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kubernetes architecture
LINE, eohyung lee(
Who am I?
이어형 (a.k.a 어형부형)
현재 LINE: cloud native service 들을 설계/개발/운영 by kubernetes
이전 kakao: private cloud 설계/개발/운영 by openstack 7+ projects
이전 kt: public cloud storage 설계/개발/운영 by openstack swift
좀더 단순하고
좀더 변경이쉽고
좀더 애자일하고
좀더 관리하기 편한
kubernetes(이하k8s) 아키텍쳐를고민해봅시다
1. k8s 관리방법
다양한k8s 관리방법
less exibility
more manage cost
↑ public cloud(AKS, EKS, GKE)
kubicorn, kops
↓ kubeadm
내가 원하는 옵션들을 마음대로 넣고
내가 원하는 버전을 사용하고
내가 원하는 아키텍쳐를 사용할 수 있는
manage cost
직접 디플로이하기 위한 코드를 작성
직접 장애시 트러블 슈팅
직접 운영이슈 해결
exibility vs manage cost
택시vs 자가용
결국선택은자신이편한것, 상황에맞는것
public cloud
kubicorn, kops
private cloud
2. 인프라관리방법들
-- Chad Fowler - Trash Your Servers and Burn Your Code: Immutable Infrastructure and
Disposable Components
왜? 오래된시스템은필연적으로안보이는문제를키우기
by hands(scripts)
by code(infrastructure as code)
by image(immutable infrastructure)
by hands(scripts)
shell scripts
cssh(cluster ssh)
makes snow ake server
모든 눈송이의 모양은 고유함
즉, 문제들의 재연성이 떨어짐
by code(infrastructure as code)
a.k.a programmable infrastructure
con guration management
chef, ansible, puppet, saltstack, ...
heat, cloudformation, terraform
간단하게 추가 하기 쉬움
처음 사용하는 사람도 쉽게 관리 할 수 있음
현재 인프라에서 무엇이 변경되었는지 알기 쉬움
배포시 외부요인으로 실패 할 수 있음
롤백이 힘듬
절차적 구조기반일수록 중간에 실패시 특정 이벤트가 무시되어 질 수가 있음
선언적 구조기반일수록 복잡한 시나리오 대응이 힘듬
외부 레포지토리가 깨짐, 접근 안됨, 패키지가 없어짐 등등
$ curl -v
* Trying
* Connection failed
* connect to port 443 failed: Connection refused
* Failed to connect to port 443: Connection refused
* Closing connection 0
curl: (7) Failed to connect to port 443: Connection refused
오늘의 배포가 예측 못하게 실패 할 수 있으며 stage에서 재연을 못할 수 있음
대부분 롤백은 그에 상응 하는 반대의 코드가 있어야함
파일이 생겼으면 파일이 삭제 되는 상태의 코드가 필요
파일이 업데이트 되었으면 파일이 업데이트 이전 상태가 될수 있는 코드가 필
모든 코드를 작성하면서 롤백 코드를 작성하는것은 무리
결국 수작업으로 반대 코드에 상응한 작업을 진행
결국 snow akeserver를 만듬
1. 최초 실행
A(파일 변경)
B(문제 있는 이벤트) X 실패
C(A가 변경시 프로세스 리스타트) 실패되어 실행 안됨
2. 이후 실행
A(파일이 이미 변경되어 변경이 안되고 C이벤트 트리거가 안됨)
B(문제 있는 이벤트지만 이번엔 성공)
C(A가 변경 안되서 트리거가 안됨)
-- Martin Fowler - PhoenixServer
by image(immutable infrastructure)
mutable vs immutable
immutable 한배포방법
code (immutable)
application data (mutable)
+ chef, ansible, saltstack, puppet
하지만 leaner, secure, portable한가?
-- What are Unikernels -
-- Alfred Bratterud - #includeOS
Unikernels are specialized, single-address-space machine images
constructed by using library operating systems
“VM은 무겁지 않습니다. OS가 그렇죠"“ “
vm/containers/containers in vms/unikernel
container 에서unikernel 로변천과정
hyperkit, vpnkit
Technology Cons
- Not mature enough yet for production
- Requires developing applications from the grounds up
- Limited deployment possibilities
- Lack of complete IDE support
- Static resource allocation
- Lack of orchestration tools
3. linuxkit
A toolkit for building custom minimal,
immutable Linux distributions.
Secure defaults without compromising usability
OS가 지정된 container 이미지만으로 구성되기 때문에 보안이 우수
Everything is replaceable and customisable
모든 파트는 container로만 구성되어 필요시 변경, 교체가 간편
Immutable infrastructure applied to building Linux distributions
code로 부터 생성된 rootfs는 immutable함
custom linux 배포판임
Completely stateless, but persistent storage can be attached
code와 data의 분리로 data는 추가적인 스토리지(or 디스크를 사용)
Easy tooling, with easy iteration
빌드, 배포 등이 간편
Built with containers, for running containers
컨테이너로 만들어지며 컨테이너를 구동하는 데 사용됨
Designed for building and running clustered applications, including
but not limited to container orchestration such as Docker or
clustered application들을 만들고 돌리기 위한 설계
Designed from the experience of building Docker Editions, but
redesigned as a general-purpose toolkit
docker 배포판 설계 경험에 기반하여 범용 툴킷으로 재설계
Designed to be managed by external tooling, such as Infrakit or
similar tools
infrakit과 같은 외부 툴로 관리
linuxkit architecture
linuxkit yaml to architecture
linuxkit command
$ linuxkit --help
USAGE: linuxkit [options] COMMAND
build Build an image from a YAML file
metadata Metadata utilities
pkg Package building
push Push a VM image to a cloud or image store
run Run a VM image on a local hypervisor or remote cloud
serve Run a local http server (for iPXE booting)
version Print version information
help Print this message
Run 'linuxkit COMMAND --help' for more information on the command
-q Quiet execution
-v Verbose execution
linuxkit 주요command
build Build an image from a YAML file
pkg Package building
push Push a VM image to a cloud or image store
run Run a VM image on a local hypervisor or remote cloud
linuxkit build
$ linuxkit build
Please specify a configuration file
USAGE: linuxkit build [options] <file>[.yml] | -
-dir string
Directory for output files, default current directory
Skip image trust verification specified in trust section of config (default false)
-format value
Formats to create [ aws docker dynamic-vhd gcp iso-bios iso-efi kernel+initrd
kernel+squashfs qcow2-bios qcow2-efi raw-bios raw-efi rpi3 tar tar-kernel-initrd vhd vmdk ]
-name string
Name to use for output files
-o string
File to use for a single output, or '-' for stdout
Always pull images
-size string
Size for output image, if supported and fixed size (default "1024M")
linuxkit build
linuxkit yaml
image: linuxkit/kernel:4.14.51
cmdline: "console=tty0 console=ttyS0 console=ttyAMA0
kernel speci es a kernel Docker image, containing a kernel and a
lesystem tarball, eg containing modules.
커스텀 커널로 패치해서 빌드하기 용의
- linuxkit/init:923355a5ed75f40ee394741829d42bf4b78cce46
- linuxkit/runc:v0.4
- linuxkit/containerd:f2bc1bda1ab18146967fa1a149800aaf14bee81b
init is the base init process Docker image, which is unpacked as the
base system, containing init, containerd, runc and a few tools.
- name: dhcpcd
image: linuxkit/dhcpcd:v0.4
command: ["/sbin/dhcpcd", "--nobackground", "-f", "/dhcpcd.conf", "-1"]
onboot are the system containers, executed sequentially in order.
They should terminate quickly when done.
- name: getty
image: linuxkit/getty:44730fd0a7c59dbacf5b48b54ba33f551bcf7ef0
- name: redis
image: redis:4.0.5-alpine
- ...
net: host
services is the system services, which normally run for the whole
time the system is up
linuxkit pkg
$ ls -l
total 12
-rw-r--r-- 1 al staff 469 5 17 01:49 Dockerfile
-rw-r--r-- 1 al staff 159 4 28 10:50 build.yml
-rw-r--r-- 1 al staff 1168 4 12 09:50 dhcpcd.conf
drwxr-xr-x 3 al staff 96 4 12 09:50 usr
$ linuxkit pkg
USAGE: linuxkit pkg [subcommand] [options] [prefix]
'subcommand' is one of:
$ linuxkit pkg build pkg/dhcpcd/
linuxkit pkg Docker le
$ cat Dockerfile
FROM linuxkit/alpine:1b05307ae8152e3d38f79e297b0632697a30c65c AS mirror
RUN mkdir -p /out/etc/apk && cp -r /etc/apk/* /out/etc/apk/
RUN apk add --no-cache --initdb -p /out 
# Remove apk residuals
RUN rm -rf /out/etc/apk /out/lib/apk /out/var/cache
FROM scratch
CMD []
COPY --from=mirror /out/ /
COPY /dhcpcd.conf /usr/ /
CMD ["/sbin/dhcpcd", "--nobackground", "-f", "/dhcpcd.conf"]
linuxkit pkg build.yml
$ cat build.yml
image: dhcpcd
- /run/resolvconf:/etc
linuxkit pkg build
linuxkit push
$ linuxkit push --help
USAGE: linuxkit push [backend] [options] [prefix]
'backend' specifies the push backend.
Supported backends are
linuxkit run
$ linuxkit run --help
USAGE: linuxkit run [backend] [options] [prefix]
'backend' specifies the run backend.
If not specified the platform specific default will be used
Supported backends are (default platform in brackets):
hyperkit [macOS]
hyperv [Windows]
qemu [linux]
linuxkit run everywhere
container os와차이점은?
rancher os, core os, atomic 과의 차이점은 보다 leaner 함
그리고 linuxkit 으로 이런 container os의 custom 배포판을 생성 가능함
4. linuxkit + k8s
linuxkit kubernetes kernel, init
image: linuxkit/kernel:4.14.40
cmdline: "console=tty0 console=ttyS0"
- linuxkit/init:c79d7587fcd0a195b8a3ecafe428a30e735cf2b4
- linuxkit/runc:d659de11767a419319b175700a7c6f64b8704f8c
- linuxkit/containerd:018fc633223d8a49f650da365603a5abccc6a423
- linuxkit/ca-certificates:f882e9be933fac737bf1f4d303a4bb49a12f302f
linuxkit kubernetes onboot
- name: sysctl
image: linuxkit/sysctl:2a98cb7a116d4d8a71498cea0e0ad8116a9b5a3b
- /etc/sysctl.d/01-kubernetes.conf:/etc/sysctl.d/01-kubernetes.conf
readonly: false
- name: sysfs
image: linuxkit/sysfs:dc7b876f395fa44c2b93bad6b987e418497c5b34
- name: dhcpcd
image: linuxkit/dhcpcd:193a81bd4a93779c8a048d66e0cb1d201d0ae102
command: ["/sbin/dhcpcd", "--nobackground", "-f", "/dhcpcd.conf", "-1"]
- name: metadata
image: linuxkit/metadata:6962be42ec291db67ac9bb4267d8fd06fd464f48
- name: format
image: linuxkit/format:9a537dd3eaefd02dbc01c598b843fba33da8c1a5
- name: mounts
image: linuxkit/mount:a718496fa5ea2a7a9f7552eac64c7f3699fb6a86
command: ["/usr/bin/mountie", "/var/lib/"]
linuxkit kubernetes services
- name: getty
image: linuxkit/getty:3fa8e2240c1392ba4af508d3e6be8548443b12cc
cgroupsPath: systemreserved/getty
- name: rngd
image: linuxkit/rngd:aaa9a63cbc9c04421b160b85aef4df5fa5d0f5f0
cgroupsPath: systemreserved/rngd
- name: ntpd
image: linuxkit/openntpd:413ee972bc71a66030c50bc8daf7385e5c8ea269
cgroupsPath: systemreserved/ntpd
- name: sshd
image: linuxkit/sshd:5544de2376475f6685e12bdc10bfe49f4695873a
cgroupsPath: systemreserved/sshd
- name: kubelet
image: linuxkit/kubelet:bcff9a97b3ecaf204ca7ee122f5a071a3dc97d4c
cgroupsPath: podruntime/kubelet
linuxkit kubernetes les
- path: etc/linuxkit.yml
metadata: yaml
- path: /etc/kubernetes
symlink: "/var/lib/kubeadm"
- path: /etc/os-release
contents: |
PRETTY_NAME="LinuxKit Kubernetes Project"
- path: /usr/libexec/kubernetes/kubelet-plugins
symlink: "/var/lib/kubelet-plugins"
- path: /etc/kubeadm/
directory: true
- path: /etc/sysctl.d/01-kubernetes.conf
contents: 'net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1'
- path: /etc/cni/net.d
directory: true
- path: /opt/cni/bin
directory: true
- path: root/.ssh/authorized_keys
source: ~/.ssh/
mode: "0600"
optional: true
linuxkit kubernetes docker
- name: docker
image: docker:18.03.0-ce-dind
- all
pid: host
- type: bind
source: /sys/fs/cgroup
destination: /sys/fs/cgroup
options: ["rw","rbind","rshared","nosuid","noexec","nodev","relatime"]
- /dev:/dev
- /etc/resolv.conf:/etc/resolv.conf
- /etc/os-release:/etc/os-release
- /lib/modules:/lib/modules
- /run:/run
- /var:/var:rshared,rbind
- /var/lib/kubeadm:/etc/kubernetes
- /var/lib/cni/conf:/etc/cni/net.d:rshared,rbind
- /var/lib/cni/bin:/opt/cni/bin:rshared,rbind
- /var/lib/kubelet-plugins:/usr/libexec/kubernetes/kubelet-plugins:rshared,rbind
linuxkit kubernetes docker (cont.)
rootfsPropagation: shared
command: ["/usr/local/bin/docker-init", "/usr/local/bin/dockerd"]
mkdir: ["/var/lib/kubeadm", "/var/lib/cni/conf", "/var/lib/cni/bin", "/var/lib/kubelet-plugins"
cgroupsPath: podruntime/docker
- name: kubernetes-docker-image-cache-common
image: linuxkit/kubernetes-docker-image-cache-common:2da94714...
cgroupsPath: podruntime/common-cache
- path: /etc/
contents: ""
참고: linuxkit kubernetes bind mount 가
제작은 참고
k8s infra는immutable (code)
k8s에올라가는app은mutable (data)
5. linuxkit + k8s 관리방법
node 추가
노드 bootup시 해야 할일
master : kubeadm init
HA master : kubeadm init /w CA cert
node : kubeadm join
node 삭제
$ kubectl drain kube-node --ignore-daemonsets --force --delete-local-data
(linuxkit kube-node)$ poweroff
$ kubectl delete node kube-node
check graceful termination
1. Pod is set to the “Terminating” State and removed from the
endpoints list of all Services
2. preStop Hook is executed
3. SIGTERM signal is sent to the pod
(만약 안될시 )
4. Kubernetes waits for a grace period
5. SIGKILL signal is sent to pod, and the pod is removed
upgrade k8s
upgrade control plane(api,controller,schduler, ...)
upgrade static pod
or add new master
upgrade node agent(kubelet)
add new node
self hosting k8s
master node 의 static pod들을 daemon-set, deployment화 하여 node
관리와 cluster lifecycle 관리를 원활하게 함
$ kubectl -n kube-system get deployments
kube-controller-manager 2 2
kube-dns 1 1
kube-scheduler 2 2
$ kubectl -n kube-system get daemonsets
kube-apiserver 1 1
$ kubectl -n kube-system get secrets
kube-apiserver Opaque
kube-controller-manager Opaque
self hosting in kubeadm
# kubeadm alpha phase selfhosting --help
This command is not meant to be run on its own. See list of available subcommands.
kubeadm alpha phase selfhosting [command]
selfhosting, selfhosted, self-hosting
Available Commands:
convert-from-staticpods Converts a static Pod-hosted control plane into a self-hosted one
Use "kubeadm alpha phase selfhosting [command] --help" for more information about a command.
bootstrapping self hosting
From Self-Hosted Kubernetes How and Why
bootstrapping self hosting (cont.)
From Self-Hosted Kubernetes How and Why
bootstrapping self hosting (cont.)
From Self-Hosted Kubernetes How and Why
disaster recovery self hosting
control plane의 상태를 파악해서 문제시 static pods을 띄워주는 daemon이
From Self-Hosted Kubernetes How and Why
self hosting이적용되었을시
node 추가
master : kubectl label node n1 master=true
node : kubeadm join
upgrade control plane:
kubectl set image ds/kube-apiserver kube-
update node agent: node 추가
cluster life cycle management like escalator
cluster life cycle management
그렇다면kubernetes는immutable 한가?
Lets' burn down old kubernetes nodes, too.
오래된 k8s는 지우고 새로운 k8s로 데이터 sync(not migrated)
Thank you

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Immutable kubernetes architecture by linuxkit

  • 2. Who am I? 이어형 (a.k.a 어형부형) 현재 LINE: cloud native service 들을 설계/개발/운영 by kubernetes 이전 kakao: private cloud 설계/개발/운영 by openstack 7+ projects 이전 kt: public cloud storage 설계/개발/운영 by openstack swift
  • 3. 오늘의주제 좀더 단순하고 좀더 변경이쉽고 좀더 애자일하고 좀더 관리하기 편한 kubernetes(이하k8s) 아키텍쳐를고민해봅시다 ✨linuxkit✨
  • 5. 다양한k8s 관리방법 less exibility more manage cost solutions ↑ public cloud(AKS, EKS, GKE) kubicorn, kops kubespray ↓ kubeadm
  • 6. exibility 내가 원하는 옵션들을 마음대로 넣고 내가 원하는 버전을 사용하고 내가 원하는 아키텍쳐를 사용할 수 있는
  • 7. manage cost 직접 디플로이하기 위한 코드를 작성 직접 장애시 트러블 슈팅 직접 운영이슈 해결
  • 8. exibility vs manage cost 택시vs 자가용
  • 9. 결국선택은자신이편한것, 상황에맞는것 public cloud AKS, EKS, GKE kubicorn, kops kubespray kubeadm private cloud kubespray kubeadm
  • 11. -- Chad Fowler - Trash Your Servers and Burn Your Code: Immutable Infrastructure and Disposable Components 시스템관리자로서내가가장무서워하는것중하나는 오랫동안시스템및응용프로그램을여러번업그레이드 한서버입니다. 왜? 오래된시스템은필연적으로안보이는문제를키우기 때문입니다. “ “
  • 13. by hands(scripts) shell scripts cssh(cluster ssh) makes snow ake server 모든 눈송이의 모양은 고유함 즉, 문제들의 재연성이 떨어짐
  • 14. by code(infrastructure as code) a.k.a programmable infrastructure con guration management chef, ansible, puppet, saltstack, ... ochestration heat, cloudformation, terraform
  • 15. 코드기반으로관리할때장점 간단하게 추가 하기 쉬움 처음 사용하는 사람도 쉽게 관리 할 수 있음 현재 인프라에서 무엇이 변경되었는지 알기 쉬움
  • 16. 코드기반으로관리하는솔루션들의힘든점 배포시 외부요인으로 실패 할 수 있음 롤백이 힘듬 절차적 구조기반일수록 중간에 실패시 특정 이벤트가 무시되어 질 수가 있음 선언적 구조기반일수록 복잡한 시나리오 대응이 힘듬
  • 17. 배포시외부요인으로실패할수있음 외부 레포지토리가 깨짐, 접근 안됨, 패키지가 없어짐 등등 $ curl -v * Trying * TCP_NODELAY set * Connection failed * connect to port 443 failed: Connection refused * Failed to connect to port 443: Connection refused * Closing connection 0 curl: (7) Failed to connect to port 443: Connection refused 오늘의 배포가 예측 못하게 실패 할 수 있으며 stage에서 재연을 못할 수 있음
  • 18. 롤백이힘듬 대부분 롤백은 그에 상응 하는 반대의 코드가 있어야함 파일이 생겼으면 파일이 삭제 되는 상태의 코드가 필요 파일이 업데이트 되었으면 파일이 업데이트 이전 상태가 될수 있는 코드가 필 요 모든 코드를 작성하면서 롤백 코드를 작성하는것은 무리 결국 수작업으로 반대 코드에 상응한 작업을 진행 결국 snow akeserver를 만듬
  • 19. 절차적구조기반일수록실패시특정이벤트가무시될수있음 1. 최초 실행 A(파일 변경) B(문제 있는 이벤트) X 실패 C(A가 변경시 프로세스 리스타트) 실패되어 실행 안됨 2. 이후 실행 A(파일이 이미 변경되어 변경이 안되고 C이벤트 트리거가 안됨) B(문제 있는 이벤트지만 이번엔 성공) C(A가 변경 안되서 트리거가 안됨)
  • 25. -- Martin Fowler - PhoenixServer 당신의서버들을주기적으로태워버리는것이좋습니다. 서버는마치불사조와같아서일정기간마다재로돌아갔 다가다시태어나야하기때문입니다. “ “
  • 27. mutable vs immutable From
  • 30. packer + chef, ansible, saltstack, puppet 하지만 leaner, secure, portable한가?
  • 31. unikernel -- What are Unikernels - -- Alfred Bratterud - #includeOS From Unikernels are specialized, single-address-space machine images constructed by using library operating systems “ “ “VM은 무겁지 않습니다. OS가 그렇죠"“ “
  • 32. vm/containers/containers in vms/unikernel From
  • 33. container 에서unikernel 로변천과정 From
  • 35. unikernel은아직사용성이부족함 Technology Cons Unikernels - Not mature enough yet for production - Requires developing applications from the grounds up - Limited deployment possibilities - Lack of complete IDE support - Static resource allocation - Lack of orchestration tools From
  • 37. A toolkit for building custom minimal, immutable Linux distributions.
  • 38. Secure defaults without compromising usability OS가 지정된 container 이미지만으로 구성되기 때문에 보안이 우수 Everything is replaceable and customisable 모든 파트는 container로만 구성되어 필요시 변경, 교체가 간편 Immutable infrastructure applied to building Linux distributions code로 부터 생성된 rootfs는 immutable함 custom linux 배포판임
  • 39. Completely stateless, but persistent storage can be attached code와 data의 분리로 data는 추가적인 스토리지(or 디스크를 사용) Easy tooling, with easy iteration 빌드, 배포 등이 간편 Built with containers, for running containers 컨테이너로 만들어지며 컨테이너를 구동하는 데 사용됨
  • 40. Designed for building and running clustered applications, including but not limited to container orchestration such as Docker or Kubernetes clustered application들을 만들고 돌리기 위한 설계 Designed from the experience of building Docker Editions, but redesigned as a general-purpose toolkit docker 배포판 설계 경험에 기반하여 범용 툴킷으로 재설계 Designed to be managed by external tooling, such as Infrakit or similar tools infrakit과 같은 외부 툴로 관리
  • 42. linuxkit yaml to architecture
  • 43. linuxkit command $ linuxkit --help USAGE: linuxkit [options] COMMAND Commands: build Build an image from a YAML file metadata Metadata utilities pkg Package building push Push a VM image to a cloud or image store run Run a VM image on a local hypervisor or remote cloud serve Run a local http server (for iPXE booting) version Print version information help Print this message Run 'linuxkit COMMAND --help' for more information on the command Options: -q Quiet execution -v Verbose execution
  • 44. linuxkit 주요command Commands: build Build an image from a YAML file pkg Package building push Push a VM image to a cloud or image store run Run a VM image on a local hypervisor or remote cloud
  • 45. linuxkit build $ linuxkit build Please specify a configuration file USAGE: linuxkit build [options] <file>[.yml] | - Options: -dir string Directory for output files, default current directory -disable-content-trust Skip image trust verification specified in trust section of config (default false) -format value Formats to create [ aws docker dynamic-vhd gcp iso-bios iso-efi kernel+initrd kernel+squashfs qcow2-bios qcow2-efi raw-bios raw-efi rpi3 tar tar-kernel-initrd vhd vmdk ] -name string Name to use for output files -o string File to use for a single output, or '-' for stdout -pull Always pull images -size string Size for output image, if supported and fixed size (default "1024M")
  • 48. kernel kernel: image: linuxkit/kernel:4.14.51 cmdline: "console=tty0 console=ttyS0 console=ttyAMA0 kernel speci es a kernel Docker image, containing a kernel and a lesystem tarball, eg containing modules. 커스텀 커널로 패치해서 빌드하기 용의
  • 49. init init: - linuxkit/init:923355a5ed75f40ee394741829d42bf4b78cce46 - linuxkit/runc:v0.4 - linuxkit/containerd:f2bc1bda1ab18146967fa1a149800aaf14bee81b init is the base init process Docker image, which is unpacked as the base system, containing init, containerd, runc and a few tools.
  • 50. onboot onboot: - name: dhcpcd image: linuxkit/dhcpcd:v0.4 command: ["/sbin/dhcpcd", "--nobackground", "-f", "/dhcpcd.conf", "-1"] onboot are the system containers, executed sequentially in order. They should terminate quickly when done.
  • 51. service services: - name: getty image: linuxkit/getty:44730fd0a7c59dbacf5b48b54ba33f551bcf7ef0 env: - INSECURE=true - name: redis image: redis:4.0.5-alpine capabilities: - CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE - ... net: host services is the system services, which normally run for the whole time the system is up
  • 52. linuxkit pkg $ ls -l total 12 -rw-r--r-- 1 al staff 469 5 17 01:49 Dockerfile -rw-r--r-- 1 al staff 159 4 28 10:50 build.yml -rw-r--r-- 1 al staff 1168 4 12 09:50 dhcpcd.conf drwxr-xr-x 3 al staff 96 4 12 09:50 usr $ linuxkit pkg USAGE: linuxkit pkg [subcommand] [options] [prefix] 'subcommand' is one of: build push show-tag $ linuxkit pkg build pkg/dhcpcd/
  • 53. linuxkit pkg Docker le $ cat Dockerfile FROM linuxkit/alpine:1b05307ae8152e3d38f79e297b0632697a30c65c AS mirror RUN mkdir -p /out/etc/apk && cp -r /etc/apk/* /out/etc/apk/ RUN apk add --no-cache --initdb -p /out alpine-baselayout busybox dhcpcd musl # Remove apk residuals RUN rm -rf /out/etc/apk /out/lib/apk /out/var/cache FROM scratch ENTRYPOINT [] CMD [] WORKDIR / COPY --from=mirror /out/ / COPY /dhcpcd.conf /usr/ / CMD ["/sbin/dhcpcd", "--nobackground", "-f", "/dhcpcd.conf"]
  • 54. linuxkit pkg build.yml $ cat build.yml image: dhcpcd config: binds: - /run/resolvconf:/etc capabilities: - CAP_NET_ADMIN - CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE - CAP_NET_RAW - CAP_SYS_ADMIN
  • 56. linuxkit push $ linuxkit push --help USAGE: linuxkit push [backend] [options] [prefix] 'backend' specifies the push backend. Supported backends are aws azure gcp openstack packet vcenter
  • 57. linuxkit run $ linuxkit run --help USAGE: linuxkit run [backend] [options] [prefix] 'backend' specifies the run backend. If not specified the platform specific default will be used Supported backends are (default platform in brackets): aws azure gcp hyperkit [macOS] hyperv [Windows] openstack packet qemu [linux] vbox vcenter vmware
  • 58. linuxkit run everywhere From
  • 59. container os와차이점은? rancher os, core os, atomic 과의 차이점은 보다 leaner 함 그리고 linuxkit 으로 이런 container os의 custom 배포판을 생성 가능함
  • 61. linuxkit kubernetes kernel, init kernel: image: linuxkit/kernel:4.14.40 cmdline: "console=tty0 console=ttyS0" init: - linuxkit/init:c79d7587fcd0a195b8a3ecafe428a30e735cf2b4 - linuxkit/runc:d659de11767a419319b175700a7c6f64b8704f8c - linuxkit/containerd:018fc633223d8a49f650da365603a5abccc6a423 - linuxkit/ca-certificates:f882e9be933fac737bf1f4d303a4bb49a12f302f
  • 62. linuxkit kubernetes onboot onboot: - name: sysctl image: linuxkit/sysctl:2a98cb7a116d4d8a71498cea0e0ad8116a9b5a3b binds: - /etc/sysctl.d/01-kubernetes.conf:/etc/sysctl.d/01-kubernetes.conf readonly: false - name: sysfs image: linuxkit/sysfs:dc7b876f395fa44c2b93bad6b987e418497c5b34 - name: dhcpcd image: linuxkit/dhcpcd:193a81bd4a93779c8a048d66e0cb1d201d0ae102 command: ["/sbin/dhcpcd", "--nobackground", "-f", "/dhcpcd.conf", "-1"] - name: metadata image: linuxkit/metadata:6962be42ec291db67ac9bb4267d8fd06fd464f48 - name: format image: linuxkit/format:9a537dd3eaefd02dbc01c598b843fba33da8c1a5 - name: mounts image: linuxkit/mount:a718496fa5ea2a7a9f7552eac64c7f3699fb6a86 command: ["/usr/bin/mountie", "/var/lib/"]
  • 63. linuxkit kubernetes services services: - name: getty image: linuxkit/getty:3fa8e2240c1392ba4af508d3e6be8548443b12cc env: - INSECURE=true cgroupsPath: systemreserved/getty - name: rngd image: linuxkit/rngd:aaa9a63cbc9c04421b160b85aef4df5fa5d0f5f0 cgroupsPath: systemreserved/rngd - name: ntpd image: linuxkit/openntpd:413ee972bc71a66030c50bc8daf7385e5c8ea269 cgroupsPath: systemreserved/ntpd - name: sshd image: linuxkit/sshd:5544de2376475f6685e12bdc10bfe49f4695873a cgroupsPath: systemreserved/sshd - name: kubelet image: linuxkit/kubelet:bcff9a97b3ecaf204ca7ee122f5a071a3dc97d4c cgroupsPath: podruntime/kubelet
  • 64. linuxkit kubernetes les files: - path: etc/linuxkit.yml metadata: yaml - path: /etc/kubernetes symlink: "/var/lib/kubeadm" - path: /etc/os-release contents: | PRETTY_NAME="LinuxKit Kubernetes Project" - path: /usr/libexec/kubernetes/kubelet-plugins symlink: "/var/lib/kubelet-plugins" - path: /etc/kubeadm/ directory: true - path: /etc/sysctl.d/01-kubernetes.conf contents: 'net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1' - path: /etc/cni/net.d directory: true - path: /opt/cni/bin directory: true - path: root/.ssh/authorized_keys source: ~/.ssh/ mode: "0600" optional: true
  • 65. linuxkit kubernetes docker services: - name: docker image: docker:18.03.0-ce-dind capabilities: - all pid: host mounts: - type: bind source: /sys/fs/cgroup destination: /sys/fs/cgroup options: ["rw","rbind","rshared","nosuid","noexec","nodev","relatime"] binds: - /dev:/dev - /etc/resolv.conf:/etc/resolv.conf - /etc/os-release:/etc/os-release - /lib/modules:/lib/modules - /run:/run - /var:/var:rshared,rbind - /var/lib/kubeadm:/etc/kubernetes - /var/lib/cni/conf:/etc/cni/net.d:rshared,rbind - /var/lib/cni/bin:/opt/cni/bin:rshared,rbind - /var/lib/kubelet-plugins:/usr/libexec/kubernetes/kubelet-plugins:rshared,rbind
  • 66. linuxkit kubernetes docker (cont.) rootfsPropagation: shared command: ["/usr/local/bin/docker-init", "/usr/local/bin/dockerd"] runtime: mkdir: ["/var/lib/kubeadm", "/var/lib/cni/conf", "/var/lib/cni/bin", "/var/lib/kubelet-plugins" cgroupsPath: podruntime/docker - name: kubernetes-docker-image-cache-common image: linuxkit/kubernetes-docker-image-cache-common:2da94714... cgroupsPath: podruntime/common-cache files: - path: /etc/ contents: ""
  • 67. 참고: linuxkit kubernetes bind mount 가 rootfs에마운트된구조 g 제작은 참고
  • 69.
  • 71. 5. linuxkit + k8s 관리방법
  • 72. node 추가 노드 bootup시 해야 할일 master : kubeadm init HA master : kubeadm init /w CA cert node : kubeadm join
  • 73. node 삭제 $ kubectl drain kube-node --ignore-daemonsets --force --delete-local-data (linuxkit kube-node)$ poweroff $ kubectl delete node kube-node
  • 74. check graceful termination practices-terminating-with-grace.html 1. Pod is set to the “Terminating” State and removed from the endpoints list of all Services 2. preStop Hook is executed 3. SIGTERM signal is sent to the pod (만약 안될시 ) 4. Kubernetes waits for a grace period 5. SIGKILL signal is sent to pod, and the pod is removed
  • 75. upgrade k8s cluster/kubeadm/kubeadm-upgrade-ha/ upgrade control plane(api,controller,schduler, ...) upgrade static pod or add new master upgrade node agent(kubelet) add new node
  • 77. self hosting k8s master node 의 static pod들을 daemon-set, deployment화 하여 node 관리와 cluster lifecycle 관리를 원활하게 함 $ kubectl -n kube-system get deployments NAME DESIRED CURRENT kube-controller-manager 2 2 kube-dns 1 1 kube-scheduler 2 2 $ kubectl -n kube-system get daemonsets NAME DESIRED CURRENT NODE SELECTOR kube-apiserver 1 1 $ kubectl -n kube-system get secrets NAME TYPE kube-apiserver Opaque kube-controller-manager Opaque
  • 78. self hosting in kubeadm # kubeadm alpha phase selfhosting --help This command is not meant to be run on its own. See list of available subcommands. Usage: kubeadm alpha phase selfhosting [command] Aliases: selfhosting, selfhosted, self-hosting Available Commands: convert-from-staticpods Converts a static Pod-hosted control plane into a self-hosted one Use "kubeadm alpha phase selfhosting [command] --help" for more information about a command.
  • 79. bootstrapping self hosting From Self-Hosted Kubernetes How and Why
  • 80. bootstrapping self hosting (cont.) From Self-Hosted Kubernetes How and Why
  • 81. bootstrapping self hosting (cont.) From Self-Hosted Kubernetes How and Why
  • 82. disaster recovery self hosting control plane의 상태를 파악해서 문제시 static pods을 띄워주는 daemon이 있음 From Self-Hosted Kubernetes How and Why
  • 83. self hosting이적용되었을시 node 추가 master : kubectl label node n1 master=true node : kubeadm join upgrade upgrade control plane: kubectl set image ds/kube-apiserver kube- update node agent: node 추가
  • 84. cluster life cycle management like escalator
  • 85. cluster life cycle management
  • 86. 그렇다면kubernetes는immutable 한가? Lets' burn down old kubernetes nodes, too. 오래된 k8s는 지우고 새로운 k8s로 데이터 sync(not migrated) federation administration/federation/