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Integrating Applications:
the Reactive Way
Nicola Ferraro
Nicola Ferraro - JBCNConf Barcelona 2017
About Me
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Nicola Ferraro
Software Engineer at Red Hat
Working on Apache Camel, Fabric8,
JBoss Fuse, Fuse Integration
Services for Openshift
Nicola Ferraro - JBCNConf Barcelona 2017
● What does it mean to be reactive?
○ Reactive Programming
○ Reactive Systems
● Application Integration
○ Enterprise Integration Patterns
○ Apache Camel
● Demo
● Integration in Reactive Systems
○ Patterns
○ Future Challenges
Nicola Ferraro - JBCNConf Barcelona 2017
What is Reactive Programming?
The goal of your
application is to:
“put a marble into
the bucket”
Phineas and Ferb
“Chain Reaction”
Nicola Ferraro - JBCNConf Barcelona 2017
What is Reactive Programming?
You design all the
steps (map, flatMap,
filter, kicks and
punches) that lead to
putting a marble in
the bucket.
A fixed schema that is
activated only when a
marble is kicked in
A gameplay on Youtube
Phineas and Ferb “Chain Reaction”
Nicola Ferraro - JBCNConf Barcelona 2017
reactive Programming Explained
merge(...) -> e.color(“#FF0”))
.zip(stream2, Bubble::of)
Nicola Ferraro - JBCNConf Barcelona 2017
Streams vs. Request/Response
Is reactive programming only about streams?
No, but even request/response patterns are internally mapped
as sequence of events (at event loop level).
And there’s flatMap.
// for each event, call a function
// and take the results in the stream
stream.flatMap(e -> compute(e))
Nicola Ferraro - JBCNConf Barcelona 2017
How a “standard” application looks like?
Multiple “moving pieces”
● Concurrency
● Resource contention
● Lock/Wait/Notify
● “One thread per request”
● “Thread migration” time
It is fun to play, but
Super Mario Bros 3
Nicola Ferraro - JBCNConf Barcelona 2017
What’s wrong with “1 thread per request”?
At some point in the past (~2011), Node.js (it was single
threaded) was faster than many (multithreaded) Java web
servers! (according to some benchmarks… also on multi-core
How the hell was this possible?!?!?
#reqs handled per second
Higher is better!
Nicola Ferraro - JBCNConf Barcelona 2017
The reactor pattern (event loop)
A “Reactor”
The Simpsons
And the multi-reactor
Multiple event loops, one two per physical core
1 thread event
per request
With no
Nicola Ferraro - JBCNConf Barcelona 2017
The Golden Rule
Don’t block the event loop!
● Thread.sleep(...)
● synchronized(...)
● statement.executeQuery()
● myLongWorkflow.execute()
● outputStream.write(...)
Blocking operations can be executed
in a external thread pool.
Do not sleep!
Do not block the reactor!
Is asynchronous IO always possible at OS level?
Nicola Ferraro - JBCNConf Barcelona 2017
What’s wrong with “1 thread per request”?
Performance comparison of
Tomcat (1 thread per request)
vs RxNetty (2015)
● Thread migration + context
● Slower Garbage Collection
Nicola Ferraro - JBCNConf Barcelona 2017
Limits of “1 thread per request” model
How many concurrent requests you can handle?
1 thread requires 1 MiB of stack memory by default
10k connections ~= 10 GiB of stack memory (just for the
What about the C10m problem?
Nicola Ferraro - JBCNConf Barcelona 2017
Reactive Programming vs. Reactive Systems
“Reactive: Readily responsive to a stimulus”, Merriam Webster
● Responsive (react to user requests):
○ Having rapid response times
● Resilient (react to failures)
○ Being responsive also in case of failures (e.g. replication, retry)
● Elastic (react to load)
○ No bottlenecks, can scale according to load
● Message driven (react to events/messages)
○ Communication based on asynchronous message passing, with location
transparency and backpressure
The reactive manifesto:
Nicola Ferraro - JBCNConf Barcelona 2017
Reactive “packages”
(v. 5)
Toolkits for building Reactive Systems Reactive Programming Frameworks
Help me to classify them ...
Nicola Ferraro - JBCNConf Barcelona 2017
● What does it mean to be reactive?
○ Reactive Programming
○ Reactive Systems
● Application Integration
○ Enterprise Integration Patterns
○ Apache Camel
● Demo
● Integration in Reactive Systems
○ Patterns
○ Future Challenges
Nicola Ferraro - JBCNConf Barcelona 2017
Nobody lives in isolation.
Integration is about:
● Communication (Messaging)
● Converting protocols
● Mapping Bounded Contexts
● Message Correlation
● Routing
● Flow Control
● ...
Nicola Ferraro - JBCNConf Barcelona 2017
The integration platform
Apache Camel is a powerful
integration framework based on
enterprise integration patterns!
More than 200 components
Can connect to any platform The new logo (proposal)
by Zoran Regvart
Nicola Ferraro - JBCNConf Barcelona 2017
Camel: the Components
ahc, ahc-ws, amqp, apns, asterisk, atmos, atmosphere-websocket, atom, avro, aws, azure, bam, barcode, base64,
beanio, beanstalk, bean-validator, bindy, blueprint, bonita, boon, box, braintree, cache, cassandraql, castor,
cdi, chronicle, chunk, cmis, cm-sms, coap, cometd, consul, context, core-osgi, core-xml, couchbase, couchdb,
crypto, csv, cxf, cxf-transport, digitalocean, disruptor, dns, docker, dozer, drill, dropbox, eclipse, ehcache,
ejb, elasticsearch, elasticsearch5, elsql, etcd, eventadmin, exec, facebook, fastjson, firebase, flatpack, flink,
fop, freemarker, ftp, ganglia, geocoder, git, github, google-calendar, google-drive, google-mail, google-pubsub,
gora, grape, groovy, groovy-dsl, grpc, gson, guava-eventbus, guice, hawtdb, hazelcast, hbase, hdfs, hdfs2,
headersmap, hessian, hipchat, hl7, http, http4, http-common, hystrix, ibatis, ical, ignite, infinispan, influxdb,
irc, ironmq, jackson, jacksonxml, jasypt, javaspace, jaxb, jbpm, jcache, jclouds, jcr, jdbc, jetty, jetty9,
jetty-common, jgroups, jibx, jing, jira, jms, jmx, johnzon, jolt, josql, jpa, jsch, jsonpath, jt400, juel,
jxpath, kafka, kestrel, krati, kubernetes, kura, ldap, leveldb, linkedin, lucene, lumberjack, lzf, mail, metrics,
milo, mina, mina2, mllp, mongodb, mongodb3, mongodb-gridfs, mqtt, msv, mustache, mvel, mybatis, nagios, nats,
netty, netty4, netty4-http, netty-http, ognl, olingo2, olingo4, openshift, openstack, opentracing, optaplanner,
paho, paxlogging, pdf, pgevent, printer, protobuf, pubnub, quartz, quartz2, quickfix, rabbitmq, reactive-streams,
reactor, restlet, rest-swagger, ribbon, rmi, routebox, rss, ruby, rx, rxjava2, salesforce, sap-netweaver, saxon,
scala, schematron, scr, script, servicenow, servlet, servletlistener, shiro, sip, sjms, sjms2, slack, smpp,
snakeyaml, snmp, soap, solr, spark, spark-rest, splunk, spring, spring-batch, spring-boot, spring-cloud,
spring-cloud-netflix, spring-dm, spring-integration, spring-javaconfig, spring-ldap, spring-redis,
spring-security, spring-web, spring-ws, sql, ssh, stax, stomp, stream, stringtemplate, swagger, swagger-java,
syslog, tagsoup, tarfile, telegram, test, test-blueprint, test-cdi, test-karaf, testng, test-spring, thrift,
tika, twilio, twitter, undertow, univocity-parsers, urlrewrite, velocity, vertx, weather, websocket, xmlbeans,
xmljson, xmlrpc, xmlsecurity, xmpp, xstream, yammer, zendesk, zipfile, zipkin, zookeeper, zookeeper-master …
Nicola Ferraro - JBCNConf Barcelona 2017
Basic Usage
// Simple routing
.log(“Processing order: ${body}”)
Isn’t “.to()” close to “.map()”?
// A (not so) much complicated
// example
.unmarshal().json() // json array
.log(“Skipped ${body}”)
Nicola Ferraro - JBCNConf Barcelona 2017
Camel: some EIPs
Fix out of order
Aggregating results in
Nicola Ferraro - JBCNConf Barcelona 2017
Camel: some EIPs
Recipient list
Content Based Routing
Nicola Ferraro - JBCNConf Barcelona 2017
Camel: some EIPs
Others (important!):
● Redelivery Policy: setup number of redelivery attempts and delays
● Throttler: adjust message speed for slow consumers
● Service Call: integrate with an external service registry (consul, ribbon, kubernetes)
● Load Balancer: balance load to multiple endpoints using custom strategies
Open and close the circuit to an external service
and provide fallback responses to the client.
S1 S2
Nicola Ferraro - JBCNConf Barcelona 2017
Is Camel Reactive?
Camel 3.0 will have a fully reactive core.
Camel 2.20 is not fully reactive, but:
● Uses asynchronous processing by default (no 1 thread pr)
● Supports backpressure and throttling
● Has multiple components for asynchronous I/O
No event loops and reactors, but it’s fast (especially the
latest version)!
Nicola Ferraro - JBCNConf Barcelona 2017
The goal: create a bigger reactive system
Integration in Reactive Systems
Microservice 1
EventBus Microservice 2
Resiliency, location
MS 1 MS 2
MS 3 MS 4
Another Reactive/Non-reactive Ecosystem
Microservice Integration
Nicola Ferraro - JBCNConf Barcelona 2017
Communication in Reactive Applications
Inside the JVM:
Reactive Streams
A specification for asynchronous stream processing with
non-blocking backpressure [?].
Reactive Streams
Nicola Ferraro - JBCNConf Barcelona 2017
Reactive Streams Visualized
public interface Publisher<T> {
public void subscribe(Subscriber<? super T> s);
public interface Subscriber<T> {
public void onSubscribe(Subscription s);
public void onNext(T t);
public void onError(Throwable t);
public void onComplete();
public interface Subscription {
public void request(long n);
public void cancel();
public interface Processor<T, R> extends Subscriber<T>,
Publisher<R> {
Just this 4 interfaces (and the rules to use them).
Java 9 Flow API: Flow.Publisher, Flow.Subscriber, Flow.Subscription, Flow.Processor
Nicola Ferraro - JBCNConf Barcelona 2017
● What does it mean to be reactive?
○ Reactive Programming
○ Reactive Systems
● Application Integration
○ Enterprise Integration Patterns
○ Apache Camel
● Demo
● Integration in Reactive Systems
○ Patterns
○ Future Challenges
Nicola Ferraro - JBCNConf Barcelona 2017
Use camel-reactive-streams to exchange data with a reactive
library (Vert.x → rx-java2 → Camel).
Use camel-netty-http to connect a Spring-Boot 2 (Spring 5)
WebFlux service.
Use camel-grpc to forward a stream to a remote service and
get the response stream back.
● (note: requires camel 2.20-snapshot)
Nicola Ferraro - JBCNConf Barcelona 2017
Demo: considerations
I’ve used the generic camel-reactive-streams component but
there’s also a specific connector for Vert.x (connects
directly to the Eventbus):
// Using the camel-vertx component
Nicola Ferraro - JBCNConf Barcelona 2017
● What does it mean to be reactive?
○ Reactive Programming
○ Reactive Systems
● Application Integration
○ Enterprise Integration Patterns
○ Apache Camel
● Demo
● Integration in Reactive Systems
○ Patterns
○ Future Challenges
Nicola Ferraro - JBCNConf Barcelona 2017
OP Normal Scenario
Normal operator or
boundary betweeen
reactive streams
Too much water
buffer full
pressure in the pipes (like with water!)
“Remember, you can’t put too much water in a nuclear reactor”, Saturday Night Live, 1984
buffer full
Nicola Ferraro - JBCNConf Barcelona 2017
Backpressure in Reactive Streams
Nicola Ferraro - JBCNConf Barcelona 2017
Limited Resources: microservices - no backpressure
Microservice 1
Microservice 2
Microservice 3
Microservice 4
Can’t process all events:
● Timeout
● HTTP 503
In req/resp mode,
you can do circuit
In in-only
(streaming) mode,
you will retry
(increase load)
Nicola Ferraro - JBCNConf Barcelona 2017
Limited Resources: microservices with backpressure
Microservice 1
Microservice 2
Microservice 4
Microservice 3You can buffer at the
Flow control at
system level
Less responsive, but you
can handle peaks
Later, you can scale out
“Microservice 4” to make
the system more
Nicola Ferraro - JBCNConf Barcelona 2017
End-to-End Backpressure: In-Only Stream
Java / JS /
Service 1
Java / JS /
Service 2
Application protocol providing reactive streams semantics.
Other solutions?? Designed for efficiency at low level
Nicola Ferraro - JBCNConf Barcelona 2017
End-to-End Backpressure: In-Only Stream
This backpressure stuff is not new…
Nicola Ferraro - JBCNConf Barcelona 2017
Back to TCP
TPC implements a sliding window protocol for flow control!
Java / JS /
Java / JS /
ack + window size
You cannot send more data
than requested to a TCP
TCP is backpressure aware!
Nicola Ferraro - JBCNConf Barcelona 2017
Backpressure at Application Level: In-Only Stream
App 1
Local Backpressure:
do not write too much
App 2
Local Backpressure:
do not read if can’t process
Application Level
Sliding window flow control
Can work also with higher level protocols
● Websocket
● gRPC End-to-end backpressure
Nicola Ferraro - JBCNConf Barcelona 2017
Backpressure: Stream → Camel
What in case of request/response messaging?
Rx-Java Camel
External Servicebackpressure
No more than 20 concurrent reqsNo more than 3 reqs in 10 secs
Nicola Ferraro - JBCNConf Barcelona 2017
Backpressure: Camel → Stream
What happens when backpressure slows down Camel?
Message Source
Camel will pause the consumer
in case of backpressure
Nicola Ferraro - JBCNConf Barcelona 2017
Adding Elasticity: Load Balancer
canvas2Camel Load Balancer:
.to(“endpoint1”, “endpoint2”)
● Round robin, random, custom
● Failover
● Mixing with ServiceCall EIP (location transparency + load balancing) Works with any protocol:
Streams or
Nicola Ferraro - JBCNConf Barcelona 2017
Adding (a bit of) Location Transparency
service-1 service-2
Service Registry
● Consul
● Etcd
● Kubernetes
● Ribbon
Camel ServiceCall EIP:
Nicola Ferraro - JBCNConf Barcelona 2017
Adding Location Transparency and Resiliency
Rx-Java Camel
Messaging Broker
(your choice)
● Kafka (anti-backpressure)
Allows all kind of messaging patterns:
● P2P In-Only
● P2P In-Out
● Pub/Sub
Send messages to:
● Queues
● Topics
If you have a fast-enough
messaging broker, you don’t have to
care a lot about backpressure when
writing (anti-backpressure)
Nicola Ferraro - JBCNConf Barcelona 2017
That’s all folks!

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Integrating Applications: the Reactive Way

  • 1. Integrating Applications: the Reactive Way Nicola Ferraro @ni_ferraro
  • 2. Nicola Ferraro - JBCNConf Barcelona 2017 About Me Follow me on twitter: @ni_ferraro Nicola Ferraro Software Engineer at Red Hat Working on Apache Camel, Fabric8, JBoss Fuse, Fuse Integration Services for Openshift
  • 3. Nicola Ferraro - JBCNConf Barcelona 2017 Agenda ● What does it mean to be reactive? ○ Reactive Programming ○ Reactive Systems ● Application Integration ○ Enterprise Integration Patterns ○ Apache Camel ● Demo ● Integration in Reactive Systems ○ Patterns ○ Future Challenges
  • 4. Nicola Ferraro - JBCNConf Barcelona 2017 What is Reactive Programming? The goal of your application is to: “put a marble into the bucket” Phineas and Ferb “Chain Reaction” Disney
  • 5. Nicola Ferraro - JBCNConf Barcelona 2017 What is Reactive Programming? You design all the steps (map, flatMap, filter, kicks and punches) that lead to putting a marble in the bucket. A fixed schema that is activated only when a marble is kicked in (reactive). A gameplay on Youtube Phineas and Ferb “Chain Reaction” Disney
  • 6. Nicola Ferraro - JBCNConf Barcelona 2017 reactive Programming Explained merge(...) -> e.color(“#FF0”)) .zip(stream2, Bubble::of) .merge(stream3) .filter(Event::isAlmostRound) .subscribe(bucket::put) map(...) filter(...) zip(...) ?
  • 7. Nicola Ferraro - JBCNConf Barcelona 2017 Streams vs. Request/Response Is reactive programming only about streams? No, but even request/response patterns are internally mapped as sequence of events (at event loop level). And there’s flatMap. // for each event, call a function // and take the results in the stream stream.flatMap(e -> compute(e))
  • 8. Nicola Ferraro - JBCNConf Barcelona 2017 How a “standard” application looks like? Multiple “moving pieces” (threads): ● Concurrency ● Resource contention ● Lock/Wait/Notify ● “One thread per request” model ● “Thread migration” time It is fun to play, but inefficient! Super Mario Bros 3 Nintendo
  • 9. Nicola Ferraro - JBCNConf Barcelona 2017 What’s wrong with “1 thread per request”? At some point in the past (~2011), Node.js (it was single threaded) was faster than many (multithreaded) Java web servers! (according to some benchmarks… also on multi-core machines!) How the hell was this possible?!?!? #reqs handled per second Higher is better!
  • 10. Nicola Ferraro - JBCNConf Barcelona 2017 The reactor pattern (event loop) A “Reactor” The Simpsons Event Take Execute Handler Reactor And the multi-reactor Multiple event loops, one two per physical core (Vert.x) leverage asynchronous I/O 1 thread event per request With no concurrency issues!
  • 11. Nicola Ferraro - JBCNConf Barcelona 2017 The Golden Rule Don’t block the event loop! ● Thread.sleep(...) ● synchronized(...) ● statement.executeQuery() ● myLongWorkflow.execute() ● outputStream.write(...) Blocking operations can be executed in a external thread pool. Do not sleep! Do not block the reactor! Is asynchronous IO always possible at OS level?
  • 12. Nicola Ferraro - JBCNConf Barcelona 2017 What’s wrong with “1 thread per request”? Performance comparison of Tomcat (1 thread per request) vs RxNetty (2015) Reasons: ● Thread migration + context switch ● Slower Garbage Collection Details: /blob/master/test-results/RxNetty_vs_Tomcat_Apr il2015.pdf
  • 13. Nicola Ferraro - JBCNConf Barcelona 2017 Limits of “1 thread per request” model How many concurrent requests you can handle? 1 thread requires 1 MiB of stack memory by default 10k connections ~= 10 GiB of stack memory (just for the threads) What about the C10m problem? The C10k problem
  • 14. Nicola Ferraro - JBCNConf Barcelona 2017 Reactive Programming vs. Reactive Systems “Reactive: Readily responsive to a stimulus”, Merriam Webster ● Responsive (react to user requests): ○ Having rapid response times ● Resilient (react to failures) ○ Being responsive also in case of failures (e.g. replication, retry) ● Elastic (react to load) ○ No bottlenecks, can scale according to load ● Message driven (react to events/messages) ○ Communication based on asynchronous message passing, with location transparency and backpressure The reactive manifesto:
  • 15. Nicola Ferraro - JBCNConf Barcelona 2017 Reactive “packages” PROJECT REACTOR (v. 5) Toolkits for building Reactive Systems Reactive Programming Frameworks Help me to classify them ... streams ?
  • 16. Nicola Ferraro - JBCNConf Barcelona 2017 Agenda ● What does it mean to be reactive? ○ Reactive Programming ○ Reactive Systems ● Application Integration ○ Enterprise Integration Patterns ○ Apache Camel ● Demo ● Integration in Reactive Systems ○ Patterns ○ Future Challenges
  • 17. Nicola Ferraro - JBCNConf Barcelona 2017 Integration Nobody lives in isolation. Integration is about: ● Communication (Messaging) ● Converting protocols ● Mapping Bounded Contexts ● Message Correlation ● Routing ● Flow Control ● ...
  • 18. Nicola Ferraro - JBCNConf Barcelona 2017 The integration platform Apache Camel is a powerful integration framework based on enterprise integration patterns! More than 200 components Can connect to any platform The new logo (proposal) by Zoran Regvart
  • 19. Nicola Ferraro - JBCNConf Barcelona 2017 Camel: the Components ahc, ahc-ws, amqp, apns, asterisk, atmos, atmosphere-websocket, atom, avro, aws, azure, bam, barcode, base64, beanio, beanstalk, bean-validator, bindy, blueprint, bonita, boon, box, braintree, cache, cassandraql, castor, cdi, chronicle, chunk, cmis, cm-sms, coap, cometd, consul, context, core-osgi, core-xml, couchbase, couchdb, crypto, csv, cxf, cxf-transport, digitalocean, disruptor, dns, docker, dozer, drill, dropbox, eclipse, ehcache, ejb, elasticsearch, elasticsearch5, elsql, etcd, eventadmin, exec, facebook, fastjson, firebase, flatpack, flink, fop, freemarker, ftp, ganglia, geocoder, git, github, google-calendar, google-drive, google-mail, google-pubsub, gora, grape, groovy, groovy-dsl, grpc, gson, guava-eventbus, guice, hawtdb, hazelcast, hbase, hdfs, hdfs2, headersmap, hessian, hipchat, hl7, http, http4, http-common, hystrix, ibatis, ical, ignite, infinispan, influxdb, irc, ironmq, jackson, jacksonxml, jasypt, javaspace, jaxb, jbpm, jcache, jclouds, jcr, jdbc, jetty, jetty9, jetty-common, jgroups, jibx, jing, jira, jms, jmx, johnzon, jolt, josql, jpa, jsch, jsonpath, jt400, juel, jxpath, kafka, kestrel, krati, kubernetes, kura, ldap, leveldb, linkedin, lucene, lumberjack, lzf, mail, metrics, milo, mina, mina2, mllp, mongodb, mongodb3, mongodb-gridfs, mqtt, msv, mustache, mvel, mybatis, nagios, nats, netty, netty4, netty4-http, netty-http, ognl, olingo2, olingo4, openshift, openstack, opentracing, optaplanner, paho, paxlogging, pdf, pgevent, printer, protobuf, pubnub, quartz, quartz2, quickfix, rabbitmq, reactive-streams, reactor, restlet, rest-swagger, ribbon, rmi, routebox, rss, ruby, rx, rxjava2, salesforce, sap-netweaver, saxon, scala, schematron, scr, script, servicenow, servlet, servletlistener, shiro, sip, sjms, sjms2, slack, smpp, snakeyaml, snmp, soap, solr, spark, spark-rest, splunk, spring, spring-batch, spring-boot, spring-cloud, spring-cloud-netflix, spring-dm, spring-integration, spring-javaconfig, spring-ldap, spring-redis, spring-security, spring-web, spring-ws, sql, ssh, stax, stomp, stream, stringtemplate, swagger, swagger-java, syslog, tagsoup, tarfile, telegram, test, test-blueprint, test-cdi, test-karaf, testng, test-spring, thrift, tika, twilio, twitter, undertow, univocity-parsers, urlrewrite, velocity, vertx, weather, websocket, xmlbeans, xmljson, xmlrpc, xmlsecurity, xmpp, xstream, yammer, zendesk, zipfile, zipkin, zookeeper, zookeeper-master …
  • 20. Nicola Ferraro - JBCNConf Barcelona 2017 Basic Usage // Simple routing from(“jms:queue/orders”) .log(“Processing order: ${body}”) .to(“http://myservice”) .to(“smtp:localhost:25”); Isn’t “.to()” close to “.map()”? // A (not so) much complicated // example from(“hdfs:/home/nicola/data”) .unmarshal().json() // json array .split().body() .choice() .when(...) .to(“jdbc:...”) .otherwise() .log(“Skipped ${body}”)
  • 21. Nicola Ferraro - JBCNConf Barcelona 2017 Camel: some EIPs Fix out of order messages Aggregating results in groups from(“...”).resequence(header(“timestamp”))... from(“...”).aggregate(header(“orderId”))...
  • 22. Nicola Ferraro - JBCNConf Barcelona 2017 Camel: some EIPs Recipient list Content Based Routing from(“...”).recipientList(header(“recipient”))... from(“...”).choice().when()...otherwise()
  • 23. Nicola Ferraro - JBCNConf Barcelona 2017 Camel: some EIPs Hystrix Others (important!): ● Redelivery Policy: setup number of redelivery attempts and delays ● Throttler: adjust message speed for slow consumers ● Service Call: integrate with an external service registry (consul, ribbon, kubernetes) ● Load Balancer: balance load to multiple endpoints using custom strategies from(“...”) .hystrix() .to(“http://service”) .onFallback() .transform()... Open and close the circuit to an external service and provide fallback responses to the client. S1 S2
  • 24. Nicola Ferraro - JBCNConf Barcelona 2017 Is Camel Reactive? Camel 3.0 will have a fully reactive core. Camel 2.20 is not fully reactive, but: ● Uses asynchronous processing by default (no 1 thread pr) ● Supports backpressure and throttling ● Has multiple components for asynchronous I/O No event loops and reactors, but it’s fast (especially the latest version)!
  • 25. Nicola Ferraro - JBCNConf Barcelona 2017 The goal: create a bigger reactive system Integration in Reactive Systems Browser (Vert.x) Microservice 1 (Vert.x) EventBus Microservice 2 (Vert.x) Resiliency, location transparency MS 1 MS 2 MS 3 MS 4 Another Reactive/Non-reactive Ecosystem Integration Microservice Integration Microservice Optional
  • 26. Nicola Ferraro - JBCNConf Barcelona 2017 Communication in Reactive Applications Inside the JVM: Reactive Streams A specification for asynchronous stream processing with non-blocking backpressure [?]. PROJECT REACTOR JVM Reactive Streams
  • 27. Nicola Ferraro - JBCNConf Barcelona 2017 Reactive Streams Visualized public interface Publisher<T> { public void subscribe(Subscriber<? super T> s); } public interface Subscriber<T> { public void onSubscribe(Subscription s); public void onNext(T t); public void onError(Throwable t); public void onComplete(); } public interface Subscription { public void request(long n); public void cancel(); } public interface Processor<T, R> extends Subscriber<T>, Publisher<R> { } Just this 4 interfaces (and the rules to use them). Java 9 Flow API: Flow.Publisher, Flow.Subscriber, Flow.Subscription, Flow.Processor
  • 28. Nicola Ferraro - JBCNConf Barcelona 2017 Agenda ● What does it mean to be reactive? ○ Reactive Programming ○ Reactive Systems ● Application Integration ○ Enterprise Integration Patterns ○ Apache Camel ● Demo ● Integration in Reactive Systems ○ Patterns ○ Future Challenges
  • 29. Nicola Ferraro - JBCNConf Barcelona 2017 Demo Use camel-reactive-streams to exchange data with a reactive library (Vert.x → rx-java2 → Camel). Use camel-netty-http to connect a Spring-Boot 2 (Spring 5) WebFlux service. Use camel-grpc to forward a stream to a remote service and get the response stream back. ● (note: requires camel 2.20-snapshot) PROJECT REACTOR
  • 30. Nicola Ferraro - JBCNConf Barcelona 2017 Demo: considerations I’ve used the generic camel-reactive-streams component but there’s also a specific connector for Vert.x (connects directly to the Eventbus): // Using the camel-vertx component from(“vertx:raw-points”) .to(“...”) .to(“vertx:enhanced-points”);
  • 31. Nicola Ferraro - JBCNConf Barcelona 2017 Agenda ● What does it mean to be reactive? ○ Reactive Programming ○ Reactive Systems ● Application Integration ○ Enterprise Integration Patterns ○ Apache Camel ● Demo ● Integration in Reactive Systems ○ Patterns ○ Future Challenges
  • 32. Nicola Ferraro - JBCNConf Barcelona 2017 Backpressure? OP Normal Scenario Normal operator or boundary betweeen reactive streams OP Too much water (events) SLOW buffer full pressure in the pipes (like with water!) Backpressure “Remember, you can’t put too much water in a nuclear reactor”, Saturday Night Live, 1984 buffer full Backpressure
  • 33. Nicola Ferraro - JBCNConf Barcelona 2017 Backpressure in Reactive Streams onSubscribe(sub) subscribe() request(1) onNext(“m1”) request(2) onNext(“m2”) onNext(“m3”) Publisher Subscriber
  • 34. Nicola Ferraro - JBCNConf Barcelona 2017 Limited Resources: microservices - no backpressure Microservice 1 Microservice 2 Microservice 3 Microservice 4 Can’t process all events: ● Timeout ● HTTP 503 In req/resp mode, you can do circuit breaking. In in-only (streaming) mode, you will retry (increase load)
  • 35. Nicola Ferraro - JBCNConf Barcelona 2017 Limited Resources: microservices with backpressure Microservice 1 Microservice 2 Microservice 4 Microservice 3You can buffer at the source! Flow control at system level backpressure Less responsive, but you can handle peaks Later, you can scale out “Microservice 4” to make the system more responsive
  • 36. Nicola Ferraro - JBCNConf Barcelona 2017 End-to-End Backpressure: In-Only Stream Java / JS / Python Service 1 Java / JS / Python Service 2 backpressured How??? RSocket Application protocol providing reactive streams semantics. Other solutions?? Designed for efficiency at low level onNext onError onComplete
  • 37. Nicola Ferraro - JBCNConf Barcelona 2017 End-to-End Backpressure: In-Only Stream This backpressure stuff is not new…
  • 38. Nicola Ferraro - JBCNConf Barcelona 2017 Back to TCP TPC implements a sliding window protocol for flow control! Java / JS / Python Java / JS / Python TCP / IP data ack + window size You cannot send more data than requested to a TCP recipient! TCP is backpressure aware!
  • 39. Nicola Ferraro - JBCNConf Barcelona 2017 Backpressure at Application Level: In-Only Stream App 1 TCP Local Backpressure: do not write too much App 2 TCP Local Backpressure: do not read if can’t process backpressured Application Level Backpressure Sliding window flow control Can work also with higher level protocols ● HTTP ● Websocket ● SSE ● gRPC End-to-end backpressure
  • 40. Nicola Ferraro - JBCNConf Barcelona 2017 Backpressure: Stream → Camel What in case of request/response messaging? Reactive Streams Rx-Java Camel from(“reactive-streams:events”) .throttle(3).timePeriodMillis(10000) .to(“”); Camel Producer External Servicebackpressure from(“reactive-streams:events?maxInflightExchanges=20”) .to(“”); No more than 20 concurrent reqsNo more than 3 reqs in 10 secs In-Out
  • 41. Nicola Ferraro - JBCNConf Barcelona 2017 Backpressure: Camel → Stream Camel Consumer Reactive Streams What happens when backpressure slows down Camel? Reactor-CoreCamel from(“jms:events”) .routePolicy(maxExchangesPolicy) .to(“reactive-streams:events”); Message Source backpressure Camel will pause the consumer in case of backpressure Flux<Message>
  • 42. Nicola Ferraro - JBCNConf Barcelona 2017 Adding Elasticity: Load Balancer canvas1 canvas2Camel Load Balancer: from(“...”) .loadBalance().sticky(canvasIdExpr()) .to(“endpoint1”, “endpoint2”) Supports: ● Round robin, random, custom ● Failover ● Mixing with ServiceCall EIP (location transparency + load balancing) Works with any protocol: HTTP, TCP, GRPC, ... Streams or RPC
  • 43. Nicola Ferraro - JBCNConf Barcelona 2017 Adding (a bit of) Location Transparency service-1 service-2 Service Registry ● Consul ● Etcd ● Kubernetes ● Ribbon Camel ServiceCall EIP: from(“...”) .serviceCall(“service-2”) .to(“...”)
  • 44. Nicola Ferraro - JBCNConf Barcelona 2017 Adding Location Transparency and Resiliency Reactive Streams Rx-Java Camel Camel Producer Camel Consumer Messaging Broker (your choice) ● JMS ● Kafka (anti-backpressure) ● AMQP ● MQTT backpressure Allows all kind of messaging patterns: ● P2P In-Only ● P2P In-Out ● Pub/Sub Send messages to: ● Queues ● Topics backpressure If you have a fast-enough messaging broker, you don’t have to care a lot about backpressure when writing (anti-backpressure)
  • 45. Nicola Ferraro - JBCNConf Barcelona 2017 @ni_ferraro That’s all folks!