SlideShare a Scribd company logo
Organize and
                       Ali Anani
• I want to propose a new idea for all SS
  readers. How about writing ALL one
  presentation and see how ideas flow? I am
  going to post one-slide presentation so that
  every author (hopefully) would add one slide.
  Let us see where the presentation will take us
  and in what direction it will bifurcate?
  I am going to call the presentation Organize
  and Analyze
Ideas Flow Have a Structure
• This is a social
  network map of my
  recent emails. Let
  us see How our co-
  authorship ideas
  shape out. Please
  send your slide to
  me with your name
  as the author. I shall
  then re-upload the
• It shall be an
  experiment for ALL
• I promise to handle
  the analysis

It Has Just Happened

I add this slide for it is funny
how a small event lead to a

It Has Just Happened- 2
While on the lift the
telephone of a stranger rang.
I heard him say “may be I am
on the lift”
I laughed because he was on
the lift
That was a starter to a
dialogue. Now, in less than
two hours, we are negotiating
a contract
Charles Prabakar Added the Next Slide

Do You See the Purpose Shift?


We as a firm, not only reinvent those purpose shifts, but
 also place them within CORE and EDGE part of your
businesses using Three purpose driven frameworks …
Contribution by Prabhakar
• "Organize and Analyze ( Slide for brother Ali Anani) If no
  one were to praise actions that of worthy of praise, then
  there would be no competition between people. If no one
  were to value precious treasures, then there would be no
  stealing. If no one desired that which is desirable, then
  people’s mind would be tranquil and serene. So if the wise
  person were ruler, he would empty the people’s minds, full
  their bellies, weaken their desires, and strengthen their
  bodies. He would strive to ensure people knew nothing and
  wanted nothing. And if certain people get to know
  something, he would prevent them from acting on their
  knowledge. When you never seek to be honoured for what
  you do, then honour can never desert a person. " < br>

Contribution by Sally Smith
Hallo Ali
 You have read my mind. I have often thought
 it would be a good idea to co-author a
 presentation on SlideShare. I really hope this
 works out because it has real possibilities.
 Here is my contribution.


Organise and analyse
• Ideas are like leaves. They emerge and grow
  and as we outgrow them we discard them, but
  fallen leaves feed the tree. No idea is
  worthless and no idea is unusable. When we
  add all of our ideas together and allow them
  to grow in an organised fashion then that is
  how we create the Tree of Knowledge.

Meanwhile, in wonderland...

(Is fantasy a leaf of the Tree of Knowledge? – Juão Maya)

Ideas Separation
                  By Ali Anani
Not all ideas are alike. Some ideas
are good and some are bad.
Collide a collection of seeds within
a magnetic field then good seed
separate from bad seeds. Why?
Because they exhibit different
charges and get attracted to
different poles
This presentation may help to
collect many ideas to separate
them likewise.
Contribution from Doina

     A different, but very sweet

Lori Kane Added the Next Slide

             Let  us form our
          community with such great

Community is a feeling.
Ah_livia Contributed the Two
  Following Brilliant Slides.

Organize and analyze using co-orientation

                                                              team member’s
                                                              ability to forecast
                                                              the actions of one
                                                              another based on
                                                              cues & prepare
                                                              responses based
                                                              on this anticipatory


  A seed.

  Gardener anticipates the seed will grow into long loose handing vines.

  So, the gardener prepares by building a wooden trellis for the vines to grow upon.
& analyzing others

community’s vision and values.
sharpens and focuses the
Next Slide Is a Contribution by
          Bas de Baar

I like this slide because it offers
         contrasting views
  I suggest looking into further
 examples such as fast ideas Vs
   slow ideas, or rosy ideas Vs
            thorny ideas
                       Ali Anani

How ideas are
                                  presented matters.

Two times “Project Management”.

       By: Bas de Baar
Ideas Quadrant

     Slide 7 by Charles
   Prabakar inspired me
     to draw the Idea
   Quadrant as the next
      slide (23) shows
Ideas Quadrant- 2
Worldly Bag of Ideas

  Sheereen Izzat
  points that the
shrinks the world
   into a bag of
 ideas (See Slide

Nikos Contribution:
Let’s Save the Planet

Ideas Streamlining

The idea
presented by
Juao Maya
provides an
opportunity to
tie up many
ideas together
Ideas Streamlining-2

 Should we fill our bag with
 ideas (see slide by
 Sheereen) of any kind?
 Should these ideas be rich
 in reality or fantasy (see
 slide by Juao)
Ideas Streamlining-3

Should these ideas be
radical and disruptive or
should we take a step-by-
step approach as Charles
Prabakar highlighted and
further highlighted by Ali in
his quadrant?

Ideas Streamlining-4

                                                The disruptive edge
                                                proposed by
          These ideas
          resemble the step-              Ideas that
  High    by-step approach                resemble
Reality   mentioned by                    permanent
          Prabakar                        green leaves.

               Ideas are like
               leaves that fall                Dreamy ideas
  Low          rapidly. See
Reality        Sally’s slide

           Low                                  High
           Fantasy                              Fantasy
Ideas Streamlining-4
   These bold ideas need
   community support as                          The disruptive edge
   Lori suggested.                               proposed by
           These ideas
           resemble the step-              Ideas that
  High     by-step approach                resemble
Reality    mentioned by                    permanent
           Prabakar                        green leaves.

                Ideas are like
                leaves that fall                Dreamy ideas
  Low           rapidly. See
Reality         Sally’s slide

            Low                                  High
            Fantasy                              Fantasy
More Idea Streamlining fro Charles

         Charles Prabakar contributed
         the next five slides and is also
          responding to my proposed
          quadrant shown on Slide 32

          The ideas are meshing well
           and started to shape up

Per Charles Prabakar - It is all about Connecting the Dots…

•   Our experience suggests that most ideas, in most cases, are just buried around us,
    and so, it is just a matter of identifying them with a right set of purpose shifting
    lenses. What do we mean by that?

•   To explain it further, let us start with the concept of Gestalt, as illustrated by the
    famous optical illusion picture of “duck & rabbit” - on next page. Depending on
    how you look at it, the picture could be a duck or a rabbit.

•    In other words, when we start looking at the opportunity space with a purpose
    shifting lenses, we, not only get the ability to spot the ducks and rabbits distinctly,
    but also, we get the ability to discern how ducks slowly shift into rabbits, and vice
    versa. As it turns out, those shifts usually occur in both steps (like a duck) and in
    jumps (like a rabbit) and so, it is more of a mind shifting game of identifying those
    shifts quickly.

•   So, we, not only need to master this “connecting the dots” game of discerning
    those shifts quickly, but also, we must learn to apply those shifts within the right
    business context (CORE vs. EDGE) for us to be successful in this 21st century.

•   To help leaders to master this “Connect the dot” game, we have put together a
    three phase framework (Decide, Destine and Disrupt).
Connect the Dots in three phases - Decide, Destine and Disrupt

•    Decide Phase is all about discerning those shift ideas/choices (i.e. ducks and
     rabbits) using the purpose shifting lenses. In other words, this phase is all about
     resetting the five part purpose seed (vision/mission/values/codes/BHAG) of the
     corporation and start looking at the opportunity space with a fresh set of eyes with
     a green field mindset.

•    Destine phase is all about properly slotting those ideas/choices into “STEPS” and
     “JUMPS” depending upon the velocity (i.e. distance divided by time) of those
     ideas/strategic choices. As it turns out, ducks move in steps and rabbits in jumps,
     and so, this phase is all about answering “how far” and “how long” questions, to
     help slot those ideas (or strategic choices) into the appropriate step and jump
     type markets within our TPF strategic planning framework.

      – How far would we want to go? – Establishing the geographical market
        boundaries to help answer “where to play and what to play” question- Force in
      – How long would it take to get there? – Setting the timeline expectations to help
        answer “when do we need to win” question - Power in Play

•    Disrupt Phase is all about transforming those CORE with EDGE ideas/choices with
     appropriate amount of capital (resources) to produce extraordinary results.

      – How much would it take? – Setting the resource or capability expectations to
        help answer “How do we win” question - Energy in Play

We as a firm, not only help you to decide and destine those purpose
shifts with a purpose shifting lenses, but also, we help you to disrupt
 your CORE with an EDGE using our Triune purpose frameworks …
Purpose Shift Threshold (PST) Framework
                        As it turns out the Core, Edge, Fringe and Purpose seed terminology aligns
                       perfectly with Dr.Ali Anani’s earlier idea quadrant as well – as mapped below

                                3        Core (Steppers)                                       4                  Edge (Jumpers)

                               Above PST & dream exceeded.                                  Above PST & dream fulfilled.
                               Value creator                                                Value germinator
Degree of Perceived Reality

                               Result in Triune Shared Value.                               Result in “Core or Fringe”.

                                                     5 Our Triune Purpose Framework
                                                        (TPF) Creating TriuneFactor
                                                                      Optimization Shared
                                    Break Even                                                                                           Low
                                                                 Value (TSV) expected)
                                                                   (Degree of Levers
                                    PST Index
                                    37                               IDEAL COMPANY?
                                                  * Each of the shuffle in the matrix indicates 10% increase of the KPI . It is just an example.

                               1         Fringe (leaves)                                     2                     Seed (dreams)
                               Break even PST                                              Purpose seed– all about possibilities .
                               Value destroyer                                             Value Inspirer.
                               Result in “extinction” or edge                              Result in “core and edge”.
                                                        Degree of Perceived Feasibility
Triune Purpose Frameworks (TPF) creating Triune Shared Value (TSV)
                                                                                              TPF’s Purpose Driven
                                                                                       Leadership(PDL) Culture Framework
                                                                                            THE SINUSOIDAL TRIO© – OUR PURPOSE              PDL© IN ACTION
                                                                                           DRIVEN LEADERSHIP (PDL©) FRAMEWORK
                                                                                            Faith/Trust                 Love/Empathy
                                                                                          Crest     1                         3    Crest

                                                                                             Mindset/     4 Service &     Heartbeat/
                                                                                             Talent        5 Value        Wisdom

                                                                                                                     Trough   Inspiration
                                                                                             how           Hope/Aspire          (“BE”)
                                                                                                          Body Space/Skill


                                                                                            PDL’s “LOVE”,”FAITH”,“HOPE” Portfolios align1:1 with the “BE”, “KNOW”,
                                                                                                “DO” focus areas of WestPoint Leadership Framework as well.

         TPF’s Purpose Driven
        Portfolio-Thread View                                                                                                                                                                TPF’s Purpose Driven
        (PTV) based Strategic                                                                                          TPF with                                                              Innovation Portfolio
         Planning Framework                                                                                            its Triune                                                              (PIP) Framework
  4. The EPP, CPP & PIP                             3. The radial orbit with 5                                                                                           Purpose Innovation Model Using “Balancing Opposites”
  frameworks uncover                                   perspectives and 6                                                                                             For More Info – Read On…

    the winning paths.                              dilemmas, take charge.                                                                                            http://strategywithapurpose.b   Purpose Innovation

      P6-P9                                                                                                                                                           ming-so-what-opposites-in-to-

                                                                                       Strategy                                                  Innovation
    5. Value
   (fruits) are                                                   P2-P5                                                                                                                  Core                                              Edge
                                                                     2. Invisible

                                                                                     (Redeemer/                                                (Encourager/
 reinvested &
   the radial
                                                                   in the form of
    orbit flow
                                                                   experience &

                                                                                      Sustainer)                                                  Disruptor)
                                                                 capability pools                                                                                                   Something                                            Something
      P10                                                          are identified                                                                                                       that                                                 that
                                                                 and placed on                                                                                                        supports                                            transforms
                      The five invisible instructions             the radial orbit                                                                                                  rather than                                          rather than
      1. Purpose                                                                                                                                                                                                                             that
                      P1                                            framework.                                                                                                          that
    Seed grows in                                                                                                                                                                                                                          supports!

    to a systemic
                          1 2 3 4    5                                                                                                                                    Transforming “So What” opposites in to “So That” Strategy called Purpose
                                                                                                                                                                     Innovation using the “forces of attraction” based Pull Value Chain is the way to go!

*WACP= Weighted Average
    Cost of Purpose
       So, the key take away is , Lead with the Purpose Culture, Strategize from the Core &
                                     Innovate with the Edge!
Sally Smith Added This Slide

  Sally Loves slide 31. It pulled some of the previous
  ideas together. Not comfortable with the disruption
  idea so I have done another slide. Disruption
  undermines the good and impairs development in my
  opinion. So, Sally added Slide 40

What about the smoke
and mirrors?
 Perception        Deception        Inspection

                 • disruption     • solid data
• orientation
                 • red herrings   • verification
• culture bias
Vanessa Contributed the great Slide 42

As I see it..
We are a social
We are a community of
ideas on any given
subject from all over
the world here on
 Pick a topic.. put it out
there and you’ll
 receive replies from
members in different
countries.. religions..
 We are an interesting
and diverse community..
We have proven to be
supportive of each

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Human behavior vs. clay behavior

  • 1. Organize and Analyze Ali Anani
  • 2. • I want to propose a new idea for all SS readers. How about writing ALL one presentation and see how ideas flow? I am going to post one-slide presentation so that every author (hopefully) would add one slide. Let us see where the presentation will take us and in what direction it will bifurcate? Thanks. I am going to call the presentation Organize and Analyze
  • 3. Ideas Flow Have a Structure • This is a social network map of my recent emails. Let us see How our co- authorship ideas shape out. Please send your slide to me with your name as the author. I shall then re-upload the presentation • It shall be an interested experiment for ALL • I promise to handle the analysis
  • 4. It Has Just Happened I add this slide for it is funny how a small event lead to a contract
  • 5. It Has Just Happened- 2 While on the lift the telephone of a stranger rang. I heard him say “may be I am on the lift” I laughed because he was on the lift That was a starter to a dialogue. Now, in less than two hours, we are negotiating a contract
  • 6. Charles Prabakar Added the Next Slide
  • 7. Do You See the Purpose Shift? Jumper (EDGE) Stepper (CORE) We as a firm, not only reinvent those purpose shifts, but also place them within CORE and EDGE part of your businesses using Three purpose driven frameworks …
  • 8. Contribution by Prabhakar Krishnamurthy • "Organize and Analyze ( Slide for brother Ali Anani) If no one were to praise actions that of worthy of praise, then there would be no competition between people. If no one were to value precious treasures, then there would be no stealing. If no one desired that which is desirable, then people’s mind would be tranquil and serene. So if the wise person were ruler, he would empty the people’s minds, full their bellies, weaken their desires, and strengthen their bodies. He would strive to ensure people knew nothing and wanted nothing. And if certain people get to know something, he would prevent them from acting on their knowledge. When you never seek to be honoured for what you do, then honour can never desert a person. " < br>
  • 9. Contribution by Sally Smith Hallo Ali You have read my mind. I have often thought it would be a good idea to co-author a presentation on SlideShare. I really hope this works out because it has real possibilities. Here is my contribution. Sally07
  • 10. Organise and analyse • Ideas are like leaves. They emerge and grow and as we outgrow them we discard them, but fallen leaves feed the tree. No idea is worthless and no idea is unusable. When we add all of our ideas together and allow them to grow in an organised fashion then that is how we create the Tree of Knowledge.
  • 11. Meanwhile, in wonderland... (Is fantasy a leaf of the Tree of Knowledge? – Juão Maya)
  • 12. Ideas Separation By Ali Anani Not all ideas are alike. Some ideas are good and some are bad. Collide a collection of seeds within a magnetic field then good seed separate from bad seeds. Why? Because they exhibit different charges and get attracted to different poles This presentation may help to collect many ideas to separate them likewise.
  • 13. Contribution from Doina A different, but very sweet contribution
  • 15. Lori Kane Added the Next Slide Let us form our community with such great feelings
  • 16. Community is a feeling.
  • 17. Ah_livia Contributed the Two Following Brilliant Slides.
  • 18. Organize and analyze using co-orientation Co-orient: team member’s ability to forecast the actions of one another based on cues & prepare responses based on this anticipatory sense. SYMBOLISM A seed. Gardener anticipates the seed will grow into long loose handing vines. So, the gardener prepares by building a wooden trellis for the vines to grow upon.
  • 19. probing, questioning, observing, & analyzing others community’s vision and values. sharpens and focuses the
  • 20. Next Slide Is a Contribution by Bas de Baar I like this slide because it offers contrasting views I suggest looking into further examples such as fast ideas Vs slow ideas, or rosy ideas Vs thorny ideas Ali Anani
  • 21. How ideas are presented matters. Example: Two times “Project Management”. By: Bas de Baar
  • 22. Ideas Quadrant Slide 7 by Charles Prabakar inspired me to draw the Idea Quadrant as the next slide (23) shows
  • 23. Ideas Quadrant- 2
  • 24. Worldly Bag of Ideas Sheereen Izzat points that the presentation shrinks the world into a bag of ideas (See Slide 25)
  • 26. Nikos Contribution: Let’s Save the Planet
  • 27. Nikos
  • 28. Ideas Streamlining The idea presented by Juao Maya provides an opportunity to tie up many ideas together
  • 29. Ideas Streamlining-2 Should we fill our bag with ideas (see slide by Sheereen) of any kind? Should these ideas be rich in reality or fantasy (see slide by Juao)
  • 30. Ideas Streamlining-3 Should these ideas be radical and disruptive or should we take a step-by- step approach as Charles Prabakar highlighted and further highlighted by Ali in his quadrant?
  • 31. Ideas Streamlining-4 The disruptive edge proposed by Prabakar These ideas resemble the step- Ideas that High by-step approach resemble Reality mentioned by permanent Prabakar green leaves. Ideas are like leaves that fall Dreamy ideas Low rapidly. See Reality Sally’s slide Low High Fantasy Fantasy
  • 32. Ideas Streamlining-4 These bold ideas need community support as The disruptive edge Lori suggested. proposed by Prabakar These ideas resemble the step- Ideas that High by-step approach resemble Reality mentioned by permanent Prabakar green leaves. Ideas are like leaves that fall Dreamy ideas Low rapidly. See Reality Sally’s slide Low High Fantasy Fantasy
  • 33. More Idea Streamlining fro Charles Prabakar Charles Prabakar contributed the next five slides and is also responding to my proposed quadrant shown on Slide 32 The ideas are meshing well and started to shape up
  • 34. Per Charles Prabakar - It is all about Connecting the Dots… • Our experience suggests that most ideas, in most cases, are just buried around us, and so, it is just a matter of identifying them with a right set of purpose shifting lenses. What do we mean by that? • To explain it further, let us start with the concept of Gestalt, as illustrated by the famous optical illusion picture of “duck & rabbit” - on next page. Depending on how you look at it, the picture could be a duck or a rabbit. • In other words, when we start looking at the opportunity space with a purpose shifting lenses, we, not only get the ability to spot the ducks and rabbits distinctly, but also, we get the ability to discern how ducks slowly shift into rabbits, and vice versa. As it turns out, those shifts usually occur in both steps (like a duck) and in jumps (like a rabbit) and so, it is more of a mind shifting game of identifying those shifts quickly. • So, we, not only need to master this “connecting the dots” game of discerning those shifts quickly, but also, we must learn to apply those shifts within the right business context (CORE vs. EDGE) for us to be successful in this 21st century. • To help leaders to master this “Connect the dot” game, we have put together a three phase framework (Decide, Destine and Disrupt).
  • 35. Connect the Dots in three phases - Decide, Destine and Disrupt • Decide Phase is all about discerning those shift ideas/choices (i.e. ducks and rabbits) using the purpose shifting lenses. In other words, this phase is all about resetting the five part purpose seed (vision/mission/values/codes/BHAG) of the corporation and start looking at the opportunity space with a fresh set of eyes with a green field mindset. • Destine phase is all about properly slotting those ideas/choices into “STEPS” and “JUMPS” depending upon the velocity (i.e. distance divided by time) of those ideas/strategic choices. As it turns out, ducks move in steps and rabbits in jumps, and so, this phase is all about answering “how far” and “how long” questions, to help slot those ideas (or strategic choices) into the appropriate step and jump type markets within our TPF strategic planning framework. – How far would we want to go? – Establishing the geographical market boundaries to help answer “where to play and what to play” question- Force in Play – How long would it take to get there? – Setting the timeline expectations to help answer “when do we need to win” question - Power in Play • Disrupt Phase is all about transforming those CORE with EDGE ideas/choices with appropriate amount of capital (resources) to produce extraordinary results. – How much would it take? – Setting the resource or capability expectations to help answer “How do we win” question - Energy in Play
  • 36. Jumper (EDGE) Stepper (CORE) We as a firm, not only help you to decide and destine those purpose shifts with a purpose shifting lenses, but also, we help you to disrupt your CORE with an EDGE using our Triune purpose frameworks …
  • 37. Purpose Shift Threshold (PST) Framework As it turns out the Core, Edge, Fringe and Purpose seed terminology aligns perfectly with Dr.Ali Anani’s earlier idea quadrant as well – as mapped below High 3 Core (Steppers) 4 Edge (Jumpers) High  Above PST & dream exceeded.  Above PST & dream fulfilled.  Value creator  Value germinator Degree of Perceived Reality  Result in Triune Shared Value.  Result in “Core or Fringe”. 5 Our Triune Purpose Framework (TPF) Creating TriuneFactor Optimization Shared Break Even Low Value (TSV) expected) (Degree of Levers PST Index 37 IDEAL COMPANY? * Each of the shuffle in the matrix indicates 10% increase of the KPI . It is just an example. 1 Fringe (leaves) 2 Seed (dreams)  Break even PST  Purpose seed– all about possibilities .  Value destroyer  Value Inspirer.  Result in “extinction” or edge  Result in “core and edge”. Low Degree of Perceived Feasibility
  • 38. Triune Purpose Frameworks (TPF) creating Triune Shared Value (TSV) TPF’s Purpose Driven Leadership(PDL) Culture Framework THE SINUSOIDAL TRIO© – OUR PURPOSE PDL© IN ACTION DRIVEN LEADERSHIP (PDL©) FRAMEWORK PURPOSE Faith/Trust Love/Empathy Crest 1 3 Crest Mindset/ 4 Service & Heartbeat/ Talent 5 Value Wisdom 2 Know- Trough Inspiration how Hope/Aspire (“BE”) Body Space/Skill (“KNOW”) Action Drivers (“DO”) PDL’s “LOVE”,”FAITH”,“HOPE” Portfolios align1:1 with the “BE”, “KNOW”, “DO” focus areas of WestPoint Leadership Framework as well. Leadership (Creator/ Orchestrator) TPF’s Purpose Driven Portfolio-Thread View TPF’s Purpose Driven (PTV) based Strategic TPF with Innovation Portfolio Planning Framework its Triune (PIP) Framework Purpose 4. The EPP, CPP & PIP 3. The radial orbit with 5 Purpose Innovation Model Using “Balancing Opposites” frameworks uncover perspectives and 6 For More Info – Read On… the winning paths. dilemmas, take charge. http://strategywithapurpose.b Purpose Innovation Seed P6-P9 ming-so-what-opposites-in-to- so.html Strategy Innovation 5. Value (fruits) are P2-P5 Core Edge reaped/ 2. Invisible (Redeemer/ (Encourager/ reinvested & sub-instructions the radial in the form of orbit flow experience & Sustainer) Disruptor) continues… capability pools Something Something P10 are identified that that and placed on supports transforms The five invisible instructions the radial orbit rather than rather than 1. Purpose that P1 framework. that Seed grows in supports! transforms! Culture to a systemic organization. 1 2 3 4 5 Transforming “So What” opposites in to “So That” Strategy called Purpose Innovation using the “forces of attraction” based Pull Value Chain is the way to go! *WACP= Weighted Average Cost of Purpose So, the key take away is , Lead with the Purpose Culture, Strategize from the Core & Innovate with the Edge!
  • 39. Sally Smith Added This Slide Sally Loves slide 31. It pulled some of the previous ideas together. Not comfortable with the disruption idea so I have done another slide. Disruption undermines the good and impairs development in my opinion. So, Sally added Slide 40
  • 40. What about the smoke and mirrors? Perception Deception Inspection • disruption • solid data • orientation • red herrings • verification • culture bias
  • 41. Vanessa Contributed the great Slide 42
  • 42. As I see it.. We are a social network.. We are a community of ideas on any given subject from all over the world here on SlideShare.. Pick a topic.. put it out there and you’ll receive replies from members in different countries.. religions.. cultures.. We are an interesting and diverse community.. We have proven to be supportive of each