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SRD: A New Dimension to HRD
A Yoga Perspective.
Dr. S. Ramakrishna Sharma, Founder and Managing Trustee, Foundation for Indian
Scientific Heritage(R), Surathkal. 9483017280.
Two among the many Objectives of the present Conference, that is, ‘To share the
potentialities of Yoga’ and ‘To make recommendations for a National Policy on Yoga
Education, Research and Yoga Therapy’ are kept in view as the backdrop for this paper.
Spiritual resource development [SRD] is the greatest and most significant of all potentialities
of Yoga. As discerned by Swami Vivekananda, ‘each soul is potentially divine’. Unity in
Divinity is the practical, realizable basis of Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam vision – the global
family of humanity.
To serve the purpose of ‘man-making’ and ‘nation building’ it is necessary to add a new
dimension to HRD, that is human resource development, as it plays a vital role in formulating
our national education policy. This paper discusses concept up gradation of HRD by adding
SRD to it with a Yoga perspective and also attempts a probe into pre-Patanjali Yoga
resources in Indian Scientific Heritage literature, living oral traditions of Upasana-Anushtana
Parampara to point out the perennial flow and application of integral and integrated
spirituality in the daily life of our country.
Two specializations, Yoga Therapy and Yoga Spirituality under two year M.Sc programme in
Yogic Science provided by Mangalore University triggered inspiration to develop the
contents of this paper. Indian spirituality is another name of the holistic approach to life.
Indeed, it is 360° discipline to refine and to expand human consciousness so as to realize in
experience the Vishva Manava concept of the Upanishadic Rishis.
Spiritual resource development which Maharshi Patanjali integrated into Ashtanga Yoga
based on the findings of the Rishis of yore, is the key to national education policy. Yoga can
be a complete tool to harness the youth potential of the nation for greater development and all
round progress.
SRD: A New Dimension to HRD
A Yoga Perspective.
Dr. S. Ramakrishna Sharma, Founder and Managing Trustee, Foundation for Indian
Scientific Heritage(R), Surathkal. 9483017280.
Full Paper
First part of the paper is the Preamble and the second part is the Paper proper. The preamble
proposes considering the immense potentialities of Yoga to substantiate the recommendation
in the second part for concept up gradation of HRD to SRD, spiritual resource development
to facilitate formulating National Policy of Yoga and also our National Education Policy. The
second part deals with upgraded concept of SRD.
SRD is the greatest of all potentialities of Yoga. Yogabalam the strength of Yoga can give
birth to a generation of core scientists, core teachers, core administers and the like if the Yoga
Acharyas of the country coordinate, cooperate and contribute their might to nation-building
through man-making by applying both Yoga Spirituality and Yoga Therapy aspects of Yogic
HRD is a corporate concept which caters to the needs of corporate world. It is concerned with
product quality and related performance standards of the personnel. The performer per se is
not given the deserving focus and attention. It is a limited and limiting concept. Once
recruited, a human being becomes, as it were, a corporate resource to serve the purpose of
accomplishing the corporate goals. Total quality development and management is more of the
product and performance than the performer per se.
Being human is being corporately human. Personality development is in terms of branding
and rating, grading and placing. If and when fired the individual who enjoyed extraordinary
privileges finds oneself lost. The corporate culture does not come to support of any kind in
the human sense when one is no more in the books.
To a certain extent modern science is responsible and has contributed to the corporate
concept of human being. Alive and active living body is taken for the total individual.
Physical relaxation is taken for relaxation of mind. It takes it for granted that the mind is only
a by-product of physic-chemical reactions. Thought is nothing but brain chemistry. To deal
with and manage the problems and issues related to this body – mind entity, a truncated
version of ‘Yoga’ is in vogue in packages and graded modules. Do these really work?
Perhaps, they work out.
Should the human being be treated as a body having a soul/sprit or should the human being
be treated as a spirit/soul having a body? The corporate world ought to realize that Yoga
based holistic and spiritual approach gives prominence to the spiritual being, the performer
per se. It enables right focus on relevant levels as determined by specific contexts without
losing sight of the core, the centre, that is the spiritual being.
Act locally, but think globally – is a nice corporate slogan. Thousands of years ago our Rishis
applied this in daily life, living connected to the cosmos rather than merely to the globe. For
that they did not require any external gadgets like mobile or laptop, satellites or TVs. A
vishva manava alone can feel vasudhaiva kutumbakam, being universal human in the global
family of humans. Experience is the final evidence in knowing this fact.
Yoga in Perspective
All the six Vaidika Darshanas, in three pairs, Nyaya – Vaisheshika, Sankhya – Yoga,
Meemamsa – Vedanta as unfolded in the texts of Sutram/Shastram by the Maharshis
Goutama – Kanada, Kapila – Patanjali, Jaimini – Badarayana Krishna Dvaipayana Veda
Vyasa respectively are Veda based knowledge traditions. Among these, Yoga has acquired
the universal status of Science Discipline. Thanks to the pioneering efforts of Vivekananda
Yoga Kendra of Cape Comerin [Kanyakumari, Tamilnadu] and many other centres of Yoga
research. Time will prove that all the six Darshanas fall under the vast umbrella of Vedic
Science, Veda Vijnanam.
Before proceeding to provide the Yoga perspective of SRD, it is necessary to mention here
the latest research in the field of Sankhya Darshanam of Maharshi Kapila which when
validated by the competent panel of scientists would rename Physics with an adjective
“Sankhyan”. The details are provided in the Appendix to this paper with a special emphasis to
SIDDHI which has given birth to a functioning prototype of an innovative power generator
by Sri G. Srinivasan. Each of the six darshanas needs to be researched in the like manner by
resorting to Vedic Research Methodology of the Vedic Rishis.
I quote Sri G. Srinivasan:
Yoga Sutras, based on Sankhya principles, was composed by Maharishi Patanjali. He laid
down a system of practices by which we could attain the ideal state of living. The Yoga
Sutras emphasized that the key to it was in organizing and using human-life-energy in the
correct way. The perfect but simplest method lay in attaining a relaxed and harmonious state
called Siddhi in Sankhya. Based on fundamental scientific principles, it was not only an easy
and definite process but it was also the quickest in achieving results. It is nature’s own way.
Unquote [italics are mine]
The mode and method of enquiry, research and teaching methodology of the Vedic Rishis
consist of performance and experiential learning. They initiated generation after generation
into JIJNASA and ANUSHASANAM. Jijnasa facilitates probing enquiry using linguistic and
non-linguistic methods, mind-mapping, deductive and inductive approaches. Anushasanam
helps spiritual expansion of consciousness. While the former is 24x7 exercise of thought, the
later is upasana /upasanam involving sensitizing the senses, regulating the pranas, stabilizing
the posture, purely mental activity of japa without the involvement of vocal chords, different
types of dhyanam as prescribed by one’s guru and many more increasingly subtle procedures.
All these are essentially orally conveyed traditions.
What is special about Vedic traditions? The UNESCO declared that the Vedas are rare and
unique ORAL TRADITION and hence are part of the intangible heritage of global humanity.
And yet the Max Mullerian corrupt misrepresentation of the Vedas as the “Sacred Books of
the East” is still in vogue. VedO nAma anantashabda rAshih is the definition of the Vedas,
meaning the Vedas are endless series of sounds which happened to be in Samskrutam. Tapah
and Swadhyayah are two associated disciplines of jijnasa and anushasanam/upasanam.
Tapah falls into three categories viz., physical, oral and mental. Further, 16 Vedic samskaras
meant for refining and tuning up the body, refining the senses, mind and intellect, and the
conscious being [spirit] ensure effective learning and error free application of the
instructions. Aachamanam, pranayamah and sankalpah help maintaining the sense of
purpose, right direction of effort and optimum energy level during performance.
Deha shuddhih, vastra shuddhih, sthala shuddhi, asana shuddhih, bhUta shuddhih, dravya
shuddhih and chitta shuddhih – purification of physical body, clothes, place, seat of practice,
elements and forces, materials used for practices, mind, intellect, memory and ego, are
elaborately described to the trainee/seeker by the master prior to initiating into tapah and
swadhyayah. The parameters of shuddhih are to be meticulously followed or else the result
will be of substandard or even negative.
yOgena yOgO vardhate Yoga develops and grows by means of Yoga. Mere talking about
Yoga does not make one a serious and sincere sadhaka. How many among the
readers/audience follow Yoga sadhana on daily basis? Beyond disease management Yoga
Shastram has more significant role in bringing about the overall development of the
individual. Disease is incidental. Health is a natural state. A true yogi remains ever in this
natural state without any external medicine.
To maintain overall health [at five levels, namely the Panchakoshas] Yoga discipline is
integrated into daily life by our Rishis. Sandhyavandanam, the ritual of Sandhya in the dawn,
midday and dusk is one such discipline which includes a single asanam, pranayamah and
dhyanam besides japah. Any goal/result oriented action is undertaken with achamanam,
pranayamah and sankalpah.
The Four Upa-Vedas, Ayurveda, Dhanurveda, Sthapatyaveda and Gandharvaveda may be
rightly called “Consciousness Technology” as they do contain Yoga disciplines [Yoga
sadhana ] which bring about activation of brain/nervous system and acceleration of thought
to facilitate expansion of consciousness. These two procedures are also given in the
Taittireeya Upanishat in the imagery of a bird [Yoga atma] which has two wings. As long as
human beings need to exercise free will to choose what is good against what is convenient,
Yoga is the best tool to keep the free will steady, focused and non-corrupt. This will enable
conservation of spiritual energy and direct it towards scaling greater levels of spiritual
intuitions and also initiate natural healing.
Two optional specializations, Yoga Therapy and Yoga Spirituality under two year M.Sc
programme in Yogic Science offered by Mangalore University inspired this researcher to
develop the contents of this paper. Spirituality and Therapy are closely connected. Both
require Yoga sadhana. A Yoga therapist must be first and foremost a Yoga Acharya. An
acharya is one who practices and makes others practice. The span of therapy for the patient-
practitioner would be sufficient to transform the patient into a Yoga sadhaka if the acharya
gives proper counselling. Inspiring a patient to imbibe Yoga sadhana is a great service to the
Indian spirituality is another name of the holistic approach to life and it is 3600
discipline to
refine and to expand human consciousness so as to realize in experience the VISHVA
MANAVA – Global Citizen concept of the Upanishat Rishis. tE dhyanayOgAnugatAh
apashyan dEvAtmashaktim svagunairnigUDhAm They directly experienced the living,
conscious, bodiless, divine “Power of DevAtma” , Shakti concealed by Her own inscrutable
Gunas.[ShvetAshvataropanishat]. To know and realize that Shakti, dhyanam has to happen
and it happens when shraddha and bhakti matures and ripens. “I care only for the spirit –
when that is right, everything is righted by itself,” says Swami Vivekananda.
Due to the long lapse of time that Yoga was lost to the posterity even more than 5000 years
ago, as pointed out by Yogeshvara Sri Krishna during the Mahabharata War. But then He
retrieved and re-tracked the complete system and gave it to humanity through Arjuna. Gita
Jayanti is a historical event based on Yudhishtira Saka which commenced at the
commemoration of victory of righteousness of Dharmaputra. For every sincere and serious
pursuer of Yoga the Bhagavadgita is a complete practical manual. It is rather the name of a
mega episode which took place on the battle field of Kurukshetra.
I quote Sri G. Srinivasan:
The most important thing is to let them see this video first part where carbon dating of
ancient Dwaraka 32000 years old is submerged under 170 ft of water. It explains why
Sankhya was not understood.
It gives absolutely precise proof to my writings where 9000 years back in Magha floods
(pralaya) swept away and only in Punarvasu 3000 years (7000 years back) later our present
Vedic renaissance took place. This factor is important to understand as the reason
why Sankhya and the Vedas were not fully understood.
The links they can download straight away are: the book and the explanations of how and
why Sankhya by Kapillamuni is a numerical and axiomatic theory. This fact must be
understood so we can have a meaningful dialogue.
The Preamble is concluded.
SRD: A New Dimension to HRD
A Yoga Perspective.
Concept up gradation of HRD to SRD is necessary to overcome the limitations and lacuna of
HRD. Yoga based spiritual perspective is the key for this up gradation. It not only facilitates
formulating right national Yoga Policy but also makes it possible to shape our National
Education Policy. Yogic Science can provide complete tools for harnessing the youth
potential of our nation for national integration, progressive development and re-establishing
global peace. Vijayah, bhUtih, DhruvA Neetih all these are promised when the Bow of
Dharma is wielded by Arjuna like administration supported by the Arrow like
straightforward citizens who follow the tenets of Yogeshvara Sri Krishna.
The Veda Mantra which is called ShantipAthah is used popularly as bhojana mantra.The
term bhunaktu [eat, assimilate] has given rise to this adoption. But the meaning reveals the
potentialities of Yoga in its entirety.
Om sa ha nAvavatu | saha nau bhunaktu | saha veeryam karavAvahaih | tejasvi
nAvadheetamastu | mA vidvishAvahaih | Om shAntih Om shAntih Om shAntih |
Veeryam, tejah, vidvesharAhityam and shAntih physical strength, will and confidence,
spiritual lustre, absence of hate, and total peace are the fruits of fruitful teaching – learning
endeavour when there is togetherness in the Master and disciples while invoking the divine
grace through Om.
The potentialities of Yoga are the potentialities of the spirit. Swami Vivekananda
emphatically upholds that “each soul is potentially divine.” It is called DevAtma Shaktih.
Among the different means of making this divinity manifest he considers that Raja Yoga
[Patanjali’s Yoga] most scientific discipline. Its validity can be verified in one’s own life. It is
not always true that a sound body ensures a sound mind. It is the other way round. A sound
mind, meaning a healthy mind, alone can maintain perpetual health. Yoga Shastra recognizes
this fact and hence the instructions of Yamah and Niyamah are given before commencing the
Yoga sadhana helps expansion of individual consciousness from the localized selfish “i”
[ego] to greater identity of “we” with a feeling of oneness with whom one is in contact.
Gradually this oneness unfolds into “all things and beings”. An accomplished Yogi lives in
this non-verbal unbroken experience of the spiritual expanse within which everything exists.
National policy makers of Bharatam called India ought to be such Yogis who alone can
protect the Dharma [loka-sangrahah and dharma-sangrahah] which can generate Artha and
regulate Kama for Loka-KalyAnam welfare and well being of humanity.
Concept up-gradation of this kind is no paper work. SRD is no arm chair product of a
conference or panel discussion. This is indeed a re-awakening into an almost lost heritage and
forgotten cultural tradition. The chitta – vasana content needs to be purged and a re-potting is
to be done by altering the bhAvanA regarding the resource value. Spiritual resource is more
essential and invaluable. Once this is discerned the purpose of developing human resource
gathers greater significance and gets uplifted to a higher dimension of spiritual expanse.
Spiritual empowerment provides real strength, wider and deeper connectivity with fellow
beings and the environment.
Spiritual Energy is life enhancing and harmony building material of Mother Nature. May this
truth be the guiding force for re-establishing Svaccha ShresTha Bharatam.
|| Jayatu Jayatu Yoga Rashtram ||
----- Original Message -----
From: GS
To: Dr. S. Ramakrishna Sharma ; mohan srinivasan
Sent: Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:12 PM
Subject: Re: chat with ramakrishna sharma
Namaste Dr Sharma ,
Thank you for the initiative you have taken to promote Sankhya. Let me clarify about the book.
On my website The entire book part one and the Sanskrit transliteration
plus decoded lexicon is on the web. Please direct them to visit the site and read the book and other
articles on it.
Perhaps you may be able to guide them but to help I give below the links that would help them.
The second part of book is mathematical and shows derivation of particles to galaxies etc and also
power and gravity solutions. I am sure they may not be interested in it as it forms a very advanced
scientific derivation. Am reserving this for Govt.
They can download the book, articles, ppt slide, Sankhya Sutras in Sanskrit and decoded version in
English just now if they want.
The most important thing is to let them see this video first part where carbon dating of ancient
Dwaraka 32000 years old is submerged under 170 ft of water. It explains why Sankhya was not
It gives absolutely precise proof to my writings where 9000 years back in Magha floods (pralaya)
swept away and only in Punarvasu 3000 years (7000 years back) later our present Vedic renaissance
took place. This factor is important to understand as the reason why Sankhya and the Vedas were
not fully understood.
The links they can download straight away are : the book and the explanations of how and why
Sankhya by Kapillamuni is a numerical and axiomatic theory. This fact must be understood so we can
have a meaningful dialogue
I am only too glad to help and make it easy for all those who want to know extraordinary scientific
treasure but preliminary info must be given or otherwise it may be misunderstood.
Thank you and best of luck
‘SIDDHI’ pdf attached.

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  • 1. 1 SRD: A New Dimension to HRD A Yoga Perspective. Dr. S. Ramakrishna Sharma, Founder and Managing Trustee, Foundation for Indian Scientific Heritage(R), Surathkal. 9483017280. Abstract Two among the many Objectives of the present Conference, that is, ‘To share the potentialities of Yoga’ and ‘To make recommendations for a National Policy on Yoga Education, Research and Yoga Therapy’ are kept in view as the backdrop for this paper. Spiritual resource development [SRD] is the greatest and most significant of all potentialities of Yoga. As discerned by Swami Vivekananda, ‘each soul is potentially divine’. Unity in Divinity is the practical, realizable basis of Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam vision – the global family of humanity. To serve the purpose of ‘man-making’ and ‘nation building’ it is necessary to add a new dimension to HRD, that is human resource development, as it plays a vital role in formulating our national education policy. This paper discusses concept up gradation of HRD by adding SRD to it with a Yoga perspective and also attempts a probe into pre-Patanjali Yoga resources in Indian Scientific Heritage literature, living oral traditions of Upasana-Anushtana Parampara to point out the perennial flow and application of integral and integrated spirituality in the daily life of our country. Two specializations, Yoga Therapy and Yoga Spirituality under two year M.Sc programme in Yogic Science provided by Mangalore University triggered inspiration to develop the contents of this paper. Indian spirituality is another name of the holistic approach to life. Indeed, it is 360° discipline to refine and to expand human consciousness so as to realize in experience the Vishva Manava concept of the Upanishadic Rishis. Spiritual resource development which Maharshi Patanjali integrated into Ashtanga Yoga based on the findings of the Rishis of yore, is the key to national education policy. Yoga can be a complete tool to harness the youth potential of the nation for greater development and all round progress.
  • 2. 2 SRD: A New Dimension to HRD A Yoga Perspective. Dr. S. Ramakrishna Sharma, Founder and Managing Trustee, Foundation for Indian Scientific Heritage(R), Surathkal. 9483017280. Full Paper Preamble First part of the paper is the Preamble and the second part is the Paper proper. The preamble proposes considering the immense potentialities of Yoga to substantiate the recommendation in the second part for concept up gradation of HRD to SRD, spiritual resource development to facilitate formulating National Policy of Yoga and also our National Education Policy. The second part deals with upgraded concept of SRD. SRD is the greatest of all potentialities of Yoga. Yogabalam the strength of Yoga can give birth to a generation of core scientists, core teachers, core administers and the like if the Yoga Acharyas of the country coordinate, cooperate and contribute their might to nation-building through man-making by applying both Yoga Spirituality and Yoga Therapy aspects of Yogic Science. HRD is a corporate concept which caters to the needs of corporate world. It is concerned with product quality and related performance standards of the personnel. The performer per se is not given the deserving focus and attention. It is a limited and limiting concept. Once recruited, a human being becomes, as it were, a corporate resource to serve the purpose of accomplishing the corporate goals. Total quality development and management is more of the product and performance than the performer per se. Being human is being corporately human. Personality development is in terms of branding and rating, grading and placing. If and when fired the individual who enjoyed extraordinary privileges finds oneself lost. The corporate culture does not come to support of any kind in the human sense when one is no more in the books. To a certain extent modern science is responsible and has contributed to the corporate concept of human being. Alive and active living body is taken for the total individual. Physical relaxation is taken for relaxation of mind. It takes it for granted that the mind is only a by-product of physic-chemical reactions. Thought is nothing but brain chemistry. To deal
  • 3. 3 with and manage the problems and issues related to this body – mind entity, a truncated version of ‘Yoga’ is in vogue in packages and graded modules. Do these really work? Perhaps, they work out. Should the human being be treated as a body having a soul/sprit or should the human being be treated as a spirit/soul having a body? The corporate world ought to realize that Yoga based holistic and spiritual approach gives prominence to the spiritual being, the performer per se. It enables right focus on relevant levels as determined by specific contexts without losing sight of the core, the centre, that is the spiritual being. Act locally, but think globally – is a nice corporate slogan. Thousands of years ago our Rishis applied this in daily life, living connected to the cosmos rather than merely to the globe. For that they did not require any external gadgets like mobile or laptop, satellites or TVs. A vishva manava alone can feel vasudhaiva kutumbakam, being universal human in the global family of humans. Experience is the final evidence in knowing this fact. Yoga in Perspective All the six Vaidika Darshanas, in three pairs, Nyaya – Vaisheshika, Sankhya – Yoga, Meemamsa – Vedanta as unfolded in the texts of Sutram/Shastram by the Maharshis Goutama – Kanada, Kapila – Patanjali, Jaimini – Badarayana Krishna Dvaipayana Veda Vyasa respectively are Veda based knowledge traditions. Among these, Yoga has acquired the universal status of Science Discipline. Thanks to the pioneering efforts of Vivekananda Yoga Kendra of Cape Comerin [Kanyakumari, Tamilnadu] and many other centres of Yoga research. Time will prove that all the six Darshanas fall under the vast umbrella of Vedic Science, Veda Vijnanam. Before proceeding to provide the Yoga perspective of SRD, it is necessary to mention here the latest research in the field of Sankhya Darshanam of Maharshi Kapila which when validated by the competent panel of scientists would rename Physics with an adjective “Sankhyan”. The details are provided in the Appendix to this paper with a special emphasis to SIDDHI which has given birth to a functioning prototype of an innovative power generator by Sri G. Srinivasan. Each of the six darshanas needs to be researched in the like manner by resorting to Vedic Research Methodology of the Vedic Rishis. I quote Sri G. Srinivasan:
  • 4. 4 Yoga Sutras, based on Sankhya principles, was composed by Maharishi Patanjali. He laid down a system of practices by which we could attain the ideal state of living. The Yoga Sutras emphasized that the key to it was in organizing and using human-life-energy in the correct way. The perfect but simplest method lay in attaining a relaxed and harmonious state called Siddhi in Sankhya. Based on fundamental scientific principles, it was not only an easy and definite process but it was also the quickest in achieving results. It is nature’s own way. Unquote [italics are mine] The mode and method of enquiry, research and teaching methodology of the Vedic Rishis consist of performance and experiential learning. They initiated generation after generation into JIJNASA and ANUSHASANAM. Jijnasa facilitates probing enquiry using linguistic and non-linguistic methods, mind-mapping, deductive and inductive approaches. Anushasanam helps spiritual expansion of consciousness. While the former is 24x7 exercise of thought, the later is upasana /upasanam involving sensitizing the senses, regulating the pranas, stabilizing the posture, purely mental activity of japa without the involvement of vocal chords, different types of dhyanam as prescribed by one’s guru and many more increasingly subtle procedures. All these are essentially orally conveyed traditions. What is special about Vedic traditions? The UNESCO declared that the Vedas are rare and unique ORAL TRADITION and hence are part of the intangible heritage of global humanity. And yet the Max Mullerian corrupt misrepresentation of the Vedas as the “Sacred Books of the East” is still in vogue. VedO nAma anantashabda rAshih is the definition of the Vedas, meaning the Vedas are endless series of sounds which happened to be in Samskrutam. Tapah and Swadhyayah are two associated disciplines of jijnasa and anushasanam/upasanam. Tapah falls into three categories viz., physical, oral and mental. Further, 16 Vedic samskaras meant for refining and tuning up the body, refining the senses, mind and intellect, and the conscious being [spirit] ensure effective learning and error free application of the instructions. Aachamanam, pranayamah and sankalpah help maintaining the sense of purpose, right direction of effort and optimum energy level during performance. Deha shuddhih, vastra shuddhih, sthala shuddhi, asana shuddhih, bhUta shuddhih, dravya shuddhih and chitta shuddhih – purification of physical body, clothes, place, seat of practice, elements and forces, materials used for practices, mind, intellect, memory and ego, are elaborately described to the trainee/seeker by the master prior to initiating into tapah and
  • 5. 5 swadhyayah. The parameters of shuddhih are to be meticulously followed or else the result will be of substandard or even negative. yOgena yOgO vardhate Yoga develops and grows by means of Yoga. Mere talking about Yoga does not make one a serious and sincere sadhaka. How many among the readers/audience follow Yoga sadhana on daily basis? Beyond disease management Yoga Shastram has more significant role in bringing about the overall development of the individual. Disease is incidental. Health is a natural state. A true yogi remains ever in this natural state without any external medicine. To maintain overall health [at five levels, namely the Panchakoshas] Yoga discipline is integrated into daily life by our Rishis. Sandhyavandanam, the ritual of Sandhya in the dawn, midday and dusk is one such discipline which includes a single asanam, pranayamah and dhyanam besides japah. Any goal/result oriented action is undertaken with achamanam, pranayamah and sankalpah. The Four Upa-Vedas, Ayurveda, Dhanurveda, Sthapatyaveda and Gandharvaveda may be rightly called “Consciousness Technology” as they do contain Yoga disciplines [Yoga sadhana ] which bring about activation of brain/nervous system and acceleration of thought to facilitate expansion of consciousness. These two procedures are also given in the Taittireeya Upanishat in the imagery of a bird [Yoga atma] which has two wings. As long as human beings need to exercise free will to choose what is good against what is convenient, Yoga is the best tool to keep the free will steady, focused and non-corrupt. This will enable conservation of spiritual energy and direct it towards scaling greater levels of spiritual intuitions and also initiate natural healing. Two optional specializations, Yoga Therapy and Yoga Spirituality under two year M.Sc programme in Yogic Science offered by Mangalore University inspired this researcher to develop the contents of this paper. Spirituality and Therapy are closely connected. Both require Yoga sadhana. A Yoga therapist must be first and foremost a Yoga Acharya. An acharya is one who practices and makes others practice. The span of therapy for the patient- practitioner would be sufficient to transform the patient into a Yoga sadhaka if the acharya gives proper counselling. Inspiring a patient to imbibe Yoga sadhana is a great service to the Rishiparampara.
  • 6. 6 Indian spirituality is another name of the holistic approach to life and it is 3600 discipline to refine and to expand human consciousness so as to realize in experience the VISHVA MANAVA – Global Citizen concept of the Upanishat Rishis. tE dhyanayOgAnugatAh apashyan dEvAtmashaktim svagunairnigUDhAm They directly experienced the living, conscious, bodiless, divine “Power of DevAtma” , Shakti concealed by Her own inscrutable Gunas.[ShvetAshvataropanishat]. To know and realize that Shakti, dhyanam has to happen and it happens when shraddha and bhakti matures and ripens. “I care only for the spirit – when that is right, everything is righted by itself,” says Swami Vivekananda. Due to the long lapse of time that Yoga was lost to the posterity even more than 5000 years ago, as pointed out by Yogeshvara Sri Krishna during the Mahabharata War. But then He retrieved and re-tracked the complete system and gave it to humanity through Arjuna. Gita Jayanti is a historical event based on Yudhishtira Saka which commenced at the commemoration of victory of righteousness of Dharmaputra. For every sincere and serious pursuer of Yoga the Bhagavadgita is a complete practical manual. It is rather the name of a mega episode which took place on the battle field of Kurukshetra. I quote Sri G. Srinivasan: The most important thing is to let them see this video first part where carbon dating of ancient Dwaraka 32000 years old is submerged under 170 ft of water. It explains why Sankhya was not understood. It gives absolutely precise proof to my writings where 9000 years back in Magha floods (pralaya) swept away and only in Punarvasu 3000 years (7000 years back) later our present Vedic renaissance took place. This factor is important to understand as the reason why Sankhya and the Vedas were not fully understood. The links they can download straight away are: the book and the explanations of how and why Sankhya by Kapillamuni is a numerical and axiomatic theory. This fact must be understood so we can have a meaningful dialogue. Unquote. The Preamble is concluded.
  • 7. 7 Paper SRD: A New Dimension to HRD A Yoga Perspective. Concept up gradation of HRD to SRD is necessary to overcome the limitations and lacuna of HRD. Yoga based spiritual perspective is the key for this up gradation. It not only facilitates formulating right national Yoga Policy but also makes it possible to shape our National Education Policy. Yogic Science can provide complete tools for harnessing the youth potential of our nation for national integration, progressive development and re-establishing global peace. Vijayah, bhUtih, DhruvA Neetih all these are promised when the Bow of Dharma is wielded by Arjuna like administration supported by the Arrow like straightforward citizens who follow the tenets of Yogeshvara Sri Krishna. The Veda Mantra which is called ShantipAthah is used popularly as bhojana mantra.The term bhunaktu [eat, assimilate] has given rise to this adoption. But the meaning reveals the potentialities of Yoga in its entirety. Om sa ha nAvavatu | saha nau bhunaktu | saha veeryam karavAvahaih | tejasvi nAvadheetamastu | mA vidvishAvahaih | Om shAntih Om shAntih Om shAntih | Veeryam, tejah, vidvesharAhityam and shAntih physical strength, will and confidence, spiritual lustre, absence of hate, and total peace are the fruits of fruitful teaching – learning endeavour when there is togetherness in the Master and disciples while invoking the divine grace through Om. The potentialities of Yoga are the potentialities of the spirit. Swami Vivekananda emphatically upholds that “each soul is potentially divine.” It is called DevAtma Shaktih. Among the different means of making this divinity manifest he considers that Raja Yoga [Patanjali’s Yoga] most scientific discipline. Its validity can be verified in one’s own life. It is not always true that a sound body ensures a sound mind. It is the other way round. A sound mind, meaning a healthy mind, alone can maintain perpetual health. Yoga Shastra recognizes this fact and hence the instructions of Yamah and Niyamah are given before commencing the asanas. Yoga sadhana helps expansion of individual consciousness from the localized selfish “i” [ego] to greater identity of “we” with a feeling of oneness with whom one is in contact. Gradually this oneness unfolds into “all things and beings”. An accomplished Yogi lives in this non-verbal unbroken experience of the spiritual expanse within which everything exists. National policy makers of Bharatam called India ought to be such Yogis who alone can protect the Dharma [loka-sangrahah and dharma-sangrahah] which can generate Artha and regulate Kama for Loka-KalyAnam welfare and well being of humanity. Concept up-gradation of this kind is no paper work. SRD is no arm chair product of a conference or panel discussion. This is indeed a re-awakening into an almost lost heritage and
  • 8. 8 forgotten cultural tradition. The chitta – vasana content needs to be purged and a re-potting is to be done by altering the bhAvanA regarding the resource value. Spiritual resource is more essential and invaluable. Once this is discerned the purpose of developing human resource gathers greater significance and gets uplifted to a higher dimension of spiritual expanse. Spiritual empowerment provides real strength, wider and deeper connectivity with fellow beings and the environment. Spiritual Energy is life enhancing and harmony building material of Mother Nature. May this truth be the guiding force for re-establishing Svaccha ShresTha Bharatam. || Jayatu Jayatu Yoga Rashtram ||
  • 9. 9 APPENDIX – I ----- Original Message ----- From: GS To: Dr. S. Ramakrishna Sharma ; mohan srinivasan Sent: Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:12 PM Subject: Re: chat with ramakrishna sharma Namaste Dr Sharma , Thank you for the initiative you have taken to promote Sankhya. Let me clarify about the book. On my website The entire book part one and the Sanskrit transliteration plus decoded lexicon is on the web. Please direct them to visit the site and read the book and other articles on it. Perhaps you may be able to guide them but to help I give below the links that would help them. The second part of book is mathematical and shows derivation of particles to galaxies etc and also power and gravity solutions. I am sure they may not be interested in it as it forms a very advanced scientific derivation. Am reserving this for Govt. They can download the book, articles, ppt slide, Sankhya Sutras in Sanskrit and decoded version in English just now if they want. The most important thing is to let them see this video first part where carbon dating of ancient Dwaraka 32000 years old is submerged under 170 ft of water. It explains why Sankhya was not understood. It gives absolutely precise proof to my writings where 9000 years back in Magha floods (pralaya) swept away and only in Punarvasu 3000 years (7000 years back) later our present Vedic renaissance took place. This factor is important to understand as the reason why Sankhya and the Vedas were not fully understood. The links they can download straight away are : the book and the explanations of how and why Sankhya by Kapillamuni is a numerical and axiomatic theory. This fact must be understood so we can have a meaningful dialogue
  • 10. 10 I am only too glad to help and make it easy for all those who want to know extraordinary scientific treasure but preliminary info must be given or otherwise it may be misunderstood. Thank you and best of luck Cheers GS APPENDIX – II ‘SIDDHI’ pdf attached.