas corpus (a being's old right to have a justice confirm that they have been confided legally)
was suspended.
–The Crown could keep a detainee for a week before arranging them with a crime.
–Also, the attorney general could request, before the week ended, that the implicated be detained for
up three weeks. The detainees were not allowed to consult a lawyer, and many were held
sequestered. (Pg. 167)
–Enrollment in the FLQ became an illegal act.
–Criminal blame was resolved, not in an official courtroom, but rather through the official
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The War Measures Act
The extent rights and freedoms should be sacrificed in favor of security is to a extent where it is
justifiable, individuals affected by it and not found guilty should also receive an apology or
compensation for their violation of rights and freedoms. The War Measures Act is a federal law
adopted by parliament in 1914, after the outbreak of the First World War. It gave broad powers to
the Canadian government to maintain security and order during war. This allowed the government to
remove all rights and freedoms from an individual. This could be the case with the use of the War
Measures Act in World War 1. During this time, the immigrants in Canada, who lived in one of the
Central Powers were considered "enemy aliens" and forced to register
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How Did The October Crisis Of 1970 Affect Canada
How did the October Crisis of 1970 affect Canada? Did Canada do the right things during this time?
The October Crisis of 1970, some people may say that it was too great of a loss, but it was also a
significant event that affected the country positively and negatively. It impacted Canada's national
security which is a very important part of Canada moving forward, it also was the first major
terrorist attack on Canadian soil and this caused the only use of the War Measures Act during
peacetime. Canada's national security is a crucial element to keeping the country safe, however
Canada's national security has changed greatly over the years. A large factor that helped change and
improve the national security of Canada was the October Crisis, new ... Show more content on ...
Canada had not faced this in the past that often, there was normally little to no terrorist attacks. The
October Crisis was not only dangerous for people involved with the government but it was slowly
becoming more dangerous for the civilians, there were many that disliked what the terrorists had to
say but there were others who agreed and decided that this was the right time to stand with the
terrorists and their opinions. According to CBC History, "On October 15, three thousand people
gathered at Paul Sauvé Arena to show support for the FLQ's separatist ideas. The FLQ's lawyer,
Robert Lemieux, fired them up." (CBC 13) This had made a divide between the civilians creating
more pressure on both the government and the terrorists to do something. Because Canada had this
terrorist attack happen it opened up not only the government's eyes but the civilians eyes and made
them realize that terrorism was not such a foreign thing and that it is a possible thing to happen in
countries like Canada. This realization caused some people to flee Quebec in search for a more calm
province. This also pressured Quebec to make the decision in the future to stay a part of
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War Measures Act
The slogan that the FLQ adopted was "L'indépendance ou la mort" (Independence or death),
describing the extent to which members were willing to go for their cause. In reality though, most
members, when arrested and questioned, chose life over death and accepted their punishment
without a large struggle. Over time, the mentality that "only violence, terror, kidnapping and
assassination would bring the changes it hoped for." Bombings, robberies and other criminal acts
became frequent offenses for the FLQ and they often targeted those in power in the province.
During certain "escapades" where the FLQ members would arm themselves, they would go about
doing so in ways that were unconventional, typically by robbing a local store where firearms were ...
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Criticisms of Trudeau were harsh during this time as many saw him as taking his response too far by
allowing the army to have so much freedom in Quebec. When asked how far he was willing to go to
maintain enforced peace in the province, he simply replied, "Well, just watch me." The unmoving
and uncompromising authority of the government removed the head of the FLQ by removing its
leaders. Without the motivation and encouragement of their most vocal and cunning directors, the
FLQ dissolved. Investigations concerning those involved in the crimes of the FLQ prior to and
during the October crisis continued for fifteen subsequent
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D-Day Canada Research Paper
World War II, also called Second World War, a conflict that involved virtually every part of the
world during the years 1939–45. It was the most global war in history; it directly involved more than
100 million people from over 30 countries. Canada was one of the many countries that were
involved in World War II. They were involved in an event like the Battle of Dunkirk and the battle
of the Atlantic that impacted other countries. In Canada event like the D–Day through militarism,
The of the Scheldt through Canada efforts and the War Measures Act to try and protect their citizens.
These three events impacted Canada.
"D–Day an event that happened June 6, 1944, Allied troops raged German guards on the shorelines
of Normandy (France) to open the best ... Show more content on ...
The Canadians endured the most setbacks of any division in the British Army Group" (Canada,
Veterans affairs. D–Day and the Battle of Normandy). This event was important to Canada because
they were one of the only countries to fully complete their objective which was to "to establish a
beachhead along an eight–kilometre stretch fronting the villages of Courseulles–sur–Mer,
Bernières–sur–Mer, and Saint Aubin–sur–Mer. Once secure, the troops would push inland to capture
the city of Caen, an important communications centre for the Germans (Canada, Veterans affairs. D–
Day and the Battle of Normandy)." After they completed their objective they proved to the world
that their military force was a formidable foe and had good leadership. All Canadian branches were
involved in the war was another reason to show Canadian militarism because the ground, ocean and
air–based armed forces practised unendingly to ensure their planning and coordination was great.
"Extraordinary quantities of troops, watercraft, tanks, supplies and gear were assembled in all–out
mystery in southern England. The Canadian air force made ready for the arrivals, shelling the
beachfront resistance in
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How Did The War Measures Act Affect Canada
On August 22, 1914, the War Measures Act was put into place. The Act allowed the federal
government to do anything it felt was necessary, "for the security, defence, peace, order and welfare
of Canada" (Breti). The War Measures Act could get put into use when the government believed that
Canada was about to be invaded or go to war. The reason the War Measures Act was made was so
that the government could push things like bills and decisions through faster. That way if Canada
does get invaded or goes to war they would not have such long waits for something to come through
while the pressure of war is on their shoulders. However, while the Act is put in place the
government obtains powers that turns them into something that would not be ... Show more content
on ...
The power that had been given to the government turned it into something that did not resemble
what could be recognized as democracy today. The Act also allowed for the civil liberties of the
people to be taken away. Also, the Act was abused quite a bit by the government. The War Measures
Act was used only two times after this: during World War Two, and during the October Crisis.
During its use in World War Two Canada once again had internment camps, but this time for the
Germans and Italians. After the bombing of Pearl Harbour many Japanese were also placed into the
internment camps. During the october Crisis Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau used the War Measures
Act to be able to arrest people without having to give proof of wrongdoing. He did this because he
was searching for members of the terrorist group, Front de Liberation du Quebec, because they had
kidnapped, "British trade commissioner James Cross, and kidnapped and murdered Quebec Labour
Minister Pierre Laporte"(Smith). Trudeau used the Act for a good reason, but it was still a serious
infringement of the people's rights. Once again there was a suspension of civil liberties in both
World War Two and the October Crisis. However, since 1988 the War Measures Act has been
replaced by the Emergencies Act. This Act limits and specifies the certain powers the government
has so that the government
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The War Measures Act During The September Crisis
Pierre Trudeau is one of Canada's most renowned Prime Ministers. He was in office April 20, 1968,
to June 4, 1979, and later on March 3, 1980, to June 30, 1984,.¹ An event that Pierre Trudeau is well
known for is the enactment of the War Measures Act during the October Crisis. This decision to
invoke the War Measures Act during the October Crisis has led to a great deal of controversy on
whether the act was justified. The October Crisis was a series of events in October 1970, these
events began with the kidnappings of James Cross and later Pierre Laporte by the group known as
the FLQ (Front de libération du Québec) the group's main goals were to create an independent
Quebec.2 The group resorted to terrorist acts in order to achieve those goals, this later led to Prime
Minister Pierre Trudeau invoking the War Measures Act. The War Measures Act was a federal
statute adopted by parliament during WWI and has been used 3 times; during WWI, WWII and
during the October Crisis. The act gives major power to the Canadian government to uphold security
during times of great distress.3 Pierre Trudeau was justified in enacting the War Measures Act
during the October Crisis. One reason that Pierre Trudeau was justified in invoking the War
Measures Act is that the FLQ was essentially a terrorist organization responsible for the deaths and
injuries of countless people. Since the group was formed in the early 1960's, the terrorist group's
acts had only worsened from mailbox bombings to
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The American Civil War
Guns fired, smoke lingering in the air, people dying. The American Civil War had a huge impact on
the United States. Two compromises took place before the start of the Civil War. These
compromises include the Missouri Compromise and the Compromise of 1850. The Missouri
Compromise dealt with the crisis in 1819 over Missouri entering the Union as a slave state. The
compromise was "the first major crisis over slavery, and it shattered a tacit agreement between the
two regions that had been in place since the constitution. Under the terms of the agreement, the
North would not interfere with slavery in the Southern States, and the South would recognize
slavery as an evil that should be discouraged and eventually abolished whenever it was safe and
feasible to do so" (Stauffer). The compromise showed the belief that was shared by most of the
Founding Fathers and the framers of the Constitution: that slavery was wrong. Thirty–one years
later, the Compromise of 1850 was created. This compromise "consisted of five basic parts, the most
onerous of which was a stringent fugitive slave law that denied suspected fugitives the right to a jury
by trial and virtually legislated slave stealing.The Fugitive Slave law converted countless
northerners to the antislavery cause" (Stauffer). Although the Fugitive Slave law, one of the five
parts of the Compromise of 1850, caused many northerners to start believing the antislavery cause,
the compromise itself achieved the opposite of its intentions.
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The War Measures Act Of The United States
was first passed in 1914; this was a response to Canada's involvement in WWI. This act has only
been invoked 3 times all throughout Canada's history. This act gave large power to the Canadian
government or revolt. – World War One, this was the first use of this act and Canada was part of the
British Empire. Britain and its allies were at war against Germany, Austria–Hungary, parts of
Ukraine and The Ottoman Empire. Under this act during 1914 people whom immigrated from those
countries were considered "enemy aliens" (a citizen from one country who is residing in another
which is at war). These so called aliens were required to register with the Canadian government and
carry government issued ID at all time. They were not allowed to read or publish anything in any
other language than English or French. They were also not allowed to leave the country without
permits, possess firearms, or to join a group that was deemed dangerous, inappropriate or seditious.
Many thousand aliens were sent to internment camps or deported; property was taken away and
went missing. The camps didn't end until 1920 the people whom were released were left with
nothing and the Canadian government did not offer an apology/compensation. – World War Two,
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Wartime Measures Act
Canada entered into the Great War as a result of their paternalistic ties to the British Empire. Over
the course of the strife, Canada developed significantly in terms of national identity and autonomy.
The war forced the Canadian government to solidify its stance on a myriad of of economic and
social issues by increasing their capacity for national identity development and routing them on the
course to greater independence and a more recognizable stance on the international stage.
Domestically, the war threatened citizens' rights through the use of conscription and other legal
restrictions on civil liberties, advanced the economy, and led to a series of social changes The nature
and reason for Canada's involvement in World War 1, more than ... Show more content on ...
Although injustices were suffered at an individual level, Canada as a whole gained a great deal of
respect from the majority of nations around the globe in recognition of the tremendous Canadian
war effort, despite the fact that Canada was a mere dominion of the British. The war also aided in
unifying the vast expanse of Canadian territory under the aegis of a single, united, and cooperative
unit against a common enemy, for a common cause and through common experiences. In addition to
national cohesion, economic progress and social developments can also be marked as a result of the
war, but they came with a
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The September Crisis Of Canada
The October Crisis was a series of events trigged by the kidnapping of two government officials
during October of 1970 in the province of Quebec. The kidnappings of British Trade Commissioner
James Cross and Quebec Minister of Labour Pierre Laporte were the pinnacle of all terrorist activity
led by the Front de Libération du Quebec (FLQ). The FLQ was a radical separatist group who
strived for Quebec's independence from the rest of Canada. The circumstances ultimately
culminated in the only peacetime use of the War Measures Act in Canadian history, invoked by
Governor General of Canada Roland Michener at the direction of Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau.
The use of the War Measures Act had been requested by the Premier of Quebec, Robert ... Show
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The invocation of the War Measures Act was also widely supported throughout Quebec and Canada,
with eighty–six percent of Quebec's population and eighty–eight percent of Canadians agreeing with
the use of the War Measures Act in a poll by the Gallup company. Furthermore, the detainment of
individuals and suspension of civil liberties under the War Measures Act is justified because close to
ninety percent of those arrested were released soon after, and members of authority executed the
arrests non–violently with the well–being of the individuals as their top priority. Trudeau's
imposition of the War Measures Act was crucial considering that the FLQ presented the most serious
threat of domestic terrorism in Canadian history. Although the events leading up to the October
Crisis were relatively slow–paced, it was the increase in the severity of FLQ crimes that led the
Sûreté du Quebec to call on Canada's federal government to implement the War Measures Act. The
FLQ, claiming "independence or death", was responsible for half of the domestic terrorism events in
Canada between 1960 and 1985. It had claimed its first victim on 21 April 1963 after the bombing
of a military office in Montreal – the first of over two hundred bombings between 1963 and 1970,
and the first of eight deaths associated with the FLQ. This allowed the group to repute itself as a
legitimate terrorist threat that directly jeopardized the lives of civilians. The members of the FLQ
were a
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Essay On Is Canada A Just Society
Canada as a Just Society
Canada as a just society has changed a lot throughout the years, Canada has and still is a
discriminative place but I believe it has definitely improved but there are still changes that need to
be made. However,As said Canada has changed for the better andit has improved a lot since her
older days, and not everything will always be perfect, a conflict will always arise and maybe we
cannot always solve the problem. Canadian identity has been working towards a just society but it
has been negatively affected by how they have treated minorities in World War One, with
aboriginals in residential schools, the enactment of the War Measures Act in a time of peace and the
continued LGBTQ discrimination.
Canada before working towards becoming a just society was a very discriminative place. During the
events of World War One,WWI black and Chinese Canadians were prevented from joining the war
along with aboriginals. Women were treated the same at the time, it was common for most women
to stay at home wives and take care of the children. This was the stereotypical family at the time and
was believed to be the ideal family too. Canadians thought poorly of minorities and even claimed it
was to keep them safe, the aboriginals were an example, Canadians claimed the enemies might
believe that they are savages which was a reflection of how they truly felt. Minorities were clearly
being treated worse than the majority, they were seen as inferior and only good for
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Seven Years War Essay example
The Seven Years War proved to be a crossroads in the history of British colonial rule in America.
Britain was victorious, but after defeating her French foes (along with their Indian allies), Britain
was left to contemplate the ramifications of a war that would leave her relationship with her
American colonies altered forever. This change would eventually lead to conflict between the
colonies and Britain, and ultimately the Declaration of American Independence.
In order to understand how the relationship between Britain and the American Colonies became so
strained, we must first examine the nature of Britain's imperial authority. Economic relations
between the two entities were ... Show more content on ...
Self–reliance was a commodity that was little known in colonial America before the war, and now
that the colonists had had a taste of it, they were understandably slow to relinquish it. The seeds of
conflict had been planted.
There was another by–product of the war for Britain; her national debt more than doubled during the
course of the conflict. At a time when Britain was starting to bend beneath the weight of the debt, it
was only a matter of time before parliament looked to the colonies to help shoulder some of the
price incurred in their defense. The Sugar and Stamp Acts were the first of many measures to tax the
colonists. The Townshend Duties and the Tea Act would follow. While these measures outraged the
colonists because of their monetary implications, it was the constitutional implications brought on
by the Acts that were most offensive to the colonists. Until after the Seven Years War, the colonists
had been left to essentially tax themselves. Now the colonists had a rallying cry, as they deplored the
idea of no taxation without representation. In 1765 the Stamp Act Congress was held, and in a bid of
utter defiance the representatives agreed that the colonial legislative assemblies alone had the right
to tax the colonies. Parliament repealed the Stamp Act, but only after agreeing to pass the
Declaratory Act, which informed the colonies that Britain did in fact have the right to legislate for
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Analysis Of Pierre Trudeau's 'Just Watch Me'
Source #1 is a photograph depicting a young boy, presumably selling newspapers. The front page of
the newspaper boldly declares, "War Measures Act Invoked." Based on the style of clothing the
people in this photo are wearing, this photo was most likely taken in 1970 when Canadian Prime
Minister Pierre Trudeau invoked the War Measures Act in response to the October Crisis. In the
background of the photo, people can be seen going about their daily lives, a contrast to the brazen
announcement on the paper. There are no police arresting anyone, or violence of any kind. This
demonstrates an effort by the photographer to show that the War Measures Act did not cause drastic
change to daily life. The ideology presented in this source is illiberalism. ... Show more content on ...
Rand, who escaped to the United States from Russia during the Cold War, defines democracy and
liberalism, in their modern forms, as the "ultimate inversion." She then goes on to describe this
inversion, painting a picture of a rather illiberal society. The society she describes appears to
demonstrate very limited rights and freedoms of its citizens. She also implies that American citizens
do not have any real power over their government, even though the United States is, by name, a
democracy, and its citizens elect their government. This implication is supported by Rand stating
that "the government is free to do anything it pleases, while citizens may act only by permission,"
where "permission" is presumably that of the government. Rand then asserts that a society in this
state of "rule by brute force" is the worst state that a society can be
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The Front De Liberation Du Quebec
"Just watch me" are the defiant words uttered by Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Elliot Trudeau in
response to the Front de liberation du Quebec (FLQ), a Marxist group who captained Quebec
independence through indiscriminate political violence. His words are not those of an iron–fisted
strongman, despite how strong and undetailed his comments were at the time, but those of a
calculated and well–versed leader, whose decisions came at the behest of prominent Quebec
politicians. The FLQ instilled a decade of social violence in the streets of Quebec by systemically
championing the struggles of French minorities who perceived unjust treatment in everyday life.
Their qualms quickly evolved from protest to a Marxist movement, which incorporated ... Show
more content on ...
Marx's manifesto dangerously presented a worldview based on totalitarianism and humanization of
armed conflict. The FLQ paraded Communist ideology as a revolutionary tactic to promote change,
yet seemingly failed to realize the flaws associated with it, both politically and morally. Trudeau
deemed it necessary to act as he did as the FLQ continuously promoted a hardline, and very literal
understanding, ultimately culminating in the publication and distribution of an FLQ manifesto,
which brazenly stated, "We are the workers of Québec and we will continue to the bitter end. We
want to replace the slave society with a free society, functioning by itself and for itself; a society
open to the world" (Belanger, 2007). Trudeau was adept at realizing how impactful a persuasive
outside influence could be on minority populations who felt left behind by a changing Canada.
Being French himself, he openly acknowledged the need to not alienate a large amount of Canada in
his process in dealing with the issue, yet had to be strong–willed in the face of terror. Communism
contradicts many of the societal factors which democracy takes for granted, and it became apparent
as the FLQ gained influence that their perception become increasingly more nationalistic. Trudeau
stressed the threat Marxism posed, as it is against normalcy to suddenly and brashly causer great
change in society. A sudden
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Pierre Trudeau's War Measures Act
Pierre Elliotte Trudeau, the Prime Minister of Canada during the 1970s, was the man who saved
Quebec from separating from Canada by using the War Measures Act very effectively. At that time,
Quebec was in a bad situation because of a terrorist group called the FLQ (Front de libération du
Québec), that had been bombing Quebec since 1963 and gathering people to carry violent
demonstrations and destruction. The situation got worse by each passing day as the FLQ's
revolutionary movement turned into terrorism. The government faced a tough situation. Pierre
Trudeau could not see his country getting divided and took a strict action. The government didn't
have any safe options, but Trudeau handled the matter very tactfully by following the right path, ...
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Though there had been an initial fear of the military in the minds of the people, the soldiers soon
won their hearts by their devotion and effective actions. The War Measures Act banned the FLQ
demonstrations (which were earlier allowed) to prevent violence, preserve order and protect the
people and public places from attacks. The civilians were completely safe as the officers only
swooped down on suspects chosen from lists assembled by the Quebec and Montreal forces, as told
by John English (88). The fear of the government could be seen in the terrorists only after the
implementation of the act, which showed that Canada will respond harshly and not keep quite. The
terrorists, who claimed to be fearless and revolutionary, rushed to seize their documents and save
their lives as soon as the raids began on October 16, 1970. The police arrested 397 people and
disrupted many others who were linked to FLQ or violence that occurred in the past ("October
Crises of 1970"). The military successfully broke up the strategies of the FLQ, arrested the terrorists,
seized large quantities of weapons, calmed the people and was able to control the situation and
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War On Poverty
Fifty Years Later the War Poverty
Jose A. Medina
Monroe College of Criminal Justice
Professor Jimenez
Human Services
In 1964 President Lyndon B. Johnson declared a war on poverty on the United States of America; in
his state of the union address he declared that "Our aim is not only to relieve the symptoms of
poverty, but to cure it and above all to prevent it." Fifty years later 46 million Americans live in
poverty in households where the government considers their income scarcely adequate (Lowrey,
2014). President Barack Obama has called inequality the defining challenge of our time (Lowrey,
2014). The question remains on what is the war on poverty? Whether America has indeed won or
lost this war? With current research what contributes ... Show more content on ...
According to the report since 1967 poverty has declined by more than one–third, the report using the
new historical estimates of The Census Bureau's Supplemental Poverty Measure (spm)
acknowledged to measure poverty more accurately than the official poverty measure for example
benefits like nutrition assistance, the official poverty measure excludes the refundable tax credits
and other benefits and has other limitations. The (spm) measure report shows how many people
since 1967 would have had inflation–adjusted family resources, below the supplemental poverty
thresholds of 2012. In 2012 49.7 million Americans were below the poverty line including 13.4
million children. The decline in poverty is due to the programs that had bipartisan support and
economic security and
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Flq Essay
In October 1970, Canada faced a pressing terrorist attack in Montreal, Quebec by a group known as
the Front de Liberation du Quebec, or the FLQ for short. The group committed multiple attacks
starting in 1963 that slowly escalated until the October Crisis, where they kidnapped two
government officials and proceeded to murder one of them. The Canadian government responded
harshly and rapidly. The prime minister of Canada, Pierre Trudeau, issued the War Measures Act
which along with various things allowed the police and military full reign to arrest people and hold
them with no explanation. The Canadian population was highly supportive of the government's
action believing that this extreme state repression would bring a finish to the October ... Show more
content on ...
Some of these demands were a reading of the manifesto on public radio, a half–million–dollar
ransom, and the release of several convicted or detained FLQ members . The government refused to
release the FLQ members, but did read the manifesto on public radio and select newspapers printed
the manifesto. However, this was not enough for the FLQ and they kidnapped and shortly killed the
provincial cabinet minister Pierre LaPorte. James Cross remained kidnapped until December 1970,
when the police found his holding cell.
The government responded aggressively to the kidnapping of both James Cross and Pierre LaPorte.
After LaPorte's body was found in a car by the Montreal airport, the government requested
assistance from the Canadian Armed Forces . The federal government proclaimed the existence of a
state of "apprehended insurrection" under the War Measures Act . Under these emergency
regulations, the FLQ was outlawed and membership became a criminal act . The liberties of citizens
were also suspended, and arrests and detentions were authorized without a charge . During the War
Measures Act, the military was patrolling the streets and police forces were given additional
freedom, while the liberties of citizens were taken away. One way that the police force was given
further freedom is they had the freedom to search and detain anyone they wanted without stating a
reason. Through this
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The Front De Liberation Du Quebec
Active since 1963, the Front de Liberation du Quebec's (FLQ) violent actions in October 1970 cost
Canadians citizens their rights and freedoms in an attempt to establish Quebec as a separate nation.
Prior to Canada becoming a nation and to this date, Quebec has engaged in a tense relationship with
English Canada and harbours longstanding resentments over language, religion and
multiculturalism. Throughout the 1960's, the province underwent profound change during the Quiet
Revolution and Quebec nationalism soared. During this time, the FLQ organized several bombings
and riots. The culmination of the FLQ's actions in 1970 is referred to as the "October Crisis" which
translated into the kidnapping of British Trade Commissioner James Cross and the murder of
Quebec Labour Minister Pierre Laporte. The October Crisis also represents Canada's only encounter
with domestic terrorism and the third time the War Measures Act was invoked. The decision to
invoke the War Measures Act was a controversial one made by Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau and
Quebec Premier Robert Bourassa since it imposed national martial law. Upon examination of the
FLQ's actions during the October Crisis, the response from the federal government and the impact
on Quebec nationalism and the rest of Canada, it is apparent that the government handled the
October Crisis tactfully and was correct to invoke the War Measures Act.
Through the FLQ's violent history, the kidnapping of James Cross and the murder of
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Japanese Internment Camps Dbq Essay
More than 110,000 Japanese Americans living on the west coast of the United States were forced
and placed into internment camp. Many believe that the internment camps were necessary for
national defense. Conversely, I believe that the actions taken place at time of war were unnecessary
and racist acts. Throughout this paper, I will discuss how and why the removal of the Japanese–
Americans was uncalled for and harsh, while addressing the counterpoint. The first reason I believe
that the Internment camps were despotic is that for other war like situations, no actions this harsh
were taken. In paragraph two of the second article it says, "'War makes for harsh measures,' notes
the historian Cary McWilliams, 'but we cannot justify the evacuation even as a war measure. No
such measure was taken against German or Italian nationals.'" This quote shows that the internment
camps were brutal and unnecessary, as the Germans and Italians had no such measures even close as
severe as the Japanese–Americans. On no degree were the consequences fair to the Japanese
Americans as other nationals did not experience such astringent ramifications. ... Show more content
on ...
In paragraph three of the second article, it says, "In fact, more than 25,000 Japanese Americans
served in armed forces during World War II, and the all Japanese–American 442nd combat team
inflicted more casualties and received more decorations than any other comparable army unit." This
shows that the Japanese Americans were actually defending America and fighting for the country
rather than disseminating confidential information to the 'enemies.' Due to the help and support
given by the Japanese Americans, the Americans should have been more considerate in their
decisions made at war
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Japanese Internment Camps In Canada

  • 1. Japanese Internment Camps In Canada The Internment of Japanese and Italian Canadians Canada is presently known for welcoming many racial groups into the country. However, the Canadian government is not always giving out warm welcomes to different ethnicities. During World War Two, the country rejects many Japanese and Italians who are already Canadian. The treatment of the Japanese and Italians in the Second World War is very unjust. The two groups face being put into internment camps against their own will, the government separates families and force men to work on farms with little pay. The government of Canada also mistreat the Japanese and Italian Canadians because they are full of fear and superstition. The Japanese and Italian Canadians are forced to live in internment ... Show more content on ... They work in farms to fill labor shortages, are packed into small trains and sent to internment camps. Most Italians work in the trades sector but are forced to work in farms. In 1942, V.G. McGulgan, president of the Kent County Federation of Agriculture suggested that, "Italian war prisoners and Canadian–Japanese be employed in farm labor camps as means of filling the acute labor shortage." This shows that the Japanese and Italians were sent to internment camps to work in farms to fill in labor shortages. Sending them to work in camps to satisfy employment deficiency is unjust considering that the Japanese and Italian Canadian have to work all day with a small amount of pay. Subsequently, to get to the camps, families were packed into small trains where they had to ride on for hours to get to their destination. Men and women were separated once they reached their camps. Most men stayed at Camp Petawawa and Camp Ripples, whereas, women stayed at the Kingston Penitentiary. The men and women were separated from their loved ones as a punishment and for the different types of labor each gender may have had. Being divided from their own families may have been a traumatizing experience as they would not know the next time they will see them again, especially for ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. Domestic And International Measures Of International Crime Both domestic and international measures are somewhat effective in dealing with international crime. Both crimes against the international community and Transnational crimes represent both positive outcomes in dealing with international crime, thus, exemplify issues in key areas. Through intergovernmental organizations such as the International Criminal Court and Operation Sovereign Borders (OSB), international crime Is effectively dealt with. Hence, problems such as extradition and people smuggling are hard to contain. These four issues will also be discussed in light of key effectiveness criteria, including equality, access, resources and the protection of rights. Crimes against the international community are a collection of offences that are recognised by the international community as being of universal concern. However the prosecution of crimes against the international community can be controversial. Such crimes may be committed in the context of military conflict. They may be highly politically motivated, or they may have been ordered or committed by the state itself. The establishment of the International Criminal Court (ICC) in 2002 was a significant development in the law of crimes against the international community. The independent international court established by the Rome Statute, acts as a last resort for crimes fitting into the three categories of genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes. Due to Australia's Dualistic system, both the War crimes Act ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. Pierre Elliot Trudeau's War Measures Act "Just watch me" are the defiant words uttered by Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Elliot Trudeau in response to the Front de liberation du Quebec (FLQ), a Marxist group captaining Quebec independence through indiscriminate political violence. His words are not those of an iron–fisted strongman, despite how strong and undetailed his comments were at the time, but those of a calculated and well–versed leader, whose decisions came at the behest of prominent Quebec politicians. The FLQ instilled a decade of social violence in the streets of Quebec by systemically championing the struggles of French minorities who perceived unjust treatment in everyday life. Their qualms quickly evolved from protest to a Marxist movement, which incorporated elements ... Show more content on ... LaPorte was later killed in the first assassination since Thomas d'Arcy McGee and Cross's life was traded for immunity for some FLQ members. These actions set off the only implementation of the act in non–wartime eras, reinforcing the limits of justice and political process. LaPorte was not an enemy of the group, rather a Quebec minister of labour. Upon his death, it was stated, "LaPorte was killed and left in the drunk of an abandoned car. In addition to the murder of LaPorte, the FLQ's actions were responsible for the deaths of seven people" (Gurr, Ross, 1989). The murder of an elected diplomat, in execution style displayed the absolute, unwavering need for Trudeau to rule with absolute power. The FLQ had grown powerful enough to kill elected politicians and Trudeau needed to send a military message that there would not be a violation of Canadian ideals. The military stance was an effective message and provided necessary backup to police forces to deal with the threat of selective assassination. This response was as moral as it was military, and enforced confidence in both Canada's military, but also Trudeau. His actions could dismantle and scatter the youth of the FLQ, and brought ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. How Did The October Crisis Affect Canada In October 1970, there was a series of events centered around the kidnapping of two government officials by the Quebec separatist group the Front de Libération du Québec (FLQ) in Montreal. It was then named the October Crisis. The October Crisis was one of Canada's defining moments since 1945. It is of value because these events later on helped to define Canada. The 1960s were a decade of profound change, both internationally and in Quebec. While Quebec was evolving due to The Quiet Revolution, many countries were achieving independence thanks to the trend towards de– colonization. Socialist groups, which had been popping up around the world for some time, started appearing in Quebec. During the 1960s, Quebec also witnessed the birth of groups ... Show more content on ... The actions were: the protection of high profile politicians involved with the FLQ's actions, the decision to bring the military into Quebec City, Montreal and Ottawa, and the federal government's decision to put martial law into action by way of the War Measures Act. The October Crisis has taught us not to take the first signs of terrorism lightly, but to take them seriously, and act in a manner that will protect Canada's integrity, and discourage future acts of such senseless violence. The Prime Minister's decision to implement the War Measures Act was a well thought out one, one that was correct for the situation. Had Prime Minister Trudeau not enacted the War Measures Act during the October Crisis, there is a strong possibility that many more people would have been injured or killed in what was a dark point in Canadian ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. Pierre Trudeau Made Canada What it Is Today! Pierre Trudeau was an effective prime minister because he created the Constitution Act as well as the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, made the Official Languages Act and decided to use the War Measures Act during the October crisis. These made Canada what it is today because of Pierre Trudeau. Pierre Trudeau made Canada what it is today in a positive manner by creating the Constitutions Act as well as the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. The Constitutions Act started in 1982. The act allowed everyone to have fundamental freedoms. Those fundamental freedoms included: freedom of conscience and religion, freedom of thought, belief, opinion, expression, freedom of peaceful assembly and the freedom of association as stated in the Constitution Act of 1982. The Act also includes mobility rights that include: every citizen of Canada has the right to enter, remain in and leave Canada itself with no troubles at all, and to move into any province with no troubles. The constitution act had equality rights as well, some in which were and are that every individual is equal under the law and has the right to protection of themselves and their families, as well as living with no discrimination based on their race, origin, nationality, religion, sex, age, or disability. The Constitution Act included the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. The Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantees the right and freedom to reasonable limits allowed by the law and can be certainly justified in a free and ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. Ethical Dilemmas In Canada During The Second World War Canada is known around the world as a peace keeping country, but has it always been that way? During the world wars, Canada made a number of unethical decisions in war that effected Canadians. Firstly, Canada made unethical decisions during World War One, by declaring war, using conscription and passing the War Measures Act. Canada also made unethical decisions during World War Two, like declaring war for a second time, having Japanese internment camps and participating in the disaster at Dieppe. Canada making unethical decisions in war shows both continuity and significant. Therefore, Canada's role during the two world wars has been unethical, but shows continuity and significance throughout the 20th century. Canada during World War One ... Show more content on ... Firstly, Canada deciding to be involved with Dieppe was unethical, but it helped Canadian troops see how advanced Germany is on this coast which later helped Canada defeat Germany in D–Day . Without participating in Dieppe we wouldn't have been successful in D–Day. Secondly, Japanese internment camps were unethical. The Prime Minister Brian Mulroney formally apologized in the House of Commons for taking the houses of Japanese descent people, "I know that I speak for Members on all sides of the House today in offering to Japanese Canadians the formal and sincere apology of this Parliament for those past injustices against them, against their families, and against their heritage, and our solemn commitment and undertaking to Canadians of every origin that such violations will never again in this country be countenanced or repeated." This demonstrates that the government is understanding that they were wrong, so we can move on and become a more diverse and welcoming country. Lastly, declaring war twice was unethical, but Canada learned from their mistakes. In 1956, the Suez crisis started. The Suez Canal is located near Egypt and was used as a faster way to transport goods to European countries, especially oil. The Egyptian president seized control of the canal which scared countries like the United States, which used the canal as a vital part of transportation, therefore starting conflict . The Canadian Prime Minister, Lester B. Pearson, decided instead of going in to the conflict they would go to the canal as peace keepers . This is significant because it shows Canada doesn't have to declare war to be successful, and started Canada as a peace keeper country. Therefore, Canada's unethical decisions throughout World War One was very significant because it helps us learn from our ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. Pierre Trudeau 's Actions And Decisions The October Crisis that occurred in 1970 is quite a controversial topic, however, one can say that prime minister, Pierre Trudeau handled it quite well. Trudeau's actions and decisions to resolve the October Crisis were justified. His actions were validated by the FLQ's (Front de Libération du Quebec) intellectual ideas and the immediate threat he dealt with. Trudeau made quick political decisions to handle the calamity, however, the immediate crisis was impacting the cities across Quebec. His actions were proven to be the best and most accurate actions, because the War Measures Act was successful in eliminating the abrupt crisis. Pierre Elliot Trudeau was a man with good intentions, and as prime minister he dealt with the October Crisis in a way that ensured the safety of the province. Trudeau's character and decisions, validates his actions to resolve the crisis in 1970. The FLQ had many intellectual ideas that forced Trudeau to make the necessary actions towards the crisis. There were three intentions of the FLQ kidnappings of James Cross and Pierre Laporte. The FLQ wanted to obtain the release of 23 FLQ members jailed for bombings and other violent offences. The group wanted to cause confusion, fear and gain publicity and sympathy for their aims of having Quebec become an independent state, and their third motive was to trigger insurrection and capitulation. (Tetley, p. 39) These intentions of the FLQ caused harm and chaos to the government and the public, and ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. Cold War American Foreign Policy Referring to the time during the Cold War, poet Archibald MacLeish recalled, "American foreign policy was a mirror image of Russian foreign policy: whatever the Russians did, we did in reverse. American domestic policies were conducted under a kind of upside–down Russian veto: no man could be elected to public office unless he was on record as detesting the Russians, and no proposal could be enacted, from a peace plan at one end to a military budget at the other, unless it could be demonstrated that the Russians wouldn't like it" (Fariello). During the 1940s and 1950s, agitation over the perceived threat posed by Communists increased because of the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union. This fear was known as the Red Scare ... Show more content on ... During the 1930s, support for communism increased against the growth of fascism and the setting of the economic depression in the U.S. The brave role played by the Soviet Union in the battle against Nazism created even more sympathy in the West (Lyons). However, at the beginning of the Cold War, Americans became increasingly concerned with internal security and the possibility of communist destruction. Numerous measures issued during this period encroached on civil liberties and constitutionally guaranteed rights. Legislation such as the Smith Act (The Alien Registration Act of 1940) and the Internal Security Act of 1950 (also known as the McCarran Act), and executive measures such as the federal employee loyalty program, Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) wiretapping, and the denial of passports to left–wing activists, all had an adverse effect on civil rights. Anti–communist measures at the onset of the Cold War did threaten civil liberties and domestic freedoms in the United States because there was an excessive fear of communist invasion in the U.S. government (explain another reason why civil liberties were being ... Get more on ...
  • 16.
  • 17. Essay on FLQ Crisis On October 5, 1970, British trade commissioner James Cross was kidnapped in his Westmount home by members of the terrorist group Front de liberation du Quebec. The FLQ Manifesto called for non–democratic separation to be brought about by acts of terror. From 1963 to 1967, the FLQ planted 35 bombs; from 1968 to 1970 they planted over 50 bombs. By the fall of 1970 the terrorist acts of the FLQ cells had claimed 6 lives. The kidnappers' demands included the release of a number of convicted or detained FLQ members and the broadcasting of the FLQ Manifesto. The Manifesto was read on Radio–Canada. Then, on October 10th, the Quebec minister of justice guaranteed safe passage to anywhere in the world for the kidnappers in exchange for the safe ... Show more content on ... Under the sweeping authority of the act, 465 Canadians were so rounded up. A day later, on Saturday October 17th, the body of Pierre Laporte was found stuffed in the trunk of a green Chevrolet. In Ottawa, government sources said the FLQ assassinated Laporte because War Measures was enacted. The tension that night was palpable. John Turner, the minister of justice, looked distraught. In his office, Trudeau ministers Gerard Pelletier and Jean Marchand were weeping openly at the death of an old friend and colleague. Early in December 1970, police discovered the location of the kidnappers holding James Cross. He was released after his FLQ captors were given safe passage to Cuba. Four weeks later Paul Rose and the kidnappers of Pierre Laporte were found in the corner of a country basement. They were tried and convicted for kidnapping and murder. The October Crisis was the first time in Canadian history the state itself, both in Ottawa and in Quebec City, was held to ransom by extremists and terrorists. It was also the first time, in peace time, that Ottawa invoked War Measures. It was a drastic step to take and one laced with very dangerous side effects. In the guilt–by–association atmosphere engendered by War Measures hysteria, the terrorism and extremism of the separatist FLQ tarnished all separatist movements in Quebec. Also, Rene ... Get more on ...
  • 18.
  • 19. 9/11: The Role Of Terrorism In The United States When the citizens of the United States went to bed on September 10th, 2001 they had no idea that the events the next day would change their lives in one way or another for the rest of their lives. September 11th began just like any other day but by the end of the day, almost 3,000 people died in four separate deliberate terrorist attacks against the United States. The events on September 11th had shocked the world, caused billions of dollars in damages and made Americans question their sense of security. The attacks on September 11th, conducted by the Islamic extremist group, al–Qaeda, was an important event in United States history because it was the deadliest and biggest terrorist attack on American soil and caused extensive death and destruction ... Show more content on ... Many Americans responded to the September 11 terrorist attacks with fear, anger, as well as a growing intolerance for immigrants, especially against people who were or appeared to be from the Middle East, a trend that continues to this day. Over 6,000 service members have been killed fighting in Afghanistan and Iraq along with thousands of innocent civilians in these two countries. The United States war on terror has created anger and resentment towards the U.S which in turn has the potential to create and recruit more terrorist members. The cost to fight the war on terror has been astonishingly high. The war on terror has cost over 3 trillion dollars and can account for many of the financial crisis that has plagued the United States for many years. According to the National Intelligence Estimate report, even though al–Qaeda has been weakened since the September 11 attacks, new radical Islamic movements have taken its place and have grown stronger and been responsible for the deaths of thousands of innocent civilians. These movements can be seen in Iraq and Syria. The war on terror in Iraq can be contributed to the rise of ISIL due to the failure of the United States in creating a stable and non–corrupt government. While Saddam Hussein and his Ba'ath Party were ruthless, he was able to keep a strong hold over his ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. Analysis Of The Borden War Measures Act The Borden War Measures Act The War Measures Act was introduced in 1914 as a way to give unlimited authority to the government as a way to protect the populace during the First World War. However the idea of protecting the populace did not come to be. Both civilians and the federal government in some way acted against the civil rights of others using the War Measures Act. It enabled war profiteering and the unfair treatment of those classified as "Enemy Aliens". Abuse of the War Measures Act by the Canadian government showed that the act itself was unnecessary The War Measures Act goals were to give the Canadian government complete control over the country. Primarily by bypassing elements of democracy that could harm the war effort. Such ... Show more content on ... The reason why such a poorly made weapon was made standard issue in the Canadian military was because of Sam Hughes the Minister of Militia and Defence who "drew serious criticism when he defended it against growing evidence of its deficiencies in combat" (8). But the War Measures Act was also to blame since it enabled the government to control ", exportation, importation, production and manufacture;" (9). Had the War Measures Act not been in place better quality products for soldiers could have been produced. But it would also be ignorant to not acknowledge that industry in Canada had grown because of the war. The war called for vast quantities of shells for artillery and Canadian factories produced a large majority of shells. However at the start of production, "Sam Hughes, initially established a Shell Committee to coordinate production, but its failure to deliver on contracts led to angry recriminations between Canada and Britain and widespread rumours of corruption." (10). It was not until a new production company, the Imperial Munitions Board, was established under toronto businessman Joseph Flavelle did production start to pick up. Since the board "was organized according to sound business practices and hired professional managers to oversee its operations" (11). This displays that under civilian control, production in factories would run smoother than compared to the format of the government. While under control of the government, ... Get more on ...
  • 22.
  • 23. The F. L. Q Crisis The first source clearly illustrates the support for liberalism principles. The war measures act was a legislation planted by the canadian government, in order to protect the individuals of canada through a time of warfare or major crisis. In the picture the photographer shows two men protesting the war measures act during the canadian F.L.Q crisis. The F.L.Q was Quebec nationalist group that became famous after Quebec declared they wanted to break away from the rest of Canada. The group became violent and aggressive, by kidnapping the provincial cabinet minister Pierre Laporte and the British diplomat James Cross. Pierre Trudeau, the prime minister of the time, used the war measure act at a time of crisis to suspend the rights of the public to benefit the majority of the country. ... Show more content on ... For example Freedom of speech. If an individual ever spoke about the F.L.Q group in a negative way or didn't fully state that they were a supporter, they would be given jail time, or even be executed. The men in the photographer that are holding up the sign stating "we do "NOT" support FLQ" are showing a expression of displacement because even though they are fully stating that they are against the F.L.Q group, they are still being punished. After the F.L.Q crisis was put to rest, the war measure act was revised and the government provided all civil liberties and freedoms to all individuals in the country. A major support to the men standing up for the liberties and rights would be John Locke. This photographer shows Locke's beliefs that liberalism promotes the idea that all humans are rational and that all individuals deserve economic freedom, individual rights, and private ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Terrorism : Terrorism And Terrorism Terrorism is described as the unlawful use of violence and intimidation especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims. In our own peaceful country of Canada, the "October Crisis" (also known as the "FLQ Crisis") that started on October 5th, 1970 is a perfect example of terrorism – an example that clearly shows that rebel groups that employ terror in civil wars, seldom win or gain what they hope to achieve (in this case, Québec's independence). The three main tactics that the FLQ (Front du Libération du Québec) used to achieve their own political agenda were certainly not the right things to pursue, to achieve independence. The scare tactics and violent tactics that the FLQ used during the October Crisis such as the detonation of bombs around Montréal destroying property and endangering innocent lives, the kidnapping of public officials and committing murder, certainly did not lead to peaceful negotiations or help to gain public support. Firstly, at the beginning of the October Crisis, the FLQ sent a letter to the local authorities threatening violence and bombings in and around Montréal. The government at the time refused to be intimidated. Consequently, seeing no action, shortly thereafter, the FLQ rebels then carried out more than 200 bomb attacks at different locations around the city, endangering innocent lives and destroying public and private properties, inciting the utmost fear among its residents. As the FLQ became more confident, their tactics ... Get more on ...
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  • 27. British Trade Commissioner James Cross On October 5th 1970, the British trade commissioner James Cross was kidnapped by the Liberation cell of Front de Libération du Québec (FLQ) in the morning. The FLQ demanded the Canadian government to release 23 of its members in prison, $500,000 of ransom, the publication of its manifesto, revealing the identity of police informants, a save passage to travel to Cuba or Algeria, and the rehiring of the Lapalme postal truck drivers and stop all police suppression.[ Chronology of the October Crisis, 1970, and its Aftermath, Claude Bélanger, Department of History, Marianopolis College] The government had considered these demands and decided that they were unreasonable. But some media had published the FLQ's manifesto and it caused concerns that the government should make concession to secure Cross's released. Following this incident, on October 10th 1970, Pierre Laporte, the provincial Minster of Labor, was abducted by another FLQ cell named Chénier cell. To fully understand the situation, we need to take a deeper look into the conflicts and hostile atmosphere between Anglo Canadian and Francophone Canadian in Quebec. Even before Canadian Confederation, the was tension between the two party. Quebec and Montreal Area are mainly consist of Francophone Canadians and they have strong will to preserve French culture, language, religions, and their well being in Canada. Since 1960s, social change had played a huge role in people's lives here in Canada and the slow pace of change in ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Canada 's Changes Through The Decade Of The 1960 's And... Canada faced dramatic changes through the decades of the 1960's and 1970's, but in particular the province of Quebec. In 1959, Quebec Premier Maurice Duplessis died, this marked the beginning of the Quiet Revolution. Duplessis was the Union Nationale leader and the party had controlled Quebec for decades until shortly after Duplessis' death, a provincial election was held where the Liberals, led by Jean Lesage, had won the vote. The Liberals started moving away from the Catholic ideologies, traditions were being shifted and a transformed society was taking over the province of Quebec. Lesage was famously quoted in 1962 "There is no doubt in my mind; it's now or never that we must become masters in our own home." which became the Liberals ... Show more content on ... In the midst of the October Crisis Pierre Trudeau handled the time of terrorism well. In this essay one will see how Trudeau handled the crisis excellently by examining the first domestic use of the War Measures Act which led to improvements on the Act, ensuring that Quebec did not become its own independent country, and how Canada stood behind and supported Quebec and Pierre Trudeau through the acts of violence led by the FLQ. On October 16, 1970 Trudeau invoked the War Measures Act. It was the first time this Act had been invoked in peacetime, although was justified by the evidence of an insurrection. To start off, the first domestic use of the War Measures Act was invoked which led to improvements on the act. It was invoked and gives emergency power to the federal government and this act further suspended Canadians' fundamental civil freedoms. Some civil freedoms include: the right to be protected against unwarranted or arbitrary arrests, detentions, searches and seizures, and the right to an attorney. The Act however allowed the government to declare anyone who publicly supported the FLQ to be a member of the group, arrest and hold any of the FLQ without bail for up to 90 days, and imprison FLQ member for up to five years. This builds a trust bridge between the government and the citizens. The citizens have to trust the ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. War Measures Act Research Paper Defining Moment Idea #1: War Measures Act Possible Sources: Smith, Denis. "War Measures Act". The Canadian Encyclopedia. Toronto: Historica Canada, 2013. Web. 26 Jul 2013. My Thoughts/Commentary Notes – The war measures act seems like a great policy that would allow for quick and bold decisions which would be best for a situation of war. – If I was alive during WW1 when this policy was being imposed, I would be in favor of it because I understand how important it is for the government to make quick decisions without the delay of arguments and debates. However, If I was one of the enemy aliens and they used this policy to force me to work for them (like constructing railways etc.) I would not be in favor of this act and I would most ... Show more content on ... This is one evidence of how much Canada cares about national security and is willing to go to any extent. The October Crisis case seems like nothing compared to the acts of domestic terrorism that have occurred in other countries, and I think that to achieve the level of national security that Canada has acquired these countries should practice policies like the war measures act to solidify their national security. A country that I know will benefit from such a law is India. – This speech made by Pierre Trudeau shows how much the Canadian government cares about doing whatever is in the best interest of the country and the Canadian People because it shows that the government wants to protect its national security, and at the same time wants to do it in a way that won't harm the general population. However, in the case of the October crisis this was not possible and the government was forced to resort to the War measures act to save preserve the national security of Canada. Despite having to resort to this act, the government did not forget about the general public and told them that the government will be held answerable any and all of its ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. War Measures Act Essay Throughout history, the actions of governments have always been debated; however, occasionally there are certain events which spark much controversy, both at the time of the event and by historians today. One of these controversial acts was the invocation of the War Measures Act in 1970, an act which suspended the civil liberties of Canadian citizens. In October 1970, in what became known as the October Crisis, the Front de libération du Québec, (commonly known as the FLQ) which was a French Canadian organization advocating independence from Canada, kidnapped two politicians. This initiated a series of events, one of which was the invocation of the War Measures Act by Prime Minister Pierre Elliot Trudeau. Many historians argue that ... Show more content on ... However, both Prime Minister Trudeau and Quebec Premier Robert Bourassa were not willing to give into the FLQ demands, External Affairs Minister Mitchell Sharp even claimed the demands to be "wholly unreasonable," despite the fact the life of a prominent politician was at stake. On October 10th 1970, Bourassa finally comes back to Quebec from his a trip in New York, which he deemed as more significant than the crisis in Quebec. Later that evening, two FLQ members kidnapped Pierre Laporte, the Quebec Minister of Labour. Five days later after still refusing to meet the FLQ demands, Trudeau calls upon the War Measures Act. Under the regulations of the Act, which dated back to World War One, Trudeau's government suspended the civil liberties of Canadian citizens, and were able to arrest and detain anyone suspected of belonging to the FLQ, or even supporting the FLQ. The body of Pierre Laporte was discovered in the trunk of a car three days later, in what was believed to have been retaliation for the War Measures Act, as the murder itself occurred one to two days after the Act was invoked. On December 3rd, 2007 the FLQ kidnappers released James Cross in exchange for safe–conduct to Cuba. Over the next several months many of the kidnappers were ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. Emergencies Act Research Paper The Emergencies Act –Introduced in 1988 to take temporary measure for the safety and security during national emergencies of Canadians along with protecting their rights and freedom. –In 1988 ¬it replaced the war measure act. It limited government power during a crisis compared to the War measure act. –If there is was a crisis or an emergency it had go through the parliament before any action could be taken. – It could only be used during: –diseases in human, animals or plants is spreading and dangerous –pollution or accident –natural disaster example earthquake –Under the emergencies act temporary measures are taken considering the Canadian charter of rights and freedoms. – if any individual is damaged or surfers due this act the government has award compensation ... Show more content on ... This gave limited power to the government to take special or temporary steps for the safety and security of the people. No civil rights have affected, as it has never been used. If any civil liberties are suspended in an emergency it will be reasonable and justified by the government under section 1 (the government can legally limit rights) under the Canadian charter of rights and freedoms. Yes, the government is justified in creating and using this piece of legislation because it limits government power unlike the war measure act. The Canadians charter of rights and freedoms is kept in mind before making a decision for a crisis or emergency it is passed by the parliament before being implemented so, the government won't do anything to harm the people. If any individual suffer or is damaged due to the act the government has to award compensation. The anti–terrorism act After the September 11,2001 the terrorist acts on the united states pushed the anti–terrorism act became a part of the criminal code in 2001, December ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. War Measure Act Essay The quebecois wanted to be separated from the Canada. (In the late 1950's to the 1960's the Quebec decided their independency) The quiet revolution (believed to be caused by the death of Maurice Duplessis in 1959 ) After Maurice's Death, who was the Quebec premier, the liberal party won the election against the Union Nationale religion was not given much importance (the importance of catholic church decreased) Their way of life/lifestyle became more open minded, people started to question the reasons for high birth rate and early marriage Education and healthcare was becoming more modernized More students started to come to school and stayed longer Provincial plan was introduced A transformed society The government was given more responsible and more departments ... Show more content on ... The war measure act was made to give the government power of the rights and freedom People who supported the FLQ member were immediately identified as a member of the FLQ Upto 90 days in jail, without bail if considered as a member of the FLQ member Imprison members of FLQ upto 5 years Because of the War measure act, the FLQ members killed Pierre laporte About 450 people related anyways with the FLQ members were arrested, even if they were not part of the FLQ with no contact of lawyer James cross was discovered to not be dead and still captured by the FLQ October 27, James cross was released and in return the FLQ members were able to safely go to ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. October Crisis Flq –The federal government responded to the October Crisis by invoking the War Measures Act –A two–page bill that fundamentally gave absolute power to the federal cabinet, and in doing so halted the rights of all Canadians. (Pg. 161) –On October 15th, secret cabinet meetings took place in which emergency legislations were discussed. –In these meetings, Bourassa had requested on exclusive measures to help his fortified government. –Trudeau understood this to mean an amendment to the Criminal Code or extraordinary temporary emergency legislation. (Pg. 166) –The cabinet was generally formal the emergency legislation. –Within hours, the police prepared to jail and confine suspicious terrorists and their sympathizers. – The police directed over 3,000 checks, and 497 people were apprehended. –A clear bias against loyalists and the political primarily, including many advocator, guided the ... Show more content on ... –In the end, only eighteen people were sentenced of an offence originated from the crisis. –Except for the associates of the FLQ incriminated in the hostage taking, only two individuals were convicted under the Public Order Regulations. –"The whole exercise," as Thomas Berger has suggested, "reveals how unwise it is to have such extraordinary power readily available to any government". (Pg. 167) –Everyone detained under the War Measures Act was rejected due process. –Habeas corpus (a being's old right to have a justice confirm that they have been confided legally) was suspended. –The Crown could keep a detainee for a week before arranging them with a crime. –Also, the attorney general could request, before the week ended, that the implicated be detained for up three weeks. The detainees were not allowed to consult a lawyer, and many were held sequestered. (Pg. 167) –Enrollment in the FLQ became an illegal act. –Criminal blame was resolved, not in an official courtroom, but rather through the official ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. The War Measures Act The extent rights and freedoms should be sacrificed in favor of security is to a extent where it is justifiable, individuals affected by it and not found guilty should also receive an apology or compensation for their violation of rights and freedoms. The War Measures Act is a federal law adopted by parliament in 1914, after the outbreak of the First World War. It gave broad powers to the Canadian government to maintain security and order during war. This allowed the government to remove all rights and freedoms from an individual. This could be the case with the use of the War Measures Act in World War 1. During this time, the immigrants in Canada, who lived in one of the Central Powers were considered "enemy aliens" and forced to register ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. How Did The October Crisis Of 1970 Affect Canada How did the October Crisis of 1970 affect Canada? Did Canada do the right things during this time? The October Crisis of 1970, some people may say that it was too great of a loss, but it was also a significant event that affected the country positively and negatively. It impacted Canada's national security which is a very important part of Canada moving forward, it also was the first major terrorist attack on Canadian soil and this caused the only use of the War Measures Act during peacetime. Canada's national security is a crucial element to keeping the country safe, however Canada's national security has changed greatly over the years. A large factor that helped change and improve the national security of Canada was the October Crisis, new ... Show more content on ... Canada had not faced this in the past that often, there was normally little to no terrorist attacks. The October Crisis was not only dangerous for people involved with the government but it was slowly becoming more dangerous for the civilians, there were many that disliked what the terrorists had to say but there were others who agreed and decided that this was the right time to stand with the terrorists and their opinions. According to CBC History, "On October 15, three thousand people gathered at Paul Sauvé Arena to show support for the FLQ's separatist ideas. The FLQ's lawyer, Robert Lemieux, fired them up." (CBC 13) This had made a divide between the civilians creating more pressure on both the government and the terrorists to do something. Because Canada had this terrorist attack happen it opened up not only the government's eyes but the civilians eyes and made them realize that terrorism was not such a foreign thing and that it is a possible thing to happen in countries like Canada. This realization caused some people to flee Quebec in search for a more calm province. This also pressured Quebec to make the decision in the future to stay a part of ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. War Measures Act The slogan that the FLQ adopted was "L'indépendance ou la mort" (Independence or death), describing the extent to which members were willing to go for their cause. In reality though, most members, when arrested and questioned, chose life over death and accepted their punishment without a large struggle. Over time, the mentality that "only violence, terror, kidnapping and assassination would bring the changes it hoped for." Bombings, robberies and other criminal acts became frequent offenses for the FLQ and they often targeted those in power in the province. During certain "escapades" where the FLQ members would arm themselves, they would go about doing so in ways that were unconventional, typically by robbing a local store where firearms were ... Show more content on ... Criticisms of Trudeau were harsh during this time as many saw him as taking his response too far by allowing the army to have so much freedom in Quebec. When asked how far he was willing to go to maintain enforced peace in the province, he simply replied, "Well, just watch me." The unmoving and uncompromising authority of the government removed the head of the FLQ by removing its leaders. Without the motivation and encouragement of their most vocal and cunning directors, the FLQ dissolved. Investigations concerning those involved in the crimes of the FLQ prior to and during the October crisis continued for fifteen subsequent ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. D-Day Canada Research Paper World War II, also called Second World War, a conflict that involved virtually every part of the world during the years 1939–45. It was the most global war in history; it directly involved more than 100 million people from over 30 countries. Canada was one of the many countries that were involved in World War II. They were involved in an event like the Battle of Dunkirk and the battle of the Atlantic that impacted other countries. In Canada event like the D–Day through militarism, The of the Scheldt through Canada efforts and the War Measures Act to try and protect their citizens. These three events impacted Canada. "D–Day an event that happened June 6, 1944, Allied troops raged German guards on the shorelines of Normandy (France) to open the best ... Show more content on ... The Canadians endured the most setbacks of any division in the British Army Group" (Canada, Veterans affairs. D–Day and the Battle of Normandy). This event was important to Canada because they were one of the only countries to fully complete their objective which was to "to establish a beachhead along an eight–kilometre stretch fronting the villages of Courseulles–sur–Mer, Bernières–sur–Mer, and Saint Aubin–sur–Mer. Once secure, the troops would push inland to capture the city of Caen, an important communications centre for the Germans (Canada, Veterans affairs. D– Day and the Battle of Normandy)." After they completed their objective they proved to the world that their military force was a formidable foe and had good leadership. All Canadian branches were involved in the war was another reason to show Canadian militarism because the ground, ocean and air–based armed forces practised unendingly to ensure their planning and coordination was great. "Extraordinary quantities of troops, watercraft, tanks, supplies and gear were assembled in all–out mystery in southern England. The Canadian air force made ready for the arrivals, shelling the beachfront resistance in ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. How Did The War Measures Act Affect Canada On August 22, 1914, the War Measures Act was put into place. The Act allowed the federal government to do anything it felt was necessary, "for the security, defence, peace, order and welfare of Canada" (Breti). The War Measures Act could get put into use when the government believed that Canada was about to be invaded or go to war. The reason the War Measures Act was made was so that the government could push things like bills and decisions through faster. That way if Canada does get invaded or goes to war they would not have such long waits for something to come through while the pressure of war is on their shoulders. However, while the Act is put in place the government obtains powers that turns them into something that would not be ... Show more content on ... The power that had been given to the government turned it into something that did not resemble what could be recognized as democracy today. The Act also allowed for the civil liberties of the people to be taken away. Also, the Act was abused quite a bit by the government. The War Measures Act was used only two times after this: during World War Two, and during the October Crisis. During its use in World War Two Canada once again had internment camps, but this time for the Germans and Italians. After the bombing of Pearl Harbour many Japanese were also placed into the internment camps. During the october Crisis Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau used the War Measures Act to be able to arrest people without having to give proof of wrongdoing. He did this because he was searching for members of the terrorist group, Front de Liberation du Quebec, because they had kidnapped, "British trade commissioner James Cross, and kidnapped and murdered Quebec Labour Minister Pierre Laporte"(Smith). Trudeau used the Act for a good reason, but it was still a serious infringement of the people's rights. Once again there was a suspension of civil liberties in both World War Two and the October Crisis. However, since 1988 the War Measures Act has been replaced by the Emergencies Act. This Act limits and specifies the certain powers the government has so that the government ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. The War Measures Act During The September Crisis Pierre Trudeau is one of Canada's most renowned Prime Ministers. He was in office April 20, 1968, to June 4, 1979, and later on March 3, 1980, to June 30, 1984,.¹ An event that Pierre Trudeau is well known for is the enactment of the War Measures Act during the October Crisis. This decision to invoke the War Measures Act during the October Crisis has led to a great deal of controversy on whether the act was justified. The October Crisis was a series of events in October 1970, these events began with the kidnappings of James Cross and later Pierre Laporte by the group known as the FLQ (Front de libération du Québec) the group's main goals were to create an independent Quebec.2 The group resorted to terrorist acts in order to achieve those goals, this later led to Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau invoking the War Measures Act. The War Measures Act was a federal statute adopted by parliament during WWI and has been used 3 times; during WWI, WWII and during the October Crisis. The act gives major power to the Canadian government to uphold security during times of great distress.3 Pierre Trudeau was justified in enacting the War Measures Act during the October Crisis. One reason that Pierre Trudeau was justified in invoking the War Measures Act is that the FLQ was essentially a terrorist organization responsible for the deaths and injuries of countless people. Since the group was formed in the early 1960's, the terrorist group's acts had only worsened from mailbox bombings to ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. The American Civil War Guns fired, smoke lingering in the air, people dying. The American Civil War had a huge impact on the United States. Two compromises took place before the start of the Civil War. These compromises include the Missouri Compromise and the Compromise of 1850. The Missouri Compromise dealt with the crisis in 1819 over Missouri entering the Union as a slave state. The compromise was "the first major crisis over slavery, and it shattered a tacit agreement between the two regions that had been in place since the constitution. Under the terms of the agreement, the North would not interfere with slavery in the Southern States, and the South would recognize slavery as an evil that should be discouraged and eventually abolished whenever it was safe and feasible to do so" (Stauffer). The compromise showed the belief that was shared by most of the Founding Fathers and the framers of the Constitution: that slavery was wrong. Thirty–one years later, the Compromise of 1850 was created. This compromise "consisted of five basic parts, the most onerous of which was a stringent fugitive slave law that denied suspected fugitives the right to a jury by trial and virtually legislated slave stealing.The Fugitive Slave law converted countless northerners to the antislavery cause" (Stauffer). Although the Fugitive Slave law, one of the five parts of the Compromise of 1850, caused many northerners to start believing the antislavery cause, the compromise itself achieved the opposite of its intentions. ... Get more on ...
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  • 55. The War Measures Act Of The United States ACT HISTORICAL IMPORTANCE, DATES, AND EVENTS LIBERAL DEMOCRATIC VALUES AFFECTED BY THE ACT OPINION: IS THE GOVERNMENT JUSTIFIED IN CREATING AND USING THIS LEGISLATION AND WHY? THE WAR MEASURES ACT – The War Measures Act was first passed in 1914; this was a response to Canada's involvement in WWI. This act has only been invoked 3 times all throughout Canada's history. This act gave large power to the Canadian government or revolt. – World War One, this was the first use of this act and Canada was part of the British Empire. Britain and its allies were at war against Germany, Austria–Hungary, parts of Ukraine and The Ottoman Empire. Under this act during 1914 people whom immigrated from those countries were considered "enemy aliens" (a citizen from one country who is residing in another which is at war). These so called aliens were required to register with the Canadian government and carry government issued ID at all time. They were not allowed to read or publish anything in any other language than English or French. They were also not allowed to leave the country without permits, possess firearms, or to join a group that was deemed dangerous, inappropriate or seditious. Many thousand aliens were sent to internment camps or deported; property was taken away and went missing. The camps didn't end until 1920 the people whom were released were left with nothing and the Canadian government did not offer an apology/compensation. – World War Two, ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Wartime Measures Act Canada entered into the Great War as a result of their paternalistic ties to the British Empire. Over the course of the strife, Canada developed significantly in terms of national identity and autonomy. The war forced the Canadian government to solidify its stance on a myriad of of economic and social issues by increasing their capacity for national identity development and routing them on the course to greater independence and a more recognizable stance on the international stage. Domestically, the war threatened citizens' rights through the use of conscription and other legal restrictions on civil liberties, advanced the economy, and led to a series of social changes The nature and reason for Canada's involvement in World War 1, more than ... Show more content on ... Although injustices were suffered at an individual level, Canada as a whole gained a great deal of respect from the majority of nations around the globe in recognition of the tremendous Canadian war effort, despite the fact that Canada was a mere dominion of the British. The war also aided in unifying the vast expanse of Canadian territory under the aegis of a single, united, and cooperative unit against a common enemy, for a common cause and through common experiences. In addition to national cohesion, economic progress and social developments can also be marked as a result of the war, but they came with a ... Get more on ...
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  • 59. The September Crisis Of Canada The October Crisis was a series of events trigged by the kidnapping of two government officials during October of 1970 in the province of Quebec. The kidnappings of British Trade Commissioner James Cross and Quebec Minister of Labour Pierre Laporte were the pinnacle of all terrorist activity led by the Front de Libération du Quebec (FLQ). The FLQ was a radical separatist group who strived for Quebec's independence from the rest of Canada. The circumstances ultimately culminated in the only peacetime use of the War Measures Act in Canadian history, invoked by Governor General of Canada Roland Michener at the direction of Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau. The use of the War Measures Act had been requested by the Premier of Quebec, Robert ... Show more content on ... The invocation of the War Measures Act was also widely supported throughout Quebec and Canada, with eighty–six percent of Quebec's population and eighty–eight percent of Canadians agreeing with the use of the War Measures Act in a poll by the Gallup company. Furthermore, the detainment of individuals and suspension of civil liberties under the War Measures Act is justified because close to ninety percent of those arrested were released soon after, and members of authority executed the arrests non–violently with the well–being of the individuals as their top priority. Trudeau's imposition of the War Measures Act was crucial considering that the FLQ presented the most serious threat of domestic terrorism in Canadian history. Although the events leading up to the October Crisis were relatively slow–paced, it was the increase in the severity of FLQ crimes that led the Sûreté du Quebec to call on Canada's federal government to implement the War Measures Act. The FLQ, claiming "independence or death", was responsible for half of the domestic terrorism events in Canada between 1960 and 1985. It had claimed its first victim on 21 April 1963 after the bombing of a military office in Montreal – the first of over two hundred bombings between 1963 and 1970, and the first of eight deaths associated with the FLQ. This allowed the group to repute itself as a legitimate terrorist threat that directly jeopardized the lives of civilians. The members of the FLQ were a ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. Essay On Is Canada A Just Society Canada as a Just Society Canada as a just society has changed a lot throughout the years, Canada has and still is a discriminative place but I believe it has definitely improved but there are still changes that need to be made. However,As said Canada has changed for the better andit has improved a lot since her older days, and not everything will always be perfect, a conflict will always arise and maybe we cannot always solve the problem. Canadian identity has been working towards a just society but it has been negatively affected by how they have treated minorities in World War One, with aboriginals in residential schools, the enactment of the War Measures Act in a time of peace and the continued LGBTQ discrimination. Canada before working towards becoming a just society was a very discriminative place. During the events of World War One,WWI black and Chinese Canadians were prevented from joining the war along with aboriginals. Women were treated the same at the time, it was common for most women to stay at home wives and take care of the children. This was the stereotypical family at the time and was believed to be the ideal family too. Canadians thought poorly of minorities and even claimed it was to keep them safe, the aboriginals were an example, Canadians claimed the enemies might believe that they are savages which was a reflection of how they truly felt. Minorities were clearly being treated worse than the majority, they were seen as inferior and only good for ... Get more on ...
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  • 63. Seven Years War Essay example The Seven Years War proved to be a crossroads in the history of British colonial rule in America. Britain was victorious, but after defeating her French foes (along with their Indian allies), Britain was left to contemplate the ramifications of a war that would leave her relationship with her American colonies altered forever. This change would eventually lead to conflict between the colonies and Britain, and ultimately the Declaration of American Independence. In order to understand how the relationship between Britain and the American Colonies became so strained, we must first examine the nature of Britain's imperial authority. Economic relations between the two entities were ... Show more content on ... Self–reliance was a commodity that was little known in colonial America before the war, and now that the colonists had had a taste of it, they were understandably slow to relinquish it. The seeds of conflict had been planted. There was another by–product of the war for Britain; her national debt more than doubled during the course of the conflict. At a time when Britain was starting to bend beneath the weight of the debt, it was only a matter of time before parliament looked to the colonies to help shoulder some of the price incurred in their defense. The Sugar and Stamp Acts were the first of many measures to tax the colonists. The Townshend Duties and the Tea Act would follow. While these measures outraged the colonists because of their monetary implications, it was the constitutional implications brought on by the Acts that were most offensive to the colonists. Until after the Seven Years War, the colonists had been left to essentially tax themselves. Now the colonists had a rallying cry, as they deplored the idea of no taxation without representation. In 1765 the Stamp Act Congress was held, and in a bid of utter defiance the representatives agreed that the colonial legislative assemblies alone had the right to tax the colonies. Parliament repealed the Stamp Act, but only after agreeing to pass the Declaratory Act, which informed the colonies that Britain did in fact have the right to legislate for the ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Analysis Of Pierre Trudeau's 'Just Watch Me' Source #1 is a photograph depicting a young boy, presumably selling newspapers. The front page of the newspaper boldly declares, "War Measures Act Invoked." Based on the style of clothing the people in this photo are wearing, this photo was most likely taken in 1970 when Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau invoked the War Measures Act in response to the October Crisis. In the background of the photo, people can be seen going about their daily lives, a contrast to the brazen announcement on the paper. There are no police arresting anyone, or violence of any kind. This demonstrates an effort by the photographer to show that the War Measures Act did not cause drastic change to daily life. The ideology presented in this source is illiberalism. ... Show more content on ... Rand, who escaped to the United States from Russia during the Cold War, defines democracy and liberalism, in their modern forms, as the "ultimate inversion." She then goes on to describe this inversion, painting a picture of a rather illiberal society. The society she describes appears to demonstrate very limited rights and freedoms of its citizens. She also implies that American citizens do not have any real power over their government, even though the United States is, by name, a democracy, and its citizens elect their government. This implication is supported by Rand stating that "the government is free to do anything it pleases, while citizens may act only by permission," where "permission" is presumably that of the government. Rand then asserts that a society in this state of "rule by brute force" is the worst state that a society can be ... Get more on ...
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  • 67. The Front De Liberation Du Quebec "Just watch me" are the defiant words uttered by Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Elliot Trudeau in response to the Front de liberation du Quebec (FLQ), a Marxist group who captained Quebec independence through indiscriminate political violence. His words are not those of an iron–fisted strongman, despite how strong and undetailed his comments were at the time, but those of a calculated and well–versed leader, whose decisions came at the behest of prominent Quebec politicians. The FLQ instilled a decade of social violence in the streets of Quebec by systemically championing the struggles of French minorities who perceived unjust treatment in everyday life. Their qualms quickly evolved from protest to a Marxist movement, which incorporated ... Show more content on ... Marx's manifesto dangerously presented a worldview based on totalitarianism and humanization of armed conflict. The FLQ paraded Communist ideology as a revolutionary tactic to promote change, yet seemingly failed to realize the flaws associated with it, both politically and morally. Trudeau deemed it necessary to act as he did as the FLQ continuously promoted a hardline, and very literal understanding, ultimately culminating in the publication and distribution of an FLQ manifesto, which brazenly stated, "We are the workers of Québec and we will continue to the bitter end. We want to replace the slave society with a free society, functioning by itself and for itself; a society open to the world" (Belanger, 2007). Trudeau was adept at realizing how impactful a persuasive outside influence could be on minority populations who felt left behind by a changing Canada. Being French himself, he openly acknowledged the need to not alienate a large amount of Canada in his process in dealing with the issue, yet had to be strong–willed in the face of terror. Communism contradicts many of the societal factors which democracy takes for granted, and it became apparent as the FLQ gained influence that their perception become increasingly more nationalistic. Trudeau stressed the threat Marxism posed, as it is against normalcy to suddenly and brashly causer great change in society. A sudden ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Pierre Trudeau's War Measures Act Pierre Elliotte Trudeau, the Prime Minister of Canada during the 1970s, was the man who saved Quebec from separating from Canada by using the War Measures Act very effectively. At that time, Quebec was in a bad situation because of a terrorist group called the FLQ (Front de libération du Québec), that had been bombing Quebec since 1963 and gathering people to carry violent demonstrations and destruction. The situation got worse by each passing day as the FLQ's revolutionary movement turned into terrorism. The government faced a tough situation. Pierre Trudeau could not see his country getting divided and took a strict action. The government didn't have any safe options, but Trudeau handled the matter very tactfully by following the right path, ... Show more content on ... Though there had been an initial fear of the military in the minds of the people, the soldiers soon won their hearts by their devotion and effective actions. The War Measures Act banned the FLQ demonstrations (which were earlier allowed) to prevent violence, preserve order and protect the people and public places from attacks. The civilians were completely safe as the officers only swooped down on suspects chosen from lists assembled by the Quebec and Montreal forces, as told by John English (88). The fear of the government could be seen in the terrorists only after the implementation of the act, which showed that Canada will respond harshly and not keep quite. The terrorists, who claimed to be fearless and revolutionary, rushed to seize their documents and save their lives as soon as the raids began on October 16, 1970. The police arrested 397 people and disrupted many others who were linked to FLQ or violence that occurred in the past ("October Crises of 1970"). The military successfully broke up the strategies of the FLQ, arrested the terrorists, seized large quantities of weapons, calmed the people and was able to control the situation and restore ... Get more on ...
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  • 71. War On Poverty Fifty Years Later the War Poverty Jose A. Medina Monroe College of Criminal Justice Professor Jimenez Human Services In 1964 President Lyndon B. Johnson declared a war on poverty on the United States of America; in his state of the union address he declared that "Our aim is not only to relieve the symptoms of poverty, but to cure it and above all to prevent it." Fifty years later 46 million Americans live in poverty in households where the government considers their income scarcely adequate (Lowrey, 2014). President Barack Obama has called inequality the defining challenge of our time (Lowrey, 2014). The question remains on what is the war on poverty? Whether America has indeed won or lost this war? With current research what contributes ... Show more content on ... According to the report since 1967 poverty has declined by more than one–third, the report using the new historical estimates of The Census Bureau's Supplemental Poverty Measure (spm) acknowledged to measure poverty more accurately than the official poverty measure for example benefits like nutrition assistance, the official poverty measure excludes the refundable tax credits and other benefits and has other limitations. The (spm) measure report shows how many people since 1967 would have had inflation–adjusted family resources, below the supplemental poverty thresholds of 2012. In 2012 49.7 million Americans were below the poverty line including 13.4 million children. The decline in poverty is due to the programs that had bipartisan support and economic security and ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. Flq Essay In October 1970, Canada faced a pressing terrorist attack in Montreal, Quebec by a group known as the Front de Liberation du Quebec, or the FLQ for short. The group committed multiple attacks starting in 1963 that slowly escalated until the October Crisis, where they kidnapped two government officials and proceeded to murder one of them. The Canadian government responded harshly and rapidly. The prime minister of Canada, Pierre Trudeau, issued the War Measures Act which along with various things allowed the police and military full reign to arrest people and hold them with no explanation. The Canadian population was highly supportive of the government's action believing that this extreme state repression would bring a finish to the October ... Show more content on ... Some of these demands were a reading of the manifesto on public radio, a half–million–dollar ransom, and the release of several convicted or detained FLQ members . The government refused to release the FLQ members, but did read the manifesto on public radio and select newspapers printed the manifesto. However, this was not enough for the FLQ and they kidnapped and shortly killed the provincial cabinet minister Pierre LaPorte. James Cross remained kidnapped until December 1970, when the police found his holding cell. The government responded aggressively to the kidnapping of both James Cross and Pierre LaPorte. After LaPorte's body was found in a car by the Montreal airport, the government requested assistance from the Canadian Armed Forces . The federal government proclaimed the existence of a state of "apprehended insurrection" under the War Measures Act . Under these emergency regulations, the FLQ was outlawed and membership became a criminal act . The liberties of citizens were also suspended, and arrests and detentions were authorized without a charge . During the War Measures Act, the military was patrolling the streets and police forces were given additional freedom, while the liberties of citizens were taken away. One way that the police force was given further freedom is they had the freedom to search and detain anyone they wanted without stating a reason. Through this ... Get more on ...
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  • 75. The Front De Liberation Du Quebec Active since 1963, the Front de Liberation du Quebec's (FLQ) violent actions in October 1970 cost Canadians citizens their rights and freedoms in an attempt to establish Quebec as a separate nation. Prior to Canada becoming a nation and to this date, Quebec has engaged in a tense relationship with English Canada and harbours longstanding resentments over language, religion and multiculturalism. Throughout the 1960's, the province underwent profound change during the Quiet Revolution and Quebec nationalism soared. During this time, the FLQ organized several bombings and riots. The culmination of the FLQ's actions in 1970 is referred to as the "October Crisis" which translated into the kidnapping of British Trade Commissioner James Cross and the murder of Quebec Labour Minister Pierre Laporte. The October Crisis also represents Canada's only encounter with domestic terrorism and the third time the War Measures Act was invoked. The decision to invoke the War Measures Act was a controversial one made by Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau and Quebec Premier Robert Bourassa since it imposed national martial law. Upon examination of the FLQ's actions during the October Crisis, the response from the federal government and the impact on Quebec nationalism and the rest of Canada, it is apparent that the government handled the October Crisis tactfully and was correct to invoke the War Measures Act. Through the FLQ's violent history, the kidnapping of James Cross and the murder of ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Japanese Internment Camps Dbq Essay More than 110,000 Japanese Americans living on the west coast of the United States were forced and placed into internment camp. Many believe that the internment camps were necessary for national defense. Conversely, I believe that the actions taken place at time of war were unnecessary and racist acts. Throughout this paper, I will discuss how and why the removal of the Japanese– Americans was uncalled for and harsh, while addressing the counterpoint. The first reason I believe that the Internment camps were despotic is that for other war like situations, no actions this harsh were taken. In paragraph two of the second article it says, "'War makes for harsh measures,' notes the historian Cary McWilliams, 'but we cannot justify the evacuation even as a war measure. No such measure was taken against German or Italian nationals.'" This quote shows that the internment camps were brutal and unnecessary, as the Germans and Italians had no such measures even close as severe as the Japanese–Americans. On no degree were the consequences fair to the Japanese Americans as other nationals did not experience such astringent ramifications. ... Show more content on ... In paragraph three of the second article, it says, "In fact, more than 25,000 Japanese Americans served in armed forces during World War II, and the all Japanese–American 442nd combat team inflicted more casualties and received more decorations than any other comparable army unit." This shows that the Japanese Americans were actually defending America and fighting for the country rather than disseminating confidential information to the 'enemies.' Due to the help and support given by the Japanese Americans, the Americans should have been more considerate in their decisions made at war ... Get more on ...