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A public company of the Government of Catalonia, linked to the
Department of Agriculture, Food and Rural Action (DAR), subject
to private law, created by Law 23/1985 of 28 November,
subsequently modified by Law 4/2009 of 15 April.
Human Resources
              717 workers
              Distributed in our 9 centres

researchers                        47%       53%
                 388                 men     women
              support staff

                Our cooperative relies
                     on a total of

              1,147 people
      €46.1 million
      Total resources in 2009

                         from the
                       Government of
62.38%                   Catalonia
Own funds

            Invested in 2009
Projects and
 Contracts in 2009

681 current activities
     285 companies
       have signed contracts

     62 agreements
   with national and international
    Material Output
       in 2009
323 scientific articles
291 papers and posters for
49 technical articles
51 books and articles in books
20 completed PhD theses
34 completed undergraduate final
        project dissertations
3   patents
• Strengthening    the organisation thanks to
    collaboration agreements
•   Training visits
•   International courses and seminars
•   Joint research and development projects
•   Project assessment
•   Technical/commercial tasks
Structure of the IRTA
 10 IRTA centres + 9 associated centres make
 up the Research Cooperative.

 28 locations in Catalonia:

  •   9 in Barcelona
  •   6 in Tarragona
  •   9 in Lleida
  •   4 in Girona
The Centres
        Activities in Lleida

                                                                Mas Badia Field Station
          Gimenells             Alcarràs Field Station            Torre Marimon
       Fruit Centre
                               Lleida Field Station
             Lleida                                            GIRO
                                 Borges Blanques                           Cabrils
                                                           CReSA     CRAG
                                                         CREAF     Corporate Services
UdL-IRTA Foundation
                                                      CREDA      El Prat Field Station
                   Mas de Bover
          Ascó             Gandesa

                               Ebre Field Station                  IRTA work centres                    California
                        Sant Carles de la Ràpita                   Associated centres                        Panama
                                                                   IRTA field stations                                New Zealand
                                                                   Associated field stations
                                                                   Collaborating farms

                              Food Engineering
                              Improving Food Industry Processes

                              New Processing Technologies in the
                              Agri-Food Industry
                              Carcass Quality
                              Quality of Food of Animal Origin

                              New Preservation Technologies
                              Abiotic Food Safety
                              Biotic Food Safety

                              Ingredients and Functional Molecules
                              Proteomics and Metabolomics


         The programme is focused on answering the technological and research needs of
         the agri-food industry. It is organised into three sub-programmes: Food
         Engineering, Process Improvement and New Processing Technologies.

         The joint effort of these three sub-programmes is necessary to accomplish the
         objectives of the Food Technology Programme, since a good knowledge of the
         market, the product and the process is essential to identify the requirements of the


FOOD TECHNOLOGY                                                                            CENTA

         Food Engineering
         Modelling the transformation processes of food. Transport operations (mass, heat
         and quantity of movement). Process simulation and control. Process engineering.

         LINES OF WORK
         • Drying engineering. Studies the optimisation of the traditional processes and the
           development of new drying systems. Optimising traditional processes aims to model mass
           transfer processes and transformation kinetics of foods in order to enhance their quality and
           energy efficiency.

         • New technologies engineering studies packaging, and the transformation and preservation
           processes of food in general.

         • Control systems apply to raw materials, processes and products.


FOOD TECHNOLOGY                                                                              CENTA

         Improving Food Industry Processes

         Improvement of traditional technologies in order to enhance quality, safety and sensorial
         characteristics of the product or the efficiency of the process.

         LINES OF WORK
         • Food drying. Studies the changes caused to the product by the drying process (nutritional,
           microbiological stability, texture, sensory quality, etc.) and the interaction between the
           product and the technology used (traditional or innovative), optimising the selection criteria of
           raw materials and the variables of the drying process for each product.

         • Pre-cooked food. Specialist advice for companies in the sector and research companies.

         • Food sensory analysis and consumer studies.

         • Nutritional improvement. Reduction of sodium, replacement of fat, addition of probiotics,
           reduction of nitrifying agents, etc.

         • Food packaging. Interaction between packaging materials and food, shelf life, modified
           atmospheres, active packaging, etc.


FOOD TECHNOLOGY                                                                             CENTA

         New Processing Technologies in the Agri-Food Industry

         Study of the application of new technologies that have not been used traditionally due to
         the transformation, control and conservation of food.

         LINES OF WORK
         • High pressure. Introducing the technology in food processing to increase food safety and the
           conservation of sensory and nutritional characteristics.

         • Microwaves and radiofrequency. Evaluation of this technology to replace conventional thermal
           treatments in different fields of the agri-food sector.

         • Computed tomography, nuclear magnetic resonance and spectroscopy in the near infrared
           region (NIR). Adaptation of food analysis technology. Incorporation of this technology in online
           control systems.

         • Development of new technologies to optimise food drying: quick dry slice (QDS), online control
           of product quality and energy optimisation (dynamic dryer), etc.

         • Adaptation of packaging to new technologies: packaging requirement study to be used in new



         Evaluation of meat quality from a technological, nutritional, sensory and social
         perspective in relation to genetics, pre and post-mortem treatment of meat (pigs,
         cattle, sheep, rabbits, poultry) and fish.

         Consumer preferences. Finding out the opinion, acceptability and attitude of
         consumers in relation to meat and fish.


         Carcass Quality

         Evaluation of carcass quality from different measurements of fat thickness, muscles, lean
         content areas, yield grade and composition of meat when cutting, among others. Carcass
         classification, calibration and validation of classifying equipment using dissections and
         computed tomography.

         LINES OF WORK
         • Determining the effect of gender, genetics and nutrition in the quality of carcasses
           and cuts (length, width, fat and muscle thickness, yield grade, composition, lean
           percentage, etc.).

         • Authorisation of carcass classification equipment nationally for the EU.

         • Calibration of the classification equipment of carcasses and cuts. Cutting

         • Evaluation of carcass composition and characterisation using dissections,
           semiautomatic probes and computed tomography.

         • Use of computed tomography to determine the composition of the live animal, the
           carcass and intramuscular fat.


         Quality of Food of Animal Origin

         Study of the technological, nutritional and sensory quality of meat and fish regarding the
         production system, genetics, nutrition and ante-mortem treatment, as well as acceptability of
         products by consumers and the sector in general.

         LINES OF WORK
         • Evaluation of meat quality from a technological, nutritional, sensory and social perspective in
           relation to genetics, pre and post-mortem treatment of meat (pigs, cattle, sheep, rabbits,
           poultry) and fish.

         • Consumer preferences. Finding out the opinion, acceptability and attitude of consumers in
           relation to meat and fish.

         • Research to improve and innovate native breeds of pig, cattle, etc. regarding the
           sustainability of the production system and how it relates to Catalonia.

         • End product quality regarding friendly production.

         • Studies related to the composition of the product in order to improve human health.



       Contribute to the improvement of food safety by carrying out safe shelf
       life studies.
       Improve techniques to detect food pathogens, micro-organisms of
       technological interest, residues and chemical contaminants.
       Study in depth the microbial ecology of food and biomarkers in animal

       Study the effect of new processing and conservation technologies on the
       physiology of micro-organisms and neo-formation contaminants in food.
       Study in depth the knowledge of predictive microbiology to design and
       validate new processes.


       New Preservation Technologies

       Study microbial cellular inactivation and cellular response to stress by high hydrostatic
       pressure from a triple perspective: proteomics, transcriptomics and predictive


       • Studies of microbial stress associated to food production and preservation processes.

       • Studies of high-pressure treatments (500-900 MPa) and other emerging technologies
         (microwaves, radiofrequencies, etc.) on the viability, sublethal injury, recovery capacity
         and physiology of relevant pathogens in food.

       • Development and validation of mathematical models that describe the inactivation of
         different relevant bacteria (pathogens and alterants) for ready-to-eat products.


       Abiotic Food Safety

      Study veterinary medicinal product residues and evaluate the effects of different food
      preservation and transformation processes on different chemical contaminants. Identify
      biomarkers using proteomics, metabolomics and bioinformatics.

      • Evaluation of chromatographic techniques and non-conventional measurement systems
        (ELISA, Biosensors) in order to implement residue control plans.

      • Studies of egg exposure biomarkers in relation to the administration of antibiotics (protein
        and lipid metabolism, oxidative stress).

      • Studies on the effects certain food preparation processes cause such as the accumulation of
        potentially health-threatening compounds (nitrotyrosine, acrylamide, anhydrous


       Biotic Food Safety

       Incidence of pathogens and safe shelf life studies of food. It combines inoculation studies,
       predictive microbiology, conventional microbiology, genomics and transcriptomics to identify,
       trace and quantify food pathogens and micro-organisms of technological interest.

       • Studies on the microbial ecology in food.

       • Development of starter cultures, bioprotectors and/or probiotics.

       • Studies on shelf life and safe shelf life using challenge tests.

       • Quick detection and quantification of food pathogens.


               Applying ingredients and bioactive compounds (antioxidants, micronutrients,
               lipids, peptides, etc.) to food to improve their nutritional and technological quality.
               Adapting food to new social and environmental conditions and to the application
               of new preservation technologies.
               Obtaining, characterizing and evaluating the functions of bioactive compounds
               from raw materials and food by-products of plant and animal origin.

               Study proteins with technological and functional effects regarding genetics and
               the management of animals. Identify genes associated to proteins expressed in
               treatments or differential processes.
               Study proteins and enzymes in technological processes and the use of new

               Obtain profiles of metabolites in plants and animals using combined separation
               and spectroscopy techniques.

               Bioinformatic treatment of metabolic data. Identification of specific metabolites.
               Generation of specific profiles of lipids, phytosterols and vitamins.


               Ingredients and Functional Molecules

               Obtaining healthier foods using ingredients and bioactive compounds that help fight against
               degenerative diseases, inflammatory processes and cancer.
               Isolation and characterisation of bioactive compounds from by-products and other alternative
               natural sources. Physiological activity, synergy and activation of genes.

               LINES OF WORK
               • Function and use of polyphenols, isoflavones, lipids (fatty acids, w-3, w- 6,
                 diacylglycerides, CLA, etc.) and phytosterols in food.

               • Extraction, purification and characterisation of bioactive compounds in food and

               • Identification of oligomeric fractions of bioactive compounds. Stability of
                 ingredients and bioactive molecules in technological processing. Use of new
                 technologies to improve stability and function.

               • Evaluation of shelf life using bioactive compounds. Identification of food oxidation
                 products (volatile agents, cholesterol oxides, TBARS, radicals, etc.)

               • Evaluation models of biological activity using cell cultures, in silico models and
                 digestive process simulation.


               Proteomics and Metabolomics

               Study the effect of genetics in gene expression/proteins associated to the technological and
               sensory quality of the meat and derived meat products.

               LINES OF WORK
               Differential expression of proteins in animal production treatments. Effects of medication,
               ingredients in animal nutrition, environmental conditions and animal management. Identification of
               potential proteins and genes associated to physiological processes.

               Proteins and enzymes associated to technological processes and new conservation technologies.

               Proteome of animal species and micro-organisms of interest in food production.

               Identification of functional peptides in food.

               Generation of metabolic profiles of raw food materials and products in relation to production
               conditions and the technological treatment of food of plant and animal origin.

               Use of bioinformatics to analyse the metabolome and its relation to specific metabolic routes.

               Pheromones associated to the sexual odour in non-castrated pigs: androsterone.

               Volatile compounds in food.

                               Poultry Breeding
       IMPROVEMENT             Rabbit Breeding
                               Pig Genetics and Improvement

                               Animal Welfare
         WELFARE               Ruminants
                               Monogastric Nutrition

                               Marine Environment Monitoring
                               Aquatic Cultures

       ANIMAL HEALTH           Animal Health


           Develop and implement management, selection, diffusion, conservation and
           improvement programmes for animal genetic resources.
           Contribute to the known facts of the genetic base of aspects of interest in
           animal species.
           Design and apply methods to evaluate the genetics of the animals and to
           analyse the information using quantitative and molecular genetic tools.

           Develop management systems addressed to the sector in order to improve
           productive efficiency, competitiveness and product quality.

ANIMAL GENETICS AND                                                                       Mas de Bover

           Poultry Breeding

           Conserve and characterise different breeds of native hens and other poultry species of
           cynegetic interest, maintain the genetic level of the stocks and lines of the conservation
           programme and introduce them to the poultry sector.

           LINES OF WORK
           • Collaboration programmes with institutions from other Autonomous Communities to develop
             conservation programmes and with companies and organisations to transfer knowledge on
             native poultry breeds.

           • Maintain and increase genetic progress in productive parameters of Catalan native hens and
             their introduction into production schemes of traditional poultry meat.

           • Application of molecular genetic techniques to the characterisation and identification of breeds
             and stocks of hens and other poultry species of cynegetic interest.

                                                                                        Torre Marimon

                                                                                      Prat Field Station

           Rabbit Breeding

           Creation, selection and improvement of specialised lines of meat rabbits for production,
           reproduction and adaptation uses.

           LINES OF WORK
           • Study the genetic determinism of productive and reproductive aspects and possible selection

           • Study the effect of climate stress on reproduction and survival. Determine environmental and
             genetic variation factors that affect tolerance levels.

           • Develop and apply statistical analysis models and methods to improve the genetics of prolific

           • Optimise genetic selection and diffusion programmes for meat rabbits.

           • Improve the efficiency of the use of males and artificial insemination procedures and establish a
             rabbit embryo bank with guaranteed sanitary conditions.

   IMPROVEMENT                                                                                Lleida

           Pig Genetics and Improvement

           Research genetic statistics and structural and functional genomics in order to study aspects of
           economic and social interest and the genetic improvement of pigs.

           LINES OF WORK
           • Genetic evaluation and characterisation of pig populations in order to implement and/or optimise
             selection and diffusion programmes for genetic improvement.

           • Study the genetic architecture of aspects of productive interest and product quality in pigs using
             structural and functional genomic approaches.

           • Develop statistical methods that can be used for research on quantitative genetics and
             genomics as well as for the genetic improvement of animal populations.

           • Develop and maintain databases of pig populations to acquire information to be used as a
             reference. Carry out genetic, productive and productive genotype/system interaction studies in
             pig populations.

           • Study and implement sustainable and/or alternative pig production systems (ecological
             production, native breeds, etc.).


              Research and innovation in animal nutrition, welfare and health, three
              essential aspects for food safety and end product quality.
              The challenge is bringing sustainability to animal production under the new
              dispositions and requirements of the European Union. Therefore, research
              values new alternatives to growth promoter antibiotics, and generates
              knowledge about the conditions of animal digestive processes in situations
              that compromise animal welfare. The programme also aims to study how to
              improve animal welfare under the new conditions required by the new animal
              production model.

     AND WELFARE                                                                             Mas de Bover

             Animal Welfare

              Study the behaviour and welfare of cattle, pigs and sheep on farms, while in transport and
              during their slaughter. The transversality of a subject such as animal welfare allows it to be
              included in different research lines, such as meat and carcass quality, nutrition, genetics,
              rabbits, ruminants, poultry and aquaculture.

              LINES OF WORK
              • Animal welfare during slaughter.

              • Animal welfare during transport.

              • Evaluation of animal welfare in farms and at the abattoir.

              • Alternatives to the practice of painful processes.

                                                                                          Torre Marimon

ANIMAL NUTRITION, HEALTH                                                                     SEMEGA
                                                                                        Prat Field Station


              Improve profitability and competitiveness of ruminant farms using technological innovation.

              LINES OF WORK
              • Management and nutrition of dairy cattle, heifers and beef cattle.

              • Management and nutrition of sheep and goats.

              • Hormonal regulation of the metabolism of ruminants.

              • Improving end product quality (milk or meat).

              • Mathematical modelling of production processes and economic system simulations.

                                                                                              Mas de Bover
     AND WELFARE                                                                           Prat Field Station

                                                                                         Alcarràs Field Station
             Monogastric Nutrition
                                                                                         Valls Research Farm
             Offer solutions to all nutritional problems. Special priorities: food safety, animal health and
             welfare, quality and nutritional and sensory characteristics of products of animal origin, the
             effect of intensive production on the environment, characterisation and use of new ingredients
             and food systems, the development and registration of new additives in animal feeds.

             LINES OF WORK
             • Intestinal health and food safety. Alternatives to growth promoter antibiotics.
               Enzymes, prebiotics, probiotics, acidifiers, plant extracts, flavourings, clays.

             • Nutrition and the environment. Amino acids and analogues. Enzymes.

             • Nutrition and quality of the end product. Modification of corporal composition,
               modification of the lipid profile, meat and eggs. Functional food. Pigments.

             • New ingredients and by-products.

             • Liquid feed for pigs.


       Carry out strategic research in aquaculture, facilitating the efficient transfer to
       the sector and to the administration.

                                                                              Sant Carles de la Ràpita

       Marine Environment Monitoring

       Marine environment monitoring of food production and safety of shellfish to reduce the risk of food
       poisoning caused by eating shellfish. Valuation of marine products. Design and implementation of
       the Quality Monitoring Programme for Water, Molluscs and Toxic Phytoplankton in shellfish
       production areas on the Catalan coast, including environmental parameters, microbiological
       markers (E. Coli), toxic phytoplankton and marine toxins, contaminants, heavy metals,
       organochlorines, HAPs, dioxins.

       • Food safety in aquaculture products.

       • Studies on harmful microalgae (population dynamics, taxonomy, cultures, toxinic

       • Isolation of toxins and substances that are biologically active (chromatography, LC-
         MS/MS, biosensors, cytotoxicity). Contaminants.

       • Coastal oceanography.

                                                                               Sant Carles de la Ràpita

       Aquatic Cultures
       Develop research on new aquatic species or processes to improve the quality and
       productivity of commercial species. Focus efforts on aquatic systems and species using
       both production and sustainability approaches. Achieve interdisciplinarity with synergies
       between research lines and programmes.

        Rearing new species for production purposes or those which are endangered.
        Nutritional requirements of larvae, juveniles and sub-adults in relation to fish,
        molluscs and crustaceans. Researching new fish feed ingredients.
        Physiological studies of the effects of nutrients. Live feed enrichment
        emulsion design. Design and formulation of microdiets for larva phases.
        Detection and identification of zoonotic bacterial pathogens. Study of risk
        factors in relation to aquatic production systems. Design and application of
        sanitary management programmes. Experimental infection trials. Efficiency
        and safety trials for sanitary products. Studies in the environmental impact of
        aquaculture activities. Viability studies of commercial projects. Design and
        adaptation of facilities.


       Technology research and development, studies and training on all aspects of animal health.

       • Develop animal health research and development programmes.

       • Introduce scientific progress into the sector

       • Provide technology research and development services using approved research and
         development programmes.

       • Advise companies in the agri-food field, public administration and give support in the field of
         animal health.

       • Organise scientific and technical training programmes.

                    Post-Harvest Physiology
                    Processed Fruits and Vegetables
                    Post-Harvest Technology

                    Pip and Stone Fruit
                    Olive Production, Oil Processing and
                    Nut Trees
                    Genetic Improvement of Cereals
                    Field Crops Agronomy

   PROTECTION       Plant Pathology
                    Post-Harvest Pathology

                    In Vitro Cultivation
 BIOTECHNOLOGY      Genomics

                                                                         UdL-IRTA Foundation

        Study fruit and vegetables after gathering to improve processes and
        technologies that contribute to a more profitability and better product quality.

                                                                                 UdL-IRTA Foundation

       Post-Harvest Physiology

        Study the biochemical physiology of fruit under stress and/or during conservation.

       • Determination of the physiological response of fruit under stress conditions.

       • Control and prediction of physiopathies in fruit.

       • Antioxidants and health promoting compounds in fruit.

       • Determination of ripening and quality using non-destructive methods.

       • Optimisation and implementation of 1-MCP in the agricultural sector.


POST HARVEST                                                                       UdL-IRTA Foundation

       Processed Fruits and Vegetables

       Study the microbiology of minimally processed fruit and vegetables, focussing on food
       transmission pathogens.


       • Effect of field factors on the microbiological quality of processed fruits and vegetables.

       • Studies on the effect of pathogens.

       • Growth capacity of pathogen bacteria on minimally processed fruits and vegetables
         packaged under different conditions.

       • Studies on the shelf life of products.

       • Researching new disinfection and control methods for pathogen and altering micro-
         organisms that are safer for consumers and more ecofriendly.


POST HARVEST                                                                    UdL-IRTA Foundation

       Post-Harvest Technology

        Study cold storage treatments and technologies for fruit and vegetables.


       • Effects of conservation (cold, controlled atmosphere) and other treatments used in
         the post harvest period on the aromatic compounds of fruit and vegetables.

       • Effects of storage treatments and technologies on the texture of fruit and vegetables,
         modifications in cell wall composition and related enzymatic activity.

       • Sensory quality and consumer studies on fruit and vegetables.

       • Persistence of agrochemical residues on the skin and flesh of fruit and vegetables.
         Effects of conservation technologies on their degradation.


         Contribute, develop and transfer, based on research, to the economically
         viable production, conservation and distribution of healthy fruit using
         sustainable methods.

         More specifically, the general objectives are:
         • Renovation and continuous improvement of the productive structure,
           working on the plant material from selection and/or evaluation to genetic
           improvement, bringing in new varieties adapted to different agro-
           environmental conditions and different markets.

         • Efficient use of production inputs.

         • Reducing production costs and improving productivity.

         • Development of models that include integrated production, conservation
           and distribution systems which take into account the preservation of natural
           resources and respecting the environment.

         • Obtaining excellent quality fruit products (commercial traits, organoleptic
           attributes and nutritional properties).

                                                                                     Lleida Field Station
                                                                                     Ebre Field Station

                                                                                  Mas Badia Field Station
         Pip and Stone Fruit

         Study apple, pear, peach, prune and apricot species and apply the general objectives of
         the programme.

         LINES OF WORK
         Plant material. Includes: 1. Introduction and evaluation programme of new varieties and stocks.
         2. Genetic improvement programme of new varieties of apple, pear, peach and nectarine as well
         as a genetic improvement programme of pear stocks. 3. Projects focused on the expansion and
         use of the knowledge in genetic databases relating to these species. 4. Use of molecular genetic
         techniques to improve the efficiency of selection processes.
         Crop Technology. Includes activities and projects concerning: 1. The reduction of the
         unproductive period. 2. Training, pruning and management systems. 3. Bioregulators to control
         plant growth. 4. Chemical thinning and regulation of the fruit load. 5. Replanning in varietal
         renewal situations. 6. Agronomic techniques to improve quality.
         Quality of the fruit. Includes aspects such as: 1. Determination of the best harvest time. 2. Use of
         products and techniques to improve the organoleptic qualities of fruit. 3. Use of products and
         techniques to improve fruit colour and to reduce defects. 4. Development and/or validation of
         non-destructive measurements of fruit quality.

                                                                                         Mas de Bover
                                                                                      Ebre Field Station

                                                                                     Lleida Field Station
       Olive Production, Oil Processing and Nut Trees
         Study of olive, almond, hazelnut, carob, pistachio and fig species, applying the general
         objectives of the programme and developing models that describe improvements related to post
         harvest, transformation, elaboration, nutritional value and quality of food (olive oil, nuts and
         carob gum).

         LINES OF WORK
         Plant material. 1. Introduction, improvement and evaluation of new varieties and stocks,
         prospecting, clonal and stock selections. 2. Expanding and preserving genetic resources. 3.
         Monumental olive trees. 4. High-density olive tree plantations. 5. Reproduction physiology. 6.
         Crop Technology.1. Densities, management of intensive and high-density plantations. 2.
         Mechanised harvesting and pruning. 3. Deficit irrigation.
         Post harvest technology, nut industrialisation and olive oil production: 1. Processes and new
         technologies for oil extraction. 2. Post-harvest conditioning techniques of nuts. 3. Classification
         and stocking nuts and olives for oil. 4. Industrial capabilities of nut varieties.
         Fruit Quality. 1. Optimum harvest time. 2. Chemical characterisation and rheology of products.
         3. Organoleptic qualities. 4. Volatile phenols and other markers for aromatic defects in olive oils.
         5. Olive leaf sesquiterpenes to attract the olive fly. 6. Characteristics of volatile compounds in
         olive tree varieties. 7. Functional molecules.



       The general objective is to solve current agricultural challenges via the
       development, evaluation and introduction of improved plant material, to generate
       scientific knowledge in the field of field crops and to optimise cultivation
       techniques, paying attention to the required reduction of costs and environmental

       The programme is divided into two sub-programmes: Winter Cereal Genetic
       Improvement and Field Crop Agronomy.

FIELD CROPS                                                                           Mas Badia Field

       Winter Cereal Genetic Improvement
       Obtain and introduce into the sector new genetic materials for autogamous cereal fertilisation
       adapted to the Mediterranean with high productivity and quality and lasting disease resistance.
       Generate scientific knowledge in fields related to the genetic improvement of cereal and its
       adaptation to changing environmental conditions.

       Genetic improvement programmes for bread wheat, durum wheat and barley.
       Drought tolerance: physiological and molecular bases, tolerant ideotypes, terminal stress, effects of
       drought on growth and development.
       Genetic resources and variability: evaluation, characterisation, documentation and multiplication of
       genetic resources, use of genetic resources in the improvement, creation of collections,
       phylogenetic relations, molecular biodiversity and ex situ conservation. Pre-breeding.
       Phenological adaptation: phenological development in different environments, molecular bases of
       the photoperiodic response, intrinsic vernalisation and precocity.
       Selection improvement tools: identification and evaluation of useful integrated criteria to detect
       superior genotypes in breeding programmes. Assisted selection for molecular markers.
       Historic impact of genetic improvement: Time and space effects of empiric wheat improvement in
       the Mediterranean.
       Industrial grain quality: environmental effect on quality. Quality genetics.


FIELD CROPS                                                                          Ebre Field Station

                                                                                         Mas Badia
                                                                                        Field Station
       Field Crops Agronomy

       Determine productive, qualitative and sanitary behaviour of plant material of different species
       from different environmental origins.
       Optimise the management of field crops in the main Catalan agro-ecosystems via the efficiency
       improvement of the use of resources and the minimisation of environmental impact.
       Establish a high agreement level with the sector and advise farmers and technicians to improve
       the sustainability of their field crops.

       • Varietal evaluation networks for winter cereals, maize, rice, proteaginous plants, energy and
         industrial crops and fodder crops. Coordination of the trials network of GENVCE (Spanish Group
         for the Evaluation of New Field Crop Varieties in Spain).
       • Optimisation of organic and mineral fertilisation: crop response to fertilisers, monitoring nutrients
         in the soil and crops, use and study of the dynamics of animal excrement and other fertilising
         materials, mineralisation and leaching of nitrogen.
       • Evaluation of cultivation techniques: plant response to water supply variations, nitrogen and other
         fertiliser components, improvement of crop establishment, environmental evaluation of
         agricultural techniques in different species.


          Develop innovative techniques to protect crops from diseases, pests and
          abiotic agents that reduce their yield and the quality of agricultural and forest
          products, prioritising biological, physical, low-risk chemical and cultural
          methods before conventional methods of pesticide use, from the initial nursery
          phase up to production, post harvest and storage.

SUSTAINABLE PLANT                                                                         Mas Badia
   PROTECTION                                                                            Field Station

                                                                                     UdL-IRTA Foundation

          Entomology                                                                         Ebre
                                                                                         Field Station
          Develop and implement sustainable pest control systems based on the ecology and
          management of agro-ecosystems, focusing on the conservation of biodiversity and biological
          control. Production of IPM programmes that can be used by end users in intensive and field
          crops, fruit trees, citrus trees and food storage.

          LINES OF WORK
          • Develop biological control methods based on the study of the biology and ecology of natural
            enemies and pests: 1. Large-scale breeding of natural enemies. 2. Sampling and decision-
            making methods, use of geostatistical techniques. 3. Semiochemicals and arthropod attractant
            or repellent substances. 4. New molecular and chemical techniques to study trophic networks
            in the agro-ecosystem. 5. Functional biodiversity, study of the dispersion and colonisation of
            natural enemies (reservoir plants). 6. Modified atmospheres and other alternatives to the use of
            pesticide treatments on stored food.

          • Identification, prevention and control of emergent and invasive pests.

          • Introduce to the sector innovative tools developed for the sustainable control of arthropod pests
            in all fields of action.

   PROTECTION                                                                                Lleida
                                                                                          Field Station
                                                                                           Mas Badia
          Plant Pathology                                                                 Field Station
          Develop ecofriendly production and crop protection systems that favour natural regulation
          mechanisms for pathogen populations in order to prevent the loss of plant resistance or the
          appearance of resistance to phytosanitary agents and to promote the development of the soil's
          natural microbiota to achieve production system sustainability.

          LINES OF WORK
          • Viruses. Epidemiology and host/pathogen interaction. Biological and molecular characterisation
            of allied viruses. Resistances. Genetic silencing as a control strategy.

          • Phytoplasms. Epidemiology and identification of insect vectors and host plants. Biological and
            cultural control strategies of insect vectors, resistance-inducing substances and phytoplasma-
            free plants. Diagnostic techniques.

          • Nematodes. Multiple control barriers based on the use of plant resistance, biological control
            and the interruption of the life cycle of the pathogen. Native biological control organisms.

          • Woody plant pathogen fungi. Biology of the fungi involved in grape vine wood diseases and
            effects of biotic and abiotic factors on infectivity. Chemical control and cultural techniques.

          • Edible fungal symbionts associated to forest trees. Controlled mycorrhisation. Characterisation
            and traceability of fungi and of controlled mycorrhisation in the field, etc.

SUSTAINABLE PLANT                                                                             Lleida

          Post-Harvest Pathology

          Study in depth the known facts about fruit pathologies (especially pip and stone fruit, citrus and
          grapes) that affect post harvest and develop consumer and ecofriendly control strategies.

          LINES OF WORK
          • Develop agents for the biological control of diseases and other micro-organisms of
            industrial interest. Domestication of micro-organisms (includes production, formulation and

          • Evaluate spoilage control physicochemical systems.

          • Study host/pathogen/environment interactions in order to establish control actions that are
            more ecofriendly. Develop disease prediction models.


        • Research in plants genomics and in vitro cultivation of horticultural and fruit-
          growing species:
        • Use of molecular markers for varietal identification and marker-assisted selection of
          horticultural, fruit-growing and ornamental species.
        • Fruit-growing and horticultural genomics.

        • In vitro cultivation techniques to obtain diplo-haploid lines in horticultural and
          ornamental species.
        • Genetic transformation of rice, tobacco, melon, tomato, pepper and grapevines.
        • Genetic improvement of ornamental species.

        • Technology transfer to the private sector.

 GENOMICS AND                                                                             Cabrils

        In Vitro Cultivation

        Use of in vitro cultivation techniques to facilitate and complement genetic improvement.

        • Micropropagation in Pyrusspp, Prunus spp. and Malus spp. as well as in recalcitrant species
          such as walnut and pistachio. Embryo rescue.

        • Rescue of immature parthenogenetic embryos used for the production of haploids of carnation,
          melon, cucumber, watermelon and courgette, and to produce individuals from crossing between
          early varieties of peach and nectarine.

        • Generation of double haploid and polyploid lines. Production of double haploid lines for pepper,
          aubergine, melon, cucumber, watermelon, courgette and carnations, used to accelerate the
          acquisition of new hybrid varieties. Generation of tetraploids in ornamental species, melon and

        • Genetic transformation. Fine tuning genetic transformation methods for rice, grapevines, melon,
          tomato, tobacco and pepper.

        • Coexistence and genetic flux. Prediction of GMO content in coexisting rice and maize fields.

BIOTECHNOLOGY                                                                             CRAG

        Activities concentrate on three crops: Prunus, strawberry and melon. Additionally, the
        programme has a genetic improvement line for geraniums and joint research units with private

        • Melon genomics. Sequencing the melon genome. Characterisation of QTLs for fruit quality
          traits. Transcriptomic study of fruit development. Characterisation of CMV resistance. Obtaining
          a vector for virus induced genetic silencing (VIGS).
        • Prunus genomics. Prunus genetic mapping and QTLs analysis for traits of agronomical interest.
          Genetic variability and associated genetic studies. Comparative genomics between species of
          the Rosacea family.
        • Strawberry genomics. Genetic mapping of diploid and octoploid strawberry plants. NILs for the
          study of QTLs. Synteny studies between strawberry and other Rosacea species.
        • Geranium genetic improvement. Collaboration with Cultius Roig S.A.T, obtaining new geranium
          varieties: ‘zonale’, ‘peltatum’ and ‘grandiflorum’.
        • Fitó-IRTA Joint Unit. Collaboration with Semillas Fitó S.A., development of molecular markers,
          identification of varieties and production of double haploid lines (DHLs).
        • PLANASA-IRTA Joint Unit. Collaboration with PLANASA, genetic improvement of fruit quality
          and selection of new pathogen-resistant varieties of strawberry, fruit trees, asparagus and

                              Agri-food Markets
                              Micro-Economic Analysis of the Agri-
                              Food Sector
                              Agri-food Economy Information

                              Natural Resource Economics
                              Sustainable Development



           Analyse socio-economic aspects related to the production, transformation,
           distribution and consumption of food.
           Help improve understanding of the main determining factors of decisions related
           to the production and investment of agricultural producers.
           Study the potential economic impact of agricultural policies on a micro and macro

           Characterise and understand food consumer behaviour better.


           Agri-Food Markets

           Study the functions of agri-food markets functioning from their internal structure as well as from
           the consequences of changes in external factors (raw material prices, political decisions,
           commercial liberalisation agreements, etc.).

           LINES OF WORK
           • Impact of agricultural policies on decisions about production, investment, land distribution,
             farmers' income and the use of inputs.

           • Analysis of price transmission processes in the commercial chain as well as between highly
             separated markets.

           • Competitively analysis: Foreign trade, agri-food industry, trade liberalisation impact, product
             and/or brand positioning, business strategies, etc.


           Micro-Economic Analysis of the Agri-Food Sector

           Analyse the determining factors and consequences of production and consumption decisions
           made by agents in the economy (producers, industry, and consumers).

           LINES OF WORK
           • Production decisions: factors that determine the adoption of innovations, productive
             efficiency studies, investment decisions, inputs demand, production decisions in an
             uncertain environment, risk analysis, etc.

           • Demand analysis: calculation of elasticities, impact of information on food safety, impact of
             information on health, elaboration of diet quality indexes, impact of price policies to reduce
             obesity, food habits.

           • Consumer behaviour: Marketing research, consumers, distributors, focus groups,
             knowledge relation, attitudes, purchase of different food, new study methodologies,
             selection experiments and experimental auctions.


           Agri-food Economy Information Systems

           Attempt to establish data-gathering systems to make it available to agents that take part in the
           agri-food system.

           LINES OF WORK
           • Micro and macro analysis of sectors: sector surveys, prospective studies, etc.

           • Benchmarking: creation of benchmark sector markers in relation to exploitation in order
             to make decisions.

 NATURAL RESOURCE AND AGRI-                                                         CREDA


               Valuation of the economic impact of the environmental consequences of agricultural
               and food activities.
               Analysis of the economic impact of measures taken to improve the sustainability of
               the agri-food system.

 NATURAL RESOURCE AND AGRI-                                                                 CREDA

               Natural Resource Economics

               Carry out research on the economic and environmental impact of projects: economic
               assessment of positive, negative and valuation externalities of non-market goods.

               LINES OF WORK
               • Studies on the willingness to pay for environmental quality improvement. Agricultural
                 multifunctionality. Introduction of biofuels and their economic impact. Adoption of
                 ecofriendly technologies. Evaluation of the impact of environmental policies.

 NATURAL RESOURCE AND AGRI-                                                                      CREDA

               Sustainable Development


               Agriculture for development, consequences of trade liberalisation for developing countries,
               impact of new technologies in developed and developing countries, fair trade, etc.

               LINES OF WORK
               • Impact of new technologies on rural communities in developing countries.
                 Evaluation of the economic impact of trade policies, with special emphasis on
                 rural development. Impact of different commercialisation strategies on the
                 financial margins of farmers in developing countries.

                            Environmental Technology
      MANAGEMENT            Agricultural Characterisation and Assessment
                            Management, Planning and Decision
                            Making Tools
                            Global Change

     ENVIRONMENTAL          Ecophysiology
      HORTICULTURE          Biosystems Engineering and Agronomy

ECOLOGICAL PRODUCTION AND   Ecological Production and Bioenergy

                            Efficient Use of Water


             Develop new knowledge and technologies in the field of sustainable organic
             waste management produced by different activity sectors (agricultural, farming,
             industry and urban waste), bringing in an integrated and comprehensive focus of
             the problem, and technological and management solutions.

INTEGRAL ORGANIC WASTE                                                                       GIRO-CT

            Environmental Technologies

            Study and develop the transformation of organic waste in liquid, solid or gas form.

            LINES OF WORK
            • Composting. New applications. Markers to compare systems. Biofiltration and process control
              methods. Hygiene and safety conditions in composting plants and relation with incoming
              materials and process control. Mathematical process modelling.

            • Anaerobic digestion. Tools for the quick diagnosis of digesters and digestible waste. Models to
              integrate knowledge, simulation, diagnosis and optimisation. Simple calibration models for
              diagnosis and optimisation. Pre-treatments to increase biodegradability. Toxic effect reduction
              methods. Biological production of hydrogen. Application of advanced reactors to treat organic

            • Process innovation. Microbiological aspects and development of diagnosis tools. Population
              dynamics in biological reactors. Processes to eliminate or recover nutrients. Bioelectricity.
              Bioremediation of soil and aquifer contaminants. Combined treatment systems. Combinations
              of biological, physical and chemical processes based on the resulting products. Evaluation
              methods for combined management and treatment systems.

INTEGRAL ORGANIC WASTE                                                                          GIRO-CT

            Agricultural Characterisation and Assessment

            Develop and apply characterisation methods for residual organic materials and study the
            agricultural valuation of organic by-products, whether from a productive or a transformation

            LINES OF WORK
            • Development of new methods to determine the chemical oxygen demand (COD) in solid and
              heterogeneous samples.

            • Development of quick analysis and diagnosis methods.

            • Characterisation of organic by-products and their dynamics in cultivated soils.

            • Development of chemical and physicochemical analysis methods to characterise organic by-
              products that can be used as fertilisers.

            • Development of laboratory methods for the quick characterisation of organic by-product
              dynamics applicable to cultivated soils.

            • Optimisation of methods to characterise, in field conditions, the dynamics of the used by-

INTEGRAL ORGANIC WASTE                                                                       GIRO-CT

            Management, Planning and Decision Making Tools

            Study of organic waste management methods and the development of evaluation methods for
            management and treatment alternatives.

            LINES OF WORK
            • Develop methods for decision-making in the lines of work to be followed in specific
              geographic areas to define management and action plans.

            • Develop decision-making methods for the best technology to use according to the problem to
              be solved.

            • Analyse costs and benefits for activities that produce and use organic waste. Use of life cycle
              analysis tools.


          Carry out research on worldwide changes made to continental and coastal aquatic
          ecosystems and integrate the data resulting from observations, experiments and
          models in order to improve the predictive capacity of its future evolution. Use the
          acquired knowledge to propose necessary management measures to mitigate the
          negative effects of global change on biodiversity.

          Carry out research on the connection between fluvial, deltaic (estuaries) and
          marine processes, especially in the context of the final stretch of the river Ebro
          and its delta:
          • Water flows and pulses, sediments, nutrients and contaminants.
          • Structure and dynamics of habitats and populations.
          • Impact of climate change.
          • Modelling ecosystems and management models.

                                                                              Sant Carles de la Ràpita


          Analyse the structure and dynamics of aquatic species as well as of their conservation
          status and the measures to improve them from the perspective of worldwide change.

          LINES OF WORK
          • Ecological status markers of water masses.

          • Ecology of fish and invertebrates.

          • Invading species in aquatic ecosystems.

          • Sustainable fishing management.

          • Pest control (black fly, zebra mussel, etc.).

          • Biology of the conservation of endangered species.

          • Management and restoration of wetlands.

                                                                                 Sant Carles de la Ràpita

          Global Change

          Analyse of the causes and consequences of global change on aquatic ecosystems from
          the perspective of hydrographic basins in the Mediterranean.

          LINES OF WORK
          • Impact of climate change on deltas.
          • Alterations of the water flows, sediments and contaminants in river basins.
          • Effects of global change on trophic networks.
          • Eutrophication of rivers, coastal lakes and bays.
          • Microalgae as global change markers.
          • Production of biofuel from microalgae.
          • Management of sediment in rivers and reservoirs.


        Consider the problem and the solution as part of the scenario, since both are part
        of a complicated biodiversity network and changes affect the whole system to a
        larger or lesser extent.

        Effects of global change on agriculture.
        Productive traceability: effects of production systems on product quality and
        environmental respect.

ENVIRONMENTAL                                                                          Torre Marimon


        Discover the responses of neoformed, cultivated, native and foreign plants to different
        environmental abiotic and biotic stresses and their time and space combination (global change)
        in the Mediterranean habitat.

        • Characterisation of plant material under stress conditions in horticulture, gardening and
          landscape restoration. Synergy of stresses. Hydraulic compatibility. Biomass allocation.

        • Study on the effects of global change on the landscape, with special emphasis on the
          agriculture. Climate/crop/factor relation. Intra and interspecific competence factors. Outlet and/or
          flow regulation functions.

        • Study on the effects of environmental contaminants on urban and/or peri-urban, natural or
          garden plants. Use of recycled and phreatic water. Minimum irrigation technique. Tensioactive
          and other biotic or abiotic contaminants.

        • Stress diagnosis techniques in horticultural plants. Uses in agronomy.

        • Woody species nursery. Hardening and productivity maintenance methods.

ENVIRONMENTAL                                                                         Torre Marimon

        Biosystems Engineering and Agronomy

        Study methods and systems that optimise horticultural crop productivity in Mediterranean
        conditions: biophysics, agronomy and life cycle analysis.

        • Natural ventilation of greenhouses, temperature control techniques and design of mechanisms.
          Visualisation of fluids in scale models. Calculation of the ventilation rate. Direct measures for air
          renovation. Use of CO2. Cooling by water evaporation. Calculation of cooling caused by crop
          transpiration. Greenhouse light transmission and more transparent covering materials.
        • Study non-soil cultivation techniques in intensive Mediterranean systems, optimisation of the
          efficient use of water and nutrients in intensive agrosystems. Automated fertirrigation management
          and improving root system functionalism. Root system oxygenation. Recirculation of nutrient
          solutions. Physical and chemical sensors to optimise fertirrigation in intensive crops.
        • Horticultural crops on natural soil. Agronomic techniques and systems. Valuation of substrata and
          by-products. Native soil substrata production methods.
        • Composting. Effects as a nutrient and biostimulant. Life cycle analysis and environmental
          evaluation of the impact of horticultural and agricultural activity.

                                                                                     Torre Marimon


        Develop forest base material for its productive adaptation to different ecologies. Quality wood
        production and restoration of agroforest environments.

        • Characterisation and validation of forest materials according to their use in afforestation and
          reforestation of agricultural land. Effects of origin (genotypic and phenotypic factors).
       • Agronomy and silviculture of agroforest plantations. Effects on the product (fruit/wood), crop
         rotation and potential environmental functions.
       • Productive evaluation of forest plantations under intensive management. Effects on wood


              Improve production, transformation and commercialisation systems of agrarian
              products using sustainable and ecofriendly methods, especially those that are set
              out in European regulations on ecological production.

              Improve the production processes of raw materials and their valuation for energy
              use, as well as develop new transformation methods and improve the efficiency of

                                                                                    Sant Carles de la Ràpita
ECOLOGICAL PRODUCTION AND                                                                Field Station
        BIOENERGY                                                                         Mas Badia

              Ecological Production and Bioenergy
              LINES OF WORK in ecological production:                                    Field Station
              • Improve plant production systems without using chemically                   Lleida
                synthesised fertilisers or pesticides.
              • Improve ecological products of animal origin from non-intensive         Torre Marimon
                stockbreeding, with a high level of animal welfare and ecological
              • Improve transformation processes using new techniques that
                minimise contamination and quality losses, limiting the use of
                additives and technological additives.
              • Market analysis of ecological products, evaluating their position
                in the market and their acceptation by the consumer.

              LINES OF WORK in bioenergy:
              • Evaluation and valuation of raw materials and by-products for
                energy use. (biomass, biofuels, methane, etc.).

              • Development and optimisation of new energy transformation


             Provide information and new knowledge that are useful to improve water
             management, specifically in relation to irrigation.

                                                                                        UdL-IRTA Foundation
EFFICIENT USE OF WATER                                                                           Mas Badia
                                                                                                Field Station
                                                                                                Field Station
            Efficient Use of Water

            LINES OF WORK

            • Efficient use of water. Determination of the water requirements of crops and irrigation
              programming methods. Improving irrigation efficiency. Water production functions. Irrigation
              economics. Irrigation water quality.

            • Water management in deficit conditions. Physiology of water deficits in plants. Seasonal
              sensitivity to water deficits. Mitigation of water deficits. Process modelling.

            • Irrigation engineering. Sensor system to respond to water deficits. Environmental sensor
              system. Sensor-based irrigation programming. Communication systems. Data management.

            • Mineral and irrigation nutrition. Nutrient requirements of plants. Nutrient use strategies.
              Fertirrigation, seasonal sensitivity. Mineral nutrition and production quality.

            • Regional scale irrigation control. Water condition zone analysis based on teledetection.
              Irrigation management in irrigated communities. Models in the use of water in changing
              climate scenarios.

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IRTA corporate presentation

  • 1.
  • 2.
  • 3. A public company of the Government of Catalonia, linked to the Department of Agriculture, Food and Rural Action (DAR), subject to private law, created by Law 23/1985 of 28 November, subsequently modified by Law 4/2009 of 15 April.
  • 4. Human Resources 717 workers Distributed in our 9 centres 329 researchers 47% 53% 388 men women support staff Our cooperative relies on a total of 1,147 people
  • 5. Resources €46.1 million Total resources in 2009 37.62% Contribution from the Government of 62.38% Catalonia Own funds +€10,000,000 Invested in 2009
  • 6. Projects and Contracts in 2009 681 current activities 285 companies have signed contracts 62 agreements with national and international organisations
  • 7. Scientific Material Output in 2009 323 scientific articles 291 papers and posters for conferences 49 technical articles 51 books and articles in books 20 completed PhD theses 34 completed undergraduate final project dissertations 3 patents
  • 8. International Cooperation • Strengthening the organisation thanks to collaboration agreements • Training visits • International courses and seminars • Joint research and development projects • Project assessment • Technical/commercial tasks
  • 9. Structure of the IRTA 10 IRTA centres + 9 associated centres make up the Research Cooperative. 28 locations in Catalonia: • 9 in Barcelona • 6 in Tarragona • 9 in Lleida • 4 in Girona
  • 10. The Centres Activities in Lleida Llesp Mas Badia Field Station Semega Monells Centa Gimenells Alcarràs Field Station Torre Marimon Fruit Centre Lleida Field Station Lleida GIRO Borges Blanques Cabrils CReSA CRAG Mollerussa CREAF Corporate Services UdL-IRTA Foundation Valls CREDA El Prat Field Station Mas de Bover Ascó Gandesa Ebre Field Station IRTA work centres California Sant Carles de la Ràpita Associated centres Panama IRTA field stations New Zealand Associated field stations Branches Collaborating farms
  • 11. AGRI-FOOD INDUSTRIES Food Engineering FOOD TECHNOLOGY Improving Food Industry Processes New Processing Technologies in the Agri-Food Industry Carcass Quality PRODUCT QUALITY Quality of Food of Animal Origin New Preservation Technologies FOOD SAFETY Abiotic Food Safety Biotic Food Safety Ingredients and Functional Molecules FUNCTIONALITY AND NUTRITION Proteomics and Metabolomics
  • 12. AGRI-FOOD INDUSTRIES FOOD TECHNOLOGY GENERAL OBJECTIVES The programme is focused on answering the technological and research needs of the agri-food industry. It is organised into three sub-programmes: Food Engineering, Process Improvement and New Processing Technologies. The joint effort of these three sub-programmes is necessary to accomplish the objectives of the Food Technology Programme, since a good knowledge of the market, the product and the process is essential to identify the requirements of the sector.
  • 13. AGRI-FOOD INDUSTRIES Monells FOOD TECHNOLOGY CENTA Food Engineering OBJECTIVES Modelling the transformation processes of food. Transport operations (mass, heat and quantity of movement). Process simulation and control. Process engineering. LINES OF WORK • Drying engineering. Studies the optimisation of the traditional processes and the development of new drying systems. Optimising traditional processes aims to model mass transfer processes and transformation kinetics of foods in order to enhance their quality and energy efficiency. • New technologies engineering studies packaging, and the transformation and preservation processes of food in general. • Control systems apply to raw materials, processes and products.
  • 14. AGRI-FOOD INDUSTRIES Monells FOOD TECHNOLOGY CENTA Improving Food Industry Processes OBJECTIVES Improvement of traditional technologies in order to enhance quality, safety and sensorial characteristics of the product or the efficiency of the process. LINES OF WORK • Food drying. Studies the changes caused to the product by the drying process (nutritional, microbiological stability, texture, sensory quality, etc.) and the interaction between the product and the technology used (traditional or innovative), optimising the selection criteria of raw materials and the variables of the drying process for each product. • Pre-cooked food. Specialist advice for companies in the sector and research companies. • Food sensory analysis and consumer studies. • Nutritional improvement. Reduction of sodium, replacement of fat, addition of probiotics, reduction of nitrifying agents, etc. • Food packaging. Interaction between packaging materials and food, shelf life, modified atmospheres, active packaging, etc.
  • 15. AGRI-FOOD INDUSTRIES Monells FOOD TECHNOLOGY CENTA New Processing Technologies in the Agri-Food Industry OBJECTIVES Study of the application of new technologies that have not been used traditionally due to the transformation, control and conservation of food. LINES OF WORK • High pressure. Introducing the technology in food processing to increase food safety and the conservation of sensory and nutritional characteristics. • Microwaves and radiofrequency. Evaluation of this technology to replace conventional thermal treatments in different fields of the agri-food sector. • Computed tomography, nuclear magnetic resonance and spectroscopy in the near infrared region (NIR). Adaptation of food analysis technology. Incorporation of this technology in online control systems. • Development of new technologies to optimise food drying: quick dry slice (QDS), online control of product quality and energy optimisation (dynamic dryer), etc. • Adaptation of packaging to new technologies: packaging requirement study to be used in new technologies.
  • 16. AGRI-FOOD INDUSTRIES Monells PRODUCT QUALITY GENERAL OBJECTIVES Evaluation of meat quality from a technological, nutritional, sensory and social perspective in relation to genetics, pre and post-mortem treatment of meat (pigs, cattle, sheep, rabbits, poultry) and fish. Consumer preferences. Finding out the opinion, acceptability and attitude of consumers in relation to meat and fish.
  • 17. AGRI-FOOD INDUSTRIES Monells PRODUCT QUALITY Carcass Quality OBJECTIVES Evaluation of carcass quality from different measurements of fat thickness, muscles, lean content areas, yield grade and composition of meat when cutting, among others. Carcass classification, calibration and validation of classifying equipment using dissections and computed tomography. LINES OF WORK • Determining the effect of gender, genetics and nutrition in the quality of carcasses and cuts (length, width, fat and muscle thickness, yield grade, composition, lean percentage, etc.). • Authorisation of carcass classification equipment nationally for the EU. • Calibration of the classification equipment of carcasses and cuts. Cutting optimisation. • Evaluation of carcass composition and characterisation using dissections, semiautomatic probes and computed tomography. • Use of computed tomography to determine the composition of the live animal, the carcass and intramuscular fat.
  • 18. AGRI-FOOD INDUSTRIES Monells PRODUCT QUALITY Quality of Food of Animal Origin OBJECTIVES Study of the technological, nutritional and sensory quality of meat and fish regarding the production system, genetics, nutrition and ante-mortem treatment, as well as acceptability of products by consumers and the sector in general. LINES OF WORK • Evaluation of meat quality from a technological, nutritional, sensory and social perspective in relation to genetics, pre and post-mortem treatment of meat (pigs, cattle, sheep, rabbits, poultry) and fish. • Consumer preferences. Finding out the opinion, acceptability and attitude of consumers in relation to meat and fish. • Research to improve and innovate native breeds of pig, cattle, etc. regarding the sustainability of the production system and how it relates to Catalonia. • End product quality regarding friendly production. • Studies related to the composition of the product in order to improve human health.
  • 19. AGRI-FOOD INDUSTRIES Monells FOOD SAFETY CENTA GENERAL OBJECTIVES Contribute to the improvement of food safety by carrying out safe shelf life studies. Improve techniques to detect food pathogens, micro-organisms of technological interest, residues and chemical contaminants. Study in depth the microbial ecology of food and biomarkers in animal tissues. Study the effect of new processing and conservation technologies on the physiology of micro-organisms and neo-formation contaminants in food. Study in depth the knowledge of predictive microbiology to design and validate new processes.
  • 20. AGRI-FOOD INDUSTRIES Monells FOOD SAFETY CENTA New Preservation Technologies OBJECTIVES Study microbial cellular inactivation and cellular response to stress by high hydrostatic pressure from a triple perspective: proteomics, transcriptomics and predictive microbiology. LINES OF WORK • Studies of microbial stress associated to food production and preservation processes. • Studies of high-pressure treatments (500-900 MPa) and other emerging technologies (microwaves, radiofrequencies, etc.) on the viability, sublethal injury, recovery capacity and physiology of relevant pathogens in food. • Development and validation of mathematical models that describe the inactivation of different relevant bacteria (pathogens and alterants) for ready-to-eat products.
  • 21. AGRI-FOOD INDUSTRIES Monells FOOD SAFETY CENTA Abiotic Food Safety OBJECTIVES Study veterinary medicinal product residues and evaluate the effects of different food preservation and transformation processes on different chemical contaminants. Identify biomarkers using proteomics, metabolomics and bioinformatics. LINES OF WORK • Evaluation of chromatographic techniques and non-conventional measurement systems (ELISA, Biosensors) in order to implement residue control plans. • Studies of egg exposure biomarkers in relation to the administration of antibiotics (protein and lipid metabolism, oxidative stress). • Studies on the effects certain food preparation processes cause such as the accumulation of potentially health-threatening compounds (nitrotyrosine, acrylamide, anhydrous tetracyclines).
  • 22. AGRI-FOOD INDUSTRIES Monells FOOD SAFETY CENTA Biotic Food Safety OBJECTIVES Incidence of pathogens and safe shelf life studies of food. It combines inoculation studies, predictive microbiology, conventional microbiology, genomics and transcriptomics to identify, trace and quantify food pathogens and micro-organisms of technological interest. LINES OF WORK • Studies on the microbial ecology in food. • Development of starter cultures, bioprotectors and/or probiotics. • Studies on shelf life and safe shelf life using challenge tests. • Quick detection and quantification of food pathogens.
  • 23. AGRI-FOOD INDUSTRIES Monells FUNCTIONALITY AND NUTRITION GENERAL OBJECTIVES Applying ingredients and bioactive compounds (antioxidants, micronutrients, lipids, peptides, etc.) to food to improve their nutritional and technological quality. Adapting food to new social and environmental conditions and to the application of new preservation technologies. Obtaining, characterizing and evaluating the functions of bioactive compounds from raw materials and food by-products of plant and animal origin. Study proteins with technological and functional effects regarding genetics and the management of animals. Identify genes associated to proteins expressed in treatments or differential processes. Study proteins and enzymes in technological processes and the use of new technologies. Obtain profiles of metabolites in plants and animals using combined separation and spectroscopy techniques. Bioinformatic treatment of metabolic data. Identification of specific metabolites. Generation of specific profiles of lipids, phytosterols and vitamins.
  • 24. AGRI-FOOD INDUSTRIES Monells FUNCTIONALITY AND NUTRITION Ingredients and Functional Molecules OBJECTIVES Obtaining healthier foods using ingredients and bioactive compounds that help fight against degenerative diseases, inflammatory processes and cancer. Isolation and characterisation of bioactive compounds from by-products and other alternative natural sources. Physiological activity, synergy and activation of genes. LINES OF WORK • Function and use of polyphenols, isoflavones, lipids (fatty acids, w-3, w- 6, diacylglycerides, CLA, etc.) and phytosterols in food. • Extraction, purification and characterisation of bioactive compounds in food and by-products. • Identification of oligomeric fractions of bioactive compounds. Stability of ingredients and bioactive molecules in technological processing. Use of new technologies to improve stability and function. • Evaluation of shelf life using bioactive compounds. Identification of food oxidation products (volatile agents, cholesterol oxides, TBARS, radicals, etc.) • Evaluation models of biological activity using cell cultures, in silico models and digestive process simulation.
  • 25. AGRI-FOOD INDUSTRIES Monells FUNCTIONALITY AND NUTRITION Proteomics and Metabolomics OBJECTIVES Study the effect of genetics in gene expression/proteins associated to the technological and sensory quality of the meat and derived meat products. LINES OF WORK Differential expression of proteins in animal production treatments. Effects of medication, ingredients in animal nutrition, environmental conditions and animal management. Identification of potential proteins and genes associated to physiological processes. Proteins and enzymes associated to technological processes and new conservation technologies. Proteome of animal species and micro-organisms of interest in food production. Identification of functional peptides in food. Generation of metabolic profiles of raw food materials and products in relation to production conditions and the technological treatment of food of plant and animal origin. Use of bioinformatics to analyse the metabolome and its relation to specific metabolic routes. Pheromones associated to the sexual odour in non-castrated pigs: androsterone. Volatile compounds in food.
  • 26. ANIMAL PRODUCTION Poultry Breeding ANIMAL GENETICS AND IMPROVEMENT Rabbit Breeding Pig Genetics and Improvement ANIMAL NUTRITION, HEALTH AND Animal Welfare WELFARE Ruminants Monogastric Nutrition Marine Environment Monitoring AQUACULTURE Aquatic Cultures ANIMAL HEALTH Animal Health
  • 27. ANIMAL PRODUCTION ANIMAL GENETICS AND IMPROVEMENT GENERAL OBJECTIVES Develop and implement management, selection, diffusion, conservation and improvement programmes for animal genetic resources. Contribute to the known facts of the genetic base of aspects of interest in animal species. Design and apply methods to evaluate the genetics of the animals and to analyse the information using quantitative and molecular genetic tools. Develop management systems addressed to the sector in order to improve productive efficiency, competitiveness and product quality.
  • 28. ANIMAL PRODUCTION ANIMAL GENETICS AND Mas de Bover IMPROVEMENT Poultry Breeding OBJECTIVES Conserve and characterise different breeds of native hens and other poultry species of cynegetic interest, maintain the genetic level of the stocks and lines of the conservation programme and introduce them to the poultry sector. LINES OF WORK • Collaboration programmes with institutions from other Autonomous Communities to develop conservation programmes and with companies and organisations to transfer knowledge on native poultry breeds. • Maintain and increase genetic progress in productive parameters of Catalan native hens and their introduction into production schemes of traditional poultry meat. • Application of molecular genetic techniques to the characterisation and identification of breeds and stocks of hens and other poultry species of cynegetic interest.
  • 29. ANIMAL PRODUCTION Torre Marimon ANIMAL GENETICS AND Lleida IMPROVEMENT Prat Field Station Rabbit Breeding OBJECTIVES Creation, selection and improvement of specialised lines of meat rabbits for production, reproduction and adaptation uses. LINES OF WORK • Study the genetic determinism of productive and reproductive aspects and possible selection strategies. • Study the effect of climate stress on reproduction and survival. Determine environmental and genetic variation factors that affect tolerance levels. • Develop and apply statistical analysis models and methods to improve the genetics of prolific species. • Optimise genetic selection and diffusion programmes for meat rabbits. • Improve the efficiency of the use of males and artificial insemination procedures and establish a rabbit embryo bank with guaranteed sanitary conditions.
  • 30. ANIMAL PRODUCTION Monells ANIMAL GENETICS AND IMPROVEMENT Lleida Pig Genetics and Improvement OBJECTIVES Research genetic statistics and structural and functional genomics in order to study aspects of economic and social interest and the genetic improvement of pigs. LINES OF WORK • Genetic evaluation and characterisation of pig populations in order to implement and/or optimise selection and diffusion programmes for genetic improvement. • Study the genetic architecture of aspects of productive interest and product quality in pigs using structural and functional genomic approaches. • Develop statistical methods that can be used for research on quantitative genetics and genomics as well as for the genetic improvement of animal populations. • Develop and maintain databases of pig populations to acquire information to be used as a reference. Carry out genetic, productive and productive genotype/system interaction studies in pig populations. • Study and implement sustainable and/or alternative pig production systems (ecological production, native breeds, etc.).
  • 31. ANIMAL PRODUCTION ANIMAL NUTRITION, HEALTH AND WELFARE GENERAL OBJECTIVES Research and innovation in animal nutrition, welfare and health, three essential aspects for food safety and end product quality. The challenge is bringing sustainability to animal production under the new dispositions and requirements of the European Union. Therefore, research values new alternatives to growth promoter antibiotics, and generates knowledge about the conditions of animal digestive processes in situations that compromise animal welfare. The programme also aims to study how to improve animal welfare under the new conditions required by the new animal production model.
  • 32. ANIMAL PRODUCTION Monells ANIMAL NUTRITION, HEALTH AND WELFARE Mas de Bover Animal Welfare OBJECTIVES Study the behaviour and welfare of cattle, pigs and sheep on farms, while in transport and during their slaughter. The transversality of a subject such as animal welfare allows it to be included in different research lines, such as meat and carcass quality, nutrition, genetics, rabbits, ruminants, poultry and aquaculture. LINES OF WORK • Animal welfare during slaughter. • Animal welfare during transport. • Evaluation of animal welfare in farms and at the abattoir. • Alternatives to the practice of painful processes.
  • 33. ANIMAL PRODUCTION Torre Marimon ANIMAL NUTRITION, HEALTH SEMEGA AND WELFARE Prat Field Station Ruminants OBJECTIVES Improve profitability and competitiveness of ruminant farms using technological innovation. LINES OF WORK • Management and nutrition of dairy cattle, heifers and beef cattle. • Management and nutrition of sheep and goats. • Hormonal regulation of the metabolism of ruminants. • Improving end product quality (milk or meat). • Mathematical modelling of production processes and economic system simulations.
  • 34. ANIMAL PRODUCTION Mas de Bover ANIMAL NUTRITION, HEALTH AND WELFARE Prat Field Station Alcarràs Field Station Monogastric Nutrition Valls Research Farm OBJECTIVES Offer solutions to all nutritional problems. Special priorities: food safety, animal health and welfare, quality and nutritional and sensory characteristics of products of animal origin, the effect of intensive production on the environment, characterisation and use of new ingredients and food systems, the development and registration of new additives in animal feeds. LINES OF WORK • Intestinal health and food safety. Alternatives to growth promoter antibiotics. Enzymes, prebiotics, probiotics, acidifiers, plant extracts, flavourings, clays. • Nutrition and the environment. Amino acids and analogues. Enzymes. • Nutrition and quality of the end product. Modification of corporal composition, modification of the lipid profile, meat and eggs. Functional food. Pigments. • New ingredients and by-products. • Liquid feed for pigs.
  • 35. ANIMAL PRODUCTION AQUACULTURE GENERAL OBJECTIVES Carry out strategic research in aquaculture, facilitating the efficient transfer to the sector and to the administration.
  • 36. ANIMAL PRODUCTION Sant Carles de la Ràpita AQUACULTURE Marine Environment Monitoring OBJECTIVES Marine environment monitoring of food production and safety of shellfish to reduce the risk of food poisoning caused by eating shellfish. Valuation of marine products. Design and implementation of the Quality Monitoring Programme for Water, Molluscs and Toxic Phytoplankton in shellfish production areas on the Catalan coast, including environmental parameters, microbiological markers (E. Coli), toxic phytoplankton and marine toxins, contaminants, heavy metals, organochlorines, HAPs, dioxins. LINES OF WORK • Food safety in aquaculture products. • Studies on harmful microalgae (population dynamics, taxonomy, cultures, toxinic production). • Isolation of toxins and substances that are biologically active (chromatography, LC- MS/MS, biosensors, cytotoxicity). Contaminants. • Coastal oceanography.
  • 37. ANIMAL PRODUCTION Sant Carles de la Ràpita AQUACULTURE Aquatic Cultures OBJECTIVES Develop research on new aquatic species or processes to improve the quality and productivity of commercial species. Focus efforts on aquatic systems and species using both production and sustainability approaches. Achieve interdisciplinarity with synergies between research lines and programmes. LINES OF WORK Rearing new species for production purposes or those which are endangered. Nutritional requirements of larvae, juveniles and sub-adults in relation to fish, molluscs and crustaceans. Researching new fish feed ingredients. Physiological studies of the effects of nutrients. Live feed enrichment emulsion design. Design and formulation of microdiets for larva phases. Detection and identification of zoonotic bacterial pathogens. Study of risk factors in relation to aquatic production systems. Design and application of sanitary management programmes. Experimental infection trials. Efficiency and safety trials for sanitary products. Studies in the environmental impact of aquaculture activities. Viability studies of commercial projects. Design and adaptation of facilities.
  • 38. ANIMAL PRODUCTION CReSA ANIMAL HEALTH OBJECTIVES Technology research and development, studies and training on all aspects of animal health. LINES OF WORK • Develop animal health research and development programmes. • Introduce scientific progress into the sector • Provide technology research and development services using approved research and development programmes. • Advise companies in the agri-food field, public administration and give support in the field of animal health. • Organise scientific and technical training programmes.
  • 39. PLANT PRODUCTION Post-Harvest Physiology POST HARVEST Processed Fruits and Vegetables Post-Harvest Technology Pip and Stone Fruit FRUIT PRODUCTION Olive Production, Oil Processing and Nut Trees Genetic Improvement of Cereals FIELD CROPS Field Crops Agronomy SUSTAINABLE PLANT Entomology PROTECTION Plant Pathology Post-Harvest Pathology GENOMICS AND In Vitro Cultivation BIOTECHNOLOGY Genomics
  • 40. PLANT PRODUCTION Lleida POST HARVEST UdL-IRTA Foundation GENERAL OBJECTIVES Study fruit and vegetables after gathering to improve processes and technologies that contribute to a more profitability and better product quality.
  • 41. PLANT PRODUCTION Lleida POST HARVEST UdL-IRTA Foundation Post-Harvest Physiology OBJECTIVES Study the biochemical physiology of fruit under stress and/or during conservation. LINES OF WORK • Determination of the physiological response of fruit under stress conditions. • Control and prediction of physiopathies in fruit. • Antioxidants and health promoting compounds in fruit. • Determination of ripening and quality using non-destructive methods. • Optimisation and implementation of 1-MCP in the agricultural sector.
  • 42. PLANT PRODUCTION Lleida POST HARVEST UdL-IRTA Foundation Processed Fruits and Vegetables OBJECTIVES Study the microbiology of minimally processed fruit and vegetables, focussing on food transmission pathogens. LINES OF WORK • Effect of field factors on the microbiological quality of processed fruits and vegetables. • Studies on the effect of pathogens. • Growth capacity of pathogen bacteria on minimally processed fruits and vegetables packaged under different conditions. • Studies on the shelf life of products. • Researching new disinfection and control methods for pathogen and altering micro- organisms that are safer for consumers and more ecofriendly.
  • 43. PLANT PRODUCTION Lleida POST HARVEST UdL-IRTA Foundation Post-Harvest Technology OBJECTIVES Study cold storage treatments and technologies for fruit and vegetables. LINES OF WORK • Effects of conservation (cold, controlled atmosphere) and other treatments used in the post harvest period on the aromatic compounds of fruit and vegetables. • Effects of storage treatments and technologies on the texture of fruit and vegetables, modifications in cell wall composition and related enzymatic activity. • Sensory quality and consumer studies on fruit and vegetables. • Persistence of agrochemical residues on the skin and flesh of fruit and vegetables. Effects of conservation technologies on their degradation.
  • 44. PLANT PRODUCTION FRUIT PRODUCTION GENERAL OBJECTIVES Contribute, develop and transfer, based on research, to the economically viable production, conservation and distribution of healthy fruit using sustainable methods. More specifically, the general objectives are: • Renovation and continuous improvement of the productive structure, working on the plant material from selection and/or evaluation to genetic improvement, bringing in new varieties adapted to different agro- environmental conditions and different markets. • Efficient use of production inputs. • Reducing production costs and improving productivity. • Development of models that include integrated production, conservation and distribution systems which take into account the preservation of natural resources and respecting the environment. • Obtaining excellent quality fruit products (commercial traits, organoleptic attributes and nutritional properties).
  • 45. PLANT PRODUCTION Lleida Field Station FRUIT PRODUCTION Ebre Field Station Mas Badia Field Station Pip and Stone Fruit OBJECTIVES Study apple, pear, peach, prune and apricot species and apply the general objectives of the programme. LINES OF WORK Plant material. Includes: 1. Introduction and evaluation programme of new varieties and stocks. 2. Genetic improvement programme of new varieties of apple, pear, peach and nectarine as well as a genetic improvement programme of pear stocks. 3. Projects focused on the expansion and use of the knowledge in genetic databases relating to these species. 4. Use of molecular genetic techniques to improve the efficiency of selection processes. Crop Technology. Includes activities and projects concerning: 1. The reduction of the unproductive period. 2. Training, pruning and management systems. 3. Bioregulators to control plant growth. 4. Chemical thinning and regulation of the fruit load. 5. Replanning in varietal renewal situations. 6. Agronomic techniques to improve quality. Quality of the fruit. Includes aspects such as: 1. Determination of the best harvest time. 2. Use of products and techniques to improve the organoleptic qualities of fruit. 3. Use of products and techniques to improve fruit colour and to reduce defects. 4. Development and/or validation of non-destructive measurements of fruit quality.
  • 46. PLANT PRODUCTION Mas de Bover FRUIT PRODUCTION Ebre Field Station Lleida Field Station Olive Production, Oil Processing and Nut Trees OBJECTIVES Study of olive, almond, hazelnut, carob, pistachio and fig species, applying the general objectives of the programme and developing models that describe improvements related to post harvest, transformation, elaboration, nutritional value and quality of food (olive oil, nuts and carob gum). LINES OF WORK Plant material. 1. Introduction, improvement and evaluation of new varieties and stocks, prospecting, clonal and stock selections. 2. Expanding and preserving genetic resources. 3. Monumental olive trees. 4. High-density olive tree plantations. 5. Reproduction physiology. 6. Propagation. Crop Technology.1. Densities, management of intensive and high-density plantations. 2. Mechanised harvesting and pruning. 3. Deficit irrigation. Post harvest technology, nut industrialisation and olive oil production: 1. Processes and new technologies for oil extraction. 2. Post-harvest conditioning techniques of nuts. 3. Classification and stocking nuts and olives for oil. 4. Industrial capabilities of nut varieties. Fruit Quality. 1. Optimum harvest time. 2. Chemical characterisation and rheology of products. 3. Organoleptic qualities. 4. Volatile phenols and other markers for aromatic defects in olive oils. 5. Olive leaf sesquiterpenes to attract the olive fly. 6. Characteristics of volatile compounds in olive tree varieties. 7. Functional molecules.
  • 47. PLANT PRODUCTION FIELD CROPS GENERAL OBJECTIVES The general objective is to solve current agricultural challenges via the development, evaluation and introduction of improved plant material, to generate scientific knowledge in the field of field crops and to optimise cultivation techniques, paying attention to the required reduction of costs and environmental effects. The programme is divided into two sub-programmes: Winter Cereal Genetic Improvement and Field Crop Agronomy.
  • 48. PLANT PRODUCTION Lleida FIELD CROPS Mas Badia Field Station Winter Cereal Genetic Improvement OBJECTIVES Obtain and introduce into the sector new genetic materials for autogamous cereal fertilisation adapted to the Mediterranean with high productivity and quality and lasting disease resistance. Generate scientific knowledge in fields related to the genetic improvement of cereal and its adaptation to changing environmental conditions. LINES OF WORK Genetic improvement programmes for bread wheat, durum wheat and barley. Drought tolerance: physiological and molecular bases, tolerant ideotypes, terminal stress, effects of drought on growth and development. Genetic resources and variability: evaluation, characterisation, documentation and multiplication of genetic resources, use of genetic resources in the improvement, creation of collections, phylogenetic relations, molecular biodiversity and ex situ conservation. Pre-breeding. Phenological adaptation: phenological development in different environments, molecular bases of the photoperiodic response, intrinsic vernalisation and precocity. Selection improvement tools: identification and evaluation of useful integrated criteria to detect superior genotypes in breeding programmes. Assisted selection for molecular markers. Historic impact of genetic improvement: Time and space effects of empiric wheat improvement in the Mediterranean. Industrial grain quality: environmental effect on quality. Quality genetics.
  • 49. PLANT PRODUCTION Lleida FIELD CROPS Ebre Field Station Mas Badia Field Station Field Crops Agronomy OBJECTIVES Determine productive, qualitative and sanitary behaviour of plant material of different species from different environmental origins. Optimise the management of field crops in the main Catalan agro-ecosystems via the efficiency improvement of the use of resources and the minimisation of environmental impact. Establish a high agreement level with the sector and advise farmers and technicians to improve the sustainability of their field crops. LINES OF WORK • Varietal evaluation networks for winter cereals, maize, rice, proteaginous plants, energy and industrial crops and fodder crops. Coordination of the trials network of GENVCE (Spanish Group for the Evaluation of New Field Crop Varieties in Spain). • Optimisation of organic and mineral fertilisation: crop response to fertilisers, monitoring nutrients in the soil and crops, use and study of the dynamics of animal excrement and other fertilising materials, mineralisation and leaching of nitrogen. • Evaluation of cultivation techniques: plant response to water supply variations, nitrogen and other fertiliser components, improvement of crop establishment, environmental evaluation of agricultural techniques in different species.
  • 50. PLANT PRODUCTION SUSTAINABLE PLANT PROTECTION GENERAL OBJECTIVES Develop innovative techniques to protect crops from diseases, pests and abiotic agents that reduce their yield and the quality of agricultural and forest products, prioritising biological, physical, low-risk chemical and cultural methods before conventional methods of pesticide use, from the initial nursery phase up to production, post harvest and storage.
  • 51. PLANT PRODUCTION Cabrils SUSTAINABLE PLANT Mas Badia PROTECTION Field Station UdL-IRTA Foundation Entomology Ebre Field Station OBJECTIVES Develop and implement sustainable pest control systems based on the ecology and management of agro-ecosystems, focusing on the conservation of biodiversity and biological control. Production of IPM programmes that can be used by end users in intensive and field crops, fruit trees, citrus trees and food storage. LINES OF WORK • Develop biological control methods based on the study of the biology and ecology of natural enemies and pests: 1. Large-scale breeding of natural enemies. 2. Sampling and decision- making methods, use of geostatistical techniques. 3. Semiochemicals and arthropod attractant or repellent substances. 4. New molecular and chemical techniques to study trophic networks in the agro-ecosystem. 5. Functional biodiversity, study of the dispersion and colonisation of natural enemies (reservoir plants). 6. Modified atmospheres and other alternatives to the use of pesticide treatments on stored food. • Identification, prevention and control of emergent and invasive pests. • Introduce to the sector innovative tools developed for the sustainable control of arthropod pests in all fields of action.
  • 52. PLANT PRODUCTION Cabrils SUSTAINABLE PLANT PROTECTION Lleida Field Station Mas Badia Plant Pathology Field Station OBJECTIVES Develop ecofriendly production and crop protection systems that favour natural regulation mechanisms for pathogen populations in order to prevent the loss of plant resistance or the appearance of resistance to phytosanitary agents and to promote the development of the soil's natural microbiota to achieve production system sustainability. LINES OF WORK • Viruses. Epidemiology and host/pathogen interaction. Biological and molecular characterisation of allied viruses. Resistances. Genetic silencing as a control strategy. • Phytoplasms. Epidemiology and identification of insect vectors and host plants. Biological and cultural control strategies of insect vectors, resistance-inducing substances and phytoplasma- free plants. Diagnostic techniques. • Nematodes. Multiple control barriers based on the use of plant resistance, biological control and the interruption of the life cycle of the pathogen. Native biological control organisms. • Woody plant pathogen fungi. Biology of the fungi involved in grape vine wood diseases and effects of biotic and abiotic factors on infectivity. Chemical control and cultural techniques. • Edible fungal symbionts associated to forest trees. Controlled mycorrhisation. Characterisation and traceability of fungi and of controlled mycorrhisation in the field, etc.
  • 53. PLANT PRODUCTION SUSTAINABLE PLANT Lleida PROTECTION Post-Harvest Pathology OBJECTIVES Study in depth the known facts about fruit pathologies (especially pip and stone fruit, citrus and grapes) that affect post harvest and develop consumer and ecofriendly control strategies. LINES OF WORK • Develop agents for the biological control of diseases and other micro-organisms of industrial interest. Domestication of micro-organisms (includes production, formulation and improvement). • Evaluate spoilage control physicochemical systems. • Study host/pathogen/environment interactions in order to establish control actions that are more ecofriendly. Develop disease prediction models.
  • 54. PLANT PRODUCTION GENOMICS AND BIOTECHNOLOGY GENERAL OBJECTIVES • Research in plants genomics and in vitro cultivation of horticultural and fruit- growing species: • Use of molecular markers for varietal identification and marker-assisted selection of horticultural, fruit-growing and ornamental species. • Fruit-growing and horticultural genomics. • In vitro cultivation techniques to obtain diplo-haploid lines in horticultural and ornamental species. • Genetic transformation of rice, tobacco, melon, tomato, pepper and grapevines. • Genetic improvement of ornamental species. • Technology transfer to the private sector.
  • 55. PLANT PRODUCTION GENOMICS AND Cabrils BIOTECHNOLOGY In Vitro Cultivation OBJECTIVES Use of in vitro cultivation techniques to facilitate and complement genetic improvement. LINES OF WORK • Micropropagation in Pyrusspp, Prunus spp. and Malus spp. as well as in recalcitrant species such as walnut and pistachio. Embryo rescue. • Rescue of immature parthenogenetic embryos used for the production of haploids of carnation, melon, cucumber, watermelon and courgette, and to produce individuals from crossing between early varieties of peach and nectarine. • Generation of double haploid and polyploid lines. Production of double haploid lines for pepper, aubergine, melon, cucumber, watermelon, courgette and carnations, used to accelerate the acquisition of new hybrid varieties. Generation of tetraploids in ornamental species, melon and watermelon. • Genetic transformation. Fine tuning genetic transformation methods for rice, grapevines, melon, tomato, tobacco and pepper. • Coexistence and genetic flux. Prediction of GMO content in coexisting rice and maize fields.
  • 56. PLANT PRODUCTION Cabrils GENOMICS AND BIOTECHNOLOGY CRAG Genomics OBJECTIVES Activities concentrate on three crops: Prunus, strawberry and melon. Additionally, the programme has a genetic improvement line for geraniums and joint research units with private companies. LINES OF WORK • Melon genomics. Sequencing the melon genome. Characterisation of QTLs for fruit quality traits. Transcriptomic study of fruit development. Characterisation of CMV resistance. Obtaining a vector for virus induced genetic silencing (VIGS). • Prunus genomics. Prunus genetic mapping and QTLs analysis for traits of agronomical interest. Genetic variability and associated genetic studies. Comparative genomics between species of the Rosacea family. • Strawberry genomics. Genetic mapping of diploid and octoploid strawberry plants. NILs for the study of QTLs. Synteny studies between strawberry and other Rosacea species. • Geranium genetic improvement. Collaboration with Cultius Roig S.A.T, obtaining new geranium varieties: ‘zonale’, ‘peltatum’ and ‘grandiflorum’. • Fitó-IRTA Joint Unit. Collaboration with Semillas Fitó S.A., development of molecular markers, identification of varieties and production of double haploid lines (DHLs). • PLANASA-IRTA Joint Unit. Collaboration with PLANASA, genetic improvement of fruit quality and selection of new pathogen-resistant varieties of strawberry, fruit trees, asparagus and garlic.
  • 57. AGRI-FOOD ECONOMICS Agri-food Markets AGRI-FOOD ECONOMICS Micro-Economic Analysis of the Agri- Food Sector Agri-food Economy Information Systems NATURAL RESOURCE AND AGRI- Natural Resource Economics FOOD DEVELOPMENT ECONOMICS Sustainable Development
  • 58. AGRI-FOOD ECONOMICS AGRI-FOOD ECONOMICS GENERAL OBJECTIVES Analyse socio-economic aspects related to the production, transformation, distribution and consumption of food. Help improve understanding of the main determining factors of decisions related to the production and investment of agricultural producers. Study the potential economic impact of agricultural policies on a micro and macro level. Characterise and understand food consumer behaviour better.
  • 59. AGRI-FOOD ECONOMICS CREDA AGRI-FOOD ECONOMICS Agri-Food Markets OBJECTIVES Study the functions of agri-food markets functioning from their internal structure as well as from the consequences of changes in external factors (raw material prices, political decisions, commercial liberalisation agreements, etc.). LINES OF WORK • Impact of agricultural policies on decisions about production, investment, land distribution, farmers' income and the use of inputs. • Analysis of price transmission processes in the commercial chain as well as between highly separated markets. • Competitively analysis: Foreign trade, agri-food industry, trade liberalisation impact, product and/or brand positioning, business strategies, etc.
  • 60. AGRI-FOOD ECONOMICS CREDA AGRI-FOOD ECONOMICS Micro-Economic Analysis of the Agri-Food Sector OBJECTIVES Analyse the determining factors and consequences of production and consumption decisions made by agents in the economy (producers, industry, and consumers). LINES OF WORK • Production decisions: factors that determine the adoption of innovations, productive efficiency studies, investment decisions, inputs demand, production decisions in an uncertain environment, risk analysis, etc. • Demand analysis: calculation of elasticities, impact of information on food safety, impact of information on health, elaboration of diet quality indexes, impact of price policies to reduce obesity, food habits. • Consumer behaviour: Marketing research, consumers, distributors, focus groups, knowledge relation, attitudes, purchase of different food, new study methodologies, selection experiments and experimental auctions.
  • 61. AGRI-FOOD ECONOMICS CREDA AGRI-FOOD ECONOMICS Agri-food Economy Information Systems OBJECTIVES Attempt to establish data-gathering systems to make it available to agents that take part in the agri-food system. LINES OF WORK • Micro and macro analysis of sectors: sector surveys, prospective studies, etc. • Benchmarking: creation of benchmark sector markers in relation to exploitation in order to make decisions.
  • 62. AGRI-FOOD ECONOMICS NATURAL RESOURCE AND AGRI- CREDA FOOD DEVELOPMENT ECONOMICS GENERAL OBJECTIVES Valuation of the economic impact of the environmental consequences of agricultural and food activities. Analysis of the economic impact of measures taken to improve the sustainability of the agri-food system.
  • 63. AGRI-FOOD ECONOMICS NATURAL RESOURCE AND AGRI- CREDA FOOD DEVELOPMENT ECONOMICS Natural Resource Economics OBJECTIVES Carry out research on the economic and environmental impact of projects: economic assessment of positive, negative and valuation externalities of non-market goods. LINES OF WORK • Studies on the willingness to pay for environmental quality improvement. Agricultural multifunctionality. Introduction of biofuels and their economic impact. Adoption of ecofriendly technologies. Evaluation of the impact of environmental policies.
  • 64. AGRI-FOOD ECONOMICS NATURAL RESOURCE AND AGRI- CREDA FOOD DEVELOPMENT ECONOMICS Sustainable Development OBJECTIVES Agriculture for development, consequences of trade liberalisation for developing countries, impact of new technologies in developed and developing countries, fair trade, etc. LINES OF WORK • Impact of new technologies on rural communities in developing countries. Evaluation of the economic impact of trade policies, with special emphasis on rural development. Impact of different commercialisation strategies on the financial margins of farmers in developing countries.
  • 65. ENVIRONMENT AND GLOBAL CHANGE INTEGRAL ORGANIC WASTE Environmental Technology MANAGEMENT Agricultural Characterisation and Assessment Management, Planning and Decision Making Tools Biodiversity AQUATIC ECOSYSTEMS Global Change ENVIRONMENTAL Ecophysiology HORTICULTURE Biosystems Engineering and Agronomy Agrosilviculture ECOLOGICAL PRODUCTION AND Ecological Production and Bioenergy BIOENERGY Efficient Use of Water EFFICIENT USE OF WATER
  • 66. ENVIRONMENT AND GLOBAL CHANGE INTEGRAL ORGANIC WASTE MANAGEMENT GENERAL OBJECTIVES Develop new knowledge and technologies in the field of sustainable organic waste management produced by different activity sectors (agricultural, farming, industry and urban waste), bringing in an integrated and comprehensive focus of the problem, and technological and management solutions.
  • 67. ENVIRONMENT AND GLOBAL CHANGE INTEGRAL ORGANIC WASTE GIRO-CT MANAGEMENT Environmental Technologies OBJECTIVES Study and develop the transformation of organic waste in liquid, solid or gas form. LINES OF WORK • Composting. New applications. Markers to compare systems. Biofiltration and process control methods. Hygiene and safety conditions in composting plants and relation with incoming materials and process control. Mathematical process modelling. • Anaerobic digestion. Tools for the quick diagnosis of digesters and digestible waste. Models to integrate knowledge, simulation, diagnosis and optimisation. Simple calibration models for diagnosis and optimisation. Pre-treatments to increase biodegradability. Toxic effect reduction methods. Biological production of hydrogen. Application of advanced reactors to treat organic waste. • Process innovation. Microbiological aspects and development of diagnosis tools. Population dynamics in biological reactors. Processes to eliminate or recover nutrients. Bioelectricity. Bioremediation of soil and aquifer contaminants. Combined treatment systems. Combinations of biological, physical and chemical processes based on the resulting products. Evaluation methods for combined management and treatment systems.
  • 68. ENVIRONMENT AND GLOBAL CHANGE INTEGRAL ORGANIC WASTE GIRO-CT MANAGEMENT Agricultural Characterisation and Assessment OBJECTIVES Develop and apply characterisation methods for residual organic materials and study the agricultural valuation of organic by-products, whether from a productive or a transformation process. LINES OF WORK • Development of new methods to determine the chemical oxygen demand (COD) in solid and heterogeneous samples. • Development of quick analysis and diagnosis methods. • Characterisation of organic by-products and their dynamics in cultivated soils. • Development of chemical and physicochemical analysis methods to characterise organic by- products that can be used as fertilisers. • Development of laboratory methods for the quick characterisation of organic by-product dynamics applicable to cultivated soils. • Optimisation of methods to characterise, in field conditions, the dynamics of the used by- products.
  • 69. ENVIRONMENT AND GLOBAL CHANGE INTEGRAL ORGANIC WASTE GIRO-CT MANAGEMENT Management, Planning and Decision Making Tools OBJECTIVES Study of organic waste management methods and the development of evaluation methods for management and treatment alternatives. LINES OF WORK • Develop methods for decision-making in the lines of work to be followed in specific geographic areas to define management and action plans. • Develop decision-making methods for the best technology to use according to the problem to be solved. • Analyse costs and benefits for activities that produce and use organic waste. Use of life cycle analysis tools.
  • 70. ENVIRONMENT AND GLOBAL CHANGE AQUATIC ECOSYSTEMS GENERAL OBJECTIVES Carry out research on worldwide changes made to continental and coastal aquatic ecosystems and integrate the data resulting from observations, experiments and models in order to improve the predictive capacity of its future evolution. Use the acquired knowledge to propose necessary management measures to mitigate the negative effects of global change on biodiversity. Carry out research on the connection between fluvial, deltaic (estuaries) and marine processes, especially in the context of the final stretch of the river Ebro and its delta: • Water flows and pulses, sediments, nutrients and contaminants. • Structure and dynamics of habitats and populations. • Impact of climate change. • Modelling ecosystems and management models.
  • 71. ENVIRONMENT AND GLOBAL CHANGE Sant Carles de la Ràpita AQUATIC ECOSYSTEMS Biodiversity OBJECTIVES Analyse the structure and dynamics of aquatic species as well as of their conservation status and the measures to improve them from the perspective of worldwide change. LINES OF WORK • Ecological status markers of water masses. • Ecology of fish and invertebrates. • Invading species in aquatic ecosystems. • Sustainable fishing management. • Pest control (black fly, zebra mussel, etc.). • Biology of the conservation of endangered species. • Management and restoration of wetlands.
  • 72. ENVIRONMENT AND GLOBAL CHANGE Sant Carles de la Ràpita AQUATIC ECOSYSTEMS Global Change OBJECTIVES Analyse of the causes and consequences of global change on aquatic ecosystems from the perspective of hydrographic basins in the Mediterranean. LINES OF WORK • Impact of climate change on deltas. • Alterations of the water flows, sediments and contaminants in river basins. • Effects of global change on trophic networks. • Eutrophication of rivers, coastal lakes and bays. • Microalgae as global change markers. • Production of biofuel from microalgae. • Management of sediment in rivers and reservoirs.
  • 73. ENVIRONMENT AND GLOBAL CHANGE ENVIRONMENTAL HORTICULTURE GENERAL OBJECTIVES Consider the problem and the solution as part of the scenario, since both are part of a complicated biodiversity network and changes affect the whole system to a larger or lesser extent. Effects of global change on agriculture. Productive traceability: effects of production systems on product quality and environmental respect.
  • 74. ENVIRONMENT AND GLOBAL CHANGE ENVIRONMENTAL Torre Marimon HORTICULTURE CREAF Ecophysiology OBJECTIVES Discover the responses of neoformed, cultivated, native and foreign plants to different environmental abiotic and biotic stresses and their time and space combination (global change) in the Mediterranean habitat. LINES OF WORK • Characterisation of plant material under stress conditions in horticulture, gardening and landscape restoration. Synergy of stresses. Hydraulic compatibility. Biomass allocation. • Study on the effects of global change on the landscape, with special emphasis on the agriculture. Climate/crop/factor relation. Intra and interspecific competence factors. Outlet and/or flow regulation functions. • Study on the effects of environmental contaminants on urban and/or peri-urban, natural or garden plants. Use of recycled and phreatic water. Minimum irrigation technique. Tensioactive and other biotic or abiotic contaminants. • Stress diagnosis techniques in horticultural plants. Uses in agronomy. • Woody species nursery. Hardening and productivity maintenance methods.
  • 75. ENVIRONMENT AND GLOBAL CHANGE ENVIRONMENTAL Torre Marimon HORTICULTURE Biosystems Engineering and Agronomy OBJECTIVES Study methods and systems that optimise horticultural crop productivity in Mediterranean conditions: biophysics, agronomy and life cycle analysis. LINES OF WORK • Natural ventilation of greenhouses, temperature control techniques and design of mechanisms. Visualisation of fluids in scale models. Calculation of the ventilation rate. Direct measures for air renovation. Use of CO2. Cooling by water evaporation. Calculation of cooling caused by crop transpiration. Greenhouse light transmission and more transparent covering materials. • Study non-soil cultivation techniques in intensive Mediterranean systems, optimisation of the efficient use of water and nutrients in intensive agrosystems. Automated fertirrigation management and improving root system functionalism. Root system oxygenation. Recirculation of nutrient solutions. Physical and chemical sensors to optimise fertirrigation in intensive crops. • Horticultural crops on natural soil. Agronomic techniques and systems. Valuation of substrata and by-products. Native soil substrata production methods. • Composting. Effects as a nutrient and biostimulant. Life cycle analysis and environmental evaluation of the impact of horticultural and agricultural activity.
  • 76. ENVIRONMENT AND GLOBAL CHANGE Torre Marimon ENVIRONMENTAL HORTICULTURE Agrosilviculture OBJECTIVES Develop forest base material for its productive adaptation to different ecologies. Quality wood production and restoration of agroforest environments. LINES OF WORK • Characterisation and validation of forest materials according to their use in afforestation and reforestation of agricultural land. Effects of origin (genotypic and phenotypic factors). • Agronomy and silviculture of agroforest plantations. Effects on the product (fruit/wood), crop rotation and potential environmental functions. • Productive evaluation of forest plantations under intensive management. Effects on wood quality.
  • 77. ENVIRONMENT AND GLOBAL CHANGE ECOLOGICAL PRODUCTION AND BIOENERGY GENERAL OBJECTIVES Improve production, transformation and commercialisation systems of agrarian products using sustainable and ecofriendly methods, especially those that are set out in European regulations on ecological production. Improve the production processes of raw materials and their valuation for energy use, as well as develop new transformation methods and improve the efficiency of transformation.
  • 78. ENVIRONMENT AND GLOBAL CHANGE Sant Carles de la Ràpita ECOLOGICAL PRODUCTION AND Field Station BIOENERGY Mas Badia CREAF GIRO-CT Ecological Production and Bioenergy Lleida LINES OF WORK in ecological production: Field Station • Improve plant production systems without using chemically Lleida synthesised fertilisers or pesticides. • Improve ecological products of animal origin from non-intensive Torre Marimon stockbreeding, with a high level of animal welfare and ecological feed. • Improve transformation processes using new techniques that minimise contamination and quality losses, limiting the use of additives and technological additives. • Market analysis of ecological products, evaluating their position in the market and their acceptation by the consumer. LINES OF WORK in bioenergy: • Evaluation and valuation of raw materials and by-products for energy use. (biomass, biofuels, methane, etc.). • Development and optimisation of new energy transformation processes.
  • 79. ENVIRONMENT AND GLOBAL CHANGE EFFICIENT USE OF WATER GENERAL OBJECTIVES Provide information and new knowledge that are useful to improve water management, specifically in relation to irrigation.
  • 80. ENVIRONMENT AND GLOBAL CHANGE UdL-IRTA Foundation EFFICIENT USE OF WATER Mas Badia Field Station Lleida Field Station Efficient Use of Water LINES OF WORK • Efficient use of water. Determination of the water requirements of crops and irrigation programming methods. Improving irrigation efficiency. Water production functions. Irrigation economics. Irrigation water quality. • Water management in deficit conditions. Physiology of water deficits in plants. Seasonal sensitivity to water deficits. Mitigation of water deficits. Process modelling. • Irrigation engineering. Sensor system to respond to water deficits. Environmental sensor system. Sensor-based irrigation programming. Communication systems. Data management. • Mineral and irrigation nutrition. Nutrient requirements of plants. Nutrient use strategies. Fertirrigation, seasonal sensitivity. Mineral nutrition and production quality. • Regional scale irrigation control. Water condition zone analysis based on teledetection. Irrigation management in irrigated communities. Models in the use of water in changing climate scenarios.