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I have the following code and I need to know why I am receiving the following errors:
Error 1 error C2436: '{ctor}' : member function or nested class in constructor initializer list
(line 287)
Error 2 error C2436: '{ctor}' : member function or nested class in constructor initializer list
(line 385)
using namespace std;
enum contactGroupType
{// used in extPersonType
class addressType
string st_address;
string city;
string state;
int zip;
void print(string, string, string, int)const;
void setStreet(string);
string getStreet()const;
void setCity(string);
string getCity()const;
void setState(string);
string getState()const;
void setZip(int);
int getZip()const;
void set(string, string, string, int);// set all address fields
string get()const;// get address as one concatenated string
// ~addressType();
class personType
string firstName;
string lastName;
void print()const;
void setName(string first, string last);
string getFirstName()const;
string getLastName()const;
string get()const;// return First Last names concatenated
personType & operator=(const personType &);
personType(string, string);
class dateType
int dMonth;
int dDay;
int dYear;
void setDate(int month, int day, int year);
int getDay()const;
int getMonth()const;
int getYear()const;
void print()const;
string get()const;// return string representation as DD/MM/YYYY
dateType & operator=(const dateType & d);
dateType(int, int, int);
class extPersonType :public personType {
addressType address;// added members
dateType birthday;
contactGroupType group;
string phone;
// methods
void setPhone(string);
string getPhone()const;
void setGroup(contactGroupType);
contactGroupType getGroup()const;
void setBirthday(int, int, int);
dateType getBirthday()const;
void print();
string get()const;// return string representation of ext person type
extPersonType & operator=(const extPersonType & p);
string groupToString(contactGroupType)const;
contactGroupType extPersonType::stringToGroup(string)const;
// constructors
extPersonType(string first, string last);
// because we have no arrayListType, we are using our own
// implementation with a small subset of functions
class arrayListType
extPersonType array[500];
int size;
extPersonType & operator[](int i);
void removeLast();// remove last element
void add(const extPersonType &);// add new element
int getSize()const;// get array size
class addressBookType :public arrayListType
static const char FS = 't';// field separator in file (TAB char)
int current;// current position
string fileName;// filename
fstream fileStream;// file as fstream
/* filiters */
contactGroupType fltGroup;
string fltFromLast, fltToLast;
dateType fltFromDate, fltTiDate;
/* flags for effective filters */
bool fltStatus, fltLast, fltDateRange, fltDate;
/* field numbering in the file */
static const int _first = 0;
static const int _last = 1;
static const int _street = 2;
static const int _city = 3;
static const int _state = 4;
static const int _phone = 5;
static const int _zip = 6;
static const int _year = 7;
static const int _month = 8;
static const int _day = 9;
static const int _group = 10;
static const int _end = _group;
bool readFile(string);// read file into addressBook array
bool writeFile(string);// pass filename, write to file
void reset();// reset 'current' position
extPersonType * getNext();// allows to navigate in forward direction
/* by group name */
void setFilterStatus(contactGroupType);
/* by last name */
void setFilterLastname(string from, string to);// define range
/* by birthday */
void setFilterBirthday(dateType from, dateType to);
/* clear all filters */
void clearFilters();
void print(int i);// print personal data of [i] person
// Main program
int main()
return 0;
/*****************implementation of print & set function*****/
// constructor with parameters
st_address = "";
city = "";
state = "";
zip = 0;
void addressType::set(string addr, string city, string state, int zip)
this->st_address = addr;
this->city = city;
this->state = state;
this->zip = zip;
void addressType::setStreet(string street)
this->st_address = street;
string addressType::getStreet()const
return this->st_address;
void addressType::setCity(string street)
this->city = street;
string addressType::getState()const
return this->state;
void addressType::setState(string street)
this->st_address = street;
void addressType::setZip(int code)
this->zip = code;
int addressType::getZip()const
return this->zip;
/* personType implementation */
{// constructor
this->setName("", "");
personType::personType(string first, string last){// constructor
this->setName(first, last);
void personType::setName(string first, string last)
firstName = first;
lastName = last;
string personType::getFirstName()const
return firstName;
string personType::getLastName()const
return lastName;
void personType::print()const
cout << get() << " ";
string personType::get()const
return firstName + " " + lastName;
personType & personType::operator=(const personType & p)
setName(p.getFirstName(), p.getLastName());
/* Constructor */
setDate(1, 1, 1900);
dateType::dateType(int d, int m, int y)
setDate(d, m, y);
int dateType::getDay()const
return dDay;
int dateType::getMonth()const
return dMonth;
int dateType::getYear()const
return dYear;
void dateType::setDate(int d, int m, int y)
dDay = d;
dMonth = m;
dYear = y;
void dateType::print()const
cout << get() << " ";
string dateType::get()const
string a;
a = dDay;
a += "/";
a += dMonth;
a += "/";
a += dYear;
return a;
dateType & dateType::operator=(const dateType & d)
this->dDay = d.getDay();
this->dMonth = d.getMonth();
this->dYear = d.getYear();
/* Implementation of extPersonType */
phone = "";
group = UNFILLED;
birthday.setDate(01, 01, 1900);
extPersonType::extPersonType(string first, string last) : personType::personType(first, last)
phone = "";
group = UNFILLED;
birthday.setDate(01, 01, 1900);
void extPersonType::setBirthday(int d, int m, int y)
birthday.setDate(d, m, y);
dateType extPersonType::getBirthday()const
return birthday;
void extPersonType::setGroup(contactGroupType gr)
group = gr;
contactGroupType extPersonType::getGroup()const
return group;
void extPersonType::setPhone(string ph)
phone = ph;
string extPersonType::getPhone()const
return phone;
// Override parent's 'get()' add phone and birthday
string extPersonType::get()const
string result;
result = this->personType::get();
result = result + " " + birthday.get() + " " + phone + " " + groupToString(group);
return result;
extPersonType & extPersonType::operator=(const extPersonType & p)
// first call superclass' operator=
(personType)*this = (personType)p;
// now assign birthday, phone and category
this->phone = p.getPhone();
this->birthday = p.getBirthday();
this->group = p.getGroup();
string extPersonType::groupToString(contactGroupType a)const
string result;
switch (a)
case FAMILY:
result = "FAMILY";
case FRIEND:
result = "FRIEND";
result = "BUSINESS";
result = "";
return result;
contactGroupType extPersonType::stringToGroup(string a)const
contactGroupType result;
if ("FAMILY") == 0) result = FAMILY;
else if("FRIEND") == 0) result = FRIEND;
else if("BUSINESS") == 0) result = BUSINESS;
else result = UNFILLED;
return result;
size = 0;
int arrayListType::getSize()const
return size;
void arrayListType::removeLast()
void arrayListType::add(const extPersonType &p)
array[size++] = p;
extPersonType & arrayListType::operator[](int i)
return array[i];
/* addressBookType implementation */
addressBookType::addressBookType() : arrayListType::arrayListType()
void addressBookType::reset()
current = 0;
void addressBookType::clearFilters()
fltStatus = fltDate = fltLast = fltDateRange = false;
/* Read array from file, return false on error */
bool addressBookType::readFile(string filename)
string line;
string fields[_end + 1];// _last index of the last field
extPersonType p;// temporary 'person' instance
int pos1 = 0, pos2 = 0, index;, ios::in);
reset();// reset 'current' counter
while (!fileStream.eof()){// read line by line
fileStream >> line;
// fields are in the following order:
// first, last, street, city, state, zip, phone, status, year, month, day
for (index = 0; index <= _end; index++) fields[index] = "";// initialize
pos2 = 0; pos1 = -1;
index = 0;
{// read field by field
pos1 = pos2 + 1;// +1 is for field separator
pos2 = line.find(FS, pos1);
fields[index] = line.substr(pos1, pos2 - pos1);// get field from line
while (pos2 >= 0 && index <= _end);
// now fields[] are filled with fields from file
p.setName(fields[_first], fields[_last]);
p.setGroup(p.stringToGroup(fields[_group]));// convert string to enum
// set birthday
// add 'p' to array
// while () next line from file
return true;
// Write to file (stub)
bool addressBookType::writeFile(string filename)
return true;
actually the problem is with lines 285 and 384 erase the lines and try with my code u will be
using namespace std;
enum contactGroupType
{// used in extPersonType
class addressType
string st_address;
string city;
string state;
int zip;
void print(string, string, string, int)const;
void setStreet(string);
string getStreet()const;
void setCity(string);
string getCity()const;
void setState(string);
string getState()const;
void setZip(int);
int getZip()const;
void set(string, string, string, int);// set all address fields
string get()const;// get address as one concatenated string
// ~addressType();
class personType
string firstName;
string lastName;
void print()const;
void setName(string first, string last);
string getFirstName()const;
string getLastName()const;
string get()const;// return First Last names concatenated
personType & operator=(const personType &);
personType(string, string);
class dateType
int dMonth;
int dDay;
int dYear;
void setDate(int month, int day, int year);
int getDay()const;
int getMonth()const;
int getYear()const;
void print()const;
string get()const;// return string representation as DD/MM/YYYY
dateType & operator=(const dateType & d);
dateType(int, int, int);
class extPersonType :public personType {
addressType address;// added members
dateType birthday;
contactGroupType group;
string phone;
// methods
void setPhone(string);
string getPhone()const;
void setGroup(contactGroupType);
contactGroupType getGroup()const;
void setBirthday(int, int, int);
dateType getBirthday()const;
void print();
string get()const;// return string representation of ext person type
extPersonType & operator=(const extPersonType & p);
string groupToString(contactGroupType)const;
contactGroupType extPersonType::stringToGroup(string)const;
// constructors
extPersonType(string first, string last);
// because we have no arrayListType, we are using our own
// implementation with a small subset of functions
class arrayListType
extPersonType array[500];
int size;
extPersonType & operator[](int i);
void removeLast();// remove last element
void add(const extPersonType &);// add new element
int getSize()const;// get array size
class addressBookType :public arrayListType
static const char FS = 't';// field separator in file (TAB char)
int current;// current position
string fileName;// filename
fstream fileStream;// file as fstream
/* filiters */
contactGroupType fltGroup;
string fltFromLast, fltToLast;
dateType fltFromDate, fltTiDate;
/* flags for effective filters */
bool fltStatus, fltLast, fltDateRange, fltDate;
/* field numbering in the file */
static const int _first = 0;
static const int _last = 1;
static const int _street = 2;
static const int _city = 3;
static const int _state = 4;
static const int _phone = 5;
static const int _zip = 6;
static const int _year = 7;
static const int _month = 8;
static const int _day = 9;
static const int _group = 10;
static const int _end = _group;
bool readFile(string);// read file into addressBook array
bool writeFile(string);// pass filename, write to file
void reset();// reset 'current' position
extPersonType * getNext();// allows to navigate in forward direction
/* by group name */
void setFilterStatus(contactGroupType);
/* by last name */
void setFilterLastname(string from, string to);// define range
/* by birthday */
void setFilterBirthday(dateType from, dateType to);
/* clear all filters */
void clearFilters();
void print(int i);// print personal data of [i] person
// Main program
int main()
return 0;
/*****************implementation of print & set function*****/
// constructor with parameters
st_address = "";
city = "";
state = "";
zip = 0;
void addressType::set(string addr, string city, string state, int zip)
this->st_address = addr;
this->city = city;
this->state = state;
this->zip = zip;
void addressType::setStreet(string street)
this->st_address = street;
string addressType::getStreet()const
return this->st_address;
void addressType::setCity(string street)
this->city = street;
string addressType::getState()const
return this->state;
void addressType::setState(string street)
this->st_address = street;
void addressType::setZip(int code)
this->zip = code;
int addressType::getZip()const
return this->zip;
/* personType implementation */
{// constructor
this->setName("", "");
personType::personType(string first, string last){// constructor
this->setName(first, last);
void personType::setName(string first, string last)
firstName = first;
lastName = last;
string personType::getFirstName()const
return firstName;
string personType::getLastName()const
return lastName;
void personType::print()const
cout << get() << " ";
string personType::get()const
return firstName + " " + lastName;
personType & personType::operator=(const personType & p)
setName(p.getFirstName(), p.getLastName());
/* Constructor */
setDate(1, 1, 1900);
dateType::dateType(int d, int m, int y)
setDate(d, m, y);
int dateType::getDay()const
return dDay;
int dateType::getMonth()const
return dMonth;
int dateType::getYear()const
return dYear;
void dateType::setDate(int d, int m, int y)
dDay = d;
dMonth = m;
dYear = y;
void dateType::print()const
cout << get() << " ";
string dateType::get()const
string a;
a = dDay;
a += "/";
a += dMonth;
a += "/";
a += dYear;
return a;
dateType & dateType::operator=(const dateType & d)
this->dDay = d.getDay();
this->dMonth = d.getMonth();
this->dYear = d.getYear();
/* Implementation of extPersonType */
phone = "";
group = UNFILLED;
birthday.setDate(01, 01, 1900);
extPersonType::extPersonType(string first, string last) : personType::personType(first, last)
phone = "";
group = UNFILLED;
birthday.setDate(01, 01, 1900);
void extPersonType::setBirthday(int d, int m, int y)
birthday.setDate(d, m, y);
dateType extPersonType::getBirthday()const
return birthday;
void extPersonType::setGroup(contactGroupType gr)
group = gr;
contactGroupType extPersonType::getGroup()const
return group;
void extPersonType::setPhone(string ph)
phone = ph;
string extPersonType::getPhone()const
return phone;
// Override parent's 'get()' add phone and birthday
string extPersonType::get()const
string result;
result = this->personType::get();
result = result + " " + birthday.get() + " " + phone + " " + groupToString(group);
return result;
extPersonType & extPersonType::operator=(const extPersonType & p)
// first call superclass' operator=
(personType)*this = (personType)p;
// now assign birthday, phone and category
this->phone = p.getPhone();
this->birthday = p.getBirthday();
this->group = p.getGroup();
string extPersonType::groupToString(contactGroupType a)const
string result;
switch (a)
case FAMILY:
result = "FAMILY";
case FRIEND:
result = "FRIEND";
result = "BUSINESS";
result = "";
return result;
contactGroupType extPersonType::stringToGroup(string a)const
contactGroupType result;
if ("FAMILY") == 0) result = FAMILY;
else if("FRIEND") == 0) result = FRIEND;
else if("BUSINESS") == 0) result = BUSINESS;
else result = UNFILLED;
return result;
size = 0;
int arrayListType::getSize()const
return size;
void arrayListType::removeLast()
void arrayListType::add(const extPersonType &p)
array[size++] = p;
extPersonType & arrayListType::operator[](int i)
return array[i];
/* addressBookType implementation */
addressBookType::addressBookType() : arrayListType::arrayListType()
void addressBookType::reset()
current = 0;
void addressBookType::clearFilters()
fltStatus = fltDate = fltLast = fltDateRange = false;
/* Read array from file, return false on error */
bool addressBookType::readFile(string filename)
string line;
string fields[_end + 1];// _last index of the last field
extPersonType p;// temporary 'person' instance
int pos1 = 0, pos2 = 0, index;, ios::in);
reset();// reset 'current' counter
while (!fileStream.eof()){// read line by line
fileStream >> line;
// fields are in the following order:
// first, last, street, city, state, zip, phone, status, year, month, day
for (index = 0; index <= _end; index++) fields[index] = "";// initialize
pos2 = 0; pos1 = -1;
index = 0;
{// read field by field
pos1 = pos2 + 1;// +1 is for field separator
pos2 = line.find(FS, pos1);
fields[index] = line.substr(pos1, pos2 - pos1);// get field from line
while (pos2 >= 0 && index <= _end);
// now fields[] are filled with fields from file
p.setName(fields[_first], fields[_last]);
p.setGroup(p.stringToGroup(fields[_group]));// convert string to enum
// set birthday
// add 'p' to array
// while () next line from file
return true;
// Write to file (stub)
bool addressBookType::writeFile(string filename)
return true;

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  • 2. string get()const;// get address as one concatenated string addressType(); // ~addressType(); }; class personType { private: string firstName; string lastName; public: void print()const; void setName(string first, string last); string getFirstName()const; string getLastName()const; string get()const;// return First Last names concatenated personType & operator=(const personType &); personType(string, string); personType(); }; class dateType { private: int dMonth; int dDay; int dYear; public: void setDate(int month, int day, int year); int getDay()const; int getMonth()const; int getYear()const; void print()const; string get()const;// return string representation as DD/MM/YYYY dateType & operator=(const dateType & d); dateType(int, int, int); dateType(); };
  • 3. class extPersonType :public personType { private: addressType address;// added members dateType birthday; contactGroupType group; string phone; public: // methods void setPhone(string); string getPhone()const; void setGroup(contactGroupType); contactGroupType getGroup()const; void setBirthday(int, int, int); dateType getBirthday()const; void print(); string get()const;// return string representation of ext person type extPersonType & operator=(const extPersonType & p); string groupToString(contactGroupType)const; contactGroupType extPersonType::stringToGroup(string)const; // constructors extPersonType(); extPersonType(string first, string last); }; // because we have no arrayListType, we are using our own // implementation with a small subset of functions class arrayListType { extPersonType array[500]; int size; public: arrayListType(); extPersonType & operator[](int i); void removeLast();// remove last element void add(const extPersonType &);// add new element int getSize()const;// get array size };
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  • 5. /* by birthday */ void setFilterBirthday(dateType from, dateType to); /* clear all filters */ void clearFilters(); void print(int i);// print personal data of [i] person }; // Main program int main() { return 0; } /*****************implementation of print & set function*****/ // constructor with parameters addressType::addressType() { st_address = ""; city = ""; state = ""; zip = 0; } void addressType::set(string addr, string city, string state, int zip) { this->st_address = addr; this->city = city; this->state = state; this->zip = zip; } void addressType::setStreet(string street) { this->st_address = street; } string addressType::getStreet()const { return this->st_address; } void addressType::setCity(string street)
  • 6. { this->city = street; } string addressType::getState()const { return this->state; } void addressType::setState(string street) { this->st_address = street; } void addressType::setZip(int code) { this->zip = code; } int addressType::getZip()const { return this->zip; } /* personType implementation */ personType::personType() {// constructor this->setName("", ""); } personType::personType(string first, string last){// constructor this->setName(first, last); } void personType::setName(string first, string last) { firstName = first; lastName = last; } string personType::getFirstName()const { return firstName; }
  • 7. string personType::getLastName()const { return lastName; } void personType::print()const { cout << get() << " "; } string personType::get()const { return firstName + " " + lastName; } personType & personType::operator=(const personType & p) { setName(p.getFirstName(), p.getLastName()); return*this; } /* Constructor */ dateType::dateType() { setDate(1, 1, 1900); } dateType::dateType(int d, int m, int y) { setDate(d, m, y); } int dateType::getDay()const { return dDay; } int dateType::getMonth()const { return dMonth; } int dateType::getYear()const {
  • 8. return dYear; } void dateType::setDate(int d, int m, int y) { dDay = d; dMonth = m; dYear = y; } void dateType::print()const { cout << get() << " "; } string dateType::get()const { string a; a = dDay; a += "/"; a += dMonth; a += "/"; a += dYear; return a; } dateType & dateType::operator=(const dateType & d) { this->dDay = d.getDay(); this->dMonth = d.getMonth(); this->dYear = d.getYear(); return*this; } /* Implementation of extPersonType */ extPersonType::extPersonType() { phone = ""; group = UNFILLED; birthday.setDate(01, 01, 1900); }
  • 9. extPersonType::extPersonType(string first, string last) : personType::personType(first, last) { phone = ""; group = UNFILLED; birthday.setDate(01, 01, 1900); } void extPersonType::setBirthday(int d, int m, int y) { birthday.setDate(d, m, y); } dateType extPersonType::getBirthday()const { return birthday; } void extPersonType::setGroup(contactGroupType gr) { group = gr; } contactGroupType extPersonType::getGroup()const { return group; } void extPersonType::setPhone(string ph) { phone = ph; } string extPersonType::getPhone()const { return phone; } // Override parent's 'get()' add phone and birthday string extPersonType::get()const { string result; result = this->personType::get(); result = result + " " + birthday.get() + " " + phone + " " + groupToString(group);
  • 10. return result; } extPersonType & extPersonType::operator=(const extPersonType & p) { // first call superclass' operator= (personType)*this = (personType)p; // now assign birthday, phone and category this->phone = p.getPhone(); this->birthday = p.getBirthday(); this->group = p.getGroup(); return*this; } string extPersonType::groupToString(contactGroupType a)const { string result; switch (a) { case FAMILY: result = "FAMILY"; break; case FRIEND: result = "FRIEND"; break; case BUSINESS: result = "BUSINESS"; break; case UNFILLED: result = ""; break; } return result; } contactGroupType extPersonType::stringToGroup(string a)const { contactGroupType result; if ("FAMILY") == 0) result = FAMILY;
  • 11. else if("FRIEND") == 0) result = FRIEND; else if("BUSINESS") == 0) result = BUSINESS; else result = UNFILLED; return result; } arrayListType::arrayListType() { size = 0; } int arrayListType::getSize()const { return size; } void arrayListType::removeLast() { size--; } void arrayListType::add(const extPersonType &p) { array[size++] = p; } extPersonType & arrayListType::operator[](int i) { return array[i]; } /* addressBookType implementation */ addressBookType::addressBookType() : arrayListType::arrayListType() { reset(); clearFilters(); } void addressBookType::reset() { current = 0; } void addressBookType::clearFilters()
  • 12. { fltStatus = fltDate = fltLast = fltDateRange = false; } /* Read array from file, return false on error */ bool addressBookType::readFile(string filename) { string line; string fields[_end + 1];// _last index of the last field extPersonType p;// temporary 'person' instance int pos1 = 0, pos2 = 0, index;, ios::in); reset();// reset 'current' counter clearFilters(); while (!fileStream.eof()){// read line by line fileStream >> line; // fields are in the following order: // first, last, street, city, state, zip, phone, status, year, month, day for (index = 0; index <= _end; index++) fields[index] = "";// initialize pos2 = 0; pos1 = -1; index = 0; do {// read field by field pos1 = pos2 + 1;// +1 is for field separator pos2 = line.find(FS, pos1); fields[index] = line.substr(pos1, pos2 - pos1);// get field from line index++; } while (pos2 >= 0 && index <= _end); // now fields[] are filled with fields from file p.setName(fields[_first], fields[_last]); p.setPhone(fields[_phone]); p.setGroup(p.stringToGroup(fields[_group]));// convert string to enum // set birthday p.getBirthday().setDate(atoi(fields[_month].c_str()), atoi(fields[_day].c_str()), atoi(fields[_year].c_str()));
  • 13. // add 'p' to array this->add(p); } // while () next line from file fileStream.close(); return true; } // Write to file (stub) bool addressBookType::writeFile(string filename) { return true; } Solution actually the problem is with lines 285 and 384 erase the lines and try with my code u will be getting #include #include using namespace std; enum contactGroupType {// used in extPersonType FAMILY, FRIEND, BUSINESS, UNFILLED }; class addressType { private: string st_address; string city; string state; int zip; public: void print(string, string, string, int)const;
  • 14. void setStreet(string); string getStreet()const; void setCity(string); string getCity()const; void setState(string); string getState()const; void setZip(int); int getZip()const; void set(string, string, string, int);// set all address fields string get()const;// get address as one concatenated string addressType(); // ~addressType(); }; class personType { private: string firstName; string lastName; public: void print()const; void setName(string first, string last); string getFirstName()const; string getLastName()const; string get()const;// return First Last names concatenated personType & operator=(const personType &); personType(string, string); personType(); }; class dateType { private: int dMonth; int dDay; int dYear; public: void setDate(int month, int day, int year);
  • 15. int getDay()const; int getMonth()const; int getYear()const; void print()const; string get()const;// return string representation as DD/MM/YYYY dateType & operator=(const dateType & d); dateType(int, int, int); dateType(); }; class extPersonType :public personType { private: addressType address;// added members dateType birthday; contactGroupType group; string phone; public: // methods void setPhone(string); string getPhone()const; void setGroup(contactGroupType); contactGroupType getGroup()const; void setBirthday(int, int, int); dateType getBirthday()const; void print(); string get()const;// return string representation of ext person type extPersonType & operator=(const extPersonType & p); string groupToString(contactGroupType)const; contactGroupType extPersonType::stringToGroup(string)const; // constructors extPersonType(); extPersonType(string first, string last); }; // because we have no arrayListType, we are using our own // implementation with a small subset of functions class arrayListType {
  • 16. extPersonType array[500]; int size; public: arrayListType(); extPersonType & operator[](int i); void removeLast();// remove last element void add(const extPersonType &);// add new element int getSize()const;// get array size }; class addressBookType :public arrayListType { private: static const char FS = 't';// field separator in file (TAB char) int current;// current position string fileName;// filename fstream fileStream;// file as fstream /* filiters */ contactGroupType fltGroup; string fltFromLast, fltToLast; dateType fltFromDate, fltTiDate; /* flags for effective filters */ bool fltStatus, fltLast, fltDateRange, fltDate; /* field numbering in the file */ static const int _first = 0; static const int _last = 1; static const int _street = 2; static const int _city = 3; static const int _state = 4; static const int _phone = 5; static const int _zip = 6; static const int _year = 7; static const int _month = 8; static const int _day = 9; static const int _group = 10; static const int _end = _group; public:
  • 17. addressBookType(); bool readFile(string);// read file into addressBook array bool writeFile(string);// pass filename, write to file void reset();// reset 'current' position extPersonType * getNext();// allows to navigate in forward direction /* by group name */ void setFilterStatus(contactGroupType); /* by last name */ void setFilterLastname(string from, string to);// define range /* by birthday */ void setFilterBirthday(dateType from, dateType to); /* clear all filters */ void clearFilters(); void print(int i);// print personal data of [i] person }; // Main program int main() { return 0; } /*****************implementation of print & set function*****/ // constructor with parameters addressType::addressType() { st_address = ""; city = ""; state = ""; zip = 0; } void addressType::set(string addr, string city, string state, int zip) { this->st_address = addr; this->city = city; this->state = state; this->zip = zip; }
  • 18. void addressType::setStreet(string street) { this->st_address = street; } string addressType::getStreet()const { return this->st_address; } void addressType::setCity(string street) { this->city = street; } string addressType::getState()const { return this->state; } void addressType::setState(string street) { this->st_address = street; } void addressType::setZip(int code) { this->zip = code; } int addressType::getZip()const { return this->zip; } /* personType implementation */ personType::personType() {// constructor this->setName("", ""); } personType::personType(string first, string last){// constructor this->setName(first, last); }
  • 19. void personType::setName(string first, string last) { firstName = first; lastName = last; } string personType::getFirstName()const { return firstName; } string personType::getLastName()const { return lastName; } void personType::print()const { cout << get() << " "; } string personType::get()const { return firstName + " " + lastName; } personType & personType::operator=(const personType & p) { setName(p.getFirstName(), p.getLastName()); return*this; } /* Constructor */ dateType::dateType() { setDate(1, 1, 1900); } dateType::dateType(int d, int m, int y) { setDate(d, m, y); } int dateType::getDay()const
  • 20. { return dDay; } int dateType::getMonth()const { return dMonth; } int dateType::getYear()const { return dYear; } void dateType::setDate(int d, int m, int y) { dDay = d; dMonth = m; dYear = y; } void dateType::print()const { cout << get() << " "; } string dateType::get()const { string a; a = dDay; a += "/"; a += dMonth; a += "/"; a += dYear; return a; } dateType & dateType::operator=(const dateType & d) { this->dDay = d.getDay(); this->dMonth = d.getMonth(); this->dYear = d.getYear();
  • 21. return*this; } /* Implementation of extPersonType */ extPersonType::extPersonType() { phone = ""; group = UNFILLED; birthday.setDate(01, 01, 1900); } extPersonType::extPersonType(string first, string last) : personType::personType(first, last) { phone = ""; group = UNFILLED; birthday.setDate(01, 01, 1900); } void extPersonType::setBirthday(int d, int m, int y) { birthday.setDate(d, m, y); } dateType extPersonType::getBirthday()const { return birthday; } void extPersonType::setGroup(contactGroupType gr) { group = gr; } contactGroupType extPersonType::getGroup()const { return group; } void extPersonType::setPhone(string ph) { phone = ph; } string extPersonType::getPhone()const
  • 22. { return phone; } // Override parent's 'get()' add phone and birthday string extPersonType::get()const { string result; result = this->personType::get(); result = result + " " + birthday.get() + " " + phone + " " + groupToString(group); return result; } extPersonType & extPersonType::operator=(const extPersonType & p) { // first call superclass' operator= (personType)*this = (personType)p; // now assign birthday, phone and category this->phone = p.getPhone(); this->birthday = p.getBirthday(); this->group = p.getGroup(); return*this; } string extPersonType::groupToString(contactGroupType a)const { string result; switch (a) { case FAMILY: result = "FAMILY"; break; case FRIEND: result = "FRIEND"; break; case BUSINESS: result = "BUSINESS"; break; case UNFILLED:
  • 23. result = ""; break; } return result; } contactGroupType extPersonType::stringToGroup(string a)const { contactGroupType result; if ("FAMILY") == 0) result = FAMILY; else if("FRIEND") == 0) result = FRIEND; else if("BUSINESS") == 0) result = BUSINESS; else result = UNFILLED; return result; } arrayListType::arrayListType() { size = 0; } int arrayListType::getSize()const { return size; } void arrayListType::removeLast() { size--; } void arrayListType::add(const extPersonType &p) { array[size++] = p; } extPersonType & arrayListType::operator[](int i) { return array[i]; } /* addressBookType implementation */ addressBookType::addressBookType() : arrayListType::arrayListType()
  • 24. { reset(); clearFilters(); } void addressBookType::reset() { current = 0; } void addressBookType::clearFilters() { fltStatus = fltDate = fltLast = fltDateRange = false; } /* Read array from file, return false on error */ bool addressBookType::readFile(string filename) { string line; string fields[_end + 1];// _last index of the last field extPersonType p;// temporary 'person' instance int pos1 = 0, pos2 = 0, index;, ios::in); reset();// reset 'current' counter clearFilters(); while (!fileStream.eof()){// read line by line fileStream >> line; // fields are in the following order: // first, last, street, city, state, zip, phone, status, year, month, day for (index = 0; index <= _end; index++) fields[index] = "";// initialize pos2 = 0; pos1 = -1; index = 0; do {// read field by field pos1 = pos2 + 1;// +1 is for field separator pos2 = line.find(FS, pos1); fields[index] = line.substr(pos1, pos2 - pos1);// get field from line index++; }
  • 25. while (pos2 >= 0 && index <= _end); // now fields[] are filled with fields from file p.setName(fields[_first], fields[_last]); p.setPhone(fields[_phone]); p.setGroup(p.stringToGroup(fields[_group]));// convert string to enum // set birthday p.getBirthday().setDate(atoi(fields[_month].c_str()), atoi(fields[_day].c_str()), atoi(fields[_year].c_str())); // add 'p' to array this->add(p); } // while () next line from file fileStream.close(); return true; } // Write to file (stub) bool addressBookType::writeFile(string filename) { return true; }