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Whee, here’s hoping I have an update out before I turn into a pumpkin, or at least a different age demographic.
When we’d last left our heiress, Evangelion, she was pregnant and apparently acquired a cold.   Considering the sheer amount of fruit we have, one glass of Orange Juice later and she was feeling better.
Well except for the massive motive decline.  Eva is not a good pregnant sim.  Her chair can barely keep up.  As for Nery, I am guessing that he’s heard that music soothes the savage beast.  And you can’t get any more feral than a hungry, hormonal pregnant woman.
Unless you happen to have a stalky, overbearing family sim on your hands.   Fantasy takes the cliché of you always hurt the ones you love to extremes.
“Honey?” “Zzzz…” “Nery!” “Zzzz…” “DammitNery, wake up!” “Zzzz… What?”
“I’m lonely and feeling like a cast member in a Sigourney Weaver movie.” “Shhh… is the baby kicking too much.” “Why don’t you feel it and find out?” “Yep, kicking up a storm in there.  We’re going to have a little hellion on our hands.” “Can you handle it?” “I think so.  I’m not a witch like you are.  But I think I can do fine.” “Oh so you think being a witch makes things easier?” “Yes.” “Well, I can fix that.”
“Um, honey.  I didn’t mean that you needed to make me a witch too.” “I love you so much, I want things to be easier for you.” “I take it back.  This kind of tingles and not in a good way.” “Too late.”
“Remind me to never underestimate the power of a pregnant woman.”
After her fit of pique, Eva continued on her quest to max her gaming hobby.”
But she was interrupted by a twinge in her belly. “Mom, is this what it was like to have me?  All rumbley and weird?” “Oh gracious no, it was pure agony but the good kind.” “There’s a good kind?”
“Oh dear, my baby’s having a baby!  Eek!  I’m too young to be a grandpa.” “Oh just stop dragging it out and spin and twirl already.  I want to see my grandchild.”
“I am not dragging it out.  And you have a beautiful grandson named Michael Westen.” ** For those not in the know, Michael Westen is the name of the main character in Burn Notice.  I have much love for that show.
While Eva still has babies on the brain, it’s time for her to meet up with the garden club lady.
One quick inspection later and we have a second wishing well.
Time flies an in no time, it was time to grow up Michael.   “Hey looking good there, Bones!” “I don’t swing that way, Nery.” “I can still check you out though.” “Point.  Now toss your son and stop ogling the gay woman.”
One toss later and I can see that Michael inherited his mother’s nose.   He also takes after his grandmother in personality with stats of  2/8/9/6/1.  Considering both of his parents have over 6 nice points, he’s definitely a little mutant.
And Corbin continues to get a lot of love from the ladies.  Not that he wants it, I think he’s a smart one personally.  I wouldn’t cheat with my wife standing less than 10 feet away ready to pound me and my paramour of the moment in to small pieces.
“What are you doing?” “Trying to teach our son to talk.” “Why?” “I inexplicably rolled the want to do it.  Along with teach him to potty.” “Weirdo.” “I know.”
“Now say ‘Mama.’” “No!” “Why did I think this would be easy?”
Eva finally managed to out family sim Fantasy and went outside to take care of the various plants.
“I’m feeling like I’m in a cloud.”
“Oh dear, what is Nery going to say about this?”
For some reason, I don’t think he’s going to care.   “I feel happy.  Oh so permanently happy!”
“Oh yay!” We had a minor clothing change since for some reason the plantsim skin does not want to play nice with the alien skintone I have.  It doesn’t really matter.  Eva rocks the plantsim look.
And because this isn’t technically a pregnancy…  I decided to have her spawn a sporebaby.
Say hello to Babylon 5 Bored.   Babylon 5 or B5 as it was called was a damn awesome Sci-fi show that aired in syndication back in the 90s.  It starred Bruce Boxleitner and lots of people who you don’t know.  But it was great and was one of the first TV shows that was Arc driven not episodic in nature.  So if you like Lost and other Arc driven shows – thank Babylon 5 for that.   I also can see the faint line around the neck which tells me that he’s inherited Eva’s green skin.  Go Babylon!
Eva once again shows she is a better Family sim as Romance/Pleasure and rolls the want to teach Babylon a nursery rhyme.  Which I quickly fulfill.  Oh and before you ask, he’s got the exact same personality as Eva – 8/3/7/3/6.
“Who you?” “Baby!” “No.  You can’t be baby.  I’m baby.” “I’m Baby too!” “Oh.  Wanna be friends?” “Okay!”
The neck line driving me nuts, I set Eva to work to fix the problem.
“You’re sure this will do it?”
“Well down the hatch!”
“I feel tingly!”
“So how do I look?” “Did you change something?” “Only briefly.” “Okay.  Love the suit, it really shows off two of my favorite features.” “You don’t mean…” “Your legs, Eva.  I’m a leg man.” “Oh.  Excuse me, I’m feeling really maternal at the moment.”
And she was too.
“Eva!  We need to talk.” “Can’t it wait, Mother?  I’m basking in the glow of my family.”
“Your family is exactly what I want to talk about.  I have accepted that Nery is your husband since he meets all of the requirements of this challenge.” “Gee thanks.  Way to make a guy feel welcome.” “Mother, I am not in the mood to listen to you.  I’m tired and hungry and frankly don’t care what your opinion of my husband is.  He is my husband.”
“Do you think I was too hard on her?  Maybe I should have listened to what she said.” “You did fine.  Frankly you should have stood up to her a long time ago.” “Maybe you’re right.” “Now stop worrying.  Things will sort themselves out.” “I love you.” “I know.  Now shut up and kiss me.”
After sating one hunger, Eva took care of another and earned a cosmetology badge in the process.  Go her!  I hate that badge and considering that it is pretty much the only one she has left to learn, I will take any short cuts I can.
Eva also maxed her games enthusiasm which takes care of the Fearless handicap for another generation.
“What are you doing, dear?” “Playing with our true grandson.” “What about Babylon 5?” “He doesn’t count.  Michael here is my heir.” “I’m don’t think you get a vote.” “Of course I do, I’m the heiress so long as I am alive.  And I will never acknowledge that spore baby as my grandchild.  Never!” “Excuse me.  I need to go somewhere more pleasant.”
“Now that Grandpa’s got that out of his system. How is my little green man?” “Love you!” “Awww aren’t you a sweet little thing.  Your grandma doesn’t know what she is missing.”
“I thought I’d find you in here.” “Oh?” “You’re so determined to be a better mother than Fantasy.” “Is it that obvious?” “Only to me.  Don’t try so hard, just be yourself.  The boys will love you regardless.”
“And what about you?  Do you still love me?” “Evangelion I love you in spite of everything.  Especially your mother.” “Come here you lug!”
“Eva?” “Yeah, Mom?” “Can I speak to you of something of vital importance?” “Sure, just let be grab Babylon here.”
“Is that necessary?”
“Yes, Mom, it is.  Babylon needs so little to make him happy.  A little love isn’t too much to ask for.” “Hmph.”
“Fine, I’ll put him down.  Go play with the butterflies, little one.” “Hmph.”
“So what did you want to talk to me about.” “I feel that your spawning that thing was inappropriate and a detriment to this family.”
“What did you say?” “I mean.  You already had your heir in Michael, you didn’t need overcrowd the house further.  You see my point.”
“No, actually I don’t.” “Fine.  I didn’t want to be this blunt but you leave me no choice.  You are spending far too much time with your plant spawn and not enough time with my true heir, Michael.”
“I don’t think that you get to make that choice.  I am your heiress by default.  But it is the creator’s decision who is heir.” “Bah!  Don’t you think I don’t know that I was the creator’s least favorite yet I was still chosen.” “By a poll, there may not be one this generation.  And in any case, that just proves the point that it isn’t your decision.  If anything it is mine.  And it was my and the creator’s decision that I spawn Babylon.  Don’t you think that would tell you something?”
“Hmph.  All it tells me is that you and the creator are totally irresponsible.” “Mother, what is your real problem with this issue?  Is it because you wanted more children and couldn’t have them.” “I don’t know what you are talking about.” “That’s it isn’t it?  I found a way around the one pregnancy restriction and you didn’t and you resent it.” “I do not!”
“Oh Mom, I’m sorry that I am the only child you will ever get.  But that doesn’t make it okay for you to take it out on your grandchildren.  I am pretty sure Babylon 5 is going to be heir and you’d better get used to it.” “I will not.  I can’t imagine how your husband feels about all of this.” “Nery is fine with it.  He considers Babylon as much of his own as Michael.  I couldn’t ask for a better partner.” “Hmph.” “You’d better have that cold checked you don’t want it turning into pneumonia.  And while you are at it, the next time you want to lecture me about my choices, don’t bother.  You don’t have any say in my life anymore.”
“Are you mad that I had Babylon?” “Why would I be?” “My mother is.”
“I heard.  I love the little kid and if he came from your plubbob or the top of your head it doesn’t matter.  I would love him the same, because he is a part of you.”
“What did I do to deserve you?” “You made a wish.”
“Oh and you’re saying that you’re the answer to any girl’s wish?”
“Not just any girl, Eva.  You.” “Oh.”
“It’s okay.  You’re the answer to my wish too.”
“So now that you are feeling better?  How do you feel about a double birthday?” “Okay.”
Up first was Babylon 5.
Who grew up into a very handsome plantsimwho decided that Family/Fortune is the way to go.  He’d also like $100,000 simoleons while we are at it.  Easy-peasy.
Then it was time for Michael Westen to become a child.   “My husband is hot when he twirls a noisemaker.” Ahh inappropriate heartfarts, how do I love thee?
Michael also grew up well and into decent clothes but due to the imminent crash that Eva senses I will not be able to keep. >Crash< Cue headdesking.
I reload, re-age and I.M. decides to put in a long overdue visit.  Go scare some sense into your daughter, I.M.!
Babylon 5 also gets a makoverand is sent out to brave the ghost to make his wish.
“I wish to perform an awesome trick with this coin!  Oh look I did.  I guess this means I can wish for love.”
“Oooh green sparklies.”
“So now that we’ve got the kissing out of the way, what’s your name?” “Jason  Tellerman.” “Any relation to Jan?” “Not that I know of.”
“Mmmm… I like what I see.” “That’s good, I guess.”
“Jason?  What are you doing over there with your hands all over my daughter’s plantbaby?” “Fantasy?” “Yes.”
“Whoa!  You’ve aged a lot since college.  Like the hair.” “Awww aren’t you still the sweet one.  Well I suppose I can be nice this once and invite you to move in.” “Thanks, Grandma.”
“Don’t ever call me that again, Babylon.” “But you are, and I love you.” “Hmph.” “Um, feeling the tinglieshere.”
“Oh nice outfit.  Not quite right. But nice.”
“I’ll be right back.  I’m going to go change.” “I’m going to follow you and find a sunlamp to stand under for a while.”
“So you’re the heir!” “Great-grandpa!” “Looks like Eva took my advice.  Don’t be boring kid, it will kill you.” “I’ll remember that.”
“So how do I look?” “I like.  You know what I’d like more?” “Why don’t you show me?”
“You know it only seems like yesterday that I was a seedling…” “It was only yesterday…” “Oh yeah.”
“So have you become a tree?” “What do you think?”
“I think that there is definitely something hard about you.” “Funny.” “You do better.” “I’ll try to rise to the occasion.” “Argh!”
“Jason?” “Yeah.” “I chased you out here in my skivvies to ask you a very important question.” “Well, I would hope it is important.”
“Jason, would you marry me?” “Are you sure?” “Absolutely.”
“Yes.  I will marry you.”
“Great!  Now I don’t suppose that now is the time to tell you that you are about to become a father.” “Ummm…  Can I get back to you on that?”
“Aliens!  Come and take me away.  I am so not ready to be a dad yet.  I’m not even married.”
While Jason is out having cold feet, Corbin decided to take it upon himself to teach Michael how to do his homework.  I swear that Corbin and Fantasy roll more wants for Michael than they did for Eva.  Corbin at least rolled wants for Babylon too.  But Fantasy, it’s like Babylon doesn’t exist in her want panel.  It is all Michael or her hobbies.  That is it.
As for Babylon, the baby started to make itself known.  First in little ways.
Then in one very big way.
“So how do you like my bump?” “I’ll be honest.  I’m a little scared.  But I’m excited too.” “So I don’t look fat to you?”
“Fat?  No.  You look gorgeous.  You’re carrying my baby and all I want to do is kiss you.” “Then why don’t you do that.” “I think I will.” ~*~
And I think that is where I am going to leave you.  Please enjoy the burnt lobster with the mysteriously glowing eyes. Join us next time for weddings, birthdays, and a baby. Happy Simming!

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I.M. Bored: A Legacy in 10 Generations - Gen 3 Part 3

  • 1. Whee, here’s hoping I have an update out before I turn into a pumpkin, or at least a different age demographic.
  • 2. When we’d last left our heiress, Evangelion, she was pregnant and apparently acquired a cold. Considering the sheer amount of fruit we have, one glass of Orange Juice later and she was feeling better.
  • 3. Well except for the massive motive decline. Eva is not a good pregnant sim. Her chair can barely keep up. As for Nery, I am guessing that he’s heard that music soothes the savage beast. And you can’t get any more feral than a hungry, hormonal pregnant woman.
  • 4. Unless you happen to have a stalky, overbearing family sim on your hands. Fantasy takes the cliché of you always hurt the ones you love to extremes.
  • 5. “Honey?” “Zzzz…” “Nery!” “Zzzz…” “DammitNery, wake up!” “Zzzz… What?”
  • 6. “I’m lonely and feeling like a cast member in a Sigourney Weaver movie.” “Shhh… is the baby kicking too much.” “Why don’t you feel it and find out?” “Yep, kicking up a storm in there. We’re going to have a little hellion on our hands.” “Can you handle it?” “I think so. I’m not a witch like you are. But I think I can do fine.” “Oh so you think being a witch makes things easier?” “Yes.” “Well, I can fix that.”
  • 7. “Um, honey. I didn’t mean that you needed to make me a witch too.” “I love you so much, I want things to be easier for you.” “I take it back. This kind of tingles and not in a good way.” “Too late.”
  • 8. “Remind me to never underestimate the power of a pregnant woman.”
  • 9. After her fit of pique, Eva continued on her quest to max her gaming hobby.”
  • 10. But she was interrupted by a twinge in her belly. “Mom, is this what it was like to have me? All rumbley and weird?” “Oh gracious no, it was pure agony but the good kind.” “There’s a good kind?”
  • 11. “Oh dear, my baby’s having a baby! Eek! I’m too young to be a grandpa.” “Oh just stop dragging it out and spin and twirl already. I want to see my grandchild.”
  • 12. “I am not dragging it out. And you have a beautiful grandson named Michael Westen.” ** For those not in the know, Michael Westen is the name of the main character in Burn Notice. I have much love for that show.
  • 13. While Eva still has babies on the brain, it’s time for her to meet up with the garden club lady.
  • 14. One quick inspection later and we have a second wishing well.
  • 15. Time flies an in no time, it was time to grow up Michael. “Hey looking good there, Bones!” “I don’t swing that way, Nery.” “I can still check you out though.” “Point. Now toss your son and stop ogling the gay woman.”
  • 16. One toss later and I can see that Michael inherited his mother’s nose. He also takes after his grandmother in personality with stats of 2/8/9/6/1. Considering both of his parents have over 6 nice points, he’s definitely a little mutant.
  • 17. And Corbin continues to get a lot of love from the ladies. Not that he wants it, I think he’s a smart one personally. I wouldn’t cheat with my wife standing less than 10 feet away ready to pound me and my paramour of the moment in to small pieces.
  • 18. “What are you doing?” “Trying to teach our son to talk.” “Why?” “I inexplicably rolled the want to do it. Along with teach him to potty.” “Weirdo.” “I know.”
  • 19. “Now say ‘Mama.’” “No!” “Why did I think this would be easy?”
  • 20.
  • 21. Eva finally managed to out family sim Fantasy and went outside to take care of the various plants.
  • 22. “I’m feeling like I’m in a cloud.”
  • 23. “Oh dear, what is Nery going to say about this?”
  • 24. For some reason, I don’t think he’s going to care. “I feel happy. Oh so permanently happy!”
  • 25. “Oh yay!” We had a minor clothing change since for some reason the plantsim skin does not want to play nice with the alien skintone I have. It doesn’t really matter. Eva rocks the plantsim look.
  • 26. And because this isn’t technically a pregnancy… I decided to have her spawn a sporebaby.
  • 27. Say hello to Babylon 5 Bored. Babylon 5 or B5 as it was called was a damn awesome Sci-fi show that aired in syndication back in the 90s. It starred Bruce Boxleitner and lots of people who you don’t know. But it was great and was one of the first TV shows that was Arc driven not episodic in nature. So if you like Lost and other Arc driven shows – thank Babylon 5 for that. I also can see the faint line around the neck which tells me that he’s inherited Eva’s green skin. Go Babylon!
  • 28. Eva once again shows she is a better Family sim as Romance/Pleasure and rolls the want to teach Babylon a nursery rhyme. Which I quickly fulfill. Oh and before you ask, he’s got the exact same personality as Eva – 8/3/7/3/6.
  • 29. “Who you?” “Baby!” “No. You can’t be baby. I’m baby.” “I’m Baby too!” “Oh. Wanna be friends?” “Okay!”
  • 30. The neck line driving me nuts, I set Eva to work to fix the problem.
  • 31. “You’re sure this will do it?”
  • 32. “Well down the hatch!”
  • 34. “So how do I look?” “Did you change something?” “Only briefly.” “Okay. Love the suit, it really shows off two of my favorite features.” “You don’t mean…” “Your legs, Eva. I’m a leg man.” “Oh. Excuse me, I’m feeling really maternal at the moment.”
  • 35. And she was too.
  • 36. “Eva! We need to talk.” “Can’t it wait, Mother? I’m basking in the glow of my family.”
  • 37. “Your family is exactly what I want to talk about. I have accepted that Nery is your husband since he meets all of the requirements of this challenge.” “Gee thanks. Way to make a guy feel welcome.” “Mother, I am not in the mood to listen to you. I’m tired and hungry and frankly don’t care what your opinion of my husband is. He is my husband.”
  • 38. “Do you think I was too hard on her? Maybe I should have listened to what she said.” “You did fine. Frankly you should have stood up to her a long time ago.” “Maybe you’re right.” “Now stop worrying. Things will sort themselves out.” “I love you.” “I know. Now shut up and kiss me.”
  • 39. After sating one hunger, Eva took care of another and earned a cosmetology badge in the process. Go her! I hate that badge and considering that it is pretty much the only one she has left to learn, I will take any short cuts I can.
  • 40. Eva also maxed her games enthusiasm which takes care of the Fearless handicap for another generation.
  • 41. “What are you doing, dear?” “Playing with our true grandson.” “What about Babylon 5?” “He doesn’t count. Michael here is my heir.” “I’m don’t think you get a vote.” “Of course I do, I’m the heiress so long as I am alive. And I will never acknowledge that spore baby as my grandchild. Never!” “Excuse me. I need to go somewhere more pleasant.”
  • 43. “Now that Grandpa’s got that out of his system. How is my little green man?” “Love you!” “Awww aren’t you a sweet little thing. Your grandma doesn’t know what she is missing.”
  • 44. “I thought I’d find you in here.” “Oh?” “You’re so determined to be a better mother than Fantasy.” “Is it that obvious?” “Only to me. Don’t try so hard, just be yourself. The boys will love you regardless.”
  • 45. “And what about you? Do you still love me?” “Evangelion I love you in spite of everything. Especially your mother.” “Come here you lug!”
  • 46. “Eva?” “Yeah, Mom?” “Can I speak to you of something of vital importance?” “Sure, just let be grab Babylon here.”
  • 48. “Yes, Mom, it is. Babylon needs so little to make him happy. A little love isn’t too much to ask for.” “Hmph.”
  • 49. “Fine, I’ll put him down. Go play with the butterflies, little one.” “Hmph.”
  • 50. “So what did you want to talk to me about.” “I feel that your spawning that thing was inappropriate and a detriment to this family.”
  • 51. “What did you say?” “I mean. You already had your heir in Michael, you didn’t need overcrowd the house further. You see my point.”
  • 52. “No, actually I don’t.” “Fine. I didn’t want to be this blunt but you leave me no choice. You are spending far too much time with your plant spawn and not enough time with my true heir, Michael.”
  • 53. “I don’t think that you get to make that choice. I am your heiress by default. But it is the creator’s decision who is heir.” “Bah! Don’t you think I don’t know that I was the creator’s least favorite yet I was still chosen.” “By a poll, there may not be one this generation. And in any case, that just proves the point that it isn’t your decision. If anything it is mine. And it was my and the creator’s decision that I spawn Babylon. Don’t you think that would tell you something?”
  • 54. “Hmph. All it tells me is that you and the creator are totally irresponsible.” “Mother, what is your real problem with this issue? Is it because you wanted more children and couldn’t have them.” “I don’t know what you are talking about.” “That’s it isn’t it? I found a way around the one pregnancy restriction and you didn’t and you resent it.” “I do not!”
  • 55. “Oh Mom, I’m sorry that I am the only child you will ever get. But that doesn’t make it okay for you to take it out on your grandchildren. I am pretty sure Babylon 5 is going to be heir and you’d better get used to it.” “I will not. I can’t imagine how your husband feels about all of this.” “Nery is fine with it. He considers Babylon as much of his own as Michael. I couldn’t ask for a better partner.” “Hmph.” “You’d better have that cold checked you don’t want it turning into pneumonia. And while you are at it, the next time you want to lecture me about my choices, don’t bother. You don’t have any say in my life anymore.”
  • 56.
  • 57. “Are you mad that I had Babylon?” “Why would I be?” “My mother is.”
  • 58. “I heard. I love the little kid and if he came from your plubbob or the top of your head it doesn’t matter. I would love him the same, because he is a part of you.”
  • 59. “What did I do to deserve you?” “You made a wish.”
  • 60. “Oh and you’re saying that you’re the answer to any girl’s wish?”
  • 61. “Not just any girl, Eva. You.” “Oh.”
  • 62. “It’s okay. You’re the answer to my wish too.”
  • 63. “So now that you are feeling better? How do you feel about a double birthday?” “Okay.”
  • 64. Up first was Babylon 5.
  • 65. Who grew up into a very handsome plantsimwho decided that Family/Fortune is the way to go. He’d also like $100,000 simoleons while we are at it. Easy-peasy.
  • 66. Then it was time for Michael Westen to become a child. “My husband is hot when he twirls a noisemaker.” Ahh inappropriate heartfarts, how do I love thee?
  • 67. Michael also grew up well and into decent clothes but due to the imminent crash that Eva senses I will not be able to keep. >Crash< Cue headdesking.
  • 68. I reload, re-age and I.M. decides to put in a long overdue visit. Go scare some sense into your daughter, I.M.!
  • 69. Babylon 5 also gets a makoverand is sent out to brave the ghost to make his wish.
  • 70. “I wish to perform an awesome trick with this coin! Oh look I did. I guess this means I can wish for love.”
  • 72.
  • 73. “So now that we’ve got the kissing out of the way, what’s your name?” “Jason Tellerman.” “Any relation to Jan?” “Not that I know of.”
  • 74. “Mmmm… I like what I see.” “That’s good, I guess.”
  • 75. “Jason? What are you doing over there with your hands all over my daughter’s plantbaby?” “Fantasy?” “Yes.”
  • 76. “Whoa! You’ve aged a lot since college. Like the hair.” “Awww aren’t you still the sweet one. Well I suppose I can be nice this once and invite you to move in.” “Thanks, Grandma.”
  • 77. “Don’t ever call me that again, Babylon.” “But you are, and I love you.” “Hmph.” “Um, feeling the tinglieshere.”
  • 78. “Oh nice outfit. Not quite right. But nice.”
  • 79. “I’ll be right back. I’m going to go change.” “I’m going to follow you and find a sunlamp to stand under for a while.”
  • 80.
  • 81. “So you’re the heir!” “Great-grandpa!” “Looks like Eva took my advice. Don’t be boring kid, it will kill you.” “I’ll remember that.”
  • 82. “So how do I look?” “I like. You know what I’d like more?” “Why don’t you show me?”
  • 83. “You know it only seems like yesterday that I was a seedling…” “It was only yesterday…” “Oh yeah.”
  • 84. “So have you become a tree?” “What do you think?”
  • 85. “I think that there is definitely something hard about you.” “Funny.” “You do better.” “I’ll try to rise to the occasion.” “Argh!”
  • 86. “Jason?” “Yeah.” “I chased you out here in my skivvies to ask you a very important question.” “Well, I would hope it is important.”
  • 87. “Jason, would you marry me?” “Are you sure?” “Absolutely.”
  • 88. “Yes. I will marry you.”
  • 89. “Great! Now I don’t suppose that now is the time to tell you that you are about to become a father.” “Ummm… Can I get back to you on that?”
  • 90. “Aliens! Come and take me away. I am so not ready to be a dad yet. I’m not even married.”
  • 91. While Jason is out having cold feet, Corbin decided to take it upon himself to teach Michael how to do his homework. I swear that Corbin and Fantasy roll more wants for Michael than they did for Eva. Corbin at least rolled wants for Babylon too. But Fantasy, it’s like Babylon doesn’t exist in her want panel. It is all Michael or her hobbies. That is it.
  • 92. As for Babylon, the baby started to make itself known. First in little ways.
  • 93. Then in one very big way.
  • 94. “So how do you like my bump?” “I’ll be honest. I’m a little scared. But I’m excited too.” “So I don’t look fat to you?”
  • 95. “Fat? No. You look gorgeous. You’re carrying my baby and all I want to do is kiss you.” “Then why don’t you do that.” “I think I will.” ~*~
  • 96. And I think that is where I am going to leave you. Please enjoy the burnt lobster with the mysteriously glowing eyes. Join us next time for weddings, birthdays, and a baby. Happy Simming!