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Комунальна організація (установа, заклад)
«Шосткинська загальноосвітня школа І–ІІІ ступенів №8
Шосткинської міської ради Сумської області»
Позакласний захід
з англійської мови
“In the World of Fairy Tales”
Вчитель англійської мови
Шахно Лариса Володимирівна
Тема свята: “In the World of Fairy tales”
Мета: виховувати та підтримувати у школярів мотивацію до оволодіння іноземною мовою,
розвинути в учнів навички слухання та говоріння, розвинути в учнів інтерес до творчості .
Наочність: костюми, декорації, музичний супровід.
Хід свята:
Compere 1: Hello, I am … and my translator … TV channel 1+1, the programme of news.
Today we have good and bad news.
Compere 2: Привіт! Вас вітає телевізійний канал 1+1 і ми … з програмою новин. Сьогодні
ми вас познайомимо з гарними новинами і не дуже.
Compere 1: Good news! Baba Yaga became a good lady and now she has her own model
Compere 2: Хороші новини! Баба Яга стала гарною леді і має власне модельне агенство.
Compere 1: Kurochka Ryaba laid many golden, silver and brilliant eggs.
Compere 2: Курочка Ряба знесла багато золотих, срібних та діамантових яєць.
Compere 1: And now we are in the royal palace. There are many journalists there. Today there
is a princess` birthday. The holiday should begin at 07.00. But now it is 07.15 What happened? I`ll try to
find out it from the king, (Підходить до короля) what`s the matter? Why didn`t you begin the holiday?
King: My daughter is very ill. She cannot lough. Today she has a birthday and I invited many
fairy-tales to make her laugh. And the first guest will be our royal clown.
Compere 2: У залі багато журналістів. Свято ніяк не почнеться. Король хвилюється, що у
день свого народження принцесу ніхто не зможе розсмішити. З цією метою він запросив багато
казок. І першим буде веселити королівський шут.
Clown: (пригощає цукеркою та дарує квітку)
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday dear (name),
Happy Birthday to you.
May the good Lord bless you,
May the good Lord bless you,
Happy Birthday dear (name),
Happy Birthday to you.
Princess: I want a fairy-tale.
Compere 2: Принцеса хоче казку.
Clown: King, she asks a fairy-tale.
King: Invitе.
Clown: Fairy-tale “The mitten” congratulates our princess.
The ant: Hello, everybody! I am a very nice ant. I live in this forest. Now I’ll tell you a fine fairy-
tale. Listen, please.
The grandfather went to the forest and lost his mitten. The mouse saw it and said.
The mouse: Here I’ll live!
The ant: And soon the frog jumps and asks.
The frog: Who lives in this mitten?
The mouse: I do. I am a Mouse, and who are you?
The frog: I am a Frog. May I live with you?
The mouse: Yes, you may! Come in, please!
The ant: And soon the hare runs and asks.
The hare: Who lives in this mitten?
The mouse: We live here! I am a Mouse.
The frog: I am a Frog. And who are you?
The hare: I am a Hare. May I live with you?
The mouse: Yes, you may. Let’s live together.
The ant: And soon the fox runs to the mitten and asks.
The fox: Who, who lives in this mitten?
The mouse: I am a Mouse.
The frog: I am a Frog.
The hare: I am a Hare. And who are you?
The fox: I am a Fox. May I live with you?
The hare: Yes, you may. Come in, please.
The ant: They started to live together. And soon the wolf goes and says.
The wolf: Who, who lives in this mitten?
The mouse: I am a Mouse.
The frog: I am a Frog.
The hare: I am a Hare.
The fox: I am a Fox. And who are you?
The wolf: I am a Wolf. May I live with you?
The fox: Yes, you may. Climb into our mitten!
The ant: Then the wild pig runs and asks.
The wild pig: Who, who lives in this mitten?
The mouse: I am a Mouse.
The frog: I am a Frog.
The hare: I am a Hare.
The fox: I am a Fox.
The wolf: I am a Wolf. And who are you?
The wild pig: I am a Wild Pig. May I live with you?
All together: Okey. Let’s go!
The ant: And soon a bear goes very slowly, sees the mitten and says.
The bear: Who, who lives in this mitten?
The mouse: I am a Mouse.
The frog: I am a Frog.
The hare: I am a Hare.
The fox: I am a Fox.
The wolf: I am a Wolf.
The wild pig: I am a Wild Pig. And who are you?
The bear: And I am a Bear. May I live with you?
The fox: We don’t have any place in the mitten! But okey, let’s live together.
The ant: Suddenly, the grandfather began to look for his mitten and the dog ran, saw it and said
“Bark-Bark!” and all the animals were afraid of him and ran away. The grandfather took the mitten and
went home, and all the animals stayed to live in the forest.
King: Thank you, the ant, for such a nice tale. Thanks to all our guests and actors, for a nice mood
that you give it to us today!
Princess: It is interesting but they say “Good bye“. I want a fairy-tale.
Once upon a time there lived Mother Goat and her 7 little kids.
( Mother Goat has a milk can in her hand. She wants to go to the market.
Her kids are around her.)
Mother Goat: Now, my dear children, I must go to the market and get some milk for you. You
must stay at home! You must not let anybody in. Lock the door! Goodbye!
7 Little Kids: Goodbye! Goodbye! Come back soon!
(They sing a song “1 and 2 and 3 and 4….”)
1 and 2 and 3 and 4
We are dancing on the floor
We are dancing on the floor
Clap, clap, clap, clap.
We are playing with the hands
Look at our smiling face
Look at our smiling face
Clap, clap, clap, clap.
Storyteller: Look! There is a big bad wolf! He is at the door! He wants to eat up the kids!
Wolf (loudly and roughly): Open the door! It's me, your mother! I have some milk for you!
1st kid: No, no, you are not our mother!
2nd kid: Our mother's voice is soft!
3rd kid: Our mother's voice is sweet!
4th kid: We must not open the door to anybody!
Wolf (loudly and roughly): You are silly kids!
( The wolf goes away.)
Storyteller: And the wolf changes his voice. Now his voice is soft and he goes to the Goat's
house again.
Wolf (softly): Open the door, my dear children. It's me, your mother! I have some sweets for
5th kid: No, no, you are not our mother!
6th kid: Your voice is soft, but it is not our mother's!
Wolf: But don’t you want these nice sweets?
7th kid: We don’t want any sweets from you.
Wolf: And I have a cake for you!
1st kid: No, we don’t want a cake from you!
Wolf: And I have some ice-cream for you!
2nd kid: We don’t want any ice-cream from you!
Wolf: Open the door or I shall break it!
3rd kid: We are not afraid of you, a big bad wolf!
( The Wolf goes away. Kids sing a song.)
7 Little Kids: We aren’t afraid of a big bad wolf,
Big bad wolf, big bad wolf!
We aren’t afraid of a big bad wolf!
Storyteller: The wolf is looking for a very big stick. He wants to break the door!
4th kid: We aren’t afraid of a big bad wolf! But we must fight against him if he comes back.
5th kid: You and you two take big spoons. You and you two take the frying-pans.
Storyteller: Do you hear the noise? That is a wolf again.
Wolf: Do you give up! One!
7 Little Kids: No!
Wolf: Do you give up! Two!
7 Little Kids: No! No!
Wolf: Do you give up! Three!
( Kids make awful noise, the Wolf is frightened.)
Oh! What is that? What is that? I must run away very quickly!
( Mother Goat come in.)
Mother Goat: Oh, what's the matter? What does this all mean?
6th kid: Everything is all right, mother!
7th kid: The wolf wanted to eat us up!
1st kid: But it is not so easy to do it!
Mother Goat: Oh, my dear brave children! It is very good that you are not afraid of a big bad
wolf! There are many wolves in the world! If we fight all together, we shall win!
Storyteller: So, our fairy-tale is coming to the end. We are going to sing a song for you about
A song “If you travel with your friends”
(мотив мелодії «Если с другом вышел в путь»)
Комунальна організація (установа, заклад)
«Шосткинська загальноосвітня школа І–ІІІ ступенів №8
Шосткинської міської ради Сумської області»
Позакласний захід
з англійської мови
“Подорож до країни знань”
Вчитель англійської мови
Шахно Лариса Володимирівна
Тема: «Подорож до країни знань»
Мета: закріпити і перевірити знання учнів з тем «Великобританія», «Моя сім` я»,
«Свята», «Шкільне життя», «Харчування», «Пори року»
Розвивати мову, пам ять, мислення, логічне мислення, швидкість, діалогічне
мовлення, уяву, творчість.
Виховувати цікавість у вивченні англійської мови, естетику мови й мовлення в
англомовній атмосфері, дружні відносини в колективі
Хід вікторини
Station 1 Meeting
Капітани та учні представляють свої команди.
Station 2 Grammar
Fill in the gaps with am, is, are.
1. I … fine.
2. You … from England.
3. He … very strong.
4. My sister … busy.
5. I have a cat. It … fat.
6. Trees … green in spring.
7. My brother … good at school.
8. They … not good friends.
9. I … in class five.
Put the words into the right order
1. There, room, in, is, sofa, nice, a, the
2. There, toys, are, in, box, the.
3. Computer, there, no, is, in, room, the
4. nice you are.
5. you how old are?
6. is she where?
7. good they friends not are.
Find the mistakes
1. Ann and Mike is friends.
2. My hobby has reading.
3. We English are.
4. I have a books.
Station 3 Lexical
Answer the questions
1. How are you? - ….am fine, thanks
2. How is your mum? - ….is fine, thanks
3. How is your dad? - ….is fine, thanks
4. How are your parents? - … are fine, thanks
5. How are you pets? - ….are fine, thanks
Guess the word
1. It is time, when you get up
2. It is cold and frozen, it can melt, children like to eat it
3. You can read it
4. Pupils write with a chalk on it at school
5. It is a cold season
6. It is a visiting of different countries
7. It is very beautiful, it can be of bright colours, it smells wonderfully
8. People have it at home, feed and walk it
9. It is a holiday, means the beginning of all, year
Station 4 The Captains’ Competition
Translate into English
Школа, англійська, говорити, парта, свята, канікули, шоколад, готувати, пиріг,
кухня, смачний, будинок, зелений, чай, море, книга, переклад, люди, родичі, сім'я,
цукерки, овочі, друг, однокласник, вечеря, обід, вода, кімната, мити посуд,
домашній улюбленець, допомога, кролик, гра, запитання, дитина, столиця, країна,
велике місто, містечко, традиції, обличчя, хобі, щасливий, здоровий,спорт, яблуко,
помідор, оповідання, парасолька, дощ, історія, подарунок, відповідь, світ,
населення, ліс.
Station 5 Riddles
1. What is found over your head but under your hat?
2. We have legs but cannot walk.
3. Clean, but not water. White but not snow. Sweet but not honey. What is it?
4. When I eat I live, but when I drink I die. What am I?
5. What is white when it's dirty and black when it's clean?
6. It is your parents' child. It is not your brother. It is not your sister. Who is it?
7. What runs but never walks?
8. There is a question to which we cannot answer "yes". What question is it?
9. In what month do children talk the least?

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Позакласний захід з англійської мови “In the World of Fairy Tales”

  • 1. Комунальна організація (установа, заклад) «Шосткинська загальноосвітня школа І–ІІІ ступенів №8 Шосткинської міської ради Сумської області» Позакласний захід з англійської мови “In the World of Fairy Tales” Вчитель англійської мови Шахно Лариса Володимирівна Шостка-2016
  • 2. Тема свята: “In the World of Fairy tales” Мета: виховувати та підтримувати у школярів мотивацію до оволодіння іноземною мовою, розвинути в учнів навички слухання та говоріння, розвинути в учнів інтерес до творчості . Наочність: костюми, декорації, музичний супровід. Хід свята: Compere 1: Hello, I am … and my translator … TV channel 1+1, the programme of news. Today we have good and bad news. Compere 2: Привіт! Вас вітає телевізійний канал 1+1 і ми … з програмою новин. Сьогодні ми вас познайомимо з гарними новинами і не дуже. Compere 1: Good news! Baba Yaga became a good lady and now she has her own model agency. Compere 2: Хороші новини! Баба Яга стала гарною леді і має власне модельне агенство. Compere 1: Kurochka Ryaba laid many golden, silver and brilliant eggs. Compere 2: Курочка Ряба знесла багато золотих, срібних та діамантових яєць. Compere 1: And now we are in the royal palace. There are many journalists there. Today there is a princess` birthday. The holiday should begin at 07.00. But now it is 07.15 What happened? I`ll try to find out it from the king, (Підходить до короля) what`s the matter? Why didn`t you begin the holiday? King: My daughter is very ill. She cannot lough. Today she has a birthday and I invited many fairy-tales to make her laugh. And the first guest will be our royal clown. Compere 2: У залі багато журналістів. Свято ніяк не почнеться. Король хвилюється, що у день свого народження принцесу ніхто не зможе розсмішити. З цією метою він запросив багато казок. І першим буде веселити королівський шут. Clown: (пригощає цукеркою та дарує квітку) Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear (name), Happy Birthday to you. May the good Lord bless you, May the good Lord bless you, Happy Birthday dear (name), Happy Birthday to you. Princess: I want a fairy-tale. Compere 2: Принцеса хоче казку. Clown: King, she asks a fairy-tale. King: Invitе. Clown: Fairy-tale “The mitten” congratulates our princess. The ant: Hello, everybody! I am a very nice ant. I live in this forest. Now I’ll tell you a fine fairy- tale. Listen, please. The grandfather went to the forest and lost his mitten. The mouse saw it and said. The mouse: Here I’ll live! The ant: And soon the frog jumps and asks. The frog: Who lives in this mitten? The mouse: I do. I am a Mouse, and who are you? The frog: I am a Frog. May I live with you? The mouse: Yes, you may! Come in, please! The ant: And soon the hare runs and asks. The hare: Who lives in this mitten? The mouse: We live here! I am a Mouse. The frog: I am a Frog. And who are you? The hare: I am a Hare. May I live with you? The mouse: Yes, you may. Let’s live together. The ant: And soon the fox runs to the mitten and asks. The fox: Who, who lives in this mitten? The mouse: I am a Mouse. The frog: I am a Frog. The hare: I am a Hare. And who are you?
  • 3. The fox: I am a Fox. May I live with you? The hare: Yes, you may. Come in, please. The ant: They started to live together. And soon the wolf goes and says. The wolf: Who, who lives in this mitten? The mouse: I am a Mouse. The frog: I am a Frog. The hare: I am a Hare. The fox: I am a Fox. And who are you? The wolf: I am a Wolf. May I live with you? The fox: Yes, you may. Climb into our mitten! The ant: Then the wild pig runs and asks. The wild pig: Who, who lives in this mitten? The mouse: I am a Mouse. The frog: I am a Frog. The hare: I am a Hare. The fox: I am a Fox. The wolf: I am a Wolf. And who are you? The wild pig: I am a Wild Pig. May I live with you? All together: Okey. Let’s go! The ant: And soon a bear goes very slowly, sees the mitten and says. The bear: Who, who lives in this mitten? The mouse: I am a Mouse. The frog: I am a Frog. The hare: I am a Hare. The fox: I am a Fox. The wolf: I am a Wolf. The wild pig: I am a Wild Pig. And who are you? The bear: And I am a Bear. May I live with you? The fox: We don’t have any place in the mitten! But okey, let’s live together. The ant: Suddenly, the grandfather began to look for his mitten and the dog ran, saw it and said “Bark-Bark!” and all the animals were afraid of him and ran away. The grandfather took the mitten and went home, and all the animals stayed to live in the forest. King: Thank you, the ant, for such a nice tale. Thanks to all our guests and actors, for a nice mood that you give it to us today! Princess: It is interesting but they say “Good bye“. I want a fairy-tale. THE WOLF AND 7 LITTLE KIDS Storyteller: THE WOLF AND 7 LITTLE KIDS Once upon a time there lived Mother Goat and her 7 little kids. ( Mother Goat has a milk can in her hand. She wants to go to the market. Her kids are around her.) Mother Goat: Now, my dear children, I must go to the market and get some milk for you. You must stay at home! You must not let anybody in. Lock the door! Goodbye! 7 Little Kids: Goodbye! Goodbye! Come back soon! (They sing a song “1 and 2 and 3 and 4….”) 1 and 2 and 3 and 4 We are dancing on the floor We are dancing on the floor Clap, clap, clap, clap. We are playing with the hands Look at our smiling face Look at our smiling face Clap, clap, clap, clap. Storyteller: Look! There is a big bad wolf! He is at the door! He wants to eat up the kids! Wolf (loudly and roughly): Open the door! It's me, your mother! I have some milk for you! 1st kid: No, no, you are not our mother!
  • 4. 2nd kid: Our mother's voice is soft! 3rd kid: Our mother's voice is sweet! 4th kid: We must not open the door to anybody! Wolf (loudly and roughly): You are silly kids! ( The wolf goes away.) Storyteller: And the wolf changes his voice. Now his voice is soft and he goes to the Goat's house again. Wolf (softly): Open the door, my dear children. It's me, your mother! I have some sweets for you! 5th kid: No, no, you are not our mother! 6th kid: Your voice is soft, but it is not our mother's! Wolf: But don’t you want these nice sweets? 7th kid: We don’t want any sweets from you. Wolf: And I have a cake for you! 1st kid: No, we don’t want a cake from you! Wolf: And I have some ice-cream for you! 2nd kid: We don’t want any ice-cream from you! Wolf: Open the door or I shall break it! 3rd kid: We are not afraid of you, a big bad wolf! ( The Wolf goes away. Kids sing a song.) 7 Little Kids: We aren’t afraid of a big bad wolf, Big bad wolf, big bad wolf! We aren’t afraid of a big bad wolf! Tra-la-la-la-la! Storyteller: The wolf is looking for a very big stick. He wants to break the door! 4th kid: We aren’t afraid of a big bad wolf! But we must fight against him if he comes back. 5th kid: You and you two take big spoons. You and you two take the frying-pans. Storyteller: Do you hear the noise? That is a wolf again. Wolf: Do you give up! One! 7 Little Kids: No! Wolf: Do you give up! Two! 7 Little Kids: No! No! Wolf: Do you give up! Three! ( Kids make awful noise, the Wolf is frightened.) Oh! What is that? What is that? I must run away very quickly! ( Mother Goat come in.) Mother Goat: Oh, what's the matter? What does this all mean? 6th kid: Everything is all right, mother! 7th kid: The wolf wanted to eat us up! 1st kid: But it is not so easy to do it! Mother Goat: Oh, my dear brave children! It is very good that you are not afraid of a big bad wolf! There are many wolves in the world! If we fight all together, we shall win! Storyteller: So, our fairy-tale is coming to the end. We are going to sing a song for you about friends! A song “If you travel with your friends” (мотив мелодії «Если с другом вышел в путь»)
  • 5. Комунальна організація (установа, заклад) «Шосткинська загальноосвітня школа І–ІІІ ступенів №8 Шосткинської міської ради Сумської області» Позакласний захід з англійської мови “Подорож до країни знань” Вчитель англійської мови Шахно Лариса Володимирівна Шостка-2016
  • 6. Тема: «Подорож до країни знань» Мета: закріпити і перевірити знання учнів з тем «Великобританія», «Моя сім` я», «Свята», «Шкільне життя», «Харчування», «Пори року» Розвивати мову, пам ять, мислення, логічне мислення, швидкість, діалогічне мовлення, уяву, творчість. Виховувати цікавість у вивченні англійської мови, естетику мови й мовлення в англомовній атмосфері, дружні відносини в колективі Хід вікторини Station 1 Meeting Капітани та учні представляють свої команди. Station 2 Grammar Fill in the gaps with am, is, are. 1. I … fine. 2. You … from England. 3. He … very strong. 4. My sister … busy. 5. I have a cat. It … fat. 6. Trees … green in spring. 7. My brother … good at school. 8. They … not good friends. 9. I … in class five. Put the words into the right order 1. There, room, in, is, sofa, nice, a, the 2. There, toys, are, in, box, the. 3. Computer, there, no, is, in, room, the 4. nice you are. 5. you how old are? 6. is she where? 7. good they friends not are. Find the mistakes 1. Ann and Mike is friends. 2. My hobby has reading. 3. We English are. 4. I have a books. Station 3 Lexical Answer the questions 1. How are you? - ….am fine, thanks 2. How is your mum? - ….is fine, thanks 3. How is your dad? - ….is fine, thanks 4. How are your parents? - … are fine, thanks 5. How are you pets? - ….are fine, thanks Guess the word 1. It is time, when you get up 2. It is cold and frozen, it can melt, children like to eat it 3. You can read it 4. Pupils write with a chalk on it at school 5. It is a cold season 6. It is a visiting of different countries
  • 7. 7. It is very beautiful, it can be of bright colours, it smells wonderfully 8. People have it at home, feed and walk it 9. It is a holiday, means the beginning of all, year Station 4 The Captains’ Competition Translate into English Школа, англійська, говорити, парта, свята, канікули, шоколад, готувати, пиріг, кухня, смачний, будинок, зелений, чай, море, книга, переклад, люди, родичі, сім'я, цукерки, овочі, друг, однокласник, вечеря, обід, вода, кімната, мити посуд, домашній улюбленець, допомога, кролик, гра, запитання, дитина, столиця, країна, велике місто, містечко, традиції, обличчя, хобі, щасливий, здоровий,спорт, яблуко, помідор, оповідання, парасолька, дощ, історія, подарунок, відповідь, світ, населення, ліс. Station 5 Riddles 1. What is found over your head but under your hat? 2. We have legs but cannot walk. 3. Clean, but not water. White but not snow. Sweet but not honey. What is it? 4. When I eat I live, but when I drink I die. What am I? 5. What is white when it's dirty and black when it's clean? 6. It is your parents' child. It is not your brother. It is not your sister. Who is it? 7. What runs but never walks? 8. There is a question to which we cannot answer "yes". What question is it? 9. In what month do children talk the least?