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Hypothalamus and the Pituitary
Dr K. Nyatanga
• Describe the physiologic and anatomic
relationships between the
hypothalamus and pituitary.
• Identify the hypothalamic releasing
and inhibitory factors controlling the
secretion of each of the anterior
pituitary hormones.
• Know the posterior & anterior pituitary
hormones, their functions and
conditions that result from deficiency
and oversecretion
Hypothalamus and pituitary
 This consortium forms the most
complex and dominant portion of the
entire endocrine system
 Output of this unit regulates the
function of the thyroid gland, adrenal
gland and also shares in control of
somatic growth, lactation, milk
secretion and water metabolism
Hypothalamus and pituitary
Hypothalamic function
 Plays a key role in the regulation of
pituitary function
 It receives afferents from
◦ Thalamus
◦ Limbic system
◦ reticular formation
◦ Eyes
◦ Neocortex
Pituitary gland
Embryological development of the pituitary
1. The hypophysis is an amalgam of two tissues.
2. Early in gestation a finger of ectoderm grows upward from the
roof of the mouth.
3. This protrusion is called Rathke's pouch and will develop into the
anterior pituitary or adenohypophysis.
4. Another finger of ectodermal tissue envaginates ventrally from the
developing brain.
5. This extension of the ventral brain will become the posterior
pituitary or neurohypophysis.
6. The two tissues grow into one another and become tightly
 Pituitary lies in the sella turcica of
sphenoid bone below hypothalamus at
base of brain
 Blood supply is from the superior and
inferior hypophyseal arteries
 There is a portal system from the
median eminence
 Pituitary has two lobes the anterior
and the posterior
 Traditionally cells are divided into
chromophobes and chromophils
 Chromophobes contain and secrete
 Chromophils are further divided into
basophils and acidophils
 Acidophils secrete GH and Prolactin
while basophils secrete ACTH, TSH,
LH, and FSH
Neuroendocrine roles
 The neurohypophysis is an extension
of the hypothalamus.
◦ neurohypophysis (posterior or neural
◦ It composed of bundles of axons from
hypothalamic neurosecretory neurons
intermixed with glial cells.
 2 hormones ADH and oxytocin are
synthesised in the hypothalamus, stored
and secreted by posterior pituitary
 Close connections with the ANS allow
coordination btwn ANS and pituitary
 Therefore pituitary function can be
influenced by pain, sleep, emotion,
light and possibly thought
 HP axis is under the influence of blood
borne substances and neural input
Hypophysiotropic hormones
 These are hormones secreted by the
hypothalamus which influence pituitary
 They are either releasing or inhibiting
 The hormones include CRH, TRH,
GHRH, GnRH, Dopamine, serotonin
 Anterior pituitary is exposed to higher
concentration of these hormones than
 Most are peptides except dopamine
 It was once believed that each factor
was responsible for release of one
pitiutary hormone.
 However, this is not the case
 TRH increases prolactin release and
somatostatin can inhibit release of
TSH in addition to GH
 Dopamine (PIF) inhibit prolactin
Hypothalamic Pituitary Axis
Posterior Pituitary
Post Pituitary
 It is responsible for secretion of
vasopressin and oxytocin
 These are nonapeptides or
octapeptides depending on whether
cysteine or cystine is considered
 The structures of the two hormones
are similar, with 2 different amino acid
 They are synthesised in the
Post Pituitary
 Vasopressin is synthesised mainly in
the SON and oxytocin is synthesised
mainly in the PVN, although both
nuclei produce each hormone
 Due to the similarity in structure
vasopressin has 20% of the activity of
oxytocin and oxytocin has 0.5% to 1%
of the activity of vasopressin
Arginine vasopressin and
What would happen to the
secretion of posterior pituitary
hormones if there was
transection of the connection
between the hypothalamus and
pituitary gland?
Arginine vasopressin(ADH)
 Basically involved in the regulation of
water balance and blood pressure
 Acts on 3 receptors V1 (V1a, V1b), V2
and (V3)
 V2 is through the mediation of cAMP
and V1 (IP3 and DAG)
Physiological effects of ADH
 Increases permeability of collecting
ducts to water
 Increases urea reabsorption in the
inner medullary collecting duct
 Increase sodium absorption in TAL by
activating the NaK-2 Cl transporter
Physiological effects of ADH
 Vasoconstriction
 Increases glycogenolysis in the liver
 Depresses the cardiovascular centres
 Increases ACTH secretion from
corticotrophes (stress)
 Increases synthesis of factor VIII and
Increasing permeability of
collecting ducts to water
 Through V2 receptors(cAMP)
 Involves insertion of water channels in
the luminal membrane known as
 There are several types of aquaporins:
1, 2, 3, 6 and 7 are found in the
kidney, 4 in the brain and 5 in salivary
 Vasopressin acts to increase the
concentration of aquaporin 2 on
Stimuli which increase the
secretion of vasopressin
 Increased osmotic pressure of
 Decreased ECF volume(at least
20 %), (via cardiopulmonary
 Angiotensin II,
 Pain, emotion,stress
Stimuli which increase the
secretion of vasopressin include
 Nausea and vomiting
 Standing,
 Adrenergic stimuli
 Nicotine,
 Morphine,
 Carbamazepine
 Exercise
Stimuli which increase the
secretion of vasopressin include
Factors decreasing secretion
 Decreased effective osmotic pressure
 Increased ECF volume
 Alcohol
 Parasympathetic innervation
 Stretching of the atrial baroreceptors
 Atrial natriuretic peptide
 Clonidine
 Haloperidol
Clinical Correlates
 Excess ADH leads to SIADH
 Insufficient ADH leads to Diabetes
Syndrome of Inappropriate ADH
secretion (SIADH)
 Due to inappropriately elevated ADH
that cause water retention in excess of
 Excess water causes dilutional
Causes of SIADH
 Malignancy eg lung ,
 Trauma –head injury , post surgery
 Cerebrum diseases eg infections like
 Stimulation of volume receptors like in
artificial ventilation
 Drug induced eg
 Infections eg pneumonia
 Diseases in the lung also decrease
tonic inhibition of ADH secretion
leading to an increase in ADH
 This will result in hyponatremia
 Excessive ECF volume will be lowered
by the ‘escape phenomenon’
 It is treated using demeclocycline
Features of the syndrome
 Hyponatremia (Na+ < 135 mmol/L)
 Hypotonicity ( osmolality
<280moSm/kg )
 Urine osmolality (>100moSm/kg)
 Increased urinary Na+
Diabetes Insipidus
 Is due to deficient secretion of ADH
 The symptoms are polyuria and
 It can be neurogenic or nephrogenic
Nephrogenic DI
 One interesting form of this condition is
inherited X – Linked receessive
 Gene for V2 is located on the X
 It can also be due to lithium or
hypercalcemia or hypokalemia
 It does not respond to desmopressin (a
vasopressin analogue)
 It can be treated using thiazide diuretics
Nephrogenic DI
 It can be treated using thiazide
How do thiazides act???
 Is derived from oxy- meaning rapid
and tocia meaning labour
 Acts on oxytocin receptors(PLC)
which uses Ca ++ as a second
Actions of Oxytocin
 On the mammary gland: it is important for
the milk let down reflex
 Augmentation of labour by increasing
uterine contractions
 Ejaculation in males
 May be involved in luteolysis
 May be responsible for propulsion of
sperms in the female during or after
Secretion can be increased by
 Suckling
 Stimulation of female external
genitalia and cervix
 Thought of the baby, (tender thoughts)
 Cervical dilatation
 Progesterone decreases synthesis of
oxytocin receptors
 Towards labour estrogen increases
the synthesis of oxytocin receptors in
the myometrium
Side effects of oxytocin overdose
 Water intoxication
 Neonatal jaundice
 Uterine overstimulation-uterine rupture
 Hypotension (transient)
Secretion decreased by
 Pain or physical discomfort
 Breast feeding under embarrassing
 Fear and anger
Clinical correlates
 Deficiency of this hormone has no
known problems
Anterior Pituitary
 Hormones secreted by the gland
appear to divide into 3 groups
 A) ACTH Related peptides
e.g. ACTH, B endorphin, B
Lipotropin , B MSH
 B) Glycoproteins
eg FSH, TSH and LH
 C) Somatomammotropins
 They have two subunits an alpha and
 Alpha subunits are identical or closely
similar and they do not have biological
 Beta chains confer hormone specificity
 Beta chains alone have little biological
c) Somatomammotropins
 Prolactin
 GH
Growth Hormone
 Secreted by somatomammotrophs of
 Wide range of metabolic activity which
may involve every type of cell
 Some of its effects are mediated by
 GH release is controlled by GHRH
and GHIH (somatostatin)
GH secretion rate reflects
 Metabolic requirements (decreased
glucose, increased Aas)
 Neural factors (eg stress, circadian
 Gene for GH is on chr 17
 hGH has intrinsic lactogenic activity
 GH is bound to a protein in plasma
that is a large fragment of EC domain
of receptors
 Concentration of fragment is an index
of number of GH receptor in the
 About half of GH is protein bound and
the T1/2 is 6 – 20 mins
Effects of GH
 In liver
◦ RNA synthesis is increased
◦ Increased protein synthesis
◦ Increased gluconeogenesis, glycogenolysis
◦ Increased somatomedin
◦ In Adipose tissue
◦ Decreased glucose uptake
◦ Increased lipolysis; hence decreased adiposity
In Muscle
 Decreased glucose uptake
 Increased amino acid uptake
 Increased protein synthesis
 Anti insulin effect in muscle
 Increased lean body mass
 Increased calcium absorption in
Gastrointestinal tract and decreased
sodium and potassium excretion in
 Polypeptide growth factors secreted
by liver and other tissues
 Principal circulating somatomedins are
 - IGF I (somatomedin C)
 - IGF II
 They are closely related to insulin but
C chains are not separated
Somatomedins (cont.)
 There are 6 binding proteins
 IGF I is mainly bound to IGFBP 3
 GH increases synthesis of this protein
 The protein directs IGF to their
specific receptors
 IGF receptor is similar to that of insulin
 IGFs are essential for embyronic
Effects of Somatomedins
 Increase protein sythesis
 Increase RNA synthesis
 Increase DNA synthesis
 Increase cell size and number
 This leads to increased organ size and
Effects on chrondrocytes
 Increased amino acid uptake
 Increase protein synthesis
 Increase RNA synthesis
 Increase DNA synthesis
 Increase collagen
 Increase chrondoiton sulfate
 Increase cell size and number
 This increases linear growth
Other effects of
 Stimulate neuronal survival
 Stimulate myelin synthesis
Control of GH release
 Stimulation
◦ Glucose and free fatty acid decrease
◦ Increase in amino acids
◦ Fasting and prolonged caloric deprivation
◦ Deep sleep
◦ Exercise
 Estrogens and androgens
 Dopamine and serotonin
 Alpha adrenergic agonists
 Enkephalins
 Stress (due to pain, surgery,
 Glucose increase
 Free fatty acid increase
 Cortisol
 Obesity
 Pregnancy
 Somatostatin
 hGH
Control of GH secretion
Physiology of growth
 Growth is a complex process
 It is also affected by thyroid hormones,
insulin, glucocorticoids, nutrition and
genetic factors
Role of nutrition
 Food supply is the most important
extrinsic factor affecting growth
 A diet should be adequate in proteins,
vitamins and calories
 Fasting and protein deprivation
decreases IGF secretion
 Age at which deficiency occurs is of
Growth Periods
 In humans there are two periods of rapid
growth which are
 i) Infancy and
 ii) Late puberty before growth stops
 The 2nd growth spurt is due to GH, sex
hormones, and cessation of growth due to
closure of epiphyses
 Sex hormones increase spikes of IGF I
 In infants there is episodic growth
 Thyroid hormones are critical during
this period
 Thyroid hormones potentiate the
action of IGF I and are permissive to
the effects of GH.
 They are necessary for normal GH
 Insulin is also important for growth.
 When deficient, IGF I secretion is
 Adrenocortical hormones other than
androgens have a permissive effect
on growth
 However, Glucocorticoid treatment
can slow or stop growth in children
Catch Up Growth
 In periods of severe stress like
illnesses children do not grow
 They will be below the expected
averages compared to peers of the
same age
 They will, after they recover,
experience a period of growth which is
greater than average to catch up with
their peers – catch up growth
Short Stature
 Short stature can be due to
 i) GHRH deficiency
 ii) GH deficiency
 iii) Deficient secretion of IGF I
 iv) Other causes
 Isolated GH deficiency is usually due
to deficient GHRH
Laron Dwarfs
 Is due to GH insensitivity due to loss
of function mutation in the receptor
 The plasma IGF I and IGFBP 3 are
decreased, while the concentration of
GH is either normal or increased
African Pygmies
 They have a normal GH level and a modest
decrease in plasma level of GHBP
 Plasma [IGF I] fails to increase at the time
of puberty
 However, they experience less growth than
non pygmy controls throughout the pre
pubertal period
 Explanation for short stature is still
Other Causes of short stature
 Cretinism
 Precocious Puberty
 Gonadal dysgenesis (Turner’s
 Chronic abuse and neglect can cause
dwarfism (Psychosocial dwarfism –
Kasper Hauser Syndrome)
 Achondroplasia
 It is the most common form of
dwarfism in humans
 It is characterised by short limbs and a
normal trunk
 It is inherited Autosomal Dominant
with complete penetrance
 It is due to a mutation that codes for
fibroblast growth factor receptor 3
 Is a hormone principally concerned
with stimulating breast development
and milk production
 It is secreted by acidophils and it has
receptors which resemble those for
 It is unique in that it is under
predominant inhibition from the
hypothalamus by dopamine
Control of Secretion
 Secretion is stimulated by
◦ Sleep
◦ Nursing
◦ Breast stimulation in non lactating women
◦ Stress
◦ Hypoglycemia
◦ Exercise
 Pregnancy
 TRH (hypothyroidism)
 Estrogens
 Sexual intercourse in women
 Histamine antagonists (H2) eg
 -Dopamine antagonists
Factors decreasing secretion
 Dopamine
 L Dopa
 Apomorphine
 Bromocriptine and related ergot
 Prolactin
Effects of Prolactin
 Stimulating breast development (done
in concert with other hormones like
estrogens, progesterone, cortisol, GH)
 Causes milk production secretion from
breast after estrogen and
progesterone priming (increases
synthesis of casein and lactalbumin)
 Inhibits action of gonadotropins
Effects of prolactin
 In women prolactin deficiency
produces an inability to lactate
 Hypersecretion of prolactin causes
 Is caused by chromophobe adenoma,
damage to pituitary stalk and tumors
secreting prolactin
 It is characterised by
◦ Loss of menses, decreased libido
◦ Anovulation
◦ Infertility and less often
◦ Galactorrhea (lactation unassociated with
◦ Gynecomastia is uncommon
Excessive production of GH
 Leads to either gigantism or
 Gigantism occurs when there is an
excessive secretion before epiphyses
close and acromegaly occurs after
epiphyseal closure
 Is usually due to microadenomas of
the GH secreting cells in the pituitary
 Enlarged hands and feet (spade like
 Prognathism,coarse facial features,
bulbous nose, prominent bony ridges
 Hirsutism
 -Gynecomastia and lactation
 Osteoarthritic vertebral changes
 Visual field changes (bitemporal
 Carpal tunnel syndrome
 Glucose intolerance
 Proximal myopathy
 Cardiac failure (and also ischemia)
B MSH, B Lipotropin
 Function of B lipotrophin is unsettled
but it may be for mobilisation of fats
 MSH is important for skin
 It increases synthesis of melanin
 It is under the control of hypothalamus
via MIF
 ACTH can also cause skin
Pituitary Hyperfunction
 Acromegaly
 Cushing’s Syndrome (Nelson’s
syndrome – tumors secreting ACTH)
 Hyperprolactenemia
 Tumors secreting other anterior
pituitary hormones are rare
Pituitary Insufficiency
 It is usually caused by tumors of
anterior pituitary and suprasellar cysts
 Pituitary infarction can also lead to
pituitary insufficiency (Sheehan’s
syndrome, hemorrhagic fevers)
Clinical Features
 It is characterised by
◦ Growth inhibition
◦ Hypothyroidism
◦ Hypogonadism
◦ Inability to cope with stress
◦ Pallor
Other Anterior Pituitary
 Regulate the function of peripheral
 i) TSH – thyroid gland
 ii) ACTH – adrenal cortex
 iii) Gonadotropins – Gonads
 These will be covered in subsequent
3/9/2023 98
Thank You

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  • 1. Hypothalamus and the Pituitary Gland Dr K. Nyatanga
  • 2. Objectives • Describe the physiologic and anatomic relationships between the hypothalamus and pituitary. • Identify the hypothalamic releasing and inhibitory factors controlling the secretion of each of the anterior pituitary hormones. • Know the posterior & anterior pituitary hormones, their functions and conditions that result from deficiency and oversecretion
  • 3. Hypothalamus and pituitary  This consortium forms the most complex and dominant portion of the entire endocrine system  Output of this unit regulates the function of the thyroid gland, adrenal gland and also shares in control of somatic growth, lactation, milk secretion and water metabolism
  • 5. Hypothalamic function  Plays a key role in the regulation of pituitary function  It receives afferents from ◦ Thalamus ◦ Limbic system ◦ reticular formation ◦ Eyes ◦ Neocortex
  • 7. Embryological development of the pituitary 1. The hypophysis is an amalgam of two tissues. 2. Early in gestation a finger of ectoderm grows upward from the roof of the mouth. 3. This protrusion is called Rathke's pouch and will develop into the anterior pituitary or adenohypophysis. 4. Another finger of ectodermal tissue envaginates ventrally from the developing brain. 5. This extension of the ventral brain will become the posterior pituitary or neurohypophysis. 6. The two tissues grow into one another and become tightly apposed
  • 9. Anatomy  Pituitary lies in the sella turcica of sphenoid bone below hypothalamus at base of brain  Blood supply is from the superior and inferior hypophyseal arteries  There is a portal system from the median eminence  Pituitary has two lobes the anterior and the posterior
  • 10. Anterior pituitary/Adenohypophysis  Traditionally cells are divided into chromophobes and chromophils  Chromophobes contain and secrete IL6  Chromophils are further divided into basophils and acidophils  Acidophils secrete GH and Prolactin while basophils secrete ACTH, TSH, LH, and FSH Histology
  • 11. Neuroendocrine roles  The neurohypophysis is an extension of the hypothalamus. ◦ neurohypophysis (posterior or neural pituitary). ◦ It composed of bundles of axons from hypothalamic neurosecretory neurons intermixed with glial cells.  2 hormones ADH and oxytocin are synthesised in the hypothalamus, stored and secreted by posterior pituitary
  • 12.
  • 13. cntd  Close connections with the ANS allow coordination btwn ANS and pituitary function  Therefore pituitary function can be influenced by pain, sleep, emotion, light and possibly thought  HP axis is under the influence of blood borne substances and neural input
  • 14. Hypophysiotropic hormones  These are hormones secreted by the hypothalamus which influence pituitary function  They are either releasing or inhibiting factors  The hormones include CRH, TRH, GHRH, GnRH, Dopamine, serotonin
  • 15.  Anterior pituitary is exposed to higher concentration of these hormones than blood  Most are peptides except dopamine  It was once believed that each factor was responsible for release of one pitiutary hormone.  However, this is not the case
  • 16.
  • 17.  TRH increases prolactin release and somatostatin can inhibit release of TSH in addition to GH  Dopamine (PIF) inhibit prolactin secretion
  • 20. Post Pituitary  It is responsible for secretion of vasopressin and oxytocin  These are nonapeptides or octapeptides depending on whether cysteine or cystine is considered  The structures of the two hormones are similar, with 2 different amino acid residues  They are synthesised in the hypothalamus
  • 21. Post Pituitary  Vasopressin is synthesised mainly in the SON and oxytocin is synthesised mainly in the PVN, although both nuclei produce each hormone  Due to the similarity in structure vasopressin has 20% of the activity of oxytocin and oxytocin has 0.5% to 1% of the activity of vasopressin
  • 23. What would happen to the secretion of posterior pituitary hormones if there was transection of the connection between the hypothalamus and pituitary gland?
  • 24. Arginine vasopressin(ADH)  Basically involved in the regulation of water balance and blood pressure  Acts on 3 receptors V1 (V1a, V1b), V2 and (V3)  V2 is through the mediation of cAMP and V1 (IP3 and DAG)
  • 25. Physiological effects of ADH  Increases permeability of collecting ducts to water  Increases urea reabsorption in the inner medullary collecting duct  Increase sodium absorption in TAL by activating the NaK-2 Cl transporter
  • 26.
  • 27. Physiological effects of ADH  Vasoconstriction  Increases glycogenolysis in the liver  Depresses the cardiovascular centres  Increases ACTH secretion from corticotrophes (stress)  Increases synthesis of factor VIII and vWF
  • 28.
  • 29. Increasing permeability of collecting ducts to water  Through V2 receptors(cAMP)  Involves insertion of water channels in the luminal membrane known as aquaporins  There are several types of aquaporins: 1, 2, 3, 6 and 7 are found in the kidney, 4 in the brain and 5 in salivary glands  Vasopressin acts to increase the concentration of aquaporin 2 on membranes
  • 30. Stimuli which increase the secretion of vasopressin  Increased osmotic pressure of plasma  Decreased ECF volume(at least 20 %), (via cardiopulmonary receptors)  Angiotensin II,  Pain, emotion,stress
  • 31. Stimuli which increase the secretion of vasopressin include  Nausea and vomiting  Standing,  Adrenergic stimuli  Nicotine,  Morphine,  Carbamazepine  Exercise
  • 32. Stimuli which increase the secretion of vasopressin include
  • 33. Factors decreasing secretion  Decreased effective osmotic pressure  Increased ECF volume  Alcohol  Parasympathetic innervation  Stretching of the atrial baroreceptors  Atrial natriuretic peptide  Clonidine  Haloperidol
  • 34. Clinical Correlates  Excess ADH leads to SIADH  Insufficient ADH leads to Diabetes Insipidus
  • 35. Syndrome of Inappropriate ADH secretion (SIADH)  Due to inappropriately elevated ADH that cause water retention in excess of Na+  Excess water causes dilutional hyponatremia
  • 36. Causes of SIADH  Malignancy eg lung , gastrointestinal,renal  Trauma –head injury , post surgery  Cerebrum diseases eg infections like meningitis  Stimulation of volume receptors like in artificial ventilation  Drug induced eg thiazides,chlorpropamide  Infections eg pneumonia
  • 37. (SIADH)  Diseases in the lung also decrease tonic inhibition of ADH secretion leading to an increase in ADH secretion  This will result in hyponatremia  Excessive ECF volume will be lowered by the ‘escape phenomenon’  It is treated using demeclocycline
  • 38. Features of the syndrome  Hyponatremia (Na+ < 135 mmol/L)  Hypotonicity ( osmolality <280moSm/kg )  Urine osmolality (>100moSm/kg)  Increased urinary Na+ excretion(>40mmol/L)
  • 39. Diabetes Insipidus  Is due to deficient secretion of ADH  The symptoms are polyuria and polydipsia  It can be neurogenic or nephrogenic
  • 40. Nephrogenic DI  One interesting form of this condition is inherited X – Linked receessive  Gene for V2 is located on the X chromosome  It can also be due to lithium or hypercalcemia or hypokalemia  It does not respond to desmopressin (a vasopressin analogue)  It can be treated using thiazide diuretics
  • 41. Nephrogenic DI  It can be treated using thiazide diuretics How do thiazides act???
  • 42. Oxytocin  Is derived from oxy- meaning rapid and tocia meaning labour  Acts on oxytocin receptors(PLC) which uses Ca ++ as a second messenger
  • 43. Actions of Oxytocin  On the mammary gland: it is important for the milk let down reflex  Augmentation of labour by increasing uterine contractions  Ejaculation in males  May be involved in luteolysis  May be responsible for propulsion of sperms in the female during or after intercourse
  • 44. Secretion can be increased by  Suckling  Stimulation of female external genitalia and cervix  Thought of the baby, (tender thoughts)  Cervical dilatation
  • 45. Pregnancy  Progesterone decreases synthesis of oxytocin receptors  Towards labour estrogen increases the synthesis of oxytocin receptors in the myometrium
  • 46. Side effects of oxytocin overdose  Water intoxication  Neonatal jaundice  Uterine overstimulation-uterine rupture  Hypotension (transient)
  • 47. Secretion decreased by  Pain or physical discomfort  Breast feeding under embarrassing circumstances  Fear and anger
  • 48. Clinical correlates  Deficiency of this hormone has no known problems
  • 49. Anterior Pituitary  Hormones secreted by the gland appear to divide into 3 groups  A) ACTH Related peptides e.g. ACTH, B endorphin, B Lipotropin , B MSH  B) Glycoproteins eg FSH, TSH and LH  C) Somatomammotropins
  • 50. Glycoproteins  They have two subunits an alpha and beta  Alpha subunits are identical or closely similar and they do not have biological activity  Beta chains confer hormone specificity  Beta chains alone have little biological activity
  • 53. GH  Secreted by somatomammotrophs of pituitary  Wide range of metabolic activity which may involve every type of cell  Some of its effects are mediated by somatomedins  GH release is controlled by GHRH and GHIH (somatostatin)
  • 54. GH secretion rate reflects  Metabolic requirements (decreased glucose, increased Aas)  Neural factors (eg stress, circadian rhythms)
  • 55. Structure  Gene for GH is on chr 17  hGH has intrinsic lactogenic activity  GH is bound to a protein in plasma that is a large fragment of EC domain of receptors  Concentration of fragment is an index of number of GH receptor in the tissues  About half of GH is protein bound and the T1/2 is 6 – 20 mins
  • 56.
  • 57. Effects of GH  In liver ◦ RNA synthesis is increased ◦ Increased protein synthesis ◦ Increased gluconeogenesis, glycogenolysis ◦ Increased somatomedin ◦ In Adipose tissue ◦ Decreased glucose uptake ◦ Increased lipolysis; hence decreased adiposity
  • 58. In Muscle  Decreased glucose uptake  Increased amino acid uptake  Increased protein synthesis  Anti insulin effect in muscle  Increased lean body mass  Increased calcium absorption in Gastrointestinal tract and decreased sodium and potassium excretion in kidney
  • 59. Somatomedins  Polypeptide growth factors secreted by liver and other tissues  Principal circulating somatomedins are  - IGF I (somatomedin C)  - IGF II  They are closely related to insulin but C chains are not separated
  • 60. Somatomedins (cont.)  There are 6 binding proteins  IGF I is mainly bound to IGFBP 3 (95%).  GH increases synthesis of this protein  The protein directs IGF to their specific receptors  IGF receptor is similar to that of insulin  IGFs are essential for embyronic development
  • 61. Effects of Somatomedins  Increase protein sythesis  Increase RNA synthesis  Increase DNA synthesis  Increase cell size and number  This leads to increased organ size and function
  • 62. Effects on chrondrocytes  Increased amino acid uptake  Increase protein synthesis  Increase RNA synthesis  Increase DNA synthesis  Increase collagen  Increase chrondoiton sulfate  Increase cell size and number  This increases linear growth
  • 63. Other effects of Somatomedins  Stimulate neuronal survival  Stimulate myelin synthesis
  • 64. Control of GH release  Stimulation ◦ Glucose and free fatty acid decrease ◦ Increase in amino acids ◦ Fasting and prolonged caloric deprivation ◦ Deep sleep ◦ Exercise
  • 65. Cntd  Estrogens and androgens  Dopamine and serotonin  Alpha adrenergic agonists  Enkephalins  Stress (due to pain, surgery, psychogenic)
  • 66. Inhibition  Glucose increase  Free fatty acid increase  Cortisol  Obesity  Pregnancy  Somatostatin  hGH
  • 67. Control of GH secretion
  • 68. Physiology of growth  Growth is a complex process  It is also affected by thyroid hormones, insulin, glucocorticoids, nutrition and genetic factors
  • 69. Role of nutrition  Food supply is the most important extrinsic factor affecting growth  A diet should be adequate in proteins, vitamins and calories  Fasting and protein deprivation decreases IGF secretion  Age at which deficiency occurs is of importance
  • 70. Growth Periods  In humans there are two periods of rapid growth which are  i) Infancy and  ii) Late puberty before growth stops  The 2nd growth spurt is due to GH, sex hormones, and cessation of growth due to closure of epiphyses  Sex hormones increase spikes of IGF I release
  • 71.  In infants there is episodic growth  Thyroid hormones are critical during this period  Thyroid hormones potentiate the action of IGF I and are permissive to the effects of GH.  They are necessary for normal GH secretion
  • 72.  Insulin is also important for growth.  When deficient, IGF I secretion is decreased  Adrenocortical hormones other than androgens have a permissive effect on growth  However, Glucocorticoid treatment can slow or stop growth in children
  • 73. Catch Up Growth  In periods of severe stress like illnesses children do not grow  They will be below the expected averages compared to peers of the same age  They will, after they recover, experience a period of growth which is greater than average to catch up with their peers – catch up growth
  • 74. Short Stature  Short stature can be due to  i) GHRH deficiency  ii) GH deficiency  iii) Deficient secretion of IGF I  iv) Other causes  Isolated GH deficiency is usually due to deficient GHRH
  • 75. Laron Dwarfs  Is due to GH insensitivity due to loss of function mutation in the receptor  The plasma IGF I and IGFBP 3 are decreased, while the concentration of GH is either normal or increased
  • 76. African Pygmies  They have a normal GH level and a modest decrease in plasma level of GHBP  Plasma [IGF I] fails to increase at the time of puberty  However, they experience less growth than non pygmy controls throughout the pre pubertal period  Explanation for short stature is still unsettled
  • 77. Other Causes of short stature  Cretinism  Precocious Puberty  Gonadal dysgenesis (Turner’s Syndrome)  Chronic abuse and neglect can cause dwarfism (Psychosocial dwarfism – Kasper Hauser Syndrome)  Achondroplasia
  • 78. Achondroplasia  It is the most common form of dwarfism in humans  It is characterised by short limbs and a normal trunk  It is inherited Autosomal Dominant with complete penetrance  It is due to a mutation that codes for fibroblast growth factor receptor 3 (FGFR3)
  • 81. Prolactin  Is a hormone principally concerned with stimulating breast development and milk production  It is secreted by acidophils and it has receptors which resemble those for GH  It is unique in that it is under predominant inhibition from the hypothalamus by dopamine
  • 82. Control of Secretion  Secretion is stimulated by ◦ Sleep ◦ Nursing ◦ Breast stimulation in non lactating women ◦ Stress ◦ Hypoglycemia ◦ Exercise
  • 83. cntd  Pregnancy  TRH (hypothyroidism)  Estrogens  Sexual intercourse in women  Histamine antagonists (H2) eg cimetidine  -Dopamine antagonists
  • 84. Factors decreasing secretion  Dopamine  L Dopa  Apomorphine  Bromocriptine and related ergot derivatives  Prolactin
  • 85. Effects of Prolactin  Stimulating breast development (done in concert with other hormones like estrogens, progesterone, cortisol, GH)  Causes milk production secretion from breast after estrogen and progesterone priming (increases synthesis of casein and lactalbumin)  Inhibits action of gonadotropins
  • 86. Effects of prolactin dysfunction  In women prolactin deficiency produces an inability to lactate  Hypersecretion of prolactin causes hyperprolactenemia
  • 87. Hyperprolactinemia  Is caused by chromophobe adenoma, damage to pituitary stalk and tumors secreting prolactin  It is characterised by ◦ Loss of menses, decreased libido ◦ Anovulation ◦ Infertility and less often ◦ Galactorrhea (lactation unassociated with pregnancy). ◦ Gynecomastia is uncommon
  • 88. Excessive production of GH  Leads to either gigantism or acromegaly  Gigantism occurs when there is an excessive secretion before epiphyses close and acromegaly occurs after epiphyseal closure  Is usually due to microadenomas of the GH secreting cells in the pituitary
  • 89. Acromegaly-features  Enlarged hands and feet (spade like hands)  Prognathism,coarse facial features, bulbous nose, prominent bony ridges  Hirsutism  -Gynecomastia and lactation  Osteoarthritic vertebral changes
  • 90.
  • 91.  Visual field changes (bitemporal hemianopia)  Carpal tunnel syndrome  Glucose intolerance  Proximal myopathy  Cardiac failure (and also ischemia)
  • 92. B MSH, B Lipotropin  Function of B lipotrophin is unsettled but it may be for mobilisation of fats  MSH is important for skin pigmentation  It increases synthesis of melanin  It is under the control of hypothalamus via MIF  ACTH can also cause skin pigmentation
  • 93. Pituitary Hyperfunction  Acromegaly  Cushing’s Syndrome (Nelson’s syndrome – tumors secreting ACTH)  Hyperprolactenemia  Tumors secreting other anterior pituitary hormones are rare
  • 94. Pituitary Insufficiency  It is usually caused by tumors of anterior pituitary and suprasellar cysts  Pituitary infarction can also lead to pituitary insufficiency (Sheehan’s syndrome, hemorrhagic fevers)
  • 95. Clinical Features  It is characterised by ◦ Growth inhibition ◦ Hypothyroidism ◦ Hypogonadism ◦ Inability to cope with stress ◦ Pallor
  • 96. Other Anterior Pituitary Hormones  Regulate the function of peripheral glands  i) TSH – thyroid gland  ii) ACTH – adrenal cortex  iii) Gonadotropins – Gonads  These will be covered in subsequent lectures

Editor's Notes

  1. Hypothalamus:portion of the brain that contains a number of small nuclei with a variety of functions, secretes hormones n chemicals Dorsal: Relating to the back or posterior of a structure hypophyseal portal system:system of blood vessels in the brain that connects the hypothalamus with the anterior pituitary. A plexus is a branching network of vessels or nerves
  2. -Thalamus: large mass of gray matter in the brain, relay motor and sensory signals to the cerebral cortex -limbic system are involved in motivation, emotion, learning, and memory. reticular formation plays a central role in states of consciousness ie alertness and sleep higher-order brain functions ie cognition, -neocortex-a part of the cerebral cortex concerned with sight and hearing, regarded as the most recently evolved part of the cortex.
  3. The third ventricle is one of four connected fluid-filled cavities comprising the ventricular system within the mammalian brain
  4. Diencephalon:region of the embryonic vertebrate neural tube that gives rise to anteriorforebrain structures including the thalamus, hypothalamus, posterior portion of the pituitary gland, and pineal gland. Apposed, side by side
  5. AL-Anterior Lobe PL-posterior lobe OC-optic chiasma MB-Mamillary body Arcuate, supraoptic, suprachiasmatic nuclei
  6. -The sphenoid bone is one of the eight bones that make up the cranium (braincase) – superior (above) aspect of the skull Sella turcica: saddle-shaped depression in the body of the sphenoid bone of the human skull -median eminence: part of the hypothalamus from which regulatory hormones are released, connects hypothal & pitu. The hypophyseal portal system is a system of blood vessels in the microcirculation at the base of the brain, connecting the hypothalamus with the anterior pituitary.
  7. A chromophobe is a histological structure that does not stain readily, and thus appears relatively pale under the microscope acidophil- (of a cell or its contents) readily stained with acid dyes. Basophil- ((of a cell or its contents) readily stained with basic dyes.) eg haematoxylin TRH-Thyrotropin Rele ACTH=adrenocorticotropin rel
  8. The glial cells surround neurons and provide support for and insulation between them.
  9. Histology-SON- supraopti nuclei, PVN- paraventricular nerve Astrocytes-type of glial cell The pituitary regions: pars distalis (anterior lobe), pars intermedia (interm lobe), pars nervosa (neural lobe or neurohypophysis).
  10. ANS-Autonomic nervous system, HP-Hypothalamic pituitary axis
  11. CRH-Corticotropin releasing hormone TRH-Thyrotropin rele
  12. Dopamine is an amine derived frm tyrosine (not peptide) GnRH responsible 4 LH & FSH eg
  13. TSH-Thyroid stimulating hormone
  14. HPA –Hypothalamic Pituitary axis Feedback systems
  15. Cysteine is a signal peptide
  16. PVN-paraventricular nuclei….SON-Supraoptic nuclei Imagine u take overdose of vasopressin, or u have a tumor secreting & u’re preg?? Too much oxyto will as well overlap into vasopressin activities (oedema)
  17. Diff in Arg #8 aa names vasopressin as such Not expected to knw the a.a seq neh
  18. Initial transient diabetes insipidus (loss of water) since therz decrease in ADH 1st from the damaged pituitary stalk then they pick up again, coz nw from hypothala they will be released straight into the system
  19. Vee 1, 2 and 3 receptors
  20. TAL-Thin ascending limb A diuretic promotes diuresis, that is, the increased production of urine. So ADH limits dilute urine loss (retains water)
  21. V1- PIP &DAG V2- cAMP Water balance & blood volume/pressure
  22. -AVP (vasoconstriction. It binds 2 V1 receptors on vascular smooth muscle to cause vasoconstriction through the IP3 signal transduction Acts on glycogenolysis thru V1 receptors, ca 2 influx -Hypovolemia, as occurs during hemorrhage and dehydration, results in a decrease in atrial pressure so ADH helps restore vWF)
  23. -Lower plasma osmotic pressure induces intracellular edema, so increased leads to deficiency in water n ADH comes into play -Angiotensin is a peptide hormone that causes vasoconstriction and an increase in blood pressure.(blood vol reg)
  24. -The adrenergic receptors are a class of G protein-coupled receptors that are targets of the catecholamines, especially norepinephrine (noradrenaline) and epinephrine (adrenaline).fight-or-flight response, which includes dilating the pupil, increasing heart rate -antidepressants, & other inhibitors, nicotine,, carbamazepine increase ADH by stimulation of V1 and V2 receptors, V1 mainly responsible for vasoconstriction, V2 for the antidiuretic effect.
  25. Osmolarity is the solute concentration in the blood (blood cells, minerals eg sodium etc), so when concentrated they have to be absorbed into the cells Fibrous neurons in the heart send signal for decreased blood vol
  26. Treats physhosis, motion, disruptive behaviours, -interfers with ADH like alcohol, increase loss of water the rest and digest system, the parasympathetic system conserves energy as it slows the heart rate, increases intestinal and gland activity, and relaxes sphincter muscles in the gastrointestinal tract.(depresses cardiovascular centres)
  27. Very low Na concn
  28. Vasopressin escape is characterized by a sudden increase in urine volume with a decrease in urine osmolality independent of circulating vasopressin levels
  29. With low solutes, ADH is not released, thus causing water loss from the body Neurogenic is due to lack of ADH prodn in the SON Supra optic nuclei hypothala causing polyuria
  30. Receptor problem
  31. They cause contraction of ECF hence stimulate fluid retention mech n try 2 restore Na n total body water ADH absorbs water. In nephrogenic diabetes insipidus, the kidney is unresponsive to ADH. What do you then?You use a drug called thiazide. Thiazide diuretics inhibit the NaCl co-transporter  in the renal distal convoluted tubule (DCT). The DCT is water impermeable.. So the DCT action is NOT how thiazides preserve water. Then what is preserving water?The antidiuretic action of thiazides is secondary to increased renal sodium excretion. The renal sodium loss causes extracellular volume contraction leading to lowered GFR and increased proximal tubular sodium and water reabsorption. Hence, less water and solutes are delivered to the distal tubule and collecting duct and are lost as urine.
  32. PLC=phospholipase C
  33. Luteolysis=luteal regression (corpus L degradation) In pharmacological doses can cause transient vasodilation
  34. MSH=Melanostimulating hormone
  35. Somatomedins= prtns that are involved in growth promotion & division in response to GH
  36. EC domain=extracellular
  37. any of a group of peptides found in the liver and in other tissues which mediate the effect of growth hormone (somatotropin)
  38. Arginine, glutamate circulating that is
  39. class of sympathomimetic agents that selectively stimulates alpha adrenergic receptors. Enkephalins-enkephalin: Naturally occurring peptide that has potent painkilling effects and is released by neurons in the central nervous system and by cells in the adrenal 
  40. -GH cld reduces obesity through its actions on two enzymes which control fat accumulation and the breakdown of stored triglycerides into free fatty acids bt nw GH is inhibited in obesity GH secretion is inhibited by the excess leptin levels in obesity -obesity disrupts the physiological and pathological factors that regulate, suppress or stimulate GH release -Several hypotheses have been put forth regarding how obesity-associated hyperinsulinemia may suppress GH production
  41. ?
  42. GH receptor mutation, or grwth hormone insensitivity
  43. A pygmy is a member of an ethnic group whose average height is unusually short; anthropologists define pygmy as a member of any group where adult men are on average less than 150 cm. Pple from Central Africa
  44. Cretinism-severely stunted physical and mental growth owing to untreated congenital deficiency of thyroid hormone (congenital hypothyroidism) Kasper Hauser syndr- German guy who grew up in isolation in a dark cell. Deficient Statural, Intellectual, and Social Growth Induced by Child Abuse
  45. Normal trunk??
  46. homophilic
  47. L-Dopa- L-DOPA is a direct precursor to dopamine, and its supplementation can increase dopamine levels in the body Apomorphine- dopa agonist
  48. Uncommon=rare
  49. Prognathism is the positional relationship of the mandible or maxilla to the skeletal base where either of the jaws protrudes beyond a predetermined imaginary line in the coronal plane of the skull. Hirsutism is excessive body hair in men and women on parts of the body where hair is normally absent or minimal, such as on the chin or chest in particular
  50. -visual field impairment frequently leads to binocular vision difficulties -Proximal myopathy presents as symmetrical weakness of proximal upper and/or lower limbs