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27 April 2012
Institut Integriti Malaysia
Nurul Izwani Ahmad
Apa yang akan diperolehi?
Institut Integriti Malaysia
Malaysian Institute Of Integrity
Apa itu ‘Integriti’ ?
“kejujuran, keadaan sempurna dan utuh”
Kamus Dewan
“Integriti secara umumnya ialah kualiti unggul
yang wujud secara keseluruhan pada individu
dan organisasi.
Integriti berkait erat dengan Etika. Ia adalah
berlandaskan etika dan pencerminan etika
dalam tindakan harian.”
Pelan Integriti Nasional
Integrity – the quality of being honest and having strong
moral principles.
(The Oxford Dictionary)
Memahami Istilah INTEGRITI
 Untuk memahami istilah Integriti,
Fahami 2 konsep berkaitan:
The Latin root for the word integrity is “INTEGRITAS” which
Membuat sesuatu yang betul dan baik walaupun tidak dilihat orang lain.
Tidak mengharapkan balasan dari manusia,
tetapi balasan hanya dari Tuhan
Tidak mengharapkan balasan dari manusia,
tetapi balasan hanya dari Tuhan
Pendidikan Modal Insan Bermula
dari rumah
 1. Tahap Pertama = Anak yang baru lahir sehingga mumayyiz
(6 tahun). Hendaklah kita banyak bergurau dan membelai
mereka dengan penuh kasih sayang.
 2. Tahap Kedua = Anak berumur 7 tahun hingga baligh (14
tahun). Hendaklah kita mendidik mereka dengan arahan, disiplin
dan beri tanggungjawab.
 3. Tahap Ketiga = Anak berumur 15 tahun hingga dewasa (21
tahun). Hendaklah dididik dengan cara berkawan, bertukar
pendapat dan hormati pendapat mereka selagi yang tidak
bertentangan dengan syariat Islam.
 4. Tahap Keempat = Anak berumur lebih daripada 21 tahun.
Hendaklah para ibubapa memberi mereka kebebasan bertindak
selagi tidak bertentangan dengan syariat Islam. Ibubapa hanya
perlu bertindak sebagai penasihat agar segala tindakan mereka
Kenapa Perlu Berintegriti?
“Adakah manusia mengira bahawa mereka
dibiarkan (sahaja) mengatakan, “Kami
beriman,’ sedang mereka tidak diuji lagi?
Sesungguhnya Kami menguji orang yang
sebelum mereka. Maka sesungguhnya Allah
mengetahui orang yang benar.
Susungguhnya Dia juga mengetahui orang
yang dusta.”
(Surah al-Ankabut: 1-3)
Mengapa Integriti Penting?
 Menghasilkan sebuah masyarakat yang
bertamadun, bertatasusila, dan ikatan
hidup yang berdasarkan kepada
kesopanan dan saling menghormati.
Behold, thy Lord said to the angles; “I will create A
vicegerent(Caliphs) on earth.” They said; “ Wilt Thou place
therein one who will make Mischief therein and shed blood?”
– Whilst we do celebrate Thy praises and glorify Thy holy
(name)?” He said; “I know what ye know not.”
[Al Baqarah 2:30]
 Integriti individu adalah keselarasan di antara apa
yang dikatakan oleh individu dengan apa yang
 Apa yang dilakukan oleh individu itu pula cepat,
tepat dan bermutu. Apabila dia bertindak atau
bertingkahlaku demikian secara konsisten dalam
pelbagai segi, dia dikatakan mempunyai integriti
(PIN, 2004)
Adakah kita
mempunyai masalah
(1) Kekeliruan serta kesilapan mengenai
faham ilmu dan kurangnya pegangan
agamaDan keadaan ini membawa akibat:
(2) Keruntuhan adab di kalangan manusia.
 Rumusan sebab-sebab masalah kita
(Prof Syed Muhammad Naquib al-Attas, Risalah untuk Kaum Muslimin, KL:1973, para 53, p.137-138)
o Kepimpinan kurang berteladan,
lemah iltizam
o Arahan pemimpin yang melanggar
prosedur dan peraturan
o ‘Cakap tak serupa bikin’
o Kepimpinan kurang berteladan,
lemah iltizam
o Arahan pemimpin yang melanggar
prosedur dan peraturan
o ‘Cakap tak serupa bikin’
 Struktur tidak kemas dan kurang fokus
 Matlamat tidak jelas dan munasabah
 Struktur lapuk, tidak sesuai dengan tuntutan dan cabaran baru
 Pertindihan skop, tugas dan tanggungjawab antara institusi
 Kurang koordinasi
 Pertentangan matlamat antara institusi menyebabkan
penyebaran nilai-nilai yang bertentangan - krisis nilai
 Struktur tidak kemas dan kurang fokus
 Matlamat tidak jelas dan munasabah
 Struktur lapuk, tidak sesuai dengan tuntutan dan cabaran baru
 Pertindihan skop, tugas dan tanggungjawab antara institusi
 Kurang koordinasi
 Pertentangan matlamat antara institusi menyebabkan
penyebaran nilai-nilai yang bertentangan - krisis nilai
o Kelemahan
 kurang
pendidikan dan
penghayatan nilai-
nilai murni
 etika kerja lemah
 tamak
 tidak nampak
kelemahan sendiri
o Tekanan hidup
o Kelemahan
 kurang
pendidikan dan
penghayatan nilai-
nilai murni
 etika kerja lemah
 tamak
 tidak nampak
kelemahan sendiri
o Tekanan hidup
o Kurang ketelusan
o Kelemahan sistem,
prosedur dan garis
o Kurang penguatkuasaan
o Penguatkuasaan
o Kurang pemantauan dan
o Keupayaan sumber
manusia dan material
yang terhad
o Kerangka undang-
undang lapuk dan
percanggahan dalam
o Kurang ketelusan
o Kelemahan sistem,
prosedur dan garis
o Kurang penguatkuasaan
o Penguatkuasaan
o Kurang pemantauan dan
o Keupayaan sumber
manusia dan material
yang terhad
o Kerangka undang-
undang lapuk dan
percanggahan dalam
o Budaya masyarakat
yang kurang
 takut membuat laporan
kerana bimbang
tindakan balas
 sikap tidak ambil
 enggan melaporkan
kesalahan yang
dilakukan pihak lain
 ‘angguk’ dan ‘ampu’
o Budaya masyarakat
yang kurang
 takut membuat laporan
kerana bimbang
tindakan balas
 sikap tidak ambil
 enggan melaporkan
kesalahan yang
dilakukan pihak lain
 ‘angguk’ dan ‘ampu’
Kemerosotan Integriti
Need (Keperluan)
Greed (Tamak haloba)
Opportunity (Peluang)
The Starfish story
Seven Deadly Sins
(Mahatma Gandhi)
 Wealth
 Enjoyment
 Knowledge
 Business
 Science
 Religion
 Politics
 Work
 Conscience
 Character
 Morality
 Humanity
 Sacrifices
 Principles
Why is Integrity Important?
Several reasons why:
1.We no longer need to spend time or energy
questioning ourselves. When we listen to our
hearts and do the right thing, life becomes
simple. Our life, and our actions, are open for
everyone to see, and we don't have to worry
about hiding anything.
2. Gain the trust of leaders, colleagues
and team. We're dependable, and,
when we hold ourselves
accountable for our actions, we
become role models for others to
Several reasons why (cont’d):
3. It protects your reputation.
Integrity directly impacts our
success in life. People who live and
work with integrity are more likely
to be considered for promotions.
Why is Integrity Important?Why is Integrity Important?
Why? Because integrity is a hallmark of ethical
leadership: – organizations want leaders that they
can trust,
and when you demonstrate integrity,
you show everyone you can be trusted.
How to Develop and Preserve Integrity?
 Your integrity determines your reputation
 A single bad choice can destroy a lifetime's
worth of integrity.
 So, how can you work on developing and
preserving your own integrity?
The reputation of a thousand years
may be determined by the conduct
of one hour.
- Japanese Proverb
 You can't live by values if you don't know what you truly
believe in.
 Start by defining your core values. These are the
values that you're not going to compromise on (no
matter what the consequence).
3 Steps to Develop and Preserve
3 Steps to Develop and Preserve
 No matter what, make the right choice - especially when no one
is watching!
 If unsure, ask yourself these two questions:
1. If my choice was printed on the front page of the
newspaper for everyone to see, would I feel OK about it?
2. If I make this choice, will I feel OK with myself
• Honesty and integrity are values that you
should live by all the time. This includes the
big choices and the little choices - the
choices everyone sees, and the choices that
no one sees.
3 Steps to Develop and Preserve Integrity
3 Steps to Develop and Preserve
 Characteristics of people with Integrity:
 They are humble
 They have a strong sense of self, high self-esteem
 They are self-confident.
• Build and improve your self-confidence and
self-esteem, and work on developing
character; so that you have the strength and
courage to do the right thing when the time
• Spend time getting to know yourself, and what
you believe in.
• Develop friendships and work relationships
with others who demonstrate integrity, and
who will support your decisions.
3 Steps to Develop and Preserve Integrity
Further tips on preserving integrity
 Avoid white lies. They may seem
harmless, but tiny lies are still lies.
Always tell the truth.
 Learn how to be assertive, so that you
can defend an ethical position from an
adult point of view, without whining or
being aggressive.
 Learn to take responsibility for your
actions. If you make a mistake, own up to it
immediately and do whatever it takes to
right the situation.
 Keep your word, and don't make
promises that you know you can't keep.
Further tips on preserving integrity
 Avoid seeming self-satisfied or priggish
when you're acting with integrity: stay humble
and down-to-earth, don't look for approval,
and, where you sensibly can, try to let people
 Keep in mind that in times of fear, disaster
and chaos, the temptation is even greater
to make a wrong choice. Use these
opportunities to demonstrate your true
The Great Learning
 At its commencement is a description of what was said to be the process
adopted by the ancient princes for promoting virtue throughout the Empire;
‘with this object they were careful to govern well their own States.
In order to govern well their States, they first regulated their own families.
In order to regulate their families, they first practised virtue in their own
In order to arrive at the practice of virtue, they first rectified their hearts.
In order to rectify their hearts, they first sought for sincerity of thought.
In order to obtain sincerity of thought, they first extended to the utmost
their knowledge.
The extension of knowledge lay in the investigation of things.’
 (…it means ‘investigating the principles of all things which we come in
contact’ Great Learning, Com.v.2)
The Choice is yours
Leadership and Integrity
Leader - A person who is a manager or who is in charge
of something.
Leadership – The state or position of being a manager
or the person in charge.
(The Oxford Dictionary)
Duty vs Care
You are on a peacekeeping mission in a foreign country, war breaks
out. You are under strict orders to retreat, and not intervene in the
fighting, as delicate peace talks are underway to affect a ceasefire.
You and your unit are moving quickly as you have a long ways to go
and safety is a big concern.
You happen to blunder into a small unit battle between the belligerent
factions. Civilians are caught in the crossfire and taking deliberate
casualties from one side. To save these people would require strong
and immediate use of deadly force, which you have at hand. You
survey the
terrain and note an easy and safe escape route for your unit.
Your orders, the desire to help, the safety of your soldiers and yourself
and strong emotions about the cruelty of one side of the conflict,
becomes a hot issue among your troops, who are pressing you to
What would you do?
Three Principles for Resolving Issues
1. End-based thinking : “Do what’s best for
the greatest number of people”.
2. Rule based thinking: “Follow your
highest sense of principles”.
3. Care based thinking: “Do what you want
others to do to you”.
Who is a leader?
The Prophet Muhammad said: Behold! Every one of you
is a leader and you shall be asked about those you lead.
Imam is a leader over the people and shall be asked
about them; a man is a leader of the house and shall be
asked about his household; a woman is a leader over
her children and shall be asked about them.”
(Reported by Abdullah Ibn Omar -Bukhari & Muslim)
What does leaders need to possess?
 IQ – Intelligence Quotient
 EQ – Emotional Quotient
 SQ – Spiritual Quotient
Character of Prophet Mohammad that led him to be the
best of all leaders.
 As-siddiq – truthful.
 Al-amanah – trustworthy.
 At-tabligh – to inform or teach.
 Al-fatanah – wise or having wisdom.
Leadership is about influencing people through your
actions, attitudes and words. Those who hold strong
principles use their powerful influence to become great
leaders while those who do not hold any principles
become followers.
The environment can turn you into a follower because
people who have no principles will be easily influenced.
A true leader is someone who always loves and gives
attention to other people, and is loved in return. He is
strong in integrity and trust. He always guides and
teaches his followers. He has a strong and consistent
personality, but most importantly he leads based upon
pure conscience.
How does one build up integrity qualities?
 Motivate oneself to possess good universal qualities.
 Possess strong principles in character building.
 In depth religious knowledge and believe in strong
religious principles with regards to performance of duty.
 Strengthen ones spiritual conscience and principles.
Concept of Taqwa (God fearing)
Taqwa is the fruit of doing the actions of ibaadah. If one does what
Allah has commanded him to do, and abstains from that which he
has been forbidden. He will achieve taqwa.
“O you who believe! Fasting is prescribed for you as it was
prescribed for those before you, that you may become muttaqoon
(those who have taqwa of piety) [Al Baqarah 2:183]
Purification is obtained by doing the proper acts of
ibaadah and by avoiding sins and disobedience.
 Sincerity in performing the act of ibaadah purely for the pleasure of
Allah. Hoping His reward and fearing His anger.
 Knowledge in performing the ibaadah.
Its effect
 Awareness of the presence of Allah in all his actions.
 Feels the presence of Allah in his heart at every breath they take and in
every aspect of their lives and in everything they do.
 Strive for the pleasure of their Lord, finding fulfillment and happiness in
this world and the next.
 One’s life is seen to have a special goal.
 Encourages good and retains one from committing sin.
Truly, Allah is with those who fear him, keep their duty to
Him, and those who are doers of good for the sake of
Allah only.”
[An-Nahl 16:128]
(Khalifah Abu Bakar)
“…..Aku telah diberi kuasa ke atas kamu tetapi aku
bukanlah yang terbaik di antara kamu.
Sekiranya aku melaksanakan tugas dengan baik, tolonglah
aku, dan sekiranya aku tidak melaksanakan tugas dengan
baik, perbetulkan aku.
Kepercayaan terdapat dalam taat setia dan pembohongan
terdapat dalam sikap khianat.
Patuhi aku selagi aku mematuhi Allah swt and RasulNya,
dan sekiranya aku tidak mematuhi Mereka, kamu tidak
perlu mematuhi aku……..”
1. Apakah yang paling dekat dengan
diri kita?
2. Apakah yang paling jauh daripada
diri kita?
Masa lepas
3. Apakah yang paling besar di dunia
4. Apakah yang paling berat di dunia
Memegang amanah
Apa Matlamat Kita?
INTEGRITY involves :
Apa Alasan Kita?
“In looking for people to hire,
you look for three qualities:
and ENERGY. And if they
don’t have the first, the other
two will kill you.”
Warren Buffet

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  • 1. Integriti 27 April 2012 Institut Integriti Malaysia Nurul Izwani Ahmad
  • 2. Apa yang akan diperolehi? 2 1. 2. 3. Institut Integriti Malaysia Malaysian Institute Of Integrity 4. 5.
  • 4. “kejujuran, keadaan sempurna dan utuh” Kamus Dewan “Integriti secara umumnya ialah kualiti unggul yang wujud secara keseluruhan pada individu dan organisasi. Integriti berkait erat dengan Etika. Ia adalah berlandaskan etika dan pencerminan etika dalam tindakan harian.” Pelan Integriti Nasional
  • 5. Integrity – the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles. (The Oxford Dictionary)
  • 6. Memahami Istilah INTEGRITI  Untuk memahami istilah Integriti, Fahami 2 konsep berkaitan: Nilai Etika
  • 7. The Latin root for the word integrity is “INTEGRITAS” which means ‘WHOLENESS’ and COMPLETENESS’
  • 8. Membuat sesuatu yang betul dan baik walaupun tidak dilihat orang lain. Tidak mengharapkan balasan dari manusia, tetapi balasan hanya dari Tuhan Tidak mengharapkan balasan dari manusia, tetapi balasan hanya dari Tuhan
  • 10. Pendidikan Modal Insan Bermula dari rumah  1. Tahap Pertama = Anak yang baru lahir sehingga mumayyiz (6 tahun). Hendaklah kita banyak bergurau dan membelai mereka dengan penuh kasih sayang.  2. Tahap Kedua = Anak berumur 7 tahun hingga baligh (14 tahun). Hendaklah kita mendidik mereka dengan arahan, disiplin dan beri tanggungjawab.  3. Tahap Ketiga = Anak berumur 15 tahun hingga dewasa (21 tahun). Hendaklah dididik dengan cara berkawan, bertukar pendapat dan hormati pendapat mereka selagi yang tidak bertentangan dengan syariat Islam.  4. Tahap Keempat = Anak berumur lebih daripada 21 tahun. Hendaklah para ibubapa memberi mereka kebebasan bertindak selagi tidak bertentangan dengan syariat Islam. Ibubapa hanya perlu bertindak sebagai penasihat agar segala tindakan mereka terkawal.
  • 11. 11
  • 12. Kenapa Perlu Berintegriti? “Adakah manusia mengira bahawa mereka dibiarkan (sahaja) mengatakan, “Kami beriman,’ sedang mereka tidak diuji lagi? Sesungguhnya Kami menguji orang yang sebelum mereka. Maka sesungguhnya Allah mengetahui orang yang benar. Susungguhnya Dia juga mengetahui orang yang dusta.” (Surah al-Ankabut: 1-3)
  • 13. Mengapa Integriti Penting?  Menghasilkan sebuah masyarakat yang bertamadun, bertatasusila, dan ikatan hidup yang berdasarkan kepada kesopanan dan saling menghormati.
  • 14. Behold, thy Lord said to the angles; “I will create A vicegerent(Caliphs) on earth.” They said; “ Wilt Thou place therein one who will make Mischief therein and shed blood?” – Whilst we do celebrate Thy praises and glorify Thy holy (name)?” He said; “I know what ye know not.” [Al Baqarah 2:30]
  • 15. INTEGRITI INDIVIDU  Integriti individu adalah keselarasan di antara apa yang dikatakan oleh individu dengan apa yang dikotakannya;  Apa yang dilakukan oleh individu itu pula cepat, tepat dan bermutu. Apabila dia bertindak atau bertingkahlaku demikian secara konsisten dalam pelbagai segi, dia dikatakan mempunyai integriti (PIN, 2004)
  • 17.
  • 21.
  • 22.
  • 23. (1) Kekeliruan serta kesilapan mengenai faham ilmu dan kurangnya pegangan agamaDan keadaan ini membawa akibat: (2) Keruntuhan adab di kalangan manusia.  Rumusan sebab-sebab masalah kita (Prof Syed Muhammad Naquib al-Attas, Risalah untuk Kaum Muslimin, KL:1973, para 53, p.137-138)
  • 25. INSTITUT INTEGRITI MALAYSIA 29 KEPIMPINAN o Kepimpinan kurang berteladan, lemah iltizam o Arahan pemimpin yang melanggar prosedur dan peraturan o ‘Cakap tak serupa bikin’ KEPIMPINAN o Kepimpinan kurang berteladan, lemah iltizam o Arahan pemimpin yang melanggar prosedur dan peraturan o ‘Cakap tak serupa bikin’ STRUKTUR DAN INSTITUSI o STRUKTUR  Struktur tidak kemas dan kurang fokus  Matlamat tidak jelas dan munasabah  Struktur lapuk, tidak sesuai dengan tuntutan dan cabaran baru o INSTITUSI  Pertindihan skop, tugas dan tanggungjawab antara institusi  Kurang koordinasi  Pertentangan matlamat antara institusi menyebabkan penyebaran nilai-nilai yang bertentangan - krisis nilai STRUKTUR DAN INSTITUSI o STRUKTUR  Struktur tidak kemas dan kurang fokus  Matlamat tidak jelas dan munasabah  Struktur lapuk, tidak sesuai dengan tuntutan dan cabaran baru o INSTITUSI  Pertindihan skop, tugas dan tanggungjawab antara institusi  Kurang koordinasi  Pertentangan matlamat antara institusi menyebabkan penyebaran nilai-nilai yang bertentangan - krisis nilai KEMEROSOTAN INTEGRITI INDIVIDU o Kelemahan Individu  kurang pendidikan dan penghayatan nilai- nilai murni  etika kerja lemah  tamak  tidak nampak kelemahan sendiri o Tekanan hidup INDIVIDU o Kelemahan Individu  kurang pendidikan dan penghayatan nilai- nilai murni  etika kerja lemah  tamak  tidak nampak kelemahan sendiri o Tekanan hidup SISTEM & PROSEDUR o Kurang ketelusan o Kelemahan sistem, prosedur dan garis panduan o Kurang penguatkuasaan o Penguatkuasaan berpilih o Kurang pemantauan dan penilaian o Keupayaan sumber manusia dan material yang terhad o Kerangka undang- undang lapuk dan percanggahan dalam undang-undang SISTEM & PROSEDUR o Kurang ketelusan o Kelemahan sistem, prosedur dan garis panduan o Kurang penguatkuasaan o Penguatkuasaan berpilih o Kurang pemantauan dan penilaian o Keupayaan sumber manusia dan material yang terhad o Kerangka undang- undang lapuk dan percanggahan dalam undang-undangBUDAYA o Budaya masyarakat yang kurang menitiberatkan integriti:  takut membuat laporan kerana bimbang tindakan balas  sikap tidak ambil peduli  enggan melaporkan kesalahan yang dilakukan pihak lain  ‘angguk’ dan ‘ampu’ BUDAYA o Budaya masyarakat yang kurang menitiberatkan integriti:  takut membuat laporan kerana bimbang tindakan balas  sikap tidak ambil peduli  enggan melaporkan kesalahan yang dilakukan pihak lain  ‘angguk’ dan ‘ampu’
  • 26. INSTITUT INTEGRITI MALAYSIA 30 Kemerosotan Integriti DISEBABKAN OLEH: NGO Need (Keperluan) Greed (Tamak haloba) Opportunity (Peluang)
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  • 28.
  • 30. Seven Deadly Sins (Mahatma Gandhi)  Wealth  Enjoyment  Knowledge  Business  Science  Religion  Politics  Work  Conscience  Character  Morality  Humanity  Sacrifices  Principles withoutwithout
  • 31. Why is Integrity Important? Several reasons why: 1.We no longer need to spend time or energy questioning ourselves. When we listen to our hearts and do the right thing, life becomes simple. Our life, and our actions, are open for everyone to see, and we don't have to worry about hiding anything. 2. Gain the trust of leaders, colleagues and team. We're dependable, and, when we hold ourselves accountable for our actions, we become role models for others to follow.
  • 32. Several reasons why (cont’d): 3. It protects your reputation. Integrity directly impacts our success in life. People who live and work with integrity are more likely to be considered for promotions. Why is Integrity Important?Why is Integrity Important? Why? Because integrity is a hallmark of ethical leadership: – organizations want leaders that they can trust, and when you demonstrate integrity, you show everyone you can be trusted.
  • 33. How to Develop and Preserve Integrity?  Your integrity determines your reputation  A single bad choice can destroy a lifetime's worth of integrity.  So, how can you work on developing and preserving your own integrity? The reputation of a thousand years may be determined by the conduct of one hour. - Japanese Proverb
  • 34.  You can't live by values if you don't know what you truly believe in.  Start by defining your core values. These are the values that you're not going to compromise on (no matter what the consequence). 3 Steps to Develop and Preserve Integrity
  • 35. 3 Steps to Develop and Preserve Integrity  No matter what, make the right choice - especially when no one is watching!  If unsure, ask yourself these two questions: 1. If my choice was printed on the front page of the newspaper for everyone to see, would I feel OK about it? 2. If I make this choice, will I feel OK with myself afterwards? • Honesty and integrity are values that you should live by all the time. This includes the big choices and the little choices - the choices everyone sees, and the choices that no one sees. 3 Steps to Develop and Preserve Integrity
  • 36. 3 Steps to Develop and Preserve Integrity  Characteristics of people with Integrity:  They are humble  They have a strong sense of self, high self-esteem  They are self-confident. • Build and improve your self-confidence and self-esteem, and work on developing character; so that you have the strength and courage to do the right thing when the time comes. • Spend time getting to know yourself, and what you believe in. • Develop friendships and work relationships with others who demonstrate integrity, and who will support your decisions. 3 Steps to Develop and Preserve Integrity
  • 37. Further tips on preserving integrity  Avoid white lies. They may seem harmless, but tiny lies are still lies. Always tell the truth.  Learn how to be assertive, so that you can defend an ethical position from an adult point of view, without whining or being aggressive.  Learn to take responsibility for your actions. If you make a mistake, own up to it immediately and do whatever it takes to right the situation.
  • 38.  Keep your word, and don't make promises that you know you can't keep. Further tips on preserving integrity  Avoid seeming self-satisfied or priggish when you're acting with integrity: stay humble and down-to-earth, don't look for approval, and, where you sensibly can, try to let people  Keep in mind that in times of fear, disaster and chaos, the temptation is even greater to make a wrong choice. Use these opportunities to demonstrate your true character.
  • 39. The Great Learning  At its commencement is a description of what was said to be the process adopted by the ancient princes for promoting virtue throughout the Empire; ‘with this object they were careful to govern well their own States. In order to govern well their States, they first regulated their own families. In order to regulate their families, they first practised virtue in their own persons. In order to arrive at the practice of virtue, they first rectified their hearts. In order to rectify their hearts, they first sought for sincerity of thought. In order to obtain sincerity of thought, they first extended to the utmost their knowledge. The extension of knowledge lay in the investigation of things.’  (…it means ‘investigating the principles of all things which we come in contact’ Great Learning, Com.v.2)
  • 40. The Choice is yours
  • 43. ` Leader - A person who is a manager or who is in charge of something. Leadership – The state or position of being a manager or the person in charge. (The Oxford Dictionary)
  • 44. Duty vs Care You are on a peacekeeping mission in a foreign country, war breaks out. You are under strict orders to retreat, and not intervene in the fighting, as delicate peace talks are underway to affect a ceasefire. You and your unit are moving quickly as you have a long ways to go and safety is a big concern. You happen to blunder into a small unit battle between the belligerent factions. Civilians are caught in the crossfire and taking deliberate casualties from one side. To save these people would require strong and immediate use of deadly force, which you have at hand. You survey the terrain and note an easy and safe escape route for your unit. Your orders, the desire to help, the safety of your soldiers and yourself and strong emotions about the cruelty of one side of the conflict, becomes a hot issue among your troops, who are pressing you to intervene. What would you do?
  • 45.
  • 46. Three Principles for Resolving Issues 1. End-based thinking : “Do what’s best for the greatest number of people”. 2. Rule based thinking: “Follow your highest sense of principles”. 3. Care based thinking: “Do what you want others to do to you”.
  • 47.
  • 48. Who is a leader? The Prophet Muhammad said: Behold! Every one of you is a leader and you shall be asked about those you lead. Imam is a leader over the people and shall be asked about them; a man is a leader of the house and shall be asked about his household; a woman is a leader over her children and shall be asked about them.” (Reported by Abdullah Ibn Omar -Bukhari & Muslim)
  • 49. What does leaders need to possess?  IQ – Intelligence Quotient  EQ – Emotional Quotient  SQ – Spiritual Quotient
  • 50. Character of Prophet Mohammad that led him to be the best of all leaders.  As-siddiq – truthful.  Al-amanah – trustworthy.  At-tabligh – to inform or teach.  Al-fatanah – wise or having wisdom.
  • 51. Leadership is about influencing people through your actions, attitudes and words. Those who hold strong principles use their powerful influence to become great leaders while those who do not hold any principles become followers. The environment can turn you into a follower because people who have no principles will be easily influenced.
  • 52. A true leader is someone who always loves and gives attention to other people, and is loved in return. He is strong in integrity and trust. He always guides and teaches his followers. He has a strong and consistent personality, but most importantly he leads based upon pure conscience.
  • 53. How does one build up integrity qualities?  Motivate oneself to possess good universal qualities.  Possess strong principles in character building.  In depth religious knowledge and believe in strong religious principles with regards to performance of duty.  Strengthen ones spiritual conscience and principles.
  • 54. Concept of Taqwa (God fearing) Taqwa is the fruit of doing the actions of ibaadah. If one does what Allah has commanded him to do, and abstains from that which he has been forbidden. He will achieve taqwa. “O you who believe! Fasting is prescribed for you as it was prescribed for those before you, that you may become muttaqoon (those who have taqwa of piety) [Al Baqarah 2:183]
  • 55. Purification is obtained by doing the proper acts of ibaadah and by avoiding sins and disobedience. Formula:  Sincerity in performing the act of ibaadah purely for the pleasure of Allah. Hoping His reward and fearing His anger.  Knowledge in performing the ibaadah.
  • 56. Its effect  Awareness of the presence of Allah in all his actions.  Feels the presence of Allah in his heart at every breath they take and in every aspect of their lives and in everything they do.  Strive for the pleasure of their Lord, finding fulfillment and happiness in this world and the next.  One’s life is seen to have a special goal.  Encourages good and retains one from committing sin.
  • 57. Truly, Allah is with those who fear him, keep their duty to Him, and those who are doers of good for the sake of Allah only.” [An-Nahl 16:128]
  • 58. PENGAJARAN DARIPADA SEJARAH (Khalifah Abu Bakar) “…..Aku telah diberi kuasa ke atas kamu tetapi aku bukanlah yang terbaik di antara kamu. Sekiranya aku melaksanakan tugas dengan baik, tolonglah aku, dan sekiranya aku tidak melaksanakan tugas dengan baik, perbetulkan aku. Kepercayaan terdapat dalam taat setia dan pembohongan terdapat dalam sikap khianat. Patuhi aku selagi aku mematuhi Allah swt and RasulNya, dan sekiranya aku tidak mematuhi Mereka, kamu tidak perlu mematuhi aku……..”
  • 59. INSTITUT INTEGRITI MALAYSIA 63 TEKA TEKI IMAM AL-GHAZALI 1. Apakah yang paling dekat dengan diri kita? Mati 2. Apakah yang paling jauh daripada diri kita? Masa lepas 3. Apakah yang paling besar di dunia ini? Nafsu 4. Apakah yang paling berat di dunia ini? Memegang amanah
  • 64. “In looking for people to hire, you look for three qualities: INTEGRITY, INTELLIGENCE, and ENERGY. And if they don’t have the first, the other two will kill you.” Warren Buffet
  • 65.
  • 66.

Editor's Notes

  1. Slide 6 Dalam buku PIN dinyatakan, sekiranya, pemimpin yang ada tidak boleh diteladani, di mana kadangkala pula dia sendiri melanggar prosedur atau peraturan yang ada, atau seperti kata pepatah ‘cakap tidak serupa bikin’, maka kemerosotan integriti dalam jabatan boleh berlaku. Kelemahan dalam sistem dan prosedur juga menjejaskan integriti. Antaranya kerana kurang ketelusan, kelemahan dalam sistem prosedur dan tidak wujudnya garis panduan, kurang penguatkuasaan atau penguatkuasaan berpilih, kurang pemantauan dan penilaian. Malahan kekurangan keupayaan sumber manusia dan material serta kewujudan undang-undang lapuk menjejaskan integriti. Selain dari itu faktor yang berupaya menjejaskan integriti ialah struktur dan institusi yang kurang kemas dan tidak fokus, serta budaya masyarakat yang tidak peka dan tidak prihatin hingga membiarkan perkara-perkara buruk berlaku Walau bagaimanapun, antara faktor terpenting yang boleh menjejaskan integriti ialah kelemahan individu itu sendiri, sama ada lemah didikan agama dan penghayatan nilai-nilai murni, lemah disiplin diri dan etika kerja atau sifat tamak haloba serta mementingkan diri sendiri.