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Why Do IT Projects Fail?

                     Project Review Simulation

Why do IT projects fail
Mar 2013                            1
10 min -- Introductions

60 min -- Project review simulation

45 min -- Debrief (& models)

Why do IT projects fail
Mar 2013                              2

 Think a little about why IT projects fail
 Explore use of project reviews to help identify failures
 Share experience and expertise

Why do IT projects fail
Mar 2013                       3

 Who are you?

 Why are you here?
Why do IT projects fail
Mar 2013                  4
People lose touch with reality

    The single underlying cause for most project failures…
Why do IT projects fail
Mar 2013                      5
Role of the reviewer…

 … is to help people keep in touch with reality

                          PMI Research
           About 75% of the things that go
         wrong on projects, someone knew
        about the issue but didn’t know how
          to deal with / who to tell about it.

Why do IT projects fail
Mar 2013                                 6
Assessing project Airfix

                           24:1 scale model
                            (1 hour = 3 working days)

                           6 teams

                           Conduct a health check of
                            project Airfix

Why do IT projects fail
Mar 2013                  7
Assessing project Airfix - Rules
                          1)       You have
                                     Project briefing
                                     Team / resource list
                                     Planning framework

                          2)       Read briefing & identify who / what
                                   you want to see over the 3 days

                          3)       I will give document outlines &
                                   interview notes in line with your

                          4)       Analyse notes and present findings
                                   (2 mins)

                          5)       Describe how you got these
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Mar 2013                       8

       2 minutes (= 45 mins in real time)

1.      Present your key findings

2.      Describe how you got to these findings

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Mar 2013                         9

 What was common to your findings? Different? Why?

 What was common to your plans? Different? Why?

 How did you feel during the exercise?
     What was challenging?
     What was confusing?
     What was interesting?

 How was this like real life? How did it differ?

 What would help make reviews easier?

Why do IT projects fail
Mar 2013                      10
Some possible learnings
 Planning                                      Analysis
     Knowing who to talk to is tough             Knowing what to look for is tough
     You can’t cover everyone in                 You may need technical skills
      limited time                                People will say conflicting stuff –
     You will probably identify more              you need to probe
      people, documents, etc                      You can’t uncover every issue –
     You need to time to analyse                  you have to focus
      and frame an actionable report              Balancing breadth versus depth
     You have to pace yourself or                 is tough
      you’ll burn out                             It’s easy to make inferences
                                                   based on limited information, or
                                                   to be overwhelmed with data
         (And you didn’t have to deal with all the negotiating and so on that
                     happens when managing stakeholders)

                          There is never enough time!
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Mar 2013                                  11
Some possible learnings

 Data Gathering
     Getting stakeholders together             You may need depth for results
      may mean they spark off each               to be actionable – evidence
      other                                      adds to credibility and specific
                                                 details help action.
     Two people may make slower
      progress together initially (e.g.         There’s always a risk that you’ll
      interview coverage), but they              miss stuff. This damages the
                                                 project and your credibility.
      may also fill gaps in each
                                                 Don’t let this freeze you. Be
      other’s coverage                           organised and open minded to
     There’s always noise that you’ll           minimize the risk.
      need to untangle (if it was
      obvious, others would have
      covered it)
     Organisations & teams have
      inconsistent terminology

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Mar 2013                                  12
Some thoughts
 Which sources will give you a quick overview?
        Review & project sponsors, programme manager
        Risk register
        Business case
        Plans
        Are the documents still current? Are they well maintained?

 What does your experience tell you to look for?
     Patterns in this company or industry?
     Bad smells?

 How do you hit the ground running?
        Define charter up front
        Clear process for data gathering, recording and analysis
        Checklists to help with planning (what to look for, what to ask)
        Heuristics and models to help you plan will buy time for data collection
         and analysis
Why do IT projects fail
Mar 2013                                  13
Review process                                                        (Chapters 3, 4, 5)

           Control parameters Criteria
            Baseline                                       Reference              Feedback
                                                           Models                 to improve

Inputs                             Review execution           Outputs

Artefacts & other                          Analysis Loop
items to review, plus                                         Go / No -go   Improved
supporting details.                                           decision.     artefacts.

                         Recommendations to
                        improve review artefacts

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Analysis Loop                                                            (Chapter 6)

                              Raw Data
                              (e.g. Documents        Structured Data
                              & Interviews)          (e.g. Issues Log)

    Analysis drives
    additional data gathering
    (e.g. to buy information on key risks)    Analysis

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Mar 2013                                        15
Establishing effective reviews

 Establish context for regular reviews
 Maintain review checklists and guidelines
 Monitor effectiveness
 Track project-level actions
 Support programme- and portfolio-level actions
 Embed lessons learned into organisational standards
 Provide administrative support

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Assurance as an information conduit

 Project teams often have
  problems communicating key messages:
     Lack savvy
     Lack credibility
     Lack access

 Assurance teams can help them frame their messages and
  communicate them effectively

 Likewise, sponsors often have trouble picking the critical information
  from the mass of stuff that comes their way

 Assurance teams can help them recognise key information and
  frame appropriate interventions
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Thank You

Why do IT projects fail
Mar 2013                   18
Useful Models

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Types of Project Review

 Timing                            Attributes
     Event-based                       Objectives
     Periodic                          Status
     Ad hoc                            Risk
                                        Quality
 Degree of Independence                Process
     Independent assurance             Compliance
     Peer
     Self-assessment               Summative vs Formative

 Degree of formality
     Spectrum
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Mar 2013                      20
Gate or Regular Review?
                          Gate Review                 Regular Review
          Depth    • Tend to go deep into        • Tend to be more
                     project status and issues     lightweight
         Trends    • Infrequent                  • Regular reviews can
                                                   track trends
     Reviewer      • Takes time to get up to     • Get to know the project
       Project     • Can be disruptive           • Small but frequent
     Objectivity   • Reviewers are well          • Risk of going native
     Specialist    • May be needed for deep      • Can often spot trends
                     review                        without them
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Mar 2013                                  21
Peer review or independent assurance?
                    Peer Review                          Independent Assurance
  Availability of   •     Must find time from own        •   Dedicated team
       Skills of    •     Non-specialist                 •   Rigorous approach. Develop
                                                             skills in gathering evidence,
                                                             conducting interviews, etc
Understanding       •     Reviewers are managing         •   Reviewers risk losing touch.
   of Projects
                          similar projects themselves.
Understanding                                            •   See many projects
    of Issues
Relationship to     •     Open, friendly relationship    •   Risk being adversarial
    Proj Team
Organisational      •     Good way to share              •   Risk focusing on assessing
                          experiences                        projects
      Match to      •     Organisational learning        •   Executive info & assurance
                    •     Formative reviews              •   Summative reviews

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Independent Assurance or Peer Review?

 Peer review                                     Independent Assurance
     Project team’s peers provide                  Dedicated team focused on reviews
      outside perspective                            (people may rotate through it)
     Probably take time off own projects           Work across multiple projects in a
      to do it (so it can be hard to get             programme or portfolio (so need to
      time from reviewers)                           manage availability for each project)
     Provide advice and reality check to           Probably focused on checking status
      project manager (& sponsor?)                   (but may provide advice), reporting
                                                     to sponsor or external executives
     Open and friendly, with emphasis              May become adversarial – “project
      on 2-way learning from their peers             police” – and lose learning focus
     Non-specialists may be                        Can develop review skills and
      unstructured in approach, and                  methods, but need to overcome
      reluctant to challenge peers                   team resistance
     Dependent on team goodwill                    Have authority (if dangerous to use!)

   May mix roles, but helps to be clear which hat you wear
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Mar 2013                                    23
Independent Assurance or Peer Review?

 Peer review                                     Independent Assurance
     Project team’s peers provide          Dedicated team focused on reviews
      outside perspective                     (people may rotate through it)
     Probably take time off own projects   Help across multiple projects in a
                                              Work executives manage
        Help the project team
      to do it (so it can be hard to get      programme or activities need to
         manage the project                       external portfolio (so
      time from reviewers)                    manage availability for each project)
     Provide advice and reality check to   Probably focused on checking status
      project manager (& sponsor?)            (but may provide advice), reporting
                                              to sponsor or external executives
     Open and friendly, with emphasis      May become adversarial – “project
      on 2-way learning from their peers      police” – and lose learning focus
     Non-specialists may be                Can develop review skills and
                        Help sponsors manage interventions
      unstructured in approach, and           methods, but need to overcome
      reluctant to challenge peers            team resistance
     Dependent on team goodwill            Have authority (if dangerous to use!)

   May mix roles, but helps to be clear which hat you wear
Why do IT projects fail
Mar 2013                                    24
Types of Project Review

 You can mix up the types
        Formal, independent gateways at key points during initiation
        Regular peer reviews during execution
        Occasional health checks
        Self-assessments for low-risk projects or high-capability teams
        Shift from objectives, risk and process to quality and status

 How much to budget?
     ½ to 2%?

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Mar 2013                              25
Review process                                                        (Chapters 3, 4, 5)

           Control parameters Criteria
            Baseline                                       Reference              Feedback
                                                           Models                 to improve

Inputs                             Review execution           Outputs

Artefacts & other                          Analysis Loop
items to review, plus                                         Go / No -go   Improved
supporting details.                                           decision.     artefacts.

                         Recommendations to
                        improve review artefacts

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 Mar 2013                                            26
Control parameters
                                                                  Baseline          Criteria                     Reference

                                                                                                                 Models                 to improve

                                                                                         Review execution
                                                      Inputs                                                        Outputs

                                                      Artefacts & other                          Analysis Loop
                                                      items to review, plus                                         Go / No -go   Improved
                                                      supporting details.                                           decision.     artefacts.

                                                                               Recommendations to
                                                                              improve review artefacts

 It helps to be clear about the outputs and how they will be used

 The review will generally
     Produce recommendations to improve the inputs.
     Provide input to go/no-go and other decisions (by giving assurance (or otherwise)
      as to the fitness-for-purpose of work done to date and proposed)

 In defined circumstances, the independent assurance team may
  also trigger escalation processes to other stakeholders.

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Control parameters
                                                                     Baseline          Criteria                     Reference

                                                                                                                    Models                 to improve

                                                                                            Review execution
                                                         Inputs                                                        Outputs

                                                         Artefacts & other                          Analysis Loop
                                                         items to review, plus                                         Go / No -go   Improved
                                                         supporting details.                                           decision.     artefacts.

                                                                                  Recommendations to
                                                                                 improve review artefacts

 What documents, interviews, etc will we be reviewing?

 What supporting materials may be needed?
  (e.g. historical context, detailed specifications, etc)

 We can’t review everything!
     Many review teams try to review all elements of a project.
     This diffuses effort across low-risk or low-impact items, reducing the overall
      effectiveness and efficiency of the review.
     By clearly defining the inputs, we ensure that effort is focused where it will do
      most to reduce project risk. (Breadth then depth iterations may also help.)

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Mar 2013                                     28
Control parameters
                                                         Baseline          Criteria                     Reference

                                                                                                        Models                 to improve

                                                                                Review execution
                                             Inputs                                                        Outputs

                                             Artefacts & other                          Analysis Loop
                                             items to review, plus                                         Go / No -go   Improved
                                             supporting details.                                           decision.     artefacts.

                                                                      Recommendations to
                                                                     improve review artefacts

 Criteria define what aspects of the inputs to focus on.

 Can review against many criteria. (Budget, time, process
  compliance, security, performance, usability, …)

 Reviews that try to cover every angle end up skating across the
  surface. What is most important to this review?

 For example, if project is constrained by tight budget, let’s focus
  energy on costs.

 Typically 2-3 criteria per review. Schedule additional reviews to
  cover more criteria.

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Mar 2013                            29
Control parameters
                                                                    Baseline          Criteria                     Reference

What doesn’t need to
                                                                                                                   Models                 to improve

                                                                                           Review execution
                                                        Inputs                                                        Outputs

be reviewed?                                            Artefacts & other
                                                        items to review, plus
                                                        supporting details.
                                                                                                   Analysis Loop
                                                                                                                      Go / No -go

                                                                                 Recommendations to
                                                                                improve review artefacts

 Baseline defines what’s been agreed prior to the review.
     For example, if we’re reviewing a project plan, we measure it against it’s likelihood
      of delivering the objectives.
     Input artefacts are “fit for purpose” if they meet their objectives against the
     The baseline will often have been reviewed in a stage prior to the current review.

 Reference Models define external practices agreed for our context.
     The input artefacts conform to best practice to the extent that they align to these
      reference models.
     By agreeing reference models up front, we can avoid many of the debates that
      occur between review and project teams as to whether designs or
      implementations conform to someone’s perception of “best practice”.

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Mar 2013                                    30
Control parameters
                                                                 Baseline          Criteria                     Reference

Feedback loops
                                                                                                                Models                 to improve

                                                                                        Review execution
                                                     Inputs                                                        Outputs

                                                     Artefacts & other                          Analysis Loop
                                                     items to review, plus                                         Go / No -go   Improved
                                                     supporting details.                                           decision.     artefacts.

                                                                              Recommendations to
                                                                             improve review artefacts

 First feedback loop is to improve the inputs (plans, designs, project
  processes, etc).

 Second feedback loop updates our database of good practices,
  building in organisational learning:
     Improvements to organisational standards and processes
     Improvements to review checklists (e.g. new questions, retired questions)

            Project reviews can be a key contributor to
                      organisational learning
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Mar 2013                                  31
Control parameters
                                                                        Baseline          Criteria                     Reference

                                                                                                                       Models                 to improve

                                                                                               Review execution
                                                            Inputs                                                        Outputs

                                                            Artefacts & other                          Analysis Loop
                                                            items to review, plus                                         Go / No -go   Improved
                                                            supporting details.                                           decision.     artefacts.

                                                                                     Recommendations to
                                                                                    improve review artefacts

 One time vs. Ongoing Review (Oversight)?

 What time, resources & expertise are available for the review team?
  (Will you need subject matter experts to assist with details?)

 What access to the project team, documents, etc is available?

 How about administrative support?
  (Scheduling interviews and meeting rooms can take a lot of time.)

 Preserving confidentiality of interviews*

 Security requirements for review results or project artifacts?

 May preliminary findings be shared to allow confirmation/correction?
Why do IT projects fail
Mar 2013      *You can’t   promise confidentiality if you discover illegal activity
Analysis Loop                                                            (Chapter 6)

                              Raw Data
                              (e.g. Documents        Structured Data
                              & Interviews)          (e.g. Issues Log)

    Analysis drives
    additional data gathering
    (e.g. to buy information on key risks)    Analysis

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Analysis Loop                                                          Raw Data
                                                                      (e.g. Documents
                                                                      & Interviews)
                                                                                              Structured Data
                                                                                              (e.g. Issues Log)

 Iterations may be based on                Analysis drives
                                            additional data gathering
                                            (e.g. to buy information on key risks)    Analysis
        Breadth then depth                                                             &
        Risk
        Dependencies
        …

 Gather information into “issues log” for analysis and clustering

 Hence build models of potential problems, and of information we
  might gather to refine our understanding and confirm / disconfirm

 Build traceability from problem to issues cluster to detailed issues
  and their supporting notes

 You’ll often start with some sort of hypothesis: be aware of biases
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Interviewing                    (Chapter 6)

1) Planning

2) Interview Preparation

3) Pre-interview

4) Opening

5) Mid-Interview

6) Closing

7) Post-Interview

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1) Planning
          How do interviews contribute to review objectives?
          Number and scope of interviews

          Type of interview – individual, pair or workshop?

          Who to interview

          Establish relationships

          Set up logistics
                         Quiet, private space to interview in
                         Timing, maps, water, etc

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2) Interview preparation
          Review project documentation
          Briefing pack (explain objectives and process)

          Self-assessment questionnaires

          Agree roles (e.g. if interviewing in pairs)

          Develop interview protocol

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Interview Protocol

 Questions
        Closed
        Open
        Clarifying
        Metaquestions
        Demonstrations

 Use a mix of question types!

 Directive or non-directive interviewing?

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3) Pre-interview
          Review objectives
          Review background to interviewee

          Manage the interview space

          Be on time

          Be alert & ready to listen

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4) Opening
          Set people at ease!
          Introductions
                         Names
                         Organisational roles
                         Role on this review & interview
          Objectives (or review, of interview)
          Confirm timing
          Confirm note taking, confidentiality & other protocols
          Do they have any questions?
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Mar 2013                                     40

5) Mid-Interview
          Early questions build rapport
              When did you join the project? What is your role?
          Gather basic facts
          Give people space to expand
          Confirm you’ve heard correctly – listen actively, recap
          Confirm evidence for opinions, assumptions & assertions:
           “What makes you believe that?”
          Record notes (What are you recording? How?)
          Listen & observe (e.g. body language & emotional issues)
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Mar 2013                             41

 Don’t be afraid of pauses and silences

 Use note-taking to create space
 Don’t let the protocol dominate
  (I throw it away)

 Have a plan, but follow the energy

 Check opinions, assumptions and assertions: “what
  leads you to believe that?”
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Mar 2013                     42

6) Closing
          Respect interviewee’s time – reschedule if necessary
          Confirm you’ve heard main messages
          Final chance to gather new info
              Metaquestions
              Is there anything else I should be asking?
              What else did you expect me to ask?
          Is there anyone else you should see?
          Exchange contact details
          Confirm next steps and protocol for checking / follow-up
          Thank them for their time
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Mar 2013                               43

7) Post-interview
          Debrief
          Record notes
             I quickly lose ability to read my handwriting…
             It helps me think about follow-up activities
          Log new documents and other artefacts
          Record issues
          Confirm notes
             This may gather new info.
             What people change is often interesting.
          Schedule any follow-up activities
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Mar 2013                            44

 The ability to gather data is essential to assessment. Data comes in
  a variety of forms other than documents & interviews:
     Interaction
     Body language
     The environment

                          “You can observe a lot just by watching”
                                       - Yogi Barra

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Mar 2013                                     45
Graham Oakes Ltd
 Making sense of technology…
     Many organisations are caught up in the
      complexity of technology and systems.
     This complexity may be inherent to the
      technology itself. It may be created by the pace of technology change. Or it may arise from
      the surrounding process, people and governance structures.
     We help untangle this complexity and define business strategies that both can be
      implemented and will be adopted by people throughout the organisation and its partner
      network. We then help assure delivery of implementation projects.
 Clients…
        Dover Harbour Board – Systems and architecture review
        Council of Europe – Defined systems for monitoring compliance with international treaties
        Sony Computer Entertainment – Defined common product approval process for global units
        National Savings & Investments – Helped NS&I and BPO partner develop joint IS strategy
        Amnesty International – Defined ECMS strategy for researchers, activists and campaigners
        Cisco Worldwide Education – Researched competitive marketplace for e-learning assets
        The Open University – Defined enterprise architecture, CRM and product development strategies
        Oxfam – Helped defined strategy for content management, CRM, e-Commerce
        MessageLabs – Implementation assurance for customer service portal
        Sapient Ltd – Risk management strategy for customer billing solution

Why do IT projects fail
Mar 2013                                                          46
                               Some images & clipart in this presentation are © JupiterImages Corporation

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itSMF Scottish Regional Meeting - project review simulation - 5 Mar 2013

  • 1. Why Do IT Projects Fail? Project Review Simulation Why do IT projects fail Mar 2013 1
  • 2. Agenda 10 min -- Introductions 60 min -- Project review simulation 45 min -- Debrief (& models) Why do IT projects fail Mar 2013 2
  • 3. Objectives  Think a little about why IT projects fail  Explore use of project reviews to help identify failures  Share experience and expertise Why do IT projects fail Mar 2013 3
  • 4. Introductions  Who are you?  Why are you here? Why do IT projects fail Mar 2013 4
  • 5. People lose touch with reality The single underlying cause for most project failures… Why do IT projects fail Mar 2013 5
  • 6. Role of the reviewer…  … is to help people keep in touch with reality PMI Research About 75% of the things that go wrong on projects, someone knew about the issue but didn’t know how to deal with / who to tell about it. Why do IT projects fail Mar 2013 6
  • 7. Assessing project Airfix  24:1 scale model (1 hour = 3 working days)  6 teams  Conduct a health check of project Airfix Why do IT projects fail Mar 2013 7
  • 8. Assessing project Airfix - Rules 1) You have  Project briefing  Team / resource list  Planning framework 2) Read briefing & identify who / what you want to see over the 3 days 3) I will give document outlines & interview notes in line with your plan 4) Analyse notes and present findings (2 mins) 5) Describe how you got these findings Why do IT projects fail Mar 2013 8
  • 9. Findings  2 minutes (= 45 mins in real time) 1. Present your key findings 2. Describe how you got to these findings Why do IT projects fail Mar 2013 9
  • 10. Debrief  What was common to your findings? Different? Why?  What was common to your plans? Different? Why?  How did you feel during the exercise?  What was challenging?  What was confusing?  What was interesting?  How was this like real life? How did it differ?  What would help make reviews easier? Why do IT projects fail Mar 2013 10
  • 11. Some possible learnings  Planning  Analysis  Knowing who to talk to is tough  Knowing what to look for is tough  You can’t cover everyone in  You may need technical skills limited time  People will say conflicting stuff –  You will probably identify more you need to probe people, documents, etc  You can’t uncover every issue –  You need to time to analyse you have to focus and frame an actionable report  Balancing breadth versus depth  You have to pace yourself or is tough you’ll burn out  It’s easy to make inferences based on limited information, or to be overwhelmed with data (And you didn’t have to deal with all the negotiating and so on that happens when managing stakeholders) There is never enough time! Why do IT projects fail Mar 2013 11
  • 12. Some possible learnings  Data Gathering  Getting stakeholders together  You may need depth for results may mean they spark off each to be actionable – evidence other adds to credibility and specific details help action.  Two people may make slower progress together initially (e.g.  There’s always a risk that you’ll interview coverage), but they miss stuff. This damages the project and your credibility. may also fill gaps in each Don’t let this freeze you. Be other’s coverage organised and open minded to  There’s always noise that you’ll minimize the risk. need to untangle (if it was obvious, others would have covered it)  Organisations & teams have inconsistent terminology Why do IT projects fail Mar 2013 12
  • 13. Some thoughts  Which sources will give you a quick overview?  Review & project sponsors, programme manager  Risk register  Business case  Plans  Are the documents still current? Are they well maintained?  What does your experience tell you to look for?  Patterns in this company or industry?  Bad smells?  How do you hit the ground running?  Define charter up front  Clear process for data gathering, recording and analysis  Checklists to help with planning (what to look for, what to ask)  Heuristics and models to help you plan will buy time for data collection and analysis Why do IT projects fail Mar 2013 13
  • 14. Review process (Chapters 3, 4, 5) Control parameters Criteria Baseline Reference Feedback Models to improve reference models Inputs Review execution Outputs Artefacts & other Analysis Loop items to review, plus Go / No -go Improved supporting details. decision. artefacts. Recommendations to improve review artefacts Why do IT projects fail Mar 2013 14
  • 15. Analysis Loop (Chapter 6) Raw Data (e.g. Documents Structured Data & Interviews) (e.g. Issues Log) Analysis drives additional data gathering (e.g. to buy information on key risks) Analysis & Hypothesis Generation Why do IT projects fail Mar 2013 15
  • 16. Establishing effective reviews  Establish context for regular reviews  Maintain review checklists and guidelines  Monitor effectiveness  Track project-level actions  Support programme- and portfolio-level actions  Embed lessons learned into organisational standards  Provide administrative support Why do IT projects fail Mar 2013 16
  • 17. Assurance as an information conduit  Project teams often have problems communicating key messages:  Lack savvy  Lack credibility  Lack access  Assurance teams can help them frame their messages and communicate them effectively  Likewise, sponsors often have trouble picking the critical information from the mass of stuff that comes their way  Assurance teams can help them recognise key information and frame appropriate interventions Why do IT projects fail Mar 2013 17
  • 19. Useful Models Why do IT projects fail Mar 2013 19
  • 20. Types of Project Review  Timing  Attributes  Event-based  Objectives  Periodic  Status  Ad hoc  Risk  Quality  Degree of Independence  Process  Independent assurance  Compliance  Peer  Self-assessment  Summative vs Formative  Degree of formality  Spectrum Why do IT projects fail Mar 2013 20
  • 21. Gate or Regular Review? Gate Review Regular Review Depth • Tend to go deep into • Tend to be more project status and issues lightweight Trends • Infrequent • Regular reviews can track trends Reviewer • Takes time to get up to • Get to know the project Overhead speed Project • Can be disruptive • Small but frequent Overhead disruption Objectivity • Reviewers are well • Risk of going native separated Specialist • May be needed for deep • Can often spot trends skills review without them Why do IT projects fail Mar 2013 21
  • 22. Peer review or independent assurance? Peer Review Independent Assurance Availability of • Must find time from own • Dedicated team Reviewers projects Skills of • Non-specialist • Rigorous approach. Develop Reviewers skills in gathering evidence, conducting interviews, etc Understanding • Reviewers are managing • Reviewers risk losing touch. of Projects similar projects themselves. Understanding • See many projects of Issues Relationship to • Open, friendly relationship • Risk being adversarial Proj Team Organisational • Good way to share • Risk focusing on assessing Learning experiences projects Match to • Organisational learning • Executive info & assurance Overall Objectives • Formative reviews • Summative reviews Why do IT projects fail Mar 2013 22
  • 23. Independent Assurance or Peer Review?  Peer review  Independent Assurance  Project team’s peers provide  Dedicated team focused on reviews outside perspective (people may rotate through it)  Probably take time off own projects  Work across multiple projects in a to do it (so it can be hard to get programme or portfolio (so need to time from reviewers) manage availability for each project)  Provide advice and reality check to  Probably focused on checking status project manager (& sponsor?) (but may provide advice), reporting to sponsor or external executives  Open and friendly, with emphasis  May become adversarial – “project on 2-way learning from their peers police” – and lose learning focus  Non-specialists may be  Can develop review skills and unstructured in approach, and methods, but need to overcome reluctant to challenge peers team resistance  Dependent on team goodwill  Have authority (if dangerous to use!) May mix roles, but helps to be clear which hat you wear Why do IT projects fail Mar 2013 23
  • 24. Independent Assurance or Peer Review?  Peer review  Independent Assurance  Project team’s peers provide  Dedicated team focused on reviews outside perspective (people may rotate through it)  Probably take time off own projects  Help across multiple projects in a Work executives manage Help the project team to do it (so it can be hard to get programme or activities need to manage the project external portfolio (so time from reviewers) manage availability for each project)  Provide advice and reality check to  Probably focused on checking status project manager (& sponsor?) (but may provide advice), reporting to sponsor or external executives  Open and friendly, with emphasis  May become adversarial – “project on 2-way learning from their peers police” – and lose learning focus  Non-specialists may be  Can develop review skills and Help sponsors manage interventions unstructured in approach, and methods, but need to overcome reluctant to challenge peers team resistance  Dependent on team goodwill  Have authority (if dangerous to use!) May mix roles, but helps to be clear which hat you wear Why do IT projects fail Mar 2013 24
  • 25. Types of Project Review  You can mix up the types  Formal, independent gateways at key points during initiation  Regular peer reviews during execution  Occasional health checks  Self-assessments for low-risk projects or high-capability teams  Shift from objectives, risk and process to quality and status  How much to budget?  ½ to 2%? Why do IT projects fail Mar 2013 25
  • 26. Review process (Chapters 3, 4, 5) Control parameters Criteria Baseline Reference Feedback Models to improve reference models Inputs Review execution Outputs Artefacts & other Analysis Loop items to review, plus Go / No -go Improved supporting details. decision. artefacts. Recommendations to improve review artefacts Why do IT projects fail Mar 2013 26
  • 27. Control parameters Baseline Criteria Reference Outputs Feedback Models to improve reference models Review execution Inputs Outputs Artefacts & other Analysis Loop items to review, plus Go / No -go Improved supporting details. decision. artefacts. Recommendations to improve review artefacts  It helps to be clear about the outputs and how they will be used  The review will generally  Produce recommendations to improve the inputs.  Provide input to go/no-go and other decisions (by giving assurance (or otherwise) as to the fitness-for-purpose of work done to date and proposed)  In defined circumstances, the independent assurance team may also trigger escalation processes to other stakeholders. Why do IT projects fail Mar 2013 27
  • 28. Control parameters Baseline Criteria Reference Inputs Feedback Models to improve reference models Review execution Inputs Outputs Artefacts & other Analysis Loop items to review, plus Go / No -go Improved supporting details. decision. artefacts. Recommendations to improve review artefacts  What documents, interviews, etc will we be reviewing?  What supporting materials may be needed? (e.g. historical context, detailed specifications, etc)  We can’t review everything!  Many review teams try to review all elements of a project.  This diffuses effort across low-risk or low-impact items, reducing the overall effectiveness and efficiency of the review.  By clearly defining the inputs, we ensure that effort is focused where it will do most to reduce project risk. (Breadth then depth iterations may also help.) Why do IT projects fail Mar 2013 28
  • 29. Control parameters Baseline Criteria Reference Criteria Feedback Models to improve reference models Review execution Inputs Outputs Artefacts & other Analysis Loop items to review, plus Go / No -go Improved supporting details. decision. artefacts. Recommendations to improve review artefacts  Criteria define what aspects of the inputs to focus on.  Can review against many criteria. (Budget, time, process compliance, security, performance, usability, …)  Reviews that try to cover every angle end up skating across the surface. What is most important to this review?  For example, if project is constrained by tight budget, let’s focus energy on costs.  Typically 2-3 criteria per review. Schedule additional reviews to cover more criteria. Why do IT projects fail Mar 2013 29
  • 30. Control parameters Baseline Criteria Reference What doesn’t need to Feedback Models to improve reference models Review execution Inputs Outputs be reviewed? Artefacts & other items to review, plus supporting details. Analysis Loop Go / No -go decision. Improved artefacts. Recommendations to improve review artefacts  Baseline defines what’s been agreed prior to the review.  For example, if we’re reviewing a project plan, we measure it against it’s likelihood of delivering the objectives.  Input artefacts are “fit for purpose” if they meet their objectives against the baseline.  The baseline will often have been reviewed in a stage prior to the current review.  Reference Models define external practices agreed for our context.  The input artefacts conform to best practice to the extent that they align to these reference models.  By agreeing reference models up front, we can avoid many of the debates that occur between review and project teams as to whether designs or implementations conform to someone’s perception of “best practice”. Why do IT projects fail Mar 2013 30
  • 31. Control parameters Baseline Criteria Reference Feedback loops Feedback Models to improve reference models Review execution Inputs Outputs Artefacts & other Analysis Loop items to review, plus Go / No -go Improved supporting details. decision. artefacts. Recommendations to improve review artefacts  First feedback loop is to improve the inputs (plans, designs, project processes, etc).  Second feedback loop updates our database of good practices, building in organisational learning:  Improvements to organisational standards and processes  Improvements to review checklists (e.g. new questions, retired questions) Project reviews can be a key contributor to organisational learning Why do IT projects fail Mar 2013 31
  • 32. Control parameters Baseline Criteria Reference Execution Feedback Models to improve reference models Review execution Inputs Outputs Artefacts & other Analysis Loop items to review, plus Go / No -go Improved supporting details. decision. artefacts. Recommendations to improve review artefacts  One time vs. Ongoing Review (Oversight)?  What time, resources & expertise are available for the review team? (Will you need subject matter experts to assist with details?)  What access to the project team, documents, etc is available?  How about administrative support? (Scheduling interviews and meeting rooms can take a lot of time.)  Preserving confidentiality of interviews*  Security requirements for review results or project artifacts?  May preliminary findings be shared to allow confirmation/correction? Why do IT projects fail Mar 2013 *You can’t promise confidentiality if you discover illegal activity 32
  • 33. Analysis Loop (Chapter 6) Raw Data (e.g. Documents Structured Data & Interviews) (e.g. Issues Log) Analysis drives additional data gathering (e.g. to buy information on key risks) Analysis & Hypothesis Generation Why do IT projects fail Mar 2013 33
  • 34. Analysis Loop Raw Data (e.g. Documents & Interviews) Structured Data (e.g. Issues Log)  Iterations may be based on Analysis drives additional data gathering (e.g. to buy information on key risks) Analysis  Breadth then depth & Hypothesis Generation  Risk  Dependencies  …  Gather information into “issues log” for analysis and clustering  Hence build models of potential problems, and of information we might gather to refine our understanding and confirm / disconfirm  Build traceability from problem to issues cluster to detailed issues and their supporting notes  You’ll often start with some sort of hypothesis: be aware of biases Why do IT projects fail Mar 2013 34
  • 35. Interviewing (Chapter 6) 1) Planning 2) Interview Preparation 3) Pre-interview 4) Opening 5) Mid-Interview 6) Closing 7) Post-Interview Why do IT projects fail Mar 2013 35
  • 36. Interviewing 1) Planning  How do interviews contribute to review objectives?  Number and scope of interviews  Type of interview – individual, pair or workshop?  Who to interview  Establish relationships  Set up logistics  Quiet, private space to interview in  Timing, maps, water, etc Why do IT projects fail Mar 2013 36
  • 37. Interviewing 2) Interview preparation  Review project documentation  Briefing pack (explain objectives and process)  Self-assessment questionnaires  Agree roles (e.g. if interviewing in pairs)  Develop interview protocol Why do IT projects fail Mar 2013 37
  • 38. Interview Protocol  Questions  Closed  Open  Clarifying  Metaquestions  Demonstrations  Use a mix of question types!  Directive or non-directive interviewing? Why do IT projects fail Mar 2013 38
  • 39. Interviewing 3) Pre-interview  Review objectives  Review background to interviewee  Manage the interview space  Be on time  Be alert & ready to listen Why do IT projects fail Mar 2013 39
  • 40. Interviewing 4) Opening  Set people at ease!  Introductions  Names  Organisational roles  Role on this review & interview  Objectives (or review, of interview)  Confirm timing  Confirm note taking, confidentiality & other protocols  Do they have any questions? Why do IT projects fail Mar 2013 40
  • 41. Interviewing 5) Mid-Interview  Early questions build rapport  When did you join the project? What is your role?  Gather basic facts  Give people space to expand  Confirm you’ve heard correctly – listen actively, recap  Confirm evidence for opinions, assumptions & assertions: “What makes you believe that?”  Record notes (What are you recording? How?)  Listen & observe (e.g. body language & emotional issues) Why do IT projects fail Mar 2013 41
  • 42. Interviewing  Don’t be afraid of pauses and silences  LISTEN  Use note-taking to create space  Don’t let the protocol dominate (I throw it away)  Have a plan, but follow the energy  Check opinions, assumptions and assertions: “what leads you to believe that?” Why do IT projects fail Mar 2013 42
  • 43. Interviewing 6) Closing  Respect interviewee’s time – reschedule if necessary  Confirm you’ve heard main messages  Final chance to gather new info  Metaquestions  Is there anything else I should be asking?  What else did you expect me to ask?  Is there anyone else you should see?  Exchange contact details  Confirm next steps and protocol for checking / follow-up  Thank them for their time Why do IT projects fail Mar 2013 43
  • 44. Interviewing 7) Post-interview  Debrief  Record notes  I quickly lose ability to read my handwriting…  It helps me think about follow-up activities  Log new documents and other artefacts  Record issues  Confirm notes  This may gather new info.  What people change is often interesting.  Schedule any follow-up activities Why do IT projects fail Mar 2013 44
  • 45. Observation  The ability to gather data is essential to assessment. Data comes in a variety of forms other than documents & interviews:  Interaction  Body language  The environment “You can observe a lot just by watching” - Yogi Barra Why do IT projects fail Mar 2013 45
  • 46. Graham Oakes Ltd  Making sense of technology…  Many organisations are caught up in the complexity of technology and systems.  This complexity may be inherent to the technology itself. It may be created by the pace of technology change. Or it may arise from the surrounding process, people and governance structures.  We help untangle this complexity and define business strategies that both can be implemented and will be adopted by people throughout the organisation and its partner network. We then help assure delivery of implementation projects.  Clients…  Dover Harbour Board – Systems and architecture review  Council of Europe – Defined systems for monitoring compliance with international treaties  Sony Computer Entertainment – Defined common product approval process for global units  National Savings & Investments – Helped NS&I and BPO partner develop joint IS strategy  Amnesty International – Defined ECMS strategy for researchers, activists and campaigners  Cisco Worldwide Education – Researched competitive marketplace for e-learning assets  The Open University – Defined enterprise architecture, CRM and product development strategies  Oxfam – Helped defined strategy for content management, CRM, e-Commerce  MessageLabs – Implementation assurance for customer service portal  Sapient Ltd – Risk management strategy for customer billing solution Why do IT projects fail Mar 2013 46 Some images & clipart in this presentation are © JupiterImages Corporation

Editor's Notes

  1. Establishing context for regular reviews.  • Providing a pool of expertise  • Maintaining review checklists and guidelines  • Monitoring effectiveness  • Tracking project-level actions  • Supporting portfolio- and programme-level actions  • Embedding lessons learned into organisational standards  • Providing administrative suppor