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Human Resource
December 2017
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Role and how it relates to HR
Two things you would like to achieve from this
Course Objectives
Understanding HRM and key activities
♦ Workforce planning ♦ Recruitment & Selection ♦
Learning & Development ♦ Performance Management ♦
Employee Relations ♦ Labour-Management Relations ♦
HR Management Systems
Strategic role and interrelationship of HR functions
Examine how to apply various human resource methods
in different companies and business environments
Explore increasing role of technology in the design and
implementation of human resource strategies.
Learning Outcomes
√ Deeper understanding and appreciation of HRM
√ Gain insight into the evolution of HRM
√ Understand and apply effectively on the primary areas of
human resource management, including staffing, training
and human resource management systems.
√ Ability to understand the dynamics of human resource
management environment to manage the employment
relationship between multiple stakeholders.
√ Appreciation of how technology impacts the human
resource management functions and organizations.
Defining HR
Management and its
Definitions - HR Management
• The utilization of individuals to achieve organizational objectives.
• Human Resource Management is the management of human
resources. It is to maximize employee performance in service of an
employer's strategic objectives. HR is primarily concerned with the
management of people within organizations, focusing on policies
and on systems.
• The process of planning, organizing, directing (motivating), and
controlling the procurement, development, compensation,
integration, maintenance, and separation of organizational human
resources to the end that organizational, individual, and societal
needs are satisfied.
According to the British Institute of Personnel
Management :
“Personnel Management can be defined as “that part of
management which is concerned with people at work and
with their relationship within an organization.”
What is Human Resource
According to American Management Association:
Human Resource Management is that field of management
which has to do with planning, organizing and controlling
various operative functions of procuring, developing,
maintaining and utilizing a work force in order that
 the objectives for which the company is established are attained
as efficiently and economically as possible;
 the objectives of all levels of personnel are served to the highest
degree; and
 the objectives of the community are duly considered and
What is Human Resource
Objectives of HRM
• It is concerned with the optimum utilization of
the human resources within and organization.
• It is concerned with the creation of conditions
in which each employee is encouraged to
make his best possible contribution to the
effective working of the undertaking.
• It is also concerned with the development of
the sense of mutual respect and trust between
management and workers through sound
• It endeavors to increase the productive
efficiency to the workers through training,
guidance and counseling and
• It tries to raise the morale of the employee.
Objectives of HRM
• To recognize the role of HRM in
bringing about organizational
• HRM is not an end itself. It is
only a means to assist the
organization with its primary
• Simply stated, the department
exist to serve the rest of the
Objectives of HRM
• To be ethically and socially responsible
to the needs and challenges of the
society while minimizing the negative
impact of such demands upon the
• The failure of organizations to use their
resources for the society’s benefit in
ethical way may lead to restrictions.
• For example, the society may limit HR
decisions through laws that enforce
reservation in hiring and laws that
address discrimination, safety or other
such areas of social concern.
Objectives of HRM
Human Resource
Purpose and
role of HR
What does HR do?
Human Resource Management includes all activities used to attract
& retain employees and to ensure they perform at a high level in
meeting organizational goals.
Recruitment &
& Selection
Human Resource Management
“If you want to build a business, build the people.”
Quote by Brownie Wise
December 14, 2016
The quality and effectiveness of the organization
is determined by the quality of the people that are
Success for most organizations depends on
finding the employees with the skills to
successfully perform the tasks required to attain
the company’s strategic goals.
• Service is delivered by people.
• Low quality HR leads to low quality customer
• Knowledge comes from the people.
• In the 21st century effective knowledge
management translates into competitive
advantage and profits.
Why is HRM Important?
HR Structure
Typically in medium-sized business
HR Structure
Typically in a large organization
HR Structure
Typically in a large organization eg. MNC, PLC
• Society
• Organization/Owners
• Employees
HRM Stakeholders
• Line Managers
• Human Resource Managers
• Shared Service Centers
• Outsourcing Firms
• Technology interfaces
Who completes HR Tasks?
Line Manager Vs HR Manager
Line Manager HR Manager
Place the right person
into the right job
Hire the people
Employee Orientation Orientation on Company
Execute HR policies and procedures Devise HR policies and procedures
Coach and develop employees Coordinate on training
Evaluate performance and
recommend rewards
Calibrate and reward
• The responsibility for human resource
management activities rest with each
• If a MANAGER does not accept this
responsibility then HR activities will only
partially get done.
• HR department provides strategies, systems,
tools and support to Managers to ensure
effective staff management!
HRM Responsibilities
 A lively intelligence
The personal function demands a marked degree of analytical
ability and great resourcefulness. Good judgment, intellectual
honesty, alertness and keen perception are also ranked high
among the desirable mental traits.
 A high degree of freedom from bias
To be truly effective, personnel management requires of its
practitioners an impartial, objective attitude toward
management, toward the workers & toward the society. The
personnel managers’ plans, his decisions, his counsel – all
must be dictated by the total requirements of the situations. This
implies sincerity, fearlessness, and above all honesty.
Key Qualities of HR
 A compelling Manner
The ability to inspire confidence, to encourage
friendliness and to elicit cooperation and enthusiasm
is invaluable to the pioneering effort that will be
required for him.
 Understanding the People
Such understanding includes appreciation of human
wants and aspirations, of individual differences in
aptitudes and abilities. It manifests itself in an
increasing effort to provide others with the opportunities,
the encouragement and the motivation of their
Key Qualities of HR
 A good Executive
He must be organization minded and know how to delegate
assignments. Since HR departments themselves are
often complex and need a strong executive at the
top, his management ability must compare favorably with
that of the other top executives in the company.
 A good salesman
Not the over aggressive type, but the kind who can sell
sound management ideas to employees and interpret
labor’s ideas to the employer. Has a good sense of values.
Key Qualities of HR
 A good Negotiator
He should be able to conduct meetings between
management and labor without letting the arguments
come to a boil, able to maintain his own equilibrium
and get a good night's sleep even after spending an
entire day at the conference table with the most
arrogant union leaders.
 A good Technician
Able to analyze details concerning labor laws,
interpretations and executive orders. Incidentally, he
must also have the faculty of adapting himself
gracefully to changed conditions.
Key Qualities of HR
 He must have the quality which President Roosevelt once
described as a “Passion for anonymity”. This means that he
will not look for opportunities to claim credit, that he will enjoy
engineering a deal for which someone else gets a praise, and
that he will consider the line supervisors the real personnel
managers of the company and constantly try to build them up
as such.
 He must be fully conversant with existing labor laws and
regulations. He must also know the language of the people.
Key Qualities of HR
HR Strategic Role
Admin vs Strategic HR Role
Administrative HR: Processes that fulfill the basic
employee/employer relationship
– Paid appropriately and on time based on terms of the
employment contract; provided with a safe work environment free
from physical and mental abuse
– Emphasizes efficiency and compliance
Strategic HR/Talent Management:
– Hiring employees with capabilities to support the company’s
goals, developing them on these goals to meet future business
– Differentiating between people based on performance and
potential, moving people into new roles, and changing employee
behaviors to increase their productivity
– Emphasizes effectiveness and alignment
Admin vs Strategic HR Role
Human Resource
HR Environment
and Framework
HR Environment
Legal Considerations Labor Force
Customers Competition Shareholders Unions
External Environment Factors
Labor Force
 A pool of individuals external to the organizations for the purpose
of hiring
 The landscape and diversity of the workforce, consider the
supply and demand
Legal Considerations
 Legislations affecting the HRM
 Where in bigger countries, federal, state and local legislations
come into play eg equal opportunity for employment
 Locally in Singapore, MOM plays a vital role
External Environment Factors
 Attitudes and beliefs of general public affect the behaviour and
profitability of the organization
 Social responsibility is the implied, enforced or felt obligation
of managers, acting in their official capacities, to serve or
protect the interests of groups other than themselves.
 A group of employees who have joined together for the purpose
of dealing collectively with their employer.
 Wage levels, benefits and working conditions reflect decisions
made jointly by unions and management.
 Enter into collective bargaining (negotiations) and agreement
External Environment Factors
 Owners or stockholders who have invested money
 Often challenge the expenditure and programs considered by
Management to be beneficial
 Can be in product or service and/or labor markets
 Salary bidding war happen frequently for critical positions
 Play a big role as the external customers uses the goods and
 Customers demand high quality products and after-purchase
 Employees hired should be capable of providing such.
External Environment Factors
 IT savvy and computer-literacy skilled workers are sought after
 Rate of technological change is accelerating = not many
organizations operate the same way they do a decade ago
 Downturn, more applicants are typically available.
 Economy booming, challenging in recruiting qualified workers
Internal Environment Factors
 The organization’s continuing purpose or reason for being
 A predetermined guide established to provide direction in decision
Corporate Culture
 Basically the social and psychological climate
Management Style
 Closely linked to corporate culture, the way and how leadership
team behaves.
HR Model by Dave Ulrich
 It applies the disciplines of Economics (wages,
markets, resources), Psychology (motivation,
satisfaction), Sociology (organization structure,
culture) and Law (Maternity Benefit Act, Min. Wage
Act, Factories Act, IRO, etc.).
 HR is embedded within the work of all managers, and
most individual contributors due to the need of
managing people (subordinates, peers and superiors)
as well as teams to get things done.
Multi-disciplinary Facets
 Human Resource Planning
 Human Resource Policies
 Salary and Benefit Administration
 Human Rights and Labour Laws
 Recruitment, Selection and Orientation
 Performance Management
 Learning and Development
 Communications and Counselling
 Grievance Handling
 Employees’ Welfare
HR Key Activities
 Recruitment: develop a pool of qualified applicants.
 Selection: determine relative qualifications & potential for a
 Training & Development: ongoing process to develop
worker’s abilities and skills.
 Performance appraisal & feedback: provides information
about how to train, motivate, and reward workers.
 Managers can evaluate and then give feedback to enhance
worker performance.
HR Key Activities
 Pay and Benefits: high performing employees should be
rewarded with raises, bonuses.
 Increased pay provides additional incentive.
 Benefits, such as health insurance, reward membership
 Labor relations: managers need an effective relationship with
labor unions that represent workers.
 Unions help establish pay, and working conditions.
Human Resource
HR Planning
 Definition of HR Planning (HRP) is the process of systematically
reviewing human resource requirements to ensure that the required
number of employees with the required skills are available when and
where they are needed.
 Planning includes all activities that managers do to forecast current
and future HR needs.
 Must be done prior to recruitment and selection
 Specific quantitative and qualitative requirements
 Two components in HRP: 1) Requirements and 2) Availability
 Demand forecasts made by managers estimate the number &
qualifications the businesses need.
 Supply forecasts estimate the availability and qualifications of
current workers and those in the labor market.
HR Planning
 Enables managers to anticipate and prepare for changing conditions.
 Affects production plans and productivity
 Determination of surplus or shortage of manpower
 Surplus – redeployment of manpower, restricted hiring, reduced hours etc
 Shortage – redeployment of manpower, intensive hiring, outsourcing etc
 Allows flexibility in HRM and time to turnaround efficiently
Why is HR Planning Important?
Forecasting Techniques
 Zero-Base Forecasting
 Uses the current level of employment as the starting point for
determining future staffing needs.
 Vacancy not automatically filled when an employee leaves.
 An thorough analysis is made on the need of headcount and
associated budget must be justified.
 Work is distributed among remaining employees if position is not
 Bottom-Up Approach
 Begin with the lowest organizational units and progressing upward
to forecasts its requirements
 Provides an aggregate forecast of employees needed
 Comparing current and anticipated levels
Forecasting Techniques
 Use of Mathematical Models
 Predict future requirements through sales volume
 Forecasting approximate number of employees required at different
demand levels.
 Simulation
 Technique for experimenting with a real-world situation through a
mathematical model.
 Simulation model to represent the interrelationships among
employment levels and other variables
 Using “what if” questions. Examples: What would happen if the
plant utilized two shifts? Three shifts? What would happen if 10% of
current workforce go on overtime?
 Basically to permit managers to gain considerable insight into a
particular understanding before making an actual decision
Forecasting Results and Impact
 Surplus of Employees Forecasted
 Restricted Hiring
 Reduced Hours
 Early Retirement
 Layoffs
 Shortage of Workers Forecasted
 Creative recruiting
 Compensation Incentives
 Different Selection Standards
 Training Programs
 Pros
 Outsourcing is more flexible.
 Continuous supply of workers
 Outsourcing often provides human capital at a lower cost.
 Cons:
 Managers lose control over output.
 Outsource contractors are not committed to the firm.
 Unions typically are against outsourcing that has potential to
eliminate member’s jobs.
HR Planning: Outsourcing
Job Analysis and HR Planning
 Job analysis is the systematic process of determining the skills, duties
and knowledge required for performing jobs in an organization.
 Know what you need before you recruit!
 Purpose of job analysis to is find out the following answers:
 What physical and mental tasks does the worker need to accomplish?
 When is the job required to be completed?
 How does the worker do the job?
 Why is the job done?
 What qualifications are needed to perform the job?
 HR Planning > Job Analysis > Job Description > Job Specification
 Job Description – Document that provides information regarding the
tasks, duties and responsibilities of the job.
Why conduct Job Analysis?
 Staffing
 Lacking up to date job descriptions and specifications can lead to
recruitment inefficiency and disasters.
 Training and Development
 Identifying training and development needs
 Close the gap if the individual does not possess the qualifications
 Compensation and Benefits
 Relative value of a particular job considered before a dollar value can be
 Safety and Health
 Identify if the job is hazardous and consider the safety measures
Data Collection Methods in Job Analysis
 Questionnaires
 Administer structured questionnaire to the tasks employees perform
 Observation
 Job analyst watches the employee to perform job tasks and records the
 Primarily used to gather information on jobs emphasizing manual skills
eg machine operator
 Usually insufficient of just using observation method alone
 Interviews
 Job analyst interviews the employee first, helping the employee to
describe the duties performed.
 Contacts the supervisor for additional information and seek clarifications
Data Collection Methods in Job Analysis
 Employee Recording
 Having employees to describe their daily work activities in a
timesheet or log.
 Hybrids of Methods Used
 Engagement of Consultants
Human Resource
and Selection
Recruitment Process
Discuss on Internal and External
Recruitment Methods
Recruitment Methods
Internal Recruitment Methods
 Job posting – a procedure to inform employees on job openings
 Employees Referral Program (ERP)
External Recruitment Methods
 Advertising (traditional, internal)
 Executive search firms
 Public employment agencies (e2i, NTUC)
 Recruiters
 Internships
 Open house
 Job fair
 Unsolicited walk-in applicants
 Partnership with colleges or universities
External Recruitment Methods
 Traditional print
a) Newspaper (blind advertisement)
b) Publication of professional associations
c) Professional magazines
 Internet
a) Job portals (,,,
b) Social media platforms (Linkedin, Xing, Facebook etc)
c) Corporate website (resume management systems)
External Recruitment Methods
Executive Search Firms
 Contingency Search
Typically around 20% of 30% of annual compensation
Casting a wider net using multiple firms
More candidates presented within a shorter time span
 Retained Search
Pay an upfront fees, can be up to 50% of annual compensation
Usually exclusive and take a longer time to recruit
External recruiting: managers look outside the organization
 Injection of new blood and offer fresh perspectives
 External recruitment can be difficult due to the niche of specific
skill needs.
 A multi-prong approach to external recruiting works best.
Internal Recruiting: positions filled within the organization
 Internal recruiting has several benefits:
 Workers know the firm’s culture, may not have new ideas.
 Managers likely already know the candidates.
 Internal advancement can motivate employees.
Significance of Selection
 Selection is the process of choosing from a group of applicants
and of those individuals best suited for a particular role and
 Selection decision has a great impact on the quality of the
candidates recruited ultimately to recruitment success.
 Most powerful way to improve productivity is to make the right
hiring decisions.
 Competent employees must be available to ensure organizational
goals are attained.
 Marginally qualified employees will lead to intensify training.
 Job mismatch due to improper selection will lead to attrition.
Selection Process
Selection Process
Filter relevant resumes by
matching job specifications eg,
qualifications, skillset
Selection Process
Typically over telephone or video-
conferencing interview
Selection Process
Psychomotor abilities tests
Measure strength, coordination
and dexterity
Job-knowledge tests
Measure the depth of knowledge
of the duties of the job
Personality Tests
Self reported measures of traits,
temperaments or dispositions
Selection tools must be reliable and valid.
Reliability: the degree to which the tool measures the same thing
each time it is used.
 Apply consistency eg same duration of time, context etc
Validity: Does the test measure what it is supposed to measure?
 Example: does a physical ability test really predict the job
performance of a firefighter?
Managers have an ethical and legal duty to develop good selection
Selection Tests and Tools
Selection Process
Unstructured Interview
Comprehensive and time
Interviewer asks probing, open-
ended questions
Structured Interview
Series of job-related questions
consistently asked of every applicant
Increase reliability and accuracy
Questions on situational, job
knowledge, job-sample simulation,
worker requirements
Behavioral Interview
Structured questions designed to
probe the candidate’s past behavior
in specific situations
Types of Interviews
Selection Process
 One-on-One Interviews
 Group Interview
 Board Interview
 Stress Interview
Interview Methods
Selection Process
 Previous employment
 Education
 Criminal history
 Driving record
 Civil litigation
 Credit history
Selection Process
Joint decision by hiring manager
and HR
Selection Process
Pre-employment check-up to certify
fit for employment. Made aware of
any pre-existing health conditions
Premature Judgements
 Often make judgements about candidates in the first few minutes
Interviewer Domination
 Must be two-way and interviewer must learn to be a good listener
Inconsistent and Inappropriate Questions
Central Tendency
 Cant differentiate between strong and weak candidates
Halo Error
 Permit only or a few selected personal characteristics to influence decision
Contrast Effects
 Meet with several poorly qualified and conclude a mediocre candidate to be the
Interviewer Bias
 Has own preferences and certain prejudices
Pitfalls of Interviewers

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Human resources mgmt day 1

  • 2. Say Hello! Share with us your background and objectives Name Role and how it relates to HR Two things you would like to achieve from this course
  • 3. Course Objectives Understanding HRM and key activities ♦ Workforce planning ♦ Recruitment & Selection ♦ Learning & Development ♦ Performance Management ♦ Employee Relations ♦ Labour-Management Relations ♦ HR Management Systems Strategic role and interrelationship of HR functions Examine how to apply various human resource methods in different companies and business environments Explore increasing role of technology in the design and implementation of human resource strategies.
  • 4. Learning Outcomes √ Deeper understanding and appreciation of HRM √ Gain insight into the evolution of HRM √ Understand and apply effectively on the primary areas of human resource management, including staffing, training and human resource management systems. √ Ability to understand the dynamics of human resource management environment to manage the employment relationship between multiple stakeholders. √ Appreciation of how technology impacts the human resource management functions and organizations.
  • 6. Definitions - HR Management • The utilization of individuals to achieve organizational objectives. • Human Resource Management is the management of human resources. It is to maximize employee performance in service of an employer's strategic objectives. HR is primarily concerned with the management of people within organizations, focusing on policies and on systems. • The process of planning, organizing, directing (motivating), and controlling the procurement, development, compensation, integration, maintenance, and separation of organizational human resources to the end that organizational, individual, and societal needs are satisfied.
  • 7. According to the British Institute of Personnel Management : “Personnel Management can be defined as “that part of management which is concerned with people at work and with their relationship within an organization.” What is Human Resource Management?
  • 8. According to American Management Association: Human Resource Management is that field of management which has to do with planning, organizing and controlling various operative functions of procuring, developing, maintaining and utilizing a work force in order that  the objectives for which the company is established are attained as efficiently and economically as possible;  the objectives of all levels of personnel are served to the highest degree; and  the objectives of the community are duly considered and served.” What is Human Resource Management?
  • 10. • It is concerned with the optimum utilization of the human resources within and organization. • It is concerned with the creation of conditions in which each employee is encouraged to make his best possible contribution to the effective working of the undertaking. • It is also concerned with the development of the sense of mutual respect and trust between management and workers through sound relations. • It endeavors to increase the productive efficiency to the workers through training, guidance and counseling and • It tries to raise the morale of the employee. PERSONAL Objectives of HRM
  • 11. • To recognize the role of HRM in bringing about organizational effectiveness. • HRM is not an end itself. It is only a means to assist the organization with its primary objectives. • Simply stated, the department exist to serve the rest of the organization. ORGANIZATIONAL Objectives of HRM
  • 12. • To be ethically and socially responsible to the needs and challenges of the society while minimizing the negative impact of such demands upon the organization. • The failure of organizations to use their resources for the society’s benefit in ethical way may lead to restrictions. • For example, the society may limit HR decisions through laws that enforce reservation in hiring and laws that address discrimination, safety or other such areas of social concern. SOCIETAL Objectives of HRM
  • 15. Human Resource Management includes all activities used to attract & retain employees and to ensure they perform at a high level in meeting organizational goals. Recruitment & Selection HR Management Systems Recruitment & Selection Human Resource Management
  • 16. “If you want to build a business, build the people.” Quote by Brownie Wise People Strategy December 14, 2016
  • 17. The quality and effectiveness of the organization is determined by the quality of the people that are employed. Success for most organizations depends on finding the employees with the skills to successfully perform the tasks required to attain the company’s strategic goals.
  • 18. • Service is delivered by people. • Low quality HR leads to low quality customer service. • Knowledge comes from the people. • In the 21st century effective knowledge management translates into competitive advantage and profits. Why is HRM Important?
  • 19. HR Structure Typically in medium-sized business
  • 20. HR Structure Typically in a large organization
  • 21. HR Structure Typically in a large organization eg. MNC, PLC Talent Acquisition Team
  • 22. • Society • Organization/Owners • Employees HRM Stakeholders
  • 23. • Line Managers • Human Resource Managers • Shared Service Centers • Outsourcing Firms • Technology interfaces Who completes HR Tasks?
  • 24. Line Manager Vs HR Manager Line Manager HR Manager Place the right person into the right job Hire the people Employee Orientation Orientation on Company Execute HR policies and procedures Devise HR policies and procedures Coach and develop employees Coordinate on training Evaluate performance and recommend rewards Calibrate and reward
  • 25. • The responsibility for human resource management activities rest with each MANAGER. • If a MANAGER does not accept this responsibility then HR activities will only partially get done. • HR department provides strategies, systems, tools and support to Managers to ensure effective staff management! HRM Responsibilities
  • 26.  A lively intelligence The personal function demands a marked degree of analytical ability and great resourcefulness. Good judgment, intellectual honesty, alertness and keen perception are also ranked high among the desirable mental traits.  A high degree of freedom from bias To be truly effective, personnel management requires of its practitioners an impartial, objective attitude toward management, toward the workers & toward the society. The personnel managers’ plans, his decisions, his counsel – all must be dictated by the total requirements of the situations. This implies sincerity, fearlessness, and above all honesty. Key Qualities of HR
  • 27.  A compelling Manner The ability to inspire confidence, to encourage friendliness and to elicit cooperation and enthusiasm is invaluable to the pioneering effort that will be required for him.  Understanding the People Such understanding includes appreciation of human wants and aspirations, of individual differences in aptitudes and abilities. It manifests itself in an increasing effort to provide others with the opportunities, the encouragement and the motivation of their development. Key Qualities of HR
  • 28.  A good Executive He must be organization minded and know how to delegate assignments. Since HR departments themselves are often complex and need a strong executive at the top, his management ability must compare favorably with that of the other top executives in the company.  A good salesman Not the over aggressive type, but the kind who can sell sound management ideas to employees and interpret labor’s ideas to the employer. Has a good sense of values. Key Qualities of HR
  • 29.  A good Negotiator He should be able to conduct meetings between management and labor without letting the arguments come to a boil, able to maintain his own equilibrium and get a good night's sleep even after spending an entire day at the conference table with the most arrogant union leaders.  A good Technician Able to analyze details concerning labor laws, interpretations and executive orders. Incidentally, he must also have the faculty of adapting himself gracefully to changed conditions. Key Qualities of HR
  • 30.  He must have the quality which President Roosevelt once described as a “Passion for anonymity”. This means that he will not look for opportunities to claim credit, that he will enjoy engineering a deal for which someone else gets a praise, and that he will consider the line supervisors the real personnel managers of the company and constantly try to build them up as such.  He must be fully conversant with existing labor laws and regulations. He must also know the language of the people. Key Qualities of HR
  • 32. Admin vs Strategic HR Role Administrative HR: Processes that fulfill the basic employee/employer relationship – Paid appropriately and on time based on terms of the employment contract; provided with a safe work environment free from physical and mental abuse – Emphasizes efficiency and compliance Strategic HR/Talent Management: – Hiring employees with capabilities to support the company’s goals, developing them on these goals to meet future business needs – Differentiating between people based on performance and potential, moving people into new roles, and changing employee behaviors to increase their productivity – Emphasizes effectiveness and alignment
  • 35. HR Environment External Environment Internal Environment Legal Considerations Labor Force Customers Competition Shareholders Unions Technology Society Economy
  • 36. External Environment Factors Labor Force  A pool of individuals external to the organizations for the purpose of hiring  The landscape and diversity of the workforce, consider the supply and demand Legal Considerations  Legislations affecting the HRM  Where in bigger countries, federal, state and local legislations come into play eg equal opportunity for employment  Locally in Singapore, MOM plays a vital role
  • 37. External Environment Factors Society  Attitudes and beliefs of general public affect the behaviour and profitability of the organization  Social responsibility is the implied, enforced or felt obligation of managers, acting in their official capacities, to serve or protect the interests of groups other than themselves. Unions  A group of employees who have joined together for the purpose of dealing collectively with their employer.  Wage levels, benefits and working conditions reflect decisions made jointly by unions and management.  Enter into collective bargaining (negotiations) and agreement
  • 38. External Environment Factors Shareholders  Owners or stockholders who have invested money  Often challenge the expenditure and programs considered by Management to be beneficial Competition  Can be in product or service and/or labor markets  Salary bidding war happen frequently for critical positions Customers  Play a big role as the external customers uses the goods and services  Customers demand high quality products and after-purchase service.  Employees hired should be capable of providing such.
  • 39. External Environment Factors Technology  IT savvy and computer-literacy skilled workers are sought after  Rate of technological change is accelerating = not many organizations operate the same way they do a decade ago Economy  Downturn, more applicants are typically available.  Economy booming, challenging in recruiting qualified workers
  • 40. Internal Environment Factors Mission  The organization’s continuing purpose or reason for being Policies  A predetermined guide established to provide direction in decision making Corporate Culture  Basically the social and psychological climate Management Style  Closely linked to corporate culture, the way and how leadership team behaves.
  • 41. HR Model by Dave Ulrich
  • 42.  It applies the disciplines of Economics (wages, markets, resources), Psychology (motivation, satisfaction), Sociology (organization structure, culture) and Law (Maternity Benefit Act, Min. Wage Act, Factories Act, IRO, etc.).  HR is embedded within the work of all managers, and most individual contributors due to the need of managing people (subordinates, peers and superiors) as well as teams to get things done. Multi-disciplinary Facets
  • 43.  Human Resource Planning  Human Resource Policies  Salary and Benefit Administration  Human Rights and Labour Laws  Recruitment, Selection and Orientation  Performance Management  Learning and Development  Communications and Counselling  Grievance Handling  Employees’ Welfare HR Key Activities
  • 44.  Recruitment: develop a pool of qualified applicants.  Selection: determine relative qualifications & potential for a job.  Training & Development: ongoing process to develop worker’s abilities and skills.  Performance appraisal & feedback: provides information about how to train, motivate, and reward workers.  Managers can evaluate and then give feedback to enhance worker performance. HR Key Activities
  • 45.  Pay and Benefits: high performing employees should be rewarded with raises, bonuses.  Increased pay provides additional incentive.  Benefits, such as health insurance, reward membership  Labor relations: managers need an effective relationship with labor unions that represent workers.  Unions help establish pay, and working conditions.
  • 47.  Definition of HR Planning (HRP) is the process of systematically reviewing human resource requirements to ensure that the required number of employees with the required skills are available when and where they are needed.  Planning includes all activities that managers do to forecast current and future HR needs.  Must be done prior to recruitment and selection  Specific quantitative and qualitative requirements  Two components in HRP: 1) Requirements and 2) Availability  Demand forecasts made by managers estimate the number & qualifications the businesses need.  Supply forecasts estimate the availability and qualifications of current workers and those in the labor market. HR Planning
  • 48.  Enables managers to anticipate and prepare for changing conditions.  Affects production plans and productivity  Determination of surplus or shortage of manpower  Surplus – redeployment of manpower, restricted hiring, reduced hours etc  Shortage – redeployment of manpower, intensive hiring, outsourcing etc  Allows flexibility in HRM and time to turnaround efficiently Why is HR Planning Important?
  • 49. Forecasting Techniques  Zero-Base Forecasting  Uses the current level of employment as the starting point for determining future staffing needs.  Vacancy not automatically filled when an employee leaves.  An thorough analysis is made on the need of headcount and associated budget must be justified.  Work is distributed among remaining employees if position is not filled.  Bottom-Up Approach  Begin with the lowest organizational units and progressing upward to forecasts its requirements  Provides an aggregate forecast of employees needed  Comparing current and anticipated levels
  • 50. Forecasting Techniques  Use of Mathematical Models  Predict future requirements through sales volume  Forecasting approximate number of employees required at different demand levels.  Simulation  Technique for experimenting with a real-world situation through a mathematical model.  Simulation model to represent the interrelationships among employment levels and other variables  Using “what if” questions. Examples: What would happen if the plant utilized two shifts? Three shifts? What would happen if 10% of current workforce go on overtime?  Basically to permit managers to gain considerable insight into a particular understanding before making an actual decision
  • 51. Forecasting Results and Impact  Surplus of Employees Forecasted  Restricted Hiring  Reduced Hours  Early Retirement  Layoffs  Shortage of Workers Forecasted  Creative recruiting  Compensation Incentives  Different Selection Standards  Training Programs
  • 52.  Pros  Outsourcing is more flexible.  Continuous supply of workers  Outsourcing often provides human capital at a lower cost.  Cons:  Managers lose control over output.  Outsource contractors are not committed to the firm.  Unions typically are against outsourcing that has potential to eliminate member’s jobs. HR Planning: Outsourcing
  • 53. Job Analysis and HR Planning  Job analysis is the systematic process of determining the skills, duties and knowledge required for performing jobs in an organization.  Know what you need before you recruit!  Purpose of job analysis to is find out the following answers:  What physical and mental tasks does the worker need to accomplish?  When is the job required to be completed?  How does the worker do the job?  Why is the job done?  What qualifications are needed to perform the job?  HR Planning > Job Analysis > Job Description > Job Specification  Job Description – Document that provides information regarding the tasks, duties and responsibilities of the job.
  • 54. Why conduct Job Analysis?  Staffing  Lacking up to date job descriptions and specifications can lead to recruitment inefficiency and disasters.  Training and Development  Identifying training and development needs  Close the gap if the individual does not possess the qualifications  Compensation and Benefits  Relative value of a particular job considered before a dollar value can be placed  Safety and Health  Identify if the job is hazardous and consider the safety measures
  • 55. Data Collection Methods in Job Analysis  Questionnaires  Administer structured questionnaire to the tasks employees perform  Observation  Job analyst watches the employee to perform job tasks and records the observations  Primarily used to gather information on jobs emphasizing manual skills eg machine operator  Usually insufficient of just using observation method alone  Interviews  Job analyst interviews the employee first, helping the employee to describe the duties performed.  Contacts the supervisor for additional information and seek clarifications
  • 56. Data Collection Methods in Job Analysis  Employee Recording  Having employees to describe their daily work activities in a timesheet or log.  Hybrids of Methods Used  Engagement of Consultants
  • 59. Discuss on Internal and External Recruitment Methods
  • 60. Recruitment Methods Internal Recruitment Methods  Job posting – a procedure to inform employees on job openings  Employees Referral Program (ERP) External Recruitment Methods  Advertising (traditional, internal)  Executive search firms  Public employment agencies (e2i, NTUC)  Recruiters  Internships  Open house  Job fair  Unsolicited walk-in applicants  Partnership with colleges or universities
  • 61. External Recruitment Methods Advertising  Traditional print a) Newspaper (blind advertisement) b) Publication of professional associations c) Professional magazines  Internet a) Job portals (,,, etc) b) Social media platforms (Linkedin, Xing, Facebook etc) c) Corporate website (resume management systems)
  • 62. External Recruitment Methods Executive Search Firms  RFI > PSL > TOB  Contingency Search Typically around 20% of 30% of annual compensation Casting a wider net using multiple firms More candidates presented within a shorter time span  Retained Search Pay an upfront fees, can be up to 50% of annual compensation Usually exclusive and take a longer time to recruit
  • 63. External recruiting: managers look outside the organization  Injection of new blood and offer fresh perspectives  External recruitment can be difficult due to the niche of specific skill needs.  A multi-prong approach to external recruiting works best. Internal Recruiting: positions filled within the organization  Internal recruiting has several benefits:  Workers know the firm’s culture, may not have new ideas.  Managers likely already know the candidates.  Internal advancement can motivate employees. Difference
  • 64. Significance of Selection  Selection is the process of choosing from a group of applicants and of those individuals best suited for a particular role and organization.  Selection decision has a great impact on the quality of the candidates recruited ultimately to recruitment success.  Most powerful way to improve productivity is to make the right hiring decisions.  Competent employees must be available to ensure organizational goals are attained.  Marginally qualified employees will lead to intensify training.  Job mismatch due to improper selection will lead to attrition.
  • 66. Selection Process Filter relevant resumes by matching job specifications eg, qualifications, skillset
  • 67. Selection Process Typically over telephone or video- conferencing interview
  • 68. Selection Process Psychomotor abilities tests Measure strength, coordination and dexterity Job-knowledge tests Measure the depth of knowledge of the duties of the job Personality Tests Self reported measures of traits, temperaments or dispositions
  • 69. Selection tools must be reliable and valid. Reliability: the degree to which the tool measures the same thing each time it is used.  Apply consistency eg same duration of time, context etc Validity: Does the test measure what it is supposed to measure?  Example: does a physical ability test really predict the job performance of a firefighter? Managers have an ethical and legal duty to develop good selection tools. Selection Tests and Tools
  • 70. Selection Process Unstructured Interview Comprehensive and time consuming Interviewer asks probing, open- ended questions Structured Interview Series of job-related questions consistently asked of every applicant Increase reliability and accuracy Questions on situational, job knowledge, job-sample simulation, worker requirements Behavioral Interview Structured questions designed to probe the candidate’s past behavior in specific situations Types of Interviews
  • 71. Selection Process  One-on-One Interviews  Group Interview  Board Interview  Stress Interview Interview Methods
  • 72. Selection Process  Previous employment  Education  Criminal history  Driving record  Civil litigation  Credit history
  • 73. Selection Process Joint decision by hiring manager and HR
  • 74. Selection Process Pre-employment check-up to certify fit for employment. Made aware of any pre-existing health conditions
  • 75. Premature Judgements  Often make judgements about candidates in the first few minutes Interviewer Domination  Must be two-way and interviewer must learn to be a good listener Inconsistent and Inappropriate Questions Central Tendency  Cant differentiate between strong and weak candidates Halo Error  Permit only or a few selected personal characteristics to influence decision Contrast Effects  Meet with several poorly qualified and conclude a mediocre candidate to be the one Interviewer Bias  Has own preferences and certain prejudices Pitfalls of Interviewers

Editor's Notes

  1. Time Check: 1:30 We’ve already covered the first two sections of our agenda. Going to spend about 45 minutes looking at the business case for talent management technology. Goal here is to give you some “ammunition” for investing in talent management technology in your company. This data is based primarily on SuccessFactors research into the ROI of our technology. At the end will do a short exercise to help you build a business case using your own company’s date. From 2:15 to 2:45 we are going to discuss two different reasons for implementing talent management technology that are sometimes mutually supportive, but at other times can conflict: automation vs transformation. Going to do an exercise where you plot your own company’s needs relative to these two objectives. 2:45 to 3:00 – break. From about 3:00 on we are going to examine different talent management applications, focusing on how talent management technology can be used to support different elements of talent management. We have intentionally avoided using “standard HR” words here because we want to encourage transformational thinking about the use of technology. In other words, talent management technology is not limited to simply automating existing paper and pencil performance management or succession planning processes (although it can do this). It is frequently about fundamentally changing how companies go about leveraging the full potential of their employees. Will focus on wrapping up the session with some final thoughts starting around 4:45. Will be done by 5.
  2. Time Check: 1:30 We’ve already covered the first two sections of our agenda. Going to spend about 45 minutes looking at the business case for talent management technology. Goal here is to give you some “ammunition” for investing in talent management technology in your company. This data is based primarily on SuccessFactors research into the ROI of our technology. At the end will do a short exercise to help you build a business case using your own company’s date. From 2:15 to 2:45 we are going to discuss two different reasons for implementing talent management technology that are sometimes mutually supportive, but at other times can conflict: automation vs transformation. Going to do an exercise where you plot your own company’s needs relative to these two objectives. 2:45 to 3:00 – break. From about 3:00 on we are going to examine different talent management applications, focusing on how talent management technology can be used to support different elements of talent management. We have intentionally avoided using “standard HR” words here because we want to encourage transformational thinking about the use of technology. In other words, talent management technology is not limited to simply automating existing paper and pencil performance management or succession planning processes (although it can do this). It is frequently about fundamentally changing how companies go about leveraging the full potential of their employees. Will focus on wrapping up the session with some final thoughts starting around 4:45. Will be done by 5.
  3. Time Check: 1:30 We’ve already covered the first two sections of our agenda. Going to spend about 45 minutes looking at the business case for talent management technology. Goal here is to give you some “ammunition” for investing in talent management technology in your company. This data is based primarily on SuccessFactors research into the ROI of our technology. At the end will do a short exercise to help you build a business case using your own company’s date. From 2:15 to 2:45 we are going to discuss two different reasons for implementing talent management technology that are sometimes mutually supportive, but at other times can conflict: automation vs transformation. Going to do an exercise where you plot your own company’s needs relative to these two objectives. 2:45 to 3:00 – break. From about 3:00 on we are going to examine different talent management applications, focusing on how talent management technology can be used to support different elements of talent management. We have intentionally avoided using “standard HR” words here because we want to encourage transformational thinking about the use of technology. In other words, talent management technology is not limited to simply automating existing paper and pencil performance management or succession planning processes (although it can do this). It is frequently about fundamentally changing how companies go about leveraging the full potential of their employees. Will focus on wrapping up the session with some final thoughts starting around 4:45. Will be done by 5.
  4. Time Check: 1:30 We’ve already covered the first two sections of our agenda. Going to spend about 45 minutes looking at the business case for talent management technology. Goal here is to give you some “ammunition” for investing in talent management technology in your company. This data is based primarily on SuccessFactors research into the ROI of our technology. At the end will do a short exercise to help you build a business case using your own company’s date. From 2:15 to 2:45 we are going to discuss two different reasons for implementing talent management technology that are sometimes mutually supportive, but at other times can conflict: automation vs transformation. Going to do an exercise where you plot your own company’s needs relative to these two objectives. 2:45 to 3:00 – break. From about 3:00 on we are going to examine different talent management applications, focusing on how talent management technology can be used to support different elements of talent management. We have intentionally avoided using “standard HR” words here because we want to encourage transformational thinking about the use of technology. In other words, talent management technology is not limited to simply automating existing paper and pencil performance management or succession planning processes (although it can do this). It is frequently about fundamentally changing how companies go about leveraging the full potential of their employees. Will focus on wrapping up the session with some final thoughts starting around 4:45. Will be done by 5.
  5. Time Check: 1:30 We’ve already covered the first two sections of our agenda. Going to spend about 45 minutes looking at the business case for talent management technology. Goal here is to give you some “ammunition” for investing in talent management technology in your company. This data is based primarily on SuccessFactors research into the ROI of our technology. At the end will do a short exercise to help you build a business case using your own company’s date. From 2:15 to 2:45 we are going to discuss two different reasons for implementing talent management technology that are sometimes mutually supportive, but at other times can conflict: automation vs transformation. Going to do an exercise where you plot your own company’s needs relative to these two objectives. 2:45 to 3:00 – break. From about 3:00 on we are going to examine different talent management applications, focusing on how talent management technology can be used to support different elements of talent management. We have intentionally avoided using “standard HR” words here because we want to encourage transformational thinking about the use of technology. In other words, talent management technology is not limited to simply automating existing paper and pencil performance management or succession planning processes (although it can do this). It is frequently about fundamentally changing how companies go about leveraging the full potential of their employees. Will focus on wrapping up the session with some final thoughts starting around 4:45. Will be done by 5.
  6. Time Check: 1:30 We’ve already covered the first two sections of our agenda. Going to spend about 45 minutes looking at the business case for talent management technology. Goal here is to give you some “ammunition” for investing in talent management technology in your company. This data is based primarily on SuccessFactors research into the ROI of our technology. At the end will do a short exercise to help you build a business case using your own company’s date. From 2:15 to 2:45 we are going to discuss two different reasons for implementing talent management technology that are sometimes mutually supportive, but at other times can conflict: automation vs transformation. Going to do an exercise where you plot your own company’s needs relative to these two objectives. 2:45 to 3:00 – break. From about 3:00 on we are going to examine different talent management applications, focusing on how talent management technology can be used to support different elements of talent management. We have intentionally avoided using “standard HR” words here because we want to encourage transformational thinking about the use of technology. In other words, talent management technology is not limited to simply automating existing paper and pencil performance management or succession planning processes (although it can do this). It is frequently about fundamentally changing how companies go about leveraging the full potential of their employees. Will focus on wrapping up the session with some final thoughts starting around 4:45. Will be done by 5.
  7. Time Check: 1:30 We’ve already covered the first two sections of our agenda. Going to spend about 45 minutes looking at the business case for talent management technology. Goal here is to give you some “ammunition” for investing in talent management technology in your company. This data is based primarily on SuccessFactors research into the ROI of our technology. At the end will do a short exercise to help you build a business case using your own company’s date. From 2:15 to 2:45 we are going to discuss two different reasons for implementing talent management technology that are sometimes mutually supportive, but at other times can conflict: automation vs transformation. Going to do an exercise where you plot your own company’s needs relative to these two objectives. 2:45 to 3:00 – break. From about 3:00 on we are going to examine different talent management applications, focusing on how talent management technology can be used to support different elements of talent management. We have intentionally avoided using “standard HR” words here because we want to encourage transformational thinking about the use of technology. In other words, talent management technology is not limited to simply automating existing paper and pencil performance management or succession planning processes (although it can do this). It is frequently about fundamentally changing how companies go about leveraging the full potential of their employees. Will focus on wrapping up the session with some final thoughts starting around 4:45. Will be done by 5.
  8. Time Check: 1:30 We’ve already covered the first two sections of our agenda. Going to spend about 45 minutes looking at the business case for talent management technology. Goal here is to give you some “ammunition” for investing in talent management technology in your company. This data is based primarily on SuccessFactors research into the ROI of our technology. At the end will do a short exercise to help you build a business case using your own company’s date. From 2:15 to 2:45 we are going to discuss two different reasons for implementing talent management technology that are sometimes mutually supportive, but at other times can conflict: automation vs transformation. Going to do an exercise where you plot your own company’s needs relative to these two objectives. 2:45 to 3:00 – break. From about 3:00 on we are going to examine different talent management applications, focusing on how talent management technology can be used to support different elements of talent management. We have intentionally avoided using “standard HR” words here because we want to encourage transformational thinking about the use of technology. In other words, talent management technology is not limited to simply automating existing paper and pencil performance management or succession planning processes (although it can do this). It is frequently about fundamentally changing how companies go about leveraging the full potential of their employees. Will focus on wrapping up the session with some final thoughts starting around 4:45. Will be done by 5.
  9. Time Check: 1:30 We’ve already covered the first two sections of our agenda. Going to spend about 45 minutes looking at the business case for talent management technology. Goal here is to give you some “ammunition” for investing in talent management technology in your company. This data is based primarily on SuccessFactors research into the ROI of our technology. At the end will do a short exercise to help you build a business case using your own company’s date. From 2:15 to 2:45 we are going to discuss two different reasons for implementing talent management technology that are sometimes mutually supportive, but at other times can conflict: automation vs transformation. Going to do an exercise where you plot your own company’s needs relative to these two objectives. 2:45 to 3:00 – break. From about 3:00 on we are going to examine different talent management applications, focusing on how talent management technology can be used to support different elements of talent management. We have intentionally avoided using “standard HR” words here because we want to encourage transformational thinking about the use of technology. In other words, talent management technology is not limited to simply automating existing paper and pencil performance management or succession planning processes (although it can do this). It is frequently about fundamentally changing how companies go about leveraging the full potential of their employees. Will focus on wrapping up the session with some final thoughts starting around 4:45. Will be done by 5.