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Speaking Practice Test: Practice test 4 – Communication
Part 1 – sample questions
 Which languages do you speak?
 Do you think it’s important for children to learn a foreign language?
 When did you start learning a foreign language?
 Do you enjoy learning languages?
 What activity do you find most useful for learning English?
 What do you find most difficult about learning English?
 Are there any other languages you would like to learn in the future?
Part 2 – sample task card
Describe a conversation you had which was important to you.
You should say:
 when the conversation took place
 who you had the conversation with
 what the conversation was about
and explain why the conversation was important to you.
Part 3 – sample questions
1. What are the main differences between spoken and written communication?
2. To what extent do you think the media influences how people communicate with each other?
3. Do you think there are differences in the way men and women communicate?
4. Do you think that people become better communicators as they get older?
5. Do you agree that education has a strong and positive effect on people’s ability to communicate effectively?
6. What impact has the growth of technology had on the way people communicate and how do you think this will
develop in the future?
Uses of internet for communication
Modern forms of communication
 speaking / talking / chatting face-to-face
 speaking / talking / chatting on the phone / by
mobile phone / by skype
 sending a text message/an SMS / texting
 sending / writing an email
 using an electronic messaging service
 social networking
 video-conferencing
Non-verbal forms of communication
 lip-reading
 using body language
 using sign language
 using hand gestures / signals
 using facial expressions
Informal utterances
 Give me a call/ring/bell/buzz
 Call / ring / phone me
 Send me a text / an email / a whatsapp
 Text me / email me
 Drop me a line
 Keep me posted
 Let me know
 Keep / stay in touch
 I’ll be in touch
Other forms of communication
 making / giving a speech
 speaking in public / public speaking
 giving a lecture / lecturing
 giving a seminar / presentation
 giving / having / conducting an interview
 having / maintaining a
 having an argument
Reasons for communicating
 giving a demonstration / demonstrating
 giving instructions / instructing
 asking for/giving directions / directing
 asking for/giving advice / advising
 making a complaint / complaining
 making small talk / building social relations /
exchanging pleasantries
 exchanging/defending/challenging
 requesting/supplying information
 gossiping / spreading rumours
Effective communication skills
 maintaining eye-contact
 projecting your voice
 varying your intonation
 punctuating your sentences
 emphasizing / repeating key words
 engaging the listener
 asking rhetorical questions
 using discourse markers
Useful linkers for giving opinions
 In my view…
 In my opinion…
 From my point of view…
 In my experience/case…
 As I see it…
 Personally, I think…
 I believe / feel that…
 For me personally…
 As far as I’m concerned…
Sample Answer
Do you think that people become better communicators as they get older?
I think that people’s ability to communicate does improve with age because generally speaking, people get
more confident as they gain more experience of life and I believe that confidence is a major factor. On the
other hand, some people may become more self-conscious as they got older, particularly when they reach
certain stages in their life such as adolescence. For me personally, I feel that I’m a better communicator now
than when I was younger.
Speaking Practice Test: Practice test 4 – Tourism/ Holidays
Part 1 – sample questions
 Are there many public or national holidays in your country?
 Do you think there are enough public holidays?
 Do you like going away on holidays?
 Tell me something about your last holiday?
 Do you always like to go to the same place for your holiday?
 Where would you like to go for your next holiday?
Part 2 – sample task card
Describe a holiday you would like to go on.
You should say:
 what place you would like to go to
 how you would like to get there
 what you would like to do while you were there
and explain why you would like to go on this holiday.
Part 3 – sample questions
1. Which places in your country do visitors enjoy visiting most?
2. What are some of the benefits of going away on holiday?
3. Have there been any recent changes in the types of holiday that are popular in your country?
4. What kinds of benefits might a significant increase in tourist numbers bring to a location?
5. What are some of the negative effects of a dramatic increase in tourism?
6. What developments affecting international travel might there be in the future?
Useful Vocabulary: Toursim
Personal benefits of going on holiday
 a chance to unwind
 to spend quality time with family / friends
 to get away from work / stressful
 to have a change of routine / scenery
 to visit new places / experience new things
/ cultures
 to broaden your horizons
 to visit family or friends abroad
Positive aspects of holidays (commercial)
 creates new jobs in the tourist industry
 boosts the local economy
 attracts media attention to the resort
 'puts a place on the map'
 ensures good level of infrastructure
 improves services & facilities for local
 provides revenue to protect /maintain local
Negative aspects of holidays (personal)
 loss of earnings (if self-employed)
 can be stressful (to be out of your comfort
 can be difficult to cope in a foreign country
/ unfamiliar place
 may encounter travel problems (plane/train
delays / traffic jams)
 may not have access to health
 may lose your luggage
 may not be able to speak the local
Negative aspects of holidays (commercial)
 can cause overcrowding
 tourists may not respect local
 can cause excess of litter / noise
 may cause damage to local environment /
possible vandalism
 area becomes too built-up due to increase
of hotels/shops etc
 natural landscape/beauty may be spoilt
 may cause increase in prices of local
services and goods
Useful linkers for adding more ideas
 in addition (to that)
 apart from (that)
 as well as (that)
 besides (that)
 also
 not only (that) … but also
 both … and …
Sample Answer
What are some of the benefits of going away on holiday?
There are many benefits of going on holiday. Besides giving you a chance to unwind and relax, it also allows
you to spend some quality time with your family, not only in a different environment but more importantly,
away from the routine pressures of work and daily life. In addition to this, it also gives you the opportunity
to broaden your horizons by visiting new places and experiencing a different way of life.
Speaking Practice Test: Practice test 4 – Health
Part 1 - sample questions
 In what ways do you try to stay healthy?
 Is it easy to keep fit where you live?
 What do you think is more important, eating healthily or doing exercise?
 What are the health benefits of playing a sport?
 Have you ever had any habits which you consider to be unhealthy?
 Do you think more about your health now than when you were younger?
Part 2 – sample task card
 Describe something you do to keep healthy.
 You should say:
 what this activity is
 when you do it
 and how often you do it
and explain why you think it’s a good way to look after your health.
Part 3 – sample questions
1. What are the most popular ways of keeping healthy in your country?
2. Do you think most people worry more about their health as they get older?
3. Why do you think some people continue bad habits when they know that they are damaging to their health?
4. How can children be encouraged to adopt healthy eating habits?
5. Do you think people have become more health conscious in recent years?
6. Could governments do more to promote healthier lifestyle options?
Useful Vocabulary
Healthy activities / habits
 taking regular exercise
 playing sport(s)
 (going) swimming / cycling / jogging
 going to the gym
 walking to work / the dog
 doing yoga / pilates / tai chi
 eating fresh fruit and vegetables / organic food
 eating regular meals
 having a balanced diet
 drinking lots of water
Unhealthy habits
 smoking
 binge drinking / drinking alcohol excessively
 taking drugs
 eating too much salt / fat / sugar
 eating too much greasy food / fried food / junk
food / fast food
 eating too many ready meals / pre-prepared
 being overweight
Health Collocations
 a health farm / centre / club
 a health service
 a health risk / hazard
 a health check
 a health problem
 a health visitor
 a health inspector
 health food
 health insurance
 healthcare
 health and safety (rules / regulations /
 a healthy lifestyle
 a healthy diet
 a healthy appetite
 a healthy economy
 a healthy bank balance
 a healthy profit
 a healthy attitude
 a healthy respect
Verb + Noun Collocations
 to look after your health
 to take care of our health
 to maintain your health
 to be in good / poor health
 to regain your health
Verb + Adjective Collocations
 to feel healthy
 to look healthy
 to be healthy
 to keep / stay healthy
Useful linkers for adding more detail
 In (actual) fact…
 Actually…
 More to the point…
 Indeed…
 To be more precise / exact…
Sample Answer
Could governments do more to promote healthier lifestyle options?
Yes, in my opinion the government has a big responsibility to try to persuade people to live more healthily. I
think they could provide more education in schools to teach children how to eat more healthily and show
them the importance of taking physical exercise. In fact, it’s the parents too that also need to be re-
educated on these issues. Another thing, I think there should be more government warnings on TV showing
people the dangers of obesity and poor diet, for example. Actually, they do have some that show the health
risks of smoking and drinking, which are quite powerful, but not really about healthy eating. Finally, there
could be more public facilities to help people keep fit, like swimming pools, gyms and sports centres. More
to the point they need to be affordable so that everyone has the opportunity to use them.
Speaking Practice Test: Practice test 4 – Work
Part 1 - sample questions
 Do you work full-time or part-time?
 What's your job / What do you do (for a living)?
 What do you enjoy most about your work?
 What are the main tasks/duties in your job?
 Is there anything you would like to change about your job?
 What would be your ideal job?
Part 2 – sample task card
Describe the job you would most like to have.
You should say:
 what this job would be
 where you would work
 which qualifications you would need
and explain why you would like to have this job most.
Part 3 – sample questions
1. Which jobs would you say are most respected in your country?
2. Some people say it's better to work for yourself than be employed by a company. What's your view?
3. Do you agree that some jobs are still more suited to either men or women?
4. Do you think schools provide enough advice and support to students about their future careers?
5. What changes in employment have there been in recent years in your country?
6. Do you think more people will work from home in the future?
7. Can you think of any disadvantages of working from home?
Useful Vocabulary
 to apply for a job / post / promotion
 to get / have a part-time/full-time job
 to work in [field / place]
 to work for [a company]
 to specialise in [field]
 to be a qualified [job]
 to work shifts / unsociable hours
 to get / have an interview
 to be shortlisted for an interview/job/post
 to be demoted / promoted
 to be transferred / to put in for/request a transfer
 to be fired / sacked / dismissed
 to be made redundant
 to get/take voluntary redundancy
 to retire / to be retired
 to get a pension / to be a pensioner
 the perks of a job (benefits)
 to work from home (home-working)
 to be self-employed / to work for yourself
 to work/do flexi-time / overtime
Useful links for sequences ideas
 firstly / first of all…
 secondly…
 thirdly…
 then…
 another point / reason / example is…
 lastly / finally….
 overall…
Sample Answer
What changes have there been in recent years in employment in your country?
I think there have been many changes in the types of jobs that people do nowadays compared to 20 or 30
years ago. First of all there are much fewer jobs related to heavy industry such as mining or ship-building or
even manufacturing. Secondly, there has been a big increase in the number of jobs in the service and leisure
industries like shops, gyms, and hotels. And finally, since the launch of the internet there has been a big
surge in the number of jobs related to IT, such as web development and design.
Speaking Practice Test: Practice test 4 – Travel
Part 1 – sample questions
 Which form(s) of transport do you usually use?
 What is the easiest way to get around your town/city?
 Do people use public transport where you live?
 Are there any problems with the public transport system in your town/city?
 How do you prefer to travel on long journeys?
 What is the most unusual method of transport you've ever used?
Part 2 – sample task card
Describe an interesting journey you have been on.
You should say:
 where you went
 how you travelled there
 who you went with
and explain what was so memorable about the journey.
Part 3 – sample questions
1. What methods of transport are most popular in your city / country?
2. What are some of the problems of long-distance travelling?
3. Has the way people travel changed much in the last few decades?
4. Do you agree that governments should do more to encourage greener methods of transport?
5. What measures could be taken to reduce problems of congestion in cities?
6. Do you think that transport problems are worse in urban or rural areas?
Typical methods of transport in cities
 to take/catch the metro / underground /
 to take/catch a tram
 to take/catch a bus
 to take/catch a taxi
 to go by car
 to go by motorbike/scooter/moped
 to go by bike/bicycle / to cycle
 to go on foot / to walk
Other methods of transport
 to go by plane / to take/catch a flight
 to go by / to take/catch a train
 to go by / to take a coach
 to go by / to take/catch a boat/ferry
Transport problems
 long delays = my flight/plane was delayed
 cancellations = my flight was cancelled
 to lose your luggage
 to miss your connection
 to be stuck in traffic-jams / traffic congestion
 to be held up by roadworks / diversions /
 to break down = my car broke down
 bad weather conditions
 thick fog / icy roads / heavy rain / strong winds
/ heavy storm
Solutions to inner-city congestion
 road access charges in city centres
 car share schemes / incentives
 bypasses / ringroads
 park and ride schemes
 free rental of city bikes
 more cycle lanes
 more frequent buses / extended network of
 cheaper public transport
 more pedestrianised streets
 more electric trams
 more accessible metro system
Useful linkers for giving examples
 for example
 for instance
 such as
 like / as
 another example / way is
Sample Answer
What measures could be taken to reduce problems of congestion in cities?
There are many ways that congestion could be reduced in big cities. In my city, for example, they have
introduced a bike rental system where members can pick up a bike at one point and drop it off at another.
It’s proving to be very popular and as a result more cycle lanes are also being provided.
Another example, which unfortunately doesn’t exist in my city, is a park and ride scheme where you leave
your car outside the city in a carpark and then take a free bus into the centre. Another way to prevent
people bringing their cars into the city would be to charge a special fee to access the centre, like they do in
London, though I guess this wouldn’t be quite so popular with the residents.
Speaking Practice Test: Practice test 4 – Tourism
Part 1 – sample questions
 Are there many public or national holidays in your country?
 Do you think there are enough public holidays?
 Do you like going away on holidays?
 Tell me something about your last holiday?
 Do you always like to go to the same place for your holiday?
 Where would you like to go for your next holiday?
Part 2 – sample task card
Describe a holiday you would like to go on.
You should say:
 what place you would like to go to
 how you would like to get there
 what you would like to do while you were there
and explain why you would like to go on this holiday.
Part 3 – sample questions
1. Which places in your country do visitors enjoy visiting most?
2. What are some of the benefits of going away on holiday?
3. Have there been any recent changes in the types of holiday that are popular in your country?
4. What kinds of benefits might a significant increase in tourist numbers bring to a location?
5. What are some of the negative effects of a dramatic increase in tourism?
6. What developments affecting international travel might there be in the future?
Personal benefits of going on holiday
 a chance to unwind
 to spend quality time with family / friends
 to get away from work / stressful environment
 to have a change of routine / scenery
 to visit new places / experience new things /
 to broaden your horizons
 to visit family or friends abroad
Commercial benefits of tourism
 creates new jobs in the tourist industry
 boosts the local economy
 attracts media attention to the resort
 'puts a place on the map'
 ensures good level of infrastructure
 improves services & facilities for local residents
 provides revenue to protect /maintain local
Negative aspects of going on holiday
 loss of earnings (if self-employed)
 can be stressful (to be out of your comfort
 can be difficult to cope in a foreign country /
unfamiliar place
 may encounter travel problems (plane/train
delays / traffic jams)
 may not have access to health facilities/services
 may lose your luggage
 may not be able to speak the local language
Disadvantages for local community
 can cause overcrowding
 tourists may not respect local
 can cause excess of litter / noise
 may cause damage to local environment /
possible vandalism
 area becomes too built-up due to increase of
hotels/shops etc
 natural landscape/beauty may be spoilt
 may cause increase in prices of local services
and goods
Useful linkers for adding more ideas
 in addition (to that)
 apart from (that)
 as well as (that)
 besides (that)
 also
 not only (that) … but also
 both … and …
Sample Answer
What are some of the benefits of going away on holiday?
There are many benefits of going on holiday. Besides giving you a chance to unwind and relax, it also allows
you to spend some quality time with your family, not only in a different environment but more importantly,
away from the routine pressures of work and daily life. In addition to this, it also gives you the opportunity
to broaden your horizons by visiting new places and experiencing a different way of life.
Speaking Practice Test: Practice test 4 – Technology
Part 1 – sample questions
 How much time do you spend using a computer at work or at home?
 What do you mainly use a computer for?
 Did you learn how to use a computer at school?
 Have you ever taken a course to improve your computer skills?
 Has the internet made your job / studies easier?
 Which device do you prefer to use for browsing the internet?
Part 2 – sample task card
Describe a piece of technology that you find useful.
You should say:
 what it is
 what you can do with it
 how often you use it
and explain why you find it so useful
Part 3 – sample questions
1. What are some of the main uses of technology for communication?
2. Do you agree that some people use technology for communication too much?
3. What differences are there between the attitudes of older and younger people to technology for
4. Do you think that the advance of technology has improved standards of education in schools?
5. Would you agree that the rapid development of digital technology has had a positive impact on the world of
6. Do you think that the rate of technological expansion will slow down in the years to come?
Uses of internet for communication
 sending emails
 sending text messages
 tele-conferencing
 video conferencing
 online chatting
 social networking
 blogging
 posting messages on forums
 using an intranet system
 offers immediate communication
 cheaper than telephone calls / face-to-face
 allows global communication without the need
to travel
 more convenient / people can communicate
 allows friends and family overseas to stay
 gives everybody the chance to have a public
 people may lose “real” social skills
 people may spend less time socialising face-to-
 people may become more introverted
 people may become addicted to social network
 people spend too much time in front of a
Technology and Education
 interactive whiteboards
 e-learning courses /e-books
 online degrees
 self-access centres / study
 online teaching / tutoring / training
 blended learning (online + face-to-face)
 offers more flexibility for the learner
 allows people in rural areas the same study
 cheaper for students (no travel /
accommodation costs)
 students & teachers are less bound by time and
Technology and Work
 automated processes
 automated manufacturing
 automated customer services
 high-tech computer systems
 computerised filing / administrative systems
 huge databases
 intranet system / internal emailing
 has made some jobs redundant
 gives customers less personal service
 requires staff to be technically skilled
 may cause security issues / files may be lost
 requires a lot of investment
 breakdowns in the system may cause severe
Useful linkers for giving reasons
 due to (the fact that)
 because of
 because
 as a result of
 that’s (the reason) why
Sample Answer
Do you think that the advance of technology has improved standards of education in schools?
I think the growth of the internet has had a major impact on current teaching methods and I’m sure general
standards have improved as a result. I strongly believe that the motivation for both learning and teaching
has increased because of the phenomenal amount of information now available to both students and
teachers. On the other hand, due to a danger of information overload, some people may be put off using
technology in the classroom, wishing for a return to more traditional methods.
Speaking Practice Test: Practice test 4 – Entertainment
Part 1 – sample questions
 Do you like watching films/movies?
 What kinds of films do you enjoy?
 Do you prefer watching films at home or at the
 Is it easy to get to a cinema where you live?
 How often do you watch films / go the cinema?
 Have you seen any good films recently?
 What kind of movies did you like to watch when
you were a child?
 Has your taste in films changed as you've got
 How much television do you watch per
 What time of time do you usually watch TV?
 Who do you normally watch TV with?
 What kind of TV programmes do you like the
 Do you have a favourite TV programme at the
 What TV programmes do you remember from
your childhood?
 How often do you watch the news on TV?
Part 2 – sample task card
Describe a film you found interesting.
You should say:
 when you saw this film
 why you decided to see this film
 what happened in the film
and explain why you found this film interesting.
Part 3 – sample questions
1. Is cinema a popular form of entertainment in
your country?
2. How has the cinema experience changed in
recent years?
3. Do you think that films should always have an
educational value?
4. Is it important for governments to support film-
making in their countries?
5. Do you think the Internet has had a big impact
on the entertainment industry?
6. In what ways do you think that entertainment
media may develop in the future?
Uses of internet for communication
Advantages of going to the cinema
 the thrill of watching something on the big-
 more exciting/intense atmosphere
 surround sound system brings the characters to
life / enhances the special effects
 able to appreciate the cinematography
 can enjoy a night out with friends
 the excitement of watching a premiere
Advantages of watching TV
 can sit in the comfort of your own home
 can choose what you want to watch
 can play back your favourite parts
 can pause it if you want to stop watching
 can flick through the channels
 can invite your friends round
 can watch a variety of programmes at your own
 can switch it off if you get bored
 social responsibility to make
educational/informative films
 good media for reaching wide audiences
 has high impact on the public
 can get worldwide recognition
 can deliver social and cultural messages
 can bring widespread attention to social/world
Technology & Entertainment
 online gaming / games / gambling
 downloading films / videos
 downloading music
 computer game consoles
 social networking / network sites
 instant chat/photo feeds
Useful linkers for giving more exact information
 in (actual) fact…
 actually…
 as a matter of fact…
 to be more exact…
 to be more precise…
Sample Answer
No, I don’t think that it’s necessary for all films to be educational. In fact, I think people go to the cinema
because they simply want to be entertained, not always educated. Watching a film on the big screen is a
form of escapism and so people want adventure, romance or fantasy. As far as I’m concerned, if I’m looking
to be educated I would choose to read a book or watch a documentary, although actually I do also enjoy
historical films which teach me something about the past.
Speaking Practice Test: Practice test 4 – Education
Part 1 – sample questions
 Are you a full-time or part-time student?
 What subject(s) are you studying?
 Why did you choose this/these subject(s)?
 Which topic/subject do you find the most difficult/interesting?
 What was your favourite subject when you were at school?
 What do you plan to do when you finish studying?
 Is there anything else you would like to study in the future?
Part 2 – sample task card
Describe a teacher that had a positive influence on you.
You should say:
 what subject this teacher taught
 how long he/she was your teacher
 what positive attributes this teacher had
and explain why you remember this teacher in particular.
Part 3 – sample questions
1. Some people say that your school days are the best days of your life. Do you agree?
2. Do you think school and university prepares young people adequately for real life?
3. Do you agree there is too much pressure on young people at school these days?
4. Some people argue that end-of-year exams should be replaced by continuous assessment. What do you think?
5. Have there been significant changes in schooling methods in your country in recent years?
6. Do you think schools and universities provide enough careers advice to their
Uses of internet for communication
 nursery / primary / secondary school /
 state school / private school / boarding school
 all girls / all boys / single-sex / co-ed school
 to go to / attend school
 the curriculum / syllabus
 extra-curricular activities
 school trips / holidays
 school playground / dinners / uniform
 school pupils / teachers
 schoolchildren / schoolboy / schoolgirl
 to sit / do / take an exam
 to resit / retake an exam
 to revise / to study (for an exam)
 to pass / to fail an exam
 to get exam results
 to get qualifications / to be qualified
 to leave school / a school-leaver
 to drop out of school / a dropout
 to be academic / to be an all-rounder
 tertiary / higher / further education
 colleges of higher education / technical colleges
/ universities
 to apply for a course
 to get an (un)conditional offer
 to do a course in [subject]
 halls of residence / student accommodation
 student union / student body
 a fresher / an undergraduate / a graduate
 a graduation ceremony
 to get a university degree / a Masters / a
Doctorate (Phd)
 to graduate from university / to graduate in
 a postgraduate student / course
 to do / take a postgraduate course / a Masters /
a PhD (Doctorate)
 to be a qualified [job title] / to qualify in
 to take a gap year
 to drop out of university
Useful linkers for contrasting ideas
 However....
 ...whereas / while...
 On the one hand…. but on the other hand…
 Although / Even though…
 Despite (the fact that)…
 But…
Sample Answer
Is there a system of free state education in your country?
In my country there is a state education system offering free education for children from 3-18, although
parents still have to pay for food, materials, school trips and other extra-curricular activities. This is only one
part of the system, however, because there are also private schools and semi-private schools, which are
partly funded by the state. So on the one hand it appears that we do have free state education, but in
actual fact it isn’t available to everyone because places are limited.
Speaking Practice Test: Practice test 4 – The Environment
Part 1 – sample questions
 What is the climate like in your country?
 Are there any problems with the climate in your country?
 What is your favourite type of weather?
 What kind of weather do you dislike?
 Would you prefer to live in a hot or cold country?
 What is the best/worst weather for travelling in?
Part 2 – sample task card
Describe an environmental problem. You should say:
 what it is
 how long it has existed
 how it affects people’s lives
and explain how you think the problem will develop in the future.
Part 3 – sample questions
1. Which environmental problems are people most concerned about in your country?
2. What are the main causes of these environmental problems?
3. Do you think it is the responsibility of governments alone to protect the environment?
4. What measures can individuals take to protect the environment?
5. Do you think large companies and business organisations should be more environmentally friendly? Why? How?
6. How can we teach children about the importance of protecting the environment?
Environmental Problems
 destruction of the rainforests (deforestation)
 melting of the icecaps
 extinction of many species (loss of biodiversity)
 destruction of the ozone layer
 global warming / the “greenhouse effect”
 rising sea levels
 pollution of land, sea and air
 increase of natural disasters eg, earthquakes,
landslides, floods
Causes of Environmental Problems
 excessive emissions of greenhouse gases, eg
carbon dioxide
 chemical and industrial waste
 emissions from cars and planes
 improper dumping of household waste
 overuse of non-renewable fossil fuels
 genetic modification
 over-consumption
 over-urbanisation
Solutions to Environmental Problems
 recycling
 using renewable sources of energy, eg solar
heating, wind-farms
 replanting trees
 cutting carbon emissions
 cleaner waste disposal
 sustainable consumption and development
 buying products with less packaging
 buying organic products
 buying products made from recycled material /
renewable sources
 using natural remedies as alternative medicine
Useful linkers for explaining cause & effect
 caused by
 due to
 because of
 as a result of
 leads to
 results in
 causes
Sample Answer
Which environmental problems are people most concerned about in your country?
I think people in my country are most concerned about future shortages of fresh drinking water, which I
suppose is both a result of poor water management and general global warming. I think everyone is feeling
the effects of the latter problem which is causing us to experience more extreme temperatures, for
example, much colder winters and much hotter summers. The long hot summers are particularly worrying in
the south of the country where there is a real risk of drought due to the consistent lack of rainfall.
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  • 1. Speaking Practice Test: Practice test 4 – Communication Part 1 – sample questions  Which languages do you speak?  Do you think it’s important for children to learn a foreign language?  When did you start learning a foreign language?  Do you enjoy learning languages?  What activity do you find most useful for learning English?  What do you find most difficult about learning English?  Are there any other languages you would like to learn in the future? Part 2 – sample task card Describe a conversation you had which was important to you. You should say:  when the conversation took place  who you had the conversation with  what the conversation was about and explain why the conversation was important to you. Part 3 – sample questions 1. What are the main differences between spoken and written communication? 2. To what extent do you think the media influences how people communicate with each other? 3. Do you think there are differences in the way men and women communicate? 4. Do you think that people become better communicators as they get older? 5. Do you agree that education has a strong and positive effect on people’s ability to communicate effectively? 6. What impact has the growth of technology had on the way people communicate and how do you think this will develop in the future?
  • 2. Uses of internet for communication Modern forms of communication  speaking / talking / chatting face-to-face  speaking / talking / chatting on the phone / by mobile phone / by skype  sending a text message/an SMS / texting  sending / writing an email  using an electronic messaging service  social networking  video-conferencing Non-verbal forms of communication  lip-reading  using body language  using sign language  using hand gestures / signals  using facial expressions Informal utterances  Give me a call/ring/bell/buzz  Call / ring / phone me  Send me a text / an email / a whatsapp  Text me / email me  Drop me a line  Keep me posted  Let me know  Keep / stay in touch  I’ll be in touch Other forms of communication  making / giving a speech  speaking in public / public speaking  giving a lecture / lecturing  giving a seminar / presentation  giving / having / conducting an interview  having / maintaining a dialogue/conversation/discussion  having an argument Reasons for communicating  giving a demonstration / demonstrating  giving instructions / instructing  asking for/giving directions / directing  asking for/giving advice / advising  making a complaint / complaining  making small talk / building social relations / exchanging pleasantries  exchanging/defending/challenging views/opinions  requesting/supplying information  gossiping / spreading rumours
  • 3. Effective communication skills  maintaining eye-contact  projecting your voice  varying your intonation  punctuating your sentences  emphasizing / repeating key words  engaging the listener  asking rhetorical questions  using discourse markers Useful linkers for giving opinions  In my view…  In my opinion…  From my point of view…  In my experience/case…  As I see it…  Personally, I think…  I believe / feel that…  For me personally…  As far as I’m concerned… Sample Answer Do you think that people become better communicators as they get older? I think that people’s ability to communicate does improve with age because generally speaking, people get more confident as they gain more experience of life and I believe that confidence is a major factor. On the other hand, some people may become more self-conscious as they got older, particularly when they reach certain stages in their life such as adolescence. For me personally, I feel that I’m a better communicator now than when I was younger.
  • 4. Speaking Practice Test: Practice test 4 – Tourism/ Holidays Part 1 – sample questions  Are there many public or national holidays in your country?  Do you think there are enough public holidays?  Do you like going away on holidays?  Tell me something about your last holiday?  Do you always like to go to the same place for your holiday?  Where would you like to go for your next holiday? Part 2 – sample task card Describe a holiday you would like to go on. You should say:  what place you would like to go to  how you would like to get there  what you would like to do while you were there and explain why you would like to go on this holiday. Part 3 – sample questions 1. Which places in your country do visitors enjoy visiting most? 2. What are some of the benefits of going away on holiday? 3. Have there been any recent changes in the types of holiday that are popular in your country? 4. What kinds of benefits might a significant increase in tourist numbers bring to a location? 5. What are some of the negative effects of a dramatic increase in tourism? 6. What developments affecting international travel might there be in the future?
  • 5. Useful Vocabulary: Toursim Personal benefits of going on holiday  a chance to unwind  to spend quality time with family / friends  to get away from work / stressful environment  to have a change of routine / scenery  to visit new places / experience new things / cultures  to broaden your horizons  to visit family or friends abroad Positive aspects of holidays (commercial)  creates new jobs in the tourist industry  boosts the local economy  attracts media attention to the resort  'puts a place on the map'  ensures good level of infrastructure  improves services & facilities for local residents  provides revenue to protect /maintain local heritage Negative aspects of holidays (personal)  loss of earnings (if self-employed)  can be stressful (to be out of your comfort zone)  can be difficult to cope in a foreign country / unfamiliar place  may encounter travel problems (plane/train delays / traffic jams)  may not have access to health facilities/services  may lose your luggage  may not be able to speak the local languages Negative aspects of holidays (commercial)  can cause overcrowding  tourists may not respect local customs/traditions  can cause excess of litter / noise  may cause damage to local environment / possible vandalism  area becomes too built-up due to increase of hotels/shops etc  natural landscape/beauty may be spoilt  may cause increase in prices of local services and goods Useful linkers for adding more ideas  in addition (to that)  apart from (that)  as well as (that)  besides (that)  also  not only (that) … but also  both … and …
  • 6. Sample Answer What are some of the benefits of going away on holiday? There are many benefits of going on holiday. Besides giving you a chance to unwind and relax, it also allows you to spend some quality time with your family, not only in a different environment but more importantly, away from the routine pressures of work and daily life. In addition to this, it also gives you the opportunity to broaden your horizons by visiting new places and experiencing a different way of life.
  • 7. Speaking Practice Test: Practice test 4 – Health Part 1 - sample questions  In what ways do you try to stay healthy?  Is it easy to keep fit where you live?  What do you think is more important, eating healthily or doing exercise?  What are the health benefits of playing a sport?  Have you ever had any habits which you consider to be unhealthy?  Do you think more about your health now than when you were younger? Part 2 – sample task card  Describe something you do to keep healthy.  You should say:  what this activity is  when you do it  and how often you do it and explain why you think it’s a good way to look after your health. Part 3 – sample questions 1. What are the most popular ways of keeping healthy in your country? 2. Do you think most people worry more about their health as they get older? 3. Why do you think some people continue bad habits when they know that they are damaging to their health? 4. How can children be encouraged to adopt healthy eating habits? 5. Do you think people have become more health conscious in recent years? 6. Could governments do more to promote healthier lifestyle options?
  • 8. Useful Vocabulary Healthy activities / habits  taking regular exercise  playing sport(s)  (going) swimming / cycling / jogging  going to the gym  walking to work / the dog  doing yoga / pilates / tai chi  eating fresh fruit and vegetables / organic food  eating regular meals  having a balanced diet  drinking lots of water Unhealthy habits  smoking  binge drinking / drinking alcohol excessively  taking drugs  eating too much salt / fat / sugar  eating too much greasy food / fried food / junk food / fast food  eating too many ready meals / pre-prepared meals  being overweight Health Collocations  a health farm / centre / club  a health service  a health risk / hazard  a health check  a health problem  a health visitor  a health inspector  health food  health insurance  healthcare  health and safety (rules / regulations / guidelines)  a healthy lifestyle  a healthy diet  a healthy appetite  a healthy economy  a healthy bank balance  a healthy profit  a healthy attitude  a healthy respect Verb + Noun Collocations  to look after your health  to take care of our health  to maintain your health  to be in good / poor health  to regain your health Verb + Adjective Collocations  to feel healthy  to look healthy  to be healthy  to keep / stay healthy Useful linkers for adding more detail  In (actual) fact…  Actually…  More to the point…  Indeed…  To be more precise / exact… Sample Answer Could governments do more to promote healthier lifestyle options? Yes, in my opinion the government has a big responsibility to try to persuade people to live more healthily. I think they could provide more education in schools to teach children how to eat more healthily and show them the importance of taking physical exercise. In fact, it’s the parents too that also need to be re- educated on these issues. Another thing, I think there should be more government warnings on TV showing people the dangers of obesity and poor diet, for example. Actually, they do have some that show the health risks of smoking and drinking, which are quite powerful, but not really about healthy eating. Finally, there could be more public facilities to help people keep fit, like swimming pools, gyms and sports centres. More to the point they need to be affordable so that everyone has the opportunity to use them.
  • 9. Speaking Practice Test: Practice test 4 – Work Part 1 - sample questions  Do you work full-time or part-time?  What's your job / What do you do (for a living)?  What do you enjoy most about your work?  What are the main tasks/duties in your job?  Is there anything you would like to change about your job?  What would be your ideal job? Part 2 – sample task card Describe the job you would most like to have. You should say:  what this job would be  where you would work  which qualifications you would need and explain why you would like to have this job most. Part 3 – sample questions 1. Which jobs would you say are most respected in your country? 2. Some people say it's better to work for yourself than be employed by a company. What's your view? 3. Do you agree that some jobs are still more suited to either men or women? 4. Do you think schools provide enough advice and support to students about their future careers? 5. What changes in employment have there been in recent years in your country? 6. Do you think more people will work from home in the future? 7. Can you think of any disadvantages of working from home?
  • 10. Useful Vocabulary  to apply for a job / post / promotion  to get / have a part-time/full-time job  to work in [field / place]  to work for [a company]  to specialise in [field]  to be a qualified [job]  to work shifts / unsociable hours  to get / have an interview  to be shortlisted for an interview/job/post  to be demoted / promoted  to be transferred / to put in for/request a transfer  to be fired / sacked / dismissed  to be made redundant  to get/take voluntary redundancy  to retire / to be retired  to get a pension / to be a pensioner  the perks of a job (benefits)  to work from home (home-working)  to be self-employed / to work for yourself  to work/do flexi-time / overtime Useful links for sequences ideas  firstly / first of all…  secondly…  thirdly…  then…  another point / reason / example is…  lastly / finally….  overall…  Sample Answer What changes have there been in recent years in employment in your country? I think there have been many changes in the types of jobs that people do nowadays compared to 20 or 30 years ago. First of all there are much fewer jobs related to heavy industry such as mining or ship-building or even manufacturing. Secondly, there has been a big increase in the number of jobs in the service and leisure industries like shops, gyms, and hotels. And finally, since the launch of the internet there has been a big surge in the number of jobs related to IT, such as web development and design.
  • 11. Speaking Practice Test: Practice test 4 – Travel Part 1 – sample questions  Which form(s) of transport do you usually use?  What is the easiest way to get around your town/city?  Do people use public transport where you live?  Are there any problems with the public transport system in your town/city?  How do you prefer to travel on long journeys?  What is the most unusual method of transport you've ever used? Part 2 – sample task card Describe an interesting journey you have been on. You should say:  where you went  how you travelled there  who you went with and explain what was so memorable about the journey. Part 3 – sample questions 1. What methods of transport are most popular in your city / country? 2. What are some of the problems of long-distance travelling? 3. Has the way people travel changed much in the last few decades? 4. Do you agree that governments should do more to encourage greener methods of transport? 5. What measures could be taken to reduce problems of congestion in cities? 6. Do you think that transport problems are worse in urban or rural areas?
  • 12. Typical methods of transport in cities  to take/catch the metro / underground / subway  to take/catch a tram  to take/catch a bus  to take/catch a taxi  to go by car  to go by motorbike/scooter/moped  to go by bike/bicycle / to cycle  to go on foot / to walk Other methods of transport  to go by plane / to take/catch a flight  to go by / to take/catch a train  to go by / to take a coach  to go by / to take/catch a boat/ferry Transport problems  long delays = my flight/plane was delayed  cancellations = my flight was cancelled  to lose your luggage  to miss your connection  to be stuck in traffic-jams / traffic congestion  to be held up by roadworks / diversions / accidents  to break down = my car broke down  bad weather conditions  thick fog / icy roads / heavy rain / strong winds / heavy storm Solutions to inner-city congestion  road access charges in city centres  car share schemes / incentives  bypasses / ringroads  park and ride schemes  free rental of city bikes  more cycle lanes  more frequent buses / extended network of buses  cheaper public transport  more pedestrianised streets  more electric trams  more accessible metro system Useful linkers for giving examples  for example  for instance  such as  like / as  another example / way is Sample Answer What measures could be taken to reduce problems of congestion in cities? There are many ways that congestion could be reduced in big cities. In my city, for example, they have introduced a bike rental system where members can pick up a bike at one point and drop it off at another. It’s proving to be very popular and as a result more cycle lanes are also being provided. Another example, which unfortunately doesn’t exist in my city, is a park and ride scheme where you leave your car outside the city in a carpark and then take a free bus into the centre. Another way to prevent people bringing their cars into the city would be to charge a special fee to access the centre, like they do in London, though I guess this wouldn’t be quite so popular with the residents.
  • 13. Speaking Practice Test: Practice test 4 – Tourism Part 1 – sample questions  Are there many public or national holidays in your country?  Do you think there are enough public holidays?  Do you like going away on holidays?  Tell me something about your last holiday?  Do you always like to go to the same place for your holiday?  Where would you like to go for your next holiday? Part 2 – sample task card Describe a holiday you would like to go on. You should say:  what place you would like to go to  how you would like to get there  what you would like to do while you were there and explain why you would like to go on this holiday. Part 3 – sample questions 1. Which places in your country do visitors enjoy visiting most? 2. What are some of the benefits of going away on holiday? 3. Have there been any recent changes in the types of holiday that are popular in your country? 4. What kinds of benefits might a significant increase in tourist numbers bring to a location? 5. What are some of the negative effects of a dramatic increase in tourism? 6. What developments affecting international travel might there be in the future?
  • 14. Personal benefits of going on holiday  a chance to unwind  to spend quality time with family / friends  to get away from work / stressful environment  to have a change of routine / scenery  to visit new places / experience new things / cultures  to broaden your horizons  to visit family or friends abroad Commercial benefits of tourism  creates new jobs in the tourist industry  boosts the local economy  attracts media attention to the resort  'puts a place on the map'  ensures good level of infrastructure  improves services & facilities for local residents  provides revenue to protect /maintain local heritage Negative aspects of going on holiday  loss of earnings (if self-employed)  can be stressful (to be out of your comfort zone)  can be difficult to cope in a foreign country / unfamiliar place  may encounter travel problems (plane/train delays / traffic jams)  may not have access to health facilities/services  may lose your luggage  may not be able to speak the local language Disadvantages for local community  can cause overcrowding  tourists may not respect local customs/traditions  can cause excess of litter / noise  may cause damage to local environment / possible vandalism  area becomes too built-up due to increase of hotels/shops etc  natural landscape/beauty may be spoilt  may cause increase in prices of local services and goods Useful linkers for adding more ideas  in addition (to that)  apart from (that)  as well as (that)  besides (that)  also  not only (that) … but also  both … and … Sample Answer What are some of the benefits of going away on holiday? There are many benefits of going on holiday. Besides giving you a chance to unwind and relax, it also allows you to spend some quality time with your family, not only in a different environment but more importantly, away from the routine pressures of work and daily life. In addition to this, it also gives you the opportunity to broaden your horizons by visiting new places and experiencing a different way of life.
  • 15. Speaking Practice Test: Practice test 4 – Technology Part 1 – sample questions  How much time do you spend using a computer at work or at home?  What do you mainly use a computer for?  Did you learn how to use a computer at school?  Have you ever taken a course to improve your computer skills?  Has the internet made your job / studies easier?  Which device do you prefer to use for browsing the internet? Part 2 – sample task card Describe a piece of technology that you find useful. You should say:  what it is  what you can do with it  how often you use it and explain why you find it so useful Part 3 – sample questions 1. What are some of the main uses of technology for communication? 2. Do you agree that some people use technology for communication too much? 3. What differences are there between the attitudes of older and younger people to technology for communication? 4. Do you think that the advance of technology has improved standards of education in schools? 5. Would you agree that the rapid development of digital technology has had a positive impact on the world of work? 6. Do you think that the rate of technological expansion will slow down in the years to come?
  • 16. Uses of internet for communication  sending emails  sending text messages  tele-conferencing  video conferencing  online chatting  social networking  blogging  posting messages on forums  using an intranet system Advantages  offers immediate communication  cheaper than telephone calls / face-to-face meetings  allows global communication without the need to travel  more convenient / people can communicate on-the-move  allows friends and family overseas to stay connected  gives everybody the chance to have a public voice Disadvantages  people may lose “real” social skills  people may spend less time socialising face-to- face  people may become more introverted  people may become addicted to social network sites  people spend too much time in front of a screen Technology and Education  interactive whiteboards  e-learning courses /e-books  online degrees  self-access centres / study  online teaching / tutoring / training  blended learning (online + face-to-face) Advantages  offers more flexibility for the learner  allows people in rural areas the same study opportunities  cheaper for students (no travel / accommodation costs)  students & teachers are less bound by time and space Technology and Work  automated processes  automated manufacturing  automated customer services  high-tech computer systems  computerised filing / administrative systems  huge databases  intranet system / internal emailing
  • 17. Disadvantages  has made some jobs redundant  gives customers less personal service  requires staff to be technically skilled  may cause security issues / files may be lost  requires a lot of investment  breakdowns in the system may cause severe problems Useful linkers for giving reasons  due to (the fact that)  because of  because  as a result of  that’s (the reason) why Sample Answer Do you think that the advance of technology has improved standards of education in schools? I think the growth of the internet has had a major impact on current teaching methods and I’m sure general standards have improved as a result. I strongly believe that the motivation for both learning and teaching has increased because of the phenomenal amount of information now available to both students and teachers. On the other hand, due to a danger of information overload, some people may be put off using technology in the classroom, wishing for a return to more traditional methods.
  • 18. Speaking Practice Test: Practice test 4 – Entertainment Part 1 – sample questions Cinema  Do you like watching films/movies?  What kinds of films do you enjoy?  Do you prefer watching films at home or at the cinema?  Is it easy to get to a cinema where you live?  How often do you watch films / go the cinema?  Have you seen any good films recently?  What kind of movies did you like to watch when you were a child?  Has your taste in films changed as you've got older? Television  How much television do you watch per day/week?  What time of time do you usually watch TV?  Who do you normally watch TV with?  What kind of TV programmes do you like the most?  Do you have a favourite TV programme at the moment?  What TV programmes do you remember from your childhood?  How often do you watch the news on TV? Part 2 – sample task card Describe a film you found interesting. You should say:  when you saw this film  why you decided to see this film  what happened in the film and explain why you found this film interesting. Part 3 – sample questions 1. Is cinema a popular form of entertainment in your country? 2. How has the cinema experience changed in recent years? 3. Do you think that films should always have an educational value? 4. Is it important for governments to support film- making in their countries? 5. Do you think the Internet has had a big impact on the entertainment industry? 6. In what ways do you think that entertainment media may develop in the future?
  • 19. Uses of internet for communication Advantages of going to the cinema  the thrill of watching something on the big- screen  more exciting/intense atmosphere  surround sound system brings the characters to life / enhances the special effects  able to appreciate the cinematography  can enjoy a night out with friends  the excitement of watching a premiere screening Advantages of watching TV  can sit in the comfort of your own home  can choose what you want to watch  can play back your favourite parts  can pause it if you want to stop watching  can flick through the channels  can invite your friends round  can watch a variety of programmes at your own convenience  can switch it off if you get bored  Film-making  social responsibility to make educational/informative films  good media for reaching wide audiences  has high impact on the public  can get worldwide recognition  can deliver social and cultural messages  can bring widespread attention to social/world problems Technology & Entertainment  online gaming / games / gambling  downloading films / videos  downloading music  computer game consoles  social networking / network sites  instant chat/photo feeds Useful linkers for giving more exact information  in (actual) fact…  actually…  as a matter of fact…  to be more exact…  to be more precise… Sample Answer No, I don’t think that it’s necessary for all films to be educational. In fact, I think people go to the cinema because they simply want to be entertained, not always educated. Watching a film on the big screen is a form of escapism and so people want adventure, romance or fantasy. As far as I’m concerned, if I’m looking to be educated I would choose to read a book or watch a documentary, although actually I do also enjoy historical films which teach me something about the past.
  • 20. Speaking Practice Test: Practice test 4 – Education Part 1 – sample questions  Are you a full-time or part-time student?  What subject(s) are you studying?  Why did you choose this/these subject(s)?  Which topic/subject do you find the most difficult/interesting?  What was your favourite subject when you were at school?  What do you plan to do when you finish studying?  Is there anything else you would like to study in the future? Part 2 – sample task card Describe a teacher that had a positive influence on you. You should say:  what subject this teacher taught  how long he/she was your teacher  what positive attributes this teacher had and explain why you remember this teacher in particular. Part 3 – sample questions 1. Some people say that your school days are the best days of your life. Do you agree? 2. Do you think school and university prepares young people adequately for real life? 3. Do you agree there is too much pressure on young people at school these days? 4. Some people argue that end-of-year exams should be replaced by continuous assessment. What do you think? 5. Have there been significant changes in schooling methods in your country in recent years? 6. Do you think schools and universities provide enough careers advice to their
  • 21. Uses of internet for communication School  nursery / primary / secondary school / education  state school / private school / boarding school  all girls / all boys / single-sex / co-ed school  to go to / attend school  the curriculum / syllabus  extra-curricular activities  school trips / holidays  school playground / dinners / uniform  school pupils / teachers  schoolchildren / schoolboy / schoolgirl  to sit / do / take an exam  to resit / retake an exam  to revise / to study (for an exam)  to pass / to fail an exam  to get exam results  to get qualifications / to be qualified  to leave school / a school-leaver  to drop out of school / a dropout  to be academic / to be an all-rounder University/College  tertiary / higher / further education  colleges of higher education / technical colleges / universities  to apply for a course  to get an (un)conditional offer  to do a course in [subject]  halls of residence / student accommodation  student union / student body  a fresher / an undergraduate / a graduate  a graduation ceremony  to get a university degree / a Masters / a Doctorate (Phd)  to graduate from university / to graduate in [subject]  a postgraduate student / course  to do / take a postgraduate course / a Masters / a PhD (Doctorate)  to be a qualified [job title] / to qualify in [subject]  to take a gap year  to drop out of university Useful linkers for contrasting ideas  However....  ...whereas / while...  On the one hand…. but on the other hand…  Although / Even though…  Despite (the fact that)…  But…
  • 22. Sample Answer Is there a system of free state education in your country? In my country there is a state education system offering free education for children from 3-18, although parents still have to pay for food, materials, school trips and other extra-curricular activities. This is only one part of the system, however, because there are also private schools and semi-private schools, which are partly funded by the state. So on the one hand it appears that we do have free state education, but in actual fact it isn’t available to everyone because places are limited.
  • 23. Speaking Practice Test: Practice test 4 – The Environment Part 1 – sample questions  What is the climate like in your country?  Are there any problems with the climate in your country?  What is your favourite type of weather?  What kind of weather do you dislike?  Would you prefer to live in a hot or cold country?  What is the best/worst weather for travelling in? Part 2 – sample task card Describe an environmental problem. You should say:  what it is  how long it has existed  how it affects people’s lives and explain how you think the problem will develop in the future. Part 3 – sample questions 1. Which environmental problems are people most concerned about in your country? 2. What are the main causes of these environmental problems? 3. Do you think it is the responsibility of governments alone to protect the environment? 4. What measures can individuals take to protect the environment? 5. Do you think large companies and business organisations should be more environmentally friendly? Why? How? 6. How can we teach children about the importance of protecting the environment?
  • 24. Environmental Problems  destruction of the rainforests (deforestation)  melting of the icecaps  extinction of many species (loss of biodiversity)  destruction of the ozone layer  global warming / the “greenhouse effect”  rising sea levels  pollution of land, sea and air  increase of natural disasters eg, earthquakes, landslides, floods Causes of Environmental Problems  excessive emissions of greenhouse gases, eg carbon dioxide  chemical and industrial waste  emissions from cars and planes  improper dumping of household waste  overuse of non-renewable fossil fuels  genetic modification  over-consumption  over-urbanisation Solutions to Environmental Problems  recycling  using renewable sources of energy, eg solar heating, wind-farms  replanting trees  cutting carbon emissions  cleaner waste disposal  sustainable consumption and development  buying products with less packaging  buying organic products  buying products made from recycled material / renewable sources  using natural remedies as alternative medicine Useful linkers for explaining cause & effect  caused by  due to  because of  as a result of  leads to  results in  causes Sample Answer Which environmental problems are people most concerned about in your country? I think people in my country are most concerned about future shortages of fresh drinking water, which I suppose is both a result of poor water management and general global warming. I think everyone is feeling the effects of the latter problem which is causing us to experience more extreme temperatures, for example, much colder winters and much hotter summers. The long hot summers are particularly worrying in the south of the country where there is a real risk of drought due to the consistent lack of rainfall.