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Human Geography:
Welcome to week 5 of your course. This discussion question
will help you prepare for your CLA2 paper and final CLA2
PPT and as such will have a fair amount of detail. Read the
CLA2 assignment listed in week 8 of the course. Then
please provide an outline that itemizes the concepts that you
will include in your CLA2 paper and final PPT. Please be sure
to include concepts learned in the course and information
(findings, conclusions) from your PA1 and CLA1 papers.
Provide some brief details for each item that is outlined. Please
keep in mind that you should have placeholders for material not
yet covered in lecture from weeks 6 and 7. Here is an itemized
list that summarizes the requirements of this DQ (include every
item in the bullet point list below, or you will not receive full
1. Outline that itemizes concepts learned in the course
2. Include information (findings, conclusions) from your
PA1 and CLA1
3. Brief details for each item that is outlined
4. Placeholders for material not yet covered
This is my PA1:
Different scholars propose several articulate, authoritative, and
thorough review concerning the application and actual nature of
models and theories related to diffusion in a sociological point
of view. It is essential to note that the aspect of human culture
is a complex system made up of values. The aspect of cultural
values implies specific ideas, items, and concepts that get either
negative or positive connotation. This paper analyses some of
the choices or behaviors in human life influenced by diffusion.
Responsibility and diffusion: this is the first choice/behavior
influenced by diffusion, other scholars call it diffusion of
responsibilities, which is phenomenon influenced by human
psychology and it is where a person displays less chances of
taking an action in presence of people. For many years, social
psychology recognizes the aspect that human behavior regarding
social responsibility is significantly influenced by the presence
of people. The simple way to understand this is attributed to the
‘bystander effect’ where the probability of people taking actions
to assists other in case of an emergency is low especially if
there are many people in that place, Beyer (2017).
Another common example regarding responsibility is the “social
loafing” effect. Although people strive to work as a team with a
primary objective of achieving a similar goal, the likelihood
that individual will put in less efforts on average is always high.
The possibilities of taking a risk at an individual level are
always low, but when working or deciding on something as a
group, the possibilities of taking risks are always high. These
examples shows that a person’s behavior changes within the
social context. The presence of people develops that virtue of
becoming less responsible.
Conformity: the changes in personal behavior or opinion to
conform to what the rest of the group or team agrees. In most
cases, the aspect of conformity takes place voluntary and the
person may not understand that they are gradual changing to
conform to what the rest of the group wants. Several studies
show that opinion of others has significant influence on human
behaviors. The aspect of making even the simplest decisions is
influenced by the opinion of others. According to the diffusion
model, social conformity is influenced by an aspect of biased
intake of several stimulus information, which is the followed by
a critical stimulus processing of the information, Germar
(2016). The N1-amplitudes indicates that social influence
increases the attentional resources related to identification and
discrimination of stimulus. People don’t directly or blindly
follow the opinion of the majority but critical evaluate any
stimulus information.
Compliance: according to Maslow (1943) argued that peoples’
behavior is always motivated by the needs hierarchy. This
aspect implies that human psychological needs should always
come first and they are attributed to abstract goals which
include social status, freedom, and companionship. Several
previous studies aimed at identifying the determinants that
affects individual’s compliance to laws and regulations.
However, despite the several studies, one aspect remains
ignored. The aspect of diffusion is possibly evaluated on the
perspective of interconnections that allows compliance.
Compliance is a behavior influenced by direct requests. On
primary aspect of MT (Mindfulness Training develops from an
IA (Interceptive attention). Human compliance behavior is
highly influenced by behavior, feelings, thoughts, and social.
Beyer, F., Sidarus, N., Bonicalzi, S., & Haggard, P. (2017).
Beyond self-serving bias: diffusion of responsibility reduces
sense of agency and outcome monitoring. Social cognitive and
affective neuroscience, 12(1), 138-145.
Germar, M., Albrecht, T., Voss, A., & Mojzisch, A. (2016).
Social conformity is due to biased stimulus processing:
Electrophysiological and diffusion analyses. Social cognitive
and affective neuroscience, 11(9), 1449-1459.
This is my cla1;
Like many in modern society, you probably see yourself as
evolved and tolerant regarding people who are different from
you because of skin color, age, gender, etc. You think of
yourself as open to and appreciating of other cultural practices.
You possibly have even become an advocate for those without a
voice, fighting for the rights of others when misconduct or
impropriety is observed. However, what you believe based on
your opinion and what can be proven by assessment and data-
based results can be very different.
For the first part of this assignment you will write a one-page
reflection on how ethnocentric you perceive yourself to be.
Please include suggestions about changes you have seen in
yourself, outside factors that have influenced you, and any other
information that will explain what you think about your level of
ethnocentricity. Be honest with yourself and decide using a
scale of 1 to 5, with 1 being the least ethnocentric and 5 being
the most ethnocentric.
Part Two assesses you and two friends or family members. You
will take/administer the assessment found at the link below to
see if your perception (as written about in your part 1
reflection) and reality (quantitative assessment results) are the
same. Scores can range from 10-50. The higher the score, the
more ethnocentric the test taker is.
With assessment scores calculated, the third part of the project
will be to reflect on the results of the entire group. How did
everyone do? Were you correct on your own assessment? What
were the results of those people you assessed? What patterns, if
any, did you see in the results? Were there any surprises in any
of the results? This report will be 2-3 pages and include a full-
page table that shows the results of your assessments on
separate page.
Neuliep & McCroskey’s Ethnocentrism Scale/Assessment:
The human development index (HDI) has been used to gauge the
level of a country’s development beyond gross national income
per capita.
As such, it has been adopted by the United Nations. The HDI is
closely associated with income levels, but there are several
areas of
For this activity, choose five (5) countries that interest you.
Then go to the
website listed below which includes data for every country and
you to build your own index. By just selecting the income
indicator, you
can determine the rank of your countries in terms of purchasing
parity and then in the conventional human development index as
calculated (HDI Rank). However, you can also select other
indicators that
you are interested in by exploring this interactive worksheet.
You can
select different indicators, determine their weights if you like,
and build
an index that you think is more accurate. In each instance, you
need to
scroll down to find the ranks of your selected countries. How do
the ranks
of your countries change when you use different criteria?
In addition to creating the index, you will report on your
findings for each
city with an analysis that includes historical information and
factors that are relevant. Suggestions for future development
that will
benefit citizens in each of the five (5) countries should be
presented in
conjunction with your analysis.
The research, index, and analysis will be written in an essay,
APA format.
Include maps, tables, relevant graphics, and the index you
Remember to include your reference page.
International relation course: just 160-200 words
Welcome to week 5 of your course. This discussion question
will help you prepare for your final CLA2 assignment and as
such will have a fair amount of detail. Read the CLA2
assignment listed in week 8 of the course in your Syllabus.
Then, please provide an outline that itemizes the concepts that
you will include in your final CLA2 assignment. Please be sure
to include concepts learned in the course and information
(findings, conclusions) from your PA1 and CLA1 papers.
Provide some brief details for each item that is outlined. Please
keep in mind that you should have placeholders for material not
yet covered in lecture from weeks 6 and 7. Here is an itemized
list that summarizes the requirements of this DQ (include every
item in the bullet point list below, or you will not receive full
1. Outline that itemizes concepts learned in the course
2. Include information (findings, conclusions) from your PA1
and CLA1
3. Brief details for each item that is outlined
4. Placeholders for material not yet covered (including
suggested topics from the syllabus), including what needs to be
covered in your CLA2.
This is my PA1:
Hotel Rwanda
The political tension experienced in Rwanda in 1994 saw the
deaths of over 800,000 people with a significant population
coming from the Tutsi community. The start of the genocide
attributed to the long-time political tension that the country had
experienced. It is also essential to note that the country’s
population was made up of two primary language communities
with two other minority communities. The Hutu made the most
significant part of the people, which was approximately 85% of
the total population. Despite their considerable in number in the
population, the Hutus got little attention from the Belgians who
colonized the country. The aspect of the Belgian administration,
creating a tendency of the minority dominating the majority,
developed a long-time tension that only exploded into a series
of violence even before the country’s independence.
Political context
The continuous behavior by the Belgians to favor the Tutsis
who were part of the minority communities in Rwanda raised
bitterness among the Hutu against the Tutsi. A revolution by the
Hutu in 1959 led to almost 330 000 Tutsis fleeing the country.
This factor led to a reduction in the population of the Tutsis,
making them one of the minority communities in Rwanda. The
Tutsi’s Monarch was forced into exile by the Hutus in 1961,
who later declared Rwanda a republic. Ethical violence
continued even after independence in 1962, and in 1973 Juvenal
Habyarimana, who was a Hutu moderate Major General, got
installed into power by a military group. As a fair leader,
Juvenal formed NRMD (National Revolutionary Movement for
Development. After an invasion from a team of Rwandese
refugees led to a directive of massacres against Tutsi
International policy
For many years, the President of Rwanda blames the French
administration for funding and equipping the Hutus, who were
carrying out the Massacre against the Tutsi. The film also shows
the UN’s inability to sustain peace in the country where
violence was escalating rapidly. As the hostility continued
growing, the UN withdrew its peacekeeping forces. Although
foreign governments sent troops into the country, the troops
aimed at evacuating their people safe. Most of the citizens left
by the external forces were guests at hotel Rwanda, Burton
(2017). the aspect of the UN to withdraw its peacekeeping
troops from Rwanda is viewed as a western decision to abandon
Rwanda because of the challenge that was quickly arising. This
aspect is seen when the head of the UN peacekeeping troops
asks Paul to view of UN’s action as a Western idea to abandon
the country.
One factor that stands out is that the Western countries,
including the US and the UN officials, knew the plans and
campaigns by the Hutu to eliminate the Tutsi. France was a
crucial player in the genocide by funding the Hutus. The actions
of the Western countries led to the evaporation of all forms of
foreign assistance. Historians agree that the genocide was
deliberately planned. Despite the withdrawal by the UN and
foreign aid, over 200 NGOs remained to provide humanitarian
aid. Primary countries that maintained diplomatic activities
include Russia, Canada, Libya, and China. The actions by the
Western countries clearly shows that despite several resources
that the Western countries exploit form African and other third
world countries, the nations are not willing to stand with the
third world countries at the time of crisis, Hafidh (2017). The
bitter factors are that it is the same Western countries that fund
the civil wars to create political instability, which gives them an
excellent chance to continue exploiting the resources that the
states. There is no doubt that Western countries have developed
from the resources exploited from African countries.
The status of implementation
Although international relations policies ought to protect all UN
country members, the actual implementation process of
implementing some of the plans only protects the world’s
developed countries. One significant example can be seen in
how states are implementing the WHO health policies
concerning the control and prevention of the world’s current
health epidemic, which is COVID 19. Despite the continuous
spread of the virus across the globe, African countries have
continued opening its borders for planes from Foreign countries
just because the states rely on Western countries for economic
support. One fact is that it is at all the virus that could originate
from African countries; there is no Western country that could
have allowed flights from African countries to land. The
problem would have remained to be an African problem but not
the world’s problem.
For many years the world’s super economies have violated some
of the international relations policies of the world’s developing
countries with economic sanction threats giving those countries
no chance but to abide by the policies set by the Western
countries. The Rwanda genocide is just one of the many
examples of wars that have happened on African land but
initiated and even financed by Western countries. The un-
ending conflicts in the central and part of the Western part of
Africa can be attributed to the fact that the areas are enriched
with minerals that play a significant role in developing some of
the vital economic sectors of the Western countries, Goyal
(2014). Creating political instability is the right way through
which the western countries can continue exploiting the
Burton, A. (2017). Hotel Rwanda: A Twisted Perception.
Armstrong Undergraduate Journal of History, 7(2), 154-159.
Goyal, Y. (2014). African atrocity, American humanity: Slavery
and its transnational afterlives. Research in African Literatures,
45(3), 48-71.
Hafidh, N. (2017). The Representation Of Rwandan Conflicts In
Hotel Rwanda Movie (Doctoral dissertation, ISLAMIC STATE
This is CLA1 topic:
CLA 1 Comprehensive learning Assessment I (CLOs 1, 2, 3,
4,5) - Current Event Article
Current Event Article
Part I: Using a reputable source (LIRN, National Geographic,,,,,
retrieve a current events article that fits one of the criteria listed
below. Choose an article that interests you. If you have a doubt
about whether an article is acceptable or not, show it to the
professor no later than 4 days before the assignment is due.
Then write a one-paragraph summary on the article (who, what,
where, when, why).
Article Ideas:
● Geography: environment, immigration, global warming,
etc. as it relates to humans
● Culture: customs, traditions, religion, politics, etc.
● Government: elections, laws, court decisions, etc.
● Technology: new inventions, innovative ways to better
our lives, etc.
● Cooperation & Conflict: foreign policy, trade agreements
and disputes, wars, etc.
● Resources: natural or human resource issues between
governments or groups
● History/Archeology: New discoveries or theories about
the past (fossil finds, etc.)
● Empires: What country dominates the world now...and
who is
Part II: Then analyze/react to the current event by answering the
following questions, only if they apply to your article (answer
as many as apply):
● What causes conflict between different states, regions,
civilizations, ethnic groups, cultures, and religions?
● What were the effects or outcomes of war and conflict?
● What effect did the resolutions or treaties have on the
people, country, region, etc.?
● How did cultural, scientific, and technical breakthroughs
impact the way people live and think?
How do political institutions impact the lives of the people?
● How do economic principles and policies shape world
● How do historical events influence the development of
political institutions?
Your completed assignment should include a hard copy of the
current event, a typed summary, and a typed analysis of the
current event.
· CLA 1 due by Sunday at 11:59pm
This is cla2:
Primary Source Analysis Paper
For this assignment, you will be taking a closer look at an
international relations topic
that intrigues you. Choose a topic that interests you (historical
or contemporary).
Some ideas include the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and
Nagasaki, the Munich
Pact, the fall of the Berlin Wall, India and Pakistan joining of
the Nuclear Club, the
Cuban Missile Crisis, and the Russian invasion of Crimea. If
you need your professor
to review your choice, send it to them at the beginning of Week
7. They will need
time to respond to you, and you will need time to submit this
Then select a primary source on the topic you chose,
specifically, a speech from a
political leader. Review Understanding Primary and Secondary
Sources and
Analyzing a Primary Source before you begin searching for a
primary source.
If you are at a loss for where to begin searching, here’s a start:
The National Security Archive:
Internet Modern History Sourcebook:
George Mason’s Center for History and New Media:
When sifting through sources, ask yourself how a realist,
liberal, or constructivist
would interpret this primary source. Then select a perspective
through which to view
the primary source. You may choose to view this primary source
from a realist,
liberal, or constructivist perspective. Then using the CLA
guidelines detailed in this
syllabus, include the following in a three- to four-page written
Briefly describe your source. Include contextual information
about the source. What
does the reader need to understand about the context (and
history) in which this
source was made in order to understand your analysis of the
source? Include the
information the reader needs to understand the source, but do
not include extraneous
(unrelated) information.
Make a statement. This should be at the end of your
introductory paragraph or
directly following the introduction. Make an argument from a
particular perspective.
Example: Although realists would disagree with A about B, this
primary source
perfectly illustrates three of realism’s primary assumptions X,
Y, and Z.
Example: Despite President X’s call for a more globalized and
peaceful world order
in source B, her overall foreign policy view is decidedly
constructivist as seen in
source A.
Example: Throughout this film, the main character’s primary
motivations stem from
a constructivist understanding of the world as seen in XYZ.
Analyze the primary source. Elaborate on your statement above.
This is the main
part of the paper and the length of this section should reflect
this. Use references as
needed. As you analyze the source, ensure that you answer the
following: How would
theorist X view this source? How does the language in this
source reflect/contradict
this theory? If you are comparing primary sources, what
theoretical views are
expressed in these sources? The same? Different? What
accounts for this difference?
Conclusion. Keep this short. Restate your thesis at some point
in the conclusion.
Offer some concluding thoughts--draw connections to other
material, current or
historical events, etc.
Include your source. This is NOT included in the page count.
When reasonable,
include the primary source(s) as an appendix at the end of your
paper. This is NOT
required for some types of source (e.g. a film). If the source is
written and relatively
short (<10 pages), include this document at the end of the paper

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Human GeographyWelcome to week 5 of your course.  This discussi.docx

  • 1. Human Geography: Welcome to week 5 of your course. This discussion question will help you prepare for your CLA2 paper and final CLA2 PPT and as such will have a fair amount of detail. Read the CLA2 assignment listed in week 8 of the course. Then please provide an outline that itemizes the concepts that you will include in your CLA2 paper and final PPT. Please be sure to include concepts learned in the course and information (findings, conclusions) from your PA1 and CLA1 papers. Provide some brief details for each item that is outlined. Please keep in mind that you should have placeholders for material not yet covered in lecture from weeks 6 and 7. Here is an itemized list that summarizes the requirements of this DQ (include every item in the bullet point list below, or you will not receive full credit): 1. Outline that itemizes concepts learned in the course 2. Include information (findings, conclusions) from your PA1 and CLA1 3. Brief details for each item that is outlined 4. Placeholders for material not yet covered This is my PA1: Different scholars propose several articulate, authoritative, and thorough review concerning the application and actual nature of models and theories related to diffusion in a sociological point of view. It is essential to note that the aspect of human culture is a complex system made up of values. The aspect of cultural values implies specific ideas, items, and concepts that get either negative or positive connotation. This paper analyses some of the choices or behaviors in human life influenced by diffusion. Responsibility and diffusion: this is the first choice/behavior influenced by diffusion, other scholars call it diffusion of responsibilities, which is phenomenon influenced by human psychology and it is where a person displays less chances of
  • 2. taking an action in presence of people. For many years, social psychology recognizes the aspect that human behavior regarding social responsibility is significantly influenced by the presence of people. The simple way to understand this is attributed to the ‘bystander effect’ where the probability of people taking actions to assists other in case of an emergency is low especially if there are many people in that place, Beyer (2017). Another common example regarding responsibility is the “social loafing” effect. Although people strive to work as a team with a primary objective of achieving a similar goal, the likelihood that individual will put in less efforts on average is always high. The possibilities of taking a risk at an individual level are always low, but when working or deciding on something as a group, the possibilities of taking risks are always high. These examples shows that a person’s behavior changes within the social context. The presence of people develops that virtue of becoming less responsible. Conformity: the changes in personal behavior or opinion to conform to what the rest of the group or team agrees. In most cases, the aspect of conformity takes place voluntary and the person may not understand that they are gradual changing to conform to what the rest of the group wants. Several studies show that opinion of others has significant influence on human behaviors. The aspect of making even the simplest decisions is influenced by the opinion of others. According to the diffusion model, social conformity is influenced by an aspect of biased intake of several stimulus information, which is the followed by a critical stimulus processing of the information, Germar (2016). The N1-amplitudes indicates that social influence increases the attentional resources related to identification and discrimination of stimulus. People don’t directly or blindly follow the opinion of the majority but critical evaluate any stimulus information. Compliance: according to Maslow (1943) argued that peoples’ behavior is always motivated by the needs hierarchy. This aspect implies that human psychological needs should always
  • 3. come first and they are attributed to abstract goals which include social status, freedom, and companionship. Several previous studies aimed at identifying the determinants that affects individual’s compliance to laws and regulations. However, despite the several studies, one aspect remains ignored. The aspect of diffusion is possibly evaluated on the perspective of interconnections that allows compliance. Compliance is a behavior influenced by direct requests. On primary aspect of MT (Mindfulness Training develops from an IA (Interceptive attention). Human compliance behavior is highly influenced by behavior, feelings, thoughts, and social. References Beyer, F., Sidarus, N., Bonicalzi, S., & Haggard, P. (2017). Beyond self-serving bias: diffusion of responsibility reduces sense of agency and outcome monitoring. Social cognitive and affective neuroscience, 12(1), 138-145. Germar, M., Albrecht, T., Voss, A., & Mojzisch, A. (2016). Social conformity is due to biased stimulus processing: Electrophysiological and diffusion analyses. Social cognitive and affective neuroscience, 11(9), 1449-1459. This is my cla1; Like many in modern society, you probably see yourself as evolved and tolerant regarding people who are different from you because of skin color, age, gender, etc. You think of yourself as open to and appreciating of other cultural practices. You possibly have even become an advocate for those without a voice, fighting for the rights of others when misconduct or impropriety is observed. However, what you believe based on your opinion and what can be proven by assessment and data- based results can be very different. For the first part of this assignment you will write a one-page reflection on how ethnocentric you perceive yourself to be. Please include suggestions about changes you have seen in
  • 4. yourself, outside factors that have influenced you, and any other information that will explain what you think about your level of ethnocentricity. Be honest with yourself and decide using a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 being the least ethnocentric and 5 being the most ethnocentric. Part Two assesses you and two friends or family members. You will take/administer the assessment found at the link below to see if your perception (as written about in your part 1 reflection) and reality (quantitative assessment results) are the same. Scores can range from 10-50. The higher the score, the more ethnocentric the test taker is. With assessment scores calculated, the third part of the project will be to reflect on the results of the entire group. How did everyone do? Were you correct on your own assessment? What were the results of those people you assessed? What patterns, if any, did you see in the results? Were there any surprises in any of the results? This report will be 2-3 pages and include a full- page table that shows the results of your assessments on separate page. Neuliep & McCroskey’s Ethnocentrism Scale/Assessment: THIS IS MY CLA2: The human development index (HDI) has been used to gauge the true level of a country’s development beyond gross national income per capita. As such, it has been adopted by the United Nations. The HDI is often closely associated with income levels, but there are several areas of divergence. For this activity, choose five (5) countries that interest you. Then go to the
  • 5. website listed below which includes data for every country and allows you to build your own index. By just selecting the income indicator, you can determine the rank of your countries in terms of purchasing power parity and then in the conventional human development index as calculated (HDI Rank). However, you can also select other indicators that you are interested in by exploring this interactive worksheet. You can select different indicators, determine their weights if you like, and build an index that you think is more accurate. In each instance, you need to scroll down to find the ranks of your selected countries. How do the ranks of your countries change when you use different criteria? In addition to creating the index, you will report on your findings for each city with an analysis that includes historical information and current factors that are relevant. Suggestions for future development that will benefit citizens in each of the five (5) countries should be presented in conjunction with your analysis. The research, index, and analysis will be written in an essay, APA format. Include maps, tables, relevant graphics, and the index you created. Remember to include your reference page. International relation course: just 160-200 words
  • 6. Welcome to week 5 of your course. This discussion question will help you prepare for your final CLA2 assignment and as such will have a fair amount of detail. Read the CLA2 assignment listed in week 8 of the course in your Syllabus. Then, please provide an outline that itemizes the concepts that you will include in your final CLA2 assignment. Please be sure to include concepts learned in the course and information (findings, conclusions) from your PA1 and CLA1 papers. Provide some brief details for each item that is outlined. Please keep in mind that you should have placeholders for material not yet covered in lecture from weeks 6 and 7. Here is an itemized list that summarizes the requirements of this DQ (include every item in the bullet point list below, or you will not receive full credit): 1. Outline that itemizes concepts learned in the course 2. Include information (findings, conclusions) from your PA1 and CLA1 3. Brief details for each item that is outlined 4. Placeholders for material not yet covered (including suggested topics from the syllabus), including what needs to be covered in your CLA2. This is my PA1: Hotel Rwanda The political tension experienced in Rwanda in 1994 saw the deaths of over 800,000 people with a significant population coming from the Tutsi community. The start of the genocide attributed to the long-time political tension that the country had experienced. It is also essential to note that the country’s population was made up of two primary language communities with two other minority communities. The Hutu made the most significant part of the people, which was approximately 85% of the total population. Despite their considerable in number in the population, the Hutus got little attention from the Belgians who colonized the country. The aspect of the Belgian administration,
  • 7. creating a tendency of the minority dominating the majority, developed a long-time tension that only exploded into a series of violence even before the country’s independence. Political context The continuous behavior by the Belgians to favor the Tutsis who were part of the minority communities in Rwanda raised bitterness among the Hutu against the Tutsi. A revolution by the Hutu in 1959 led to almost 330 000 Tutsis fleeing the country. This factor led to a reduction in the population of the Tutsis, making them one of the minority communities in Rwanda. The Tutsi’s Monarch was forced into exile by the Hutus in 1961, who later declared Rwanda a republic. Ethical violence continued even after independence in 1962, and in 1973 Juvenal Habyarimana, who was a Hutu moderate Major General, got installed into power by a military group. As a fair leader, Juvenal formed NRMD (National Revolutionary Movement for Development. After an invasion from a team of Rwandese refugees led to a directive of massacres against Tutsi International policy For many years, the President of Rwanda blames the French administration for funding and equipping the Hutus, who were carrying out the Massacre against the Tutsi. The film also shows the UN’s inability to sustain peace in the country where violence was escalating rapidly. As the hostility continued growing, the UN withdrew its peacekeeping forces. Although foreign governments sent troops into the country, the troops aimed at evacuating their people safe. Most of the citizens left by the external forces were guests at hotel Rwanda, Burton (2017). the aspect of the UN to withdraw its peacekeeping troops from Rwanda is viewed as a western decision to abandon Rwanda because of the challenge that was quickly arising. This aspect is seen when the head of the UN peacekeeping troops asks Paul to view of UN’s action as a Western idea to abandon the country. One factor that stands out is that the Western countries, including the US and the UN officials, knew the plans and
  • 8. campaigns by the Hutu to eliminate the Tutsi. France was a crucial player in the genocide by funding the Hutus. The actions of the Western countries led to the evaporation of all forms of foreign assistance. Historians agree that the genocide was deliberately planned. Despite the withdrawal by the UN and foreign aid, over 200 NGOs remained to provide humanitarian aid. Primary countries that maintained diplomatic activities include Russia, Canada, Libya, and China. The actions by the Western countries clearly shows that despite several resources that the Western countries exploit form African and other third world countries, the nations are not willing to stand with the third world countries at the time of crisis, Hafidh (2017). The bitter factors are that it is the same Western countries that fund the civil wars to create political instability, which gives them an excellent chance to continue exploiting the resources that the states. There is no doubt that Western countries have developed from the resources exploited from African countries. The status of implementation Although international relations policies ought to protect all UN country members, the actual implementation process of implementing some of the plans only protects the world’s developed countries. One significant example can be seen in how states are implementing the WHO health policies concerning the control and prevention of the world’s current health epidemic, which is COVID 19. Despite the continuous spread of the virus across the globe, African countries have continued opening its borders for planes from Foreign countries just because the states rely on Western countries for economic support. One fact is that it is at all the virus that could originate from African countries; there is no Western country that could have allowed flights from African countries to land. The problem would have remained to be an African problem but not the world’s problem. For many years the world’s super economies have violated some of the international relations policies of the world’s developing countries with economic sanction threats giving those countries
  • 9. no chance but to abide by the policies set by the Western countries. The Rwanda genocide is just one of the many examples of wars that have happened on African land but initiated and even financed by Western countries. The un- ending conflicts in the central and part of the Western part of Africa can be attributed to the fact that the areas are enriched with minerals that play a significant role in developing some of the vital economic sectors of the Western countries, Goyal (2014). Creating political instability is the right way through which the western countries can continue exploiting the resources. References Burton, A. (2017). Hotel Rwanda: A Twisted Perception. Armstrong Undergraduate Journal of History, 7(2), 154-159. Goyal, Y. (2014). African atrocity, American humanity: Slavery and its transnational afterlives. Research in African Literatures, 45(3), 48-71. Hafidh, N. (2017). The Representation Of Rwandan Conflicts In Hotel Rwanda Movie (Doctoral dissertation, ISLAMIC STATE UNIVERSITY). This is CLA1 topic: Summary: CLA 1 Comprehensive learning Assessment I (CLOs 1, 2, 3, 4,5) - Current Event Article Current Event Article Part I: Using a reputable source (LIRN, National Geographic,,,,, retrieve a current events article that fits one of the criteria listed below. Choose an article that interests you. If you have a doubt about whether an article is acceptable or not, show it to the professor no later than 4 days before the assignment is due. Then write a one-paragraph summary on the article (who, what, where, when, why). Article Ideas: ● Geography: environment, immigration, global warming, etc. as it relates to humans
  • 10. ● Culture: customs, traditions, religion, politics, etc. ● Government: elections, laws, court decisions, etc. ● Technology: new inventions, innovative ways to better our lives, etc. ● Cooperation & Conflict: foreign policy, trade agreements and disputes, wars, etc. ● Resources: natural or human resource issues between governments or groups ● History/Archeology: New discoveries or theories about the past (fossil finds, etc.) ● Empires: What country dominates the world now...and who is rising? Part II: Then analyze/react to the current event by answering the following questions, only if they apply to your article (answer as many as apply): ● What causes conflict between different states, regions, civilizations, ethnic groups, cultures, and religions? ● What were the effects or outcomes of war and conflict? ● What effect did the resolutions or treaties have on the people, country, region, etc.? ● How did cultural, scientific, and technical breakthroughs impact the way people live and think? How do political institutions impact the lives of the people? ● How do economic principles and policies shape world events? ● How do historical events influence the development of political institutions? Your completed assignment should include a hard copy of the current event, a typed summary, and a typed analysis of the current event. · CLA 1 due by Sunday at 11:59pm This is cla2:
  • 11. Primary Source Analysis Paper For this assignment, you will be taking a closer look at an international relations topic that intrigues you. Choose a topic that interests you (historical or contemporary). Some ideas include the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the Munich Pact, the fall of the Berlin Wall, India and Pakistan joining of the Nuclear Club, the Cuban Missile Crisis, and the Russian invasion of Crimea. If you need your professor to review your choice, send it to them at the beginning of Week 7. They will need time to respond to you, and you will need time to submit this CLA. Then select a primary source on the topic you chose, specifically, a speech from a political leader. Review Understanding Primary and Secondary Sources and Analyzing a Primary Source before you begin searching for a primary source. If you are at a loss for where to begin searching, here’s a start: The National Security Archive: Internet Modern History Sourcebook: George Mason’s Center for History and New Media: When sifting through sources, ask yourself how a realist, liberal, or constructivist would interpret this primary source. Then select a perspective through which to view the primary source. You may choose to view this primary source from a realist, liberal, or constructivist perspective. Then using the CLA guidelines detailed in this
  • 12. syllabus, include the following in a three- to four-page written essay: Briefly describe your source. Include contextual information about the source. What does the reader need to understand about the context (and history) in which this source was made in order to understand your analysis of the source? Include the information the reader needs to understand the source, but do not include extraneous (unrelated) information. Make a statement. This should be at the end of your introductory paragraph or directly following the introduction. Make an argument from a particular perspective. Example: Although realists would disagree with A about B, this primary source perfectly illustrates three of realism’s primary assumptions X, Y, and Z. Example: Despite President X’s call for a more globalized and peaceful world order in source B, her overall foreign policy view is decidedly constructivist as seen in source A. Example: Throughout this film, the main character’s primary motivations stem from a constructivist understanding of the world as seen in XYZ. Analyze the primary source. Elaborate on your statement above. This is the main part of the paper and the length of this section should reflect this. Use references as needed. As you analyze the source, ensure that you answer the following: How would theorist X view this source? How does the language in this source reflect/contradict this theory? If you are comparing primary sources, what
  • 13. theoretical views are expressed in these sources? The same? Different? What accounts for this difference? Conclusion. Keep this short. Restate your thesis at some point in the conclusion. Offer some concluding thoughts--draw connections to other material, current or historical events, etc. Include your source. This is NOT included in the page count. When reasonable, include the primary source(s) as an appendix at the end of your paper. This is NOT required for some types of source (e.g. a film). If the source is written and relatively short (<10 pages), include this document at the end of the paper