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Introduction To
What Is Human Design
Human design offers a mechanical understanding of your
infinitely perfect nature and is a map of the codes/archetypes
that you individually came to illuminate.
It is the blueprint of the contract you made with divinity (your
own infinite self) preceding your incarnation on earth for the
greater evolution of consciousness.
It is a synthesis of ancient and modern sciences including
astrological, I Ching, Kabbalah and Vedic philosophies.
Human design helps you recognise the inherent perfection in
your expression and the gifts you bring, offering you permission
to be more deeply yourself as a service to the whole that only
you can provide.
Through understanding and deconditioning you can liberate
yourself from what is not you and settle more confidently into
what is.
You have a unique energetic blueprint and individual way of
operating and this is reflected in your chart.
There is no one right way to life but the right way for you as an
Your Human Design chart offers an accurate guide to your
personality, as well as direction and guidance on how you can
deal with challenges in your life. It also shows you your personal
“formula” for creating what you want in your life. When in
alignment with our true nature life gets to be effortless and
There are 5 energy Types in Human Design
Manifestor - inform then initiate
Projector- wait for recognition and invitation
Generator - wait to respond
Manifesting Generator- wait to respond, envision, inform, then take action
Reflector- wait a Lunar cycle
Your Human Design Type shows you how to
create and live in a way that has life feel abundant, fulfilling and flowing with
⠀Your Type is the energetic configuration and your unique way of interacting
with the world.
Every energy Type in Design has a specific Strategy. A Strategy is a unique way
of making decisions and taking action in the world.
⠀Knowing your Type & Strategy can help you develop the confidence and trust
in your capacity and ability to make reliable and correct decisions for yourself.
Your Strategy gives you key information about how you operate your vehicle in
the world and how to naturally align with your life purpose.
Type, Strategy and Signature
When following your strategy and authority, you will experience your
signature. When you do not follow your strategy and authority, you will
experience your not-self theme.
Generator: Frustration and Satisfaction
Manifesting Generator: Frustration + Anger and Satisfaction
Projector: Bitterness and Success
Manifestor: Anger and Peace
Reflector: Disappointment and Surprise
There are 5 energy Types in Human Design
Manifestor - inform then initiate
Projector- wait for recognition and invitation
Generator - wait to respond
Manifesting Generator- wait to respond,
envision, inform, then take action
Reflector- wait a Lunar cycle
Your Human Design Type shows you how to
create and live in a way that has life feel fulfilling
easeful and prosperous.
⠀Your Type is the energetic structure and your unique
way of interfacing with the world.
Manifestors initiate things from divine inspiration, their role is
not to finish them. They are here to impact and get the ball
rolling and then move onto something else usually with a rest
in between. They don’t have a sacral which means they don’t
have consistant energy. There energy comes in potent bursts
followed by rest periods.
Manifestors don’t like to be told what to do and need to feel
autonomy.Manifestors can’t be controlled.
They can often see where things are going before others do
and through their higher vision can lead others by offering the
other 4 types something to respond to.
The strategy for manifestors is to inform, in order to eliminate
the resistance from those around them, they need to inform
the people who will be affected by their actions before they
act so they can cultivate trust and move freely. When living in
alignment with their design they will feel peace when moving
from not self they will feel anger.
The Manifestor
8% of the population
Generators are the builders and doers of the world. They have a
friendly magnetic aura that draws the right people and situations to
them. The key for generators is to respond from their gut which
emerges as a sound from the body. Listening to these sounds is the
key to knowing what is correct for them.
It is not the generators role to initiate and this can be an important
unlearning, if they can have the courage to wait for something that
lights them up to come to them they will a deep sense of satisfaction
with life.
Generators are steady in the their energy output, providing continual
power and life force energy. They should fully exhaust their energy
before going to bed to ensure full regeneration over night.
They are not hear to worry about the future but to focus on doing
what brings them joy and lights them up. They don’t need to actively
spread their warmth and light it’s a byproduct of focusing on their own
The Generator
30% of the population
Manifesting generators have aspects of both the
generator and Manifestor making them incredibly
powerful Manifestors.
They like generators have a immense power to work,
build and create however they move faster than
generators. They usually have multiple things on the go
collapsing time by finding the fastest most efficient way
to do things.
It’s important that they have the freedom to be doing
lots of things at once or it can feel stagnant and boring
for them. They can also initiate like Manifestor which
means they don’t have to wait to make things happen
but they are designed to respond to life, waiting for
signs to show up and getting a yes from the gut before
initiating is imperative.
When moving out of alignment they can be met with
great resistance, it can feel like people are trying to slow
them down on purpose which causes anger and
frustration. When in alignment with their design they
surrender to universal timing which generates the
feeling of deep satisfaction.
The Manifesting Generator
32% of the population
Projectors are here to lead, direct and manage the people that recognise
and value their guidance. They don’t have a sacral so are not designed to
do the work themselves but direct the energy of others from their
expanded awareness. They are attuned to inefficiency in a system and
know how it can be adjusted.
Projectors need to be mindful of their energy, they need time to rest.
They can often feel they have more energy than they do because they
are taking in the sacral energy of generators around them but that is not
sustainable and can lead to burnout.
Projectors should go to bed before they are tired and rest when they
need to.
Their aura is penetrating and absorbing meaning they are sensitive and
can see deeply into people. They are constantly absorbing the energy of
the planet into their field and transmuting the collective.
Projectors need to wait for recognition and invitation to engage
particularly for big things in life like relationships, friendships, career and
location change.
Projectors can become bitter if they are directing their energy towards
people that didn’t ask for it and go unrecognised. It’s important your
advise and guidance is invited first.
The Projector
20% of the population
The Reflector
1% of the population
The reflector is a lunar type meaning it has no centres that
produce light like the other types. This energy type like the
moon instead reflects light through their 9 open centres. They
absorb and then mirror or amplify their environment. It’s
through this reflection they show the rest of the world what
needs calibration.
They are fully open and are very intuitve, empathetic and
They need to be conscious of the energy and environment they
expose themselves to and practise the art of being the sieve
and not the sponge.
The reflector needs to wait one lunar cycle before making
decisions. When living in alignment they will be feel suprise and
awe at the beauty in the world it’s discovering. If moving from
the not self they will disappointment in the world around them.
The Centres
When you look at your Chart there are nine shapes. These are called the
Nine Centers and each centre carries a different frequency and theme.
If a Center is colored, then it is called Defined. A Defined Center has a
consistent way of expressing.
Undefined Centers (white) are where we take in energy and absorb and
amplify. If we assume these energies as our own rather then letting them
move through us we can become confused and start operating from the
not self in these areas.
Throat-communication &
G Centre- direction & love
Spleen - health, time & intuition
Head - Inspiration
Ajna - data processing &
Sacral- life force &
workforce energy
Will - ego & value
Emotional Solar
Plexus - emotions
Root - adrenaline & stress
The Gates and Channels
There are two Gates for each Channel and a total
of 64 Gates. Gates represent specific themes.
Each adding a dimension to your unique
When a Channel is colored in ‘black’ that
represents personality traits and aspects that
we are consciously aware. If the channel is red
it represents our unconscious and soul and
life purpose.
Each Chart has a total of 26 activations
designated by the 13 planets or nodes listed
on your Chart. The planets position at the moment
of your birth and approximately three months
prior to birth are what activate or define the
Channels and Gates in your Chart (Black being the
moment of birth and red being around 3 months
The 9 Centers on the BodyGraph are all connected to
one another through what are called channels, this is
like our circuitry.
Each Channel has a number on either end called a Gate
which corresponds with an I’Ching principle.
For each Gate that is activated in your chart
there is a line. This will appear behind the dot
next to the gate that corresponds to each
planet. There are six different "Lines", these
relate to the six lines of the I’Ching hexagram.
Lines 1 to 3 in the Profiles are intrapersonal
lines are here for personal experience and
Lines 4 to 6 in the profiles are transpersonal and
focused outwardly and motivated by the
consideration of the collective experience.
The Lines
Line 1-The Investigator
Line 1’s wants to figure things out, they need to
understand things before they can do anything.
They have a strong foundation of knowledge and
like to share what they’ve learned once they have
it integrated it. They are practical and curious and
creative. Honesty cultivates safety for the line 1.
The Lines
Line 2- The Hermit
They are naturally gifted and the best thing they
can do for themselves is to become absorbed in
their own process and follow their own gifts.
During their process, they need time alone and
wait for something worthwhile to renter the world.
Line 2’s heal through ease.
Line 3-The Martyr
Line 3 people learn by trial and error. They learn
what works by trying what doesn’t. There is no
such thing as mistakes for the line 3 only
learnings and discoveries. They are dynamic and
versatile and enjoy novel experiences. They
respond well to no pressure and heal through
The Lines
Line 4- The Opportunist
The 4’s quality of life is determined by the quality of
their relationships. They thrive with love from the
community. They are opportunists and their
opportunities lie with the personal networks they
cultivate. They are heart centred, loving and romantic.
They deeply care about people and are orientated
towards service. They are socially influencial and their
passion for something can inspire others deeply. Line 4
heals with gentleness
Line 5-The Heretic
The 5th line is the one who delivers practical, universal truth,
and it’s often viewed by others as the savior; it’s about
leadership and guiding others with practical wisdom. It’s a
projected line which means people often project their
problems or expectations onto them to find the solutions and
save the day. It’s important 5’s only take on the projections
they can live up to. They have a seductive and persuasive
energy. 5 lines heal with forgiveness.
The Lines
Line 6- The Role Model
The 6th line is known as a mutative profile as it goes through three phases
in their life. The first 30 years this line acts as a 3rd line. So if you have a
6th line anywhere in your profile, for the first 30 years of your life you
acted as a 3rd line.That’s a lot of trial and error, a lot of bonds made and
broken and a lot of experiences.
The second phase of the 6th line is 30-50, where this line goes “on the
roof”. This means that the 6 lines take all their 30 years of experience and
sits back to observe, reflect and make sense of everything they have
experienced and everything they see in others, everything they see
happening from the roof.
The final phase of the 6th line is 50 years and beyond where this profile
comes off the roof and can fully step into their 6th line Role Model role.
The six line person is a visionary and embody the qualities of leadership
and trust. They heal with care.
There are twelve different profiles in Human Design.
A Profile comes from the Lines of the Gates in a Chart’s conscious
and unconscious Sun sign. Profiles tell you about major life
themes that you will encounter and the character you’re here to
play this life.
Each number in a profile has a specific
meaning. The first number in your profile is an
element of your personality that you will be consciously aware of.
The second number in the profile may be unconscious and more
hidden from you.
The twelve Profiles are derived from the six possible lines of a
particular Gate. They include:
1/3 Investigator/ Martyr
1/4 Investigator/Opportunist
2/4 Hermit/Opportunist
2/5 Hermit/Heretic
3/5 Martyr/Heretic
3/6 Martyr/Role Model
4/6 Opportunist/Role Model
4/1 Opportunist/Investigator
5/1 Heretic/Investigator
5/2 Heretic/Hermit
6/2 Role Model/Hermit
6/3 Role Model/Martyr
The Incarnation Cross is the conscious and
unconscious Sun and Earth sign, the top
four black and red numbers on your Human
Design Chart.
These four energies combined comprise
about 70 percent of your personality
The Incarnation Cross is your storyline or
path your designed to live out this lifetime.
When you begin living your design you can
see your Incarnation Cross begin to show
itself more and more naturally.
Incarnation Cross
Single Definition
People with Single Definition process information quickly. All of their
defined centers are connected and talking to each other 24/7. They
are self-contained, meaning that they aren’t energetically seeking
someone to bridge the disconnections in their chart.
Split Definition
Split Definition means there are two distinct groups of energy
centers that are connected within the group but are not connected
to each other. People with Split Definition often do best processing
information with another person to understand what data they are
receiving from each group of centres.
Triple-Split Definition
Triple-Split people have multiple places where their circuits need
“bridging,” it’s good for them to be around more than one aura. It’s
not going to feel good to be bridged by the same person all the time.
So, it’s good for them to be around multiple people to find the right
Quadruple-Split Definition
Those with Quadruple-Split Definition need a lot of time and
freedom to process information since their defined centers are so
separate from each other.
Thank You
In conclusion living in alignment with your
Design allows you to interface with world,
illuminating your purpose and gifts and mastering
the lessons you have come to experience.
Following your type and strategy will minimise
resistance to fully embodying your magnificent self.
This is just a brief overview and a foundation for
understanding some of the elements of Human
Design. I hope it has brought illumination and
inspiration for continuing the journey into you.
If you would like to dive deeper you can get a reading
that includes information detailed information on
your type, profile, incarnation cross & keys, centres,
channels as well as authority and strategy.
For a live impact reading that will offer more insight
and support in deconditioning.
For key energetic activations

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Introduction To Human Design.pdf

  • 2. What Is Human Design Human design offers a mechanical understanding of your infinitely perfect nature and is a map of the codes/archetypes that you individually came to illuminate. It is the blueprint of the contract you made with divinity (your own infinite self) preceding your incarnation on earth for the greater evolution of consciousness. It is a synthesis of ancient and modern sciences including astrological, I Ching, Kabbalah and Vedic philosophies. Human design helps you recognise the inherent perfection in your expression and the gifts you bring, offering you permission to be more deeply yourself as a service to the whole that only you can provide. Through understanding and deconditioning you can liberate yourself from what is not you and settle more confidently into what is. You have a unique energetic blueprint and individual way of operating and this is reflected in your chart. There is no one right way to life but the right way for you as an individual. Your Human Design chart offers an accurate guide to your personality, as well as direction and guidance on how you can deal with challenges in your life. It also shows you your personal “formula” for creating what you want in your life. When in alignment with our true nature life gets to be effortless and joyful.
  • 3. There are 5 energy Types in Human Design Manifestor - inform then initiate Projector- wait for recognition and invitation Generator - wait to respond Manifesting Generator- wait to respond, envision, inform, then take action Reflector- wait a Lunar cycle Your Human Design Type shows you how to create and live in a way that has life feel abundant, fulfilling and flowing with ease. ⠀Your Type is the energetic configuration and your unique way of interacting with the world. ⠀ Type Strategy Every energy Type in Design has a specific Strategy. A Strategy is a unique way of making decisions and taking action in the world. ⠀Knowing your Type & Strategy can help you develop the confidence and trust in your capacity and ability to make reliable and correct decisions for yourself. Your Strategy gives you key information about how you operate your vehicle in the world and how to naturally align with your life purpose. ⠀ Type, Strategy and Signature Signature When following your strategy and authority, you will experience your signature. When you do not follow your strategy and authority, you will experience your not-self theme. Generator: Frustration and Satisfaction Manifesting Generator: Frustration + Anger and Satisfaction Projector: Bitterness and Success Manifestor: Anger and Peace Reflector: Disappointment and Surprise
  • 4. There are 5 energy Types in Human Design Manifestor - inform then initiate Projector- wait for recognition and invitation Generator - wait to respond Manifesting Generator- wait to respond, envision, inform, then take action Reflector- wait a Lunar cycle Your Human Design Type shows you how to create and live in a way that has life feel fulfilling easeful and prosperous. ⠀Your Type is the energetic structure and your unique way of interfacing with the world. ⠀ Type
  • 5. Manifestors initiate things from divine inspiration, their role is not to finish them. They are here to impact and get the ball rolling and then move onto something else usually with a rest in between. They don’t have a sacral which means they don’t have consistant energy. There energy comes in potent bursts followed by rest periods. Manifestors don’t like to be told what to do and need to feel autonomy.Manifestors can’t be controlled. They can often see where things are going before others do and through their higher vision can lead others by offering the other 4 types something to respond to. The strategy for manifestors is to inform, in order to eliminate the resistance from those around them, they need to inform the people who will be affected by their actions before they act so they can cultivate trust and move freely. When living in alignment with their design they will feel peace when moving from not self they will feel anger. The Manifestor 8% of the population
  • 6. Generators are the builders and doers of the world. They have a friendly magnetic aura that draws the right people and situations to them. The key for generators is to respond from their gut which emerges as a sound from the body. Listening to these sounds is the key to knowing what is correct for them. It is not the generators role to initiate and this can be an important unlearning, if they can have the courage to wait for something that lights them up to come to them they will a deep sense of satisfaction with life. Generators are steady in the their energy output, providing continual power and life force energy. They should fully exhaust their energy before going to bed to ensure full regeneration over night. They are not hear to worry about the future but to focus on doing what brings them joy and lights them up. They don’t need to actively spread their warmth and light it’s a byproduct of focusing on their own joy. The Generator 30% of the population
  • 7. Manifesting generators have aspects of both the generator and Manifestor making them incredibly powerful Manifestors. They like generators have a immense power to work, build and create however they move faster than generators. They usually have multiple things on the go collapsing time by finding the fastest most efficient way to do things. It’s important that they have the freedom to be doing lots of things at once or it can feel stagnant and boring for them. They can also initiate like Manifestor which means they don’t have to wait to make things happen but they are designed to respond to life, waiting for signs to show up and getting a yes from the gut before initiating is imperative. When moving out of alignment they can be met with great resistance, it can feel like people are trying to slow them down on purpose which causes anger and frustration. When in alignment with their design they surrender to universal timing which generates the feeling of deep satisfaction. The Manifesting Generator 32% of the population
  • 8. Projectors are here to lead, direct and manage the people that recognise and value their guidance. They don’t have a sacral so are not designed to do the work themselves but direct the energy of others from their expanded awareness. They are attuned to inefficiency in a system and know how it can be adjusted. Projectors need to be mindful of their energy, they need time to rest. They can often feel they have more energy than they do because they are taking in the sacral energy of generators around them but that is not sustainable and can lead to burnout. Projectors should go to bed before they are tired and rest when they need to. Their aura is penetrating and absorbing meaning they are sensitive and can see deeply into people. They are constantly absorbing the energy of the planet into their field and transmuting the collective. Projectors need to wait for recognition and invitation to engage particularly for big things in life like relationships, friendships, career and location change. Projectors can become bitter if they are directing their energy towards people that didn’t ask for it and go unrecognised. It’s important your advise and guidance is invited first. The Projector 20% of the population
  • 9. The Reflector 1% of the population The reflector is a lunar type meaning it has no centres that produce light like the other types. This energy type like the moon instead reflects light through their 9 open centres. They absorb and then mirror or amplify their environment. It’s through this reflection they show the rest of the world what needs calibration. They are fully open and are very intuitve, empathetic and sensitive. They need to be conscious of the energy and environment they expose themselves to and practise the art of being the sieve and not the sponge. The reflector needs to wait one lunar cycle before making decisions. When living in alignment they will be feel suprise and awe at the beauty in the world it’s discovering. If moving from the not self they will disappointment in the world around them.
  • 10. The Centres When you look at your Chart there are nine shapes. These are called the Nine Centers and each centre carries a different frequency and theme. If a Center is colored, then it is called Defined. A Defined Center has a consistent way of expressing. Undefined Centers (white) are where we take in energy and absorb and amplify. If we assume these energies as our own rather then letting them move through us we can become confused and start operating from the not self in these areas. Throat-communication & manifestation G Centre- direction & love Spleen - health, time & intuition Head - Inspiration Ajna - data processing & storage Sacral- life force & workforce energy Will - ego & value Emotional Solar Plexus - emotions Root - adrenaline & stress
  • 11. The Gates and Channels There are two Gates for each Channel and a total of 64 Gates. Gates represent specific themes. Each adding a dimension to your unique expression. When a Channel is colored in ‘black’ that represents personality traits and aspects that we are consciously aware. If the channel is red it represents our unconscious and soul and life purpose. Each Chart has a total of 26 activations designated by the 13 planets or nodes listed on your Chart. The planets position at the moment of your birth and approximately three months prior to birth are what activate or define the Channels and Gates in your Chart (Black being the moment of birth and red being around 3 months prior) The 9 Centers on the BodyGraph are all connected to one another through what are called channels, this is like our circuitry. Each Channel has a number on either end called a Gate which corresponds with an I’Ching principle.
  • 12. For each Gate that is activated in your chart there is a line. This will appear behind the dot next to the gate that corresponds to each planet. There are six different "Lines", these relate to the six lines of the I’Ching hexagram. Lines 1 to 3 in the Profiles are intrapersonal lines are here for personal experience and understanding. Lines 4 to 6 in the profiles are transpersonal and focused outwardly and motivated by the consideration of the collective experience. The Lines
  • 13. Line 1-The Investigator Line 1’s wants to figure things out, they need to understand things before they can do anything. They have a strong foundation of knowledge and like to share what they’ve learned once they have it integrated it. They are practical and curious and creative. Honesty cultivates safety for the line 1. The Lines Line 2- The Hermit They are naturally gifted and the best thing they can do for themselves is to become absorbed in their own process and follow their own gifts. During their process, they need time alone and wait for something worthwhile to renter the world. Line 2’s heal through ease.
  • 14. Line 3-The Martyr Line 3 people learn by trial and error. They learn what works by trying what doesn’t. There is no such thing as mistakes for the line 3 only learnings and discoveries. They are dynamic and versatile and enjoy novel experiences. They respond well to no pressure and heal through humour. The Lines Line 4- The Opportunist The 4’s quality of life is determined by the quality of their relationships. They thrive with love from the community. They are opportunists and their opportunities lie with the personal networks they cultivate. They are heart centred, loving and romantic. They deeply care about people and are orientated towards service. They are socially influencial and their passion for something can inspire others deeply. Line 4 heals with gentleness
  • 15. Line 5-The Heretic The 5th line is the one who delivers practical, universal truth, and it’s often viewed by others as the savior; it’s about leadership and guiding others with practical wisdom. It’s a projected line which means people often project their problems or expectations onto them to find the solutions and save the day. It’s important 5’s only take on the projections they can live up to. They have a seductive and persuasive energy. 5 lines heal with forgiveness. The Lines Line 6- The Role Model The 6th line is known as a mutative profile as it goes through three phases in their life. The first 30 years this line acts as a 3rd line. So if you have a 6th line anywhere in your profile, for the first 30 years of your life you acted as a 3rd line.That’s a lot of trial and error, a lot of bonds made and broken and a lot of experiences. The second phase of the 6th line is 30-50, where this line goes “on the roof”. This means that the 6 lines take all their 30 years of experience and sits back to observe, reflect and make sense of everything they have experienced and everything they see in others, everything they see happening from the roof. The final phase of the 6th line is 50 years and beyond where this profile comes off the roof and can fully step into their 6th line Role Model role. The six line person is a visionary and embody the qualities of leadership and trust. They heal with care.
  • 16. There are twelve different profiles in Human Design. A Profile comes from the Lines of the Gates in a Chart’s conscious and unconscious Sun sign. Profiles tell you about major life themes that you will encounter and the character you’re here to play this life. Each number in a profile has a specific meaning. The first number in your profile is an element of your personality that you will be consciously aware of. The second number in the profile may be unconscious and more hidden from you. The twelve Profiles are derived from the six possible lines of a particular Gate. They include: 1/3 Investigator/ Martyr 1/4 Investigator/Opportunist 2/4 Hermit/Opportunist 2/5 Hermit/Heretic 3/5 Martyr/Heretic 3/6 Martyr/Role Model 4/6 Opportunist/Role Model 4/1 Opportunist/Investigator 5/1 Heretic/Investigator 5/2 Heretic/Hermit 6/2 Role Model/Hermit 6/3 Role Model/Martyr Profiles
  • 17. The Incarnation Cross is the conscious and unconscious Sun and Earth sign, the top four black and red numbers on your Human Design Chart. These four energies combined comprise about 70 percent of your personality expression. The Incarnation Cross is your storyline or path your designed to live out this lifetime. When you begin living your design you can see your Incarnation Cross begin to show itself more and more naturally. Incarnation Cross
  • 18. Single Definition People with Single Definition process information quickly. All of their defined centers are connected and talking to each other 24/7. They are self-contained, meaning that they aren’t energetically seeking someone to bridge the disconnections in their chart. Split Definition Split Definition means there are two distinct groups of energy centers that are connected within the group but are not connected to each other. People with Split Definition often do best processing information with another person to understand what data they are receiving from each group of centres. Triple-Split Definition Triple-Split people have multiple places where their circuits need “bridging,” it’s good for them to be around more than one aura. It’s not going to feel good to be bridged by the same person all the time. So, it’s good for them to be around multiple people to find the right energies. Quadruple-Split Definition Those with Quadruple-Split Definition need a lot of time and freedom to process information since their defined centers are so separate from each other. Definitiom
  • 19. Thank You In conclusion living in alignment with your Design allows you to interface with world, illuminating your purpose and gifts and mastering the lessons you have come to experience. Following your type and strategy will minimise resistance to fully embodying your magnificent self. This is just a brief overview and a foundation for understanding some of the elements of Human Design. I hope it has brought illumination and inspiration for continuing the journey into you. If you would like to dive deeper you can get a reading that includes information detailed information on your type, profile, incarnation cross & keys, centres, channels as well as authority and strategy. For a live impact reading that will offer more insight and support in deconditioning. For key energetic activations