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Upcoming Israel-Iran
Nuclear War ....
s was in God’s Temple in Jerusalem
when the morning and evening
sacrifice, indeed daily pointed to
the Lamb of God, yet even there was no
preparation to receive Him; so it is today
when every global unfolding has indeed
pointed towards the return of the Messiah,
and yet here too, no meaningful preparation
has been put in place to behold His Day. The
Lord Jesus, in His final submission regarding
the events that would roll out in the days
prior to His return, did mention among other
Major Prophetic Landmark Of This Age
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said, “Israel has a right to defend herself”.
things, monumental wars and rumours of war.
You will hear of wars and rumors of
wars, but see to it that you are not
alarmed. Such things must happen, but
the end is still to come (Matt 24:6)
The more the entire world gets engrossed
and nestled-in over Iran’s contraversial nuclear
program, the more the fear continues to grip
the nations as to whether this crisis could
indeed culminate into the worst conflict ever
witnessed on the face of the earth.
Deals are being brokered, while on the
contrary, the Voice of the Lord is sternly
and continuously updating God’s elect on
the unfoldings of the events surrounding
the Middle East. Global top negotiators are
spearheading diplomatic efforts to persuade
errant Iran to rein in its nuclear program,
albeit the fact that a series of increasingly
harsh economic sanctions are being imposed
by European nations and the United States.
These events are as a result of the Prophecy
of the four apocalyptic horsemen that have left
their squelch in all the four corners of the
earth that they have trodded. To encapsulate
the triumphs of how much the Rider of
the Pale Horse has scored, it is suffice to
understand that the victories began ever
since the Lord spoke with me that He was
coming, in a tremendous vision of July 29,
2009. The Lord has since then taken me
across the different nations of the earth,
including Norway, South Korea, Venezuela,
India, Chile, Sweden, France, Australia, Kenya
to mention; to speak about the coming of
the Rider of the Pale Horse (posted on www. That prophecy
was finally fulfilled in the beginning of February
2011. But ever since the release of the Rider
of the Pale Horse, this valiant horseman
has taken his rounds across the earth. In
previous publications, I described indepth this
horseman’s deathly facial appearance, and the
Horse that he rides. Among the achievements
that the Rider of the Pale Horse has attained
in his mission on earth, is the nation of Syria.
It is apparent that upon his release in Egypt,
this Angel of Death has brought tremendous
death. In addition, there is one thing that has
become common in every land that He has
run through, the carrying of dead bodies in
The Rider of the Pale Horse has brought
horrific death across the face of the earth
and in considering the case in Syria, there
has been development of a classic case of
The Pale Horse of the Apocalypse was
spotted by all global media in Egypt
what the Rider of the Pale Horse is capable
of doing. The reports
say that death is a daily
occurrence now in the land
of Syria. And yes, indeed, if one is privilege
to watch their daily
news events, then
it is very common
to see burials,
dead bodies being
carried in coffins,
on stretchers,
across the streets
of Syria. In other
words, the Lord is
saying “Look! He
has brought Death,
Death and Death.”
It is very stunning
that an entire army
of nations, like Syria,
can turn against
civilians and gun
them down including
Other cases that
culminated with His
release include the
massive bloodshed
that rocked Tunisia,
Egypt, Yemen,
Bahrain, and has
also wrecked havoc
into Libya. We are
all familiar with how
Libyans crushed
each other with
weapons until most
recently. Even the
United Nations is at
a loss to come out
with any resolutions
or any solutions.
And this speaks of
what is in the offing. Because the Rider of this
Pale Horse is called Death, and
if the horrific bloodshed
he has brought
across the Arab
world, is just
the beginning
of birth
pain, then
how much
more death
is there
going to
be during the Tribulation? So the Rider of the
Pale Horse has done massive damage on the
face of the earth. It is crucial to note that the
Iranwar foot of the mountain. So I saw
a HUGE historic flame that the
earth has never seen before.
And the flames were going from
the east end go all the way to
the west. And that fire has small
fires inside, some fires that
carrying small fires curly like, go
all the way almost to Heaven.
And immediately after that,
after seeing the tremendous
explosion, that can only come
from a nuclear explosion. The
biggest explosion, the biggest
frame that the earth has lived
to see.
n September 27,
2005, while at Mbeya
in Tanzania, the Lord
showed me the tremendous
dream of what was coming
before the earth. And in that
conversation, the Lord showed
me a nuclear
facility which is
by the foot of a
mountain. And
at that foot of
the mountain,
then I saw
two missiles
fired. Again,
two missiles
were fired
towards the
nuclear facility.
And I see the
behind part of
the missiles is
copper color. And as the missiles
were spinning slowly like this, and
there is a propelling, a spinning
of its tail,the tail is copper-like.
What was astonished me most
is when the missiles struck the
nuclear facility of Iran at the
Four Horsemen work in consent, therefore,
their effects are actually more colossal.
In summary, I will describe the tremendous
vision of April 2nd, 2004, in order to get our
bearing into the war that is going to take place
between Iran and Israel. In that April 2nd
vision of the Lord, the Lord lifted me up and I
found myself standing right before the Throne
of Jehovah in Heaven. And as I was standing
right before the Throne of Jehovah in Heaven,
I saw the glory that covered the Throne like
a mountain. And then I saw The Lamb of
God that was slain for the sins of men. And
then another part of the conversation was
when the Lord presented John the Baptist
on my right-hand side, and John the Baptist
began speaking with me about the Coming of
Messiah. The Lamb of God that was slain for
the sins of men. After that, there was a small
separation between where I was standing
before the Throne of God. And the glory of
the Lord came from the Throne and covered
them and reached up. All I remember vividly
is that when John the Baptist was speaking
with me in that conversation, his garment
was totally glorified, and when I looked at my
garment it had been transfigured too. At that
particular time, the Spirit of the Lord lifted
me up from there, and took me to Israel.
And once in Israel, the Lord showed me
that there was going to be two time-change
in the leadership in Israel, and the second
change that take place, will be a right-wing,
a hard-line government. He also showed
me that, that change of government was
going to be Benjamin Netanyahu. And ever
since then, I went around prophesying that
Benjamin Netanyahu one, which had already
taken place, and there would be Benjamin
Netanyahu two. After the second change in
the leadership in Israel, then the Lord lifted
me up again. This time round, I found myself
standing right before the Throne of God
Almighty again. At that juncture, the Moon
appeared right above the Throne of God. And
when the Moon appeared, the Moon became
totally covered with blood. And so the Moon
overcast its shadow on the earth, and I saw
the whole earth was bloody in appearance.
And then suddenly, I saw the most powerful
and most Mighty Glorious Lamb of God
coming from the Glory of the Throne. When
the Lamb of God was released to come from
the Throne of God, He came all the way
towards me. And as He came, everything
Nantanz nuclear plant in Iran
in a big perimeter became transfigured
and turned absolutely Glorious and then
immediately I woke up. And from that time
till now, I began prophesying the Coming of
the Messiah, and that there would be a two
time-change of leadership in Israel. And then
after the two time-change in leadership in
Israel, then the Messiah would come for the
Church. It is amazing, because immediately
I spoke that prophecy, we now see it very
clearly that Ariel Sharon who was at that
time the Prime Minister, fell very sick and
went into coma until this day. And that then
gave way to the first change of leadership.
Ariel Sharon was replaced by Ehud Olmert.
When Ehud Olmert took over power, within
a short time he was pronounced “not well”,
and they mentioned prostate cancer. It
was then that what followed were different
scandals including corruption and the court
sessions. And then after that, there is the
second change of leadership in Israel. And
when the second change took place, indeed,
Benjamin Netanyahu won the election. And
he became the Prime Minister of Israel,
Benjamin Netanyahu. And his Minister for
Foreign Affairs became Avigdor Liberman,
who was considered actually to come from an
extremely right-wing political affiliation. So it
is incredible the same shock that I saw in that
vision, when the nation of the earth was very
surprised as to how they would engage the
Israeli leadership for the Peace Talks when
the leadership was very conservative. What is
most stunning is that after the second change
in leadership in Israel, then the Lamb of God
comes for the Church. That second change
has taken place even right now as we speak, it
has taken place.
Mbeya, Tanzania, 2005
Prophecy of War coming to Iran
It is imperative to clearly understand this
tremendous war which is coming to Iran
that you may know that indeed time is over.
On September 27, 2005, while at Mbeya in
Tanzania, the Lord showed me a tremendous
dream of what was coming to befall the
earth. And in that conversation, the Lord
showed me a nuclear facility which is by the
foot of a mountain. Then I saw two missiles
fired towards the nuclear facility at the foot
of the mountain. And I see the behind part
of the missiles which is copper colored.
And as the missiles were spinning slowly,
The humongous flames go
as far East, to as far as West
is, and as far as the earth
is, to as far as Heaven is.
That speaks that the nuclear
war might engulf the entire
Middle East.
of the Messiah. Secondly, I am also going to
discuss The War of Armageddon, in Hebrew,
Har Meggido. Har Meggido is a valley and a hill.
These two wars are very very central in
biblical prophecy, and The Lord has
privileged me to unveil these
conflicts because I am
involved in prophesying
the Israel-Iran war.
These biblical
prophecies have
answered indepth the
questions that have
arisen as to whether
the Israel-Iran
war is pre rapture
or post-rapture.
Initially, I began going all over the globe
giving this prophecy of the coming of the
horrific war even before it appeared in the
radar of news networks. Then suddenly,
bitter confrontation began flashing in several
news reportages about diccontent between
Iran and Israel on the nuclear plan program.
What is particularly most sensitive is when
one watches their news all over the globe,
this war is finally becoming a reality, and
any moment now, that war will take place.
It is incredible to see the manifestation, the
realization, and the fulfillment of the words of
my tongue in the global media.
Significance of this war
to the Church
What is the significance of this war to the
Church? First, it is extremely important to
position where exactly that war is, and how
important that war
is to the Church.
Secondly, it is very
essential to note how
telling this war is to
you the Christian
now and what the
proximity of the
Lord’s coming is.
Remember, that the
humongous flames go as far
East, to as far as West is, and
as far as the earth is, to as
far as Heaven is. That speaks
that the nuclear war might engulf the entire
Middle East.
And then now I will narrow with you
there is a propelling of the copper-like tail.
What astonished me most was that when
the missiles struck the nuclear facility at the
foot of the mountain, I then saw the most
historic mammoth flame the earth had ever
seen before. And the
giant flames were going
from the east end, all
the way to the west.
And that enormous
fire has small fires
inside, some of which
carried small curly-like
fires, going all the way
almost to Heaven. And
immediately after that,
I saw the tremendous
explosion that the
earth has lived to see, that can only come
from a nuclear explosion. After that vision,
then I immediately began to go across the
world, announcing that a historic war was
coming to the earth. Stunningly, this is one
prophecy that the Holy Spirit has pronounced
extensively across the entire earth. That
speaks very clearly about the centrality of
Israel in this endtime. This particular prophecy
on the war coming to Iran, is one that I
have given amply extensively, meaning that it
comes only second to the Prophecy on the
Coming of the Messiah. This gives rise to a
very very critical event towards the Coming
of the Messiah in relation to this war. As I
began going all over the globe pronouncing
this coming of the horrific war, there is a
very significant aspect on the description of
the explosion that takes place in that war.
Something tells me that these two missiles
that the Lord showed me
in that tremendous vision,
are actually nuclear missiles.
Consequently, because Israel
cannot take a chance with
Iran, Israel actually fires two
nuclear missiles that
totally devastate the
nuclear program in
Iran. In this regard,
there are two
extremely important
wars that are very
vital for this End
time. One of these end time wars, is the
Israel-Iran war that I am prophesying now
and which I will position for you that you may
understand how close we are to the Coming
The church that is
raptured is the church that
is a vessel, that is worthy
enough to contain the
Holy Spirit.
down on the biblical principles and biblical
significance of this war. Now you can see very
clearly the words of this prophecy beginning
to take shape in the most serious form that
the nations of the earth have
ever seen. There is intelligent
information that Israel might
strike Iran either in May or June
and we are aware how this war
is very significant in the Bible.
It is noteworthy to understand
not only the two wars and how
they relate to the Coming of
Christ, but also the role of Iran
in biblical prophecy. The Book
of Revelation 19 pulls out some
very key features that relate to
this particular war.
Then I heard what sounded
like a great multitude, like the roar of
rushing waters and like loud peals of
thunder, shouting:
“Hallelujah! For our Lord God
Almighty reigns. Let us rejoice and
be glad and give him glory! For the
wedding of the Lamb has come, and
his bride has made herself ready. Fine
linen, bright and clean, was given her
to wear.” (Fine linen stands for the
righteous acts of God’s holy people.)
Then the angel said to me, “Write
this: Blessed are those who are
invited to the wedding supper of the
Lamb!” And he added, “These are the
true words of God.” (Revelation 19:
First of all, you see that from verse 6 to verse
10, essentially celebrates the Wedding of
the Lamb of God, the Rapture of the church,
the gathering of the Saints in the glory of the
Lord, the entry of the elect of God in the
Church into the Kingdom of God, and the
deliverance of the righteous Church into the
Kingdom of God. It is well celebrated, well
highlighted and well established in the Word
and also well established in Heaven and on
the earth. However, from verse 11 onwards,
I will illustrate the sensitivity of this Israel-Iran
war that I have been prophesying across the
entire globe and extensively.
I saw heaven standing open and there
before me was a white horse, whose
rider is called Faithful and True. With
justice he judges and wages war.
His eyes are like blazing fire, and on
his head are many crowns. He has
a name written on him that no one
knows but he
himself. He is
dressed in a
robe dipped
in blood, and
his name is the
Word of God.
The armies of
heaven were
him, riding
on white
horses and
dressed in fine
linen, white
and clean.
Coming out of his mouth is a sharp
sword with which to strike down the
nations.” (Revelation 19: 11-15)
You see there is one war already being
mentioned here. The Lord kept the best
wine, the choicest of wine up to this late.
Normally, people always present the best
wine first and when people have drunk
enough of the best wine and it is exhausted,
then the poorer wine is presented to them.
The Lord kept until now, and He says that
there is a war here again.
“The armies of heaven were following
him, riding on white horses and
dressed in fine linen, white and clean.
Out of his mouth comes a sharp
sword with which to strike down
the nations. “He will rule them with
an iron scepter.” He treads the
winepress of the fury of the wrath of
God Almighty. On his robe and on
his thigh he has this name written:
King of kings and Lord of Lords. And
I saw an angel standing in the sun,
who cried in a loud voice to all the
birds flying in midair, “Come, gather
together for the great supper of
God, So that you may eat the flesh
of kings, generals, and mighty men,
of horses and their riders, and the
flesh of all people, free and slave,
small and great.” Then I saw the
beast and the kings of the earth and
their armies gathered together to
make war against the rider on the
white horse and his army.” But the
beast was captured, and with him
the false prophet’ “The two of them
were thrown alive into the fiery lake
of burning sulfur. The rest of them
were killed with the sword that came
out of the mouth of the rider on
the horse, and all the birds gorged
themselves on their flesh.’ (Revelation
In other words, the birds became engorged.
This is the secret of God and these are the
secrets of Heaven that the Lord is releasing
in these last days. I want to explain to you
whatThe LORD is talking about in Revelation
19. Verse 6 all the way to verse 10 speaks
about the gathering of the Saints, and the
Rapture that will take place. That resurrection
will be for the Holy Dead and and the
translation of the Holy living Christians who
will be given glorious bodies. Right now the
holy dead are only rotten bones, but they
will be given glorious bodies and glorious
garments upon that mighty resurrection. And
then they will be pulled up, just like I have
prophesized extensively across the entire
earth on how the Rapture will take place. The
LORD showed me in a tremendous vision
that it is the Glory of the Messiah that will
open the tombs and pull them out. And this
Glory is actually mixed with the dust, until
they go into the pure Glory of God where
there is no dust, and I see the Messiah receive
them. And yet, the Holy living Christians
will be translated and they will catch up with
them in the sky, and Heaven will open, and
the two groups will enter, and the cloud
will close them in, when they enter Heaven.
What a glorious way to snatch the church! It
celebrates the Messiah coming to rapture the
church, the gathering of the elect. Revelation
19:6-10 marks the rapture, but when you get
to verse 11, it talks about the Messiah coming
to do battle and among those coming with
HIM, are those with fine linen, bright and
clean, meaning some of the raptured saints.
Between Revelation 19:10 and Revelation
19:11, the rapture has taken place. The
church has been taken. Neverheless, what is
even most amazing is that he is talking about
the beast and the false prophet in verse 19-
21, when they are finally caught and thrown
into the lake of fire. That can only happen
after the beast has finished his work, at the
exact end of the tribulation. In Revelation 20,
you will see the saints that have been killed
and devoured for the testimony that they
stood with, the testimony of Christ. Before
the Messiah comes, these saints cry out to
the Faithful and True, Sovereign GOD, Holy
and Righteous, for when He will avenge their
blood (Rev 6:10). I have described indepth,
the first Seal, the second Seal, third Seal, and
the fourth Seal on the Scroll of GOD. Those
first four Seals out of the seven, denote the
release of the four apocalyptic horsemen.
When the fifth seal on the Scroll of GOD
is broken, we now see many souls under
the altar that have been murdered for the
testimony of Jesus. That means it will be a
difficult time to preach and the church cannot
exist then. If the church existed, she has to
testify Jesus Christ, and publicly declare her
salvation, which in actual fact is testimony
unto the Lord. Therefore, when the fifth
seal is broken, the souls mourn for revenge
because they are murdered and beheaded.
Moreover, they have to wait a little while,
until their fellow brethren complete the
number that has been murdered, having been
beheaded. And when you read on towards
the end, it says that when the Messiah comes,
they are resurrected and they reign with HIM
for a thousand years. Which means on the
same day when the Messiah is coming back for
the second coming of The Lord, is the exact
day they resurrect and are given glorious
white garments. That is the only way they
can reign with the Messiah for a thousand
years, otherwise they will have reigned with
the Messiah for 999 years and so many days.
And so when you look at Revelation 19, what
the Holy Spirit is expositioning from verse 11
to verse 21, is that these are the events on
the day of the Lord when the Messiah comes
to Jerusalem. So this war that The Lord is
talking about striking down the nations with
his sword, and the Generals and the beast
that are gathered with the generals, gathering
against the Messiah, happens when the
Messiah is coming from heaven to Jerusalem.
This war here is not the Israel-Iran war that is
about to take place. When the beast is bound
with his false prophet and plunged into the
lake of fire, that is not the Israel-Iran war that
we are talking about right now. So what then
is this Israel-Iran war?
Chart-The Prophetic Timeline of GOD
The Israel-Iran war that is going to take place,
will be so severe that Iran will hit back. And
it is going to be a flare-up and it will be led
by Russia. As you can see today in the news,
Russia warns Israel and United States from
attacking Iran. It then becomes apparent
the central role of Russia in this war. Even
the nuclear plants in Iran have been built by
Russia. When this war takes place, it will
be extremely ruthless because it will cause
Israel to sign a peace-treaty for 7 years, a
false-peace-treaty with the Arab states and
Russia, the enemies of GOD. And that means
that when this war occurs, it comes at a
time when the rapture is here. This will be
the tribulation, when the rapture will have
Revelation 19:6-10 is the celebration of
the wedding of the Lamb of God but after
that, in Revelation 19:11-21, everything
goes absolutely crazy because then a whole
situation ensues. This war that he Messiah
comes to fight in Revelation 19:11-21, this
is not the current Israel-iran Nuclear war.
Because in this one here, we see that the
Lord Himself fights and when the Lord fights
for his people, the nation of Israel, the City
of Jerusalem, for the kingdom of GOD, the
beast is captured and the false prophet. The
false prophet who had performing miraculous
signs. That means that he had already been
doing those signs but right now, the book of 2
Thessalonians 2:7-10, says,
For the secret power of lawlessness
is already at work; but the one who
now holds it back will continue to do
so till he is taken out of the way. And
then the lawless one will be revealed,
whom the Lord Jesus will overthrow
with the breath of his mouth and
destroy by the splendor of his
coming. 9 The coming of the lawless
one will be in accordance with how
Satan works. He will use all sorts of
displays of power through signs and
wonders that serve the lie, 10 and all
the ways that wickedness deceives
those who are perishing. They perish
because they refused to love the
truth and so be saved.
This is very powerful here because, the title
says, The Man of Lawlessness. This is the
antichrist. And it says, that he will not be
revealed until the power that holds him back,
is taken out and away. What power holds
the anti-Christ today? Today at this time, it
says the Spirit of antichrist and the works of
antiChrist are already in display and it says
that the person of the antiChrist, will not be
revealed until he that holds him back is taken
away from the earth. What does that mean? It
means, The Holy Spirit. Who right now holds
the anti-Christ from manifesting, restrains
him. The Holy Spirit, when he will be taken
away, then the man of the anti Christ will be
revealed. But the bible says in the book of
1 Corinthians 6:12-20 that you are the holy
tabernacle of the Holy Spirit and it says that
you are the holy temple of the Holy Ghost.
Whom is he talking about here? He is talking
about the Holy Ghost filled church. He is
talking about the five wise virgins that have a
jar of oil. In Matthew 25:1-13, says that you
are the Holy vessel of the Holy Spirit and that
tells you that the only time the Holy Spirit will
be taken from the earth is when the church
that is the holy vessel the tabernacle of the
Holy Spirit is taken away. But when is that?
That is when the church is raptured. The
church that is raptured is the church that is
a vessel, that is worthy enough to contain
the Holy Spirit. Even in 2 Thessalonians 2:8
and then the lawless one will be revealed
whom the Lord Jesus, will overthrow with
the breath of his mouth, and destroy by the
splendour of his coming. The coming of the
lawless one will be in accordance with works
of satan the devil and all kinds of counterfeit
miracles, signs and wonders. The Lord is
saying here that the beast will not be revealed
until the church, the vessel of the Holy Spirit
will have been raptured. And that is why in
Revelation 19: 6-10, the celebration of the
wedding feast of the Lamb, the marriage
supper of the Lamb, and then verse 11-21
describes the events post-tribulation. So in
this chart, the prophetic timeline of God that
has been displayed today now, where we are
today, nothing has happened yet, the Israel-
Iran war has not taken place yet, the rapture
has not taken place yet, The tribulation has
not occurred yet. Where we are, I draw a
vertical line, and on the right hand side of
the vertical line, I wrote tribulation and that
encompasses, the three and a half years of
tribulation and the three and a half years of
the great tribulation. And I have also marked
that the Israel-Iran war, which is Russia plus
her allies, they attack Israel. This attack, the
two missiles I see striking Iran, they must be
nuclear missiles and when the Lord showed
me this, I very well understood the gravity
of that. That if they are nuclear missiles that
strike the nuclear facility in Iran, then the
retribution first of all, this means that that
war will spread across many nations, but the
hit back will come on Israel also. And it seems
that many nations will form alliance and then
out of that war, Israel will be compelled to
seek for peace, to accept a peace deal, a
peace treaty, and that peace treaty the bible
says will be 7 years. But it will be false peace
treaty because the confederacy the alliance
of all the civil authority, of all powers, all
governments that will still be against the Lord,
will be still against the Lord. In fact, their
resolve to be against the Lord and GOD’s
people will be further strengthened by the
works of the false prophets whom you see by
counterfeit miracles, signs and wonders, he
will now convince them. Revelation 19:20
The beast was captured, and with it the false
prophet who had performed the signs on
its behalf. With these signs he had deluded
those who had received the mark of the beast
and worshipped its image. So the kings and
the confederacy, the alliance that you see
described in verse 19. Then I saw the beast
and the kings of the earth and their armies
gathered together to wage war against the
rider on the horse and his army.
These are the kings who believe through
delusion, the false miracles, the false signs
and wonders of the false prophets. This
war in Revelation 19:11-21 happens post-
tribulation. But the Lord God Almighty, HE
has spoken with me and showed me the
church being taken and sent me to prepare
the church in righteousness and holiness, to
stop corruption, to stop immorality, to stop
evil, that she may enter. I have also seen the
rapture of the dead and that can only tell
you that the rapture of the church will take
place. That the elect of God will not see
tribulation. Why? Because they are not meant
to be devoured. The Lord will not allow the
beast to devour his elect church because
they go into the wedding feast of the Lamb.
Otherwise the wedding feast of the Lamb
would be empty. The church has to be seated
on that table, The Bride of Christ. And you
see the tremendous celebration that throbs
the expanse of heaven, when the church is
seated in finest linen, bright and clean, ‘Lino
Finissimo, puro y limpio’, pure, meaning there
is no higher lever.
What is the Gog Magog war that Ezekiel 38-
39? How is it related to the war that is coming
in a few months between Israel and Iran?
If that war took place today, then when will
the rapture take place? Is this war pre-rapture
or post-rapture? The Lord had shown me
the Israeli aircrafts leaving to strike Iran in
that mighty dream. And I called for an urgent
meeting that Sunday morning. And I said
that no body knows the day or the hour. So
let no person say look I am still waiting for
the prophecy of the Israel-Iran war because
it will happen first before the rapture. That
would have been a tragedy. When I saw it
written in the web that the Man of God says
that Israel-iran war is post-rapture, however
outrageous it may have been, I was happy
with that. Because that means at least people
are preparing for the coming of the Lord. The
worst would have been if they had written
that Israel-Iran war is pre-rapture. Nobody
knows the day or the hour of the coming
of the Messiah. HE will come like a thief.
However, what the Lord has displayed here
very clearly, is that this war is related to the
coming of the Messiah. It may be that when
this war takes place, sharp like this, then it
takes three four months or one year, and
Israel signs a 7-year peace deal after 3 years,
one year, three days, who knows, So nobody
can say that when that war takes place, the
rapture happens the same day. Today here,
the Lord stole me into a trance, and I saw a
lot of Israeli aircrafts on the runway, at high
speed taking off, and I heard the Voice saying,
“Look this war has broken out.” And there
is a follow-up vision most recently, when the
Lord again showed me aircrafts and by Voice
HE said, “Look the war has broken out”.
So this war is related to the coming of the
Messiah. While nobody may know the day
or the hour, the rapture could happen right
before the war, such that when the war takes
place then they announce one peace deal right
away there and then. Or the rapture could
happen after this war. But the most important
message that today’s news screams out to the
church is that time is over.
Tension is building between Iran and Israel.
Speculation is swirling in Washington whether
Israel may pre-emptively bomb Iran. This
war that is coming to take place between
Israel and Iran, nobody can know whether
it is pre-rapture or post rapture, but one
thing that we are sure about, is that when
the tribulation and the great tribulation takes
place at the end of that 7 years, of false peace
treaty Christ will return to do the final war of
Ammargedon. That is what Revelation 19:11-
21 celebrates. Immediately the Lord defeats
the enemies of GOD, then HE will establish
a thousand years of peace and righteousness.
During the 1000 years, the devil is bound,
totally bound in the abbys. And then after
the 1000 years, the devil is again released.
But if you look again still in the Revelation
19:6-10 He is talking about the rapture of the
church. Verse 11 -21 talks about the war of
ammargedon. But now if you look at verse
20, it talks about the milleniun of peace and
righteousness. And after that, it talks about
the judgment of the dead, the white throne
judgment. Revelation 21 talks about the New
Jerusalem, that tells us very clearly that after
the 1000 years of reigning with Christ, as the
devil will be released again, The Lord will
move with the church into the New Jerusalem
and she will take up her place.
Why is Iran perpetrating
such Rhetoric against Israel?
Iran has been a very important part of biblical
Prophecy. And Iran in the bible is known as
Persia. They are called Persians. And at one
time, Iran was a very great empire of the
world unti Iran was conquered by Alexander
the Great. The King such as King Cyrus the
great, Dairus, Ahazuerus common known
as Arta-Xersus, such prominent kings that
are found in the bible, once ruled the great
empire of Iran. But surprizingly and ironically,
the book of Esther in the bible , talks about
how a Jewish girl became the queen of
Persia and how God used her to save HIS
people the Jews from a plot to wipe them
out. The book of Esther also explains how a
special festival called Purim was established,
to mark and remember and celebrate that
deliverance. Purim is a Hebrew word derived
from a Persian word Pur meaning Lot. It
recounts and recalls how Herman cast lots
to determine the best day to carry out his
plot to wipe out the Jews. It can be well said
today, that the current leaders of Iran, are still
operating in the spirit of Herman because of
such articles that say “Iran ready to wipe out
Israel off the map of the earth” when at that
time Herman’s plan was also to wipe Israel
from the face of the map, wipe the Jews from
the face of the map. So Persia has always been
very very important in bible prophecy. And
Daniel in his visions, saw the visions of the
lamb and the goat and in that vision, Daniel
saw himself in a city called Susa in Persian.
And that was the capital city of Persia. So Iran
has been very significant. One time the Lord
showed me a vision about Elam. There are
a lot of Jews living in Iran at this point and
time. Even Ezekiel saw the visions of the Lord
and in Ezekiel 38, He described the events of
these last days and he described the nations
that would confederate, that will combine
together for the purposes of destroying Israel
and that list contains Iran. And it talks about
that time as being the time when Israel will be
isolated. Iran has been part of the bible. And
now we see very clearly, there there is going
to be a role again.
However, who is involved in this Gog-Magog
war of Exekiel 38 and 39? It is very clear now
that in the listing Russia is leading that alliance
and then all other states that Russia sponsors
are part of it like Iran, Syria, Turkey and many
others. They form an alliance with Russia
Meggido Valley
and then they storm in the Gog-Magog war.
And it is such a terrible war that is fought in
the valley of Megiddo. The beauty about that
war, that when all the nations that gang up
and team up against
Israel, Then the Lord
comes from heaven,
and HE comes with the
raptured saints and the
heavenly hosts, and HE
will strike all the nations
down, and that war will
end in one day. That
war takes place in the
Tribulation. It is the end
of that war that gives birth to the milleniun,
the 1000 years of peace and righteousness.
Now you know that when you watch your
news, and you hear that there is going to be
war, that Israel and Iran are going to fight.
Now you know it for yourselves that that
war has a lot to do with the coming of the
Messiah. That war has so much to do with the
rapture of the church. This is not to be taken
lightly. This touches on the
very eternity of people, I
have been surprised that
among the prophecies
that I have given across
the earth, this prophecy
of the nuclear war coming
to Iran, is one that I have
brought extensively across
the entire face of the earth
and severally. It is said
that endtime bible prophecy that touches on
the church and the coming of the Messiah,
gravitates around the State of Israel. Israel is
sitting at the centre of Biblical Prophecy.

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  • 1. 63 Upcoming Israel-Iran Nuclear War .... A s was in God’s Temple in Jerusalem when the morning and evening sacrifice, indeed daily pointed to the Lamb of God, yet even there was no preparation to receive Him; so it is today when every global unfolding has indeed pointed towards the return of the Messiah, and yet here too, no meaningful preparation has been put in place to behold His Day. The Lord Jesus, in His final submission regarding the events that would roll out in the days prior to His return, did mention among other Major Prophetic Landmark Of This Age Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said, “Israel has a right to defend herself”. things, monumental wars and rumours of war. You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come (Matt 24:6) The more the entire world gets engrossed and nestled-in over Iran’s contraversial nuclear program, the more the fear continues to grip the nations as to whether this crisis could indeed culminate into the worst conflict ever witnessed on the face of the earth.
  • 2. Deals are being brokered, while on the contrary, the Voice of the Lord is sternly and continuously updating God’s elect on the unfoldings of the events surrounding the Middle East. Global top negotiators are spearheading diplomatic efforts to persuade errant Iran to rein in its nuclear program, albeit the fact that a series of increasingly harsh economic sanctions are being imposed by European nations and the United States. These events are as a result of the Prophecy of the four apocalyptic horsemen that have left their squelch in all the four corners of the earth that they have trodded. To encapsulate the triumphs of how much the Rider of the Pale Horse has scored, it is suffice to understand that the victories began ever since the Lord spoke with me that He was coming, in a tremendous vision of July 29, 2009. The Lord has since then taken me across the different nations of the earth, including Norway, South Korea, Venezuela, India, Chile, Sweden, France, Australia, Kenya to mention; to speak about the coming of the Rider of the Pale Horse (posted on www. That prophecy was finally fulfilled in the beginning of February 2011. But ever since the release of the Rider of the Pale Horse, this valiant horseman has taken his rounds across the earth. In previous publications, I described indepth this horseman’s deathly facial appearance, and the Horse that he rides. Among the achievements that the Rider of the Pale Horse has attained in his mission on earth, is the nation of Syria. It is apparent that upon his release in Egypt, this Angel of Death has brought tremendous death. In addition, there is one thing that has become common in every land that He has run through, the carrying of dead bodies in coffins. The Rider of the Pale Horse has brought horrific death across the face of the earth and in considering the case in Syria, there has been development of a classic case of The Pale Horse of the Apocalypse was spotted by all global media in Egypt what the Rider of the Pale Horse is capable of doing. The reports say that death is a daily occurrence now in the land of Syria. And yes, indeed, if one is privilege to watch their daily news events, then it is very common to see burials, dead bodies being carried in coffins, on stretchers, across the streets of Syria. In other words, the Lord is saying “Look! He has brought Death, Death and Death.” It is very stunning that an entire army of nations, like Syria, can turn against civilians and gun them down including babies. Other cases that culminated with His release include the massive bloodshed that rocked Tunisia, Egypt, Yemen, Bahrain, and has also wrecked havoc into Libya. We are all familiar with how Libyans crushed each other with weapons until most recently. Even the United Nations is at a loss to come out with any resolutions or any solutions. And this speaks of what is in the offing. Because the Rider of this Pale Horse is called Death, and if the horrific bloodshed he has brought across the Arab world, is just the beginning of birth pain, then how much more death is there going to be during the Tribulation? So the Rider of the Pale Horse has done massive damage on the face of the earth. It is crucial to note that the Prophecyon Iranwar foot of the mountain. So I saw a HUGE historic flame that the earth has never seen before. And the flames were going from the east end go all the way to the west. And that fire has small fires inside, some fires that carrying small fires curly like, go all the way almost to Heaven. And immediately after that, after seeing the tremendous explosion, that can only come from a nuclear explosion. The biggest explosion, the biggest frame that the earth has lived to see. O n September 27, 2005, while at Mbeya in Tanzania, the Lord showed me the tremendous dream of what was coming before the earth. And in that conversation, the Lord showed me a nuclear facility which is by the foot of a mountain. And at that foot of the mountain, then I saw two missiles fired. Again, two missiles were fired towards the nuclear facility. And I see the behind part of the missiles is copper color. And as the missiles were spinning slowly like this, and there is a propelling, a spinning of its tail,the tail is copper-like. What was astonished me most is when the missiles struck the nuclear facility of Iran at the
  • 3. Four Horsemen work in consent, therefore, their effects are actually more colossal. In summary, I will describe the tremendous vision of April 2nd, 2004, in order to get our bearing into the war that is going to take place between Iran and Israel. In that April 2nd vision of the Lord, the Lord lifted me up and I found myself standing right before the Throne of Jehovah in Heaven. And as I was standing right before the Throne of Jehovah in Heaven, I saw the glory that covered the Throne like a mountain. And then I saw The Lamb of God that was slain for the sins of men. And then another part of the conversation was when the Lord presented John the Baptist on my right-hand side, and John the Baptist began speaking with me about the Coming of Messiah. The Lamb of God that was slain for the sins of men. After that, there was a small separation between where I was standing before the Throne of God. And the glory of the Lord came from the Throne and covered them and reached up. All I remember vividly is that when John the Baptist was speaking with me in that conversation, his garment was totally glorified, and when I looked at my garment it had been transfigured too. At that particular time, the Spirit of the Lord lifted me up from there, and took me to Israel. And once in Israel, the Lord showed me that there was going to be two time-change in the leadership in Israel, and the second change that take place, will be a right-wing, a hard-line government. He also showed me that, that change of government was going to be Benjamin Netanyahu. And ever since then, I went around prophesying that Benjamin Netanyahu one, which had already taken place, and there would be Benjamin Netanyahu two. After the second change in the leadership in Israel, then the Lord lifted me up again. This time round, I found myself standing right before the Throne of God Almighty again. At that juncture, the Moon appeared right above the Throne of God. And when the Moon appeared, the Moon became totally covered with blood. And so the Moon overcast its shadow on the earth, and I saw the whole earth was bloody in appearance. And then suddenly, I saw the most powerful and most Mighty Glorious Lamb of God coming from the Glory of the Throne. When the Lamb of God was released to come from the Throne of God, He came all the way towards me. And as He came, everything Nantanz nuclear plant in Iran in a big perimeter became transfigured and turned absolutely Glorious and then immediately I woke up. And from that time till now, I began prophesying the Coming of the Messiah, and that there would be a two time-change of leadership in Israel. And then after the two time-change in leadership in Israel, then the Messiah would come for the Church. It is amazing, because immediately I spoke that prophecy, we now see it very clearly that Ariel Sharon who was at that time the Prime Minister, fell very sick and went into coma until this day. And that then gave way to the first change of leadership. Ariel Sharon was replaced by Ehud Olmert. When Ehud Olmert took over power, within a short time he was pronounced “not well”, and they mentioned prostate cancer. It was then that what followed were different scandals including corruption and the court sessions. And then after that, there is the second change of leadership in Israel. And when the second change took place, indeed, Benjamin Netanyahu won the election. And he became the Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu. And his Minister for Foreign Affairs became Avigdor Liberman, who was considered actually to come from an extremely right-wing political affiliation. So it is incredible the same shock that I saw in that vision, when the nation of the earth was very surprised as to how they would engage the Israeli leadership for the Peace Talks when the leadership was very conservative. What is most stunning is that after the second change in leadership in Israel, then the Lamb of God comes for the Church. That second change has taken place even right now as we speak, it has taken place. Mbeya, Tanzania, 2005 Prophecy of War coming to Iran It is imperative to clearly understand this tremendous war which is coming to Iran that you may know that indeed time is over. On September 27, 2005, while at Mbeya in Tanzania, the Lord showed me a tremendous dream of what was coming to befall the earth. And in that conversation, the Lord showed me a nuclear facility which is by the foot of a mountain. Then I saw two missiles fired towards the nuclear facility at the foot of the mountain. And I see the behind part of the missiles which is copper colored. And as the missiles were spinning slowly, The humongous flames go as far East, to as far as West is, and as far as the earth is, to as far as Heaven is. That speaks that the nuclear war might engulf the entire Middle East.
  • 4. 66 of the Messiah. Secondly, I am also going to discuss The War of Armageddon, in Hebrew, Har Meggido. Har Meggido is a valley and a hill. These two wars are very very central in biblical prophecy, and The Lord has privileged me to unveil these conflicts because I am involved in prophesying the Israel-Iran war. These biblical prophecies have answered indepth the questions that have arisen as to whether the Israel-Iran war is pre rapture or post-rapture. Initially, I began going all over the globe giving this prophecy of the coming of the horrific war even before it appeared in the radar of news networks. Then suddenly, bitter confrontation began flashing in several news reportages about diccontent between Iran and Israel on the nuclear plan program. What is particularly most sensitive is when one watches their news all over the globe, this war is finally becoming a reality, and any moment now, that war will take place. It is incredible to see the manifestation, the realization, and the fulfillment of the words of my tongue in the global media. Significance of this war to the Church What is the significance of this war to the Church? First, it is extremely important to position where exactly that war is, and how important that war is to the Church. Secondly, it is very essential to note how telling this war is to you the Christian now and what the proximity of the Lord’s coming is. Remember, that the humongous flames go as far East, to as far as West is, and as far as the earth is, to as far as Heaven is. That speaks that the nuclear war might engulf the entire Middle East. And then now I will narrow with you there is a propelling of the copper-like tail. What astonished me most was that when the missiles struck the nuclear facility at the foot of the mountain, I then saw the most historic mammoth flame the earth had ever seen before. And the giant flames were going from the east end, all the way to the west. And that enormous fire has small fires inside, some of which carried small curly-like fires, going all the way almost to Heaven. And immediately after that, I saw the tremendous explosion that the earth has lived to see, that can only come from a nuclear explosion. After that vision, then I immediately began to go across the world, announcing that a historic war was coming to the earth. Stunningly, this is one prophecy that the Holy Spirit has pronounced extensively across the entire earth. That speaks very clearly about the centrality of Israel in this endtime. This particular prophecy on the war coming to Iran, is one that I have given amply extensively, meaning that it comes only second to the Prophecy on the Coming of the Messiah. This gives rise to a very very critical event towards the Coming of the Messiah in relation to this war. As I began going all over the globe pronouncing this coming of the horrific war, there is a very significant aspect on the description of the explosion that takes place in that war. Something tells me that these two missiles that the Lord showed me in that tremendous vision, are actually nuclear missiles. Consequently, because Israel cannot take a chance with Iran, Israel actually fires two nuclear missiles that totally devastate the nuclear program in Iran. In this regard, there are two extremely important wars that are very vital for this End time. One of these end time wars, is the Israel-Iran war that I am prophesying now and which I will position for you that you may understand how close we are to the Coming The church that is raptured is the church that is a vessel, that is worthy enough to contain the Holy Spirit.
  • 5. 67 down on the biblical principles and biblical significance of this war. Now you can see very clearly the words of this prophecy beginning to take shape in the most serious form that the nations of the earth have ever seen. There is intelligent information that Israel might strike Iran either in May or June and we are aware how this war is very significant in the Bible. It is noteworthy to understand not only the two wars and how they relate to the Coming of Christ, but also the role of Iran in biblical prophecy. The Book of Revelation 19 pulls out some very key features that relate to this particular war. Then I heard what sounded like a great multitude, like the roar of rushing waters and like loud peals of thunder, shouting: “Hallelujah! For our Lord God Almighty reigns. Let us rejoice and be glad and give him glory! For the wedding of the Lamb has come, and his bride has made herself ready. Fine linen, bright and clean, was given her to wear.” (Fine linen stands for the righteous acts of God’s holy people.) Then the angel said to me, “Write this: Blessed are those who are invited to the wedding supper of the Lamb!” And he added, “These are the true words of God.” (Revelation 19: 6-9). First of all, you see that from verse 6 to verse 10, essentially celebrates the Wedding of the Lamb of God, the Rapture of the church, the gathering of the Saints in the glory of the Lord, the entry of the elect of God in the Church into the Kingdom of God, and the deliverance of the righteous Church into the Kingdom of God. It is well celebrated, well highlighted and well established in the Word and also well established in Heaven and on the earth. However, from verse 11 onwards, I will illustrate the sensitivity of this Israel-Iran war that I have been prophesying across the entire globe and extensively. I saw heaven standing open and there before me was a white horse, whose rider is called Faithful and True. With justice he judges and wages war. His eyes are like blazing fire, and on his head are many crowns. He has a name written on him that no one knows but he himself. He is dressed in a robe dipped in blood, and his name is the Word of God. The armies of heaven were following him, riding on white horses and dressed in fine linen, white and clean. Coming out of his mouth is a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations.” (Revelation 19: 11-15) You see there is one war already being mentioned here. The Lord kept the best wine, the choicest of wine up to this late. Normally, people always present the best wine first and when people have drunk enough of the best wine and it is exhausted, then the poorer wine is presented to them. The Lord kept until now, and He says that there is a war here again. “The armies of heaven were following him, riding on white horses and dressed in fine linen, white and clean. Out of his mouth comes a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations. “He will rule them with an iron scepter.” He treads the winepress of the fury of the wrath of God Almighty. On his robe and on his thigh he has this name written: King of kings and Lord of Lords. And I saw an angel standing in the sun, who cried in a loud voice to all the birds flying in midair, “Come, gather together for the great supper of God, So that you may eat the flesh of kings, generals, and mighty men, of horses and their riders, and the flesh of all people, free and slave, small and great.” Then I saw the beast and the kings of the earth and their armies gathered together to make war against the rider on the white horse and his army.” But the beast was captured, and with him the false prophet’ “The two of them were thrown alive into the fiery lake of burning sulfur. The rest of them were killed with the sword that came out of the mouth of the rider on the horse, and all the birds gorged themselves on their flesh.’ (Revelation 19:14-21) In other words, the birds became engorged. This is the secret of God and these are the secrets of Heaven that the Lord is releasing in these last days. I want to explain to you whatThe LORD is talking about in Revelation 19. Verse 6 all the way to verse 10 speaks about the gathering of the Saints, and the Rapture that will take place. That resurrection will be for the Holy Dead and and the translation of the Holy living Christians who will be given glorious bodies. Right now the holy dead are only rotten bones, but they will be given glorious bodies and glorious garments upon that mighty resurrection. And then they will be pulled up, just like I have prophesized extensively across the entire earth on how the Rapture will take place. The LORD showed me in a tremendous vision that it is the Glory of the Messiah that will open the tombs and pull them out. And this Glory is actually mixed with the dust, until they go into the pure Glory of God where there is no dust, and I see the Messiah receive them. And yet, the Holy living Christians will be translated and they will catch up with them in the sky, and Heaven will open, and the two groups will enter, and the cloud will close them in, when they enter Heaven. What a glorious way to snatch the church! It celebrates the Messiah coming to rapture the church, the gathering of the elect. Revelation 19:6-10 marks the rapture, but when you get to verse 11, it talks about the Messiah coming to do battle and among those coming with HIM, are those with fine linen, bright and clean, meaning some of the raptured saints. Between Revelation 19:10 and Revelation 19:11, the rapture has taken place. The church has been taken. Neverheless, what is even most amazing is that he is talking about the beast and the false prophet in verse 19- 21, when they are finally caught and thrown into the lake of fire. That can only happen after the beast has finished his work, at the exact end of the tribulation. In Revelation 20,
  • 6. 68 you will see the saints that have been killed and devoured for the testimony that they stood with, the testimony of Christ. Before the Messiah comes, these saints cry out to the Faithful and True, Sovereign GOD, Holy and Righteous, for when He will avenge their blood (Rev 6:10). I have described indepth, the first Seal, the second Seal, third Seal, and the fourth Seal on the Scroll of GOD. Those first four Seals out of the seven, denote the release of the four apocalyptic horsemen. When the fifth seal on the Scroll of GOD is broken, we now see many souls under the altar that have been murdered for the testimony of Jesus. That means it will be a difficult time to preach and the church cannot exist then. If the church existed, she has to testify Jesus Christ, and publicly declare her salvation, which in actual fact is testimony unto the Lord. Therefore, when the fifth seal is broken, the souls mourn for revenge because they are murdered and beheaded. Moreover, they have to wait a little while, until their fellow brethren complete the number that has been murdered, having been beheaded. And when you read on towards the end, it says that when the Messiah comes, they are resurrected and they reign with HIM for a thousand years. Which means on the same day when the Messiah is coming back for the second coming of The Lord, is the exact day they resurrect and are given glorious white garments. That is the only way they can reign with the Messiah for a thousand years, otherwise they will have reigned with the Messiah for 999 years and so many days. And so when you look at Revelation 19, what the Holy Spirit is expositioning from verse 11 to verse 21, is that these are the events on the day of the Lord when the Messiah comes to Jerusalem. So this war that The Lord is talking about striking down the nations with his sword, and the Generals and the beast that are gathered with the generals, gathering against the Messiah, happens when the Messiah is coming from heaven to Jerusalem. This war here is not the Israel-Iran war that is about to take place. When the beast is bound with his false prophet and plunged into the lake of fire, that is not the Israel-Iran war that we are talking about right now. So what then is this Israel-Iran war? Chart-The Prophetic Timeline of GOD The Israel-Iran war that is going to take place, will be so severe that Iran will hit back. And it is going to be a flare-up and it will be led by Russia. As you can see today in the news, Russia warns Israel and United States from attacking Iran. It then becomes apparent the central role of Russia in this war. Even the nuclear plants in Iran have been built by Russia. When this war takes place, it will be extremely ruthless because it will cause Israel to sign a peace-treaty for 7 years, a false-peace-treaty with the Arab states and Russia, the enemies of GOD. And that means that when this war occurs, it comes at a time when the rapture is here. This will be the tribulation, when the rapture will have happened. Revelation 19:6-10 is the celebration of the wedding of the Lamb of God but after that, in Revelation 19:11-21, everything goes absolutely crazy because then a whole situation ensues. This war that he Messiah comes to fight in Revelation 19:11-21, this is not the current Israel-iran Nuclear war. Because in this one here, we see that the Lord Himself fights and when the Lord fights for his people, the nation of Israel, the City of Jerusalem, for the kingdom of GOD, the beast is captured and the false prophet. The false prophet who had performing miraculous signs. That means that he had already been doing those signs but right now, the book of 2 Thessalonians 2:7-10, says, For the secret power of lawlessness is already at work; but the one who now holds it back will continue to do so till he is taken out of the way. And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus will overthrow with the breath of his mouth and destroy by the splendor of his coming. 9 The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with how Satan works. He will use all sorts of displays of power through signs and wonders that serve the lie, 10 and all the ways that wickedness deceives those who are perishing. They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. This is very powerful here because, the title says, The Man of Lawlessness. This is the antichrist. And it says, that he will not be revealed until the power that holds him back, is taken out and away. What power holds the anti-Christ today? Today at this time, it says the Spirit of antichrist and the works of antiChrist are already in display and it says that the person of the antiChrist, will not be revealed until he that holds him back is taken away from the earth. What does that mean? It means, The Holy Spirit. Who right now holds the anti-Christ from manifesting, restrains him. The Holy Spirit, when he will be taken away, then the man of the anti Christ will be revealed. But the bible says in the book of 1 Corinthians 6:12-20 that you are the holy tabernacle of the Holy Spirit and it says that you are the holy temple of the Holy Ghost. Whom is he talking about here? He is talking about the Holy Ghost filled church. He is talking about the five wise virgins that have a jar of oil. In Matthew 25:1-13, says that you are the Holy vessel of the Holy Spirit and that tells you that the only time the Holy Spirit will be taken from the earth is when the church that is the holy vessel the tabernacle of the Holy Spirit is taken away. But when is that? That is when the church is raptured. The church that is raptured is the church that is a vessel, that is worthy enough to contain the Holy Spirit. Even in 2 Thessalonians 2:8 and then the lawless one will be revealed whom the Lord Jesus, will overthrow with the breath of his mouth, and destroy by the splendour of his coming. The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with works of satan the devil and all kinds of counterfeit miracles, signs and wonders. The Lord is saying here that the beast will not be revealed until the church, the vessel of the Holy Spirit will have been raptured. And that is why in Revelation 19: 6-10, the celebration of the wedding feast of the Lamb, the marriage supper of the Lamb, and then verse 11-21 describes the events post-tribulation. So in this chart, the prophetic timeline of God that has been displayed today now, where we are today, nothing has happened yet, the Israel- Iran war has not taken place yet, the rapture has not taken place yet, The tribulation has not occurred yet. Where we are, I draw a vertical line, and on the right hand side of the vertical line, I wrote tribulation and that encompasses, the three and a half years of tribulation and the three and a half years of the great tribulation. And I have also marked that the Israel-Iran war, which is Russia plus her allies, they attack Israel. This attack, the two missiles I see striking Iran, they must be nuclear missiles and when the Lord showed me this, I very well understood the gravity of that. That if they are nuclear missiles that
  • 7. 69 strike the nuclear facility in Iran, then the retribution first of all, this means that that war will spread across many nations, but the hit back will come on Israel also. And it seems that many nations will form alliance and then out of that war, Israel will be compelled to seek for peace, to accept a peace deal, a peace treaty, and that peace treaty the bible says will be 7 years. But it will be false peace treaty because the confederacy the alliance of all the civil authority, of all powers, all governments that will still be against the Lord, will be still against the Lord. In fact, their resolve to be against the Lord and GOD’s people will be further strengthened by the works of the false prophets whom you see by counterfeit miracles, signs and wonders, he will now convince them. Revelation 19:20 The beast was captured, and with it the false prophet who had performed the signs on its behalf. With these signs he had deluded those who had received the mark of the beast and worshipped its image. So the kings and the confederacy, the alliance that you see described in verse 19. Then I saw the beast and the kings of the earth and their armies gathered together to wage war against the rider on the horse and his army. These are the kings who believe through delusion, the false miracles, the false signs and wonders of the false prophets. This war in Revelation 19:11-21 happens post- tribulation. But the Lord God Almighty, HE has spoken with me and showed me the church being taken and sent me to prepare the church in righteousness and holiness, to stop corruption, to stop immorality, to stop evil, that she may enter. I have also seen the rapture of the dead and that can only tell you that the rapture of the church will take place. That the elect of God will not see tribulation. Why? Because they are not meant to be devoured. The Lord will not allow the beast to devour his elect church because they go into the wedding feast of the Lamb. Otherwise the wedding feast of the Lamb would be empty. The church has to be seated on that table, The Bride of Christ. And you see the tremendous celebration that throbs the expanse of heaven, when the church is seated in finest linen, bright and clean, ‘Lino Finissimo, puro y limpio’, pure, meaning there is no higher lever. What is the Gog Magog war that Ezekiel 38- 39? How is it related to the war that is coming in a few months between Israel and Iran? If that war took place today, then when will the rapture take place? Is this war pre-rapture or post-rapture? The Lord had shown me the Israeli aircrafts leaving to strike Iran in that mighty dream. And I called for an urgent meeting that Sunday morning. And I said that no body knows the day or the hour. So let no person say look I am still waiting for the prophecy of the Israel-Iran war because it will happen first before the rapture. That would have been a tragedy. When I saw it written in the web that the Man of God says that Israel-iran war is post-rapture, however outrageous it may have been, I was happy with that. Because that means at least people are preparing for the coming of the Lord. The worst would have been if they had written that Israel-Iran war is pre-rapture. Nobody knows the day or the hour of the coming of the Messiah. HE will come like a thief. However, what the Lord has displayed here very clearly, is that this war is related to the coming of the Messiah. It may be that when this war takes place, sharp like this, then it takes three four months or one year, and Israel signs a 7-year peace deal after 3 years, one year, three days, who knows, So nobody can say that when that war takes place, the rapture happens the same day. Today here, the Lord stole me into a trance, and I saw a lot of Israeli aircrafts on the runway, at high speed taking off, and I heard the Voice saying, “Look this war has broken out.” And there is a follow-up vision most recently, when the Lord again showed me aircrafts and by Voice HE said, “Look the war has broken out”. So this war is related to the coming of the Messiah. While nobody may know the day or the hour, the rapture could happen right before the war, such that when the war takes place then they announce one peace deal right away there and then. Or the rapture could happen after this war. But the most important message that today’s news screams out to the church is that time is over. Tension is building between Iran and Israel. Speculation is swirling in Washington whether Israel may pre-emptively bomb Iran. This war that is coming to take place between Israel and Iran, nobody can know whether it is pre-rapture or post rapture, but one thing that we are sure about, is that when the tribulation and the great tribulation takes place at the end of that 7 years, of false peace treaty Christ will return to do the final war of Ammargedon. That is what Revelation 19:11- 21 celebrates. Immediately the Lord defeats the enemies of GOD, then HE will establish a thousand years of peace and righteousness. During the 1000 years, the devil is bound, totally bound in the abbys. And then after the 1000 years, the devil is again released. But if you look again still in the Revelation 19:6-10 He is talking about the rapture of the church. Verse 11 -21 talks about the war of ammargedon. But now if you look at verse 20, it talks about the milleniun of peace and righteousness. And after that, it talks about the judgment of the dead, the white throne judgment. Revelation 21 talks about the New Jerusalem, that tells us very clearly that after the 1000 years of reigning with Christ, as the devil will be released again, The Lord will move with the church into the New Jerusalem and she will take up her place. Why is Iran perpetrating such Rhetoric against Israel? Iran has been a very important part of biblical Prophecy. And Iran in the bible is known as Persia. They are called Persians. And at one time, Iran was a very great empire of the world unti Iran was conquered by Alexander the Great. The King such as King Cyrus the great, Dairus, Ahazuerus common known as Arta-Xersus, such prominent kings that are found in the bible, once ruled the great empire of Iran. But surprizingly and ironically, the book of Esther in the bible , talks about how a Jewish girl became the queen of Persia and how God used her to save HIS people the Jews from a plot to wipe them out. The book of Esther also explains how a special festival called Purim was established, to mark and remember and celebrate that deliverance. Purim is a Hebrew word derived from a Persian word Pur meaning Lot. It recounts and recalls how Herman cast lots to determine the best day to carry out his plot to wipe out the Jews. It can be well said today, that the current leaders of Iran, are still operating in the spirit of Herman because of such articles that say “Iran ready to wipe out Israel off the map of the earth” when at that time Herman’s plan was also to wipe Israel from the face of the map, wipe the Jews from the face of the map. So Persia has always been very very important in bible prophecy. And Daniel in his visions, saw the visions of the lamb and the goat and in that vision, Daniel saw himself in a city called Susa in Persian.
  • 8. 70 And that was the capital city of Persia. So Iran has been very significant. One time the Lord showed me a vision about Elam. There are a lot of Jews living in Iran at this point and time. Even Ezekiel saw the visions of the Lord and in Ezekiel 38, He described the events of these last days and he described the nations that would confederate, that will combine together for the purposes of destroying Israel and that list contains Iran. And it talks about that time as being the time when Israel will be isolated. Iran has been part of the bible. And now we see very clearly, there there is going to be a role again. However, who is involved in this Gog-Magog war of Exekiel 38 and 39? It is very clear now that in the listing Russia is leading that alliance and then all other states that Russia sponsors are part of it like Iran, Syria, Turkey and many others. They form an alliance with Russia Meggido Valley and then they storm in the Gog-Magog war. And it is such a terrible war that is fought in the valley of Megiddo. The beauty about that war, that when all the nations that gang up and team up against Israel, Then the Lord comes from heaven, and HE comes with the raptured saints and the heavenly hosts, and HE will strike all the nations down, and that war will end in one day. That war takes place in the Tribulation. It is the end of that war that gives birth to the milleniun, the 1000 years of peace and righteousness. Now you know that when you watch your news, and you hear that there is going to be war, that Israel and Iran are going to fight. Now you know it for yourselves that that war has a lot to do with the coming of the Messiah. That war has so much to do with the rapture of the church. This is not to be taken lightly. This touches on the very eternity of people, I have been surprised that among the prophecies that I have given across the earth, this prophecy of the nuclear war coming to Iran, is one that I have brought extensively across the entire face of the earth and severally. It is said that endtime bible prophecy that touches on the church and the coming of the Messiah, gravitates around the State of Israel. Israel is sitting at the centre of Biblical Prophecy.