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Kaleab tesfaye (BSCPH,MPH)
 Health
 Different perspectives on Health
 Determinants of Health
 Globalization and Health
 Model of Disease causation theories
 History of public health
 Definition of public health
 Major disciplines in public health
 Definition.
 Relation of culture and health
 Introduction
 Structure of Traditional Medicine
Ethno medical definition of Health
 Naturalistic ethnologies:
 Magico-religious domain
 Traditional Prenatal care
 Secular Healing
 Self care
 Empirical Practitioners
 Family
 Family Health
 Hygiene
 Introduction
 The difference between development and economic growth
 The role of health in development
 Relation ship between health and development
 Health and the millennium development goal
 History of health service development in Ethiopia
 Reorganization of the health service delivery
 Health service coverage and distribution
 Introduction
 Definition
 Historical development of PHC
 Components of PHC
 PHC Principles
 PHC Philosophy and strategy
 PHC in Ethiopia
 Introduction
 Community responsibility
 Community health councils
 Community involvement in health (CIH)
 Team approach in health service
 Need for the health service team
 The health team
 Leader of the health team
 At the end of this chapter, the students are expected to:
 Define health
 Describe the different concepts and perspectives of Health.
 Describe determinants of health.
 Define globalization & list its advantages and disadvantages on
health population.
 Describe the different models of disease causation theories
 The word health is widely used in public communication, and
yet its meaning looks simple.
 Lay Point of view:
 Persons are healthy when they are doing their activities
with no apparent symptoms of disease in them.
 The New oxford Dictionary of English describes health as
‘the state of being free from illness or injury’.
 Professional points of view:
 From this point, health is defined as a measure of the state of the
physical bodily Organs, and the ability of the body as a whole to
 It refers to freedom from medically defined diseases.
 WHO definition:
 The world Health Organization (WHO) described health in1948,
in the preamble to its constitution, as “A state of complete
physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the
absence of disease or infirmity”.
 Recently this statement has been expanded to include the ability
to lead a “socially and economically productive life”.
 Physical health
 is concerned with anatomical integrity and physiological
functioning of the body.
 It means the ability to perform routine tasks without any
physical restriction.
E.g., Physical fitness is needed to walk from place to place.
 Mental Health
 is the ability to learn and think clearly and coherently.
E.g. a person who is not mentally fit (retarded) could not
learn something new at a pace in which an ordinary normal
person learns.
 Social health
 is the ability to make and maintain acceptable interaction
with other people.
E.g. to celebrate during festivals; to mourn when a close
family member dies; to create and maintain friendship and
intimacy, etc.
 Emotional health
 is the ability of expressing emotions in the appropriate way,
for example to fear, to be happy, and to be angry.
 The response of the body should be congruent with
that of the stimuli.
 Emotional health is related to mental health and
includes feelings.
 It also means maintaining one’s own integrity in the presence
of stressful situation such as tension, depression and anxiety.
 Spiritual Health - Some people relate health with religion; for
others it has to do with personal values, beliefs, principles and
ways of achieving mental satisfaction, in which all are related to
their spiritual well- being.
Different perspectives on health
 Health is viewed as a right, as consumption good, and as an
 The WHO constitution sates that “ . . . the enjoyment of the
highest attainable standard of health is one of the fundamental
rights of every human being without distinction of race, religion,
political belief, economic or social condition”.
 Others view health as an important individual objective of
material aspect i.e. as consumption good.
 The third view considers health as an investment, indicates
health as an important prerequisite for development because of
its consequence on the overall production through its effect
on the productive ability of the productive force
Determinants of health
 There are different perspectives in expressing the determinants of
health of an individual or a community.
 The health field concept
 According to the “Health field” concept.
 There are four major determinants of health or ill health.
A. Human Biology
 Every Human being is made of genes. In addition, there are
factors, which are genetically transmitted from parents to
 As a result, there is a chance of transferring defective
trait. The modern medicine does not have a significant
role in these cases.
a. Genetic Counseling: For instance during marriage parents could
be made aware of their genetic component in order to overcome
some risks that could arise.
b. Genetic Engineering: may have a role in cases like Breast cancer.
B. Environment: is all that which is external to the individual
human host.
 Those are factors outside the human body.
 Environmental factors that could influence health include:
a. Life support, food, water, air etc
b. Physical factors, climate, Rain fall
c. Biological factors: microorganisms, toxins, Biological waste,
d. Psycho-social and economic e.g. Crowding, income level, access
to health care
e. Chemical factors: industrial wastes, agricultural wastes, air
pollution, etc
C. Life style (Behavior)
 is an action that has a specific frequency, duration,
and purpose, whether conscious or unconscious.
 It is associated with practice.
 It is what we do and how we act.
 Recently life style by itself received an increased amount of
attention as a major determinant of health.
 Life style of individuals affects their health directly or indirectly.
 For example: Cigarette smoking
Unsafe sexual practice
Eating contaminated food
D. Health care organization
 Health care organizations in terms of their resource in human
power, equipments, money and so on determine the health of
 It is concerned with
 a. Availability of health service
People living in areas where there is no access to health
service are affected by health problems and have lower
health status than those with accessible health services.
 b. Scarcity of Health Services leads to inefficient health service
and resulting in poor quality of health status of people.
 c. Acceptability of the service by the community
 d. Accessibility : in terms of physical distance, finance etc
 e. Quality of care that mainly focuses on the
comprehensiveness, continuity and integration of the health care.
 The other view of the determinants of health is from the
ecological perspective.
 Accordingly, there are four different factors affecting health
 1. Physical Determinants
 The physical factors affecting the health of a community
 the geography (e.g. high land versus low land),
 the environment (e.g. manmade or natural
catastrophes) and
 the industrial development (e.g. pollution
occupational hazards)
 2. Socio – cultural determinants
 The socio- cultural factors affecting the health of a
community include
 the beliefs, traditions, and social customs in the
 It also involves the economy, politics and religion in the
 3. Community organization
 Community organization include the community size,
arrangement and distribution of resources (“relations of
 4. Behavioral determinants
 The behavioral determinants affecting health include
individual behavior and life style affecting the health of an
individual and the community.
 E.g. smoking, alcoholism and promiscuity
Globalization and Health
 Globalization is
 the process of increasing political and social
 and global integration that takes place as capital,
traded goods, persons, concepts, images, ideas
 and Values diffuse across the stated boundaries.
 The effects of Globalization on health are diverse; these can be
positive, negative or mixed.
Effects of Globalization on health includes
 Externalities of some diseases due to increased communication
decreased human mobility
 Accelerated economic growth and technological advances
have enhanced health and life expectancy in many population
 Increasing effects of international and bilateral agencies
(structural adjustment programs and Global initiatives)
 Jeopardizing population health Via erosion of social and
environmental conditions and exacerbating inequalities.
 Fragmentation and weakening of labor markets due to greater
power of mobile capital
 Tobacco induced diseases
 Food markets & obesity as well as chemicals in food
 Rapid spread of infectious diseases
 Depression in aged and fragmented population
 Adverse effects on the environment
Model of disease causation theories
 A model is a representation of a system that specifies its
components and the relationships among the variables
 E.g. includes graphs, charts, and decision trees
 I Nineteen-century models
 Each effort to prevent disease in the 19th century was based on
one or the other three theories of disease causality. These are:
 1. Contagion theory
 2. Supernatural theory
 3. Personal behavior theory
 4. Miasma theory
Contagion theory
 This theory was common at the beginning of the 19th century.
 Most official disease prevention activities were based on the
hypothesis that illness is contagious.
 It required:
 Keeping sick people away from well people.
 The institution of quarantine of ships (the traditional period was
forty days la quarantine) during which time ships, their crews
and cargos waited off shores or at some isolated islands.
 Setting up military cordons around infected towns
 Isolation of households if they were infected, and
 Fumigating or washing the bedding and clothing of the sick.
Supernatural theory
 Proponents of this theory argue that supernatural forces cause
 Disease prevention measures based on this theory were important
to the religious people.
 The view among them was that disease is a punishment for
transgression of God’s laws.
Personal behavior theory
 This theory held that disease results from wrong personal
 It was democratic and ante authoritarian in intent since it gave
responsibility to individuals to control their own lives
Miasma theory
 This theory argues that disease is caused by the odor of a decaying
of organic materials.
 It dates back to the Hippocratic idea that disease is related to
 It contrasted sharply from the other three theories since it
conceptually separated the source of the disease from the victim
of the disease.
II Twenty-century models
 Although economic and ideological considerations influenced the
19th century disease prevention policy, sound research determines
policy today.
 The 20th century theory focuses on:
 1. The Germ Theory
 2. The Life Style Theory
 3. The Environmental Theory
 4 . The Multi Causal Theory
1. The Germ Theory
 It held the notion that microorganisms cause diseases
 it is possible to control diseases using antibiotics and vaccines.
 There was criticism on this theory by Thomas Mckeown that
stated as the incidence of all major infectious diseases begun to
fall several decades before the introduction of vaccines and
2. The Life Style Theory
 This holds that unhealthy lifestyles are causes for diseases.
 This hypothesis blames stress, lack of exercise, the use of alcohol
and tobacco improper nutrition for most chronic diseases.
 They emphasize the interrelatedness of many variables in disease
causality, principally those under the control of the individual.
3. The Environmental Theory
 The first aspect of the environmental hypothesis is occupational hazards,
 the second concentrates on toxic substances in the air water and soil
(advocates of this theory places particular emphasis on radioactivity),
 and the third aspect focus on synthetic additives to foods “organic foods”
4. The Multi Causal Theory
 It is also called the web of disease causation.
 express that there are multiple factors for a cause of a single disease entity.
 Its shortcomings are it gives few clues on
 how to prevent disease,
 the actual prevention policies it implies are inefficient in
many ways
 and there is a gap between what it promises and what
epidemiologist’s deliver.
Learning Objectives
 At the end of this chapter, the students are expected to:
 Discuss the history of public health
 Define public health and list its core activities.
 Be aware of the definition of key terms in public health
 Recognize the principal disciplines of public health
 Describe the difference and similarities between clinical
medicine and community health.
 Discuss the ethical issues and challenges in public health
History of public Health
 The history of public health goes back to almost as long as history
of civilization.
 In the Ancient Societies (before 500 BC) the history is that of
archeological findings from the Indus valley (North India) around
2000 BC with the evidence of bathrooms and drains in homes and
sewer below street level.
 There was evidence of drainage systems in the middle kingdom of
ancient Egypt in the time 2700 -2000 BC.
 There were written records concerning public health, codes of
Hammurabi of Babylon, 3900 years ago.
 In The Classical Cultures (500 BC - 500 AD) public health was
practiced as Olympics for physical fitness, community sanitation
and water wells
 In the middle ages (500 - 1500 AD), health problems were
considered as having spiritual cause and solutions.
 The era of renaissance and exploration (1500 - 1700 AD)
 There was a growing belief that diseases were caused by
environment, not by spirits and critical thinking about disease
causation e.g. "malaria" - bad air.
 In the eighteen century, there were problems of industrialization,
urban slums leading to unsanitary conditions and unsafe work
 Edward Jenner (1796) demonstrated vaccination against
 In the nineteenth century there was real progress towards
understanding the causes of communicable diseases.
 The Luis Pasture's germ theory (1862) and Koch's Postulate
(1876) were remarkable progresses.
Definition of public health
 Public health is defined as the science and art of preventing
diseases, prolonging life, promoting health and efficiencies
through organized community effort.
 It is concerned with the health of the whole population and the
prevention of disease from which it suffers.
Key Terms in the definition
Health Promotion
 is a guiding concept involving activities intended to enhance
individual and community health well-being.
 It seeks to increase involvement and control of the individual
and the community in their own health.
 It acts to improve health and social welfare, and to reduce
specific determinants of diseases and risk factors that
adversely affect the health and productive capacities of an
individual or society.
 is a key element in public health and is applicable in the
community, clinics or hospitals, and in all other service settings.
 Raising awareness and informing people about health and lifestyle
factors that might put them at risk requires teaching.
 The Elements of Health promotion comprises of
1. Addressing the population as a whole in health related issues ,
in every day life as well as people at risk for specific diseases:
2. Directing action to risk factors or causes of illness or death;
3. Undertaking activities to seek out and remedy risk factors in
the community that adversely affect health;
4. Promoting factors that contribute to a better condition of
health of the population;
5. Initiating actions against health hazards ,including
communication ,education, legislation ,fiscal measures,
organizational change ,community development , and
spontaneous local activities ;
6. Involving public participation in defining problems ,deciding
on action;
7. Advocating relevant environmental ,health , and social policy
8. Encouraging health professionals’ participation in health
education and health policy.
 Prevention refers to the goals of medicine that are to promote,
to preserve, and to restore health when it is impaired, and to
minimize suffering and distress.
 There are three levels of prevention:
 Primary Prevention refers to those activities that are
undertaken to prevent the disease and injury from occurring.
 It works with both the individual and the community.
 It may be directed at the host, to increase resistance to the agent
(such as immunization or cessation of smoking),
 or may be directed at environmental activities to reduce
conditions favorable to the vector for a biological agent, such as
mosquito vectors of malaria.
 Secondary Prevention is the early diagnosis and management
to prevent complications from a disease.
 It includes steps to isolate cases and treat or immunize contacts
to prevent further epidemic outbreaks.
 Tertiary Prevention involves activities directed at the host but
also at the environment in order to promote rehabilitation,
restoration, and maintenance of maximum function after the
disease and its complications have stabilized.
 Providing a wheelchair, special toilet facilities, doors, ramps,
and transportation services for paraplegics are often the most
vital factors for rehabilitation.
 is the process of restoring a person’s social identity by
repossession of his/her normal roles and functions in society.
 It involves the restoration and maintenance of a patient’s
physical, psychological, social, emotional, and vocational
 Interventions are directed towards the consequences of disease
and injury.
 The provision of high quality rehabilitation services in a
community should include the following:
 1. Conducting a full assessment of people with disabilities
and suitable support systems;
 2. Establishing a clear care plan;
 3. Providing measures and services to deliver the care
● Nutrition: is the science of food, the nutrients and other
substances therein, their action, interaction and balance in
relation to health and disease.
● Reproductive health: is a state of complete physical, mental and
social being not only absence of disease or infirmity, in all
matters relating to reproductive system and to its functions
and process.
● Environmental Health The basic approach to environmental
control is first to identify specific biologic, chemical, social and
physical factors that represent hazards to health or well-being
and to modify the environment in a manner that protects
people from harmful exposures.
The principal components of environmental health are
water sanitation, waste disposal , etc
● Health Education is defined as a combination of learning
experiences designed to facilitate voluntary actions conducive to
health. It is an essential part of health promotion.
● Epidemiology is the study of frequency, distribution, and
determinants of diseases and other related states or events in
specified populations and the application of this study to the
promotion of health and to the prevention and control of health
problems .
● Health Economics is concerned with the alternative uses of
resources in the health services sector and with the efficient
utilization of economic resources such as manpower, material
and financial resources.
● Biostatistics is the application of statistics to biological
problems; application of statistics especially to medical
problems, but its real meaning is broader.
● Health Service Management is getting people to work
harmoniously together and to make efficient use of resources in
order to achieve objectives.
● Ecology: is the study of relationship among living organisms
and their environment.
 It is the science, which deals with the inter-relationships
between the various organisms living in an area and their
relationship with the physical environment.
 Human ecology means the study of human groups as
influenced by environmental factors, including social and
behavioral factors.
● Research is a conscious action to acquire deeper knowledge
or new facts about scientific or technical subjects. It is a
systematic investigation towards increasing knowledge. It
aims at the discovery and interpretation of facts, revision of
accepted theories, or laws in the light of new facts or practical
application of such new theories or laws.
● Demography is the study of population, especially with
reference to size and density, fertility, mortality, growth, age
distribution, migration, and the interaction of all those with social
and economic conditions.
Core activities in public health
1. Preventing epidemics
2. Protecting the environment, work place ,food and water ;
3. Promoting healthy behavior;
4. Monitoring the health status of the population;
5. Mobilizing community action;
6. Responding to disasters;
7. Assuring the quality ,accessibility, and accountability of medical
8. Reaching to develop new insights and innovative solutions and
9. Leading the development of sound health policy and Planning
Community Health, Clinical Medicine and
Public Health
 Community health refers to the health status of a defined group
of people and the actions and conditions both private and
public (governmental) to promote, protect and preserve their
 Whereas Public health refers to the health status of a defined
group of people and the governmental actions and conditions
to promote, protect and preserve their health.
 Clinical medicine is concerned with diagnosing and treating
diseases in individual patients.
 It has evolved from primarily a medical and nursing
service to involve a highly complex team of professionals.
 The overall objective of both public health and clinical medicine
is better health for individual and for society.
 Both of them are vital and interdependent to improve
individual and public health.
 Public health involves both direct and indirect approaches.
Direct measures in public health include immunization of
children, modern birth control, hypertension, and diabetes
case findings.
 Indirect methods used in public health protect the
individual by community –wide means, such as raising
standards of environmental safety, assurance of a safe water
supply, sewage disposal, and improved nutrition.
In public health practice, both the direct and indirect
approaches are relevant.
Ethical issues and challenges in public health
 Public health is usually viewed as a broad social movement, a
way of asserting social justice, value and priority to human
life. On the other hand, market justice prevents the fair
distribution of burdens and benefits among society.
 The following are challenges and ethical concerns in public
 1. Political conservatism and public health – in this
view, politics conserves the broad vision of public health
and prefers it to limit into a technical enterprise focusing
on controlling communicable diseases and a safety
net providing medical care to the indigent.
 2 Collective scope and individualism – individualistic
societies resist the notion of public health’s concern for
the collective
3. Economic impacts - public health regulations affects the
industries (E.g. tobacco), those paying for the public health
benefits may not necessarily be the beneficiaries
 (E.g. Regulatory actions for worker safety raising
costs to consumers),
 people may not be willing to pay costs for benefits
that would accrue in the long future (E.g. measures
to limit global warming)
 and it is easier to calculate current costs incurred
for public health than the benefits that would come
4. Promoting public welfare versus individual liberty – the extent
to which governments should restrict individual freedom for the
purpose of improving community health ( E.g. AIDS control in
5. Paternalism versus libertarianism – restrictions on individual
behavior for protecting their own health (E.g. enforcing seat belts).
libertarianism claims that “the only purpose for which power
can be rightfully exercised over any member of a civilized
community ,against her / his will is if her/his act harms others(
E.g. regulate drunk behavior no drinking)
6. Public health measures and religion/moral – some public health
measures are not acceptable on religious and moral grounds ,(E.g.
sex education and distribution of contraceptives and/or condoms
to adolescences),
7. Values and responsibilities - health authorities deciding on
values and choices of those they serve (e.g. whether some one
should not take the responsibility on behavior causing ill health
such as smokers, alcoholics, promiscuous people ),decision on
whether to emphasize HIV/AIDS prevention versus ARV therapy
in poor countries, the extent of providing access to benefits to
research subjects
8. Surveillance versus cure – involves hoe to deal with sick
subjects identified in routine survey/data collection
9. Dilemmas in cost benefit analysis – the difficulty of valuing
life, and values to be assigned for the rich versus the poor.
Learning Objectives
• At the end of this chapter, the students are expected to:
• Define culture
• Describe the relationship between culture and health
• Discuss the influence of culture on health.
• Health is already defined in chapter one
 is that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art,
morale, law, customs and other capabilities and habits acquired
by man as a member of society.
 is the sum totals of the things that people do because of having
been taught.
 For the perpetuation of human race, man depends on culture,
which is a learned behavior.
The three suggested levels of culture include:
 Concrete -- the most visible tangible artifacts such as clothes,
music, art, food and games. Festivals and celebration focus on
these dimensions.
 Behavioral – practices reflect values and defined social and
gender roles, languages spoken, and approaches to non-verbal
communication. Behavioral aspects of culture include language,
gender roles, family structure, political affiliation, and
community organization.
 Symbolic – values and belief are often expressed in symbols
and rituals. Symbolic expression includes value systems,
religion, worldview, customs, spirituality, morals and ethics.
Relation of Culture and Health
 Culture is one of the determinants of health among the
environmental factors.
 An individual’s culture influences his or her attitude toward
various health issues, including perceptions of what is and is not
a health problem, methods of disease prevention, treatment of
illness, and use of health providers.
 We learn from our own cultural and ethnic backgrounds how to be
healthy, how to recognize illness, and how to be ill.
 To understand the cultural context of health, it is
essential to work with several key concepts:
1. The concept of insider and outsider
 The Insider shows the culture as viewed from within.
 It refers to the meaning that people attach to things
from their cultural perspective.
 For example, the view worms (ascaris) in children
are normal and are caused by eating sweets in the
perspective within some cultures.
 The outsider perspective refers to some thing as seen
from the outside. Rather than meaning, it conveys a
structural approach, or something as seen without
understanding its meaning for a culture.
 For example, that ascaris is contracted through
eggs ingested by contact with contaminated soil or
foods contaminated by contact with that soil. .
2. Ethnocentrisms refer to seeing ones own culture as "best".
 This is a natural tendency, because the survival and
perpetuation of a culture depends on teaching children to
accept it and on its members feeling that it is a good thing.
 Cultural relativism in anthropology refers to the idea that
each culture has developed its own ways of solving
problems of how to live together; how to obtain the
essential of life, such as food and shelter; how to
explain phenomena; and so on.
3. The concept of holism is also useful in looking at health and
disease cross culturally.
 Holism is an approach used by anthropologists that
looks at broad context of whatever phenomenon is
being studied.
 Holism involves staying alert for unexpected
influences, because one never knows what may have a
bearing on the program one is trying to implement.
 For public health, this is crucial because there may be
diverse factors influencing health and health behavior.
Learning Objectives
• At the end of this chapter, the students are expected to:
• Describe the traditional beliefs &practices linked to health
• Appreciate the importance of traditional health practices in
modern medicine
• Discuss the structure of traditional medicine
 Nowadays, there is a mix of western biomedicine and
indigenous practices in the health care in different parts of the
world, especially in developing counties.
 Countries like Brazil and China have well-developed traditional
medicine in their health care system.
 In Ethiopia an office for traditional medicine was established in
1975 with the task of co-coordinating nationalized activities.
Structure of Traditional Medicine
 traditional medicine in Ethiopia is characterized by great
variation and has been shaped by a host of ecological, social,
cultural and historical factors.
 First, variation in climate, elevation, topography and soil
type play a major role in the frequency and distribution of
diseases that traditional medicine is called up on to deal with.
 Example, it is people who are living in hot lands/low
lands are ethno medically familiar with visceral
leshmaniasis and trypanosomiasis unlike the people
living in high lands who have their healing practices on
common cold and rheumatism.
• Second the multiethnic character of the population and the
uniqueness of the individual socio-cultural environments with
in which it developed have influenced the Ethiopian ethno
medical system.
• Third, historical developments related to prolonged
immigration from different areas surrounding the country
such as the southern Arabian Peninsula, the influx of Greek
culture and the introduction of Christianity and Islam has
influenced the Ethiopian ethno medical heritage.
 The Ethiopian ethno medicine can be described as an integrated
system of beliefs and practices, characterized by an internally
coherent discourse on health and illness.
 Illness perception may either promote health-enhancing
behaviors, or it can lead to health lowering behaviors and
• The settlement pattern of Ethiopians concentrated in the
highlands is due to the traditional fear of malaria in the
lowland; which is an example to the health enhancing
• Where as the case of the traditional management of
diarrhea in children by mothers in which the Ethiopian
mothers believe that diarrhea is caused by teething, to
which they respond by limiting food and fluid with the
intention of decreasing the volume and frequency of
diarrhea is a negative practice.
• These popular beliefs can affect treatment decision-
Ethno medical definition of Health
 In the Ethiopian ethno medical setting, health is defined as a
state of equilibrium among the physiological, spiritual,
cosmological, ecological, and social forces surrounding man
 This state of balance is enhanced by factors of a spiritual
behavioral and physiological nature.
 First well-being is thought to be secured by a peaceful
relationship with the supernatural world (Sky-God, nature and
ancestral sprites, magical agents).
 Additionally behavioral modernization is considered as an
important promise for health looking.
 Conversely, any excess in drinking eating working and
uncontrolled conditions such as anger/grief may be conducive to
ill health.
 Moreover, a proper functioning of the human body is viewed as
being dependent on physiological and adequate food intake.
 For example in Ethiopian context intestinal worms constitutes
an integral part of the human body and when they exceed the
ideal number, they can cause ill health. This equilibrium can be
rectified through the traditional practice of taking powerful
vermifuge (e.g. “Kosso”) on a regular base.
 A number of factors influence the formulation of disease
Circumstances surrounding the illness episode
Individual subjectivity
Opinion of elders and significant others and
Demographic status (age, sex, religion)
 Nonetheless, two broad domains of ethnological theories are
identifiable in the Ethiopian ethno medical system.
 These are naturalistic and Magico-religious.
Naturalistic ethnologies
 In this ethological theory, aliments are ascribed to
causes pertaining to the empirical domain and
exclude the intervention of a supernatural agent.
Hence sickness may result from
 External factors – such as a faulty interaction with the
environment, e.g. drinking polluted water, eating unaccustomed
or bad food, atmospheric charges, inhaling dusts etc
 Contagion through physical contact with a sick person, e.g.
Sexual relationship, inhaling a sick person’s breath, drinking from
a sick person’s cup
 Interpersonal conflict, e.g. Wounds provoked by fights and
wife beating
 Personal excesses, e.g. prolonged exposure to sun and rain,
bathing in cold water, eating unripe crop, drinking immoderately
Magico- religious domain:
 In this domain of etiology for a disease, illnesses are attributed
to God, nature and demonic sprites (e.g. “Zar”) ancestral
ghosts, magical forces (evil eye, curse) and breach of social
taboos or personal vows.
 Violation of religious and social norms is thought to bring about
divine retribution in the form of epidemics.
 Moreover, sprits are believed to seize humans, bringing about
prolonged illness while the diagnosis of possession by a sprit
generally requires the validation of a ritual expert.
 Ailments such as mental illness and epilepsy are routinely
attributed to the action of an evil sprit.
 The fear of evil eye and sorcery is wide spread in Ethiopia.
 This phenomenon is known as “Buda” in several Ethiopian
Semetic and Cushitic languages, and in a variety of terms in some
other groups.
 This is usually associated with predominantly despised artisan
castes like potters, tanners, and blacksmiths.
 Furthermore, sorcery in Ethiopian socio-cultural context consists
of deliberate enticement of magical acts aimed at harming
 Usually, it takes place in a situation of interpersonal conflicts,
social deviance and/or desire for revenge.
 The Ethiopian ethno medical system comprises a number of folk
syndromes ascribed to both empirical and supernatural
 Example, the Sidamo label with the term “ranta” an
ailment characterized by chest pain and back pains, fatigue
and breathing difficulties.
 Its ethnology is described in empirical
terms, and it is thought to be triggered by
excess commonplace activities
e.g. Carrying heavy loads.
 The prescribed treatment includes drinking
goat’s blood, eating abundant food, horn
cupping, thermal baths and rest.
Traditional Perinatal Care
 The majorities of Ethiopian women deliver at home and follow
the traditional birth customs.
 In this context, traditional birth attendants play an important role
in prenatal and perinatal care.
 These traditional birth attendants possess a vast range of
cumulative knowledge in the field of midwifery and
gynecological therapy.
 They are called especially in the event of childbirth
 They facilitate deliveries through massaging and other form of
manipulation, often involving purification of the birth carnal with
 Traditional beliefs and practices concerning pregnancy and
childbirth are also wide spread.
 Ethno medical beliefs predominate in the explanation of
 For example in Sidamo, conception is thought to derive
from mixing of male seminal fluid with female blood,
while the function of female reproductive organs
appeared to be ignored.
 Pregnancy is considered a dangerous state as the fetus
could easily pray for evil eye and sorcery. These are
believed to cause miscarriage, premature delivery and
total malformation.
 Preparation for childbirth also entails empirical practices, which
aim at enhancing the health of both the expectant mother and the
 In some parts of the country, Kembata and Hadya, Kosso is
taken at various stages of the pregnancy with the main purpose of
cleaning the bowel as it would be “shameful for a woman to
show intestinal parasite at birth”, “making space for the
fetus”, and “keeping the fetus weight down” as the delivery of a
big baby would cause protracted and painful labor.
Secular Healing
 Many ailments are routinely explained with in as empirical
framework of illness etiology and treated with curative
practices, which do not involve Magico-religious rituals.
 In this domain various levels of specialization exists, ranging
from home remedies to professional treatment.
Self care
 Self-care by household with out the use of professional healers
is common through out Ethiopia.
 A popular remedy for different illnesses exists.
 For instance, remedies for headache include coffee and lemon
tea drinking, and most ethnic groups place eucalyptus leaves in
the nostrils to treat colds.
 Rheumatism and arthritis are treated with application of hot and
dry leaves on the afflicted part of the body, in some population
 Several skin problems are also treated at home, for example the
Sidamo apply a poultice derived from butter and leaves to
scabies caused burrows
Empirical Practitioners
 Beyond the self-care practices, Ethiopians use different variety of
traditional medical practitioners, who operate predominantly at
an empirical level.
 Group specific taxonomic terms distinguish further ethno
medical competence.
 Thus, a Sidamo traditional medical practitioner whose
field of expertise is restricted solely to the preparation of
herbal concoctions is designated with the term
“Taghissancho”, meaning medicine maker.
• The Amhara also classify the traditional medical practitioners as
herbalists, “Wegesha” (bonesetter), uvula cutter, and cupper.
• These people are not distinguishable from the rest of the
population in terms of social status or insignia.
• The majorities of them are engaged in farming and practice
medicine on part time basis.
 is popular medical practice in Ethiopia and is advised for
ailments such as conjunctivitis, headaches, ear infections, chronic
cough, and bone fracture.
 Although cautery is rarely harmful, cases of permanent disability
following cauterization were observed among the Sidamo.
 The attributed efficacy of cautery is based on the belief that the
emanation of heat destroys the pathogenic substance in side the
affected part of the body.
 Though rare, literatures report the practices of tonsillectomy
median episiotomies, amputation, and caesarian section.
 In Ethiopia presently the most common procedures that entail the
excision of an anatomical part are Circumcisions and Uvulectomy
Miscellaneous practices
 Additional ethno medical procedures include bathing, bone
setting and cupping.
 Thermal springs have traditionally been important in Ethiopia in
treating skin diseases, syphilis, leprosy, rheumatism, and other
 Segregation of highly contagious patients is generally enforced,
especially in case of leprosy.
 Bone setting techniques vary among ethnic groups.
 Traditional practitioners treat bone fractures, dislocation and
 Therapeutic cupping is practiced along side other bleeding
techniques. Its main objective is to extract “bad blood” from the
body, which is thought to be decaying internally causing tissue
swelling and ill health. It is prescribed for elephantiasis,
rheumatism, high fevers, headaches and others.
 Additional ethno medical practices include dentistry involving
the use of modern carpenter pliers to extract aching teeth, eye,
and brow cutting to treat conjunctivitis, and scrapping the buccal
tissue in the case of tonsillitis.
Learning objectives
At the end of this chapter, the students are expected to:
• Define Family and family health.
• Describe the reason why there is a focus on family health
 Family is a social unit composed of group of individuals who are
related by blood or marriage or adoption, live under the same roof
and share a common kitchen, and/or share common social
 Such social unit is defined primarily by reference to relationships
which pertain to arise from reproductive process and which are
regulated by law or custom, especially relationship established
between a couple by marriage and those existing between a couple
as parents and their children.
However, it has to be differentiated from household.
 Household consists of a group of individuals who share living
quarters, take their principal meal from the same kitchen, i.e. live
under the same roof, and eat from the same kitchen.
 There are two types of households- private households (or family
households) and institutional (or non-family) households like
hostels, jail, etc.
Nuclear family
 Nuclear family includes a male and female coup related by
marriage or living together by common consent, with or without
Extended family
 The extended family is multigenerational and consists the nuclear
family and relatives of both parties, whether or not living in close
geographic proximity.
 The extended family provides a broader basis of mutual support.
Family Health
 Family Health deals with problem of health of the whole family as
a single and fundamental social unit.
 Special and great emphasis is given to family health since the
problems of rapidly growing populations have important
consequences at the family, community and the national level.
 Problems of maternal and child health, and human reproduction,
including family planning, are now seen as aspects of the greater
problem of the health of the whole family.
Why do we focus on family health?
 The family structure provides an important foundation for
physical and emotional health of the individual and the
 A healthy family is a basis for a healthy society and healthy
 Marital and family status and interaction among family members
affect each person's health and the well being of the community
and nations
 Family health mainly focuses on maternal (mother’s) heath and
child health. Both at the national level and internationally,
maternal and child health are among the major priorities with
special focus on primary health care, since women and children
have health needs different from those of the general population.
Maternal health
 Maternal health deals with insuring safe mother hood for all
women of the world.
 This includes care for females starting from their conception
through various stages of growth and development with special
emphasis to women of childbearing age.
 Here pregnant mothers will get great emphasis towards care before
delivery (prenatal care), care during labor and delivery
Family Planning
 It is a conscious effort on the part of a couple in planning the size
of the family and thus consists of the restrictions of births or
limitation of births either temporarily to achieve the planned
interval between successive births or permanently to prevent more
births than planned by the usage of various contraceptive
 Family planning and spacing of pregnancy is a vital issue in
developing countries, where the burden of frequent pregnancies
contributes to high maternal and infant mortality rates.
 It enables women to determine the time, spacing, and frequency
of pregnancy, as well as adoption of children.
Child health
 Public health has long played a major leadership role in
improving the health of children by provision of care and
regulation of conditions to prevent disease, provide early and
adequate care of illness, and promote health.
 Child health includes care for newborns, breast feeding and
feeding practices, Immunization, growth monitoring and well
baby clinics, treatment of common childhood infections, school
health activities and advocating for the rights of children
Learning objectives
At the end of this chapter, the students are expected to:
• Define Hygiene.
• Describe the importance of hygiene to the individual and
 The concept of hygiene dates back to the time when the first man
has moved in to the caves to protect himself from the forces of
nature that act against his survival.
 The known religious leaders, Prophet Moses and Prophet
Mohammed have stated to their followers to wash their body
before religious practices and even before meal.
 This practice is more probably true to the other religions and sects
of the world.
 Hygiene is a word derived from the goddess of health in
Greek mythology meaning the science of health and embraces all
factors, which contribute to healthful living.
 Hygiene is also defined as the science that deals with the
establishment and maintenance of health in the individual and the
group, conditions and practices conducive to health.
 Hygiene can be classified into community hygiene and personal
hygiene. Community hygiene might include industrial hygiene,
social hygiene, food hygiene, etc.
 Personal Hygiene is part of hygiene, which tells us how an
individual preserves, improves and maintains the health of his
own mind and body.
 Personal hygiene and health are greatly affected by heredity and
• Keeping personal cleanliness costs very little when it is
compared with its importance.
• In this case, every body can practice it at home with available
1. Hands and fingers nails
 unclean hands considered important routes of transmission for
 Control measure to prevent the transmission of diseases from
hands and fingernails:
 Keep fingernails always clean and short
 Use detergent (soap) for the hand before food preparation and
 Use hand washing after eating and toilet visit including some
other activities
2. The skin:
 Sweat and oily secretions from the skin cause dust to stick on its
surface. This clogs the skin pores and interferes with the natural
function of the skin.
 Human skin serves as physical barrier and also has self
disinfectant power. The disinfectant power of skin increases
when the skin is clean
3. Clothes:
 help to protect our body from harsh weather conditions.
However, unclean cloths contribute to the multiplication of pests
and the spread of pests born disease like relapsing fever.
 To prevent such health problems regular day and night clothes
washing and ironing is advisable.
4. The mouth and teeth:
 Can harbor microorganisms when food particles left between the
 The microorganism uses this food as a nutrient, multiplies in
larger numbers, and can cause gum and tooth disease as well as
bad breath.
 Therefore, to prevent the problem regular tooth brushing is
5. The head:
 unclean hair and scalp can harbor different microorganisms and
pests, like lice, which can transmit disease.
 Therefore, to prevent the problem regular washing with soap and
warm water is highly encouraged.
6. The nose:
 It contains hairs in the nostrils that filter dirt and microorganism
from the air.
 Thus, the nose serves as a protecting devise against the entrance
of harmful substances in to lungs and circulatory system.
 For this reason, the nostrils should at all times be kept clean by
using a clean handkerchief or blowing at intervals to remove the
accumulated dusts and spores.
7. The eye:
 Dirty eyes attract common housefly.
 Microorganisms carried by the flies’ legs can be deposited in or
near the eyes and may cause disease like trachoma, which
eventually lead to blindness.
 Regular face washing with soap can break the transmission of
such diseases
8. The Genitalia:
 Shaving the hair is one of the main important parts for the genital
 It helps to avoid the harborage of pests and make cleaning of the
genital organ easier.
 Cleaning of the genital areas can be done during general body
cleaning or taking shower.
 However, there are conditions when one needs special cleaning of
genital areas. These are before and after sexual intercourse,
during menstruation period, before and after delivery
Learning objectives
At the end of this course, the students are expected:
Differentiate between development and economic growth.
Describe the relationship between the health sector and
Identify and define relationships existing between individual and
community health and various socio-economic conditions.
 Individuals in good health are better able to study, learn and be
more productive in their work.
 Hence, it is important to know what development means,
 how does it differ from economic growth?
 What role does health play in development?
 What is development?
 Development has been variously defined.
 The modern view of development perceives it as both a physical
reality and a state of mind in which society has, through some
combination of social, economic and institutional processes,
secured the means for obtaining a better life.
 Development in all societies must consist of at least the
 To increase the availability, distribution and accessibility of
life sustaining goods such as food, shelter, health, security and
protection to all members of society.
 To raise standards of living including higher incomes, the
provision of more jobs, better education and better health and
more attention to cultural and humanistic values so as to
enhance not only material well-being, but also to generate greater
individual, community and national esteem.
 To expand the range of economic and social opportunities and
services to individuals and communities by freeing them from
servitude, and dependence on other people and communities
and from ignorance and human misery.
The Difference between development and Economic growth
• For a long time, the terms development and economic growth
were used interchangeably.
• Although the two are closely related, they are, however,
 Encompasses the total well-being of individual, a community or a
 Must be measured by the rate of economic growth
 Concerned with the total person, his economic, social, political,
physiological, and psychic and environmental requirements.
Economic growth
 can be defined as an increase in country’s productive
capacity, identifiable by a sustained rise in real national
income over a period of years.
 Concerned with the area in per capital earning of the people
making up the nation.
 Is one characteristic of development?
 It is possible for a county to experience economic growth without
The role of Health in Development
 Health plays a major role in promoting economic development
and reducing poverty.
 The health sector is the key social sector for development.
 Good health, both at the individual, Community and national
levels, is a prerequisite for full-scale productivity and creativity.
 In the first place, the health sector should not be looked at in
isolation from the rest of the economy , as a sort of charitable
handout to ensure that people do not die, for example, of
preventive diseases.
 Development of the health sector is seen to be a necessary
requirement for future development.
 The fact that development in the health sector may lead to further
general development has given rise to a new area of economic
theory called “Investment in Human Capital”.
 This is not to suggest that all the benefit of health or education
projects is necessarily economic.
 Development is linked not just to the improvement of social
indicators or the attainment of basic needs, but with wider
aspirations such as high health status, and with social well-being
and change.
 The development process embraces not only the so-called
“productive” sectors of the economy, but also the social sectors.
 The health sector, besides producing benefits, which in their own
right are necessary for improving the well-being of the people,
development of the health sector helps to lay the foundation for
development in the wider sense.
 Improving human’s capacity to produce more and to fulfill this
needs and aspirations does this.
Relation Ship between Health and Development
 Health development is an important element in the overall
development of a country.
 For instance in countries where HIV/AIDS is a public health
problem there is a great challenge in getting skilled human power
and the country will get a burden in the health delivery by
spending the significant figure of the health budget to the
 Here HIV/AIDS is not only a health problem but also a situation
that brings social, economic and political crisis for a country.
 In a country with a greater proportion of its people still struggling
for their daily survival, the scope of development definition shall
fit to the local scenarios. It has to be understood in terms of
household Livelihood security.
What is Household Livelihood Security (HLS)?
 Household Livelihood Security is defined as: ‘Adequate and
Sustainable Access to Income and Resources to Meet Basic
Needs’, including: Food, Proper Nutrition, Clean Water; Health,
Health Facilities and services; Economic Opportunities;
Education; Housing/Habitat Security; Physical Safety; and time
for Community Participation.
 The common factors or situations (risks or shocks) that lead to
livelihood insecurity includes:
 Drought and Floods, Conflict, Disease
outbreaks & illness, Population growth,
Economic adjustment policies, Natural resource
degradation, etc.
 As it is described above livelihood, security is ‘Adequate and
sustainable access to income and resources to meet basic needs
(one of which is health)’.
 This means Health is a basic commodity of livelihood; it is an
important means as well as prerequisite for achieving livelihood
 Health and health related problems affect household access to
income, economic growth, and resource distribution resulting in
challenged household livelihood security and resilience.
 Ill health not only affects the means (financial resources, asset,
income, know-how, time, etc,) to livelihood, but also modifies or
complicates the context such as the economic, cultural, political
and social situations in which individuals` making effort to
achieve their livelihood basic needs.
 Thus, in order to have better livelihood, families should be
economically secured.
 Economic security is achieved when individuals or household
have the capacity to generate sufficient income to satisfy the
basic needs of the family, and to maintain or increase the goods
necessary for the stability of the family economy, as well as to
protect it against shocks.
 As a prerequisite for this, households should have health security
and should be nutritionally secured.
Health and the Millennium Development Goal
 The eight major goals of the MDGs, most of which are to be
achieved by the year 2015, are:
1. Eradication of extreme poverty and hunger
2. Achievement of universal primary education
3. Promotion of gender equality and empowerment of women
4. Reduction of child mortality
5. Improvement in maternal health
6. Combating HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases
7. Ensuring environmental sustainability
8. Developing a global partnership for development
 In addition, 18 quantitative targets for each goal with 48 indicators
for monitoring there have been set and agreed upon
 The particular goals and targets that are relevant for health sector
are shown below.
 Goal 4: Reduce Child Mortality - Target 5: Reduce the under five
mortality rate by two-thirds, between 1990 and 2015
 Goal 5: Improve Maternal Health - Target 6: Reduce the maternal
Mortality ratio by three quarters, between 1990 and 2015.
 Goal 6: Combat HIV/AIDS, Malaria and other Diseases
 Target 7: have halted by 2015 and begun to reverse the spread
 Target 8: have halted by 2015 and begun to reverse the
incidence of Malaria and other major diseases
Learning objectives
At the end of this course, the students are expected to:
Describe the developmental history of health services in Ethiopia,
Describe the organization of health system and health services in
Describe the health service coverage and distribution in Ethiopia.
Understand basic factors that influence health service coverage and
distribution in the Ethiopian context,
Discuss the existing health service coverage and distribution of
History of Health service development in
 The early history of modern medicine in Ethiopia dates back to
the Reign of Emperor Libne Dingle (1508 – 1540). When the
Portuguese mission to his court brought a physician named Joao
 The foundation of formalized health services goesback to 1908,
when an office dealing with health wascreated in the Ministry of
Interior. During the HaileSelassies Reign, starting 1930s, the
health servicesdevelopment accelerated, and the establishment of
theMinistry of Health (MOH) in 1948 marked the beginning of
the National Health Service.
 The Ethiopian Government, in 1952, began to develop a basic
health service in which health centers have been considered the
backbone of the service
 The Public Health College and Training Center at Gondar was
established in 1954
 The first Medical school at Black Lion Hospital was opened in
1966 and was followed in the 1970’s by the establishment of
additional training institutions for nurses, health assistants, Health
officers, Sanitarians and Pharmacists.
 There was no National Policy and Strategy for the development of
the Health Service until 1963, when the Second Five-year
Development Plan was launched.
 The second five-year development plan, which was from 1963 –
1967, contained major policies and strategies regarding the health
 There after, the Socialist Ethiopian Government revised the
health policy to place more emphasis on primary health care,
rural health services, prevention and control of common
diseases, self-reliance, and community participation in health
activity through its declaration of the national democratic
Revolutionary program in 1976 and its adoption in 1978 of the
Alma-ata Declaration of Health for All (HFA) by the Year 2000
 The six-tier health care system consisted of community health
services (health posts) health stations or clinics, health centers,
district hospitals, regional hospital, and central referral/teaching
Community health service
 It is the first contact of health service with the community; and
each community health service is to be staffed with one
community health agent (CHA) and one trained traditional birth
attendant (TBA) rendering basic health services. Each health
post, a community health service delivery point, is expected to
serve at least 1000 population and the services include:
 Promotion of community participation,
 Control of communicable diseases,
 Provision of maternal and child health services,
 Provision of curative services for minor illnesses and injuries,
 The collection of health information and statistics.
Health stations
 The lowest level of health services operating directly by the
Ministry of Health,
 Mostly located in villages and small towns.
 Staffed by health assistants and/or a nurse,
 Provides service for at least 10,000 populations with in 10-12
km radius.
 Provides regular out patient services, basic MCH care, develop
and implement environmental sanitation and water supply
programs, and supervise CHA and TBA
Health centers
 Are staffed by Nurses, sanitarians, laboratory technicians, health
Assistants and increasingly by one or two physicians and also
health officers.
 Are the major health facility at the “Awraja” level
 Provide more specialized out patient service, supervise, and
support health stations.
 Each health center is expected to provide services for at least
100,000 population
 Are the most specialized and better-staffed health institutions,
 Provide curative services with increasing complexity
 Supervise the lower level health services.
Reorganization of the health service delivery
 After a review of this health care delivery system in the early
1990s, a four tier health care organization was brought into the
 This health care delivery system has been organized in such a
way that at the base of the system there is a primary health
care unit (PHCU), followed by District hospital, regional
hospital, and Specialized/teaching hospitals.
Primary Health Care Unit:
 Contains a health center along with five satellite community
health posts
 Serving a total of 25,000 population
 Provides preventive, promotive, curative, training services, as well
as referral services
 Collect basic health and health related data, and
 Staffed with public health officers and other staffs (nurses,
midwifes, laboratory technicians, sanitarians, and pharmacist) at
the health center level, and PHC workers in the health posts.
Specialized/Teaching Hospitals
 The last higher level, which provides tertiary level services,
 Teaching, research, and other specialized services, with
minimum of 250 beds
 Staffed with sub-specialists, specialists of different category,
general practitioners and other high level staffs (nurses,
midwifes, laboratory technicians, sanitarians, and pharmacist)
 Serve about a population of 5,000,000.
The general health policy components are:
 Democratization and decentralization of the health service system
 Development of the preventive and promotive component of
health care
 Development of an equitable and acceptable standard of health
service system that will reach all segments of the population with
in the limits of resources
 Promoting and strengthening of Inter sectoral collaboration
 Promotion of attitudes and practices conducive to the
strengthening of national self-reliance in health development by
mobilizing and maximally utilizing internal and external
 Assurance of accessibility of health care for all segments of the
 Working closely with neighboring countries regional and
international organizations to share information and strengthen
collaborations in all activities contributory to health development
including the control of factors detrimental to health
 Development of appropriate capacity building based on
assessed needs
 Provision of health care for the population on a scheme of
payment according to ability, with special assistance
mechanisms for those who can’t afford to pay
 Promotion of the participation of the private sector and non-
governmental organizations in health care.
Priorities of the policy include:
 Information, education and communication (IEC) of health shall
be given appropriate prominence to enhance healthy awareness
and to propagate the important concepts and practices of self-
responsibility in health.
 Emphasis shall be gives to
 The control of communicable disease, epidemics and
diseases related to malnutrition and poor living
 The promotion of occupational health and safety
 The development of environmental health
 The rehabilitation of the heath infrastructure and
 The development of an appropriate health service
management system.
 Appropriate support shall be given to the curative and
rehabilitative components of health including mental health.
 Due attention shall be given to the development of the beneficial
aspects of traditional medicine, including related research and its
gradual integration in to modern medicine.
 Applied health research addressing the major health problems
shall be emphasized.
 Provision of essential medicines, medical supplies and equipment
shall be strengthened
 Development of human resources with emphasis on expansion of
the number of frontline and middle level health professionals with
community based task oriented team based training shall be
 Special attention shall be given to the health needs of:
 the family particularly woman and children
 those in the forefront of productivity
 those most neglected regions and segments of the
population, including the majority of rural population,
pastoralists, the urban poor and national minorities
victims of man made and natural disasters.
General Strategies
 Strengthening the preventive and promotive health service
 Family health care
 Community health service
 Occupational health and safety
 Curative and Rehabilitative care
 Assuring availability of Drugs, supplies and equipments
 Health information documentation and processing
 Organization and management of the health delivery system
 Research and development
 Financing the health case delivery system
Health Service Coverage and Distribution
 Health service distribution is a geographical and demographic
allocation/placement or/and availability of a specific type of health
 It mainly focuses on the geographical availability of the service(s).
 It is the interaction and out come of the service(s), service
providers, and people targeted for the service(s).
 Health service coverage, on the other hand, is the level of
availability, accessibility and utilization of a given health
service(s) in a specified population and geographical area.
 Roughly, more than 50% of the health facilities are located in the
urban areas of which most of them are in the capital.
 Over 30% of the health, facilities need either repair or
replacement facilities and the national potential health service
coverage is still about 73.16%.
 The Human resource of the country with respect to health is also
relatively low compared to the WHO standard.
 The physical to population ratio is about 1:35604 compared to
the WHO standard which is 1: 10,000, Nurse to population ratio
is about 1: 4571 where by the WHO standard is 1 5,000.
 The country is at present having 1996 physicians 15544 Nurses,
683 health officers and around 5215 paramedical (sanitarians,
pharmacy and laboratory technicians) according to the 2003/2004
health and health related indicators of Ministry of Health.
Learning Objective:
 At the end of this course, the students are expected to:
 Define primary health care (PHC) and describe its concept
 Describe the historical development and challenges of PHC at
national and international level
 Describe the components, strategies and principles of PHC
 International conference, organized by WHO and United Nations
Children’s Education Fund (UNICEF), was held in Alma-ata,
Kazakhstan, in 1978 on the theme of ‘health for all’.
 The Alma-Ata Declaration stated that health is a basic human
right, and that governments are responsible to assure that right
for their citizens and to develop appropriate strategies to fulfill
this promise.
Primary Health Care
 is an essential health care based on practical, scientifically
sound, and socially acceptable methods and technology made
universally accessible to individuals and families in the
community through their full participations and at a cost that
the community and the country can afford to maintain at
every stage of their development in the spirit of self-reliance and
The basic terms in the definition are:
 Essential health care: Group of functions essential for the health
of the people given at lower level of health service.
 E.g. Medical care, MCH/FP, school health,
environmental health, control of communicable
diseases, health education, referral, etc.
 Scientifically sound: Scientifically explainable and acceptable
 Socially acceptable methods and technology: intervention
should consider the local value, culture and belief.
 Universally accessible: Because of the inequitable distribution of
the available resources, the services are not reachable by all who
need them.
Historical development of PHC
Early Approaches
 In the 1950’s, there were vertical health service strategies that
included mass campaigns, specialized control programs for
communicable diseases such as Tuberculosis, Malaria,
Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), etc but the strategy was
very expensive and so unsuccessful.
 The concept of basic health service came into being in the mid
 This gives more attention to rural areas through the
construction of health centers and health stations
providing both curative and preventive services
 Early 1970: Integration of specialized disease control programs
with basic health services came to appear. However, even this
approach was disease oriented, based on high cost health
institutions and requires advanced technology.
Components of PHC
Essential health care consisting of at least eight elements
a) Health Education
b) Provision of essential drugs
c) Immunization
e) Treatment of common Diseases and injuries
f) Adequate supply of safe water and basic sanitation
g) Communicable Disease control
h) Food supply and proper nutrition
Additional elements incorporated after Alma-Ata
 Oral Health
 Mental Health
 Use of traditional medicine
 Occupation health
PHC Principles
Emphasized principles in PHC are:
 Inter sectoral collaboration
 Community participation
 Appropriate technology
 Equity
 Focused on prevention and promotion of health
 Decentralization
Inter sectoral collaboration:
 Means a joint concern and responsibility of sectors
responsible for development in identifying problems, programs
and undertaking tasks that have important bearing on human
Community participation:
 Community is a group of people living together in the same
geographical area, sharing common interests.
Community participation/involvement:
 It implies sensitizing the people to their health problems,
increasing their receptivity and ability to prevent disease, death
and handicap.
Types of participation / Involvement
 Marginal: Participation of people in the health programs may be
limited and transitory
 Substantial: The community plays active role in determining
priorities and helping in carrying out health related activities,
such as, health education, provision of drinking water and
maintenance of good personal and food hygiene
 Structural: Participation of the community in health care
becomes an integral part of the program and a major basis for
health activities.
What are the advantages of a community participation
 It is a cost-effective way of extending a health care
system to the geographical and social periphery of a
 Communities that begin to understand their health status
objectively rather than fatalistically may be moved to take
a series of preventive measures.
 Communities that invest labor, time, money and materials in
health-promoting activities are more committed to the use and
maintenance of the things they produce, such as water supplies.
 Health education is most effective as part and parcel of village
 Community health workers if they are well chosen, have the
people’s confidence. They may know the most effective
techniques for achieving commitment from their neighbors and,
at the very best, are not likely to exploit them. Appropriate
 It takes account of both the health care and the socio-economic
context of the country.
 This must include consideration of cost (efficiency
and attractiveness) in dealing with the health problem.
 It should also take consideration of the acceptability of the
health care approach to both target community and health
service technology; and it does not necessarily mean low cost.
Criteria for Appropriateness: To be appropriate, a technology
must be
 Effective: meet its objective
 Culturally acceptable and valuable
 Affordable
 Locally sustainable: we should be not over dependent on
important skills and supplies for its continuous function,
maintenance and repair.
 Environmentally accountable: The technology should be
environmentally harmless or at least minimally harmful.
 Measurable: - The impact and performance of technology should
be measurable.
 This is to close the gaps between the “haves and have not s”
which will help to achieve more equitable distribution of health
 “If all cannot be served, those most in need should have
equal Health
 Equal utilization of health care → Equity ←Equal access to
health care
PHC Philosophy and strategy
Therefore, PHC as a philosophy includes
 Equity and Justice
 Individual and community self reliance
 Inter relationship of Health and Development
PHC Strategy
 Changes in the Health care system
 Total coverage with essential health care
 Integrated system o Involvement of communities
Use and control of resources
 Redistribution of existing resources
Reorientation of Health manpower to PHC
Legislative changes- Health policy should
address the need of the strategy of PHC.
Design, planning and management of Health system
 Individual and collective responsibility for Health
 1st Aspect: is a political issue: - Decentralization of decision-
 2nd Aspect: Realization: - Personal responsibility for their
own and their families health.
 NB: It is important to have informed and motivated public
on the practice at both aspects.
PHC in Ethiopia
 Since 1980, PHC has been the main strategy on which the health
Policy has been based.
 As part of a WHO sponsored international evaluative action,
primary health care review was done in the country in the period
of August 1984 - January 1985.
 The reviewed showed
 Expansion of health services to the broad masses especially by
establishing new health station and health posts.
 Modest achievements in the control of diarrheal diseases and
iodine deficiency disorders and training on provision of essential
 However, there were limited achievements regarding inter
sectoral collaboration, community involvement, both supporting
and utilizing of the services. Moreover, there was over
ambitiousness in setting plans and goals.
Generally the major problems in the implementation of PHC in
Ethiopia are:
 Absence of infrastructure at the district level,
 Difficulty in achieving inter sectoral collaboration,
 Inadequate health service coverage and inappropriate distribution
of available health services, Inadequate resource allocation
 Absence of clear guidelines or directives on how to implement
 Presence of culturally dictated harmful traditional practices of
unscientific beliefs and practice in Ethiopia.
 Absence of sound legal rules to support environmental health
 Weak community involvement in health.
Learning objectives
At the end of this course, the students are expected to:
 Describe the responsibility of the community in the health care
 Describe the community involvement in the health delivery
 Define the concept of the health care team.
 Describe the need for team based health care and role of the
health service team leader.
 Community based programs are public Health interventions
that are designed, implemented and evaluated with the
participation of the community representatives and with the
guidance of professional experts.
Community Health Workers
 The concept of the community health worker (CHW) has found
new expression in health programs in many parts of the world as
part of the Primary Health Care initiative springing from AlmaAta.
 It is an adoption of traditional village practice of midwives and
healers to modern, organized public health services.
 CHWs were first recruited to provide care in rural areas in
developing countries without access to health care.
 They are selected from the community and training will be given
by the Ministry of Health (health centers).
Health Service Extension Package (HSEP)
 The main objective of HSEP
 is to improve access and equity to preventive essential
health intervention through community/kebele based
health services with strong focus on sustained
preventive health actions and increased health
 The health extension service is being provided as a package
focusing on preventive health measures targeting households
particularly women/mothers at the kebele level.
Health Service Extension Package (HSEP)
 It is a package of services that includes
 provision of immunization
 prevention, control and treatment of malaria,
 prevention of HIV/AIDS/STDs and tuberculosis
 provision of oral contraceptives and deliveries
 follow up of high risk pregnant mothers
 first aid and sanitation services including excreta
 insect and rodent control and safe water supply
 housing construction and overall environmental issues
in the rural context.
Team Approach in Health Service
Need for the Health service team
 In order to effectively respond to identified needs, health persons
must be able to work within a team framework in which problem
solving is approached in an integrated manner.
The health Team
 defined as a group of people who share a common health goal
and common objectives, determined by community needs, to
the achievement of which each member of the team contributes, in
accordance with his/her competence and skill and in coordination
with the functions of others.
Leader of the health Team
• The health team should have a leader, who should inspire
confidence in the community, which needs and seeks medical
• Co-ordination and co-operation: The team leader should be
able to achieve preferred co-ordination and co-operation with all
members of the team, so that the efficiency and out put of the
heath team is high and the work is interesting, satisfying and
• Approachability: The team leader should be easily
approachable, so that the team members can reach him and seek
his help and guidance for solutions to their personal, technical and
official administrative problems.
• Competence: The leader should be competent in his own
technical work, so that his teammates respect him for his
knowledge and skills.
• Disciplined and well organized: The team leader should be
disciplined and well organized in his thought and work
• Delegation of authority: The focus of a good team leader
should be on setting the job done and not on who does the job.
• Supervision of the health team: For accomplishing the desired
result, activities of different members of the team need to be co-
• Supervisory style: Depending on the nature of the team, the
team leader may be an autocrat or a democrat.
• Span of control of the supervisor: For the best result, the span
of direct control of the supervisor should be restricted to about
six to ten persons.
• Co- ordination between the team members: the supervisor of
the team should ensure that individuals in the health team
cooperate with each other and coordinate their activities to
accomplish the desired tasks.

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Introduction to Public Health course for Health Officer Students

  • 2. CHAPTER ONE: CONCEPT OF HEALTH  Health  Different perspectives on Health  Determinants of Health  Globalization and Health  Model of Disease causation theories CHAPTER TWO: PUBLIC HEALTH  History of public health  Definition of public health  Major disciplines in public health
  • 3. CHAPTER THREE: HEALTH AND CULTURE  Definition.  Relation of culture and health CHAPTER FOUR: TRADITIONAL HEALTH CARE PRACTICES  Introduction  Structure of Traditional Medicine Ethno medical definition of Health  Naturalistic ethnologies:  Magico-religious domain  Traditional Prenatal care  Secular Healing  Self care  Empirical Practitioners
  • 4. CHAPTER FIVE: FAMILY HEALTH  Family  Family Health CHAPTER SIX: PERSONAL HYGIENE  Hygiene CHAPTER SEVEN: HEALTH AND DEVELOPMENT  Introduction  The difference between development and economic growth  The role of health in development  Relation ship between health and development  Health and the millennium development goal
  • 5. CHAPTER EIGHT: HEALTH SERVICE IN ETHIOPIA  History of health service development in Ethiopia  Reorganization of the health service delivery  Health service coverage and distribution CHAPTER NINE: PRIMARY HEALTH CARE  Introduction  Definition  Historical development of PHC  Components of PHC  PHC Principles  PHC Philosophy and strategy  PHC in Ethiopia
  • 6. CHAPTER TEN: COMMUNITY BASED HEALTH SERVICES  Introduction  Community responsibility  Community health councils  Community involvement in health (CIH)  Team approach in health service  Need for the health service team  The health team  Leader of the health team
  • 7. CHAPTER ONE CONCEPT OF HEALTH Objectives  At the end of this chapter, the students are expected to:  Define health  Describe the different concepts and perspectives of Health.  Describe determinants of health.  Define globalization & list its advantages and disadvantages on health population.  Describe the different models of disease causation theories
  • 8. Health  The word health is widely used in public communication, and yet its meaning looks simple.  Lay Point of view:  Persons are healthy when they are doing their activities with no apparent symptoms of disease in them.  The New oxford Dictionary of English describes health as ‘the state of being free from illness or injury’.
  • 9.  Professional points of view:  From this point, health is defined as a measure of the state of the physical bodily Organs, and the ability of the body as a whole to function.  It refers to freedom from medically defined diseases.
  • 10.  WHO definition:  The world Health Organization (WHO) described health in1948, in the preamble to its constitution, as “A state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”.  Recently this statement has been expanded to include the ability to lead a “socially and economically productive life”.
  • 11.  Physical health  is concerned with anatomical integrity and physiological functioning of the body.  It means the ability to perform routine tasks without any physical restriction. E.g., Physical fitness is needed to walk from place to place.
  • 12.  Mental Health  is the ability to learn and think clearly and coherently. E.g. a person who is not mentally fit (retarded) could not learn something new at a pace in which an ordinary normal person learns.  Social health  is the ability to make and maintain acceptable interaction with other people. E.g. to celebrate during festivals; to mourn when a close family member dies; to create and maintain friendship and intimacy, etc.
  • 13.  Emotional health  is the ability of expressing emotions in the appropriate way, for example to fear, to be happy, and to be angry.  The response of the body should be congruent with that of the stimuli.  Emotional health is related to mental health and includes feelings.  It also means maintaining one’s own integrity in the presence of stressful situation such as tension, depression and anxiety.  Spiritual Health - Some people relate health with religion; for others it has to do with personal values, beliefs, principles and ways of achieving mental satisfaction, in which all are related to their spiritual well- being.
  • 14. Different perspectives on health  Health is viewed as a right, as consumption good, and as an investment.  The WHO constitution sates that “ . . . the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health is one of the fundamental rights of every human being without distinction of race, religion, political belief, economic or social condition”.
  • 15.  Others view health as an important individual objective of material aspect i.e. as consumption good.  The third view considers health as an investment, indicates health as an important prerequisite for development because of its consequence on the overall production through its effect on the productive ability of the productive force
  • 16. Determinants of health  There are different perspectives in expressing the determinants of health of an individual or a community.  The health field concept  According to the “Health field” concept.  There are four major determinants of health or ill health.
  • 17. A. Human Biology  Every Human being is made of genes. In addition, there are factors, which are genetically transmitted from parents to offspring.  As a result, there is a chance of transferring defective trait. The modern medicine does not have a significant role in these cases. a. Genetic Counseling: For instance during marriage parents could be made aware of their genetic component in order to overcome some risks that could arise. b. Genetic Engineering: may have a role in cases like Breast cancer.
  • 18. B. Environment: is all that which is external to the individual human host.  Those are factors outside the human body.  Environmental factors that could influence health include: a. Life support, food, water, air etc b. Physical factors, climate, Rain fall c. Biological factors: microorganisms, toxins, Biological waste, d. Psycho-social and economic e.g. Crowding, income level, access to health care e. Chemical factors: industrial wastes, agricultural wastes, air pollution, etc
  • 19. C. Life style (Behavior)  is an action that has a specific frequency, duration, and purpose, whether conscious or unconscious.  It is associated with practice.  It is what we do and how we act.  Recently life style by itself received an increased amount of attention as a major determinant of health.  Life style of individuals affects their health directly or indirectly.  For example: Cigarette smoking Unsafe sexual practice Eating contaminated food
  • 20. D. Health care organization  Health care organizations in terms of their resource in human power, equipments, money and so on determine the health of people.  It is concerned with  a. Availability of health service People living in areas where there is no access to health service are affected by health problems and have lower health status than those with accessible health services.
  • 21.  b. Scarcity of Health Services leads to inefficient health service and resulting in poor quality of health status of people.  c. Acceptability of the service by the community  d. Accessibility : in terms of physical distance, finance etc  e. Quality of care that mainly focuses on the comprehensiveness, continuity and integration of the health care.
  • 22.  The other view of the determinants of health is from the ecological perspective.  Accordingly, there are four different factors affecting health
  • 23.
  • 24.  1. Physical Determinants  The physical factors affecting the health of a community include:  the geography (e.g. high land versus low land),  the environment (e.g. manmade or natural catastrophes) and  the industrial development (e.g. pollution occupational hazards)  2. Socio – cultural determinants  The socio- cultural factors affecting the health of a community include  the beliefs, traditions, and social customs in the community.
  • 25.  It also involves the economy, politics and religion in the community.  3. Community organization  Community organization include the community size, arrangement and distribution of resources (“relations of productions’)  4. Behavioral determinants  The behavioral determinants affecting health include individual behavior and life style affecting the health of an individual and the community.  E.g. smoking, alcoholism and promiscuity
  • 26. Globalization and Health  Globalization is  the process of increasing political and social interdependence  and global integration that takes place as capital, traded goods, persons, concepts, images, ideas  and Values diffuse across the stated boundaries.  The effects of Globalization on health are diverse; these can be positive, negative or mixed.
  • 27. Effects of Globalization on health includes  Externalities of some diseases due to increased communication decreased human mobility  Accelerated economic growth and technological advances have enhanced health and life expectancy in many population  Increasing effects of international and bilateral agencies (structural adjustment programs and Global initiatives)  Jeopardizing population health Via erosion of social and environmental conditions and exacerbating inequalities.
  • 28.  Fragmentation and weakening of labor markets due to greater power of mobile capital  Tobacco induced diseases  Food markets & obesity as well as chemicals in food  Rapid spread of infectious diseases  Depression in aged and fragmented population  Adverse effects on the environment
  • 29. Model of disease causation theories  A model is a representation of a system that specifies its components and the relationships among the variables  E.g. includes graphs, charts, and decision trees  I Nineteen-century models  Each effort to prevent disease in the 19th century was based on one or the other three theories of disease causality. These are:  1. Contagion theory  2. Supernatural theory  3. Personal behavior theory  4. Miasma theory
  • 30. Contagion theory  This theory was common at the beginning of the 19th century.  Most official disease prevention activities were based on the hypothesis that illness is contagious.  It required:  Keeping sick people away from well people.  The institution of quarantine of ships (the traditional period was forty days la quarantine) during which time ships, their crews and cargos waited off shores or at some isolated islands.  Setting up military cordons around infected towns  Isolation of households if they were infected, and  Fumigating or washing the bedding and clothing of the sick.
  • 31. Supernatural theory  Proponents of this theory argue that supernatural forces cause disease.  Disease prevention measures based on this theory were important to the religious people.  The view among them was that disease is a punishment for transgression of God’s laws. Personal behavior theory  This theory held that disease results from wrong personal behavior.  It was democratic and ante authoritarian in intent since it gave responsibility to individuals to control their own lives
  • 32. Miasma theory  This theory argues that disease is caused by the odor of a decaying of organic materials.  It dates back to the Hippocratic idea that disease is related to climate.  It contrasted sharply from the other three theories since it conceptually separated the source of the disease from the victim of the disease.
  • 33. II Twenty-century models  Although economic and ideological considerations influenced the 19th century disease prevention policy, sound research determines policy today.  The 20th century theory focuses on:  1. The Germ Theory  2. The Life Style Theory  3. The Environmental Theory  4 . The Multi Causal Theory
  • 34. 1. The Germ Theory  It held the notion that microorganisms cause diseases  it is possible to control diseases using antibiotics and vaccines.  There was criticism on this theory by Thomas Mckeown that stated as the incidence of all major infectious diseases begun to fall several decades before the introduction of vaccines and antibiotics. 2. The Life Style Theory  This holds that unhealthy lifestyles are causes for diseases.  This hypothesis blames stress, lack of exercise, the use of alcohol and tobacco improper nutrition for most chronic diseases.  They emphasize the interrelatedness of many variables in disease causality, principally those under the control of the individual.
  • 35. 3. The Environmental Theory  The first aspect of the environmental hypothesis is occupational hazards,  the second concentrates on toxic substances in the air water and soil (advocates of this theory places particular emphasis on radioactivity),  and the third aspect focus on synthetic additives to foods “organic foods” 4. The Multi Causal Theory  It is also called the web of disease causation.  express that there are multiple factors for a cause of a single disease entity.  Its shortcomings are it gives few clues on  how to prevent disease,  the actual prevention policies it implies are inefficient in many ways  and there is a gap between what it promises and what epidemiologist’s deliver.
  • 36. CHAPTER TWO PUBLIC HEALTH Learning Objectives  At the end of this chapter, the students are expected to:  Discuss the history of public health  Define public health and list its core activities.  Be aware of the definition of key terms in public health  Recognize the principal disciplines of public health  Describe the difference and similarities between clinical medicine and community health.  Discuss the ethical issues and challenges in public health
  • 37. History of public Health  The history of public health goes back to almost as long as history of civilization.  In the Ancient Societies (before 500 BC) the history is that of archeological findings from the Indus valley (North India) around 2000 BC with the evidence of bathrooms and drains in homes and sewer below street level.  There was evidence of drainage systems in the middle kingdom of ancient Egypt in the time 2700 -2000 BC.  There were written records concerning public health, codes of Hammurabi of Babylon, 3900 years ago.
  • 38.  In The Classical Cultures (500 BC - 500 AD) public health was practiced as Olympics for physical fitness, community sanitation and water wells  In the middle ages (500 - 1500 AD), health problems were considered as having spiritual cause and solutions.
  • 39.  The era of renaissance and exploration (1500 - 1700 AD)  There was a growing belief that diseases were caused by environment, not by spirits and critical thinking about disease causation e.g. "malaria" - bad air.  In the eighteen century, there were problems of industrialization, urban slums leading to unsanitary conditions and unsafe work places.  Edward Jenner (1796) demonstrated vaccination against smallpox.  In the nineteenth century there was real progress towards understanding the causes of communicable diseases.  The Luis Pasture's germ theory (1862) and Koch's Postulate (1876) were remarkable progresses.
  • 40. Definition of public health  Public health is defined as the science and art of preventing diseases, prolonging life, promoting health and efficiencies through organized community effort.  It is concerned with the health of the whole population and the prevention of disease from which it suffers.
  • 41. Key Terms in the definition Health Promotion  is a guiding concept involving activities intended to enhance individual and community health well-being.  It seeks to increase involvement and control of the individual and the community in their own health.  It acts to improve health and social welfare, and to reduce specific determinants of diseases and risk factors that adversely affect the health and productive capacities of an individual or society.  is a key element in public health and is applicable in the community, clinics or hospitals, and in all other service settings.
  • 42.  Raising awareness and informing people about health and lifestyle factors that might put them at risk requires teaching.  The Elements of Health promotion comprises of 1. Addressing the population as a whole in health related issues , in every day life as well as people at risk for specific diseases: 2. Directing action to risk factors or causes of illness or death; 3. Undertaking activities to seek out and remedy risk factors in the community that adversely affect health;
  • 43. 4. Promoting factors that contribute to a better condition of health of the population; 5. Initiating actions against health hazards ,including communication ,education, legislation ,fiscal measures, organizational change ,community development , and spontaneous local activities ; 6. Involving public participation in defining problems ,deciding on action; 7. Advocating relevant environmental ,health , and social policy 8. Encouraging health professionals’ participation in health education and health policy.
  • 44. Prevention  Prevention refers to the goals of medicine that are to promote, to preserve, and to restore health when it is impaired, and to minimize suffering and distress.  There are three levels of prevention:  Primary Prevention refers to those activities that are undertaken to prevent the disease and injury from occurring.  It works with both the individual and the community.  It may be directed at the host, to increase resistance to the agent (such as immunization or cessation of smoking),  or may be directed at environmental activities to reduce conditions favorable to the vector for a biological agent, such as mosquito vectors of malaria.
  • 45.  Secondary Prevention is the early diagnosis and management to prevent complications from a disease.  It includes steps to isolate cases and treat or immunize contacts to prevent further epidemic outbreaks.  Tertiary Prevention involves activities directed at the host but also at the environment in order to promote rehabilitation, restoration, and maintenance of maximum function after the disease and its complications have stabilized.  Providing a wheelchair, special toilet facilities, doors, ramps, and transportation services for paraplegics are often the most vital factors for rehabilitation.
  • 46. Rehabilitation  is the process of restoring a person’s social identity by repossession of his/her normal roles and functions in society.  It involves the restoration and maintenance of a patient’s physical, psychological, social, emotional, and vocational abilities.  Interventions are directed towards the consequences of disease and injury.  The provision of high quality rehabilitation services in a community should include the following:  1. Conducting a full assessment of people with disabilities and suitable support systems;  2. Establishing a clear care plan;  3. Providing measures and services to deliver the care plan.
  • 47. MAJOR DISCIPLINES IN PUBLIC HEALTH ● Nutrition: is the science of food, the nutrients and other substances therein, their action, interaction and balance in relation to health and disease. ● Reproductive health: is a state of complete physical, mental and social being not only absence of disease or infirmity, in all matters relating to reproductive system and to its functions and process. ● Environmental Health The basic approach to environmental control is first to identify specific biologic, chemical, social and physical factors that represent hazards to health or well-being and to modify the environment in a manner that protects people from harmful exposures. The principal components of environmental health are water sanitation, waste disposal , etc
  • 48. ● Health Education is defined as a combination of learning experiences designed to facilitate voluntary actions conducive to health. It is an essential part of health promotion. ● Epidemiology is the study of frequency, distribution, and determinants of diseases and other related states or events in specified populations and the application of this study to the promotion of health and to the prevention and control of health problems . ● Health Economics is concerned with the alternative uses of resources in the health services sector and with the efficient utilization of economic resources such as manpower, material and financial resources. ● Biostatistics is the application of statistics to biological problems; application of statistics especially to medical problems, but its real meaning is broader.
  • 49. ● Health Service Management is getting people to work harmoniously together and to make efficient use of resources in order to achieve objectives. ● Ecology: is the study of relationship among living organisms and their environment.  It is the science, which deals with the inter-relationships between the various organisms living in an area and their relationship with the physical environment.  Human ecology means the study of human groups as influenced by environmental factors, including social and behavioral factors. ● Research is a conscious action to acquire deeper knowledge or new facts about scientific or technical subjects. It is a systematic investigation towards increasing knowledge. It aims at the discovery and interpretation of facts, revision of accepted theories, or laws in the light of new facts or practical application of such new theories or laws.
  • 50. ● Demography is the study of population, especially with reference to size and density, fertility, mortality, growth, age distribution, migration, and the interaction of all those with social and economic conditions. Core activities in public health 1. Preventing epidemics 2. Protecting the environment, work place ,food and water ; 3. Promoting healthy behavior; 4. Monitoring the health status of the population; 5. Mobilizing community action; 6. Responding to disasters; 7. Assuring the quality ,accessibility, and accountability of medical care; 8. Reaching to develop new insights and innovative solutions and 9. Leading the development of sound health policy and Planning
  • 51. Community Health, Clinical Medicine and Public Health  Community health refers to the health status of a defined group of people and the actions and conditions both private and public (governmental) to promote, protect and preserve their health.  Whereas Public health refers to the health status of a defined group of people and the governmental actions and conditions to promote, protect and preserve their health.  Clinical medicine is concerned with diagnosing and treating diseases in individual patients.  It has evolved from primarily a medical and nursing service to involve a highly complex team of professionals.
  • 52.  The overall objective of both public health and clinical medicine is better health for individual and for society.  Both of them are vital and interdependent to improve individual and public health.  Public health involves both direct and indirect approaches. Direct measures in public health include immunization of children, modern birth control, hypertension, and diabetes case findings.  Indirect methods used in public health protect the individual by community –wide means, such as raising standards of environmental safety, assurance of a safe water supply, sewage disposal, and improved nutrition. In public health practice, both the direct and indirect approaches are relevant.
  • 53. Ethical issues and challenges in public health  Public health is usually viewed as a broad social movement, a way of asserting social justice, value and priority to human life. On the other hand, market justice prevents the fair distribution of burdens and benefits among society.  The following are challenges and ethical concerns in public health  1. Political conservatism and public health – in this view, politics conserves the broad vision of public health and prefers it to limit into a technical enterprise focusing on controlling communicable diseases and a safety net providing medical care to the indigent.  2 Collective scope and individualism – individualistic societies resist the notion of public health’s concern for the collective
  • 54. 3. Economic impacts - public health regulations affects the industries (E.g. tobacco), those paying for the public health benefits may not necessarily be the beneficiaries  (E.g. Regulatory actions for worker safety raising costs to consumers),  people may not be willing to pay costs for benefits that would accrue in the long future (E.g. measures to limit global warming)  and it is easier to calculate current costs incurred for public health than the benefits that would come later. 4. Promoting public welfare versus individual liberty – the extent to which governments should restrict individual freedom for the purpose of improving community health ( E.g. AIDS control in Cuba)
  • 55. 5. Paternalism versus libertarianism – restrictions on individual behavior for protecting their own health (E.g. enforcing seat belts). libertarianism claims that “the only purpose for which power can be rightfully exercised over any member of a civilized community ,against her / his will is if her/his act harms others( E.g. regulate drunk behavior no drinking) 6. Public health measures and religion/moral – some public health measures are not acceptable on religious and moral grounds ,(E.g. sex education and distribution of contraceptives and/or condoms to adolescences),
  • 56. 7. Values and responsibilities - health authorities deciding on values and choices of those they serve (e.g. whether some one should not take the responsibility on behavior causing ill health such as smokers, alcoholics, promiscuous people ),decision on whether to emphasize HIV/AIDS prevention versus ARV therapy in poor countries, the extent of providing access to benefits to research subjects 8. Surveillance versus cure – involves hoe to deal with sick subjects identified in routine survey/data collection 9. Dilemmas in cost benefit analysis – the difficulty of valuing life, and values to be assigned for the rich versus the poor.
  • 57. CHAPTER THREE HEALTH AND CULTURE Learning Objectives • At the end of this chapter, the students are expected to: • Define culture • Describe the relationship between culture and health • Discuss the influence of culture on health. • Health is already defined in chapter one
  • 58. Culture  is that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, morale, law, customs and other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society.  is the sum totals of the things that people do because of having been taught.  For the perpetuation of human race, man depends on culture, which is a learned behavior.
  • 59. The three suggested levels of culture include:  Concrete -- the most visible tangible artifacts such as clothes, music, art, food and games. Festivals and celebration focus on these dimensions.  Behavioral – practices reflect values and defined social and gender roles, languages spoken, and approaches to non-verbal communication. Behavioral aspects of culture include language, gender roles, family structure, political affiliation, and community organization.  Symbolic – values and belief are often expressed in symbols and rituals. Symbolic expression includes value systems, religion, worldview, customs, spirituality, morals and ethics.
  • 60. Relation of Culture and Health  Culture is one of the determinants of health among the environmental factors.  An individual’s culture influences his or her attitude toward various health issues, including perceptions of what is and is not a health problem, methods of disease prevention, treatment of illness, and use of health providers.  We learn from our own cultural and ethnic backgrounds how to be healthy, how to recognize illness, and how to be ill.
  • 61.  To understand the cultural context of health, it is essential to work with several key concepts: 1. The concept of insider and outsider  The Insider shows the culture as viewed from within.  It refers to the meaning that people attach to things from their cultural perspective.  For example, the view worms (ascaris) in children are normal and are caused by eating sweets in the perspective within some cultures.  The outsider perspective refers to some thing as seen from the outside. Rather than meaning, it conveys a structural approach, or something as seen without understanding its meaning for a culture.  For example, that ascaris is contracted through eggs ingested by contact with contaminated soil or foods contaminated by contact with that soil. .
  • 62. 2. Ethnocentrisms refer to seeing ones own culture as "best".  This is a natural tendency, because the survival and perpetuation of a culture depends on teaching children to accept it and on its members feeling that it is a good thing.  Cultural relativism in anthropology refers to the idea that each culture has developed its own ways of solving problems of how to live together; how to obtain the essential of life, such as food and shelter; how to explain phenomena; and so on.
  • 63. 3. The concept of holism is also useful in looking at health and disease cross culturally.  Holism is an approach used by anthropologists that looks at broad context of whatever phenomenon is being studied.  Holism involves staying alert for unexpected influences, because one never knows what may have a bearing on the program one is trying to implement.  For public health, this is crucial because there may be diverse factors influencing health and health behavior.
  • 64. CHAPTER FOUR TRADITIONAL HEALTH CARE PRACTICES Learning Objectives • At the end of this chapter, the students are expected to: • Describe the traditional beliefs &practices linked to health • Appreciate the importance of traditional health practices in modern medicine • Discuss the structure of traditional medicine
  • 65.  Nowadays, there is a mix of western biomedicine and indigenous practices in the health care in different parts of the world, especially in developing counties.  Countries like Brazil and China have well-developed traditional medicine in their health care system.  In Ethiopia an office for traditional medicine was established in 1975 with the task of co-coordinating nationalized activities.
  • 66. Structure of Traditional Medicine  traditional medicine in Ethiopia is characterized by great variation and has been shaped by a host of ecological, social, cultural and historical factors.  First, variation in climate, elevation, topography and soil type play a major role in the frequency and distribution of diseases that traditional medicine is called up on to deal with.  Example, it is people who are living in hot lands/low lands are ethno medically familiar with visceral leshmaniasis and trypanosomiasis unlike the people living in high lands who have their healing practices on common cold and rheumatism.
  • 67. • Second the multiethnic character of the population and the uniqueness of the individual socio-cultural environments with in which it developed have influenced the Ethiopian ethno medical system. • Third, historical developments related to prolonged immigration from different areas surrounding the country such as the southern Arabian Peninsula, the influx of Greek culture and the introduction of Christianity and Islam has influenced the Ethiopian ethno medical heritage.
  • 68.  The Ethiopian ethno medicine can be described as an integrated system of beliefs and practices, characterized by an internally coherent discourse on health and illness.  Illness perception may either promote health-enhancing behaviors, or it can lead to health lowering behaviors and practices. • The settlement pattern of Ethiopians concentrated in the highlands is due to the traditional fear of malaria in the lowland; which is an example to the health enhancing behavior. • Where as the case of the traditional management of diarrhea in children by mothers in which the Ethiopian mothers believe that diarrhea is caused by teething, to which they respond by limiting food and fluid with the intention of decreasing the volume and frequency of diarrhea is a negative practice. • These popular beliefs can affect treatment decision-
  • 69. Ethno medical definition of Health  In the Ethiopian ethno medical setting, health is defined as a state of equilibrium among the physiological, spiritual, cosmological, ecological, and social forces surrounding man  This state of balance is enhanced by factors of a spiritual behavioral and physiological nature.  First well-being is thought to be secured by a peaceful relationship with the supernatural world (Sky-God, nature and ancestral sprites, magical agents).  Additionally behavioral modernization is considered as an important promise for health looking.  Conversely, any excess in drinking eating working and uncontrolled conditions such as anger/grief may be conducive to ill health.
  • 70.  Moreover, a proper functioning of the human body is viewed as being dependent on physiological and adequate food intake.  For example in Ethiopian context intestinal worms constitutes an integral part of the human body and when they exceed the ideal number, they can cause ill health. This equilibrium can be rectified through the traditional practice of taking powerful vermifuge (e.g. “Kosso”) on a regular base.  A number of factors influence the formulation of disease ethnologies. ‰ Circumstances surrounding the illness episode ‰ Individual subjectivity
  • 71. ‰ Opinion of elders and significant others and ‰ Demographic status (age, sex, religion)  Nonetheless, two broad domains of ethnological theories are identifiable in the Ethiopian ethno medical system.  These are naturalistic and Magico-religious. Naturalistic ethnologies  In this ethological theory, aliments are ascribed to causes pertaining to the empirical domain and exclude the intervention of a supernatural agent.
  • 72. Hence sickness may result from  External factors – such as a faulty interaction with the environment, e.g. drinking polluted water, eating unaccustomed or bad food, atmospheric charges, inhaling dusts etc  Contagion through physical contact with a sick person, e.g. Sexual relationship, inhaling a sick person’s breath, drinking from a sick person’s cup  Interpersonal conflict, e.g. Wounds provoked by fights and wife beating  Personal excesses, e.g. prolonged exposure to sun and rain, bathing in cold water, eating unripe crop, drinking immoderately
  • 73. Magico- religious domain:  In this domain of etiology for a disease, illnesses are attributed to God, nature and demonic sprites (e.g. “Zar”) ancestral ghosts, magical forces (evil eye, curse) and breach of social taboos or personal vows.  Violation of religious and social norms is thought to bring about divine retribution in the form of epidemics.  Moreover, sprits are believed to seize humans, bringing about prolonged illness while the diagnosis of possession by a sprit generally requires the validation of a ritual expert.  Ailments such as mental illness and epilepsy are routinely attributed to the action of an evil sprit.
  • 74.  The fear of evil eye and sorcery is wide spread in Ethiopia.  This phenomenon is known as “Buda” in several Ethiopian Semetic and Cushitic languages, and in a variety of terms in some other groups.  This is usually associated with predominantly despised artisan castes like potters, tanners, and blacksmiths.  Furthermore, sorcery in Ethiopian socio-cultural context consists of deliberate enticement of magical acts aimed at harming someone.  Usually, it takes place in a situation of interpersonal conflicts, social deviance and/or desire for revenge.
  • 75.  The Ethiopian ethno medical system comprises a number of folk syndromes ascribed to both empirical and supernatural etiologies.  Example, the Sidamo label with the term “ranta” an ailment characterized by chest pain and back pains, fatigue and breathing difficulties.  Its ethnology is described in empirical terms, and it is thought to be triggered by excess commonplace activities e.g. Carrying heavy loads.  The prescribed treatment includes drinking goat’s blood, eating abundant food, horn cupping, thermal baths and rest.
  • 76. Traditional Perinatal Care  The majorities of Ethiopian women deliver at home and follow the traditional birth customs.  In this context, traditional birth attendants play an important role in prenatal and perinatal care.  These traditional birth attendants possess a vast range of cumulative knowledge in the field of midwifery and gynecological therapy.  They are called especially in the event of childbirth complications.
  • 77.  They facilitate deliveries through massaging and other form of manipulation, often involving purification of the birth carnal with butter.  Traditional beliefs and practices concerning pregnancy and childbirth are also wide spread.  Ethno medical beliefs predominate in the explanation of conception.  For example in Sidamo, conception is thought to derive from mixing of male seminal fluid with female blood, while the function of female reproductive organs appeared to be ignored.  Pregnancy is considered a dangerous state as the fetus could easily pray for evil eye and sorcery. These are believed to cause miscarriage, premature delivery and total malformation.
  • 78.  Preparation for childbirth also entails empirical practices, which aim at enhancing the health of both the expectant mother and the fetus.  In some parts of the country, Kembata and Hadya, Kosso is taken at various stages of the pregnancy with the main purpose of cleaning the bowel as it would be “shameful for a woman to show intestinal parasite at birth”, “making space for the fetus”, and “keeping the fetus weight down” as the delivery of a big baby would cause protracted and painful labor.
  • 79. Secular Healing  Many ailments are routinely explained with in as empirical framework of illness etiology and treated with curative practices, which do not involve Magico-religious rituals.  In this domain various levels of specialization exists, ranging from home remedies to professional treatment. Self care  Self-care by household with out the use of professional healers is common through out Ethiopia.  A popular remedy for different illnesses exists.  For instance, remedies for headache include coffee and lemon tea drinking, and most ethnic groups place eucalyptus leaves in the nostrils to treat colds.
  • 80.  Rheumatism and arthritis are treated with application of hot and dry leaves on the afflicted part of the body, in some population groups.  Several skin problems are also treated at home, for example the Sidamo apply a poultice derived from butter and leaves to scabies caused burrows Empirical Practitioners  Beyond the self-care practices, Ethiopians use different variety of traditional medical practitioners, who operate predominantly at an empirical level.  Group specific taxonomic terms distinguish further ethno medical competence.  Thus, a Sidamo traditional medical practitioner whose field of expertise is restricted solely to the preparation of herbal concoctions is designated with the term “Taghissancho”, meaning medicine maker.
  • 81. • The Amhara also classify the traditional medical practitioners as herbalists, “Wegesha” (bonesetter), uvula cutter, and cupper. • These people are not distinguishable from the rest of the population in terms of social status or insignia. • The majorities of them are engaged in farming and practice medicine on part time basis. Cauterization  is popular medical practice in Ethiopia and is advised for ailments such as conjunctivitis, headaches, ear infections, chronic cough, and bone fracture.  Although cautery is rarely harmful, cases of permanent disability following cauterization were observed among the Sidamo.  The attributed efficacy of cautery is based on the belief that the emanation of heat destroys the pathogenic substance in side the affected part of the body.
  • 82. Surgery  Though rare, literatures report the practices of tonsillectomy median episiotomies, amputation, and caesarian section.  In Ethiopia presently the most common procedures that entail the excision of an anatomical part are Circumcisions and Uvulectomy Miscellaneous practices  Additional ethno medical procedures include bathing, bone setting and cupping.  Thermal springs have traditionally been important in Ethiopia in treating skin diseases, syphilis, leprosy, rheumatism, and other ailments.
  • 83.  Segregation of highly contagious patients is generally enforced, especially in case of leprosy.  Bone setting techniques vary among ethnic groups.  Traditional practitioners treat bone fractures, dislocation and sprains.  Therapeutic cupping is practiced along side other bleeding techniques. Its main objective is to extract “bad blood” from the body, which is thought to be decaying internally causing tissue swelling and ill health. It is prescribed for elephantiasis, rheumatism, high fevers, headaches and others.  Additional ethno medical practices include dentistry involving the use of modern carpenter pliers to extract aching teeth, eye, and brow cutting to treat conjunctivitis, and scrapping the buccal tissue in the case of tonsillitis.
  • 84. CHAPTER FIVE FAMILY HEALTH Learning objectives At the end of this chapter, the students are expected to: • Define Family and family health. • Describe the reason why there is a focus on family health
  • 85. Family  Family is a social unit composed of group of individuals who are related by blood or marriage or adoption, live under the same roof and share a common kitchen, and/or share common social responsibilities.  Such social unit is defined primarily by reference to relationships which pertain to arise from reproductive process and which are regulated by law or custom, especially relationship established between a couple by marriage and those existing between a couple as parents and their children.
  • 86. However, it has to be differentiated from household.  Household consists of a group of individuals who share living quarters, take their principal meal from the same kitchen, i.e. live under the same roof, and eat from the same kitchen.  There are two types of households- private households (or family households) and institutional (or non-family) households like hostels, jail, etc. Nuclear family  Nuclear family includes a male and female coup related by marriage or living together by common consent, with or without children. Extended family  The extended family is multigenerational and consists the nuclear family and relatives of both parties, whether or not living in close geographic proximity.  The extended family provides a broader basis of mutual support.
  • 87. Family Health  Family Health deals with problem of health of the whole family as a single and fundamental social unit.  Special and great emphasis is given to family health since the problems of rapidly growing populations have important consequences at the family, community and the national level.  Problems of maternal and child health, and human reproduction, including family planning, are now seen as aspects of the greater problem of the health of the whole family. Why do we focus on family health?  The family structure provides an important foundation for physical and emotional health of the individual and the community.  A healthy family is a basis for a healthy society and healthy nation.
  • 88.  Marital and family status and interaction among family members affect each person's health and the well being of the community and nations  Family health mainly focuses on maternal (mother’s) heath and child health. Both at the national level and internationally, maternal and child health are among the major priorities with special focus on primary health care, since women and children have health needs different from those of the general population. Maternal health  Maternal health deals with insuring safe mother hood for all women of the world.  This includes care for females starting from their conception through various stages of growth and development with special emphasis to women of childbearing age.  Here pregnant mothers will get great emphasis towards care before delivery (prenatal care), care during labor and delivery
  • 89. Family Planning  It is a conscious effort on the part of a couple in planning the size of the family and thus consists of the restrictions of births or limitation of births either temporarily to achieve the planned interval between successive births or permanently to prevent more births than planned by the usage of various contraceptive techniques.  Family planning and spacing of pregnancy is a vital issue in developing countries, where the burden of frequent pregnancies contributes to high maternal and infant mortality rates.  It enables women to determine the time, spacing, and frequency of pregnancy, as well as adoption of children.
  • 90. Child health  Public health has long played a major leadership role in improving the health of children by provision of care and regulation of conditions to prevent disease, provide early and adequate care of illness, and promote health.  Child health includes care for newborns, breast feeding and feeding practices, Immunization, growth monitoring and well baby clinics, treatment of common childhood infections, school health activities and advocating for the rights of children
  • 91. CHAPTER SIX PERSONAL HYGIENE Learning objectives At the end of this chapter, the students are expected to: • Define Hygiene. • Describe the importance of hygiene to the individual and community
  • 92. Hygiene  The concept of hygiene dates back to the time when the first man has moved in to the caves to protect himself from the forces of nature that act against his survival.  The known religious leaders, Prophet Moses and Prophet Mohammed have stated to their followers to wash their body before religious practices and even before meal.  This practice is more probably true to the other religions and sects of the world.  Hygiene is a word derived from the goddess of health in Greek mythology meaning the science of health and embraces all factors, which contribute to healthful living.
  • 93.  Hygiene is also defined as the science that deals with the establishment and maintenance of health in the individual and the group, conditions and practices conducive to health.  Hygiene can be classified into community hygiene and personal hygiene. Community hygiene might include industrial hygiene, social hygiene, food hygiene, etc.  Personal Hygiene is part of hygiene, which tells us how an individual preserves, improves and maintains the health of his own mind and body.  Personal hygiene and health are greatly affected by heredity and environment;
  • 94. • Keeping personal cleanliness costs very little when it is compared with its importance. • In this case, every body can practice it at home with available materials. 1. Hands and fingers nails  unclean hands considered important routes of transmission for diseases.  Control measure to prevent the transmission of diseases from hands and fingernails:  Keep fingernails always clean and short  Use detergent (soap) for the hand before food preparation and eating  Use hand washing after eating and toilet visit including some other activities
  • 95. 2. The skin:  Sweat and oily secretions from the skin cause dust to stick on its surface. This clogs the skin pores and interferes with the natural function of the skin.  Human skin serves as physical barrier and also has self disinfectant power. The disinfectant power of skin increases when the skin is clean 3. Clothes:  help to protect our body from harsh weather conditions. However, unclean cloths contribute to the multiplication of pests and the spread of pests born disease like relapsing fever.  To prevent such health problems regular day and night clothes washing and ironing is advisable.
  • 96. 4. The mouth and teeth:  Can harbor microorganisms when food particles left between the teeth.  The microorganism uses this food as a nutrient, multiplies in larger numbers, and can cause gum and tooth disease as well as bad breath.  Therefore, to prevent the problem regular tooth brushing is relevant. 5. The head:  unclean hair and scalp can harbor different microorganisms and pests, like lice, which can transmit disease.  Therefore, to prevent the problem regular washing with soap and warm water is highly encouraged.
  • 97. 6. The nose:  It contains hairs in the nostrils that filter dirt and microorganism from the air.  Thus, the nose serves as a protecting devise against the entrance of harmful substances in to lungs and circulatory system.  For this reason, the nostrils should at all times be kept clean by using a clean handkerchief or blowing at intervals to remove the accumulated dusts and spores. 7. The eye:  Dirty eyes attract common housefly.  Microorganisms carried by the flies’ legs can be deposited in or near the eyes and may cause disease like trachoma, which eventually lead to blindness.  Regular face washing with soap can break the transmission of such diseases
  • 98. 8. The Genitalia:  Shaving the hair is one of the main important parts for the genital hygiene.  It helps to avoid the harborage of pests and make cleaning of the genital organ easier.  Cleaning of the genital areas can be done during general body cleaning or taking shower.  However, there are conditions when one needs special cleaning of genital areas. These are before and after sexual intercourse, during menstruation period, before and after delivery
  • 99. CHAPTER SEVEN HEALTH AND DEVELOPMENT Learning objectives At the end of this course, the students are expected: ‰ Differentiate between development and economic growth. ‰ Describe the relationship between the health sector and development ‰ Identify and define relationships existing between individual and community health and various socio-economic conditions.
  • 100.  Individuals in good health are better able to study, learn and be more productive in their work.  Hence, it is important to know what development means,  how does it differ from economic growth?  What role does health play in development?  What is development?  Development has been variously defined.  The modern view of development perceives it as both a physical reality and a state of mind in which society has, through some combination of social, economic and institutional processes, secured the means for obtaining a better life.
  • 101.  Development in all societies must consist of at least the following:  To increase the availability, distribution and accessibility of life sustaining goods such as food, shelter, health, security and protection to all members of society.  To raise standards of living including higher incomes, the provision of more jobs, better education and better health and more attention to cultural and humanistic values so as to enhance not only material well-being, but also to generate greater individual, community and national esteem.  To expand the range of economic and social opportunities and services to individuals and communities by freeing them from servitude, and dependence on other people and communities and from ignorance and human misery.
  • 102. The Difference between development and Economic growth • For a long time, the terms development and economic growth were used interchangeably. • Although the two are closely related, they are, however, different. Development  Encompasses the total well-being of individual, a community or a nation.  Must be measured by the rate of economic growth  Concerned with the total person, his economic, social, political, physiological, and psychic and environmental requirements.
  • 103. Economic growth  can be defined as an increase in country’s productive capacity, identifiable by a sustained rise in real national income over a period of years.  Concerned with the area in per capital earning of the people making up the nation.  Is one characteristic of development?  It is possible for a county to experience economic growth without development.
  • 104. The role of Health in Development  Health plays a major role in promoting economic development and reducing poverty.  The health sector is the key social sector for development.  Good health, both at the individual, Community and national levels, is a prerequisite for full-scale productivity and creativity.  In the first place, the health sector should not be looked at in isolation from the rest of the economy , as a sort of charitable handout to ensure that people do not die, for example, of preventive diseases.  Development of the health sector is seen to be a necessary requirement for future development.  The fact that development in the health sector may lead to further general development has given rise to a new area of economic theory called “Investment in Human Capital”.
  • 105.  This is not to suggest that all the benefit of health or education projects is necessarily economic.  Development is linked not just to the improvement of social indicators or the attainment of basic needs, but with wider aspirations such as high health status, and with social well-being and change.  The development process embraces not only the so-called “productive” sectors of the economy, but also the social sectors.  The health sector, besides producing benefits, which in their own right are necessary for improving the well-being of the people, development of the health sector helps to lay the foundation for development in the wider sense.  Improving human’s capacity to produce more and to fulfill this needs and aspirations does this.
  • 106. Relation Ship between Health and Development  Health development is an important element in the overall development of a country.  For instance in countries where HIV/AIDS is a public health problem there is a great challenge in getting skilled human power and the country will get a burden in the health delivery by spending the significant figure of the health budget to the pandemic.  Here HIV/AIDS is not only a health problem but also a situation that brings social, economic and political crisis for a country.  In a country with a greater proportion of its people still struggling for their daily survival, the scope of development definition shall fit to the local scenarios. It has to be understood in terms of household Livelihood security.
  • 107. What is Household Livelihood Security (HLS)?  Household Livelihood Security is defined as: ‘Adequate and Sustainable Access to Income and Resources to Meet Basic Needs’, including: Food, Proper Nutrition, Clean Water; Health, Health Facilities and services; Economic Opportunities; Education; Housing/Habitat Security; Physical Safety; and time for Community Participation.  The common factors or situations (risks or shocks) that lead to livelihood insecurity includes:  Drought and Floods, Conflict, Disease outbreaks & illness, Population growth, Economic adjustment policies, Natural resource degradation, etc.
  • 108.  As it is described above livelihood, security is ‘Adequate and sustainable access to income and resources to meet basic needs (one of which is health)’.  This means Health is a basic commodity of livelihood; it is an important means as well as prerequisite for achieving livelihood security.  Health and health related problems affect household access to income, economic growth, and resource distribution resulting in challenged household livelihood security and resilience.  Ill health not only affects the means (financial resources, asset, income, know-how, time, etc,) to livelihood, but also modifies or complicates the context such as the economic, cultural, political and social situations in which individuals` making effort to achieve their livelihood basic needs.
  • 109.  Thus, in order to have better livelihood, families should be economically secured.  Economic security is achieved when individuals or household have the capacity to generate sufficient income to satisfy the basic needs of the family, and to maintain or increase the goods necessary for the stability of the family economy, as well as to protect it against shocks.  As a prerequisite for this, households should have health security and should be nutritionally secured.
  • 110. Health and the Millennium Development Goal  The eight major goals of the MDGs, most of which are to be achieved by the year 2015, are: 1. Eradication of extreme poverty and hunger 2. Achievement of universal primary education 3. Promotion of gender equality and empowerment of women 4. Reduction of child mortality 5. Improvement in maternal health 6. Combating HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases 7. Ensuring environmental sustainability 8. Developing a global partnership for development
  • 111.  In addition, 18 quantitative targets for each goal with 48 indicators for monitoring there have been set and agreed upon  The particular goals and targets that are relevant for health sector are shown below.  Goal 4: Reduce Child Mortality - Target 5: Reduce the under five mortality rate by two-thirds, between 1990 and 2015  Goal 5: Improve Maternal Health - Target 6: Reduce the maternal Mortality ratio by three quarters, between 1990 and 2015.  Goal 6: Combat HIV/AIDS, Malaria and other Diseases  Target 7: have halted by 2015 and begun to reverse the spread of HIV/AIDS  Target 8: have halted by 2015 and begun to reverse the incidence of Malaria and other major diseases
  • 112. CHAPTER EIGHT HEALTH SERVICE IN ETHIOPIA Learning objectives At the end of this course, the students are expected to: ‰ Describe the developmental history of health services in Ethiopia, ‰ Describe the organization of health system and health services in Ethiopia. ‰ Describe the health service coverage and distribution in Ethiopia. ‰ Understand basic factors that influence health service coverage and distribution in the Ethiopian context, ‰ Discuss the existing health service coverage and distribution of Ethiopia.
  • 113. History of Health service development in Ethiopia  The early history of modern medicine in Ethiopia dates back to the Reign of Emperor Libne Dingle (1508 – 1540). When the Portuguese mission to his court brought a physician named Joao Bermudes.  The foundation of formalized health services goesback to 1908, when an office dealing with health wascreated in the Ministry of Interior. During the HaileSelassies Reign, starting 1930s, the health servicesdevelopment accelerated, and the establishment of theMinistry of Health (MOH) in 1948 marked the beginning of the National Health Service.  The Ethiopian Government, in 1952, began to develop a basic health service in which health centers have been considered the backbone of the service
  • 114.  The Public Health College and Training Center at Gondar was established in 1954  The first Medical school at Black Lion Hospital was opened in 1966 and was followed in the 1970’s by the establishment of additional training institutions for nurses, health assistants, Health officers, Sanitarians and Pharmacists.  There was no National Policy and Strategy for the development of the Health Service until 1963, when the Second Five-year Development Plan was launched.  The second five-year development plan, which was from 1963 – 1967, contained major policies and strategies regarding the health sector.
  • 115.  There after, the Socialist Ethiopian Government revised the health policy to place more emphasis on primary health care, rural health services, prevention and control of common diseases, self-reliance, and community participation in health activity through its declaration of the national democratic Revolutionary program in 1976 and its adoption in 1978 of the Alma-ata Declaration of Health for All (HFA) by the Year 2000  The six-tier health care system consisted of community health services (health posts) health stations or clinics, health centers, district hospitals, regional hospital, and central referral/teaching hospitals.
  • 116. Community health service  It is the first contact of health service with the community; and each community health service is to be staffed with one community health agent (CHA) and one trained traditional birth attendant (TBA) rendering basic health services. Each health post, a community health service delivery point, is expected to serve at least 1000 population and the services include:  Promotion of community participation,  Control of communicable diseases,  Provision of maternal and child health services,  Provision of curative services for minor illnesses and injuries,  The collection of health information and statistics.
  • 117. Health stations  The lowest level of health services operating directly by the Ministry of Health,  Mostly located in villages and small towns.  Staffed by health assistants and/or a nurse,  Provides service for at least 10,000 populations with in 10-12 km radius.  Provides regular out patient services, basic MCH care, develop and implement environmental sanitation and water supply programs, and supervise CHA and TBA
  • 118. Health centers  Are staffed by Nurses, sanitarians, laboratory technicians, health Assistants and increasingly by one or two physicians and also health officers.  Are the major health facility at the “Awraja” level  Provide more specialized out patient service, supervise, and support health stations.  Each health center is expected to provide services for at least 100,000 population Hospitals  Are the most specialized and better-staffed health institutions,  Provide curative services with increasing complexity /Specialization.  Supervise the lower level health services.
  • 119. Reorganization of the health service delivery  After a review of this health care delivery system in the early 1990s, a four tier health care organization was brought into the system.  This health care delivery system has been organized in such a way that at the base of the system there is a primary health care unit (PHCU), followed by District hospital, regional hospital, and Specialized/teaching hospitals.
  • 120. Primary Health Care Unit:  Contains a health center along with five satellite community health posts  Serving a total of 25,000 population  Provides preventive, promotive, curative, training services, as well as referral services  Collect basic health and health related data, and  Staffed with public health officers and other staffs (nurses, midwifes, laboratory technicians, sanitarians, and pharmacist) at the health center level, and PHC workers in the health posts.
  • 121. Specialized/Teaching Hospitals  The last higher level, which provides tertiary level services,  Teaching, research, and other specialized services, with minimum of 250 beds  Staffed with sub-specialists, specialists of different category, general practitioners and other high level staffs (nurses, midwifes, laboratory technicians, sanitarians, and pharmacist)  Serve about a population of 5,000,000.
  • 122. The general health policy components are:  Democratization and decentralization of the health service system  Development of the preventive and promotive component of health care  Development of an equitable and acceptable standard of health service system that will reach all segments of the population with in the limits of resources  Promoting and strengthening of Inter sectoral collaboration  Promotion of attitudes and practices conducive to the strengthening of national self-reliance in health development by mobilizing and maximally utilizing internal and external resources.
  • 123.  Assurance of accessibility of health care for all segments of the population  Working closely with neighboring countries regional and international organizations to share information and strengthen collaborations in all activities contributory to health development including the control of factors detrimental to health  Development of appropriate capacity building based on assessed needs  Provision of health care for the population on a scheme of payment according to ability, with special assistance mechanisms for those who can’t afford to pay  Promotion of the participation of the private sector and non- governmental organizations in health care.
  • 124. Priorities of the policy include:  Information, education and communication (IEC) of health shall be given appropriate prominence to enhance healthy awareness and to propagate the important concepts and practices of self- responsibility in health.  Emphasis shall be gives to  The control of communicable disease, epidemics and diseases related to malnutrition and poor living condition  The promotion of occupational health and safety  The development of environmental health  The rehabilitation of the heath infrastructure and  The development of an appropriate health service management system.
  • 125.  Appropriate support shall be given to the curative and rehabilitative components of health including mental health.  Due attention shall be given to the development of the beneficial aspects of traditional medicine, including related research and its gradual integration in to modern medicine.  Applied health research addressing the major health problems shall be emphasized.  Provision of essential medicines, medical supplies and equipment shall be strengthened  Development of human resources with emphasis on expansion of the number of frontline and middle level health professionals with community based task oriented team based training shall be undertaken.
  • 126.  Special attention shall be given to the health needs of:  the family particularly woman and children  those in the forefront of productivity  those most neglected regions and segments of the population, including the majority of rural population, pastoralists, the urban poor and national minorities victims of man made and natural disasters.
  • 127. General Strategies  Strengthening the preventive and promotive health service  Family health care  Community health service  Occupational health and safety  Curative and Rehabilitative care  Assuring availability of Drugs, supplies and equipments  Health information documentation and processing  Organization and management of the health delivery system  Research and development  Financing the health case delivery system
  • 128. Health Service Coverage and Distribution  Health service distribution is a geographical and demographic allocation/placement or/and availability of a specific type of health service(s).  It mainly focuses on the geographical availability of the service(s).  It is the interaction and out come of the service(s), service providers, and people targeted for the service(s).  Health service coverage, on the other hand, is the level of availability, accessibility and utilization of a given health service(s) in a specified population and geographical area.
  • 129.  Roughly, more than 50% of the health facilities are located in the urban areas of which most of them are in the capital.  Over 30% of the health, facilities need either repair or replacement facilities and the national potential health service coverage is still about 73.16%.  The Human resource of the country with respect to health is also relatively low compared to the WHO standard.  The physical to population ratio is about 1:35604 compared to the WHO standard which is 1: 10,000, Nurse to population ratio is about 1: 4571 where by the WHO standard is 1 5,000.  The country is at present having 1996 physicians 15544 Nurses, 683 health officers and around 5215 paramedical (sanitarians, pharmacy and laboratory technicians) according to the 2003/2004 health and health related indicators of Ministry of Health.
  • 130. CHAPTER NINE PRIMARY HEALTH CARE Learning Objective:  At the end of this course, the students are expected to:  Define primary health care (PHC) and describe its concept  Describe the historical development and challenges of PHC at national and international level  Describe the components, strategies and principles of PHC
  • 131.  International conference, organized by WHO and United Nations Children’s Education Fund (UNICEF), was held in Alma-ata, Kazakhstan, in 1978 on the theme of ‘health for all’.  The Alma-Ata Declaration stated that health is a basic human right, and that governments are responsible to assure that right for their citizens and to develop appropriate strategies to fulfill this promise.
  • 132. Primary Health Care  is an essential health care based on practical, scientifically sound, and socially acceptable methods and technology made universally accessible to individuals and families in the community through their full participations and at a cost that the community and the country can afford to maintain at every stage of their development in the spirit of self-reliance and self-determination.
  • 133. The basic terms in the definition are:  Essential health care: Group of functions essential for the health of the people given at lower level of health service.  E.g. Medical care, MCH/FP, school health, environmental health, control of communicable diseases, health education, referral, etc.  Scientifically sound: Scientifically explainable and acceptable  Socially acceptable methods and technology: intervention should consider the local value, culture and belief.  Universally accessible: Because of the inequitable distribution of the available resources, the services are not reachable by all who need them.
  • 134. Historical development of PHC Early Approaches  In the 1950’s, there were vertical health service strategies that included mass campaigns, specialized control programs for communicable diseases such as Tuberculosis, Malaria, Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), etc but the strategy was very expensive and so unsuccessful.  The concept of basic health service came into being in the mid 1960s.  This gives more attention to rural areas through the construction of health centers and health stations providing both curative and preventive services
  • 135.  Early 1970: Integration of specialized disease control programs with basic health services came to appear. However, even this approach was disease oriented, based on high cost health institutions and requires advanced technology. Components of PHC Essential health care consisting of at least eight elements a) Health Education b) Provision of essential drugs c) Immunization d) MCH/FP
  • 136. e) Treatment of common Diseases and injuries f) Adequate supply of safe water and basic sanitation g) Communicable Disease control h) Food supply and proper nutrition Additional elements incorporated after Alma-Ata  Oral Health  Mental Health  Use of traditional medicine  Occupation health  HIV/AIDS  ARI
  • 137. PHC Principles Emphasized principles in PHC are:  Inter sectoral collaboration  Community participation  Appropriate technology  Equity  Focused on prevention and promotion of health  Decentralization Inter sectoral collaboration:  Means a joint concern and responsibility of sectors responsible for development in identifying problems, programs and undertaking tasks that have important bearing on human well-being.
  • 138. Community participation:  Community is a group of people living together in the same geographical area, sharing common interests. Community participation/involvement:  It implies sensitizing the people to their health problems, increasing their receptivity and ability to prevent disease, death and handicap. Types of participation / Involvement  Marginal: Participation of people in the health programs may be limited and transitory  Substantial: The community plays active role in determining priorities and helping in carrying out health related activities, such as, health education, provision of drinking water and maintenance of good personal and food hygiene
  • 139.  Structural: Participation of the community in health care becomes an integral part of the program and a major basis for health activities. What are the advantages of a community participation approach?  It is a cost-effective way of extending a health care system to the geographical and social periphery of a country.  Communities that begin to understand their health status objectively rather than fatalistically may be moved to take a series of preventive measures.
  • 140.  Communities that invest labor, time, money and materials in health-promoting activities are more committed to the use and maintenance of the things they produce, such as water supplies.  Health education is most effective as part and parcel of village activities.  Community health workers if they are well chosen, have the people’s confidence. They may know the most effective techniques for achieving commitment from their neighbors and, at the very best, are not likely to exploit them. Appropriate Technology  It takes account of both the health care and the socio-economic context of the country.
  • 141.  This must include consideration of cost (efficiency and attractiveness) in dealing with the health problem.  It should also take consideration of the acceptability of the health care approach to both target community and health service technology; and it does not necessarily mean low cost. Criteria for Appropriateness: To be appropriate, a technology must be  Effective: meet its objective  Culturally acceptable and valuable  Affordable  Locally sustainable: we should be not over dependent on important skills and supplies for its continuous function, maintenance and repair.
  • 142.  Environmentally accountable: The technology should be environmentally harmless or at least minimally harmful.  Measurable: - The impact and performance of technology should be measurable. EQUITY  This is to close the gaps between the “haves and have not s” which will help to achieve more equitable distribution of health resources.  “If all cannot be served, those most in need should have priority” equal Health  Equal utilization of health care → Equity ←Equal access to health care
  • 143. PHC Philosophy and strategy Therefore, PHC as a philosophy includes  Equity and Justice  Individual and community self reliance  Inter relationship of Health and Development
  • 144. PHC Strategy  Changes in the Health care system  Total coverage with essential health care  Integrated system o Involvement of communities Use and control of resources  Redistribution of existing resources Reorientation of Health manpower to PHC Legislative changes- Health policy should address the need of the strategy of PHC. Design, planning and management of Health system
  • 145.  Individual and collective responsibility for Health  1st Aspect: is a political issue: - Decentralization of decision- making  2nd Aspect: Realization: - Personal responsibility for their own and their families health.  NB: It is important to have informed and motivated public on the practice at both aspects.
  • 146. PHC in Ethiopia  Since 1980, PHC has been the main strategy on which the health Policy has been based.  As part of a WHO sponsored international evaluative action, primary health care review was done in the country in the period of August 1984 - January 1985.  The reviewed showed  Expansion of health services to the broad masses especially by establishing new health station and health posts.  Modest achievements in the control of diarrheal diseases and iodine deficiency disorders and training on provision of essential drugs.  However, there were limited achievements regarding inter sectoral collaboration, community involvement, both supporting and utilizing of the services. Moreover, there was over ambitiousness in setting plans and goals.
  • 147. Generally the major problems in the implementation of PHC in Ethiopia are:  Absence of infrastructure at the district level,  Difficulty in achieving inter sectoral collaboration,  Inadequate health service coverage and inappropriate distribution of available health services, Inadequate resource allocation  Absence of clear guidelines or directives on how to implement PHC.  Presence of culturally dictated harmful traditional practices of unscientific beliefs and practice in Ethiopia.  Absence of sound legal rules to support environmental health activities.  Weak community involvement in health.
  • 148. CHAPTER TEN COMMUNITY BASED HEALTH SERVICES Learning objectives At the end of this course, the students are expected to:  Describe the responsibility of the community in the health care system.  Describe the community involvement in the health delivery system  Define the concept of the health care team.  Describe the need for team based health care and role of the health service team leader.
  • 149.  Community based programs are public Health interventions that are designed, implemented and evaluated with the participation of the community representatives and with the guidance of professional experts. Community Health Workers  The concept of the community health worker (CHW) has found new expression in health programs in many parts of the world as part of the Primary Health Care initiative springing from AlmaAta.  It is an adoption of traditional village practice of midwives and healers to modern, organized public health services.  CHWs were first recruited to provide care in rural areas in developing countries without access to health care.  They are selected from the community and training will be given by the Ministry of Health (health centers).
  • 150. Health Service Extension Package (HSEP)  The main objective of HSEP  is to improve access and equity to preventive essential health intervention through community/kebele based health services with strong focus on sustained preventive health actions and increased health awareness.  The health extension service is being provided as a package focusing on preventive health measures targeting households particularly women/mothers at the kebele level.
  • 151. Health Service Extension Package (HSEP)  It is a package of services that includes  provision of immunization  prevention, control and treatment of malaria,  prevention of HIV/AIDS/STDs and tuberculosis  provision of oral contraceptives and deliveries  follow up of high risk pregnant mothers  first aid and sanitation services including excreta disposal  insect and rodent control and safe water supply  housing construction and overall environmental issues in the rural context.
  • 152. Team Approach in Health Service Need for the Health service team  In order to effectively respond to identified needs, health persons must be able to work within a team framework in which problem solving is approached in an integrated manner. The health Team  defined as a group of people who share a common health goal and common objectives, determined by community needs, to the achievement of which each member of the team contributes, in accordance with his/her competence and skill and in coordination with the functions of others.
  • 153. Leader of the health Team • The health team should have a leader, who should inspire confidence in the community, which needs and seeks medical care. • Co-ordination and co-operation: The team leader should be able to achieve preferred co-ordination and co-operation with all members of the team, so that the efficiency and out put of the heath team is high and the work is interesting, satisfying and rewarding • Approachability: The team leader should be easily approachable, so that the team members can reach him and seek his help and guidance for solutions to their personal, technical and official administrative problems.
  • 154. • Competence: The leader should be competent in his own technical work, so that his teammates respect him for his knowledge and skills. • Disciplined and well organized: The team leader should be disciplined and well organized in his thought and work • Delegation of authority: The focus of a good team leader should be on setting the job done and not on who does the job.
  • 155. • Supervision of the health team: For accomplishing the desired result, activities of different members of the team need to be co- coordinated • Supervisory style: Depending on the nature of the team, the team leader may be an autocrat or a democrat. • Span of control of the supervisor: For the best result, the span of direct control of the supervisor should be restricted to about six to ten persons. • Co- ordination between the team members: the supervisor of the team should ensure that individuals in the health team cooperate with each other and coordinate their activities to accomplish the desired tasks.