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Welcome the legacy I am going to work on when I am bored.   It doesn’t really have a name.  Because honestly I couldn’t be arsed to give it one.   So shall we move on?
Meet our founder, I.M. Bored.    We will now pause so that you can all groan at the horrible pun.   He was created randomly with me asking different people for various numbers corresponding to skin color, hair color, and various features. The only things I actually “picked” was the eye color, hair style, and clothes.  This is because I have too many to really to a random pick.   I.M. is a Knowledge/Fortune Sim with stats of 5/10/4/2/3 which makes him squarely a Leo.   If you don’t like him, blame people who picked the random numbers.   Personally I find him funny.
Yes, the nose is interesting… I hope it sticks around. Let’s see since this is for fun and not points, I only picked a few handicaps and “Special” Rules. Official Handicaps: Extreme Start.  Free Roaming Ghosts True Love One Way Street Fearless Personal Handicaps: Only one pregnancy per generation Heir must either become or acquire a supernatural sim before dying (and I can’t repeat the same thing the next generation) If the heir marries, it must be from the first drop from the wishing well.
“Puff, the magic dragon lived by the seaAnd frolicked in the autumn mist in a land called Honali“ Well I.M. does have a lovely view of the sea on this lot and I suppose that Riverblossom could be considered a frolicsome place.   And singing while you skip rope, what can be more iconic of boredom?  I’m so bored I am going to jump up and down while swinging a rope around and try not to garrote myself while chanting/singing ear bug inducing songs.
“Little Jackie Paper loved that rascal Puff,and brought him strings and sealing wax and other fancy stuff.” “I don’t know who you are, Mister, and I don’t know how you found out my name, but you better get all ideas of me bringing you fancy stuff out of your head.  I just bring the paper.  That’s it.”
“Your yard sucks.” “…” “We don’t cotton to that here.”
“Boy, are the people here annoying.  But I got a job, I need the money.  This place is a dump.” It also doesn’t matter what job we take, his LTW is to max 7 skills.  So expect a lot of job hopping while I try to get enough money to build the place up.  Promotions make money.
Something that we will need to work on.  Since we don’t have any money yet for stuff and we need to gain some skills and make some friends I sent him to a nearby community lot. “Yay chess!”
“Your beard is fascinating.” “Why, thank you!” I also had another reason to send I.M. to the community lot…
Witches… “Hello, Evil One.  I felt this strange overwhelming compunction to greet you.” That would be because I clicked ‘Greet’ about 6 times to make sure it happened.
“Call me, Sky.  Sky Hardey.” “I don’t really care about your name.  So how long will it take me to convince you to make me into a witch.” “Not tonight, perhaps some other time.” “I’ll wait.”
And he did.   This lot is about perfect.  There’s even a hot chocolate machine for energy.
So I.M. fished – it is a good way to pass the time.
And since I am a fan of multi-tasking I made sure that he invited everyone who walked on the lot to join him.
I.M. didn’t really see the allure of fishing, since all he caught were old boots.  But that doesn’t mean much to me.  A sim consuming a glass of boot juice is always amusing to watch.   But since he’d managed to make a few friends it was time to go home.
To meet the welcoming committee… “Shouldn’t you have a room for that?”  Mary Gavigan asked.   “That would require the funds for walls,”  I.M. replied.  “It was either walls or toilet.  Guess which won?”
The toilet didn’t stay long, just long enough to be used and then was sold through inventory.  So I could buy a bed.
Then we sold the bed to buy the stuff needed to grill the ONE fish he caught.  After breakfast, it was time…
Time to ask Sky a very important question… “Will you teach me the path of darkness?” “That wasn’t the question I was expecting.”
“Ow!  Ow!  Ow!  I’m sorry.” “You should know better than to lead a witch on.” “But I wasn’t.  I really want to join the ranks of darkness.”
“Oh fine.” “Yoinks! Where did my clothes come from?  And where did my head go.” “You really don’t want me to answer that.”
“I feel sparkly.  Interesting.”
“Although I think that something is wrong with my face.”
“Miss?  Do you see something wrong with me?” “Well, you’re green.” “Anything else?” “Hmmm… You’ve got a big nose.” “Anything else?”
Several hours later… “You’re doing the potty dance?” “Anything else?” “You’ve been making this strange expression.” “Anything else?” “Nope!” “Thank you, Miss.  I’ve gotta go!” “No problem!  That was a fun date.” “You have a strange idea what constitutes a date.”
I did him one better.  I made him a little shack. “Something stinks here.” I also gave him a shower.
“Boy, is this place a dump.  I hope the stereo spruces it up a bit.” Oh La Shawn, I loves you.  Too bad the only way you are marrying in is if you come in a well-drop sometime in the future.
So life went on for I.M.   He met people.
Cackled at inopportune moments around inanimate objects.
Went to work.
Did strange dances with even stranger townies.
Went to work in even stranger outfits.
Then promptly found a better job that had better benefits and far less embarrassing clothing choices.
Skilled in the newly built garage.  The rest of the house?  Not so much.  But we’re working on it.
Why no, I am not exploiting a random loophole in the game.  Not at all… Quietly sells the newly $1000+ dreamcatchers.
Besides there are more interesting things to do.  Like hunt bugs in the snow wearing only your Kermit the Frog PJs.
But it is all worth it.  After the next promotion, I.M. will be able to buy the one thing he really craves.
“Yes!  Someone loves me!”
Since I am very doubtful that I will be able to get enough money to get the wishing well preparation paraphernalia the only way we are getting a second gen is to either become a plantsim and spawn it or to get abducted.   I am going to go for both.  Whichever happens first, wins.
So it became work, stargaze, work, stargaze for a few days…
In the mean time, a house sprung up around the various wildlife.  You know your house is remote when you have butterflies spawn in your kitchen.   BTW all of the colors of the house were chosen randomly and not by me.
Finally I.M. got enough Lifetime aspiration points to purchase ‘Summon aliens.’
It didn’t take long for them to answer. “But I don’t want to go into the light!”
A few hours later and…
“I don’t know if I should be excited or repulsed over those events.   I think I will pick repulsed.”
“Yep.  Definitely repulsed.”
“Okay.  The spellbook says mix two parts eye of newt to one part dragon scales and you’ll have a fool proof cure for nausea.”
“This is not what I was expecting.”
“Now what do I do.  I am a male.  A pregnant male.  This is just not… oh who am I kidding.  It’s pretty cool!”
“I’m not sure why I feel this pressing need to plant a seed.  But I suppose it is better than craving pickles and ice cream.   Mmmmm Ice Cream.”
“That was yummy.  Now back to gardening!”
“Grow little plants.  Grow like my belly does.”
“Hmmm … I feel greener for some reason.  And it’s not easy being green.”
“I reiterate.  It’s not easy being green.” I am kind of excited and scared at what I am going to get.  The pregnancy scanner says one.
Meet Fantasy Bored. Female, blond hair, alien eyes, and I.M.’s skintone.
And this is Anime Bored.   Also female, blond, alien eyes, but with alien skin.
And this is when I found out just how horribly the pregnancy scanner lied.   Yes, I.M. is going for a third spin and twirl.  I didn’t get a picture of the third girl, Bones Bored.  I was too busy headdesking.  But just back up a slide and you will see pretty much exactly what she looked like.
“Hello, I just had a baby.  I need your services.”
Yes, I am succumbing to nanny hell.  But with triplets you would too, well unless you were in an apocalypse in which case lifting business would become very tempting.   And in case you hadn’t guessed, all of the room colors were chosen randomly.  I mean I like black.  But not as a nursery color.
It’s a good thing that I.M. lifted business or topped business, you know what I mean.  Bloody apoc lexicon, it takes over your life I swear.
Still, it’s the little moments like this that make the whole scary nanny thing worth it.   That and I have no idea why I took this picture.
“I’ve gotta hurry.  I’ve got somewhere really important to be!”
“Happy birthday, Baby!”
“Now you wait right here and look cute while I go toss your sisters, Bones.” “Gah!”
Bones Fantasy: Named after the TV show Bones.  I only every watch it when I am truly bored.   Her stats are 1/10/10/5/0 and she’s a Gemini. Go mean puddle making!
“Are you willing to be more interesting, Anime?”
“Baba!” --- Anime Bored She’s 5/5/4/10/3 and a Taurus.  So we’ll have a tub pirate on our hands.
Finally we have Fantasy Bored. She’s 10/5/10/4/1 and a scorpio.  So Yay another meanie.  A neat, active meanie.
So without further ado, we start on the toddler training.
Although with only one parent and three toddlers it’s a bit of a challenge.
Not to mention, Poor I.M. has to keep up with the rest of the house.  See that plant.  It’s dead.  I never kill plants.  EVER.  But I was so distracted by toddler training to save them. “Wan’ bugs!  Eat!”
“I can’t believe I signed up for this.”
“I potty!” “I no wan fall down hole.” “Yay potty!” “Potty scary.”
In desperation, I had Poor I.M. actually cast a “good” spell.  It did almost nothing.
“Daddy silly when he make sparklies!”
Raising triplets lead me to think of unconventional things.  Like filling pet food dishes and leaving them out for the kids.  It probably saved the toddlers and saved me from the social worker.
Also I didn’t bother to have I.M. walk anywhere.  He used Magivestigium to get around.  Often with interesting results. “Daddy fall down hole.  Hole scary.”
I think I.M. was beginning to lose it a bit.   “No.  I’m fine.  Nothing wrong with me.  I’ve always been able to go through walls.” You can hear me? “Um.  Yes?” Crap.  Just think of me as a figment of your imagination. “I’ll do that.”
“Yummy Daddy!” “Why no have mommy?” “No need mommy.”
“Here you are, Fantasy.  I was looking all over for you.” “Daddy sing?” “Maybe later.  But up first.  Birthdays.  Thank whoever.  No more potty training.”
Since no one had the fear and I.M. actually rolled the want.  We had a party.   Up first was anime.
She’s cute.  But the hair keeps throwing me.  I keep imagining it on a certain simself.  But it works for Anime.  Or Annie as I seem to think of her.
Then we have Bones.
“Woo!!! Pants!” “I have hands!” “And pants!  You have pants!”
Finally Fantasy was brought to the cake, through the table, but she’s special like that.
“Lovely girls you have, I.M.” “You can’t have.  In fact no one can.  I’m going to build a tower and hide them from all of you men!” “Daddy, Bones would like to have a talk to you about that.  Outside.” “Um.  Okay.”
“I really think that’s a crap idea!”  *Wham!* “Do you really?” “Well, no, I don’t really care.  But Annie and Fannie do.” “And you are your sister’s enforcer?” “Something like that.”
“So did he change his mind?” “He said he’ll consider it.” “But Bonesie, I really want to meet my prince and have him sweep me off of my feet.” “They really named you appropriately didn’t they, Fannie.” “Shut up, Annie.”
“So did I tell you that Fannie here was afraid of falling into the potty?” “What’s wrong with that?” “Nothing, Fannie, but your fanny it soooooooo big that you wouldn’t have to worry about it.” “Don’t make me come over there and smack you, Annie.” “Ooooohhh!  I am soooooo scared.”
“Be nice, Anime.” “But…” “Just let it go.” “Fine…  So are you still scared to potty.” “No.” “Okay.  So…” “Let’s go fishing!” “Good idea, Bones.”
“Did I say good idea?  I take it back!” “No take backs!” “Yeah!  No take backs!” “Oooohhh! I think I got something!” “What are we gonna do with it?”
“I’m not sure I want to know where this came from.  But so long as it isn’t from a romance sim’s pants I am okay.”
“Is this my pants-fish, Dad?” “Urk!  I don’t think I’m hungry anymore, Bones.”
“It’s a good thing you don’t have any more left isn’t it, Daddy?” “Anime…” “Yes Daddy?” “Hush.”
“Mr. Parsons, so good of you to come over.  I am hoping that you will show the same hospitality to my girls that you have shown to me by hiring me at your esteemed institution.  Perhaps you would like to take a seat in the living room and I will be happy to show you around after I make a quick stop.”
“I feel violated.” “Your embarrassment tastes of strawberries.  I love it.”
“Was dinner to your liking, Mr. Parsons?” “It was excellent.  Your girls are welcome at the school.  I look forward to seeing more of you.” “I’ve lost my appetite.”
With his daughters’ educational future secured.  I.M. finally settled in for a well deserved night’s sleep. And this is where I am going to stop. My goal with writing/playing this is the following.  For every 100 slides I shoot, I will put out a 100 slide update.  Or close to that.   I am again doing this as a break from my OWBC when it gets too overwhelming so updates will be sporadic at best. Until next time, happy simming!

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I.M. Bored: A Legacy in 10 Generations - Chapter 1

  • 1. Welcome the legacy I am going to work on when I am bored. It doesn’t really have a name. Because honestly I couldn’t be arsed to give it one. So shall we move on?
  • 2. Meet our founder, I.M. Bored. We will now pause so that you can all groan at the horrible pun. He was created randomly with me asking different people for various numbers corresponding to skin color, hair color, and various features. The only things I actually “picked” was the eye color, hair style, and clothes. This is because I have too many to really to a random pick. I.M. is a Knowledge/Fortune Sim with stats of 5/10/4/2/3 which makes him squarely a Leo. If you don’t like him, blame people who picked the random numbers. Personally I find him funny.
  • 3. Yes, the nose is interesting… I hope it sticks around. Let’s see since this is for fun and not points, I only picked a few handicaps and “Special” Rules. Official Handicaps: Extreme Start. Free Roaming Ghosts True Love One Way Street Fearless Personal Handicaps: Only one pregnancy per generation Heir must either become or acquire a supernatural sim before dying (and I can’t repeat the same thing the next generation) If the heir marries, it must be from the first drop from the wishing well.
  • 4. “Puff, the magic dragon lived by the seaAnd frolicked in the autumn mist in a land called Honali“ Well I.M. does have a lovely view of the sea on this lot and I suppose that Riverblossom could be considered a frolicsome place. And singing while you skip rope, what can be more iconic of boredom? I’m so bored I am going to jump up and down while swinging a rope around and try not to garrote myself while chanting/singing ear bug inducing songs.
  • 5. “Little Jackie Paper loved that rascal Puff,and brought him strings and sealing wax and other fancy stuff.” “I don’t know who you are, Mister, and I don’t know how you found out my name, but you better get all ideas of me bringing you fancy stuff out of your head. I just bring the paper. That’s it.”
  • 6. “Your yard sucks.” “…” “We don’t cotton to that here.”
  • 7. “Boy, are the people here annoying. But I got a job, I need the money. This place is a dump.” It also doesn’t matter what job we take, his LTW is to max 7 skills. So expect a lot of job hopping while I try to get enough money to build the place up. Promotions make money.
  • 8. Something that we will need to work on. Since we don’t have any money yet for stuff and we need to gain some skills and make some friends I sent him to a nearby community lot. “Yay chess!”
  • 9. “Your beard is fascinating.” “Why, thank you!” I also had another reason to send I.M. to the community lot…
  • 10. Witches… “Hello, Evil One. I felt this strange overwhelming compunction to greet you.” That would be because I clicked ‘Greet’ about 6 times to make sure it happened.
  • 11. “Call me, Sky. Sky Hardey.” “I don’t really care about your name. So how long will it take me to convince you to make me into a witch.” “Not tonight, perhaps some other time.” “I’ll wait.”
  • 12. And he did. This lot is about perfect. There’s even a hot chocolate machine for energy.
  • 13. So I.M. fished – it is a good way to pass the time.
  • 14. And since I am a fan of multi-tasking I made sure that he invited everyone who walked on the lot to join him.
  • 15. I.M. didn’t really see the allure of fishing, since all he caught were old boots. But that doesn’t mean much to me. A sim consuming a glass of boot juice is always amusing to watch. But since he’d managed to make a few friends it was time to go home.
  • 16. To meet the welcoming committee… “Shouldn’t you have a room for that?” Mary Gavigan asked. “That would require the funds for walls,” I.M. replied. “It was either walls or toilet. Guess which won?”
  • 17. The toilet didn’t stay long, just long enough to be used and then was sold through inventory. So I could buy a bed.
  • 18. Then we sold the bed to buy the stuff needed to grill the ONE fish he caught. After breakfast, it was time…
  • 19. Time to ask Sky a very important question… “Will you teach me the path of darkness?” “That wasn’t the question I was expecting.”
  • 20. “Ow! Ow! Ow! I’m sorry.” “You should know better than to lead a witch on.” “But I wasn’t. I really want to join the ranks of darkness.”
  • 21. “Oh fine.” “Yoinks! Where did my clothes come from? And where did my head go.” “You really don’t want me to answer that.”
  • 22. “I feel sparkly. Interesting.”
  • 23. “Although I think that something is wrong with my face.”
  • 24. “Miss? Do you see something wrong with me?” “Well, you’re green.” “Anything else?” “Hmmm… You’ve got a big nose.” “Anything else?”
  • 25. Several hours later… “You’re doing the potty dance?” “Anything else?” “You’ve been making this strange expression.” “Anything else?” “Nope!” “Thank you, Miss. I’ve gotta go!” “No problem! That was a fun date.” “You have a strange idea what constitutes a date.”
  • 27. I did him one better. I made him a little shack. “Something stinks here.” I also gave him a shower.
  • 28. “Boy, is this place a dump. I hope the stereo spruces it up a bit.” Oh La Shawn, I loves you. Too bad the only way you are marrying in is if you come in a well-drop sometime in the future.
  • 29. So life went on for I.M. He met people.
  • 30. Cackled at inopportune moments around inanimate objects.
  • 32. Did strange dances with even stranger townies.
  • 33. Went to work in even stranger outfits.
  • 34. Then promptly found a better job that had better benefits and far less embarrassing clothing choices.
  • 35. Skilled in the newly built garage. The rest of the house? Not so much. But we’re working on it.
  • 36. Why no, I am not exploiting a random loophole in the game. Not at all… Quietly sells the newly $1000+ dreamcatchers.
  • 37. Besides there are more interesting things to do. Like hunt bugs in the snow wearing only your Kermit the Frog PJs.
  • 38. But it is all worth it. After the next promotion, I.M. will be able to buy the one thing he really craves.
  • 39. “Yes! Someone loves me!”
  • 40. Since I am very doubtful that I will be able to get enough money to get the wishing well preparation paraphernalia the only way we are getting a second gen is to either become a plantsim and spawn it or to get abducted. I am going to go for both. Whichever happens first, wins.
  • 41. So it became work, stargaze, work, stargaze for a few days…
  • 42. In the mean time, a house sprung up around the various wildlife. You know your house is remote when you have butterflies spawn in your kitchen. BTW all of the colors of the house were chosen randomly and not by me.
  • 43. Finally I.M. got enough Lifetime aspiration points to purchase ‘Summon aliens.’
  • 44. It didn’t take long for them to answer. “But I don’t want to go into the light!”
  • 45. A few hours later and…
  • 47. “I don’t know if I should be excited or repulsed over those events. I think I will pick repulsed.”
  • 48. “Yep. Definitely repulsed.”
  • 49. “Okay. The spellbook says mix two parts eye of newt to one part dragon scales and you’ll have a fool proof cure for nausea.”
  • 50. “This is not what I was expecting.”
  • 51. “Now what do I do. I am a male. A pregnant male. This is just not… oh who am I kidding. It’s pretty cool!”
  • 52. “I’m not sure why I feel this pressing need to plant a seed. But I suppose it is better than craving pickles and ice cream. Mmmmm Ice Cream.”
  • 53. “That was yummy. Now back to gardening!”
  • 54. “Grow little plants. Grow like my belly does.”
  • 55. “Hmmm … I feel greener for some reason. And it’s not easy being green.”
  • 56. “I reiterate. It’s not easy being green.” I am kind of excited and scared at what I am going to get. The pregnancy scanner says one.
  • 57. Meet Fantasy Bored. Female, blond hair, alien eyes, and I.M.’s skintone.
  • 58. And this is Anime Bored. Also female, blond, alien eyes, but with alien skin.
  • 59. And this is when I found out just how horribly the pregnancy scanner lied. Yes, I.M. is going for a third spin and twirl. I didn’t get a picture of the third girl, Bones Bored. I was too busy headdesking. But just back up a slide and you will see pretty much exactly what she looked like.
  • 60. “Hello, I just had a baby. I need your services.”
  • 61. Yes, I am succumbing to nanny hell. But with triplets you would too, well unless you were in an apocalypse in which case lifting business would become very tempting. And in case you hadn’t guessed, all of the room colors were chosen randomly. I mean I like black. But not as a nursery color.
  • 62. It’s a good thing that I.M. lifted business or topped business, you know what I mean. Bloody apoc lexicon, it takes over your life I swear.
  • 63. Still, it’s the little moments like this that make the whole scary nanny thing worth it. That and I have no idea why I took this picture.
  • 64. “I’ve gotta hurry. I’ve got somewhere really important to be!”
  • 66. “Now you wait right here and look cute while I go toss your sisters, Bones.” “Gah!”
  • 67. Bones Fantasy: Named after the TV show Bones. I only every watch it when I am truly bored. Her stats are 1/10/10/5/0 and she’s a Gemini. Go mean puddle making!
  • 68. “Are you willing to be more interesting, Anime?”
  • 69. “Baba!” --- Anime Bored She’s 5/5/4/10/3 and a Taurus. So we’ll have a tub pirate on our hands.
  • 70. Finally we have Fantasy Bored. She’s 10/5/10/4/1 and a scorpio. So Yay another meanie. A neat, active meanie.
  • 71. So without further ado, we start on the toddler training.
  • 72. Although with only one parent and three toddlers it’s a bit of a challenge.
  • 73. Not to mention, Poor I.M. has to keep up with the rest of the house. See that plant. It’s dead. I never kill plants. EVER. But I was so distracted by toddler training to save them. “Wan’ bugs! Eat!”
  • 74. “I can’t believe I signed up for this.”
  • 75. “I potty!” “I no wan fall down hole.” “Yay potty!” “Potty scary.”
  • 76. In desperation, I had Poor I.M. actually cast a “good” spell. It did almost nothing.
  • 77. “Daddy silly when he make sparklies!”
  • 78. Raising triplets lead me to think of unconventional things. Like filling pet food dishes and leaving them out for the kids. It probably saved the toddlers and saved me from the social worker.
  • 79. Also I didn’t bother to have I.M. walk anywhere. He used Magivestigium to get around. Often with interesting results. “Daddy fall down hole. Hole scary.”
  • 80. I think I.M. was beginning to lose it a bit. “No. I’m fine. Nothing wrong with me. I’ve always been able to go through walls.” You can hear me? “Um. Yes?” Crap. Just think of me as a figment of your imagination. “I’ll do that.”
  • 81. “Yummy Daddy!” “Why no have mommy?” “No need mommy.”
  • 82. “Here you are, Fantasy. I was looking all over for you.” “Daddy sing?” “Maybe later. But up first. Birthdays. Thank whoever. No more potty training.”
  • 83. Since no one had the fear and I.M. actually rolled the want. We had a party. Up first was anime.
  • 84. She’s cute. But the hair keeps throwing me. I keep imagining it on a certain simself. But it works for Anime. Or Annie as I seem to think of her.
  • 85. Then we have Bones.
  • 86. “Woo!!! Pants!” “I have hands!” “And pants! You have pants!”
  • 87. Finally Fantasy was brought to the cake, through the table, but she’s special like that.
  • 88. “Lovely girls you have, I.M.” “You can’t have. In fact no one can. I’m going to build a tower and hide them from all of you men!” “Daddy, Bones would like to have a talk to you about that. Outside.” “Um. Okay.”
  • 89. “I really think that’s a crap idea!” *Wham!* “Do you really?” “Well, no, I don’t really care. But Annie and Fannie do.” “And you are your sister’s enforcer?” “Something like that.”
  • 90. “So did he change his mind?” “He said he’ll consider it.” “But Bonesie, I really want to meet my prince and have him sweep me off of my feet.” “They really named you appropriately didn’t they, Fannie.” “Shut up, Annie.”
  • 91. “So did I tell you that Fannie here was afraid of falling into the potty?” “What’s wrong with that?” “Nothing, Fannie, but your fanny it soooooooo big that you wouldn’t have to worry about it.” “Don’t make me come over there and smack you, Annie.” “Ooooohhh! I am soooooo scared.”
  • 92. “Be nice, Anime.” “But…” “Just let it go.” “Fine… So are you still scared to potty.” “No.” “Okay. So…” “Let’s go fishing!” “Good idea, Bones.”
  • 93. “Did I say good idea? I take it back!” “No take backs!” “Yeah! No take backs!” “Oooohhh! I think I got something!” “What are we gonna do with it?”
  • 94. “I’m not sure I want to know where this came from. But so long as it isn’t from a romance sim’s pants I am okay.”
  • 95. “Is this my pants-fish, Dad?” “Urk! I don’t think I’m hungry anymore, Bones.”
  • 96. “It’s a good thing you don’t have any more left isn’t it, Daddy?” “Anime…” “Yes Daddy?” “Hush.”
  • 97. “Mr. Parsons, so good of you to come over. I am hoping that you will show the same hospitality to my girls that you have shown to me by hiring me at your esteemed institution. Perhaps you would like to take a seat in the living room and I will be happy to show you around after I make a quick stop.”
  • 98. “I feel violated.” “Your embarrassment tastes of strawberries. I love it.”
  • 99. “Was dinner to your liking, Mr. Parsons?” “It was excellent. Your girls are welcome at the school. I look forward to seeing more of you.” “I’ve lost my appetite.”
  • 100. With his daughters’ educational future secured. I.M. finally settled in for a well deserved night’s sleep. And this is where I am going to stop. My goal with writing/playing this is the following. For every 100 slides I shoot, I will put out a 100 slide update. Or close to that. I am again doing this as a break from my OWBC when it gets too overwhelming so updates will be sporadic at best. Until next time, happy simming!