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Identifying Adverse Drug Reactions
by Analyzing
Twitter Messages
Presented by - Parinda Rajapaksha
115th International Conference on Advances in ICT for Emerging Regions ICTer2015
Authors - Parinda Rajapaksha, Ruvwan Weerasinghe
“ The person who takes medicine must
recover twice, once from the
disease and once from
the medicine ”
- William Osler, M.D.
215th International Conference on Advances in ICT for Emerging Regions ICTer2015
• Introduction, Motivation & Related works
• Proposed solution, Research Question & limitations
• Design, Implementation & Evaluation
• Discussion
• Future works
315th International Conference on Advances in ICT for Emerging Regions ICTer2015
• What is an Adverse Drug Reaction (ADR)?
̶ Harm associated with normal dosage during normal use
̶ Unintended, harmful reaction
̶ Nausea, insomnia, hallucination, headache, depression
• Becoming a dire global problem
– Over 770 000 people are injured or died in each year
– Prescription drugs have become 4th leading medical cause of death in
Canada and US
415th International Conference on Advances in ICT for Emerging Regions ICTer2015
• Some regulatory bodies have begun programs
̶ Surveillance systems
̶ Reporting systems
̶ Conduct clinical trials
– Reporting systems are voluntary in most of the countries
– Spontaneous self reports do not uncover all aspect of drug safety
– Clinical trials are very cumbersome
Traditional Solutions
15th International Conference on Advances in ICT for Emerging Regions ICTer2015
• Recent explosion of Social Media platforms presents a
valuable information source
• People share personal medical experiences with each other
through online community
615th International Conference on Advances in ICT for Emerging Regions ICTer2015
• Gurulingappa et al. used MEDLINE case reports
̶ 5 000 drugs were extracted from nearly 3 000 case reports
̶ Ontology driven methodology
• Eiji et al. extracted clinical information from Electronic health
– 3 000 discharge summaries accumulated
in one month at Tokyo hospitals
Medical Case Reports
15th International Conference on Advances in ICT for Emerging Regions ICTer2015
• Robert et al. collected comments of health related web sites
̶ DailyStrength web site
̶ Limited to North America
̶ Not consider demographic
̶ Beneficial and Adverse effects are unclear
• Brant et al. investigated ‘Withdrawn’ and ‘watchlist’ drugs
– Yahoo! Groups
– No. of messages for each drug was not evenly distributed
– Did not have adequate data to prove the analysis
Online Health Forums
15th International Conference on Advances in ICT for Emerging Regions ICTer2015
• Jiang et al. Analyzed textual and semantic features of Twitter
̶ 2 Billion Tweets , 5 Cancer drugs
̶ Used Topic modeling approach
̶ Performance was limited due to data sparseness and high level of noise
• Clark et al. Extracted 7Million Tweets in Digital drug safety
surveillance research
– Data sample tends to be noisy
– Difference between internet speech, writing patterns and standardize
clinical data
Twitter Related
15th International Conference on Advances in ICT for Emerging Regions ICTer2015
• Analyze user experiences through Twitter messages
• Twitter as a micro blogging platform
• WHY Twitter??
1015th International Conference on Advances in ICT for Emerging Regions ICTer2015
• Analyze user experiences through Twitter messages
• Twitter as a micro blogging platform
• WHY Twitter??
̶ Public availability, update frequency and message volume
Statistic Brain -2014/01/01 (
Total number of active Twitter users – 645 million
Average number of tweets per day - 58 million
No. of tweets that happen in every second - 9,100
“ How to Identify drug related Tweets by removing
noise in the Twitter messages and automatically classify
them into adverse effects and other effects? ”
15th International Conference on Advances in ICT for Emerging Regions ICTer2015
• Limited to one pharmaceutical name
̶ Very large number of drugs in the world and growing frequently
• Only works for Twitter messages with English texts
– Language processing becomes really hard without knowing other
1315th International Conference on Advances in ICT for Emerging Regions ICTer2015
Data Acquisition & Filtering
Tweet Preprocessing
Text Processing
Adverse Effects Other Effects
Manual Annotation
Feature Extraction
Data Acquisition
• Ethical concerns?
̶ Accordance with Terms & Conditions of Twitter API
̶ NOT from privet accounts
• Xanax as the test case
̶ Used for Panic disorders and Anxiety disorders
15th International Conference on Advances in ICT for Emerging Regions ICTer2015
• Why filtering method?
̶ Capture more useful data while downloading
Data Filtering
Twitter Data
Filtered Drug
Related Tweets
• Assumption 1
̶ These are the only categories which can be given possible misspelled
̶ Xxnaa as Xanax NOT possible, hardly misspelled
Misspelled Word Dictionary
Reason for
Skip Letters Xnax, Xanx
Double Letters Xaanax, Xannax
Reversed Letters Xnaax, Xaanx
Missed Key Xabax, Xahax, Xajax
Inserted key Xabnax, Xamnax
Data Collection
1 829 (3%)
51 467
1 477 (3%)
Generic Name
Trade Names
Misspelled Names
1 477 misspelled Twitter
messages were captured
54 774 messages within 7 weeks
(14 Aug 2014 - 1 Oct 2014 )
• Identifying Twitter specific noisy information
̶ Retweets (RT)
̶ User mentions (@)
̶ Hash tags (#)
15th International Conference on Advances in ICT for Emerging Regions ICTer2015
doc said being of the xanax was giving my
heart major issues and causing problems that
weren't even there in the 1st place
15th International Conference on Advances in ICT for Emerging Regions ICTer2015
Text Processing
• Remove advertisements, news and forum posts
• Assumption 2
– Possibility of having a link in a legitimate Twitter message is considerably
15th International Conference on Advances in ICT for Emerging Regions ICTer2015
Text Processing
• Replace slang words, emoticons and abbreviations
Intended Meaning
abt About
w/o without
smh somehow
idk I don’t know
n2g Not too good
lol Laugh out loud
… ………………
Emoticon Intended
:-D Big grin
:((( Sad
:’( Crying
:-@ Screaming
O.o Confused
B-) Cool
… ………………
Slang word dictionary (5 242) Emoticons dictionary (80)
15th International Conference on Advances in ICT for Emerging Regions ICTer2015
Text Processing
being doing good on my diet giving up soda and
iced coffee I do not think so laugh out loud
i would need xanax smile
15th International Conference on Advances in ICT for Emerging Regions ICTer2015
Text Processing
• Some Twitter messages are NOT related to the context
̶ “ I need some Xanax”
̶ “ Xanax is expensive but I'm worth it”
̶ “@yung i need to buy xanax but the site won't let me ship to canada?”
15th International Conference on Advances in ICT for Emerging Regions ICTer2015
Medical Terminologies
• Use of medical terminologies
̶ MedDRA (Medical Dictionary for Regulatory Activities)
̶ SIDDER (Side Effect Resource)
̶ Collected 15 205 medical terminologies
• Data set reduced to 3 334 messages after checking 54 774
15th International Conference on Advances in ICT for Emerging Regions ICTer2015
Feature Extraction
• Used Bag-of-word model
̶ Only consider occurrence (presence or absence)
• Stop words NOT removed
̶ A Twitter message can includes really few words
̶ Character limitation <140
• Stemming
– Ex: Takes , Taking  Take
– Used Porter stemmer available in Python NLTK
– 4 572 Features
Manual Annotation
• Condition 1 :
– There should be a person or a group of people who involved with the
drug to label a message as Adverse
• Condition 2 :
– Beneficial effects, Conditions or indications as Other
• Condition 3 :
– Sentence should be in affirmative (not interrogative, not subjunctive)
15th International Conference on Advances in ICT for Emerging Regions ICTer2015
Annotated Messages
• Adverse Effects
̶ “ People take xanax so lightly like it's nothing. people get addicted and
die from that shit. i blacked out driving while high on it once ”
̶ “This xanax medicine causes suicidal thoughts when first taking it. what
the f*** ”
̶ “ I should stop taking all the drugs man they are obviously ruining your
brain and making you bipolar. xanax is the main contributor ”
15th International Conference on Advances in ICT for Emerging Regions ICTer2015
Annotated Messages
• Other Effects
̶ “ I am going to sleep now because this xanax got me feeling good ”
̶ “ I need a prescription to xanax or valium or anything that will help me
chill out and sleep for once ”
̶ “ I am not sure if it is the xanax or lack of sleep but f*** i do not feel
real ”
Beneficial Effect
Suspicious feeling
15th International Conference on Advances in ICT for Emerging Regions ICTer2015
Data Distribution
• Data distribution highly unbalanced
• 93% data contributed from Other category
3 113
Advere Effects Other Effects
Class Label
Advere Effects
Other Effects
15th International Conference on Advances in ICT for Emerging Regions ICTer2015
• Why Undersampling ??
̶ Reduce observations from Other category
̶ Amount of Adverse effects will not change
̶ It will not add synthetic observations to the Adverse effect class
Initial Behavior Undersampling Oversampling
15th International Conference on Advances in ICT for Emerging Regions ICTer2015
• Used Naïve Bayes algorithm
̶ Best and naïve classification algorithm for text classification approaches
according to the literature
̶ Achieve highest classifier performance in related works
• Compared with Decision Tree algorithm
• 10 fold cross validation
• Used WEKA tool box
– It supports for data pre-processing, regression, classification, clustering
and data visualization
15th International Conference on Advances in ICT for Emerging Regions ICTer2015
• Purpose is to identifying Adverse effects as much as possible
Balanced vs. Unbalanced Data Set
Balanced Data Set (A-221 O-221)
Adverse Effect 0.67 0.71 0.69 0.71
Other 0.69 0.65 0.67 0.71
Unbalanced Data Set (A-221, O-3113)
Precision Recall F-Measure AUC
Adverse Effect 0.18 0.19 0.18 0.71
Other 0.94 0.93 0.94 0.71
15th International Conference on Advances in ICT for Emerging Regions ICTer2015
• Proposed solution (Balanced data set) perform really well
Balanced vs. Unbalanced Data Set
Unbalanced Balanced
No. of Observations 3 334 442
Training Time (sec) 20.8 1.6
Accuracy 89% 68%
Contributed from Other category
Reduced data set
15th International Conference on Advances in ICT for Emerging Regions ICTer2015
NB vs. DT
Naïve Bayes True Class
AE 157 64
O 78 143
Decision Tree True Class
AE 137 84
O 83 138
68% of Accuracy
62% of Accuracy
NB vs. DT
Naïve Bayes
Precision Recall F-Measure AUC
Adverse Effect 0.67 0.71 0.69 0.71
Other 0.69 0.65 0.67 0.71
Decision Tree
Adverse Effect 0.62 0.62 0.62 0.72
Other 0.62 0.62 0.62 0.72
• Proposed solution (Naïve Bayes) perform really well
ROC Curve
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
FP Rate
AUC = 0.7
More than a random guess
15th International Conference on Advances in ICT for Emerging Regions ICTer2015
Error Analysis
• Curse of dimensionality
– The performance of the classier decreases when the dimensionality of
the problem becomes too large
4 572 features
15th International Conference on Advances in ICT for Emerging Regions ICTer2015
• Proposed a method to identify ADR from Twitter data
• Proposed filtering method capture 1 477 (3%) additional data
• All the performance measurements lie around 70%. Training
time 1.6 seconds
• ‘Curse of dimensionality ‘ has reduced the performance of
• Results suggested the potential for extracting ADR related
information from Twitter
15th International Conference on Advances in ICT for Emerging Regions ICTer2015
1) Degree or level of ADR
– Can be categorized the effect into High, normal, low
– Useful in prioritizing the effects in pharmacovigilance
– “ This medicine causes suicidal thoughts when first taking it ” -
Extremely negative
– “ I'm stressed I can't even sleep after using this pills ” – High
– “ Its 2:20 a.m. and I am yawning and shaking my head vamplife ” – Less
15th International Conference on Advances in ICT for Emerging Regions ICTer2015
2) Identifying the dissemination of drug users
– Twitter provides geo locations of Twitter messages
– Weather conditions and habitual actions of each country may affect to
the drug and their effects
̶ “ My mom asks me to get beer while picking up a Xanax prescription.
So that looks good ” Beer + Xanax = ??
15th International Conference on Advances in ICT for Emerging Regions ICTer2015
Thank You
NLP could save a Life !
15th International Conference on Advances in ICT for Emerging Regions ICTer2015
2014/04/08 8.30 AM - 11.30 AM
15th International Conference on Advances in ICT for Emerging Regions ICTer2015
Naïve Bayes
Decision Tree
No. of Observations 442 442
Training Time (sec) 1.6 14.7
Accuracy 68% 62%
15th International Conference on Advances in ICT for Emerging Regions ICTer2015
• Filtering method
̶ Identified misspelled Drug related messages
̶ Capture more useful data
• Removing Advertisements, Forum posts and News related
Twitter messages
• Building medical corpus to remove unwanted Twitter messages
̶ MedDRA
15th International Conference on Advances in ICT for Emerging Regions ICTer2015
• Data acquisition & filtering
̶ Twitter streaming API
̶ Tweepy library in Python
̶ Key word typo generator online tool
• Text processing
̶ Python NLTK (Natural Language Tool Kit)
̶ Porter stemmer
• Classification, sub sampling , ensemble learning and data
̶ WEKA tool box
15th International Conference on Advances in ICT for Emerging Regions ICTer2015
25 289
29 485
Pre-Processed Messages Retweets
Adds, News,
Forum posts
23 176
15th International Conference on Advances in ICT for Emerging Regions ICTer2015
4815th International Conference on Advances in ICT for Emerging Regions ICTer2015
Raw Message After Text Processing
@utemim @goddess1207 @LadyZ_712
@misscolor63 @Cozyrosy1 There isn't
enough Xanax to make me spend an
hour w/ a room full of 5yr olds!
there is not enough xanax to make
me spend an hour with a room full of
5 year olds
Being doing good on my diet, giving up
soda and iced coffee I don't think so lol I
would need Xanax :)
being doing good on my diet giving
up soda and iced coffee i do not think
so laugh out loud i would need xanax
:( AND im asking u with who you or they
want papakush there?? O.o
i want my xanax bitch sad and i am
asking you with who you or they want
papakush there confused
EBOLA Virus Affected to millions of people around the world
Doctors found a cure
Tested using monkeys
Medicine distributed to people
Clinical trials not possible
Ask them to Tweet

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Identifying adverse drug reactions by analyzing twitter messages

  • 1. Identifying Adverse Drug Reactions by Analyzing Twitter Messages Presented by - Parinda Rajapaksha 115th International Conference on Advances in ICT for Emerging Regions ICTer2015 Authors - Parinda Rajapaksha, Ruvwan Weerasinghe
  • 2. “ The person who takes medicine must recover twice, once from the disease and once from the medicine ” - William Osler, M.D. 215th International Conference on Advances in ICT for Emerging Regions ICTer2015
  • 3. • Introduction, Motivation & Related works • Proposed solution, Research Question & limitations • Design, Implementation & Evaluation • Discussion • Future works ROAD MAP 315th International Conference on Advances in ICT for Emerging Regions ICTer2015
  • 4. • What is an Adverse Drug Reaction (ADR)? ̶ Harm associated with normal dosage during normal use ̶ Unintended, harmful reaction ̶ Nausea, insomnia, hallucination, headache, depression • Becoming a dire global problem – Over 770 000 people are injured or died in each year – Prescription drugs have become 4th leading medical cause of death in Canada and US INTRODUCTION 415th International Conference on Advances in ICT for Emerging Regions ICTer2015
  • 5. • Some regulatory bodies have begun programs ̶ Surveillance systems ̶ Reporting systems ̶ Conduct clinical trials • BUT – Reporting systems are voluntary in most of the countries – Spontaneous self reports do not uncover all aspect of drug safety – Clinical trials are very cumbersome INTRODUCTION 5 Traditional Solutions 15th International Conference on Advances in ICT for Emerging Regions ICTer2015
  • 6. • Recent explosion of Social Media platforms presents a valuable information source • People share personal medical experiences with each other through online community MOTIVATION 615th International Conference on Advances in ICT for Emerging Regions ICTer2015
  • 7. • Gurulingappa et al. used MEDLINE case reports ̶ 5 000 drugs were extracted from nearly 3 000 case reports ̶ Ontology driven methodology • Eiji et al. extracted clinical information from Electronic health records – 3 000 discharge summaries accumulated in one month at Tokyo hospitals RELATED WORKS 7 Medical Case Reports 15th International Conference on Advances in ICT for Emerging Regions ICTer2015
  • 8. • Robert et al. collected comments of health related web sites ̶ DailyStrength web site ̶ Limited to North America ̶ Not consider demographic ̶ Beneficial and Adverse effects are unclear • Brant et al. investigated ‘Withdrawn’ and ‘watchlist’ drugs – Yahoo! Groups – No. of messages for each drug was not evenly distributed – Did not have adequate data to prove the analysis RELATED WORKS 8 Online Health Forums 15th International Conference on Advances in ICT for Emerging Regions ICTer2015
  • 9. • Jiang et al. Analyzed textual and semantic features of Twitter ̶ 2 Billion Tweets , 5 Cancer drugs ̶ Used Topic modeling approach ̶ Performance was limited due to data sparseness and high level of noise • Clark et al. Extracted 7Million Tweets in Digital drug safety surveillance research – Data sample tends to be noisy – Difference between internet speech, writing patterns and standardize clinical data RELATED WORKS 9 Twitter Related 15th International Conference on Advances in ICT for Emerging Regions ICTer2015
  • 10. • Analyze user experiences through Twitter messages • Twitter as a micro blogging platform • WHY Twitter?? OUR PROPOSED SOLUTION 1015th International Conference on Advances in ICT for Emerging Regions ICTer2015
  • 11. • Analyze user experiences through Twitter messages • Twitter as a micro blogging platform • WHY Twitter?? ̶ Public availability, update frequency and message volume OUR PROPOSED SOLUTION 11 Statistic Brain -2014/01/01 ( Total number of active Twitter users – 645 million Average number of tweets per day - 58 million No. of tweets that happen in every second - 9,100
  • 12. RESEARCH QUESTIONS 12 “ How to Identify drug related Tweets by removing noise in the Twitter messages and automatically classify them into adverse effects and other effects? ” 15th International Conference on Advances in ICT for Emerging Regions ICTer2015
  • 13. • Limited to one pharmaceutical name ̶ Very large number of drugs in the world and growing frequently • Only works for Twitter messages with English texts – Language processing becomes really hard without knowing other languages SCOPE AND LIMITATION 1315th International Conference on Advances in ICT for Emerging Regions ICTer2015
  • 14. DESIGN 14 Data Acquisition & Filtering Tweet Preprocessing Text Processing Classification Adverse Effects Other Effects Manual Annotation Feature Extraction 2. 1. 3. 4. 5. 6.
  • 15. IMPLEMENTATION 15 Data Acquisition • Ethical concerns? ̶ Accordance with Terms & Conditions of Twitter API ̶ NOT from privet accounts • Xanax as the test case ̶ Used for Panic disorders and Anxiety disorders 15th International Conference on Advances in ICT for Emerging Regions ICTer2015
  • 16. • Why filtering method? ̶ Capture more useful data while downloading IMPLEMENTATION 16 Data Filtering Misspelled Drug Names Trade Names Generic Name Twitter Data Stream Misspelled words Dictionary Filtered Drug Related Tweets
  • 17. • Assumption 1 ̶ These are the only categories which can be given possible misspelled words ̶ Xxnaa as Xanax NOT possible, hardly misspelled IMPLEMENTATION 17 Misspelled Word Dictionary Reason for Misspelling Examples Skip Letters Xnax, Xanx Double Letters Xaanax, Xannax Reversed Letters Xnaax, Xaanx Missed Key Xabax, Xahax, Xajax Inserted key Xabnax, Xamnax
  • 18. IMPLEMENTATION 18 Data Collection 1 829 (3%) 51 467 (94%) 1 477 (3%) Generic Name Trade Names Misspelled Names 1 477 misspelled Twitter messages were captured 54 774 messages within 7 weeks (14 Aug 2014 - 1 Oct 2014 )
  • 19. • Identifying Twitter specific noisy information ̶ Retweets (RT) ̶ User mentions (@) ̶ Hash tags (#) IMPLEMENTATION 19 Pre-processing 15th International Conference on Advances in ICT for Emerging Regions ICTer2015
  • 20. IMPLEMENTATION 20 Pre-processing doc said being of the xanax was giving my heart major issues and causing problems that weren't even there in the 1st place 15th International Conference on Advances in ICT for Emerging Regions ICTer2015
  • 21. IMPLEMENTATION 21 Text Processing • Remove advertisements, news and forum posts • Assumption 2 – Possibility of having a link in a legitimate Twitter message is considerably low 15th International Conference on Advances in ICT for Emerging Regions ICTer2015
  • 22. IMPLEMENTATION 22 Text Processing • Replace slang words, emoticons and abbreviations Slang Word Intended Meaning abt About w/o without smh somehow idk I don’t know n2g Not too good lol Laugh out loud … ……………… Emoticon Intended Meaning :-D Big grin :((( Sad :’( Crying :-@ Screaming O.o Confused B-) Cool … ……………… Slang word dictionary (5 242) Emoticons dictionary (80) 15th International Conference on Advances in ICT for Emerging Regions ICTer2015
  • 23. IMPLEMENTATION 23 Text Processing being doing good on my diet giving up soda and iced coffee I do not think so laugh out loud i would need xanax smile 15th International Conference on Advances in ICT for Emerging Regions ICTer2015
  • 24. IMPLEMENTATION 24 Text Processing • Some Twitter messages are NOT related to the context ̶ “ I need some Xanax” ̶ “ Xanax is expensive but I'm worth it” ̶ “@yung i need to buy xanax but the site won't let me ship to canada?” 15th International Conference on Advances in ICT for Emerging Regions ICTer2015
  • 25. IMPLEMENTATION 25 Medical Terminologies • Use of medical terminologies ̶ MedDRA (Medical Dictionary for Regulatory Activities) ̶ SIDDER (Side Effect Resource) ̶ Collected 15 205 medical terminologies • Data set reduced to 3 334 messages after checking 54 774 messages 15th International Conference on Advances in ICT for Emerging Regions ICTer2015
  • 26. IMPLEMENTATION 26 Feature Extraction • Used Bag-of-word model ̶ Only consider occurrence (presence or absence) • Stop words NOT removed ̶ A Twitter message can includes really few words ̶ Character limitation <140 • Stemming – Ex: Takes , Taking  Take – Used Porter stemmer available in Python NLTK – 4 572 Features
  • 27. IMPLEMENTATION 27 Manual Annotation • Condition 1 : – There should be a person or a group of people who involved with the drug to label a message as Adverse • Condition 2 : – Beneficial effects, Conditions or indications as Other • Condition 3 : – Sentence should be in affirmative (not interrogative, not subjunctive) 15th International Conference on Advances in ICT for Emerging Regions ICTer2015
  • 28. IMPLEMENTATION 28 Annotated Messages • Adverse Effects ̶ “ People take xanax so lightly like it's nothing. people get addicted and die from that shit. i blacked out driving while high on it once ” ̶ “This xanax medicine causes suicidal thoughts when first taking it. what the f*** ” ̶ “ I should stop taking all the drugs man they are obviously ruining your brain and making you bipolar. xanax is the main contributor ” 15th International Conference on Advances in ICT for Emerging Regions ICTer2015
  • 29. IMPLEMENTATION 29 Annotated Messages • Other Effects ̶ “ I am going to sleep now because this xanax got me feeling good ” ̶ “ I need a prescription to xanax or valium or anything that will help me chill out and sleep for once ” ̶ “ I am not sure if it is the xanax or lack of sleep but f*** i do not feel real ” Beneficial Effect Suspicious feeling 15th International Conference on Advances in ICT for Emerging Regions ICTer2015
  • 30. IMPLEMENTATION 30 Data Distribution • Data distribution highly unbalanced • 93% data contributed from Other category 221 3 113 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 Advere Effects Other Effects No.ofobservations Class Label Advere Effects Other Effects 15th International Conference on Advances in ICT for Emerging Regions ICTer2015
  • 31. IMPLEMENTATION 31 Sampling • Why Undersampling ?? ̶ Reduce observations from Other category ̶ Amount of Adverse effects will not change ̶ It will not add synthetic observations to the Adverse effect class A O A O A O Initial Behavior Undersampling Oversampling 15th International Conference on Advances in ICT for Emerging Regions ICTer2015
  • 32. IMPLEMENTATION 32 Classification • Used Naïve Bayes algorithm ̶ Best and naïve classification algorithm for text classification approaches according to the literature ̶ Achieve highest classifier performance in related works • Compared with Decision Tree algorithm • 10 fold cross validation • Used WEKA tool box – It supports for data pre-processing, regression, classification, clustering and data visualization 15th International Conference on Advances in ICT for Emerging Regions ICTer2015
  • 33. • Purpose is to identifying Adverse effects as much as possible EVALUATION 33 Balanced vs. Unbalanced Data Set Balanced Data Set (A-221 O-221) Adverse Effect 0.67 0.71 0.69 0.71 Other 0.69 0.65 0.67 0.71 Unbalanced Data Set (A-221, O-3113) Precision Recall F-Measure AUC Adverse Effect 0.18 0.19 0.18 0.71 Other 0.94 0.93 0.94 0.71 15th International Conference on Advances in ICT for Emerging Regions ICTer2015
  • 34. • Proposed solution (Balanced data set) perform really well EVALUATION 34 Balanced vs. Unbalanced Data Set Unbalanced Balanced No. of Observations 3 334 442 Training Time (sec) 20.8 1.6 Accuracy 89% 68% Contributed from Other category Reduced data set 15th International Conference on Advances in ICT for Emerging Regions ICTer2015
  • 35. EVALUATION 35 NB vs. DT Naïve Bayes True Class AE O Classified As AE 157 64 O 78 143 Decision Tree True Class AE O Classified As AE 137 84 O 83 138 68% of Accuracy 62% of Accuracy
  • 36. EVALUATION 36 NB vs. DT Naïve Bayes Precision Recall F-Measure AUC Adverse Effect 0.67 0.71 0.69 0.71 Other 0.69 0.65 0.67 0.71 Decision Tree Adverse Effect 0.62 0.62 0.62 0.72 Other 0.62 0.62 0.62 0.72 • Proposed solution (Naïve Bayes) perform really well
  • 37. EVALUATION 37 ROC Curve 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 TPRate FP Rate AUC = 0.7 More than a random guess 15th International Conference on Advances in ICT for Emerging Regions ICTer2015
  • 38. EVALUATION 38 Error Analysis • Curse of dimensionality – The performance of the classier decreases when the dimensionality of the problem becomes too large 4 572 features 15th International Conference on Advances in ICT for Emerging Regions ICTer2015
  • 39. CONCLUSION 39 • Proposed a method to identify ADR from Twitter data • Proposed filtering method capture 1 477 (3%) additional data • All the performance measurements lie around 70%. Training time 1.6 seconds • ‘Curse of dimensionality ‘ has reduced the performance of classifier • Results suggested the potential for extracting ADR related information from Twitter 15th International Conference on Advances in ICT for Emerging Regions ICTer2015
  • 40. FUTURE WORKS 40 1) Degree or level of ADR – Can be categorized the effect into High, normal, low – Useful in prioritizing the effects in pharmacovigilance EX: – “ This medicine causes suicidal thoughts when first taking it ” - Extremely negative – “ I'm stressed I can't even sleep after using this pills ” – High – “ Its 2:20 a.m. and I am yawning and shaking my head vamplife ” – Less harm 15th International Conference on Advances in ICT for Emerging Regions ICTer2015
  • 41. FUTURE WORKS 41 2) Identifying the dissemination of drug users – Twitter provides geo locations of Twitter messages – Weather conditions and habitual actions of each country may affect to the drug and their effects EX: ̶ “ My mom asks me to get beer while picking up a Xanax prescription. So that looks good ” Beer + Xanax = ?? 15th International Conference on Advances in ICT for Emerging Regions ICTer2015
  • 42. 42 Thank You NLP could save a Life ! 15th International Conference on Advances in ICT for Emerging Regions ICTer2015
  • 43. PILOT STUDY 43 2014/04/08 8.30 AM - 11.30 AM 15th International Conference on Advances in ICT for Emerging Regions ICTer2015
  • 44. EVALUATION 44 Naïve Bayes (NB) Decision Tree (DT) No. of Observations 442 442 Training Time (sec) 1.6 14.7 Accuracy 68% 62% 15th International Conference on Advances in ICT for Emerging Regions ICTer2015
  • 45. SIGNIFICANCE OF THIS RESEARCH 45 • Filtering method ̶ Identified misspelled Drug related messages ̶ Capture more useful data • Removing Advertisements, Forum posts and News related Twitter messages • Building medical corpus to remove unwanted Twitter messages ̶ SIDDER ̶ MedDRA 15th International Conference on Advances in ICT for Emerging Regions ICTer2015
  • 46. TOOLS & TECHNOLOGIES 46 • Data acquisition & filtering ̶ Twitter streaming API ̶ Tweepy library in Python ̶ Key word typo generator online tool • Text processing ̶ Python NLTK (Natural Language Tool Kit) ̶ Porter stemmer • Classification, sub sampling , ensemble learning and data visualization ̶ WEKA tool box 15th International Conference on Advances in ICT for Emerging Regions ICTer2015
  • 47. DATA DISTRIBUTION 47 25 289 (46%) RT 29 485 (54%) Pre-Processed Messages Retweets Adds, News, Forum posts 23 176 Duplicate Messages 15th International Conference on Advances in ICT for Emerging Regions ICTer2015
  • 48. CLASSIFICATION PROCESS 4815th International Conference on Advances in ICT for Emerging Regions ICTer2015
  • 49. TEXT PROCESSING 49 Raw Message After Text Processing @utemim @goddess1207 @LadyZ_712 @misscolor63 @Cozyrosy1 There isn't enough Xanax to make me spend an hour w/ a room full of 5yr olds! there is not enough xanax to make me spend an hour with a room full of 5 year olds Being doing good on my diet, giving up soda and iced coffee I don't think so lol I would need Xanax :) being doing good on my diet giving up soda and iced coffee i do not think so laugh out loud i would need xanax smile @OMGImBoss i WANT MY XANAX BITCH :( AND im asking u with who you or they want papakush there?? O.o i want my xanax bitch sad and i am asking you with who you or they want papakush there confused
  • 50. JUST ASSUME… 50 EBOLA Virus Affected to millions of people around the world Doctors found a cure Tested using monkeys
  • 51. JUST ASSUME… 51 Medicine distributed to people vaccination Clinical trials not possible Ask them to Tweet ADR No ADR

Editor's Notes

  1. An Adverse Drug Reaction is an expression that describes the harm associated with the use of given medications at a normal dosage during normal use. It could be an unintended, considerably harmful reaction resulting from an involvement of a medicinal product. Majority of patients may experience ADR soon after taking the drugs. ADR is currently becoming a dire global problem causing higher numbers of deaths. According to the annual report of the Agency of Healthcare Research and Quality, over 770,000 people are injured or died each year The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) states that prescription drugs have now become the fourth leading medical cause of death in the United State and Canada Therefore identifying ADRs in an appropriate manner plays a critical role in the arena of pharmacovigilance.
  2. As a solution to the this problem, some of the regulatory bodies like FDA have begun programs like surveillance systems. Most of the existing methods rely on patients’ “spontaneous” self-reports that attest problems BUT Expensive clinical trials are very cumbersome for consumers and healthcare professionals. Clinical trials are very cumbersome for consumers and healthcare professionals because it takes much time and resources conduct the clinical trials clinical trial is conducted with few patients as a sample, once a drug is released to the market, millions of patients around the world may take it.
  3. The recent explosion of social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Google+ presents a new information source for discovering and analyzing various forms of social characteristics. The users in an online community often share a wide variety of personal medical experiences with each other rather than in a clinical research study or with their physician
  4. in general, sleepiness is treated as an adverse effect term. But someone suffering from insomnia would consider it as beneficial effect But the number of health messages for each drug was not evenly distributed among the data set.
  5. data sample tends to be extremely noisy due to the dierence between internet speech and writing patterns and stand Recent works have correlated with the prior knowledge to the tracking illness over time, measuring behavioral risk factors, localizing illnesses by geographic region and detecting inuenza epidemicsardized clinical data.
  6. So the our proposed solution was to analyze the user experiences through Twitter to identify ADR Among various online communities, Twitter is an online social network that permits millions of people around the world to stay connected to the every corner of the world. As a micro blogging platform, Twitter has an enormous number of users who are frequently sharing and discussing their personal experiences, opinions, thoughts, and random details of their lives. The emergence of Twitter represents a valuable data source because of its public availability, update frequency and message volume
  7. So the our proposed solution was to analyze the user experiences through Twitter to identify ADR Among various online communities, Twitter is an online social network that permits millions of people around the world to stay connected to the every corner of the world. As a micro blogging platform, Twitter has an enormous number of users who are frequently sharing and discussing their personal experiences, opinions, thoughts, and random details of their lives. The emergence of Twitter represents a valuable data source because of its public availability, update frequency and message volume According to the Static Brain2, there are approximately 645 million active Twitter users in the world. The Average number of tweets per day is 58 million. In addition, approximately 9,100 tweets happen in every second around the world. Among them, there may be a significant number of users who share and discuss their experiences related to health, drugs, and their adverse effects. Though a twitter post contains little informational content related to the individual's health, aggregation of thousands of twitter posts may generate valuable knowledge Also the previous researchers have proven that social media related data can be used to identify various social characteristics.
  8. There is a very large number of drugs in the world and growing frequently. Also the FDA has investigated a large number of adverse effects. But it is very difficult to judge all these drugs and their effects within this scope. As a solution, one pharmaceutical name has been selected to evaluate this model by reducing the scope into few outcomes rather than checking all the possibilities. After building and evaluating the model, any pharmaceutical can be used as the input. The extracted Twitter messages may contain text in languages other than English. It would be very hard to process these Twitter messages without knowing all of these languages. To overcome this problem, the scope of this research has been limited to messages in the English language. Therefore this model will only work for English texts.
  9. Selecting a drug name among thousands of pharmaceuticals is somewhat difficult because some of the drug names are not frequently discussed in the Twitter Therefore understanding the dissemination of health related information through Twitter will be very helpful in selecting a proper drug name as an input to the proposed system. To get a clear perception about the data source and its distribution, we have conduct an initial experiment. We have chosen most popular 15 pharmaceutical names for our initial experiment. These names were selected from several well-known web pages that were related to the public health. I collected more than 700 tweets within 3 hours and this diagram shows the number of collected twitter messages. nearly half of the users in above distribution were discussing and sharing information about 'Xanax' Xanax use in medical treatment of panic disorder and anxiety disorders.