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                                                WHITE PAPERS FEATURED:

                                                How to Build Trust in an

                                                The Recruiting Revolution:
                                                How Technology Is
                                                Transforming Talent

                                                Embracing Open-Book
                                                Management to Fuel
                                                Employee Engagement and
                                                Corporate Sustainability

                                                Maximizing Millennials in the

                                                The New Business
                                                Imperative: Recruiting,
                                                Developing and Retaining
                                                Women in the Workplace

                                                PLUS: CHAPTER FROM A
                                                BEST SELLING HR RESOURCE!
                                                A Model for Talent Manager
A message from the
    President and Associate Dean of
    Executive Development at
    UNC Kenan-Flagler Business School

    Hello again from the University of North Carolina at Chapel       We are also pleased to feature a chapter from The Talent
    Hill, and welcome to the latest volume of ideas@work.             Management Handbook titled A Model for Talent Manager
    We created ideas@work specifically for business leaders           Excellence, co-authored by Marc Effron and Jim Shanley.
    interested in talent development so that we can share the         We are delighted to have their contribution and to announce
    knowledge and expertise that we’ve gained working with            that we are partnering with them to launch the Talent
    organizations around the world. ideas@work offers some            Management Institute in November 2012. This new program
    of the latest talent development research and highlights best     will be led by Effron, Shanley and Corey Seitz, another leader
    practices that we hope you can apply in your organization.        in global talent management.

    The latest volume features 5 new white papers authored by         I hope that you enjoy the latest volume of ideas@work.
    members of the UNC team. One paper explores the unique            I encourage you to visit our website ( to
    contributions Millennials offer as they enter the workforce,      access our library of talent development resources including
    and another paper discusses how social media and emerging         white papers, webinars, and research. You can also join
    technologies are transforming talent acquisition. A third         our mailing list to receive our newsletter which features
    paper examines the critical role trust plays in an organization   these resources and more, and our team would be happy
    and identifies ways you can build a culture of trust. The New     to talk with you about the custom work we do for our
    Business Imperative: Recruiting, Developing and Retaining         organizational clients.
    Women in the Workplace offers insights about the changing
    role of women business leaders and how companies are              Thank you for your interest in UNC Executive Development.
    adapting to changing demographics. This paper also                Susan Cates
    includes findings from a recent survey conducted by UNC 

                                      Consistently ranked one of      Our commitment to                  At UNC Executive
                                      the world’s best business       developing socially                Development, we believe
                                      schools, UNC’s Kenan-           responsible, results-driven        that managing employee
                                      Flagler Business School         leaders distinguishes our          talent is vital to the success
                                      is known for experiential       programs. We educate               of any organization, and we
                                      learning and teamwork,          people at every stage              provide unique learning and
                                      superior teaching,              of their careers and               development experiences
                                      innovative research and a       prepare them to manage             for our partners.
                                      collaborative culture.          successfully in the global
                                                                      business environment.

2   ALL CONTENT © UNC EXECUTIVE DEVELOPMENT 2012           	                                        To subscribe, visit
Inside this issue

                                    How to Build Trust in an Organization
                                                                 page 4

   The Recruiting Revolution: How Technology Is Transforming Talent Acquisition
                                                                 page 14

      Embracing Open-Book Management to Fuel Employee Engagement and
                          Corporate Sustainability
                                                                 page 26

                                  Maximizing Millennials in the Workplace
                                                                 page 36

   The New Business Imperative: Recruiting, Developing and Retaining Women
                              in the Workplace
                                                                 page 48

                   BONUS CHAPTER: A Model for Talent Manager Excellence
                                                                 page 60

     (Note: The information or conclusions expressed in the following white papers are the authors’ review of findings expressed by the
         organizations. All brand representations are registered trademarks owned by the respective companies or organizations.)

How to Build Trust in an
    Chris Hitch, Ph.D.
    Program Director
    UNC Executive Development

    In a 2001 interview with Fortune magazine about his           for $7.99 each. Customers – many of whom faced a
    company’s continued success, Herbert D. Kelleher,             60 percent increase for monthly Netflix services – were
    founder of Southwest Airlines, attributed much of             outraged, and the customer-led backlash eventually
    it to the fact that he always treated his employees           made Hastings reverse the decision. The damage was
    like customers. Kelleher knew that employees who              already done, however. By mid-September 2011,
    are trusted and treated fairly will, in turn, treat their     Netflix lost one million more subscribers than they
    customers with trust and respect.                             had estimated after the July announcement, and the
                                                                  company’s stock plummeted 14 percent. By the end of
    This is the same kind of philosophy that made Netflix a       the year, Netflix had made $40.7 million in the last three
    huge success as a young start-up organization. From the       months of the year. By comparison, it had made $47.1
    beginning, Netflix founder Reed Hastings knew the kind        million in the last three months of 2010.
    of company culture he wanted to develop to achieve its
    purpose. Netflix’s “Freedom and Responsibility Culture”       The trust that customers, stakeholders and employees
    was based on the premise that all employees understand        had in Netflix’s top management to make sound choices
    the purpose of the organization and that they know the        was shaken by the decision, and the delayed reversal
    value customers get from doing business with Netflix.         further eroded that trust. Netflix’s leadership lost sight
    The foundation of that culture is trust and responsibility;   of the value they provided their customers – and by
    trust in its employees to achieve the company’s               extension their employees – when they failed to ensure
    goals and trust in its customers to act responsibly by        that their decisions and actions supported its purpose.
    eliminating late fees and asking customers to return          And by doing this, they let their employees down.
    their DVD rentals when they are ready.                        Netflix employees no longer had a clear vision of the
                                                                  value customers got from doing business with Netflix
    That all was put in jeopardy when Netflix announced in        – and this confusion has damaged its “Freedom and
    July 2011 that it was eliminating it’s $9.99 per month        Responsibility Culture”.
    DVD + streaming plan in favor of two separate plans

4   ALL CONTENT © UNC EXECUTIVE DEVELOPMENT 2012         	                                   To subscribe, visit

“ rust is the lubrication that makes it
 possible for organizations to work.”
 – Warren Bennis

 Time will tell if Netflix can rebuild the trust they lost
 with their employees and their customers—its culture of
 trust, responsibility and freedom to take risks and to be
 innovative hangs in the balance.

 Leadership and organizational studies pioneer
 Warren Bennis once said that “trust is the lubrication
 that makes it possible for organizations to work.”
 Organizations with high levels of trust have more
 productive workforces, better employee morale and
 lower employee turnover. They also perform better
 financially than their industry peers.

 This white paper:
 • Defines trust in organizations.
 • Explores the characteristics of organizational trust
   and how it develops.
 • Examines the benefits of trust in organizations.
 • Examines the erosion of trust in the workplace.
 • Offers steps HR professionals can take to build
   or rebuild trust in their organizations.                  The Foundations of Trust:
                                                             Credibility, Respect and
“ o be persuasive we must be
 T                                                           Dr. Duane C. Tway, Jr., offered an excellent definition of
 believable; to be believable we must                        trust in his 1993 dissertation, A Construct of Trust, as
 be credible; to be credible we must                         “the state of readiness for unguarded interaction with
 be truthful.”                                               someone or something” (Dubois, 2010). Warren Buffet
                                                             put it another way. “Trust,” said Buffet “is like the air
 – Edward R. Murrow
                                                             we breathe. When it’s present, nobody really notices.
                                                             But when it’s absent, everybody notices.”

We know when we feel that state of readiness, but               High-trust organizations ensure that employees
    what elements are needed to get to that state? Amy              experience respect. This is exhibited through employers’
    Lyman, co-founder of The Great Place to Work Institute,         support of their employees’ professional growth and the
    has studied trust in organizations for more than 20             consideration of employees’ ideas in decision-making
    years. She has found three characteristics, or elements,        processes. Finally, employees in high-trust organizations
    that come up time and time again in her interviews with         believe they are treated fairly regardless of their
    clients: credibility, respect and fair treatment (Lyman,        position within the organization (Lyman, 2012).
    2003, 2012).
                                                                    High-trust organizations collaborate well across
    According to Lyman, in organizations with high levels of        departments and hierarchies, and seek fair resolutions to
    trust, employees see others (particularly management)           difficult situations. Employees in high-trust organizations
    as credible—they mean what they say, and believe                have confidence in their leader’s vision for the future
    what they say is true—and have confidence that the              (Lyman, 2012).
    actions of others will remain consistent with their
    words. In high-trust organizations, co-workers believe
    that others (particularly management) are ethical in their
    business practices.

    Example: Continental Airlines

                                               Amy Lyman (2003, 2012) has cited Continental Airlines as an
                                               excellent example of trust at work. In 2003, baggage reclamation
                                               employees at Continental heard there could be layoffs in their area
                                               to control costs. Rather than waiting for senior leaders to make
                   the announcement, the employees met and developed a plan where full-time employees
                   would move to part-time status so no one would lose their jobs. They presented the plan
                   to senior managers, who approved the plan. “What’s extraordinary,” Lyman writes, “is
                   that the employees took positive action to solve a problem and trusted that management
                   would listen … So what’s going on at Continental that supports the development of positive
                   relationships between employees and management? The simple answer is trust.”

                   Source: Lyman 2003, 2012.

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The Development of Trust:                                     Russell 3000 and SP 500, posting annualized
                                                              returns of 11 percent versus 4.26 percent and 3.83
Action and Interaction                                        percent, respectively. Lyman also notes that those best
                                                              companies experience about half the turnover rate
Trust is earned through action. As Maister, Green and         than other organizations in their industries. (Lyman,
Galford wrote in their seminal book, The Trusted Advisor      2003, 2012).
(2001), “You have to do something to give people the
evidence they need to believe you should be trusted.        A 2009 study by Interaction Associates found that high-
You have to be willing to give in order to get.”            trust organizations also had more effective leadership
                                                            and better collaboration at all levels of the organization.
Trust is also earned through interaction. It can be as      The study found that high-trust organizations:
simple as a conversation between co-workers, a five-
minute chat in the break room between a manager             • Have a strong sense of shared purpose.
and her employee, or teamwork among co-workers to
complete a project. It is the interaction that conveys to   • Have employees who work together to support that
others the willingness on the part of one person to do        purpose.
something that is to the benefit of another person’s
health and well-being (Lyman, 2012).                        •  reate cultures in which tolerance and cooperation
                                                              are highly valued.
It is through a person’s action and interaction that
others can assess whether that person is credible,          • Have leaders who coach rather than just manage.
reliable and fair.
                                                            • Have many people participate in making decisions.

The Effect of Trust:                                        The study revealed that in addition to superior earnings
                                                            as compared to low-trust organizations, high-trust
A Better Bottom Line                                        organizations excelled (as compared to their low-trust
                                                            peers) at exhibiting organizational behavior consistent
Numerous studies have been conducted through the
                                                            with their values and ethics (85 percent vs. 46 percent);
years that confirm the benefit of trust in the workplace:
                                                            at retaining employees (80 percent vs. 42 percent);
                                                            and at attracting, deploying and developing talent (76
• A classic study by Cornell University Associate
                                                            percent vs. 24 percent).
  Professor Tony Simon of 6,300 Holiday Inn employees
  found that hotels where managers followed through
                                                            If trust increases profitability and helps in attracting and
  on their promises and had behavioral integrity were
                                                            keeping talent, then the lack of trust lowers productivity,
  more profitable (in Bader, 2003).
                                                            job satisfaction and commitment and increases
                                                            employee turnover.
•  Watson Wyatt Worldwide study found that
  organizations in which front-line employees trusted
                                                            With all the documented benefits of having trust in
  their senior leaders had a 42 percent higher return on
                                                            an organization, one would think that creating and
  shareholder investment than organizations in which
                                                            maintaining it would be a high priority for senior
  distrust was the norm (Reina and Reina, 2007).
                                                            business leaders. Unfortunately, many senior leaders
                                                            cannot seem to shake the top-down model of
• Amy Lyman’s tracking of publicly traded 100 Best
                                                            management that adheres to the notion that authority
  Companies has shown that as a group and over
                                                            creates trust. In reality, trust creates authority.
  time, those organizations have outperformed the

Areas of Excellence in High-Trust Organizations
                                                High-Trust Organizations          Low-Trust Organizations




              Exhibiting Organizational                         Retaining Employees              Attracting, Deploying, and
              Behavior Consistent with                                                               Developing Talent

        Source: Interaction Associates, 2009.

        The Erosion of Trust in Organizations
        Trust may be a valued commodity in an organization,                  in their employer (48 percent), and a lack of
        but it is a rare one. Research conducted by Reina                    transparent communication from senior leaders
        and Reina (2009) found that nine out of every 10                     (46 percent).
        employees have reported experiencing some sort of
        breach of trust in the workplace on a regular basis.                 Senior leaders are not blind to the erosion of trust
        A recent Deloitte survey on ethics in the workplace                  in the workplace. The Deloitte survey found that 65
        underlined the erosion of trust in the workplace                     percent of Fortune 1000 executives were concerned
        and the negative financial effects on organizations                  that employees would be job hunting in the coming
        struggling to regain their footing after the recent                  months and that the lack of trust would be a major
        recession (PR Newswire, 2010).                                       factor in the potential increase of voluntary employee
        The survey found that one-third of employees
        surveyed said they planned to look for new jobs                      To staunch the flow of talent planning to change
        when the economy recovered. Of those who said                        jobs, it is more important than ever for businesses to
        they would be job hunting, the main factors in the                   assess the level of trust in their organizations and to
        decision to look for a new job were a lack of trust                  focus on ways to improve it.

8   ALL CONTENT © UNC EXECUTIVE DEVELOPMENT 2012                 	                                    To subscribe, visit

Example: Whole Foods Market

                          ohn Mackey, CEO Whole Foods Market, Inc. (Austin, Tex.), wrote an essay
                         in 2010 that provides insight into why Whole Foods is ranked consistently
                         in the top 25 of the Best Companies to Work For list. To create a high trust
                         organization, writes Mackey, organizations must:

        •  evelop and articulate a higher purpose. “The single most important requirement for the
          creation of higher levels of trust for any organization,” notes Mackey, “is to discover or
          rediscover the higher purpose of the organization.” This higher purpose must go beyond
          making money.

        •  alk the talk. Organizations must have leaders who “walk the talk”—who serve the
          purpose and mission of the organization and lead by example.

        •  ave teams everywhere. Small teams maximize familiarity and trust, which helps
          maximize collaboration at all levels of an organization.

        •  mpower employees, because empowerment equals trust. “The effectiveness of teams,”
          Mackey writes, “is tremendously enhanced when they are fully empowered to do their
          work and to fulfill the organization’s mission and values.”

        •  ave transparent and authentic communication. One of the biggest mistakes
          organizations make is trying to “spin” their messages in the belief that if they tell
          stakeholders what they want to hear rather than the unvarnished truth, they will like
          them better. Spinning a message, in fact, creates distrust.

        •  ractice fairness. A virtue of transparency, notes Mackey, is that it helps ensure that
          unfairness is quickly seen and corrected.

        •  reate a culture of love and care. Mackey believes that leaders must embody genuine
          love and care of the organization and its people. In fact, he believes the virtues of love
          and care should be considered in all promotional decisions, writing that “we shouldn’t
          just promote the most competent, but also the most loving and caring.” A vital part
          of this loving-and-caring culture, notes Mackey, is the cultivation of forgiveness rather
          than judgment and condemnation.

          Source: Mackey, 2010.

Steps to Build or Rebuild                                     Step 1: Assess the Level of Trust in the
     Trust                                                         Organization.
                                                                   Although Warren Buffet may be right that it is the
     The impacts of distrust in an organization—lower              absence of trust which is noticed, this observation is
     employee morale and commitment, lower productivity            not sufficient to build the business case needed to
     and higher employee turnover—tend to fall squarely on         take action and attempt to improve an organization’s
     the shoulders of HR. As such, HR should have a central        level of trust. HR professionals should assess the level
     role in establishing or re-establishing trust throughout an   of trust in their organizations, and this can be done
     organization.                                                 through employee surveys and confidential one-on-one
     Corsum Consulting (O’Neil, 2009) has developed a
     mnemonic HR and senior leaders may want to keep in            Some questions that can help assess the level of
     mind when trying to improve trust in an organization:         trust include:

                                                                   • Do you trust your peers?
     	T 	 = Teach.
                                                                   • Do you trust your senior leaders?
     Teach everyone in the organization how things work;
     make it as transparent as possible.                           • Do you view your peers and senior leaders as credible?

                                                                   • Do you believe your senior leaders’ actions are
     	R 	 = Reward.                                                  consistent with their words?

     Make sure reward systems align with corporate value
                                                                   • Do you understand the organization’s mission and
     and goals.
                                                                     vision and the role you play to achieve them?

                                                                   • Do you feel that risk-taking is encouraged?
     	U	      = Unconditional support.
                                                                   • Do you feel safe communicating your ideas and
     Encourage innovation. Create an environment where
                                                                     opinions with colleagues?
     mistakes are opportunities to learn, not to punish. Give
     employees permission to “think outside the box.”              • Do you believe you are treated fairly and with respect?

                                                                   • Do you feel senior leaders communicate openly?
     	S 	 = Share information.
                                                                   • Do you feel your supervisor and other senior
     Communicate clearly and frequently.                             leaders care about and encourage your professional

     	T 	 = Trustworthy.                                           • Do you believe your ideas are taken into account
                                                                     during the decision making process?
     Make commitments and keep them.
                                                                   The responses to these questions will help establish
     This mnemonic can also help shape the practical steps
                                                                   the level of trust felt by employees in the organization.
     HR professionals can take to improve trust throughout
                                                                   An analysis of the results should help identify which
     their organization.
                                                                   elements of trust – credibility, respect and fair treatment
                                                                   – the organization as a whole is accomplishing and
                                                                   which areas need improvement.

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Step 2: Report the Results of the                           Step 3a: Assess Your Own
Assessment.                                                 Trustworthiness and Whether HR
A recurring theme, which emerges in the study of trust
                                                            Programs and Policies Promote Trust in
in organizations, is to improve it, organizations must      the Organization.
communicate as openly and transparently as possible
with employees at all levels. Once assessed, the results
of an organizational survey of trust should be openly       Step 3b: Ask Other Senior Leaders to
communicated to all employees. HR professionals
                                                            Do the Same.
should consider multiple delivery methods, including
town hall meetings and posting the results on a             Trust in senior leaders is vital to an organization’s
company intranet. The communication should report           success, and while an employee survey may help
on the strengths and weaknesses found through the           recognize organizational trust issues, HR professionals
study. Areas of improvement should be identified, and       must assess whether their actions are construed as
employees should participate in the process of what         trustworthy by others. Feedback (from all levels in
steps will be taken to make those improvements.             the organization) and self-assessment are ways this
                                                            information may be gathered.
Reina and Reina (2007) offer the following suggestions
to HR professionals when trying to establish or rebuild     Some questions that could be asked when seeking
trust in the workplace:                                     feedback or taking a self-assessment may include:

•  llow feelings to surface. When reporting
  A                                                         • Do I communicate openly, honestly and consistently?
  on the results of the survey, allow employees to
                                                            • Are my actions consistent with my words?
  constructively voice their concerns, issues and
  feelings. Holding small group meetings after the          • Do I share information with my employees
  report has been presented may make employees feel           consistently?
  safer and encourage them to more openly discuss
                                                            • Do I help develop my employees?
  their experiences.
                                                            • Do I respect my employees’ opinions? Do I include
•  et support. Reina and Reina observed that a
                                                              their opinions during the decision making process?
  common mistake made by senior leaders and
  HR professionals is to think they can manage the          • Do I treat all of my employees fairly?
  process of building or rebuilding trust alone. Trust
  is highly emotional for everyone involved; obtaining      With the expertise of an outside consultant, use the
  the support of an outside consultant to guide the         information obtained from the organization-wide
  organization through the process can help.                survey and the personal assessment to develop a
                                                            “trustworthiness improvement plan.” This may also
•  ake responsibility. HR professionals and senior
  T                                                         be a good time to identify a coach or mentor who can
  leaders must take responsibility for any actions they     help guide you through the process in the long term.
  made in the past that lowered trust. Do not spin
  the truth or cover up mistakes—this will only lower       Next, ask senior leaders to undergo the same process.
  trust more.                                               Everyone at the senior leadership level must lead by
                                                            example to establish or re-establish trust and credibility.
•  ncourage forgiveness. Forgive yourself and others.
  Forgiveness helps release feelings of anger, bitterness
  and resentment that come with broken trust.

In addition, HR professionals should take the opportunity                                       practices should be designed to foster a culture where
     to assess whether HR policies and practices foster the                                          employees feel safe to be innovative and engaged.
     development of trust in the organization. To encourage
     the growth of trust, HR policies and practices must                                             Step 4: Follow Up and Remain Vigilant.
     be aligned with the organization’s mission and vision,
     and the organization’s total compensation plan should                                           The loss of trust can occur after a single event (such
     reward trustworthy behavior. HR professionals should                                            as a layoff, merger or acquisition), but trust is built
     develop and offer interpersonal communications and                                              over time. HR professionals should assess the levels of
     skills training to all employees to encourage constructive                                      trust in their organizations on a regular basis and ensure
     communication and information sharing. HR policies and                                          that any incidences causing distrust are addressed in a
                                                                                                     timely manner.

     As the economy improves, valued employees who have                                              HR professionals can staunch the flow of talent leaving
     lost trust in their senior leaders will seek employment                                         the organization by taking proactive steps to improve
     elsewhere, leading to increased turnover, lost productivity                                     trust in the workplace.
     plus higher recruiting and onboarding costs.

     Bader, G.  Liljenstrand, A. (2003, May 15).    Galford, R.  Drapeau, A. (2006). Trust         Maister, D., Green, C.,  Galford, R.              Tzafir, S. (2005, September). The relationship
     The value of building trust in the workplace.   inside the organization. The Trusted Advisor.   (2001). The trusted advisor. New York, NY:         between trust, HRM, practices and firm
     The Bader Group. Retrieved from http://         Retrieved from http://www.thetrustedleader.     Touchstone.                                        performance. International Journal of     com/newsletter/issue32-february-06.html                                                            Human Resource Management, 16, 1600-
     in-the-workplace/                                                                               O’Neill, M. (2009, August 17). Five ways           1622.
                                                     Interaction Associates (2009). Building         to build trust in the workplace. Corsum
     Better Business Bureau. (2010, September        trust in business. Interaction Associates.      Consulting. Retrieved from http://www.             Wentworth, D. (2011, December
     6). Creating a culture of trust in your         Cambridge: MA.                                   7). Information underload. I4cp.
     company. Better Business Bureau. Retrieved                                                      bid/24614/Five-Ways-to-Build-Trust-in-the-         Retrieved from
     from      Kochan, T. (2004, September). Restoring         Workplace                                          trendwatchers/2011/12/07/information-
     culture-of-trust-in-your-company-22043          trust in the human resource management                                                             underload
                                                     profession. MIT Institute for Work             PR Newswire. (2010, July 26). Trust and
     Deloitte. (2010, September 29). 2010 ethics     Employment Research. Cambridge: MA.             ethics in the workplace have been battered         Wright, P. (2003, September 1). Restoring
      workplace survey. Deloitte. Retrieved                                                         by the recession, Deloitte’s 2010 ethics           trust: The role of HR in corporate
     from              Lyman, A. (2003). Building trust in the          workplace survey finds. PR Newswire.             governance. Cornell University ILR School/
     docubase/35598                                  workplace. Melcrum Publishing, Ltd.             Retrieved from http://www.prnewswire.              Center for Advanced Human Resources
                                                     London: England.                                com/news-releases/trust-and-ethics-in-the-         Studies. Ithaca: NY.
     Dubois, L. (2010, August 2). How to build                                                       workplace-have-been-battered-by-the-
     a corporate culture of trust. Inc. Retrieved    Lyman, A. (2012). The trustworthy leader:       recession-deloittes-2010-ethics--workplace-
     from         Leveraging the power of trust to transform      survey-finds-99228989.html
     how-to-build-a-corporate-culture-of-trust.      your organization. Jossey-Bass. San
     html                                            Francisco: CA.                                  Reina, D.  Reina, M. (2007, May 2). The HR
                                                                                                     executive’s role in rebuilding trust. Human
                                                     Mackey, J. (2010, March 14). Creating a         Resource Executive Online. Retrieved from
                                                     high trust organization. Huffington Post.
                                                     Retrieved from http://www.huffingtonpost.       storyId=12160414

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The Recruiting Revolution:
     How Technology
     Is Transforming Talent
     Shelly Gorman
     Director, Career Management

     We are living through an exciting era in technology         •  xplores how leading organizations are using these
     development—the emergence of interactive, social              technologies in their HR practices.
     media and virtual technologies whose business
     applications are not yet fully realized. While marketing    • Provides HR and talent management professionals
     professionals have been quick to embrace the potential        with information they can use to help them
     of these technologies for product placement, branding         incorporate social media and virtual technologies into
     and sales, HR and talent management professionals             their organizations’ hiring practices.
     have approached them with a little more caution as they
     explore how interactive, social media and virtual world
     technologies can be effectively applied to attract talent   Social Media
     to their organizations.                                     The next section highlights some of the major players in
                                                                 the social media market today, describes how recruiters

     Promise                                                     are using social media technology to expand their talent
                                                                 pipelines, and how job seekers are using them to aid in
     This white paper:                                           their job searches.

     • dentifies some of the major players in social media
       and describes their main features.

     •  xamines the pros and cons of using social media,
       simulations and virtual world technologies to expand
       talent pools and to identify good job candidates.

14   ALL CONTENT © UNC EXECUTIVE DEVELOPMENT 2012      	                                  To subscribe, visit

Some of the Major Players in Social Media

                                   •  ore than 120 million users and growing.

                                   •  eveloped as a business networking application with no mixing of
                                     business and personal.

                                   •  sed by recruiters to identify passive candidates and to see who
                                     candidates know, in what industries, and at what levels.

                                   •  elps talent acquisition professionals publicize their employment brand
                                     and advertise job openings.

                                   •  llows users to view and share videos online.

                                   •  sed by job seekers to post video resumes.

                                   •  sed by employers to create and post videos about their industries,
                                     organizations, talent brands and employment opportunities.

                                   •  ore than 200 million users “tweet” their thoughts in 140 characters
                                     or less.

                                   •  llows businesses to communicate to their stakeholders in real time—
                                     whether that communication is about the latest product launch or a
                                     job opening.

                                   •  llows users to find information streams they find interesting (like a
                                     company) and follow them.

                                   •  llows HR professionals to market their employment brand, advertise
                                     job openings and push followers to their career websites.

                                    • product recently launched as a Facebook application.

                                    •  erges Facebook and LinkedIn connections and harnesses the power

                                    •  ery similar to BranchOut in features, such as stepping users through
                                      the process of completing online profiles, awarding badges for
                                      completed steps and searching for jobs.

                                    • ncludes job postings from

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• A Facebook application launched a year ago.

• Allows users to separate their personal and professional lives while
  tapping into Facebook’s 500-million user base.

• Allows employers to post jobs on their Facebook pages; shows users
  jobs they may like based on their professional profiles.

• Allows users to endorse people.

• Includes job postings on BranchOut by employers plus job postings
  from other boards.

• Shows users connections (individuals) they have to jobs; allows users
  to tap into people they know to start the networking process.

• Allows talent management professionals to find passive candidates,
  to review a person’s job history, to advertise job openings, to
  promote their employment brands and to encourage visits to their
  career websites.

• Currently available to individuals only, but Google Plus Product Specialist
  Manager Chris Vennard says the application will offer business and
  school pages within the first half of 2012.

• Has interface that is similar to Facebook, but its power to eventually
  harness everything “Google” makes it a must-track for recruiters.

• Can categorize social connections through ”circles”. For example, users
  can have circles that include only friends, only colleagues or only family
  members, but the application allows users to assign individuals to more
  than one circle. Allows users to develop profile information that is
  customized and visible only to specific circles.

• Streams information based on a user’s pre-selected interests. This can
  be handy for recruiters trying to increase their employment brand or to
  advertise jobs.

• Allows videoconferencing for up to ten people at a time in ”hangouts”.
  Users can specify friends or select circles to participate in a hangout,
  and users can come and go throughout the videoconference. User can
  even watch YouTube videos together in real time. Talent acquisition
  professionals can use this to stream YouTube videos promoting their
  organizations, interview candidates, and even hold small career fairs.

How Social Media Is Being Used . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
     Social media appears to be successful in not only                                                            The quality of hires is always a concern, and while
     expanding talent pools, but in hiring candidates as                                                          recruiters continue to rank employee referrals as
     well. Sixty-four percent of respondents to a 2011                                                            the best source of quality of hires (8.6 on a scale of
     Jobvite survey said they had successfully hired a                                                            10), social networks fair well with a rank of seven
     candidate through a social network in 2011. Nearly                                                           on a scale of 10. Corporate career sites, third-party
     all survey respondents (95 percent) said they had                                                            recruiting firms, campus recruiting, job boards and
     hired someone through LinkedIn; 24 percent of                                                                search engines all ranked below social networks in
     respondents had hired someone through Facebook                                                               the quality of hires (Jobvite, 2011). It is important
     and 16 percent of respondents had hired someone                                                              to note that employee referrals and social networks
     through Twitter.                                                                                             are not mutually exclusive; some social networks
                                                                                                                  like BeKnown and BranchOut include features that
                                                                                                                  encourage employees to recommend colleagues and

     The Pros of Social Media in the Talent Acquisition Process. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
     Social media offers recruiters several advantages.                                                           Third, as organizations continue to do more with
     First, these applications expand talent pools beyond                                                         less, these technologies are extremely cost effective.
     geographic boundaries, allowing employers to reach                                                           It costs little to establish a social media presence,
     a global audience.                                                                                           although managing those networks can be a
     Second, they allow candidates to find talent
     acquisition professionals. Most people find jobs                                                             Perhaps the most compelling reason to use social
     through personal or professional networks—moving                                                             media in HR and the talent acquisition process,
     those networks online allows more people to be                                                               though, is because it is inevitable. Most large
     aware of an organization’s employment brand and                                                              organizations already have a prominent social media
     job openings. It also allows employees to notify their                                                       presence and leverage it to improve their employment
     personal and professional networks of job openings                                                           brand and to find active and passive job candidates.
     in their organizations.

     The Cons of Social Media in the Talent Acquisition Process. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
     One of the challenges HR professionals face when                                                             With so many choices available, choosing one or
     entering the social media market is that it is growing                                                       more to use is a viable concern for job seekers and
     at seemingly exponential rates with new players                                                              recruiters. For job seekers, maintaining multiple social
     regularly entering the arena. This makes it difficult to                                                     media accounts could easily become a full-time job.
     know where one should concentrate efforts when it                                                            The same is true for recruiting professionals, but
     comes to talent acquisition.                                                                                 added to that concern is whether they will be using
                                                                                                                  the “right” application for their talent acquisition
                                                                                                                  needs as these platforms develop. Unfortunately, it
                                                                                                                  will take time to see what application emerges as an
                                                                                                                  overall or industry-specific leader.

18   ALL CONTENT © UNC EXECUTIVE DEVELOPMENT 2012                                           	                                                                  To subscribe, visit

    Which Application Is the Right One?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
    In a side-by-side comparison of BeKnown and                                                               social media applications. When selecting which social
    BranchOut, J.T. O’Donnell, founder of Careerealism.                                                       media applications to use, HR and talent management
    com, urged job seekers to choose one and stick with                                                       professionals should not only consider the resources
    it because you can’t go wrong either way. These are                                                       they have available to maintain them, but should
    early days in social media for career networking, and                                                     also consider which ones will best align with their
    no single application has emerged as a clear overall                                                      organization’s strategic HR plan.
    long-term leader, and none has emerged as a leader
    in a specific industry. Until that evolution happens,
    recruiters will likely find themselves juggling multiple

                                                     Social Media in Recruiting on the Rise
                          The 2011 Jobvite survey confirms that social media recruiting is on the rise:

	                         • 89% of respondents said they used social media to recruit talent in 2011.

	                         •  ocial media recruiting topped the list as the most popular area in which respondents
                            planned to increase investment.

	                         •  5% of respondents said they planned to increase their social recruiting budgets. Only 16
                            percent said they planned to spend more on job boards and a third of respondents said
                            they planned to spend less on job boards, third-party recruiters and search firms.

		                            Source: Jobvite Social Recruiting Survey, 2011.

Example: Discovery Communications
                                                      Tyler Benjamin, vice president of global talent management at Discovery
                                                      Communications, is the first to admit that Discovery is not yet a leader
                                                      in using social media for talent acquisition—and that is deliberate. “We
                                     intentionally took our time to test out Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn. This helped us
                                     form a strategic social media plan,” said Benjamin. “We quickly realized that establishing
                                     a talent brand was key and that most of our followers, while disbursed throughout the
                                     world, wanted local information. We’re currently concentrating on building that brand in
                                     the United States because we not only need to have content, we also need to have the
                                     staff to manage that content. Our plan is to expand our global ‘local’ content within the
                                     next few years.”

                                     Discovery has used social media to establish alumni groups to some success. “We have a
                                     lot of people who return to Discovery after spending time with other organizations. Our
                                     alumni groups help us keep in touch with them,” said Benjamin.

     Simulations and Virtual Worlds
     Although the terms “simulations” and “virtual worlds” are often used interchangeably, they are not the same.
     Simulations replicate job-related tasks to allow employers to assess a candidate’s skills. Virtual worlds like Second
     Life allow participants to interact with each other through avatars. Virtual worlds were originally created with social
     users in mind, but some employers are using it as a recruiting tool. This section describes both types of technologies,
     provides examples of how they have been used in the talent acquisition process and explores their possible growth
     in this field.

     Simulations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
     Early simulations were often administered on the job                                                                                      centers (data entry and customer service skills) and
     site and imitated actual job tasks (like typing speed                                                                                     manufacturing (computer and logic skills), and to
     and accuracy) to assess a person’s ability. These early                                                                                   offer candidates ”day-in-the-life” glimpses into an
     simulations eventually expanded into in-basket exercises                                                                                  organization’s working environment.
     where candidates had to assume a job role and handle
     some of the daily tasks of that job (Handler, 2009).                                                                                      Many recruiters believe that simulations offer
                                                                                                                                               advantages over traditional tests. First, they
     Technology has taken simulations online and to a new                                                                                      are more engaging than traditional, non-interactive
     level, making it possible to replicate a variety of work                                                                                  assessments. In addition, they offer more realistic job
     environments and to assess performance in a more                                                                                          previews and can reduce bias and subjectivity in the
     automated manner. Today, these engaging simulations                                                                                       hiring process because of their realism and automated
     are being used to assess skills in such settings as call                                                                                  scoring (Handler, 2009).

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 Example: AutoMax Recruiting  Training
                                            AutoMax Recruiting  Training recently partnered with Hire the
                                            Winners, the creator of a car sales simulator that helps dealers learn
                                            more about sales candidates and their sales potential. According to
                         AutoMax, the simulator has been used more than 16,000 times and has an 82 percent
                         retention rate after two years for sales people the simulator recommended. For those the
                         simulator recommended with reservation, the two-year retention rate was 64 percent,
                         and for those not recommended, the two-year retention rate was just 14 percent.

When Are Simulations Appropriate?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
There are a few important considerations for employers                                                  that simulations may cause bottlenecks in the hiring
thinking about using simulations in the talent acquisition                                              process, particularly for organizations hiring a large
process. Some recruiters feel that simulations may turn                                                 number of candidates. Finally, the types of skills assessed
off upper-level professionals who expect to be wooed                                                    through simulations must be considered—they may be
rather than assessed, and they advise employers to                                                      better suited to softer skills, such as customer-service
consider the type of worker being recruited and whether                                                 orientation (Ruiz, 2008). For harder, knowledge-based
a simulation is appropriate. Others are concerned                                                       skills, traditional assessments may be more appropriate.

The Next Evolution of Simulations: Gaming. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
The future is here in the world of simulations and                                                      1.  ive rewards (like badges) to visitors to your site when
recruitment, and that future is gaming. Employers                                                          they’ve engaged in an activity such as watching a
are using gaming technology to offer realistic job                                                         video or taking an assessment. Encourage them to
previews and video tours to attract candidates to their                                                    come back to the site frequently.
organizations. Gaming technology lures candidates to
the organization’s website, keeps them there longer as                                                  2. 	Consider using virtual world technology like Second
they play a game or two, and in the process, users learn                                                    Life. IBM, and other organizations have
more about the organization in a fun and engaging                                                           used this technology to host virtual job fairs, conduct
way. Recruiters are learning from gamers that awarding                                                      interviews and offer virtual tours.
badges and showing progress toward a goal attracts the
Gen Yers who have grown up playing online games. Ken                                                    3. 	 ffer video-based job tryouts.
Wheeler from predicts that gaming will become
                                                                                                        4. 	Hold virtual career fairs.
standard fare in recruiting within the next decade
(Wheeler, 2010).
                                                                                                        5. 	 se tests, puzzles and simulations.

Wheeler offers six tips recruiters can use to start the                                                 6. 	 evelop a full-fledged game. These simulated
gaming ball rolling.                                                                                        environments engage candidates and can immerse
                                                                                                            them in your organization’s talent brand.

Organizations are taking gaming online to establish                  • Merrill Lynch developed their Financial Games
     their talent brands and to attract candidates:                         Collection to educate undergraduates and MBA
                                                                            students about available careers and to drive
     •  ahoo! Hotjobs launched Swivel Chair Relay
       Y                                                                    traffic to their career website. The game teaches
       and Flip Off Your Boss to engage their targeted                      players about the IPO process while positioning
       recruiting demographic of 18-24 year olds. The                       Merrill Lynch as a great place to work.
       games blend humor and entertainment with the
       HotJobs brand messaging. The promotion was                         • The U.S. Army was arguably the first
       considered a great success, with more than                           organization to use gaming as a recruitment tool
       40,000 people playing the games and registering                      when it launched America’s Army on its website.
       as HotJob members.                                                   The game, according to the Army, significantly
                                                                            helped raise flagging enlistment rates.

     Source: Brandgames.

     Example: Marriott International
                                               Since its launch in June, gamers in 122 countries have played
                                               the My Marriott game on Facebook, the first game designed
                                               to educate players about careers in the hospitality industry.
                                               Players enter a virtual Marriott kitchen where they hire and train
                           employees, ensure that meals are well prepared, serve guests, and buy restaurant
                           equipment and ingredients on a budget. They earn points for satisfied customers and
                           lose points for unsatisfied ones.

                           The game is part of a painstakingly planned global employer brand strategy that
                           was two years in the making, according to Susan Strayer, senior director for global
                           employer brand and marketing at Marriott International.

                           For Marriott, it was important to have a strategy in place for social recruiting. “We
                           didn’t want to execute solutions without understanding how those solutions fit into
                           the overall strategy,” noted Strayer. That strategy included the release of a video in
                           April with a new talent brand line, “Find Your World,” followed by the unveiling of a
                           Marriott International Facebook page (which now has nearly 32,000 followers) in May
                           and the My Marriott game in June. One of the goals of this strategy: to have people
                           self-select into the industry in general and Marriott in particular. “For Marriott,” Strayer
                           notes, “it’s not about finding people, but about finding the right people.”

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Virtual World Technology: Virtual Career Fairs

The use of virtual worlds (mostly used to host virtual        using that same technology; and visit networking
career fairs) in the talent acquisition process admittedly    lounges where they can interact with different employers
had a rocky start a few years ago. Limits to the              and other job seekers. Virtual career fairs can even allow
technology at the time and people’s unfamiliarity with        managers who would normally be unable to attend live
how it worked caused these online experiences to be           fairs to talk to candidates, speeding up the interviewing
often clunky and sometimes downright embarrassing,            process.
according to Courtney Hunt, Ph.D., principle at
Renaissance Strategic Solutions. “I heard horror stories      Virtual career fairs allow employers to reach candidates
of avatars floating during virtual career fairs—and that      from across the globe without the costs associated with
wasn’t the person’s intent,” recalls Hunt.                    travel and hosting on-site career fairs. They are also
                                                              environmentally friendly because they are paperless
Others agree. Until recently, technological limitations       (resumes are submitted virtually) and energy saving
made virtual career fairs just barely better than what        (reduced reliance on gas to get to and from live career
employers could get through online job boards; a              fairs).
place to post jobs and a corporate profile, an area for
online chats, and bulletin boards (Zappe, 2011). These        A survey by Unisfair, a virtual engagement marketing
limitations caused interest in the use of virtual worlds in   company, found that 60 percent of respondents plan
recruiting to wane.                                           to increase spending on virtual environments and 67
                                                              percent of respondents are thinking about hosting ten
New and improved virtual world technology, however,           or more virtual events in the next 12 months (Gardner,
has caused a resurgence of interest among HR                  2011).
professionals who see virtual career fairs as a cost
effective way to attract talent, particularly those           “Virtual engagement is not just a replacement for a
who grew up using technology and who find online              physical event, but is a new channel for reaching your
interaction more the norm than the exception (Zappe,          audiences,” notes Joerg Rathenberg, Unisfair’s vice
2011).                                                        president of marketing. “The research indicates that
                                                              virtual events are being adopted across industries and
In today’s virtual career fairs, job seekers and recruiters   enterprises and will continue to be the preferred way to
use avatars to enter a virtual world. Participants can chat   meet, market, collaborate and educate for both hosts
live through text, voice or video; conduct interviews         and attendees alike.” (Gardner, 2011).

Example: Monster Canada’s Virtual Career Fair
                                            A virtual career fair recently hosted by Monster Canada was deemed a huge
                                            success by the company and attendees. The fair featured 21 employers and
                               generated more than 400,000 page views, 18,000 visits, 21,000 job views and collected
                               more than 12,000 resumes.

                               “Monster’s first virtual career fair in April was hugely popular and the high level of activity
                               clearly demonstrated how having an active online career strategy is the way of the future,
                               both for successful job seekers and employers,” noted Monster Canada Senior Vice
                               President of International Sales Peter Gilfillan (Market Watch, 2011).

     Most recruiters agree that virtual career fairs should be                                       the emergence of hybrid career fairs—a combination
     part of a whole recruitment strategy and should not                                             of physical and virtual locations that allow for human
     replace face-to-face interaction. Many recruiters predict                                       interaction.

     Social media, simulations and virtual worlds are                                                At the same time, it will require HR professionals to
     opening new and exciting venues for HR and talent                                               be nimble enough to make changes to their talent
     management professionals to source new talent and                                               acquisition processes “on the fly” while managing these
     to establish their talent brands. The rapid pace at                                             applications in ways that will achieve their organization’s
     which these technologies are developing will challenge                                          strategic talent plan.
     HR professionals to stay up-to-date with their uses.

     Berzon, A. (2011, June 6). Enough with the      Giles, J. (2011, October). Meet the New         Khan, R. (n.d.). Google Plus. The Starter’s        Raphael, T. (2011, February 1). 2011 ERE
     ‘Call of Duty,’ Answer the Call in Room 417.    Boss. Second Life’s Creator wants to Rewire     Guide. Accessed September 24, 2011 from            Recruiting Excellence Award Finalists.
     The Wall Street Journal. Retrieved September    How Businesses Run. The Atlantic. Retrieved                          Retrieved August 25, 2011 from
     7, 2011 from             September 15, 2011 from www.theatlantic.                                                 
                                                     com/magazine/archive/2011/ 10/meet-the-         Light, J. (2011, April 4). For Job Seekers,        recruiting-excellence-award-finalists/.
     Brandgames (                new-boss/8637/#.Tm-L_hkXE7k.twitter.            Company Sites Beat Online Job Boards, Social
                                                                                                     Media. The Wall Street Journal. Retrieved          Ruiz, G. (2008, January). Job Candidate (            Hampton, M. (2011, Winter). Getting the         September 6, 2011 from                Assessment Tests Go Virtual. Workforce
                                                     Biggest Bang for Your Recruiting Buck.                                                             Management Online. Retrieved August 25,
     Crispin, G.  Mehler, M. (2011, March). 10th    Employment Relations Today, 27-36.              Light, J. (2011, May 30). Start-Ups Tag            2011 from
     CareerXRoads Annual Source of Hire Report:                                                      Facebook for Career Networking. The Wall
     By the Numbers. Retrieved August 30, 2011       Handler, C. (2009, March 11). Job               Street Journal. Retrieved September 6, 2011        Wheeler, K. (2010, December 22). Serious
     from                      Simulations for Selecting Employees:            from                                  Recruiting Games: 6 Tips for Using Games
                                                     What might the future hold?                                                               and Simulations for Recruiting Success.
     DaZube, D. (2008, November). Virtual Job        Retrieved August 29, 2011 from www.ere.         Market Watch (2011, September 14).        Retrieved August 31, 2011 from
     Fairs Gain Ground. Retrieved          net/2009/03/11/job-simulations-for-selecting-’s Popular Virtual Career Fair Is
     September 8, 2011 from http://career-           employees-what-might-the-future-hold/.          Back. Market Watch. Retrieved September                                                    15, 2011 from           Zappe, J. (2011, July 15). 8-city Virtual Job
     job-fairs-gain-ground.shtml.                    Jobvite (2011). Jobvite Social Recruiting       monstercas-popular-virtual-career-fair-is-         Fair May Be the Crest of a Trend.
                                                     Survey 2011. Retrieved August 30, 2011          back-2011-09-14.                                   Retrieved September 7, 2011 from
     Epicor (n.d.). Finding the Perfect Candidate.   from                                                                    
     Epicor. Irvine: CA.                                                                             O’Donnell. J.T. (2011, June 27). BranchOut         fair-may-be-the-crest-of-a-trend/.
                                                     Johnson, D. (2011, August 18). AutoMax          Versus BeKnown—Which Facebook App for
     Gardner, D. (2011, May 9). 60% of               Recruiting  Training Partners with Hire        Your Career? Retrieved
     Marketers to Increase Spend on Virtual          the Winners and the Car Sales Simulator.        September 24, 2011 from www.careerealsim.
     Conferences. Retrieved        Retrieved August 31,      com/beknown-branchout-facebook-career-
     September 15, 2011 from            2011 from             app/.

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Embracing Open-Book
     Management to Fuel Employee
     Engagement and
     Corporate Sustainability
     Anne Claire Broughton   Jessica Thomas
     Senior Director,        Managing Director, Center for Sustainable Enterprise
     SJF Institute           UNC Kenan-Flagler Business School

     When John Case and Jack Stack first introduced the                   •  xplores how open-book management practices are
     concept of open-book management more than 30 years                     well-suited to help achieve corporate sustainability
     ago, the intent was to unleash the entrepreneur in every               goals.
     employee and to spur them—and their organizations—
     to better performance. Since then, countless                         •  utlines steps HR and talent management
     organizations have opened their books and engaged                      professionals can take to ensure the application of
     their employees in understanding the critical numbers                  those practices in their own organizations.
     with positive results to their bottom lines. Although
     the original goals of open-book management were
     improved profitability and productivity, organizations
                                                                          The Basics of Open-Book
     have realized other benefits from the practice. These                Management
     benefits include improved employee satisfaction,
     engagement, retention, motivation, innovation and                    Before most people were focusing on corporate
     corporate sustainability.                                            sustainability, Case and Stack were espousing the
                                                                          virtues of open communication to engage employees
                                                                          to achieve better overall business performance. In his
     Promise                                                              book, The Great Game of Business, Stack describes
                                                                          open-book management as being “all about promoting
     This white paper:
                                                                          clear, effective and open communication” to employees.
     •  xamines open-book management and the benefits
       E                                                                  By doing so, employees at all levels have a clearer
       of applying its principles to improve employee                     understanding of their organizations’ purpose and goals,
       satisfaction, engagement, retention, motivation,                   are more engaged in their organizations and perform
       innovation and corporate sustainability.                           better in their jobs.

26   ALL CONTENT © UNC EXECUTIVE DEVELOPMENT 2012          	                                        To subscribe, visit

Organizations practicing open-book management:            • Teach employees how to follow the action and
                                                            keep score. All employees track progress on critical
• Explain clearly the organization’s key measures of
                                                           numbers through regular meetings and scorecards.
  business success, allowing employees to make better-      They are empowered to take action to improve
  informed business decisions.                              performance as needed.

• Share financial information (such as income
                                                         • Engage the ingenuity of all employees in solving key
  statements, balance sheets and other key metrics)         business challenges, such as how the organization
  with employees, and ensure they understand them           can become more socially and environmentally
  and know how they relate to the organization’s key        sustainable.
  measures of business success.
                                                          “When you share the numbers and bring them alive,
• Tell the stories behind the numbers to bring them
                                                         you turn them into tools people can use to help
  alive and give them meaning.                            themselves as they go about their business every day.
                                                          That’s the key to open-book management.”
• Allow employees to share in the success of the
                                                          (Stack, 1992).
  organization through a profit-sharing program that is
  tied to key business metrics.

Why Open-Book Management Works
     Clearly communicated and understood goals, a                 • Demonstrate innovative thinking because they feel
     hallmark of open-book management, leads to improved            more vested in their organizations’ success
     profitability and encourages teamwork. This leads to           (Henglein, 2009).
     increased job satisfaction and reduced turnover.
     Organizations practicing open-book management                • See the big picture, allowing them to leave their silos
     report that employees:                                         and become team players. Giving employees a view
                                                                    of the big picture also makes them more engaged,
     •  eel a stronger sense of ownership in the
       F                                                            helps them understand how their roles fit in the
       organization.                                                organization, and how they can make a difference.

     •  evelop more trusting and collaborative relationships
       D                                                          All of these factors lead to an improved bottom line.
       with their employers.                                      A study conducted by the National Center for Employee
                                                                  Ownership (NCEO) found that organizations which
     •  nderstand their organization’s cost structure and
                                                                  follow open-book management principles experienced
       make better informed suggestions for improvement.
                                                                  a 1-2 percent annual increase in sales growth above
     •  nderstand the need for cost controls through the
       U                                                          typical sales projections.
       regular sharing of financial information and become
       more responsible in how they use their organizations’

     Example: CleanScapes
                                 CleanScapes, a waste reduction, diversion and collection service
                                 headquartered in Seattle, Washington, was recently named by Inc.
                                 Magazine as one of the top 5,000 fastest growing companies in the U.S.
                                 and the fourth fastest growing environmental firm. Leaders at CleanScapes
                   credit much of their success (which includes $50 million in revenue in 2009, low employee
                   turnover and high levels of customer satisfaction) to their open-book management

                   CleanScapes keeps close tabs on important metrics (called “CleanStats”) and shares them
                   with employees during weekly meetings. These metrics go beyond financial and include
                   operational efficiencies, errors and kudos. “The metrics have been instrumental in helping
                   the firm meet and beat its internal financial performance goals,” reports HR Manager
                   Bonnie Abbott.

                   In addition to tracking and reporting on metrics, CleanScapes leaders hold daily
                   morning huddles by department. The company also offers generous benefits and is
                   known to promote from within. Drivers and managers meet for lunch once a month to
                   offer feedback and suggestions on how to improve operations, which has resulted in
                   organization-wide efficiency gains which include lower missed pick-ups, fewer accidents
                   and reduced route hours.
                   Source: Broughton, 2011.

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Not surprisingly, these outcomes—a stronger sense of           successful corporate sustainability programs do a better
ownership, improved trust and collaboration, stronger          job of attracting and retaining employees. Executives in
teams, better informed and innovative suggestions,             organizations with successful sustainability efforts also
and an improved bottom line, to name a few—are also            report that their employees are far more knowledgeable
hallmarks of successful corporate sustainability initiatives   about their organization’s operations than employees
that emphasize the triple bottom line of people, planet        in other businesses, enabling them to devise efficiency
and profits. According to a 2011 McKinsey survey,              improvements that lead to more sustainable operations.

Open-Book Management Challenges
The main concern most people raise when it comes to            Other concerns about open-book management practices
open-book management is whether it is wise to share            include:
compensation information to employees, the fear being
that it could make them disgruntled if they perceive           • The worry that disgruntled employees may misuse
inequities in pay structures.                                    financial information (such as profit margins) or other
                                                                 proprietary information by sharing it with competitors.
Open-book management proponents do not
recommend sharing individual compensation                      • The concern that if the organization is successful,
information. Instead, they advise employers to combine           employees will want a larger piece of the profits and
salaries and benefits into a single line on budget               may become unmotivated if they don’t receive it.
statements so employees can see and monitor it. This             Alternately, if the organization is struggling, workers
will show employees how much compensation and                    will be concerned with job security and possibly jump
benefits cost the organization without providing                 ship, taking their knowledge and talents elsewhere.
detailed information.
                                                               • The belief that open-book management creates
                                                                   a conundrum for organizations by begging
And while some might believe that open-book
                                                                      the questions: “Is it possible to be too
principles can generate resentment toward
                                                                               transparent? If we open the
highly compensated employees, evidence
                                                                                      books, will we give
shows the opposite occurs. Employees
                                                                                            competitors too much
in open-book organizations better
                                                                                               information about
understand and therefore accept
                                                                                                 our products and
compensation structures more
                                                                                                  talent? Will it
willingly. Some management experts
                                                                                                   lead to the
like Ed Lawler, director of the
                                                                                                    poaching of
University of Southern California’s
                                                                                                    our products
Center for Effective Organizations,
                                                                                                    and top
believe that by keeping
compensation plans secret
or practicing “closed book
management,” businesses
tend to generate more
distrust and resentment
among employees.

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ideas@work vol.3

  • 1. VOLUME 3 BUSINESS INSIGHTS FROM UNC EXECUTIVE DEVELOPMENT WHITE PAPERS FEATURED: How to Build Trust in an Organization The Recruiting Revolution: How Technology Is Transforming Talent Acquisition Embracing Open-Book Management to Fuel Employee Engagement and Corporate Sustainability Maximizing Millennials in the Workplace The New Business Imperative: Recruiting, Developing and Retaining Women in the Workplace PLUS: CHAPTER FROM A BEST SELLING HR RESOURCE! A Model for Talent Manager Excellence
  • 2. A message from the President and Associate Dean of Executive Development at UNC Kenan-Flagler Business School Hello again from the University of North Carolina at Chapel We are also pleased to feature a chapter from The Talent Hill, and welcome to the latest volume of ideas@work. Management Handbook titled A Model for Talent Manager We created ideas@work specifically for business leaders Excellence, co-authored by Marc Effron and Jim Shanley. interested in talent development so that we can share the We are delighted to have their contribution and to announce knowledge and expertise that we’ve gained working with that we are partnering with them to launch the Talent organizations around the world. ideas@work offers some Management Institute in November 2012. This new program of the latest talent development research and highlights best will be led by Effron, Shanley and Corey Seitz, another leader practices that we hope you can apply in your organization. in global talent management. The latest volume features 5 new white papers authored by I hope that you enjoy the latest volume of ideas@work. members of the UNC team. One paper explores the unique I encourage you to visit our website ( to contributions Millennials offer as they enter the workforce, access our library of talent development resources including and another paper discusses how social media and emerging white papers, webinars, and research. You can also join technologies are transforming talent acquisition. A third our mailing list to receive our newsletter which features paper examines the critical role trust plays in an organization these resources and more, and our team would be happy and identifies ways you can build a culture of trust. The New to talk with you about the custom work we do for our Business Imperative: Recruiting, Developing and Retaining organizational clients. Women in the Workplace offers insights about the changing role of women business leaders and how companies are Thank you for your interest in UNC Executive Development. adapting to changing demographics. This paper also Susan Cates includes findings from a recent survey conducted by UNC Kenan-Flagler. Consistently ranked one of Our commitment to At UNC Executive the world’s best business developing socially Development, we believe schools, UNC’s Kenan- responsible, results-driven that managing employee Flagler Business School leaders distinguishes our talent is vital to the success is known for experiential programs. We educate of any organization, and we learning and teamwork, people at every stage provide unique learning and superior teaching, of their careers and development experiences innovative research and a prepare them to manage for our partners. collaborative culture. successfully in the global business environment. 2 ALL CONTENT © UNC EXECUTIVE DEVELOPMENT 2012 To subscribe, visit
  • 3. Inside this issue How to Build Trust in an Organization page 4 The Recruiting Revolution: How Technology Is Transforming Talent Acquisition page 14 Embracing Open-Book Management to Fuel Employee Engagement and Corporate Sustainability page 26 Maximizing Millennials in the Workplace page 36 The New Business Imperative: Recruiting, Developing and Retaining Women in the Workplace page 48 4+2 BONUS CHAPTER: A Model for Talent Manager Excellence page 60 (Note: The information or conclusions expressed in the following white papers are the authors’ review of findings expressed by the organizations. All brand representations are registered trademarks owned by the respective companies or organizations.) 3
  • 4. How to Build Trust in an Organization Chris Hitch, Ph.D. Program Director UNC Executive Development Introduction In a 2001 interview with Fortune magazine about his for $7.99 each. Customers – many of whom faced a company’s continued success, Herbert D. Kelleher, 60 percent increase for monthly Netflix services – were founder of Southwest Airlines, attributed much of outraged, and the customer-led backlash eventually it to the fact that he always treated his employees made Hastings reverse the decision. The damage was like customers. Kelleher knew that employees who already done, however. By mid-September 2011, are trusted and treated fairly will, in turn, treat their Netflix lost one million more subscribers than they customers with trust and respect. had estimated after the July announcement, and the company’s stock plummeted 14 percent. By the end of This is the same kind of philosophy that made Netflix a the year, Netflix had made $40.7 million in the last three huge success as a young start-up organization. From the months of the year. By comparison, it had made $47.1 beginning, Netflix founder Reed Hastings knew the kind million in the last three months of 2010. of company culture he wanted to develop to achieve its purpose. Netflix’s “Freedom and Responsibility Culture” The trust that customers, stakeholders and employees was based on the premise that all employees understand had in Netflix’s top management to make sound choices the purpose of the organization and that they know the was shaken by the decision, and the delayed reversal value customers get from doing business with Netflix. further eroded that trust. Netflix’s leadership lost sight The foundation of that culture is trust and responsibility; of the value they provided their customers – and by trust in its employees to achieve the company’s extension their employees – when they failed to ensure goals and trust in its customers to act responsibly by that their decisions and actions supported its purpose. eliminating late fees and asking customers to return And by doing this, they let their employees down. their DVD rentals when they are ready. Netflix employees no longer had a clear vision of the value customers got from doing business with Netflix That all was put in jeopardy when Netflix announced in – and this confusion has damaged its “Freedom and July 2011 that it was eliminating it’s $9.99 per month Responsibility Culture”. DVD + streaming plan in favor of two separate plans 4 ALL CONTENT © UNC EXECUTIVE DEVELOPMENT 2012 To subscribe, visit
  • 5. H O W T O B U I L D T R U S T I N A N O R G A N I Z AT I O N “ rust is the lubrication that makes it T possible for organizations to work.” – Warren Bennis Time will tell if Netflix can rebuild the trust they lost with their employees and their customers—its culture of trust, responsibility and freedom to take risks and to be innovative hangs in the balance. Leadership and organizational studies pioneer Warren Bennis once said that “trust is the lubrication that makes it possible for organizations to work.” Organizations with high levels of trust have more productive workforces, better employee morale and lower employee turnover. They also perform better financially than their industry peers. Promise This white paper: • Defines trust in organizations. • Explores the characteristics of organizational trust and how it develops. • Examines the benefits of trust in organizations. • Examines the erosion of trust in the workplace. • Offers steps HR professionals can take to build or rebuild trust in their organizations. The Foundations of Trust: Credibility, Respect and Fairness “ o be persuasive we must be T Dr. Duane C. Tway, Jr., offered an excellent definition of believable; to be believable we must trust in his 1993 dissertation, A Construct of Trust, as be credible; to be credible we must “the state of readiness for unguarded interaction with be truthful.” someone or something” (Dubois, 2010). Warren Buffet put it another way. “Trust,” said Buffet “is like the air – Edward R. Murrow we breathe. When it’s present, nobody really notices. But when it’s absent, everybody notices.” 5
  • 6. We know when we feel that state of readiness, but High-trust organizations ensure that employees what elements are needed to get to that state? Amy experience respect. This is exhibited through employers’ Lyman, co-founder of The Great Place to Work Institute, support of their employees’ professional growth and the has studied trust in organizations for more than 20 consideration of employees’ ideas in decision-making years. She has found three characteristics, or elements, processes. Finally, employees in high-trust organizations that come up time and time again in her interviews with believe they are treated fairly regardless of their clients: credibility, respect and fair treatment (Lyman, position within the organization (Lyman, 2012). 2003, 2012). High-trust organizations collaborate well across According to Lyman, in organizations with high levels of departments and hierarchies, and seek fair resolutions to trust, employees see others (particularly management) difficult situations. Employees in high-trust organizations as credible—they mean what they say, and believe have confidence in their leader’s vision for the future what they say is true—and have confidence that the (Lyman, 2012). actions of others will remain consistent with their words. In high-trust organizations, co-workers believe that others (particularly management) are ethical in their business practices. Example: Continental Airlines Amy Lyman (2003, 2012) has cited Continental Airlines as an excellent example of trust at work. In 2003, baggage reclamation employees at Continental heard there could be layoffs in their area to control costs. Rather than waiting for senior leaders to make the announcement, the employees met and developed a plan where full-time employees would move to part-time status so no one would lose their jobs. They presented the plan to senior managers, who approved the plan. “What’s extraordinary,” Lyman writes, “is that the employees took positive action to solve a problem and trusted that management would listen … So what’s going on at Continental that supports the development of positive relationships between employees and management? The simple answer is trust.” Source: Lyman 2003, 2012. 6 ALL CONTENT © UNC EXECUTIVE DEVELOPMENT 2012 To subscribe, visit
  • 7. H O W T O B U I L D T R U S T I N A N O R G A N I Z AT I O N The Development of Trust: Russell 3000 and SP 500, posting annualized returns of 11 percent versus 4.26 percent and 3.83 Action and Interaction percent, respectively. Lyman also notes that those best companies experience about half the turnover rate Trust is earned through action. As Maister, Green and than other organizations in their industries. (Lyman, Galford wrote in their seminal book, The Trusted Advisor 2003, 2012). (2001), “You have to do something to give people the evidence they need to believe you should be trusted. A 2009 study by Interaction Associates found that high- You have to be willing to give in order to get.” trust organizations also had more effective leadership and better collaboration at all levels of the organization. Trust is also earned through interaction. It can be as The study found that high-trust organizations: simple as a conversation between co-workers, a five- minute chat in the break room between a manager • Have a strong sense of shared purpose. and her employee, or teamwork among co-workers to complete a project. It is the interaction that conveys to • Have employees who work together to support that others the willingness on the part of one person to do purpose. something that is to the benefit of another person’s health and well-being (Lyman, 2012). • reate cultures in which tolerance and cooperation C are highly valued. It is through a person’s action and interaction that others can assess whether that person is credible, • Have leaders who coach rather than just manage. reliable and fair. • Have many people participate in making decisions. The Effect of Trust: The study revealed that in addition to superior earnings as compared to low-trust organizations, high-trust A Better Bottom Line organizations excelled (as compared to their low-trust peers) at exhibiting organizational behavior consistent Numerous studies have been conducted through the with their values and ethics (85 percent vs. 46 percent); years that confirm the benefit of trust in the workplace: at retaining employees (80 percent vs. 42 percent); and at attracting, deploying and developing talent (76 • A classic study by Cornell University Associate percent vs. 24 percent). Professor Tony Simon of 6,300 Holiday Inn employees found that hotels where managers followed through If trust increases profitability and helps in attracting and on their promises and had behavioral integrity were keeping talent, then the lack of trust lowers productivity, more profitable (in Bader, 2003). job satisfaction and commitment and increases employee turnover. • Watson Wyatt Worldwide study found that A organizations in which front-line employees trusted With all the documented benefits of having trust in their senior leaders had a 42 percent higher return on an organization, one would think that creating and shareholder investment than organizations in which maintaining it would be a high priority for senior distrust was the norm (Reina and Reina, 2007). business leaders. Unfortunately, many senior leaders cannot seem to shake the top-down model of • Amy Lyman’s tracking of publicly traded 100 Best management that adheres to the notion that authority Companies has shown that as a group and over creates trust. In reality, trust creates authority. time, those organizations have outperformed the 7
  • 8. Areas of Excellence in High-Trust Organizations High-Trust Organizations Low-Trust Organizations 85% 80% 76% 46% 42% 24% Exhibiting Organizational Retaining Employees Attracting, Deploying, and Behavior Consistent with Developing Talent Values Source: Interaction Associates, 2009. The Erosion of Trust in Organizations Trust may be a valued commodity in an organization, in their employer (48 percent), and a lack of but it is a rare one. Research conducted by Reina transparent communication from senior leaders and Reina (2009) found that nine out of every 10 (46 percent). employees have reported experiencing some sort of breach of trust in the workplace on a regular basis. Senior leaders are not blind to the erosion of trust A recent Deloitte survey on ethics in the workplace in the workplace. The Deloitte survey found that 65 underlined the erosion of trust in the workplace percent of Fortune 1000 executives were concerned and the negative financial effects on organizations that employees would be job hunting in the coming struggling to regain their footing after the recent months and that the lack of trust would be a major recession (PR Newswire, 2010). factor in the potential increase of voluntary employee departures. The survey found that one-third of employees surveyed said they planned to look for new jobs To staunch the flow of talent planning to change when the economy recovered. Of those who said jobs, it is more important than ever for businesses to they would be job hunting, the main factors in the assess the level of trust in their organizations and to decision to look for a new job were a lack of trust focus on ways to improve it. 8 ALL CONTENT © UNC EXECUTIVE DEVELOPMENT 2012 To subscribe, visit
  • 9. H O W T O B U I L D T R U S T I N A N O R G A N I Z AT I O N Example: Whole Foods Market J ohn Mackey, CEO Whole Foods Market, Inc. (Austin, Tex.), wrote an essay in 2010 that provides insight into why Whole Foods is ranked consistently in the top 25 of the Best Companies to Work For list. To create a high trust organization, writes Mackey, organizations must: • evelop and articulate a higher purpose. “The single most important requirement for the D creation of higher levels of trust for any organization,” notes Mackey, “is to discover or rediscover the higher purpose of the organization.” This higher purpose must go beyond making money. • alk the talk. Organizations must have leaders who “walk the talk”—who serve the W purpose and mission of the organization and lead by example. • ave teams everywhere. Small teams maximize familiarity and trust, which helps H maximize collaboration at all levels of an organization. • mpower employees, because empowerment equals trust. “The effectiveness of teams,” E Mackey writes, “is tremendously enhanced when they are fully empowered to do their work and to fulfill the organization’s mission and values.” • ave transparent and authentic communication. One of the biggest mistakes H organizations make is trying to “spin” their messages in the belief that if they tell stakeholders what they want to hear rather than the unvarnished truth, they will like them better. Spinning a message, in fact, creates distrust. • ractice fairness. A virtue of transparency, notes Mackey, is that it helps ensure that P unfairness is quickly seen and corrected. • reate a culture of love and care. Mackey believes that leaders must embody genuine C love and care of the organization and its people. In fact, he believes the virtues of love and care should be considered in all promotional decisions, writing that “we shouldn’t just promote the most competent, but also the most loving and caring.” A vital part of this loving-and-caring culture, notes Mackey, is the cultivation of forgiveness rather than judgment and condemnation. Source: Mackey, 2010. 9
  • 10. Steps to Build or Rebuild Step 1: Assess the Level of Trust in the Trust Organization. Although Warren Buffet may be right that it is the The impacts of distrust in an organization—lower absence of trust which is noticed, this observation is employee morale and commitment, lower productivity not sufficient to build the business case needed to and higher employee turnover—tend to fall squarely on take action and attempt to improve an organization’s the shoulders of HR. As such, HR should have a central level of trust. HR professionals should assess the level role in establishing or re-establishing trust throughout an of trust in their organizations, and this can be done organization. through employee surveys and confidential one-on-one interviews. Corsum Consulting (O’Neil, 2009) has developed a mnemonic HR and senior leaders may want to keep in Some questions that can help assess the level of mind when trying to improve trust in an organization: trust include: • Do you trust your peers? T = Teach. • Do you trust your senior leaders? Teach everyone in the organization how things work; make it as transparent as possible. • Do you view your peers and senior leaders as credible? • Do you believe your senior leaders’ actions are R = Reward. consistent with their words? Make sure reward systems align with corporate value • Do you understand the organization’s mission and and goals. vision and the role you play to achieve them? • Do you feel that risk-taking is encouraged? U = Unconditional support. • Do you feel safe communicating your ideas and Encourage innovation. Create an environment where opinions with colleagues? mistakes are opportunities to learn, not to punish. Give employees permission to “think outside the box.” • Do you believe you are treated fairly and with respect? • Do you feel senior leaders communicate openly? S = Share information. • Do you feel your supervisor and other senior Communicate clearly and frequently. leaders care about and encourage your professional development? T = Trustworthy. • Do you believe your ideas are taken into account during the decision making process? Make commitments and keep them. The responses to these questions will help establish This mnemonic can also help shape the practical steps the level of trust felt by employees in the organization. HR professionals can take to improve trust throughout An analysis of the results should help identify which their organization. elements of trust – credibility, respect and fair treatment – the organization as a whole is accomplishing and which areas need improvement. 10 ALL CONTENT © UNC EXECUTIVE DEVELOPMENT 2012 To subscribe, visit
  • 11. H O W T O B U I L D T R U S T I N A N O R G A N I Z AT I O N Step 2: Report the Results of the Step 3a: Assess Your Own Assessment. Trustworthiness and Whether HR A recurring theme, which emerges in the study of trust Programs and Policies Promote Trust in in organizations, is to improve it, organizations must the Organization. communicate as openly and transparently as possible with employees at all levels. Once assessed, the results of an organizational survey of trust should be openly Step 3b: Ask Other Senior Leaders to communicated to all employees. HR professionals Do the Same. should consider multiple delivery methods, including town hall meetings and posting the results on a Trust in senior leaders is vital to an organization’s company intranet. The communication should report success, and while an employee survey may help on the strengths and weaknesses found through the recognize organizational trust issues, HR professionals study. Areas of improvement should be identified, and must assess whether their actions are construed as employees should participate in the process of what trustworthy by others. Feedback (from all levels in steps will be taken to make those improvements. the organization) and self-assessment are ways this information may be gathered. Reina and Reina (2007) offer the following suggestions to HR professionals when trying to establish or rebuild Some questions that could be asked when seeking trust in the workplace: feedback or taking a self-assessment may include: • llow feelings to surface. When reporting A • Do I communicate openly, honestly and consistently? on the results of the survey, allow employees to • Are my actions consistent with my words? constructively voice their concerns, issues and feelings. Holding small group meetings after the • Do I share information with my employees report has been presented may make employees feel consistently? safer and encourage them to more openly discuss • Do I help develop my employees? their experiences. • Do I respect my employees’ opinions? Do I include • et support. Reina and Reina observed that a G their opinions during the decision making process? common mistake made by senior leaders and HR professionals is to think they can manage the • Do I treat all of my employees fairly? process of building or rebuilding trust alone. Trust is highly emotional for everyone involved; obtaining With the expertise of an outside consultant, use the the support of an outside consultant to guide the information obtained from the organization-wide organization through the process can help. survey and the personal assessment to develop a “trustworthiness improvement plan.” This may also • ake responsibility. HR professionals and senior T be a good time to identify a coach or mentor who can leaders must take responsibility for any actions they help guide you through the process in the long term. made in the past that lowered trust. Do not spin the truth or cover up mistakes—this will only lower Next, ask senior leaders to undergo the same process. trust more. Everyone at the senior leadership level must lead by example to establish or re-establish trust and credibility. • ncourage forgiveness. Forgive yourself and others. E Forgiveness helps release feelings of anger, bitterness and resentment that come with broken trust. 11
  • 12. In addition, HR professionals should take the opportunity practices should be designed to foster a culture where to assess whether HR policies and practices foster the employees feel safe to be innovative and engaged. development of trust in the organization. To encourage the growth of trust, HR policies and practices must Step 4: Follow Up and Remain Vigilant. be aligned with the organization’s mission and vision, and the organization’s total compensation plan should The loss of trust can occur after a single event (such reward trustworthy behavior. HR professionals should as a layoff, merger or acquisition), but trust is built develop and offer interpersonal communications and over time. HR professionals should assess the levels of skills training to all employees to encourage constructive trust in their organizations on a regular basis and ensure communication and information sharing. HR policies and that any incidences causing distrust are addressed in a timely manner. Conclusion As the economy improves, valued employees who have HR professionals can staunch the flow of talent leaving lost trust in their senior leaders will seek employment the organization by taking proactive steps to improve elsewhere, leading to increased turnover, lost productivity trust in the workplace. plus higher recruiting and onboarding costs. Bader, G. Liljenstrand, A. (2003, May 15). Galford, R. Drapeau, A. (2006). Trust Maister, D., Green, C., Galford, R. Tzafir, S. (2005, September). The relationship The value of building trust in the workplace. inside the organization. The Trusted Advisor. (2001). The trusted advisor. New York, NY: between trust, HRM, practices and firm The Bader Group. Retrieved from http:// Retrieved from http://www.thetrustedleader. Touchstone. performance. International Journal of com/newsletter/issue32-february-06.html Human Resource Management, 16, 1600- in-the-workplace/ O’Neill, M. (2009, August 17). Five ways 1622. Interaction Associates (2009). Building to build trust in the workplace. Corsum Better Business Bureau. (2010, September trust in business. Interaction Associates. Consulting. Retrieved from http://www. Wentworth, D. (2011, December 6). Creating a culture of trust in your Cambridge: MA. 7). Information underload. I4cp. company. Better Business Bureau. Retrieved bid/24614/Five-Ways-to-Build-Trust-in-the- Retrieved from from Kochan, T. (2004, September). Restoring Workplace trendwatchers/2011/12/07/information- culture-of-trust-in-your-company-22043 trust in the human resource management underload profession. MIT Institute for Work PR Newswire. (2010, July 26). Trust and Deloitte. (2010, September 29). 2010 ethics Employment Research. Cambridge: MA. ethics in the workplace have been battered Wright, P. (2003, September 1). Restoring workplace survey. Deloitte. Retrieved by the recession, Deloitte’s 2010 ethics trust: The role of HR in corporate from Lyman, A. (2003). Building trust in the workplace survey finds. PR Newswire. governance. Cornell University ILR School/ docubase/35598 workplace. Melcrum Publishing, Ltd. Retrieved from http://www.prnewswire. Center for Advanced Human Resources London: England. com/news-releases/trust-and-ethics-in-the- Studies. Ithaca: NY. Dubois, L. (2010, August 2). How to build workplace-have-been-battered-by-the- a corporate culture of trust. Inc. Retrieved Lyman, A. (2012). The trustworthy leader: recession-deloittes-2010-ethics--workplace- from Leveraging the power of trust to transform survey-finds-99228989.html how-to-build-a-corporate-culture-of-trust. your organization. Jossey-Bass. San html Francisco: CA. Reina, D. Reina, M. (2007, May 2). The HR executive’s role in rebuilding trust. Human Mackey, J. (2010, March 14). Creating a Resource Executive Online. Retrieved from high trust organization. Huffington Post. Retrieved from http://www.huffingtonpost. storyId=12160414 com/john-mackey/creating-the-high-trust- o_b_497589.html 12 ALL CONTENT © UNC EXECUTIVE DEVELOPMENT 2012 To subscribe, visit
  • 13. We help you develop executive talent while tackling real-world challenges. (Now that’s multi-tasking.) U N C E X E C U T I V E D E V E L O P M E N T CUSTOM EXPERIENCES Businesses today face many distinctive challenges. We listen to your needs and develop a thorough understanding of your business and industry. Then we create unique executive learning experiences designed to develop your executives UNC EXECUTIVE DEVELOPMENT as they address and overcome these challenges. The Power of Experience. Multi-tasking at its best. To learn more, visit 13
  • 14. The Recruiting Revolution: How Technology Is Transforming Talent Acquisition Shelly Gorman Director, Career Management MBA@UNC Introduction We are living through an exciting era in technology • xplores how leading organizations are using these E development—the emergence of interactive, social technologies in their HR practices. media and virtual technologies whose business applications are not yet fully realized. While marketing • Provides HR and talent management professionals professionals have been quick to embrace the potential with information they can use to help them of these technologies for product placement, branding incorporate social media and virtual technologies into and sales, HR and talent management professionals their organizations’ hiring practices. have approached them with a little more caution as they explore how interactive, social media and virtual world technologies can be effectively applied to attract talent Social Media to their organizations. The next section highlights some of the major players in the social media market today, describes how recruiters Promise are using social media technology to expand their talent pipelines, and how job seekers are using them to aid in This white paper: their job searches. • dentifies some of the major players in social media I and describes their main features. • xamines the pros and cons of using social media, E simulations and virtual world technologies to expand talent pools and to identify good job candidates. 14 ALL CONTENT © UNC EXECUTIVE DEVELOPMENT 2012 To subscribe, visit
  • 16. Some of the Major Players in Social Media • ore than 120 million users and growing. M • eveloped as a business networking application with no mixing of D business and personal. • sed by recruiters to identify passive candidates and to see who U candidates know, in what industries, and at what levels. • elps talent acquisition professionals publicize their employment brand H and advertise job openings. • llows users to view and share videos online. A • sed by job seekers to post video resumes. U • sed by employers to create and post videos about their industries, U organizations, talent brands and employment opportunities. • ore than 200 million users “tweet” their thoughts in 140 characters M or less. • llows businesses to communicate to their stakeholders in real time— A whether that communication is about the latest product launch or a job opening. • llows users to find information streams they find interesting (like a A company) and follow them. • llows HR professionals to market their employment brand, advertise A job openings and push followers to their career websites. • product recently launched as a Facebook application. A • erges Facebook and LinkedIn connections and harnesses the power M of • ery similar to BranchOut in features, such as stepping users through V the process of completing online profiles, awarding badges for completed steps and searching for jobs. • ncludes job postings from I 16 ALL CONTENT © UNC EXECUTIVE DEVELOPMENT 2012 To subscribe, visit
  • 17. THE RECRUITING REVOLUTION AND TECHNOLOGY • A Facebook application launched a year ago. • Allows users to separate their personal and professional lives while tapping into Facebook’s 500-million user base. • Allows employers to post jobs on their Facebook pages; shows users jobs they may like based on their professional profiles. • Allows users to endorse people. • Includes job postings on BranchOut by employers plus job postings from other boards. • Shows users connections (individuals) they have to jobs; allows users to tap into people they know to start the networking process. • Allows talent management professionals to find passive candidates, to review a person’s job history, to advertise job openings, to promote their employment brands and to encourage visits to their career websites. • Currently available to individuals only, but Google Plus Product Specialist Manager Chris Vennard says the application will offer business and school pages within the first half of 2012. • Has interface that is similar to Facebook, but its power to eventually harness everything “Google” makes it a must-track for recruiters. • Can categorize social connections through ”circles”. For example, users can have circles that include only friends, only colleagues or only family members, but the application allows users to assign individuals to more than one circle. Allows users to develop profile information that is customized and visible only to specific circles. • Streams information based on a user’s pre-selected interests. This can be handy for recruiters trying to increase their employment brand or to advertise jobs. • Allows videoconferencing for up to ten people at a time in ”hangouts”. Users can specify friends or select circles to participate in a hangout, and users can come and go throughout the videoconference. User can even watch YouTube videos together in real time. Talent acquisition professionals can use this to stream YouTube videos promoting their organizations, interview candidates, and even hold small career fairs. 17
  • 18. How Social Media Is Being Used . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Social media appears to be successful in not only The quality of hires is always a concern, and while expanding talent pools, but in hiring candidates as recruiters continue to rank employee referrals as well. Sixty-four percent of respondents to a 2011 the best source of quality of hires (8.6 on a scale of Jobvite survey said they had successfully hired a 10), social networks fair well with a rank of seven candidate through a social network in 2011. Nearly on a scale of 10. Corporate career sites, third-party all survey respondents (95 percent) said they had recruiting firms, campus recruiting, job boards and hired someone through LinkedIn; 24 percent of search engines all ranked below social networks in respondents had hired someone through Facebook the quality of hires (Jobvite, 2011). It is important and 16 percent of respondents had hired someone to note that employee referrals and social networks through Twitter. are not mutually exclusive; some social networks like BeKnown and BranchOut include features that encourage employees to recommend colleagues and friends. The Pros of Social Media in the Talent Acquisition Process. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Social media offers recruiters several advantages. Third, as organizations continue to do more with First, these applications expand talent pools beyond less, these technologies are extremely cost effective. geographic boundaries, allowing employers to reach It costs little to establish a social media presence, a global audience. although managing those networks can be a challenge. Second, they allow candidates to find talent acquisition professionals. Most people find jobs Perhaps the most compelling reason to use social through personal or professional networks—moving media in HR and the talent acquisition process, those networks online allows more people to be though, is because it is inevitable. Most large aware of an organization’s employment brand and organizations already have a prominent social media job openings. It also allows employees to notify their presence and leverage it to improve their employment personal and professional networks of job openings brand and to find active and passive job candidates. in their organizations. The Cons of Social Media in the Talent Acquisition Process. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . One of the challenges HR professionals face when With so many choices available, choosing one or entering the social media market is that it is growing more to use is a viable concern for job seekers and at seemingly exponential rates with new players recruiters. For job seekers, maintaining multiple social regularly entering the arena. This makes it difficult to media accounts could easily become a full-time job. know where one should concentrate efforts when it The same is true for recruiting professionals, but comes to talent acquisition. added to that concern is whether they will be using the “right” application for their talent acquisition needs as these platforms develop. Unfortunately, it will take time to see what application emerges as an overall or industry-specific leader. 18 ALL CONTENT © UNC EXECUTIVE DEVELOPMENT 2012 To subscribe, visit
  • 19. THE RECRUITING REVOLUTION AND TECHNOLOGY Which Application Is the Right One?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . In a side-by-side comparison of BeKnown and social media applications. When selecting which social BranchOut, J.T. O’Donnell, founder of Careerealism. media applications to use, HR and talent management com, urged job seekers to choose one and stick with professionals should not only consider the resources it because you can’t go wrong either way. These are they have available to maintain them, but should early days in social media for career networking, and also consider which ones will best align with their no single application has emerged as a clear overall organization’s strategic HR plan. long-term leader, and none has emerged as a leader in a specific industry. Until that evolution happens, recruiters will likely find themselves juggling multiple Social Media in Recruiting on the Rise The 2011 Jobvite survey confirms that social media recruiting is on the rise: • 89% of respondents said they used social media to recruit talent in 2011. • ocial media recruiting topped the list as the most popular area in which respondents S planned to increase investment. • 5% of respondents said they planned to increase their social recruiting budgets. Only 16 5 percent said they planned to spend more on job boards and a third of respondents said they planned to spend less on job boards, third-party recruiters and search firms. Source: Jobvite Social Recruiting Survey, 2011. 19
  • 20. Example: Discovery Communications Tyler Benjamin, vice president of global talent management at Discovery Communications, is the first to admit that Discovery is not yet a leader in using social media for talent acquisition—and that is deliberate. “We intentionally took our time to test out Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn. This helped us form a strategic social media plan,” said Benjamin. “We quickly realized that establishing a talent brand was key and that most of our followers, while disbursed throughout the world, wanted local information. We’re currently concentrating on building that brand in the United States because we not only need to have content, we also need to have the staff to manage that content. Our plan is to expand our global ‘local’ content within the next few years.” Discovery has used social media to establish alumni groups to some success. “We have a lot of people who return to Discovery after spending time with other organizations. Our alumni groups help us keep in touch with them,” said Benjamin. Simulations and Virtual Worlds Although the terms “simulations” and “virtual worlds” are often used interchangeably, they are not the same. Simulations replicate job-related tasks to allow employers to assess a candidate’s skills. Virtual worlds like Second Life allow participants to interact with each other through avatars. Virtual worlds were originally created with social users in mind, but some employers are using it as a recruiting tool. This section describes both types of technologies, provides examples of how they have been used in the talent acquisition process and explores their possible growth in this field. Simulations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Early simulations were often administered on the job centers (data entry and customer service skills) and site and imitated actual job tasks (like typing speed manufacturing (computer and logic skills), and to and accuracy) to assess a person’s ability. These early offer candidates ”day-in-the-life” glimpses into an simulations eventually expanded into in-basket exercises organization’s working environment. where candidates had to assume a job role and handle some of the daily tasks of that job (Handler, 2009). Many recruiters believe that simulations offer advantages over traditional tests. First, they Technology has taken simulations online and to a new are more engaging than traditional, non-interactive level, making it possible to replicate a variety of work assessments. In addition, they offer more realistic job environments and to assess performance in a more previews and can reduce bias and subjectivity in the automated manner. Today, these engaging simulations hiring process because of their realism and automated are being used to assess skills in such settings as call scoring (Handler, 2009). 20 ALL CONTENT © UNC EXECUTIVE DEVELOPMENT 2012 To subscribe, visit
  • 21. THE RECRUITING REVOLUTION AND TECHNOLOGY Example: AutoMax Recruiting Training AutoMax Recruiting Training recently partnered with Hire the Winners, the creator of a car sales simulator that helps dealers learn more about sales candidates and their sales potential. According to AutoMax, the simulator has been used more than 16,000 times and has an 82 percent retention rate after two years for sales people the simulator recommended. For those the simulator recommended with reservation, the two-year retention rate was 64 percent, and for those not recommended, the two-year retention rate was just 14 percent. When Are Simulations Appropriate?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . There are a few important considerations for employers that simulations may cause bottlenecks in the hiring thinking about using simulations in the talent acquisition process, particularly for organizations hiring a large process. Some recruiters feel that simulations may turn number of candidates. Finally, the types of skills assessed off upper-level professionals who expect to be wooed through simulations must be considered—they may be rather than assessed, and they advise employers to better suited to softer skills, such as customer-service consider the type of worker being recruited and whether orientation (Ruiz, 2008). For harder, knowledge-based a simulation is appropriate. Others are concerned skills, traditional assessments may be more appropriate. The Next Evolution of Simulations: Gaming. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The future is here in the world of simulations and 1. ive rewards (like badges) to visitors to your site when G recruitment, and that future is gaming. Employers they’ve engaged in an activity such as watching a are using gaming technology to offer realistic job video or taking an assessment. Encourage them to previews and video tours to attract candidates to their come back to the site frequently. organizations. Gaming technology lures candidates to the organization’s website, keeps them there longer as 2. Consider using virtual world technology like Second they play a game or two, and in the process, users learn Life. IBM, and other organizations have more about the organization in a fun and engaging used this technology to host virtual job fairs, conduct way. Recruiters are learning from gamers that awarding interviews and offer virtual tours. badges and showing progress toward a goal attracts the Gen Yers who have grown up playing online games. Ken 3. ffer video-based job tryouts. O Wheeler from predicts that gaming will become 4. Hold virtual career fairs. standard fare in recruiting within the next decade (Wheeler, 2010). 5. se tests, puzzles and simulations. U Wheeler offers six tips recruiters can use to start the 6. evelop a full-fledged game. These simulated D gaming ball rolling. environments engage candidates and can immerse them in your organization’s talent brand. 21
  • 22. Organizations are taking gaming online to establish • Merrill Lynch developed their Financial Games their talent brands and to attract candidates: Collection to educate undergraduates and MBA students about available careers and to drive • ahoo! Hotjobs launched Swivel Chair Relay Y traffic to their career website. The game teaches and Flip Off Your Boss to engage their targeted players about the IPO process while positioning recruiting demographic of 18-24 year olds. The Merrill Lynch as a great place to work. games blend humor and entertainment with the HotJobs brand messaging. The promotion was • The U.S. Army was arguably the first considered a great success, with more than organization to use gaming as a recruitment tool 40,000 people playing the games and registering when it launched America’s Army on its website. as HotJob members. The game, according to the Army, significantly helped raise flagging enlistment rates. Source: Brandgames. Example: Marriott International Since its launch in June, gamers in 122 countries have played the My Marriott game on Facebook, the first game designed to educate players about careers in the hospitality industry. Players enter a virtual Marriott kitchen where they hire and train employees, ensure that meals are well prepared, serve guests, and buy restaurant equipment and ingredients on a budget. They earn points for satisfied customers and lose points for unsatisfied ones. The game is part of a painstakingly planned global employer brand strategy that was two years in the making, according to Susan Strayer, senior director for global employer brand and marketing at Marriott International. For Marriott, it was important to have a strategy in place for social recruiting. “We didn’t want to execute solutions without understanding how those solutions fit into the overall strategy,” noted Strayer. That strategy included the release of a video in April with a new talent brand line, “Find Your World,” followed by the unveiling of a Marriott International Facebook page (which now has nearly 32,000 followers) in May and the My Marriott game in June. One of the goals of this strategy: to have people self-select into the industry in general and Marriott in particular. “For Marriott,” Strayer notes, “it’s not about finding people, but about finding the right people.” 22 ALL CONTENT © UNC EXECUTIVE DEVELOPMENT 2012 To subscribe, visit
  • 23. THE RECRUITING REVOLUTION AND TECHNOLOGY Virtual World Technology: Virtual Career Fairs The use of virtual worlds (mostly used to host virtual using that same technology; and visit networking career fairs) in the talent acquisition process admittedly lounges where they can interact with different employers had a rocky start a few years ago. Limits to the and other job seekers. Virtual career fairs can even allow technology at the time and people’s unfamiliarity with managers who would normally be unable to attend live how it worked caused these online experiences to be fairs to talk to candidates, speeding up the interviewing often clunky and sometimes downright embarrassing, process. according to Courtney Hunt, Ph.D., principle at Renaissance Strategic Solutions. “I heard horror stories Virtual career fairs allow employers to reach candidates of avatars floating during virtual career fairs—and that from across the globe without the costs associated with wasn’t the person’s intent,” recalls Hunt. travel and hosting on-site career fairs. They are also environmentally friendly because they are paperless Others agree. Until recently, technological limitations (resumes are submitted virtually) and energy saving made virtual career fairs just barely better than what (reduced reliance on gas to get to and from live career employers could get through online job boards; a fairs). place to post jobs and a corporate profile, an area for online chats, and bulletin boards (Zappe, 2011). These A survey by Unisfair, a virtual engagement marketing limitations caused interest in the use of virtual worlds in company, found that 60 percent of respondents plan recruiting to wane. to increase spending on virtual environments and 67 percent of respondents are thinking about hosting ten New and improved virtual world technology, however, or more virtual events in the next 12 months (Gardner, has caused a resurgence of interest among HR 2011). professionals who see virtual career fairs as a cost effective way to attract talent, particularly those “Virtual engagement is not just a replacement for a who grew up using technology and who find online physical event, but is a new channel for reaching your interaction more the norm than the exception (Zappe, audiences,” notes Joerg Rathenberg, Unisfair’s vice 2011). president of marketing. “The research indicates that virtual events are being adopted across industries and In today’s virtual career fairs, job seekers and recruiters enterprises and will continue to be the preferred way to use avatars to enter a virtual world. Participants can chat meet, market, collaborate and educate for both hosts live through text, voice or video; conduct interviews and attendees alike.” (Gardner, 2011). 23
  • 24. Example: Monster Canada’s Virtual Career Fair A virtual career fair recently hosted by Monster Canada was deemed a huge success by the company and attendees. The fair featured 21 employers and generated more than 400,000 page views, 18,000 visits, 21,000 job views and collected more than 12,000 resumes. “Monster’s first virtual career fair in April was hugely popular and the high level of activity clearly demonstrated how having an active online career strategy is the way of the future, both for successful job seekers and employers,” noted Monster Canada Senior Vice President of International Sales Peter Gilfillan (Market Watch, 2011). Most recruiters agree that virtual career fairs should be the emergence of hybrid career fairs—a combination part of a whole recruitment strategy and should not of physical and virtual locations that allow for human replace face-to-face interaction. Many recruiters predict interaction. Conclusion Social media, simulations and virtual worlds are At the same time, it will require HR professionals to opening new and exciting venues for HR and talent be nimble enough to make changes to their talent management professionals to source new talent and acquisition processes “on the fly” while managing these to establish their talent brands. The rapid pace at applications in ways that will achieve their organization’s which these technologies are developing will challenge strategic talent plan. HR professionals to stay up-to-date with their uses. Berzon, A. (2011, June 6). Enough with the Giles, J. (2011, October). Meet the New Khan, R. (n.d.). Google Plus. The Starter’s Raphael, T. (2011, February 1). 2011 ERE ‘Call of Duty,’ Answer the Call in Room 417. Boss. Second Life’s Creator wants to Rewire Guide. Accessed September 24, 2011 from Recruiting Excellence Award Finalists. The Wall Street Journal. Retrieved September How Businesses Run. The Atlantic. Retrieved Retrieved August 25, 2011 from 7, 2011 from September 15, 2011 from www.theatlantic. com/magazine/archive/2011/ 10/meet-the- Light, J. (2011, April 4). For Job Seekers, recruiting-excellence-award-finalists/. Brandgames ( new-boss/8637/#.Tm-L_hkXE7k.twitter. Company Sites Beat Online Job Boards, Social Media. The Wall Street Journal. Retrieved Ruiz, G. (2008, January). Job Candidate ( Hampton, M. (2011, Winter). Getting the September 6, 2011 from Assessment Tests Go Virtual. Workforce Biggest Bang for Your Recruiting Buck. Management Online. Retrieved August 25, Crispin, G. Mehler, M. (2011, March). 10th Employment Relations Today, 27-36. Light, J. (2011, May 30). Start-Ups Tag 2011 from CareerXRoads Annual Source of Hire Report: Facebook for Career Networking. The Wall By the Numbers. Retrieved August 30, 2011 Handler, C. (2009, March 11). Job Street Journal. Retrieved September 6, 2011 Wheeler, K. (2010, December 22). Serious from Simulations for Selecting Employees: from Recruiting Games: 6 Tips for Using Games What might the future hold? and Simulations for Recruiting Success. DaZube, D. (2008, November). Virtual Job Retrieved August 29, 2011 from www.ere. Market Watch (2011, September 14). Retrieved August 31, 2011 from Fairs Gain Ground. Retrieved net/2009/03/11/job-simulations-for-selecting-’s Popular Virtual Career Fair Is September 8, 2011 from http://career- employees-what-might-the-future-hold/. Back. Market Watch. Retrieved September 15, 2011 from Zappe, J. (2011, July 15). 8-city Virtual Job job-fairs-gain-ground.shtml. Jobvite (2011). Jobvite Social Recruiting monstercas-popular-virtual-career-fair-is- Fair May Be the Crest of a Trend. Survey 2011. Retrieved August 30, 2011 back-2011-09-14. Retrieved September 7, 2011 from Epicor (n.d.). Finding the Perfect Candidate. from Epicor. Irvine: CA. O’Donnell. J.T. (2011, June 27). BranchOut fair-may-be-the-crest-of-a-trend/. Johnson, D. (2011, August 18). AutoMax Versus BeKnown—Which Facebook App for Gardner, D. (2011, May 9). 60% of Recruiting Training Partners with Hire Your Career? Retrieved Marketers to Increase Spend on Virtual the Winners and the Car Sales Simulator. September 24, 2011 from www.careerealsim. Conferences. Retrieved Retrieved August 31, com/beknown-branchout-facebook-career- September 15, 2011 from 2011 from app/. virtual-worlds/60-marketers-increase-spend- virtual-conferences?cmpid=NR87. 24 ALL CONTENT © UNC EXECUTIVE DEVELOPMENT 2012 To subscribe, visit
  • 25. Lead your HR organization into the future. B U S I N E S S A N D H U M A N R E S O U R C E S Now more than ever, senior HR leaders need the knowledge, skills and experience to respond to emerging trends that are shaping the future of global business. Offered in partnership with the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), UNC’s UNC EXECUTIVE DEVELOPMENT Business and Human Resources program is designed The Power of Experience. to equip senior HR leaders with the most up-to-date business knowledge and skills needed to succeed in the rapidly changing business environment today - and tomorrow. To learn more, visit 25
  • 26. Embracing Open-Book Management to Fuel Employee Engagement and Corporate Sustainability Anne Claire Broughton Jessica Thomas Senior Director, Managing Director, Center for Sustainable Enterprise SJF Institute UNC Kenan-Flagler Business School Introduction When John Case and Jack Stack first introduced the • xplores how open-book management practices are E concept of open-book management more than 30 years well-suited to help achieve corporate sustainability ago, the intent was to unleash the entrepreneur in every goals. employee and to spur them—and their organizations— to better performance. Since then, countless • utlines steps HR and talent management O organizations have opened their books and engaged professionals can take to ensure the application of their employees in understanding the critical numbers those practices in their own organizations. with positive results to their bottom lines. Although the original goals of open-book management were improved profitability and productivity, organizations The Basics of Open-Book have realized other benefits from the practice. These Management benefits include improved employee satisfaction, engagement, retention, motivation, innovation and Before most people were focusing on corporate corporate sustainability. sustainability, Case and Stack were espousing the virtues of open communication to engage employees to achieve better overall business performance. In his Promise book, The Great Game of Business, Stack describes open-book management as being “all about promoting This white paper: clear, effective and open communication” to employees. • xamines open-book management and the benefits E By doing so, employees at all levels have a clearer of applying its principles to improve employee understanding of their organizations’ purpose and goals, satisfaction, engagement, retention, motivation, are more engaged in their organizations and perform innovation and corporate sustainability. better in their jobs. 26 ALL CONTENT © UNC EXECUTIVE DEVELOPMENT 2012 To subscribe, visit
  • 27. EMBRACING OPEN-BOOK MANAGEMENT Organizations practicing open-book management: • Teach employees how to follow the action and keep score. All employees track progress on critical • Explain clearly the organization’s key measures of numbers through regular meetings and scorecards. business success, allowing employees to make better- They are empowered to take action to improve informed business decisions. performance as needed. • Share financial information (such as income • Engage the ingenuity of all employees in solving key statements, balance sheets and other key metrics) business challenges, such as how the organization with employees, and ensure they understand them can become more socially and environmentally and know how they relate to the organization’s key sustainable. measures of business success. “When you share the numbers and bring them alive, • Tell the stories behind the numbers to bring them you turn them into tools people can use to help alive and give them meaning. themselves as they go about their business every day. That’s the key to open-book management.” • Allow employees to share in the success of the (Stack, 1992). organization through a profit-sharing program that is tied to key business metrics. 27
  • 28. Why Open-Book Management Works Clearly communicated and understood goals, a • Demonstrate innovative thinking because they feel hallmark of open-book management, leads to improved more vested in their organizations’ success profitability and encourages teamwork. This leads to (Henglein, 2009). increased job satisfaction and reduced turnover. Organizations practicing open-book management • See the big picture, allowing them to leave their silos report that employees: and become team players. Giving employees a view of the big picture also makes them more engaged, • eel a stronger sense of ownership in the F helps them understand how their roles fit in the organization. organization, and how they can make a difference. • evelop more trusting and collaborative relationships D All of these factors lead to an improved bottom line. with their employers. A study conducted by the National Center for Employee Ownership (NCEO) found that organizations which • nderstand their organization’s cost structure and U follow open-book management principles experienced make better informed suggestions for improvement. a 1-2 percent annual increase in sales growth above • nderstand the need for cost controls through the U typical sales projections. regular sharing of financial information and become more responsible in how they use their organizations’ resources. Example: CleanScapes CleanScapes, a waste reduction, diversion and collection service headquartered in Seattle, Washington, was recently named by Inc. Magazine as one of the top 5,000 fastest growing companies in the U.S. and the fourth fastest growing environmental firm. Leaders at CleanScapes credit much of their success (which includes $50 million in revenue in 2009, low employee turnover and high levels of customer satisfaction) to their open-book management approach. CleanScapes keeps close tabs on important metrics (called “CleanStats”) and shares them with employees during weekly meetings. These metrics go beyond financial and include operational efficiencies, errors and kudos. “The metrics have been instrumental in helping the firm meet and beat its internal financial performance goals,” reports HR Manager Bonnie Abbott. In addition to tracking and reporting on metrics, CleanScapes leaders hold daily morning huddles by department. The company also offers generous benefits and is known to promote from within. Drivers and managers meet for lunch once a month to offer feedback and suggestions on how to improve operations, which has resulted in organization-wide efficiency gains which include lower missed pick-ups, fewer accidents and reduced route hours. Source: Broughton, 2011. 28 ALL CONTENT © UNC EXECUTIVE DEVELOPMENT 2012 To subscribe, visit
  • 29. EMBRACING OPEN-BOOK MANAGEMENT Not surprisingly, these outcomes—a stronger sense of successful corporate sustainability programs do a better ownership, improved trust and collaboration, stronger job of attracting and retaining employees. Executives in teams, better informed and innovative suggestions, organizations with successful sustainability efforts also and an improved bottom line, to name a few—are also report that their employees are far more knowledgeable hallmarks of successful corporate sustainability initiatives about their organization’s operations than employees that emphasize the triple bottom line of people, planet in other businesses, enabling them to devise efficiency and profits. According to a 2011 McKinsey survey, improvements that lead to more sustainable operations. Open-Book Management Challenges The main concern most people raise when it comes to Other concerns about open-book management practices open-book management is whether it is wise to share include: compensation information to employees, the fear being that it could make them disgruntled if they perceive • The worry that disgruntled employees may misuse inequities in pay structures. financial information (such as profit margins) or other proprietary information by sharing it with competitors. Open-book management proponents do not recommend sharing individual compensation • The concern that if the organization is successful, information. Instead, they advise employers to combine employees will want a larger piece of the profits and salaries and benefits into a single line on budget may become unmotivated if they don’t receive it. statements so employees can see and monitor it. This Alternately, if the organization is struggling, workers will show employees how much compensation and will be concerned with job security and possibly jump benefits cost the organization without providing ship, taking their knowledge and talents elsewhere. detailed information. • The belief that open-book management creates a conundrum for organizations by begging And while some might believe that open-book the questions: “Is it possible to be too principles can generate resentment toward transparent? If we open the highly compensated employees, evidence books, will we give shows the opposite occurs. Employees competitors too much in open-book organizations better information about understand and therefore accept our products and compensation structures more talent? Will it willingly. Some management experts lead to the like Ed Lawler, director of the poaching of University of Southern California’s our products Center for Effective Organizations, and top believe that by keeping performers?” compensation plans secret or practicing “closed book management,” businesses tend to generate more distrust and resentment among employees. 29