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Image As Presence In Blade Runner
The concept of image as presence refers to the concept that film can show the world as it truly is.
Directors can choose to project the idea of image as presence in multiple ways, through the
subjective viewpoints of the characters of the film, through an objective approach in which an
omnipresent force that dictates to us about the facts that exist. In contrast, image as text, operates on
the understanding that the world cannot be shown as it is, rather there is an understanding that what
the viewer is seeing comes from an interpretive perspective. This viewpoint expects the audience to
make connections between what they are seeing on the screen and other images that are already
known. Making connections is part of the way that ... Show more content on ...
The result is that the dystopian future becomes a realistic possibility to the audience. This has two
effects, in the first it makes the events of the film more plausible. Technological development and
the creation of robotic life could eventually occur in our own reality. In this regard, the film is using
image as presence by setting up this believable world. However, in the second arena it makes the
audience reflect on the questions of urbanity and development that exist in our current paradigm,
thus inviting discussion about the way human and planning elements are being merged together in
our own technology driven world. These concepts are as relevant now as they were when the film
was first released two decades ago. The camera continually roves over this world creating spatial
continuity that implies that there is virtually no escape from this smoky, polluted, society. The
landscape provides a site for making metaphor about the socioeconomic divide that characterizes the
Blade Runner universe. The skyscrapers of the wealthy are clear symbols of how the poor are at the
bottom of the socio economic
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What´s Daguerreotype Image?
Louis Daguerre created the Daguerreotype image process in 1837. The process he created was later
released for general use in 1839. During the year 1839 a man named Samuel Morse brought this
process to the United States. Because this process wasn't patented in the United States, it was
available for the whole public to use. This caused people to just start opening up cheap studios to
make some quick and easy money. People were taking a process that was considered an "art" and
turning it into something an average person could do. The process for developing a daguerreotype
image was quite intense. First the plates are put into a silver bath to allow pure silver to conform to
the plate after it is polished. The plate is then exposed to iodine fumes, ... Show more content on ...
The Daguerreotype process was a good process that created a very clear portrait with great detail.
However, disadvantages to the Daguerreotype include long exposure times as well as not being able
to produce multiple copies. This process was popular at the time because people who weren't
wealthy could pay to get their picture taken. The reason this was possible was because it was not
patented unlike the other processes. However the Calotype process produced paper negatives, which
allowed it to be reproduced to make multiple copies. The downfall with using this process is that
produced an un–clear picture, compared to the Daguerreotype. This process was not very popular
because the pictures were fuzzy and the process was patented making it less popular, unlike the
Daguerreotype. Finally the Wet Plate process toped them all. The Wet Plate process, or the
Collodian process created a very clear image with the capability of reproducing the image to make
multiple copies. The only downfall with this process is that it makes for long exposure times and it
had to be developed while it was still wet. Resultantly, this process was the most popular at the time
to create portraits. Due to the capability of the Wet Plate process being able to take clear pictures
unlike the Calotype and make multiple copies unlike the Daguerreotype, it
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Fox Talbot And Louis Jacques Mande Daguerre: Who Was The...
William Henry Fox Talbot, and Louis Jacques Mande Daguerre: who was the most recognized
Ku Cameet Appadu
History of Photography
Prof Ellen Handy
Research paper
William Henry Fox Talbot, and Louis Jacques Mande Daguerre were both great innovators during
their time but were considered as rivals in many ways. Talbot made the first book for photography
that was used for commercial purposes and revolutionized photography by finally making it possible
to print photographs on paper, and in large quantities. If photography is so accessible today, it is
partly because of him and the photography process he invented called the Calotype. Nonetheless,
people of their time were more fascinated by Daguerre's work and that made him more popular.
Maybe this was because Daguerre knew how to market his Daguerreotypes in a more efficient way
than Talbot did for his Calotypes. Or were Daguerreotypes simply more appealing? In this paper, I
will argue that although Daguerre and Fox Talbot are both equally great inventors of their time,
contributing greatly to the development of photography as we know it today, with Fox Talbot's
Calotype leading to the various applications of photography by allowing images to be printed on
paper and in a large number of copies, Daguerre's ... Show more content on ...
With the calotype process, multiple copies of an image could be made. By printing the silver iodide
paper negative onto silver chloride paper, the image could be reproduced. The daguerreotype, in
contrast, produced positives as opposed to negatives, making it impossible to duplicate an image.
However, the calotype prints, since they were paper images, were susceptible to fading.
Daguerreotypes, on the other hand, could last forever if properly
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Photography In Malcolm Browne's The Burning Monk
Since the invention of photography back in the nineteenth century, the impact that photography
made to the world was tremendous. From allowing us to document events, remember moments, or
even create art, photography has evolved into one of the most influential forms of media today. If
you take a look around almost everyone has a camera in their pocket. Photographs can make an
impact in many ways and The Burning Monk is one of the photos that made an impact in history.
The Burning Monk, taken by Malcolm Browne in 1963 was published by Associated Press. Used to
expose Vietnam Monks sentiments towards their government, the photo illustrates an elderly monk
ablaze in what appears to be a heavily populated part of town. As the flames engulf the monk, he
does not seem to show any signs of pain, his ... Show more content on ...
There appears to be a somber tone to the photo, and almost an aspect of disbelief, to witness half a
man's body covered by flames but remaining motionless. The photo was taken in black–and–white
to emphasize a critical message and what it stood for. The role of color has no importance in this
image because the addition of color would not change what the photo represents in any way. Rather,
by opting to not use color, there is a serious tone to this picture, allowing the action of the shot to
speak for itself. The Burning Monk was published in the United States during the 1960's. During
this era, the Vietnam War had become a part of the everyday American's life. The war had been
going on for eight years and America was supporting Southern Vietnam's government. Vietnamese
monks under the rule of President Ngo Dinh Diem were banned from observing their practices, one
such example was the prohibition of flying their own flag. During a time of national separation, the
president wanted to emphasize patriotism, however, his harsh treatment of the monks lead to them to
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Impact Of Photography Research Paper
The Impacts of Photography Since its nineteenth century beginning, photography has impacted the
world in these ways: photography has impacted social issues, like the conditions of third world
countries, photography allows people to express themselves as a form of art, photography also
influences our opinions on matters such as war. "the art or process of producing images by the
action of radiant energy and especially light on a sensitive surface (as film or an optical sensor)."
Photography is a strong influencer when it comes to social issues. Photographers that work to make
a change in the world, like Ismail Ferdous, feel that it is their job to speak for people who are
experiencing injustices and are being treated unequally, ... Show more content on ...
Since the Vietnam War, photography has had an impact on what people think on issues like war.
During the Vietnam War, a war between North Vietnam, which wanted communism, and South
Vietnam, that wanted democracy, the war was the first war to be broadcasted on television.
American citizens knew what American soldiers were going through, and what they were putting
others through, "Through the power of imagery, we are pushed to question our core beliefs and our
responsibilities to each other as international citizens. In this sense, photography has the power to
shine an uncompromising light on critical issues... " (Ferdous, Ismail Photography as Activism Pg.4)
Americans saw the iconic yet disturbing images of Northern Vietnamese citizens being shot for
disagreeing with the democratic leaders (South Vietnamese police chief Gen. Nguyen Ngoc Loan
killing Viet Cong suspect photographed by Eddie Adams), and a monk burning himself alive, so
Americans stopped supporting the soldiers, because the photographs shocked them, and that is not
what Americans wanted. Photographs are real life events, and to see something as disturbing as
someone being shot in the head, or burning themselves alive because it was wrong to disagree with
someone else's beliefs, will make people change their opinions on war. My Lai Massacre was a
massacre by American soldiers, in which between 347 and 504 Vietnamese were killed. Official
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Public Administration : An Image Problem
Public administration often suffers from an image problem. Society has constructed a caricature of
stuffy bureaucrats who are only concerned with restrictive and complicated procedures just waiting
to obstruct efficient government, however, this caricature couldn't be further removed from the
reality of the work of public administration and administrators.
While public administration has it's roots in the early twentieth century as a rather droll academic
pursuit it has evolved through the decades to meet modern needs. It must be emphasized that the
profession of public administration does not have a clear and simple definition, but in short, covers a
wide breadth of services. These services primarily concern the management of government ... Show
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There are four core skills that are the foundation of the profession and these skills are: leadership,
management, and the political and technical aspects of administration. One could consider these
core skills to be the foundation of public administration and the four major functions of
organization, personnel administration, decision making, and budget and finance to be the building
blocks. It should be noted that having a deep understanding of these skills in relation to the major
functions of the profession is essential to the success of any public administrator.
The principles that govern public administration often have a level of reciprocity and build upon
each other. One such principle is organization theory. At it's most basic, the principle of organization
theory is about structure and process, which are two things all administrators must become
comfortable with. It answers the questions of how departments should be structured, how they report
and how positions and jobs relate to each other, and what other factors should be considered. To
answer those questions different schools of thought have developed as the study of public
administration expanded and deepened. These schools of thought include classical management
theory which attempts to identify how jobs and organizations can be structured to be more efficient,
or the behavioral school of management which
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Susan Sontag
Every day, people see pictures. Whether they are selfies on social media, family pictures on the
refrigerator, or photos from a family vacation, pictures have a large effect on people when they see
them. However, the photographs with the largest impact are horrifying photographs of others,
especially those on the news. Shocking photos, like ones from a war, can make people
uncomfortable and cause them to act, like protesting wars, or writing petitions. Sometimes, the
media will not publish images that are difficult to look at because they know the damaging effect
these photos could have on people. Susan Sontag in her article "Regarding the Pain of Others," uses
an ethical and logical appeal to show how photographs can have a negative effect ... Show more
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Another result from the Vietnam war was that there was an increase of censorship. Censorship,
according to Sontag, is prohibiting the public view certain words or photographs for the purpose of
the safety of the people. Another war Sontag references is the Gulf War of 1991, also known as the
Techno War. In 1991, "American television users weren't allowed to see footage acquired by NBC
(which the network then declined to run)" (66). The producers of NBC were smart enough not to
show the footage to the American public after what happened during the Vietnam War. If the
American people saw footage of this war, they would be disgusted to see nuclear weapons flying in
the sky killing people. They would feel angry about all of the American soldiers who died during the
war, and would want America to end the war. However, no photographs were taken during this war,
so the American people did not protest the Techno War. Perhaps this censorship was the
government's way of keeping the public out of the war to allow the government to achieve their
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Public Image And Customer Management Strategies
Companies of all types and sizes depend on their customer base for revenues and continuously work
toward earning the largest market share percentage attainable. The foundations of businesses are its
customers, and unless that company is a monopoly, competition between businesses will drive
customers and revenues to one business or another. Unless it is properly managed, maintaining
customer relationships can be expensive. While some companies invest heavily in their public image
and customer management strategies, other companies succeed despite poor customer relationships.
The wishes of the customers are also continuously evolving with new generations and social
environments. Moving on from the "boomers", to the "gen x", and now the ... Show more content on ...
In his Ted talk "Millennials: Who They are & Why We Hate Them", Scott Hess discusses a number
of companies, including Abercrombie and Fitch as a company that endorsed the typically "cliquish"
and judgmental characteristics associated with the "gen x". That is not surprising considering that
the company restructured in 1979 as a modern sportswear outlet (Lepore, 2011). Meanwhile,
American Eagle is seen as marketing "for everyone", looking to attract the inclusive and tolerant
characteristics of the Millennials (Hess, 2011). Perhaps even more importantly is the increasing
demand for value for the customer in a meaningful way. In its customer priority list, in addition to
personal customer values, Inc includes "value that's superior to other options" (James, 2013).
Another way of looking at this particular value is in terms of global influence and impact, as well as
connectedness; people want to have a positive influence on the world. As Hess remarks, one of
Starbucks' campaigns was to invest in their coffee farmers and suppliers (Hess, 2011). The impact
on the consumer is the feeling that purchasing coffee at Starbucks is beneficial to other
communities. Similarly, the so–called "fast–casual" bakery style restaurant Pret a Manger is known
not only for its fresh sandwiches and soups but also for its initiative to donate any leftover edibles to
charity on a
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Jacob Riis Social Reform Movement
As photography was being used more and more as a method of documentation, they were among the
first to use it to push social reform efforts. They closely documented the devastating effects of
industrialization and urbanization on the working–class American. Through their work they brought
attention to the need for housing and (child) labor laws. They used their medium to bring real proof
to the public and legislators, where it needed to be seen. Actually, instead of documentary
photography, it may best be called social reform photography, as they both worked tirelessly and
used the medium to force attention and to effect social change.
Riis used photography to illustrate his "social reform" documentary writing, he was not originally a
photographer, but he saw the drama and sense of proof photographs provided. His photographs were
presumably and represented as unposed and some of his images come across as illustrative and ...
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Here the image appears to have been taken in the day portraying homeless, hungry boys, apparently
sleeping. It gives the appearance of being staged.
Hines interest in photography led to him starting a camera club at the school where he taught.
Taking his students on day trips to shoot, led them to Ellis Island, here he became interested in the
plight of immigrants, and he was instrumental in changing attitudes towards immigrants. During this
period his social conscience grew simultaneously with his craft. This resulted in being hired by the
National Child Labour Committee in 1908. He took on the job of photographing children in
factories and other work places. A very dangerous job at the time, as aggression from the factory
owners was constant. He photographed laborers, (children, women and adults) in factories,
coalmines, canneries, laundries and the children newspaper
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The New Photography Exhibition
MoMA's longstanding exhibition series of recent work in photography, New Photography, returned
for its 30th anniversary. The New Photography exhibition is called Ocean of Images and is showing
19 artists and artist collectives from 14 countries. The exhibition was organized by Chief Curator of
Photography Quentine Bajac, Lucy Gallun, assistant curator; and Roxana Marcoco,senior curator;
with the assistance of Kristen Gaylord, Beaumont and Nancy Newhall Curatorial Fellow,
Department of Photography ("Ocean of Images: New Photography 2015 | MoMA"). According to
MoMA's exhibition description, the Ocean of Images is suppose to be probing the effects of an
image–based post–Internet reality by examining various ways of experiencing the world ("Ocean of
Images: New Photography 2015 | MoMA"). Some artists have created new work specifically for the
exhibition including DIS and Katja Notvitskova. Photography was not fully accepted as art until the
20th century and today, photography has a large range of what it can produce as a medium. However
the curator 's choice these groups of artists to represent the state of photography and the artists are
more concerned with the decision that creates the image. The curators focusing on the artists having
the camera and the internet in common. The choice of the title alludes the Internet to have a
connection to water, and being a whirlpool of images.The "ocean" being referred to the internet and
how technology is being associated with water
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Summary Of Carol Quirke's Eyes On Labor
Carol Quirke's Eyes on Labor: News Photography and America's Working Class examines the
photographs of workers and labor unions in newspapers of the 1930s and the 1940s. Quirke begins
her study by describing the rise of news photography in the early twentieth–century, which she
credits to technological advancements that made printing photos cheaper and faster, and goes on to
discuss over one hundred images of the mid–twentieth century's working class. She argues that
photojournalism not only reflected the conflicts between workers and corporations but impacted the
conflicts themselves by providing visual representations of labor and unionization in a time when
their definitions were still being constructed. Quirke notes that the photographs ... Show more
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For instance, the second section examines images of workers and unionists in LIFE magazine while
the third focuses on media coverage of a strike at Hershey Chocolate. According to Quirke,
publications like LIFE appeared to celebrate the working–class man by publishing photographs of
union leaders and organized strikes. However, she argues that this coverage constructed a "heroic,
but also menacing and passive" image of the average worker that identified more so with the
American values of large corporations than the activism and struggle of the real working class (3).
These images, according to Quirke, promoted conservativism and conformity and narrowed the
audience's understanding of what a laborer should or could do. Quirke also discusses the ways in
which unions used photojournalism to their advantage by examining the United Steelworkers of
America's publication, Steel Labor. For instance, she argues that the stoic portraits of the union's
leader attempted to reinforce their authority by presenting them as the calm antithesis to the radical
unionist with extreme
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The Outsourcing Of Blackberry 's Public Image
Company Profile
BlackBerry, previously known as Research in Motion (RIM), is a global company in the
telecommunications industry. Founded in 1984, the company saw huge success in the early age of
the smart phones. The company offers various cell–phone related devices as well as enterprise
services, including security. Although BlackBerry's cell phone success has dwindled in current
years, its new CEO, John Chen, has made steps to improve profits and change the company's focus
to enterprise software suites and security.
Minimal Market Share
BlackBerry's Market Share has been reduced to less than 1%. In an industry dominated by two
major companies, BlackBerry is highly unlikely to gain a larger percentage of the market,
Outdated Perceptions of BlackBerry
BlackBerry's public image is outdated. Many people think of BlackBerry as a failed cell phone OS
company, especially with recent news of disabled Facebook support on its devices after 2016.
Overhaul Branding Strategy
BlackBerry has a lot of value–enterprise software suites. Many do not realize the company's has a
successful global reach. BlackBerry needs to revamp its brand to highlight its security expertise,
including its new cybersecurity service following the acquisition of UK–based Encription Ltd.
BlackBerry's image should focus on appealing to the services it provides on an enterprise level. A
rebranding will allow business customers and investors alike to see the value BlackBerry provides.
See the
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Photography in Advertising and Its Effects on Society
Written by Valerio Loi (2005)
Memory has been and always will be associated with images. As early as 1896, leading
psychologists were arguing that memory was nothing more than a continuous exchange of images.
(Bergson) Later models of memory describe it as more of an image text; a combination of space and
time, and image and word. (Yates) Although image certainly is not the only component of memory,
it is undoubtedly an integral and essential part of memory's composition. Photography was first
utilized over 100 years ago in an attempt to preserve life as it existed before the industrial
revolution. Over time photography has gradually corrupted memory in a variety of ways, despite its
original intention to preserve it. From there, ... Show more content on ...
The most criticized type of anthropological photograph is the image that separates subjects from
their environments. The supposed goal of the separation is to highlight the subject's ethnicity and
culture. If the goal, however is to highlight culture, it seems that displaying the subject in his or her
own culture would be more effective. (Miller 135)
Irving Penn's Two New Guinea Men Holding Hands is a common example of the subject being
removed from the environment. (see fig. 1) The photograph taken in Penn's studio is in a style
popular among ethnographers; it has been used for years by E.S. Curtis and has recently been
refined by Richard Avedon. The background and the studio settings have been criticized widely as
"removing subjects from the daily flow of their lives and cross breeding fashion and
anthropology." (Miller 135) The effect of this photograph on memory is to imprint a false image not
only of two people but also of an entire culture. Penn's image gives his viewer no idea of how these
two men exist in reality. Because of the studio setting, the viewer cannot even safely assume that
this is how the two men really dress or interact with each other.
The most common association made between history and photography is not anthropology; it is the
documentation of the Holocaust. Holocaust photography has been and always will be burdened by
its inherent requirement to fulfill dual roles in society: the role of
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The Terror Of Terror And Violence
In July of 2014, ISIS blew up a Muslim shrine as an act of terror and violence. Again they attempted
to terrorize the local people of Iraq when they blew up another ancient mosque later the same
month. The ISIS terrorist group is an extremist Muslim organization that is capitalizing off the fear
and confusion of the Syrian Civil War. For the past five years, ISIS has waged war on the Syrian
government as well as any other group that does not conform to their extreme ways of life. Their
tactics for control are aggressive and extreme; public beheading, fear mongering, and destruction of
local historical and religious sites. The destruction of these sites is done in an iconoclastic manor;
yet, they also use the destruction to push their ... Show more content on ...
ISIS is known for their hatred of religious and ethnic groups that do not conform to their extreme
ways. Christian and the Sunni Muslims are the two main targets for the ISIS terror attacks. Their
attacks have no limits. In Beirut, a fifth–century Roman Catholic monastery was destroyed by ISIS
while in Mosul the suspected tomb of Jonah the prophet was blown up (). Also in Mosul, a mosque
and shrine devoted to Prophet Jirjis was also blown up as an act of terror. It's clear that ISIS has no
specific target other than those that disagree with their platform and extreme views. They use the
destruction of images as an attempt to scare locals into subjecting to their laws. ISIS recognizes the
power that these images hold on people and they are trying to exploit that. Similarly, the government
of France and Russia used images and their powers to spread propaganda. While ISIS uses the
images of destruction and violence more so than Russia and France, the similarities can be seen in
the effort to control the common people. What makes this form of iconoclasm so different is that it
deviates from the "normal" iconoclasm that took place early in religious history. Early forms of
iconoclasm destroyed images because of the fear and power that they have and create. As Freedberg
states, "It [iconoclasm] opens realms of power and fear that we may sense but cannot quite grasp.
When the iconoclast
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Case Management : The And Public Image
Claims management is a vital component of how a business will remain it successful in an ever
changing market. Claims management can be simply defined as the transactional handling of a
company 's insurance claims (Company). Merely understanding how to file a claim with an
insurance provider is not what claims managers do. Claims managers go far beyond just filing a
claim; companies such as Insurica are protectors of company's profit and public image. Insurica is
an insurance management network that works as a Third Party Administrator (TPA). Companies hire
Insurance Management Networks such as Insurica to understand the complex intricacies of
businesses to expose mistaken claims. Those overlooked risk include opportunities that have a ...
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However claims management is actually simple to understand. Claims management is the practice
of handling claims made by insurance company clients. Many people make insurance claims every
day. In fact approximately 6 billion insurance claims are filed each year (Federal Bureau of
Investigation). The responsibilities of claims managers can fluctuate greatly depending on what type
of insurance policies their company's offer, The United States Department of Labor database
Occupational Safety and Hazzard clarifies the general responsibilities of a claims manager,"
responsible for the overall management and direction of all administrative matters pertaining to
compensation for injury and claims related activities (other than injury) for an incident" (United
States Department of Labor). Claims manager are overseers of risk management in the prevention of
incidents and loss of company funds. To do this claims managers are in constant contact with an
employer's Incident Safety Officer, Liaison Officer, or a Company Human Resource Manager
(United States Department of Labor). The role of a claims manager also includes common
management responsibilities such as supervising other members of staff, overseeing insurance sales,
and dealing with any complaints relating to the sales staff (Claims). To be a successful claims
manager one must have a bachelor's degree to enter into
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The First Camera On The World Was Invented By Alexander...
On May 8th 1840, the first camera on the world was invented by Alexander Wolcott. Since then,
people considered photography as an objective medium, which is always used to describe and
explain the reality and even considered for law enforcement. For example, pictures chalked on the
gate of suspect's house may serve as alibi. However, "with current technology, people can easily
manipulate ("manipulate" is underlined twice as topic–specific vocabulary) pictures."(In–class
writing, Oct.18.2016) People start to learn that a photograph can be carefully staged to express
certain opinions, thus we lost trust on photography and instead begin to evaluate pictures. Court also
create different laws to check the admissibility of digital evidences. However, techniques and
strategies of editing images has gone either unexplained or mis–explained because people are lack
of professional knowledge about photoshopping so that images are blindly doubted. In the rest of
this paper, I give three different examples and explanation to analyze how and why visuals were
Admit or not, photoshop is now closely connected to our daily life. Nowadays, teenagers have
become the most electronically connected generation of all time. As many Chinese may know, social
apps such as WeChat, Weibo and QQ have become the main means of communication for teenagers.
In 2015, 549 million active users are using WeChat, where images are posted and shared millions of
times a day. And while teens are lectured
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Women 's Public Image And Policies Essay
Historically women were not even given the chance to pursue education or even to vote, and now
gender equality has became one of the most discussed topic in the nation. Even though many
countries and cities are involved in the evolution of gender equality, their attainments on the issue
vary, like the United States and Hong Kong. In the U.S., women are being presumed as incapable to
finish hard task by themselves, or undeserved for a higher position in corporations. On the other
hand, Hong Kong employs women on higher position, however, women's media appearance are
limited to only lingerie or clothing brands instead of professional billboard advertisements. While
both places have taken actions towards gender equality over the years, China has a relatively more
efficient approach on diversity in job employments, while the U.S. has achieved a more notable
development on women's public image and policies to regulate women's right, which could be
because of the cultural difference.
Gender inequality remains as one of the top challenges that businesses face because of men not
acknowledging the challenges female workers face and society's perception on women capability to
finish tasks. Even though studies have shown companies tend to deliver better performance with
more women in top management positions. One of the inspirations for this essay is Renee Corso, my
district sales coordinate supervisor, which is the highest position in Aflac's Sherman Oaks office. I
believe she
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North American Landscape Photography Essay
Since the Renaissance Era the public had been craving detail scenic views of the land. With the help
of the camera obscura, lithographs, engravings, and photography the landscape of distant land were
becoming available to everyone. The goal for many European landscape photographers was to
document and provide historical information. After improvements to the calotype process many
governments or sponsored organizations offered campaigns for photographers to capture certain
shots. In 1851 five photographers: Edouard Denis Baldus, Hippolye Bayard, Le Gray, Henri Le
Secq, and O. Mestral were sent throughout France by the Belgian Treasury to capture France's
architectural patrimony. They took pictures of crumbling and old churches, bridges, and ... Show
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Braun's image called Lake Streamers at Winter Mooring perfectly captures the serene atmosphere of
the Alpine landscape with calm, still water and misty mountains. On the other side of the Atlantic in
the Americas the goal was to document the expansion and discovery of the uncharted lands. Marc
Ferrez from South America opened his studio in Rio de Janiro with photographs specializing in
Brazilian views that, "balances geological descriptiveness with sensitivity to light to create a serene
yet visually aesthetic image (Rosenblum)." In North America many photographers were going out to
the Midwest to capture the urban development and as documentation of the landscape. Many
companies especially railroad companies would hire photographers to document the construction of
the railroad and the growth of a city. Carleton E. Watkins's image Magneta Flume captures the
construction of a railroad in Nevada Co. California. Watkins was also the first photographer to
document Yosemite Park and establish "mountain landscape as a symbol of transcendent idealism."
(Rosenblum) Many other photographer would go on expeditions throughout the unknown
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Photography Career Research Paper
Photography, and truly all of the "fine arts," is an extremely competitive field. It is a job that is
relatively easy to obtain, but due to that there are many working against you. A portion of why it is
so popular is that there is no required education level. It has been suggested that a person interested
in photography take at least two years at a postsecondary school. However, on–the–job experience
will prove just as useful in this career. Many people have the basics of what it takes to become a
photographer. A person interested should be decent with psychology and how the mind works, what
will attract people, and so on. They should also have good visualization skills, be creative, and know
how to be original even with all of the other photographs being produced around them. Having an
understanding of marketing, media and the arts as a whole is also recommended. ... Show more
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The largest question for a person to ask themselves is "Do I want to work for someone or would I
like to be self–sufficient?" There are many opportunities that can be applied to both answers such as
the following: Digital, traditional, magazine or editorial, commercial, journalism, lifestyle, wildlife,
landscape, fine art, pet, portrait, freelance, intern, and assistant. Even with the growing number of
opportunities within the field, there are many photographers on the rise. It is a dog–eat–dog world,
so it is advised that you go to Professional Photographers of America (PPA) and obtain your
certification. This certificate is not required to run a business or work for someone, but it will most
certainly set a person apart from the many photographers that are fighting for the same
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Assessing Psychology 's Public Image Essay
In assessing psychology's public image, two dimensions are paramount in the issue: "popularity" (or
how the public feels toward psychology and psychologists), and "understanding" (what the public
knows about psychology and what psychologists do) (Benjamin, 1986, p. 945). While overall,
psychologists are met with a moderately favorable attitude (Guest, 1948), several studies have
revealed a deficiency in the knowledge of who psychologists are and what they do (Wood et al.,
1986; Wollersheim & Walsh, 1993; Lent, 1990; Cialdini, 1997; Webb & Speer, 1986; Farberman,
1997). This deficiency is the driving force behind many of the negative misperceptions that the
public holds, and one cannot help but spy the tendency of the public to doubt the mechanisms
behind psychology, namely the science. Lilienfeld (2012) published an article titled "Public
Skepticism of Psychology: Why Many People Perceive the Study of Human Behavior as
Unscientific." In this article, Lilienfeld suggests that, "the general public agrees with the soft science
nomenclature that is frequently applied to psychology" (Munro & Munro, 2014, p.534). He lists six
common criticisms of the scientific basis of psychology, some of which include: psychology does
not use scientific methods, psychology cannot yield meaningful generalizations because everyone is
unique, and psychology is not useful in to society. An addition criticism listed is that psychology as
merely common sense (Janda, England, Lovejoy, & Drury, 1998;
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The And Public Image Of A Woman Speaking
One of the words that may help to shine some light on to Paul's intentions is αἰσχρὸν. A word
meaning "disgraceful, shameful, dishonest" or "filthy." The idea that this is a matter of shame
creates some justification for considering this to be a situational issue. It seems unlikely that there
would be shame associated with a woman speaking in church in the twenty–first century. It would
be far less likely to associate women preachers with being dishonest or filthy. This word may hint at
the nature of appearances and public image that affects the church. The issue with this that it appears
to contrast with Paul's firm stand against conforming to society. Taking 1 Tim 2:11–12 as a distinct
text allows the reader to dive into what it means to διδάσκειν. The issue with this word is not that
the translation is teach, but that it is such a common word. As per Strong's Concordance, the word
occurs in some form over fifty times in the New Testament. One passage that may help bring some
clarity to the application of this word is its use in reference to singing as "teaching and
admonishing." A man would be hard pressed to not see the difficulty in forbidding all teaching of
men. She not only could not preach a lesson, but she would be forced to remain silent during the
singing lest a man learn from her singing.
Another shared problem is the meaning of ὑποταγῇ and ὑποτασσέσθωσαν. They can be defined as
"obedience, submission, subordination" and "put in subjection, subject,
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Comparison With Walton's Argument On Photography And...
1: I agree with Walton's argument on photographic realism. I interpreted his argument that the artist
or photographer has a choice in how realistic their work is and that they can be more skilled, or in
the photographer's case avoid any manipulation. However, it is more difficult for a painter to
achieve this because they not only need to understand the concept of realism but also be able to
perform in a manner that will allow the production of a realistic painting. A photographer, on the
contrary, needs to properly understand the functions of a camera to achieve realism. Thus, I would
agree that both a photographer and a painter can achieve realism, but a photographer is able to much
easier than a painter.
2: Objects present in a photograph are easily distinguishable from reality itself because the objects
are not the objects themselves. Therefore, Walton states that photographs have a distinct kind of
realism. Photographs are always an image of an object that really exists and as a result, viewers are
able to see the world through photographs. However, seeing through a photograph is a different
perception than seeing reality itself. When a viewer sees through a photograph, they are literally
seeing the object, but it is indirect as the viewer is not present in the actual scene to view it for
themselves. Therefore, a viewer is able to literally see an ancestor realistically that is not really
present and are shown what they would have seen if they were present for the photograph being
taken. Furthermore, I agree with what Walton is saying about photography having a special realism.
It is not as if the viewer is directly seeing the scene in real life, but rather seeing the real scene as if
they were present.
______________________________________________________________________________ 3:
I agree with Walton that there is such a difference between what viewers see in photographs and
paintings. When someone looks at a photograph of a person, they are seeing that person in a fixed
way, a real representation. However, a painting of a person, even if not intended, is not going to be
as clear and explicit as a
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Art Of Lying Research Paper
Do photographs lie? Photographs can be deceiving to the public. Photos are used to convey
messages, positive and negative. Some photos manipulate people to attract them towards an
advertising product. Depending whether the photo is plain or photo shopped, it changes our
perception. Photographers will use various methods and techniques to achieve the desired photo in
order to manipulate or educate. The colors, shades, mood, setting, cropping and more allow the
photo to be perceived differently. These various methods play and manipulate the mind, especially
in advertising, making the product attractive and appealing to the human eye. According to the book,
"The Mirror with a Memory", in the 1800s, "The camera captured only those objects that ... Show
more content on ...
Photographs nowadays are mostly lying and affecting us negatively. They are able to lie right in
front of our face, deceiving us from reality. For example, images in business advertising which is
not foreseeable, but affects us mentally, psychologically, physically, and socially. One of top lying
and negative images are models. Images of women in advertising lies to us completely, eliminating
the truth and reality. Models are portrayed in images as absolute flawlessness, not a single line or
pore to be seen, which cannot possibly be achieved. Images of women in advertising manipulates by
telling them who they are and who they should be by showing ideal women, portraying them as
objects revolving around sex. Even male models in advertising images lie and deceive but not as
severe as women. A model, Cindy Crawford said, "I wish I looked like Cindy Crawford". She knows
she can't possibly look like herself in the photo. These manipulating and deceiving images of models
are affecting girls' self–esteem by expecting them to be thin, hot, and flawless. The massive
objectification of women in photographs rises violence against women and is also one of the main
causes of anorexia. The way images/photographs are able to control and manipulate us is not
foreseeable. Many would say it doesn't affect them at all but overtime, it conquers your mind, more
of a subconscious. Images don't always lie in certain cases but are very powerful in achieving the
desired goal, like they say, "ads sell more than products". It's not the product/object that attracts
people, it's the
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Yasumasa Morimura
The artwork Blinded by the Light (1991) by Yasumasa Morimura is an appropriation of Pieter
Bruegel the Elder's The Blind Leading the Blind (1568) (Israel, 2005). Morimura has appropriated
paintings and photographs throughout the ages, though The Blind Leading the Blind is the earliest
dated work that Morimura has appropriated (Marsh, Watts, & Maylon, 1999). Morimura super–
imposes a composite self–portrait on top of Bruegel's painting, successfully changing the meaning
of the piece. The different historical contexts of the two pieces in conjunction with appropriation
allow the accumulation of ideas to present two separate meanings pertinent to the ideals of the
times. Morimura's simultaneous use of the historical and religious aspects of The ... Show more
content on ...
Post–modernism was "a reaction to the assumed certainty of scientific, or objective, efforts to
explain reality" (Public Broadcasting Service, n.d.). It can be suggested that reality is something that
we each create and possess individually. Morimura took a work from the late 1500's and changed it
to fit his personal intentions and interpretations. It embodies post–modernist devices, such as
stereotyping, the crossing of genre, and contemporary culture (Felluga, n.d.). By using these
devices, Morimura transforms a work that could only seem applicable to the venerable and religious,
to a work that is easily recognized and applied by the general public. He transforms the work from
Bruegel's reality to his own, in endeavour to resolve it. It is thought that appropriation is unoriginal,
or possess aspects of plagiarism and negligence. However, the use of appropriation to give old
works new meaning is justified in the sense that it allows the build–up and corroboration of ideas,
supporting the growth and change of value systems as times and realities
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Photography During The Civil War Essay
Photography was first used in the United States prior to the Civil War as a way of making portraits
of people. Due to the limits of the technology, each photograph was a unique image that could not
be reproduced. Over time as the technology improved, photographs could be reproduced and this art
form was then used as a method of communicating and sharing images of places and themes. The
use of photography during the Civil War to depict (show) battles is one example. While the effect of
photography on people's perceptions of the Civil War has been well–documented, the changes in
technology gave photography a more extensive influence on public opinion, institutions and the way
people lived after the Civil War. The primary focus of this paper ... Show more content on ...
However, by the late 1850's, the invention of the "wet plate' negative process allowed photographs
to be reproduced (gilderlehrman – citation). When the wet plate technology boomed, photography
became more profitable but the work was slow and tedious. The Civil War was extensively
photographed and changed people's opinion of the war. The photographs depicted the atrocities of
war and stripped away romantic views of battle (Civil War Trust, 1). The technology allowed people
from different places in the U.S. to witness the abomination of war. Mathew Brady and Alexander
Gardner were two of the most famous photographers during the Civil War. Mathew Brady also
owned a gallery in Washington DC where he displayed the photographs of others like Alexander
Gardner for the public to see (Civil War Trust – Mathew Brady). Although these photographs had a
major impact on the public's perception of war, the technology was not too far advanced.
Photographers had to use dangerous chemicals to create pictures (Civil War Trust, 2). The ability to
distribute the photographs to the public was
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Technology And Its Effect On Society
Teenagers in this digital era are introduced to unprecedented amount of information about the ideal
body through the use of the internet, which portrays this image through advertising, music videos,
and celebrity social media accounts. With the introduction of connected technology, teen's lust over
a body that has most likely been photo–shopped and may be almost impossible to obtain. In other
words, Photoshop sucks.
Photoshop is a way of hiding a realistic image, converting it into a false idea of a perfect picture.
This causes for people to believe on something that is not real, and causing further problems and
conflicts with one another in the way that society has created image on, what is supposed to look
and be perfect. "The introduction of digital photography along with image–manipulating programs
like Photoshop has meant that photography's intimate ties with truth and reality have been more
explicitly into question." (Attwood 21–22) Photography used to be a way of holding onto a happy,
sad, exciting, etc. memory. Now it is hard for the public eye to see what it is real and what is not.
Photoshop has been manipulative towards many young women, because for the different things that
is used. One of them is to shrink a women's waist to make her seem slim, and also as enhancing
inner thighs, creating a false image. This can affect many subconsciously and make them try to do
anything as starving themselves, going into surgeries, just so they can look like that false
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Social Media Stereotypes
Essena O'Neill is an Australian teenager that got extremely famous on social media having more
than 612,000 followers on Instagram. Every time she posted a picture she was paid almost $2,000
per post in the platform. Even though in the pictures she posted it was all happiness and sunshine the
truth behind them wasn't even close to that. Recently she decided to get rid of 2,000 post she posted
on Instagram and just leave 96 with captions telling the story behind the picture such as saying how
much she was paid, how she feels about it, and how miserable it was to keep up with the "perfect"
image that made her gain popularity and money. She has declared a war against social media and
their ridiculous standards of beauty, describing it as a "contrived ... Show more content on ...
This can be done by creating a hashtag in the Twitter platform such as #diversityisbeauty or
#beautyisflawed. If people retweet it enough and keep talking about it until it gets trendy celebrities
will notice and support the idea too which can make the change happen even faster. What we want is
for magazine's editors, model agencies, and advertisers to incorporate more realistic, diverse,
cultural body types in the media. And stop the use of Photoshop and airbrushing in ads, and
magazines or to inform the public when this is done, and what was manipulated in the picture. If this
is actually get implemented the public will be more aware of the bad effects of the unnatural beauty
standards in the media, and it will hopefully decrease the rates of eating disorders, and the obsession
of to achieve "perfection" according to social media. Also showing a variety of body types and
cultures will allow young and susceptible people to see that being diverse is okay, beauty is not a set
standard and that everyone is beautiful no matter how different they
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Photography During The Civil War Essay
When pairing manipulation and photography, the Civil War helped shape the way people see
journalism today. Photography was first known about around the year 1826, but it wasn't until 1861
that the photos taken throughout the Civil War used as a form of reportage (Meggs, pg. 161) that
photos began to change opinions, lives and even history. The Civil War showed us that a photo is
worth 1,000 manipulated words and the impact of those altered photos continue to affect present day
journalism. The tip of the iceberg in photography manipulation began in 1861 when President
Abraham Lincoln had photographers document parts of the Civil War. Photos were generally easily
taken before and after battle due to the technological limitations and cumbersome equipment
making it almost impossible to capture live action of the battles (Broomall, "Photography During the
Civil War"), ... Show more content on ...
Moving from developing photos in the dark room to now being able to edit and alter photos with a
computer has made a large difference in the process of photoshopping. The time and precision of
editing an image has advanced as society has moved into a digital age. One tool of photoshopping in
the photojournalism industry, tonal manipulation, is supported by the single idea that a photographer
feels the need to alter an image to match what they'd seen in real life ("Photoshop and Journalism |
Photoshop 25th Anniversary."). With the way that cameras operate today, there isn't always an
organic depiction between what was witnessed in real life and what has shown up through the lense;
therefore tonal manipulation is a justified practice. A few main editing operations in tonal
manipulation include controlling the brightness, contrast and levels of black and white coloring
(Figure 5). Cropping, cutting and rearranging subjects in photos is a more drastic type of photoshop
that can be noticed by viewers if it's not done
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Cindy Sherman Research Paper
The two portrait photographers, Cindy Sherman and JR have different approaches to photography.
Cindy Sherman is a historical portrait photographer, while JR is a contemporary portrait
photographer and active as of now. These artists have unique aesthetics and techniques used to
capture images and distinguish themselves. Not only that but, their methods and interpretation on
photography are complete foils of one another.
Each individual photographer has their own visions of art, and this stands true for Cindy Sherman
and JR. Growing up, JR had a passion for graffiti but who would ever thought he would implement
this into photography? JR describes himself as a photogreuffer, yet even though he has built himself
such a riveting reputation, he prefers to stay anonymous. Believing that by staying anonymous he
can exhibit wherever he chooses, ... Show more content on ...
In her most famous photograph Untitled Film Still #21 she produced an expressionistic self–portrait
by portraying as a small–town girl, supposedly lost in the "Big City". The elements and principles,
though lacking in visual colour, she makes it up by having other significant elements such as the
lines of the windows and structures with the subject's eyesight directing observers throughout the
picture. There is very little negative space, in addition, the subject is placed near the lower right
acting as the focal point creating an asymmetrical balance to expose the uncomfortable sense of
being "misplaced". Furthermore, the camera angle from a downwards view stresses how large the
surrounding is and that she is merely lost. In consideration, the background simply highlights the
atmosphere that is instilled within the audience helping viewers understand the ambience of the
image. It genuinely is a narrow depth of field to clarify the expression of the subject she has chosen
to represent, in which is being supported by the scenario of towering skyscrapers and not vice
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Photojournalism During The Vietnam War
The advent of photojournalism created new opportunities for photographers and the public. These
individuals were now able to travel anywhere to document objects and events because of rapid
technological advancements. The most significant impact of photojournalism was its ability to attain
for social change by illustrating the problems associated with the society. It has opened up a new
field that became extremely influential in conveying social issues to the general public. Social issues
like the Vietnam war that was brought to the eyes and ears of the public. The produced not only
informed, but it also helped hinder the war. Many photographs arrested the eye because within the
photo lay an untold story. Therefore, these images captivated ... Show more content on ...
There was a similar reaction to the news In the chapter 'How to Tell a True War Story" One of the
soldiers named Rat Kiley losses a dear friend in combat. At the same time he writes his sister a letter
he reminisces on what a "badass" Curt Lemon was. Time after the letter was sent Rat Kiley starts
calling the girl a "cooze" (66) because she never wrote back. Nevertheless, Lemons sister does
respond however, not by answering Rat's letter her exact action of not answering was her response.
A similar situation happened with the telling of the story with the water buffalo, the old lady after
hearing the story had said that she liked the story. O'Brien says, "I'll picture Rat Kiley's face, his
grief and I'll think, You dumb cooze...Because she wasn't listening It wasn't a war story. It was a
love story"(81). O'Brien was trying to explain that the old lady didn't get the real truth of the story,
which is Rat's fraternal love for Lemon, because she belongs to a different interpretive community.
Similarly Lemon's sister who fails to respond was because she understands the stories in completely
antithetical ways. As the media uses pictures and secret information to inform the world, people
have different perceptions and have a hard time deciding what they want to believe. Most never
know what the 'true story
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Cindy Sherman Research Paper
The two portrait photographers, Cindy Sherman and JR have different approaches to photography.
Cindy Sherman is a historical portrait photographer, while JR is a contemporary portrait
photographer and active as of now. These artists have unique aesthetics and techniques used to
capture images and distinguish themselves. Not only that but, their methods and interpretation on
photography are complete foils of one another.
Each individual photographer has their own visions of art, and this stands true for Cindy Sherman
and JR. Growing up, JR had a passion for graffiti but who would ever thought he would implement
this into photography? JR describes himself as a photogreuffer, yet even though he has built himself
such a riveting reputation, he prefers to stay anonymous. Believing that by staying anonymous he
can exhibit wherever he chooses, ... Show more content on ...
In her most famous photograph Untitled Film Still #21 she produced an expressionistic self–portrait
by portraying as a small–town girl, supposedly lost in the "Big City". The elements and principles,
though lacking in visual colour, she makes it up by having other significant elements such as the
lines of the windows and structures with the subject's eyesight directing observers throughout the
picture. There is very little negative space, in addition, the subject is placed near the lower right
acting as the focal point creating an asymmetrical balance to expose the uncomfortable sense of
being "misplaced". Furthermore, the camera angle from a downwards view stresses how large the
surrounding is and that she is merely lost. In consideration, the background simply highlights the
atmosphere that is instilled within the audience helping viewers understand the ambience of the
image. It genuinely is a narrow depth of field to clarify the expression of the subject she has chosen
to represent, in which is being supported by the scenario of towering skyscrapers and not vice
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Aaron Siskind's Pleasures And Terrors Of Levitation
The technological innovation of a camera allows people to mentally travel back in time.
Photography has the magical ability to capture unique experiences and atmosphere. Writers such as
Susan Sontag explore the idea of photography as a mode of documentation that allows for different
interpretations. The gelatin silver print, Pleasures and Terrors of Levitation, by Aaron Siskin
expands on the idea of photography being more than just a copy of the original, but a documentation
that manipulates the emotional importance. In Pleasures and Terrors of Levitation, Aaron Siskind
captures the elegance of fear through the subject, composition and quality of light. Aaron Siskind
conveys the elegance of fear through a black human figure with the posture that suggests the
gracefulness of the human body in motion. The human body in the photograph creates a direction
through the use of the orientation in which the figure is ... Show more content on ...
Although photography is made to represent reality, the feelings of reality might not be fully
presented in every photograph. Susan Sontag noted that a "photograph is not only an interpretation
of the real" but also a trace or the footprint of reality. By de–contextualizing the human figure from
its "real" environment, Siskind creates a trace of reality. This manipulation allows Siskind to forge
the sense of mysteriousness through the high contrast between the background and the figure in the
foreground. Additionally, this mysteriousness created by the plain and the unrecognizable
background increases the value of the photograph because curiosity is generated. Therefore, this
enables the viewers to emerge with various unique interpretations of the motion. If the viewers
know that this photograph is a photograph of a kid jumping, it can be seen as a banal representation
of the motion and causes the "depreciation of the
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Digital Imaging Essay
Digital Imaging Digital imaging inevitably undermines photography's status as an essentially
truthful medium. Discuss.
Until recently, at least, it was possible to define photography as a process involving optics, light
sensitive material and the chemical processing of this material to produce prints or slides. Today
though, that definition is subject to change. Technological innovations...are shifting photography
from its original chemical basis towards electronics... It is not overstating it to say that the advent of
this new technology is changing the very nature of photography, as we have known it. (Bode and
Wombell 1991)
In the last decade computer technology has been introduced to photography yet again challenging
the meaning ... Show more content on ...
3) An unprecedented ease, sophistication and invisibility of enhancing and manipulating
photographic images.
4) The entry of photographic images into a global information and communications system as they
become instantaneously transmissible in the form of electronic pulses passing along telephone lines
and via satellite links.
5) The high–speed transmission of news images which are no longer containable within territorial
and political boundaries.
6) The conversion of existing photographs and historical archives into digital storage banks, which
can be accessed at the screens of remote computer terminals.
7) The potential of the new information and image networks for greatly extending the practises of
military and civil surveillance.
8) The unprecedented convergence of the still photographic image with other, previously distinct,
media: digital audio, video, graphics, animation and other kinds of data in new forms of interactive
multi media.
However as the authors stressed, probably more significant than the change in how images are
produced, distributed and used, are the ideas to which the changes are giving rise and how digital
imaging is challenging and changing traditional ways of seeing and thinking. It seems that our
traditional belief that 'the camera never lies' has been brought into question. It also appears
important to consider who
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Throughout photographic history, the threshold that many artists had to overcome was conveying
the meaning of their photographs to the public if any at all, and the orientation of the subjects in
their photography. The intent of portrait photography is to display the likeness, personality, and even
the mood of the subject. Nineteenth century photo historian Alan Trachtenberg notes, "Aspiring
professionals wrestled with the problem: how to arrange their sitters and manipulate the often fickle
medium to produce not just a picture but a pleasing one––not just a likeness but a portrait"
(Trachtenberg, 24). Through these words of Trachtenberg, we can deduce that the main problem was
how photographers manipulate their subjects in a way that would ... Show more content on ...
The strained and forlorned look on the woman's face, especially after becoming homeless and on the
road for a long time with her three children and limited supplies. "If our work is to carry force and
meaning to our view we must be willing to go all out"(Lange, 264) was what Lange had said soon
after Migrant Mother was taken. Since she was part of a field operation documenting the reality of
the situation of the time, her goal was to make the images she took available to the public eye and
hopefully get a positive response to them. Because of her decision to take the photos of the woman
with her children, she managed to capture the attention of the millions of Americans and had them
witness the full impact of the collapse of the economy and its effect on the people living in constant
turmoil and strife because of it from the viewpoint of a set of images taken by a simple camera. The
demand of these set of images was to invoke a voice from the people in order for them to urge the
current government at that time to take action and fast before significant damage could be inflicted
onto the soil of the already wounded country. One more example of this is shown in another one of
Arbus' images entitled Child with a Toy Hand Grenade in which it depicts a child holding what
seems to be a mock grenade in the middle of Central Park. Aside from this single image, the other
images taken of the boy shows him at play, frolicking around while Arbus took the photos of him in
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Angie Lovelace's Article On Vietnam Photography
In Angie Lovelace's (2010) article on Vietnam War era photography, she researches the meanings,
messages, and context of some of the more recognised photographs during the midst of the war. Her
paper describes the use of symbolism, the emotional setting of the subjects involved, the political
meaning of the images and how the messages derived from these combine to present the viewer with
a very specific and moulded view of the events being portrayed. Through her semiotic review of
these images, she shows the viewer how "historical conditions are also important to the
understanding of a photograph." (Lovelace, 2010, p. 105). Lovelace explores others' positions on the
emotional connections and personal interpretations that are perceived through
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The Act Of Basking And Public Image
In 1976, Robert Cialdini and his colleagues first defined the concept of "basking in reflected glory"
(BIRGing), the tendency to improve one's self– and public image by publicly announcing one's
association with another person or group (identification) who has become successful in some
endeavor (achievement) even if one is in no way the cause of the other's success or "glory". That is,
the act of basking is done through association based on the person and the successful other
belonging to the same in–group, even if one does not have any personal connection or contribution
to the other's success (i.e. self–enhancement; Snibbe, Kitayama, Markus, & SuZuki, 2003).
In the original field study, Cialdini et al. (1976) observed that students (1) tended to accentuate their
association with the university they attended if the football team representing the university won in
its latest match, and (2) refer to the victory as, by extension, including them (e.g. "we won").
Conversely, when the team lost, students tended to distance themselves from the team and the
university by not wearing apparel that associate them with the latter and referring to the team as a
separate entity (e.g. "they lost").
Moreover, in–group identification through BIRGing can be extended to national and cultural
identities, with identification based on country–level or sociocultural in–groups (Galang, Quiñones,
Adriano, Portillo, & Carvajal, 2015). Indeed, to study BIRGing through a cross–cultural approach, it
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Evolution Of Photography Research Paper
Photography was derived from the Greek word "photos" meaning light and "graphein" meaning to
draw. Photography is a method used by vast amount of people today, to capture images through the
reaction of light and sensitive material. Throughout time, photography has evolved due to
technological advancements, making it available to almost everyone.
"Cameras have evolved from a pinhole up to the latest and accessible SLRs and DSLRs.
Underwater, disposable and film and digital cameras were also invented. The increasing knowledge
of people to photography and cameras contributed a lot in order to make more innovations through
the years. Therefore, taking photographs, recording images and moments, and sharing the art form
became easy and fast" (Art of the Masses). Despite the fact that photography was intended solely for
the ... Show more content on ...
Photography when it was first discovered, took many hours to develop in order to expose the film,
and for this reason, many scenic views such as mountains, gardens, trees, rain and sunshine were
perfect subjects. These images captured a wide variety of elements such as colors, and the views that
they would depict. Mountains, rivers, beaches, and lakes, are all very common subjects when taking
photographs of scenery. Scenic photography is one of the most common because the main focus of
the picture does not move. This form of artwork is very easy to capture, but you always need to keep
an eye open towards what exactly you're trying to capture (Basics). Are you trying to tell a story?
Are you trying to give some advice through a picture? Are you trying to motivate others? Whatever
the case is, whatever you're trying to do, scenic photography is always one of the most helpful art
forms in doing so–"photographers use their cameras as tools of exploration– as instruments for
change" (Photography at 125) –and that's why it is most
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Photographic Images Hanging On The Gallery Wall
Chapter Five
Photographic Art Images.
There are many books, fine art prints, articles in journals and magazines about architectural
photography by some excellent photographers, emphasising architecture's visual strength, design
and conceptual quality, without which there would be no challenges for the photographer to attempt
to capture in the first instance. Architectural photography has an immense capacity to stimulate the
wonder of the man–made world in a virtuoso manner. The intrinsic worth of a successful work of
decorative art photography is that it can open up new perceptions. Through photography buildings
exude a visual charge and imaginative possibilities beyond their everyday functions, giving the
viewer an interesting and engaging ocular experience, and a visual understanding of the world.
The picture hanging on the gallery wall leaves itself wide open to scrutiny, criticism or study but
ultimately invites, with visual intrigue the aesthetic pleasure and satisfaction, which the viewer
derives from sensory involvement of the image before them.
Fig. 71; Picture of a Las Vegas detail on display in Moscow. 2005.
Photo; © J. Lowe
Such decorative architectural images draw our attention to the way we view the world of buildings
and underline the fact that most people usually only use a building for work and leisure without
really understanding that sometimes these structures are a complex art form in their own right.
Photographs, in subtle ways attempt to change
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Stock Photography Research Paper
Sourcing stock photography–a quick primer
While working with a photographer–and setting up a proper photo shoot–is almost always
preferable for a creative project, timing and budget constraints (or subject matter) often preclude
their use. This is where stock photography–existing, searchable, commercial photography available
online for license–comes in.
The stock photo world is a competitive one; acquisitions and mergers are common, and conditions
are constantly changing. Here's a brief introduction to the big stock photo providers and the types of
stock photography available.
The major players
New stock photography companies seem to pop up daily, but there are a handful that endure.
Getty Images is the 800–pound gorilla of the stock photo world. Through their eponymous Getty
Images site, ... Show more content on ...
Rights–managed images
Rights–managed images are the way to go if you need something unique. Think national campaign
and big budget. When purchasing a rights –anaged image, the usage agreement will imply
exclusivity. Because the image provider is offering you sole rights, the cost for rights–managed
images tend to be much higher than for royalty–free images. Terms generally include language
limiting you to a particular print run or amount of online impressions, however.
Royalty–free images
Not to be confused with pubic domain images, royalty–free images are those with a one–time fee,
and allow usage across multiple instances and applications. To keep costs down, the usage
agreement will include very specific language concerning image size, duration, and the type of
industry the image will be used for. Think local or regional campaigns and smaller budgets. There
are generally no limits to how often the image provider can sell the same image, however, so there's
always a risk that the same photo you use for your project may also show up in a
... Get more on ...

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Image As Presence In Blade Runner

  • 1. Image As Presence In Blade Runner The concept of image as presence refers to the concept that film can show the world as it truly is. Directors can choose to project the idea of image as presence in multiple ways, through the subjective viewpoints of the characters of the film, through an objective approach in which an omnipresent force that dictates to us about the facts that exist. In contrast, image as text, operates on the understanding that the world cannot be shown as it is, rather there is an understanding that what the viewer is seeing comes from an interpretive perspective. This viewpoint expects the audience to make connections between what they are seeing on the screen and other images that are already known. Making connections is part of the way that ... Show more content on ... The result is that the dystopian future becomes a realistic possibility to the audience. This has two effects, in the first it makes the events of the film more plausible. Technological development and the creation of robotic life could eventually occur in our own reality. In this regard, the film is using image as presence by setting up this believable world. However, in the second arena it makes the audience reflect on the questions of urbanity and development that exist in our current paradigm, thus inviting discussion about the way human and planning elements are being merged together in our own technology driven world. These concepts are as relevant now as they were when the film was first released two decades ago. The camera continually roves over this world creating spatial continuity that implies that there is virtually no escape from this smoky, polluted, society. The landscape provides a site for making metaphor about the socioeconomic divide that characterizes the Blade Runner universe. The skyscrapers of the wealthy are clear symbols of how the poor are at the bottom of the socio economic ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. What´s Daguerreotype Image? Louis Daguerre created the Daguerreotype image process in 1837. The process he created was later released for general use in 1839. During the year 1839 a man named Samuel Morse brought this process to the United States. Because this process wasn't patented in the United States, it was available for the whole public to use. This caused people to just start opening up cheap studios to make some quick and easy money. People were taking a process that was considered an "art" and turning it into something an average person could do. The process for developing a daguerreotype image was quite intense. First the plates are put into a silver bath to allow pure silver to conform to the plate after it is polished. The plate is then exposed to iodine fumes, ... Show more content on ... The Daguerreotype process was a good process that created a very clear portrait with great detail. However, disadvantages to the Daguerreotype include long exposure times as well as not being able to produce multiple copies. This process was popular at the time because people who weren't wealthy could pay to get their picture taken. The reason this was possible was because it was not patented unlike the other processes. However the Calotype process produced paper negatives, which allowed it to be reproduced to make multiple copies. The downfall with using this process is that produced an un–clear picture, compared to the Daguerreotype. This process was not very popular because the pictures were fuzzy and the process was patented making it less popular, unlike the Daguerreotype. Finally the Wet Plate process toped them all. The Wet Plate process, or the Collodian process created a very clear image with the capability of reproducing the image to make multiple copies. The only downfall with this process is that it makes for long exposure times and it had to be developed while it was still wet. Resultantly, this process was the most popular at the time to create portraits. Due to the capability of the Wet Plate process being able to take clear pictures unlike the Calotype and make multiple copies unlike the Daguerreotype, it ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. Fox Talbot And Louis Jacques Mande Daguerre: Who Was The... William Henry Fox Talbot, and Louis Jacques Mande Daguerre: who was the most recognized genius? Ku Cameet Appadu History of Photography Prof Ellen Handy Research paper 05/16/2015 William Henry Fox Talbot, and Louis Jacques Mande Daguerre were both great innovators during their time but were considered as rivals in many ways. Talbot made the first book for photography that was used for commercial purposes and revolutionized photography by finally making it possible to print photographs on paper, and in large quantities. If photography is so accessible today, it is partly because of him and the photography process he invented called the Calotype. Nonetheless, people of their time were more fascinated by Daguerre's work and that made him more popular. Maybe this was because Daguerre knew how to market his Daguerreotypes in a more efficient way than Talbot did for his Calotypes. Or were Daguerreotypes simply more appealing? In this paper, I will argue that although Daguerre and Fox Talbot are both equally great inventors of their time, contributing greatly to the development of photography as we know it today, with Fox Talbot's Calotype leading to the various applications of photography by allowing images to be printed on paper and in a large number of copies, Daguerre's ... Show more content on ... With the calotype process, multiple copies of an image could be made. By printing the silver iodide paper negative onto silver chloride paper, the image could be reproduced. The daguerreotype, in contrast, produced positives as opposed to negatives, making it impossible to duplicate an image. However, the calotype prints, since they were paper images, were susceptible to fading. Daguerreotypes, on the other hand, could last forever if properly ... Get more on ...
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  • 13. Photography In Malcolm Browne's The Burning Monk Since the invention of photography back in the nineteenth century, the impact that photography made to the world was tremendous. From allowing us to document events, remember moments, or even create art, photography has evolved into one of the most influential forms of media today. If you take a look around almost everyone has a camera in their pocket. Photographs can make an impact in many ways and The Burning Monk is one of the photos that made an impact in history. The Burning Monk, taken by Malcolm Browne in 1963 was published by Associated Press. Used to expose Vietnam Monks sentiments towards their government, the photo illustrates an elderly monk ablaze in what appears to be a heavily populated part of town. As the flames engulf the monk, he does not seem to show any signs of pain, his ... Show more content on ... There appears to be a somber tone to the photo, and almost an aspect of disbelief, to witness half a man's body covered by flames but remaining motionless. The photo was taken in black–and–white to emphasize a critical message and what it stood for. The role of color has no importance in this image because the addition of color would not change what the photo represents in any way. Rather, by opting to not use color, there is a serious tone to this picture, allowing the action of the shot to speak for itself. The Burning Monk was published in the United States during the 1960's. During this era, the Vietnam War had become a part of the everyday American's life. The war had been going on for eight years and America was supporting Southern Vietnam's government. Vietnamese monks under the rule of President Ngo Dinh Diem were banned from observing their practices, one such example was the prohibition of flying their own flag. During a time of national separation, the president wanted to emphasize patriotism, however, his harsh treatment of the monks lead to them to protest. ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. Impact Of Photography Research Paper The Impacts of Photography Since its nineteenth century beginning, photography has impacted the world in these ways: photography has impacted social issues, like the conditions of third world countries, photography allows people to express themselves as a form of art, photography also influences our opinions on matters such as war. "the art or process of producing images by the action of radiant energy and especially light on a sensitive surface (as film or an optical sensor)." (Merriam–Webster) Photography is a strong influencer when it comes to social issues. Photographers that work to make a change in the world, like Ismail Ferdous, feel that it is their job to speak for people who are experiencing injustices and are being treated unequally, ... Show more content on ... Since the Vietnam War, photography has had an impact on what people think on issues like war. During the Vietnam War, a war between North Vietnam, which wanted communism, and South Vietnam, that wanted democracy, the war was the first war to be broadcasted on television. American citizens knew what American soldiers were going through, and what they were putting others through, "Through the power of imagery, we are pushed to question our core beliefs and our responsibilities to each other as international citizens. In this sense, photography has the power to shine an uncompromising light on critical issues... " (Ferdous, Ismail Photography as Activism Pg.4) Americans saw the iconic yet disturbing images of Northern Vietnamese citizens being shot for disagreeing with the democratic leaders (South Vietnamese police chief Gen. Nguyen Ngoc Loan killing Viet Cong suspect photographed by Eddie Adams), and a monk burning himself alive, so Americans stopped supporting the soldiers, because the photographs shocked them, and that is not what Americans wanted. Photographs are real life events, and to see something as disturbing as someone being shot in the head, or burning themselves alive because it was wrong to disagree with someone else's beliefs, will make people change their opinions on war. My Lai Massacre was a massacre by American soldiers, in which between 347 and 504 Vietnamese were killed. Official Army ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. Public Administration : An Image Problem Public administration often suffers from an image problem. Society has constructed a caricature of stuffy bureaucrats who are only concerned with restrictive and complicated procedures just waiting to obstruct efficient government, however, this caricature couldn't be further removed from the reality of the work of public administration and administrators. While public administration has it's roots in the early twentieth century as a rather droll academic pursuit it has evolved through the decades to meet modern needs. It must be emphasized that the profession of public administration does not have a clear and simple definition, but in short, covers a wide breadth of services. These services primarily concern the management of government ... Show more content on ... There are four core skills that are the foundation of the profession and these skills are: leadership, management, and the political and technical aspects of administration. One could consider these core skills to be the foundation of public administration and the four major functions of organization, personnel administration, decision making, and budget and finance to be the building blocks. It should be noted that having a deep understanding of these skills in relation to the major functions of the profession is essential to the success of any public administrator. The principles that govern public administration often have a level of reciprocity and build upon each other. One such principle is organization theory. At it's most basic, the principle of organization theory is about structure and process, which are two things all administrators must become comfortable with. It answers the questions of how departments should be structured, how they report and how positions and jobs relate to each other, and what other factors should be considered. To answer those questions different schools of thought have developed as the study of public administration expanded and deepened. These schools of thought include classical management theory which attempts to identify how jobs and organizations can be structured to be more efficient, or the behavioral school of management which ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Susan Sontag Every day, people see pictures. Whether they are selfies on social media, family pictures on the refrigerator, or photos from a family vacation, pictures have a large effect on people when they see them. However, the photographs with the largest impact are horrifying photographs of others, especially those on the news. Shocking photos, like ones from a war, can make people uncomfortable and cause them to act, like protesting wars, or writing petitions. Sometimes, the media will not publish images that are difficult to look at because they know the damaging effect these photos could have on people. Susan Sontag in her article "Regarding the Pain of Others," uses an ethical and logical appeal to show how photographs can have a negative effect ... Show more content on ... Another result from the Vietnam war was that there was an increase of censorship. Censorship, according to Sontag, is prohibiting the public view certain words or photographs for the purpose of the safety of the people. Another war Sontag references is the Gulf War of 1991, also known as the Techno War. In 1991, "American television users weren't allowed to see footage acquired by NBC (which the network then declined to run)" (66). The producers of NBC were smart enough not to show the footage to the American public after what happened during the Vietnam War. If the American people saw footage of this war, they would be disgusted to see nuclear weapons flying in the sky killing people. They would feel angry about all of the American soldiers who died during the war, and would want America to end the war. However, no photographs were taken during this war, so the American people did not protest the Techno War. Perhaps this censorship was the government's way of keeping the public out of the war to allow the government to achieve their ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Public Image And Customer Management Strategies Companies of all types and sizes depend on their customer base for revenues and continuously work toward earning the largest market share percentage attainable. The foundations of businesses are its customers, and unless that company is a monopoly, competition between businesses will drive customers and revenues to one business or another. Unless it is properly managed, maintaining customer relationships can be expensive. While some companies invest heavily in their public image and customer management strategies, other companies succeed despite poor customer relationships. The wishes of the customers are also continuously evolving with new generations and social environments. Moving on from the "boomers", to the "gen x", and now the ... Show more content on ... In his Ted talk "Millennials: Who They are & Why We Hate Them", Scott Hess discusses a number of companies, including Abercrombie and Fitch as a company that endorsed the typically "cliquish" and judgmental characteristics associated with the "gen x". That is not surprising considering that the company restructured in 1979 as a modern sportswear outlet (Lepore, 2011). Meanwhile, American Eagle is seen as marketing "for everyone", looking to attract the inclusive and tolerant characteristics of the Millennials (Hess, 2011). Perhaps even more importantly is the increasing demand for value for the customer in a meaningful way. In its customer priority list, in addition to personal customer values, Inc includes "value that's superior to other options" (James, 2013). Another way of looking at this particular value is in terms of global influence and impact, as well as connectedness; people want to have a positive influence on the world. As Hess remarks, one of Starbucks' campaigns was to invest in their coffee farmers and suppliers (Hess, 2011). The impact on the consumer is the feeling that purchasing coffee at Starbucks is beneficial to other communities. Similarly, the so–called "fast–casual" bakery style restaurant Pret a Manger is known not only for its fresh sandwiches and soups but also for its initiative to donate any leftover edibles to charity on a ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Jacob Riis Social Reform Movement As photography was being used more and more as a method of documentation, they were among the first to use it to push social reform efforts. They closely documented the devastating effects of industrialization and urbanization on the working–class American. Through their work they brought attention to the need for housing and (child) labor laws. They used their medium to bring real proof to the public and legislators, where it needed to be seen. Actually, instead of documentary photography, it may best be called social reform photography, as they both worked tirelessly and used the medium to force attention and to effect social change. Riis used photography to illustrate his "social reform" documentary writing, he was not originally a photographer, but he saw the drama and sense of proof photographs provided. His photographs were presumably and represented as unposed and some of his images come across as illustrative and ... Show more content on ... Here the image appears to have been taken in the day portraying homeless, hungry boys, apparently sleeping. It gives the appearance of being staged. Hines interest in photography led to him starting a camera club at the school where he taught. Taking his students on day trips to shoot, led them to Ellis Island, here he became interested in the plight of immigrants, and he was instrumental in changing attitudes towards immigrants. During this period his social conscience grew simultaneously with his craft. This resulted in being hired by the National Child Labour Committee in 1908. He took on the job of photographing children in factories and other work places. A very dangerous job at the time, as aggression from the factory owners was constant. He photographed laborers, (children, women and adults) in factories, coalmines, canneries, laundries and the children newspaper ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. The New Photography Exhibition MoMA's longstanding exhibition series of recent work in photography, New Photography, returned for its 30th anniversary. The New Photography exhibition is called Ocean of Images and is showing 19 artists and artist collectives from 14 countries. The exhibition was organized by Chief Curator of Photography Quentine Bajac, Lucy Gallun, assistant curator; and Roxana Marcoco,senior curator; with the assistance of Kristen Gaylord, Beaumont and Nancy Newhall Curatorial Fellow, Department of Photography ("Ocean of Images: New Photography 2015 | MoMA"). According to MoMA's exhibition description, the Ocean of Images is suppose to be probing the effects of an image–based post–Internet reality by examining various ways of experiencing the world ("Ocean of Images: New Photography 2015 | MoMA"). Some artists have created new work specifically for the exhibition including DIS and Katja Notvitskova. Photography was not fully accepted as art until the 20th century and today, photography has a large range of what it can produce as a medium. However the curator 's choice these groups of artists to represent the state of photography and the artists are more concerned with the decision that creates the image. The curators focusing on the artists having the camera and the internet in common. The choice of the title alludes the Internet to have a connection to water, and being a whirlpool of images.The "ocean" being referred to the internet and how technology is being associated with water ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Summary Of Carol Quirke's Eyes On Labor Carol Quirke's Eyes on Labor: News Photography and America's Working Class examines the photographs of workers and labor unions in newspapers of the 1930s and the 1940s. Quirke begins her study by describing the rise of news photography in the early twentieth–century, which she credits to technological advancements that made printing photos cheaper and faster, and goes on to discuss over one hundred images of the mid–twentieth century's working class. She argues that photojournalism not only reflected the conflicts between workers and corporations but impacted the conflicts themselves by providing visual representations of labor and unionization in a time when their definitions were still being constructed. Quirke notes that the photographs ... Show more content on ... For instance, the second section examines images of workers and unionists in LIFE magazine while the third focuses on media coverage of a strike at Hershey Chocolate. According to Quirke, publications like LIFE appeared to celebrate the working–class man by publishing photographs of union leaders and organized strikes. However, she argues that this coverage constructed a "heroic, but also menacing and passive" image of the average worker that identified more so with the American values of large corporations than the activism and struggle of the real working class (3). These images, according to Quirke, promoted conservativism and conformity and narrowed the audience's understanding of what a laborer should or could do. Quirke also discusses the ways in which unions used photojournalism to their advantage by examining the United Steelworkers of America's publication, Steel Labor. For instance, she argues that the stoic portraits of the union's leader attempted to reinforce their authority by presenting them as the calm antithesis to the radical unionist with extreme ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. The Outsourcing Of Blackberry 's Public Image Company Profile BlackBerry, previously known as Research in Motion (RIM), is a global company in the telecommunications industry. Founded in 1984, the company saw huge success in the early age of the smart phones. The company offers various cell–phone related devices as well as enterprise services, including security. Although BlackBerry's cell phone success has dwindled in current years, its new CEO, John Chen, has made steps to improve profits and change the company's focus to enterprise software suites and security. Problems Minimal Market Share BlackBerry's Market Share has been reduced to less than 1%. In an industry dominated by two major companies, BlackBerry is highly unlikely to gain a larger percentage of the market, Outdated Perceptions of BlackBerry BlackBerry's public image is outdated. Many people think of BlackBerry as a failed cell phone OS company, especially with recent news of disabled Facebook support on its devices after 2016. Solutions Overhaul Branding Strategy BlackBerry has a lot of value–enterprise software suites. Many do not realize the company's has a successful global reach. BlackBerry needs to revamp its brand to highlight its security expertise, including its new cybersecurity service following the acquisition of UK–based Encription Ltd. BlackBerry's image should focus on appealing to the services it provides on an enterprise level. A rebranding will allow business customers and investors alike to see the value BlackBerry provides. See the ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Photography in Advertising and Its Effects on Society Written by Valerio Loi (2005) Memory has been and always will be associated with images. As early as 1896, leading psychologists were arguing that memory was nothing more than a continuous exchange of images. (Bergson) Later models of memory describe it as more of an image text; a combination of space and time, and image and word. (Yates) Although image certainly is not the only component of memory, it is undoubtedly an integral and essential part of memory's composition. Photography was first utilized over 100 years ago in an attempt to preserve life as it existed before the industrial revolution. Over time photography has gradually corrupted memory in a variety of ways, despite its original intention to preserve it. From there, ... Show more content on ... The most criticized type of anthropological photograph is the image that separates subjects from their environments. The supposed goal of the separation is to highlight the subject's ethnicity and culture. If the goal, however is to highlight culture, it seems that displaying the subject in his or her own culture would be more effective. (Miller 135) Irving Penn's Two New Guinea Men Holding Hands is a common example of the subject being removed from the environment. (see fig. 1) The photograph taken in Penn's studio is in a style popular among ethnographers; it has been used for years by E.S. Curtis and has recently been refined by Richard Avedon. The background and the studio settings have been criticized widely as "removing subjects from the daily flow of their lives and cross breeding fashion and anthropology." (Miller 135) The effect of this photograph on memory is to imprint a false image not only of two people but also of an entire culture. Penn's image gives his viewer no idea of how these two men exist in reality. Because of the studio setting, the viewer cannot even safely assume that this is how the two men really dress or interact with each other. The most common association made between history and photography is not anthropology; it is the documentation of the Holocaust. Holocaust photography has been and always will be burdened by its inherent requirement to fulfill dual roles in society: the role of ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. The Terror Of Terror And Violence In July of 2014, ISIS blew up a Muslim shrine as an act of terror and violence. Again they attempted to terrorize the local people of Iraq when they blew up another ancient mosque later the same month. The ISIS terrorist group is an extremist Muslim organization that is capitalizing off the fear and confusion of the Syrian Civil War. For the past five years, ISIS has waged war on the Syrian government as well as any other group that does not conform to their extreme ways of life. Their tactics for control are aggressive and extreme; public beheading, fear mongering, and destruction of local historical and religious sites. The destruction of these sites is done in an iconoclastic manor; yet, they also use the destruction to push their ... Show more content on ... ISIS is known for their hatred of religious and ethnic groups that do not conform to their extreme ways. Christian and the Sunni Muslims are the two main targets for the ISIS terror attacks. Their attacks have no limits. In Beirut, a fifth–century Roman Catholic monastery was destroyed by ISIS while in Mosul the suspected tomb of Jonah the prophet was blown up (). Also in Mosul, a mosque and shrine devoted to Prophet Jirjis was also blown up as an act of terror. It's clear that ISIS has no specific target other than those that disagree with their platform and extreme views. They use the destruction of images as an attempt to scare locals into subjecting to their laws. ISIS recognizes the power that these images hold on people and they are trying to exploit that. Similarly, the government of France and Russia used images and their powers to spread propaganda. While ISIS uses the images of destruction and violence more so than Russia and France, the similarities can be seen in the effort to control the common people. What makes this form of iconoclasm so different is that it deviates from the "normal" iconoclasm that took place early in religious history. Early forms of iconoclasm destroyed images because of the fear and power that they have and create. As Freedberg states, "It [iconoclasm] opens realms of power and fear that we may sense but cannot quite grasp. When the iconoclast ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Case Management : The And Public Image Claims management is a vital component of how a business will remain it successful in an ever changing market. Claims management can be simply defined as the transactional handling of a company 's insurance claims (Company). Merely understanding how to file a claim with an insurance provider is not what claims managers do. Claims managers go far beyond just filing a claim; companies such as Insurica are protectors of company's profit and public image. Insurica is an insurance management network that works as a Third Party Administrator (TPA). Companies hire Insurance Management Networks such as Insurica to understand the complex intricacies of businesses to expose mistaken claims. Those overlooked risk include opportunities that have a ... Show more content on ... However claims management is actually simple to understand. Claims management is the practice of handling claims made by insurance company clients. Many people make insurance claims every day. In fact approximately 6 billion insurance claims are filed each year (Federal Bureau of Investigation). The responsibilities of claims managers can fluctuate greatly depending on what type of insurance policies their company's offer, The United States Department of Labor database Occupational Safety and Hazzard clarifies the general responsibilities of a claims manager," responsible for the overall management and direction of all administrative matters pertaining to compensation for injury and claims related activities (other than injury) for an incident" (United States Department of Labor). Claims manager are overseers of risk management in the prevention of incidents and loss of company funds. To do this claims managers are in constant contact with an employer's Incident Safety Officer, Liaison Officer, or a Company Human Resource Manager (United States Department of Labor). The role of a claims manager also includes common management responsibilities such as supervising other members of staff, overseeing insurance sales, and dealing with any complaints relating to the sales staff (Claims). To be a successful claims manager one must have a bachelor's degree to enter into ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. The First Camera On The World Was Invented By Alexander... On May 8th 1840, the first camera on the world was invented by Alexander Wolcott. Since then, people considered photography as an objective medium, which is always used to describe and explain the reality and even considered for law enforcement. For example, pictures chalked on the gate of suspect's house may serve as alibi. However, "with current technology, people can easily manipulate ("manipulate" is underlined twice as topic–specific vocabulary) pictures."(In–class writing, Oct.18.2016) People start to learn that a photograph can be carefully staged to express certain opinions, thus we lost trust on photography and instead begin to evaluate pictures. Court also create different laws to check the admissibility of digital evidences. However, techniques and strategies of editing images has gone either unexplained or mis–explained because people are lack of professional knowledge about photoshopping so that images are blindly doubted. In the rest of this paper, I give three different examples and explanation to analyze how and why visuals were edited. Admit or not, photoshop is now closely connected to our daily life. Nowadays, teenagers have become the most electronically connected generation of all time. As many Chinese may know, social apps such as WeChat, Weibo and QQ have become the main means of communication for teenagers. In 2015, 549 million active users are using WeChat, where images are posted and shared millions of times a day. And while teens are lectured ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Women 's Public Image And Policies Essay Historically women were not even given the chance to pursue education or even to vote, and now gender equality has became one of the most discussed topic in the nation. Even though many countries and cities are involved in the evolution of gender equality, their attainments on the issue vary, like the United States and Hong Kong. In the U.S., women are being presumed as incapable to finish hard task by themselves, or undeserved for a higher position in corporations. On the other hand, Hong Kong employs women on higher position, however, women's media appearance are limited to only lingerie or clothing brands instead of professional billboard advertisements. While both places have taken actions towards gender equality over the years, China has a relatively more efficient approach on diversity in job employments, while the U.S. has achieved a more notable development on women's public image and policies to regulate women's right, which could be because of the cultural difference. Gender inequality remains as one of the top challenges that businesses face because of men not acknowledging the challenges female workers face and society's perception on women capability to finish tasks. Even though studies have shown companies tend to deliver better performance with more women in top management positions. One of the inspirations for this essay is Renee Corso, my district sales coordinate supervisor, which is the highest position in Aflac's Sherman Oaks office. I believe she ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. North American Landscape Photography Essay Since the Renaissance Era the public had been craving detail scenic views of the land. With the help of the camera obscura, lithographs, engravings, and photography the landscape of distant land were becoming available to everyone. The goal for many European landscape photographers was to document and provide historical information. After improvements to the calotype process many governments or sponsored organizations offered campaigns for photographers to capture certain shots. In 1851 five photographers: Edouard Denis Baldus, Hippolye Bayard, Le Gray, Henri Le Secq, and O. Mestral were sent throughout France by the Belgian Treasury to capture France's architectural patrimony. They took pictures of crumbling and old churches, bridges, and ... Show more content on ... Braun's image called Lake Streamers at Winter Mooring perfectly captures the serene atmosphere of the Alpine landscape with calm, still water and misty mountains. On the other side of the Atlantic in the Americas the goal was to document the expansion and discovery of the uncharted lands. Marc Ferrez from South America opened his studio in Rio de Janiro with photographs specializing in Brazilian views that, "balances geological descriptiveness with sensitivity to light to create a serene yet visually aesthetic image (Rosenblum)." In North America many photographers were going out to the Midwest to capture the urban development and as documentation of the landscape. Many companies especially railroad companies would hire photographers to document the construction of the railroad and the growth of a city. Carleton E. Watkins's image Magneta Flume captures the construction of a railroad in Nevada Co. California. Watkins was also the first photographer to document Yosemite Park and establish "mountain landscape as a symbol of transcendent idealism." (Rosenblum) Many other photographer would go on expeditions throughout the unknown ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. Photography Career Research Paper Photography, and truly all of the "fine arts," is an extremely competitive field. It is a job that is relatively easy to obtain, but due to that there are many working against you. A portion of why it is so popular is that there is no required education level. It has been suggested that a person interested in photography take at least two years at a postsecondary school. However, on–the–job experience will prove just as useful in this career. Many people have the basics of what it takes to become a photographer. A person interested should be decent with psychology and how the mind works, what will attract people, and so on. They should also have good visualization skills, be creative, and know how to be original even with all of the other photographs being produced around them. Having an understanding of marketing, media and the arts as a whole is also recommended. ... Show more content on ... The largest question for a person to ask themselves is "Do I want to work for someone or would I like to be self–sufficient?" There are many opportunities that can be applied to both answers such as the following: Digital, traditional, magazine or editorial, commercial, journalism, lifestyle, wildlife, landscape, fine art, pet, portrait, freelance, intern, and assistant. Even with the growing number of opportunities within the field, there are many photographers on the rise. It is a dog–eat–dog world, so it is advised that you go to Professional Photographers of America (PPA) and obtain your certification. This certificate is not required to run a business or work for someone, but it will most certainly set a person apart from the many photographers that are fighting for the same ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Assessing Psychology 's Public Image Essay In assessing psychology's public image, two dimensions are paramount in the issue: "popularity" (or how the public feels toward psychology and psychologists), and "understanding" (what the public knows about psychology and what psychologists do) (Benjamin, 1986, p. 945). While overall, psychologists are met with a moderately favorable attitude (Guest, 1948), several studies have revealed a deficiency in the knowledge of who psychologists are and what they do (Wood et al., 1986; Wollersheim & Walsh, 1993; Lent, 1990; Cialdini, 1997; Webb & Speer, 1986; Farberman, 1997). This deficiency is the driving force behind many of the negative misperceptions that the public holds, and one cannot help but spy the tendency of the public to doubt the mechanisms behind psychology, namely the science. Lilienfeld (2012) published an article titled "Public Skepticism of Psychology: Why Many People Perceive the Study of Human Behavior as Unscientific." In this article, Lilienfeld suggests that, "the general public agrees with the soft science nomenclature that is frequently applied to psychology" (Munro & Munro, 2014, p.534). He lists six common criticisms of the scientific basis of psychology, some of which include: psychology does not use scientific methods, psychology cannot yield meaningful generalizations because everyone is unique, and psychology is not useful in to society. An addition criticism listed is that psychology as merely common sense (Janda, England, Lovejoy, & Drury, 1998; ... Get more on ...
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  • 81. The And Public Image Of A Woman Speaking One of the words that may help to shine some light on to Paul's intentions is αἰσχρὸν. A word meaning "disgraceful, shameful, dishonest" or "filthy." The idea that this is a matter of shame creates some justification for considering this to be a situational issue. It seems unlikely that there would be shame associated with a woman speaking in church in the twenty–first century. It would be far less likely to associate women preachers with being dishonest or filthy. This word may hint at the nature of appearances and public image that affects the church. The issue with this that it appears to contrast with Paul's firm stand against conforming to society. Taking 1 Tim 2:11–12 as a distinct text allows the reader to dive into what it means to διδάσκειν. The issue with this word is not that the translation is teach, but that it is such a common word. As per Strong's Concordance, the word occurs in some form over fifty times in the New Testament. One passage that may help bring some clarity to the application of this word is its use in reference to singing as "teaching and admonishing." A man would be hard pressed to not see the difficulty in forbidding all teaching of men. She not only could not preach a lesson, but she would be forced to remain silent during the singing lest a man learn from her singing. Another shared problem is the meaning of ὑποταγῇ and ὑποτασσέσθωσαν. They can be defined as "obedience, submission, subordination" and "put in subjection, subject, ... Get more on ...
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  • 85. Comparison With Walton's Argument On Photography And... 1: I agree with Walton's argument on photographic realism. I interpreted his argument that the artist or photographer has a choice in how realistic their work is and that they can be more skilled, or in the photographer's case avoid any manipulation. However, it is more difficult for a painter to achieve this because they not only need to understand the concept of realism but also be able to perform in a manner that will allow the production of a realistic painting. A photographer, on the contrary, needs to properly understand the functions of a camera to achieve realism. Thus, I would agree that both a photographer and a painter can achieve realism, but a photographer is able to much easier than a painter. ______________________________________________________________________________ 2: Objects present in a photograph are easily distinguishable from reality itself because the objects are not the objects themselves. Therefore, Walton states that photographs have a distinct kind of realism. Photographs are always an image of an object that really exists and as a result, viewers are able to see the world through photographs. However, seeing through a photograph is a different perception than seeing reality itself. When a viewer sees through a photograph, they are literally seeing the object, but it is indirect as the viewer is not present in the actual scene to view it for themselves. Therefore, a viewer is able to literally see an ancestor realistically that is not really present and are shown what they would have seen if they were present for the photograph being taken. Furthermore, I agree with what Walton is saying about photography having a special realism. It is not as if the viewer is directly seeing the scene in real life, but rather seeing the real scene as if they were present. ______________________________________________________________________________ 3: I agree with Walton that there is such a difference between what viewers see in photographs and paintings. When someone looks at a photograph of a person, they are seeing that person in a fixed way, a real representation. However, a painting of a person, even if not intended, is not going to be as clear and explicit as a ... Get more on ...
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  • 89. Art Of Lying Research Paper Do photographs lie? Photographs can be deceiving to the public. Photos are used to convey messages, positive and negative. Some photos manipulate people to attract them towards an advertising product. Depending whether the photo is plain or photo shopped, it changes our perception. Photographers will use various methods and techniques to achieve the desired photo in order to manipulate or educate. The colors, shades, mood, setting, cropping and more allow the photo to be perceived differently. These various methods play and manipulate the mind, especially in advertising, making the product attractive and appealing to the human eye. According to the book, "The Mirror with a Memory", in the 1800s, "The camera captured only those objects that ... Show more content on ... Photographs nowadays are mostly lying and affecting us negatively. They are able to lie right in front of our face, deceiving us from reality. For example, images in business advertising which is not foreseeable, but affects us mentally, psychologically, physically, and socially. One of top lying and negative images are models. Images of women in advertising lies to us completely, eliminating the truth and reality. Models are portrayed in images as absolute flawlessness, not a single line or pore to be seen, which cannot possibly be achieved. Images of women in advertising manipulates by telling them who they are and who they should be by showing ideal women, portraying them as objects revolving around sex. Even male models in advertising images lie and deceive but not as severe as women. A model, Cindy Crawford said, "I wish I looked like Cindy Crawford". She knows she can't possibly look like herself in the photo. These manipulating and deceiving images of models are affecting girls' self–esteem by expecting them to be thin, hot, and flawless. The massive objectification of women in photographs rises violence against women and is also one of the main causes of anorexia. The way images/photographs are able to control and manipulate us is not foreseeable. Many would say it doesn't affect them at all but overtime, it conquers your mind, more of a subconscious. Images don't always lie in certain cases but are very powerful in achieving the desired goal, like they say, "ads sell more than products". It's not the product/object that attracts people, it's the ... Get more on ...
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  • 93. Yasumasa Morimura The artwork Blinded by the Light (1991) by Yasumasa Morimura is an appropriation of Pieter Bruegel the Elder's The Blind Leading the Blind (1568) (Israel, 2005). Morimura has appropriated paintings and photographs throughout the ages, though The Blind Leading the Blind is the earliest dated work that Morimura has appropriated (Marsh, Watts, & Maylon, 1999). Morimura super– imposes a composite self–portrait on top of Bruegel's painting, successfully changing the meaning of the piece. The different historical contexts of the two pieces in conjunction with appropriation allow the accumulation of ideas to present two separate meanings pertinent to the ideals of the times. Morimura's simultaneous use of the historical and religious aspects of The ... Show more content on ... Post–modernism was "a reaction to the assumed certainty of scientific, or objective, efforts to explain reality" (Public Broadcasting Service, n.d.). It can be suggested that reality is something that we each create and possess individually. Morimura took a work from the late 1500's and changed it to fit his personal intentions and interpretations. It embodies post–modernist devices, such as stereotyping, the crossing of genre, and contemporary culture (Felluga, n.d.). By using these devices, Morimura transforms a work that could only seem applicable to the venerable and religious, to a work that is easily recognized and applied by the general public. He transforms the work from Bruegel's reality to his own, in endeavour to resolve it. It is thought that appropriation is unoriginal, or possess aspects of plagiarism and negligence. However, the use of appropriation to give old works new meaning is justified in the sense that it allows the build–up and corroboration of ideas, supporting the growth and change of value systems as times and realities ... Get more on ...
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  • 97. Photography During The Civil War Essay Photography was first used in the United States prior to the Civil War as a way of making portraits of people. Due to the limits of the technology, each photograph was a unique image that could not be reproduced. Over time as the technology improved, photographs could be reproduced and this art form was then used as a method of communicating and sharing images of places and themes. The use of photography during the Civil War to depict (show) battles is one example. While the effect of photography on people's perceptions of the Civil War has been well–documented, the changes in technology gave photography a more extensive influence on public opinion, institutions and the way people lived after the Civil War. The primary focus of this paper ... Show more content on ... However, by the late 1850's, the invention of the "wet plate' negative process allowed photographs to be reproduced (gilderlehrman – citation). When the wet plate technology boomed, photography became more profitable but the work was slow and tedious. The Civil War was extensively photographed and changed people's opinion of the war. The photographs depicted the atrocities of war and stripped away romantic views of battle (Civil War Trust, 1). The technology allowed people from different places in the U.S. to witness the abomination of war. Mathew Brady and Alexander Gardner were two of the most famous photographers during the Civil War. Mathew Brady also owned a gallery in Washington DC where he displayed the photographs of others like Alexander Gardner for the public to see (Civil War Trust – Mathew Brady). Although these photographs had a major impact on the public's perception of war, the technology was not too far advanced. Photographers had to use dangerous chemicals to create pictures (Civil War Trust, 2). The ability to distribute the photographs to the public was ... Get more on ...
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  • 101. Technology And Its Effect On Society Teenagers in this digital era are introduced to unprecedented amount of information about the ideal body through the use of the internet, which portrays this image through advertising, music videos, and celebrity social media accounts. With the introduction of connected technology, teen's lust over a body that has most likely been photo–shopped and may be almost impossible to obtain. In other words, Photoshop sucks. Photoshop is a way of hiding a realistic image, converting it into a false idea of a perfect picture. This causes for people to believe on something that is not real, and causing further problems and conflicts with one another in the way that society has created image on, what is supposed to look and be perfect. "The introduction of digital photography along with image–manipulating programs like Photoshop has meant that photography's intimate ties with truth and reality have been more explicitly into question." (Attwood 21–22) Photography used to be a way of holding onto a happy, sad, exciting, etc. memory. Now it is hard for the public eye to see what it is real and what is not. Photoshop has been manipulative towards many young women, because for the different things that is used. One of them is to shrink a women's waist to make her seem slim, and also as enhancing inner thighs, creating a false image. This can affect many subconsciously and make them try to do anything as starving themselves, going into surgeries, just so they can look like that false ... Get more on ...
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  • 105. Social Media Stereotypes Essena O'Neill is an Australian teenager that got extremely famous on social media having more than 612,000 followers on Instagram. Every time she posted a picture she was paid almost $2,000 per post in the platform. Even though in the pictures she posted it was all happiness and sunshine the truth behind them wasn't even close to that. Recently she decided to get rid of 2,000 post she posted on Instagram and just leave 96 with captions telling the story behind the picture such as saying how much she was paid, how she feels about it, and how miserable it was to keep up with the "perfect" image that made her gain popularity and money. She has declared a war against social media and their ridiculous standards of beauty, describing it as a "contrived ... Show more content on ... This can be done by creating a hashtag in the Twitter platform such as #diversityisbeauty or #beautyisflawed. If people retweet it enough and keep talking about it until it gets trendy celebrities will notice and support the idea too which can make the change happen even faster. What we want is for magazine's editors, model agencies, and advertisers to incorporate more realistic, diverse, cultural body types in the media. And stop the use of Photoshop and airbrushing in ads, and magazines or to inform the public when this is done, and what was manipulated in the picture. If this is actually get implemented the public will be more aware of the bad effects of the unnatural beauty standards in the media, and it will hopefully decrease the rates of eating disorders, and the obsession of to achieve "perfection" according to social media. Also showing a variety of body types and cultures will allow young and susceptible people to see that being diverse is okay, beauty is not a set standard and that everyone is beautiful no matter how different they ... Get more on ...
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  • 109. Photography During The Civil War Essay When pairing manipulation and photography, the Civil War helped shape the way people see journalism today. Photography was first known about around the year 1826, but it wasn't until 1861 that the photos taken throughout the Civil War used as a form of reportage (Meggs, pg. 161) that photos began to change opinions, lives and even history. The Civil War showed us that a photo is worth 1,000 manipulated words and the impact of those altered photos continue to affect present day journalism. The tip of the iceberg in photography manipulation began in 1861 when President Abraham Lincoln had photographers document parts of the Civil War. Photos were generally easily taken before and after battle due to the technological limitations and cumbersome equipment making it almost impossible to capture live action of the battles (Broomall, "Photography During the Civil War"), ... Show more content on ... Moving from developing photos in the dark room to now being able to edit and alter photos with a computer has made a large difference in the process of photoshopping. The time and precision of editing an image has advanced as society has moved into a digital age. One tool of photoshopping in the photojournalism industry, tonal manipulation, is supported by the single idea that a photographer feels the need to alter an image to match what they'd seen in real life ("Photoshop and Journalism | Photoshop 25th Anniversary."). With the way that cameras operate today, there isn't always an organic depiction between what was witnessed in real life and what has shown up through the lense; therefore tonal manipulation is a justified practice. A few main editing operations in tonal manipulation include controlling the brightness, contrast and levels of black and white coloring (Figure 5). Cropping, cutting and rearranging subjects in photos is a more drastic type of photoshop that can be noticed by viewers if it's not done ... Get more on ...
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  • 113. Cindy Sherman Research Paper The two portrait photographers, Cindy Sherman and JR have different approaches to photography. Cindy Sherman is a historical portrait photographer, while JR is a contemporary portrait photographer and active as of now. These artists have unique aesthetics and techniques used to capture images and distinguish themselves. Not only that but, their methods and interpretation on photography are complete foils of one another. Each individual photographer has their own visions of art, and this stands true for Cindy Sherman and JR. Growing up, JR had a passion for graffiti but who would ever thought he would implement this into photography? JR describes himself as a photogreuffer, yet even though he has built himself such a riveting reputation, he prefers to stay anonymous. Believing that by staying anonymous he can exhibit wherever he chooses, ... Show more content on ... In her most famous photograph Untitled Film Still #21 she produced an expressionistic self–portrait by portraying as a small–town girl, supposedly lost in the "Big City". The elements and principles, though lacking in visual colour, she makes it up by having other significant elements such as the lines of the windows and structures with the subject's eyesight directing observers throughout the picture. There is very little negative space, in addition, the subject is placed near the lower right acting as the focal point creating an asymmetrical balance to expose the uncomfortable sense of being "misplaced". Furthermore, the camera angle from a downwards view stresses how large the surrounding is and that she is merely lost. In consideration, the background simply highlights the atmosphere that is instilled within the audience helping viewers understand the ambience of the image. It genuinely is a narrow depth of field to clarify the expression of the subject she has chosen to represent, in which is being supported by the scenario of towering skyscrapers and not vice ... Get more on ...
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  • 117. Photojournalism During The Vietnam War The advent of photojournalism created new opportunities for photographers and the public. These individuals were now able to travel anywhere to document objects and events because of rapid technological advancements. The most significant impact of photojournalism was its ability to attain for social change by illustrating the problems associated with the society. It has opened up a new field that became extremely influential in conveying social issues to the general public. Social issues like the Vietnam war that was brought to the eyes and ears of the public. The produced not only informed, but it also helped hinder the war. Many photographs arrested the eye because within the photo lay an untold story. Therefore, these images captivated ... Show more content on ... There was a similar reaction to the news In the chapter 'How to Tell a True War Story" One of the soldiers named Rat Kiley losses a dear friend in combat. At the same time he writes his sister a letter he reminisces on what a "badass" Curt Lemon was. Time after the letter was sent Rat Kiley starts calling the girl a "cooze" (66) because she never wrote back. Nevertheless, Lemons sister does respond however, not by answering Rat's letter her exact action of not answering was her response. A similar situation happened with the telling of the story with the water buffalo, the old lady after hearing the story had said that she liked the story. O'Brien says, "I'll picture Rat Kiley's face, his grief and I'll think, You dumb cooze...Because she wasn't listening It wasn't a war story. It was a love story"(81). O'Brien was trying to explain that the old lady didn't get the real truth of the story, which is Rat's fraternal love for Lemon, because she belongs to a different interpretive community. Similarly Lemon's sister who fails to respond was because she understands the stories in completely antithetical ways. As the media uses pictures and secret information to inform the world, people have different perceptions and have a hard time deciding what they want to believe. Most never know what the 'true story ... Get more on ...
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  • 121. Cindy Sherman Research Paper The two portrait photographers, Cindy Sherman and JR have different approaches to photography. Cindy Sherman is a historical portrait photographer, while JR is a contemporary portrait photographer and active as of now. These artists have unique aesthetics and techniques used to capture images and distinguish themselves. Not only that but, their methods and interpretation on photography are complete foils of one another. Each individual photographer has their own visions of art, and this stands true for Cindy Sherman and JR. Growing up, JR had a passion for graffiti but who would ever thought he would implement this into photography? JR describes himself as a photogreuffer, yet even though he has built himself such a riveting reputation, he prefers to stay anonymous. Believing that by staying anonymous he can exhibit wherever he chooses, ... Show more content on ... In her most famous photograph Untitled Film Still #21 she produced an expressionistic self–portrait by portraying as a small–town girl, supposedly lost in the "Big City". The elements and principles, though lacking in visual colour, she makes it up by having other significant elements such as the lines of the windows and structures with the subject's eyesight directing observers throughout the picture. There is very little negative space, in addition, the subject is placed near the lower right acting as the focal point creating an asymmetrical balance to expose the uncomfortable sense of being "misplaced". Furthermore, the camera angle from a downwards view stresses how large the surrounding is and that she is merely lost. In consideration, the background simply highlights the atmosphere that is instilled within the audience helping viewers understand the ambience of the image. It genuinely is a narrow depth of field to clarify the expression of the subject she has chosen to represent, in which is being supported by the scenario of towering skyscrapers and not vice ... Get more on ...
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  • 125. Aaron Siskind's Pleasures And Terrors Of Levitation The technological innovation of a camera allows people to mentally travel back in time. Photography has the magical ability to capture unique experiences and atmosphere. Writers such as Susan Sontag explore the idea of photography as a mode of documentation that allows for different interpretations. The gelatin silver print, Pleasures and Terrors of Levitation, by Aaron Siskin expands on the idea of photography being more than just a copy of the original, but a documentation that manipulates the emotional importance. In Pleasures and Terrors of Levitation, Aaron Siskind captures the elegance of fear through the subject, composition and quality of light. Aaron Siskind conveys the elegance of fear through a black human figure with the posture that suggests the gracefulness of the human body in motion. The human body in the photograph creates a direction through the use of the orientation in which the figure is ... Show more content on ... Although photography is made to represent reality, the feelings of reality might not be fully presented in every photograph. Susan Sontag noted that a "photograph is not only an interpretation of the real" but also a trace or the footprint of reality. By de–contextualizing the human figure from its "real" environment, Siskind creates a trace of reality. This manipulation allows Siskind to forge the sense of mysteriousness through the high contrast between the background and the figure in the foreground. Additionally, this mysteriousness created by the plain and the unrecognizable background increases the value of the photograph because curiosity is generated. Therefore, this enables the viewers to emerge with various unique interpretations of the motion. If the viewers know that this photograph is a photograph of a kid jumping, it can be seen as a banal representation of the motion and causes the "depreciation of the ... Get more on ...
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  • 129. Digital Imaging Essay Digital Imaging Digital imaging inevitably undermines photography's status as an essentially truthful medium. Discuss. Until recently, at least, it was possible to define photography as a process involving optics, light sensitive material and the chemical processing of this material to produce prints or slides. Today though, that definition is subject to change. Technological innovations...are shifting photography from its original chemical basis towards electronics... It is not overstating it to say that the advent of this new technology is changing the very nature of photography, as we have known it. (Bode and Wombell 1991) In the last decade computer technology has been introduced to photography yet again challenging the meaning ... Show more content on ... 3) An unprecedented ease, sophistication and invisibility of enhancing and manipulating photographic images. 4) The entry of photographic images into a global information and communications system as they become instantaneously transmissible in the form of electronic pulses passing along telephone lines and via satellite links. 5) The high–speed transmission of news images which are no longer containable within territorial and political boundaries. 6) The conversion of existing photographs and historical archives into digital storage banks, which can be accessed at the screens of remote computer terminals. 7) The potential of the new information and image networks for greatly extending the practises of military and civil surveillance. 8) The unprecedented convergence of the still photographic image with other, previously distinct, media: digital audio, video, graphics, animation and other kinds of data in new forms of interactive multi media. However as the authors stressed, probably more significant than the change in how images are produced, distributed and used, are the ideas to which the changes are giving rise and how digital imaging is challenging and changing traditional ways of seeing and thinking. It seems that our
  • 130. traditional belief that 'the camera never lies' has been brought into question. It also appears important to consider who ... Get more on ...
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  • 134. Essay Throughout photographic history, the threshold that many artists had to overcome was conveying the meaning of their photographs to the public if any at all, and the orientation of the subjects in their photography. The intent of portrait photography is to display the likeness, personality, and even the mood of the subject. Nineteenth century photo historian Alan Trachtenberg notes, "Aspiring professionals wrestled with the problem: how to arrange their sitters and manipulate the often fickle medium to produce not just a picture but a pleasing one––not just a likeness but a portrait" (Trachtenberg, 24). Through these words of Trachtenberg, we can deduce that the main problem was how photographers manipulate their subjects in a way that would ... Show more content on ... The strained and forlorned look on the woman's face, especially after becoming homeless and on the road for a long time with her three children and limited supplies. "If our work is to carry force and meaning to our view we must be willing to go all out"(Lange, 264) was what Lange had said soon after Migrant Mother was taken. Since she was part of a field operation documenting the reality of the situation of the time, her goal was to make the images she took available to the public eye and hopefully get a positive response to them. Because of her decision to take the photos of the woman with her children, she managed to capture the attention of the millions of Americans and had them witness the full impact of the collapse of the economy and its effect on the people living in constant turmoil and strife because of it from the viewpoint of a set of images taken by a simple camera. The demand of these set of images was to invoke a voice from the people in order for them to urge the current government at that time to take action and fast before significant damage could be inflicted onto the soil of the already wounded country. One more example of this is shown in another one of Arbus' images entitled Child with a Toy Hand Grenade in which it depicts a child holding what seems to be a mock grenade in the middle of Central Park. Aside from this single image, the other images taken of the boy shows him at play, frolicking around while Arbus took the photos of him in a ... Get more on ...
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  • 138. Angie Lovelace's Article On Vietnam Photography In Angie Lovelace's (2010) article on Vietnam War era photography, she researches the meanings, messages, and context of some of the more recognised photographs during the midst of the war. Her paper describes the use of symbolism, the emotional setting of the subjects involved, the political meaning of the images and how the messages derived from these combine to present the viewer with a very specific and moulded view of the events being portrayed. Through her semiotic review of these images, she shows the viewer how "historical conditions are also important to the understanding of a photograph." (Lovelace, 2010, p. 105). Lovelace explores others' positions on the emotional connections and personal interpretations that are perceived through ... Get more on ...
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  • 142. The Act Of Basking And Public Image In 1976, Robert Cialdini and his colleagues first defined the concept of "basking in reflected glory" (BIRGing), the tendency to improve one's self– and public image by publicly announcing one's association with another person or group (identification) who has become successful in some endeavor (achievement) even if one is in no way the cause of the other's success or "glory". That is, the act of basking is done through association based on the person and the successful other belonging to the same in–group, even if one does not have any personal connection or contribution to the other's success (i.e. self–enhancement; Snibbe, Kitayama, Markus, & SuZuki, 2003). In the original field study, Cialdini et al. (1976) observed that students (1) tended to accentuate their association with the university they attended if the football team representing the university won in its latest match, and (2) refer to the victory as, by extension, including them (e.g. "we won"). Conversely, when the team lost, students tended to distance themselves from the team and the university by not wearing apparel that associate them with the latter and referring to the team as a separate entity (e.g. "they lost"). Moreover, in–group identification through BIRGing can be extended to national and cultural identities, with identification based on country–level or sociocultural in–groups (Galang, Quiñones, Adriano, Portillo, & Carvajal, 2015). Indeed, to study BIRGing through a cross–cultural approach, it is ... Get more on ...
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  • 146. Evolution Of Photography Research Paper Photography was derived from the Greek word "photos" meaning light and "graphein" meaning to draw. Photography is a method used by vast amount of people today, to capture images through the reaction of light and sensitive material. Throughout time, photography has evolved due to technological advancements, making it available to almost everyone. "Cameras have evolved from a pinhole up to the latest and accessible SLRs and DSLRs. Underwater, disposable and film and digital cameras were also invented. The increasing knowledge of people to photography and cameras contributed a lot in order to make more innovations through the years. Therefore, taking photographs, recording images and moments, and sharing the art form became easy and fast" (Art of the Masses). Despite the fact that photography was intended solely for the ... Show more content on ... Photography when it was first discovered, took many hours to develop in order to expose the film, and for this reason, many scenic views such as mountains, gardens, trees, rain and sunshine were perfect subjects. These images captured a wide variety of elements such as colors, and the views that they would depict. Mountains, rivers, beaches, and lakes, are all very common subjects when taking photographs of scenery. Scenic photography is one of the most common because the main focus of the picture does not move. This form of artwork is very easy to capture, but you always need to keep an eye open towards what exactly you're trying to capture (Basics). Are you trying to tell a story? Are you trying to give some advice through a picture? Are you trying to motivate others? Whatever the case is, whatever you're trying to do, scenic photography is always one of the most helpful art forms in doing so–"photographers use their cameras as tools of exploration– as instruments for change" (Photography at 125) –and that's why it is most ... Get more on ...
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  • 150. Photographic Images Hanging On The Gallery Wall Chapter Five Photographic Art Images. There are many books, fine art prints, articles in journals and magazines about architectural photography by some excellent photographers, emphasising architecture's visual strength, design and conceptual quality, without which there would be no challenges for the photographer to attempt to capture in the first instance. Architectural photography has an immense capacity to stimulate the wonder of the man–made world in a virtuoso manner. The intrinsic worth of a successful work of decorative art photography is that it can open up new perceptions. Through photography buildings exude a visual charge and imaginative possibilities beyond their everyday functions, giving the viewer an interesting and engaging ocular experience, and a visual understanding of the world. The picture hanging on the gallery wall leaves itself wide open to scrutiny, criticism or study but ultimately invites, with visual intrigue the aesthetic pleasure and satisfaction, which the viewer derives from sensory involvement of the image before them. Fig. 71; Picture of a Las Vegas detail on display in Moscow. 2005. Photo; © J. Lowe Such decorative architectural images draw our attention to the way we view the world of buildings and underline the fact that most people usually only use a building for work and leisure without really understanding that sometimes these structures are a complex art form in their own right. Photographs, in subtle ways attempt to change ... Get more on ...
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  • 154. Stock Photography Research Paper Sourcing stock photography–a quick primer While working with a photographer–and setting up a proper photo shoot–is almost always preferable for a creative project, timing and budget constraints (or subject matter) often preclude their use. This is where stock photography–existing, searchable, commercial photography available online for license–comes in. The stock photo world is a competitive one; acquisitions and mergers are common, and conditions are constantly changing. Here's a brief introduction to the big stock photo providers and the types of stock photography available. The major players New stock photography companies seem to pop up daily, but there are a handful that endure. Getty Images is the 800–pound gorilla of the stock photo world. Through their eponymous Getty Images site, ... Show more content on ... Rights–managed images Rights–managed images are the way to go if you need something unique. Think national campaign and big budget. When purchasing a rights –anaged image, the usage agreement will imply exclusivity. Because the image provider is offering you sole rights, the cost for rights–managed images tend to be much higher than for royalty–free images. Terms generally include language limiting you to a particular print run or amount of online impressions, however. Royalty–free images Not to be confused with pubic domain images, royalty–free images are those with a one–time fee, and allow usage across multiple instances and applications. To keep costs down, the usage agreement will include very specific language concerning image size, duration, and the type of industry the image will be used for. Think local or regional campaigns and smaller budgets. There are generally no limits to how often the image provider can sell the same image, however, so there's always a risk that the same photo you use for your project may also show up in a ... Get more on ...