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I Believe In God Book Report
I'm going to start off my report with a story from a philosophy book named 'Plato and a Platypus walk into a bar' by Thomas Cathcart and Daniel
Klein; Holmes and Watson are on a camping trip. In the middle of the night Holmes wakes up and gives Dr. Watson a nudge. "Watson," he says,
"look up in the sky and tell me what you see." "I see millions of stars, Holmes," says Watson. "And what do you conclude from that, Watson?" Watson
thinks for a moment. "Well," he says, "astronomically, it tells me that there are millions of galaxies and potentially billions of planets. Astrologically, I
observe that Saturn is in Leo. Horologically, I deduce that the time is approximately a quarter past three. Meteorologically, I suspect that we will have more content...
To atheists, God may be a fiction that some people (Christians etc.) choose to hide behind when they are trying to find their own motivation to
behave well. 'The Big Questions: God' by Mark Vernon compares this childish ploy of believers to a parent who 'bribes their child with a promise
of jam tomorrow' (Page 177, 'Can we be good without God?') If you see an elderly lady is struggling to carry her shopping bags and know that the
RIGHT thing to do is to help her, this is not because a bearded man in the sky has told you to do so but because of the feeling of human sympathy
and because your conscientiousness is so desirable and admirable because you tell yourself to be helpful and a good human. But why be good without
God? Because they can. Humans are boiling with many different emotions and may strike out if angry, jealous or upset but once that heat has died
down aren't they much more reasonable and back to being sincere? Mathew Legge, a theoretical atheist, reasons that right and wrong choices come
from upbringing and personal experiences; something that seems right to me can be completely wrong to someone
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Personal Narrative: I Believe In God
I think the main purpose is to believe in god. I say this because throughout his whole career he always did something that god wanted him to do and
kept going down the path that god wanted him to go. He never went for a job because of the money, he always prayed to god for help and he wants
us to do that too because it will lead us to great things, like being a coach or be the first to make time travel. No one knows until they have tried it.
A passage that stood out to me was in the high 100 and low 200. This touched me because he got fired but never gave up hope and knew that he got
fired for a reason because God had something else planned for him. He never yelled at the team for getting him fired, he just thanked them for the
opportunity and walked off the field because he knew that he was fired only because God more content...
This made me like the book even more because I like God and he taught me new things about God; this was just a huge part for me. I loved how he
included versions from the bible and talked with them with his players and always did something only if God wanted him to do it.
"I got hurt late in my sophomore year of football, and that caused me to give up basketball after only one season." This quote is just not a random one
for me. I picked this quote because that is one of the reasons why I don't play football. Basketball is my main sport and I would be devastated if I
didn't get to play of a whole year so I don't go out for football to risk it.
"We both felt like theIndianapolis Colts were a better fit for us. Jim Irsay's phone message had touched both of us. We decided that God was
continuing the football dream for the Dungys." This stood out to me because he puts so much faith into God. Instead of him looking for a job and
stressing out, he just sits there and let decide what he should do next. Event thought he liked coaching he is willing to wait until God decided what to
do with
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College Admissions Essay: Why I Believe In God
I was raised in a Christian home. My parents and siblings always reminded me the importance of having God in our lives and how grateful we
should be for what we have and what we do not. My parents taught us to be confident, and to always dream big for what we want in life. My dad
would often tell us a famous quote that, "Life is what you make it.". And he would emphasize on how important our decisions in life are, and that
we're ultimately responsible for the things that we do. And so I pursued to do just that. I pursued to dream big and see life in confidence and faith in God
In grade–school, I was a joyful young child; living my life with confidence and assurance. But I saw myself too highly and lived with too much
certainty about myself and my future that it might have been to a fault. I had won achievements in golf, won a few tournaments, and made my parents
proud. In those years, I maintained medium to high grades, and thought that school was too boring and at times too easy. I just wanted to get to the part
where I become a scientist, inventor, and an more content...
Moments, completely oblivious to us as children, that can change the path of our future. Moments separated by differences in time, put together to
complete a purpose in the end. But I cared less about 'moments' as I was an arrogant, overconfident, and impatient child; I thought my future was set,
and that nothing was going to come in between me and my 'dreams'.
My world however, began to crumble during the final years of grade–school. I went through problems at home and in school. I hated how I was a bully
to people. My attitude was one
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Do You Believe in God and Why?
Do you believe in God and why?
With over 20 major religions in today's world, God is the most recognized superior power. We are told to believe that this God is a supernatural
being: one of a group of supernatural male beings in some religions, each of which is worshiped as the personification or controller of some aspect of
the universe. God is the English name given to a singular being in theistic and deistic religions who is either the sole deity in monotheism, or a single
deity in polytheism. Theologians have ascribed a variety of attributes to the many concepts of God. The most common among these include
omniscience (infinite knowledge), omnipotence (unlimited power), omnipresence (present everywhere), divine simplicity, and more
Every ideology, philosophy, or cultural tradition has inconsistencies and contradictions, so this should not be surprising– but other ideologies and
traditions aren't alleged to be created or sanctioned systems for following the requirements of a god.
I think that Gods are too similar to believers. A few cultures, like ancient Greece, have made their own gods which appear to be as natural as human
beings, but in general gods are supernatural. This means that they are fundamentally different from human beings or anything on earth. Despite this,
however, theists consistently describe their gods in ways that make the supernatural appear almost ordinary. God's share so many characteristics with
humans that it has been argued that gods were made in the image of man. I also feel that Gods and believers behave immorally. In most religions,
gods are supposed to be the source of all morality. For most believers, their religion represents an institution for promoting perfect morality. In reality
though, religions are responsible for widespread immorality and gods have characteristics or histories which make them worse than the most degraded
human murderer. No one would tolerate such behavior on the part of a person, but when with a god it becomes creditable – even an example to follow.
Closely associated with taking action that should be
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Why Humans Believe On God
Why Humans Believe in God
The topic of god is always a hasty matter; does God exist? This question is usually followed by a set of other questions, does God exists
independently of the human mind, or is God a creation of humans? So which is which? God is merely a figment of people's imagination; humans have
created God because they need order in their daily lives and since humans are all the same, they want to believe in an all–powerful being that could
show them the way. Now some argument that back up this ideology could be that, humans created God because they are the only creatures with
evolved imaginations, and that God did not create the universe, but he created and/or provided the universe with meaning. There are also some
objections that follow this way of thinking, for example: humans did not create God; God has to exist, because something must have cause the universe
to occur in the beginning. Or that if humans created God how could have God created the meaning of the universe. There are many theories and many
objection to this concept, this is all because human have developed independent ways of thinking, so each persons theory of life is extremely, or slightly
different than the others.
The first reason behind this theory is that humans created God because they are the only creatures with evolved imaginations. The illusion of God
often helps create a transcendental social society. A Transcendental social society gives people the capability to live mostly in their
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Do You Believe? God? Essay
Do You Believe in God? Do you believe in a higher power that cannot be touched or seen? Some people believe that there is a higher power known
as "God" and others do not believe that someone can exist that cannot be seen or touched. God is known to be "Infinitely good" according to
philosopher Saint Thomas Aquinas, but other philosophers such as Fredrik Bendz' do not believe that a God can exist because it simply is not
logical. Everyone has their own reasons to why or why not God exists, but in this essay I am going to discuss why I believe in God, the evidence,
philosophical position that is closest to my views, and the possible criticisms. In my own experience, I have to say that I do believe in God more
than anything else in this world. I grew up in a Christian home since I was a little girl and I have always been involved in the church. Over the
years I have found that many people have tried to explain why God cannot simply exist because He simply is not tangible. In my opinion I believe
this to be false because I have learned that without God I cannot make it through the daily struggles that life brings me. Even though He is not
"tangible" I feel Him all the time and I simply go on faith that He is real. Everyone believes in something that comforts them and that they believe
happens to them when they die. I believe that even though I cannot see or touch God I know He is watching over me and keeping me safe. If
someone were to ask me if they could convince me to
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Essay on Believing in God's Existence
Believing in God's Existence
Theism is a reasonable idea. Theologians have traditionally used several philosophical proofs in arguing for the existence of God. In my paper I will
briefly discuss different arguments that have been used to prove God's existence. These are as follows: Cosmological; Teleological; Ontological;
Religious Experience and Evil. These arguments are not always persuasive, but that probably says as much about us as it does about the arguments.
People most often reject God for reasons other than logic. These arguments, however, do provide insights that, while not proving the existence of God,
do provide insights that may be used to show evidence of His existence. more content...
This is proof of the existence of a perfect and consistent God.
When you see a tree with its branches waving in the wind do you believe there is a wind out there blowing the branches of the tree? You cannot see
the wind, but you can see what it does, and so you know it is there. We can use the same example with air. We know that there is air all around us.
Through science we know we cannot survive without it. We cannot see it, but we breathe it in and let it out of our lungs, and it keeps us alive. We
know it is there because we know what it does.
The first argument I will talk about will be the Cosmological argument. It attempts to prove God exists through features of the universe, such as
causes and effects. Thomas Aquinas is one of the most famous philosophers to argue for the existence of God in this way. In fact, he has five
arguments but I will only discuss two of them. In the first he notes that everything in the world has a cause. Nothing has ever caused itself. We can
look back at events through history and determine exactly how they came about. But Aquinas says this process can't simply have been going on
forever. We do not live in an infinite world. Therefore there must have been a 'first cause', something infinite that did not need to be caused itself, but
that has set
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I Believe There is Only One God Essay
I would like to begin this paper with saying that I emphatically believe that there is only one God. I do not believe for the health of ones spiritual life
that entertaining the thought or existence of multiple deities is an intelligent decision. Those that believe in multiplicity of Gods can be found in many
different religions including but not limited to Christianity. I grew up being taught these false teachings about who God was and how he operated in the
lives of his followers.
There is a misconception among many Pentecostals about what most 'Trinitarians' in the twenty–first century believe. Understand when I say this, I am
not condoning their beliefs or teachings in any way, shape, form or fashion. I am simply trying to shine more content...
Later on in life I am introduced to what is commonly known as "Oneness" and I can see God for who He truly is when reading His scriptures.
Reading through the Old Testament you will see scripture after scripture that refers to God as one. All in all it has been tallied and there are over three
thousand in the Old Testament alone that refer to God as one. That fact alone should be enough to convince anyone that there is only One God.
As God moved on me through prayer and fasting He revealed scripture upon scripture in His word to me that showed the unity of the Father, Son, and
Holy Spirit and how they were in no way separate but were truly in complete unity and harmony in everything that they done because they were one in
the same.
I will at this point attempt to explain a couple of scriptures that moved me in my understanding of who God really is.
In John 4:7–11 Philip had just been told by Jesus that if he had known him then he knew the Father. Philips response was to ask Jesus to see the father
and let him know that would suffice them all. What stuck out to me while studying and reading this and caused me to see Jesus was the father was
Jesus' response. He was astonished that Philip didn't understand that He was the father. Almost as if He couldn't believe that Philip would ask such a
question or even question him not being God. So Jesus 'dumbed' it down for them
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I Believe About God Research Paper
What do you believe about God? I believe that God is not a man or a woman, but a spirit, a feeling of sorts. He is the feeling you have when you
are worshipping together as a church, or when you're working together to all get through a low ropes course. For example, I believe the stories of
Jesus walking on water or making bread rain in a desert were not actual events, but analogies to a lesson learned from them.
How do you think God works in the world today?
God works in the world by performing miracles. Whenever a lost dog comes home, or a person wins their battle against cancer. When someone gets
rescued from the rubble of a earthquake, or a dried out desert gets their first sprinkling of rain for the first time in a long time.
How has your belief in God changed during the Confirmation journey? more content...
Before I joined confirmation, I was confused on why people go to church. It seemed like a burden or a waste of time. Now because of confirmation, I
know that your faith in God does not depend on whether you go to church on Sunday morning. It's so much more. Faith to me is experiencing
something that moves you in some way, and reflecting on it through God. For example, when we went on our retreat and dropped the eggs. Instead of
just doing the activity, we talked about how the egg, straws and tape relates to our faith and Jesus. Doing this, the concept of the activity helped me
understand that the straws and tape represented the "support system" of the
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Morality and God
Can a person be moral and not believe in God
PHI 103 Informal Logic
Date of Submission
Morality only exists if we believe in God; therefore if God doesn't exist there is no morality. There have been so many evil acts committed in the name
of God that it is difficult to maintain that a belief in God equates to morality. There are situations that happen every day where decisions are made
based off of human rights that contradict the word of God. Morality comes from within, it is an understanding of right versus wrong and the ability to
choose what is right. Knowing all this a belief in God is not a requirement for a person to be moral. (Mosser, 2011)
We are taught that morals are basically the difference more content...
If you do not fear the wrath of God, there is nothing to stop you from committing immoral acts, or any crimes for that matter. Any situation can be
overlooked because there is no fear of punishment without a fear of God. Only a person with a firm belief in God can be considered moral because
they fear His punishment and desire his reward. God is the only person great enough to enforce moral standards, without his guidance there can be no
binding morals. Moral standards come from God and without Him a person cannot be moral.
When we talk in absolutes we ignore possibilities that exist outside of our beliefs. There are many examples of individuals that believed in God who
acted immorally, as well as examples of people who do not believe in God acting with good morals. Their beliefs do not determine their morality, their
acts do. If we are to base morality solely on a belief in God then which believer do we follow? Do we follow the believer who commits crimes, or only
the believer who is an upstanding member of society?
Adolf Hitler was raised as a Catholic, and in his adult life spoke of his religious beliefs. He wanted to create a pure Germany, through a religion known
as positive Christianity. Positive Christianity removed the Jewish elements from the standard Christianity doctrine and replaced them with Nazi
philosophy. More than six million Jewish people were killed during the Holocaust in the ideal of positive Christianity. Bill Gates is
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I Don T Believe In God Essay
I don't believe in God
When Carl Jung was asked if he believed in God, he responded: I don't believe–I know. I don't pretend to know God but I have stopped just believing
in Him/Her/It. I experience God. When people say they believe in God, they are usually talking about believing a doctrine or dogma about God which is
couched in human words. For example, the first line of the Nicene Creed–I believe in God the father almighty, creator of heaven and earth–is a string of
words about God. The word sugar is not sugar. You can talk about it and study how sugar is made but until you taste it, you won't really know sugar.
Once you taste it, words become less important and you won't be attached to the words.
Experiencing God without words (doctrines) is like driving to your home without a map. I can drive to my home from four directions using different
streets and entrances to the complex. I don't need a map, or GPS to do that, because I know where my house is and I have the experience of living
there. However, a first time visitor to my house will need more content...
As a nation, we spent 839 billion dollars for the military (2015 budget), but only spent 120 billion for education. Believers in God will fight tooth
and nail against any reduction in military spending; believers in God have no problem taking a huge salary for them, but refuse to pay a meager
salary for their workers. Believers in God abort a million babies in this country every year. Twenty five percent of married men cheat on their wives,
but ninety nine percent of them believe in God. Many believers are so afraid of their own shadows that they sleep with guns under their pillow. Belief
in God does not mean that we behave in a godly
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Hailey Siefken: Why I Believe In God
Hailey Siefken I believe in God. I'm a Christian. I have been all my life. My family is very Christian too so that is a big part of why I believe in
God. But another big part is that he answered my family's prayers and healed my little cousin, Caleb, when he was born with a crack in his skull.
When my aunt Missy was pregnant and getting close to her due date, the doctors noticed something wrong with the baby. When he was born there
was a huge bump on his head. It was because he had a crack in his skull and blood from it made a giant blood bubble on his head. We prayed and
prayed for it to get better. The doctors didn't know if he was going to live. But soon the bump started going down. Eventually it all healed up. Now
he's 5 years old
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Important Of Faith And Faith Essay
Important of Faith?
Faith is important to have for us to receive the promises of God. It is the root to Christianity. Faith
is important in our daily walk and in our truth. We have to believe God word is true. He's the one who
created us and not doubt Him. We believe by faith thatJesus live, died and rose on the third day. He is
our heavenly Father He wants us to call on Him in good times and bad times and depend solely on
him. Faith it is to nourished, cultivated and increased over time and be practice; however the more we
put our trust in God the more faith we develop. Faith is important because of our decision we making in
our daily lives. Faith makes something happening or not" Deuteronomy 30:19." Our faith is laid upon
what the Word says and to learn more of God and grow. It is crucial that we grow in faith. It is a
precious possessions of one of the key point of everything in our lives of God's approval that we can
receive, and it is the key to the Kingdom of God and eternal life "Mark 10:15." Faith is important, it is
the source of our strength and the pillars of all action of men and the hope of assurance. God is our
Father and it take faith to believe in Him "Hebrew 11:6." With faith it can deliver as long as we work
and excise it, so that God performs His word as long as we obey. Trust the Lord, He know what is best,
follow your heart try new things, serving others try to do what the Lord would do, this will bring
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Pascal Thinks It Is Reasonable To Believe In God
Pascal thinks it is reasonable to believe in God because you have nothing to lose by doing so. If you go your whole life believing in God and if God
does indeed exist that you have gained happiness. If you believe in God and God does not exist then you have lost nothing. But if you do not believe in
God and God does exists then you will gain pain and sorrow. If you do not believe in God and God does not exist you have gained nothing and lost
nothing. Therefore you have everything to gain and nothing to lose by believing in God, so why wouldn't one want to do so. Someone may object
this reasoning because following Pascal's reasoning would mean that you are believing in God just for the payoff. Believing in God just for the payoff
is wrong,
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In my experience, simply stating I believe in God is not typically recognized to be a denominational preference. The expectation of believers is to
choose a specific label of religion. Nevertheless, every denomination of Christianity shares belief in the same God. The varieties of Christianity hold
individual perceptions of Christian requirements. For example, the Catholic denominations believe in infant Baptism. As oppose to, the Baptist belief
of Baptism at an age of consent ( communication, November 14, 2003). In addition, nondenominational churches
support a no pressure approach to the Lord. In my opinion, belief in one God need only require one religion and one set of beliefs. Born into a practicing more content...
The worst kind of sin is Eternal. Eternal sins consist of murder, suicide, or blasphemy. Committing Eternal sin is considered unforgivable and
punishable to Eternal Damnation. I must say, I am in complete agreement with this belief. Another classification of sin is Venial. Venial sins include
any sin, other than Eternal. Venial sins are rated by penance, the number of prayers a priest assigns following confession. The priests place judgment
on confessors to administer a correct amount of penance. Yet, the Bible clearly states, "Thou shall not judge". After years of participation in
Catholicism, I find Catholic's to be arrogant and materialistic. Granted, this is only my perception, other churches and other families may support
different views. Nonetheless, Catholic in a word means universal, all, or throughout. The church seems to hold supreme seniority, then God.
Catholic's believe in the Holy Church as representation of the House of God. The build and decor of the church is exaggerated with symbolism. The
manner of Catholicism is comparable to a government. As a mother of two, I feel guilty for I am an irresponsible Christian. Although, I do teach my
children God comes before all, Jesus died for our sins, and The Ten Commandments. Our family does not belong to one church. We do however; attend
services for diverse denominations. I fear my failed attempts selecting a specific denomination may veer my children from God. In the course of our
quest, my
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Summary: I Believe In God
The godless nature of communism and a photographic narrative of bipolar disorder provided the idea for my Reaction Response 1, which recounts my
coming–of–age through atheism. I Don't Believe in God, but I Believe in Acceptance, the title of my Reaction Response 1, came from the title of an
article I read in the New York Times Magazine called I Don't Believe inGod, but I Believe in Lithium. Written by Jaime Lowe, the narrative focuses on
the history of lithium as a treatment for psychiatric conditions, including bipolar disorder; the authors 20–year struggle with bipolar disorder; and
Lowe's discovery that lithium, the medication keeping her lucid, weakens her liver. In an effort to say goodbye to the medication, that she must give
up for the sake of preventing liver failure, Lowe travels to the Salar de Uyuni salt flats of Bolivia. Photographs of Salar de Uyuni splice the article to
create a beautiful and more content...
The first quote, "...through questioning and challenging, not conforming and accepting," reflects relates to my personal investigation into religion, rather
than a blind compliance to religion. The second quote, "A sixteen–year–old girl...who shows up to church with her green Mohawk and FUCK JESUS
shirt..." shows a young woman rebelling against her belief in God. I never rebelled against organized religion to the extremity of the fictional teenager;
but, I support the idea. As, I assume, ЕЅiЕѕek, my main muse, supports the idea. Slavoj ЕЅiЕѕek, a Slovenian philosopher and communist, appears in
numerous videos, which I watch with the passion of a young radical. ЕЅiЕѕek's leftist politics appeal to some of my own political beliefs. Like me,
ЕЅiЕѕek condemns the 2003 occupation of Iraq for destroying a secular country which led to the rise of extremist organizations; and he professes
support for a free
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Why Believe in God?
Why believe in God? Does a powerful, compassionate, intelligent, and ultimate being exist who is the focal point of all creation? In this paper I will
answer many questions regarding the existence of God, and give credible explanations on why we should all believe in God. Faith, belief, and
knowledge are three separate things within one; each goes hand in hand regarding the existence of God. Life is not a game; we were all created for a
reason and purpose beyond our own understanding. Why throw away something so precious, when there is more to life than what we see now.
Creation demands a creator, and every human being that has taken a breath on planet earth, was created out of love. There was no big bang, and
certainly no such thing as evolution. God created us. There is an unmatched amount of logical reasons why believing in God is the only thing worth
living for.
The utter and clear–cut feeling that something is true or real, is believing. Beliefs are ideas and concepts that come from the mind. There are some
things that can only be taught through dedicated practice and repetition. Believing is something we are all born with, it's not learned at school, or
developed later in life. It's always within the mind, but believing in God doesn't just come from the mind. It takes every bit of a person to fully
commit and believe, because a belief is not an absolute truth, its no simple task. It takes a lot of commitment and dedication. It takes every last bit of a
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God Reflection Paper
I believe that all Scripture is breathed–out by God, and is profitable for doctrine, reproof, correction, and instruction in righteousness (2 Timothy 3.16).
The Bible was written by "holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost" (2 Peter 1.20–21). Because it is completely inspired by God,
the Word of God is the definition of objective truth (John 17.7), for it is "true from the beginning" (Psalm 119.160) and God "cannot lie" (Titus
1.2). It is pure and holy (Proverbs 30.5). The Word of God has existed since the beginning (John 1.1) and "endureth for ever" (Psalm 119.160). The
Word of God is living, "powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints
and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart" (Hebrews 4.12). It will be the judge of humanity "at the last day" (John
12.48). I believe in God, Who has existed "from everlasting to everlasting" (Psalm 90.2), and Who is introduced as the Creator of "the heavens
and the earth" in Genesis 1:1. "God is a Spirit" and demands to be worshiped "in spirit and in truth" (John 4.24). God has revealed His "eternal
power and Godhead" to humanity (Romans 1.20), His glory (Psalm 19.1) and His wrath "against all ungodliness" (Romans 1.18) through Creation.
The Word of God is God, and so God has revealed Himself through His Word (John 1.1). There is no other God besides the LORD (Isaiah 45.5). God is
"merciful and gracious, slow to
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Why I Believe In God Essay
Why I believe in God
For my adult Catholic trying to lead the Christ–life, it is useful to recall the reasons for believing. It is helpful to review why we know that God is exists.
Is there a God? Is there a God above and beyond us all? Above our life and death, above our joys and sorrows, above our world and space program? For
thinking people, this is really the important question. Is there a God?
People have been asking this questions for as long as people have been thinking, but now so much more is known about this world and about us. There
are answers and ideas never known before. The great think, Thomas Aquinas, lived in the 13th century. Not until the 17th century did man discover the
microscope, cell structure, the circulation more content...
The brain has 10 billion cells that never sleep, and these cells are linked with billions of inter–connectors. It is an electro–chemical network that runs
the body. In some brain areas a hundred million cells fit into a cubic inch, and every one is connected to at least 60,000 others. It is an awesome mass,
sophisticated, untiring, elaborately protected.
Your eyes
The way in which you see things–see the printed material–is because of incredible design. The back of the eye, or retina, is part of the brain itself. Your
eyes are a camera, with the size of the pupil adjusting to light and the eyeball adjusting to distance, so that light rays focus on your retina. The retina has
125 million tiny rods and several million cones, so that your brain gets the picture, and in Technicolor. There are even chemical adjustments for night
vision. The eye sees at one time several hundred million visual fragments, and the brain pieces them together and interprets them to see the important
Your eyelids
The eyeball is bathed, behind and in front, by salt water that cleans it. The water is constantly being manufactured. The tear system is the admiration
of any designer. There are glands to product tears, two drainpipes to carry excess water down to the nose, grease glands to protect the lower lids, and
even a special chemical in the water to destroy bacteria. And all this is fitted into such a compact space.
Your ears
Hear the sound waves enter the ear, and
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I Believe In God Book Report

  • 1. I Believe In God Book Report I'm going to start off my report with a story from a philosophy book named 'Plato and a Platypus walk into a bar' by Thomas Cathcart and Daniel Klein; Holmes and Watson are on a camping trip. In the middle of the night Holmes wakes up and gives Dr. Watson a nudge. "Watson," he says, "look up in the sky and tell me what you see." "I see millions of stars, Holmes," says Watson. "And what do you conclude from that, Watson?" Watson thinks for a moment. "Well," he says, "astronomically, it tells me that there are millions of galaxies and potentially billions of planets. Astrologically, I observe that Saturn is in Leo. Horologically, I deduce that the time is approximately a quarter past three. Meteorologically, I suspect that we will have more content... To atheists, God may be a fiction that some people (Christians etc.) choose to hide behind when they are trying to find their own motivation to behave well. 'The Big Questions: God' by Mark Vernon compares this childish ploy of believers to a parent who 'bribes their child with a promise of jam tomorrow' (Page 177, 'Can we be good without God?') If you see an elderly lady is struggling to carry her shopping bags and know that the RIGHT thing to do is to help her, this is not because a bearded man in the sky has told you to do so but because of the feeling of human sympathy and because your conscientiousness is so desirable and admirable because you tell yourself to be helpful and a good human. But why be good without God? Because they can. Humans are boiling with many different emotions and may strike out if angry, jealous or upset but once that heat has died down aren't they much more reasonable and back to being sincere? Mathew Legge, a theoretical atheist, reasons that right and wrong choices come from upbringing and personal experiences; something that seems right to me can be completely wrong to someone Get more content on
  • 2. Personal Narrative: I Believe In God I think the main purpose is to believe in god. I say this because throughout his whole career he always did something that god wanted him to do and kept going down the path that god wanted him to go. He never went for a job because of the money, he always prayed to god for help and he wants us to do that too because it will lead us to great things, like being a coach or be the first to make time travel. No one knows until they have tried it. A passage that stood out to me was in the high 100 and low 200. This touched me because he got fired but never gave up hope and knew that he got fired for a reason because God had something else planned for him. He never yelled at the team for getting him fired, he just thanked them for the opportunity and walked off the field because he knew that he was fired only because God more content... This made me like the book even more because I like God and he taught me new things about God; this was just a huge part for me. I loved how he included versions from the bible and talked with them with his players and always did something only if God wanted him to do it. "I got hurt late in my sophomore year of football, and that caused me to give up basketball after only one season." This quote is just not a random one for me. I picked this quote because that is one of the reasons why I don't play football. Basketball is my main sport and I would be devastated if I didn't get to play of a whole year so I don't go out for football to risk it. "We both felt like theIndianapolis Colts were a better fit for us. Jim Irsay's phone message had touched both of us. We decided that God was continuing the football dream for the Dungys." This stood out to me because he puts so much faith into God. Instead of him looking for a job and stressing out, he just sits there and let decide what he should do next. Event thought he liked coaching he is willing to wait until God decided what to do with Get more content on
  • 3. College Admissions Essay: Why I Believe In God I was raised in a Christian home. My parents and siblings always reminded me the importance of having God in our lives and how grateful we should be for what we have and what we do not. My parents taught us to be confident, and to always dream big for what we want in life. My dad would often tell us a famous quote that, "Life is what you make it.". And he would emphasize on how important our decisions in life are, and that we're ultimately responsible for the things that we do. And so I pursued to do just that. I pursued to dream big and see life in confidence and faith in God . In grade–school, I was a joyful young child; living my life with confidence and assurance. But I saw myself too highly and lived with too much certainty about myself and my future that it might have been to a fault. I had won achievements in golf, won a few tournaments, and made my parents proud. In those years, I maintained medium to high grades, and thought that school was too boring and at times too easy. I just wanted to get to the part where I become a scientist, inventor, and an more content... Moments, completely oblivious to us as children, that can change the path of our future. Moments separated by differences in time, put together to complete a purpose in the end. But I cared less about 'moments' as I was an arrogant, overconfident, and impatient child; I thought my future was set, and that nothing was going to come in between me and my 'dreams'. My world however, began to crumble during the final years of grade–school. I went through problems at home and in school. I hated how I was a bully to people. My attitude was one Get more content on
  • 4. Do You Believe in God and Why? Do you believe in God and why? With over 20 major religions in today's world, God is the most recognized superior power. We are told to believe that this God is a supernatural being: one of a group of supernatural male beings in some religions, each of which is worshiped as the personification or controller of some aspect of the universe. God is the English name given to a singular being in theistic and deistic religions who is either the sole deity in monotheism, or a single deity in polytheism. Theologians have ascribed a variety of attributes to the many concepts of God. The most common among these include omniscience (infinite knowledge), omnipotence (unlimited power), omnipresence (present everywhere), divine simplicity, and more content... Every ideology, philosophy, or cultural tradition has inconsistencies and contradictions, so this should not be surprising– but other ideologies and traditions aren't alleged to be created or sanctioned systems for following the requirements of a god. I think that Gods are too similar to believers. A few cultures, like ancient Greece, have made their own gods which appear to be as natural as human beings, but in general gods are supernatural. This means that they are fundamentally different from human beings or anything on earth. Despite this, however, theists consistently describe their gods in ways that make the supernatural appear almost ordinary. God's share so many characteristics with humans that it has been argued that gods were made in the image of man. I also feel that Gods and believers behave immorally. In most religions, gods are supposed to be the source of all morality. For most believers, their religion represents an institution for promoting perfect morality. In reality though, religions are responsible for widespread immorality and gods have characteristics or histories which make them worse than the most degraded human murderer. No one would tolerate such behavior on the part of a person, but when with a god it becomes creditable – even an example to follow. Closely associated with taking action that should be Get more content on
  • 5. Why Humans Believe On God Why Humans Believe in God The topic of god is always a hasty matter; does God exist? This question is usually followed by a set of other questions, does God exists independently of the human mind, or is God a creation of humans? So which is which? God is merely a figment of people's imagination; humans have created God because they need order in their daily lives and since humans are all the same, they want to believe in an all–powerful being that could show them the way. Now some argument that back up this ideology could be that, humans created God because they are the only creatures with evolved imaginations, and that God did not create the universe, but he created and/or provided the universe with meaning. There are also some objections that follow this way of thinking, for example: humans did not create God; God has to exist, because something must have cause the universe to occur in the beginning. Or that if humans created God how could have God created the meaning of the universe. There are many theories and many objection to this concept, this is all because human have developed independent ways of thinking, so each persons theory of life is extremely, or slightly different than the others. The first reason behind this theory is that humans created God because they are the only creatures with evolved imaginations. The illusion of God often helps create a transcendental social society. A Transcendental social society gives people the capability to live mostly in their Get more content on
  • 6. Do You Believe? God? Essay Do You Believe in God? Do you believe in a higher power that cannot be touched or seen? Some people believe that there is a higher power known as "God" and others do not believe that someone can exist that cannot be seen or touched. God is known to be "Infinitely good" according to philosopher Saint Thomas Aquinas, but other philosophers such as Fredrik Bendz' do not believe that a God can exist because it simply is not logical. Everyone has their own reasons to why or why not God exists, but in this essay I am going to discuss why I believe in God, the evidence, philosophical position that is closest to my views, and the possible criticisms. In my own experience, I have to say that I do believe in God more than anything else in this world. I grew up in a Christian home since I was a little girl and I have always been involved in the church. Over the years I have found that many people have tried to explain why God cannot simply exist because He simply is not tangible. In my opinion I believe this to be false because I have learned that without God I cannot make it through the daily struggles that life brings me. Even though He is not "tangible" I feel Him all the time and I simply go on faith that He is real. Everyone believes in something that comforts them and that they believe happens to them when they die. I believe that even though I cannot see or touch God I know He is watching over me and keeping me safe. If someone were to ask me if they could convince me to Get more content on
  • 7. Essay on Believing in God's Existence Believing in God's Existence Theism is a reasonable idea. Theologians have traditionally used several philosophical proofs in arguing for the existence of God. In my paper I will briefly discuss different arguments that have been used to prove God's existence. These are as follows: Cosmological; Teleological; Ontological; Religious Experience and Evil. These arguments are not always persuasive, but that probably says as much about us as it does about the arguments. People most often reject God for reasons other than logic. These arguments, however, do provide insights that, while not proving the existence of God, do provide insights that may be used to show evidence of His existence. more content... This is proof of the existence of a perfect and consistent God. When you see a tree with its branches waving in the wind do you believe there is a wind out there blowing the branches of the tree? You cannot see the wind, but you can see what it does, and so you know it is there. We can use the same example with air. We know that there is air all around us. Through science we know we cannot survive without it. We cannot see it, but we breathe it in and let it out of our lungs, and it keeps us alive. We know it is there because we know what it does. The first argument I will talk about will be the Cosmological argument. It attempts to prove God exists through features of the universe, such as causes and effects. Thomas Aquinas is one of the most famous philosophers to argue for the existence of God in this way. In fact, he has five arguments but I will only discuss two of them. In the first he notes that everything in the world has a cause. Nothing has ever caused itself. We can look back at events through history and determine exactly how they came about. But Aquinas says this process can't simply have been going on forever. We do not live in an infinite world. Therefore there must have been a 'first cause', something infinite that did not need to be caused itself, but that has set Get more content on
  • 8. I Believe There is Only One God Essay I would like to begin this paper with saying that I emphatically believe that there is only one God. I do not believe for the health of ones spiritual life that entertaining the thought or existence of multiple deities is an intelligent decision. Those that believe in multiplicity of Gods can be found in many different religions including but not limited to Christianity. I grew up being taught these false teachings about who God was and how he operated in the lives of his followers. There is a misconception among many Pentecostals about what most 'Trinitarians' in the twenty–first century believe. Understand when I say this, I am not condoning their beliefs or teachings in any way, shape, form or fashion. I am simply trying to shine more content... Later on in life I am introduced to what is commonly known as "Oneness" and I can see God for who He truly is when reading His scriptures. Reading through the Old Testament you will see scripture after scripture that refers to God as one. All in all it has been tallied and there are over three thousand in the Old Testament alone that refer to God as one. That fact alone should be enough to convince anyone that there is only One God. As God moved on me through prayer and fasting He revealed scripture upon scripture in His word to me that showed the unity of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit and how they were in no way separate but were truly in complete unity and harmony in everything that they done because they were one in the same. I will at this point attempt to explain a couple of scriptures that moved me in my understanding of who God really is. In John 4:7–11 Philip had just been told by Jesus that if he had known him then he knew the Father. Philips response was to ask Jesus to see the father and let him know that would suffice them all. What stuck out to me while studying and reading this and caused me to see Jesus was the father was Jesus' response. He was astonished that Philip didn't understand that He was the father. Almost as if He couldn't believe that Philip would ask such a question or even question him not being God. So Jesus 'dumbed' it down for them Get more content on
  • 9. I Believe About God Research Paper What do you believe about God? I believe that God is not a man or a woman, but a spirit, a feeling of sorts. He is the feeling you have when you are worshipping together as a church, or when you're working together to all get through a low ropes course. For example, I believe the stories of Jesus walking on water or making bread rain in a desert were not actual events, but analogies to a lesson learned from them. How do you think God works in the world today? God works in the world by performing miracles. Whenever a lost dog comes home, or a person wins their battle against cancer. When someone gets rescued from the rubble of a earthquake, or a dried out desert gets their first sprinkling of rain for the first time in a long time. How has your belief in God changed during the Confirmation journey? more content... Before I joined confirmation, I was confused on why people go to church. It seemed like a burden or a waste of time. Now because of confirmation, I know that your faith in God does not depend on whether you go to church on Sunday morning. It's so much more. Faith to me is experiencing something that moves you in some way, and reflecting on it through God. For example, when we went on our retreat and dropped the eggs. Instead of just doing the activity, we talked about how the egg, straws and tape relates to our faith and Jesus. Doing this, the concept of the activity helped me understand that the straws and tape represented the "support system" of the Get more content on
  • 10. Morality and God Can a person be moral and not believe in God Name PHI 103 Informal Logic Instructor Date of Submission Morality only exists if we believe in God; therefore if God doesn't exist there is no morality. There have been so many evil acts committed in the name of God that it is difficult to maintain that a belief in God equates to morality. There are situations that happen every day where decisions are made based off of human rights that contradict the word of God. Morality comes from within, it is an understanding of right versus wrong and the ability to choose what is right. Knowing all this a belief in God is not a requirement for a person to be moral. (Mosser, 2011) We are taught that morals are basically the difference more content... If you do not fear the wrath of God, there is nothing to stop you from committing immoral acts, or any crimes for that matter. Any situation can be overlooked because there is no fear of punishment without a fear of God. Only a person with a firm belief in God can be considered moral because they fear His punishment and desire his reward. God is the only person great enough to enforce moral standards, without his guidance there can be no binding morals. Moral standards come from God and without Him a person cannot be moral. When we talk in absolutes we ignore possibilities that exist outside of our beliefs. There are many examples of individuals that believed in God who acted immorally, as well as examples of people who do not believe in God acting with good morals. Their beliefs do not determine their morality, their acts do. If we are to base morality solely on a belief in God then which believer do we follow? Do we follow the believer who commits crimes, or only the believer who is an upstanding member of society? Adolf Hitler was raised as a Catholic, and in his adult life spoke of his religious beliefs. He wanted to create a pure Germany, through a religion known as positive Christianity. Positive Christianity removed the Jewish elements from the standard Christianity doctrine and replaced them with Nazi philosophy. More than six million Jewish people were killed during the Holocaust in the ideal of positive Christianity. Bill Gates is
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  • 12. I Don T Believe In God Essay I don't believe in God When Carl Jung was asked if he believed in God, he responded: I don't believe–I know. I don't pretend to know God but I have stopped just believing in Him/Her/It. I experience God. When people say they believe in God, they are usually talking about believing a doctrine or dogma about God which is couched in human words. For example, the first line of the Nicene Creed–I believe in God the father almighty, creator of heaven and earth–is a string of words about God. The word sugar is not sugar. You can talk about it and study how sugar is made but until you taste it, you won't really know sugar. Once you taste it, words become less important and you won't be attached to the words. Experiencing God without words (doctrines) is like driving to your home without a map. I can drive to my home from four directions using different streets and entrances to the complex. I don't need a map, or GPS to do that, because I know where my house is and I have the experience of living there. However, a first time visitor to my house will need more content... As a nation, we spent 839 billion dollars for the military (2015 budget), but only spent 120 billion for education. Believers in God will fight tooth and nail against any reduction in military spending; believers in God have no problem taking a huge salary for them, but refuse to pay a meager salary for their workers. Believers in God abort a million babies in this country every year. Twenty five percent of married men cheat on their wives, but ninety nine percent of them believe in God. Many believers are so afraid of their own shadows that they sleep with guns under their pillow. Belief in God does not mean that we behave in a godly Get more content on
  • 13. Hailey Siefken: Why I Believe In God Hailey Siefken I believe in God. I'm a Christian. I have been all my life. My family is very Christian too so that is a big part of why I believe in God. But another big part is that he answered my family's prayers and healed my little cousin, Caleb, when he was born with a crack in his skull. When my aunt Missy was pregnant and getting close to her due date, the doctors noticed something wrong with the baby. When he was born there was a huge bump on his head. It was because he had a crack in his skull and blood from it made a giant blood bubble on his head. We prayed and prayed for it to get better. The doctors didn't know if he was going to live. But soon the bump started going down. Eventually it all healed up. Now he's 5 years old Get more content on
  • 14. Important Of Faith And Faith Essay Important of Faith? Faith is important to have for us to receive the promises of God. It is the root to Christianity. Faith is important in our daily walk and in our truth. We have to believe God word is true. He's the one who created us and not doubt Him. We believe by faith thatJesus live, died and rose on the third day. He is our heavenly Father He wants us to call on Him in good times and bad times and depend solely on him. Faith it is to nourished, cultivated and increased over time and be practice; however the more we put our trust in God the more faith we develop. Faith is important because of our decision we making in our daily lives. Faith makes something happening or not" Deuteronomy 30:19." Our faith is laid upon what the Word says and to learn more of God and grow. It is crucial that we grow in faith. It is a precious possessions of one of the key point of everything in our lives of God's approval that we can receive, and it is the key to the Kingdom of God and eternal life "Mark 10:15." Faith is important, it is the source of our strength and the pillars of all action of men and the hope of assurance. God is our Father and it take faith to believe in Him "Hebrew 11:6." With faith it can deliver as long as we work
  • 15. and excise it, so that God performs His word as long as we obey. Trust the Lord, He know what is best, follow your heart try new things, serving others try to do what the Lord would do, this will bring blessing Get more content on
  • 16. Pascal Thinks It Is Reasonable To Believe In God Pascal thinks it is reasonable to believe in God because you have nothing to lose by doing so. If you go your whole life believing in God and if God does indeed exist that you have gained happiness. If you believe in God and God does not exist then you have lost nothing. But if you do not believe in God and God does exists then you will gain pain and sorrow. If you do not believe in God and God does not exist you have gained nothing and lost nothing. Therefore you have everything to gain and nothing to lose by believing in God, so why wouldn't one want to do so. Someone may object this reasoning because following Pascal's reasoning would mean that you are believing in God just for the payoff. Believing in God just for the payoff is wrong, Get more content on
  • 17. In my experience, simply stating I believe in God is not typically recognized to be a denominational preference. The expectation of believers is to choose a specific label of religion. Nevertheless, every denomination of Christianity shares belief in the same God. The varieties of Christianity hold individual perceptions of Christian requirements. For example, the Catholic denominations believe in infant Baptism. As oppose to, the Baptist belief of Baptism at an age of consent ( communication, November 14, 2003). In addition, nondenominational churches support a no pressure approach to the Lord. In my opinion, belief in one God need only require one religion and one set of beliefs. Born into a practicing more content... The worst kind of sin is Eternal. Eternal sins consist of murder, suicide, or blasphemy. Committing Eternal sin is considered unforgivable and punishable to Eternal Damnation. I must say, I am in complete agreement with this belief. Another classification of sin is Venial. Venial sins include any sin, other than Eternal. Venial sins are rated by penance, the number of prayers a priest assigns following confession. The priests place judgment on confessors to administer a correct amount of penance. Yet, the Bible clearly states, "Thou shall not judge". After years of participation in Catholicism, I find Catholic's to be arrogant and materialistic. Granted, this is only my perception, other churches and other families may support different views. Nonetheless, Catholic in a word means universal, all, or throughout. The church seems to hold supreme seniority, then God. Catholic's believe in the Holy Church as representation of the House of God. The build and decor of the church is exaggerated with symbolism. The manner of Catholicism is comparable to a government. As a mother of two, I feel guilty for I am an irresponsible Christian. Although, I do teach my children God comes before all, Jesus died for our sins, and The Ten Commandments. Our family does not belong to one church. We do however; attend services for diverse denominations. I fear my failed attempts selecting a specific denomination may veer my children from God. In the course of our quest, my Get more content on
  • 18. Summary: I Believe In God The godless nature of communism and a photographic narrative of bipolar disorder provided the idea for my Reaction Response 1, which recounts my coming–of–age through atheism. I Don't Believe in God, but I Believe in Acceptance, the title of my Reaction Response 1, came from the title of an article I read in the New York Times Magazine called I Don't Believe inGod, but I Believe in Lithium. Written by Jaime Lowe, the narrative focuses on the history of lithium as a treatment for psychiatric conditions, including bipolar disorder; the authors 20–year struggle with bipolar disorder; and Lowe's discovery that lithium, the medication keeping her lucid, weakens her liver. In an effort to say goodbye to the medication, that she must give up for the sake of preventing liver failure, Lowe travels to the Salar de Uyuni salt flats of Bolivia. Photographs of Salar de Uyuni splice the article to create a beautiful and more content... The first quote, "...through questioning and challenging, not conforming and accepting," reflects relates to my personal investigation into religion, rather than a blind compliance to religion. The second quote, "A sixteen–year–old girl...who shows up to church with her green Mohawk and FUCK JESUS shirt..." shows a young woman rebelling against her belief in God. I never rebelled against organized religion to the extremity of the fictional teenager; but, I support the idea. As, I assume, ЕЅiЕѕek, my main muse, supports the idea. Slavoj ЕЅiЕѕek, a Slovenian philosopher and communist, appears in numerous videos, which I watch with the passion of a young radical. ЕЅiЕѕek's leftist politics appeal to some of my own political beliefs. Like me, ЕЅiЕѕek condemns the 2003 occupation of Iraq for destroying a secular country which led to the rise of extremist organizations; and he professes support for a free Get more content on
  • 19. Why Believe in God? Why believe in God? Does a powerful, compassionate, intelligent, and ultimate being exist who is the focal point of all creation? In this paper I will answer many questions regarding the existence of God, and give credible explanations on why we should all believe in God. Faith, belief, and knowledge are three separate things within one; each goes hand in hand regarding the existence of God. Life is not a game; we were all created for a reason and purpose beyond our own understanding. Why throw away something so precious, when there is more to life than what we see now. Creation demands a creator, and every human being that has taken a breath on planet earth, was created out of love. There was no big bang, and certainly no such thing as evolution. God created us. There is an unmatched amount of logical reasons why believing in God is the only thing worth living for. Believing The utter and clear–cut feeling that something is true or real, is believing. Beliefs are ideas and concepts that come from the mind. There are some things that can only be taught through dedicated practice and repetition. Believing is something we are all born with, it's not learned at school, or developed later in life. It's always within the mind, but believing in God doesn't just come from the mind. It takes every bit of a person to fully commit and believe, because a belief is not an absolute truth, its no simple task. It takes a lot of commitment and dedication. It takes every last bit of a Get more content on
  • 20. God Reflection Paper I believe that all Scripture is breathed–out by God, and is profitable for doctrine, reproof, correction, and instruction in righteousness (2 Timothy 3.16). The Bible was written by "holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost" (2 Peter 1.20–21). Because it is completely inspired by God, the Word of God is the definition of objective truth (John 17.7), for it is "true from the beginning" (Psalm 119.160) and God "cannot lie" (Titus 1.2). It is pure and holy (Proverbs 30.5). The Word of God has existed since the beginning (John 1.1) and "endureth for ever" (Psalm 119.160). The Word of God is living, "powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart" (Hebrews 4.12). It will be the judge of humanity "at the last day" (John 12.48). I believe in God, Who has existed "from everlasting to everlasting" (Psalm 90.2), and Who is introduced as the Creator of "the heavens and the earth" in Genesis 1:1. "God is a Spirit" and demands to be worshiped "in spirit and in truth" (John 4.24). God has revealed His "eternal power and Godhead" to humanity (Romans 1.20), His glory (Psalm 19.1) and His wrath "against all ungodliness" (Romans 1.18) through Creation. The Word of God is God, and so God has revealed Himself through His Word (John 1.1). There is no other God besides the LORD (Isaiah 45.5). God is "merciful and gracious, slow to Get more content on
  • 21. Why I Believe In God Essay Why I believe in God For my adult Catholic trying to lead the Christ–life, it is useful to recall the reasons for believing. It is helpful to review why we know that God is exists. Is there a God? Is there a God above and beyond us all? Above our life and death, above our joys and sorrows, above our world and space program? For thinking people, this is really the important question. Is there a God? People have been asking this questions for as long as people have been thinking, but now so much more is known about this world and about us. There are answers and ideas never known before. The great think, Thomas Aquinas, lived in the 13th century. Not until the 17th century did man discover the microscope, cell structure, the circulation more content... The brain has 10 billion cells that never sleep, and these cells are linked with billions of inter–connectors. It is an electro–chemical network that runs the body. In some brain areas a hundred million cells fit into a cubic inch, and every one is connected to at least 60,000 others. It is an awesome mass, sophisticated, untiring, elaborately protected. Your eyes The way in which you see things–see the printed material–is because of incredible design. The back of the eye, or retina, is part of the brain itself. Your eyes are a camera, with the size of the pupil adjusting to light and the eyeball adjusting to distance, so that light rays focus on your retina. The retina has 125 million tiny rods and several million cones, so that your brain gets the picture, and in Technicolor. There are even chemical adjustments for night vision. The eye sees at one time several hundred million visual fragments, and the brain pieces them together and interprets them to see the important things. Your eyelids The eyeball is bathed, behind and in front, by salt water that cleans it. The water is constantly being manufactured. The tear system is the admiration of any designer. There are glands to product tears, two drainpipes to carry excess water down to the nose, grease glands to protect the lower lids, and even a special chemical in the water to destroy bacteria. And all this is fitted into such a compact space. Your ears Hear the sound waves enter the ear, and
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