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The Good, The Bad, & The Uglacy
Chapter 8
Spooky Day Horror

By Candi020765
When last we left the Uglacy Family, they had managed to recover, somewhat, from the memory glitches.
Audra Cartwright, our reigning heir, has just started her career as a newspaper girl.
I should warn you now that if you want to see good sim playing, you got the wrong legacy. But if you want
to see ugly sims, bad sim playing, and EA‟s glitches from the depths of Hell, well let‟s go! Did I mention
I intend to write this entire story in chilly font? Oh, you know you want to stay now!
Bobo had aged, fairly nicely, and was still the unappreciated family slave.
Because, well, someone has to have that job.
He was still married to the queen of mean, Victoria Cartwright.
Victoria is an insane, athletic, lucky, computer whiz equestrian.
But really she is just a bitch. No really. Bitchiest sim ever.
If I could reach through my computer screen and slap her, I would.
Bobo and Victoria had produced a set of useless twins to slow my game play down.
Twin # 1 is Nick. Nick has issues. I think his bunny slippers say it all. He is a grumpy loser,
genius equestrian, although he is failing school and won‟t do his homework and ditches
class everyday. I think he‟s dumb as rocks. Genius my a$$.
Twin # 2 is Laura. Laura is actually smart and reminds me of Bobo. She is a clumsy virtuso, light
sleeping equestrian and she loves musical instruments but she really sucks at them.
“That‟s because someone keeps clicking the option off when I want to play guitar!”

There‟s a reason for that.
Equestrian skills, my butt… *snort*
These guys couldn‟t ride a merry go round. Except Victoria who loves
to ride at midnight and inconvenient times.
“You missed a spot, Bobo.”

“Yes dear.
“You need to scrub harder, pay attention.”
“Yes dear. Of course, dear.”
“So honey, want to go on a date, it‟s in my want panel.”
“No Bobo, I hate you right now, I won‟t leave you ask me.”
“ But, but why? I‟m been faithful and perfect to you.”
“I don‟t know, I just want to hate you. That and I‟m off my meds again.”
Oh look, it‟s Edward Cull… I mean Tristan Van Gould. Although I can‟t believe
zombie t-shirts are his style. I‟ll just pretend he was fighting off all his countless fans.
“Oh, Edward, I mean Tristan, you are so perfect,
like a symphony to the eyes.”
*gag me*
“Please, I am much more than eye candy. I am a serious actor. Does no one understand this?! I am
tired of being locked into being a sexy vampire idol for thousands of teenage girls. My life is misery!”
Yeah, yeah, cry me a river. You poor, rich, misunderstood typed-cast actor.
“Dad, why do you put up with mom. All she does is break your heart.”
“The heart wants what the heart wants, son.”
“A big knife through the middle of it?”
“OH for the love of boolprop, Audra, you‟ve been standing there trapping me for 5
hours… I‟m an old man, I‟m tired. My plumbob is fire engine red!
“Sooo, you want me to move?”
“Hey Audra, I‟m the family idiot, and even I can see he‟s tired.”
Hee, hee, hee, old lady…”
“Keep laughing you little hooligan and I‟ll shove those
newspapers where the sun doesn‟t shine.”
Audra continues to work at the Russian newspaper where she has
rolled the lifetime want to be a Star News Anchor.
News at eleven… only you won‟t understand because it will be in Russian.
And she sneaks back home, she has been sneaking since she was a
teenager, because she is glitched. It was funny for one chapter
but this is getting old. *Glares at EA*
Oh Peanut Ivy, you are a perfect addition for the Uglacy Family, only
your kind of under aged right now and there are sim laws against that.
Still, Audra can be your “friend”.
Really, we invite you over and you pass out by our slip and slide.
How rude.
“So… how‟s high school?”
“Back off lady, my momma warned me about people like you!
Don‟t you try to touch my no no zone!”

“Woah, kid, woah, I ain‟t touching anything.”
“That was so traumatic. I hope they have some
cookies or something.”
“So I snuck in a skill point and I can play a song now!”
“Cool, how about Stairway to Heaven!”
“Well kind of… twinkle, twinkle… little star…”
My sentiments exactly. Even Ramie started howling.
Let the innocent pillow fighting commence!
Later that night…
“Would you like flowers, Tristan, candy, a back massage perhaps?”
Oh maybe you want me…”

“Excuse me Laura, you‟re a teen.”
That‟s not stopping you with Peanut.”
“Pardon me, I can‟t move. Audra is in my way!”
Please, Laura, I see your game, you have an entire living room to move pass her.
Stop being a pain in my ass.
Yeah, that‟s not obvious at all, Audra.
What a dork face for a vampire. Just saying.
“Oh yes, now where were we before we were so rudely interrupted.
What would you like. To drain my blood from my lifeless body?”
“What?! I am a vegetarian vampire! I only suck down gluten free tofu smoothies.”
“I‟m bored, I want to go someplace.”
Oh geesh, I hate when this happens. Didn‟t I buy you that slip and slide you wanted?!
“Yeah, this is great, these Crumplebottom sisters know how to have a good time!”
Their Aunt would be so proud…After she beat them senseless with her purse.
I don‟t want to say the bartender had issues… but…
Nothing like a blow torch to mix your drinks.
Nick wanders in the next morning, “Who are you?”

“I‟ve come to warn you kid, Spooky Day is coming and it‟s not pretty. Actually I‟m the bartender from
last night and for some reason, I‟m stalking you, probably you didn‟t pay me. Or I‟m a serial killer.”
So to make everything a little more on the up and up, I send Audra over
to meet Peanuts family. That and I want to check out his genetics and
make sure no pretty people live there.
I mean Peanut is an Uglacy dream come true. Those ears, I can only
hope their kids have those ears. It would be like Christmas for me.
OH MY Boolprop, it runs in the family. Jackpot! Love the pants!
“Hello Mr. Ivy, I‟m Peanuts new, strictly platonic, reputable friend.
Have you ever considered selling your son as Uglacy fodder. We pay
well, and he‟ll have excellent benefits.”
“I can see the magnetic chemistry between you. One hundred twenty dollars
and a case of beer, and he‟s yours after high school.”
On her way home, Audra stops by Tristan‟s house but finds herself oddly
attracted to his father. Awkward! Audra does seem to like vampire boys.
That‟s right, you stand in the corner Nick. Till your plumbob is good
and red. (No, I did not do this to him. He‟s stupid.)
“What‟s this, kick boxing for seniors?”
“Shut up Bobo, I need to stay in shape to run the toddler soccer team.
Little brats suck the energy right out of me.”
Hmm, she is 87 years old, maybe I should let her retire now. Naaahhh.
When Thought Bubbles Go Bad.
“Where are you going, young man?!”
“Nowhere. I got the sneak glitch.”
*sigh* It must be contagious.
“Wow, Miss Cartwright, its so nice of you to take me out to play shuffle board.”
“Yeah, yeah kid, think nothing of it. Let me get some nachos for you too, and a Roy Rodgers.”
“Hmmm, the nachos must be really good here.”
“I love them!”
“You don‟t say.”
Meanwhile, at home…
“I just got abducted by aliens. It was great! I rolled the want to reach the
top of the science career!”
Like I care, spare. But aliens mean future ugly babies. Oh yay!
“Dear Peanut, I know you are promised to my sister, but I want to date you.
I have been rolling wants for quite some time. In fact, I rolled a want to
write you this love letter…”
Not going to happen Laura, find your own ugly man
and stay away from your sister‟s boyfriends.
So Fall in finally in the air, and I have Bobo put in a fireproof fireplace…
because we all know what happens if it isn‟t fireproofed. Especially in
my legacies. Thank goodness someone around here has mechanical pts.
Fall kicks off with a Fall festival and the Cartwright family heads down to the festival grounds
for some Fall Fun time! Peanut happens to be there, and enters the pie eating contest.
My money is on Bobo, because I gave him the life skill of food eating competition.
On your mark, get ready, get set…
“Oh good grief, this pie tastes like crap!”
“I think I‟m going to hurl, Mr. Cartwright.”
“Man up boy, it‟s only pie. At least I think it‟s only pie.”
“Just eat, don‟t think about it, sis.”
“Is that a fingernail?”
Yay, I‟m the winner. I ate the most crap pie!”
And Bobo meets my expectations. Peanut came in second.
“Ohhhh, I don‟t feel so good…”
The price of victory, or second place.
Was the pie as good coming up as it was going down?
“Oh wow, a claw game!”
Hmmm, I wonder if these are giant rip offs like in real life.
“Curses you hunk of junk! I should have gotten that useless
stuffed bear, or dog, or whatever that is.”
Yup, apparently they are.
3 Tries later…
“I‟m reporting you to the better business bureau! Do you hear me!”
Twenty four dollars later…
“I won, I won, I won a toy tank!”
That‟s awesome, Nick. I always knew you were a winner. *snort* loser.
Bobo: “I hope the kids are having a good time.”
Victoria: “ I couldn‟t give a rat‟s ass if they are having a good time.
My bunions are killing me, and I‟m tired of looking at these townie freaks.”
“Well isn‟t that a cute costume, missy. Let me guess what you‟re dressed as…
the town whore?”
“I‟m so scared! Fall festivals are so scary.
There are witches, and goblins, and ghosts.”
“Peanut, calm down, there are no witches, or goblins, or ghosts around here.”

“There‟s an old witch over there in that rocking chair, I saw her!”
“Ok, I can‟t argue that one.”
This chick is seriously crying over the tombstone at the haunted house.

“OMG, it‟s just so sad. Someone died at the festival!”
They are Halloween decorations, you bimbo. She literally spent the
whole night whining over this grave. What a Debbie Downer.
“Tristan, I‟m so glad you came. I was afraid you wouldn‟t show.”
“Well I am a vampire, Audra, if I came when the sun was up, I would
glitter like a sugar cookie and everyone would be jealous and be haters.
“Tristan, I have something I have to tell you. I really like you, but
we can never be. I have to marry someone ugly to full fill my family‟s legacy.”
“That‟s cool. A legacy part is much too small for me anyway.
And I have girlfriend.”
“Besides, Audra, you can‟t be with me. I‟m incredibly good looking.”
“Well we‟ll always have tonight, it‟s perfect, under the stars…”
“Yes, this would be perfect, except for that creepy stalker guy.
Dude, some privacy, is that too much to ask! I hope he‟s not
paparazzi, I‟m out of hair gel.”
“Muhaha, I am paparazzi. Wait till Bella finds out about this!” *click, click*
“Nooo, you can‟t. Wait, are you getting my good side?
My profile is everything. Let me turn a little more to my right.”
“Good-bye Tristan, you were really sweet, other than being
an egotistical, self-centered narcissist.”
****first kiss****
Sometimes I like to check on my sims that moved out and see how they are
doing. I made this mistake with Heath Cartwright, Audra‟s brother. He was on
his front porch making out with cougar Doreen Caliente. NOOOOO Heath.
Calientes are the town bicycles! Talk about scary! Why don‟t you just lick
a petri dish. I‟m not going to be able to sleep tonight!
On the way home from the festival, I accidently clicked on the wrong house
and my entire family ended up there accidently as a group.
Yes, I really am that bad at this.
“What are we doing here ? We don‟t know these people.”
“What are you people doing in my house?”
OH man, I really am scared now. He looks like a serial killer nut job. I‟m thinking
Texas Chain Saw Massacre. Is that human skin he‟s wearing or just bad fashion?
“I am Branch Timberly, the most famous celebrity in Moonlight Falls.
Who, prey tell, are you? Are you here to shave my back?”
“Er, wrong house dude, we‟ll just be going now.”
“Then be gone, peon, and no you can not have my autograph.”
“But I didn‟t ask…”
“And you can not clip my toe nails, so don‟t beg.”
Once we got out of crazy man‟s house, everyone wanted to carve a pumpkin,
so pumpkin carving it was! We had plenty of pumpkins because I kind of
set Victoria to picking them and forgot about her, so she had 12 pumpkins
in her inventory and a red hot plumbob. Oops.
Ramie, don‟t you dare pee on those pumpkins!
“Finally, Nick, Spooky Day is here, let‟s trick or treat!”
Oh, I was so excited about this. Oh, I should have known better.
First, Nick and Laura took separate taxis even though I had grouped
them together, and really, taxis for trick or treating? Seems all wrong.
But I was willing to overlook that. Maybe they like taxis and are lazy.
So first stop, Heath‟s place. He‟s their brother so they should get lots
of candy here. Let‟s just hope Doreen Caliente isn‟t here and the
kids get a real treat and see her in action. That‟s a trick no one deserves.
“Trick or Treat bro.”
“You know, Trick or Treat… candy… piece of gum… something?”
“Well that was lame, he answered the door but we got no candy.”
Hmmm, that‟s odd, they had the trick or treat option.
Maybe Health just didn‟t have any candy.
Yet, that was what happened at every house. The trick or treat option
was there, but once someone opened the door they simply stared at
the kids like idiots. Apparently my sims did not get the concept of
Halloween, that or they were all too cheap to buy candy this year.
Pissed off at EA and the whole neighborhood, the kids and me went to the
tricking and pranking part of Spooky Day. I tried to click the option off, I swear.
“Spooky Day this, bitches!”
But even that had issues…
“HAHAHA, take that, you no candy giving jerks! I throw my invisible eggs at you!”
“What is that kid doing? Is he having a seizure?”
“This sucked, Nick. We didn‟t get a single piece of candy and I just want to go home!
Sadly, Spooky day was a Spooky waste of time 
“So how was Spooky Day?”
“Don‟t ask. I‟ve had more fun unclogging toilets.”
“Well now that you‟re no longer a teen, I have a surprise for you Peanut.”
So at least something went right.
Just act old and oblivious, Bobo. Oh, wait, your are.
“This is what I think of your stupid Spooky Day EA!”
Nick did this on free will, making me actually proud of him.
It‟s times like this I really think my sims are alive!
But Cartwrights do not give up. (Thanks to my insistent clicking).
Next up, a costume party to officially start Spooky Day, which apparently last several days,
which is good since I can‟t the damn holiday to work right! I will show you EA !
*waves finger fist.
Interesting. Almost everyone came as a hot dog.
Was there a special on this costume? Let‟s Play WHO WORE IT BEST.
Anyway, first up… Jennie Fisk, who also wore fangs with her outfit and
looked like a man. What is this? Attack of the Killer Hot Dog?
Next up is Fawn Goodflower, Nick‟s friend, who he has the hots for.
“OMG EA, I can‟t believe you would put a teenage girl in a hot dog costume!
Anyone knows I should be in some kind of slutty outfit, trying to out do my
girlfriends, duh. I would never look like an ad for Oscar Myer!”
Also decked in the hotdog outfit, Rainflower Ivy (Peanut‟s dad).
“I brought invisible cookies!”
But my favorite, hands down…
Branch Timberly! The Crazy neighbor who came as a spoiled hot dog, apparently.
“Yes, I don‟t just wear a costume, I am the costume.”
Branch floating around the party, stinking and flirting everywhere.
“Well hello there.”
“Back off hot dog man.”
“Oh wow, check out the stinky hot dog dude… hahaha!”
On the plus side he was entertaining.
Peanut came as “Mr Peanut!” How cool is that.
Please tell me that is not Branch in the background checking out Victoria.
Also present, was the Little Mermaid, who stood in the corner the entire party.
Fawn also stayed there, apparently hiding from Branch Stink-0.
It‟s not so funny now, is it Laura? Branch traps her in a corner.
“And then I was locked in the attic by my mother, because she couldn‟t
understand my amazing feat of floating. Living off my own urine and feces,
I survived to write a best selling book, „Mommy was Mean to me.”
Do you want to come to my house one day and see my thumbtack collection?”
“OH, I wish I were an Oscar Myer Wiener…That is what I really‟
want to beee-eee-eee. Cause if I were an Oscar Myer Wiener,
Everyone would take a bite of me.”
Sorry, I had to go there.
“HaHaha, look at the stinky hot dog!”
I wouldn‟t do that Bobo, you‟re drawing attention to yourself.
He‟s like a shark in the water, smelling for blood.
The Hot Dog Spooky Day Party was a great success. No really, we did a good party.
Even the mermaid trapped in the corner had a good time.
“Good-bye creepy hot dog man, and don‟t follow me or I‟ll call the cops.”
“What a great party!”
“Yeah, thanks. You hot dog people can get the hell out now. Party‟s over!”
“OH yay, are you going to kiss?! I want to see tounge!”
Peanut: “Branch is creeping me out, Audra. Please tell me he doesn‟t live here.”
Audra: “I don‟t know, we told him to leave an hour ago. I hope he isn‟t glitched here.”
Me: OH I will kill EA for this one! He better leave. *crying on keyboard*
Yet another moment that confirms my suspicions…
So feeling victorious after the Spooky Day Party, I send the kids out one more time.
This time I spy the pumpkin container! SUCCESS, from our little mermaid friend.
“OH wow, one whole piece of candy! What a cheap ass!”
Apparently, Laura thinks she is getting a feast.
“Yeah, sis, don‟t bet on it. One lousy piece of candy!”
“This is a disgrace, the rest of us teenage hoodlums agree. We‟re
going to prank this whole town… one piece of candy. If you‟re lucky.
Are you guys in or out?!”
They‟re right sis, this is crap! I‟m in guys!
Wait, Nick, I got a bad feeling about this.
“Pssh, what could possibly go wrong.”
“I hope they enjoy their flaming bag of poo.”
“Wow, dude , you‟re a monster, lighting a flaming bag of poo
on this poor, old lady‟s porch.”
“What, you‟re the guy who told me to do it.”
Sing to johnny CaSh’S Folsum Prison:

I hear that cop car coming, it‟s coming round the bin,
MY brother is an idiot, that guy‟s not his friend…
Spooky Day went all wrong, So I‟m singing my song,
And I ain‟t seen no candy, since I don‟t know when…
“Oh dear, there‟s poo all over my shoes.”
“I hope you‟re happy buddy, you‟re a monster, a monster I say.”
“Did you have a fun Spooky Day, son…”
“Hey daddy, whose that guy on our front porch with grandma?”
Laura, singing:

OH crap, this is a cop‟s house, Brother better bail,
You best start running, bro, Or face some time in jail…
“Hey, Ma is everything okay up there.”
“This Hooligan put flaming poo on our porch!”
“Is he is trouble grandma?”
“OH yes, yes he is.”
“Can I watch daddy arrest him?”
“NO, you get inside right now young man.”
“OH no, this is a cop‟s house?! Oh man, I better make a run for it.”
My brother is a dimwit, as he tries to sneak away
Cause he‟s off to Jail, To pay for Spooky Day…
He‟ll be stuck in Folsum prison, cause he done things wrong.
But Spooky Day will keep on glitching,
Right on to San Antone.
But I can explain, officer…
“Why I ought to smack you with my cane!”
“I know, I know. I shouldn‟t have put poo on her porch.”
“You are totally missing the point. You shouldn‟t have got caught! A cop‟s
house?! I don‟t believe that genius crap in your profile for one minute.”
I hope you liked our story, although it is a shame,
Spooky Day went all wrong, but EA‟s to blame.
And they‟ll probably never fix it, but that‟s okaaay,
Cause no matter what they do, we‟ll have fun anyway…
Happy Belated Halloween all!
As for you , EA, here‟s your special Spooky Day present.

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Uglacy chapter 8

  • 1. The Good, The Bad, & The Uglacy Chapter 8 Spooky Day Horror By Candi020765
  • 2. When last we left the Uglacy Family, they had managed to recover, somewhat, from the memory glitches. Audra Cartwright, our reigning heir, has just started her career as a newspaper girl. I should warn you now that if you want to see good sim playing, you got the wrong legacy. But if you want to see ugly sims, bad sim playing, and EA‟s glitches from the depths of Hell, well let‟s go! Did I mention I intend to write this entire story in chilly font? Oh, you know you want to stay now!
  • 3. Bobo had aged, fairly nicely, and was still the unappreciated family slave. Because, well, someone has to have that job.
  • 4. He was still married to the queen of mean, Victoria Cartwright. Victoria is an insane, athletic, lucky, computer whiz equestrian. But really she is just a bitch. No really. Bitchiest sim ever. If I could reach through my computer screen and slap her, I would.
  • 5. Bobo and Victoria had produced a set of useless twins to slow my game play down. Twin # 1 is Nick. Nick has issues. I think his bunny slippers say it all. He is a grumpy loser, genius equestrian, although he is failing school and won‟t do his homework and ditches class everyday. I think he‟s dumb as rocks. Genius my a$$.
  • 6. Twin # 2 is Laura. Laura is actually smart and reminds me of Bobo. She is a clumsy virtuso, light sleeping equestrian and she loves musical instruments but she really sucks at them. “That‟s because someone keeps clicking the option off when I want to play guitar!” There‟s a reason for that.
  • 7. Equestrian skills, my butt… *snort* These guys couldn‟t ride a merry go round. Except Victoria who loves to ride at midnight and inconvenient times.
  • 8. “You missed a spot, Bobo.” “Yes dear. “You need to scrub harder, pay attention.” “Yes dear. Of course, dear.”
  • 9. “So honey, want to go on a date, it‟s in my want panel.” “No Bobo, I hate you right now, I won‟t leave you ask me.” “ But, but why? I‟m been faithful and perfect to you.” “I don‟t know, I just want to hate you. That and I‟m off my meds again.”
  • 10. Oh look, it‟s Edward Cull… I mean Tristan Van Gould. Although I can‟t believe zombie t-shirts are his style. I‟ll just pretend he was fighting off all his countless fans.
  • 11. “Oh, Edward, I mean Tristan, you are so perfect, like a symphony to the eyes.” *gag me*
  • 12. “Please, I am much more than eye candy. I am a serious actor. Does no one understand this?! I am tired of being locked into being a sexy vampire idol for thousands of teenage girls. My life is misery!” Yeah, yeah, cry me a river. You poor, rich, misunderstood typed-cast actor.
  • 13. “Dad, why do you put up with mom. All she does is break your heart.” “The heart wants what the heart wants, son.” “A big knife through the middle of it?”
  • 14. “OH for the love of boolprop, Audra, you‟ve been standing there trapping me for 5 hours… I‟m an old man, I‟m tired. My plumbob is fire engine red! “Sooo, you want me to move?” “Hey Audra, I‟m the family idiot, and even I can see he‟s tired.”
  • 15. Hee, hee, hee, old lady…” “Keep laughing you little hooligan and I‟ll shove those newspapers where the sun doesn‟t shine.”
  • 16. Audra continues to work at the Russian newspaper where she has rolled the lifetime want to be a Star News Anchor. News at eleven… only you won‟t understand because it will be in Russian.
  • 17. And she sneaks back home, she has been sneaking since she was a teenager, because she is glitched. It was funny for one chapter but this is getting old. *Glares at EA*
  • 18. Oh Peanut Ivy, you are a perfect addition for the Uglacy Family, only your kind of under aged right now and there are sim laws against that. Still, Audra can be your “friend”.
  • 19. Really, we invite you over and you pass out by our slip and slide. How rude.
  • 20. “So… how‟s high school?”
  • 21. “Back off lady, my momma warned me about people like you! Don‟t you try to touch my no no zone!” “Woah, kid, woah, I ain‟t touching anything.”
  • 22. “That was so traumatic. I hope they have some cookies or something.”
  • 23. “So I snuck in a skill point and I can play a song now!” “Cool, how about Stairway to Heaven!” “Well kind of… twinkle, twinkle… little star…”
  • 24. My sentiments exactly. Even Ramie started howling.
  • 25. Let the innocent pillow fighting commence!
  • 26. Later that night… “Would you like flowers, Tristan, candy, a back massage perhaps?”
  • 27. Oh maybe you want me…” “Excuse me Laura, you‟re a teen.” That‟s not stopping you with Peanut.”
  • 28. “Pardon me, I can‟t move. Audra is in my way!” Please, Laura, I see your game, you have an entire living room to move pass her. Stop being a pain in my ass.
  • 29. Yeah, that‟s not obvious at all, Audra. What a dork face for a vampire. Just saying.
  • 30. “Oh yes, now where were we before we were so rudely interrupted. What would you like. To drain my blood from my lifeless body?” “What?! I am a vegetarian vampire! I only suck down gluten free tofu smoothies.”
  • 31. “I‟m bored, I want to go someplace.” Oh geesh, I hate when this happens. Didn‟t I buy you that slip and slide you wanted?!
  • 32. “Yeah, this is great, these Crumplebottom sisters know how to have a good time!” Their Aunt would be so proud…After she beat them senseless with her purse.
  • 33. I don‟t want to say the bartender had issues… but…
  • 34. Nothing like a blow torch to mix your drinks.
  • 35. Nick wanders in the next morning, “Who are you?” “I‟ve come to warn you kid, Spooky Day is coming and it‟s not pretty. Actually I‟m the bartender from last night and for some reason, I‟m stalking you, probably you didn‟t pay me. Or I‟m a serial killer.”
  • 36. So to make everything a little more on the up and up, I send Audra over to meet Peanuts family. That and I want to check out his genetics and make sure no pretty people live there.
  • 37. I mean Peanut is an Uglacy dream come true. Those ears, I can only hope their kids have those ears. It would be like Christmas for me.
  • 38. OH MY Boolprop, it runs in the family. Jackpot! Love the pants!
  • 39. “Hello Mr. Ivy, I‟m Peanuts new, strictly platonic, reputable friend. Have you ever considered selling your son as Uglacy fodder. We pay well, and he‟ll have excellent benefits.”
  • 40. “I can see the magnetic chemistry between you. One hundred twenty dollars and a case of beer, and he‟s yours after high school.”
  • 41. On her way home, Audra stops by Tristan‟s house but finds herself oddly attracted to his father. Awkward! Audra does seem to like vampire boys.
  • 42. That‟s right, you stand in the corner Nick. Till your plumbob is good and red. (No, I did not do this to him. He‟s stupid.)
  • 43. “What‟s this, kick boxing for seniors?” “Shut up Bobo, I need to stay in shape to run the toddler soccer team. Little brats suck the energy right out of me.” Hmm, she is 87 years old, maybe I should let her retire now. Naaahhh.
  • 45. “Where are you going, young man?!” “Nowhere. I got the sneak glitch.” *sigh* It must be contagious.
  • 46. “Wow, Miss Cartwright, its so nice of you to take me out to play shuffle board.” “Yeah, yeah kid, think nothing of it. Let me get some nachos for you too, and a Roy Rodgers.” *sigh*
  • 47. “Hmmm, the nachos must be really good here.” “I love them!” “You don‟t say.”
  • 48. Meanwhile, at home… “I just got abducted by aliens. It was great! I rolled the want to reach the top of the science career!” Like I care, spare. But aliens mean future ugly babies. Oh yay!
  • 49. “Dear Peanut, I know you are promised to my sister, but I want to date you. I have been rolling wants for quite some time. In fact, I rolled a want to write you this love letter…” Not going to happen Laura, find your own ugly man and stay away from your sister‟s boyfriends.
  • 50. So Fall in finally in the air, and I have Bobo put in a fireproof fireplace… because we all know what happens if it isn‟t fireproofed. Especially in my legacies. Thank goodness someone around here has mechanical pts.
  • 51. Fall kicks off with a Fall festival and the Cartwright family heads down to the festival grounds for some Fall Fun time! Peanut happens to be there, and enters the pie eating contest. My money is on Bobo, because I gave him the life skill of food eating competition.
  • 52. On your mark, get ready, get set…
  • 53. GO!
  • 54. “Oh good grief, this pie tastes like crap!” “I think I‟m going to hurl, Mr. Cartwright.” “Man up boy, it‟s only pie. At least I think it‟s only pie.”
  • 55. “Nick?” “Just eat, don‟t think about it, sis.” “Is that a fingernail?”
  • 56. Yay, I‟m the winner. I ate the most crap pie!” And Bobo meets my expectations. Peanut came in second.
  • 57. “Ohhhh, I don‟t feel so good…”
  • 58. The price of victory, or second place. Was the pie as good coming up as it was going down?
  • 59. “Oh wow, a claw game!” Hmmm, I wonder if these are giant rip offs like in real life.
  • 60. “Curses you hunk of junk! I should have gotten that useless stuffed bear, or dog, or whatever that is.” Yup, apparently they are.
  • 61. 3 Tries later… “I‟m reporting you to the better business bureau! Do you hear me!”
  • 62. Twenty four dollars later… “I won, I won, I won a toy tank!” That‟s awesome, Nick. I always knew you were a winner. *snort* loser.
  • 63. Bobo: “I hope the kids are having a good time.” Victoria: “ I couldn‟t give a rat‟s ass if they are having a good time. My bunions are killing me, and I‟m tired of looking at these townie freaks.”
  • 64. “Well isn‟t that a cute costume, missy. Let me guess what you‟re dressed as… the town whore?”
  • 65. “I‟m so scared! Fall festivals are so scary. There are witches, and goblins, and ghosts.”
  • 66. “Peanut, calm down, there are no witches, or goblins, or ghosts around here.” “There‟s an old witch over there in that rocking chair, I saw her!” “Ok, I can‟t argue that one.”
  • 67. This chick is seriously crying over the tombstone at the haunted house. “OMG, it‟s just so sad. Someone died at the festival!” They are Halloween decorations, you bimbo. She literally spent the whole night whining over this grave. What a Debbie Downer.
  • 68. “Tristan, I‟m so glad you came. I was afraid you wouldn‟t show.” “Well I am a vampire, Audra, if I came when the sun was up, I would glitter like a sugar cookie and everyone would be jealous and be haters.
  • 69. “Tristan, I have something I have to tell you. I really like you, but we can never be. I have to marry someone ugly to full fill my family‟s legacy.” “That‟s cool. A legacy part is much too small for me anyway. And I have girlfriend.”
  • 70. “Besides, Audra, you can‟t be with me. I‟m incredibly good looking.” “Well we‟ll always have tonight, it‟s perfect, under the stars…”
  • 71. “Yes, this would be perfect, except for that creepy stalker guy. Dude, some privacy, is that too much to ask! I hope he‟s not paparazzi, I‟m out of hair gel.”
  • 72. “Muhaha, I am paparazzi. Wait till Bella finds out about this!” *click, click* “Nooo, you can‟t. Wait, are you getting my good side? My profile is everything. Let me turn a little more to my right.”
  • 73. “Good-bye Tristan, you were really sweet, other than being an egotistical, self-centered narcissist.” ****first kiss****
  • 74. Sometimes I like to check on my sims that moved out and see how they are doing. I made this mistake with Heath Cartwright, Audra‟s brother. He was on his front porch making out with cougar Doreen Caliente. NOOOOO Heath. Calientes are the town bicycles! Talk about scary! Why don‟t you just lick a petri dish. I‟m not going to be able to sleep tonight!
  • 75. On the way home from the festival, I accidently clicked on the wrong house and my entire family ended up there accidently as a group. Yes, I really am that bad at this. “What are we doing here ? We don‟t know these people.”
  • 76. “What are you people doing in my house?” OH man, I really am scared now. He looks like a serial killer nut job. I‟m thinking Texas Chain Saw Massacre. Is that human skin he‟s wearing or just bad fashion?
  • 77. “I am Branch Timberly, the most famous celebrity in Moonlight Falls. Who, prey tell, are you? Are you here to shave my back?” “Er, wrong house dude, we‟ll just be going now.”
  • 78. “Then be gone, peon, and no you can not have my autograph.” “But I didn‟t ask…” “And you can not clip my toe nails, so don‟t beg.”
  • 79. Once we got out of crazy man‟s house, everyone wanted to carve a pumpkin, so pumpkin carving it was! We had plenty of pumpkins because I kind of set Victoria to picking them and forgot about her, so she had 12 pumpkins in her inventory and a red hot plumbob. Oops.
  • 80. Ramie, don‟t you dare pee on those pumpkins!
  • 81. “Finally, Nick, Spooky Day is here, let‟s trick or treat!” Oh, I was so excited about this. Oh, I should have known better.
  • 82. First, Nick and Laura took separate taxis even though I had grouped them together, and really, taxis for trick or treating? Seems all wrong. But I was willing to overlook that. Maybe they like taxis and are lazy.
  • 83. So first stop, Heath‟s place. He‟s their brother so they should get lots of candy here. Let‟s just hope Doreen Caliente isn‟t here and the kids get a real treat and see her in action. That‟s a trick no one deserves.
  • 84. “Trick or Treat bro.” “Huh?” “You know, Trick or Treat… candy… piece of gum… something?”
  • 85. “Well that was lame, he answered the door but we got no candy.” Hmmm, that‟s odd, they had the trick or treat option. Maybe Health just didn‟t have any candy.
  • 86. Yet, that was what happened at every house. The trick or treat option was there, but once someone opened the door they simply stared at the kids like idiots. Apparently my sims did not get the concept of Halloween, that or they were all too cheap to buy candy this year.
  • 87. Pissed off at EA and the whole neighborhood, the kids and me went to the tricking and pranking part of Spooky Day. I tried to click the option off, I swear. “Spooky Day this, bitches!”
  • 88. But even that had issues… “HAHAHA, take that, you no candy giving jerks! I throw my invisible eggs at you!” “What is that kid doing? Is he having a seizure?”
  • 89. “This sucked, Nick. We didn‟t get a single piece of candy and I just want to go home! Sadly, Spooky day was a Spooky waste of time 
  • 90. “So how was Spooky Day?” “Don‟t ask. I‟ve had more fun unclogging toilets.”
  • 91. “Well now that you‟re no longer a teen, I have a surprise for you Peanut.” So at least something went right.
  • 92. Just act old and oblivious, Bobo. Oh, wait, your are.
  • 93. “This is what I think of your stupid Spooky Day EA!” *STOMP, STOMP, STOMP!* Nick did this on free will, making me actually proud of him. It‟s times like this I really think my sims are alive!
  • 94. But Cartwrights do not give up. (Thanks to my insistent clicking). Next up, a costume party to officially start Spooky Day, which apparently last several days, which is good since I can‟t the damn holiday to work right! I will show you EA ! *waves finger fist.
  • 95. Interesting. Almost everyone came as a hot dog. Was there a special on this costume? Let‟s Play WHO WORE IT BEST. Anyway, first up… Jennie Fisk, who also wore fangs with her outfit and looked like a man. What is this? Attack of the Killer Hot Dog?
  • 96. Next up is Fawn Goodflower, Nick‟s friend, who he has the hots for. “OMG EA, I can‟t believe you would put a teenage girl in a hot dog costume! Anyone knows I should be in some kind of slutty outfit, trying to out do my girlfriends, duh. I would never look like an ad for Oscar Myer!”
  • 97. Also decked in the hotdog outfit, Rainflower Ivy (Peanut‟s dad). “I brought invisible cookies!”
  • 98. But my favorite, hands down… Branch Timberly! The Crazy neighbor who came as a spoiled hot dog, apparently. “Yes, I don‟t just wear a costume, I am the costume.”
  • 99. Branch floating around the party, stinking and flirting everywhere. “Well hello there.” “Back off hot dog man.”
  • 100. “Oh wow, check out the stinky hot dog dude… hahaha!” On the plus side he was entertaining.
  • 101. Peanut came as “Mr Peanut!” How cool is that. Please tell me that is not Branch in the background checking out Victoria.
  • 102. Also present, was the Little Mermaid, who stood in the corner the entire party. Fawn also stayed there, apparently hiding from Branch Stink-0.
  • 103. It‟s not so funny now, is it Laura? Branch traps her in a corner. “And then I was locked in the attic by my mother, because she couldn‟t understand my amazing feat of floating. Living off my own urine and feces, I survived to write a best selling book, „Mommy was Mean to me.” Do you want to come to my house one day and see my thumbtack collection?”
  • 104. “OH, I wish I were an Oscar Myer Wiener…That is what I really‟ want to beee-eee-eee. Cause if I were an Oscar Myer Wiener, Everyone would take a bite of me.” Sorry, I had to go there.
  • 105. “HaHaha, look at the stinky hot dog!” I wouldn‟t do that Bobo, you‟re drawing attention to yourself. He‟s like a shark in the water, smelling for blood.
  • 106. The Hot Dog Spooky Day Party was a great success. No really, we did a good party. Even the mermaid trapped in the corner had a good time. “Good-bye creepy hot dog man, and don‟t follow me or I‟ll call the cops.”
  • 107. “What a great party!” “Yeah, thanks. You hot dog people can get the hell out now. Party‟s over!”
  • 108. “OH yay, are you going to kiss?! I want to see tounge!” Peanut: “Branch is creeping me out, Audra. Please tell me he doesn‟t live here.” Audra: “I don‟t know, we told him to leave an hour ago. I hope he isn‟t glitched here.” Me: OH I will kill EA for this one! He better leave. *crying on keyboard*
  • 109. Yet another moment that confirms my suspicions… MY SIMS ARE ALIVE!
  • 110. So feeling victorious after the Spooky Day Party, I send the kids out one more time. This time I spy the pumpkin container! SUCCESS, from our little mermaid friend. “OH wow, one whole piece of candy! What a cheap ass!”
  • 111. Apparently, Laura thinks she is getting a feast. “Yeah, sis, don‟t bet on it. One lousy piece of candy!”
  • 112. “This is a disgrace, the rest of us teenage hoodlums agree. We‟re going to prank this whole town… one piece of candy. If you‟re lucky. Are you guys in or out?!”
  • 113. They‟re right sis, this is crap! I‟m in guys! Wait, Nick, I got a bad feeling about this. “Pssh, what could possibly go wrong.”
  • 114. “I hope they enjoy their flaming bag of poo.”
  • 115. “Wow, dude , you‟re a monster, lighting a flaming bag of poo on this poor, old lady‟s porch.” “What, you‟re the guy who told me to do it.”
  • 116. Sing to johnny CaSh’S Folsum Prison: I hear that cop car coming, it‟s coming round the bin, MY brother is an idiot, that guy‟s not his friend… Spooky Day went all wrong, So I‟m singing my song, And I ain‟t seen no candy, since I don‟t know when…
  • 117. “Oh dear, there‟s poo all over my shoes.” “I hope you‟re happy buddy, you‟re a monster, a monster I say.”
  • 118. “Did you have a fun Spooky Day, son…” “Hey daddy, whose that guy on our front porch with grandma?” Laura, singing: OH crap, this is a cop‟s house, Brother better bail, You best start running, bro, Or face some time in jail…
  • 119. “Hey, Ma is everything okay up there.” “This Hooligan put flaming poo on our porch!”
  • 120. “Is he is trouble grandma?” “OH yes, yes he is.” “Can I watch daddy arrest him?” “NO, you get inside right now young man.” “OH no, this is a cop‟s house?! Oh man, I better make a run for it.”
  • 121. My brother is a dimwit, as he tries to sneak away Cause he‟s off to Jail, To pay for Spooky Day… He‟ll be stuck in Folsum prison, cause he done things wrong. But Spooky Day will keep on glitching, Right on to San Antone.
  • 122. But I can explain, officer…
  • 123. “Why I ought to smack you with my cane!” “I know, I know. I shouldn‟t have put poo on her porch.” “You are totally missing the point. You shouldn‟t have got caught! A cop‟s house?! I don‟t believe that genius crap in your profile for one minute.”
  • 124. I hope you liked our story, although it is a shame, Spooky Day went all wrong, but EA‟s to blame. And they‟ll probably never fix it, but that‟s okaaay, Cause no matter what they do, we‟ll have fun anyway… Happy Belated Halloween all!
  • 125. As for you , EA, here‟s your special Spooky Day present.