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               1.   SWOT Overview                5 min.
               2.   Findings                    20 min.
               3.   Potential Solutions         40 min.
               4.   Roadmap                      5 min.
               5.   Scoring                     30 min.
               6.   Revisit Roadmap             30 min.
               7.   Next Steps                  20 min.

               Estimated Time                    3 hrs

Saturday, December 8, 2012
                        SPYSINGER Inc. - Confidential    2
SWOT Overview

                1. Effective method for getting a quick KOM
                   Reading of the company.
                2. Starts documenting the Remediation
                3. Creates Synergy among all stakeholders.
                4. Provides sound subjective data.

Saturday, December 8, 2012
                        SPYSINGER Inc. - Confidential   3

 1. There was common ground.
 2. Everyone provided a unique perspective based on individual
    experience and work-focus.
 3. There were some surprises.

  Major SWOT Classifications

      • Sales
      • Corporate / Cultural
      • Products and Services
      • Communications
      • Project Management

Saturday, December 8, 2012
                        SPYSINGER Inc. - Confidential    4


       • No accurate method for sizing the sale based on extenuating work effort
       • Vague sales plan
       • Some recent good momentum – always threatened by “other” work
       • Need a more competitive pricing strategy
       • There are opportunities in new industries and out of state markets
       • There is a desire to get out there and learn more about competitors and the
       • There is a need to participate in more trade forums and industry groups
       • Sense of risk towards product stagnation, loss of speed to market of new
       features, broken promises
       • Can operations handle the influx of new customers?

Saturday, December 8, 2012
                        SPYSINGER Inc. - Confidential            5

Corporate / Cultural
    • Strong sense of purpose, good people with genuine passion for building sustainable
    bridges with the client
    • Weak business operational practices are hindering growth
    • No clear business segmentation or division of roles and responsibilities
    • Need a methodology to flow strategy thru tactical execution
    • Faulty sales to implementation process
    • Lack process to handle throughput of bugs, patches, enhancements, etc.
    • Limited resources – support is falling behind client demand
    • Need to separate true development (new features) from normal configuration and
    support so product development can deliver un-tethered to BAU issues
    • No DR/Business Continuity plan
    • No code repository and check-in/check-out methodology (e.g., SafeSource)

Saturday, December 8, 2012
                        SPYSINGER Inc. - Confidential            6

Products & Services
    • Overall product is mature, robust and simple to configure and use
    • Own nearly 20% of the NY market
    • Too many juggled ideas, fixes, enhancements and missed promises
    • Provide self-provisioning feature to lessen reliance on programming resources
    (expand user ability to add fields, forms and reports)
    • Offer product integration and customization services to clients
    • Need to evolve to next generation of product (e.g., .NET)
    • Current product is not HIPPAA/FERPA compliant

Saturday, December 8, 2012
                        SPYSINGER Inc. - Confidential             7

    • Difficult to communicate the big picture, convey actionable goals and establish
    business awareness in the troops
    • Client communication is lacking, i.e., need to convey break/fix remediation, upgrade
    strategies, enhancements, technical roadmap, etc.
    • Lack of an effective communication policy with the development and support teams
    • Need to be more proactive and develop better channels for "hearing" clients and
    anticipating upcoming requests

Saturday, December 8, 2012
                        SPYSINGER Inc. - Confidential              8

Project Management
    • Project management is either non-existent or very weak. Clients recognize this
    • Due to no PM tools or templates, project data is stored in multiple places with no
    regimen or governing policy. Having inaccurate or unreliable data inhibits the ability
    to drive, manage, and report progress. It also hinders the teams ability to credibly
    estimate future effort.

Saturday, December 8, 2012
                        SPYSINGER Inc. - Confidential               9
Solution Categories


           Support                                 Training
          Products                                 Products
         Corporate                                 Corporate
              Sales                                Development

                      0    20   40    60    80

Saturday, December 8, 2012
                        SPYSINGER Inc. - Confidential   10
Solution Category: Development

                         Solution                                                             Benefits

                                                                      Numerous issues arise around managing workloads, resource capability,
                                                                             and issue resolution. The process will
                                                                      (1)    determine quickly whether this is new development or a bug and
Create Development Workflow Process:                                         where it should be assigned;
Create process to handle inflow of work for customer integration to   (2)    prioritize the request;
     customizations. Includes process and templates to capture        (3)    clearly state who's paying for the work;
     and document requirements, and channel requirements via          (4)    document and route all approval and signoff needed to begin
     tech specs to development team. Need method to prioritize               work.
     work into feasible containers: Do-ASAP, Can-Wait, Next-          Work will flow logically and effortlessly. Expectations can be accurately
     Patch, Future-Enhancement. Take as much guess-work out                  established and justified to customers. Deliverables can be
     of the workflow.                                                        better managed and timelines become more realistic.

                                                                      A PM methodology teaches us how to do the job right 80% of the time
                                                                           and allows us to adjust to accommodate the other 20%. It allows
Develop a PM Library:                                                      us to learn from experience and apply what we've learned to new
Create templates that can be re-used for all development effort            work. We become better estimators and productive workers. Our
     based on small, medium, large. Train PMs, development                 ability to properly scope and size - and manage - our effort benefits
     team and clients in usage. Start small and refine over time.          the bottom-line.

Implement Code Repository and QA/Code Review
Acquire package and have all developers learn usage. This should      Provides safeguards against sloppy code practices (bad product) and
      become a development standard and core corporate policy               promotes knowledge transfer. A positive with a small staff where
      item.                                                                 expertise resides in individuals and not teams.

 Saturday, December 8, 2012
                         SPYSINGER Inc. - Confidential                                                       11
Solution Category: Sales

                       Solution                                                             Benefits
  Create Sales to Implementation Process:
  Provide mechanisms to capture, document, estimate and cost work
  from a normal subscription to a large scale implementation.             Increased revenue for billable integration and implementation
  Automate estimation based on critical work-effort factors.              services.

  Create/Refine the 2008 Sales Plan:
  If a strategy and plan have not been established, create one. If one
  exists conduct a midyear review and adjust accordingly. We need to
  "hear" what our current clients are saying about us (focus groups,
  surveys). We also need to focus on 2008-09 feasible industry
  segments (Medicaid/Medicare) and states (California, CT, NJ). We
  also need to determine the real impact of the NYEIS threat and see if   More Sales!!! We need to know who the competition is, what their
  we can play into it instead of against it. Combine this with the        products are, perform a SWOT on our own line in comparison to
  development of a more competitive Pricing Model. Perform all            what's out there and determine where we stand and learn how we
  marketing analyses needed.                                              can exploit our competition's weaknesses.

Saturday, December 8, 2012
                        SPYSINGER Inc. - Confidential                                                     12
Solution Category: Corporate / Cultural Improvements
                             Solution                                                                        Benefits

                                                                               Providing project management and workflow processes will allow teams
                                                                               to work more effectively. In addition, clients require regular and
                                                                               consistent communication. We also need programs to gather and
Create a Communications Strategy for the company: Divide                       document client chatter (requests and gripes) as these can be used to
it into internal communications, exec communications, client                   fuel innovation. The Comm Plan must also address media blurbs,
communications, partner communications and media. Start simple. Think          marketing statements, and provide a consistent flow of information
triage - what's critical right now.                                            between ourselves and our partners.

Department Segmentation and Evolution:
Need to define areas for Dev, Sppt, Sales, Client Svcs and define roles,
authorization and accountability. Need to separate development
accountability from Support responsibility. Create CTO office to oversee all
technical areas. Need to separate true development (new features) from
normal configuration and support so that product development can evolve        Clear definition of roles will provide depth and succession, and limit
un-tethered to BAU client issues.                                              redundancy. Will allow CTO to balance resources as needed.

Develop Corporate Policies:                                                    Staff will have clear guidelines on behavior and policies. This will evolve
Create a true corporate culture and set professional expectations for staff.   and improve the methods we use when interacting with customers.

Create Senior Advisory Board:                                                  External input can help guide focus away from industry clutter and and
Assemble internal and external teams to help in market planning and            help temper random technology ventures vs. sound ideas and
product leadership.                                                            opportunities.

Develop Corporate DR Plan:
Business continuity is imperative. Work out strategy with internal staff, IT
providers, and suppliers.                                                      A good DR plan is a marketable asset for this kind of data.

Create an Administration office
To contain the CFO, HR, payroll, billing responsibilities. Possibly consider   This segmentation will be needed to maintain focus on the important
outsourcing.                                                                   things.

    Saturday, December 8, 2012
                            SPYSINGER Inc. - Confidential                                                         13
Solution Category: Products

                        Solution                                                                       Benefits

Initiate Regulatory Standardization initiative :                          Keeps us in the Visionary quadrant. Shows clients that our product
Assess the regulatory standards necessary to maintain existing client     understands the expectations and constraints of the law and
compliance and review "other" state regulatory restraints to enable       safeguards their records and transactions in a manner consistent to
market thrusts into new areas.                                            the most strident rules set by these committees.

Create iClaims XL version:                                                Self-provisioning allows us to hand off the more typical setup chores.
Bundle most critical enhancement and bug fixes into a new sleek           It should also enable users to do simple customizations
version that provides a robust self-provisioning interface. New product   (specializations) to their app. Analysis should provide the "most
should be built on new .NET platform. Possibly built by/with external     asked for" features. Allow these to be turned on at the customer's
development team so in-house team remains focused on existing             discretion. Simplicity is best but don't develop for the grandma at the
product. Market this!                                                     reception desk.

Saturday, December 8, 2012
                        SPYSINGER Inc. - Confidential                                                       14
Solution Category: Services

               Solution                                                                     Benefits

Create new Integration Services Business :
This model will allow customers to make customization/integration
      requests and provide the necessary workflow processes to see
      requests to completion. This will require an extensive PM
      repository with metrics to handle templates and manage workflow   A new service offering. A demonstration of iClaims technical savvy,
      activity.                                                              adaptability and control over the product.

Saturday, December 8, 2012
                        SPYSINGER Inc. - Confidential                                                    15
Solution Category: Support

                Solution                                                             Benefits

                                                                Numerous issues arise around managing workloads, resource
                                                                capability, and issue resolution. With a process in place, calls can
BAU / Support Process: Need to develop process to handle        be received, documented, prioritized and assigned. Work effort can
inflow of work, from issue capture, assignment to resolution.   be managed and monitored. Uniform client communication policy
Communication policy with customer should be included.          will diminish confusion and effort being lost in the shuffle.

Saturday, December 8, 2012
                        SPYSINGER Inc. - Confidential                                             16
Solution Category: Training

                 Solution                                                                       Benefits

Initiate eTraining module and service:
Automate as much possible using video and Flash training tutorials.
Provide DVDs for basic functionality and sell expanded and customized     Creates a "state-of-the-art" appeal to the product. Diminishes the
feature modules. Possibly partner with other training groups to provide   training distraction for the sales and development teams. Is a great
re-sells or links to education modules.                                   marketing asset.

 Saturday, December 8, 2012
                         SPYSINGER Inc. - Confidential                                                       17
                                                                  Create Sales to Implementation Process

                                                                       Create/Refine 2008 Sales Plan               Roadmap

                                                                       Development Workflow Process

                                                                            Develop a PM Library

                                                                Create New Implementation Services business

                                                                           BAU / Support Process

Saturday, December 8, 2012
                                                                   Create Corp Communications Strategy

                                                                  Initiate Regulatory Standardization Initiative

                                                                Code Repository with QA/Code Review Process

                                                                              Create iClaims XL

                                                                           Department Segmentation

                                                                          Develop Corporate Policies

18                      SPYSINGER Inc. - Confidential                   Create Senior Advisory Board

                                                                               Develop DR Plan

                                                                         Develop eTraining Module

                                                                    Create Corp Office of Administration
Resource Feasibility
How feasible is the solution based on company resources (i.e., staff, skills, bandwidth, funding, etc.)?
1 = potentially undoable due to resource constraints
2 = doable with adjustments to business. Potential impact to other areas of the business and possible client impact.
3 = highly feasible. Resources are available and could easily be utilized.

Time Criticality
How soon must this action occur to have a positive impact on the business?
1 = can be held off with no serious impact to business. Possibly a 2009 initiative.
2 = can wait 6 month and still have benefit. Either due to market dynamics, competitor pressure or internal issues.
3 = must occur immediately. Either due to market dynamics, competitor pressure or internal issues.

Revenue Driver
How will this impact revenue, cash flow, profits, or savings of the company?
1 = low impact
2 = marginal impact
3 = high impact

Overall criticality of issue.
1 = not that important - nice to have
2 = moderate importance - could help staff, customers, etc.
3 = critical - a "must have/do". Without it, the company could be in jeopardy.

System calculation. The higher the score, the more critical.

Saturday, December 8, 2012
                        SPYSINGER Inc. - Confidential                                     19

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iClaims SWOT

  • 1.
  • 2. Agenda 1. SWOT Overview 5 min. 2. Findings 20 min. 3. Potential Solutions 40 min. 4. Roadmap 5 min. 5. Scoring 30 min. 6. Revisit Roadmap 30 min. 7. Next Steps 20 min. Estimated Time 3 hrs Saturday, December 8, 2012 SPYSINGER Inc. - Confidential 2
  • 3. SWOT Overview 1. Effective method for getting a quick KOM Reading of the company. 2. Starts documenting the Remediation process. 3. Creates Synergy among all stakeholders. 4. Provides sound subjective data. Saturday, December 8, 2012 SPYSINGER Inc. - Confidential 3
  • 4. Findings 1. There was common ground. 2. Everyone provided a unique perspective based on individual experience and work-focus. 3. There were some surprises. Major SWOT Classifications • Sales • Corporate / Cultural • Products and Services • Communications • Project Management Saturday, December 8, 2012 SPYSINGER Inc. - Confidential 4
  • 5. Findings Sales • No accurate method for sizing the sale based on extenuating work effort • Vague sales plan • Some recent good momentum – always threatened by “other” work distractions • Need a more competitive pricing strategy • There are opportunities in new industries and out of state markets • There is a desire to get out there and learn more about competitors and the industry • There is a need to participate in more trade forums and industry groups • Sense of risk towards product stagnation, loss of speed to market of new features, broken promises • Can operations handle the influx of new customers? Saturday, December 8, 2012 SPYSINGER Inc. - Confidential 5
  • 6. Findings Corporate / Cultural • Strong sense of purpose, good people with genuine passion for building sustainable bridges with the client • Weak business operational practices are hindering growth • No clear business segmentation or division of roles and responsibilities • Need a methodology to flow strategy thru tactical execution • Faulty sales to implementation process • Lack process to handle throughput of bugs, patches, enhancements, etc. • Limited resources – support is falling behind client demand • Need to separate true development (new features) from normal configuration and support so product development can deliver un-tethered to BAU issues • No DR/Business Continuity plan • No code repository and check-in/check-out methodology (e.g., SafeSource) Saturday, December 8, 2012 SPYSINGER Inc. - Confidential 6
  • 7. Findings Products & Services • Overall product is mature, robust and simple to configure and use • Own nearly 20% of the NY market • Too many juggled ideas, fixes, enhancements and missed promises • Provide self-provisioning feature to lessen reliance on programming resources (expand user ability to add fields, forms and reports) • Offer product integration and customization services to clients • Need to evolve to next generation of product (e.g., .NET) • Current product is not HIPPAA/FERPA compliant Saturday, December 8, 2012 SPYSINGER Inc. - Confidential 7
  • 8. Findings Communication • Difficult to communicate the big picture, convey actionable goals and establish business awareness in the troops • Client communication is lacking, i.e., need to convey break/fix remediation, upgrade strategies, enhancements, technical roadmap, etc. • Lack of an effective communication policy with the development and support teams • Need to be more proactive and develop better channels for "hearing" clients and anticipating upcoming requests Saturday, December 8, 2012 SPYSINGER Inc. - Confidential 8
  • 9. Findings Project Management • Project management is either non-existent or very weak. Clients recognize this weakness. • Due to no PM tools or templates, project data is stored in multiple places with no regimen or governing policy. Having inaccurate or unreliable data inhibits the ability to drive, manage, and report progress. It also hinders the teams ability to credibly estimate future effort. Saturday, December 8, 2012 SPYSINGER Inc. - Confidential 9
  • 10. Solution Categories Training Support Training Support Services Services Products Products Corporate Corporate Sales Sales Development Development 0 20 40 60 80 Saturday, December 8, 2012 SPYSINGER Inc. - Confidential 10
  • 11. Solution Category: Development Solution Benefits Numerous issues arise around managing workloads, resource capability, and issue resolution. The process will (1) determine quickly whether this is new development or a bug and Create Development Workflow Process: where it should be assigned; Create process to handle inflow of work for customer integration to (2) prioritize the request; customizations. Includes process and templates to capture (3) clearly state who's paying for the work; and document requirements, and channel requirements via (4) document and route all approval and signoff needed to begin tech specs to development team. Need method to prioritize work. work into feasible containers: Do-ASAP, Can-Wait, Next- Work will flow logically and effortlessly. Expectations can be accurately Patch, Future-Enhancement. Take as much guess-work out established and justified to customers. Deliverables can be of the workflow. better managed and timelines become more realistic. A PM methodology teaches us how to do the job right 80% of the time and allows us to adjust to accommodate the other 20%. It allows Develop a PM Library: us to learn from experience and apply what we've learned to new Create templates that can be re-used for all development effort work. We become better estimators and productive workers. Our based on small, medium, large. Train PMs, development ability to properly scope and size - and manage - our effort benefits team and clients in usage. Start small and refine over time. the bottom-line. Implement Code Repository and QA/Code Review Process: Acquire package and have all developers learn usage. This should Provides safeguards against sloppy code practices (bad product) and become a development standard and core corporate policy promotes knowledge transfer. A positive with a small staff where item. expertise resides in individuals and not teams. Saturday, December 8, 2012 SPYSINGER Inc. - Confidential 11
  • 12. Solution Category: Sales Solution Benefits Create Sales to Implementation Process: Provide mechanisms to capture, document, estimate and cost work from a normal subscription to a large scale implementation. Increased revenue for billable integration and implementation Automate estimation based on critical work-effort factors. services. Create/Refine the 2008 Sales Plan: If a strategy and plan have not been established, create one. If one exists conduct a midyear review and adjust accordingly. We need to "hear" what our current clients are saying about us (focus groups, surveys). We also need to focus on 2008-09 feasible industry segments (Medicaid/Medicare) and states (California, CT, NJ). We also need to determine the real impact of the NYEIS threat and see if More Sales!!! We need to know who the competition is, what their we can play into it instead of against it. Combine this with the products are, perform a SWOT on our own line in comparison to development of a more competitive Pricing Model. Perform all what's out there and determine where we stand and learn how we marketing analyses needed. can exploit our competition's weaknesses. Saturday, December 8, 2012 SPYSINGER Inc. - Confidential 12
  • 13. Solution Category: Corporate / Cultural Improvements Solution Benefits Providing project management and workflow processes will allow teams to work more effectively. In addition, clients require regular and consistent communication. We also need programs to gather and Create a Communications Strategy for the company: Divide document client chatter (requests and gripes) as these can be used to it into internal communications, exec communications, client fuel innovation. The Comm Plan must also address media blurbs, communications, partner communications and media. Start simple. Think marketing statements, and provide a consistent flow of information triage - what's critical right now. between ourselves and our partners. Department Segmentation and Evolution: Need to define areas for Dev, Sppt, Sales, Client Svcs and define roles, authorization and accountability. Need to separate development accountability from Support responsibility. Create CTO office to oversee all technical areas. Need to separate true development (new features) from normal configuration and support so that product development can evolve Clear definition of roles will provide depth and succession, and limit un-tethered to BAU client issues. redundancy. Will allow CTO to balance resources as needed. Develop Corporate Policies: Staff will have clear guidelines on behavior and policies. This will evolve Create a true corporate culture and set professional expectations for staff. and improve the methods we use when interacting with customers. Create Senior Advisory Board: External input can help guide focus away from industry clutter and and Assemble internal and external teams to help in market planning and help temper random technology ventures vs. sound ideas and product leadership. opportunities. Develop Corporate DR Plan: Business continuity is imperative. Work out strategy with internal staff, IT providers, and suppliers. A good DR plan is a marketable asset for this kind of data. Create an Administration office To contain the CFO, HR, payroll, billing responsibilities. Possibly consider This segmentation will be needed to maintain focus on the important outsourcing. things. Saturday, December 8, 2012 SPYSINGER Inc. - Confidential 13
  • 14. Solution Category: Products Solution Benefits Initiate Regulatory Standardization initiative : Keeps us in the Visionary quadrant. Shows clients that our product Assess the regulatory standards necessary to maintain existing client understands the expectations and constraints of the law and compliance and review "other" state regulatory restraints to enable safeguards their records and transactions in a manner consistent to market thrusts into new areas. the most strident rules set by these committees. Create iClaims XL version: Self-provisioning allows us to hand off the more typical setup chores. Bundle most critical enhancement and bug fixes into a new sleek It should also enable users to do simple customizations version that provides a robust self-provisioning interface. New product (specializations) to their app. Analysis should provide the "most should be built on new .NET platform. Possibly built by/with external asked for" features. Allow these to be turned on at the customer's development team so in-house team remains focused on existing discretion. Simplicity is best but don't develop for the grandma at the product. Market this! reception desk. Saturday, December 8, 2012 SPYSINGER Inc. - Confidential 14
  • 15. Solution Category: Services Solution Benefits Create new Integration Services Business : This model will allow customers to make customization/integration requests and provide the necessary workflow processes to see requests to completion. This will require an extensive PM repository with metrics to handle templates and manage workflow A new service offering. A demonstration of iClaims technical savvy, activity. adaptability and control over the product. Saturday, December 8, 2012 SPYSINGER Inc. - Confidential 15
  • 16. Solution Category: Support Solution Benefits Numerous issues arise around managing workloads, resource capability, and issue resolution. With a process in place, calls can BAU / Support Process: Need to develop process to handle be received, documented, prioritized and assigned. Work effort can inflow of work, from issue capture, assignment to resolution. be managed and monitored. Uniform client communication policy Communication policy with customer should be included. will diminish confusion and effort being lost in the shuffle. Saturday, December 8, 2012 SPYSINGER Inc. - Confidential 16
  • 17. Solution Category: Training Solution Benefits Initiate eTraining module and service: Automate as much possible using video and Flash training tutorials. Provide DVDs for basic functionality and sell expanded and customized Creates a "state-of-the-art" appeal to the product. Diminishes the feature modules. Possibly partner with other training groups to provide training distraction for the sales and development teams. Is a great re-sells or links to education modules. marketing asset. Saturday, December 8, 2012 SPYSINGER Inc. - Confidential 17
  • 18. 5/1 Create Sales to Implementation Process Create/Refine 2008 Sales Plan Roadmap Development Workflow Process Develop a PM Library Create New Implementation Services business BAU / Support Process Saturday, December 8, 2012 Create Corp Communications Strategy Initiate Regulatory Standardization Initiative 9/1 Code Repository with QA/Code Review Process Create iClaims XL Department Segmentation Develop Corporate Policies 18 SPYSINGER Inc. - Confidential Create Senior Advisory Board Develop DR Plan Develop eTraining Module Create Corp Office of Administration 12/31
  • 19. Scoring Resource Feasibility How feasible is the solution based on company resources (i.e., staff, skills, bandwidth, funding, etc.)? 1 = potentially undoable due to resource constraints 2 = doable with adjustments to business. Potential impact to other areas of the business and possible client impact. 3 = highly feasible. Resources are available and could easily be utilized. Time Criticality How soon must this action occur to have a positive impact on the business? 1 = can be held off with no serious impact to business. Possibly a 2009 initiative. 2 = can wait 6 month and still have benefit. Either due to market dynamics, competitor pressure or internal issues. 3 = must occur immediately. Either due to market dynamics, competitor pressure or internal issues. Revenue Driver How will this impact revenue, cash flow, profits, or savings of the company? 1 = low impact 2 = marginal impact 3 = high impact Importance Overall criticality of issue. 1 = not that important - nice to have 2 = moderate importance - could help staff, customers, etc. 3 = critical - a "must have/do". Without it, the company could be in jeopardy. Score System calculation. The higher the score, the more critical. Saturday, December 8, 2012 SPYSINGER Inc. - Confidential 19

Editor's Notes

  1. product has great features for tracking cost and patient information opportunities to allow agencies to share (network) talent pool HC and Ed are fraught with financial problems, government regulations and NYS has been hit hardest recently – many small companies have been forced out of business. This has slowed iClaims business. They need to venture out of state for new business. Looking to partner or merge with some companies in California. They create multiple instances of a the SQLServer database for each client. Hosted in Texas. Totally browser based, off the internet. Theracare and other large companies are bringing it internal on local servers and their intranet. GUI is band-based, Excel-like. Straight-ahead business no pizzazz. Some UPM capability but limited – at the sub-tab but not at the main tab level. Users can add fields as needed but at this time they are all text fields. integration is all flat file export (CVS). No real API connectivity. No real pc footprint – plugins require a PDF reader and Crystal reports runtime engine Security is basic but effective No real upgrade methodology. They do have a users group and collect data 2xs a year. Upgrades come when they come. At v 2.50 No integration methodology. Integration to enterprise systems is relatively new to them. They have basic support services bundled into the subscription cost. Most support issues come directly online through a feature in the application. They get about 2 a day and they’re often just “How to..” questions. They are open to partnerships to assist in development, integration, PM, marketing but so far only tried development services which were costly and largely ineffective Slowly moving to .NET, right now it’s .ASP and SQLServer Code is not an executable and accessible – not good!
  2. product has great features for tracking cost and patient information opportunities to allow agencies to share (network) talent pool HC and Ed are fraught with financial problems, government regulations and NYS has been hit hardest recently – many small companies have been forced out of business. This has slowed iClaims business. They need to venture out of state for new business. Looking to partner or merge with some companies in California. They create multiple instances of a the SQLServer database for each client. Hosted in Texas. Totally browser based, off the internet. Theracare and other large companies are bringing it internal on local servers and their intranet. GUI is band-based, Excel-like. Straight-ahead business no pizzazz. Some UPM capability but limited – at the sub-tab but not at the main tab level. Users can add fields as needed but at this time they are all text fields. integration is all flat file export (CVS). No real API connectivity. No real pc footprint – plugins require a PDF reader and Crystal reports runtime engine Security is basic but effective No real upgrade methodology. They do have a users group and collect data 2xs a year. Upgrades come when they come. At v 2.50 No integration methodology. Integration to enterprise systems is relatively new to them. They have basic support services bundled into the subscription cost. Most support issues come directly online through a feature in the application. They get about 2 a day and they’re often just “How to..” questions. They are open to partnerships to assist in development, integration, PM, marketing but so far only tried development services which were costly and largely ineffective Slowly moving to .NET, right now it’s .ASP and SQLServer Code is not an executable and accessible – not good!
  3. product has great features for tracking cost and patient information opportunities to allow agencies to share (network) talent pool HC and Ed are fraught with financial problems, government regulations and NYS has been hit hardest recently – many small companies have been forced out of business. This has slowed iClaims business. They need to venture out of state for new business. Looking to partner or merge with some companies in California. They create multiple instances of a the SQLServer database for each client. Hosted in Texas. Totally browser based, off the internet. Theracare and other large companies are bringing it internal on local servers and their intranet. GUI is band-based, Excel-like. Straight-ahead business no pizzazz. Some UPM capability but limited – at the sub-tab but not at the main tab level. Users can add fields as needed but at this time they are all text fields. integration is all flat file export (CVS). No real API connectivity. No real pc footprint – plugins require a PDF reader and Crystal reports runtime engine Security is basic but effective No real upgrade methodology. They do have a users group and collect data 2xs a year. Upgrades come when they come. At v 2.50 No integration methodology. Integration to enterprise systems is relatively new to them. They have basic support services bundled into the subscription cost. Most support issues come directly online through a feature in the application. They get about 2 a day and they’re often just “How to..” questions. They are open to partnerships to assist in development, integration, PM, marketing but so far only tried development services which were costly and largely ineffective Slowly moving to .NET, right now it’s .ASP and SQLServer Code is not an executable and accessible – not good!
  4. product has great features for tracking cost and patient information opportunities to allow agencies to share (network) talent pool HC and Ed are fraught with financial problems, government regulations and NYS has been hit hardest recently – many small companies have been forced out of business. This has slowed iClaims business. They need to venture out of state for new business. Looking to partner or merge with some companies in California. They create multiple instances of a the SQLServer database for each client. Hosted in Texas. Totally browser based, off the internet. Theracare and other large companies are bringing it internal on local servers and their intranet. GUI is band-based, Excel-like. Straight-ahead business no pizzazz. Some UPM capability but limited – at the sub-tab but not at the main tab level. Users can add fields as needed but at this time they are all text fields. integration is all flat file export (CVS). No real API connectivity. No real pc footprint – plugins require a PDF reader and Crystal reports runtime engine Security is basic but effective No real upgrade methodology. They do have a users group and collect data 2xs a year. Upgrades come when they come. At v 2.50 No integration methodology. Integration to enterprise systems is relatively new to them. They have basic support services bundled into the subscription cost. Most support issues come directly online through a feature in the application. They get about 2 a day and they’re often just “How to..” questions. They are open to partnerships to assist in development, integration, PM, marketing but so far only tried development services which were costly and largely ineffective Slowly moving to .NET, right now it’s .ASP and SQLServer Code is not an executable and accessible – not good!
  5. product has great features for tracking cost and patient information opportunities to allow agencies to share (network) talent pool HC and Ed are fraught with financial problems, government regulations and NYS has been hit hardest recently – many small companies have been forced out of business. This has slowed iClaims business. They need to venture out of state for new business. Looking to partner or merge with some companies in California. They create multiple instances of a the SQLServer database for each client. Hosted in Texas. Totally browser based, off the internet. Theracare and other large companies are bringing it internal on local servers and their intranet. GUI is band-based, Excel-like. Straight-ahead business no pizzazz. Some UPM capability but limited – at the sub-tab but not at the main tab level. Users can add fields as needed but at this time they are all text fields. integration is all flat file export (CVS). No real API connectivity. No real pc footprint – plugins require a PDF reader and Crystal reports runtime engine Security is basic but effective No real upgrade methodology. They do have a users group and collect data 2xs a year. Upgrades come when they come. At v 2.50 No integration methodology. Integration to enterprise systems is relatively new to them. They have basic support services bundled into the subscription cost. Most support issues come directly online through a feature in the application. They get about 2 a day and they’re often just “How to..” questions. They are open to partnerships to assist in development, integration, PM, marketing but so far only tried development services which were costly and largely ineffective Slowly moving to .NET, right now it’s .ASP and SQLServer Code is not an executable and accessible – not good!
  6. product has great features for tracking cost and patient information opportunities to allow agencies to share (network) talent pool HC and Ed are fraught with financial problems, government regulations and NYS has been hit hardest recently – many small companies have been forced out of business. This has slowed iClaims business. They need to venture out of state for new business. Looking to partner or merge with some companies in California. They create multiple instances of a the SQLServer database for each client. Hosted in Texas. Totally browser based, off the internet. Theracare and other large companies are bringing it internal on local servers and their intranet. GUI is band-based, Excel-like. Straight-ahead business no pizzazz. Some UPM capability but limited – at the sub-tab but not at the main tab level. Users can add fields as needed but at this time they are all text fields. integration is all flat file export (CVS). No real API connectivity. No real pc footprint – plugins require a PDF reader and Crystal reports runtime engine Security is basic but effective No real upgrade methodology. They do have a users group and collect data 2xs a year. Upgrades come when they come. At v 2.50 No integration methodology. Integration to enterprise systems is relatively new to them. They have basic support services bundled into the subscription cost. Most support issues come directly online through a feature in the application. They get about 2 a day and they’re often just “How to..” questions. They are open to partnerships to assist in development, integration, PM, marketing but so far only tried development services which were costly and largely ineffective Slowly moving to .NET, right now it’s .ASP and SQLServer Code is not an executable and accessible – not good!
  7. product has great features for tracking cost and patient information opportunities to allow agencies to share (network) talent pool HC and Ed are fraught with financial problems, government regulations and NYS has been hit hardest recently – many small companies have been forced out of business. This has slowed iClaims business. They need to venture out of state for new business. Looking to partner or merge with some companies in California. They create multiple instances of a the SQLServer database for each client. Hosted in Texas. Totally browser based, off the internet. Theracare and other large companies are bringing it internal on local servers and their intranet. GUI is band-based, Excel-like. Straight-ahead business no pizzazz. Some UPM capability but limited – at the sub-tab but not at the main tab level. Users can add fields as needed but at this time they are all text fields. integration is all flat file export (CVS). No real API connectivity. No real pc footprint – plugins require a PDF reader and Crystal reports runtime engine Security is basic but effective No real upgrade methodology. They do have a users group and collect data 2xs a year. Upgrades come when they come. At v 2.50 No integration methodology. Integration to enterprise systems is relatively new to them. They have basic support services bundled into the subscription cost. Most support issues come directly online through a feature in the application. They get about 2 a day and they’re often just “How to..” questions. They are open to partnerships to assist in development, integration, PM, marketing but so far only tried development services which were costly and largely ineffective Slowly moving to .NET, right now it’s .ASP and SQLServer Code is not an executable and accessible – not good!
  8. product has great features for tracking cost and patient information opportunities to allow agencies to share (network) talent pool HC and Ed are fraught with financial problems, government regulations and NYS has been hit hardest recently – many small companies have been forced out of business. This has slowed iClaims business. They need to venture out of state for new business. Looking to partner or merge with some companies in California. They create multiple instances of a the SQLServer database for each client. Hosted in Texas. Totally browser based, off the internet. Theracare and other large companies are bringing it internal on local servers and their intranet. GUI is band-based, Excel-like. Straight-ahead business no pizzazz. Some UPM capability but limited – at the sub-tab but not at the main tab level. Users can add fields as needed but at this time they are all text fields. integration is all flat file export (CVS). No real API connectivity. No real pc footprint – plugins require a PDF reader and Crystal reports runtime engine Security is basic but effective No real upgrade methodology. They do have a users group and collect data 2xs a year. Upgrades come when they come. At v 2.50 No integration methodology. Integration to enterprise systems is relatively new to them. They have basic support services bundled into the subscription cost. Most support issues come directly online through a feature in the application. They get about 2 a day and they’re often just “How to..” questions. They are open to partnerships to assist in development, integration, PM, marketing but so far only tried development services which were costly and largely ineffective Slowly moving to .NET, right now it’s .ASP and SQLServer Code is not an executable and accessible – not good!
  9. product has great features for tracking cost and patient information opportunities to allow agencies to share (network) talent pool HC and Ed are fraught with financial problems, government regulations and NYS has been hit hardest recently – many small companies have been forced out of business. This has slowed iClaims business. They need to venture out of state for new business. Looking to partner or merge with some companies in California. They create multiple instances of a the SQLServer database for each client. Hosted in Texas. Totally browser based, off the internet. Theracare and other large companies are bringing it internal on local servers and their intranet. GUI is band-based, Excel-like. Straight-ahead business no pizzazz. Some UPM capability but limited – at the sub-tab but not at the main tab level. Users can add fields as needed but at this time they are all text fields. integration is all flat file export (CVS). No real API connectivity. No real pc footprint – plugins require a PDF reader and Crystal reports runtime engine Security is basic but effective No real upgrade methodology. They do have a users group and collect data 2xs a year. Upgrades come when they come. At v 2.50 No integration methodology. Integration to enterprise systems is relatively new to them. They have basic support services bundled into the subscription cost. Most support issues come directly online through a feature in the application. They get about 2 a day and they’re often just “How to..” questions. They are open to partnerships to assist in development, integration, PM, marketing but so far only tried development services which were costly and largely ineffective Slowly moving to .NET, right now it’s .ASP and SQLServer Code is not an executable and accessible – not good!
  10. product has great features for tracking cost and patient information opportunities to allow agencies to share (network) talent pool HC and Ed are fraught with financial problems, government regulations and NYS has been hit hardest recently – many small companies have been forced out of business. This has slowed iClaims business. They need to venture out of state for new business. Looking to partner or merge with some companies in California. They create multiple instances of a the SQLServer database for each client. Hosted in Texas. Totally browser based, off the internet. Theracare and other large companies are bringing it internal on local servers and their intranet. GUI is band-based, Excel-like. Straight-ahead business no pizzazz. Some UPM capability but limited – at the sub-tab but not at the main tab level. Users can add fields as needed but at this time they are all text fields. integration is all flat file export (CVS). No real API connectivity. No real pc footprint – plugins require a PDF reader and Crystal reports runtime engine Security is basic but effective No real upgrade methodology. They do have a users group and collect data 2xs a year. Upgrades come when they come. At v 2.50 No integration methodology. Integration to enterprise systems is relatively new to them. They have basic support services bundled into the subscription cost. Most support issues come directly online through a feature in the application. They get about 2 a day and they’re often just “How to..” questions. They are open to partnerships to assist in development, integration, PM, marketing but so far only tried development services which were costly and largely ineffective Slowly moving to .NET, right now it’s .ASP and SQLServer Code is not an executable and accessible – not good!
  11. product has great features for tracking cost and patient information opportunities to allow agencies to share (network) talent pool HC and Ed are fraught with financial problems, government regulations and NYS has been hit hardest recently – many small companies have been forced out of business. This has slowed iClaims business. They need to venture out of state for new business. Looking to partner or merge with some companies in California. They create multiple instances of a the SQLServer database for each client. Hosted in Texas. Totally browser based, off the internet. Theracare and other large companies are bringing it internal on local servers and their intranet. GUI is band-based, Excel-like. Straight-ahead business no pizzazz. Some UPM capability but limited – at the sub-tab but not at the main tab level. Users can add fields as needed but at this time they are all text fields. integration is all flat file export (CVS). No real API connectivity. No real pc footprint – plugins require a PDF reader and Crystal reports runtime engine Security is basic but effective No real upgrade methodology. They do have a users group and collect data 2xs a year. Upgrades come when they come. At v 2.50 No integration methodology. Integration to enterprise systems is relatively new to them. They have basic support services bundled into the subscription cost. Most support issues come directly online through a feature in the application. They get about 2 a day and they’re often just “How to..” questions. They are open to partnerships to assist in development, integration, PM, marketing but so far only tried development services which were costly and largely ineffective Slowly moving to .NET, right now it’s .ASP and SQLServer Code is not an executable and accessible – not good!
  12. product has great features for tracking cost and patient information opportunities to allow agencies to share (network) talent pool HC and Ed are fraught with financial problems, government regulations and NYS has been hit hardest recently – many small companies have been forced out of business. This has slowed iClaims business. They need to venture out of state for new business. Looking to partner or merge with some companies in California. They create multiple instances of a the SQLServer database for each client. Hosted in Texas. Totally browser based, off the internet. Theracare and other large companies are bringing it internal on local servers and their intranet. GUI is band-based, Excel-like. Straight-ahead business no pizzazz. Some UPM capability but limited – at the sub-tab but not at the main tab level. Users can add fields as needed but at this time they are all text fields. integration is all flat file export (CVS). No real API connectivity. No real pc footprint – plugins require a PDF reader and Crystal reports runtime engine Security is basic but effective No real upgrade methodology. They do have a users group and collect data 2xs a year. Upgrades come when they come. At v 2.50 No integration methodology. Integration to enterprise systems is relatively new to them. They have basic support services bundled into the subscription cost. Most support issues come directly online through a feature in the application. They get about 2 a day and they’re often just “How to..” questions. They are open to partnerships to assist in development, integration, PM, marketing but so far only tried development services which were costly and largely ineffective Slowly moving to .NET, right now it’s .ASP and SQLServer Code is not an executable and accessible – not good!
  13. product has great features for tracking cost and patient information opportunities to allow agencies to share (network) talent pool HC and Ed are fraught with financial problems, government regulations and NYS has been hit hardest recently – many small companies have been forced out of business. This has slowed iClaims business. They need to venture out of state for new business. Looking to partner or merge with some companies in California. They create multiple instances of a the SQLServer database for each client. Hosted in Texas. Totally browser based, off the internet. Theracare and other large companies are bringing it internal on local servers and their intranet. GUI is band-based, Excel-like. Straight-ahead business no pizzazz. Some UPM capability but limited – at the sub-tab but not at the main tab level. Users can add fields as needed but at this time they are all text fields. integration is all flat file export (CVS). No real API connectivity. No real pc footprint – plugins require a PDF reader and Crystal reports runtime engine Security is basic but effective No real upgrade methodology. They do have a users group and collect data 2xs a year. Upgrades come when they come. At v 2.50 No integration methodology. Integration to enterprise systems is relatively new to them. They have basic support services bundled into the subscription cost. Most support issues come directly online through a feature in the application. They get about 2 a day and they’re often just “How to..” questions. They are open to partnerships to assist in development, integration, PM, marketing but so far only tried development services which were costly and largely ineffective Slowly moving to .NET, right now it’s .ASP and SQLServer Code is not an executable and accessible – not good!
  14. product has great features for tracking cost and patient information opportunities to allow agencies to share (network) talent pool HC and Ed are fraught with financial problems, government regulations and NYS has been hit hardest recently – many small companies have been forced out of business. This has slowed iClaims business. They need to venture out of state for new business. Looking to partner or merge with some companies in California. They create multiple instances of a the SQLServer database for each client. Hosted in Texas. Totally browser based, off the internet. Theracare and other large companies are bringing it internal on local servers and their intranet. GUI is band-based, Excel-like. Straight-ahead business no pizzazz. Some UPM capability but limited – at the sub-tab but not at the main tab level. Users can add fields as needed but at this time they are all text fields. integration is all flat file export (CVS). No real API connectivity. No real pc footprint – plugins require a PDF reader and Crystal reports runtime engine Security is basic but effective No real upgrade methodology. They do have a users group and collect data 2xs a year. Upgrades come when they come. At v 2.50 No integration methodology. Integration to enterprise systems is relatively new to them. They have basic support services bundled into the subscription cost. Most support issues come directly online through a feature in the application. They get about 2 a day and they’re often just “How to..” questions. They are open to partnerships to assist in development, integration, PM, marketing but so far only tried development services which were costly and largely ineffective Slowly moving to .NET, right now it’s .ASP and SQLServer Code is not an executable and accessible – not good!
  15. product has great features for tracking cost and patient information opportunities to allow agencies to share (network) talent pool HC and Ed are fraught with financial problems, government regulations and NYS has been hit hardest recently – many small companies have been forced out of business. This has slowed iClaims business. They need to venture out of state for new business. Looking to partner or merge with some companies in California. They create multiple instances of a the SQLServer database for each client. Hosted in Texas. Totally browser based, off the internet. Theracare and other large companies are bringing it internal on local servers and their intranet. GUI is band-based, Excel-like. Straight-ahead business no pizzazz. Some UPM capability but limited – at the sub-tab but not at the main tab level. Users can add fields as needed but at this time they are all text fields. integration is all flat file export (CVS). No real API connectivity. No real pc footprint – plugins require a PDF reader and Crystal reports runtime engine Security is basic but effective No real upgrade methodology. They do have a users group and collect data 2xs a year. Upgrades come when they come. At v 2.50 No integration methodology. Integration to enterprise systems is relatively new to them. They have basic support services bundled into the subscription cost. Most support issues come directly online through a feature in the application. They get about 2 a day and they’re often just “How to..” questions. They are open to partnerships to assist in development, integration, PM, marketing but so far only tried development services which were costly and largely ineffective Slowly moving to .NET, right now it’s .ASP and SQLServer Code is not an executable and accessible – not good!
  16. product has great features for tracking cost and patient information opportunities to allow agencies to share (network) talent pool HC and Ed are fraught with financial problems, government regulations and NYS has been hit hardest recently – many small companies have been forced out of business. This has slowed iClaims business. They need to venture out of state for new business. Looking to partner or merge with some companies in California. They create multiple instances of a the SQLServer database for each client. Hosted in Texas. Totally browser based, off the internet. Theracare and other large companies are bringing it internal on local servers and their intranet. GUI is band-based, Excel-like. Straight-ahead business no pizzazz. Some UPM capability but limited – at the sub-tab but not at the main tab level. Users can add fields as needed but at this time they are all text fields. integration is all flat file export (CVS). No real API connectivity. No real pc footprint – plugins require a PDF reader and Crystal reports runtime engine Security is basic but effective No real upgrade methodology. They do have a users group and collect data 2xs a year. Upgrades come when they come. At v 2.50 No integration methodology. Integration to enterprise systems is relatively new to them. They have basic support services bundled into the subscription cost. Most support issues come directly online through a feature in the application. They get about 2 a day and they’re often just “How to..” questions. They are open to partnerships to assist in development, integration, PM, marketing but so far only tried development services which were costly and largely ineffective Slowly moving to .NET, right now it’s .ASP and SQLServer Code is not an executable and accessible – not good!