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It Takes a Village to Create a Great
       Candidate Experience
There is often a disconnect
What is often promoted by company…   What candidates say…
Imagine the possibilities.           No one took the time to paint a picture of
                                     how this role fits into the bigger picture,
                                     where the company is going, the impact I
                                     could make.
Our people are passionate.           Interviewers seem tired and disengaged.
Our employees are our number one     The recruiter and hiring manager didn’t
concern.                             make time to learn about what I want to
                                     do with my career, to ensure this is a good
                                     match. The interview was just about skill
We are only looking for the best.    The interviews were easy, uncoordinated,
                                     repetitive and focused on the wrong
                                     things. It’s clear this company doesn’t
                                     know what they’re looking for.
There is often a disconnect
What is often promoted by company…      What candidates say…
We are innovative, nimble and moving    They took 3 weeks to get back to me after
fast.                                   the phone interview. The process was
                                        slow. (2012 study shows the average
                                        hiring process in USA is 90 days!)
We are performance driven and customer No one focused on my accomplishments
focused.                               or how I delivered for my customers in
                                       the interview. All of their
                                       situational/behavioral questions put me
                                       in a difficult customer or co-worker
                                       situation – are there no happy employees
                                       or customers?!
We’re the leader in our industry.       The interviewers were arrogant and the
                                        conversations were one-way.
There is often a disconnect
What is often promoted by company…           What candidates say…
We’ve created something special, and         No one focused on fit and everyone failed
believe fit is key to your success.          to go deep into my background…I can’t
                                             imagine they got what they needed to
                                             make a good decision about my fit. What
                                             will they base their decision on?
Our core competencies include:               It was clear after my 3rd interview that the
Communication.                               interview team was not on the same page
                                             about the role’s scope or primary focus
Our core competencies include: Flexibility   The interviewers were clearly listening for
and Innovation.                              one right answer and not open to
                                             alternative approaches.
There is often a disconnect
What is often promoted by company…       What candidates say…
Our core competencies include:           None of the interviewers focused on
Teamwork and Leadership.                 teamwork or my ability to lead people. It
                                         was purely a technical/functional
Our core competencies include:           It was clear after my 3rd interview that the
Communication.                           interview team was not on the same page
                                         about the role’s scope or primary focus
Our core competencies include: Problem   They asked me puzzle questions that
Solving.                                 didn’t have anything to do with the job.
                                         How are they possibly going to know if I’m
                                         good at my job’s challenges if they don’t
                                         ask me? Do they even know what
                                         someone like me can do for them?
Great Candidate Experiences
 Is it the flashy,    So what should a Great Candidate experience
 glitzy               include?
                       •   Fancy candidate packets?
 showmanship,          •   A better employment brand tagline?
 or is it substance    •   Flying candidates first class or replacing a taxi with a
 that wins out?        •   Sending candidates flowers?

                      Surveys show Great Candidate experiences
                      • Ownership of the process.
                      • Getting everyone on the same page
                      • Good, meaningful process.
                      • Execute the Basics well!
Great Candidate Experiences
Vince Lombardi
  Brilliant on the Basics.
                             “We are not going to be flashy.
                             We are going to be brilliant on the
                             basics. We will
                             run, throw, catch, tackle, and
                             block better than every team in
                             the league. That is how we will go
                             to the championships this year.”
Great Candidate Experiences
Show Me, Don’t                 • 10 Practical Strategies to create a candidate
                                 experience that?
Tell Me.                           – Helps build a positive employment brand.
                                   – Helps to hire the best candidates.
Creating a great candidate     • Best Practices without big budgets!
   experience is one of the        – Interview Process.
   most strategic, long term       – Selling the opportunity with Integrity.
   (branding) investments
   you can make for your
   organization…and it has
   great short term
   ROI, too!!
Make sure your assumptions are
 Examine your       Some (poor) assumptions
                    •   HR owns the candidate experience
 current process.        – My recruiters and coordinators create and control
                           the candidate experience.
                    •   It’s about nice looking candidate packets
                         – Fancy candidate packets with great PR articles and
                           earnings reports make a big difference; swag sells.
                    •   It’s about putting on a good show
                         – Ensure candidates meet in the nicest conference
                           rooms , are taken to the best lunch, see only happy
                           people (smile).
                    •   We’re interviewing them (not the other way
                         – We’re interviewing them, and by telling them what
                           we want them to hear, we create (and control) a
                           great experience.
 Remember           Reality
                    •   Interviewers and Managers create the experience
 there are always        – So much of an interviewees experience happens
 two sides to any          without us in the room.
                    •   Process and “next steps” conversations really
 business               matter.
 Relationship.           – Who interviews, how many, how we start and end
                           interviews, how we set expectations really makes a
                    •   It’s about being real, not putting on a good show
                         – We all want a good two-way fit; making everything
                           look “shinier” doesn’t do us or them a bit of good
                    •   They’re interviewing us, looking for signs
                         – The investment we make in them, the questions we
                           ask, the way we listen, hour honesty…it all really
Assess your current state: Surveys
Find                        It may be bad, but baseline it now so you can show improvement.

Your baseline.              1.   Create a simple, 15 question or less (think 3 min or less to
                                 complete) online survey that’s sent to every candidate (internal
                                 or external) that interviews in your organization
   – To know where you
                            2.   Leverage or for the online
     are going, you must         survey (<$20/month and easy to pull reports)
     know where you’ve      3.   Get contextual questions up front so you can slice and dice the
     been.                       data (breakout by location, job type, department, source of
                            4.   Make it VERY CLEAR that the info collected will be kept
      10            2
                            5.   Send out the survey to all candidates (When is too soon, too
  9                     3        –    People who accepted our offer
                                 –    People who declined our offer
           Assess                –    People we declined
                            6.   Reinforce that you want/need the survey results (let them
  8                     4        know you want to improve, tell them to expect the survey on
                                 their interview day when you debrief with them); incent them
                                 to complete it with a prize drawing
      7             5
                            7.   Get the questions right (see next slide); ask to measure their
                                 experience against a standard you set.
Assess your current state: Surveys
What                                 Candidate       Sample Survey Questions
Questions                            Goals,          •Did you receive an interview Candidate packet before your
                                                     interview, containing info about our org, the job description, a
should I ask?                        Process, SLAs   map to our facility, and dress code?
                                                     •Were you given the opportunity to ask questions about the
•   Stay away from                                   job, your potential manager, and the organization during your
    general, unanchored                              interview day?
    questions like “was our                          •Did the interviewers ask you appropriately challenging
    process fast enough?”                            questions that highlighted your core capabilities?
                                                     •Did you meet with a Recruiter or HR representative during
•   Set the standard via the                         your interview day?
    question; try to keep it                         •Did you get the opportunity to meet with an internal
    objective so that your tallied                   customer for this role?
    results mean something.                          •Our goal was to contact you to confirm the next step within 2
                                                     business days of your onsite interview. Did you hear from a
•   Try to use questions with                        Recruiter/HR rep within 2 business days after your interview?
    quick yes/no or multiple                         •Did your interview experience impact your interest in working
    choice answers.                                  for us? (More or less interested now? Why?)
                                                     •Source of applicant
                                     Data            •Recruiter and Hiring Manager/Department/Job Type
                                                     •Date of Interview (week of)
                                                     Scale 1-5 (compare to what…?), General Comments
Assess your current state: Focus
Real Stories reveal                    Get recent hires together and facilitate a frank discussion about their
more than data                         1.    Identify 10 – 12 recent hires from a division/location/job
                                             function and invite them to a 1 hour candidate experience
points.                                      focus group session (bribes like pizza, treats, giveaways, etc.
                                             help attendance
   –   Do you secret shop your own
       process?                        2.    Have your recruiting manager/HR Manager , or independent
   –   Do you hold focus groups with         consultant facilitate the session. Never use any person who
       your recent hires?                    was involved in hiring anyone in the focus group.
                                       3.    Make it VERY CLEAR that the info shared will be combined with
                1                            survey data and other focus groups; individual named examples
       10               2                    won’t be shared with the recruiter or hiring teams.
                                       4.    Dig into experiences; leverage your survey results to probe on
                                             areas needing more context/examples and validation of the
  9                           3
              Focus                         1.     What are the common themes?
             Groups                         2.     Find out where else these people interviewed; how do we compare?
                                            3.     Have them define what “fast” and “good questions” and “I was kept in the loop”
  8                           4                    really means to them.
                                            4.     Now that they’ve been here a few weeks/months, ask them what better they
                                                   wish we would have added to our process to make it even better or make the
       7                5                          opportunity even more compelling.
                                            5.     Find out what they think you can (realistically) do to make the experience even
                6                                  better.
                                            6.     Validate whether the improvements you have planned would matter to them.
Define your future state
Lead the way!                  Get interviewers/hiring managers in a room together to define your
                               great candidate experience.
  – Gather all stakeholders    1.     During interview training or a staff meeting with interviewers/hiring
    of the process and                managers from a location/department, facilitate a discussion on what a
    involve them in defining          top notch candidate experience would feel like to a candidate.
    your future state = buy    2.     Capture their ideas; use their words, but prompt them if they need
    in.                               help, though)
                               3.     Ask them to compare that “ideal” experience with their own experiences
                                      and what we do today (share some survey and focus group data (and
                             if available) to help them see the areas of opportunity.)
                               4.     Visibly post their information to use as a reference as you begin to map
                                      out the future state of the candidate experience.
             1                       1.     Roles, interview questions, selling candidates, etc need to be defined.
      10             2               2.     Use the reference information to “work backwards” to build out your process and
                                            expectations of an interviewer and hiring manager.
                                     3.     Incorporate the standards into our surveys and focus groups (measure results
                                            and share = accountability)
  9                      3
           Define              5.     Dig into experiences; leverage your survey results to probe on areas
           Desired                    needing more context/examples and validation of the data.
                                     1.     What are the common themes?
           Process                   2.     Find out where else these people interviewed; how do we compare?
  8                      4
                                     3.     Have them define what “fast” and “good questions” and “I was kept in the loop” really
                                            means to them.
                                     4.     Now that they’ve been here a few weeks/months, ask them what better they wish we
                                            would have added to our process to make it even better or make the opportunity even
      7              5                      more compelling.
             6                       5.     Find out what they think you can (realistically) do to make the experience even better.
                                     6.     Validate whether the improvements you have planned would matter to them.
Facilitator guide/example
Organize the                Imagine you referred a friend or former co-
discussion using high       worker to a job with your company
                            • They interviewed yesterday
level categories.
                            • You call them today to see what they thought
   – Building a brand is
                               about us and their interviews.
     accomplished one
     candidate at a time.
                                What do you want them to day about…
   – Our assessment
     strategy/approach is        Our        The         The      The job     Our
     a selling strategy.      Interview    people    questions             company
                               Process    they met   they were
Focus on the little wins
Pick the low lying            Create momentum by choosing a few things
                              This year and establish some wins….here’s
fruit and start.              how.
   – #1 reason for failing is
     lack of execution.
                              1.   Identify 1-3 things that seem achievable (affordable:
   – Many/most/all of              time and money) and measurable.
     these are very doable 2.      Define what success would look like (i.e. candidtes who
     and not expensive!            say they were contacted within 2 business days after
              1                    interview goes from 32% to 50% by December 15th,
      10              2            2012)
                              3.   Publicize the goal and ensure your recruiters
  9                       3        understand how they will be measured on this
            Create                 1.   What does success look like? Ex. A live phone conversation
           Momentum                     with the candidate, a voicemail to the candidate, a generic
                                        email to the candidate, a personalized email to the candidate?
  8                       4
                                   2.   Ensure that they’ve bought into the expectation and held
      7               5            3.   Swiftly address performance issues; don’t wait until December
                                        survey results to address problems.
Teach your interviewers how to be
Don’t assume                  Interview Training
                              1.   Ensure managers are tuned‐in to the market; it’s unlikely A‐players
  – Don’t assume                   are lining up to work at your company (despite the unemployment
                                   figures!) Give them a reality check; they are interviewing us as much
    everyone involved in           as we’re interviewing them, right?
    the selection process     2.   Get them invested in the hiring targets for their teams and/or the
    knows how to                   company (help them see how they are company‐builders, how these
                                   are big decisions; ask the business‐leader/VP to come in to set the
    conduct a proper               stage)
    interview!                3.   Define success as an interviewer/hiring manager for your company
                                   1.   Share real feedback from candidate surveys and focus groups that highlights the
                                        control they have over the candidate experience
                                   2.   Share the common denominator characteristics of the interview teams that hire
      10              2                 the best people and create the most compelling candidate experience
                                   3.   Help them create their own definition of success
                              4.   Ideal: Have one of your top performing hiring managers co‐facilitate
  9                       3        the session and help the team understand their role and
           Process                 opportunity as interviewers
           Training           5.   Share/Reinforce best practices:
                                   1.   How to create a quality, realistic target candidate profile
  8                       4
                                   2.   Interviewing kickoff meeting with all interviewers and alternates
                                   3.   Assigned interview focus areas
                                   4.   Avoiding weird questions
      7               5            5.   Leaving time to “sell” candidates
             6                     6.   Quick, quality decision making process
Teach your candidates how to be
Set the candidate              Things to add to your pre-interview communication with
                               candidates (simple and obvious, but overlooked by most
up for success.                companies)
                               1.   Be specific about typical dress; let them know how most of the
   – Help the candidate             interviewers will be dressed
     know what to expect.      2.   Point them to suggested reading/research on your org and let
                                    them know which division/business unit they’re interviewing
                                    with and key acronyms used to describe it
                               3.   Let them know the type of questions they are likely to be asked
                                    and/or the type of interviewing approach to be used (i.e. role
              1                     plays or presentations or white board problem solving)
      10               2       4.   Share the high level schedule; times, titles, locations.
                               5.   Let them know who to ask for when they arrive, who their
                                    recruiter/coordinator is and how to reach them (cell) if they’re
  9                        3
            Inspire                 running late or they need to reach someone during the day.
           candidate           6.   Encourage them to prepare questions.
            success            7.   Create an FAQ for common candidate questions about the
  8                        4
                                    process, next steps, benefit information
                               8.   Let them know they do/don’t need to bring copies of their
      7                5            resume/CVs or work samples with them.
              6                9.   Show them pics of their potential workspace.
Improve your interview
Be deliberate and                  Things to add to or ensure are happening in your
                                   interview process
                                   1.  No one wants to bomb their interview; if this happens frequently, add
                                       a 2nd phone screen to your process
   “Start with the end in          2. Give reception/security the names of candidates so they can prepare
      mind and work                    a badge in advance and know who to notify when they arrive
      backwards”                   3. Be conscious about who is on the interview team (diversity!), and who
                    Steven Covey       goes first. Ideally, have the recruiter meet with the candidate first to
                                       walk through the schedule and backgrounds of interviewers
              1                    4. Ideally, have the first interviewer be the person who phone screened
      10                2              them (Hiring Manager?) so that they can have a personal connection
                                       and can ask questions about the job
                                   5. Assign different focus areas to each interviewer; it’s common for
  9                         3          candidates to get asked the same questions
               Be                  6. Don’t try to interview over lunch – separate food from questioning
           Deliberate              7. Consider 2‐on‐1 interviews so you have coverage if 1 is a no‐show
  8                         4      8. Don’t leave the candidate in the same boring conference room for the
                                       whole day; let them see the “real you”
                                   9. If you have batch interview days, consider a first‐thing presentation
      7                 5              about your company
                                   10. Ensure the last interviewer knows what to say re: next steps
Make results visible
Establish                           Address bad behavior, reward good behavior

accountability by                   1.    Highlight real “lost candidate” (including declined offer reasons)
                                          data with groups; post mortems for the one that got away.
                                    2.    Share candidate experience survey scores by department/leader;
managing to the                           show their scores vs last quarter, vs peers, vs rest of company, vs
results.                                  1.
                                                 Back it up with stories from focus groups
                                                 Share it publicly (?)
                                    3.    Confront no‐show interviewers/hiring managers and/or highlight
                                          managers requiring multiple reschedules/delays
                                          1.     What are consequences in your organization?
                                          2.     Is time to fill impacted?
      10                    2
                                    4.     Share those wonderful (smile) candidate feedback emails
                                           you get(often unsolicited) when an interviewing team doesn’t
  9                             3          create a positive experience for a hard to find candidate AND share
             Establish                     the positive kudos you get too!
           Accountability           5.     Get interviewer participation and hiring manager partnership track
                                           record into performance reviews! Send out quantitative and
  8                             4          qualitative feedback weeks before reviews are due…
                                    6.     Ask recent hires to share positive testimonials with the rest of the
      7                     5
                                           department managers
                                    7.   Get crazy (smile) and create a way to generate interviewer level
                                         candidate experience scores.
Differentiate yourself
Create a WOW                     Is there something you can do to stand out and get your process to
                                 help you sell?
experience                       Partner with your PR/Marketing department to see if there’s
  What can you do to             something you can leverage to create an exceptional experience
  create a unique
  experience that will be        1.    Retailer: Walks sales person into the real store and asks them to
  positive and                         critique the merchandising, customer experience, look and feel
  memorable to the candidate?    2.    Coffee Company: Coffee guru taste-test during the interview.
                                 3.    B2B Wireless Company: Sales ride-along (realistic job preview)
               1                 4.    Biotech: Present your thesis to really smart scientists
      10                 2       5.    Software company: Given an assignment to learn something new
                                       and present it to peers during interview.
                                 6.    Call Center: Listen in on real calls and make suggestions for
  9                          3         improvement
                                 7.    Consulting Company: Role play a project-scoping discussion and
              WOW                      build a draft proposal.
  8                          4   8.    School District: Teach a short lesson to real students

      7                  5
Make Selling part of the interview
What motivates A                     Ensure that your candidate experience includes time for
                                     candidates to learn why they’d want to invest their career
players that you                     with your company, in this role, with these people, now
seek?                                1.    Too many interviewers/recruiters are arrogant or
                                           presumptuous, assuming candidates know your company is
Identify what motivates you’re A-          great.
Players and speak to it during the   2.    We must identify what our target candidates want out of their
                                           career and map that to our real strengths; then share that
interview process.                         during the courting, interviewing, and closing process.
                   1                      1.    It’s everyone’s job to “sell”; not just the recruiter or hiring manager
          10                 2            2.    Everyone is selling (or de-selling) whether they know it or not
                                          3.    Our questions tell candidates what we value and what to expect here.
                                     3.    Survey your top performers and ask them these 3 simple
                Know the
                                 3         questions to learn their motivators
                                          1.    What drew you here?
               DNA of your
                                          2.    What keeps you here?
               performers                 3.    What would lure you away?
     8                           4
                                     4.    Arm interviewers/hiring managers with questions and examples
                                           that highlight why top performers thrive here.
          7                  5
Creating a Great Candidate Experience
Vince Lombardi                                            Focus on the basics
    Brilliant on the Basics.                              A great candidate experience is largely about
                                                               flawless execution of the basics and less about

                                                          It’s sad to say that very few companies create
                                                                consistent positive candidate experiences. Yet
                                                                it is one of the fundamental things that can take
                                                                a company from good to great.

                                                          Recent research shows that over 30% of all
                                                              businesses go under because of poor hiring!
“We are not going to be flashy. We are going to be
    brilliant on the basics. We will run, throw, catch,
    tackle, and block better than every team in the       You want to move the proverbial needle and drive
    league. That is how we will go to the championships       profits to the bottom line? Focus on the Talent
    this year.”                                               Acquisition Experience and watch things grow!!

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It Takes A Village To Create A Great Candidate Experience

  • 1. It Takes a Village to Create a Great Candidate Experience
  • 2. There is often a disconnect What is often promoted by company… What candidates say… Imagine the possibilities. No one took the time to paint a picture of how this role fits into the bigger picture, where the company is going, the impact I could make. Our people are passionate. Interviewers seem tired and disengaged. Our employees are our number one The recruiter and hiring manager didn’t concern. make time to learn about what I want to do with my career, to ensure this is a good match. The interview was just about skill matching. We are only looking for the best. The interviews were easy, uncoordinated, repetitive and focused on the wrong things. It’s clear this company doesn’t know what they’re looking for.
  • 3. There is often a disconnect What is often promoted by company… What candidates say… We are innovative, nimble and moving They took 3 weeks to get back to me after fast. the phone interview. The process was slow. (2012 study shows the average hiring process in USA is 90 days!) We are performance driven and customer No one focused on my accomplishments focused. or how I delivered for my customers in the interview. All of their situational/behavioral questions put me in a difficult customer or co-worker situation – are there no happy employees or customers?! We’re the leader in our industry. The interviewers were arrogant and the conversations were one-way.
  • 4. There is often a disconnect What is often promoted by company… What candidates say… We’ve created something special, and No one focused on fit and everyone failed believe fit is key to your success. to go deep into my background…I can’t imagine they got what they needed to make a good decision about my fit. What will they base their decision on? Our core competencies include: It was clear after my 3rd interview that the Communication. interview team was not on the same page about the role’s scope or primary focus areas. Our core competencies include: Flexibility The interviewers were clearly listening for and Innovation. one right answer and not open to alternative approaches.
  • 5. There is often a disconnect What is often promoted by company… What candidates say… Our core competencies include: None of the interviewers focused on Teamwork and Leadership. teamwork or my ability to lead people. It was purely a technical/functional interview. Our core competencies include: It was clear after my 3rd interview that the Communication. interview team was not on the same page about the role’s scope or primary focus areas. Our core competencies include: Problem They asked me puzzle questions that Solving. didn’t have anything to do with the job. How are they possibly going to know if I’m good at my job’s challenges if they don’t ask me? Do they even know what someone like me can do for them?
  • 6. Great Candidate Experiences Is it the flashy, So what should a Great Candidate experience glitzy include? • Fancy candidate packets? showmanship, • A better employment brand tagline? or is it substance • Flying candidates first class or replacing a taxi with a Limo? that wins out? • Sending candidates flowers? Surveys show Great Candidate experiences include…. • Ownership of the process. • Getting everyone on the same page • Good, meaningful process. • Execute the Basics well!
  • 7. Great Candidate Experiences Vince Lombardi Brilliant on the Basics. “We are not going to be flashy. We are going to be brilliant on the basics. We will run, throw, catch, tackle, and block better than every team in the league. That is how we will go to the championships this year.”
  • 8. Great Candidate Experiences Show Me, Don’t • 10 Practical Strategies to create a candidate experience that? Tell Me. – Helps build a positive employment brand. – Helps to hire the best candidates. Creating a great candidate • Best Practices without big budgets! experience is one of the – Interview Process. most strategic, long term – Selling the opportunity with Integrity. (branding) investments you can make for your organization…and it has great short term ROI, too!!
  • 9. Make sure your assumptions are correct. Examine your Some (poor) assumptions • HR owns the candidate experience current process. – My recruiters and coordinators create and control the candidate experience. • It’s about nice looking candidate packets – Fancy candidate packets with great PR articles and earnings reports make a big difference; swag sells. • It’s about putting on a good show – Ensure candidates meet in the nicest conference rooms , are taken to the best lunch, see only happy people (smile). • We’re interviewing them (not the other way around) – We’re interviewing them, and by telling them what we want them to hear, we create (and control) a great experience.
  • 10. Research Remember Reality • Interviewers and Managers create the experience there are always – So much of an interviewees experience happens two sides to any without us in the room. • Process and “next steps” conversations really business matter. Relationship. – Who interviews, how many, how we start and end interviews, how we set expectations really makes a difference. • It’s about being real, not putting on a good show – We all want a good two-way fit; making everything look “shinier” doesn’t do us or them a bit of good • They’re interviewing us, looking for signs – The investment we make in them, the questions we ask, the way we listen, hour honesty…it all really matters
  • 11. Assess your current state: Surveys Find It may be bad, but baseline it now so you can show improvement. Your baseline. 1. Create a simple, 15 question or less (think 3 min or less to complete) online survey that’s sent to every candidate (internal or external) that interviews in your organization – To know where you 2. Leverage or for the online are going, you must survey (<$20/month and easy to pull reports) know where you’ve 3. Get contextual questions up front so you can slice and dice the been. data (breakout by location, job type, department, source of application) 4. Make it VERY CLEAR that the info collected will be kept 1 anonymous 10 2 5. Send out the survey to all candidates (When is too soon, too late?) 9 3 – People who accepted our offer – People who declined our offer Assess – People we declined 6. Reinforce that you want/need the survey results (let them 8 4 know you want to improve, tell them to expect the survey on their interview day when you debrief with them); incent them to complete it with a prize drawing 7 5 6 7. Get the questions right (see next slide); ask to measure their experience against a standard you set.
  • 12. Assess your current state: Surveys What Candidate Sample Survey Questions Feedback Questions Goals, •Did you receive an interview Candidate packet before your interview, containing info about our org, the job description, a should I ask? Process, SLAs map to our facility, and dress code? •Were you given the opportunity to ask questions about the • Stay away from job, your potential manager, and the organization during your general, unanchored interview day? questions like “was our •Did the interviewers ask you appropriately challenging process fast enough?” questions that highlighted your core capabilities? •Did you meet with a Recruiter or HR representative during • Set the standard via the your interview day? question; try to keep it •Did you get the opportunity to meet with an internal objective so that your tallied customer for this role? results mean something. •Our goal was to contact you to confirm the next step within 2 business days of your onsite interview. Did you hear from a • Try to use questions with Recruiter/HR rep within 2 business days after your interview? quick yes/no or multiple •Did your interview experience impact your interest in working choice answers. for us? (More or less interested now? Why?) •Source of applicant Data •Recruiter and Hiring Manager/Department/Job Type •Date of Interview (week of) Scale 1-5 (compare to what…?), General Comments Overall
  • 13. Assess your current state: Focus Groups Real Stories reveal Get recent hires together and facilitate a frank discussion about their experience more than data 1. Identify 10 – 12 recent hires from a division/location/job function and invite them to a 1 hour candidate experience points. focus group session (bribes like pizza, treats, giveaways, etc. help attendance – Do you secret shop your own process? 2. Have your recruiting manager/HR Manager , or independent – Do you hold focus groups with consultant facilitate the session. Never use any person who your recent hires? was involved in hiring anyone in the focus group. 3. Make it VERY CLEAR that the info shared will be combined with 1 survey data and other focus groups; individual named examples 10 2 won’t be shared with the recruiter or hiring teams. 4. Dig into experiences; leverage your survey results to probe on areas needing more context/examples and validation of the 9 3 data. Focus 1. What are the common themes? Groups 2. Find out where else these people interviewed; how do we compare? 3. Have them define what “fast” and “good questions” and “I was kept in the loop” 8 4 really means to them. 4. Now that they’ve been here a few weeks/months, ask them what better they wish we would have added to our process to make it even better or make the 7 5 opportunity even more compelling. 5. Find out what they think you can (realistically) do to make the experience even 6 better. 6. Validate whether the improvements you have planned would matter to them.
  • 14. Define your future state Lead the way! Get interviewers/hiring managers in a room together to define your great candidate experience. – Gather all stakeholders 1. During interview training or a staff meeting with interviewers/hiring of the process and managers from a location/department, facilitate a discussion on what a involve them in defining top notch candidate experience would feel like to a candidate. your future state = buy 2. Capture their ideas; use their words, but prompt them if they need in. help, though) 3. Ask them to compare that “ideal” experience with their own experiences and what we do today (share some survey and focus group data (and if available) to help them see the areas of opportunity.) 4. Visibly post their information to use as a reference as you begin to map out the future state of the candidate experience. 1 1. Roles, interview questions, selling candidates, etc need to be defined. 10 2 2. Use the reference information to “work backwards” to build out your process and expectations of an interviewer and hiring manager. 3. Incorporate the standards into our surveys and focus groups (measure results and share = accountability) 9 3 Define 5. Dig into experiences; leverage your survey results to probe on areas Desired needing more context/examples and validation of the data. 1. What are the common themes? Process 2. Find out where else these people interviewed; how do we compare? 8 4 3. Have them define what “fast” and “good questions” and “I was kept in the loop” really means to them. 4. Now that they’ve been here a few weeks/months, ask them what better they wish we would have added to our process to make it even better or make the opportunity even 7 5 more compelling. 6 5. Find out what they think you can (realistically) do to make the experience even better. 6. Validate whether the improvements you have planned would matter to them.
  • 15. Facilitator guide/example Organize the Imagine you referred a friend or former co- discussion using high worker to a job with your company • They interviewed yesterday level categories. • You call them today to see what they thought – Building a brand is about us and their interviews. accomplished one candidate at a time. What do you want them to day about… – Our assessment strategy/approach is Our The The The job Our a selling strategy. Interview people questions company Process they met they were asked
  • 16. Focus on the little wins Pick the low lying Create momentum by choosing a few things This year and establish some wins….here’s fruit and start. how. – #1 reason for failing is lack of execution. 1. Identify 1-3 things that seem achievable (affordable: – Many/most/all of time and money) and measurable. these are very doable 2. Define what success would look like (i.e. candidtes who and not expensive! say they were contacted within 2 business days after 1 interview goes from 32% to 50% by December 15th, 10 2 2012) 3. Publicize the goal and ensure your recruiters 9 3 understand how they will be measured on this Create 1. What does success look like? Ex. A live phone conversation Momentum with the candidate, a voicemail to the candidate, a generic email to the candidate, a personalized email to the candidate? 8 4 2. Ensure that they’ve bought into the expectation and held accountable. 7 5 3. Swiftly address performance issues; don’t wait until December 6 survey results to address problems.
  • 17. Teach your interviewers how to be successful Don’t assume Interview Training 1. Ensure managers are tuned‐in to the market; it’s unlikely A‐players – Don’t assume are lining up to work at your company (despite the unemployment figures!) Give them a reality check; they are interviewing us as much everyone involved in as we’re interviewing them, right? the selection process 2. Get them invested in the hiring targets for their teams and/or the knows how to company (help them see how they are company‐builders, how these are big decisions; ask the business‐leader/VP to come in to set the conduct a proper stage) interview! 3. Define success as an interviewer/hiring manager for your company 1. Share real feedback from candidate surveys and focus groups that highlights the control they have over the candidate experience 1 2. Share the common denominator characteristics of the interview teams that hire 10 2 the best people and create the most compelling candidate experience 3. Help them create their own definition of success 4. Ideal: Have one of your top performing hiring managers co‐facilitate 9 3 the session and help the team understand their role and Process opportunity as interviewers Training 5. Share/Reinforce best practices: 1. How to create a quality, realistic target candidate profile 8 4 2. Interviewing kickoff meeting with all interviewers and alternates 3. Assigned interview focus areas 4. Avoiding weird questions 7 5 5. Leaving time to “sell” candidates 6 6. Quick, quality decision making process
  • 18. Teach your candidates how to be successful Set the candidate Things to add to your pre-interview communication with candidates (simple and obvious, but overlooked by most up for success. companies) 1. Be specific about typical dress; let them know how most of the – Help the candidate interviewers will be dressed know what to expect. 2. Point them to suggested reading/research on your org and let them know which division/business unit they’re interviewing with and key acronyms used to describe it 3. Let them know the type of questions they are likely to be asked and/or the type of interviewing approach to be used (i.e. role 1 plays or presentations or white board problem solving) 10 2 4. Share the high level schedule; times, titles, locations. 5. Let them know who to ask for when they arrive, who their recruiter/coordinator is and how to reach them (cell) if they’re 9 3 Inspire running late or they need to reach someone during the day. candidate 6. Encourage them to prepare questions. success 7. Create an FAQ for common candidate questions about the 8 4 process, next steps, benefit information 8. Let them know they do/don’t need to bring copies of their 7 5 resume/CVs or work samples with them. 6 9. Show them pics of their potential workspace.
  • 19. Improve your interview process/structure Be deliberate and Things to add to or ensure are happening in your interview process intentional. 1. No one wants to bomb their interview; if this happens frequently, add a 2nd phone screen to your process “Start with the end in 2. Give reception/security the names of candidates so they can prepare mind and work a badge in advance and know who to notify when they arrive backwards” 3. Be conscious about who is on the interview team (diversity!), and who Steven Covey goes first. Ideally, have the recruiter meet with the candidate first to walk through the schedule and backgrounds of interviewers 1 4. Ideally, have the first interviewer be the person who phone screened 10 2 them (Hiring Manager?) so that they can have a personal connection and can ask questions about the job 5. Assign different focus areas to each interviewer; it’s common for 9 3 candidates to get asked the same questions Be 6. Don’t try to interview over lunch – separate food from questioning Deliberate 7. Consider 2‐on‐1 interviews so you have coverage if 1 is a no‐show 8 4 8. Don’t leave the candidate in the same boring conference room for the whole day; let them see the “real you” 9. If you have batch interview days, consider a first‐thing presentation 7 5 about your company 6 10. Ensure the last interviewer knows what to say re: next steps
  • 20. Make results visible Establish Address bad behavior, reward good behavior accountability by 1. Highlight real “lost candidate” (including declined offer reasons) data with groups; post mortems for the one that got away. 2. Share candidate experience survey scores by department/leader; managing to the show their scores vs last quarter, vs peers, vs rest of company, vs goal/benchmark results. 1. 2. Back it up with stories from focus groups Share it publicly (?) 3. Confront no‐show interviewers/hiring managers and/or highlight managers requiring multiple reschedules/delays 1. What are consequences in your organization? 1 2. Is time to fill impacted? 10 2 4. Share those wonderful (smile) candidate feedback emails you get(often unsolicited) when an interviewing team doesn’t 9 3 create a positive experience for a hard to find candidate AND share Establish the positive kudos you get too! Accountability 5. Get interviewer participation and hiring manager partnership track record into performance reviews! Send out quantitative and 8 4 qualitative feedback weeks before reviews are due… 6. Ask recent hires to share positive testimonials with the rest of the 7 5 department managers 6 7. Get crazy (smile) and create a way to generate interviewer level candidate experience scores.
  • 21. Differentiate yourself Create a WOW Is there something you can do to stand out and get your process to help you sell? experience Partner with your PR/Marketing department to see if there’s What can you do to something you can leverage to create an exceptional experience create a unique experience that will be 1. Retailer: Walks sales person into the real store and asks them to positive and critique the merchandising, customer experience, look and feel memorable to the candidate? 2. Coffee Company: Coffee guru taste-test during the interview. 3. B2B Wireless Company: Sales ride-along (realistic job preview) 1 4. Biotech: Present your thesis to really smart scientists 10 2 5. Software company: Given an assignment to learn something new and present it to peers during interview. 6. Call Center: Listen in on real calls and make suggestions for 9 3 improvement Create 7. Consulting Company: Role play a project-scoping discussion and WOW build a draft proposal. experiences 8 4 8. School District: Teach a short lesson to real students 7 5 6
  • 22. Make Selling part of the interview What motivates A Ensure that your candidate experience includes time for candidates to learn why they’d want to invest their career players that you with your company, in this role, with these people, now seek? 1. Too many interviewers/recruiters are arrogant or presumptuous, assuming candidates know your company is Identify what motivates you’re A- great. Players and speak to it during the 2. We must identify what our target candidates want out of their career and map that to our real strengths; then share that interview process. during the courting, interviewing, and closing process. 1 1. It’s everyone’s job to “sell”; not just the recruiter or hiring manager 10 2 2. Everyone is selling (or de-selling) whether they know it or not 3. Our questions tell candidates what we value and what to expect here. 3. Survey your top performers and ask them these 3 simple 9 Know the 3 questions to learn their motivators 1. What drew you here? DNA of your 2. What keeps you here? performers 3. What would lure you away? 8 4 4. Arm interviewers/hiring managers with questions and examples that highlight why top performers thrive here. 7 5 6
  • 23. Creating a Great Candidate Experience Vince Lombardi Focus on the basics Brilliant on the Basics. A great candidate experience is largely about flawless execution of the basics and less about innovation. It’s sad to say that very few companies create consistent positive candidate experiences. Yet it is one of the fundamental things that can take a company from good to great. Recent research shows that over 30% of all businesses go under because of poor hiring! “We are not going to be flashy. We are going to be brilliant on the basics. We will run, throw, catch, tackle, and block better than every team in the You want to move the proverbial needle and drive league. That is how we will go to the championships profits to the bottom line? Focus on the Talent this year.” Acquisition Experience and watch things grow!!