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Internet of Things (IoT) 
Ajinkya A. Dubey
Table of Content
CHAPTER 1: Introduction 5
1.1. The Internet 5
1.2. General structure 7
1.3. Modern uses 7
1.4. Services 9
CHAPTER 2: Current scenario and devices available to make internet intelligent 11
2.1. Intelligent agent 11
2.2. Classifying agents 12
2.3. A survey of agents 13
2.3.1. inspiration behind the agent field 13
2.4. The following is a list of agents or agent information that can be gathered from the
WWW 14
Chapter 3: What will help in making internet intelligent? 15
3.1. The Futurists: The Intelligent Internet - by William E. Halal 15
3.2. Economic maturing of the Internet 17
3.3. Applications of intelligent Internet 19
3.3.1. Reliable speech recognition should be common by 2010. 19
3.3.2. Smart computers will be learning and adapting within a decade. 19
3.3.3. A new generation of computer power is here. 20
3.3.4. Virtual robots/environments will populate the Web by 2010. 20
3.3.5. Flat wall monitors should become common in a few years. 20
3.4. Enhancing Intelligence in the ‘Internet of Things’ –WIND RIVER 23
3.4.1. Executive summary 24
3.4.2. Industry trends 24
3.4.3. Complexity 25
3.4.4. Virtualization 25
3.5. Smart grid 26
3.5.1. Manufacturing 27
3.5.2. Consolidation and separation 28
3.5.3. Scalability 29
CHAPTER 4: Conclusion 30
4.1. Software to automate tasks 31
4.2. When does the IoT become a reality? 31
4.3. Advantages 33
4.4. Limitations 33
4.5. Management issues 33
CHAPTER 5: Appendix 34
References 36
“Making internet intelligent”
“Internet is one of the best inventions of mankind ”. Internet,today is just a dumb platform that
performs predefined tasks whenever directed of defined.Most of the times we do not get the
results that we expect from the internet.We get frustated,unaware of the dumbness of the
platform .The solution to such situation is that we make the whole platform of
internet,INTELLIGENT.That is what i am going to research,I am trying to highlight the concept
The concept is to enhance the performance of the internet by designing appropriate algorithms so
that your behaviour on the internet can be determined and services can be provided
accordingly,Using the devices such as communication satellites for high speed data transfer and
train the machines in such a way that it can be said a “INTELLIGENT ” one.
Although, the concept has started coming into the light as few private organizations have started
implementing it,it is necessary to be aware of such important and fantastic discipline.(Examples
are covered further in this report).This has made it possible to understand the user,his needs and
his likes,dislikes etc.The improvement the computers have further contributed it. The
international communities such as IEEE are working towards it. This will make the internet ,a lot
more friendly, active, and reliable, as it is today.
“If internet is said to be the best friend”, then how better would it be ,if it is intelligent?
CHAPTER 1: Introduction
1.1. The Internet
The ​Internet​ is a global system of interconnected computer networks that use the
standard Internet protocol suite (TCP/IP) to serve several billion users worldwide. It is a ​network
of networks​ that consists of millions of private, public, academic, business, and government
networks, of local to global scope, that are linked by a broad array of electronic, wireless, and
optical networking technologies. The Internet carries an extensive range of information resources
and services, such as the interlinked hypertext documents of the World Wide Web (WWW),
the infrastructure to support email, and peer-to-peer networks.
The terms ​Internet​ and ​World Wide Web​ are often used interchangeably in everyday speech; it is
common to speak of "going on the Internet" when invoking a web browser to view web pages.
However, the Internet is a particular global computer network connecting millions of computing
devices; the World Wide Web is just one of many services running on the Internet. The Web is a
collection of interconnected documents (web pages) and other web resources, linked
by hyperlinks and URLs. In addition to the Web, a multitude of other services are implemented
over the Internet, including email, file transfer, remote computer control, newsgroups, and online
games. All of these services can be implemented on any intranet, accessible to network users.
Figure 1.1 : What the internet is ? (The whole platform)
The users of internet are increasing alarmingly. Below are some of the facts by ITU
(International Telecommunication Union)
Worldwide Internet users
2005 2010 2013​a
World population 6.5 billion 6.9 billion 7.1 billion
Not using the Internet 84% 70% 61%
Using the Internet 16% 30% 39%
Users in the developing world 8% 21% 31%
Users in the developed world 51% 67% 77%
Source : International Telecommunication Union
​Figure 1.2 : Users of the internet in world
1.2. General structure
The Internet structure and its usage characteristics have been studied extensively. It has been
determined that both the Internet IP routing structure and hypertext links of the World Wide Web
are examples of scale-free networks.
Many computer scientists describe the Internet as a "prime example of a large-scale, highly
engineered, yet highly complex system.'' The Internet is heterogeneous; for instance, data
transfer rates and physical characteristics of connections vary widely.
The Internet exhibits "emergent phenomena" that depend on its large-scale organization. For
example, data transfer rates exhibit temporal self-similarity.
The principles of the routing and addressing methods for traffic in the Internet reach back to their
origins in the 1960s when the eventual scale and popularity of the network could not be
anticipated.Thus, the possibility of developing alternative structures is investigated.The Internet
structure was found to be highly robust ​
to random failures and very vulnerable to high degree
1.3. Modern uses
The Internet allows greater flexibility in working hours and location, especially with the spread
of unmetered high-speed connections. The Internet can be accessed almost anywhere by
numerous means, including through mobile Internet devices. Mobile phones, datacards, handheld
game consoles and cellular routers allow users to connect to the Internet wirelessly. Within the
limitations imposed by small screens and other limited facilities of such pocket-sized devices, the
services of the Internet, including email and the web, may be available. Service providers may
restrict the services offered and mobile data charges may be significantly higher than other
access methods.
Educational material at all levels from pre-school to post-doctoral is available from websites.
Examples range from CBeebies, through school and high-school revision guides and virtual
universities, to access to top-end scholarly literature through the likes of Google Scholar.
For distance education, help with homework and other assignments, self-guided learning,
whiling away spare time, or just looking up more detail on an interesting fact, it has never been
easier for people to access educational information at any level from anywhere. The Internet in
general and the World Wide Webin particular are important enablers of both formal and informal
The low cost and nearly instantaneous sharing of ideas, knowledge, and skills has
made collaborative work dramatically easier, with the help of collaborative software. Not only
can a group cheaply communicate and share ideas but the wide reach of the Internet allows such
groups more easily to form. An example of this is the free software movement, which has
produced, among other things, Linux, Mozilla Firefox, and Internet chat,
whether using an IRC chat room, an instant messaging system, or a social networking website,
allows colleagues to stay in touch in a very convenient way while working at their computers
during the day. Messages can be exchanged even more quickly and conveniently than via email.
These systems may allow files to be exchanged, drawings and images to be shared, or voice and
video contact between team members.
Content management systems allow collaborating teams to work on shared sets of documents
simultaneously without accidentally destroying each other's work. Business and project teams
can share calendars as well as documents and other information. Such collaboration occurs in a
wide variety of areas including scientific research, software development, conference planning,
political activism and creative writing. Social and political collaboration is also becoming more
widespread as both Internet access and computer literacy spread.
The Internet allows computer users to remotely access other computers and information stores
easily, wherever they may be. They may do this with or without computer security, i.e.
authentication and encryption technologies, depending on the requirements. This is encouraging
new ways of working from home, collaboration and information sharing in many industries. An
accountant sitting at home can audit the books of a company based in another country, on
a server situated in a third country that is remotely maintained by IT specialists in a fourth. These
accounts could have been created by home-working bookkeepers, in other remote locations,
based on information emailed to them from offices all over the world. Some of these things were
possible before the widespread use of the Internet, but the cost of private leased lines would have
made many of them infeasible in practice. An office worker away from their desk, perhaps on the
other side of the world on a business trip or a holiday, can access their emails, access their data
using cloud computing, or open a remote desktop session into their office PC using a
secureVirtual Private Network (VPN) connection on the Internet. This can give the worker
complete access to all of their normal files and data, including email and other applications,
while away from the office. It has been referred to among system administrators as the Virtual
Private Nightmare,because it extends the secure perimeter of a corporate network into remote
locations and its employees' homes.
1.4. Services
World Wide Web (www):​ A web or organization of data in standard format on the internet.
Communication:​ Interaction between two or more entities (chat,video conferencing etc.)
Data transfer: Data can be transferred among computers. (Downloading with torrent
network,uploading on servers etc.)
Surveillance: The security agencies can keep an eye on specific people,communities and track
their behaviour.This plays a very important role in security.
Nicholas Carr wrote an article titled "Is Google making us stupid?" In it, Carr said he had noticed
that as his reliance on the Internet for research and entertainment increased, other faculties
seemed to atrophy. One of those was his concentration or focus. He hypothesized that because
the way you navigate the Internet in general -- and the World Wide Web in particular -- you're
always leaping from one piece of information to another .
Could the Internet affect the way humans think? On the one hand, we have unprecedented access
to an enormous library of information. Answers to questions ranging from "What is the Big Bang
theory?" to "How long should I let dough rise?" are just a couple of clicks away. But does that
information come at the cost of our own ability to think?
There does seem to be a correlation to the way we record and access information and the way we
think. As we develop systems that allow us to save our knowledge for posterity, we unload that
burden onto an inanimate object. That doesn't necessarily mean we become less intelligent.
Not everyone agrees with Carr's hypothesis. The Pew Research Center performs a survey each
year about the future of the Internet. The research group polls a group of experts and industry
analysts on a series of questions. For the 2010 report, one of the questions asked the respondents
if they thought Carr was right about Google -- and the Internet in general -- making us stupid.
Eighty-one percent of the experts disagreed.
But it's true that access to information doesn't equate to intelligence. You might be able to look
up a fact, but that doesn't mean you understand what the fact means or its context. The Internet is
a tool that we can use to help us learn -- it doesn't replace learning itself.
Optimists hope that the Internet will teach us about ourselves. The reach of the Internet is
creeping into countries and cultures that have been segregated from the rest of the world. Some
hope the Internet will provide the common ground that allows various people to learn and
understand each other, possibly bringing about an era of peace and cooperation.
Ultimately, the Internet could begin to erase traditional boundaries between countries and
cultures. But that sort of global change isn't trivial. It might take decades before we see a
noticeable difference in the way we think of one another. Cynics may think even a tool as useful
and pervasive as the Internet won't overcome the hurdles we face in becoming a united world.
INTERNET​ can assist in learning but it cannot replace the learning itself.
CHAPTER 2: Current scenario and devices
available to make internet intelligent
2.1. Intelligent agent
Software Agents are the new revolution in software usability. Agents are described with
anthropomorphic features such as intelligence, autonomy, and such. The school of researchers
from the fields of Artificial Intelligence (AI), Distributed AI (DAI), and other more pragmatic
researchers are engaged in defining these “software entities” and creating this new field of study
and development along the way. In the meantime, while researchers fight for formal definitions,
this new technology is bringing powerful and useful tools to the end user, in particular managing
huge amount of data, such as that produced by the Internet, and taking decisions on what the user
may be interested in.
‘Intelligent Agent’ and the more generic term ‘Agent’ are terms that have been used
interchangeably, since some kind of “intelligence” has been consistently described as one of the
attributes of a software agent [Franklin, 96]. One of the definitions of software agents describes
them as “characters” inside the computer that work ​on behalf of their user ​in a software
environment, as an assistant, friend, or ally [Wood, 94]. The original idea was supposedly
conceived by John McCarthy in the mid-1950’s and the term ‘agent’ coined a few years later by
Oliver G. Selfridge at MIT. [Wood, 94]. Others such as [Foner, 93] also cite the late fifties as the
first time the term came into use.
There is no universally accepted definition of the term agent. Russel and Norvig (1995) define an                               
agent as an entity that can be viewed as perceiving its environment through sensors and acting                               
upon its environment through effectors. (Coen, 1995) views software agents as programs that                         
engage in dialogs and negotiate and coordinate the transfer of information. 
Wooldridge and Jennings (1995) state that an agent is a hardware and/or software-based                         
computer system displaying the properties of autonomy, social adeptness, reactivity, and                     
proactivity. Others (Brustolini, 1991; Franklin and Graeser, 1996; 
Maes, 1995; Hayes-Roth et al, 1995; Gilbert et al, 1995) offer variations on this theme. There is                                 
a consensus that autonomy, the ability to act without the intervention of humans or other                             
systems, is a key feature of an agent. Beyond that, different attributes take on different                             
importance based on the domain of the agent. 
2.2. Classifying agents
Fig 2.1 : Classification of agents.
2.3. A survey of agents
Intelligent agents are software entities that carry out some set of operations on behalf of a user or
another program with some degree of independence or autonomy, and in doing so, employ some
knowledge or representations of the user’s goals or desires”
We have already seen agents in action. From the wizard-like interface of popular application
software in our desktop computer, to Web Wandering robots that connect to Web sites and
gathers pages for indexing and addition to Web search engines (“spiders”, “web-bots”, etc.)
Agents are generally software and perhaps it can be hardware.
2.3.1. inspiration behind the agent field 
● Artificial Intelligence
● Agent intelligence and micro-agent
● Software Engineering
● Agent as an abstract entity
● Distributed System and Computer Network
● Agent architecture, MAS, Coordination
● Game Theory and Economics
● Agent Negotiation
Robots​ are very good example of agents.
2.4. The following is a list of agents or agent information that
can be gathered from the WWW
FTP Software CyberAgents:
MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory:
Sun’s Java Home Page:
The Foner agent:
The IBM agent:
The MuBot agent:
The SodaBot agent:
The SurfBot monitoring agent:
UMBC (University of Maryland-Baltimore-County) Intelligent Agents:
Chapter 3: What will help in making internet
3.1. The Futurists: The Intelligent Internet - by William E.
Broadband ​High-speed channels (DSL, cable, Ethernet, and satellite) are used in 30%
of homes: 2004.
B2B ​30% of commercial transactions are conducted online: 2006.
E-Health ​Online systems are used 30% of the time to prescribe drugs, order lab tests,
monitor patients, etc.: 2015.
Entertainment on Demand ​30% of music, movies, games, and other entertainment is sold
online: 2007.
Equal Access ​Most (90%) of underprivileged people have Internet access: 2017.
E-tailing ​30% of goods and services are sold online: 2010.
E-Training ​Distance learning (Internet, video, e-mail) is the main method used in 30% of
training programs: 2008.
Global Grid ​Half of the world population has access to PCs, Internet, etc.: 2017.
Internet Taxation ​Internet sales are taxed by major nations: 2007.
Knowledge on Demand ​Focused educational programs are used online to serve 30% of
specific needs: 2008.
Medical Research ​30% of clinical research is conducted using computerized systems: 2010.
Online Finance ​30% of banking, investments, and other financial services are performed
online: 2007.
Online Publishing ​30% of newspapers, magazines, journals, and books are sold online: 2010.
Online Voting ​ATM-type machines or PCs on the Internet are used in 30% of elections: 2012.
Privacy and Security ​A majority of the public feels safe about the privacy and security of
their information: 2009.
Public Services ​30% of government services (auto registration, licenses, fees, etc.) are
conducted online: 2010.
Telesurgery ​Surgical procedures are performed at remote locations: 2012.
Virtual Reality Systems ​are used by 30% of the public to experience exotic environments
(Mars), entertainment (games, virtual sex), education, testing designs, etc.: 2016.
Virtual University ​Distance learning (Internet, video, e-mail) is the main method used in
30% of courses: 2014.
Wireless ​Web phones, handheld devices, etc. are used by 30% of the population for
internet,videos etc.
The UCLA Virtual Reality Laboratory has a website that recreates ancient rome. Visitors can
virtually walkaround 3 D images of temples,monuments, and plazas as though they were living
in Rome 2000 years ago. The head of UCLA’s lab called it “A kind of time machine.”
Amtrak has installed speech recognition software to replace the button-pressing menus that drive
many people mad. Now you can talk to a virtual salesperson named Julie to get train schedules,
make reservations, pay for tickets, and discuss problems. Customers are happier,and Amtrak is
saving money.
The Waldorf-Astoria Hotel in New York City leases out a five-by seven foot video conferencing
system that allows guests to hold virtual meetings with other people at remote locations.
Business people find it so useful that the system is always busy.It may seem foolhardy to claim
that the Internet will soon thrive again when economies around the globe struggle out of
recession. After all, it was the unrealistic hype of endless growth we heard during the dot-com
boom that caused today’s economic pain. But forecasts conducted under the TechCast Project at
George Washington University indicate that 20 commercial aspects of Internet use should reach
30% “take- off” adoption levels during the second half of this decade to rejuvenate the economy.
Meanwhile, the project’s technology scanning finds that advances in speech recognition,
artificial intelligence, powerful computers, virtual environments, and flat wall monitors are
producing a “conversational” human–machine interface. These powerful trends will drive
the next generation of information technology into the mainstream by about 2010. Rather than
forcing us to hunch over a keyboard, this Intelligent Internet should allow people everywhere to
converse naturally and comfortably with life-sized, virtual people while shopping,
working,learning, and conducting most social relationships. Technical advances have contributed
a lot to make an intelligent platform.
3.2. Economic maturing of the Internet
The TechCast system, formerly called The GW Forecast, is a database-driven Web site in which
panels of experts provide online estimates to carefully researched questions.The estimates are
pooled automatically to produce the best possible forecast of when each technology is likely to
take off, the associated confidence level, and the size of the potential market—in real time.
Results are presented in the E-Commerce Technology Timeline for 20 applications of
e-commerce. The expert panel convened for this study comprises 38 authorities from a variety of
backgrounds, including CEOs of high-tech firms, technology officers, scientists and engineers,
consultants, academics, and futurists. Not all experts respond to every question, so the typical
number of respondents averages 22. Delphi forecasts of this type are generally considered sound
if they use a dozen or more experts, which makes these results fairly reliable. These results
portray a striking scenario in which the dominant forms of ecommerce—
broadband,business-to-business (B2B), online finance, entertainment-on-demand, wireless,
e-training,knowledge-on-demand, electronic public services, online publishing, e-tailing—grow
from their present 5%–20% adoption levels to 30% between 2004 and 2010.
TechCast considers the 30% penetration level significant because this roughly marks the
“take-off point” when technologies move from their early-adopter phase into the mainstream,
where they permeate economic and social life. Andrew Grove,former CEO of Intel, told ​Business
Week ​(May 5, 2003), ​“Everything we ever said about the Internet is happening now.”
Many think the Internet is mainstream now, but that’s only true for non paying use, such as
surfing for free information. As of 2003, commercial operations involving monetary exchange
were limited to about 23% for broadband, 10% for e-tailing, 12% for B2B, 10% for distance
learning, and 5% for music. And these are the most popular Internet applications. Others hardly
register in adoption levels at all.TechCast’s other results suggest that more-complex
applications—online voting, e-health, the virtual university, virtual reality, and the global
grid—are likely to follow later. These forms of e-commerce lag because they involve more
exotic and costly technology, difficult institutional changes, and new forms of consumer
behavior. Making the virtual university a reality, for instance, requires professors to switch from
traditional lectures to communication technologies that are poorly developed, college
administrators to justify the economic feasibility of more expensive systems, and students to feel
comfortable and trusting in a virtual setting. E-health demands a similar transformation among
physicians, hospitals, and patients.The remaining developments in our forecast—taxation,
privacy and security, computerized research,telesurgery, and equal access—should appear at
varying times throughout the next two decades. These applications differ because they do not
serve major new social needs but involve modifications of existing systems. Interwoven through
these advances in e-commerce are other trends leading to a new generation of intelligent systems
expected to emerge during the same time period.The TechCast project calls it TeleLiving—a
conversational human–machine interface that allows a more comfortable and convenient way to
shop,work, educate, entertain, and conduct most other social relationships [see in APPENDIX I].
The following are a few of the advances in speech recognition,artificial intelligence, powerful
chips, virtual environments, and flat-screen wall monitors that are likely to produce this
intelligent interface.
3.3. Applications of intelligent Internet
3.3.1. Reliable speech recognition should be common by 2010. 
IBM has a Super Human Speech Recognition Program to greatly improve accuracy, and in the
next decade Microsoft’s program is expected to reduce the error rate of speech
recognition,matching human capabilities.
MIT is planning to demonstrate their Project Oxygen, which features a voice–machine interface.
Project director Rodney Brooks says, “I wanted to bring the machine into our world, a machine
that will look you in the eye, let you ask questions in casual English, and answer them
the same way.”
Amtrak, Wells Fargo, Land’s End, and many other organizations are replacing keypad-menu call
centers with speech-recognition systems because they improve customer service and recover
investment in a year or two. Analysts think most companies will make the conversion soon.
Internet search engines such as Google and Yahoo operate voice recognition systems that help
users find what they seek.
General Motors OnStar driver assistance system relies primarily on voice commands, with live
staff for backup; the number of subscribers has grown from 200,000 to 2 million and is expected
to increase by 1 million per year. The Lexus DVD Navigation System responds to over 100
commands and guides the driver with voice and visual directions.
Even more pervasive yet simpler,Sprint offers voice dialing on most cell phones and networks.
3.3.2. Smart computers will be learning and adapting within a decade. 
The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency is developing a hypersmart computer that can
maintain itself, assess its performance,make adaptive changes, and respond to different
The Department of Energy is creating an intelligent computer that can infer intent, remember
prior experiences,analyze problems, and make decisions.
IBM’s “autonomic computing” program will allow servers and networks to solve problems and
reconfigure themselves to accomplish a goal, just as organisms rely on an autonomic nervous
system to regulate heartbeat and body temperature.
Norton provides PC software that can eliminate virus infections,optimize computer performance,
fix registry mistakes, and perform other tasks without user intervention.
AI is being used to intelligently guide human action figures in computer games, such as ​Sims,
Metal Gear Solid, Unreal Tournament, ​and ​Halo.
Pattern matching and text parsing are used to improve searches by Google and AltaVista.
BCC Corporation estimates total AI sales to grow from $12 billion in 2002 to $21 billion in
3.3.3. A new generation of computer power is here. 
Intel and AMD are introducing 64-bit processors to replace the 32-bit chips that brought us the
Windows operating system a decade ago. The 64-bit chips mark a new generation
of computer power that features cinematic displays rivaling the most sophisticated
science-fiction movies,accurate speech recognition, and artificial intelligence.
3.3.4. Virtual robots/environments will populate the Web by 2010. 
Virtual robots, or avatars, are becoming common, such as Ananova, a female robot who presents
weather reports. In Japan, Yuki Terai is a virtual rock star who has become a national idol.
There is a multimedia Web site featuring 3-D computer-generated environments populated with
avatars that interact with users and other avatars.
According to the CEO of Native Minds, a virtual robot maker, “The Internet will be filled with
robots by 2010.”
3.3.5. Flat wall monitors should become common in a few years. 
Sales of liquid crystal display (LCD) monitors now surpass cathode ray tube (CRT) sales,
introducing an era of flat monitors that use one-third the power of CRTs. “Ultimately,
the flat panel is less expensive,”according to a Dell manager.
Leading TV makers are all bringing out 60-inch wall-mounted digital TV monitors.
Albeit expensive now, as the switch from CRTs to LCDs gathers momentum, costs and prices
should fall dramatically, making $1,000 wall monitors the size of a movie screen fairly common.
A fully functional three-by-five-foot wall monitor should sell for less than $500.
These are formidable undertakings,to be sure, and some may not succeed as planned. But such
remarkable developments promise to transform the human–computer interface.Powerful new
scientific capabilities are being applied now for simple uses, and if current trends
hold, a modest version of the talking computer made famous in ​2001: A Space Odyssey ​should
be available around 2010. Rather than use a keyboard or mouse, the PC will disappear into a
corner while we talk to life-sized virtual persons on large wall monitors.
A few years ago, Microsoft chairman Bill Gates claimed, “The future lies with computers that
talk, see, listen,and learn.” This view is now supported by computer industry leaders.
Robert McClure of IDC stated recently, “What the graphical user interface was in the 1990s, the
natural user interface will be in this decade.” Sony President Kunitake Ando expects the PC of
2005 to be a more personalized, intelligent system, acting as a “teacher, agent, and guide.” Ian
Pearson at British Telecom sees a resumption of Internet growth in 2005 and 2006, driven by
“better interface technology . . . and artificial intelligence.” And computer scientist Ray Kurzweil
forecasts,“It will be routine to meet in full-immersion virtual reality for business meetings and
casual conversations in five to seven years.”
The Next Information Technology (IT) Generation The enormous gap between today’s
depressed IT industry and the vibrant trends noted above signifies that we are poised at the cusp
of another major technology transition, much as the 1980s brought the PC and the 1990s brought
the Internet. The economic recession left in the wake of the dot-com bust may linger awhile, but
all technological revolutions go through a similar boom and bust cycle. The introduction of
railroads, telephones, and radios invited wild speculation similar to the dot-com bubble. But a
few years after the inevitable crash, renewed economic growth and more prudent business
practices caused these fledgling industries to boom again.A similar resumption of growth is
likely for dot-coms. Economically sound e-practices are common now and should continue to
expand. As the economic recession runs its course, venture capital is also appearing to support
new startups. And broadband is reaching the critical 30% take-off level, which will soon create
huge markets for exciting new applications that need lots of bandwidth. The TechCast Project
participants therefore see no serious obstacles to the first wave of relatively straightforward
e-commerce services noted in the forecast, which is likely to reach the 30% adoption
level during this take-off period running roughly from 2005 to 2010.
This time, however, the intelligent interface holds the key to putting today’s underutilized IT to
work.Many more examples like those noted above are being developed by Web entrepreneurs,
and competition could mount as customers demand these attractive new benefits. The first
“wired generation” of college students is entering work, expecting the unlimited bandwidth and
sophisticated Internet features they grew accustomed to on campus. The nagging problem of
selling entertainment online—the digital rights management conundrum—is also likely to be
resolved soon, which could unleash a huge market for music, videos, movies, and other
intellectual property. These emerging markets are perfect for the lifelike, conversational
multimedia of TeleLiving, encouraging a new generation of IT that should be extremely
appealing and relieves today’s exploding complexity. Ninety percent of Americans say
today’s computers are too complex and time-consuming.
The huge advantages of this next-generation IT could fuel demand for the Intelligent Internet to
blossom sometime around 2010, as the trends above suggest. ​Business Week’​s special issue,
“The E-Biz Surprise” (May 5,2003), noted, “The Web is the same age color TV was when it
turned profitable.” Almost any social transaction— teleworking with colleagues, buying
and selling online, education, consulting with your physician, entertainment,or just a casual talk
with a distant friend—could soon be conducted in a conversational mode,speaking with
life-sized images as comfortably as we now use the telephone and television. It should feel as
though virtual people are right there in the same room with you.This scenario is not without
uncertainties.Cynicism persists over unrealized promises of AI, and the Intelligent Internet will
present its own problems. If you think today’s dumb computers are frustrating, wait until you
find yourself shouting at a virtual robot that repeatedly fails to grasp what you badly want it to
do. And this forecast for a glorious IT future may seem extravagant amidst the dismal mood of
IT today. The main obstacle is a lack of vision among industry leaders, customers, and the public
as scars of the dot-com bust block creative thought. Yes, the dot-com boom was unrealistic to a
large extent, but it was driven by a powerful image that inspired huge gains in many areas. Bold
innovations always require equally bold imagination, and so unleashing pent-up demand for
online social transactions will require an imaginative understanding of how IT can
improve life in the difficult years ahead. The evidence suggests the future lies in developing an
Intelligent Internet, and that the world could benefit enormously by focusing on this concept with
clearity and determination.
3.4.​ ​Enhancing Intelligence in the ‘Internet of Things’ –WIND RIVER
Fig 3.1 : Internet of things
3.4.1. Executive summary 
A key driver for embedded system designers is the cloud. With billions of devices becoming
connected in the “Internet of things” and sharing data through the cloud, there is a
key challenge in managing this complexity. The amount of data that is moved around the
Internet is expected to double in just three years and there are different architectures for
addressing this challenge of sharing and managing data securely and reliably in the cloud.
This is a different situation from the existing migration of apps into the IT cloud. Systems
handling machine-to-machine (M2M) data have to be reliable, secure, and scalable with
real-time performance measured in microseconds. All this data has to be available anytime,
anywhere, and this is opening up new ways for equipment to be designed and built.
This paper takes a look at the key industry trends driving consolidation of processing
workloads to make all the functionality on a device secure, manageable, and scalable.
3.4.2. Industry trends 
One architecture that is gaining ground is to provide more localized, connected processing power
close to where it is needed,often as a gateway to the wider Internet. In this way, local traffic can
be processed quickly and acted on, while the data is still available to the wider systems across the
Internet, whether it is a train,a manufacturing floor, or a power plant.At the heart of this approach
is the ability to consolidate a number of functions, from the communications to the data
processing. This is costly and complex when implemented in separate boxes, and the ability to
consolidate a wide range of functions reliably and securely into an intelligent single unit that is
more cost effective is increasingly popular. Security This trend has implications for security.
Consolidating workloads in a single device means communications are linked to real-time
operations and the flow of data. This means there is a need to keep certain functions very
separate. Safety-critical code has to be protected and unchanged to retain its certification, and yet
the security that protects the system has to be updated regularly to defend against ever changing
attacks. At the same time, there are communications protocols and data capture in the system that
need real-time performance alongside human interfaces that can be run at slower speeds. All of
this provides a potentially highly complex environment. The traditional approach has been to
have separate devices for each of these functions, keeping communications and real- time
elements separate. However, security needs to be deeply embedded within the system to provide
the maximum protection, and physical separation leads to a number of architectural challenges
that can be expensive to solve.It is widely used,consider an application as mundane as the basic
electric toaster which embeds an MCU (Micro Controller Unit) in it which not only sets the
colour or the darkness of the toast but also provides basic functions such as temperature,flatness
and even the hardness of the piece of toast.
3.4.3. Complexity 
This separation tends to show up in system architectures in a number of ways. Often it shows up
with new devices being added to the system to provide new features or new security, and the
system grows in a haphazard, unmanaged way. Often the original elements of the system are so
critical that there is no opportunity to pull everything out and start again from scratch, leading to
a more evolutionary architecture. This often leads to a highly complex base of software that is
constantly patched and not well documented, creating bugs, errors, and glitches. The
safety-critical elements of the design, from programmable logic controllers to sensors, tend to be
relatively simple, well-tested devices that have well-defined code and states and are left alone.
As a result, adding new functions and features can often impact the overall performance of the
system. All of this is reflected in higher costs for upgrading, managing, and protecting the
system. With many industrial embedded systems not built with communications or security in
mind, this is a significant part of the cost of doing business.
3.4.4. Virtualization 
Virtualization has been solving a number of these challenges.Using multiple cores and time and
space separation it has been possible to run the different elements—security, communications,
real-time, and user interface—on separate operating systems on separate cores. Sometimes these
separate cores are in separate devices on a single board, replacing multiple boards in a system.
Increasingly, these elements have been coming together in a single multi-core device, offering
higher performance that can be used for more features or lower power consumption, which is
now a key consideration. This trend is being supported with new approaches such as
virtualization extensions within processors capable of supporting time and space separation in
hardware, increasing performance and reducing power consumption and system cost.
Now it is possible to run multiple operating systems and separate applications on a single core
and still achieve the real-time performance that many embedded industrial systems require. This
allows for significantly lower cost and complexity as well as lower power consumption than with
multi-core systems.
3.5. Smart grid
The current industry focus on the smart grid is a classic example of the challenges of adding
intelligence and networking to existing legacy systems. The concept of the smart grid is driven
by the need to integrate variable power sources such as wind or wave power into the existing
power grid based around static sources such as traditional power stations. To do this requires
“smart meters” that measure consumption in the home, office, or factory as well as a network to
carry that data back and control the different parts of the grid based on the real-time data. This is
a highly complex task that requires large amounts of data handling and processing power
overlaid on a grid that was constructed in the 1950s or even earlier.While there are large scale
data centre implementations for handling predictive algorithms, a vast amount of processing has
to be handled towards the edge of the grid. Potentially handling thousands of smart meters and
sensors throughout the grid, this acts as a gateway to the wider network and protects all those
meters and power systems from intrusion. Real-time performance is vital, as is reliability and
traceability of all the data when it is used for billing purposes. There is a very clear place for
such gateways acting as servers for the “client” meters, but the current multi-core devices can
have higher performance than necessary. The performance of single core devices is now such
that one device can run a secure real time operating system such as Wind River’s VxWorks®
that can handle both data and communications stacks alongside a general purpose operating
system such as Microsoft Windows or embedded Linux. This simplifies the system design and
allows existing code to be run safely and securely but also allows security to be updated
regularly. New features and data handling routines can be added in the non-real-time portion of
the design without impacting on the real-time, security, or communications elements. This
dramatically reduces the complexity, risk, and costs of rolling out the infrastructure that is
required for the smart grid.
3.5.1. Manufacturing 
Similarly, manufacturing plants can benefit from virtualization. A single-core device can run
several “soft” programmable logic controllers (PLC) and provide the security and
communications for sensors and networks around the shop floor through a real time operating
system. Graphical interfaces can be added via the non-real-time elements to make machines
more user friendly and productive with an easy upgrade process that does not perturb other parts
of the systems. With the communications stacks implemented securely and reliably,all the data
from around the floor can be available whenever and wherever required. This can be used to
make planning more efficient and allow algorithms to spot potential problems within the
equipment, triggering preventative maintenance routines and reducing costly
downtime.Transportation Transport shows similar characteristics. Increasing amounts of
electronics are making their way into transportation systems, especially trains. New
safety-critical braking control and signaling systems are being implemented alongside data
management and entertainment networks, all on a physical platform that is decades old. Cost
Effective commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) systems based around single-core devices can now
handle these key features such as train information systems and other functions safely and
securely.Instead of having signals on the rail, trains now have their own highly sophisticated
signal and position management systems.Positive train control systems are adding highly
connected intelligence in trains, for example, making them position-aware as well as providing a
centralized advanced train control (ATC ) management system. This ATC system is a key
example of an M2M cloud architecture, taking data from trains around the network to enhance
the operation and safety of the system as a whole. Using this connected distributed intelligence
can improve safety and performance but the challenge is to implement such a system cost
Fig 3.2 : Architecture of positive train control system
3.5.2. Consolidation and separation 
There are two areas where virtualization is particularly relevant,
providing consolidation of workloads and combining communication stacks with other functions.
Consolidation of workloads is at the heart of the move to having all data accessible anywhere.
Keeping real-time functions separate from general data processing and handling is vital to
maintaining systems’ responsiveness, but it all has to be kept secure.
This leads to new system architectures based around the dynamic flow of data. Here, control,
interface, security, and communications are all kept separate as they all change at different rates
and have different requirements.
Being able to combine these functions in a single device and still keep them separate is a vital
element in providing design flexibility and agility.
3.5.3. Scalability 
A key element of virtualization is the scalability. Supporting multiple operating systems on a
single core means the system is easily expandable to higher-performance multi-core devices with
minimal risk. The multi-core device can handle the operating systems on separate cores,
providing higher performance for more advanced features without having to rewrite and retest
the existing system implementation. This brings a dramatic savings in the development time and
costs of moving to a new generation of equipment. This also allows vendors to provide scalable
equipment platforms that are based around a common code base that is tested and reliable.
Virtualization has already opened up a wide range of new applications in IT, but the ability to
provide true real-time performance alongside a mainstream operating system opens up yet more
embedded opportunities in new and existing markets. Smart grid networks, manufacturing
systems, and transportation are all set to benefit from the consolidation of workloads and the
separation of communication and security functions onto a single core.
CHAPTER 4: Conclusion
We are entering a new era of computing technology that many are calling the Internet of Things
(IoT). Machine to machine, machine to infrastructure, machine to environment, the Internet of
Everything, the Internet of Intelligent Things, intelligent systems—call it what you want, but it’s
happening, and its potential is huge. We see the IoT as billions of smart, connected “things” (a
sort of “universal global neural network” in the cloud) that will encompass every aspect of our
lives, and its foundation is the intelligence that embedded processing provides. The IoT is
comprised of smart machines interacting and communicating with other machines, objects,
environments and infrastructures. As a result, huge volumes of data are being generated, and that
data is being processed into useful actions that can “command and control” things to make our
lives much easier and safer—and to reduce our impact on the environment.The creativity of this
new era is boundless, with amazing potential to improve our lives. What does the IoT need to
become a reality? In this white paper, Freescale and ARM partner to answer that question.
Figure 4.2 : Internet of things
The Internet of Things (IoT) refers to uniquely identifiable objects and their virtual
representations in an Internet-like structure.
4.1. Software to automate tasks
Getting all segments of the IoT to communicate and work together is key to the success of the
technology rollout, and that means deploying a lot of software (and middleware) that will enable
various heterogeneous devices to talk with each other and the infrastructure around them.
For example, in a smart meter application, an analog front end (AFE) reads the meter and the
MCU manages the meter to interpret and push the data through the communication pipe, which
will be communicating with the house on one end and the curbside on the other end. While most
developers have a clear view of the software architecture from a device, communication pipe and
application profile perspective, the service-level fabric must also be considered for a given
In this configuration, the sensing node (here the AFE) is using an embedded processing (MCU)
node to translate and transmit the data through the communication functions to the central
embedded processing node in the house, as well as one on the curbside. A lot of middleware
software is needed to enable this interaction to happen reliably, with the services delivered
4.2. When does the IoT become a reality?
The pervasiveness of embedded processing is already happening everywhere around us. At
home, appliances as mundane as your basic toaster now come with an embedded MCU that not
only sets the darkness of the piece of toast to your preference, but also adds functional safety to
the device. Your refrigerator has started talking to you and keeping track of what you put in it.
There are energy-aware HVAC systems that can now generate a report on the activity in your
house and recommend ways to reduce your energy consumption. The electrification of vehicles
has already started happening, and in just a few years from now, each car will contain >50
percent more electronics than it did just five years ago. The cars of the future will indeed be able
to drive themselves. Similar changes are also happening in other aspects of our lives … in
factories, transportation, school systems, stadiums and other public venues. Embedded
processing is everywhere. Connecting those smart devices (nodes) to the web has also started
happening, although at a slower rate. The pieces of the technology puzzle are coming together to
accommodate the Internet of Things sooner than most people expect. Just as the Internet
phenomenon happened not so long ago and caught like a wildfire, the Internet of Things will
touch every aspect of our lives in less than a decade. Are you ready for it?
IEEE has formed a special committee for the task of making intelligent internet:
● Technical Committee on Intelligent Internet Systems. The studies done for above is
presented in APPENDIX II.
● Organizations like IEEE, ITU are taking efforts to implement the concept of
INTELLIGENT INTERNET by making respective committees etc.
● Organized a Special Session in the 2008 SMC Annual Conference.
● Participating in the organization of ICMLC 2008, China.
● Organized a Special Session in the 2009 SMC Annual Conference.
● Participated in the organization of ICMLC 2009, China.
● Organized a Tutorial in the 2010 SMC Annual Conference.
● Organized a Special Issue in the SMC eNewsletter (Special Issue on Intelligent Internet
Systems, IEEE SMC eNewsletter, Issue # 33, December 2010).
● Participated in the organization of ICMLC 2010, China.
● Organized a Special Session in the 2011 SMC Annual Conference.
● Organized a Special Session in the coming 2011 SMC Annual Conference.
● Participated in the organization of ICMLC 2011, China.
● Organizing a Special Session in the 2012 SMC Annual Conference.
● Participating in the organization of ICMLC 2012, China.
● Organized a Special Session in the 2013 SMC Annual Conference.
● Planning a Special Session in the 2013 SMC Annual Conference.
● Participating in the organization of ICMLC 2013.
● Organized a Special Session in the coming 2014 SMC Annual Conference.
● Participating in the organization of ICMLC 2014, China.
● Sponsoring conferences/symposiums of our interests.
● Planning a Special Issue for IEEE Transactions on SMC.
● Planning a Workshop on Intelligent Internet Systems.
4.3. Advantages
● Easy to understand
● Systems and modules easily integrated
● Saves development time and expense
● Allows for incremental and rapid development
● Updates automatically and resource reuse
4.4. Limitations
● Oversimplified graphical representation
● Needs additional tools
● Incorrect definitions
● Information may be incorrect or inconsistent
● Security
4.5. Management issues
● Expense
● Security
● Systems integration and flexibility
● Hardware and software requirements
● Agent accuracy
● Agent learning
● Invasion of privacy
● Competitive intelligence and industrial intelligence
● Other ethical issues
● Heightened expectations
● Systems acceptance
CHAPTER 5: Appendix
List of abbreviations used in this report:
IEEE: Institute of Electronics and Electrical Engineers.
ITU: International Telecommunication Union.
AI: Artificial Intelligence.
HCI: Human Computer Interface.
TC: Technical Committee.(of IEEE for intelligent internet)
WWW: World Wide Web
VPN: Virtual Private Network
UCLA: University of California,Los Angeles
MCU: Micro Controller Unit
COTS: Commercial Off The Shelf
ATC: Advanced Train Control
PTC: Positive Train Control
M2M: Machine To Machine
IT: Information Technology
IOT: Internet Of Things
PCL: Program Control Logic
AFE: Analog Front End
The technical committee formed by IEEE:
[1] "The Open Market Internet Index".​ 1995-11-11. Retrieved 2013-06-15.
[2] Jump up ​"World Stats"​. Internet World Stats. Miniwatts Marketing Group. June 30, 2012.
[3] ​"Internet users per 100 inhabitants 2001-2011​", International Telecommunications
Union, Geneva, accessed 4 April 2012
[4] Carr, Nicholas. ​"Is Google making us stupid?" The Atlantic. July/August 2008. (April 28,
[5] [Jennings, 95-2] ​Jennings, N.R., Wooldridge,
[6] M.J., Applying Agent Technology.
[7] Applied AI: An International Journal,Tailor & Francis, London. 1995​.[Lesnick,Lesnick,
L., Moore, R.E. Creating Cool Intelligent Agents for the Net. IDG Books, Foster City,
[8] [SA FAQ, 97] The Software Agents Mailing List FAQ. February 1997.[Singh, 97]
Singh, S., Norvig P., Cohn, D.,Agents and Reinforcement Learning. Dr.Dobbs Journal #263,
March 1997,Volume 22, Issue 3.
[9] [Wood, 94] ​Wood, A. Desktop Agents. School of Computer Science, University of
Birmingham, UK.
[10] [Wooldridge, 94] Wooldridge, M.J., Jennings,N.R., Agent Theories, Architectures,
Languages: A Survey. Proc. ECAI Workshop on Agent Theory Architecture and Languages.
[11] Autonomous Agents, Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Agent
Theories,Architectures, and Languages, Springer-Verlag.
[13] ​The Intelligent Internet : Smart Computers and E-Commerce are the Next Generation of
IT,​William E.Halal,George Washington University
[14] ​“Enhancing Intelligence to internet of things”,Wind river LLC magazine
[15] ​Intelligent Agents: The Right Information at the Right Time​,Don Gilbert,IBM
Corporation,Research Triangle Park, NC USA,May 1997.
[16] ​Intelligent Agents : Anibal Morales-Morell,Computer Engineering Department,University of
Puerto Rico at Mayaguez,Mayaguez,Puerto Rico 00680,March, 1997
[17] ​“The Futurists”​ magazine

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Internet of things (IoT)

  • 1.   Internet of Things (IoT)                      Ajinkya A. Dubey 1
  • 2. Table of Content ABSTRACT 4 CHAPTER 1: Introduction 5 1.1. The Internet 5 1.2. General structure 7 1.3. Modern uses 7 1.4. Services 9 CHAPTER 2: Current scenario and devices available to make internet intelligent 11 2.1. Intelligent agent 11 2.2. Classifying agents 12 2.3. A survey of agents 13 2.3.1. inspiration behind the agent field 13 2.4. The following is a list of agents or agent information that can be gathered from the WWW 14 Chapter 3: What will help in making internet intelligent? 15 3.1. The Futurists: The Intelligent Internet - by William E. Halal 15 3.2. Economic maturing of the Internet 17 3.3. Applications of intelligent Internet 19 3.3.1. Reliable speech recognition should be common by 2010. 19 3.3.2. Smart computers will be learning and adapting within a decade. 19 3.3.3. A new generation of computer power is here. 20 3.3.4. Virtual robots/environments will populate the Web by 2010. 20 3.3.5. Flat wall monitors should become common in a few years. 20 3.4. Enhancing Intelligence in the ‘Internet of Things’ –WIND RIVER 23 3.4.1. Executive summary 24 3.4.2. Industry trends 24 3.4.3. Complexity 25 3.4.4. Virtualization 25 3.5. Smart grid 26 3.5.1. Manufacturing 27 3.5.2. Consolidation and separation 28 3.5.3. Scalability 29 2
  • 3. CHAPTER 4: Conclusion 30 4.1. Software to automate tasks 31 4.2. When does the IoT become a reality? 31 4.3. Advantages 33 4.4. Limitations 33 4.5. Management issues 33 CHAPTER 5: Appendix 34 APPENDIX I 34 APPENDIX II 35 References 36 3
  • 4. “Making internet intelligent” ABSTRACT “Internet is one of the best inventions of mankind ”. Internet,today is just a dumb platform that performs predefined tasks whenever directed of defined.Most of the times we do not get the results that we expect from the internet.We get frustated,unaware of the dumbness of the platform .The solution to such situation is that we make the whole platform of internet,INTELLIGENT.That is what i am going to research,I am trying to highlight the concept of “MAKING INTERNET INTELLIGENT”. The concept is to enhance the performance of the internet by designing appropriate algorithms so that your behaviour on the internet can be determined and services can be provided accordingly,Using the devices such as communication satellites for high speed data transfer and train the machines in such a way that it can be said a “INTELLIGENT ” one. Although, the concept has started coming into the light as few private organizations have started implementing it,it is necessary to be aware of such important and fantastic discipline.(Examples are covered further in this report).This has made it possible to understand the user,his needs and his likes,dislikes etc.The improvement the computers have further contributed it. The international communities such as IEEE are working towards it. This will make the internet ,a lot more friendly, active, and reliable, as it is today. “If internet is said to be the best friend”, then how better would it be ,if it is intelligent? 4
  • 5. CHAPTER 1: Introduction 1.1. The Internet The ​Internet​ is a global system of interconnected computer networks that use the standard Internet protocol suite (TCP/IP) to serve several billion users worldwide. It is a ​network of networks​ that consists of millions of private, public, academic, business, and government networks, of local to global scope, that are linked by a broad array of electronic, wireless, and optical networking technologies. The Internet carries an extensive range of information resources and services, such as the interlinked hypertext documents of the World Wide Web (WWW), the infrastructure to support email, and peer-to-peer networks. The terms ​Internet​ and ​World Wide Web​ are often used interchangeably in everyday speech; it is common to speak of "going on the Internet" when invoking a web browser to view web pages. However, the Internet is a particular global computer network connecting millions of computing devices; the World Wide Web is just one of many services running on the Internet. The Web is a collection of interconnected documents (web pages) and other web resources, linked by hyperlinks and URLs. In addition to the Web, a multitude of other services are implemented over the Internet, including email, file transfer, remote computer control, newsgroups, and online games. All of these services can be implemented on any intranet, accessible to network users. 5
  • 6. Figure 1.1 : What the internet is ? (The whole platform) The users of internet are increasing alarmingly. Below are some of the facts by ITU (International Telecommunication Union) Worldwide Internet users 2005 2010 2013​a World population 6.5 billion 6.9 billion 7.1 billion Not using the Internet 84% 70% 61% Using the Internet 16% 30% 39% Users in the developing world 8% 21% 31% Users in the developed world 51% 67% 77% a​ Estimate Source : International Telecommunication Union ​Figure 1.2 : Users of the internet in world 6
  • 7. 1.2. General structure The Internet structure and its usage characteristics have been studied extensively. It has been determined that both the Internet IP routing structure and hypertext links of the World Wide Web are examples of scale-free networks. Many computer scientists describe the Internet as a "prime example of a large-scale, highly engineered, yet highly complex system.'' The Internet is heterogeneous; for instance, data transfer rates and physical characteristics of connections vary widely. The Internet exhibits "emergent phenomena" that depend on its large-scale organization. For example, data transfer rates exhibit temporal self-similarity. The principles of the routing and addressing methods for traffic in the Internet reach back to their origins in the 1960s when the eventual scale and popularity of the network could not be anticipated.Thus, the possibility of developing alternative structures is investigated.The Internet structure was found to be highly robust ​ to random failures and very vulnerable to high degree attacks. 1.3. Modern uses The Internet allows greater flexibility in working hours and location, especially with the spread of unmetered high-speed connections. The Internet can be accessed almost anywhere by numerous means, including through mobile Internet devices. Mobile phones, datacards, handheld game consoles and cellular routers allow users to connect to the Internet wirelessly. Within the limitations imposed by small screens and other limited facilities of such pocket-sized devices, the services of the Internet, including email and the web, may be available. Service providers may restrict the services offered and mobile data charges may be significantly higher than other access methods. 7
  • 8. Educational material at all levels from pre-school to post-doctoral is available from websites. Examples range from CBeebies, through school and high-school revision guides and virtual universities, to access to top-end scholarly literature through the likes of Google Scholar. For distance education, help with homework and other assignments, self-guided learning, whiling away spare time, or just looking up more detail on an interesting fact, it has never been easier for people to access educational information at any level from anywhere. The Internet in general and the World Wide Webin particular are important enablers of both formal and informal education. The low cost and nearly instantaneous sharing of ideas, knowledge, and skills has made collaborative work dramatically easier, with the help of collaborative software. Not only can a group cheaply communicate and share ideas but the wide reach of the Internet allows such groups more easily to form. An example of this is the free software movement, which has produced, among other things, Linux, Mozilla Firefox, and Internet chat, whether using an IRC chat room, an instant messaging system, or a social networking website, allows colleagues to stay in touch in a very convenient way while working at their computers during the day. Messages can be exchanged even more quickly and conveniently than via email. These systems may allow files to be exchanged, drawings and images to be shared, or voice and video contact between team members. Content management systems allow collaborating teams to work on shared sets of documents simultaneously without accidentally destroying each other's work. Business and project teams can share calendars as well as documents and other information. Such collaboration occurs in a wide variety of areas including scientific research, software development, conference planning, political activism and creative writing. Social and political collaboration is also becoming more widespread as both Internet access and computer literacy spread. The Internet allows computer users to remotely access other computers and information stores easily, wherever they may be. They may do this with or without computer security, i.e. authentication and encryption technologies, depending on the requirements. This is encouraging new ways of working from home, collaboration and information sharing in many industries. An 8
  • 9. accountant sitting at home can audit the books of a company based in another country, on a server situated in a third country that is remotely maintained by IT specialists in a fourth. These accounts could have been created by home-working bookkeepers, in other remote locations, based on information emailed to them from offices all over the world. Some of these things were possible before the widespread use of the Internet, but the cost of private leased lines would have made many of them infeasible in practice. An office worker away from their desk, perhaps on the other side of the world on a business trip or a holiday, can access their emails, access their data using cloud computing, or open a remote desktop session into their office PC using a secureVirtual Private Network (VPN) connection on the Internet. This can give the worker complete access to all of their normal files and data, including email and other applications, while away from the office. It has been referred to among system administrators as the Virtual Private Nightmare,because it extends the secure perimeter of a corporate network into remote locations and its employees' homes. 1.4. Services World Wide Web (www):​ A web or organization of data in standard format on the internet. Communication:​ Interaction between two or more entities (chat,video conferencing etc.) Data transfer: Data can be transferred among computers. (Downloading with torrent network,uploading on servers etc.) Surveillance: The security agencies can keep an eye on specific people,communities and track their behaviour.This plays a very important role in security. Nicholas Carr wrote an article titled "Is Google making us stupid?" In it, Carr said he had noticed that as his reliance on the Internet for research and entertainment increased, other faculties seemed to atrophy. One of those was his concentration or focus. He hypothesized that because the way you navigate the Internet in general -- and the World Wide Web in particular -- you're always leaping from one piece of information to another . 9
  • 10. Could the Internet affect the way humans think? On the one hand, we have unprecedented access to an enormous library of information. Answers to questions ranging from "What is the Big Bang theory?" to "How long should I let dough rise?" are just a couple of clicks away. But does that information come at the cost of our own ability to think? There does seem to be a correlation to the way we record and access information and the way we think. As we develop systems that allow us to save our knowledge for posterity, we unload that burden onto an inanimate object. That doesn't necessarily mean we become less intelligent. Not everyone agrees with Carr's hypothesis. The Pew Research Center performs a survey each year about the future of the Internet. The research group polls a group of experts and industry analysts on a series of questions. For the 2010 report, one of the questions asked the respondents if they thought Carr was right about Google -- and the Internet in general -- making us stupid. Eighty-one percent of the experts disagreed. But it's true that access to information doesn't equate to intelligence. You might be able to look up a fact, but that doesn't mean you understand what the fact means or its context. The Internet is a tool that we can use to help us learn -- it doesn't replace learning itself. Optimists hope that the Internet will teach us about ourselves. The reach of the Internet is creeping into countries and cultures that have been segregated from the rest of the world. Some hope the Internet will provide the common ground that allows various people to learn and understand each other, possibly bringing about an era of peace and cooperation. Ultimately, the Internet could begin to erase traditional boundaries between countries and cultures. But that sort of global change isn't trivial. It might take decades before we see a noticeable difference in the way we think of one another. Cynics may think even a tool as useful and pervasive as the Internet won't overcome the hurdles we face in becoming a united world. INTERNET​ can assist in learning but it cannot replace the learning itself. 10
  • 11. CHAPTER 2: Current scenario and devices available to make internet intelligent 2.1. Intelligent agent Software Agents are the new revolution in software usability. Agents are described with anthropomorphic features such as intelligence, autonomy, and such. The school of researchers from the fields of Artificial Intelligence (AI), Distributed AI (DAI), and other more pragmatic researchers are engaged in defining these “software entities” and creating this new field of study and development along the way. In the meantime, while researchers fight for formal definitions, this new technology is bringing powerful and useful tools to the end user, in particular managing huge amount of data, such as that produced by the Internet, and taking decisions on what the user may be interested in. ‘Intelligent Agent’ and the more generic term ‘Agent’ are terms that have been used interchangeably, since some kind of “intelligence” has been consistently described as one of the attributes of a software agent [Franklin, 96]. One of the definitions of software agents describes them as “characters” inside the computer that work ​on behalf of their user ​in a software environment, as an assistant, friend, or ally [Wood, 94]. The original idea was supposedly conceived by John McCarthy in the mid-1950’s and the term ‘agent’ coined a few years later by Oliver G. Selfridge at MIT. [Wood, 94]. Others such as [Foner, 93] also cite the late fifties as the first time the term came into use. There is no universally accepted definition of the term agent. Russel and Norvig (1995) define an                                agent as an entity that can be viewed as perceiving its environment through sensors and acting                                upon its environment through effectors. (Coen, 1995) views software agents as programs that                          engage in dialogs and negotiate and coordinate the transfer of information.  11
  • 12. Wooldridge and Jennings (1995) state that an agent is a hardware and/or software-based                          computer system displaying the properties of autonomy, social adeptness, reactivity, and                      proactivity. Others (Brustolini, 1991; Franklin and Graeser, 1996;  Maes, 1995; Hayes-Roth et al, 1995; Gilbert et al, 1995) offer variations on this theme. There is                                  a consensus that autonomy, the ability to act without the intervention of humans or other                              systems, is a key feature of an agent. Beyond that, different attributes take on different                              importance based on the domain of the agent.    2.2. Classifying agents Fig 2.1 : Classification of agents. 12
  • 13. 2.3. A survey of agents Intelligent agents are software entities that carry out some set of operations on behalf of a user or another program with some degree of independence or autonomy, and in doing so, employ some knowledge or representations of the user’s goals or desires” We have already seen agents in action. From the wizard-like interface of popular application software in our desktop computer, to Web Wandering robots that connect to Web sites and gathers pages for indexing and addition to Web search engines (“spiders”, “web-bots”, etc.) Agents are generally software and perhaps it can be hardware. 2.3.1. inspiration behind the agent field  ● Artificial Intelligence ● Agent intelligence and micro-agent ● Software Engineering ● Agent as an abstract entity ● Distributed System and Computer Network ● Agent architecture, MAS, Coordination ● Game Theory and Economics ● Agent Negotiation Robots​ are very good example of agents. 13
  • 14. 2.4. The following is a list of agents or agent information that can be gathered from the WWW FTP Software CyberAgents: MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory: Sun’s Java Home Page: The Foner agent: The IBM agent: The MuBot agent: The SodaBot agent: The SurfBot monitoring agent: UMBC (University of Maryland-Baltimore-County) Intelligent Agents: 14
  • 15. Chapter 3: What will help in making internet intelligent? 3.1. The Futurists: The Intelligent Internet - by William E. Halal Timeline Broadband ​High-speed channels (DSL, cable, Ethernet, and satellite) are used in 30% of homes: 2004. B2B ​30% of commercial transactions are conducted online: 2006. E-Health ​Online systems are used 30% of the time to prescribe drugs, order lab tests, monitor patients, etc.: 2015. Entertainment on Demand ​30% of music, movies, games, and other entertainment is sold online: 2007. Equal Access ​Most (90%) of underprivileged people have Internet access: 2017. E-tailing ​30% of goods and services are sold online: 2010. E-Training ​Distance learning (Internet, video, e-mail) is the main method used in 30% of training programs: 2008. Global Grid ​Half of the world population has access to PCs, Internet, etc.: 2017. Internet Taxation ​Internet sales are taxed by major nations: 2007. Knowledge on Demand ​Focused educational programs are used online to serve 30% of specific needs: 2008. Medical Research ​30% of clinical research is conducted using computerized systems: 2010. Online Finance ​30% of banking, investments, and other financial services are performed online: 2007. Online Publishing ​30% of newspapers, magazines, journals, and books are sold online: 2010. 15
  • 16. Online Voting ​ATM-type machines or PCs on the Internet are used in 30% of elections: 2012. Privacy and Security ​A majority of the public feels safe about the privacy and security of their information: 2009. Public Services ​30% of government services (auto registration, licenses, fees, etc.) are conducted online: 2010. Telesurgery ​Surgical procedures are performed at remote locations: 2012. Virtual Reality Systems ​are used by 30% of the public to experience exotic environments (Mars), entertainment (games, virtual sex), education, testing designs, etc.: 2016. Virtual University ​Distance learning (Internet, video, e-mail) is the main method used in 30% of courses: 2014. Wireless ​Web phones, handheld devices, etc. are used by 30% of the population for internet,videos etc. The UCLA Virtual Reality Laboratory has a website that recreates ancient rome. Visitors can virtually walkaround 3 D images of temples,monuments, and plazas as though they were living in Rome 2000 years ago. The head of UCLA’s lab called it “A kind of time machine.” Amtrak has installed speech recognition software to replace the button-pressing menus that drive many people mad. Now you can talk to a virtual salesperson named Julie to get train schedules, make reservations, pay for tickets, and discuss problems. Customers are happier,and Amtrak is saving money. The Waldorf-Astoria Hotel in New York City leases out a five-by seven foot video conferencing system that allows guests to hold virtual meetings with other people at remote locations. Business people find it so useful that the system is always busy.It may seem foolhardy to claim that the Internet will soon thrive again when economies around the globe struggle out of recession. After all, it was the unrealistic hype of endless growth we heard during the dot-com boom that caused today’s economic pain. But forecasts conducted under the TechCast Project at 16
  • 17. George Washington University indicate that 20 commercial aspects of Internet use should reach 30% “take- off” adoption levels during the second half of this decade to rejuvenate the economy. Meanwhile, the project’s technology scanning finds that advances in speech recognition, artificial intelligence, powerful computers, virtual environments, and flat wall monitors are producing a “conversational” human–machine interface. These powerful trends will drive the next generation of information technology into the mainstream by about 2010. Rather than forcing us to hunch over a keyboard, this Intelligent Internet should allow people everywhere to converse naturally and comfortably with life-sized, virtual people while shopping, working,learning, and conducting most social relationships. Technical advances have contributed a lot to make an intelligent platform. 3.2. Economic maturing of the Internet The TechCast system, formerly called The GW Forecast, is a database-driven Web site in which panels of experts provide online estimates to carefully researched questions.The estimates are pooled automatically to produce the best possible forecast of when each technology is likely to take off, the associated confidence level, and the size of the potential market—in real time. Results are presented in the E-Commerce Technology Timeline for 20 applications of e-commerce. The expert panel convened for this study comprises 38 authorities from a variety of backgrounds, including CEOs of high-tech firms, technology officers, scientists and engineers, consultants, academics, and futurists. Not all experts respond to every question, so the typical number of respondents averages 22. Delphi forecasts of this type are generally considered sound if they use a dozen or more experts, which makes these results fairly reliable. These results portray a striking scenario in which the dominant forms of ecommerce— broadband,business-to-business (B2B), online finance, entertainment-on-demand, wireless, e-training,knowledge-on-demand, electronic public services, online publishing, e-tailing—grow from their present 5%–20% adoption levels to 30% between 2004 and 2010. TechCast considers the 30% penetration level significant because this roughly marks the “take-off point” when technologies move from their early-adopter phase into the mainstream, where they permeate economic and social life. Andrew Grove,former CEO of Intel, told ​Business 17
  • 18. Week ​(May 5, 2003), ​“Everything we ever said about the Internet is happening now.” Many think the Internet is mainstream now, but that’s only true for non paying use, such as surfing for free information. As of 2003, commercial operations involving monetary exchange were limited to about 23% for broadband, 10% for e-tailing, 12% for B2B, 10% for distance learning, and 5% for music. And these are the most popular Internet applications. Others hardly register in adoption levels at all.TechCast’s other results suggest that more-complex applications—online voting, e-health, the virtual university, virtual reality, and the global grid—are likely to follow later. These forms of e-commerce lag because they involve more exotic and costly technology, difficult institutional changes, and new forms of consumer behavior. Making the virtual university a reality, for instance, requires professors to switch from traditional lectures to communication technologies that are poorly developed, college administrators to justify the economic feasibility of more expensive systems, and students to feel comfortable and trusting in a virtual setting. E-health demands a similar transformation among physicians, hospitals, and patients.The remaining developments in our forecast—taxation, privacy and security, computerized research,telesurgery, and equal access—should appear at varying times throughout the next two decades. These applications differ because they do not serve major new social needs but involve modifications of existing systems. Interwoven through these advances in e-commerce are other trends leading to a new generation of intelligent systems expected to emerge during the same time period.The TechCast project calls it TeleLiving—a conversational human–machine interface that allows a more comfortable and convenient way to shop,work, educate, entertain, and conduct most other social relationships [see in APPENDIX I]. The following are a few of the advances in speech recognition,artificial intelligence, powerful chips, virtual environments, and flat-screen wall monitors that are likely to produce this intelligent interface. 18
  • 19. 3.3. Applications of intelligent Internet 3.3.1. Reliable speech recognition should be common by 2010.  IBM has a Super Human Speech Recognition Program to greatly improve accuracy, and in the next decade Microsoft’s program is expected to reduce the error rate of speech recognition,matching human capabilities. MIT is planning to demonstrate their Project Oxygen, which features a voice–machine interface. Project director Rodney Brooks says, “I wanted to bring the machine into our world, a machine that will look you in the eye, let you ask questions in casual English, and answer them the same way.” Amtrak, Wells Fargo, Land’s End, and many other organizations are replacing keypad-menu call centers with speech-recognition systems because they improve customer service and recover investment in a year or two. Analysts think most companies will make the conversion soon. Internet search engines such as Google and Yahoo operate voice recognition systems that help users find what they seek. General Motors OnStar driver assistance system relies primarily on voice commands, with live staff for backup; the number of subscribers has grown from 200,000 to 2 million and is expected to increase by 1 million per year. The Lexus DVD Navigation System responds to over 100 commands and guides the driver with voice and visual directions. Even more pervasive yet simpler,Sprint offers voice dialing on most cell phones and networks. 3.3.2. Smart computers will be learning and adapting within a decade.  The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency is developing a hypersmart computer that can maintain itself, assess its performance,make adaptive changes, and respond to different situations. The Department of Energy is creating an intelligent computer that can infer intent, remember prior experiences,analyze problems, and make decisions. 19
  • 20. IBM’s “autonomic computing” program will allow servers and networks to solve problems and reconfigure themselves to accomplish a goal, just as organisms rely on an autonomic nervous system to regulate heartbeat and body temperature. Norton provides PC software that can eliminate virus infections,optimize computer performance, fix registry mistakes, and perform other tasks without user intervention. AI is being used to intelligently guide human action figures in computer games, such as ​Sims, Metal Gear Solid, Unreal Tournament, ​and ​Halo. Pattern matching and text parsing are used to improve searches by Google and AltaVista. BCC Corporation estimates total AI sales to grow from $12 billion in 2002 to $21 billion in 2007. 3.3.3. A new generation of computer power is here.  Intel and AMD are introducing 64-bit processors to replace the 32-bit chips that brought us the Windows operating system a decade ago. The 64-bit chips mark a new generation of computer power that features cinematic displays rivaling the most sophisticated science-fiction movies,accurate speech recognition, and artificial intelligence. 3.3.4. Virtual robots/environments will populate the Web by 2010.  Virtual robots, or avatars, are becoming common, such as Ananova, a female robot who presents weather reports. In Japan, Yuki Terai is a virtual rock star who has become a national idol. There is a multimedia Web site featuring 3-D computer-generated environments populated with avatars that interact with users and other avatars. According to the CEO of Native Minds, a virtual robot maker, “The Internet will be filled with robots by 2010.” 3.3.5. Flat wall monitors should become common in a few years.  Sales of liquid crystal display (LCD) monitors now surpass cathode ray tube (CRT) sales, introducing an era of flat monitors that use one-third the power of CRTs. “Ultimately, the flat panel is less expensive,”according to a Dell manager. 20
  • 21. Leading TV makers are all bringing out 60-inch wall-mounted digital TV monitors. Albeit expensive now, as the switch from CRTs to LCDs gathers momentum, costs and prices should fall dramatically, making $1,000 wall monitors the size of a movie screen fairly common. A fully functional three-by-five-foot wall monitor should sell for less than $500. These are formidable undertakings,to be sure, and some may not succeed as planned. But such remarkable developments promise to transform the human–computer interface.Powerful new scientific capabilities are being applied now for simple uses, and if current trends hold, a modest version of the talking computer made famous in ​2001: A Space Odyssey ​should be available around 2010. Rather than use a keyboard or mouse, the PC will disappear into a corner while we talk to life-sized virtual persons on large wall monitors. A few years ago, Microsoft chairman Bill Gates claimed, “The future lies with computers that talk, see, listen,and learn.” This view is now supported by computer industry leaders. Robert McClure of IDC stated recently, “What the graphical user interface was in the 1990s, the natural user interface will be in this decade.” Sony President Kunitake Ando expects the PC of 2005 to be a more personalized, intelligent system, acting as a “teacher, agent, and guide.” Ian Pearson at British Telecom sees a resumption of Internet growth in 2005 and 2006, driven by “better interface technology . . . and artificial intelligence.” And computer scientist Ray Kurzweil forecasts,“It will be routine to meet in full-immersion virtual reality for business meetings and casual conversations in five to seven years.” The Next Information Technology (IT) Generation The enormous gap between today’s depressed IT industry and the vibrant trends noted above signifies that we are poised at the cusp of another major technology transition, much as the 1980s brought the PC and the 1990s brought the Internet. The economic recession left in the wake of the dot-com bust may linger awhile, but all technological revolutions go through a similar boom and bust cycle. The introduction of railroads, telephones, and radios invited wild speculation similar to the dot-com bubble. But a few years after the inevitable crash, renewed economic growth and more prudent business practices caused these fledgling industries to boom again.A similar resumption of growth is likely for dot-coms. Economically sound e-practices are common now and should continue to expand. As the economic recession runs its course, venture capital is also appearing to support 21
  • 22. new startups. And broadband is reaching the critical 30% take-off level, which will soon create huge markets for exciting new applications that need lots of bandwidth. The TechCast Project participants therefore see no serious obstacles to the first wave of relatively straightforward e-commerce services noted in the forecast, which is likely to reach the 30% adoption level during this take-off period running roughly from 2005 to 2010. This time, however, the intelligent interface holds the key to putting today’s underutilized IT to work.Many more examples like those noted above are being developed by Web entrepreneurs, and competition could mount as customers demand these attractive new benefits. The first “wired generation” of college students is entering work, expecting the unlimited bandwidth and sophisticated Internet features they grew accustomed to on campus. The nagging problem of selling entertainment online—the digital rights management conundrum—is also likely to be resolved soon, which could unleash a huge market for music, videos, movies, and other intellectual property. These emerging markets are perfect for the lifelike, conversational multimedia of TeleLiving, encouraging a new generation of IT that should be extremely appealing and relieves today’s exploding complexity. Ninety percent of Americans say today’s computers are too complex and time-consuming. The huge advantages of this next-generation IT could fuel demand for the Intelligent Internet to blossom sometime around 2010, as the trends above suggest. ​Business Week’​s special issue, “The E-Biz Surprise” (May 5,2003), noted, “The Web is the same age color TV was when it turned profitable.” Almost any social transaction— teleworking with colleagues, buying and selling online, education, consulting with your physician, entertainment,or just a casual talk with a distant friend—could soon be conducted in a conversational mode,speaking with life-sized images as comfortably as we now use the telephone and television. It should feel as though virtual people are right there in the same room with you.This scenario is not without uncertainties.Cynicism persists over unrealized promises of AI, and the Intelligent Internet will present its own problems. If you think today’s dumb computers are frustrating, wait until you find yourself shouting at a virtual robot that repeatedly fails to grasp what you badly want it to do. And this forecast for a glorious IT future may seem extravagant amidst the dismal mood of IT today. The main obstacle is a lack of vision among industry leaders, customers, and the public 22
  • 23. as scars of the dot-com bust block creative thought. Yes, the dot-com boom was unrealistic to a large extent, but it was driven by a powerful image that inspired huge gains in many areas. Bold innovations always require equally bold imagination, and so unleashing pent-up demand for online social transactions will require an imaginative understanding of how IT can improve life in the difficult years ahead. The evidence suggests the future lies in developing an Intelligent Internet, and that the world could benefit enormously by focusing on this concept with clearity and determination. 3.4.​ ​Enhancing Intelligence in the ‘Internet of Things’ –WIND RIVER Fig 3.1 : Internet of things 23
  • 24. 3.4.1. Executive summary  A key driver for embedded system designers is the cloud. With billions of devices becoming connected in the “Internet of things” and sharing data through the cloud, there is a key challenge in managing this complexity. The amount of data that is moved around the Internet is expected to double in just three years and there are different architectures for addressing this challenge of sharing and managing data securely and reliably in the cloud. This is a different situation from the existing migration of apps into the IT cloud. Systems handling machine-to-machine (M2M) data have to be reliable, secure, and scalable with real-time performance measured in microseconds. All this data has to be available anytime, anywhere, and this is opening up new ways for equipment to be designed and built. This paper takes a look at the key industry trends driving consolidation of processing workloads to make all the functionality on a device secure, manageable, and scalable. 3.4.2. Industry trends  One architecture that is gaining ground is to provide more localized, connected processing power close to where it is needed,often as a gateway to the wider Internet. In this way, local traffic can be processed quickly and acted on, while the data is still available to the wider systems across the Internet, whether it is a train,a manufacturing floor, or a power plant.At the heart of this approach is the ability to consolidate a number of functions, from the communications to the data processing. This is costly and complex when implemented in separate boxes, and the ability to consolidate a wide range of functions reliably and securely into an intelligent single unit that is more cost effective is increasingly popular. Security This trend has implications for security. Consolidating workloads in a single device means communications are linked to real-time operations and the flow of data. This means there is a need to keep certain functions very separate. Safety-critical code has to be protected and unchanged to retain its certification, and yet the security that protects the system has to be updated regularly to defend against ever changing attacks. At the same time, there are communications protocols and data capture in the system that need real-time performance alongside human interfaces that can be run at slower speeds. All of this provides a potentially highly complex environment. The traditional approach has been to 24
  • 25. have separate devices for each of these functions, keeping communications and real- time elements separate. However, security needs to be deeply embedded within the system to provide the maximum protection, and physical separation leads to a number of architectural challenges that can be expensive to solve.It is widely used,consider an application as mundane as the basic electric toaster which embeds an MCU (Micro Controller Unit) in it which not only sets the colour or the darkness of the toast but also provides basic functions such as temperature,flatness and even the hardness of the piece of toast. 3.4.3. Complexity  This separation tends to show up in system architectures in a number of ways. Often it shows up with new devices being added to the system to provide new features or new security, and the system grows in a haphazard, unmanaged way. Often the original elements of the system are so critical that there is no opportunity to pull everything out and start again from scratch, leading to a more evolutionary architecture. This often leads to a highly complex base of software that is constantly patched and not well documented, creating bugs, errors, and glitches. The safety-critical elements of the design, from programmable logic controllers to sensors, tend to be relatively simple, well-tested devices that have well-defined code and states and are left alone. As a result, adding new functions and features can often impact the overall performance of the system. All of this is reflected in higher costs for upgrading, managing, and protecting the system. With many industrial embedded systems not built with communications or security in mind, this is a significant part of the cost of doing business. 3.4.4. Virtualization  Virtualization has been solving a number of these challenges.Using multiple cores and time and space separation it has been possible to run the different elements—security, communications, real-time, and user interface—on separate operating systems on separate cores. Sometimes these separate cores are in separate devices on a single board, replacing multiple boards in a system. Increasingly, these elements have been coming together in a single multi-core device, offering higher performance that can be used for more features or lower power consumption, which is 25
  • 26. now a key consideration. This trend is being supported with new approaches such as virtualization extensions within processors capable of supporting time and space separation in hardware, increasing performance and reducing power consumption and system cost. Now it is possible to run multiple operating systems and separate applications on a single core and still achieve the real-time performance that many embedded industrial systems require. This allows for significantly lower cost and complexity as well as lower power consumption than with multi-core systems. 3.5. Smart grid The current industry focus on the smart grid is a classic example of the challenges of adding intelligence and networking to existing legacy systems. The concept of the smart grid is driven by the need to integrate variable power sources such as wind or wave power into the existing power grid based around static sources such as traditional power stations. To do this requires “smart meters” that measure consumption in the home, office, or factory as well as a network to carry that data back and control the different parts of the grid based on the real-time data. This is a highly complex task that requires large amounts of data handling and processing power overlaid on a grid that was constructed in the 1950s or even earlier.While there are large scale data centre implementations for handling predictive algorithms, a vast amount of processing has to be handled towards the edge of the grid. Potentially handling thousands of smart meters and sensors throughout the grid, this acts as a gateway to the wider network and protects all those meters and power systems from intrusion. Real-time performance is vital, as is reliability and traceability of all the data when it is used for billing purposes. There is a very clear place for such gateways acting as servers for the “client” meters, but the current multi-core devices can have higher performance than necessary. The performance of single core devices is now such that one device can run a secure real time operating system such as Wind River’s VxWorks® that can handle both data and communications stacks alongside a general purpose operating system such as Microsoft Windows or embedded Linux. This simplifies the system design and allows existing code to be run safely and securely but also allows security to be updated regularly. New features and data handling routines can be added in the non-real-time portion of 26
  • 27. the design without impacting on the real-time, security, or communications elements. This dramatically reduces the complexity, risk, and costs of rolling out the infrastructure that is required for the smart grid. 3.5.1. Manufacturing  Similarly, manufacturing plants can benefit from virtualization. A single-core device can run several “soft” programmable logic controllers (PLC) and provide the security and communications for sensors and networks around the shop floor through a real time operating system. Graphical interfaces can be added via the non-real-time elements to make machines more user friendly and productive with an easy upgrade process that does not perturb other parts of the systems. With the communications stacks implemented securely and reliably,all the data from around the floor can be available whenever and wherever required. This can be used to make planning more efficient and allow algorithms to spot potential problems within the equipment, triggering preventative maintenance routines and reducing costly downtime.Transportation Transport shows similar characteristics. Increasing amounts of electronics are making their way into transportation systems, especially trains. New safety-critical braking control and signaling systems are being implemented alongside data management and entertainment networks, all on a physical platform that is decades old. Cost Effective commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) systems based around single-core devices can now handle these key features such as train information systems and other functions safely and securely.Instead of having signals on the rail, trains now have their own highly sophisticated signal and position management systems.Positive train control systems are adding highly connected intelligence in trains, for example, making them position-aware as well as providing a centralized advanced train control (ATC ) management system. This ATC system is a key example of an M2M cloud architecture, taking data from trains around the network to enhance the operation and safety of the system as a whole. Using this connected distributed intelligence can improve safety and performance but the challenge is to implement such a system cost effectively. 27
  • 28. Fig 3.2 : Architecture of positive train control system 3.5.2. Consolidation and separation  There are two areas where virtualization is particularly relevant, providing consolidation of workloads and combining communication stacks with other functions. Consolidation of workloads is at the heart of the move to having all data accessible anywhere. Keeping real-time functions separate from general data processing and handling is vital to maintaining systems’ responsiveness, but it all has to be kept secure. This leads to new system architectures based around the dynamic flow of data. Here, control, interface, security, and communications are all kept separate as they all change at different rates and have different requirements. Being able to combine these functions in a single device and still keep them separate is a vital element in providing design flexibility and agility. 28
  • 29. 3.5.3. Scalability  A key element of virtualization is the scalability. Supporting multiple operating systems on a single core means the system is easily expandable to higher-performance multi-core devices with minimal risk. The multi-core device can handle the operating systems on separate cores, providing higher performance for more advanced features without having to rewrite and retest the existing system implementation. This brings a dramatic savings in the development time and costs of moving to a new generation of equipment. This also allows vendors to provide scalable equipment platforms that are based around a common code base that is tested and reliable. Virtualization has already opened up a wide range of new applications in IT, but the ability to provide true real-time performance alongside a mainstream operating system opens up yet more embedded opportunities in new and existing markets. Smart grid networks, manufacturing systems, and transportation are all set to benefit from the consolidation of workloads and the separation of communication and security functions onto a single core. 29
  • 30. CHAPTER 4: Conclusion We are entering a new era of computing technology that many are calling the Internet of Things (IoT). Machine to machine, machine to infrastructure, machine to environment, the Internet of Everything, the Internet of Intelligent Things, intelligent systems—call it what you want, but it’s happening, and its potential is huge. We see the IoT as billions of smart, connected “things” (a sort of “universal global neural network” in the cloud) that will encompass every aspect of our lives, and its foundation is the intelligence that embedded processing provides. The IoT is comprised of smart machines interacting and communicating with other machines, objects, environments and infrastructures. As a result, huge volumes of data are being generated, and that data is being processed into useful actions that can “command and control” things to make our lives much easier and safer—and to reduce our impact on the environment.The creativity of this new era is boundless, with amazing potential to improve our lives. What does the IoT need to become a reality? In this white paper, Freescale and ARM partner to answer that question. Figure 4.2 : Internet of things 30
  • 31. The Internet of Things (IoT) refers to uniquely identifiable objects and their virtual representations in an Internet-like structure. 4.1. Software to automate tasks Getting all segments of the IoT to communicate and work together is key to the success of the technology rollout, and that means deploying a lot of software (and middleware) that will enable various heterogeneous devices to talk with each other and the infrastructure around them. For example, in a smart meter application, an analog front end (AFE) reads the meter and the MCU manages the meter to interpret and push the data through the communication pipe, which will be communicating with the house on one end and the curbside on the other end. While most developers have a clear view of the software architecture from a device, communication pipe and application profile perspective, the service-level fabric must also be considered for a given application. In this configuration, the sensing node (here the AFE) is using an embedded processing (MCU) node to translate and transmit the data through the communication functions to the central embedded processing node in the house, as well as one on the curbside. A lot of middleware software is needed to enable this interaction to happen reliably, with the services delivered seamlessly. 4.2. When does the IoT become a reality? The pervasiveness of embedded processing is already happening everywhere around us. At home, appliances as mundane as your basic toaster now come with an embedded MCU that not only sets the darkness of the piece of toast to your preference, but also adds functional safety to the device. Your refrigerator has started talking to you and keeping track of what you put in it. There are energy-aware HVAC systems that can now generate a report on the activity in your house and recommend ways to reduce your energy consumption. The electrification of vehicles has already started happening, and in just a few years from now, each car will contain >50 31
  • 32. percent more electronics than it did just five years ago. The cars of the future will indeed be able to drive themselves. Similar changes are also happening in other aspects of our lives … in factories, transportation, school systems, stadiums and other public venues. Embedded processing is everywhere. Connecting those smart devices (nodes) to the web has also started happening, although at a slower rate. The pieces of the technology puzzle are coming together to accommodate the Internet of Things sooner than most people expect. Just as the Internet phenomenon happened not so long ago and caught like a wildfire, the Internet of Things will touch every aspect of our lives in less than a decade. Are you ready for it? IEEE has formed a special committee for the task of making intelligent internet: ● Technical Committee on Intelligent Internet Systems. The studies done for above is presented in APPENDIX II. ● Organizations like IEEE, ITU are taking efforts to implement the concept of INTELLIGENT INTERNET by making respective committees etc. ● Organized a Special Session in the 2008 SMC Annual Conference. ● Participating in the organization of ICMLC 2008, China. ● Organized a Special Session in the 2009 SMC Annual Conference. ● Participated in the organization of ICMLC 2009, China. ● Organized a Tutorial in the 2010 SMC Annual Conference. ● Organized a Special Issue in the SMC eNewsletter (Special Issue on Intelligent Internet Systems, IEEE SMC eNewsletter, Issue # 33, December 2010). ● Participated in the organization of ICMLC 2010, China. ● Organized a Special Session in the 2011 SMC Annual Conference. ● Organized a Special Session in the coming 2011 SMC Annual Conference. ● Participated in the organization of ICMLC 2011, China. ● Organizing a Special Session in the 2012 SMC Annual Conference. ● Participating in the organization of ICMLC 2012, China. ● Organized a Special Session in the 2013 SMC Annual Conference. ● Planning a Special Session in the 2013 SMC Annual Conference. ● Participating in the organization of ICMLC 2013. ● Organized a Special Session in the coming 2014 SMC Annual Conference. ● Participating in the organization of ICMLC 2014, China. ● Sponsoring conferences/symposiums of our interests. ● Planning a Special Issue for IEEE Transactions on SMC. ● Planning a Workshop on Intelligent Internet Systems. 32
  • 33. 4.3. Advantages ● Easy to understand ● Systems and modules easily integrated ● Saves development time and expense ● Allows for incremental and rapid development ● Updates automatically and resource reuse 4.4. Limitations ● Oversimplified graphical representation ● Needs additional tools ● Incorrect definitions ● Information may be incorrect or inconsistent ● Security 4.5. Management issues ● Expense ● Security ● Systems integration and flexibility ● Hardware and software requirements ● Agent accuracy ● Agent learning ● Invasion of privacy ● Competitive intelligence and industrial intelligence ● Other ethical issues ● Heightened expectations ● Systems acceptance 33
  • 34. CHAPTER 5: Appendix APPENDIX I List of abbreviations used in this report: IEEE: Institute of Electronics and Electrical Engineers. ITU: International Telecommunication Union. AI: Artificial Intelligence. HCI: Human Computer Interface. TC: Technical Committee.(of IEEE for intelligent internet) WWW: World Wide Web VPN: Virtual Private Network UCLA: University of California,Los Angeles MCU: Micro Controller Unit COTS: Commercial Off The Shelf ATC: Advanced Train Control PTC: Positive Train Control M2M: Machine To Machine IT: Information Technology IOT: Internet Of Things PCL: Program Control Logic AFE: Analog Front End 34
  • 35. APPENDIX II The technical committee formed by IEEE: 35
  • 36. References [1] "The Open Market Internet Index".​ 1995-11-11. Retrieved 2013-06-15. [2] Jump up ​"World Stats"​. Internet World Stats. Miniwatts Marketing Group. June 30, 2012. [3] ​"Internet users per 100 inhabitants 2001-2011​", International Telecommunications Union, Geneva, accessed 4 April 2012 [4] Carr, Nicholas. ​"Is Google making us stupid?" The Atlantic. July/August 2008. (April 28, 2010) [5] [Jennings, 95-2] ​Jennings, N.R., Wooldridge, [6] M.J., Applying Agent Technology. [7] Applied AI: An International Journal,Tailor & Francis, London. 1995​.[Lesnick,Lesnick, L., Moore, R.E. Creating Cool Intelligent Agents for the Net. IDG Books, Foster City, California. [8] [SA FAQ, 97] The Software Agents Mailing List FAQ. February 1997.[Singh, 97] Singh, S., Norvig P., Cohn, D.,Agents and Reinforcement Learning. Dr.Dobbs Journal #263, March 1997,Volume 22, Issue 3. [9] [Wood, 94] ​Wood, A. Desktop Agents. School of Computer Science, University of Birmingham, UK. [10] [Wooldridge, 94] Wooldridge, M.J., Jennings,N.R., Agent Theories, Architectures, Languages: A Survey. Proc. ECAI Workshop on Agent Theory Architecture and Languages. 1994. [11] Autonomous Agents, Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Agent Theories,Architectures, and Languages, Springer-Verlag. [13] ​The Intelligent Internet : Smart Computers and E-Commerce are the Next Generation of IT,​William E.Halal,George Washington University [14] ​“Enhancing Intelligence to internet of things”,Wind river LLC magazine [15] ​Intelligent Agents: The Right Information at the Right Time​,Don Gilbert,IBM Corporation,Research Triangle Park, NC USA,May 1997. 36
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