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Hi. This is me getting caught up to where I took pictures.  I took too many last time around. We left off with Vince proposing to Beatrix and Vash proposing to Professor River.  We join your legacy already in progress.
Not seeing any reason to wait, Beatrix and Vince beelined to the arch to say their vows.
“Beatrix Kiddo, I love you.  I always have and I always will.  I promise to never do a coup-de-grace to you even if I am feeling particularly masochistic.”   “Vince, I promise to never hunt you and everyone you love down unless you really screw up and then I will be merciful.” “I can live with that.”
Up next were Vash and River, who seemed intent on capturing his fiance’s heart in a very literal sense.
Meanwhile, Vince and Beatrix consummated their marriage.  Completely ignoring the ceremony going on behind them.
“Vashthe Stampede, I promise to try to keep it in my pants except for when you don’t want me to.  And to always forgive you if you can’t keep it in yours.” “Prof. River, I promise to not hold you to a double standard and to try to keep the destruction and disasters that seem to follow me around to a minimum but know that it wasn’t my fault.  I blame the tainted donuts.”
And with those heartfelt, yet unconventional vows Vash and River sealed their marriage with a kiss.
“So was that as nerve-wracking for you as it was for me?” “You betcha.  I bet no one will guess that we’re both family secondary.” “Nope, no one will guess.”
Then the party was over.  I would like to state that the memory is for a birthday party, that we had two weddings was simply a bonus.
Immediately after getting married, Vash and River got right to work bringing in the next generation.
“Are you sure you want to do this in the living room?  There’s a double bed available.” “We can get to that later.  Right now, my timer is going off.”
Mission accomplished – we have a lullaby and the heir is on the way for Generation Seven.
Since River is a romance sim and an elder at that, he’s got a lifetime want I am not going to do – Twenty Woohoos - he gets a wish for peace off of one of the random lamps that we have floating around.
“So no woohoo for you?” “What did you want me to do?  Cheat on Vash?  I promised to try to keep it in my pants.” “But did you really need to waste a wish on that?” “Have you seen my want panel?” “Good point.”
I decided to keep Beatrix and Vince around for a little while, mostly so I don’t have the elder household of doom.  I don’t have a bathroom fetish – thank you Eaxis.
Although Beatrix is determined to prove me wrong by glitching through the door
And to add insult to injury, Vash’s pregnancy decided to make itself known.
Which prompted a mad dash to the toilet.
“So did you know you were going to have a baby?” “Huh?  Yeah.  That’s the point of woohoo, right?” “You must be a family sim.” “Is it that obvious?”
Outside, Jason and Babylon 5 were having their mid-afternoon classic dance. “You know this is one of the things I am going to miss the most when I’m gone.  The feeling of being so safe and loved in your arms.” “You don’t have to leave.” “I’m afraid I don’t have a choice.”
“Then can I have one more kiss before you go?” “Of course.”
“Thank you, Jason.  Thank you for almost sixty years of happiness love and laughter.  I am the luckiest man in the world to have you for a husband.  I just wanted you to know that.”
“I know.  I’ve always known.  I love you Babylon 5 Bored.”
“Jason Bored, your time has come.” “I know.  Can we not drag this out?  I don’t want to have Babylon 5 suffer for long.”
“All right, Grab your bag and we will be on our way.” “Thanks.  I love you Baby.  Never forget, I love you.”
Jason Bored, Gen 4 Spouse.  You were an awesome match to Babylon and I will always appreciate that.  You got your lifetime want several times over and left money to all of your kids and grandkids to date along with lots of other people.  You’re going to be missed.
Deeply missed.
Since Jason was gone, I needed to have something for Babylon 5 to do instead of mope around the house crying every two minutes.  So sewing it is.
Meanwhile Prof. River and Vash finally got their woohoo in a bed want fulfilled and it was around this time that I noticed a very interesting feature of River.
He’s got purple eyes.  EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!
“EEEEEE!!!  Can you stop scaring me?  I don’t like it.” “I know that is why it is so fun!”
“Willow!  Hold me and protect me from the scary ghosts!” “Is that a pick up line?  Because the whiny coward act is totally sexy.” “It is.” “Oh good.  Let’s play a game until a double bed frees up.”
“Look!  It’s our grandchild!” “Where?”
Here. Vash pops into pregnancy in appropriately colored pajamas.
“I think you’re going to be a father, River.  Are you ready?” “Is anyone ever ready?  But I can’t wait to meet the little one.” “It could be more than one.” “Even better.”
“Are you sure you don’t mind.  I know you’re a romance sim.” “But I’m also your sim.  What you want, I want and if having babies makes you happy.  It will make me happy.” “I love you, Prof. River.”
“I love you too.”
River earned himself some life points with that display there.  He’s actually set to die before Scot or Willow and I’d like him to be around for his kids.  We’re currently scanning for twins, I’m actually hoping for triplets or more since that would make Vash happy.  If not, I’ll have to figure out something else.
While River obsessed over the modular synth, Vashfound some not so tight clothing.  And I realized I don’t have nearly enough decent male maternity clothing.
Female, I’ve got covered as Beatrix shows off.
“Hey everyone I’m Captain Hero!  Who loves me?”
“Do you love me now that I’m a super hero?” “I loved you before you were one, why would that change?” “Just checking.”
Since we don’t need the money, and she rolled the want for it, Willow retired from her job.  I tend to keep my elders in their jobs unless they roll the want to retire.  Mostly because it gives them something to do that doesn’t require me to babysit them.
Like this guy.  No really, he’s obsessive.  Seriously if I ever need to look for him all I have to do is check the synth.  If he’s not stalking Vash, he’s glued to this thing.  Not to mention he rolls up the want to play it every bloody day.  I’m lucky I’ve got a metric butt-ton of mood boosters or he would be dead by now.  If not by ghost then by hunger.
Pointless slide to show I’ve gotten another 25 things of elixir.  *Sells and restarts*
Since Vash’s Life time want isn’t career related I am not sweating it.  He rolled up the want to quit his job, Music, so I let him.  With all of the elders in the house, I want to take what time I can to max his magic skill.  Even if it is interrupted by baby bumps.
Beatrix on the other hand is skilling for all she’s worth.  Once the baby is born I am kicking the two out – the only thing saving them at the moment is Willow and Scot’s wants to have a grandchild.  And I like family to be present for births.
“Hey sexy mama.” “Yes.”
“How’s my baby.  Are you taking good care of your mama in there?” “I’m kind of male, I don’t really qualify as a mother.” “So says the sim who’s pregnant.” “Point.”
“Was that a ghost?” “You mean you’ve been living here for how long and only noticed them now?”
“I’ve had other things on my mind.” “Better not let them hear that.  A few of them are quite vicious.” “What about this one?” “Great Grandpa Nery?  He’s mostly harmless.”
“Hi new person!   Are you woohooing in my bed?” “Vash, I love you.  But I think you might want to rethink the mostly harmless definition.”
“Why?  What happened?” “He scared the piss out of me.  Literally.” “It’s okay it happens to all of us.  Now if you’ll excuse me, I think I’d like to go bed.” “I think I’ll join you.”
Vash never made it.  Instead he went into labor right  just as he reached the side of the bed.
Scot was very pleased by this development.
And we have baby handoff.  This is Olivia Benson Bored named after the character played by MariskaHargitay on Law and Order: SVU – something I watch a lot of when I am bored.  She has black hair and purple eyes.
Hand off complete, Vash performed another perfect spin and twirl.
YES!!!  The Green skin lives!
Meet our heiress, Penelope Garcia Bored.  She is named after the hacker/skip tracer/techie from Criminal Minds played by Kirsten Vangeness.  It’s the other thing that I watch a lot when I’m bored.  I don’t think I’ve actually watched a first run episode of this show and I don’t really feel the need to what with syndication and all.
Considering that his want panel is a load of face wants that do not include Vash, including one to fall in love with Babylon 5, Prof. River isn’t that bad of a sim.  He autonomously cuddles his daughters.
And stalks his husband to let him know how much he loves him.  In all, it’s kinda cute.  Now if he’ll only stop heart farting all of his husband’s male relatives.
I missed getting pictures of them, but Beatrix threw me twins.  Elle Driver and Hattori Hanzo which really doesn’t go with their last name of Jalowicz.
This is why I missed the picture, see the other full cowplant?  Yeah, Someone else bit the dust.
Beatrix got the honors, although I was minorly annoyed since she wanted to swim through the pool to get to the crypt.  No really, I always want to swim through a body of water in the middle of winter.  SIMS!
Meet random friend who got hungry and ate the cake. Since I can’t elixir Prof. River due to res right now the only way he might be around long enough to see his kids grow up is through cowplant  juice.  I can’t even use the magic lamp if I read the rule right – granted it wasn’t updated for freetime, but what can you do?
With the kids born, and several wants fulfilled, it was now time to move out Vince, Beatrix, their twins, and random townie out.
Unfortunately Scot was the only one who saw them out.  Everyone else couldn’t be bothered.
So with his twin gone, Vash got down to his heirship duties.   He’s already maxed gaming enthusiasm and become a supernatural, now he’s working on his novel.
With Vash doing his novel, that means that it is up to the elder brigade to take care of the twins.  Which was something that Babylon would have done anyways.
Even though he doesn’t have them flagged as family, he’s rolling the wants to cuddle and play with the babies.  I love this sim.
Why are you sneaking back, Vince?
“I had a great time on a date with Beatrix.  I just thought I would show her how much with this pointless statue.”
Then instead of going back the way he came, Vince snuck into the house, past Vash, and then out the garage.  Still, he’s living with Beatrix right next door he didn’t need to come back here – strange sim coding strikes again.
“I think my father’s lost it?” “Hey, I may be widowed but I can still look.  So long as we don’t do anything there’s nothing wrong.” “You just keep telling yourself that.”
“So red hands?” “Red hands.” “You know if you’re desperate…” “I’m not.  I’ll respect your marriage vows even if you won’t.  It’s the Family sim in me.”
Vash finished his novel appropriately titled “The Elephant in the Room.”  Three guesses what that refers to, and the first two don’t count.
No, just no!   You do not want see his want panel.  All of it is impossible.
“If I can’t have babies, grandbabies, get married or have a relative get engaged, can I at least have a cute guy to love?”
“Whoa.  What a rush.”
“Hey man, sorry I’m not gay cause you seem like a nice geezer.  So red hands?” “Red hands.”
As happens in all legacies, another day another birthday.  This time it is the twins Olivia and Penelope.
Penelope grew up and for the first time I will actually have a repeat nose with her.  So far all of my heirs have had the spouses nose.
“I borked it.”
Generation 7 Heiress Penelope Garcia Bored Pisces 4/7/8/6/10 She’s hiding them, but she’s got the elf ears.  YAY!  She’s also carrying the pink eye recessive.  YAY!
“Why you no play with me, brickie?  You sick?  Here I feel forehead.”
7th Generation Spare Olivia Benson Bored Virgo 10/3/4/2/6 She’s also got the ears and the pink eye recessive.  But since she doesn’t have the alien skin as a recessive or dominant she’s out of running for the heir.  She’s still adorable though.
At least her father seems to think so.
“Daddy no watch me potty.  Is bad.” “Whatever you want, Olivia.”
“Eek!  Scary pervert clown.  I bust you and take you to jail.”
The night of the party was also the first time Eva haunted.  It’s been about ten days since she died and this is her first time out.  Fantasy and Corbin are my two most common haunters.
She still managed to hit Beatrix who did not appreciate the honor.
Corbin was also out and he patiently waited around for his target to be availible and…
“Why did Grandpa scare me?” “He probably missed you, Dad.” “I would have been happier if he’d sent a postcard.” “I don’t think there’s a post office in the dead realm.” “Good point, carry on.”
Actually I think that’s a good stopping point.  Tune in next time when more stuff happens.  The kids grow up and I attempt to find a solution to Vash’s lifetime want problem. I want to say thank you to everyone who reviews.  They mean a lot to me.  Especially since this “story” is rubbish.  Special thanks go to Ang(Peasant007) who kept my spirits up and encouraged me to just get it done despite my blahs.   So until next time.  Happy simming!

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I.M. Bored: A Legacy in 10 Generations - Gen 6 Part 3

  • 1. Hi. This is me getting caught up to where I took pictures. I took too many last time around. We left off with Vince proposing to Beatrix and Vash proposing to Professor River. We join your legacy already in progress.
  • 2. Not seeing any reason to wait, Beatrix and Vince beelined to the arch to say their vows.
  • 3. “Beatrix Kiddo, I love you. I always have and I always will. I promise to never do a coup-de-grace to you even if I am feeling particularly masochistic.” “Vince, I promise to never hunt you and everyone you love down unless you really screw up and then I will be merciful.” “I can live with that.”
  • 4.
  • 5. Up next were Vash and River, who seemed intent on capturing his fiance’s heart in a very literal sense.
  • 6. Meanwhile, Vince and Beatrix consummated their marriage. Completely ignoring the ceremony going on behind them.
  • 7. “Vashthe Stampede, I promise to try to keep it in my pants except for when you don’t want me to. And to always forgive you if you can’t keep it in yours.” “Prof. River, I promise to not hold you to a double standard and to try to keep the destruction and disasters that seem to follow me around to a minimum but know that it wasn’t my fault. I blame the tainted donuts.”
  • 8. And with those heartfelt, yet unconventional vows Vash and River sealed their marriage with a kiss.
  • 9. “So was that as nerve-wracking for you as it was for me?” “You betcha. I bet no one will guess that we’re both family secondary.” “Nope, no one will guess.”
  • 10. Then the party was over. I would like to state that the memory is for a birthday party, that we had two weddings was simply a bonus.
  • 11. Immediately after getting married, Vash and River got right to work bringing in the next generation.
  • 12. “Are you sure you want to do this in the living room? There’s a double bed available.” “We can get to that later. Right now, my timer is going off.”
  • 13. Mission accomplished – we have a lullaby and the heir is on the way for Generation Seven.
  • 14. Since River is a romance sim and an elder at that, he’s got a lifetime want I am not going to do – Twenty Woohoos - he gets a wish for peace off of one of the random lamps that we have floating around.
  • 15. “So no woohoo for you?” “What did you want me to do? Cheat on Vash? I promised to try to keep it in my pants.” “But did you really need to waste a wish on that?” “Have you seen my want panel?” “Good point.”
  • 16. I decided to keep Beatrix and Vince around for a little while, mostly so I don’t have the elder household of doom. I don’t have a bathroom fetish – thank you Eaxis.
  • 17. Although Beatrix is determined to prove me wrong by glitching through the door
  • 18. And to add insult to injury, Vash’s pregnancy decided to make itself known.
  • 19. Which prompted a mad dash to the toilet.
  • 20. “So did you know you were going to have a baby?” “Huh? Yeah. That’s the point of woohoo, right?” “You must be a family sim.” “Is it that obvious?”
  • 21. Outside, Jason and Babylon 5 were having their mid-afternoon classic dance. “You know this is one of the things I am going to miss the most when I’m gone. The feeling of being so safe and loved in your arms.” “You don’t have to leave.” “I’m afraid I don’t have a choice.”
  • 22. “Then can I have one more kiss before you go?” “Of course.”
  • 23. “Thank you, Jason. Thank you for almost sixty years of happiness love and laughter. I am the luckiest man in the world to have you for a husband. I just wanted you to know that.”
  • 24. “I know. I’ve always known. I love you Babylon 5 Bored.”
  • 25. “Jason Bored, your time has come.” “I know. Can we not drag this out? I don’t want to have Babylon 5 suffer for long.”
  • 26. “All right, Grab your bag and we will be on our way.” “Thanks. I love you Baby. Never forget, I love you.”
  • 27. Jason Bored, Gen 4 Spouse. You were an awesome match to Babylon and I will always appreciate that. You got your lifetime want several times over and left money to all of your kids and grandkids to date along with lots of other people. You’re going to be missed.
  • 29. Since Jason was gone, I needed to have something for Babylon 5 to do instead of mope around the house crying every two minutes. So sewing it is.
  • 30. Meanwhile Prof. River and Vash finally got their woohoo in a bed want fulfilled and it was around this time that I noticed a very interesting feature of River.
  • 31. He’s got purple eyes. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!
  • 32. “EEEEEE!!! Can you stop scaring me? I don’t like it.” “I know that is why it is so fun!”
  • 33. “Willow! Hold me and protect me from the scary ghosts!” “Is that a pick up line? Because the whiny coward act is totally sexy.” “It is.” “Oh good. Let’s play a game until a double bed frees up.”
  • 34. “Look! It’s our grandchild!” “Where?”
  • 35. Here. Vash pops into pregnancy in appropriately colored pajamas.
  • 36. “I think you’re going to be a father, River. Are you ready?” “Is anyone ever ready? But I can’t wait to meet the little one.” “It could be more than one.” “Even better.”
  • 37. “Are you sure you don’t mind. I know you’re a romance sim.” “But I’m also your sim. What you want, I want and if having babies makes you happy. It will make me happy.” “I love you, Prof. River.”
  • 38. “I love you too.”
  • 39. River earned himself some life points with that display there. He’s actually set to die before Scot or Willow and I’d like him to be around for his kids. We’re currently scanning for twins, I’m actually hoping for triplets or more since that would make Vash happy. If not, I’ll have to figure out something else.
  • 40. While River obsessed over the modular synth, Vashfound some not so tight clothing. And I realized I don’t have nearly enough decent male maternity clothing.
  • 41. Female, I’ve got covered as Beatrix shows off.
  • 42. “Hey everyone I’m Captain Hero! Who loves me?”
  • 43. “Do you love me now that I’m a super hero?” “I loved you before you were one, why would that change?” “Just checking.”
  • 44. Since we don’t need the money, and she rolled the want for it, Willow retired from her job. I tend to keep my elders in their jobs unless they roll the want to retire. Mostly because it gives them something to do that doesn’t require me to babysit them.
  • 45. Like this guy. No really, he’s obsessive. Seriously if I ever need to look for him all I have to do is check the synth. If he’s not stalking Vash, he’s glued to this thing. Not to mention he rolls up the want to play it every bloody day. I’m lucky I’ve got a metric butt-ton of mood boosters or he would be dead by now. If not by ghost then by hunger.
  • 46. Pointless slide to show I’ve gotten another 25 things of elixir. *Sells and restarts*
  • 47. Since Vash’s Life time want isn’t career related I am not sweating it. He rolled up the want to quit his job, Music, so I let him. With all of the elders in the house, I want to take what time I can to max his magic skill. Even if it is interrupted by baby bumps.
  • 48. Beatrix on the other hand is skilling for all she’s worth. Once the baby is born I am kicking the two out – the only thing saving them at the moment is Willow and Scot’s wants to have a grandchild. And I like family to be present for births.
  • 49. “Hey sexy mama.” “Yes.”
  • 50. “How’s my baby. Are you taking good care of your mama in there?” “I’m kind of male, I don’t really qualify as a mother.” “So says the sim who’s pregnant.” “Point.”
  • 51. “Was that a ghost?” “You mean you’ve been living here for how long and only noticed them now?”
  • 52. “I’ve had other things on my mind.” “Better not let them hear that. A few of them are quite vicious.” “What about this one?” “Great Grandpa Nery? He’s mostly harmless.”
  • 53. “Hi new person! Are you woohooing in my bed?” “Vash, I love you. But I think you might want to rethink the mostly harmless definition.”
  • 54. “Why? What happened?” “He scared the piss out of me. Literally.” “It’s okay it happens to all of us. Now if you’ll excuse me, I think I’d like to go bed.” “I think I’ll join you.”
  • 55. Vash never made it. Instead he went into labor right just as he reached the side of the bed.
  • 56. Scot was very pleased by this development.
  • 57. And we have baby handoff. This is Olivia Benson Bored named after the character played by MariskaHargitay on Law and Order: SVU – something I watch a lot of when I am bored. She has black hair and purple eyes.
  • 58. Hand off complete, Vash performed another perfect spin and twirl.
  • 59. YES!!! The Green skin lives!
  • 60. Meet our heiress, Penelope Garcia Bored. She is named after the hacker/skip tracer/techie from Criminal Minds played by Kirsten Vangeness. It’s the other thing that I watch a lot when I’m bored. I don’t think I’ve actually watched a first run episode of this show and I don’t really feel the need to what with syndication and all.
  • 61. Considering that his want panel is a load of face wants that do not include Vash, including one to fall in love with Babylon 5, Prof. River isn’t that bad of a sim. He autonomously cuddles his daughters.
  • 62. And stalks his husband to let him know how much he loves him. In all, it’s kinda cute. Now if he’ll only stop heart farting all of his husband’s male relatives.
  • 63. I missed getting pictures of them, but Beatrix threw me twins. Elle Driver and Hattori Hanzo which really doesn’t go with their last name of Jalowicz.
  • 64. This is why I missed the picture, see the other full cowplant? Yeah, Someone else bit the dust.
  • 65. Beatrix got the honors, although I was minorly annoyed since she wanted to swim through the pool to get to the crypt. No really, I always want to swim through a body of water in the middle of winter. SIMS!
  • 66. Meet random friend who got hungry and ate the cake. Since I can’t elixir Prof. River due to res right now the only way he might be around long enough to see his kids grow up is through cowplant juice. I can’t even use the magic lamp if I read the rule right – granted it wasn’t updated for freetime, but what can you do?
  • 67. With the kids born, and several wants fulfilled, it was now time to move out Vince, Beatrix, their twins, and random townie out.
  • 68. Unfortunately Scot was the only one who saw them out. Everyone else couldn’t be bothered.
  • 69. So with his twin gone, Vash got down to his heirship duties. He’s already maxed gaming enthusiasm and become a supernatural, now he’s working on his novel.
  • 70. With Vash doing his novel, that means that it is up to the elder brigade to take care of the twins. Which was something that Babylon would have done anyways.
  • 71. Even though he doesn’t have them flagged as family, he’s rolling the wants to cuddle and play with the babies. I love this sim.
  • 72. Why are you sneaking back, Vince?
  • 73. “I had a great time on a date with Beatrix. I just thought I would show her how much with this pointless statue.”
  • 74. Then instead of going back the way he came, Vince snuck into the house, past Vash, and then out the garage. Still, he’s living with Beatrix right next door he didn’t need to come back here – strange sim coding strikes again.
  • 75. “I think my father’s lost it?” “Hey, I may be widowed but I can still look. So long as we don’t do anything there’s nothing wrong.” “You just keep telling yourself that.”
  • 76. “So red hands?” “Red hands.” “You know if you’re desperate…” “I’m not. I’ll respect your marriage vows even if you won’t. It’s the Family sim in me.”
  • 77. Vash finished his novel appropriately titled “The Elephant in the Room.” Three guesses what that refers to, and the first two don’t count.
  • 78. No, just no! You do not want see his want panel. All of it is impossible.
  • 79. “If I can’t have babies, grandbabies, get married or have a relative get engaged, can I at least have a cute guy to love?”
  • 80. “Whoa. What a rush.”
  • 81. “Hey man, sorry I’m not gay cause you seem like a nice geezer. So red hands?” “Red hands.”
  • 82. As happens in all legacies, another day another birthday. This time it is the twins Olivia and Penelope.
  • 83. Penelope grew up and for the first time I will actually have a repeat nose with her. So far all of my heirs have had the spouses nose.
  • 85. Generation 7 Heiress Penelope Garcia Bored Pisces 4/7/8/6/10 She’s hiding them, but she’s got the elf ears. YAY! She’s also carrying the pink eye recessive. YAY!
  • 86. “Why you no play with me, brickie? You sick? Here I feel forehead.”
  • 87. 7th Generation Spare Olivia Benson Bored Virgo 10/3/4/2/6 She’s also got the ears and the pink eye recessive. But since she doesn’t have the alien skin as a recessive or dominant she’s out of running for the heir. She’s still adorable though.
  • 88. At least her father seems to think so.
  • 89. “Daddy no watch me potty. Is bad.” “Whatever you want, Olivia.”
  • 90. “Eek! Scary pervert clown. I bust you and take you to jail.”
  • 91. The night of the party was also the first time Eva haunted. It’s been about ten days since she died and this is her first time out. Fantasy and Corbin are my two most common haunters.
  • 92. She still managed to hit Beatrix who did not appreciate the honor.
  • 93. Corbin was also out and he patiently waited around for his target to be availible and…
  • 94. “Why did Grandpa scare me?” “He probably missed you, Dad.” “I would have been happier if he’d sent a postcard.” “I don’t think there’s a post office in the dead realm.” “Good point, carry on.”
  • 95. Actually I think that’s a good stopping point. Tune in next time when more stuff happens. The kids grow up and I attempt to find a solution to Vash’s lifetime want problem. I want to say thank you to everyone who reviews. They mean a lot to me. Especially since this “story” is rubbish. Special thanks go to Ang(Peasant007) who kept my spirits up and encouraged me to just get it done despite my blahs. So until next time. Happy simming!