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JUNE Vol 9
repentance & holiness
Crippled Since Birth, This Baby
Got Up & Walked
Crippled For 60yrs, This
60-Yr Old Man Walked
Blind For 24 Yrs, Mukanda’s
Eyes Opened
Born totally Deaf and Dumb,
this Woman’s Ears Opened
Crippled Since Birth, This Boy
Got Up And Walked Away.
Lame for 24 yrs, The LORD
Stretched Her Legs and She
Walked Away
Born with a weak neck, this
baby’s neck was strengthened
The April 4, 2011 VISION OF THE LORD
2 Repentance & Holiness Magazine
The April 4th, 2011 Vision
The Vision
hen Christ came to
redeem fallen man from
the wounds of sin and
the corrupting enticements of this
dark world, He ensured that His
heavenly bearing remained totally
unblemished. That is the only
way He could win for mankind a
heavenly heritage into the much
anticipated marriage of the Lamb. It
was thus because Christ took upon
Himself the infirmities of degenerate
humanity, that He finally purchased
for them a heavenly garment that
would imbibe their sin and iniquity,
into glory. It will finally be the
decree that only they who shall
put on the garment, shall sit at the
dinner table in heaven. Nowhere
does the reality of Christ’s triumph
over sin manifest, than on that
April 4, 2011, when I saw the
vision of the LORD regarding the
glorious heavenly garment. In that
vision, I saw heaven recede in both
directions, and the glory of GOD
presented. As heaven receded
in both directions, it only did so
to the extent that an elaborate
opening was ultimately displayed.
With heaven now standing open,
I then saw what looked like a
cloth displayed at the entrance to
heaven. In its initial appearance,
this heavenly cloth that the LORD
GOD Almighty displayed at the
entrance to heaven, was beclouded
with the tremendous glory of
heaven. Nonetheless, the more I
continued observing this heavenly
event that was now unfolding right
before my eyes, the more I quickly
realized that a historic event beheld.
As a matter of fact, it turned out
to be a monumental event in which
GOD Almighty had allowed Christ
Jesus the Messiah to display a
small but significant section of His
heavenly garment, right before the
church. It was a white glorious cloth
that could only befit the heavenly
wedding of the Lamb. That is
when it all dawned on me that an
occurrence of epic proportion was
indeed unravelling. The section of
the garment that the LORD Jesus
revealed, was that of the region
between His wrist and the elbow.
It however also arrayed a little bit
of the portion above the elbow.
This was a most stunning vision of
the LORD, especially coming at this
critical hour in the count-down to
Clarion call
y heaven receding in
that April 4, 2011 vision,
the LORD resounded an
unmistakable message on the
dispensation of open heavens that
now abides. It is a clarion call that was
meant to drive home the greatest
awakening across all the nations
of the earth. Just where the ruin
began, the work of our redemption
must begin. Upon the fall of man,
in the garden of Eden, the gates
of heaven were
slammed shut as
the Cherubim of
glory blockaded
man’s access to
the elements of
life; and so would
the restoration of
mankind begin
with the receding
of the gates of
heaven upon the
face of man. The
display of His
glorious garment
at the gateway to heaven, can
only permute to the end that
only through this glorious garment
will mankind gain access into the
eternal kingdom of GOD. It is very
clear from the LORD’S language in
this vision, that He intended to use
this visitation in order to summon-
up the minds of men to the fact
that this dispensation designates
the mighty glorious hour of THE
GARMENT. Moreover, GOD Almighty
is further underscoring in this
visitation that this generation
indeed bears the marks of that
coveted generation that prepares
the glorious garment. And because
GOD Almighty beheld that glorious
garment within the threshold of
heaven, He unmistakably wanted to
make it clear in no uncertain terms
that heaven is the home of the
glorious garment. In other words,
all its citizenry must conform to this
glorious garment, without which no
creation will ever see the LORD.
Fine Linen
y a strict sustenance of the
brilliance of the light of the
world that He bore, only
thus could the LORD Jesus rescue
mankind from the lowest depth of
degeneration. Because Adam had
been assailed by the temptor, the
LORD’s Perfect spiritual Stature
indeed demanded that none of
the effects of sin
befell Him. This
is what propelled
Him to stand in
perfect vigor of
mind in order
to accomplish
the bloodstained
mission for
which heaven
discharged Him.
GOD’S glory
was sustained
around Him as a
testament to his
daily communion with the heavenly
Being. It is this incontrovertible
distinction that enabled Christ
Jesus to connect mankind into the
heavenly kingdom of GOD. When
Jesus accessed the wilderness, He
was shut-in by the LORD’s glory and
lifted above human weakness. It is
a triumph that still beckons man
from the open windows of heaven,
todate. GOD Almighty is now using
this vision of the garment to exalt
Christ Jesus the Messiah as the Chief
Guest during the glorious wedding
feast of the Lamb. On that April 4th
day there came to the earth the
wisdom that validated righteousness
as the bedrock of man’s salvation.
Considering that the ultimate
goal of christian salvation is, that
most desired final entry into the
kingdom of GOD, then by arraying
that glorious heavenly garment at the
gates of heaven, the LORD indeed
affirmed the heavenly benchmark
of righteousness, which all men
must score on THE DAY OF THE
GARMENT (rapture).
Dignity & honour
here is no better place at
which to underscore the
milestone that this April
4th vision registers in heaven, other
than at the dawn of man’s fall. How
artfully GOD Almighty approached
this matter on the glorious coming
of our Lord Jesus, especially after
the disgraceful fall, degeneration,
and degradation of today’s church
of Christ. When apostasy had
consumed big in the body of Christ,
and all seemed to have been lost,
then came this little twinkle of
hope from beyond the horizons
through the opening in heaven on
April 4th, 2011. The church must
now suddenly wake up to the
putrefying shame and debasement
of sin that has ruined the spiritual
elegance that the present day body
of Christ ought to have adorned.
We are reminded here of when in
Eden, the fall of man was so bad to
the extent that Adam improvised
for himself fig leaves to cover his
shame, a desperation that had
indeed stolen away his spiritual
inheritance. Today’s body of Christ
having witnessed her greatest
fall from grace, appears to have
When Heaven Opened & Beheld His Garment
3Repentance & Holiness Magazine
improvised for herself too some
fig leaves. That the garment is very
central in GOD’s rescue plan for
mankind, is well evidenced in the
The LORD GOD made
garments of skin for
Adam and his wife and
clothed them (Genesis
The love of GOD Almighty that took
humanity with all its liabilities, is
without a doubt, well evidenced in
the skilfulness with which the LORD
employed THE GARMENT to salvage
humanity from death and decay.
The LORD graciously provided for
man with a more effective clothing
in order to cover his shame. Man’s
earlier self effort to cover himself
with fig leaves had resulted into a
zero-sum game. Until the LORD
Himself sacrificed an animal and
covered man with the skin of that
animal. The direct import from
this initial encounter is none other
than; that our feeble attempts to
hide the shame of sin will always
arrive at futility. It emerged very
clearly that only until GOD Almighty
had covered them with the skin of
an animal, were they then able to
encounter the LORD. So it is in this
last hour, when perpetual sin has
not only eroded the authority of
the church, but also humiliated the
body of Christ in a most dispiriting
way. Thus in that April 4th vision,
the Holy Spirit brought to bare
the unparalleled significance of
the blood of Jesus as the ultimate
glorious garment for this hour. And
that sinful man can now wear the
garment of the Blood of Jesus and
get their sins totally wiped out in
readiness for His glorious coming.
Only the blood of Jesus when
worn, can literally transform sin
into righteousness and transfigure
man’s countenance to become
worthy and attractive before the
Priestly Garment
glorious, it seems as
though man’s appearance
becomes much more likable in
the sight of the Creator. When
Moses was commanded to call
Aaron, he was instructed to also
draw Aaron’s sons into that calling.
Chief among the requirements that
is at now moving from a I state
of darkness whereby perpetual
sin has defined his trademark, into
the glorious white transfiguration of
heavenly splendour; then for sure
in that vision the LORD intended as
renovation and rehabilitation of the
church’s condition. It goes without
saying that the dignity with which
GOD longs to see the church walk,
at this hour, can only imply a high
rank with which spiritual nobility and
elevation of character would define
the church as the dignitary of GOD.
No wonder, biblical inscription has
it that on the day when the garment
cladded elect of the LORD will step
foot into the marriage feast of the
Lamb, a huge celebration will throb
the entire expanse of heaven.
Most iconical though about this
intended appraisal that the LORD
was announcing in that April 4th
vision, is the worthiness with which
He esteems the church. Well,
worthy to the
LORD, directly
points at holiness.
This is what
p a r t i c u l a r l y
transmits a new
message from
that glorious
garment that the LORD presented
as heaven receded, on that April
4th 2011. By placing that glorious
cloth at the entrance to heaven,
the LORD directly implied that the
wedding of the Lamb has drawn
nigh and the dispensation of the
garment now beholds.
Fine linen, bright and
clean, was given her
to wear.” (Fine linen
stands for the righteous
acts of GOD’s holy
people. (Rev 19:8).
Spiritually Weak, deprived, withered
and emaciated from spiritual
hunger and yet also haggard from
the extreme mental agony of sin,
today’s church must have been
looked upon with pity by God
Almighty, when HE decided to
recede heaven to unveil the novelty
His glorious garment. By this, the
church is now being formally invited
into the refreshing renourishment of
the Holy Spirit to prepare her for
rapture. Such nourishment that
can revive a dilapidated church
condition is none other than the
flourishing righteousness of the
LORD abound HIS Holy Spirit. Only
righteousness has the capability to
garb the church in the finest of linen
for this last hour. This vision of
the garment sought to instill into
the hearts of men the divine truth
that GOD would do as He had
promised; to rapture only those
that are clothed in the finest of the
heavenly linen of righteousness.
“Look, I come like a
thief! Blessed is the one
who stays awake and
remains clothed, so as
not to go naked and be
shamefully exposed.”
(Rev 16:15).
By revealing the glorious heavenly
garment, GOD Almighty made
known to me, in my heart that this
historic vision was all about the
rapture of the church. In the tones
of this vision, is the greater urge
that JEHOVAH is laying upon the body
of Christ to stay awake and remain
clothed in order not to be exposed
naked, as were Adam and Eve in
that most ugly hour of the earth. I
could almost hear in that vision the
LORD Saying to the church; “Look
this is my garment, how about your
garment, Is it white? Is it glorious?”
Likewise, I could almost perceive
the quest in His heart to ask the
present-day church, “Look the
hour of the garment has come, are
you clothed?” “Look, Calvary was
all about the garment at Calvary,
are you aware? Look, the kingdom
up here is all about the garment,
are you garmented?”
“But when the king
came in to see the
guests, he noticed a
man there who was
not wearing WEDDING
He asked,
‘How did you get in
CLOTHES, friend?’ The
man was speechless
(Matthew 22:11-12).
Aaron had to meet, was that for
him to take up the priestly office, it
was imperative that he be clothed
in the glorious priestly garment.
Make sacred garments
for your brother Aaron
to give him DIGNITY and
HONOUR (Exodus 28:2).
From a shameful place, it becomes
absolutely apparent that the sacred
garmentoftheLORD indeedbestows
upon His subjects dignity and honor.
If these were the requirements for
the occupants of the priestly office,
then it is possible to transduce
that this same yardstick must have
applied in GOD’s mind at the
calling of the spiritual priesthood of
Christ. Indeed we see in 1 Peter
2:4-5 that christian salvation surely
amounts to a noble priestly calling,
especially that all who confess must
offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable
to GOD The Father through Christ
As you come to him,
the living Stone—
rejected by humans
but chosen by GOD and
precious to him— 5
you also, like living
stones, are being built
into a spiritual house to
be a holy priesthood,
offering spiritual
sacrifices acceptable
to GOD through Jesus
Christ (1 Peter 2:4-5).
With such a calling placed upon the
salvation of the cross, then we can
best understand why all those who
are called by His Name are required
to cloth themselves with Christ
Jesus. Moreover, we can now see
that the priestly garment ordained
by the LORD was as a matter of
fact geared towards bestowing
dignity and honor upon the church.
Entrusting dignity upon the church
of Christ literally implies appraising
her self-respect, seriousness,
respectfulness, formality, and into the
condition of being worthy of respect
and esteem. It can only imply that
when the LORD on that April 4th,
2011, presented a receding heaven,
and displayed the glorious garment,
He must have been communicating
to the church on the greater
dignity with which He longs to see
her walk. GOD Almighty by this
vision, expressed the disposition
of His heart towards honoring
the church, the esteemed bride of
Christ. Considering that mankind
4 Repentance & Holiness Magazine
kind of glorious
garment that the LORD
was presenting in my hand as
I distributed definitely speaks
appraisal to the church of
Follow-up Vision
n Friday May 6th, 2011,
the LORD again presented
to me another vision of
THE GARMENT. It was on that Friday
afternoon while writing this article
on the garment, that I suddenly
fell asleep at the chair next to the
computer. And then I immediately
saw the vision of the LORD in which
He presented a huge roll of cloth.
The roll of cloth I saw, was that of
a very glorious snow white garment
whose radiance was so great that
it literally shone on my face as the
sun would. The only difference
being that the glowing radiance
of that cloth was pure startling
white. Then all of a sudden in that
vision, I realized that there was
someone whose face I could not
see, standing by, next to the roll
of that glorious garment. The One
that stood next to the roll of that
white glorious garment, then began
to unroll the rolled garment and cut
it into portions sufficient for one
cloth at a time. Suddenly then, I
saw His glowing Hands nicely fold
the glorious piece of cut cloth, and
He gave it to me in my hands. He
also made me know that
each cut piece of that
glorious cloth, was
sufficient for one
person’s garment.
When His brilliant
Hand placed the
glorious piece of
folded garment on my
hands, it was so radiant that
its glory shone right on my face.
He then instructed me to give the
piece of garment to those who were
standing nearby. And immediately
after I had given the first garment to
the first person next to me, I saw
that person move away, to give
way to the next one in line. That is
when HE instantly placed another
piece of garment on my hand as I
gave to the next person. And this
process continued on and on, as
the One Who Stood near the roll
of garment continued to cut sizable
pieces and place them on my hand.
Then I finally woke up from that
vision only to realize that I was
seated next to the computer.
ften the LORD comes to
mankind as He came to
arraying before us the splendor of
heaven that defines the accolade
of a righteous living. So is the case
in these two visions of the glorious
garment from heaven, at which the
LORD largely displayed the beauty
of the heavenly inheritance awaiting
those faithful
elect that will
partake of
rapture. When
GOD Almighty
presents a
specific cut
piece of HIS
glorious garment
for the believers
to cover their shame with, then
it becomes the most significant
moment of revival in the sanctuary.
In other words, JEHOVAH is pointing
to the turning of man’s sin,
however red as crimson they may
be, into His glory. Only this kind
of unfailing grace of our LORD has
the capability of facilitating
the entry of weak and
feeble souls into the
kingdom of GOD.
By presenting the
glorious wedding
gown, GOD
Almighty is indeed
absolving the church of
her sins, and bestowing
upon her the splendor of spiritual
dignity and honor of heaven. While
on November 1, 2006, the LORD
presented the vision of the two
glorious golden wedding rings, today
He presents the finest glorious
garment for the wedding of the
Messiah. That can only imply that
time is now ripe for the wedding
of the Lamb of GOD to take place.
It is definitely common knowledge
that at every wedding there must
be golden wedding rings and a
brilliant white gown. The process of
preparing for a wedding normally
entails the preparation of the
wedding rings and wedding gown.
To the extent that the entire
waiting process rests upon the
acquisition of these two major
elements, then their attainment
thereof in readiness, assuredly
defines the moment at which that
wedding is ready and must take
place. Therefore, when the LORD
GOD Almighty presented this
tremendous vision of the glorious
wedding garment in heaven, He in
real terms, alluded to the fact that
all the preparations for the wedding
of the Lamb of GOD have been
finalized in heaven. Coupled with
the vision of the golden
clock that displayed one
minute to midnight,
and the writing across
the sky that said,
is abundantly clear
that the wedding of
the Lamb of GOD
will happen anytime
from now, without
any delay. GOD is saying that this
is the moment to be wearing
the finest linen bright and clean,
that makes a righteous heart. The
kind of glorious garment that the
LORD was presenting in my hand
as I distributed, definitely speaks
appraisal to the church of Christ. In
this way, the Omnipotent intends
to dignify and honor the remnant
holy saints who choose to obey
every ordinance of HIS WORD.
To them is advanced this noble
promise from heaven;
Those who walk
righteously and speak
gain from extortion and
keep their hands from
accepting bribes, who
stop their ears against
plots of murder and
shut their eyes against
contemplating evil— 16
they are the ones
who will dwell on the
heights, whose refuge
will be the mountain
fortress. Their bread
will be supplied, and
water will not fail
This portrays GOD’s gracious
intention to honor the obedient
christians, to the extent that they
would not even lack. However, to
be honored by the LORD assuredly
means to honor GOD Almighty, in
the first place. And for the LORD
to relay the same message on
the glorious finest garment, in
two separate but closely placed
visions, undoubtedly points to the
urgency and level of importance
He attaches to this matter of the
glorious garment. In the May 11,
2009 vision of the written note,
the message was well relayed as
it possibly could. The LORD in that
Hand-written note Said,
“I am Coming”
Then came the November 14,
2010 vision of another written
note on which the LORD wrote
DAY OF LIGHT’. All these pointers
explicitly elaborate the urgency
and gravity with which the church
must now prepare in earnest, for
the wedding of the Lamb. Many a
time, the church’s wedding garment
has been stained with the sin of
this corrupting world. Hence, by
the LORD’S presentation of that
glorious garment as heaven receded,
He must have hinted at this being
a dispensation of repentance and
holiness. It is a holiness revival that
the LORD announced on that April
4th, 2011, especially considering
that today’s church is miles
away from that glorious garment
of holiness. Even so, because the
glorious garment that beheld the
threshold of heaven, is a spiritual
wedding linen, then its apparent
that JEHOVAH was also hinting to
the church on the fact that this
is the hour of the Holy Spirit in
the church; without Whom no
one can ever prepare adequately
enough to score the benchmark of
heavenly righteousness. The LORD
is at this hour longing to cover
man’s nakedness with the precious
glorious garment of the Blood of
Jesus. GOD the Father in heaven
indeed intends to remove mankind
from the shame of sin and exalt
him as a distinguished dignitary
of heaven who is worthy of the
invitation to attend the ceremonial
heavenly wedding dinner of the
5Repentance & Holiness Magazine
and Said, “Pray for Israel”.
The Prophecy
pon waking up from that
vision, it occurred to me
that, not only had the
LORD Spoken about an event that
was on-coming to Israel, but also
the urgency of it all. I then went
live on our global Jesus is LORD
radio and pronounced that a huge
unrest would befall Israel. In that
prophecy, I also came out clearly
that such an unrest would simulate
an intifada whose semblance
would try to parallel from the on-
going uprising in the Arab world.
Come April 27th, I also gave that
prophecy online, warning of a
unique unrest that would come
Israel’s way. Nevertheless, key in
that proclamation was the mighty
call to pray for Israel.
May 15th
ome May 15th, the nation of
Israel woke up to a horrific
episode of riots and violent
protests that rocked her borders.
All the boundaries of Israel,
including the ceasefire lines were
put to test when an uncommon
copy-cat like mayhem manifested.
Violence erupted almost all around
Israel’s borders in a manner that
all could perceive was intended to
instigate a ripple-effect from the
Arab uprising. People from the
neighbouring countries set out
unprecedented assemblies around
the Golan Heights, border with
South Lebanon, in West Bank
and Gaza. On that day, it truly
became evident that from Camp
David, and Madrid Accord all the
way to Oslo Accord, none other
than JEHOVAH GOD Himself could
ever guarantee the safety of GOD’s
The Vision
hen the scriptures said
that, “behold, the LORD
GOD will help me; who
is he that shall condemn me?”;
there would be no better place at
which to adduce its fulfilment than
His protection over the nation of
Israel. In this context, it was on
March 18th, 2011 when the LORD
Spoke with me in the visions of
night, regarding the nation of
Israel. In that vision, the LORD
GOD Almighty lifted me up in
the Spirit and took me to Israel.
Then the voice of the GOD of
Israel Said, “Look and see what
is about to happen here.” It
was then that JEHOVAH took me
around the entire land of Israel,
and I saw things that were just
about to befall that promised land
and its blessed people.
Great Unrest
nthatvision,theLORD showed
me a great unrest and violent
protests that were coming to
consume the borders of Israel, as
many stone throwing youth would
surge towards Israel’s boundaries.
It was a fearful thing to witness the
tempest and mayhem that would
result when Israel’s borders would
be attacked from all directions.
Moreover, I also saw a clash
along the slopes of the green hills
that could have only befitted the
landscape of the contentious Golan
Heights. In the same vision, I saw
the youth throwing themselves
dangerously across the fences that
demarcate Israel’s boundaries, and
a serious clash ensued between
the protesters and the Israeli
security forced. In that vision, I
also witnessed lots of tail lights
from vehicles that had responded
to the distressed scene. At that
point the voice of the LORD Spoke
A Shocking Prophecy & ItsAccurate Fulfilment
The March 18th, 2011 Prophecy
@ Jesus is LORD radio
Prophecy mentioned Green HillsProtests on Golan Heights Protests in the West Bank
covenant people, Israel. Coupled
with the recent announcement of a
Hamas, Fatah and other Palestinian
factions, this May 15th violence
appears to be far-fetched. As this
attack upon Israel’s borders went
on, rallies were being mobilized in
Cairo to storm the Israeli Embassy
in Egypt. It then dawned on the
global community that this attack
on Israel was as a matter of fact
widescale and escalating.
Prophetic Significance
srael has always been the
most important centre piece
in bible prophecy, especially
as it appertains to the endtime
events. During the creation of the
planet earth, GOD Almighty indeed
intimated that Israel not only sit at
the spiritual center of the earth, but
also its physical and geographical
focal point.
To take a spoil, and to take a
prey; to turn thine hand upon
the desolate places that are now
inhabited, and upon the people
that are gathered out of the
nations, which have gotten cattle
and goods, that dwell in the midst
of the land (Ezekiel 38:12).
clearly and positively identified to
transduce into Jerusalem, the navel
of the earth. Various scriptural
references regarding “the four
corners of the earth,” have also
unmistakably affirmed Israel, and
more so Jerusalem as the epicenter
of the earth (Isaiah 11:12; Rev. 7:1;
Rev. 20:8). Invariably, in scripture,
Jerusalem is identified as the focal
point, from which all directions
are globally measured. When GOD
instructed those who had been
saved from Noah’s floods, to go fill
the earth, that directive essentially
commanded a historical diaspora
of dispersion from the land of the
bible as its center, unto the ends
of the earth. Likewise, when GOD
told those who had been saved to
go out into “all the world”, with
this endless gospel witnessing
Christ, it literally meant global
evangelization of the gospel from
Jerusalem, into Judea and Samaria,
and to the known wide world.
Given that the Holy Spirit was
outpoured in Jerusalem, then the
accomplishment of GOD’s work
of grace would have been well
served by disseminating the gospel
right from the spiritual epicentre
at which GOD’s Power had been
unleashed, to the areas of scarcity.
So it is with the endtime bible
prophecy. GOD Almighty has placed
Israel at the spiritual core centre
on the fulfilment of bible prophecy,
especially as relates to the coming
of the Messiah. That the LORD has
now began to Speak regarding
prophecy of events in and around
Israel, and promptly fulfilling them,
is a matter that cannot be taken
for granted at this most critical
hour in the church. In the big
wind-down and zero-countdown
of this momentous age, for the
LORD to foretell on imminent
attacks that are to be launched
upon the borders of Israel, a lot is
left to be learnt as it relates to the
zero-count down in the prophetic
timeline. And if the most recent
March 18th, 2011 prophecy is
anything to go by, then in itself that
event qualifies as a foreshadowing
of events to come. Considering the
detailed description that the LORD
accorded regarding how the most
recent attacks on Israel’s borders
would manifest, to its finest details,
then one is left with no option but
wonder what this bespeaks in the
spiritual realm. Without a doubt,
6 Repentance & Holiness Magazine
Israel is the apple of GOD’s eye and
hence His detailed description of
how the attacks would be levied on
Israel’s borders, coupled with the
vocal directive that commanded
me to pray for Israel, go a long way
to re-emphasize GOD’s concern
for Israel. For instance, when I
mentioned in that prophecy that
there was going to be a clash by
the green hills, and specifically
advanced the name Golan Heights,
in the natural, this would not have
made much sense. This would be
particularly true because when
a ceasefire was drawn following
the 1973 war, that Golan Heights
border was declared a ceasefire
line whose integrity has remained
peaceful from then todate. And
shockingly enough, come May 15th,
2011, when the border clashes and
protests ensued, a serious mayhem
realized on the Golan Heights
border. Notwithstanding, in that
prophecy the LORD also permitted
me to specify that young men and
women would dangerously throw
themselves across the fence. And
to the stun of all, indeed groups of
young men breached that security
fence on May 15th, 2011 for the
first time ever since the ceasefire
line was drawn in 1974. The border
with Lebanon was not left out in
this recent attacks, let alone Gaza,
West Bank and East Jerusalem.
Nonetheless, we can clearly see
that this most recent attack on
Israel is indeed a foreshadowing of
events to come.
Persia, Cush and Put
will be with them, all with
shields and helmets, 6
Gomer with all its troops,
and Beth Togarmah from
the far north with all its
troops—the many nations
with you. 7
“‘Get ready; be
prepared, you and all the
hordes gathered about you,
and take command of them.
After many days you will
be called to arms. In future
years you will invade a land
that has recovered from war,
whose people were gathered
from many nations to the
mountains of Israel, which
had long been desolate. They
had been brought out from
the nations, and now all of
them live in safety. 9
You and
all your troops and the many
nations with you will go up,
advancing like a storm; you
will be like a cloud covering
the land.10
“‘This is what the
Sovereign LORD says: On that
day thoughts will come into
your mind and you will devise
an evil scheme (Ezekiel 38:5-
With Syria allowing its citizens
to attack Israel from the Golan
Heights, and the Egyptians
attempting to storm the Israeli
Embassy in Cairo, and Palestinians
attacking from Gaza and West
bank, the Arab uprising appears
to have recruited the Arab world
against the nation of Israel. Pray
for Israel!
Why The LORD Spoke
About The Borders
hen the GOD of Israel
revealed to me on
that March 18th, 2011,
regarding an on-coming border
conflict, He in that vision indeed
pointed to the fact that the future
conflict in the promised land is now
going to revolve and centralize
around the contentious issues of
Israel’s borders. GOD Almighty
was in essence expressing concern
over the porousness of the wall
that protects His covenant people,
Israel. No where does this well
reflect than the huge spark the US
President Barack Obama ignited
on May 19th, 2011 when he gave
the US Policy and Plan for the
resumption of the Middle-east
peace talks, and Israel’s Prime
Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s
instantaneous response. Israeli
was quick on the draw Thursday
in voicing clear displeasure with
President Barack Obama’s Middle-
east policy speech. And this is how
Israeli National News reported it;
Prime Minister Benyamin
And The Two Leaders Differed Openly On The Issue Of Israeli Borders. In That March
18, 2011 Prophecy, The LORD Had Said That The Issue Of Israel’s Borders Would Draw
A Sharp Conflict.
N e t a n y a h u
said, “Israel
a p p r e c i a t e s
P r e s i d e n t
O b a m a ’ s
c o m m i t m e n t
to peace,”. He
further went on
to say, “Israel
believes that for
peace to endure
between Israelis
and Palestinians,
the viability of
a Palestinian
state cannot
come at the
expense of the viability of the
one and only Jewish state.” “That
is why Prime Minister Netanyahu
expects to hear a reaffirmation
from President Obama of U.S.
Commitments made to Israel in
2004, which were overwhelmingly
supported by both Houses of
Congress.” “Among other things,”
Netanyahu reminded Obama,
“those commitments relate to
Israel not having to withdraw to
the 1967 lines which are both
indefensible and which would leave
major Israeli population centers in
Judea and Samaria beyond those
lines.” “Those commitments also
ensure Israel’s well-being as a
Jewish state by making clear that
Palestinian refugees will settle in a
future Palestinian state rather than
in Israel.” “Without a solution to
the Palestinian refugee problem
outside the borders of Israel, no
territorial concession will bring
peace.” “Equally, the Palestinians,
and not just the United States,
must recognize Israel as the nation
state of the Jewish people, and
any peace agreement with them
must end all claims against Israel.”
“Prime Minister Netanyahu will
make clear that the defence of
Israel requires an Israeli military
presence along the Jordan River.”
“Prime Minister Netanyahu will
also express his disappointment
over the Palestinian Authority’s
decision to embrace Hamas, a
terror organization committed to
Israel’s destruction, as well as over
Mahmoud Abbas’s
recently expressed
views which grossly
distort history
and make clear
that Abbas seeks a
Palestinian state in
order to continue
the conflict with
Israel rather than
end it.”
False peace
he bible clearly states
that in the last days a
heated conflict would
ensue between Israel and her
Arab neighbours based on claims
to territorial rights. And in that
conflict a great desperation would
then realize across, not only the
region but more specifically Israel.
It is that particular desperation
that the bible projects as a catalyst
that will portend for a peaceful
settlement of sorts in order to
avert a disastrous culmination, a
nuclear crisis inclusive. Today’s
generation is the most blessed and
extraordinarily positioned, since
our LORD Jesus walked in Jerusalem
centuries ago. This generation can
verily testify to more prophecies
fulfilled in their lifetime than in all
the generations leading up to the
1948 formation of the state of
Israel. It is critical to mention that,
at the dawn of the formation of the
nation of Israel, the wheels of the
endtime prophetic clock began to
spin towards a zero-countdown.
With the fig tree resprouted and
Israel born at midnight of that May
15th, 1948, the church of Christ
began to asterick one passing day
7Repentance & Holiness Magazine
Israeli Embassy in Moscow on
May 19th, 2011, on allegations
of spying, one can clearly see
that not only has Russia taken a
hostile stand against Israel, but also
embraced the Arab sentiments
and position regarding Israel.
This is a significant development
at this hour since Russia and the
Arab states constitute the Gog
and Magog that were prophesied
as coming to storm Israel. Several
Palestinian groups have continued
to fire missiles into Israel even
unto the present day, a testament
to their declaration of a long-term
strategy to eliminate Israel all
together. Central to this struggle
has been their intent to take
over Jerusalem, the capital city of
Israel. One of the reasons why the
Israeli-Palestinian Conflict will not
end soon, is because of the Arab
belief that any piece of property
they ever occupied, must hence be
recovered by ‘Jihad,’ or holy war.
Furthermore, some of the Arab
states refuse to relinquish their
goals to destroy the
state. This call to delete I s r a e l
from the map of the world has
also come from the Persian state
of Iran.
Coming conflict
he LORD long foresaw the
ongoing peace negotiations
between Israel and the
Palestinians. The bible clearly
foretells of a huge confederacy of
Arab nations under the leadership
of Russia, that would in the last
days join forces to attack the Jewish
state of Israel. In that prophecy,
the LORD also emphasized on the
Aliyah in which Jews are returning
from exile (Ezekiel chapter 38 &
chapter 39). In her current state,
the Russian Federation still sustains
a huge bulk of KGB personnel
and military generals who have
after the other, in her prophetic
calendar towards the return of the
Messiah and the final establishment
of the kingdom of GOD Almighty
throughout the entire earth. In the
past years Israel and her Palestinian
neighbours have attempted to
sign various ‘peace accords’ in a
process that was aimed at ending
the decades of hostilities. The
late Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak
Rabin and Palestinian leader
Yasser Arafat signed what was
supposed to have been a historic
‘Peace Treaty between their two
peoples. Following that ‘Peace
Treaty’ the Israeli Defence Forces
(IDF) rapidly withdrew from Gaza
and major parts of the West Bank,
including even the biblical ancient
city Jericho. However, that so-
called ‘Peace Treaty’ turned out to
be more elusive than real, on the
ground todate. President Barack
Obama’s May 19th, 2011, policy
initiatives were aimed at initiating
the peace process again. Even the
most believing of observers and
critics are still left with no choice
but wonder whether this
would mean true peace
this time around. With the
current Arab Uprising at
its peak, and the rebirth
offing, it would appear
that temperatures are
currently overheating
in the expression
of sentiments
towards the Israeli-Palestinian
conflict. This can only imply that
all these ineffective Peace Deals
that Israel has been signing with
the Palestinians, were just but
foretelling a form of the on-coming
of the Grand False Peace deals that
Israel will eventually sign with the
antichrist. The institution of that
false ‘Peace Treaty’ with Israel will
inexorably lead to the invasion of
Israel. In his most recent celebrated
one of a kind press briefing, the
Russian President Medvedev came
out in sharp contrast to the US
and Israeli policies towards the
Middle-East, when he said that
Russia would not use its UN
Security Council vote to rebuke
the current massacre of civilians
in Syria, however horrendous
it got. Coupled with the most
recent arrest and expulsion of
one of Israel’s diplomats in the
been reportedly absorbed from
the former Military-Industrial
Complex into the various sectors
of government. The most recent
espionage and infiltration of New
York by the female Russian spy and
their eventual discovery and arrest,
testifies to the continued strength
of the KGB. These represents
hardliners whose ideology would
indeed conform to a cold-war
stance of a kind described in
Ezekiel’s confrontation.
“I will go up against a land
of unwalled villages; I will
go to a peaceful people,
who dwell safely, all of
them dwelling without
walls, and having neither
bars nor gates” (Ezekiel
With Israel spending the largest
proportion of its budget on the
military than any other nation on
the earth, one can only imagine
that in the backdrop of the current
rider of the Black Horse, and the
global economic crisis; any peace
treaty that off-loads a significant
fraction of her resources from
defence spending to economic
growth would be a most welcome
move in the Jewish state. However,
the tragedy would then become
the failure of such a peace accord
if it turns out to be a false ‘Peace
Treaty’. The false ‘Peace Accord’
would be of great interest to
the Arab world especially that it
would disengage Israel’s significant
investment into the military and
defence of its borders. This is what
would act as an impetus for the
Arab states to attack compromised
Israel. Blessedly though, that most
revered battle over Israel would
be won by GOD’s spectacular
intervention with such a huge
supernatural force that would
obliterate the Russian and Arab
armies. Therefore, the current
developments in Israel are indeed
meant to signal to the church of
Christ to prepare the way for the
glorious coming of our LORD Jesus
in the rapture. This calls for a holy
and righteous living in anticipation
of our most blessed deliverance.
And when these things
begin to come to pass,
then look up, and lift
up your heads; for your
redemption draweth nigh
(Luke 21:28).
Why The LORD Spoke
About Golan Heights
t is critical to perceive why the
LORD in that March 18th, 2011
vision, categorically spoke
about the eminent threat that was
looming over the green hills of the
Golan Heights. This is because
the Golan Heights represent a
position of great strategic military
importance for the survival of the
state of Israel. From the Golan
Heights one can oversee the entire
land of Israel thereby presenting
her greatest security vulnerability.
Secondly, most of the water
resources that sustain livelihood in
Israel originate from the green hills
of the Golan Heights. Transferring
custodianship of the Golan Heights
to the Syrians, or the Arabs for
that matter, would present a
national military strategic suicide
and a greater risk of poisoning the
entire water resources of Israel.
Notwithstanding, one must be
cognizant of the close proximity
and ties that Syria shares with
Iran a well confessed arch enemy
of Israel. The compromise on
the Israeli-Syrian border at the
Golan Heights would give Iran a
foothold from which to launch
her evil schemes aimed at deleting
Israel from the map of the world.
Indeed that is the reason that God
Almighty greatly highlighted in that
vision, the danger that was looming
as the enemies of Israel planned to
attack the Golan Heights.
But thou, Israel, art my
servant, Jacob whom I
have chosen, the seed of
Abraham my friend. 9
whom I have taken from
the ends of the earth, and
called thee from the chief
men thereof, and said unto
thee, Thou art my servant;
I have chosen thee, and
not cast thee away. 10
thou not; for I am with
thee: be not dismayed;
for I am thy GOD: I will
strengthen thee; yea, I
will help thee; yea, I will
uphold thee with the right
hand of my righteousness
(Isaiah 41:8-10).
8 Repentance & Holiness Magazine
the LORD that was about to come
upon the entire face of the earth.
Through this landmark vision, it was
evident to me that GOD had now
called the attention of the nations
to the unfolding of the beginning
of birthpains. I could clearly derive
that when the fullness of time
would realize, through the impact
of this critical apocalyptic vision,
GOD would compel the awareness
of the peoples of the earth, and
direct the attention of their minds
to the prophecies concerning the
Messiah. This is what would cause
an awakening of the souls of men
to the great event of His glorious
advent. It was clearly perceivable
that beneath the violent guise of
the tumult that would highlight the
fulfilment of this ominous prophecy,
mankind would ultimately
recognize the presence of Divinity.
While standing before the Mighty
revealed (Romans 8:19).
ecause Christ came to
utter words of Truth
which should be clearly
and definitely well understood, He
as the Author of Truth, must have
intended to sieve that Truth from
the corrupting chaff of man’s
utterances. On account of this
decay in church, it one day came
to pass that the hour beheld for
GOD Almighty to finally reveal His
standard benchmark on Christ’s
return. This is what ultimately
compelled the LORD to unveil the
secrets of heaven in a stunning
vision, regarding events that were
just about to befall the planet
Stunning vision
eyond the night of July 10,
hours of July 11, 2005, the
LORD GOD Almighty visited with me
in the most unusual manner yet.
In that grand visitation, everything
that the LORD Spoke about,
directly pointed at a crucial season,
which would unfold upon the face
of the earth. That late night/early
morning superlative visitation of the
LORD encompassed an enormous
prophecy of things that were on-
coming, and that would smite the
entire face of the earth, in a manner
never ever witnessed before. While
caught up in that superfluous vision,
the Spirit of the LORD lifted me
up from the surface of the earth
and I found myself instantaneously
standing right before the Throne
Of GOD Almighty in heaven. It was
then that the Holy Spirit enabled
me to hear the stern deliberations
that were on-going at the Throne
of GOD, regarding the judgment of
The Stunning July 11, 2005 Prophecy that violently
Shook & shattered the entire earth to this Day ...
Watch Prophecy onYoutube @
The Beginning Of Birthpains
SmitesThe Nations
or hundreds of years,
the Scriptures had been
translated into a mellow
accent that caramelized the word,
then widely preached throughout
the world in hot pursuit of physical
comfort on earthly wealth and
health. Owing to that culpability in
the Sanctuary, many have since
longed for a religion that could
satisfy their now empty souls.
While the light of the Truth seems
to have departed from among
today’s christian believers, there
is however a remnant of souls
who are in genuine quest of that
light, and hence today overtaken
with bafflement and grief. They are
indeed thirsting for the knowledge
of the Mighty GOD of Israel
Whom they had once known, and
seeking at least some assurance of
a life beyond the tombs. Yet, it is
not the same again, with today’s
church. The church of this present
age should have recognized that
Jesus did not begin His ministry
by some great work before the
Pharisees of Jerusalem. It was
rather in a household gathering in
a little Galilee village called Cana,
that His Power was put forth to
add to the joy of a wedding. So
it is today that the LORD indeed
seeks a church that will simply be
available to Him in order to add to
the joy of the oncoming wedding.
Today, the church’s appearance
has changed to the extent that it
bears the traces of her conflict
with the righteousness of GOD. And
yet the LORD is right now in pursuit
of a new expression of dignity and
power in the church, as evidence of
HIS heavenly mission on the earth.
The creation waits in
eager expectation for
the sons of GOD to be
Throne of GOD, I heard the Voice
from within the glory say,
“The LORD knows that His
Altar in the four corners of
the earth is totally defiled”
“I have no Dwelling
Immediately after that, the LORD
made me aware that His heart
had expressed a lot of wrath, anger,
pain, and profound sadness at
the fact that HE had No Dwelling
among men. In that vision, the
Spirit of the LORD made me aware
that JEHOVAH’s heart was pensive
and heavily distressed about the
condition of His Altar across the
different nations of the earth.
Following that lamentation that I
was privileged to hear in heaven,
the Spirit of the LORD then further
opened my eyes to see the Lamb
of GOD break the seals on the Scroll
of GOD. At that particular juncture
in this vision, the Spirit of the LORD
immediately whisked me back to the
earth. It was whilst back on earth,
that I then noticed the countenance
of the earth having suddenly
transformed into a dark green
appearance like there was a storm
coming its way. Following that, the
Almighty bestowed upon me an
even greater divine understanding.
I was then able to see the future
of the earth, and that with the
righteous remnant from this heathen
world, the LORD would supply the
means for the believer’s journey
through the sojourn of darkness
The 2005 Prophecy: When The Nations
Of The Earth Were Severely Warned
On The Upcoming Wrath!
Foreword . . .
that was on-coming, by means of the revival of souls.
When The Angel Of The LORD
Came Flying Down From Heaven
hen the object of this
grandeur vision in heaven
was accomplished, then
came the second segment as the
Spirit of the LORD lifted me back
to the earth. In this vision, as I
looked up from the earth towards
heaven, I witnessed the unfolding
of an astonishing phenomenon. In
that vision, I saw heaven open
and behold two heavenly hosts
departed from heaven and began
to head towards the earth. The
more they descended towards the
earth, the more I attained clarity
of their Being. Watching from the
9Repentance & Holiness Magazine
These sentiments recount to the
nations what I had seen and heard
at this visitation. At that point in
this austere vision, I felt more like
a concluding declaration was being
drawn in my heart with a strong
urge that I had found Him, of
Whom Moses in the Law, and the
prophets, did write (John 1:45).
No sooner had the fear of standing
in His presence began to grip me,
than the angel on my left-hand side
said in a loud voice;
“Now you can see what
is about to happen to the
The LORD and His angel then
immediately left towards the
ends of the earth, in a rush that
undoubtedly depicted the urgency
of this word. As I watched on, the
Spirit of the LORD further opened
my eyes, enabling me to see them
as they flew across the nations of
the earth. One nation after the
other was visited.
Debris on Earth
ne thing that struck and
was the manner in which
the angel of the LORD flew across
the face of the earth. It was the
amount of ravaging destruction that
the angel of the LORD left behind
as he flew past every nation, that
indeed underscored the gravity
and impact of this prophecy. From
a distance, the angel of the LORD
then said with a loud voice;
I saw mayhem, tempest, confusion,
and wanton destruction befall the
planet earth, in a manner never
ever witnessed before. Immediately
debris covered the earth, especially
trailing the nations that the angel
of the LORD had visited. The
mayhem came about as a result of
the most historic Earthquakes and
Tsunamis which had now come
upon the face of the earth, in that
vision. The Earthquakes that the
LORD showed me as coming, were
so historic as has never happened
on the face of the earth. They
Horrific Haiti Earthquake Horrific Haiti Earthquake Historic Chile Earthquake
Horrific China Earthquake Deadly New Zealand Quake Deadly New Zealand Quake
The Open ScrollForeword . . .
earth, I quickly realized that these
two heavenly hosts were actually
angels coming down from heaven,
towards the earth. (Other features
of the appearance that these heavenly
hosts bore, have been purposely
withheld from this article). What
became most stunning was that
these two angels came down flying,
with their powerful wings spread
out. This was however my first
time to witness the angel of the
LORD literally flying on his wings, and
swiftly gliding across the clouds. It is
indeed a shocking sight to behold!
Then instantaneously, when these
two heavenly hosts arrived on
the earth, they remarkably stood
right in front of me. Landing right
before me, these angels of the GOD
of Israel, presented such a Majesty
as no words can ever express. The
angel that stood on my left-hand
side, immediately began to Speak
to me about the most holy Words
a message from HE that sits on the
Throne, Whose Name is JEHOVAH
the GOD of Israel. It was at that
particular moment, while standing
in his overwhelming presence,
that I quickly realized that this
conversation was one way, as
this stunning messenger of GOD,
conveyed to me what the GOD
of heaven and earth had decided.
And that such a decision had been
reached owing to the condition of
man’s heart. The more I continued
to listen to the angel of JEHOVAH
GOD, the more I became convinced
that as a matter of fact HIS words
were heavily constituted by what
had already been deliberated on, in
the heavenly council of GOD. When
this specific angel on my left-hand
side began to talk with me on
what GOD Almighty in heaven had
in his right-hand, was as a matter of
fact the Scroll of GOD Almighty. To
my surprise, when I just glanced at
that Scroll, it became vividly evident
that the Seals of the Scroll had
already been broken. This is
what enabled that angel on
my left-hand side to show
me the inside inscriptions of
the Scroll of GOD Almighty
in heaven. This Mighty angel
on my left-hand side then
further concluded that;
“Because Of The
Defiled Altar of the
LORD, The Judgment Of
The LORD Is Coming Upon
The Entire Face Of The
The Second Angel
hus with those stern words,
it was unmistakable that
the angel on my left, did
not show his sympathy with men,
and hence his desire to minister to
the repugnance of their apostasy,
became well manifest. That is when
I began to pay particular attention
to the Next Angel on my right-
hand side, who
had remained
virtually quiet
throughout the
entire conversation.
H o w e v e r ,
contrary to the
presentation of
the Angel on my
left-hand side,
The Angel on my right-hand side
nevertheless beheld so much glory,
around Himself, that I could hardly
stare in HIS direction. It was at
that specific instant in the vision,
that it finally dawned on me that
my fears were right. I trembled
in this vision when I came face to
face with the fact that This Angel
on my right-hand side, whose glory
bestowed the entire place with
overwhelming radiance, was as a
matter of fact, the LORD HIMSELF.
His stunning Glory, Authority and
Majesty assured me that He could
be no other than the Son of Man
HIMSELF. In that vision, my eyes
followed Him with reverence, and
the desire to call Him Master.
of GOD Almighty in heaven. This
mighty heavenly host relayed to me
resolved, it right away dawned on
me that the object he was holding
10 Repentance & Holiness Magazine
were accompanied by the most
horrific and historic Floods ever
recorded since the day of inception
of mother earth. Even as the angel
of the LORD went away, it appeared
as though he flew in the direction
of the sunset. This is owing to the
glowing reddish orange rays that
I could see ahead of him, as he
continued on with his mission. This
could have implied that he came
from the direction of the East and
was headed west. It also imputes
to the fact that when the onset of
all these events comes to pass, it
would be at sundowner. Similarly,
the sunset-like rays upon the angel
of the LORD could also have been
the flames that would be lit up, upon
the arrival of these earthquakes and
tsunamis. They would then have to
be earthquake-ignited fires. One
could not rule out either flames
that would be induced by mayhem,
riots and protests in those nations.
Then came the stunning heaps upon
heaps, of humongous quantities of
mangled debris upon the face of the
earth as she had been smitten. As the
intensity of Earthquakes beheld the
nations, electric transformers also
blew up, setting up huge fires upon
large quantities of property. Untold
levels of destruction devastated the
Debris Cover Earth
earth, to the extent that Tsunamis,
Floods, Fires, Civil wars, resulted into
huge quantities of mangled debris.
Devastation . . .
he mutilating force of
destruction that I saw
come upon the earth, was
so enormous that it smashed and
totally disfigured property, civil
structures, roads, rails, and human
civilization beyond recognition. To
say the least, debris littered the
path of these unforgiving quakes,
storms, floods, wars and human
unrest! It was upon witnessing
this level of upcoming wanton
destruction, that I finally realized
how in this vision, my witnessing
had been reduced into wandering
glances regarding the testimony
the earth was about to bear. It was
a state of helplessness! I observed
as the earthly populace succumbed
in a state of utter terror! It was the
that the nations of the earth have
encroached into. By providence, the
light of GOD is ever shining amidst
the darkness of this world. Hence,
relaying the right conception from
this milestone vision, required a
careful study that seeks to fathom
the mysteries hidden in the bright
path of light that Jesus brought,
than implicitly intuiting. I knew it too
well that this is what would behold
the glory of the Creator, in the
midst of such an ominous prophecy
that was promising an unforgiving
demolition of earthly civilization. As
the world sets forth its best wine
first, and afterwards, that which is
worse, so does it with its gifts of
post-modernism (John 2:1-11). That
which may offer as enticing to the
eye, and enthralling to the world,
later proves to be ungratifying. It
is as though in this prophecy the
LORD was saying that the wine
of disobedience that this world
offers easily turns to bitterness,
with its jauntiness quickly turning
to gloom. That is the only plausible
explanation as to why all such
a ‘sweet’ post-modernism and
civilization of man, could suddenly
turn unbelievably perishable.
The Stunning Prophecy That Shook
The Earth & Shattered Debris All Over
pon waking up from
that most astonishing
apocalyptic visitation of
the LORD, the fate of the nations in
this post-modern world, eminently
became precariously lamentable.
Following this horrid vision, the
Spirit of the LORD right away led
me to begin prophesying in that
August 2005. In those unyielding
utterances, I said; “Because of the
defiled Altar of the LORD across
the nations of the earth, I see
the judgment of JEHOVAH coming
upon the nations of the earth.” To
quote in verbatim, in that historic
prophecy, I further went on to
say; “I see destruction coming to
the earth, and many nations shall
indeed be afflicted. The Judgment
of the LORD is coming upon the
face of the earth. The Judgment of
the LORD is indeed upon the face
of the earth, I see debris scattered
all over the earth.” As the Spirit of
the LORD continued to lead me into
making these pronouncements, He
compelled me to speak to the four
corners of the earth to repent and
turn away from all form of sin and
iniquity. The words of this prophecy
to the nations, undoubtedly
expressed the law of GOD’s dealing
with disobedient man. Sexual
sin, lust, immorality, falsehood, lies,
witchcraft, worldliness, were among
the key objects of this wrathful
communique from the LORD to the
inhabitants of the earth. The LORD
likewise commanded the eastern
religions to turn away from idol
worship that He may restore them
to himself.
As the LORD
led me to
hand down
these pron-
I could
almost hear
Him say
that when
all these
things come
to pass,
the word
of Christ alone could impart to
that mayhem a life-giving virtue. In
other words, I knew it too well
that when all these things became
fulfilled, a horrid confusion would
reign such that only through the
power of Christ, would mankind
retain the efficacy to renourish the
depraved soul. Owing to this, the
sorrow of the audiences at which
these pronouncements were made,
was comforted with at least, the
promise of Christ’s glorious return.
Historic Floods
uring a nationally televised
weekly TV program on
the Kenya Broadcasting
Corporation (KBC) television
network that was aired on the
7th of August 2005, I began to
proclaim the coming of historic
Debris/Haiti Quake
Debris following the Historic Japan Earthquake & Tsunami
Debris/Haiti Quake
Foreword . . .
Debris:Tornado aftermath,
Joplin USA,
Volcanic Eruption in Iceland
the earth assume. Furthermore, in
that vision, The Spirit of the LORD
enabled me to observe the vastness
of debris that would cover the faces
of the nations, and the consequent
aftermath of attempting to clean
up. To the inhabitants of the earth,
it became an insurmountable task to
accomplish. I watched on further
as the mundane chore of cleaning
up bogged down the inhabitants of
the earth into complete dysfunction
and frailty. The destruction that the
LORD permitted me to witness,
seemed to occur
at different levels
of intensities, and
at different times
and seasons. It
was as though the
lesson of the old
testament must
be fully set before
men. Then I woke up in total shock
at what the LORD had just alluded to
me, as coming to smite mankind.
iscerning the exact impact
of this vision required a
stringent adherence to
the word of GOD. It demanded a
detailed understanding of the times
11Repentance & Holiness Magazine
Bloodbath in Mexico
Dead bodies in Libya
Massacre in Yemen
Foreword . . .
Debris on earthtsunamis and floods upon the face
of the earth. In that well publicized
television program, I once again
reiterated that historic Earthquakes
like never seen before, would have
to strike the planet earth, in the
event that the nations failed to
repent and turn away from sin. In
verbatim, that prophecy said; ‘The
LORD is going to shake half the
planet earth. Half of the earth will
shake tremendously because of
this judgment, so that the dwellers
of the earth may know, that when
this happens, it is GOD who has
caused it to happen. ‘What else
have I seen viewers?’ I asked, ‘I have
seen debris and destruction again,
let me tell you this . . .’ In that 8am
television program, I then further
said, ‘I have seen tremendous
Earthquakes coming to the earth!
Very tremendous.’ ‘Who tells the
ocean where to stop?’ ‘I have seen
monumental floods coming to hit
the earth again, another level of
floods. And then the Spirit of the
LORD led me to further say that,
‘I have seen tremendous death
coming to the earth.’Through it all,
it emerged vividly obvious that this
prophecy handed down to me by
the angel of the LORD, was directly
meant to reprove self-indulgence in
all its forms. It is a prophecy that
accepts the hospitality of all classes
by paying a visit to all households,
both the rich and poor, learned and
the ignorant, as it shakes and sieves
the people’s of the earth for the
kingdom of GOD. Beneath this
humongous prophecy was the
luminous light of GOD in His Total
Majesty of righteousness. For those
who hearken onto righteousness,
they would see the compassionate
Redeemer in this historic shake-
up. 7
When the morning stars sang
together, and all the sons of GOD
shouted for joy? 8
Or who shut up
the sea with doors, when it brake
forth, as if it had issued out of the
womb? (Job 38:7-8). . . .when I said,
‘This far you may come and no
farther; here is where your proud
waves halt’? (Job 38:11). This is
what essentially graduated the
prophecy when I saw the historic
floods of that vision and fearfully
exclaimed to the nations; ‘Who
tells the ocean where to stop?’
t was during the same period,
while in Dodoma, Tanzania,
that the LORD again Spoke
with me regarding this most
horrific judgment that was coming
to befall the nations of the earth.
In a Pastors’ Conference held in
July 2005, in Dodoma, the LORD
visited with me that night in a
follow-up vision to that of July 11.
In that vision, GOD Almighty Spoke
with me in yet another stern
conversation, at night. At the core
of that vision, was the conviction
that the gravitational centre of
man’s relationship with the LORD
rested on holiness. Going by that
vision, I well understood it that in
GOD’s view, human understanding,
trust, hope, service and worship, all
indeed rested on the bedrock
of morality. And a crisis in the
latter spelt doom. What equally
projected out clearly was the fact
that GOD Almighty, Yahweh, is the
Great King over all the heaven and
the earth, and One to Whom all
things must be subject.
The Cup of GOD
uring that vision, heaven
opened, and I saw the
Person of the Holy Spirit
descend all the way from heaven,
down towards the earth. When
HE came from heaven, and had
reached closer to me, I noticed
that HE was carrying a cup in His
HANDS. The cup that the Person
of the Holy Spirit carried in that
vision, was a stunning white glorious
cup. Then all of a sudden, I saw
the Person of the Holy Spirit turn
that cup that was already full, and
poured its contents upon the face
of the earth. It was then that The
Holy Spirit came back again, and
HE handed me down a SWORD
from heaven. The SWORD that GOD
the Holy Spirit placed in my hands,
was a shocking most glittering
SWORD, whose sharpness was
razor-thin. After which HE asked
me, ‘What do you see happening
with this SWORD?’ With a great
longing to know, I looked at the
SWORD that the LORD
had handed me, and
realized that it was a
unique SWORD with
two blades. As I held
the SWORD of the
LORD, I saw that it
had four sharp edges
that all converged
at the handle. Then
the Person of the
Holy Spirit came and
touched the same
spot on the handle,
from where I held
the SWORD. And then HE asked
in a loud voice, ‘What do you see
now?’ As I looked at the SWORD
again, then the Holy Spirit Spoke
and said, ‘Now the Judgment of the
LORD is coming to the nations of
the earth, to the next level.’
His Wrath
ecause HE alone is the
Sovereign GOD, waking
up from that tremendous
vision, I realized that all the
universe, the nations included, are
indeed governed by HIS HAND. I
then went ahead to say in a Sunday
August 2005 television broadcast,
‘What do I see viewers, what do
I see coming to you. You must
understand that GOD is now going
to bring destruction upon the face
of the earth.’ And I said, ‘I have seen
historic war coming to the planet
earth.’ ‘I have seen tremendous
quakes, floods tsunamis wars
and death coming to the planet
earth.’ In that television program
I proceeded the viewership, ‘Why
is the Father showing me the
wrath of HIS anger?’ ‘HIS wrath
is coming against the nations of
the earth, because the Altar of the
LORD is broken and defiled.’ While
the future of the godly into the
kingdom of GOD was seemingly
far rated by this prophecy, their
protection thereof by the LORD is
nevertheless guaranteed by the
Holy Spirit.
Dwelling place
he LORD then again
appeared to me in a mighty
visitation two days later
In that visitation of the LORD, the
voice of JEHOVAH Spoke and Said,
‘Look I have no a dwelling place.
I am looking for a home and a
dwelling place.’ That whole night
the LORD Talked to me about a
Dwelling Place. I still remember
that when I woke up and was very
sad, I indeed felt the way the LORD
HIMSELF had felt. He was very sad
looking for a Dwelling Place. And
that only meant that no one could
be able to say to themselves that
this is the Temple of the LORD, for
surely it was not the Temple of
the LORD any more, because it was
defiled. In the subsequent television
programmes, I was then compelled
by the Holy Spirit to say, ‘When
the LORD looks at Australia, HE
sees sexual sin, yet when HE looks
at Africa HE sees sexual sin and
witchcraft sweeping the continent
of Africa. Heavy duty witchcraft
upon the Altar of the LORD. Asia
bears the eastern religion of yoga,
hinduism, buddhist, etc, etc. During
those proclamations, it became
very easy to recognize man’s
total dependence upon JEHOVAH,
HE who opposes the proud who
rely on their own resources, that
they have contrived. Contrarily, it
immediately struck me that the
humble, the poor and needy, who
acknowledge their dependence
on the LORD on all things, are the
ones in whom GOD delights, hence
would endear HIS protection upon.
This kind of ominous prophecy
attests to the fact that pride yields
disobedience and even though the
proud may seem to prosper, GOD
will bring them down to death,
their final end. The post-modern
earth and its inhabitants have
been so proud to the LORD due to
their civilization and modernization.
12 Repentance & Holiness Magazine
The show casing of the tower of
Babel! Alternatively, the humble
who delight in the fear of the
LORD, trusting in HIM, and obeying
HIS requirements, are indeed the
wise before the LORD. The LORD
in this prophecy portrays clearly
that those who embrace the fear of
the LORD will inherit the kingdom
of GOD and that, not even death
can hinder their seeing the face of
Why the Distress:
The condition of man’s heart
his most portentous July 11,
2005 visitation, presents
what the post-modern
world would term an affront to
prosperity and human civilization.
It is as though GOD Almighty
was determined to demolish the
big leap that man had scored in
technological and infrastructural
frameworks for comfortable and
safe living in this day and age. Many
may ask, ‘Why then would a loving
GOD turn against mankind to such
an order?’ The truth however is
that JEHOVAH GOD in Heaven had
impatiently awaited the return of
mankind (Jeremiah 8:4-8). As time
passed by, and mankind did not
appear, His suspicions were roused.
The unwillingness of the shepherds
to clearly point out on the matter
of the Messiah’s glorious return,
seemed to indicate that they had
penetrated GOD’s design and had
purposely avoided preparing for
the coming of the LORD. The mere
thought that His own creation
could attempt to avoid the most
momentous celebration of the
Cross at the Marriage Supper of the
Lamb, undoubtedly maddened GOD.
Hence, by sending this July 11,
2005 angel to make such ominous
pronouncements, vividly paints a
clear picture that reason had failed,
but there was now left the resolve
to godly force, 18
“Come now, let us
settle the matter,” says the LORD.
“Though your sins are like scarlet.
they shall be as white as snow;
though they are red as crimson,
they shall be like wool. 19
If you are
willing and obedient, you will eat the
good things of the land (Isaiah 1:18-
19). With such pronouncements
of a horrendous judgment in the
horizon, it appeared that GOD
Almighty had now decided to make
an example of rebellious mankind!
And they that were the haughty
residents of this planet earth
should now see what they might
expect in their attempt to place
earthly prosperity and immorality on
the Throne. In what might serve as
a perfect replay of tragedy, when
Israel had similarly attempted to
adorn a golden calf and place at His
Altar, it became a lasting controversy
that saw many
millions lose
their lives,
from the
w i l d e r n e s s
even unto
this day. The
church of
Christ too,
has fallen into this same tragedy, by
attempting to enthrone that same
earthly prosperity and promiscuity
of this age, at His holy Altar in the
Sanctuary. The LORD GOD Almighty,
was indeed on this July 11th day,
determined to send home the
most important message, that at
this hour, only the Messiah must
be enthroned in the hearts of men.
This calamity that the angel of the
LORD was now decreeing on that
July 11, 2005, mankind had brought
it upon themselves. If only they had
been walking in meek faithfulness
and humility before the LORD, He
would have, in a historic manner
made the wrath of His endtime
virtue literally harmless to them.
But they had separated themselves
from GOD by their sin and they
had rejected the Holy Spirit
Who was their Only Shield and
Defender. Even the christians did
not well perceive that it was their
supercilious boast that the Messiah
was to come as King to conquer.
Hence, if the current global calamity
and tragedy were anything to go
by, then one can only imagine for
themselves the level of destruction
that the King of Kings will unleash
upon the disobedient and proud
enemies of GOD (Heb 10:26-31;
Heb 6:4-6). They had not studied
the scriptures with the desire to
conform their lives to the will of
GOD. Yet they have instead today
searched for scriptures which
could be interpreted to exalt and
surround them with the intoxicating
and promiscuous prosperity of
this evil world.
Through their gross
misinterpretation of
the word for selfish
gain, GOD Almighty
finally purposed
to compass the
destruction of their
rising tower of
Babel, which today
we can clearly see,
has turned upon
their own heads. And this is the
condition of men’s heart that has
caused unbearable agony in heaven.
GOD Almighty is today speaking
using the cruelty of these beginning
of birthpains to affirm to mankind
that if we have given our hearts to
Jesus, then we should also bring our
gifts of holy worship unto Him. Put
in perspective, the holy church of
Christ, is today being bidden by this
overwhelming angel of the LORD in
this vision. The night is nearly over
and the church must now prepare
in earnest that she might fulfil that
which has been spoken of her by the
prophets. Right now, the present-
day christian faces an indomitable
challenge to summount in order to
live a holy and separated life. This is
owing to the admixture of spiritual
‘foreigner’ that have dwelt with the
church in a compromising christian
lifestyle. Through this monumental
July 11, 2005 vision, GOD’s grief at
man’s apostasy is unquestionably
well evidenced. In this day and age,
the Almighty Creator is
seeking those christians
who can fully submit
their lives unto the
overruling authority
of the Holy Spirit. The
example of Christ in
linking Himself with the
interests of humanity
would then be faithfully
adhered to, for
purposes of bringing the
gospel of His grace to the perishing
souls. As disciples of Christ,
JEHOVAH GOD expects the church
at this hour to have separated
herself from mingling with the
world for mere love of pleasure.
Instead the Omnipotent expects
that all christian believer should
become witnesses for Christ, by
allowing the Holy Spirit to sanctify
their social power using the grace
of Christ in order to win souls into
the kingdom. This is what will shine
the light of Christ and withdraw
christian salvation from being
viewed as an exacting religion. GOD
Almighty indeed initially intended
that mankind should present as
partakers of HIS holy divine nature.
The departure from this blueprint is
unmistakably the root cause of this
July 11, 2005 pronouncement of a
controversy between the Creator and
the creation. Being a last-minute
ditch to reprove the church and the
nations, this landmark prophecy
can in essence be termed GOD’s
last call of love.
Foreword . . .
13Repentance & Holiness Magazine
Crippled Got Up & Walked Away
After 24Years of being crippled, GOD Almighty touched her.
4-year old Margaret Atieno
was born crippled and
lived all her life in a little
humble village called Usenge, by
Lake Victoria, in Western Kenya.
In her condition, she was literally
incapacitated since she could
not walk, let alone getting up by
herself. Margaret had already
resigned to her condition knowing
too well that nothing else could
medically redeem her. However,
when the meeting of the LORD was
announced for Nyeri in Central
Province of Kenya, precious
Margaret saw a humongous
orn crippled, this man
spent all the 60 years
of his life on the floor,
without ever being able to get up,
let alone walking. However, when
the Power of the LORD descended
at the Mighty Nakuru Revival
Meeting, this man was touched
very heavily and when he woke up,
he discovered that his crippled legs
had been strengthened and that he
could now get up alone and learnt
to walk for the first time in his
life. It was big drama as this man
gloriously stretched his first ‘baby
steps’ in life. Glory to GOD in the
opportunity to present her
case before the LORD and
try to see if the LORD could
remember her. She made
sure that she arrived at the
Nyeri meeting promptly
very early. Then come
that Saturday April 16th,
2011 when the Prophet of
the LORD walked into the
stadium of the Meeting and
decreed that the cripples
would get up and walk away
that day. The Power of GOD hit
Atieno and slayed her to the
ground; as she puts it in her own
words, “Nilishtuka tu ninatembea”
translated as When I woke up,
I just got shocked that I could
now get up and walk.” The entire
Crippled for 60 yrs
here was absolute stun in
the stadium as this very
old crippled woman was
touched by the LORD and totally
slayed. The people that had
brought her were absolutely very
shocked to see her get up with her
weak crippled legs and attempt to
walk. To the stun of the entire
stadium, she indeed managed to
walk with her very deformed legs.
Only later did everyone realize
that her weak deformed
legs had actually been
strengthened by the Power
of the LORD that descended
into the Ruringu Stadium
in Nyeri. The multitude
shouted Halleluhia to the
Glory of the LORD, for what
they had seen, was a good
thing to the eyes of men.
The LORD had visited them.
Drama as very old
Crippled woman walks
stadium went wild in Jubilation for
their GOD JEHOVAH had visited.
Crippled Got Up & Walked Away
14 Repentance & Holiness Magazine
atheism, have simply presented
as a mere harbinger that indicates
on the level of decay in that land.
The Pyramid of Cholula, popularly
known as Pyramid de Cholula, has
over the years prided herself as
a focal point of convergence at
which various witches congregate
to observe an annual festival
known as dia de san miguel. Such a
day always fell on September 29th
of every year, commonly referred
to as St. Michael’s day. The mauling
indifference with which the church
in Mexico turned to her own
practices, in the midst of such a
heinous sin, is what could have
even enraged the jealousy of the
most wicked of ad hoc witches!
Their act in the catholic church of
Mexico, indeed must have called
forth no expression of joy at all in
the heart of the LORD, but rather
surprise, shock, mingled with utter
that one runs into in some of
the well established Mexican
cathedrals, is such a detestable act
that must have definitely wrenched
GOD’s heart to tatters. The placing
of a huge monumental statue of an
or a long time now, the
precious people of Mexico
had become so credulous to
idol worship, sexual immorality and
the witchcraft of brugeria/chiseria,
could secure them a joyous and
stable future. Moreover, the soaring
phenomenon that has over the
years excited the keenest of global
interest on Mexico, has been none
other than the stunning tourist
beaches she spots on both the
Atlantic and Pacific coasts. With
all the awe of their beauties, these
tourist resorts have unfortunately
paid homage to a precipitous form
of sexual immorality ever witnessed.
Coupled with a tradition of an
agnostic form of secularism, these
aspects of the Mexican society
have not only defined the texture
of that nation, but also outlined its
unique characteristic. Considering
another yet most disturbing
spectacle of human sacrifice that
Mexico is involved in, all these
aspects of sexual sin, witchcraft, and
Mayhem in Mexico
Unveiling the
2004 Forewarning
Mexicoʼs Detestable
Idols Enraged GOD:
Some of the Idols that litter and becloud
Mexicoʼs countenance before the LORD. The
LORD had warned that HE would severely
judge them for worshipping these detestable
eagle with two heads, is in itself a
monumental act that undoubtedly
cannot portray the worshipping
of JEHOVAH. Such statues only befit
the adoration of an evil monster at
the altar of the LORD, whichever
way one looks at it. How about
the burial of priests and bishops at
the altar of the LORD, where the
children of JEHOVAH kneel down
before the LORD and kiss those glass
encasing of dried and immortalized
corpses! While all this goes on,
the Pentecostal and Evangelical
churches that should have been the
light in the nation of Mexico, have
instead fallen to the temptations
of the gospel of prosperity. With
its appetites and worldly passions,
this money-orietented preaching
has largely appealed to the physical
nature, and hence most effectual
in corrupting and degrading worship
in the sanctuary of JEHOVAH, at the
expense of acting the role of the
rod of God in Mexico Through its
beguiling intemperance, the rampant
gospel of prosperity in Mexico
Pentecostal church has destroyed
the mental and moral powers of the
gospel of the blood and the cross
that GOD gave man in that land, as
a priceless endowment. This is what
has rendered the nation of Mexico
a repugnant form of heathenism
and caused the catholic church
to get away with littering the land
with huge statues right inside and
on the roof tops of their churches.
These are the large statues that
have been moulded to depict
human appearance, and named
after the celestial beings, to look
like angels. With all this happening
in Mexico, the land literally
transformed herself into a regional
hub of idol and satanic worship.
Thus it became impossible for
men to appreciate things
of eternal worth. The
uncontrolled indulgence
and consequent disease
and degradation that
consumed Mexico, was
with such intensity of evil, that
could only be equitable with Sodom
and Gomorrah before the floods.
Every imagination of the thoughts
and the hearts of the people
became evil to the extent that an
inexpressible anguish consumed
those who feared that the wrath
of GOD could one day befall. Out
of the complacency of the church,
satan made the people of Mexico
believe that they must sacrifice
their conscientious convictions
for idols and immorality, instead
of a strict adherence to JEHOVAH
their Creator and HIS righteous
15Repentance & Holiness Magazine
that mission, did not want His
wrath to come upon them, without
a prior warning, lest men be led to
fear GOD as one Who delights in
their destruction.
Vision of Satanic
Rituals in Monterrey
pon arriving in the city
of Monterrey, the LORD
led me to proclaim the
need for a national repentance in
Mexico, and especially within the
church. The LORD JEHOVAH then
began to Speak to me in mighty
visions, and by His voice, about the
horrid state of sin and defilement in
Mexico. It was then that I once got
the opportunity to visit a suburb of
Monterrey called Guadalupe. While
atGuadalupe,theLORD vividlySpoke
to me in a radical vision that would
later change the entire state of the
affair in Mexico. In that vision, I saw
the communities that inhabited
the mountains of Monterrey. As I
observed further on, the Spirit of
the LORD highlighted the kind of
worship that was ongoing on the
mountain slopes. Key among the
events that grieved the LORD in
that vision, was the slaughtering of
white dogs as sacrifice to the devil.
In that vision, the LORD specifically
emphasized on how those
communities gathered themselves
to partake of that evil worship
laws. If they had learned the power
of GOD’s word, they would have
followed the requirements of the
LORD, and would not have followed
the suggestions of satan in order
to obtain food or save their lives.
Only one question would have
mattered, ‘What are the righteous
requirements of the LORD?’ A
contradiction would hence have
never developed between the
LORD GOD and Mexico.
Why GOD Almighty
Shaved my Head
hen GOD Almighty saw
that their return was
not forthcoming, He
decided to hold dominion over the
state of worship in Mexico. That
meant that he would now have
to hold the people of Mexico
to responsibility on worship.
Considering that Christ Jesus had
earlier come to disapprove satan’s
claim over worship, in order that
man may stand loyal to GOD,
then this demonic adoration that
was now thriving in that land, is
totally uncalled for. In this way,
the Son of Man had indeed scored
a landmark victory that achieved
an unparalleled milestone status
in the life of man, that they may
now worship JEHOVAH blamelessly.
Owing to this, GOD Almighty saw
no reason whatsoever for man’s
loathsomeness in worshipping
satan and idols again, as was now
occurring in Mexico. This is the
sole reason as to why the LORD
sent me to Mexico in that 2004, to
awaken their souls on the fact that
they had grossly misrepresented
GOD, and very much misinterpreted
His rites of worship. The LORD in
prophecy at all. However, come
the next day Monday, the LORD
indeed made good of His threat
to shake the mountain slopes of
Monterrey at which they had raised
high places for devil worship. It
was so severe that huge boulders
of rock began to roll from the
mountain slopes coming down and
striking homes in the process. Such
a phenomenon had never been
witnessed in Monterrey, especially
that the rocks were snow-white
boulders. The news outlets were
saturated with reportages on
this unusual occurrence. Those
that had listened to the prophecy
being delivered 24-hours before its
final fulfilments were shocked and
dumbfounded at this act of GOD.
This probably marked the beginning
of what would later turn out to
be a long-running controversy
between the LORD GOD Almighty
and the people of Mexico. It
was a controversy that centered
around the act of repentance. GOD
had desired that the people of
Mexico repent and be restored
by His precious Holy Spirit. Such
a restoration the LORD intended to
ignite from the church.
Vision of Leopard
hile those satanic rituals
went on, the LORD
discerned a symbol of communion
between wicked man and the devil.
It became very apparent that the
enemy had worked to blind the
people of Mexico to these rites,
that they may reject Christ at
His glorious and most anticipated
coming. It was about the same
time while still at the surburb of
Guadalupe, that the Word of the
LORD again came to me in a second
vision. It was such a monumental
vision to the extent that the Spirit
of the LORD literally lifted me up,
and took me onto a mountain top,
and all across Mexico. It was while
still in this vision, that I witnessed
the most stunning episode of the
conflict between good and evil. It
developed into one of the most
bruising conflicts I ever witnessed
sacrifice as dogs were slaughtered.
The LORD equally showed me the
stones that were being laid down
in building the altars for satanic
worship. It was a blood sacrifice
at which some portions were
cremated as burnt offering.
The White Stones
ollowing this disturbing
vision of satanic worship
on the mountain slopes,
the GOD of heaven led me to
proclaim the first warning on
Mexico. At a Sunday service in a
church known as Iglesia Cristiana
Agua Viva, I proclaimed to the
people of Monterrey on the need
for Mexico to repent for defiling
the altar of the LORD and the land
set before them. However, that
admonition did not come without
the consequences of the failure to
repent. The LORD clearly asserted
at that Sunday service that a failure
to repent would elicit His wrath
upon the mountain slopes at which
satanic blood sacrifices were being
offered. In that Sunday service, I
said that a failure to repent would
cause the mountain slopes to
shake violently, with huge boulders
of white ice-like rocks rolling down
from top to the bottom. And in
that declaration, the LORD said,
‘If you don’t repent and
turn away from the satanic
blood sacrifices and idol
worship, tomorrow by this
time, there will be a severe
quake shake those defiled
mountain slopes and white
stones will roll down.’
What became particularly most
shocking that it took everyone
by surprised especially that they
were accustomed to the mellow
preachings of prosperity and
wellness. At that time no one in the
church perceived the gravity of this
Mountains of Monterrey
16 Repentance & Holiness Magazine
yet. Little did I know then in January
2004, that this would become the
prophecy of the national tragedy
that would later befall the nation of
Mexico. At this mountain top, the
LORD showed me a ferocious leopard
that was scouting around as people
went about their normal business.
However, what particularly turned
calamitous in this vision, was the fact
that all of a sudden, the atmosphere
on that mountain top became very
cloudy and terrifying. It presented
more like a storm was on-coming.
The ferocious leopard in that vision
instantly attacked the people on
that Mexican mountain top and
began to devour them in the most
ferocious manner ever witnessed.
As the leopard devoured the people
of that land, things got so bad
when many other little leopards
appeared in that vision. These evil
beasts mauled the people to the
extent that the entire land was
covered with body parts and lots
of bloodshed all over the land. The
body parts I saw in this vision, were
strewn all over the land after which
I woke up from that conversation
with the LORD.
GOD’S Hand Shaves
My Head & Beard
any times, the LORD GOD
Almighty pleads with
nations on their need
for repentance and a holier lifestyle.
Such was the case that surfaced on
Mexico, in that 2004 when the LORD
intended to consecrate their lives.
During my visit to the Monterrey
surburb of Guadalupe, the LORD
sternly Spoke with me a final time,
on this very need for the people of
Mexico to turn away from sin and
the heinous act of sacrificing to the
devil. In that final conversation, it
appeared as though the LORD was
aware of the hard-heartedness with
which the message of repentance
would be confronted. It was a
vision in which by voice the LORD
Spoke to me saying,
‘Go South.’
And immediately in that vision, the
LORD showed me a southern town
at which He had placed two people
to receive me. However, right in
myself in that vision, telling them to
repent and prepare the way for the
Coming of the Messiah, otherwise
His wrath would consume them.
And then I woke up from that
vision of the LORD. Right away, I
understood that GOD Almighty
was extremely angry that satan had
taken advantage of the weakness of
humanity at this most critical hour
in the zero-countdown to rapture.
Prophecy of Bloodshed
aking up from that very
astounding vision of
the LORD, I immediately
obeyed the LORD and shaved all
the hair on my head in front of a
bathroom mirror, as commanded.
I then divided my shaved hair into
three portions and separated
them. With the first portion of
hair in my hands, I walked out of
the house and then did as the LORD
had decreed in that vision. While
outside the house and facing the
mountains of Monterrey, I blew
away every piece and strand of the
first batch of my shaved hair and
the wind indeed scattered them all
across that land of Mexico. At that
moment, this is what I pronounced
on the land and the people of
Mexico, as I did so;
‘And you shall know that
the LORD GOD Almighty
has Spoken.’
Although I continued to hold onto
the second and the third batches of
my shaved hair, nevertheless, with
the second batch, I got a sharp
knife and began to stab it severally
and repeatedly as GOD had now
And Burnt My Hair
in the City Centre
ith the third batch of
my shaved hair, the
LORD allowed me to
travel from north to south all
across Mexico, from Monterrey
to Tapachula and back to Puebla.
In that journey, I constantly
decreed that the nation of Mexico
will for sure know that the LORD
GOD Almighty has Spoken. Upon
reaching Tapachula, I again headed
north with the third batch of my
shaved hair till I got to Veracruz
and Ciudad de Puebla. It was then
at Puebla that the LORD allowed
me to pitch tent as I continued
forewarning the Pentecostal
and catholic churches to repent
from their sin of complacency,
and then lead the entire Mexico
into a national repentance for
the great abomination they
have committed before JEHOVAH.
Among the members of churches
that responded to this call for
repentance were pastors, doctors,
lawyers, dentists, widows, simple
lay people, orphans, etc. It was
then on one Friday afternoon,
when I requested one of the
doctors to drive me and show
the exact city square in Puebla.
He drove with me till the centre
of the city, parked at a distance
and said as he pointed, ‘This is
the city square.’ Disembarking
from the car, I went right into the
city square and took the last one
third of my shaved hair and set
it ablaze with a newspaper page
at the dead centre of the city of
Puebla. Many onlookers including
the doctor that had just led me
there, were very stunned at what
act this could be. I then took the
last few strands of that third batch
of hair and placed between my belt
and the trouser. This I did while
the middle of that vision, I saw
the tremendous mighty HAND of
GOD come from heaven, towards
me. Right away, I realized that
the tremendous mighty HAND of
GOD carried a blade. It was then
that to my stun, I realized that
the LORD was shaving my head in
that shocking vision. As the LORD
shaved my head, He also placed a
mirror right in front of me. In that
way, I saw it all, in the way His
mighty HAND shaved my head
clean. However, what was even
more baffling, is that in that vision
the LORD collected every piece of
my hair that He had just shaved
into His left HAND and poured
it into my hands. Every little piece
of my hair, the LORD collected. It
was then that I saw myself in that
vision, walking outside facing the
mountain at which there was satanic
blood sacrifice. Immediately, I stood
face to face with those mountain
slopes, I saw myself in that vision
blowing away and scattering every
piece of my hair that the LORD had
just shaved. As I blew my hair in
that vision, I saw the wind of the
LORD blow it further away to cover
the whole nation of Mexico from
the Atlantic coast to the Pacific
coast. It was a most stunning vision
to behold! The voice of the LORD
‘This is what will happen to
this land.’
Towards the end of this astonishing
vision, the LORD again showed
me myself travelling all across
Mexico and warning of the dire
consequences of a failure to REPENT
and turn away from all sin including
satanic blood sacrifices. I heard
And The LORD Repeatedly Struck A Third Of
My Cut Hair With His Sharp Sword:
And When The Prophecy Came To Pass,
The Sharp SWORD Of The LORD Indeed
Butchered Mexico.
17Repentance & Holiness Magazine
pronouncing the following words;
‘And this nation shall for
sure know that the LORD
GOD Almighty has Spoken
and that I am His Servant.’
At that point, I then knew that I
had accomplished the will of GOD
for this land of Mexico, and that
their repentance would have to
be a must because the LORD had
Spoken. The hair of my head that
the LORD had shaved in Monterrey
had finally then gone the full circle
across the major cities of Mexico
including Ciudad Mexico, Puebla,
Guadalahara, Oaxaca, Guerrerro,
Cancun, Acapulco, Xlaxacala,
Monterrey, Veracruz, Villa
Hermosa, Cholula, including the
little rural resorts by the Pacific
t must have surely been in
the time of their greatest
weakness, that Mexico was
assailed by the fiercest of temptations
in worship. That is the only way in
which they could have turned into
devil worship, idol worship, and the
blood sacrifice of dogs, right in the
eyes of JEHOVAH, without anyone in
that nation raising a finger. By the
time the LORD GOD Almighty had
now decided to shave my head in
that vision, heaven had for sure
foreseen that the petrous hearts of
Mexicans would not easily yield to
repentance. By causing me to shave
my head in Monterrey, and blow
away the first batch, the LORD was
essentially Speaking to the nation
of Mexico an ominous prophecy. In
that act, the LORD was saying that in
the same way I blew the shaved hair
of my head, so would He scatter
the people of Mexico, in the event
that they failed to heed the call
to repentance. In the same timbre,
and relating to the second batch
of my shaved hair, that JEHOVAH
commanded me to severally and
repeatedly stab using a sharp knife,
there was much beheld. It was as a
matter of fact, a very classic historic
act in which the LORD Spoke a
most awful message of bloodshed
that was coming to Mexico. In
that shocking act of stabbing my
hair severally and repeatedly
with a sharp knife, the LORD was
up. A fire will spread from
there to the whole house
of Israel.’ ‘This is what the
Sovereign LORD Says: This is
Jerusalem, which I have set
in the centre of the nations,
with countries all around her.
Yet in her wickedness, she
has rebelled against my laws
and decrees more than the
nations and countries around
DECREES.’ ‘Therefore this is
what the Sovereign LORD says:
You have been more unruly
than the nations around you
and have not followed my
decrees or kept my laws. You
have not even conformed to
the standards of the nations
around you.’ ‘Therefore this
is what the Sovereign LORD
says: I myself am against you,
Jerusalem, and I WILL INFLICT
NEVER DO AGAIN. Therefore in
your midst fathers will eat
their children and children
will eat their fathers. I will
inflict punishment on you and
TO THE WINDS. Therefore, as
surely as I live, declares the
Sovereign LORD, because YOU
will withdraw my favour; I
will not look on you with pity
or spare you. A third of your
people will die of the plague
or perish by famine inside
a third I will scatter to the
SWORDS.’ ‘Then my anger will
cease and my wrath against
them will subside and I will
be avenged. And when I have
spent my wrath upon them,
they will know that I the LORD
have Spoken in my ZEAL. ‘I
will make you a ruin and a
reproach among the nations
around you, in the sight of
all who pass by. YOU WILL BE
virtually implying that in the failure
of repentance and the continuation
of idol and devil worship, He would
be left with no choice, but to
butcher the nation of Mexico, and
pursue them with His sharp sword.
The LORD JEHOVAH was essentially
handing down a stern warning on
the horrendous bloodshed that
would soak the land of Mexico.
As for the third consignment of my
shaved hair, which was subjected to
burning at the city square in Puebla,
the LORD fundamentally bespoke a
forewarning on His fire that would
set ablaze the cities of Mexico. The
smoke that smouldered out of my
burning hair in the centre of Puebla
city, basically foretold of the great
smoke that would fume from the
cities of Mexico, when the day of
His wrath finally arrived.
he exact meaning of
GOD shaving my head and
blowing the hair away, in a
tremendous scatter, could only be
perceived by making reference to
biblical scriptural motifs that touch
on that bizarre deed. In ancient
times, GOD’s covenant people
had too suffered such a decay as
was now afflicting Mexico. When
Israel’s strength was waning away,
and their will power weakened, their
faith ceased to repose in GOD, in a
situation that caused those who
had stood for the covenant, to
be totally overwhelmed. The whole
nation of Israel then fell to sin, in a
in the heart of the LORD. They were
taken into captivity from where
the LORD Spoke to His Servant
Ezekiel. In one such conversation,
the LORD commanded the Prophet
Ezekiel to take a blade, shave his
head, and blow away his shaved
hair. It became a masterpiece event
that foretold of the great mayhem
and scattering that the LORD would
bring upon the house of Jacob. And
just as JEHOVAH had portrayed in
that prophetic act, so did He bring
mayhem into Israel and scatter the
Israelites all over the globe. It
became the most horrific episode
of GOD’s Judgment yet, by virtue of
its greatness in size and scope.
YOUR BEARD. Then take a set of
scales and divide up the hair.
When the days of your siege
come to an end, burn A THIRD
take a few strands of hair and
tuck them away in the folds of
your garment. Again, take a
few of these and throw them
into the fire and burn them
The Leopard Devoured:
When the Prophecy of
the Leopard that would
Human Skeletons
Devour Rebellious Mexico, Came to Pass, indeed Mass Graves appeared
in Mexico. That Leopard for sure Devoured the Nation of Mexico. Dead
Bodies and Body Parts were assuredly strewn in the land of Mexico.
Repent Mexico!
Rotting Dead Bodies UncoveredRotting Dead Bodies Uncovered
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1. The Garment of the Lord 2011 - David Owuor
1. The Garment of the Lord 2011 - David Owuor
1. The Garment of the Lord 2011 - David Owuor
1. The Garment of the Lord 2011 - David Owuor
1. The Garment of the Lord 2011 - David Owuor
1. The Garment of the Lord 2011 - David Owuor
1. The Garment of the Lord 2011 - David Owuor
1. The Garment of the Lord 2011 - David Owuor
1. The Garment of the Lord 2011 - David Owuor
1. The Garment of the Lord 2011 - David Owuor
1. The Garment of the Lord 2011 - David Owuor
1. The Garment of the Lord 2011 - David Owuor
1. The Garment of the Lord 2011 - David Owuor
1. The Garment of the Lord 2011 - David Owuor
1. The Garment of the Lord 2011 - David Owuor
1. The Garment of the Lord 2011 - David Owuor
1. The Garment of the Lord 2011 - David Owuor
1. The Garment of the Lord 2011 - David Owuor
1. The Garment of the Lord 2011 - David Owuor
1. The Garment of the Lord 2011 - David Owuor
1. The Garment of the Lord 2011 - David Owuor
1. The Garment of the Lord 2011 - David Owuor
1. The Garment of the Lord 2011 - David Owuor
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1. The Garment of the Lord 2011 - David Owuor
1. The Garment of the Lord 2011 - David Owuor
1. The Garment of the Lord 2011 - David Owuor
1. The Garment of the Lord 2011 - David Owuor
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1. The Garment of the Lord 2011 - David Owuor
1. The Garment of the Lord 2011 - David Owuor
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1. The Garment of the Lord 2011 - David Owuor

  • 1. JUNE Vol 9 repentance & holiness Magazine RELEASE OF PALE HORSEMAN UNREST IN ISRAEL: GOLAN PROPHECY 2005 PROPHECYTHATVIOLENTLY SHOOKTHE EARTHTOTHIS DAY THE MIGHTYVISION OF MELCHIZEDEK’S DAY 2004 PROPHECY ON MEXICO BLOODSHED VISION OF GOD’S WRITTEN NOTE ON RAPTURE Crippled Since Birth, This Baby Got Up & Walked Crippled For 60yrs, This 60-Yr Old Man Walked Blind For 24 Yrs, Mukanda’s Eyes Opened Born totally Deaf and Dumb, this Woman’s Ears Opened Crippled Since Birth, This Boy Got Up And Walked Away. Lame for 24 yrs, The LORD Stretched Her Legs and She Walked Away Born with a weak neck, this baby’s neck was strengthened The Garment OFTHE LORD WHEN HEAVEN RECEDED & BEHELD HIS GARMENT The April 4, 2011 VISION OF THE LORD SHOCKING HEALING TESTIMONIES INSIDE: A MUST READ COMPREHENSIVE COVERAGE OF THE BLACK HORSE ACROSS THE ARAB WORLD
  • 2. 2 Repentance & Holiness Magazine The April 4th, 2011 Vision AND HEAVEN RECEDED . . . The Vision W hen Christ came to redeem fallen man from the wounds of sin and the corrupting enticements of this dark world, He ensured that His heavenly bearing remained totally unblemished. That is the only way He could win for mankind a heavenly heritage into the much anticipated marriage of the Lamb. It was thus because Christ took upon Himself the infirmities of degenerate humanity, that He finally purchased for them a heavenly garment that would imbibe their sin and iniquity, into glory. It will finally be the decree that only they who shall put on the garment, shall sit at the dinner table in heaven. Nowhere does the reality of Christ’s triumph over sin manifest, than on that April 4, 2011, when I saw the vision of the LORD regarding the glorious heavenly garment. In that vision, I saw heaven recede in both directions, and the glory of GOD presented. As heaven receded in both directions, it only did so to the extent that an elaborate opening was ultimately displayed. With heaven now standing open, I then saw what looked like a cloth displayed at the entrance to heaven. In its initial appearance, this heavenly cloth that the LORD GOD Almighty displayed at the entrance to heaven, was beclouded with the tremendous glory of heaven. Nonetheless, the more I continued observing this heavenly event that was now unfolding right before my eyes, the more I quickly realized that a historic event beheld. As a matter of fact, it turned out to be a monumental event in which GOD Almighty had allowed Christ Jesus the Messiah to display a small but significant section of His heavenly garment, right before the church. It was a white glorious cloth that could only befit the heavenly wedding of the Lamb. That is when it all dawned on me that an occurrence of epic proportion was indeed unravelling. The section of the garment that the LORD Jesus revealed, was that of the region between His wrist and the elbow. It however also arrayed a little bit of the portion above the elbow. This was a most stunning vision of the LORD, especially coming at this critical hour in the count-down to rapture. Clarion call B y heaven receding in that April 4, 2011 vision, the LORD resounded an unmistakable message on the dispensation of open heavens that now abides. It is a clarion call that was meant to drive home the greatest awakening across all the nations of the earth. Just where the ruin began, the work of our redemption must begin. Upon the fall of man, in the garden of Eden, the gates of heaven were slammed shut as the Cherubim of glory blockaded man’s access to the elements of life; and so would the restoration of mankind begin with the receding of the gates of heaven upon the face of man. The display of His glorious garment at the gateway to heaven, can only permute to the end that only through this glorious garment will mankind gain access into the eternal kingdom of GOD. It is very clear from the LORD’S language in this vision, that He intended to use this visitation in order to summon- up the minds of men to the fact that this dispensation designates the mighty glorious hour of THE GARMENT. Moreover, GOD Almighty is further underscoring in this visitation that this generation indeed bears the marks of that coveted generation that prepares the glorious garment. And because GOD Almighty beheld that glorious garment within the threshold of heaven, He unmistakably wanted to make it clear in no uncertain terms that heaven is the home of the glorious garment. In other words, all its citizenry must conform to this glorious garment, without which no creation will ever see the LORD. Fine Linen B y a strict sustenance of the brilliance of the light of the world that He bore, only thus could the LORD Jesus rescue mankind from the lowest depth of degeneration. Because Adam had been assailed by the temptor, the LORD’s Perfect spiritual Stature indeed demanded that none of the effects of sin befell Him. This is what propelled Him to stand in perfect vigor of mind in order to accomplish the bloodstained mission for which heaven discharged Him. GOD’S glory was sustained around Him as a testament to his daily communion with the heavenly Being. It is this incontrovertible distinction that enabled Christ Jesus to connect mankind into the heavenly kingdom of GOD. When Jesus accessed the wilderness, He was shut-in by the LORD’s glory and lifted above human weakness. It is a triumph that still beckons man from the open windows of heaven, todate. GOD Almighty is now using this vision of the garment to exalt Christ Jesus the Messiah as the Chief Guest during the glorious wedding feast of the Lamb. On that April 4th day there came to the earth the wisdom that validated righteousness as the bedrock of man’s salvation. Considering that the ultimate goal of christian salvation is, that most desired final entry into the kingdom of GOD, then by arraying that glorious heavenly garment at the gates of heaven, the LORD indeed affirmed the heavenly benchmark of righteousness, which all men must score on THE DAY OF THE GARMENT (rapture). Dignity & honour T here is no better place at which to underscore the milestone that this April 4th vision registers in heaven, other than at the dawn of man’s fall. How artfully GOD Almighty approached this matter on the glorious coming of our Lord Jesus, especially after the disgraceful fall, degeneration, and degradation of today’s church of Christ. When apostasy had consumed big in the body of Christ, and all seemed to have been lost, then came this little twinkle of hope from beyond the horizons through the opening in heaven on April 4th, 2011. The church must now suddenly wake up to the putrefying shame and debasement of sin that has ruined the spiritual elegance that the present day body of Christ ought to have adorned. We are reminded here of when in Eden, the fall of man was so bad to the extent that Adam improvised for himself fig leaves to cover his shame, a desperation that had indeed stolen away his spiritual inheritance. Today’s body of Christ having witnessed her greatest fall from grace, appears to have When Heaven Opened & Beheld His Garment
  • 3. 3Repentance & Holiness Magazine improvised for herself too some fig leaves. That the garment is very central in GOD’s rescue plan for mankind, is well evidenced in the bible: 21 The LORD GOD made garments of skin for Adam and his wife and clothed them (Genesis 3:21). The love of GOD Almighty that took humanity with all its liabilities, is without a doubt, well evidenced in the skilfulness with which the LORD employed THE GARMENT to salvage humanity from death and decay. The LORD graciously provided for man with a more effective clothing in order to cover his shame. Man’s earlier self effort to cover himself with fig leaves had resulted into a zero-sum game. Until the LORD Himself sacrificed an animal and covered man with the skin of that animal. The direct import from this initial encounter is none other than; that our feeble attempts to hide the shame of sin will always arrive at futility. It emerged very clearly that only until GOD Almighty had covered them with the skin of an animal, were they then able to encounter the LORD. So it is in this last hour, when perpetual sin has not only eroded the authority of the church, but also humiliated the body of Christ in a most dispiriting way. Thus in that April 4th vision, the Holy Spirit brought to bare the unparalleled significance of the blood of Jesus as the ultimate glorious garment for this hour. And that sinful man can now wear the garment of the Blood of Jesus and get their sins totally wiped out in readiness for His glorious coming. Only the blood of Jesus when worn, can literally transform sin into righteousness and transfigure man’s countenance to become worthy and attractive before the LORD. Priestly Garment B yclothinginGOD’sgarment glorious, it seems as though man’s appearance becomes much more likable in the sight of the Creator. When Moses was commanded to call Aaron, he was instructed to also draw Aaron’s sons into that calling. Chief among the requirements that is at now moving from a I state of darkness whereby perpetual sin has defined his trademark, into the glorious white transfiguration of heavenly splendour; then for sure in that vision the LORD intended as renovation and rehabilitation of the church’s condition. It goes without saying that the dignity with which GOD longs to see the church walk, at this hour, can only imply a high rank with which spiritual nobility and elevation of character would define the church as the dignitary of GOD. No wonder, biblical inscription has it that on the day when the garment cladded elect of the LORD will step foot into the marriage feast of the Lamb, a huge celebration will throb the entire expanse of heaven. Holiness Most iconical though about this intended appraisal that the LORD was announcing in that April 4th vision, is the worthiness with which He esteems the church. Well, worthy to the LORD, directly points at holiness. This is what p a r t i c u l a r l y transmits a new message from that glorious garment that the LORD presented as heaven receded, on that April 4th 2011. By placing that glorious cloth at the entrance to heaven, the LORD directly implied that the wedding of the Lamb has drawn nigh and the dispensation of the garment now beholds. 8 Fine linen, bright and clean, was given her to wear.” (Fine linen stands for the righteous acts of GOD’s holy people. (Rev 19:8). Spiritually Weak, deprived, withered and emaciated from spiritual hunger and yet also haggard from the extreme mental agony of sin, today’s church must have been looked upon with pity by God Almighty, when HE decided to recede heaven to unveil the novelty His glorious garment. By this, the church is now being formally invited into the refreshing renourishment of the Holy Spirit to prepare her for rapture. Such nourishment that can revive a dilapidated church condition is none other than the flourishing righteousness of the LORD abound HIS Holy Spirit. Only righteousness has the capability to garb the church in the finest of linen for this last hour. This vision of the garment sought to instill into the hearts of men the divine truth that GOD would do as He had promised; to rapture only those that are clothed in the finest of the heavenly linen of righteousness. 15 “Look, I come like a thief! Blessed is the one who stays awake and remains clothed, so as not to go naked and be shamefully exposed.” (Rev 16:15). By revealing the glorious heavenly garment, GOD Almighty made known to me, in my heart that this historic vision was all about the rapture of the church. In the tones of this vision, is the greater urge that JEHOVAH is laying upon the body of Christ to stay awake and remain clothed in order not to be exposed naked, as were Adam and Eve in that most ugly hour of the earth. I could almost hear in that vision the LORD Saying to the church; “Look this is my garment, how about your garment, Is it white? Is it glorious?” Likewise, I could almost perceive the quest in His heart to ask the present-day church, “Look the hour of the garment has come, are you clothed?” “Look, Calvary was all about the garment at Calvary, are you aware? Look, the kingdom up here is all about the garment, are you garmented?” 11 “But when the king came in to see the guests, he noticed a man there who was not wearing WEDDING CLOTHES. 12 He asked, ‘How did you get in herewithoutWEDDING CLOTHES, friend?’ The man was speechless (Matthew 22:11-12). Aaron had to meet, was that for him to take up the priestly office, it was imperative that he be clothed in the glorious priestly garment. 2 Make sacred garments for your brother Aaron to give him DIGNITY and HONOUR (Exodus 28:2). From a shameful place, it becomes absolutely apparent that the sacred garmentoftheLORD indeedbestows upon His subjects dignity and honor. If these were the requirements for the occupants of the priestly office, then it is possible to transduce that this same yardstick must have applied in GOD’s mind at the calling of the spiritual priesthood of Christ. Indeed we see in 1 Peter 2:4-5 that christian salvation surely amounts to a noble priestly calling, especially that all who confess must offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to GOD The Father through Christ Jesus. 4 As you come to him, the living Stone— rejected by humans but chosen by GOD and precious to him— 5 you also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to GOD through Jesus Christ (1 Peter 2:4-5). With such a calling placed upon the salvation of the cross, then we can best understand why all those who are called by His Name are required to cloth themselves with Christ Jesus. Moreover, we can now see that the priestly garment ordained by the LORD was as a matter of fact geared towards bestowing dignity and honor upon the church. Entrusting dignity upon the church of Christ literally implies appraising her self-respect, seriousness, respectfulness, formality, and into the condition of being worthy of respect and esteem. It can only imply that when the LORD on that April 4th, 2011, presented a receding heaven, and displayed the glorious garment, He must have been communicating to the church on the greater dignity with which He longs to see her walk. GOD Almighty by this vision, expressed the disposition of His heart towards honoring the church, the esteemed bride of Christ. Considering that mankind
  • 4. 4 Repentance & Holiness Magazine The kind of glorious garment that the LORD was presenting in my hand as I distributed definitely speaks appraisal to the church of Christ. Follow-up Vision O n Friday May 6th, 2011, the LORD again presented to me another vision of THE GARMENT. It was on that Friday afternoon while writing this article on the garment, that I suddenly fell asleep at the chair next to the computer. And then I immediately saw the vision of the LORD in which He presented a huge roll of cloth. The roll of cloth I saw, was that of a very glorious snow white garment whose radiance was so great that it literally shone on my face as the sun would. The only difference being that the glowing radiance of that cloth was pure startling white. Then all of a sudden in that vision, I realized that there was someone whose face I could not see, standing by, next to the roll of that glorious garment. The One that stood next to the roll of that white glorious garment, then began to unroll the rolled garment and cut it into portions sufficient for one cloth at a time. Suddenly then, I saw His glowing Hands nicely fold the glorious piece of cut cloth, and He gave it to me in my hands. He also made me know that each cut piece of that glorious cloth, was sufficient for one person’s garment. When His brilliant Hand placed the glorious piece of folded garment on my hands, it was so radiant that its glory shone right on my face. He then instructed me to give the piece of garment to those who were standing nearby. And immediately after I had given the first garment to the first person next to me, I saw that person move away, to give way to the next one in line. That is when HE instantly placed another piece of garment on my hand as I gave to the next person. And this process continued on and on, as the One Who Stood near the roll of garment continued to cut sizable pieces and place them on my hand. Then I finally woke up from that vision only to realize that I was seated next to the computer. Highlight O ften the LORD comes to mankind as He came to AdaminthegardenofEden, arraying before us the splendor of heaven that defines the accolade of a righteous living. So is the case in these two visions of the glorious garment from heaven, at which the LORD largely displayed the beauty of the heavenly inheritance awaiting those faithful elect that will partake of rapture. When GOD Almighty presents a specific cut piece of HIS glorious garment for the believers to cover their shame with, then it becomes the most significant moment of revival in the sanctuary. In other words, JEHOVAH is pointing to the turning of man’s sin, however red as crimson they may be, into His glory. Only this kind of unfailing grace of our LORD has the capability of facilitating the entry of weak and feeble souls into the kingdom of GOD. By presenting the glorious wedding gown, GOD Almighty is indeed absolving the church of her sins, and bestowing upon her the splendor of spiritual dignity and honor of heaven. While on November 1, 2006, the LORD presented the vision of the two glorious golden wedding rings, today He presents the finest glorious garment for the wedding of the Messiah. That can only imply that time is now ripe for the wedding of the Lamb of GOD to take place. It is definitely common knowledge that at every wedding there must be golden wedding rings and a brilliant white gown. The process of preparing for a wedding normally entails the preparation of the wedding rings and wedding gown. To the extent that the entire waiting process rests upon the acquisition of these two major elements, then their attainment thereof in readiness, assuredly defines the moment at which that wedding is ready and must take place. Therefore, when the LORD GOD Almighty presented this tremendous vision of the glorious wedding garment in heaven, He in real terms, alluded to the fact that all the preparations for the wedding of the Lamb of GOD have been finalized in heaven. Coupled with the vision of the golden clock that displayed one minute to midnight, and the writing across the sky that said, “JESUS IS COMING,” it is abundantly clear that the wedding of the Lamb of GOD will happen anytime from now, without any delay. GOD is saying that this is the moment to be wearing the finest linen bright and clean, that makes a righteous heart. The kind of glorious garment that the LORD was presenting in my hand as I distributed, definitely speaks appraisal to the church of Christ. In this way, the Omnipotent intends to dignify and honor the remnant holy saints who choose to obey every ordinance of HIS WORD. To them is advanced this noble promise from heaven; 15 Those who walk righteously and speak whatisright,whoreject gain from extortion and keep their hands from accepting bribes, who stop their ears against plots of murder and shut their eyes against contemplating evil— 16 they are the ones who will dwell on the heights, whose refuge will be the mountain fortress. Their bread will be supplied, and water will not fail them. This portrays GOD’s gracious intention to honor the obedient christians, to the extent that they would not even lack. However, to be honored by the LORD assuredly means to honor GOD Almighty, in the first place. And for the LORD to relay the same message on the glorious finest garment, in two separate but closely placed visions, undoubtedly points to the urgency and level of importance He attaches to this matter of the glorious garment. In the May 11, 2009 vision of the written note, the message was well relayed as it possibly could. The LORD in that Hand-written note Said, “I am Coming” Then came the November 14, 2010 vision of another written note on which the LORD wrote ‘MELCHIZEDEK’S DAY IS KNOWN AS THE DAY OF LIGHT’. All these pointers explicitly elaborate the urgency and gravity with which the church must now prepare in earnest, for the wedding of the Lamb. Many a time, the church’s wedding garment has been stained with the sin of this corrupting world. Hence, by the LORD’S presentation of that glorious garment as heaven receded, He must have hinted at this being a dispensation of repentance and holiness. It is a holiness revival that the LORD announced on that April 4th, 2011, especially considering that today’s church is miles away from that glorious garment of holiness. Even so, because the glorious garment that beheld the threshold of heaven, is a spiritual wedding linen, then its apparent that JEHOVAH was also hinting to the church on the fact that this is the hour of the Holy Spirit in the church; without Whom no one can ever prepare adequately enough to score the benchmark of heavenly righteousness. The LORD is at this hour longing to cover man’s nakedness with the precious glorious garment of the Blood of Jesus. GOD the Father in heaven indeed intends to remove mankind from the shame of sin and exalt him as a distinguished dignitary of heaven who is worthy of the invitation to attend the ceremonial heavenly wedding dinner of the Messiah. FOCUS ON THE GLORIOUS GARMENT FOCUSONTHEGLORIOUSGARMENT
  • 5. 5Repentance & Holiness Magazine and Said, “Pray for Israel”. The Prophecy U pon waking up from that vision, it occurred to me that, not only had the LORD Spoken about an event that was on-coming to Israel, but also the urgency of it all. I then went live on our global Jesus is LORD radio and pronounced that a huge unrest would befall Israel. In that prophecy, I also came out clearly that such an unrest would simulate an intifada whose semblance would try to parallel from the on- going uprising in the Arab world. Come April 27th, I also gave that prophecy online, warning of a unique unrest that would come Israel’s way. Nevertheless, key in that proclamation was the mighty call to pray for Israel. May 15th C ome May 15th, the nation of Israel woke up to a horrific episode of riots and violent protests that rocked her borders. All the boundaries of Israel, including the ceasefire lines were put to test when an uncommon copy-cat like mayhem manifested. Violence erupted almost all around Israel’s borders in a manner that all could perceive was intended to instigate a ripple-effect from the Arab uprising. People from the neighbouring countries set out unprecedented assemblies around the Golan Heights, border with South Lebanon, in West Bank and Gaza. On that day, it truly became evident that from Camp David, and Madrid Accord all the way to Oslo Accord, none other than JEHOVAH GOD Himself could ever guarantee the safety of GOD’s The Vision W hen the scriptures said that, “behold, the LORD GOD will help me; who is he that shall condemn me?”; there would be no better place at which to adduce its fulfilment than His protection over the nation of Israel. In this context, it was on March 18th, 2011 when the LORD Spoke with me in the visions of night, regarding the nation of Israel. In that vision, the LORD GOD Almighty lifted me up in the Spirit and took me to Israel. Then the voice of the GOD of Israel Said, “Look and see what is about to happen here.” It was then that JEHOVAH took me around the entire land of Israel, and I saw things that were just about to befall that promised land and its blessed people. Great Unrest I nthatvision,theLORD showed me a great unrest and violent protests that were coming to consume the borders of Israel, as many stone throwing youth would surge towards Israel’s boundaries. It was a fearful thing to witness the tempest and mayhem that would result when Israel’s borders would be attacked from all directions. Moreover, I also saw a clash along the slopes of the green hills that could have only befitted the landscape of the contentious Golan Heights. In the same vision, I saw the youth throwing themselves dangerously across the fences that demarcate Israel’s boundaries, and a serious clash ensued between the protesters and the Israeli security forced. In that vision, I also witnessed lots of tail lights from vehicles that had responded to the distressed scene. At that point the voice of the LORD Spoke A Shocking Prophecy & ItsAccurate Fulfilment UNREST COMING TO ISRAEL: The March 18th, 2011 Prophecy @ Jesus is LORD radio Prophecy mentioned Green HillsProtests on Golan Heights Protests in the West Bank covenant people, Israel. Coupled with the recent announcement of a reconciliationdealinCairobetween Hamas, Fatah and other Palestinian factions, this May 15th violence appears to be far-fetched. As this attack upon Israel’s borders went on, rallies were being mobilized in Cairo to storm the Israeli Embassy in Egypt. It then dawned on the global community that this attack on Israel was as a matter of fact widescale and escalating. Prophetic Significance I srael has always been the most important centre piece in bible prophecy, especially as it appertains to the endtime events. During the creation of the planet earth, GOD Almighty indeed intimated that Israel not only sit at the spiritual center of the earth, but also its physical and geographical focal point. 12 To take a spoil, and to take a prey; to turn thine hand upon the desolate places that are now inhabited, and upon the people that are gathered out of the nations, which have gotten cattle and goods, that dwell in the midst of the land (Ezekiel 38:12). That‘midstoftheland’hastodaybeen clearly and positively identified to transduce into Jerusalem, the navel of the earth. Various scriptural references regarding “the four corners of the earth,” have also unmistakably affirmed Israel, and more so Jerusalem as the epicenter of the earth (Isaiah 11:12; Rev. 7:1; Rev. 20:8). Invariably, in scripture, Jerusalem is identified as the focal point, from which all directions are globally measured. When GOD instructed those who had been saved from Noah’s floods, to go fill the earth, that directive essentially commanded a historical diaspora of dispersion from the land of the bible as its center, unto the ends of the earth. Likewise, when GOD told those who had been saved to go out into “all the world”, with this endless gospel witnessing Christ, it literally meant global evangelization of the gospel from Jerusalem, into Judea and Samaria, and to the known wide world. Given that the Holy Spirit was outpoured in Jerusalem, then the accomplishment of GOD’s work of grace would have been well served by disseminating the gospel right from the spiritual epicentre at which GOD’s Power had been unleashed, to the areas of scarcity. So it is with the endtime bible prophecy. GOD Almighty has placed Israel at the spiritual core centre on the fulfilment of bible prophecy, especially as relates to the coming of the Messiah. That the LORD has now began to Speak regarding prophecy of events in and around Israel, and promptly fulfilling them, is a matter that cannot be taken for granted at this most critical hour in the church. In the big wind-down and zero-countdown of this momentous age, for the LORD to foretell on imminent attacks that are to be launched upon the borders of Israel, a lot is left to be learnt as it relates to the zero-count down in the prophetic timeline. And if the most recent March 18th, 2011 prophecy is anything to go by, then in itself that event qualifies as a foreshadowing of events to come. Considering the detailed description that the LORD accorded regarding how the most recent attacks on Israel’s borders would manifest, to its finest details, then one is left with no option but wonder what this bespeaks in the spiritual realm. Without a doubt,
  • 6. 6 Repentance & Holiness Magazine Israel is the apple of GOD’s eye and hence His detailed description of how the attacks would be levied on Israel’s borders, coupled with the vocal directive that commanded me to pray for Israel, go a long way to re-emphasize GOD’s concern for Israel. For instance, when I mentioned in that prophecy that there was going to be a clash by the green hills, and specifically advanced the name Golan Heights, in the natural, this would not have made much sense. This would be particularly true because when a ceasefire was drawn following the 1973 war, that Golan Heights border was declared a ceasefire line whose integrity has remained peaceful from then todate. And shockingly enough, come May 15th, 2011, when the border clashes and protests ensued, a serious mayhem realized on the Golan Heights border. Notwithstanding, in that prophecy the LORD also permitted me to specify that young men and women would dangerously throw themselves across the fence. And to the stun of all, indeed groups of young men breached that security fence on May 15th, 2011 for the first time ever since the ceasefire line was drawn in 1974. The border with Lebanon was not left out in this recent attacks, let alone Gaza, West Bank and East Jerusalem. Nonetheless, we can clearly see that this most recent attack on Israel is indeed a foreshadowing of events to come. 5 Persia, Cush and Put will be with them, all with shields and helmets, 6 also Gomer with all its troops, and Beth Togarmah from the far north with all its troops—the many nations with you. 7 “‘Get ready; be prepared, you and all the hordes gathered about you, and take command of them. 8 After many days you will be called to arms. In future years you will invade a land that has recovered from war, whose people were gathered from many nations to the mountains of Israel, which had long been desolate. They had been brought out from the nations, and now all of them live in safety. 9 You and all your troops and the many nations with you will go up, advancing like a storm; you will be like a cloud covering the land.10 “‘This is what the Sovereign LORD says: On that day thoughts will come into your mind and you will devise an evil scheme (Ezekiel 38:5- 10). With Syria allowing its citizens to attack Israel from the Golan Heights, and the Egyptians attempting to storm the Israeli Embassy in Cairo, and Palestinians attacking from Gaza and West bank, the Arab uprising appears to have recruited the Arab world against the nation of Israel. Pray for Israel! Why The LORD Spoke About The Borders W hen the GOD of Israel revealed to me on that March 18th, 2011, regarding an on-coming border conflict, He in that vision indeed pointed to the fact that the future conflict in the promised land is now going to revolve and centralize around the contentious issues of Israel’s borders. GOD Almighty was in essence expressing concern over the porousness of the wall that protects His covenant people, Israel. No where does this well reflect than the huge spark the US President Barack Obama ignited on May 19th, 2011 when he gave the US Policy and Plan for the resumption of the Middle-east peace talks, and Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s instantaneous response. Israeli PrimeMinisterBinyaminNetanyahu was quick on the draw Thursday in voicing clear displeasure with President Barack Obama’s Middle- east policy speech. And this is how Israeli National News reported it; Prime Minister Benyamin THE WHITE HOUSE, WASHINGTON, - MAY 20TH, 2011: ISRAEL’S BORDERS And The Two Leaders Differed Openly On The Issue Of Israeli Borders. In That March 18, 2011 Prophecy, The LORD Had Said That The Issue Of Israel’s Borders Would Draw A Sharp Conflict. N e t a n y a h u said, “Israel a p p r e c i a t e s P r e s i d e n t O b a m a ’ s c o m m i t m e n t to peace,”. He further went on to say, “Israel believes that for peace to endure between Israelis and Palestinians, the viability of a Palestinian state cannot come at the expense of the viability of the one and only Jewish state.” “That is why Prime Minister Netanyahu expects to hear a reaffirmation from President Obama of U.S. Commitments made to Israel in 2004, which were overwhelmingly supported by both Houses of Congress.” “Among other things,” Netanyahu reminded Obama, “those commitments relate to Israel not having to withdraw to the 1967 lines which are both indefensible and which would leave major Israeli population centers in Judea and Samaria beyond those lines.” “Those commitments also ensure Israel’s well-being as a Jewish state by making clear that Palestinian refugees will settle in a future Palestinian state rather than in Israel.” “Without a solution to the Palestinian refugee problem outside the borders of Israel, no territorial concession will bring peace.” “Equally, the Palestinians, and not just the United States, must recognize Israel as the nation state of the Jewish people, and any peace agreement with them must end all claims against Israel.” “Prime Minister Netanyahu will make clear that the defence of Israel requires an Israeli military presence along the Jordan River.” “Prime Minister Netanyahu will also express his disappointment over the Palestinian Authority’s decision to embrace Hamas, a terror organization committed to Israel’s destruction, as well as over Mahmoud Abbas’s recently expressed views which grossly distort history and make clear that Abbas seeks a Palestinian state in order to continue the conflict with Israel rather than end it.” False peace T he bible clearly states that in the last days a heated conflict would ensue between Israel and her Arab neighbours based on claims to territorial rights. And in that conflict a great desperation would then realize across, not only the region but more specifically Israel. It is that particular desperation that the bible projects as a catalyst that will portend for a peaceful settlement of sorts in order to avert a disastrous culmination, a nuclear crisis inclusive. Today’s generation is the most blessed and extraordinarily positioned, since our LORD Jesus walked in Jerusalem centuries ago. This generation can verily testify to more prophecies fulfilled in their lifetime than in all the generations leading up to the 1948 formation of the state of Israel. It is critical to mention that, at the dawn of the formation of the nation of Israel, the wheels of the endtime prophetic clock began to spin towards a zero-countdown. With the fig tree resprouted and Israel born at midnight of that May 15th, 1948, the church of Christ began to asterick one passing day
  • 7. 7Repentance & Holiness Magazine Israeli Embassy in Moscow on May 19th, 2011, on allegations of spying, one can clearly see that not only has Russia taken a hostile stand against Israel, but also embraced the Arab sentiments and position regarding Israel. This is a significant development at this hour since Russia and the Arab states constitute the Gog and Magog that were prophesied as coming to storm Israel. Several Palestinian groups have continued to fire missiles into Israel even unto the present day, a testament to their declaration of a long-term strategy to eliminate Israel all together. Central to this struggle has been their intent to take over Jerusalem, the capital city of Israel. One of the reasons why the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict will not end soon, is because of the Arab belief that any piece of property they ever occupied, must hence be recovered by ‘Jihad,’ or holy war. Furthermore, some of the Arab states refuse to relinquish their goals to destroy the Jewish state. This call to delete I s r a e l from the map of the world has also come from the Persian state of Iran. Coming conflict T he LORD long foresaw the ongoing peace negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians. The bible clearly foretells of a huge confederacy of Arab nations under the leadership of Russia, that would in the last days join forces to attack the Jewish state of Israel. In that prophecy, the LORD also emphasized on the Aliyah in which Jews are returning from exile (Ezekiel chapter 38 & chapter 39). In her current state, the Russian Federation still sustains a huge bulk of KGB personnel and military generals who have after the other, in her prophetic calendar towards the return of the Messiah and the final establishment of the kingdom of GOD Almighty throughout the entire earth. In the past years Israel and her Palestinian neighbours have attempted to sign various ‘peace accords’ in a process that was aimed at ending the decades of hostilities. The late Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin and Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat signed what was supposed to have been a historic ‘Peace Treaty between their two peoples. Following that ‘Peace Treaty’ the Israeli Defence Forces (IDF) rapidly withdrew from Gaza and major parts of the West Bank, including even the biblical ancient city Jericho. However, that so- called ‘Peace Treaty’ turned out to be more elusive than real, on the ground todate. President Barack Obama’s May 19th, 2011, policy initiatives were aimed at initiating the peace process again. Even the most believing of observers and critics are still left with no choice but wonder whether this would mean true peace this time around. With the current Arab Uprising at its peak, and the rebirth ofArabnationalisminthe offing, it would appear that temperatures are currently overheating in the expression of sentiments towards the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. This can only imply that all these ineffective Peace Deals that Israel has been signing with the Palestinians, were just but foretelling a form of the on-coming of the Grand False Peace deals that Israel will eventually sign with the antichrist. The institution of that false ‘Peace Treaty’ with Israel will inexorably lead to the invasion of Israel. In his most recent celebrated one of a kind press briefing, the Russian President Medvedev came out in sharp contrast to the US and Israeli policies towards the Middle-East, when he said that Russia would not use its UN Security Council vote to rebuke the current massacre of civilians in Syria, however horrendous it got. Coupled with the most recent arrest and expulsion of one of Israel’s diplomats in the been reportedly absorbed from the former Military-Industrial Complex into the various sectors of government. The most recent espionage and infiltration of New York by the female Russian spy and their eventual discovery and arrest, testifies to the continued strength of the KGB. These represents hardliners whose ideology would indeed conform to a cold-war stance of a kind described in Ezekiel’s confrontation. “I will go up against a land of unwalled villages; I will go to a peaceful people, who dwell safely, all of them dwelling without walls, and having neither bars nor gates” (Ezekiel 38:11). With Israel spending the largest proportion of its budget on the military than any other nation on the earth, one can only imagine that in the backdrop of the current rider of the Black Horse, and the global economic crisis; any peace treaty that off-loads a significant fraction of her resources from defence spending to economic growth would be a most welcome move in the Jewish state. However, the tragedy would then become the failure of such a peace accord if it turns out to be a false ‘Peace Treaty’. The false ‘Peace Accord’ would be of great interest to the Arab world especially that it would disengage Israel’s significant investment into the military and defence of its borders. This is what would act as an impetus for the Arab states to attack compromised Israel. Blessedly though, that most revered battle over Israel would be won by GOD’s spectacular intervention with such a huge supernatural force that would obliterate the Russian and Arab armies. Therefore, the current developments in Israel are indeed meant to signal to the church of Christ to prepare the way for the glorious coming of our LORD Jesus in the rapture. This calls for a holy and righteous living in anticipation of our most blessed deliverance. 28 And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh (Luke 21:28). Why The LORD Spoke About Golan Heights I t is critical to perceive why the LORD in that March 18th, 2011 vision, categorically spoke about the eminent threat that was looming over the green hills of the Golan Heights. This is because the Golan Heights represent a position of great strategic military importance for the survival of the state of Israel. From the Golan Heights one can oversee the entire land of Israel thereby presenting her greatest security vulnerability. Secondly, most of the water resources that sustain livelihood in Israel originate from the green hills of the Golan Heights. Transferring custodianship of the Golan Heights to the Syrians, or the Arabs for that matter, would present a national military strategic suicide and a greater risk of poisoning the entire water resources of Israel. Notwithstanding, one must be cognizant of the close proximity and ties that Syria shares with Iran a well confessed arch enemy of Israel. The compromise on the Israeli-Syrian border at the Golan Heights would give Iran a foothold from which to launch her evil schemes aimed at deleting Israel from the map of the world. Indeed that is the reason that God Almighty greatly highlighted in that vision, the danger that was looming as the enemies of Israel planned to attack the Golan Heights. 8 But thou, Israel, art my servant, Jacob whom I have chosen, the seed of Abraham my friend. 9 Thou whom I have taken from the ends of the earth, and called thee from the chief men thereof, and said unto thee, Thou art my servant; I have chosen thee, and not cast thee away. 10 Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy GOD: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness (Isaiah 41:8-10).
  • 8. 8 Repentance & Holiness Magazine the LORD that was about to come upon the entire face of the earth. Through this landmark vision, it was evident to me that GOD had now called the attention of the nations to the unfolding of the beginning of birthpains. I could clearly derive that when the fullness of time would realize, through the impact of this critical apocalyptic vision, GOD would compel the awareness of the peoples of the earth, and direct the attention of their minds to the prophecies concerning the Messiah. This is what would cause an awakening of the souls of men to the great event of His glorious advent. It was clearly perceivable that beneath the violent guise of the tumult that would highlight the fulfilment of this ominous prophecy, mankind would ultimately recognize the presence of Divinity. While standing before the Mighty revealed (Romans 8:19). B ecause Christ came to utter words of Truth which should be clearly and definitely well understood, He as the Author of Truth, must have intended to sieve that Truth from the corrupting chaff of man’s utterances. On account of this decay in church, it one day came to pass that the hour beheld for GOD Almighty to finally reveal His standard benchmark on Christ’s return. This is what ultimately compelled the LORD to unveil the secrets of heaven in a stunning vision, regarding events that were just about to befall the planet earth. Stunning vision B eyond the night of July 10, 2005,intotheweemorning hours of July 11, 2005, the LORD GOD Almighty visited with me in the most unusual manner yet. In that grand visitation, everything that the LORD Spoke about, directly pointed at a crucial season, which would unfold upon the face of the earth. That late night/early morning superlative visitation of the LORD encompassed an enormous prophecy of things that were on- coming, and that would smite the entire face of the earth, in a manner never ever witnessed before. While caught up in that superfluous vision, the Spirit of the LORD lifted me up from the surface of the earth and I found myself instantaneously standing right before the Throne Of GOD Almighty in heaven. It was then that the Holy Spirit enabled me to hear the stern deliberations that were on-going at the Throne of GOD, regarding the judgment of The Stunning July 11, 2005 Prophecy that violently Shook & shattered the entire earth to this Day ... Watch Prophecy onYoutube @ The Beginning Of Birthpains SmitesThe Nations F or hundreds of years, the Scriptures had been translated into a mellow accent that caramelized the word, then widely preached throughout the world in hot pursuit of physical comfort on earthly wealth and health. Owing to that culpability in the Sanctuary, many have since longed for a religion that could satisfy their now empty souls. While the light of the Truth seems to have departed from among today’s christian believers, there is however a remnant of souls who are in genuine quest of that light, and hence today overtaken with bafflement and grief. They are indeed thirsting for the knowledge of the Mighty GOD of Israel Whom they had once known, and seeking at least some assurance of a life beyond the tombs. Yet, it is not the same again, with today’s church. The church of this present age should have recognized that Jesus did not begin His ministry by some great work before the Pharisees of Jerusalem. It was rather in a household gathering in a little Galilee village called Cana, that His Power was put forth to add to the joy of a wedding. So it is today that the LORD indeed seeks a church that will simply be available to Him in order to add to the joy of the oncoming wedding. Today, the church’s appearance has changed to the extent that it bears the traces of her conflict with the righteousness of GOD. And yet the LORD is right now in pursuit of a new expression of dignity and power in the church, as evidence of HIS heavenly mission on the earth. The creation waits in eager expectation for the sons of GOD to be Throne of GOD, I heard the Voice from within the glory say, “The LORD knows that His Altar in the four corners of the earth is totally defiled” “I have no Dwelling Place.” Immediately after that, the LORD made me aware that His heart had expressed a lot of wrath, anger, pain, and profound sadness at the fact that HE had No Dwelling among men. In that vision, the Spirit of the LORD made me aware that JEHOVAH’s heart was pensive and heavily distressed about the condition of His Altar across the different nations of the earth. Following that lamentation that I was privileged to hear in heaven, the Spirit of the LORD then further opened my eyes to see the Lamb of GOD break the seals on the Scroll of GOD. At that particular juncture in this vision, the Spirit of the LORD immediately whisked me back to the earth. It was whilst back on earth, that I then noticed the countenance of the earth having suddenly transformed into a dark green appearance like there was a storm coming its way. Following that, the Almighty bestowed upon me an even greater divine understanding. I was then able to see the future of the earth, and that with the righteous remnant from this heathen world, the LORD would supply the means for the believer’s journey through the sojourn of darkness The 2005 Prophecy: When The Nations Of The Earth Were Severely Warned On The Upcoming Wrath! Foreword . . . that was on-coming, by means of the revival of souls. When The Angel Of The LORD Came Flying Down From Heaven W hen the object of this grandeur vision in heaven was accomplished, then came the second segment as the Spirit of the LORD lifted me back to the earth. In this vision, as I looked up from the earth towards heaven, I witnessed the unfolding of an astonishing phenomenon. In that vision, I saw heaven open and behold two heavenly hosts departed from heaven and began to head towards the earth. The more they descended towards the earth, the more I attained clarity of their Being. Watching from the
  • 9. 9Repentance & Holiness Magazine These sentiments recount to the nations what I had seen and heard at this visitation. At that point in this austere vision, I felt more like a concluding declaration was being drawn in my heart with a strong urge that I had found Him, of Whom Moses in the Law, and the prophets, did write (John 1:45). No sooner had the fear of standing in His presence began to grip me, than the angel on my left-hand side said in a loud voice; “Now you can see what is about to happen to the earth.” The LORD and His angel then immediately left towards the ends of the earth, in a rush that undoubtedly depicted the urgency of this word. As I watched on, the Spirit of the LORD further opened my eyes, enabling me to see them as they flew across the nations of the earth. One nation after the other was visited. Debris on Earth O ne thing that struck and stunnedmeinthisvisitation, was the manner in which the angel of the LORD flew across the face of the earth. It was the amount of ravaging destruction that the angel of the LORD left behind as he flew past every nation, that indeed underscored the gravity and impact of this prophecy. From a distance, the angel of the LORD then said with a loud voice; “DESTRUCTION COMING TO THE EARTH” Withthesewordsoutofhismouth, I saw mayhem, tempest, confusion, and wanton destruction befall the planet earth, in a manner never ever witnessed before. Immediately debris covered the earth, especially trailing the nations that the angel of the LORD had visited. The mayhem came about as a result of the most historic Earthquakes and Tsunamis which had now come upon the face of the earth, in that vision. The Earthquakes that the LORD showed me as coming, were so historic as has never happened on the face of the earth. They Horrific Haiti Earthquake Horrific Haiti Earthquake Historic Chile Earthquake Horrific China Earthquake Deadly New Zealand Quake Deadly New Zealand Quake The Open ScrollForeword . . . earth, I quickly realized that these two heavenly hosts were actually angels coming down from heaven, towards the earth. (Other features of the appearance that these heavenly hosts bore, have been purposely withheld from this article). What became most stunning was that these two angels came down flying, with their powerful wings spread out. This was however my first time to witness the angel of the LORD literally flying on his wings, and swiftly gliding across the clouds. It is indeed a shocking sight to behold! Then instantaneously, when these two heavenly hosts arrived on the earth, they remarkably stood right in front of me. Landing right before me, these angels of the GOD of Israel, presented such a Majesty as no words can ever express. The angel that stood on my left-hand side, immediately began to Speak to me about the most holy Words a message from HE that sits on the Throne, Whose Name is JEHOVAH the GOD of Israel. It was at that particular moment, while standing in his overwhelming presence, that I quickly realized that this conversation was one way, as this stunning messenger of GOD, conveyed to me what the GOD of heaven and earth had decided. And that such a decision had been reached owing to the condition of man’s heart. The more I continued to listen to the angel of JEHOVAH GOD, the more I became convinced that as a matter of fact HIS words were heavily constituted by what had already been deliberated on, in the heavenly council of GOD. When this specific angel on my left-hand side began to talk with me on what GOD Almighty in heaven had in his right-hand, was as a matter of fact the Scroll of GOD Almighty. To my surprise, when I just glanced at that Scroll, it became vividly evident that the Seals of the Scroll had already been broken. This is what enabled that angel on my left-hand side to show me the inside inscriptions of the Scroll of GOD Almighty in heaven. This Mighty angel on my left-hand side then further concluded that; “Because Of The Defiled Altar of the LORD, The Judgment Of The LORD Is Coming Upon The Entire Face Of The Earth.” The Second Angel T hus with those stern words, it was unmistakable that the angel on my left, did not show his sympathy with men, and hence his desire to minister to the repugnance of their apostasy, became well manifest. That is when I began to pay particular attention to the Next Angel on my right- hand side, who had remained virtually quiet throughout the entire conversation. H o w e v e r , contrary to the presentation of the Angel on my left-hand side, The Angel on my right-hand side nevertheless beheld so much glory, around Himself, that I could hardly stare in HIS direction. It was at that specific instant in the vision, that it finally dawned on me that my fears were right. I trembled in this vision when I came face to face with the fact that This Angel on my right-hand side, whose glory bestowed the entire place with overwhelming radiance, was as a matter of fact, the LORD HIMSELF. His stunning Glory, Authority and Majesty assured me that He could be no other than the Son of Man HIMSELF. In that vision, my eyes followed Him with reverence, and the desire to call Him Master. of GOD Almighty in heaven. This mighty heavenly host relayed to me resolved, it right away dawned on me that the object he was holding
  • 10. 10 Repentance & Holiness Magazine were accompanied by the most horrific and historic Floods ever recorded since the day of inception of mother earth. Even as the angel of the LORD went away, it appeared as though he flew in the direction of the sunset. This is owing to the glowing reddish orange rays that I could see ahead of him, as he continued on with his mission. This could have implied that he came from the direction of the East and was headed west. It also imputes to the fact that when the onset of all these events comes to pass, it would be at sundowner. Similarly, the sunset-like rays upon the angel of the LORD could also have been the flames that would be lit up, upon the arrival of these earthquakes and tsunamis. They would then have to be earthquake-ignited fires. One could not rule out either flames that would be induced by mayhem, riots and protests in those nations. Then came the stunning heaps upon heaps, of humongous quantities of mangled debris upon the face of the earth as she had been smitten. As the intensity of Earthquakes beheld the nations, electric transformers also blew up, setting up huge fires upon large quantities of property. Untold levels of destruction devastated the Debris Cover Earth earth, to the extent that Tsunamis, Floods, Fires, Civil wars, resulted into huge quantities of mangled debris. Devastation . . . T he mutilating force of destruction that I saw come upon the earth, was so enormous that it smashed and totally disfigured property, civil structures, roads, rails, and human civilization beyond recognition. To say the least, debris littered the path of these unforgiving quakes, storms, floods, wars and human unrest! It was upon witnessing this level of upcoming wanton destruction, that I finally realized how in this vision, my witnessing had been reduced into wandering glances regarding the testimony the earth was about to bear. It was a state of helplessness! I observed as the earthly populace succumbed in a state of utter terror! It was the that the nations of the earth have encroached into. By providence, the light of GOD is ever shining amidst the darkness of this world. Hence, relaying the right conception from this milestone vision, required a careful study that seeks to fathom the mysteries hidden in the bright path of light that Jesus brought, than implicitly intuiting. I knew it too well that this is what would behold the glory of the Creator, in the midst of such an ominous prophecy that was promising an unforgiving demolition of earthly civilization. As the world sets forth its best wine first, and afterwards, that which is worse, so does it with its gifts of post-modernism (John 2:1-11). That which may offer as enticing to the eye, and enthralling to the world, later proves to be ungratifying. It is as though in this prophecy the LORD was saying that the wine of disobedience that this world offers easily turns to bitterness, with its jauntiness quickly turning to gloom. That is the only plausible explanation as to why all such a ‘sweet’ post-modernism and civilization of man, could suddenly turn unbelievably perishable. The Stunning Prophecy That Shook The Earth & Shattered Debris All Over U pon waking up from that most astonishing apocalyptic visitation of the LORD, the fate of the nations in this post-modern world, eminently became precariously lamentable. Following this horrid vision, the Spirit of the LORD right away led me to begin prophesying in that August 2005. In those unyielding utterances, I said; “Because of the defiled Altar of the LORD across the nations of the earth, I see the judgment of JEHOVAH coming upon the nations of the earth.” To quote in verbatim, in that historic prophecy, I further went on to say; “I see destruction coming to the earth, and many nations shall indeed be afflicted. The Judgment of the LORD is coming upon the face of the earth. The Judgment of the LORD is indeed upon the face of the earth, I see debris scattered all over the earth.” As the Spirit of the LORD continued to lead me into making these pronouncements, He compelled me to speak to the four corners of the earth to repent and turn away from all form of sin and iniquity. The words of this prophecy to the nations, undoubtedly expressed the law of GOD’s dealing with disobedient man. Sexual sin, lust, immorality, falsehood, lies, witchcraft, worldliness, were among the key objects of this wrathful communique from the LORD to the inhabitants of the earth. The LORD likewise commanded the eastern religions to turn away from idol worship that He may restore them to himself. As the LORD led me to hand down these pron- ouncements, I could almost hear Him say that when all these things come to pass, the word of Christ alone could impart to that mayhem a life-giving virtue. In other words, I knew it too well that when all these things became fulfilled, a horrid confusion would reign such that only through the power of Christ, would mankind retain the efficacy to renourish the depraved soul. Owing to this, the sorrow of the audiences at which these pronouncements were made, was comforted with at least, the promise of Christ’s glorious return. Historic Floods D uring a nationally televised weekly TV program on the Kenya Broadcasting Corporation (KBC) television network that was aired on the 7th of August 2005, I began to proclaim the coming of historic Debris/Haiti Quake Debris following the Historic Japan Earthquake & Tsunami Debris/Haiti Quake Foreword . . . Debris:Tornado aftermath, Joplin USA, Volcanic Eruption in Iceland mostvulnerablepostureIhaveseen the earth assume. Furthermore, in that vision, The Spirit of the LORD enabled me to observe the vastness of debris that would cover the faces of the nations, and the consequent aftermath of attempting to clean up. To the inhabitants of the earth, it became an insurmountable task to accomplish. I watched on further as the mundane chore of cleaning up bogged down the inhabitants of the earth into complete dysfunction and frailty. The destruction that the LORD permitted me to witness, seemed to occur at different levels of intensities, and at different times and seasons. It was as though the lesson of the old testament must be fully set before men. Then I woke up in total shock at what the LORD had just alluded to me, as coming to smite mankind. Discerning D iscerning the exact impact of this vision required a stringent adherence to the word of GOD. It demanded a detailed understanding of the times
  • 11. 11Repentance & Holiness Magazine Bloodbath in Mexico Dead bodies in Libya Massacre in Yemen Foreword . . . Debris on earthtsunamis and floods upon the face of the earth. In that well publicized television program, I once again reiterated that historic Earthquakes like never seen before, would have to strike the planet earth, in the event that the nations failed to repent and turn away from sin. In verbatim, that prophecy said; ‘The LORD is going to shake half the planet earth. Half of the earth will shake tremendously because of this judgment, so that the dwellers of the earth may know, that when this happens, it is GOD who has caused it to happen. ‘What else have I seen viewers?’ I asked, ‘I have seen debris and destruction again, let me tell you this . . .’ In that 8am television program, I then further said, ‘I have seen tremendous Earthquakes coming to the earth! Very tremendous.’ ‘Who tells the ocean where to stop?’ ‘I have seen monumental floods coming to hit the earth again, another level of floods. And then the Spirit of the LORD led me to further say that, ‘I have seen tremendous death coming to the earth.’Through it all, it emerged vividly obvious that this prophecy handed down to me by the angel of the LORD, was directly meant to reprove self-indulgence in all its forms. It is a prophecy that accepts the hospitality of all classes by paying a visit to all households, both the rich and poor, learned and the ignorant, as it shakes and sieves the people’s of the earth for the kingdom of GOD. Beneath this humongous prophecy was the luminous light of GOD in His Total Majesty of righteousness. For those who hearken onto righteousness, they would see the compassionate Redeemer in this historic shake- up. 7 When the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of GOD shouted for joy? 8 Or who shut up the sea with doors, when it brake forth, as if it had issued out of the womb? (Job 38:7-8). . . .when I said, ‘This far you may come and no farther; here is where your proud waves halt’? (Job 38:11). This is what essentially graduated the prophecy when I saw the historic floods of that vision and fearfully exclaimed to the nations; ‘Who tells the ocean where to stop?’ DOUBLE-EDGED SWORD I t was during the same period, while in Dodoma, Tanzania, that the LORD again Spoke with me regarding this most horrific judgment that was coming to befall the nations of the earth. In a Pastors’ Conference held in July 2005, in Dodoma, the LORD visited with me that night in a follow-up vision to that of July 11. In that vision, GOD Almighty Spoke with me in yet another stern conversation, at night. At the core of that vision, was the conviction that the gravitational centre of man’s relationship with the LORD rested on holiness. Going by that vision, I well understood it that in GOD’s view, human understanding, trust, hope, service and worship, all indeed rested on the bedrock of morality. And a crisis in the latter spelt doom. What equally projected out clearly was the fact that GOD Almighty, Yahweh, is the Great King over all the heaven and the earth, and One to Whom all things must be subject. The Cup of GOD D uring that vision, heaven opened, and I saw the Person of the Holy Spirit descend all the way from heaven, down towards the earth. When HE came from heaven, and had reached closer to me, I noticed that HE was carrying a cup in His HANDS. The cup that the Person of the Holy Spirit carried in that vision, was a stunning white glorious cup. Then all of a sudden, I saw the Person of the Holy Spirit turn that cup that was already full, and poured its contents upon the face of the earth. It was then that The Holy Spirit came back again, and HE handed me down a SWORD from heaven. The SWORD that GOD the Holy Spirit placed in my hands, was a shocking most glittering SWORD, whose sharpness was razor-thin. After which HE asked me, ‘What do you see happening with this SWORD?’ With a great longing to know, I looked at the SWORD that the LORD had handed me, and realized that it was a unique SWORD with two blades. As I held the SWORD of the LORD, I saw that it had four sharp edges that all converged at the handle. Then the Person of the Holy Spirit came and touched the same spot on the handle, from where I held the SWORD. And then HE asked in a loud voice, ‘What do you see now?’ As I looked at the SWORD again, then the Holy Spirit Spoke and said, ‘Now the Judgment of the LORD is coming to the nations of the earth, to the next level.’ His Wrath B ecause HE alone is the Sovereign GOD, waking up from that tremendous vision, I realized that all the universe, the nations included, are indeed governed by HIS HAND. I then went ahead to say in a Sunday August 2005 television broadcast, ‘What do I see viewers, what do I see coming to you. You must understand that GOD is now going to bring destruction upon the face of the earth.’ And I said, ‘I have seen historic war coming to the planet earth.’ ‘I have seen tremendous quakes, floods tsunamis wars and death coming to the planet earth.’ In that television program I proceeded the viewership, ‘Why is the Father showing me the wrath of HIS anger?’ ‘HIS wrath is coming against the nations of the earth, because the Altar of the LORD is broken and defiled.’ While the future of the godly into the kingdom of GOD was seemingly far rated by this prophecy, their protection thereof by the LORD is nevertheless guaranteed by the Holy Spirit. Dwelling place T he LORD then again appeared to me in a mighty visitation two days later In that visitation of the LORD, the voice of JEHOVAH Spoke and Said, ‘Look I have no a dwelling place. I am looking for a home and a dwelling place.’ That whole night the LORD Talked to me about a Dwelling Place. I still remember that when I woke up and was very sad, I indeed felt the way the LORD HIMSELF had felt. He was very sad looking for a Dwelling Place. And that only meant that no one could be able to say to themselves that this is the Temple of the LORD, for surely it was not the Temple of the LORD any more, because it was defiled. In the subsequent television programmes, I was then compelled by the Holy Spirit to say, ‘When the LORD looks at Australia, HE sees sexual sin, yet when HE looks at Africa HE sees sexual sin and witchcraft sweeping the continent of Africa. Heavy duty witchcraft upon the Altar of the LORD. Asia bears the eastern religion of yoga, hinduism, buddhist, etc, etc. During those proclamations, it became very easy to recognize man’s total dependence upon JEHOVAH, HE who opposes the proud who rely on their own resources, that they have contrived. Contrarily, it immediately struck me that the humble, the poor and needy, who acknowledge their dependence on the LORD on all things, are the ones in whom GOD delights, hence would endear HIS protection upon. This kind of ominous prophecy attests to the fact that pride yields disobedience and even though the proud may seem to prosper, GOD will bring them down to death, their final end. The post-modern earth and its inhabitants have been so proud to the LORD due to their civilization and modernization.
  • 12. 12 Repentance & Holiness Magazine The show casing of the tower of Babel! Alternatively, the humble who delight in the fear of the LORD, trusting in HIM, and obeying HIS requirements, are indeed the wise before the LORD. The LORD in this prophecy portrays clearly that those who embrace the fear of the LORD will inherit the kingdom of GOD and that, not even death can hinder their seeing the face of GOD. Why the Distress: The condition of man’s heart T his most portentous July 11, 2005 visitation, presents what the post-modern world would term an affront to prosperity and human civilization. It is as though GOD Almighty was determined to demolish the big leap that man had scored in technological and infrastructural frameworks for comfortable and safe living in this day and age. Many may ask, ‘Why then would a loving GOD turn against mankind to such an order?’ The truth however is that JEHOVAH GOD in Heaven had impatiently awaited the return of mankind (Jeremiah 8:4-8). As time passed by, and mankind did not appear, His suspicions were roused. The unwillingness of the shepherds to clearly point out on the matter of the Messiah’s glorious return, seemed to indicate that they had penetrated GOD’s design and had purposely avoided preparing for the coming of the LORD. The mere thought that His own creation could attempt to avoid the most momentous celebration of the Cross at the Marriage Supper of the Lamb, undoubtedly maddened GOD. Hence, by sending this July 11, 2005 angel to make such ominous pronouncements, vividly paints a clear picture that reason had failed, but there was now left the resolve to godly force, 18 “Come now, let us settle the matter,” says the LORD. “Though your sins are like scarlet. they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool. 19 If you are willing and obedient, you will eat the good things of the land (Isaiah 1:18- 19). With such pronouncements of a horrendous judgment in the horizon, it appeared that GOD Almighty had now decided to make an example of rebellious mankind! And they that were the haughty residents of this planet earth should now see what they might expect in their attempt to place earthly prosperity and immorality on the Throne. In what might serve as a perfect replay of tragedy, when Israel had similarly attempted to adorn a golden calf and place at His Altar, it became a lasting controversy that saw many millions lose their lives, from the w i l d e r n e s s even unto this day. The present-day church of Christ too, has fallen into this same tragedy, by attempting to enthrone that same earthly prosperity and promiscuity of this age, at His holy Altar in the Sanctuary. The LORD GOD Almighty, was indeed on this July 11th day, determined to send home the most important message, that at this hour, only the Messiah must be enthroned in the hearts of men. This calamity that the angel of the LORD was now decreeing on that July 11, 2005, mankind had brought it upon themselves. If only they had been walking in meek faithfulness and humility before the LORD, He would have, in a historic manner made the wrath of His endtime virtue literally harmless to them. But they had separated themselves from GOD by their sin and they had rejected the Holy Spirit Who was their Only Shield and Defender. Even the christians did not well perceive that it was their supercilious boast that the Messiah was to come as King to conquer. Hence, if the current global calamity and tragedy were anything to go by, then one can only imagine for themselves the level of destruction that the King of Kings will unleash upon the disobedient and proud enemies of GOD (Heb 10:26-31; Heb 6:4-6). They had not studied the scriptures with the desire to conform their lives to the will of GOD. Yet they have instead today searched for scriptures which could be interpreted to exalt and surround them with the intoxicating and promiscuous prosperity of this evil world. Through their gross misinterpretation of the word for selfish gain, GOD Almighty finally purposed to compass the destruction of their rising tower of Babel, which today we can clearly see, has turned upon their own heads. And this is the condition of men’s heart that has caused unbearable agony in heaven. GOD Almighty is today speaking using the cruelty of these beginning of birthpains to affirm to mankind that if we have given our hearts to Jesus, then we should also bring our gifts of holy worship unto Him. Put in perspective, the holy church of Christ, is today being bidden by this overwhelming angel of the LORD in this vision. The night is nearly over and the church must now prepare in earnest that she might fulfil that which has been spoken of her by the prophets. Right now, the present- day christian faces an indomitable challenge to summount in order to live a holy and separated life. This is owing to the admixture of spiritual ‘foreigner’ that have dwelt with the church in a compromising christian lifestyle. Through this monumental July 11, 2005 vision, GOD’s grief at man’s apostasy is unquestionably well evidenced. In this day and age, the Almighty Creator is seeking those christians who can fully submit their lives unto the overruling authority of the Holy Spirit. The example of Christ in linking Himself with the interests of humanity would then be faithfully adhered to, for purposes of bringing the gospel of His grace to the perishing souls. As disciples of Christ, JEHOVAH GOD expects the church at this hour to have separated herself from mingling with the world for mere love of pleasure. Instead the Omnipotent expects that all christian believer should become witnesses for Christ, by allowing the Holy Spirit to sanctify their social power using the grace of Christ in order to win souls into the kingdom. This is what will shine the light of Christ and withdraw christian salvation from being viewed as an exacting religion. GOD Almighty indeed initially intended that mankind should present as partakers of HIS holy divine nature. The departure from this blueprint is unmistakably the root cause of this July 11, 2005 pronouncement of a controversy between the Creator and the creation. Being a last-minute ditch to reprove the church and the nations, this landmark prophecy can in essence be termed GOD’s last call of love. Foreword . . .
  • 13. 13Repentance & Holiness Magazine Crippled Got Up & Walked Away The After 24Years of being crippled, GOD Almighty touched her. 2 4-year old Margaret Atieno was born crippled and lived all her life in a little humble village called Usenge, by Lake Victoria, in Western Kenya. In her condition, she was literally incapacitated since she could not walk, let alone getting up by herself. Margaret had already resigned to her condition knowing too well that nothing else could medically redeem her. However, when the meeting of the LORD was announced for Nyeri in Central Province of Kenya, precious Margaret saw a humongous B orn crippled, this man spent all the 60 years of his life on the floor, without ever being able to get up, let alone walking. However, when the Power of the LORD descended at the Mighty Nakuru Revival Meeting, this man was touched very heavily and when he woke up, he discovered that his crippled legs had been strengthened and that he could now get up alone and learnt to walk for the first time in his life. It was big drama as this man gloriously stretched his first ‘baby steps’ in life. Glory to GOD in the Highest! opportunity to present her case before the LORD and try to see if the LORD could remember her. She made sure that she arrived at the Nyeri meeting promptly very early. Then come that Saturday April 16th, 2011 when the Prophet of the LORD walked into the stadium of the Meeting and decreed that the cripples would get up and walk away that day. The Power of GOD hit Atieno and slayed her to the ground; as she puts it in her own words, “Nilishtuka tu ninatembea” translated as When I woke up, I just got shocked that I could now get up and walk.” The entire Crippled for 60 yrs T here was absolute stun in the stadium as this very old crippled woman was touched by the LORD and totally slayed. The people that had brought her were absolutely very shocked to see her get up with her weak crippled legs and attempt to walk. To the stun of the entire stadium, she indeed managed to walk with her very deformed legs. Only later did everyone realize that her weak deformed legs had actually been strengthened by the Power of the LORD that descended into the Ruringu Stadium in Nyeri. The multitude shouted Halleluhia to the Glory of the LORD, for what they had seen, was a good thing to the eyes of men. The LORD had visited them. Drama as very old Crippled woman walks stadium went wild in Jubilation for their GOD JEHOVAH had visited. Crippled Got Up & Walked Away
  • 14. 14 Repentance & Holiness Magazine atheism, have simply presented as a mere harbinger that indicates on the level of decay in that land. The Pyramid of Cholula, popularly known as Pyramid de Cholula, has over the years prided herself as a focal point of convergence at which various witches congregate to observe an annual festival known as dia de san miguel. Such a day always fell on September 29th of every year, commonly referred to as St. Michael’s day. The mauling indifference with which the church in Mexico turned to her own practices, in the midst of such a heinous sin, is what could have even enraged the jealousy of the most wicked of ad hoc witches! Their act in the catholic church of Mexico, indeed must have called forth no expression of joy at all in the heart of the LORD, but rather surprise, shock, mingled with utter unquenchablerage.Theabomination that one runs into in some of the well established Mexican cathedrals, is such a detestable act that must have definitely wrenched GOD’s heart to tatters. The placing of a huge monumental statue of an F or a long time now, the precious people of Mexico had become so credulous to believethatalifespentincatholicism, idol worship, sexual immorality and the witchcraft of brugeria/chiseria, could secure them a joyous and stable future. Moreover, the soaring phenomenon that has over the years excited the keenest of global interest on Mexico, has been none other than the stunning tourist beaches she spots on both the Atlantic and Pacific coasts. With all the awe of their beauties, these tourist resorts have unfortunately paid homage to a precipitous form of sexual immorality ever witnessed. Coupled with a tradition of an agnostic form of secularism, these aspects of the Mexican society have not only defined the texture of that nation, but also outlined its unique characteristic. Considering another yet most disturbing spectacle of human sacrifice that Mexico is involved in, all these aspects of sexual sin, witchcraft, and Mayhem in Mexico Unveiling the 2004 Forewarning Mexicoʼs Detestable Idols Enraged GOD: Some of the Idols that litter and becloud Mexicoʼs countenance before the LORD. The LORD had warned that HE would severely judge them for worshipping these detestable Idols eagle with two heads, is in itself a monumental act that undoubtedly cannot portray the worshipping of JEHOVAH. Such statues only befit the adoration of an evil monster at the altar of the LORD, whichever way one looks at it. How about the burial of priests and bishops at the altar of the LORD, where the children of JEHOVAH kneel down before the LORD and kiss those glass encasing of dried and immortalized corpses! While all this goes on, the Pentecostal and Evangelical churches that should have been the light in the nation of Mexico, have instead fallen to the temptations of the gospel of prosperity. With its appetites and worldly passions, this money-orietented preaching has largely appealed to the physical nature, and hence most effectual in corrupting and degrading worship in the sanctuary of JEHOVAH, at the expense of acting the role of the rod of God in Mexico Through its beguiling intemperance, the rampant gospel of prosperity in Mexico Pentecostal church has destroyed the mental and moral powers of the gospel of the blood and the cross that GOD gave man in that land, as a priceless endowment. This is what has rendered the nation of Mexico a repugnant form of heathenism and caused the catholic church to get away with littering the land with huge statues right inside and on the roof tops of their churches. These are the large statues that have been moulded to depict human appearance, and named after the celestial beings, to look like angels. With all this happening in Mexico, the land literally transformed herself into a regional hub of idol and satanic worship. Thus it became impossible for men to appreciate things of eternal worth. The uncontrolled indulgence and consequent disease and degradation that consumed Mexico, was with such intensity of evil, that could only be equitable with Sodom and Gomorrah before the floods. Every imagination of the thoughts and the hearts of the people became evil to the extent that an inexpressible anguish consumed those who feared that the wrath of GOD could one day befall. Out of the complacency of the church, satan made the people of Mexico believe that they must sacrifice their conscientious convictions for idols and immorality, instead of a strict adherence to JEHOVAH their Creator and HIS righteous
  • 15. 15Repentance & Holiness Magazine that mission, did not want His wrath to come upon them, without a prior warning, lest men be led to fear GOD as one Who delights in their destruction. Vision of Satanic Rituals in Monterrey U pon arriving in the city of Monterrey, the LORD led me to proclaim the need for a national repentance in Mexico, and especially within the church. The LORD JEHOVAH then began to Speak to me in mighty visions, and by His voice, about the horrid state of sin and defilement in Mexico. It was then that I once got the opportunity to visit a suburb of Monterrey called Guadalupe. While atGuadalupe,theLORD vividlySpoke to me in a radical vision that would later change the entire state of the affair in Mexico. In that vision, I saw the communities that inhabited the mountains of Monterrey. As I observed further on, the Spirit of the LORD highlighted the kind of worship that was ongoing on the mountain slopes. Key among the events that grieved the LORD in that vision, was the slaughtering of white dogs as sacrifice to the devil. In that vision, the LORD specifically emphasized on how those communities gathered themselves to partake of that evil worship laws. If they had learned the power of GOD’s word, they would have followed the requirements of the LORD, and would not have followed the suggestions of satan in order to obtain food or save their lives. Only one question would have mattered, ‘What are the righteous requirements of the LORD?’ A contradiction would hence have never developed between the LORD GOD and Mexico. Why GOD Almighty Shaved my Head W hen GOD Almighty saw that their return was not forthcoming, He decided to hold dominion over the state of worship in Mexico. That meant that he would now have to hold the people of Mexico to responsibility on worship. Considering that Christ Jesus had earlier come to disapprove satan’s claim over worship, in order that man may stand loyal to GOD, then this demonic adoration that was now thriving in that land, is totally uncalled for. In this way, the Son of Man had indeed scored a landmark victory that achieved an unparalleled milestone status in the life of man, that they may now worship JEHOVAH blamelessly. Owing to this, GOD Almighty saw no reason whatsoever for man’s loathsomeness in worshipping satan and idols again, as was now occurring in Mexico. This is the sole reason as to why the LORD sent me to Mexico in that 2004, to awaken their souls on the fact that they had grossly misrepresented GOD, and very much misinterpreted His rites of worship. The LORD in prophecy at all. However, come the next day Monday, the LORD indeed made good of His threat to shake the mountain slopes of Monterrey at which they had raised high places for devil worship. It was so severe that huge boulders of rock began to roll from the mountain slopes coming down and striking homes in the process. Such a phenomenon had never been witnessed in Monterrey, especially that the rocks were snow-white boulders. The news outlets were saturated with reportages on this unusual occurrence. Those that had listened to the prophecy being delivered 24-hours before its final fulfilments were shocked and dumbfounded at this act of GOD. This probably marked the beginning of what would later turn out to be a long-running controversy between the LORD GOD Almighty and the people of Mexico. It was a controversy that centered around the act of repentance. GOD had desired that the people of Mexico repent and be restored by His precious Holy Spirit. Such a restoration the LORD intended to ignite from the church. Vision of Leopard W hile those satanic rituals andabominablesacrifices went on, the LORD discerned a symbol of communion between wicked man and the devil. It became very apparent that the enemy had worked to blind the people of Mexico to these rites, that they may reject Christ at His glorious and most anticipated coming. It was about the same time while still at the surburb of Guadalupe, that the Word of the LORD again came to me in a second vision. It was such a monumental vision to the extent that the Spirit of the LORD literally lifted me up, and took me onto a mountain top, and all across Mexico. It was while still in this vision, that I witnessed the most stunning episode of the conflict between good and evil. It developed into one of the most bruising conflicts I ever witnessed sacrifice as dogs were slaughtered. The LORD equally showed me the stones that were being laid down in building the altars for satanic worship. It was a blood sacrifice at which some portions were cremated as burnt offering. The White Stones F ollowing this disturbing vision of satanic worship on the mountain slopes, the GOD of heaven led me to proclaim the first warning on Mexico. At a Sunday service in a church known as Iglesia Cristiana Agua Viva, I proclaimed to the people of Monterrey on the need for Mexico to repent for defiling the altar of the LORD and the land set before them. However, that admonition did not come without the consequences of the failure to repent. The LORD clearly asserted at that Sunday service that a failure to repent would elicit His wrath upon the mountain slopes at which satanic blood sacrifices were being offered. In that Sunday service, I said that a failure to repent would cause the mountain slopes to shake violently, with huge boulders of white ice-like rocks rolling down from top to the bottom. And in that declaration, the LORD said, ‘If you don’t repent and turn away from the satanic blood sacrifices and idol worship, tomorrow by this time, there will be a severe quake shake those defiled mountain slopes and white stones will roll down.’ What became particularly most shocking that it took everyone by surprised especially that they were accustomed to the mellow preachings of prosperity and wellness. At that time no one in the church perceived the gravity of this Mountains of Monterrey
  • 16. 16 Repentance & Holiness Magazine yet. Little did I know then in January 2004, that this would become the prophecy of the national tragedy that would later befall the nation of Mexico. At this mountain top, the LORD showed me a ferocious leopard that was scouting around as people went about their normal business. However, what particularly turned calamitous in this vision, was the fact that all of a sudden, the atmosphere on that mountain top became very cloudy and terrifying. It presented more like a storm was on-coming. The ferocious leopard in that vision instantly attacked the people on that Mexican mountain top and began to devour them in the most ferocious manner ever witnessed. As the leopard devoured the people of that land, things got so bad when many other little leopards appeared in that vision. These evil beasts mauled the people to the extent that the entire land was covered with body parts and lots of bloodshed all over the land. The body parts I saw in this vision, were strewn all over the land after which I woke up from that conversation with the LORD. GOD’S Hand Shaves My Head & Beard M any times, the LORD GOD Almighty pleads with nations on their need for repentance and a holier lifestyle. Such was the case that surfaced on Mexico, in that 2004 when the LORD intended to consecrate their lives. During my visit to the Monterrey surburb of Guadalupe, the LORD sternly Spoke with me a final time, on this very need for the people of Mexico to turn away from sin and the heinous act of sacrificing to the devil. In that final conversation, it appeared as though the LORD was aware of the hard-heartedness with which the message of repentance would be confronted. It was a vision in which by voice the LORD Spoke to me saying, ‘Go South.’ And immediately in that vision, the LORD showed me a southern town at which He had placed two people to receive me. However, right in myself in that vision, telling them to repent and prepare the way for the Coming of the Messiah, otherwise His wrath would consume them. And then I woke up from that vision of the LORD. Right away, I understood that GOD Almighty was extremely angry that satan had taken advantage of the weakness of humanity at this most critical hour in the zero-countdown to rapture. Prophecy of Bloodshed W aking up from that very astounding vision of the LORD, I immediately obeyed the LORD and shaved all the hair on my head in front of a bathroom mirror, as commanded. I then divided my shaved hair into three portions and separated them. With the first portion of hair in my hands, I walked out of the house and then did as the LORD had decreed in that vision. While outside the house and facing the mountains of Monterrey, I blew away every piece and strand of the first batch of my shaved hair and the wind indeed scattered them all across that land of Mexico. At that moment, this is what I pronounced on the land and the people of Mexico, as I did so; ‘And you shall know that the LORD GOD Almighty has Spoken.’ Although I continued to hold onto the second and the third batches of my shaved hair, nevertheless, with the second batch, I got a sharp knife and began to stab it severally and repeatedly as GOD had now commanded. And Burnt My Hair in the City Centre W ith the third batch of my shaved hair, the LORD allowed me to travel from north to south all across Mexico, from Monterrey to Tapachula and back to Puebla. In that journey, I constantly decreed that the nation of Mexico will for sure know that the LORD GOD Almighty has Spoken. Upon reaching Tapachula, I again headed north with the third batch of my shaved hair till I got to Veracruz and Ciudad de Puebla. It was then at Puebla that the LORD allowed me to pitch tent as I continued forewarning the Pentecostal and catholic churches to repent from their sin of complacency, and then lead the entire Mexico into a national repentance for the great abomination they have committed before JEHOVAH. Among the members of churches that responded to this call for repentance were pastors, doctors, lawyers, dentists, widows, simple lay people, orphans, etc. It was then on one Friday afternoon, when I requested one of the doctors to drive me and show the exact city square in Puebla. He drove with me till the centre of the city, parked at a distance and said as he pointed, ‘This is the city square.’ Disembarking from the car, I went right into the city square and took the last one third of my shaved hair and set it ablaze with a newspaper page at the dead centre of the city of Puebla. Many onlookers including the doctor that had just led me there, were very stunned at what act this could be. I then took the last few strands of that third batch of hair and placed between my belt and the trouser. This I did while the middle of that vision, I saw the tremendous mighty HAND of GOD come from heaven, towards me. Right away, I realized that the tremendous mighty HAND of GOD carried a blade. It was then that to my stun, I realized that the LORD was shaving my head in that shocking vision. As the LORD shaved my head, He also placed a mirror right in front of me. In that way, I saw it all, in the way His mighty HAND shaved my head clean. However, what was even more baffling, is that in that vision the LORD collected every piece of my hair that He had just shaved into His left HAND and poured it into my hands. Every little piece of my hair, the LORD collected. It was then that I saw myself in that vision, walking outside facing the mountain at which there was satanic blood sacrifice. Immediately, I stood face to face with those mountain slopes, I saw myself in that vision blowing away and scattering every piece of my hair that the LORD had just shaved. As I blew my hair in that vision, I saw the wind of the LORD blow it further away to cover the whole nation of Mexico from the Atlantic coast to the Pacific coast. It was a most stunning vision to behold! The voice of the LORD said, ‘This is what will happen to this land.’ Towards the end of this astonishing vision, the LORD again showed me myself travelling all across Mexico and warning of the dire consequences of a failure to REPENT and turn away from all sin including satanic blood sacrifices. I heard And The LORD Repeatedly Struck A Third Of My Cut Hair With His Sharp Sword: And When The Prophecy Came To Pass, The Sharp SWORD Of The LORD Indeed Butchered Mexico.
  • 17. 17Repentance & Holiness Magazine pronouncing the following words; ‘And this nation shall for sure know that the LORD GOD Almighty has Spoken and that I am His Servant.’ At that point, I then knew that I had accomplished the will of GOD for this land of Mexico, and that their repentance would have to be a must because the LORD had Spoken. The hair of my head that the LORD had shaved in Monterrey had finally then gone the full circle across the major cities of Mexico including Ciudad Mexico, Puebla, Guadalahara, Oaxaca, Guerrerro, Cancun, Acapulco, Xlaxacala, Monterrey, Veracruz, Villa Hermosa, Cholula, including the little rural resorts by the Pacific Ocean. Spotlight I t must have surely been in the time of their greatest weakness, that Mexico was assailed by the fiercest of temptations in worship. That is the only way in which they could have turned into devil worship, idol worship, and the blood sacrifice of dogs, right in the eyes of JEHOVAH, without anyone in that nation raising a finger. By the time the LORD GOD Almighty had now decided to shave my head in that vision, heaven had for sure foreseen that the petrous hearts of Mexicans would not easily yield to repentance. By causing me to shave my head in Monterrey, and blow away the first batch, the LORD was essentially Speaking to the nation of Mexico an ominous prophecy. In that act, the LORD was saying that in the same way I blew the shaved hair of my head, so would He scatter the people of Mexico, in the event that they failed to heed the call to repentance. In the same timbre, and relating to the second batch of my shaved hair, that JEHOVAH commanded me to severally and repeatedly stab using a sharp knife, there was much beheld. It was as a matter of fact, a very classic historic act in which the LORD Spoke a most awful message of bloodshed that was coming to Mexico. In that shocking act of stabbing my hair severally and repeatedly with a sharp knife, the LORD was up. A fire will spread from there to the whole house of Israel.’ ‘This is what the Sovereign LORD Says: This is Jerusalem, which I have set in the centre of the nations, with countries all around her. Yet in her wickedness, she has rebelled against my laws and decrees more than the nations and countries around her. SHE HAS REJECTED MY LAWS AND HAS NOT FOLLOWED MY DECREES.’ ‘Therefore this is what the Sovereign LORD says: You have been more unruly than the nations around you and have not followed my decrees or kept my laws. You have not even conformed to the standards of the nations around you.’ ‘Therefore this is what the Sovereign LORD says: I myself am against you, Jerusalem, and I WILL INFLICT PUNISHMENT UPON YOU IN THE SIGHT OF THE NATIONS. BECAUSE OF ALL YOUR DETESTABLE IDOLS, I WILL DO TO YOU WHAT I HAVE NEVER DONE BEFORE AND WILL NEVER DO AGAIN. Therefore in your midst fathers will eat their children and children will eat their fathers. I will inflict punishment on you and WILL SCATTER ALL YOUR SURVIVORS TO THE WINDS. Therefore, as surely as I live, declares the Sovereign LORD, because YOU HAVE DEFILED MY SANCTUARY WITH ALL YOUR VILE IMAGES AND DETESTABLE PRACTICES, I myself will withdraw my favour; I will not look on you with pity or spare you. A third of your people will die of the plague or perish by famine inside you; A THIRD WILL FALL BY THE SWORD OUTSIDE YOUR WALL; and a third I will scatter to the winds AND PURSUE WITH DRAWN SWORDS.’ ‘Then my anger will cease and my wrath against them will subside and I will be avenged. And when I have spent my wrath upon them, they will know that I the LORD have Spoken in my ZEAL. ‘I will make you a ruin and a reproach among the nations around you, in the sight of all who pass by. YOU WILL BE A REPROACH AND A TAUNT, A WARNING AND AN OBJECT OF virtually implying that in the failure of repentance and the continuation of idol and devil worship, He would be left with no choice, but to butcher the nation of Mexico, and pursue them with His sharp sword. The LORD JEHOVAH was essentially handing down a stern warning on the horrendous bloodshed that would soak the land of Mexico. As for the third consignment of my shaved hair, which was subjected to burning at the city square in Puebla, the LORD fundamentally bespoke a forewarning on His fire that would set ablaze the cities of Mexico. The smoke that smouldered out of my burning hair in the centre of Puebla city, basically foretold of the great smoke that would fume from the cities of Mexico, when the day of His wrath finally arrived. Perspective T he exact meaning of GOD shaving my head and blowing the hair away, in a tremendous scatter, could only be perceived by making reference to biblical scriptural motifs that touch on that bizarre deed. In ancient times, GOD’s covenant people had too suffered such a decay as was now afflicting Mexico. When Israel’s strength was waning away, and their will power weakened, their faith ceased to repose in GOD, in a situation that caused those who had stood for the covenant, to be totally overwhelmed. The whole nation of Israel then fell to sin, in a situationthatcausedenormousgrief in the heart of the LORD. They were taken into captivity from where the LORD Spoke to His Servant Ezekiel. In one such conversation, the LORD commanded the Prophet Ezekiel to take a blade, shave his head, and blow away his shaved hair. It became a masterpiece event that foretold of the great mayhem and scattering that the LORD would bring upon the house of Jacob. And just as JEHOVAH had portrayed in that prophetic act, so did He bring mayhem into Israel and scatter the Israelites all over the globe. It became the most horrific episode of GOD’s Judgment yet, by virtue of its greatness in size and scope. ‘NOW,SON OF MAN,TAKE A SHARP SWORD AND USE IT AS A BARBER’S RAZOR TO SHAVE YOUR HEAD AND YOUR BEARD. Then take a set of scales and divide up the hair. When the days of your siege come to an end, burn A THIRD OF THE HAIR WITH FIRE INSIDE THE CITY. TAKE A THIRD AND STRIKE IT WITH THE SWORD ALL AROUND THE CITY. AND SCATTER A THIRD TO THE WIND. FOR I WILL PURSUE THEM WITH DRAWN SWORD. But take a few strands of hair and tuck them away in the folds of your garment. Again, take a few of these and throw them into the fire and burn them The Leopard Devoured: When the Prophecy of the Leopard that would Human Skeletons uncovered Devour Rebellious Mexico, Came to Pass, indeed Mass Graves appeared in Mexico. That Leopard for sure Devoured the Nation of Mexico. Dead Bodies and Body Parts were assuredly strewn in the land of Mexico. Repent Mexico! Rotting Dead Bodies UncoveredRotting Dead Bodies Uncovered