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In the new global economy and business world, entrepreneurship is increasing

studied by different scholars. Yet entrepreneurship topic such as whether a

successful entrepreneur is motivated by greed in the entrepreneurial process, and

whether greed is ethical or unethical has received less attention.

      In this report, while variety of definitions of entrepreneurship have been

suggested by different scholars and researchers, the definition that suggested by

Hisrich and Brush (1985), which is entrepreneurship is the process of invent

something new with value bestowing the necessary time and effort, considering the

accompanying financial, psychic, and social risks, and receiving the resulting

monetary rewards, personal satisfaction and independence.

      This objective of this report is to determine whether greed is an essential

making part to be a successful entrepreneur in entrepreneurial process and whether

entrepreneur greed is unethical.

      This report has been organized in the following way. Section two provides a

brief history background about development of entrepreneurship. Section three wills

the review of literature of entrepreneurship and entrepreneur, process of

entrepreneurship, greed, greed in ethical and unethical in entrepreneurship. Section

four will be discussion part that integrates the research finding regarding the topic

with argument through several cases. Finally, section five is the conclusion part

which sum up whether greed is an essential ingredient to be a successful

entrepreneur or otherwise.


The word of entrepreneur is deriving from the French verb entreprendre, literally

translate means “to undertake” (Kuratko, 2009). In the early 16th century,

entrepreneurs were explorer hired by the French Military. By 1700, entrepreneur is

responsible to builder of military bridges, harbours, and fortification. Thus, since

undertaking is a promise and a job, the original entrepreneur were hired to conduct

risky or dangerous activity. Further, French economist had extended the term of

entrepreneur with including people who carry risk and uncertainty in order to create

innovation (Cunningham, 1996).

      Hisrich et al. (2008), has demonstrate the in the development of

entrepreneurship to five history timeline, such as earliest period, middle ages, 17th

century, 18th century, 19th and 20 centuries.

      According to Hisrich, Peters and Sherpherd (2008), in the earliest period of

entrepreneurship, the most former definition of an entrepreneur, which is ‘go-

between’ is Marco Polo, who has established trade path to the Far East. During that

time, Marco Polo has sign a contract with a money person, who is known as venture

capitalist in the present era, to trade his goods. The capitalist was a passive risk

bearer while merchant-adventure like Marco Polo will took active role in trading and

bearing all the risk. When the merchant-adventurer, successfully trade his goods, the

profit were divided, the capitalist will gain most of them as compare to the merchant-

adventurer (Hisrich et al., 2008).

       During the middle age, the term of entrepreneur was use to depict both an

actor and a person who supervise large production projects. However, in the large

production projects, this individual is free from risk, solely managed the project

utilizing the resources provided, usually by the government. Additionally, during that

time, entrepreneur was the cleric who in charge in architectural job, such as castle,

abbeys, cathedrals, public building, and fortifications (Hisrich et al., 2008).

       When reach 17th century, the connection of risk with entrepreneurship started

developed. This is due to entrepreneur at the time will enter into contractual

arrangement with the government to conduct service and products trading job. Since

the contract price is fixed, any resulting profit or losses will bare by the entrepreneur.

Furthermore, Richard Cantillon, a economist during that time, has develop the earlier

theories of entrepreneur and view the entrepreneur as risk taker, due to the collapse

of the royal bank that operate by a Frenchman, John Law, who posses monopoly

advantage and attempt to boost the stock price of his company higher than value of

its assets, and eventually lead to the downfall of the company. Moreover, Cantillon

view entrepreneur as risk taker is also due to he observed that regardless merchant,

farmers, craftsmen, and other sole proprietors, usually purchase at a certain price

and sell at an uncertain price; therefore they are operating at a risk (Hisrich et al.,


         In the 18th century, entrepreneur, the person who needed capital been

differentiated from the capitalist, who the person has capital, which is known venture

capitalist in present day. A venture capitalist is a professional money manager who

performs risk investment from the equity capital to gain high rate of return on the

investment portfolios (Hisrich et al., 2008).

         In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, entrepreneurs were often not

differentiating from manager, especially in economic perspective. This is due to in

economic context, entrepreneur perform manager job such as required to organize,

manage, and presume the risks of business or enterprise which represent processes

which are beneficial to the society (Kyvik, 2009).

         In the middle 20th century, the opinion of an entrepreneur as innovator was

commenced. According to Schumpeter (1978), the role of an entrepreneur is to

ameliorate or revolutionize the pattern of production by attaining an invention, or

untried technological method of producing a new good or modify the in old one in

new way, accessing a new source of supply of materials or new outlet for products,

by coordinating a new industry. In addition, the capability to invent can be observed

throughout the history, especially the ancient Egyptians who designed and construct
the great pyramids out of stone blocks weighing many tons each, to the Apollo lunar

module, the introduction of laser surgery and the wireless network in present day

(Hisrich et al., 2008).


3.1 Entrepreneur and Entrepreneurship

      There is no typical accepted definition or model of who entrepreneur is or

what entrepreneur does (Churchill & Lewis, 1986). The term of “entrepreneur” has

generally been devoted to the founder of a new business, or a person “who ventured

a new business where there is none before (Gartner, 1985). According to Casson

(1982), the entrepreneur is someone who specializes in taking judgmental decisions

about the allocation of scarce resources. Baumol (1990), define entrepreneur as

‘Person who are innovative and creative in identifying ways that increase their own

wealth, power, and prestige’. However, in the Marxism perspective, entrepreneurs

are depicting as profiteers who steal the value created by other people’s work

(Hebert & Link, 1988).

      Vesper (1980) has described the role of entrepreneur through different

perspective, such as economist, businessman and also psychologist. Base on the

economist perspective, an entrepreneur is the one who bring and assembling

resources, labour, material into combination that had been value-added, and also the

one who introduce modification, innovations, and a new order. While, from the

business person perspective, an entrepreneur exists as a threat, an aggressive

competitor, while for another businessman he or she might be an ally, a source of

supply, a customer, or someone who formulate wealth for others, as well as search

better solution to utilize resources, reduce waste, and create job opportunity. Whilst

from the psychologist’s perspective, an entrepreneur is induce by the need to acquire

something, to attempt, to achieve or may be to avoid control by others.

3.2 The Entrepreneurial process

A considerable amount of literature has been published on entrepreneurial process.

According to Lumpkin and Dess (1996), entrepreneurial process is the stage of

pursuing a new venture, whether it is new products into existing market, existing

product into new markets, and/or establish a new organization.

       There are four different stages in entrepreneurial process that develop by

Hisrich et al. (2008), which are recognition and evaluation of the opportunity,

developing business plan, identifying the required resources and manage the

enterprise. There are several aspects in the stage of recognizing and evaluating

opportunity such as opportunity analysis through opportunity plan, which is a

method that utilize in evaluating opportunity and decide the feasibility of the

opportunity. In evaluation process involve identifying the magnitude of the

opportunity, its perceived value, the risk and return of the identified opportunity,

whether it accustom to the entrepreneur’s personal skill and goal, and also the

uniqueness of the opportunity in the competitive environment where the

entrepreneur establish his or her venture (Hisrich et al., 2008).

In the subsequent stage of entrepreneurial process, which is developing

business plan, entrepreneur has to develop a business is for the purpose of exploit

and determine opportunity. A superb business plan is essential in assisting

entrepreneur in developing opportunity and identifying the required resources for

managing the entrepreneur’s venture successfully.

         Obtaining the required resources in a reasonable time and giving up as little

control as possible is the subsequent process in the entrepreneurial process. In this

stage, entrepreneur should strive to preserve as large an ownership position as

possible, especially in the start-up stage. This is due to as the business develops,

more fund will be needed to finance the growth of the venture, expecting more

ownership to be forego. Therefore, the needs and the desires of the alternatives

suppliers of the required resources have to be identified and understand by

entrepreneur, in order to form a deal that enable the entrepreneur to acquire the

resources at the lowest possible cost and minimize the loss of control (Hisrich et al.,


         The final process of entrepreneurial process is managing the enterprise; this is

the stage after the required resources are obtained. Entrepreneur must utilize the

acquired resources to carry out the business plan. While the potential problem of the

enterprise also has to examined, which involve implementing a management style

and structure, as well as the growth strategy for the enterprise. Additionally,

entrepreneur also has to develop a control system, so that the problem can be

quickly identified and overcome (Hisrich et al., 2008).

      Besides, there is another entrepreneurial process that developed by another

scholars, which is different from the entrepreneurial process that developed by

Hisrich et al. (2008). According to Hicks (2009), the entrepreneurial process is

commencing with an informed and creative idea for a new product or service. The

entrepreneur who is ambitious and tempestuous will takes initiative in developing the

idea into a new venture or enterprise. The entrepreneur will persistently conduct trial

and error on the idea and produce something with value. The entrepreneur will takes

on the leading role in demonstrate the value of the new product to consumers and

also demonstrating to his or her new employees how to make it. The entrepreneur

will trades with customers and employees to win-win result and thus finally achieve

success and enjoy the accomplishment.

      Hicks (2009), has further explain each stage of the entrepreneurial process. In

the process of generating with informed and creative ideas is the stage which the

entrepreneur express his or her vision and usually “thinking outside the box”, and

imagination. They will provide judgement on which idea is feasible, which product or

service can be developed, whether the product is sellable and also what is the

current trend from marketing research.

In the stage of ambition, entrepreneur strives to achieve goals, to be

successful, to ameliorate oneself, to be better off, and to be the best. Entrepreneur

as an ambitious individual feel strongly the need attain their goals. In the initiative

stage, as an entrepreneur requires enthusiasm. In this stage entrepreneur has create

a business plan and turn the plan into reality which is similar to the development of

business in the entrepreneurial process that develop by Hisrich et al. (2008). In the

stage of gut, entrepreneur is willing to calculate the risk, to be aware the possible

drawback while avoid the fear of failure or disapproval to affect his or her decision-


      Hicks (2009), recognize that entrepreneurial success is never easy and realize

overnight. Thus perseverance or persistent is essential. In this stage, entrepreneur

must be persistent through the obstruction in the product development and must be

good at short-term discipline and preserving their long-term motivations present in

their thinking. In the trial and error stage, entrepreneur is requiring to make

alteration based on experience. Further, in the production stage, entrepreneur will

creating added value new good or service, producing it in quantity, and further

improve the quality.

      In the transaction stage, customer, employees, or venture capitalists who

have engage trade relationship with an entrepreneur will engage with win-win trade,

exchanging value for value. It is due to entrepreneur will dealing with others on a

peaceful foundation according to productive merit and protecting one’s own interest

and respecting the other party’s doing the same, diplomacy, and attain a mutual

beneficial result (Hicks, 2009).

       Additionally, entrepreneur will add value by introducing leadership to the trade

when creating new product or service. Entrepreneur must demonstrate the value of

new product or service to new customer and instruct new employee regarding the

way to produce the new product or service. Finally, it is the stage when entrepreneur

experiences success and enjoyment. In this stage, entrepreneur receives material

rewards such as financial independence, and psychological reward such as

experiencing self-respect and also sense of achievement (Hicks, 2009).

3.3 Greed

“Greed” is in reality a relatively difficult concept that has employed by thinkers across

all religions and philosophical traditions throughout history (Weizner & Darroch,

2009). Greed is defined as a selfish and limitless covetousness for more of something

such as money, than is needed (Merriam-Webster, n.d.).

       According to Johansson, Gustafsson, and Garling (2003), who had conducted

study in the conflict between the influence of greed, efficiency, and fairness in

allocation decision, they found that in a sanctioning system at controlling the utilize

of resource, a decision maker’s self-interest is uniform with maximizing revenues.

Thus, they defined that self-interest as maximizing one’s payoff complying with

quadratic payoff function.

      Etzioni (1990), determined that in the classic economic theory depict

individuals are acting like Homo Economicus, which means driving to maximize their

own economic dominance, thus he defining man as utilitarian, rational, and

individualist. According to Carson (2003), defenders of capitalism who advocated

laissez faire capitalism, drawing that the motives of greed and economic self-interest

function as promote the general welfare.

      Maitland (2002), argue that most of the moralist make confuse of self-interest

with selfishness, and oppose that self-interest commonly identified with self-

absorption and neglecting the right and interests of other, money making, avarice

and greed, materialism, hedonism, and profit maximization. He do not blame

corporation for maximizing profits as long as they treat their stakeholders with

kindness and courtesy and comply the rule of the game.

3.4 Ethical and Unethical

Ethics is a subject of morality, and it is a respectable behavior (Omolewu, n.d.).

According Morf, Schumacher, and Vitell (1999), ethic is the moral principle that

individual interpose into their decision making process and assist temper the

consequences to comply to the norms of theirs society. Appelbaum, Soltero, and

Neville (2005), describe ethics as set of moral values that control a person behaviour

or how an activity is performed, which commonly accepted by the society of what

can be considered good in nature and otherwise. Both scholars, Appelbaum, Soltero

and Neville (2005) further identified ethics as the moral standard of society, despite

different societies may have minor differences in their respective standard, the

essential rationale of what is morally correct hold in most of them.

       The concept of ethic is related with providing society with range of what are

the good things to do, even though the concept may not commonly accepted by its

member. In other words, ethics explore for the ultimate gain to the society instead of

individual gain (Jones, Sontag, Becker, & Fogelin, 1977).

       The Civil Service Commission of Philippines (n.d.) has defined an unethical

behaviour as any behaviour that forbid by law, while in business context, unethical

means the “large gray area” that cause hardly to distinguish right and wrong.

According to Baucus and Near (1991), there are several behaviours that been

classified as unethical, such as mail, and wire fraud, discrimination and disturbance,

corruption, misuse of company assets, conflict of interest, bribery, fraud, illegal

business donation, pattern violation, and product liability.

According to Hosmer (1987), competing for scarce resources is one the reason

cause individual engage in unethical behaviour, he also emphasized the reason

involve in unethical behaviour is attempt to improve the company’s competitive


       Levicki et al. (as cited in Fassin, 2005), identified that three main

determinants that may lead individual to conduct unethical behaviour are such as,

greed and profit optimization, competition, and need to insure or restore the violated

standard of justice.

3.5 Relation between Entrepreneur and greed

According to Robinson, Davidson, Mescht, and Court (2007), the ethics in business

often cause entrepreneur encounter with selection in business that create tensions

between their need to be ethical and their desire to gain more profit. This tension

may sometimes evident as the fundamental decision between private gain and public

benefit, and this might lead to ethical dilemma. Both scholars found that when

decisions are without morally basis, entrepreneur may be influence by vices, such as

greed or selfishness.

       Cooke (as cited in Miles, Munilla, Covin, 2004), discovered that “greed” or the

quest to achieve superior return, it the motivating factor for publicly held corporation

to innovate and involve in risky entrepreneurial initiative. Schmoller (as cited in Ebner,

2005), argued that entrepreneur who perform the role in economic improvement,

such as increase productivity and living standards would also come along with

motives of greed, stimulating social disintegration.

       According to Djankov, Qian, Roland and Zhuracskaya (2006), who had

conducted a pilot study on entrepreneurship in China and Russia to compared the

potentially factor that influence on entrepreneurship, found that entrepreneurs who

are greed means not willing to retire and strive to earn more money. Djankov et al.

(2007), also found that the failure rate for entrepreneur whose main motive is greed

is twice time higher than those entrepreneur whose primarily motivation is love job

and greed is secondary.

       Fassin (2005), who had conducted a study on investigating on the factors

behind unethical behaviour in business and entrepreneurship through discussion with

entrepreneur in different economic circles, with industrial federation, with

engineering association and with business school alumni, identified that money may

the essential motivation for entrepreneur, despite others might think that the

entrepreneur greed for money.

       However, according to Ramanigopal, Palaniappan, and Mani (n.d.), who has

conduct research in determining the secrets of a successful entrepreneur, identified
that there are top ten reason entrepreneur new-venture start-ups fail, one the the

factor is due to the entrepreneur is blind by greed or arrogance. Similar, according to

Baird (2001), an entrepreneur who is greed unable to become a successful

entrepreneur, with reason such as successful entrepreneur is prohibit from stealing

trade secret and customer lists which will cause conflict of interest. Moreover,

Quigley (2011) also argued that greed is unrelated with founding a company, and

become a success entrepreneur.

3.6 Social Entrepreneur

The term of Social Entrepreneurship first applied between the 1960s and 1970s, and

widely used between the 80s and 90s, which introduced by Bill Drayton, the founder

of “Ashoka: Innovators for Public” (Ferri, 2011).

      According to Austin, Stevenson, and Wei-Skillern (as cited in Urban, 2008),

the main driver for an entrepreneur become social entrepreneur is due to the social

problem that cause from political, such as the devolution of social functions national,

as well as local level. Social Entrepreneur also provides resolution to social,

employment, and economic problem where traditional market or public failed to

overcome (Jeff, 2006). According to Carree, Stel, Thurik, and Wennekers, (2007),

entrepreneur perform a significant social and economic role in influencing on societal

development through creating social value.


In reviewing the literature, there is a strong relationship between greed and

entrepreneur. In this part, will be the section to discuss whether greed is an essential

characteristics or trait to be a success entrepreneur. Most of us might think that the

world would be a better place if people were more caring and less greedy. However,

there might be otherwise, means the world might not a better place too if everyone

is kind without those greed actor.

      Let’s take an example to examine whether the world will be better if there is

without greed player. Jeff Ellis, an entrepreneur who head Ellis & Associates, Inc., a

Florida based company that provide aquatic risk management, lifeguard training

program, and swimming instruction, has proven that greed is good and drive his

company to success. Mr. Ellis has decide to trained lifeguards instead of work with

Red Cross, a non-profit organization, due to he want to make money and confident

that his company will able to provide better trained lifeguards and in return with

profit (Stossel & Dorian, 2005).

      Although his company often criticized for being a profit base company to

compete with a non profit agency, but for Mr. Elis he think that a profit company will

able to delivers a better service at affordable price. In order to win the business, Mr.

Ellis persistently innovates, and he believes profit-motivate creative will eventually

lead his company to invent a better lifesaving techniques. Mr. Ellis’ company has

invented new tools such as “rear huggie”, which a rescue tube to rescue the victim,

and the company also manage invent plastic mouthpiece to assist the Ellis &

Associates, Inc.’s lifeguards perform mouth-to-mouth (Stossel & Dorian, 2005).

      In the competition between Ellis & Associates, Inc. and Red Cross, Mr. Ellis is

aware that the complacency has kept Red Cross from coming up with new innovation.

This is also the main reason Ellis & Associates, Inc beat Red Cross in the competition

with there are hundreds of pools have switched from Red Cross lifeguards to the

lifeguards trained by Ellis’s company. In additionally, the services provide by Ellis’

company such as training and the follow-up has satisfied its customer (Stossel &

Dorian, 2005).

      From above entrepreneurial case about Ellis & Associates, Inc., it has

demonstrated that a greed entrepreneur, which money is the entrepreneur’s main

motivation has qualified Mr. Ellis to be successful entrepreneur. His greed has made

the world better with new innovation. This case can be explain through the study

conducted by Fassin (2005), who found that money is the main motivation to

entrepreneur, despite other view entrepreneur as greed.

      Furthermore, there is a real life case that demonstrates good side of greed in

entrepreneurship. If greed unleashes the spirit of entrepreneurship and also drive the

individual to work for good things in life, the world might be better as well. This is
due to there are a lot of things are educe from self-interest or greed, and potentially

transform to good for other as well. Social Entrepreneur is the typical example of he

or she might be greed, but the greediness in helping other of the social entrepreneur

has improve people’s life.

      The Social Entrepreneur like Muhammad Yunus, the winner of the 2006 Nobel

Peace Prize and innovator of microfinance, could be view as greedy. This is due to he

had the quenchless thirst and passion to solve the problems of poverty, hunger and

inequality. As the founder of Grameen Bank, he has come up with a way to feat

capitalism and provides assistance to the poor. His bank has become a giant seedbed

of entrepreneurship (Yoshikami, n.d.).

      The above case once again demonstrated every successful entrepreneur is

drive by greed, thirst, and unsatisfied desire to their goal. Furthermore, through this

case greed for money is not necessarily the motivator of entrepreneurship; it is

rather a desire to achieve, and revolution to make something different. Financial gain

is only serving as source of feedback and measurement for the progress being made

(Yoshikami, n.d.).


To conclude, base the journal finding or reviewing and example of case, greed is one

of the essential ingredients to become a successful entrepreneur. Although greed is

consider unethical in business perspective context, due to it cause the disposition in

society as argued by Schmoller (as cited in Ebner, 2005). However, from the case

Jeff Ellis of Ellis & Associates, although the entrepreneur is greed for profit, but he

has invented something new and provide quality service to customer and eventually

become successful. Moreover, the founder of Grameen Bank, Muhammad Yunus, he

is a greed entrepreneur as well, but he is greed in different way, he has introduce

microfinance to help people who are needed due to he has limitless of thirst and

passion to solve the problems of poverty, hunger and inequality. In short, greed can

be in beneficial form and impact other for greater good. In contrast, in its worst form,

it might able to undermine and devastate others.


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Is greed an essential ingredient to be a successful entrepreneur 6

  • 1. 1. INTRODUCTION In the new global economy and business world, entrepreneurship is increasing studied by different scholars. Yet entrepreneurship topic such as whether a successful entrepreneur is motivated by greed in the entrepreneurial process, and whether greed is ethical or unethical has received less attention. In this report, while variety of definitions of entrepreneurship have been suggested by different scholars and researchers, the definition that suggested by Hisrich and Brush (1985), which is entrepreneurship is the process of invent something new with value bestowing the necessary time and effort, considering the accompanying financial, psychic, and social risks, and receiving the resulting monetary rewards, personal satisfaction and independence. This objective of this report is to determine whether greed is an essential making part to be a successful entrepreneur in entrepreneurial process and whether entrepreneur greed is unethical. This report has been organized in the following way. Section two provides a brief history background about development of entrepreneurship. Section three wills the review of literature of entrepreneurship and entrepreneur, process of entrepreneurship, greed, greed in ethical and unethical in entrepreneurship. Section 1
  • 2. four will be discussion part that integrates the research finding regarding the topic with argument through several cases. Finally, section five is the conclusion part which sum up whether greed is an essential ingredient to be a successful entrepreneur or otherwise. 2
  • 3. 2. HISTORY BACKGROUND AND DEVELOPMENT OF ENTREPRENEURHIP The word of entrepreneur is deriving from the French verb entreprendre, literally translate means “to undertake” (Kuratko, 2009). In the early 16th century, entrepreneurs were explorer hired by the French Military. By 1700, entrepreneur is responsible to builder of military bridges, harbours, and fortification. Thus, since undertaking is a promise and a job, the original entrepreneur were hired to conduct risky or dangerous activity. Further, French economist had extended the term of entrepreneur with including people who carry risk and uncertainty in order to create innovation (Cunningham, 1996). Hisrich et al. (2008), has demonstrate the in the development of entrepreneurship to five history timeline, such as earliest period, middle ages, 17th century, 18th century, 19th and 20 centuries. According to Hisrich, Peters and Sherpherd (2008), in the earliest period of entrepreneurship, the most former definition of an entrepreneur, which is ‘go- between’ is Marco Polo, who has established trade path to the Far East. During that time, Marco Polo has sign a contract with a money person, who is known as venture capitalist in the present era, to trade his goods. The capitalist was a passive risk bearer while merchant-adventure like Marco Polo will took active role in trading and bearing all the risk. When the merchant-adventurer, successfully trade his goods, the 3
  • 4. profit were divided, the capitalist will gain most of them as compare to the merchant- adventurer (Hisrich et al., 2008). During the middle age, the term of entrepreneur was use to depict both an actor and a person who supervise large production projects. However, in the large production projects, this individual is free from risk, solely managed the project utilizing the resources provided, usually by the government. Additionally, during that time, entrepreneur was the cleric who in charge in architectural job, such as castle, abbeys, cathedrals, public building, and fortifications (Hisrich et al., 2008). When reach 17th century, the connection of risk with entrepreneurship started developed. This is due to entrepreneur at the time will enter into contractual arrangement with the government to conduct service and products trading job. Since the contract price is fixed, any resulting profit or losses will bare by the entrepreneur. Furthermore, Richard Cantillon, a economist during that time, has develop the earlier theories of entrepreneur and view the entrepreneur as risk taker, due to the collapse of the royal bank that operate by a Frenchman, John Law, who posses monopoly advantage and attempt to boost the stock price of his company higher than value of its assets, and eventually lead to the downfall of the company. Moreover, Cantillon view entrepreneur as risk taker is also due to he observed that regardless merchant, farmers, craftsmen, and other sole proprietors, usually purchase at a certain price 4
  • 5. and sell at an uncertain price; therefore they are operating at a risk (Hisrich et al., 2008). In the 18th century, entrepreneur, the person who needed capital been differentiated from the capitalist, who the person has capital, which is known venture capitalist in present day. A venture capitalist is a professional money manager who performs risk investment from the equity capital to gain high rate of return on the investment portfolios (Hisrich et al., 2008). In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, entrepreneurs were often not differentiating from manager, especially in economic perspective. This is due to in economic context, entrepreneur perform manager job such as required to organize, manage, and presume the risks of business or enterprise which represent processes which are beneficial to the society (Kyvik, 2009). In the middle 20th century, the opinion of an entrepreneur as innovator was commenced. According to Schumpeter (1978), the role of an entrepreneur is to ameliorate or revolutionize the pattern of production by attaining an invention, or untried technological method of producing a new good or modify the in old one in new way, accessing a new source of supply of materials or new outlet for products, by coordinating a new industry. In addition, the capability to invent can be observed throughout the history, especially the ancient Egyptians who designed and construct 5
  • 6. the great pyramids out of stone blocks weighing many tons each, to the Apollo lunar module, the introduction of laser surgery and the wireless network in present day (Hisrich et al., 2008). 6
  • 7. 3. LITERATURE REVIEW 3.1 Entrepreneur and Entrepreneurship There is no typical accepted definition or model of who entrepreneur is or what entrepreneur does (Churchill & Lewis, 1986). The term of “entrepreneur” has generally been devoted to the founder of a new business, or a person “who ventured a new business where there is none before (Gartner, 1985). According to Casson (1982), the entrepreneur is someone who specializes in taking judgmental decisions about the allocation of scarce resources. Baumol (1990), define entrepreneur as ‘Person who are innovative and creative in identifying ways that increase their own wealth, power, and prestige’. However, in the Marxism perspective, entrepreneurs are depicting as profiteers who steal the value created by other people’s work (Hebert & Link, 1988). Vesper (1980) has described the role of entrepreneur through different perspective, such as economist, businessman and also psychologist. Base on the economist perspective, an entrepreneur is the one who bring and assembling resources, labour, material into combination that had been value-added, and also the one who introduce modification, innovations, and a new order. While, from the business person perspective, an entrepreneur exists as a threat, an aggressive competitor, while for another businessman he or she might be an ally, a source of supply, a customer, or someone who formulate wealth for others, as well as search better solution to utilize resources, reduce waste, and create job opportunity. Whilst 7
  • 8. from the psychologist’s perspective, an entrepreneur is induce by the need to acquire something, to attempt, to achieve or may be to avoid control by others. 3.2 The Entrepreneurial process A considerable amount of literature has been published on entrepreneurial process. According to Lumpkin and Dess (1996), entrepreneurial process is the stage of pursuing a new venture, whether it is new products into existing market, existing product into new markets, and/or establish a new organization. There are four different stages in entrepreneurial process that develop by Hisrich et al. (2008), which are recognition and evaluation of the opportunity, developing business plan, identifying the required resources and manage the enterprise. There are several aspects in the stage of recognizing and evaluating opportunity such as opportunity analysis through opportunity plan, which is a method that utilize in evaluating opportunity and decide the feasibility of the opportunity. In evaluation process involve identifying the magnitude of the opportunity, its perceived value, the risk and return of the identified opportunity, whether it accustom to the entrepreneur’s personal skill and goal, and also the uniqueness of the opportunity in the competitive environment where the entrepreneur establish his or her venture (Hisrich et al., 2008). 8
  • 9. In the subsequent stage of entrepreneurial process, which is developing business plan, entrepreneur has to develop a business is for the purpose of exploit and determine opportunity. A superb business plan is essential in assisting entrepreneur in developing opportunity and identifying the required resources for managing the entrepreneur’s venture successfully. Obtaining the required resources in a reasonable time and giving up as little control as possible is the subsequent process in the entrepreneurial process. In this stage, entrepreneur should strive to preserve as large an ownership position as possible, especially in the start-up stage. This is due to as the business develops, more fund will be needed to finance the growth of the venture, expecting more ownership to be forego. Therefore, the needs and the desires of the alternatives suppliers of the required resources have to be identified and understand by entrepreneur, in order to form a deal that enable the entrepreneur to acquire the resources at the lowest possible cost and minimize the loss of control (Hisrich et al., 2008). The final process of entrepreneurial process is managing the enterprise; this is the stage after the required resources are obtained. Entrepreneur must utilize the acquired resources to carry out the business plan. While the potential problem of the enterprise also has to examined, which involve implementing a management style and structure, as well as the growth strategy for the enterprise. Additionally, 9
  • 10. entrepreneur also has to develop a control system, so that the problem can be quickly identified and overcome (Hisrich et al., 2008). Besides, there is another entrepreneurial process that developed by another scholars, which is different from the entrepreneurial process that developed by Hisrich et al. (2008). According to Hicks (2009), the entrepreneurial process is commencing with an informed and creative idea for a new product or service. The entrepreneur who is ambitious and tempestuous will takes initiative in developing the idea into a new venture or enterprise. The entrepreneur will persistently conduct trial and error on the idea and produce something with value. The entrepreneur will takes on the leading role in demonstrate the value of the new product to consumers and also demonstrating to his or her new employees how to make it. The entrepreneur will trades with customers and employees to win-win result and thus finally achieve success and enjoy the accomplishment. Hicks (2009), has further explain each stage of the entrepreneurial process. In the process of generating with informed and creative ideas is the stage which the entrepreneur express his or her vision and usually “thinking outside the box”, and imagination. They will provide judgement on which idea is feasible, which product or service can be developed, whether the product is sellable and also what is the current trend from marketing research. 10
  • 11. In the stage of ambition, entrepreneur strives to achieve goals, to be successful, to ameliorate oneself, to be better off, and to be the best. Entrepreneur as an ambitious individual feel strongly the need attain their goals. In the initiative stage, as an entrepreneur requires enthusiasm. In this stage entrepreneur has create a business plan and turn the plan into reality which is similar to the development of business in the entrepreneurial process that develop by Hisrich et al. (2008). In the stage of gut, entrepreneur is willing to calculate the risk, to be aware the possible drawback while avoid the fear of failure or disapproval to affect his or her decision- making. Hicks (2009), recognize that entrepreneurial success is never easy and realize overnight. Thus perseverance or persistent is essential. In this stage, entrepreneur must be persistent through the obstruction in the product development and must be good at short-term discipline and preserving their long-term motivations present in their thinking. In the trial and error stage, entrepreneur is requiring to make alteration based on experience. Further, in the production stage, entrepreneur will creating added value new good or service, producing it in quantity, and further improve the quality. In the transaction stage, customer, employees, or venture capitalists who have engage trade relationship with an entrepreneur will engage with win-win trade, exchanging value for value. It is due to entrepreneur will dealing with others on a 11
  • 12. peaceful foundation according to productive merit and protecting one’s own interest and respecting the other party’s doing the same, diplomacy, and attain a mutual beneficial result (Hicks, 2009). Additionally, entrepreneur will add value by introducing leadership to the trade when creating new product or service. Entrepreneur must demonstrate the value of new product or service to new customer and instruct new employee regarding the way to produce the new product or service. Finally, it is the stage when entrepreneur experiences success and enjoyment. In this stage, entrepreneur receives material rewards such as financial independence, and psychological reward such as experiencing self-respect and also sense of achievement (Hicks, 2009). 3.3 Greed “Greed” is in reality a relatively difficult concept that has employed by thinkers across all religions and philosophical traditions throughout history (Weizner & Darroch, 2009). Greed is defined as a selfish and limitless covetousness for more of something such as money, than is needed (Merriam-Webster, n.d.). According to Johansson, Gustafsson, and Garling (2003), who had conducted study in the conflict between the influence of greed, efficiency, and fairness in allocation decision, they found that in a sanctioning system at controlling the utilize 12
  • 13. of resource, a decision maker’s self-interest is uniform with maximizing revenues. Thus, they defined that self-interest as maximizing one’s payoff complying with quadratic payoff function. Etzioni (1990), determined that in the classic economic theory depict individuals are acting like Homo Economicus, which means driving to maximize their own economic dominance, thus he defining man as utilitarian, rational, and individualist. According to Carson (2003), defenders of capitalism who advocated laissez faire capitalism, drawing that the motives of greed and economic self-interest function as promote the general welfare. Maitland (2002), argue that most of the moralist make confuse of self-interest with selfishness, and oppose that self-interest commonly identified with self- absorption and neglecting the right and interests of other, money making, avarice and greed, materialism, hedonism, and profit maximization. He do not blame corporation for maximizing profits as long as they treat their stakeholders with kindness and courtesy and comply the rule of the game. 3.4 Ethical and Unethical Ethics is a subject of morality, and it is a respectable behavior (Omolewu, n.d.). According Morf, Schumacher, and Vitell (1999), ethic is the moral principle that 13
  • 14. individual interpose into their decision making process and assist temper the consequences to comply to the norms of theirs society. Appelbaum, Soltero, and Neville (2005), describe ethics as set of moral values that control a person behaviour or how an activity is performed, which commonly accepted by the society of what can be considered good in nature and otherwise. Both scholars, Appelbaum, Soltero and Neville (2005) further identified ethics as the moral standard of society, despite different societies may have minor differences in their respective standard, the essential rationale of what is morally correct hold in most of them. The concept of ethic is related with providing society with range of what are the good things to do, even though the concept may not commonly accepted by its member. In other words, ethics explore for the ultimate gain to the society instead of individual gain (Jones, Sontag, Becker, & Fogelin, 1977). The Civil Service Commission of Philippines (n.d.) has defined an unethical behaviour as any behaviour that forbid by law, while in business context, unethical means the “large gray area” that cause hardly to distinguish right and wrong. According to Baucus and Near (1991), there are several behaviours that been classified as unethical, such as mail, and wire fraud, discrimination and disturbance, corruption, misuse of company assets, conflict of interest, bribery, fraud, illegal business donation, pattern violation, and product liability. 14
  • 15. According to Hosmer (1987), competing for scarce resources is one the reason cause individual engage in unethical behaviour, he also emphasized the reason involve in unethical behaviour is attempt to improve the company’s competitive position. Levicki et al. (as cited in Fassin, 2005), identified that three main determinants that may lead individual to conduct unethical behaviour are such as, greed and profit optimization, competition, and need to insure or restore the violated standard of justice. 3.5 Relation between Entrepreneur and greed According to Robinson, Davidson, Mescht, and Court (2007), the ethics in business often cause entrepreneur encounter with selection in business that create tensions between their need to be ethical and their desire to gain more profit. This tension may sometimes evident as the fundamental decision between private gain and public benefit, and this might lead to ethical dilemma. Both scholars found that when decisions are without morally basis, entrepreneur may be influence by vices, such as greed or selfishness. Cooke (as cited in Miles, Munilla, Covin, 2004), discovered that “greed” or the quest to achieve superior return, it the motivating factor for publicly held corporation 15
  • 16. to innovate and involve in risky entrepreneurial initiative. Schmoller (as cited in Ebner, 2005), argued that entrepreneur who perform the role in economic improvement, such as increase productivity and living standards would also come along with motives of greed, stimulating social disintegration. According to Djankov, Qian, Roland and Zhuracskaya (2006), who had conducted a pilot study on entrepreneurship in China and Russia to compared the potentially factor that influence on entrepreneurship, found that entrepreneurs who are greed means not willing to retire and strive to earn more money. Djankov et al. (2007), also found that the failure rate for entrepreneur whose main motive is greed is twice time higher than those entrepreneur whose primarily motivation is love job and greed is secondary. Fassin (2005), who had conducted a study on investigating on the factors behind unethical behaviour in business and entrepreneurship through discussion with entrepreneur in different economic circles, with industrial federation, with engineering association and with business school alumni, identified that money may the essential motivation for entrepreneur, despite others might think that the entrepreneur greed for money. However, according to Ramanigopal, Palaniappan, and Mani (n.d.), who has conduct research in determining the secrets of a successful entrepreneur, identified 16
  • 17. that there are top ten reason entrepreneur new-venture start-ups fail, one the the factor is due to the entrepreneur is blind by greed or arrogance. Similar, according to Baird (2001), an entrepreneur who is greed unable to become a successful entrepreneur, with reason such as successful entrepreneur is prohibit from stealing trade secret and customer lists which will cause conflict of interest. Moreover, Quigley (2011) also argued that greed is unrelated with founding a company, and become a success entrepreneur. 3.6 Social Entrepreneur The term of Social Entrepreneurship first applied between the 1960s and 1970s, and widely used between the 80s and 90s, which introduced by Bill Drayton, the founder of “Ashoka: Innovators for Public” (Ferri, 2011). According to Austin, Stevenson, and Wei-Skillern (as cited in Urban, 2008), the main driver for an entrepreneur become social entrepreneur is due to the social problem that cause from political, such as the devolution of social functions national, as well as local level. Social Entrepreneur also provides resolution to social, employment, and economic problem where traditional market or public failed to overcome (Jeff, 2006). According to Carree, Stel, Thurik, and Wennekers, (2007), entrepreneur perform a significant social and economic role in influencing on societal development through creating social value. 17
  • 18. 4.0 DISCUSSION In reviewing the literature, there is a strong relationship between greed and entrepreneur. In this part, will be the section to discuss whether greed is an essential characteristics or trait to be a success entrepreneur. Most of us might think that the world would be a better place if people were more caring and less greedy. However, there might be otherwise, means the world might not a better place too if everyone is kind without those greed actor. Let’s take an example to examine whether the world will be better if there is without greed player. Jeff Ellis, an entrepreneur who head Ellis & Associates, Inc., a Florida based company that provide aquatic risk management, lifeguard training program, and swimming instruction, has proven that greed is good and drive his company to success. Mr. Ellis has decide to trained lifeguards instead of work with Red Cross, a non-profit organization, due to he want to make money and confident that his company will able to provide better trained lifeguards and in return with profit (Stossel & Dorian, 2005). Although his company often criticized for being a profit base company to compete with a non profit agency, but for Mr. Elis he think that a profit company will able to delivers a better service at affordable price. In order to win the business, Mr. Ellis persistently innovates, and he believes profit-motivate creative will eventually lead his company to invent a better lifesaving techniques. Mr. Ellis’ company has 18
  • 19. invented new tools such as “rear huggie”, which a rescue tube to rescue the victim, and the company also manage invent plastic mouthpiece to assist the Ellis & Associates, Inc.’s lifeguards perform mouth-to-mouth (Stossel & Dorian, 2005). In the competition between Ellis & Associates, Inc. and Red Cross, Mr. Ellis is aware that the complacency has kept Red Cross from coming up with new innovation. This is also the main reason Ellis & Associates, Inc beat Red Cross in the competition with there are hundreds of pools have switched from Red Cross lifeguards to the lifeguards trained by Ellis’s company. In additionally, the services provide by Ellis’ company such as training and the follow-up has satisfied its customer (Stossel & Dorian, 2005). From above entrepreneurial case about Ellis & Associates, Inc., it has demonstrated that a greed entrepreneur, which money is the entrepreneur’s main motivation has qualified Mr. Ellis to be successful entrepreneur. His greed has made the world better with new innovation. This case can be explain through the study conducted by Fassin (2005), who found that money is the main motivation to entrepreneur, despite other view entrepreneur as greed. Furthermore, there is a real life case that demonstrates good side of greed in entrepreneurship. If greed unleashes the spirit of entrepreneurship and also drive the individual to work for good things in life, the world might be better as well. This is 19
  • 20. due to there are a lot of things are educe from self-interest or greed, and potentially transform to good for other as well. Social Entrepreneur is the typical example of he or she might be greed, but the greediness in helping other of the social entrepreneur has improve people’s life. The Social Entrepreneur like Muhammad Yunus, the winner of the 2006 Nobel Peace Prize and innovator of microfinance, could be view as greedy. This is due to he had the quenchless thirst and passion to solve the problems of poverty, hunger and inequality. As the founder of Grameen Bank, he has come up with a way to feat capitalism and provides assistance to the poor. His bank has become a giant seedbed of entrepreneurship (Yoshikami, n.d.). The above case once again demonstrated every successful entrepreneur is drive by greed, thirst, and unsatisfied desire to their goal. Furthermore, through this case greed for money is not necessarily the motivator of entrepreneurship; it is rather a desire to achieve, and revolution to make something different. Financial gain is only serving as source of feedback and measurement for the progress being made (Yoshikami, n.d.). 20
  • 21. 5. CONCLUSION To conclude, base the journal finding or reviewing and example of case, greed is one of the essential ingredients to become a successful entrepreneur. Although greed is consider unethical in business perspective context, due to it cause the disposition in society as argued by Schmoller (as cited in Ebner, 2005). However, from the case Jeff Ellis of Ellis & Associates, although the entrepreneur is greed for profit, but he has invented something new and provide quality service to customer and eventually become successful. Moreover, the founder of Grameen Bank, Muhammad Yunus, he is a greed entrepreneur as well, but he is greed in different way, he has introduce microfinance to help people who are needed due to he has limitless of thirst and passion to solve the problems of poverty, hunger and inequality. In short, greed can be in beneficial form and impact other for greater good. In contrast, in its worst form, it might able to undermine and devastate others. 21
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